1 tijUwiw ' . .. . . v '- r ' - I DAILY SENTINEL PUBLISHED BT Tie Sentinel Publishing Company, '.. Ymi.. Mr tl Court H.u. bat o DBeCBirrios. liJfeENtEL Etrael. ABVEaaTUUSQ KATK. -Advertttetadi.lB.BRttMitnw.a Dall ihtikil at Ui I. ::ow,nii rule tr aauare oi me rtieh, or ten hrhrtun line. ' iHi(iuniMV)iwi.i. $1.00 lieu than a week. ..wi... ....... ... 60 I sqa.ie, lwerk. t J.V) 1 tnnaxe.Tmo. !..oi lH'lv entind 1 J" l adTaacr II " t . ' lOo-t ' 10 ! 40 I . St. ) !"!'S0tf)l.'.tr It " 48.U0 I " 1K.MH , MMW 1 1 ,r port of lha City at rinm 4:bt per VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1873. NO. 72. . s el 1 1 mm mi II ". T ' -v.- V - "T l K W: - H02S4EB AFFAIRS. Meeting of the B'pt.it Choir. Owing to the postponement of the con cert, r requested to announce that tli Sunday school choir of the Baptist Church wilt meet to-night t 7J o'clock. A. full attendance desired. Another Convict. Tlie bhenff of Rowan delivered at the penitentiary, yesterday morning, James Pickens, col., convicted of larceny at the late term of the Superior Court and sen tenced to two year itnprioDment. Post Otncw Directory. ' nvsioa pc owe ahiomit. .. haar. from 7:80 a.m u 6.S) u m .da rn the week (except while the mailt are t Vrang distr.be lad.) I. ti oa abbivaa aid CLoara tea maiia. WesternNew Orleans, La., August, (ia., ColBBibla, 8. C. Charlotte. MlUbury , Greens boro, Salem, Chapel HIU, HUlaboro, e., due t 1:09 a. m. CIom at 'i p. m. KMtcro CliarlNtoii, b. (.'., WilmlntUia, Kewbcrn, Beaufort, Qoldiborp 4M.d.B fc i.m. tloaa .00 p. m. WortheiB New York, "Baltimore, Phila delphia, Washington, Ktchmond, Petenhanr, Norfulu, Weiduo, Ac, due at ; W p. m. CIom AlAa, m. clutliam Railroad FajUevllle.Joneeboro, A p.1, Uacood, Ac, due 10 a. m. tloae p. MtoeeHeneoue T.Vt Rock, Monday and Thursday, due 11:30 am, close 1 p. m. Kox noro, every Wednesday, due 11:30 a. m., close 1 p. sa. Leachbtrs;, every Wedneaday, due 11:30 a. m., ctoee 1 p. m. ATeruboro, close 1pm. ThBradara, due tp. n. Fridays. 1 Office- hours for Registered Letter and Mosey Order Department, from 8:30 a in to fc30pae. - As bo malls are receWad or seat on Bonday, the office will not be opened oa that day. W . W. Holdek, P. M: ' - ' Sl . HOTEL AHRIVALB. Tahbobooor Bocm ,0. W. BladnaU, proprietor. $ H Carr, Wm D Kyle, J 8 Kyle, New Tork; R C Farm, Kentucky; r 0 ArriDgton, N C R K; A Maxwell, NCi; XL Uolmea, 0 F Waggoner, Salia bury; DR Baldwin. Zaneiville, Ohio; W McRae, Piedmont & Arlington; J O McC I The Approaching Concert. Siuagtoa, apex; rt T neat, city; g u Warrea,N. 0. Naiioxal HoTEt., if. Blair, Pro erwtw Hon W N U Smith, Raleigh; J B rio.berlake, R A O R R; B J Houxe, Haywood, N C: T 8 Lnterloh, FeyettevJIe, N C; Col K Murchiann, Mar . ttetl; U A London, PituCoro; U J BKk er, Oagond ; A R McDonald, Moore; A W Huywood, city ; W O Brook, city j O F Joner, Petersburg, Va; T C Pool and Miss Mamie Pool, 8 C; Cooper Huggina, Mew York; Hon T 8 Hargrove, Attorney Qro., Raleigh; D Faicleney, N Y; Wm Jackann, Rutberfordtoa; Thomaa William, Bun comb; Mrs Patterson, S C. Octtou Teatanrday. The offerings of Cotton iu this market I with what we taw. We weie politely were light jeterdty. The price was 13 I thown throughout the place by the War 1-3 tents. ; v"ieit to the Penitentiary. I Wu understand that during Fair weik We iited the Penitentiary for the first I tome rliaMtisfactioo was expreaaed by time on tetterday and were much pleated I itranjjert viaittog the renitentiary at the charge of twenty-fire cent mad at the den,Capt. W. H. Thorn pwn.and theUer Intendent of the new buildings, W. 11. Hicks, E?q. Weit-crivcd puiitc attention also from Col. Juo. R. Urr!n, Chair man of the Board if ''ComniVfaWtiVHT "SIHl M. Grautman, steward. We were not prepared to tee the ex ent to which the new buildings haw pro grassed, nor the elrgsnt as aril maaive character of the structure and the outer wall The stone work is altogether of a better character and of a different claaa from that named ia the specifications. ; There are employed on the buildings eighty men and on the outside wall Csood Templars. I seventy all, sate lour, conict,t wo oi the Ilickman Lodge, Ni. 1, still continues I four superintending the work In the quarry, its noble work. At the last two meetings I the other two, the erection of the but d nineteen persons either joined or applied I lass and wall. All the blacksmith work tor admission. The election of ofiicer I required is done on the premise, as is also fir the next nuarter took nlace at the last I the caroenter work. 61 X forget with gate. It is only necessary to say that it waa made pursuant to a rule of the in stitution in force since the opening of the stockade, and was instituted tr the pur pose of getting rid the idle h usually fa fist Mich prntre.-"-The mjmmraHxod- in this way since the "proiug is about $200 in nil, and this h ia bicu (X ponded in A lVeUBTIOM TO MlMBCHS IT TBI Bab. We are in receipt of communica tion from one of our .citizens urging upon lb members of the legal fraternity the propriety of taking some step to erect a tablet or tone of ame disruption over the renting place of Hon. J. R. McLain, who livinii w one of the brightest of htheir-MKutK. Qrttntbvre 1'atriut MARKETS. 5,000 T0. N"oon Ilopoi't. - EE. GIVEN AWAY 1 . TUB LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOrENAL I A rirst4laaa ranll. Wf wr Wnlti'o 1 . A Kkw YoHK, Oct SOl , J Comuwial paper, national la It aim, n pu- Cottmi tualv til,., esie . l 1. I v"uun "na eircaiation. in aauiuoa 10 tuu ual cotton. tedy . Mie 2,1118 j uplands auntity nd variety of matter, U wUl rubltrt U 7-ti; Orleaos 13 1-8; futilret opened for I Original Stories and Novelette, and com- f l. . 11 1 pt t Vfi 11 ! r 14 n.in ti iisi. TWmiaM 1 , . r. . u i.i. 1 inui-r 01 jujj 1 invrinua i -- - - - - w i i gwiwviL tor a vsaror loitKeT.pnoiiBu a sen 8ypad.ttf tbi Katavaasewbles theFiwt-j 1 'J8 ttr-fti " J-a-uuary 1 1 j0 " T ""irw vs'I trZ.T Presbytonan church, in tln city, this i LICTURMO; BIBLB hibtort. evening, where Ih ope-.ing sfrnioi, will . . .... . delivered be Rev. Dr. Stnart Hol.!o-. be pieacheUby Her. A. W. Miller, D. D,l ' H" .." wg"i vised by himself exPrely lor thi. pspar - auuarv, IS74, ie publisher 000 IN PRESENTS ubMtiltar. AH who wish to avail th opportunity of securing a .!:.. the purcb of bookt for thu convicts, fat. ot the ut t'reby.urian tt.utcn l snaue nm.er, corn cuict and steady; pork untneistolJ a 1. .. 1- .... - ........ i" Charlotte. There is much important .. ,n(l ......i. AlA ft sa atA. t..A Ap!ea,nthouror two can be spent in and smie two hundred deh-g.te. are ex- f'1 ',mi b! 7 -l to a visit to the Peuiteuti.U. P -ted.- WO. Journal 17 5-8; turpentine dull Bt ti to 43 1-3; I tHma u - ... Oommlsionr' Meetiog. Cai-8 Fgxa Baptist Associate n I.itl of nnh!. n,Br.rlnr. Wood the """f cr'af wukb were .0 . . r , 3B meeting. The young gentlemen compising the Raleigh Sextet Club, with Prof. Schneider, Dr. Van Meyerhoff, Ac., are actively engaged 10 practice preparatory for the concert to be given on Friday next, at Tucker Hall, for the benefit of the suffering poor of Memphis, Bhrtve port sad other place.' If OB.TH CAROLINA, , - ..... Th imraai says that three sepsrata Store were robbed ia Wilmington oa Moaday sight Th Uilltboro Beordr mentions seve ral new building to b ended in that ancteot, historic Tillage. ' A Railroad meeting will be held at Centre, Guilford county, on 1th prox., to twelve men accomplish the former, four bands the Utter all convict bat one. The shoe shop employs ten convicts, the tailor's shop eight, and this combined force tuppliet all the shoes and clothing required. There i also a well arranged tin shop managed by a skilful workman (a convict) which tuppliet all the tin wsre required and keeps np repairs There is a large gang of convicts employed in grading the grouudt. During the last three or four months a gang, averaging twenty men, has been engaged in making brick ia the south west suburbs of the city, during that time 254,000 good brick have been made question of providing for tbu better eitin goishiogof fires, was entertained by the B iard of Commissioners oa Wednesday night. The Iki.ird refused to allow a deduction o( $5,000 iu the valuation of the property of Altred Williams 00 Fayetteville street, and of $200 on the property of Louis Bemming. Iu answer to a communication request ing permission to cut through the Htate't property, foot of Fayettevillu street, th Governor replied he hud no power to give the required permission. On motion, the Major mat dirtcted to I rosin firm at $3.87 1-3 Tor strained; freights I K1" worth several hundred dollar can do so firm; slock week and irregolar. $ tv,. aHatotn Money very dull at 7; gold to l-28nd Ur Ujdents . to ab,rrlrs ud n. tij w .Li l. . ji ... . I ni ii,tu rjrancn courcn anionrnen inai 1 - - m - - - r Mondny alter being convened five days. I interest; gold 8 I f ; exchange lung :0 1-3, . Clrculara, wltk full particular, potters, and We attended only one day, Saturday. I , hi rt 8: povcrnmnnu dull ami t..A.. I specjmea copies, s;nt gralis oa spplicaUon. Mate bonds quiet and nominal." ' , . , COL RIER-JOURNAL, CUM PANT, m sa aihdtwaows There was a very large concourse of people every day, and the meeting was must harmonious throughout. The next Association will be held at Bark 8mp church, six miles from town. We hope next wevk to lay belor our reaueis a sum 1 T-t marv of the entire proceedings. Bob-1 ,"n,. 601 ordinary liirpd Odtober "". "t nd November 8 7 lfl : ditto Novum her 1 Duvm m IA. .Ililn I.,.U.J U... iPL. o Tr- . . . . . I - - - . M'i'm l.ilTl-ui ruiti rwwrHni us last aion-I o o . 4 .. day the Blue R dire Mountain was cov- 0 ' un mw raiaunngs snipped ,LiVKKropt,Oct. 30. vonm. Suhh ana pocuangea; saiqs ii? ( -rR0BPItlTC8 TOR'Vi87-8IVKSTB 000; speculationa and expotts 3,000; a p- I -t' ...... re r.lAV. ?-,- r. THE ALDINJE. m imed white for . vera! days. This it early for snow with us, and we felt Ilk drawing on our wooleu. The Blue Ridge mountain i about Un mile from this rtl.rjv anil It. fair vli.ar ti. it. tit . bsk auiucrny irom tne uem rai Assemuiy hundred miles or more, to with a keea to open the proposed ttreet. I wind, wee in feel the sno as well asses Mr. Clawson presented the memorial of T,! S.0,h 0'Ootob.t is quit, early for wed with snow four inches deep, and re-1 November 88-8 ; ditto shipped October and November 8 7-18: ditto delivered Decetulr 87-10; Orlvana, good ordinary thlpped. October and November 8 8-8, an lllnstrated Monthly Journal, hnlveraallv admitted to be tut UanasosBxai Pariedlcal la Uis World. , A Rupreaentativt and - JhaaiploB Of American Taste. Hot For sale Uml or1 He? i 'stores. The llMNi. V.ilt Wed with sll th re sult rlty, baa bom of th temporarv or Unelv Later-Uplands, good ordinary .hipped KOTaSSr V? . . t. . . I n . I .. . ... t ..I 1.1 ...... . J II . : ... - I ..o.ciuuer aou ieocmuer qb.h. ! 1 s uw.iun , .uu v , 1 a , . . ,, 1 lures, in rarest specimens 0 Later Lplandt basis good ordit.ary j blark and whlttv Althoaab Almost a Settlement. C. F. Wagner, Sheriff of Rowan, reach ed the city on Wednesday night to settle his State taxes, but found bs had omitted to get the signature ot th county Regis ter to hi abstract. He will settle by re- and burned aad 80,003 not yet burned- turn ol the Salisburv mail. The amount All those brlckl we made f ir the new Rtacoe Steam Fire Company praying fur an appropriation to purchase 1000 addi tional feet of hose and to liquidate u small debt due by the Company. By permission of the Board, Mr Mer- a four inch snow with us. , shipped December and January 8 3-8, 8 p. m. Cotton upland 8 7-8; Orleans 9 1-8 to 91-4. . , , , , giaotlul UUwatur ; and a eollw-UOB of pic tures, th rarest specimens of artistic skill, la blark and whlmv AlUioneb - eaca meeeedlnv nuinuer aumus a iresn pleasure 10 IU inrnoi nM Midnight Iloport. of the StaU tax tor Rowan is $10,451.78. The county tsx of Rowan is some 814,000. Nw Aura Usementa, Institution forth colored Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. The value of the brick is $7. CO per thousand at the kilu. In the wssb-house twelve women are Fatal AcciutcjiT Sin Harries, a very orthy negro man, livinit about (our nnl.-t Crura Halifax;, crossed the Koanokt river, early Monday morning, going over into Aouuampion c ountv to bunl tun nil, on behalf ot Rescue Company, made! keys, and inaucendlBg a steep bank near k Statement showing the necessity of th " "ver.usru ni. gun a waming attCK. i,.f .t..u -e.-i .. 1 t -. I aad aaaratmra In W.iW.. ., aalced fn, " ' P6 KU" ' " i behind tht UB- . ."! of Toluln ,Zr Urn I I'M if fM ! l steady, sairal tArrfjvtA. lArnwi, eatfcl ''" - NewI'.Tom, ,Oet, Sc. to the advertiscmrnt of Messrs. R. II. consider lb way and mean of building Jones & Co. Thcte geutlemea keep con, Jar!rWr3w!n,bOr0 CUef"r' a '' ,U,llly 00 bnd ,ar8 ,ot of flM g""'"" .! . . - Read their announcement in another col- aieaiew, ui jau acre lor paaatng counter- 1 Itit mooey, says b wanted to "return anD- Specie pay men ur but they wouldn't let Utm do it Urmttr i'mtmot. m .We neglected yesterday to call atUntion employed; in the kitchen ix men and . ... I . .L 1.... f. Tk. L....U.1 la lua uaaery lour uieu. 1 u ui.piw requires four nurses; the dining-room for Tarboro' is making xteaeiva pre para- tioot to accommodata tba laxg aauber at daiegata waa will be inert November 19th la attendance oa tba Htato Council Frksda of Teinperaaoa. Wd. PvtL Barry eoaaty ba a man 114 year old who hat been drinking whiskey aad chew leg tobacco all bis lit and never heard of L d Cornwalli. HU W. DlZB. Mr. Ana Elixa Whllt contort of Jesses Waitt of Durham, felt asleep la Jesus oa Tharsday lb S5th if October. B)ewd are th dead which die ia lb Lord." DurUm i'Unt. W. II. Jonr A Co., offer a house a nd thiee acre ol land for sale. Edward Edwards gives aotic of a young cow having strsyed or been stolen. See advertisements. HUlaboro' Ri Our friend, Mj. Cameron, aoaour.ee tbat with lb nut issu of the Reeonltr, th second volume sine bs took cbargt begins. Th M.jor it decided success at in editor. He It ons of th best wri ter connected with oar Btste press. W often disagree with bis views, bat what W ar pleated to Warn tbat oa last I b writes Is the production of graceful Sunday, Rev. J.J. lta a restored Rev. Jaw. klndlv dcb. We wlh hint all tbat 1 ' I. ... mi . n j..t.r K rh.ai R.M.IK .jwt .U th. " COOia ar'n D UKfnur B..J- A. MiMaanaa tosaemberthlp la tb M. th, and also tb lurtepcw-1 dcet Method wl ttocieiy which b had or-1 four years of tgr-quitt a venerable ana the guard two -waiters and tbat of ths convicts four waiters all convicts. Tba number of convicts in tbe peniten tiary Is four hundred and eleven, of whom seventy-two ar white sixty-nine male aud three female, and threw hundred and thirty-nin colored threw hundred and twenty-four male and fifteen female. Tba Dumber of tba guard Is forty seven. Th general management of th e(sb Itshmeul Is evidently good. Everything i orderly sn I scrupulously clean. W saw dinner served Bp for th convicts and exsmlord it and found it to be giod and pieatifuV Tb ration lor each I half apouad f meat daily and twtaty-oos ounces of bread divided into Hire meal with vegetable a tbty can be procured. Coffee, mixed with rye, U given every bote asked for. Mr. Clawaon mJved thu prayer of tb petition b granted. Mr. Baltic offered a substitute provi ding for aa act of the Legislatura sulhor izing a special tsx to raise the amount nooesaary. Tb substitute was adopted. On motion of Mr. Pi sir is, th construc tion ot two cisterns sixtee feet la disme tor and twenty feet deep, to be coveted with wood, waa authorised. On motion of Mr. Gorman th treasurer fortunate man. from soma cause, fired off, I 8.073. Future closed barely the eutir load entering bis body, killing 80,400 as follow: No 14 11-18 a 14 1-8 t7y r.re dang iVou. tWei- WMZnZ U f M? 148-18 j Jan 13 U8 . MS. tb real value and beaut? of Tbe ALDI will aauta aDurtelataa attar tt tta been bound np tt the close ot the year. .While Mfcer pnhllraUoBB may ehim tnperlor chntp Beat, , at compared wllst tiwsla ol a similar class, Tb ALH1NK la a anlqu and original eoBetpltoB alon tnd vnapiwoaehed eiwo. lutrJy wlUioto.apU'kua ia avteW or char acter lb. poueuor of a complete volume cannot daiillraaa th qnaiiUtv of 8n pirjiar luinbe, 1 I Am. J , , , PRKUIUU FO 8H.- ti Kvery subscriber to lb ALDI I for tb r is i . 1.71 Mill ma.1. . ...1. ... .1, k. . otlou steady, sale 749 baU tt 15 to 15 I original picture were painted la oil for tb Upl-bd row Omo.A cJon J f....il. r- 1-4. Ftour in moderat. nmi aA . publisher of Tb AhUu. hy.ihomM Moran C nt'y living a few mile eaet of tbia place, changed WMakey firmer .at W ; Oirm I ' "M(ra tor Um HiOMd delis passed through town on Friday morning, bound lor Uuio. l be party were evident ly not iu much of a hurry aa they wur transported by a pit lent ox team, and long before they react) thu Buck eyt Htatr, Bill hav bad ample lime Cr r neclion. In this cuaectioa w ar glad shade better and In fair demand. The money nu.rket c!otd unKttled at 1-4 CPWmUtUn. Bualiug eak at 1 19 Gold t 8-8 a 8 1-3. Oovernrasal dulL LivKRPonL, Oct. 80. Cotton uplands on a basis of good or to te the fever ufemiL'islion d)in out rapidly among th whlU of tbe State, dinar ahlnd la l,t .,! W... t i . of tb or'r wa instructed to purchased for Rosea I and their appreciation ot their aatlv I ... .... ., Mtil of nrcbaaed ar. Th soli)-is era chosen to repreaeBl "i U Cast" and "The West." On Is a view m Tb Whit Mvanutaa, Mew Havpahlrat th other Wa Tb C litis of Ureea Klver, Wyoming IwrUory, IB dltVreaaw to the attar ol tb rerar thmwlre I a p)Bv4ni; contrast, tud t fiord t a rood dbplsy of Ui trust's sc( aad ealorlag. Taw . i hrmaea ar rh . worked from Utlilv dl.Uact plates, and ar la tit (111 10) nd pparaae exact fae almllw -a. lb creaaautloa of a worthy tampl of Anwrl( a gn ut Undscaii a, .. v. iiiw ii . . antu.1 jw Rt- t-i,.r...n...ou r-..r..i,.t.-. 8UI beaInniD to be ackuanUdtfed : I " ,uw """ aenvr- paiHMr M ih. tntw-tiDert or The Aidme tai " i , -. . T . ., i.' silt.ru. tf.is ' . I la bold bat Menlkwlt haiarr lis, aad tss sac w. uu . iiiak uui w u 1 1 i ri ir nnui urn. i - - -v i-.w. . ' ' ' . ' 7,. ,77 ,; . " r I . . ' ' I cimiuI realia.Ui rciuruing. uuttom iinvresr. i - ., . I at hoe. Th expense, of th city owing tb month of October were reported to hav been $1,309.30. Th Bard adjourned tilt to-night (Friday.) Fort Ltvtapiiot, The Oermsn baruu "Mart Ruee" will hav quick dispatch. a sbove. For oottoa freights, spply to VYIU.IAMI HOnCVIMI. Tbe sbov aotice, which w tak from JUiloij'h Mai'kdt.c Cobbbctsb Dailv. Br 0. T. 8tboc A DSO, lfiBABVeuUAItB. i caMlul rea laailosiiaiBl, over the (igaita-e If.. I kllaatrd by thr following 01 nr. aioraa Tna RoAHoft aid Tae Rivaa Faib. our dvtt.smg columns, Indicate a (tep Although Monday was dull sod rainy, yet in tht right direction. Taetday opened tolersbly bright, and, by Nearly all tbe financial Ills under which 10 o clock, aa bad a bcaatllul day lur IB I tn poopi of Pfi.rtn Utrohna lab, I Brat day ot the Fair at tbit placa. I et.muu.a with their b.etlirvs ol th South gaaiaed at L'atoa Grov in tills enuaty.- AAsraaa I lank I gen I tl old Cello motniBg, and code alternated with mo- "d will g v a more extended aotio ia vtll av- at twsa. wv. In th Mechtalcal d. partment, w taw boggles, wsgoes, ploughs, la fact, rns Wsvuited th differest drpertmtat I genrtlly, result from their commercial I fkACllkti ISer-T.w Vims. . . - ery, pat IU.. , Lit ATM KH MiLt..,........,, I.KA1 II I IfflK. ....... ,. I.KATH kR IIAkNr.ee. ....... tii.Ahnt, i ... W.LUkN BlH jf,.... .... ,, fspUetberB. m every night W visited th kitcb u, tb bakery, tb Wash house, lb beta A tup par ooasplimeatary te Alexander I The Bafdiat 8aU OoawMlioa. log Itouaca, lb kipliai tba ditptatary, tawW. Urimk Vtc Cel th.s 1 bti body will mtwt InWsrmitfJtiiN, J tb ttlll. C.na la&aliB. wtllaraisd and cleanly. There was bat on tick per son la th hotpital, and oo'.y tea oa tb eoavalncant list Thera it but tingt case ol scurvy la th Institution, and that was ukta Into it, aad I yielding to dietary trrtlmsat. During Ike sine atoatbs lb peascat Cunsai (ioeert btv beea la ch.rg thirtaew ooa- port.whfeM recnliy rtarna Irons a I n (ID Wednesdtr. November lb. Dr. trta M Karopa, was gtvaa by party of ... ... . , B d, t U. Pureed HouJ. It evra- A McDo.eU of Marfrweaboro. wu sp. bag. WU. tor. pointed to preach tb latmductnry ser W oticw by tb ppoiatBMwU thtt moa oa Wednatday night Rev. R. II, Bmmow Aikiasoa will preach la Rt Bataa-1 Martb, of Oxford, alteraata. Dr. W. T aw Dudty, November via. ... r . .tu nm,k th. fcee.Dt.Waeat.wba ba accept! tht I ssmt-isvJ-y sermos oa Baadty. It v. i. Ball aad be u am paator Ores aj art IV I L. Stewart, ol Clio toe, alteraata. Tb it I Railroad alborltit btv bee asked to I vicU bar tliad, aad of I hem fit wr al DaiLf Mania Wnrtrna aud Balui. gtast tb basal half tar rotiUge, aad al-1 moat at lb point of death when received tbongh bat two roa.1 bav beea beard I two rrom Coasomptioa. Tjpaod lew eraat, it I prumd thsl only half far I aad dyteatcry war taw cbief aaaae of ill be reqalrad of ilelrgaU to U Coo-1 death. Batfoa enavict ba pI da vealloa. Arts U art at? Noabr tb asail will ba carried by rail dsl'y boat beta to oalees aad Wintloa aad iauraa.llau 4lt, doteg easy wltk lb bora mail front bet aad alto fro High FwUt. rrWaAVW ttthtL. vT bar gaod aataority fu tb tUtovf -lag (tttaaalt Mr. P. U Raw, U Pnrvt 4mm towaaril, Msckleabarf costaty, ra tally, hi tight boars, packed 44 awwad af aeiaaa. Tbat, wa tbtaa,aUUs Mc. & a tb aa af baiag tb cbaatBtaa aat toa pit bar 4 lb sgv Jfaaew Jafwerw. A WWgraaa faotttwd ytaasedty by IU. Dr. Mara tree Dr. Jew, IMJla. PrWi pl aVrveiarv at lb aawieu Hibs bW oety. Hew Yk, um that Haw. P. A. tuaw4 bea saaigaad ba aaaittoa a ageat f lb aWtrty, Ik raaxgaatio) t tak ? Jaaary (, 7A-Maw. CaPTAia M iasisow W regret to lear tba User B cheer, tot the beti la tba awadttkaa 4 tap. HorrWoa. II B) naes aud at betaf cbervful. aHhaf tally awaraaf blaevadiUo. II frteadt aaa arnly bo pa, alataat k' bfp. to a btat sataissr tram kw Islulw. WU. A Hear Monk Oarotlaa Book. A wa da aot prtieaj ta keep p wlih tb ma'tltudioou aovtl tbat ar al fstth fro lb UeBtlng are, w aopy tb kiliowiag Botx of Mia Fhsf' lael fifth I (Vans Inbarltaao," by CbniUaa fUd. the eirtad aatboreaa of North Certv llaa, rt aa eatevtaialag awvvi, well wnttea I dm al tb lime a oar visit, aad lb ad seaBiBd thro, .boat, bat eocaewket i..- -,u-d M ik. aaeerarv B Owe. Caldwell aaaVI U wipUf aunaa.1 ta rat tb acbeaM af taa bvUeta af b.a laUat boada, aad MM. Jokai aad CaaAiiag eagkl bs b Mfnsed ( gaa'ag I a bleb-aBaiiirf aad si wb sweat aa.4. bopa U. taUw4 aid altaad at tb BtastM, aad as tbat Be advsatag tokaa af Ik taanpl af Uk tUata by lb bfibt aad etwewMiu as lb CWUst Xlsm.w.t laArrrrtL t'rrrnL Oat ftiewd. Mr. Jetbrw lawatt,af Wayaa, aaad a espaa- tasea 4 tb otHtam nt by bias that rear wbteb t a pretty aa r'ead Bw4at ttRO a w have smbv II aat t 1 have atd aw toss fan, af stwd n taat, w waa acre. I.I rt bawaat l oa Uat tMk W aa arra, 1,411 pawadt. aad tiMbliteeslktbtMtfCel ... Wat, A. A.,U M).4a (nan y. w.A eai aA tt tl. tvi. A -a Mfw I . a . a aad Ittta art a la lb Liia.a4ra, (t4 It aaa af tba bawl Wa at ike bdf 1 aad of smt I a. aba the .( 4 4ir af Nf Waatw si ta.id a va. 4 If rt k"f d B4 day a mir)y aa ti hi kt Mtr, taw Lti I4 a t fmala ta owe Uas . a-ta, sad lk 1 Hmh cbinery ot rrt d. acriptioa, and lb whtd prrscCTtltltt flarat xblba ewwr givwa bera. la llortK-oliurtt 1111, a ines, braadb. vegetable of all kinds were spre.d cut bet ir a. W atxl viailrd Faal ilalt, wkicb Was mail rrapltad nt by Ih display af Jew elry, and la almoat eviry p ar tbenoat baBdsnm and artiall displsy id aaedi work, embroidery, AC, wMBtad. r'nral Had was simply beauulsl, there bwtng la each drpartasrat a larger show lhaa w bsv hitherto ksd at tins Fslf. Tb show ef stiark wa all tkst auld b deatrl, belter the ver, aad In I rot ting oa Madsy was Very good. R'aVat Js'ew. i" aa drpendrnc upon Ih Norlh. 1 ber ia Bo saret way to dntroy that fatal depen dence Ihta to build parvKUlar and ooa- alant trade Iron rmr aaa potta direct to tnne ot .wtga eouelrwa. sUigi.ad i tba giawta.dtwa bnyetaad tb boalh I lb M't etrttoa onxlarer. aad every rata wba aid ia bringing lb la brlhr In direct Comma nk.Uua belp to build ap a trad that tauat tn.tl labia ataks tba Hualll on of lb stoat rarnas OiweUie is tb World. Wit ! JrurMta l.Wd Pf iRK CIHCRRNri. . ., I.i.ti yKATHKKA rLAXSttDpsvbas MAI, ym iiutw . deal ! 4W W Hll'Sji. prlklry ril ATOIya. Ivm. pat ba. TAI.UIW r lb . VIKKUAB par gal.... k..... hit U.B , , Tira .' nlJTTIR run K, par kU, .:. .... MtAI,r ba. , IV h M. pat b).. SB iUa. ...... Stivii pal ring thtt period tad ha,tingnUr1y taough, wt oea-lrggrd fellow. He bad been taken, with oUxrra, to work tb garden oattld lb stock si bat wlikla aa -ejosara, aad wa overlook 1 by lb over- trer a bea lb gang rttaraad at 'nhu Tan Pstssrrtsus Bvboo Lt tv.a leg st a quart betor Mgbt o'clock a huge tuagirgaU. sat matad la lb flrat Preebvieriaa rhan h to wiiara ibaofwa tof of tba M b io of th ryad of Norb Carolina. Tbe opening pyf oa al l aad Ih opeatag hyma givaa out by . a Mr . . . W. ,. ... t . . . W. wer, pleeotd to a -s-t cw.f-V - tbl and aauy kiua p o.aitg Itawt P I ik, mmam, kM .smm, M bdlscitUy tb gaard. A borUoa of Ik. I body W as 1 ra tba istk aad Ittb vcrww of tbt tbia tkaptvr of ta Astatia in ur- Oantsg Maaulactory. ' I hav iImUu? Ruggiaa, pboloa MA Ma, K I.e.. . . i . . . . ... I . . taavta aaa rva-aawty on naan, Wbica parti would do will to riaisin Uf Barrhaa Ug (lasaacra. Placa U buaiaeas oa Hov g streat, aeit dour to Wyaaa, Ttacy Co. Livery ttahl. N. It HARP. ootHAOw tffl.t RT MkKhiaoa, LAhD ,. ., OA1. -f mourn, pat iosVaa ' IkhtiLL ta) suits 1-60 K1 IValU - i-hcvi a a u at;s 1 s JU aleb Ilalt l(ltwlWb .IU Oa . ..... tselS.4 ...... 9a3 W ,. . . tdatu f sua VU LtUaJU kaa I eu , 'n M s ..s.r,.... IsaA) T 7 M V4. r , I4k.lt ...... ..... , tnn ....l-f I'HI Mtwtaa, . rVpl 9,iK ltTA -Msasra. Jamb Betvot A Co. GrsU'ttvae i am dellgbud wllhtbaaroof la color of your chromua. Tky ara a under, fall- s ewufulrvpremiaflon by utecbtawal pruce-A af th otaihal iwitnmg. , i o , vary rsspeeiiullr, (Scned,) 1 li.'d, MORAN. u - ' -iltlUtt. 1 ' '' K-aieltlrta A.-tgun. u aovakcbv wtra Oit t.tin.Mo rnat. t . . Per to CKNT8 IXTKA, the kroaet s tl a seat, taoaakd, Varulawd, Bed raid by l a 1 iffaWI Till ALIslbX alii, bHwaPar, b okUla. al l.onlf by aubaeri.U. a 'I brr will Im a rwl aead at elab r.ia for sinwripuo mast 1-e rnl to tli pubbvhar dirml, at kaadd to lha h aal Mia.Mf, oa.il ra tft aaiH'ra law ikll.Bt., atwenit eat ' fee- Ik slf tta I (I., a. Ivanng kh signal ur or jam at (intoa ia. - , CARTAf8KR8 WASTED. 1 Aar pfo trWhtnf te art p mtsataily a a lo-wl raaraaaar .JI rai ..(,( aodpretaplw lorK.li.iB by tpprytog Ui ' JAMKS fUTTOX A Puhttsbeta, i II MttMi Lssa, Rt Ystt, artMaU , . "J , t i... m.K ui', t i A LE . majlriaha ... Oa lb Sfd OH., at tb reableara af Mr.' L 0. tUUar, by Rrv. M. MrQaesa, Mr. Josepb kaat arraaer, bad J f. Oalwy A Bro tier. Alaai ready ta waits eastrmtsrs. Toast elasbsy la pb4 aad aaflalsbed la dctnL Cartaea, M (rnaila, tt lb krwl char an tat la tb bar.; M. JeHaa highly Ulteeai- lag, and PcTla Utant ilwiplf tlrrra- b. n arsaaaa laaarttaac - la a re labia aovtrt, tb psraaal of Wbkk will weft repay tba cost of It panbaaa. Fmdcawd. Owv. CablaeU,o yeatatday, bardoaad Aadrew ftkarp, 4, oaavVied ad Wtvray at fall tersa, mi, a Ilettfotd prW Ctwrt, bad sawtcared to tb Fta'tiBllsl M tbrsa ysara. An tecum p'c ta Iba asaa raa AlWrt Prd, pan, dd a b day aga. Tba patdoaa w.rt gtMtsJ oa tb rwromawwialioa of tb Jedgw, lb4kluar, BMW. bar of tb bar aad tribe, oa aecoaat of a daabt a to lb fwlU af lb aartiaa. tbe Oevava. bia, yastsrday, par- dasaed Bvyaa aad fleary Drba, a4 artd tewtK e-atarted of ba'gta'y at lb ipttaf tor, irO. of Itlgavwmb paeW aamrt Tba a.. ft, I brew, lb tHtbrrl baiag lb klirg Iota af Urarw. aaa s a At Ih ti" -J lbs gtecral lot gi.ni tt- nste IH. M dl. lb Mo4tt.w of tb I laat soawa,ciWd lb Pi Bod to ade. tag the aitoalloa tl y ar aatilled Vs Tb dlalag re4 of tba buatkta,aa ttcaaiv. wtll vwatilated ball, Is seed ti a 'karri la shirk ther ar dltie I tad tb tXatad CWfk, R.V. Jttb Doll, stvtoas em tb aptd, Ik r4 ttd Uartk I be l- of elw-alM-t aad taadart af aacb bbobib, Mdtwtod la tba miM',t,u MUt ,as.rd to tbr aao-e, OTdVt ber pUasvrd by IU. Mr. Traakk, I wobably ao Ik J t of lb oboas ambf Dt.tatedaw aad Of. FHitbard, ef Ibti bebmgtag to lb y-4. wkh taay be ona4M4 r owtg sue- ia rt M "sraat wa aasal- war tb man Tm TTlUt riMT CLAAI riluTtHtlAf bl U A,' to WATXiiri tTl AIT fJAUJtkT-rw akMBbat that tb k-M I tlatf ekaapaaV Watoaa Its ratal tad Iilvs MsaalA tut Um aat raevwaaaraa at war atat AcvtaaMaral raM fa lb paa4 tbrat taora. I'aS at bb) OaEUvy aad ts aa ad tbt eollMttoa af rVtHngrapbt to tba awsalry, also pbrtar fiaewi, tla-aaa, A , ta grtal twrlaty, art nif I day. IU, Jaa sck. I at watk. aad tbry aswea to wnak cberrf.ry aad wall. Tba dwipbs b firs bat aatld aad lb ofRc rt btt btl at ao trwabi to Btaasgiag I bam. CSoaav aoaws UetrVt'y eaf are-rd, baib'tng batog part af lb rwaila ef dt at statt aatw wrea. Tbr U aw Isalar of lb piwtay wbbh oaratsto a tery dWaat.sw-w al lad to tb emed'4 4Hm f lbn ttra.sg spattBMSts. T,tatW' lla t oatb af lkti Wbrfb ar barely lara-af ta tr-H wba tanad su.w rtU-, aad wkeVa-J tttd Tw tM ' - ; U4 1 owe 'adtaoaa ot ewaap aUpaasCeJ 1 1.4, Wt lb waot of tvry ovatlrt a lb tulU, Itv'tllti I a.f rwtr l M wf tad lUtt L r- C Vast aad J B aawary CaMka. ( at -Una, Ik a;ad bJjoafat J la aM la lha f irM rt.(jtria Chan al IN i a to-dty. lha batf bwr aid ba d.v Hrd bs dav.KM.! terHsea Aataag tba aaa.le of m-fn of BokianHW I ttindaat Ware U, D A. W, Ma, f t barwua, lie. Iw. J. Ilry Kmitb, of Oi.eoab.wa'. lUW Pt. J M Aikia.wo.of HaW.fb. tad Kb, ft F V !!', d Irt t-t wwaif Vt toarw that Ha. tbaW .pa, P I) , f !, Ittt twtUga, a at d-Aa sad by lardy novalMMaew frata a u asa Uiaasa U bt asiatau will arr.va aa 'i t as aad b-st lad. Hit fi, . A. M .' Rsstteass. TW gw tl.mtt b1- Ntttlii Mud iLs trsaA baao BmoI ef lk amrkrt bswsa, raapa. Ui 'l I -na ik r-K fats If ttal a alB raaw. I east rr-aa stsutt, at aa aa wrjrAt( taw thai IA4 taa.k4 aaVatda. Tb-aM si l "-t ' Bp" tMblad V Rt to ad wa may aW aaylkat; la tbat Ran. Hit RttAJsaa Ttwattttt tM r aaUy pat bj tpWttatd a by t'H-t Wa Ot iTth.irn, by ba. T. f. Dtvit, M'. I. r:!UUf la Mtas Mary C. Rrt-ea, aU of Saetos toaatr. , C. t , la Moor esasty, a tk ISA alt. U'i Cb'bto Rittar, wtf of Rsra.rJ R;ttr, la f w yar af kv H Alasaalbartdi alt, Mr. Barwet. ft tlar, agdl years la LaaWrtoa, aa tb ITA day of Oct , Mary cnawa, daagkis of C. aal t $ Vav bWka, agad yaara, II BMOtbt bad If daA Al Lawbsttaaa, aa lb UA taat, Caodary, tta raat sbiU af Mta. Rbar II. aad tb tsta t a.4uy iMm, gat) Hd , 1 a"it BO l Oat. I ' ui ii l mm i is i ii i t II NfcW AD VKl:ll5k.UKM0. Tklag toa-elory M tltM butw oa lb otbwtl aanur rd - Oavaea aad Imvi .tit wa. Bear U a J. U dp.. t- AlMtwa .all lntd.'i and Uk b) tb rear of wd Inis' 1 " ' Ibl. irotairtv M tltrllr Wvad, la t"o4 fv-KliUf and fll bs fc-ij a'. fa,,M. . ruaa. TkU li-VaUa . . . A, bUXAH, orlV4l .tl .... : JTor Rtatl,' -. a rto t'oCbjtaw I UadriBal Ra X. kiMKa Ml wf Maiaat tuuiura, tiautw big b?a tll sail tew . r..k . W. U. 4W3A VUW bptlntf 10.000 " "'V tiawr sad i learn :r'4 raroaiaat; .1 , Al - ' If I f J UMtt'l. J .. rrboe rdaaw larft tlU T R (J t 8 A R 9 T(KDI Itr.J SAJ ALVA PoMory Ctwaot Utm j fijVXUl l"IUt MotIR wad ton ars taad Mlatd M lUmat, fwk la fraot bit. Ma aad rd wN oa pta-atta. tud aa Fa? at ot, or iorr t uoa. l H t.t S X.atta . (tiiM. At ' " . ' lU . . R. 1. 0SH kW . m mi usii ii l ' ' "M r IgAlt! latTM , , 1 Is BarAt w atvatai s waa itmtt bait 4aai lMHi. - R 1. l p tk arvrttoa af tb br. M.WA OirtoW baelet twvd toto npatiambip, kae Itbad ap lbottWik. bhoI a a.wa a rrtwtW'iaid tuad, to t MlM tt Ry lha IWtt nl badaaa r lgt tary-'a. bw'1f -rd (wt, sad U'g pOMsa B-.tiard II .1 ' aIU tabad tb lar'oo to l.' TbW 4.1 sbaa'4 b at aM ptwdd. W raw Wt aa-4 g1v oof lvfs jttM i k'ttit Id sdtba ba.U.sgt to (.-art of tad if II it o.l W ta oy y that ak ab- d tb ra.u . d V . ' U to IiW'BB Ft SB Iv FrM ad ! Waif, baa to b p. a am m a d-.m-a I ah. at the ft d . pkad apM aad kw f' ib i t aad Ibtoo to bw yard Tba I af rare jai ly, pn Bad kat. It b Voaa Staaaoort d bf Prt4t s-tlMS't t pnnaea la tot Sal i Ura a f .) of tfc ', bat b tt a V' be wl Mo IS W4.d : by tr- I apr'ad to ba ! -lrtssA aw- rtrt. blU. W UI-kart. If IiW Carta OtU Mroa.ly la Rial msal Ofatarel vbat TWy tt oUa krt wU4 (wka, Tatr. 8- a. aad to larl mryWu aooaDy ka4 la StS ma R TV Riataaraot WSJ ta bt Ut pa... eaiOrtataslmi of Mr. Jaa, Fine ta eb MMMWothd, I tfrart afd ra4, tt-urt'M Ut ' tat If ur oillll 2 UlktL W.M. ;tiktACO. CR X It I 'V I. ai tr I At. I I -t O L C T I R i ... . d 0 w dik.a e4 n r I t B tmHft Is I t k'ta wt M ! i.4o .a... U k.f a JS t-. aa.g.u. m t Mat wniWM A R ItllsK ItWAirt- tIRAl IW lolll. tt btaaday h l-S.al a t a.g HiW r, . a mt 9 t .u. ) f ia. fta. ft. I W ttitt mm4 tad st-Mt- d a. ba-4' aad M Ht owl atital www m W " a m . . h Wa pari a Wm a.' t rat a. A ilw.) rasa.4 I'U r"d kt .o.j ts at . t. It ( nt la I .n li M I m i 1 1 aatat t . tku t.w si-.-s - - - - - f IMtl Ut P, Alt. I I l.siaf. wo I v-vao nw - l ia. saw ! l-sa too la. wd ow , u t at aatatod .a. A S. Wr H . I . mm l . Ilsfl at Ti.wi it. ortttlo t .M.-vl J tiol L'I. -.. aa4 ll - a aalls4 . a i f CtRk A. rpRIRTf riv. .htT, lillT, 0B A TR'sriihU. ' fl taatt V i.l r-l-a' ' 1 to t'.'if.Mt , t fW ( .H I I , Tu r -t ra t At. ir.o 'i"R oka ; : r t A HOTEL, , ... ... I D f R w? Il'llll, tkll : 1 1 v . u k v . o,t :m if ., ab ta. k tup..t. (W, VWaa, 1 tor tVat. j

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