Y 'A- 11: J, TEIXGUAPillO NEWS. TSm Dispatckea -Domestic News. BTOKIitf TRIAL. r f Yo, Oct, 80. fctATwdteHrTaiarttiltWllB th third degree, aad iu aeateoeed to foot jearehard labor. Judge Devi aaid : la rendering thte verdict, Stoke, the jar; beve exhaust end mac than exhausted tl aaercv ia jour ease. No appeal to this ewart eaa diminUh the aentene (root thd blgheet psaalty affiled by the statute is tbe degree la which job are convicted ad, H l tin light end apparently trifling aaonmpered with the crime you bet eoamitted. Bloke wee surrounded Bad embraced few Bienala relatives and harried to the too be. '; " " FBOMFIUNCK. Pabib, Oct, 80. ! tbe Beselae trial to-day, Mr Flabent, na seat tiger, testified that under fer of Captor by tbe eoetny be swsllowed a die Batch which be wa carrying from Thien tllletoMets.. Tbeditpatch waa recover ed aad delivered to the officer at head quarters la Mela, on the SOth of August, bat u by them throws Into the Ore an read. Lieut Hogne ware that he fruit leaaty attempted to deliver tbe Baaaloe dispatch entrusted to h'm (3d of Aagvat by the Xmprea. Be admitted after much prevarication that be wu alao bearer of tbe diepatch to Gen. BonrbakL FROM DILAWARI. WrUflHOTOH, Oct 10, j Capt Dougherty, chief clerk In poet affioe hai Wa bailed la tbe aum of $3,000 lot 13,000 defalcation. FROM COKRECTICUT. Habtvobd, Oct, 80. The railroad ahope hart reduced tbe amber of hour bad wages 10 per cent FROM IXDIAXA, Ricbmokd, Oct 80. A flght with email armi and eU-pound caaaoa li progressing la this eounty over the loeatioa of tbe Bowery seal aaa) Rpi eeak of county record,0 v FROM KOTUCKT. Loouvuxa, Oct 80. . Ci-Mayot FbUip Tempeet ia dead. FROM AIUtAHSAf, Imu Bock, Oct. 80. Heavy (roat, clear weather, allay of ap- preheailow la icfard to yellow Invar. FROM TE55I3SE1. Mamta, Oot. 8a For twenty four boon ending I o'clock feat Bight ale yellow lever death, aloe MM, TV Board of Health ofkially aotify abeeatee tbey may tafaty rttara. FROM KXW TORE. Haw Tobb, Oct 80. WUTUmena, Schmidt at Co, produce iportera, napeaded. Hoyt, Sprang Co., deoy failure, tot eciia to give a Utemeat i thair aoadi- Tbeodirft Ti'lloa ha beta eipeilcd Croat Flymoath (harch fur relWag to tcatify la th LWher scaad, tlUalgbit XXswsUew.ew TYwa aTieva XfArfTn WiUV WAV 1 O. FHOM WABUISQTOM. WaiBUMTOB, Oct 80. - -fjermavy Jas eeaa if aba iutlh. eeajtiag aU etetews due not abow efrf It aal'lloa tacrvaa. he anH be dieep Baaaaad. Till WaUTUXQ. Waabibbtcb, Oct II. fat lb twata A tie lie BUI aaata. !y wtaia, partly cloudy tad bety . FROM ALABAMA. MTMIBV, Oct M. 5 few twar. The nastiest foa mi taa assess TV Btw wld lini, la tt ekich U ewHnaa. riUJM M!itHL Hr. Ueu, . 99. rlmj Blelny, who to hv bod e aaa'hilheaaatertKg wrth A'Wa aad Uf, waa tota4if la Irmt U Mo Ce eatoaa. UdCmi ba bw arrHted. FUagaewU eaw UtCmmi M Maly. weal ether wore arrayed. The ACeo aad Hogaa tghi ha b Maw4 to FROM X JW TORK. Kiw Taa, Ort 84. TVe W lUjt, t f t, to) eewatd a heavy 4m.'u to vaiaa aa lb awl etcbawg aad aVywaalia ewa ttW TV tmt miim mt aueAJea pe etvaJ; gig wa la rareittd i m by Uexat whkh taat befooled f a a pku wly la the tawdW IUa f at W. TV. Ui,n mt IM Pah wi tt'-4 Ufaeitoia to adtaaM ki r4 wf diaiiiaal to-daf toaawi a wwtba bre to bMh rU aad L4(a aMhaac. V ahaag to a aoiW) umil U Wm ai4 Wi IwMfMi 1 tit TV BMiialml bb VJ; gial :n.M kgl Vt Ftr ae iKf I IUlMd haw 4 k f. TV eMtb Vr ied bt - W n wh m4 enaMaad to Wm '.! it M'h, Ww4 ' a p- ul ril4 ft It, IW 4il(iMrHl (, 1 t 4 -M lkM,k l Iti M al l ri; af to h, fi - llUbM aad ttJ V!W'M f Bine then th market ba weakened agaia. : Loyd, namlltoa 4 Co, have tatpesded. Tbey have IntereaU ia Pen a. The iuit ol Wm. E. Brittoa againat Beoj. F. Boiler, to recover $13,000, th amount of two draft aeUed by Oeoeral Butler is 1863 while be waa military Gov ernor cf New Orleaoi, came op for a hear ing before Judge Woodruff la the U. S. Circuit Court to-day. Butler wa preaent aad adviaed th U. S. Attorney, who de fend tbe action on behalf of the Oovern! ment The Council fr Mr. Brians itated that la 18C3 a man brarir.g two draft drawn by the firm rf wh'ch Bftnoa j a prtner, doing Luhu i a in Katchea, Miat , wmarnsti'd whlx xtrmpting fo croaa from the rlxr! lim into Nw Orleans. Tbe drafl Were tlx a vat u tie, but Gen. Butler compiled Mill, Judaon A Co, who were ageota in New Orient a for Brit ton A Co.. to endorie them, as I then got thea cabed-r II .claim ! Imt Brit t wa not an enemy of the United Statu" and that hi property could not therefore be conflacated by an agent of the Govern ment ri A diipatcb from Pittaburg, Penuayt vania, aay th blaat I urn aot of Horeau A Co., oa Monoogahela river, have aa pended, and aaid auapeuaion foresbadowi the cloaing ap of the remainder of ancb furnacra in-Will city and Mahoning aud Sbeaaogb valkj. There aru eight of the furnace employing alx ut 10,000 FROM MASSACIIUSE TPS. Fall Rivkb, Oct 80. A ueeting of repreaentative from dif ferent cotton manufacturing corporation ia thl eity, wa bald at the Board of Trade room laat evening for tha pnrpoae of coniideriog tbe queatioa of reducing the working time la the mill. Th ra tion mill were represented. ' After hear ing report from different establishment and a dieeuieion on tbe object, it wat vo ted that oa and after Taeaday, November 4th, to run tbe mill oa half time '.four day of each week. All the mill, 89 in number, came lato this arrangement, ex cept tbe Merchant and Bordi rCity, which bar contract for tbt month of Novem ber, and the Robeeoa and Fall River Print Work Mill. The mill employ lour teea tboaeaad operative, and wjtrn in fuHc.prktioatbir mbnlblyftpty roll amount to about $430,000. THE 8PRAGUE CRASH. Pbotiobkcb, R. I, Oct 80. It i anderstood that A. A W. Spragu, la tbi oily, do not upen to-day, not withstanding the failure of the New Yoik booaa. Upon application at tbe offlo of the Menu. Bpragu tb lolormatloa ia faraiabad that a committee of laveatlga- tloa lato tha affair of tbe A. A W, Bpragae Maeafactaring Company ba beea ppoiated by tbt repreeentalive of th city bank, and will b prepared at tbe meeting tojbe held to-morrow morning to make a report, whkh, it ia thought will ba highly aatiafactwy to tbe creditor of A. A W. Spragvo aad lloyt Bpragot A Co., abow a lurplu of availabl property at a low valoatiua ovar all eatataadiag liabltitiee. Of th aocrplai.ee f Ilojt, Bpragu A Co., It M toted they will aot bale tbaa tlrvea million dollaia. A plea win be preeeatrd at tbe aaawting to-moT' row, aocampankd with "aTtfwlaitoJ report of tb altuatio of the Aim, whrob will, it U believtd, if carried oat, reader tb eta barrnamrat of A A W. fpragna aad Hurt, PprAgur A Co , of tamporary du ration. FROM LONDON. Ll B, Oct 80. Th failaraef a boo whkh bee beaa J.aaug la Xta railway bara7 la aa aoaaewl. 1 be rSB JfwU 0ff alluding to tbe ceroreac la :a laaaclaj ankle, ay tb hoaa kuly rvaetved aa arder bom Jay OtBld to wall ly tbwaaa bare mt Krto aad took Week wroaal:y tabayer. FROM CALCVTrA. .. CALCTTTA.Ol.t8l Advwa froai all porta ef Bengal abow falliag cm pa aad faala taevltabk. CLOTHING, fcc JJALL AND ,WINTK1. CLOTHING. Wow ri tb '.'LATEST STYLUS. Man, IwaUt aad IWya A LIlUlCl 8Tvit Uf MJi.Va ll'KMMIINt i(MM, at aaa'analf tow avWrnv Owa prW at mU ttit M mf aw Im W4tc b a a Axnustrs aco, twtfiiM ta flv t iiiwii ft, ysfwaxcw tt hmiI tv !. C. t H o ? a t KAltROADS, Ac QRANG80F8CBIDCL1. I BAiriGH OAETOJf H. S. CO.. SrpKirDnv't Ornca, BaleiKh, N. C, Uet. XT, laTt. Oa and afur Moay, Oct 27ht,tS7S, tmlnt oa Uta Ka'eteh Uanton Railro4 will ma oaily, Baadajr excepted) aa follow: aiaii. Taaia. Uavea KaKtli HUa. Arrhraeat Wtldoo S.M r. M Laana Weldoa V.N) a.m. Arrirea at KaleUih. S 4i r. M. ACOOJUOOAVIOW TBAia. Leare Raleijrti .4( V. BL ArrtTea at Weldon..... it 43 a.m. Leavca Weldon A. M Arrirea at Kalelyh Ai r. ti, Mail train make eloee connacUoa at Weldoa wtlh tbe Seaboard A Roanoke Katlroad and Kay Unleamara via Baltimore, to and from all point North, Wert and Nortbwcat, and with rVtwiburif Kallroad, and at Raleigh with ancomnkKlation and freight traina on th Ktlt-iifh and AoKnsU Air Line and Kichniond A Danrill Kaiiioad, North Carolina l)lilo. A. B. AMlKtllH, ot 8 U ; Sutwintendent 0 "IIIAN'UK OF SCHEDULE. BAIfinn it'i:rTi no i t v- ...... . . . gjjrt,,,,,,,,,,,, 6rrn KiLiion, N. U. Uet a7th, 18?8. On and af ust Monday, Octimh, 1S73, traiua on Uia RaWKh and Amroata Air Lin will run dally, euudajr excepted, aa follow: JIAILTRAia. Leavea Ralekrh .oo r. m. Arrirea at f andford p. m. Leareariandford &. m Arrive at Ualebrh 90 4. . ACCOMMOBAVIOB TBAia, Leave RalelKh..., U.mr. n Arrive at Sanford 8.9Ur M Laa' Ban ford 10 IS A.' M Arrtvee at Kalolgb J.oo p. m. Uait If.1. L .1. uA -.. ,i. t. i i . Willi the Kaieigb A UaaWa Kallroad to aud from all points North. Jnil ittUiutfMt wlik . V. . XI' -i. . D.t, . .... ,. , uv icru nmiiroau to and from fayettevUle and poii.U oa West ern katltoad. Aecosnmodstloa and Frakfat trains eonnect at Kslelifh with acoom mod alio and Fn-iicht Im!u .1.- 1 I . i ., .. . D. aauxws. octiW-tf 8o,t. c lOAL AND WOOD. I Bar now on hand a annnla nf Rnl A.h If and Nat Coal and alototuak Hlrkor. and Una Wood. Orders fllled promptly. s MOK.KU BROILING BELT, IHmI MalM Rn l)Ttled Ham, Tarkey i,nd Tonxne, Frash Cllroa and Cnrraais, rh,lctioshea Butt.-r, Prim Cream Cheese, Prwaarved tilnsr, Frsah Coeoaaui aud Lemons, La,g Iriah rotator. octlB-lI W.C.BTRONACH. Till KXrRKE!(TATIVC OF AN tHG LIH FIKM IS At nresant la New fork uim,ii,iii articles of areat eoniuiMMU1 i.lim ... . aorsao iit in, wan n nirt.iinia An w. tinenta. Btat sp-uctr open (sieev'tioir, Nsw- i m ureaa-woa j;-" jorB net U t TUBT RXCEVIXDI r Another lot of tboae "G11AXGE" HATS. ALSO THE "IMPERIAL" HAT the most stylish Bat of the eeaaoa. JCST RECEIVED 1 1 10.OUO Tda. Cable Cord f or th ladl a. JUST RECEIVED 1 1 Udlea Cloak and Kncllak Walklnf Jackets Alao, WeWproof CWka aad PdlioWa. ret II U W. H. A R. 8. TUCKXK A Co. D C BOIJ OttTTOK UIK. Owa A taw U a, last to band at this lastly etsbratsw Alabama Ula. Tha testimony a aaaainoaa that they liia futer aad awaeal natitir eaasuM Uiaa aay oUiar aver made. rrtc fa par saw and tranaimrtillini, JAMU U TOWLI. Af at atA -tf D II I I. O 8 O 1' 11 K n s Lump Chandelier- Bt taf-at, i "s; ai 8I nj'aat 1) is. A MW IbBt MAKMii IViUhl.I tI OF A 1IAXD La sir, Ttb4.n.r Is MKFkCT! T 8AFC, aa i"c ' aw ap-x aa htawtaf the way i i "trat. s)a 4 ay T. It. 8R(!8 A BOM, art BVtf rpilK KIIUST 1'KtMIUII. Tttr..u:i:in.r. ut.r Was AwarM tbe GOLD MICDAL at U.a Mat Itt, fmit, mvm alt , K iks to a4aiy awVAJ; F proa! Ma aH Wa www bar aw aa etM'attoa ol oar awr. , T. 0 kHIi.Cil A B-lB, wt U tf Bute AU H wawid warn fatty saaaasis that W m4 ! aw ajaarwrs, lAir lny f la-a aitMui 4 Maw. W tiuawsms. t a ban h A TkoMa. a-a Faytaru aia, I t Va Maik-t aaa a. akara as saw totaaf pnmn4 to UMb aii histaa af BOOK A3D .OBrRIXTIJtO a a atoart iat aaaa-a, aad aa is. wAana) a) aj yf a iinnia BvvitRrta a r i B-S-ta, Baa.B, M. , y A B T 8 U . A t"1- f (aawA. Ay .1V. mM u wLutMUMtii Aa ,awa at kkas wa lf MISCELLAOUS. SPLENDID CUT PROPERTT FOR ; SALE. Of HILLSBOBO street. 1 hereby offer for sale my rw RraUenea, Btor Huaaa and lot sliaatoa Biilsboro' St. Bonth aid Bear Railroad bridge. The lot has 60 reat froat on both HUlsboro' and afonraa BtrrcU. Tha Build mss ate aiw. wen bant. In mod era style. Th Dwellinr contains V room eonTtnlentlrand conif orub'y arraned. It la so elevated that a basrment Buy be r- ad at smau coat Iba Hlora la 43 feet lorr. Satoriea with rtalrway, eonnter and shelving; rompleVe Commantratioa between tbe dwelling; and apper part of store may be awed or closed ss desired. It ia a rood aland for erroeanea aad stao'e dry goods (or town and country trade. lbre la a well of moat excellent water within two alepa of tbi door. " Itie-e is a Barn. Ac.. In the mar an 1 room oa Morgan St. for other bulUlinirs. 'the location and nchfhborfaord..la O e of .tha moet- i.eaira'ile la Kaleigh, and being wbers properly la rapidly and constantly In- creating In value it l a good Irurra'ni. r.t f r mon'T esprclallj aa la", property may be rented 1r li r ont, inW-eat ou the ru ii.ry required to purchase. 1 raonn b rlneas ana deaLr ,lo Mil auoa cr Mt at all. TkaHillai jierfectlr Kood ror lurlUer particulars apply lo K JONES. " oet 23 tf llllltboro' Street. y O R 8 A L E Th Celebrated "GREY OTIiEY" Cotton Press. Address T. II.-IJUICiGH, u pt lO-'Jm Ralb oh, N. C. QUKKSK VErtT FINK At i A JON 3' Grocer Store. auglK-tf QOJU ALL T8 THAT HUNGER: 3-J0 CliUL !., Tirkeys and Ducks, 11 Do. Fr.L F.Rgs. MX) l.ba Freb Mouuluui Butter, i0 Bus Fine Moua aln Apple. J ust reeelycd expressly for the Fair at ctlotf R V JONES .t (; " AND KOK BALE. -A A small ntrea of! Woodland near the City. Prira 31 per sera. so(3u w, ii.junisaio. 3 I A N O K S TUNED. Persons desiring Pianos Tuned, can have It well dona by b-aving their name at our Store. Work guarantied, and best references given. July a U w. 11. JUS a. CO. E ADQU AI1TEUS FOU HOUSE FLRMSIIIXG GOODS, r I I II t i BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. Wa call attenllo to, and Invite aa impee L'oa of th largnst svock ef Uoass Foraiahina? Ooods la the biaia l Parlor, Moating aad Conking Stoves, iw uraire au paurna., Tollat ware, grrat va l ty, Haadaoma Vaaca, tlasat Flowsr Jars, llaoarta; Haskata, 'itawaea of all klaa, P aaiatiad waie ol every tlaarrlpUoo, Xlnrant Chin Tea Bala ChiaaToilat ta, Uiaasa-ara an Imtaetjaa vaiiaiy linpa, l laJorra, Ac. Tat.la kaaaa, Plated w.ra, ' Aswrteaa alerting noada. Ilvas Faaiaklii( Ooods wfevarj deaertp tioa. a era eatiaratly sllv to the Bvogrca of tha tlanea. Aad pmaaua that war patron snail awt bw aisat-rxdi bad hi a. JLLILS LtWH A CO. aaiXlLf i - - DEM2fISO'8 PATtlT UiiPPlKa TAM. Har la Iladrr4 Mallows have raw aasd aiihia Ua t 10 aar. a.ikut aoialal of tuaa by Ta( bar. aiirg Xarb4. tasy saa Wnaa aauaaaji r.a Baaaiao Curw BaLaa vwaa aar Taa is fa a au Binraaa Caaapaata aa Umsb. old by Pnaiar aad taltuwaraevarywbara. wet JUST H E C E I V E D . A good aa.wtaM.at af Bart's LaaaA aud BetW : SHOES ANDQAITEES far ladkra. B a(4 aetad a t fuB COXbBI.4 6AIT8M ft gwAttoaaa, at It to. DbVd aoti .air I "a Viikuklii u tITIII, AWub to4Aaa. fa BWltoakaa, Ba. TW f a aaw U l tat utirt, aad wa U"k k Na ks tba aaaka Bans tli U aad AiMraM ealf hi ""a"ae haiMaa lx ft! it. a t to aad A , BaH atagla aa4 awakaad aaiad caii B-ta,M I.Baad I t AU f taa aiaaaa t mi in UaA saaAa, aad ly rawasaat tAwaa as a A sadrwAM r8 Of a:t aa'e FkltCU tOkB tilt-A BtllaTA M8.1. r paaac-a Wsiae aa an u ta It a-4 ykwa, Ta Laiaat at) I laiBATi, at Bt B. aaaAa f aa sad mt aa atat (sat r. 4is a r4 I ad aiaansa evary art-1 "ail; k;4 ia traMtaaa s aad ra taal ttf eoot4 it tt, Ne taAWa aJl1 Waar, A a m-B " B k m4 at - akwa .a M iat tacaa mil i IA Maiaf Ba a I artkr...U atnat BAB! AtiM ADD BVtMaiBA. lil a aania, Aana A Tb-aaaa W--( (A A r-. a- - t w i ! iuii aad bi iM.lt ta av. aa Aa.a 'i a-a ilnaa taa a-. mkmui at iha Mat Saw. aa4 iy aaa aaik,aaa4 ta k tAwaa a as y aaaa aa 1 aa aa t m a-a; 1 a-J - m,- ta tha aaa yatna M Was t r "wr sat BAA DttMldliiBi 'yut ir rLvw. l m,tl f axal.a a;f ..a ,. r- a fa a-a l ta,U,4 ra )aa laa-n -a 4 iista Bt. TtiWUiA. ; BA tl AV Bat the ataaaaaaasaaaa. MISCELLANEOUS, JARRI-SOS BRADFORD , A COS hTKI LPKNH. . -gpeelal sttcatl.-a called to the well known Faeeorv. Mt. Vernon; Office. T John 8t, N T aia 7-3UI FOR RENT A Hons and Lot In th Eastern Ward. The house contains . . i i . .1.1. tMainrnta dining room, all acaaury out boueee, BVdrns, staples, carriage anea, ins mi waver n sigb, and ut In a flrat class locality. Tbe house . . 1.. K n T Rlmnui and will m now wcui" "J - . I vacant first of October. Apply to ranri- aL t'Bce Or to . I. BIOU.'avu unu. sept W rIFT EIITEIIPRISE The on'y Reliable Gift Distribution In the country S75.000.00 I VALUABLE GIFTSN TO BB DHTHIBUTICD JR La Da SIISTE'S . 101th REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT ENTERPRISE ! TO BZ DRAWN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 84th, 187J. ONE GRAND CASII PRIZE OF 83.000 TN GOLD ! ONE OKAND CAU PRIZK OK 85,000 IN SILVER Two Prize f 1,000 each in Green back ! Six Prize f. 100 turn in Oheerback! Ten Priat a 100 Each iu Greenback I 10 o OiM aat Silver Lfrrr llnnling H'ocAss ta au, awia jrom 4 lo :i V rac Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Do uble- pisiea BUver-ware, Jewelry, At:., Ac. Number of OiU 10.000! rifle's limited tt 75,0001 iieoti Wntcd to JFrll Tirkctt, to whoa Llbtrtl f rrmiauit will be paid. Single Ticket (1 ; Six Ticket. 83; Twelve Ticket 810 : Twt-ntv-Kive 820. (MrruV tout-lnlng- full Ust of prises, a ikkiij'kwi vi uia uiauiicr ui arswiDg, ana o her mrormatl n In reference lo tha Dlstrl button, ill be sent to ny one ordering t hem u letters must tie auan wwa to Mil orrii U D, (SINE, Box 06, 101 W. Fifih PL ' Cikciuhati, O. oet l td CAUTION. but obltti UEM INE FAIRBAXK SCALES, sttBi'vaivcaaD r E. AT. FAIRBANKS & CO. ! a " Standard Scales, Btork BVslea, Coal Iralr, Hay Scales, Dairy Scalaa, CounUr rValea, Ac, Ae. "Vales raird prom tit I snd reaaonahlr. Fale also. Tniemner1 C"Sr and lni( Mills, lomtalUoa bVlla, all lra , twv rraas,c, Co, vbb ktoav raarac-T iUM.lt C.tSil IHUttVM.lt. lift, llira T.ll Ci-b,,. Bvaai. I, ... "1 i frrmr MBBCBABT ..rBoraa , Cas TBUL aai lltt BB WarranUd G aos.B sv FAIBBABa' P AIM WaBBOC(bA, FAIRUANKSACO tit Broadaay. ew To-a, in RaJUiSHMa tlraat. Be'tloMte, Mi .aii 1r aaai. faibbaki a Bwina, Maaaal VaU. FhlUd alalia, FAIRBANKS, BROWN A CO., 8 MUk Swart, Boston. For sal by Uadlr j U an) a are Dralar. apt tlBtaaav ' J J. noSEXHAUlt (atHrra. b m a bi ibb) .Vholr-tlf anJ Grtll Dralrr la UEAUY-MADK CUjTIIINQ SUiplo Dry GoolIm. HAT3, IJ00T3 BnOE3, tilit, trtcltrr it, (liavf in, uu rvki.utitio vootn 4 HtlK7.m rVsrVr. re a a a lBBtlwUIais4IIaretBirvls, RAmon, j. r. wst IBBai w. v n A p p in: i: it a a LLt f twa xm rfa, BstrrtatietAi w, srtvwrra taaj atasay -..-a ' t? 4 f mis a, ia.ki,M, sad saa bmS Av aaa a aaava. Aaa sw ll.it, Aw.w.., aad sans) k II a (aaa t w rn,,,,j - a" - - , , ' ,' " la ta IA ,a- , a a ,j aJ .4 C I U A U TURK, LEGAL NOTICES. piTTCOUSTT, Uth.SHptrkrCvMU L. r. Beardalv. Administrator of Thomas Carney, dee'd plalntid. aoatnat Henry Carney, Joseph Carney, Ar-satom Car pev. Stephen Carney, l.jdia Carnry, Witherspoon and Mary bm wife. W. J. Csr ney, Robert Carney, Joacpu H. Grav and f al lie bia wife, Margaret Moori, Alonao White hurst and fsney hie wife, Kata Carney; Rich ard Bee), John Corner, Archibald Carney. Delia Brily, (ieorgianiia Carney, Louisa Car ney. William Ann Carney, MaenoUa Carnry Florence tArney and th hard (Asrney heirs at. law of Thomas Carney, dee'd d. foniianta. Pbtitiob vo Bbu. Rati. Estats pob A shit a STATE OF NOLTIl CAROLINA. To the Aftsruf o Pitt County O rating : You are hereby commanded, to summon Henry Carney, Joseph Carney, Absalom (Vr rey, Stephen Carney, Lydla Carney, Witberspoon and Mary Ms wife, W J Carney, Knot. Carney, Joseph It. U lay and Pallia bia wife, Marfan Moore. Alonxo Wlntehur-t and Sancy his wife, Kate Csrm r. li tUi.d Seel, John Carney, Archibald Carney, Delia unity, beorgianna Carney, i.oatfa I'arney, William Anu Carney, Miignolia t amey, Floranea Carney aim Klehar l Carney the ile fenilanui above uained if they be found aithln your county to app sr ai the office of the Cltrk-ot ,ta Huperiur I ou;t fur yjr-.uut) of rut wiuiiu iweuiy rays slier toe servicr ol this summons on them exclusive of the dar of such service, and auswer the complaint, a co y of which Is served with this, summons, and let inem take notice that. II they tall to answer the tald complaint within that time, the plain till' will apply to tbe Court for the relief de manded In the complaint Hereof ruit not auu of ttita summons make due return. (iivrn under mv hand and seal of ssld Court. ims nuaoi t ctotier, in v W. S. CHERRY, octSJIswtlw C. B.C. of Utt County N ORTH CAKOLINA, I 0., CHATHAM CO. N A Kamsey, Kx'r of E It Uoldstou, p'alntlH, aitainst WmS Ramteyand wife Elisabeth Ann, Jos Kamsey and wife Lydia, tlran SPoeand aife Fanny, M J Kaiciey aud wife Kacbel, defendant. Action hrouKht tor the sale of real estate for asset. Joeetib Bamsev and wife Lvdla. Matthew J Kamsey and wife Kschel, defendant above namea who cannot, after Hue diligence, ba found within the Htate are hereby summoned to appear before the elerk of the Superior, Court, at his otBee In Pitteboro' within twen ty davs after the service of this summons to answer the complaint which is filed In the oflice of said court. Tbe defendants will take notice that f they fall to answer or demiu.tbe Sliuntitf wll apply totheeoart for tha relief emsnded in the said complaint. Publica tion of this order to be msda in the Weekli Sentinel" for six weeks unci-enively. Witness ST Petty, clera of the Sujierl'. Court ol Chatham eounty, at oflice in I'llla boro' this the 7th day of Aurnst, IH7H. B. T. PETTT,0. anatSOwCw C. 8. WAKE COUNTY: Is Til girtKIOH OtUT. D. C. Fuqtiay. Adm of Naucy rear sob dee'd, ayairuT Mary Wilkes. Bummobs roa Kblkf. TUI STATIC CF NOKTH CAROLINA. .. totlUUifrZj tf Ttats County UrtSrr. ; You are hereby Commanded to summon Mary Wilkas the defendant shove named, if tbe be found within your cjunty to apiear at tha olBcs of tha Clvrk of th 0uier)or (vurt f r th eounty of Wate, althlu twenty daya. after th serrie of this sumuionson her ex clusive of the uayof such service, and answer tha complaint a copy of which will b: de posl ed In tlieolllne of the Clerk of Uia bu lie nor Court for aald County, wlthla t a day from the date of this summons, and let her take notice, that If ,bs fail to answer th- said complaint within thsttlme th plain i8 will spply to the Court for the relief, demanded la the romplalnt. Hereof fail sot, and of this summon owke due return tilveo uadrr my hard and seal of ssld Court, this lth dsy of September, I-7 J. N.BUNTISO, Clerk of the Surior I 'ourt,. Wke county. sej t S5 d ts.ow VTURTUCAKdLI.Nat, I ftraaioa Cotav. 11 UaaBVUAB It). BapUwber B, IK7J. Lnrnford A Fasrhal1, admr r,f F.l lateth T W Imblab, deeeaaed, plaintiff, Arainst Sameal Wlrablah, Kdmnnd T WlmbUh and Eveline A Imbiah, 'Mfendsnu. Order ef publication. la this ran mi It apprartna: to tha sstlafaclion nf the court that Bamael Wimbtah, Kdmnnd T W Imbiah aad Evelln Wliublah are proiwr parttea to this wweiln( and that they result l-eyond the limits of tha Bute of North Caro line, to wit, la ih lwa of Dasvllle, Pituyl vanlacoaBty, Vlrfinla. and eaaaot be foaud ta this State, It la omrred that service nf aara mows apow the aaid Ssmnel VY ImhUh Edmand Winibwh aad KvaJloa Wlotbish ba wad ty pablmtloa of th aame, onra a weak for the epeca ef six waaks la tb Bbtil, aws prv psbtiahad la tha city ol sUWSrb. Aad It U fnrthar ordered that a copy oi said aaav mrm aad of tbe ptUUoa b forthwith deposit, rd I th pnstoitir at Oiford, N (J, s-tilrraiad ta the ssld aaatual W lmbUh at Daavllla, the plai of Lis rulda-ave sf.aaid. to sptr st tha ofltea ol tha ri..-h ,.f th ruperiur Court fur III county of Uratitdla da or aafueatha 'iav lOcloiw. aast, and Bn.s ae Ux l-Utt-w, a o.pyaf whh-B la lied la aatd oraoa, sad 14 thaes taksaatirw U,al If U.y t.i uj aoswar, plead aveasacr to a ami tali Una a.u.la ti.at tlase lb pialaUS aill apply tw the ewrt for u rauafdewaadad la th. p,uiow Wltniwa. t alvia awt. .u. -j . . ',ai aa aay as wsyissanai a li, . A l. H.A . BKT1B, irrta BrWtlSwBw Ckrb ef laparisr Ceail, VOKTH CAROUMA. I 1 4 aavaaa t nrirf ( H 0 6arw W T ttaraaa Alvta Barwaa, I Bwrwaa, wa Mta a4 w ;fs Carolta. Faaa, waeloa, J oka AtaAapwr aad waorv, MaAa. 73 VZTlZll n-rJ la tha aSwv a,UUal caaaa. It (pyaarta; Is) , vi a-1-aa.t.ia w mats Taewaas aad wife Ansa Balk, tiry a,. JuAa W Farry a4 la)4 Faavy ars a awaat awt af Ula Biaaa. it la tkn for ovaVad 'ha WaMtaaUaa ba - i. . ..I Bai-Ajh Baaviset, l aaa I,) au,a; UaS aiaaais at taa lua uf ad rotnioa, sad ttal aaiaas lAay at ra at taa Mr, at tha t hrra af taa a,rw '" t halhasB aamtf st Fill. Aara' art AW si waAa IrasB taa anin wf Uia aaikra ay '""" d iaa4 aaa. av daw. la ba f"'1- Faniuoa w, sa) bad onantiaj ta taa yaaia af IB. M baaa'a. JtL'J tillJ feast foart Aa."?!! I iT" U" lM ' wet l 4 t4ww 8 T. rtnt.f. 8.C AMD t?v - - I ij ab. y a lOOD (yy -'. . rt fip, Vr Baa a.a, r,V. IU. , ..wa.aa. At tm ais ya r.M'ai.. ' w "W W t, f.wBt ill I , tt ail iaa s 'V !- r--.a rJ; A Bswaa, Bast ftA i tsaly ' y 'TT BT!t L TIlvifriUBT-" Ua B a. ,a'4lt -a ia afc.ae, a a aaa A .a t I Mat tV4 " ilKHK. TylIA,At eat BA Iw MISCELLANEOUS NATIONAL IlOTfl rriHiavrv in,. w. -.muast hoT; B now In perfect order, and Is kegt hi s st u snrerior lo . .n. n . . . ' Vrn"w8a!eUA .au Blair. fhOfKttTy. Formerly of the Iboro S,.u RaleiKh. N. C. """a TERMS Hooebi,: eptiiVIm " tK ATg, ptOR BALK. . : ( h.ndaotn, V.H.jNEnr tsotice: Jl Ticket to the tlifi Concert .i .k '.! ale. Price L 1 ' ,fc t Ut ;.. Writ .W, ,J. TTOT? G a i ta ( N R Handsaw It VVtt ' STIEFIi'STUKbs. TTrtWairrTBi nf A fray trt.. b . . Silver MedAla. we'rt T awArdad P SA--8 SUeff, for thaW Piano, . all the IcAdinc manufartnr.7. irmP0B tfc. OlBce and Ware rooms. No. bm t"n- treat Rallimon. ilbeb Street, Baltimore, Md. i superiority of tbe CarinllM fcu Foi ta, la conceded by all whe tL"4 tt with other. Ia their Ka Seal. TV Octavaa ST-?". 7 Piano f". - " 1 wujwa is ineir k . a WllW rU!n rUHI UIB, . - Prices will ba found as raasonabla a, , tent with tborouxb workrnWbm A laixe assortment of seeond l ha w always on hand, from ITS to fcio Wa MM ii.nl. t. . L . Cabinet, Parlor and Church OTi''' and price, to suit every one, tiisraTiZi J? fully equl to sny tusdi S a m A I1l.a .a dim .or uairsieu Catajon, COcUli. u....,. , . soailieroers. la J whom are Vlrinlnana, BU) North t?,i!Z 150 kaat Tsnneasaaas aad V' tbe South, who have bought 17?, PIANO since the close uf ths ww lltn Several of our Pianos with ths !,-. menu can be seen at tb rasidenesof fCT Uauman, who la war authorised sk uarO-wUia H1, QRANDEST SCUEMKETQ "known! F.0DRTH GRISFgIF! FOKTat BEMFIT OF TBI PUBLIC LIBRARY or KEvrtciir, 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500000 Erery Fifth. Ticket Dawi i Gi $25O,OOOfor$50. Th Fourth Grand 01ft Coaoart hUmtss by spechU set of the LeaisUtur for Uw saa Bt of th Publle Library of EontortT, rs UUpaoe la Pablle Ubrary Hail si U WKD.NI8DAT, DE( IMBIR W,m Only But) thousand UaAal, a, UUa,iial on half of the Bra Intended for li lav Ewa Market, lhaa ieBTlnf oely 3U l far as th Lai lad Bute where WitfA) ea poard of foe th Third txaaoerk lbs auai are divbd lato tea coapnaa ar aara a have oa their back tha Ah ti ante a,iA l M iplaoalioe of th asod of rsir. At Uw eoaoart wkteh will ba tba fraaW masical duplay evar wiUiaaaad b) Iksssaq 'Jtm at precaaeBlad aaaa at 81,500.000. divided Into U.0U0 cash !(! a.ll bttaW bated try lot asaoBt; tha th Aal houlna. IB BBsabera of tba Utksu ta b draa fraaa wh.al by blind aauuraa aad ta (i.is M auoUiat. YLwt affairim. OSt GRAND CASH OIFT.u..f vf.-a uitAiii t,A!llt tirr.... . U.a S.M.ABU taaH A.IS f . ...... Avat OMtt UHAhD LAali OifT on 8 ajkam oAr-ii irr r Id I AMI 1.1 n IU..aak.. .. B BO O veil tilSlB AitSJ aarh.... la bt) t AC It t.triS I. Ml at.AJB wr AKIttjtnS Vwaa.... a-' lM CAell t.lri s)eaik.... Laj CAell AilFta BWaatA.... ava CAall ,! I laacs,. . t Aril t.ir 1 .) as. ..-1 il,ouCAAli UiFlB ml aa-s ... TOTAU It.BMfllFTB, ALLCiS, ADaoantlbe to k., i Th diaUlbaU' wiU b poai!i " at Ul ajrkat ar sal or Bat, aa taa tkaa r" all pal la pr -arlkai aa Us a.-a1 waavi iKkria baia; daatn.,4 aa at avi 1 an4 B. ood twauart and sat arraa4 lavsarssuiir. I BJCI 0 TKkin. Wknla tkt,U 'i ne , ),! A. Tia or ark roano BA am tana B a T to tM"r, J 4 IWAaUA i. W bota 1 kA.'a fur aiiaiju, mtl aaa TWk-u 1.4 , e uaj.ua ha i tbaa isj u tons at TV A.U) at s taa. 1 a Baraii4 sartaaa af taa 1 ta Coweart aa wait a tha sa4alaii m Its Fust a.d Baroad saaAaa It ef m to aaaosara th faailh ta li r- aaiaef avary tar Art Tba J.aft ' ri will a eaxacta4 as aU b taa Tatrat, aa fai: partArahw saaf f'aa eirvaian Ahi wU aa aaaa sal1 Uia eR.e ta ail waa a) pi) M tw 1 ra aa raaay I m a. . aaaMaB by taa awaary r, 1 ) Uaaaai hare ".tea ta UaM aa H TH' 8 81 tT'.t. A. AAA. 8a Utral Fa i aa Wa, IKa BaAaaaaal. t. f"" ' rM.aAip hseany aa ifca A -taal tilaw, aa4 , nawt aaiaas ad uawaaV-a aaa alarua sva aav taa sra aaaa. 1 1 taaWd bayia; ba im aabl aa aaaiaatra- ' aaaa-4 w d aaaaaiaa aa afc r ' 4 N e. aar, Aaataa im a a I . "T a latiaa aa a kaa M p-" WfcwB wa aul ra wa af ""a aa p. a 4 wvai I a- latsa w B ai UmAm baat t Ik f . , . ' . It I ' I), & Ali-'-- T I . ,aaSM Vra-a'-s I - usiaa.'aJ ' "2, saa tfvaaay as y ai at Aa ." a Hat .M.taaw 1 y ta, a i - , , !- 4 ba bat rv w -"-'" sa4saif trt, .uSls,i"" IAi a 8 4 ft Bl A 1 1) A3 If - t4 a Ua t.' fa-"-1- 11 B sta- p--?y '.a-s.d fcj ai Aa Aaa., a-t I. It lit aAlAal ' j j 111 avjm'1 r w41- t A la. ., Vary b ! ' at-t. it tf l. B.a-M ' b. n ai r a, t ia a4 . a. a f a- 4 r, - . a4 I naaawa, A f .a ai- W.C. 8T.i"AC8L r-. to V.i' a-- m .1-. M . . . . .( ! ilKI r 4 - t Is aw. tmMmt t Ma4 T.W- ar - lata 1

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