,1 , ii f j BBndapispalcfct)f War Not Sojmminent Kinkier Slcilcs' ifo.' laidfe X.4T J3ST mOM WASHINGTON y ' i A It appear from the following' Telegram receired oa Senday that lftniatac BkUaa Wat sot threatened . artyo. ts . mob, bot b treated with consider tio tod rMpect Wamiihotos, Nor. 23. Admiral Polo hu communicated tbe following! frw; hi- Gpwtnwe la. the State Departmaat f : o ). t-w. i The Spanish Govern meat contradicts th Mpott af any hostile demoaatretioa against tha. aMrkaaCinUtejf'aol Sayi that Gen. Sickle U treated with contidrf taUoa aad icapect .That Boom Jntemp earn ot language of the Rooaohical pre waa jmaiptr aileoxsed by the 4 threat, of fanmedlata iwolsbraent, Bad that .? tb Xiabterof tbCoal report from Ha- reaa that tba restoration of embargoed property to Ajnericaa citlaaJV oing dlllgaafiy proceeded wHlA. i ro i rROMTEfNESSEKi' ?- " " Mmrrao,'iror. is.1 Tba Deeoto bank rear; me to marrow. It at tbwght th Firtt National back will , rmwneiaBfew day q M i T J '. JUOSl fcOU BCOttA. , t, ,,,!-". ,..,1XUtrFAX,,.lJoyi 83.., ( Her majesty' abia Svru, hence Oct 18th Mttabmrdot . , r n t p -- mom vraaiNiA. ' . .'. Koaroix, Nor. S3. 'Z. Wrecking aleamef Reeolute returned laat might Iroaa tha wrack of tba schooner before reported took tea Bailee South of Capa Henry.. Tba I direr report tha achooaor oa bar beam ende, aha had Iter anchor oat with thirty fathom of chain. Thaachoooarl loaded with coL 4IIer Beat aoald aot be aeoertaiaad. a . FROM DELlWAi7.t ' ' , . .- u Lwm,Kot21 ; Tba pllote report Ira fathom.' The Bgbtahlf haa diaappaarad. The aaokea veeaat at Taawicka Iiiaad aboala la euo- foeed te be lar. I PUpateheja, " ' The) PaciSa at all ataamar Arlat Tok haaa fcr Ilakodadi I wreck td, The crew Md pawimwi ware aatad. ' FROM KKW TORt Kaw Toaa.5or.lt. . . k apaciaJ la tba TtrU rrporti the bars. tag of three BiT!e bridge of the Oatral rdfi Railroad at Oak load krelriog. Lom eoe mintoa, aed drtantioa Intel. Beery rala laat tight aad tbia aaora lag at Daoaa Fog . t. , Tha BBoraing Jooramla treat tba lateat am froa Madrid aad Wathlngtoa ae da tidadlT atore paclflo, Twatd'i (Head eipreaabeOef aad bnpa thatbewiUaKAbeaaaaoradta Blackvall'e lalaad BDtU ail laeaaa for obUlolcg ataj j the proceed !np kaa baea ethaaeted. Tha Loado Tmtf tteouad lot lb lur laader of the Virginia eoald aot witbjaa tloa be B!oUlBcd, bat there Ira Other denaadi Hade by the raited Btatea vharaia taglaad aalght Jola. The plot for the eanaadcr oi Cartagtaa ptored to La a eoejpWi failure. Ooatroo waa rratUd bi the Intrattal gnta fur caa&lTaae. . ., FROM C AX A DA. Toboi-m, Kor. M. OU dataila of the wrack of the cabi aUamcr 1tojrt Lewe after aatadiagtbe abla Mai ft fee it. Ja&aa, tpa tarad wiada, U reseat ft:kd 0 rapldlr yaaraaatd the gaUieg of UffcoU asVwt. TVn thr UU with SS frnoM ae. atdvd la geUlag clear of Ike wrath Captaia TUaarta 4-ractrl rttbakatioej alkwthla dfe Vy rteaalaiag with Ike reineV. Twa were dfol ka th table. The reel en ir fVaea deck. Fira e Hes weta picked taw Laat ialJ. e CapUla,Q.ief, thif d aad tmrth rrg'trvf aa4I Kal aa, WVlc, .'" Fno Txstx J VuniK, ft or. 14. .Theia tt deetbe 4 wiek three feoej fBo brer. The Aiatka, boat QeUaaatl beaad M Hew OrUMaa, with a aeaened terra, aad larfe tevga la Wr, aaak tf kika he Ww tt.Nl plee. Jle Iteea feet, J , TW. CAUrORSlA. ' aa raacwes Mar. M. ' There ha Wna a f aath jk aWgat Orm. It a Lit ken. Ke dajaga frte4. FROM KSaUSO. f w . , Si. There has a asrWae rUra4 Brei- aVeat near lam!ikm, aaJ asj lrm4 w. J, . rBu.yf.sC fi. aM.ii.J Craa Irat aU hare FROU DtLkyfLRK- i ta)wa," Nor. iL . Tha report of tha diaappearaDce of fire fcllaVlgUalu aMlraOkUd by ptlou iha aaw her lo, poiltkm yrsierday. "'ii t nielatlght Clapkicaiee, tgaqniS laonjcxtf- .1" FROH NEW YORK. t a.).. : Kbi: Taaoa, Nor. ti. Edgiaqd D. Randolph d; C'o Banker, Who uepee4ed dariag thaaaid, bare re ana4 . The Bpaaiah Iroa clad JUoptl .e hu to far progreaaed in bet repair! ai to be altfoat raadr tr laare the Wart yaii ebal will be put oa board' to-day. . Bhe win g to aa aacborilga lo the North rirei to-morrow to take lu coat ttorei and po der.andlhe Conuaaoder i SetOTtnined to bare her awar at tea before December 1st. TkawiaaBeel ia tbTwed ca will pre aeot a bill jcoaiprUiog tioa otijecticni on nui-u vj umd rguaenu tor aj oi pro- eBt' The1' roiwcntiiie "officer may ak time to cooiider tbe bill of dofteptine), aad Jade Derie Bear' akoaaiblr take eome thiie to consider the poiut presented. It 1 reported, in the meattime, that Tweed will ao( be placed oa Black ell' Island. J Becrulliog for th nary ia not rery brbk among uicwaawDi many ei wnom object to being compelled to mea with aegroee, wbo are brooming quit no meroa oa oar men of war. Orer one tboaaaad kiliadfi. Tht'l EngliiV .ad nrencb (ilk operatirea hare teiuroed borne auce the cessation of work at tbe silk factorlei in PaterOB,'K. 3. The BpanUh sloop of war, the Aropille left tba Nary yard thi morning and dropped down-to tha battery preparatory to tailing for Cuba. Her repair are In FROM WASniNQTON. WAaBtHttTow, Nor. SI. Ia tb case of tli United State asainat Lapia and others, the Snpreme Court to day decided that where a party ad raneed food to a firm ia Nov Orteen to be tuud by tbeir agent In tbe interior in the purchase of cotton . prior to th cap tart of tba city, in 1803, all thepartie be ing thai la New Orieene and tba city wt captarrd by tbe Federal force before the cotton waa purchased with tbe fundi o adieocedtb agent, baring . gooa into the iotarior prior, to the . captures Ilia ageocy to parcheae cotton wa tcrmlaatad by the boetile position of bia principal toward th cotton owner laoaaeqaent upoa the capture, and that a pnrchaae of cotton afterward waa aa effoctual aid to the enemy. It waa forbiddem by the aoaedett principtee of public law. Tha purchaser therefor obtained no' title to the cotton, and had no alaim against tha gorcrnment loi iu capture. Mr. Jaitlc Boat dellrered the opiatoa, J at t Ices M let and Field dUsenting. J 1 Rlchudaoi hawea th foUowlogn Do- pertment of instroction of tha S7ih ult. ia refenace to the limited dlsbartemente ot allrar tola aa liasj of currency, ara bare- to to modified that hereafter la making disbursements, illrer cuia will be paid on' !y ie tbe rraetlooil parte of a dollar. Th IoUnatr Oeaeral baring recel t- ed a acmber of enejairko from Poatntaa eert u to whether a circular waa issued by a Rboda Island Puetmeeter calling for Contention of Postmaster at Washing toe, aa lib Janaary, la la accord aad with bla wltbea, tate hit aame waa in tba cir cular withoot aothority, be haa directed tha ptteot to be abandoned, aad the cir cular to be withdrawn u far a poatible. Tbe comptroller currency la of tbe opla ha that any general system of free tmak tog tfoomptoies with redcmptloo most be poetponed aotil the resumption of specie payment. ME WEATHER. WasaiaoToa, Nor. It, For th Boeth AUaallo Btelse aad Ten- eseea, BorlhwMterly wlada, clearing and part); cloudy weather, " FROM KANSAS. LawaaacB, Xor. St. Robert Crrwaier la appointed Reaalor, tbe Caldwell resigned. Crooaler la at tDroey and eneS Jratlal trlead of Caldwell, aad toe aaaouacrmrat of hie appointmeel la recetrwl with great W-prtssi ll Is rt gard. d u aa attempt to retire Caldweii't luIiMaiee La the puiiUee of thle State. FROM MliLADCLntlA. . m raiLADBi riitA, Xnr.tt. l0i mm ara aw employed at th trntf atI. The monitor AJst w takca 1 9 th dry 4wk yestrtday, aad the Tersur lakm ha peae tu-day. lbs aaott'item Xau'wt se t iaene hsra i tawtta tbe rxitat tar Jt ImT repaire. ll I rp1d tbal aU aauattere at Lavgae IsXaad will be pat M bPLCIAL NOTICE Bl'OtjEA t Kill, Fsiiblnaisais tarsal ea4 baar wa ar, aaata I t 0Mf A ". etnm Alwvs rytt ta well ml aaine. T em St ly Taa raaauae liuii"- iUl T. CM baa layrtaf Blatw 4 hie ltaea4 U Ua al a4 BuiUa BMSaallU Faisauetrw rwt,t'We Ptalfle I4 aaaad.l tba bereaf law U be r--Ad 1 Ummm. J v ,;a B cvr. i-be . v. I jair4 espial, waprtae t4 MIW I broas'l U taw tt tke asaasf mart U- ana' iMtmasit eaias l isaanl afuyaWAarti U at U are S4, eariata( am M I I ret etaa mat em eat ad lwtrei! IsrawW. I 1 . T?Wi riMTtt-A firOTtlaJRAFI'i WO X' mWATfJiiS Flat ART (.ALLI&T evtal M tbe twat Is tlsar s-,-i 1 Of, reaHcwee',' j (T U sere the esbstitate for Soap tor j i j . ' . . . . '.fr rWniai roar boM will aer the . . labor tt oa cloaatr. (irra It a trial. & 'A ' 1 O L I 0 ' tor Wladews It bettarthaa wkltlac or water, ;e aaortng tarlaiaa aa4ar- - , ' pets. A f Aj J. j cleans parai ana wooa, in ran we en tire honxi, better than soap. No stop- s mag. BOTssuiDor. loaeaa iaaura to b without it. S A P O L I O p lot fteoerfnjr Knlv I ewrter an Cleaner tbaa BaUi Brtek. WU1 aot acrateh. ! 8 A P - 0 L I O ! better than soap and aand for pol- 1 'Jhlnft Tluware. Prhrliteni without seratchlnr. - - A O L 1 O llihee brass and copper n'endlt bet- than add or oil a-jd rottm ttooa. IS A P O L 1 O . for washing dlabe and Klastwar U .' Inraluablo. C'lieaier than sua;. S A P 0 1 1 . 0 remove stain from marble nan tola, tabta aad atatoarr, from bard ftsiali ed walla, and from cbiaa aad porce- ! 6 A P 0 L 1 O i ; remove stains and 1 ' pets and other oven remove stains and treaacfrota car- , fabricw. ' There ta net one article known that will do so in any klnde of worn and do It as well aa ftapo- io. irr is. HAjfo A P O L 1 7 I anew aad wondorfnllv effective Toilet Boap, having ao eioal la I ... - I uua country or euroan. BAJIO t A P O L 1 I as an article 'or tha bath, "reaches I tba tonndaUoa" ol all dirt, opens I the pores and frlves a healthy ao- ( Uua and brimaut unt to Uie akin. I has , S A P 0 L o eteenaesand beautlnee tbe skin, I toatantlv removlnc any stain or blsinlnh from both hand and face. I HAND b A P O L J O "' 'J ' a. in . i 1 without a rival In tbe world for curin or preventing ronirhneas and chapping of either hands or lace. HAND H A T O L I O removes tar, pitch, Iron or Ink stains and freaae ; for workers In machine ahops, mines, Ac, , is mvamaoie, rormaklna the akin whits and soft, and ;lviu(f to It a I "bloom of beauty," tt la nnsnr- I pssiea oy any voameue known. HA5D 8 A P 0 L I 0 cost 10 to 1.1 cent per cake, and everybody should bare IV. Ion wlUUkelL DON'T FAIL TO TRY THEoB GOODS, liay It of rour march act if be baa or will procure it for yon. If not, then write for our I'ampblct, "All about Sapo uo, ana n wiu oe manea iree. ENOCH. MORGAN'S SONS,! Park Place, N. T , or W Lombard, KL, Baltimore, ltd. June 11-deodAwsowlv TDK A IT'S ASTRAL OIL ( WILL NOT EXPLODE. - V First Premium over all Competitors. FOR SAFkTT AND FOR EXCELLENT I BURNING QUALITIES IT IS . WITHOUT AN EQUAL. IT WILL BURN IN ANT LAMP. It I aow assd la 400,000 Familes. There kaa actor hea aa Accident dlraailr or IsOlraeily froaa Its nae. This Oil kse bee bafure tb pablla TEN TEARS. Beware of Many cf Ike to-Called pkustve utla. JCUUS LEWfo e CO. Bole Afeata, Bar It tf Ralelch, W. C. afuUBTAlK ArPLU 111 LrasbaeTloa. r,r aal. tov 1 1 W U JUM. CH P O - R A L E Var eattavtor X ti Ckees from Forks ef risaua, liajaaad evaaif. .ov 11 W1IU9II11U It ta SMt, Watl fMlaw aa. ansa aa a hiai aaat aa --- mm aaaal rbf Wa aaaaM aawa a eiaiiaa y aad at aas aaaaaata an a era aa we lkaa uui aaal ta ha, iu. etU a 'it tAattsw atae Hi M I a Uto ra' eMs Wnavta rWi Be SUA. It Is sat fa I laala eaai M rWblf Worm Paaaas. as H tea;. Fat laat ae. BajaajB B. A, ftaeOltf (IB IBS BBtAEFAST, Ll BCtl toB, Hi N- aia aauat rrra tAiLA, Uat aa raiitar reeaeiH I taai k ta'am.crm SlLLU ft. l. MiItMil, (Inttmi Pinec? 173 AND 71. nv.k.aarib.aa-,.Ai--e IRI-J.tS, A.a.a,l C 4, TTll-,k ' ea raUa4 ta 4oata tarailaaaaal eaauaaa t, 1 , , . . . . r ,, " "," ' J , , 1 1..... U4 .-h-r. aava kaaa- Rcr.d aaj to U .4-l low, fa.l l-OU MALli - tafaaaaa aaaa's aasatga, 1 a baae taa an.a Sanaa. .. I A Moaas aa hat ta lb Raetava Ward a I M--til vt Una W4 ai'aM I laaaag aakaa eaa,aaaaaas 4 r B-l bv bt. ebaat aad raaaa4r I aaaaaar a Barta aa laaw aaeaata. la I a-aaa baa 4 baoasa, Paa.e Ms Iraat b.t.Wa JC'T m T l,a a. . ha aBf Uaaa"a4 aba aiela. !. amaaa I " " -a aa va aaw I ' .a aiMbaat I . . -w wy,,M asMlaM mtaaisi awa I ba al I --- . . M aatae aa Msmms ia a I f . m bawMi tasa; La-a I r"'.' 4 ' a. ..itas Bat a CLOTHING, 4e.--""- TTALIi AND 1W INTER X? . f .f ; -. ' "? 1 f , -k r rt. aaMawaMMMaaMa CLOTHING. How ready the 'LATEST STYLES. Far Men, Tout aad Boys. A CHOICE BTQC OF MEN'ti Jr UliNISUING GOODS, I at uniformly low prices. ' " , One price to all aad fair dealing our lead ing principle lu bnaineM. ' " r. b. Andrews & co., CLoraiias am GaaTa FtraxisutRS, 27, FajrettevOl 8t, r; Raleitrh, N. 0. oct28-U NOTICIi HEBIBT Give notice that I win make appUeaiien to the Geaeral Amembir t Nfifth fjpnlina at Ita nim.mt auan.isa A v;t : r . .z r". 'Ji"'T;,L.-..w"c" T uiikt .uuiiuuiv. mi i:rrfraT. nnni.f n. " - -7. - r "..". .' . i uavvin w. r. i iw .ami. - I O ALT!,' SALT 11 K- ' . i w Backs Marahalls and Verdlni fonr and halt butbel Backs B)t Al octav-u R r. JUNIa at CO'S r-y-ri IT I 11 " FIRST PRFVTPXf I I -i. THE MEEOLK QI.Y Was Awarded tbe r f T T A T TP T A T U U lj U jM ill L) ii. Li t tb recent State Fair, over all other Glna, It is'b Besi and only strictly Fire Proof Gla won me now nave one oa axblbiuoa at oar store. T. IL BUiao A SONS, octU-tf BoleAirent. F O R R N Honae and Lot on FavettrvMa Street! uuu naa o nooms. i. ... . ...... - epi ai-u w u JONEa a Co. I MoKKD BROILING BEEF, Dried Mullet Roes, liavlled Ham, Turkey am! Tongae, Freab Citron aad CnrraaU, ('boiosUoalien Uuttiir, Prim Cream Cheese, Preeerved tilna;ar, Fresh Cocoanuts and Lemons, Laie Irish Potatoes. octi-tt W. C. STRONACU. LAUBANK'8 STANDARD SCALE j. Orders for the Genntne Falrtianka Scales. AU aiara, promptly aitaaded to at the uaua. ' ia tiirvrs pneee. uraert respectraliy solicited. B. 11. rLU XMILK Co.. Ul Bye-more Street l'stersbarr. Va, Oct 53m ANOIIER AARGE LOT OF U00T8 AND SHOES. MEN, DOTS, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, hlca will eoatlau t aril ehaap. r 11 U t D bEVYaoM. 1 OQ B1 o i ru J rn-r. k)Q BUs ElaVrN Ftally Fur, Far '', (TRi'NACH. stwtlw N VP aadae tbaaaaaa sa4 stilaol tanaen A Taltua la taas day daavad b, mataal auawnl 4. . laivaa as aauae talaaraB WsstUe SB U' o!4 baalaa. I irar i(i., t 'sr tt 171 IlieikllaaliDtM, aOIIB W. TlLV'H, i W. Tall" alD eneUeaa beitane at lbs a4 slaaa a mapsrtfailr aaks a wauasaw fl taa aaara awreVelue araxrt tat aasm 4 " TAi.nB aad are luim Jf. D NEWKJIt. r It -af ALE aara PaatrT 0 I I aaa a) Vara naiu ta . aaa at Bwaaail aa IV aiae aa rtae leas r wa am -wa llailaatata aaaBa4 a aa araa. a twa gaeSaa, sat aa-av aaa i aa lea Im aad a aaAa Baaiaaia Jew aas, A44i I aaaae aae arae. aa aa -a ii.aa ia, Mtaa I " " la tAa , 1 1 r mn 1 m, for mala. KAlLr.OADS,'&e: QHAStil OF BCBEDl-LE. y -- KALKIGB GAETOS R. B. CO.. . - 8cpaaiTiiiT'a Orrira. - t KaieiKb, N. Coct , 13"! t Oa and after Mr.dir, Oct mt, 1871 tralna oa tb KaefeB A baaton Railroad trill rua daily, (Saadaj tzrrpUtdJ as follows: kail Tttaia. Lcares KaWeh 9 81 a. w. Arrireaat Weldoe S- r. M Leayea We1d .M) A. M, Arrires at Kaleih 8.45 r. u. ' ACCOMMODATIOX TBAIH. Leaves Raloiirh 4.4S r. . ArriTe at Wvldon. B. 45 A. M. Leare Weldon . Arrirea at Raleurh. Mail train makes close connection at "Weldon with the f eaboard Roanoke Kulroad n4 Bav Line tteamera via Baltimorsrto and front all'poinu North, Weet and Northwest, and with'Petersburir ttailroad. and at Ralelirh with accommodation and freicht train on tbe Raleigh and AucuhIa Air Line and Kichiuond & Dauvilie Kailroad, .North Carolina Dmsiim. A. B. ANDREWS, Oct 28 tf Superintendent QUA NUE OF SCHEDULE. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIK-I.IN'E, HUPKRIHTBKDaNT'a OVFIC I, Kalsioh. N. V- )ct:ir?th, 1ST3. On and afur Monday, Oct.a'th, iMTj, truius on the KaU'itrh and Auemta Line will run daily, I auuduy excepted, J as.fullowi: Jf Ail. TKAIW. Leaves KaleUb 4.10 r. n. Arrives at Pu'ord. ti.liir.ii. Leaves Bandford o.4S a. m Arrives at Kalelgh V.M A. n. AccomsonATioa TaAia, Lctve Ra'eiL'h S.CJ p. Arrive atSanrord r. m. Lea e Hanford..... 10 16 A. M Arrives at Raleigh. 3.1 0 r. M. VTT" V . i 1 . .i Ii ... - l. " lu w ivmictatu ax UMtUU nUffVVU ewu m an pomu worth. Ind at Sandf.irrt with the Weatern Railroad to ana irom Faviiiusviiie aurt iMiintt on weat- . . ... . ... . ....! .1 I V : . ! . . at Kaleitb with accommodation and FreujUt uaina on we Kalcin aud oaatmi K K. A. 11. ANUKK W8, oct !i8-tf 8opt. ZTZT Z . . M " 1 1 ' Appliratio "ul be made to the next meet- Inn of the Le etalature to inconmrate the town of Gold Hill, I in on county, urth Carolina. OCl Wil BOIS COTTON GIN. One 4,1 Saw Gin, last to haad of this justly celebrated Alabama Gin. loe titstuuoay a ncanunoua that they Gin fatter and inakeal better aample than any other ever made. t rue as per aaw and Iranoportitlon. JAMtS l TUWLK3. snpt!.Vtf Ar-nU N NOVELS WILIM' BOOK STORE. Nina's Atonement, By Cbilsliao Keid, Price II, paper Cover. armens Inhcritnce, II) C hriatian Reid. I ric ( ) cent. rapr cover. a u:. ...... . a . ... n. rmupieioil, lij t lialll'S KcalC. 1'tlce ou tvnti, paper corcr. New Magdalea, By Wllkic Conia. rrio SO cent, paper cover. Fine Htationrry, latest ntytta, Tiri d: rins I me Tinted Taper and Lnvrb.pea. Fine French Tinted I'apers snd Enrel- ,)M I "v 1 .... 00, ""V F n0 T'nlr J rPf nd - . , ,.. imiW) t a per snu Envelopes, fr,ltH to 40 tents per bH. caa be sent by mail to any IWolIke. A lot of Benntiful Cbroruo Piclurrt. ing remarkably chop. At the Book Btore of Alfred William. Opposite Raleigh National Bank. oct 11 3111. O1 STEllHI OYSTER I Freeh Norfolk lit a'.cia sareed cvaie km. kra; at Vi. CSTHON- ISa I ! I I TpOR SALE CHEAP. A doable fUd Kot ktwty, bet UtU asrd II I -.1a, A' la. iii-Dr-n -..w.. mm f (n - .-, .vUvvu aa ivuaia lorSnlo. T F I do m, -n before th tttb day uf De 1 lea.9 I al.all - J . - ar s . i - 't. tBB, aar auer lor aa aa a -aa-wnv "hhb Bel IBI II la arBF a leaaal ril 1 i - -m mwaaat mm eat. U Btl T. 1 at OI BbB Pw BaatjtJflB M. have salt chins' arbiwd aJ Wa J-- v . t . .-v-..r. wwnaa mm mm mm I 7 ' ' iit a iiiim it rorwaauoa aov ? m (In tut oa, X. C. r-eT foh iii;mt. HfifH 1 j -I' Its aa., ta'a and tnt aa a. in.i.. a-.ut .A itkC ( .- ka Hu.l lluaaa aas 0 ar ;.a sad a Water ea W IIJONU ACO. T? U 8 A L K Tb rVUbni GREY UTLBY" 1 " "sk-w-asf M I e BfeUa BtWm B.4 tmmA aaj MaA !- j J ats sad r 11,-a 01,4,4 1 Uaaeaaax sb-a;av eaa tMa . . It J'",, j , . aetiU B 11 Jl.tUl,,! 'P TBtltSABU foi'IPi rvaaa etaa 1 s. At aa : ll b. r.J ,u A te. MISCEIXANEOCS. . NATIOm HOTEL. RALEIGI2, 17. O. j rpaiaNKW AND ELKGA5T MOTf, It aow la 'perfect order, and is kept la a style fM superior to ey other Hotel la RaJeAgm. J. I.I, Blair. fKUfKIMTOR, Formerly of tbe Tarbera and Blair House. Raters. & . ; .-.."',4; 1, -,. TERMS M ODER AIT E.V -sept2Vla j IFT EHTEiiPIHSE The only Reliable Gift Distribution la the country , L. Ds SIIsTE'S TWENTtETQ ' 1, GEAND ANNUAL : DISTEIBU- TION, , TOBS DRAWN THUR8DAT, JANUARY 1st, 1874. 8200 ,000 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! GR4ND CAPITAL PRIZE, 8'2O,000 IN K"NBACK8! ONE GRAND CA-H PI1IZE j SI 0,000 1N GREEI;BACK9! One Cask Pirn nf $5.C08 Iq Green- ( Ml One Prize t.OOO In Greenback I Sit PittrEi $1,000 each is Gbpendacks ! Ten Pii.. e t"00 Ecli in QrwubKcka! t il GM Hil Hiltwr Vtvrr HunHnq Watehtt, I Coin, RJIyer Vest Chaina, Solid arid Donblo- piaiea euver-ware, Jewelry, ate., c. WhoU XunJxrof Gift 25,000! TXt limited. t 100,0001 lirnti Wiilrd I rll Tifktlt, to whom Liberal rrcmiumt will be paid. Bingle TkkeU 3 ; Bii TickMe 10; 1 weir lickeU i0 ; Tweoty-Klre 40. Circulars cont art a fnll list of uiia. a deecriptloa of tbe manner of draw'n?, and baUon, eill be sent to ny ne orderln bcm. I All letters must be addMmrd ti wans nmn u. pi r., mi no, r;.':,., ",c- I " n i v ij r v o o i. . Tilt FIRST CLAAH HUPS MCOLAS THATER AND ARLINGTON, ,l'1 Soami a for LirsMroou We '"ul"" nouses oi anaoutiiaM errdit t,"" ln of thre foailhaof market .1.11 on ruuaumenla of Cotton by above al.ipa, and the anise will be ho w-h anrchaie at Pre,ut low pru-ca. i wno wian f purchase at pre. I or to hold for a btu-r market pruca. KEY NOLDn bttuTIItUS. ComuilraiuB Mrrchal.tA. ar 11 8w No-folk, Va. W. V U A 1' 1 8' 11 E Ell 11 A LL, at ma old sTAsn, r atkttkviklb sr., urrvaiTB tub MAaaar. Imtortrd snd D. mes'le Wines. U mors I and U.e brt i.f hf aiwaia a han 1 Aa a I Brat cla.s billiard 11-11, bayiUtlir and rb4 I ma tiallery. 11 is Use C vaator as sapi tied w iui wi uia u .MX I a V I IAS la addiUoa ta tbeaawe, I a splendid C I 0 I U'8 TORE, I v .. . . . . . ... I r . ".ac-aa l ,n HU .enaers us aspv , vet Is laa z. W. .0.1 L L I NtiRTM IDE at lAKC? SorARR. I fl a at I SltBal laamtV lmrei ite i m La I Bar I at aaa as a a. . . . I aaaita-B KlltK t:illi:B,l I CaaaaaUatfaaf Blnaa SW r W-. I h. . v.t. , a . mm ti . i. i t nn... . I v.W'' rssu, at, Ac, Ac, Ba, TIIU1IA1K. He aia.) ksrtanma'aatlv 1-a kaad uJlla 4 bT 4IL, tb ebaaast btaktas, BraadHa. I aa Wkaaa 1 " rH-tra.'ly Ifavlta bh. a ttVa I a jwie i.aa.lr la elee bHaeaail fca. I "vFa eaau. iiasbMa IHbairtiati se eaa firm e-itoa SaMaetx. t aeaa aa aavtltaaa QinttrT FiSg i A i.rtBJf l,w a, ItW portKTNEMUir I . taa-abi la it, M .. s hi - s ,7t m aaasassaj a.avaa.s lart.aei.a, aa. "-7 -' "" e I. .. awe sea. a aa taiaaa, t. ii r-.jrti IL &. A LIU. M u t 1 t aVl aaa'ilij aa t a 1 i f.. V C ll' I I t 1. I.I I t XIII ,1 . i-.T'Tfam-p rra watt riiw.Wll TweWor Fmther y .... jt,,.. lBt..- f;' .r': I T",mfte, ethaer; j ! ALsotnE -ntirAtttT ti6 most stylish Hat ofjhe season ' - W JUST RECmffDffTif ; 10,000 Yd,. Cable Cord for the laai'j' JTST RECEIVED!! -- ! Indies Cloaks i!dKns;skWalklnirJ.,i.i.f Also, Waterproof toaks and Pedhnrote. t oct Utff V. H.dtR. arfucKEK Co- ' Kioiwunsianainir me revainpg dcnrwU. customer alwty ' .pet aT2 Ain.eiTwaMi vciees iron . w We retain and increase onrpatronaei ani 1 have lately, made derimble anTJ purcba es for the bcneiltof our suitoBarVaL cll a onrselvea. ' 1 "iTX!fl Wo hare recelvod la the 'last hi. di LADIES DRESS fiOOSs. " NEW STYLE PRINTS; " T, . EilBROIDED FLANNEL jLtt MERINO UNDERWEAR GAITERS AND Sllofs, 3y Intlla Rubber aad Arctic Over tha. .J GeuUcmen. .' ' ' -ti-.i a KEW BTTLE BILK BATS (4 on 5.M Jj T1IJUAMILT0N,. V, i,W r--. aajav. g GRAIKQtR, 1 Soft Hats. The celebrated "BURT' BooUand Galier (of wliich we are Agents.) TRUNKS AND VALICIS. e.vuaMAflll bSLOltaLLAll, KECKTU3 AND pLOVE V All of which have been bought at the Lava Die lis and will be autl aa cheap asth timis demand. m w. In. it bTtuckeh c. nor ao-tf SPLENDID CITY nturtUTY FOB f- iiiALE. J U B1A.LBBORO ITKrFT. I hereby otter for axle mv kiaBM. Store Himac tad lot auaaba oa Uiilsaoro' SV, room aiuv near aanroaa ortiige. , 1 he 1 baa bt r. kfreist to. BllUbsro' and Mortr etieaU.V V T. Tb tiuiktsnsj ai aaw wcg WN, Br. tnodura aljlo. Tba UwalUna; eoalaaa maconvenienUyasdcom(or1allyaaaw. 1 1. m ao eKiiaieu uai a naaemwl Buy Ms eat , tt small oust . j v ... a 'lb Blor I 43 feet lone. I stories, i rtairwav, counters and abeTvit (wsau.i UnauuukaUoa betweee tea eaaiaa eaa apprr part of atom may be ased ar c.uaa as dfairad. , , It is a rood sUnd for aroeartm adstv I dry aouda for toaa and eunalry Ira, 1 n-rs 1 wu or taost eaaaiaml Water Within tea steps of tb door. The- to a Bam, e., la th rear tad ioa ea Monran BL, furother baudlnra 1 hs location est aekrbuarbor M f Die most oca I rati Is In kalaitrb, aa baaar4 bare property Is rapidly sad eonsiaatly la-, treeatnf In ealae It ta s (00 lavealnval t bvn-j eaparjally a tbe property Baay M reals fur la tar eaat iolarart ea the aT reiUirvd to pun haaa. I meaa taaiwaa aa aatr te eaU eoua ef rat el aL lbs Bias B IrfscUy aooaL . mmnn- tor luruier pruc.ars apply 10 4 A-JOtlA, oct ru liUlaaara' Y H A T . T II XEIV YOllK EIllE Underwriters- ATI " ' Pt Tbr have he eaofally aaiiac by prufeas.oaaieBpei Bcnslow and Bash' Prciiiium Safety Oil,: Aad la lb Fir Test lo be eve IB) AAaj FarabbaM. , bay alee fecm a.14 OB ta a t sacb as tHa a.ttt ae ta aa N IsU be a sraal atrf at Life a r frry Tttaj tat J.tt a oa f al Uara to lb ewHia eras rb' Itf, M b fr"" by U fraaaaal aa ' , TERRIBLE ACtlOEsTS Ibai arras bf lb easel tbe Bsbtaa ran aa aae earUAaala BMm eaaastaaay tJ T . .. t v T. IL KtlOOS tViNB.1 I 0-ts Ataa's r J ' rrrmemBaVft-. -a-etlU a-b..- N v Tbareentba sat taaatlas! 4 I;. a !i.a HI.IO11. t,.i lmaf - I ... u.u ra A.. .'. l I By c t , aae It .t.Htl"' ' e. W. ., ' ' Aaaa eaaay ioitujo s g Altsarwrr Al IjiWs - ' ait t ti.ti a ti 3'- 1) HUTU t tb a..-"- f I Uul. k ai s4 le" ,' la Vai4 "a" aa ia aa-4 t ' laSs'fc1IPt)ilrt l?sa a ra-- a, PI, t,T aa 'al Br r a tt laa ri W'.t c at wrar"" v T- I, C Ja .-, aa laaraaay laa - W ' ' . . 11W I I 1 CvABIB I hi A at ASU B( A 1 s. re aT" . ' at to "'- -ar - !- ta a.M t. baaa itMniaJ '-' " r b.a. aa Mm aaaa a. a ka InatslatliliMhu rW4 a kal . la llk,,t a - 1 -V.' aanmU U k k' 1 1 1 1 , l.,w lb aa aaaa ta - a a-a' 'v. . . ! a sa . . 44 ea.i r"i,'"1;. VfH4 Bw eyanub Aea r. FR0MHAAUir!"TT tUarrsst, Krf, XL, baa aaravaaj fvvsa btnM fee IM , aMlI LlLXCAB t ". baa f ... Baas battb I'aVr ta'a Of Raab tbaMy, AffS aa ab n 4aa a r ef f arvaara at west 4asa tl'WI'aa r sere B IM fas tbax fwl ,B M bb BMarf aat aae aaaa at ab. a V' 1 alBif aaBV r a aas S a t . ea tteaaaatae r TW - 1.1 O B pw-rt aa tb- rpat aa aa laaaatw Baaa daa ra ok till t I baas aa w aa kta .is. NV"B-f A Wtal t N. & hV(KUS4T FL'laV t ' m tb" 1 seat t aWa fmn X. cD-nrmnit.'.. aaaN r-ax w . 1 A ; tj saaa, , .a aa . bi iw. Tie Fiaakia w.3 U f.al; trtswa. :, AtVa aaa trf. s ' M trti t - , . . " "v-r mm aa aa l .. a - . . . .. . . . r aA heel laaw aa I U ' , aKl( Bal B , twrltif . It. ,' A w " i a..s a . . . tee ?U -r c.T .r,y . , a.e I ariai - v.aaa, t-sa-a 1 la Bt