7 1, ..rvuMwwM;. ';'! M Sentinel Publlaing Companj, n cm, th Oowt HoM. . ' . nana or mmnui, , ' i'.lt feuUs! 1 fV maovance- , 7... f $8.00 :l-.iy " " " r iMO rwij getiwrf - - t;- .w ri, Un.T Sbktuju. win b delivered ta i 'part at the Uty at firrssw Cawr per &TCST TULEQIIAPUIC ! MEWS ON 4th PAQE. ,gisiBture of North Carolina., ' "' '"' ' ' .- r ',, , , ; . . ' ' ! ! VOL.IX ' ; RALEIGH, N. 0.; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28,JL873. ! .. " f;, 0102 1 DIITTSENTIKEL Sbwtibbs. at we lolioaruie mm porsiiaaretu w inrn, or vat mmtowuaaVi.U'i' B.XT" '"V N'ftlamiiUlii ' fl.tW aalnnmaUawHSw jg ."p los than a week ..., ....... . 5 t Bquare, tvwk, I 8.MM aqeere, ? se. t.aue I f. -Hj I oebV 8. ;l a -ash ! St.ltt t 14 "WW 6ENATX. , :'' '.'Y. ' Y ! rnAT, Not. 28. Tb Beiial met pursuant to adjonrn nent, president Brogdcn to the chair. Mr. Lore reported from the committee n Proposition and Grievances, several till relaliT to sheriffs. Lear of abeooc was granted, upon nio 100 ol Col. Allen, to the Senator from ?uruberlead. On mottoa of Mr. Lots, ten copies f (he report of the commiasioa irt npon the affair of the North Carolina lailroed fur tba aae of each Senator, were irdered to be printed. t Mr. Norwood, a bill to enforce the de sreea of court of equity in eertaln case, leferred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. Elli. of Catawba, a bill to incorpo rate the town of Hickory Station. Refer red to committee on Corporation. Mr. Lore, bill to prevent the obetrne 10a of atream. Placed on the calendar. Mr. King, a Joint resolution relative to Ihe ta upon cotton in the years VS. '68 tnd '67. It requeata the North Carolina delegation in Congress to Tot for a bill to refund the tat collected -' Mr. Mabeon, a bill to eatabliih a tpecial criminal court in the city of Wilmington, lief erred to JudicUrj Committee. Mr. Murray, a resolution recommending Thorn A. Nicholson, Senator from Ire dell, a aa additional member of too com mittee on printing. Adopted unanimous ly, engrossed and sent to the House. Mr. Grady moved a leave of absence for Mr. Long, Senator from Richmond, en aoeonnt of tiokaeet in hie family. On motion of Mr. Mabeoo, leave of ab sence was granted td the Senator from Brunswick, for three day. Leave of absence was granted, wpon motion or Col, Morehead, to Mr. Hollo man, Senator from Northampton. On motion of Mb Morehead, oi Rock ingham, it was agreed that when the Sen ate adjowrm, it aJjoam to meet at 10 a. m. to-mortow. Cot. Morehead called the attention of the President aad tb Scett to the tact that the journal of the Executive scstloa contalnea communication from the Governor In roapunae to a note teat him by to Preside a ot tae Benete ialormioir him of the action nf the Senate on the nomination lent in by tbe Qovernor for c nrtaattoa, ta which commaoicntioa the ttoTcrnor staiea that the note sent him by lb President of the Senate waa not re ceived until :15 a. m. on Monday, and that it waa . imposaibl for him In three oj utter of an bout to make ntbar nuro iuUnosia lirn f those rejected. Col. Morehead was infoi med that Ibe note was transmitted to the Governor on Saturday rveaxag, tMt olur th . liovemor' otnee aonre hew pama, a4 thai bo tfecljoed to reeet v It then. 1 Thn Corrsciioa was made. ' " ' ' . i Xlc Love, atiJitioaal report froen cum mlttes on Pro post Uooa and Unvaacaa, petiiiaw (rasa ettiaeo of Uarnstt cooaiv. asking ibs paaaage ol a pruhibiUiry law to opera's la certain stt ont ot that county. Committee asked to be, tnd . ware tlUUarfed boo lurtacf cuoaiJera tioa. . Sam ttiepositioa of n like petition frrxa Chatbsm onaety. The President appointed Measra. Nor wuod aad Grand on the committee on , th vibboalioo ol the Genlogkcal report, A Bjcaaag from lbs Governor wat Moowocad, enclosing ncommtreioailoa re latlvelothe Ceeteaaial I'eltUaUoo of America Ia4f4we, l7, apawnao. Uo tt wee tranmiti4 to the Bae with - Biu ouncerniuff , t'Weer Hill "t'mnn Ground, in Cleveland county, an to in corporate the Board oi Trustee thereof. Bill to prevent person fiom obstructiue tbe psasage of lsb la Sandy Muck Creek, in Buncombe and Madison counties. Bill to prohibit the ae of spirituous liquors within two mileA oi the town oi Charleston, countt ol Swtln. - Bill to prevent the adulteration and tbe ami of adulterated alcoholic liquors. Bill to require the Treasurer of Cherok ee county to turn over to the Treasurer of Graj ham county, certain bonds and for other purposes. r 4 Bill to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquor within two Mites of Baroesvilie, Xancey county. ' " Message received from the Senst pro posing to add the name of Mr. Nicholson, to the committee on Printing. Concurred in. Resolution in favor of D. D. Ferrebee, Jrn Sheriff of Camden county, was adop ted. ' -1 Mr. Bennett, bill to prevent the sal of liquor within two miles of Cedar Creek Church, Anaon oonnty. On motion the House adjourned.-' Tnanksglwing SetTioea. Appropriate religious services were held in our churches on Thanksgiving Day. Personal Hon. Beml. F. Phillips, U. 8. Solicitor General, arrived in the city Thursday af ternoon, and i (topping at the National. i Beat acdCbickea. r . The market ta ruther overstucked just now with the prime necessities. Ooe of onr merchint yesterday old good beef at lea than three cent a pound, and fresh pork at seven. .,',,., Pablio Opinion ' ' j . We have aeea but few porsons who de. ire war with Spain, aod wot one who 1 willing to take a hand.. , We find from our I Southern exchange that whilst, many edi tor arc red hot for. war, that many corres pondent take every different view of the matter, and think UiJ South would do well to let the North fight it out, as it it not "our war," We propose to give om of the opinion that have - Wo recently expressed. MARKETS. BACON, BAGON, BACON S"oon Keport. ' Baltrmpre, Md. i - LrrcitreotH Not. 8. CotUin strong ; uplands 8 J J to $ 5-8 ; Orleans , Sale 13,000 ; speculation and export 3,000. ' ' Laterw-aslee include 1,000 ( America for the Week 03,000; export 13,030; (pec ulation 7,000; stock 477,000; American jaVKi',l3 PORK PACKERS AND DEALER N RACXN, AND iTTtY Salted Meats, Hums, Sides, SUoul4er, Pork, Beef, Lard and Lud OIL1 ' THE Firm of George A JenVlnt haTln? bean dissolved, w s th ndorslcnH Members til the lata arm. shall eoa tnae to carry a esstnea at th old stand, boous at lovrert First come Gei-Jubal Early's letter. He 74000,; receipt 09,000; American ,000; I market rate and prompt sninnenUalwaja. fj;' Body Found. We learn that the body of on of the ne gro men recently drowned in wabtree creek, ha bcea recovered. There was no womaa among tbe era wed a dated, but the three were men. i a brave old man ' all know. Heat him ; , ' . :;. . - f " " Whathss the 'nation, whose mane w are called npow t Tiedieite, done to pro lect our right and our liberties, that we should be in such a hurry to see that the I actual export 8,000; upland not belo w good ordinary delivered December and I January l-i. .... . Later aflott 191,000; American 154 000: Orleans, nothing below good ordini UOT 15-tf : i t .48 South Street, Baltlmoie, y Congreta, at whose hands we have ha i ry shipitcd December 8 7-8, arnaosittoa to print. Mr.O CuwWe eooalrwd what had of the Uae biU M the Nhrf o( the - oral ahnSl of th State Could the Prea neat iaform the Seeata whether the Uoua ka4 a4oas4-wr vyiril4 ta Braei asMadasaat Atiag the Uasa of nayawant of twenty Ivw par seat of the egr regal leora. in of rstwaary, wsuwa as sea ' Jaaaary, ' The Pfwatdaat twylwd ttsal M bed no official lafonaeOoa. i if Uaw was graated ta Sewatar Waring vetattowwrwe (aaolaUaw faUMwototb MeeklewbWrg daclaraUo of UaVprwdewea, iatittrg Gov. Grabaat pwblieb th tvtdroce Of tb twltditf Ot that declaiw Ua aad ta that tad to iiaasia the are a tew ta LoaJoa aad . Mr. iii-rshwad suMWrd that V bwaa Vlarhtb eery appreprtsUly suwck eer. Mr. Wartng hal otria. Mr. Han iea. aa.4 that ant North 0IW ataa wbo doabieJ the gwaaiawaaas of the hWckWaberc. Dactafwtsaw was taaa, aa4 aawt-4 aae a ta arewrWly of " Dg ant rsaotatia ow the tubWt I k(. Xwood, t(ril4 la at Ike Nav.'a t a4 Um tarodat4, aad said that w bad agata aad agsia a uu aWiad ovww wasalf owe awUr baaatia taa.als pity ef tae aWakWatiwrg lleciaraUao. Mi. Wartog Xall ta rsaalatkno la isIm aw iiiash a wbxbaaassialsl ta ta Baal aV ef la Iti issaialaliiss af HtJTEl, AKKVAL8. X atiohal Hotel, . M. Blair, Proprit for. John L Bulky, SalUbury ; A 1 Cook, Richmond; J A Franks, Franklin co ; W F Henderson, Balisbnry ; Rot F H Ivev, Wake Forest Collcce ; J W Hol- den, Raleigh ; W II Whitaker, Wak co ; Hon BP Phillip, Washington, D C; A H Craige, James William, Philadelphia ; Robert Thompson, N T; Mr Alexander, Baltitnor ; E A Harding, Wilmington ; 0 W Lyoham, Richmond ; G M Allen, WakeForet: W1I Pcmperton, Fayette Title ; R T Smith, Hiuh Point ; J B Tim berlake R eV G R It; J M Matthew, Clem Carver, Fayetteville ; A Noma, Apex ; J H Carney, Wake Forest ; A D Ltppeth end wile, Baltimore; Dr J M Beckwitb, Smlthfleld ; L J llaughtoo, Pittsboro; Tboa B Keogb, Greentbxo; Mr Henderson, Miss Henderson, Phila delphia ; Jam T Simpson ftiehmood ; Robert Williamson, Danville ; "William S Black, York, Pa; Frederic Baboock, Lancaster, Ps ; Mrs Ferguson, N Y. Yannonouow Horjin, O. W. Hlocknall, Proprittor.-V 11 Guild, J a C Turner, Col P C Uains, U 8 A, O L Smith, Balto ; John P Branch, Go Milthieer, Riehmowdj 0 A Hamner, Wilmington ; B H Wiley, Salisbury; W W Clapman, Boston; K Sty ton, Durham ; Anson Adams, Mary lead ; K G Jamee, Petersburg ; W V Wsprsn, Isabel; John Creen, Canada; 8 W Watt. N 'J ; T H B scknall, Kit trells ; W H YerbnronKb, W K Barham, LouisburR ; Joo M Wilson, T. U Brame; WUaoa; W H Barker, Carteret ee; A Lchmau, Dr Cvgdeil, S P Wright, Golds- bora ; C A Stewart, W O Gikler, Balto; R B Sauods.t, N C; Jamna Straiten, Richmond, Va; J C.Belsmy, Edgecombe eo; B U Clapp, Ut; IB Weesen, Nsw Ywk ; 0 A Fields, Norfolk t P V Perry, Carolina ; MaJ W A Uearae, eity ; J B Dunn, Wakex R T Ftlghanv city; II W Ctmaa, N Y; U B Chase, Norfolk; F 11 C Kurkiad, N Y; R B Yoonw. N ( U berne; A M KirkUad, W A W It K; J B Hunter. W K Davit and T H Kingeley, W B Ashley, Ridgeway; T L Bank, N Is, PS Hawkins LouUburg; O U llama, Heodersoo; i A Jama, n f, U U UeiL Itirhmond; T N Jordan, Yeoceyville, W L Mead, Chicago; T B Hyman, OoldsboMj A J Mcltoaald and II N Uutchlngsnn, Bait: Robt Stranr. Wilmington; L H May, N T; W M Hutaon aad S W Wbit. leg, N C; U B Fair, hdd, city; J MoC Kl lingua, Apex; W K Davta, N C; E 0 Jamee, Va; A Adsms, Maryland; B M John. N Y; M 0 Hriohlrv and lady, BJewtoo;C Walkina, MHtna; i a urain gr, WUmtngtoa; W A Psanh 1(0,1 Merrill. AasSa; J A Todd; Phil.; W A Maigwe, Norfoik; F RUch, New beroe. Detained. We are sorry to learn that Representa tive C. L. Shlnn, I detained at borne on accouut of severe sickness in his family. Mrs. Bbinn is ex'remely ill, and Mr. Shinh may be absent lor many days to come. Serenade, The Skktinkl Office a a pleasantly serenaded last night by the Italian String Band. Ttey are floe musicians and dis coursed very sweetly, much to the delight of all concerned. Come again. Th Fair of th Carolina. We learn from the papers that this fair, held at Charlotte this week, was a fine tuectas. We are glad to" hear it, and bop that it will go ou prospering until it shall be tbe rival of any. Handsome Contribution. . , Ws are in termed that the Baptist Sun day ichool ha contributed 123.00 to tbe aid of the Memphis sufferer. Th amount wa sent to tbe pastor ol one of tbe Bap tist Churches. This wa a liberal charity and (peaks well tor the school. Rew Alex Martin ' ' W learn that th Wilmington Presby terita Chute offer , salary of $3,500 te Rev. Alexander Martin, pastor of th Presbyterian Church at Danville, Va. Mr. Marl'ia ha visited Wilmington, iI Dao t(11 people art very loth to give him up aad are making a strong effort to retain him, ' ' -, i sa Bottled Teats day --' -, Mr. J T. rnrgtrson, paid into I lie treasury e,' A Ooorgta OtrL W tike to aid la makiog know rare personal aaargy In fives Ik th prraenk The folloviag ouaoaralag ( a Ooorgia young lady deserve to be eopWd. It now what perteveracce aad resolution. will aroomplU. The Rntw ha th following t 9S3 34. He reports hi people prompt in paying their tax. Mr. ML C, Brinckly, of fho fan, settled paying Is near $t,0U0. Iredell is not behind, hot sheriff settled with the Treasurer, and her people were prompt in paying. - mm Be BileaU W have bcea told to be silent on tbe consolidation question, W th BextMBI might toe the public printing. , We Vo ted at a member af the legislature year ago to all the great liaes oi railroad east a well a w.st, W are aura If th Irgislatar will mortgag th North Care baa Railroad, and not ewewmber it by buy lag two other Mortgaged road, they wil take better out la tseaeiriag In Bw Ridge, thaa aitetrplmg it with thrr mortgaged roads. 1 1 1 1 Ta Uwaag sa4 ta Da The MI nuasbet of tai Taloabt ps r nothing but wrong and Indignity, nhould bring this Cuba qoeslioa to a close at once I ' No, ir; 1f 'he fair name of this nation is to be vindicated, let the work b begun at home by undoing th many wrong inflicted upon the people of the Sooth. While they stare u in the face,it 1 idle to talk to us about the supposed intuit to th Bag, by the capture of a vessel engaged in an unlawful attempt to aid a mere faction in Culm iti the rffort to subvert the !cgitiuiatopovof!;!nrnt of that island and act tbe negroes r-rr " A writer In tho Auguntn () Contli tutiona!UL, rdirriun to the u,( morUs of th U. S. t ig, siy: ; My most vivid neollectiouscf thatflxg in tbe late past are associated with the amoking ruins of Southern homestead and gross outiar upon dcfcucelea Southern women and children. Its (old are (till dripping with tb blood of noble men our own brothers who dared to raine their arms in defense of their liber ties and firesides. That fUg and that government, for whii h .Southern men are, Jutt now, discovering such a warm attach ment, are to-day the S)0ibol and rcpre sentailve of black domination and blacker attrocities in several ot our sister Stale. Louisiana, South Carolina and Arkansas can each tell tales of blood and horror Committeed upon their innocent citizens. with th connivsno vf the Federal Gov ernment, which lurnish fitting parallels te the cruelties ii.fl cted by the Spanish Tol unteers upon th Virglniut' adventurer. An " Old Rebel," iu tb Richmond Di- paid, reminds the Southern people that there bar been other betcberiea" before the late butchery at Santiago.' He tell ol tbe butchery of Missouri Confederate, by McNeil at the Fair-gounds in Pal myra, driven to tba spot seated on theif outline, and (hot with some statures of astasia pollution ; af the tb tadiacrimt nste massacre of riegtn Indian by Lieut General Bherldaa an act approved by Bbermaa ; of Ui murder of a ha plea boy Of twoiT I ear county, lakea g tb last three J ears, Ur tatbej died; after a two nee asoiaet asarrtM agaia. Misr Daawt wast be el dsaWaf foot taildrwa. After bar mother marriage she emitted tbe Kapaawbility of ratatng Ut WUUrs aad aisiera Livlag oa a Ut. U iarsm. aba twk kvad Ol wk with a anaal aWlavaalaalloa t dawker-, M UuMattw atMlity, a tww leak. Not Uiag b, fur waaf 4 BMaaa, sataUivale tae Una. ah tarae- ar trauua to asak s sawgWa, aad luraMd aeuaeat pnst-' ana a ka M last p'pM. thm ai.d bet Utlks brota BMiiiaaltlMiMl ! HTiag, aad th,- Tiadieast tb trutiafh I fara e drawtng, hs.Ieg aad mi4 Wrr r I Itaricg tk taa lhe ys eoe be asawk- . ...... i . I t .h .e j aai ml.'.mt over a BW.il" . fj. .aTT -JLJ aau.SM.frvs. wkkh eM be Ka! a4 , . m.8atwg4 aaevsd twW tb ntiAm aawa a ajwad naa llss ad awtb heassav kg am Oa awUww af Mr, Oraadj, the Bwasa , lawraad. , ... . - ... , . xi . . v i rv. . ,.u, UJ aai eat tick to Washing- ton, immured .in n damp cell iA,tue Old Capitol prison, wha laboring uadif a dangrroot malady, brcoght on by cor fiurment and coarse prison-fare, taken to the pump sod dtulid, wberiby ht dw-d; ail this against tb written and ffcia rswiW protest of hi mother, and ag tlnst the remonstraacce aad asptwesotattoo o bis Moods la Alexandria, wbo tsppcnel to be rebel I aad all doe banana lis could not, or, brnae boy, would not, givw informal ina a to the aumtM aad posj tioa of assUla cWederaU troops. Tb recital of such thing, tvea whet Hbe have leafed iota Ike past," as ait thaws hare, do yet fill with horror od di- guat, Hat what suoral right have w ta aiagt oat Caala 4 Ipeoial exscr ai'., al fo to war with heft 1 He foftbar e la hi onjmaaialia ak ibi pertinent qutMtecl ' What natioa m there (I ask fur inform twa) whkW ha etrcngUteacd Ittelf by linos' for It ooaauerot betur It bed lor in luiar i mj iggasu aeava. eax, oa . Nxw Yobs. Not. 93. Cottoa quiet and held higher; sales 741 bahis ; uplands U 14 ; Orleans 1$ 8-8 ; future opened a (bade easier ; December 15 7-8 ;' January 18 1-41$ 5-1$; FeVy 16 8-8 March 1$ 7-8. Flour advancing; wheat i and 8 cent better ; corn S cents better ; pork firm with fair demand? mess $14.50; lard quiet and weak steam 8a8 1-8 ; turpen tine weak at 40; toain dull at $180 for attained ; freight steady. ' Stock active i and irregular ; gold open ed at 9 3-8 and closed at 9 1-3; money 7 bid ; cxohange'-long 8, short 0 Govern ments strong and higher ; State bonds dull. " Midnight Heport. Nobtolx. Not. 2$. Otton net receipts 8,849 ba'e; mid dling 15. i- a , , WttaTIHOTO, Not. 28. Cottoa firm, middliaxe 18 1-3 to 13 8 4. Spirit turpentine iteady at 80; rosin quiet at $3. 17 1-8 for - (trained. Crude turpentine steady at ti for hard ; ti 00 Mr jellijy dip. Tar steady at $3.80, ;i j -' BALTWona, Not. 38. J Co'tton firm, middling 13 7-tT; low middlings 13 1-3; good ordinary 14 1-8. ... Nxw Yowx, Not. 8. 1 Cotton firm ; sale 3,881 bale at 1$ 1-4 Net receipta for yesterday and to-day tjie. a i to a u. t 1 .l at a dot-line. Sale of 78,030 bale deliv ered December 13 31-33 ta 18 1 118 ; Jan. 181-18 to 18 8 81,' Feb. 18 84 March 18 84 to 18 3SHt April 17 1 IS. Cot ton firm, sale 8,581. -(- . i , ,'. r-K . LiTKnpoo Not. 88. I 1 Cottoa to U.-rlve firmer upiand wot below good ordinary, shipped November wnd DecrmbiT 8 8-18; January 8 8 8. Cp- i-7 i U,(U uinf mi4liliBr(( ihiptM d w.A.r. I tembet 8 7-8. i 1' BEAD 1 BEAD i BEAD! GEEAT ' Great Discovery, f a,! e-wr- ''1UIADLEYS PATENT EXAMELPAIXT" J ' ' -' suit j:4$ :r MADE FROM PURE WHITB LSAD UNSEED OIL ZINC,. MIXKD BBADT FOR VSB. Sold bv th Gallon only "One Gallon Cover 80 Gallon Cover - t ... V i ' READ THE FOLLOWING TE8TAMONLU.8 ; Equare Yard .t aT.Vv! T'CoatV'' ) 4 tt ' i ... j fe. Kl , J:,4Vifl FROM PROF. W.0.81MMOSB, WAKIVOBBST.N. C. ... mil roini luunr, e -win, fr 10. V, Ksiort Daan Ria; W have for several montli be i ale jour Vbaantat' Va (J Patimt Knshil PatMT." on our "Col Ire Bulldlnr," and are well t leased Kn It l.i- iuh U waa applied by one bavins; no-esperieuee la suck worr; yet we nave pood yoh. W rball conUnuo to nae it, believing thai la point of ecouoaijr, UiualrtUVJ ana raUUty ot application, ; It Is superior Ut any other plgnienl ottered la the market. , .... ; verv eeuwHuuj. . . i, (Signed) . , . ;.. t 1 " W.8. BlMMdltH. .a Tb FLatnt, Fue,uler Co., V ,Fcb. ethlSTflt Ma. C. P. Ksionr iai The paint eamevsafely to band as ordered, two keirs, 6 re iili.an each, and three bneketa ooe (alios eaoa. A pracUee Is slack, 1 die the Job m vrel L 1 we weeka not constant work completed. Uie house (we coats, tbe last coat applied UiU-k, srd It la now itenerallj coneeed that tor "Knamel" Ilk kardnwa ana tody end barrainiy ut suleis there ta not a handsomer fob t tbe f'ae. I save sixty Ave dollars by tbe oiHitatlou, wuWh - la an Ilea tost bow with ' Boutfcrra reouU - It sbnuld be generally adopted In this rVate; batirsjai av vaw suoara wm wny "iaTtw sit i as in i-iara aay country lad can apply lb 1 have never dabbled tn each stevk aa Tostnauotaia but 1 ! 1 laapiai.iiiiy m voar anantci rum w ui wauie oi our inipie in ta beauty ol color, and the laet or IU ncius; retdy w.tt4, lual tt so taretbly tbe treat adai yoo lull perulMlontU It u tltilrMblt). to mk wbi ym UiidU pronrof ILU Uvicy ...... . f i r. , faux, att m ' " 1 ' '-' BatTiwoan, Deeerobtr 10, lfc7i at a. C. F. ntBiaw Daatt Butt It aBoras ma mack pleasure tossy to yua thai the ftrajlry Patent Inawel taint tr eieeeda my eipeotallons la economy, Waty, and I hov eveiy reaaoa to believe In durability. Pore than twelve moaihe alnee, 1 Minted lb ror ef J koaae (Manaloa Honar) with th Bradley Patent luanv-l falul, and 1 as s.i wt.ll pi. said with It, 1 delarmLaad to Balat Ih fionlset the Hole),1' tnd I are most sapr-r to say ikst it gives me perfect eeU.laclloo. In eonclualoa, J will say, -U tbl teeumofiial y ui b yf J ad vantage to job, you are at liberty vo see it. i , ,....,. i " ', d v IJ aaoat iiatfatte-, irfft f' .t8f " ' laAAt AbBkKTSOM, Mintlou llooo U ittl, - '- ' ''- ' ... i . ; , ton Fsyund Paul Bit , Bart b-of. , , , , , . " - - - 1- ). v f-t Jw e-.M Th following letter it strong and Valuable i ' ' ' U. .- ."l1 - . ... i Baa-wtkioaa. Mn. iWemiH-r xT.Tn. C. t. XVU. Ae ,ml JTrauUe't XWs A il JWatliaaa Uiat-'lae fata we Mtkaa4 froin aall we will cheerfully etuiore aa Ike Beet of any kUtd wekave ever naai, Its rdealrea, VOB 1 das la evwTtklna- daalred. drvkw araaiMlvaad wllk a bd 1 wa, wliU b mil. resiat the aeUowof all kinds of weaiher. . lals m aarasavikvan Su we can reeawasoj it wv.iu't thK Wllb certainly, and Intend to is It ott all ocesaiaa wbwe ws desire good JvboJ Wo . Ti ,H . -(-; I err teepertfallr, -4 . IMM1MT (k yUAhll.XI, .T w. Balllmur art ?. I - ' V. I Moaevklcaand treeeo l aiutira. T - O.' ri JLItlUllT, awLB Uannwati AOawra), . .,.,!, rl rr Bpeel aaena aad Pried List raralahed rj'jS I- , 1 uunu onnr,, t. o. 33. W. L"n!b.r J Ut., Jialuuivre. It .M r J Id. iu M KD I C I N $ a rieir . Dr. QEEEN 'S FIT CUEE t ' c or awthi BBiur ;oTrTi:. -w CoaaacTsa Pant T W. G Bra .ascu, T1 . QTm BdnOtlj for Epflej, tia.M'aa i ( miaitiiai ktaacaairr, : I a ' j HaLmea, V. Ch "ot. 88. Cotton .Jee 1M bale, at 1 l . l fraklui Btoaam Washer . AaxKber wreath has bee aieeml sp' h th brow of ibi lavalatbla " Wash-f."" It has Just Uket lb fremrum at th Cbaiiott FrJs hating lakea lb pra- mlua atarrryf atft which bibiuwi aeewtotorw. It la taaoaly vet UrentaJ thai tbrow4 tectl thrawgw tb ahttbwa, liaaew it great aucca. Tb .Cbaflottd 0ifff eyeafltt ,..... : This North Candies Invaetie U cow baeag awhlbited ate Fair and aUract as muok) atteatana a aa? wtbar thiaw no exhibition. It fa) indeed a wonderful la ttnU'B, and k meeting ttb unprtixdenl ed eweweaa a here vet tatrodaotd. N tae waahwr ewer nest wKh each aaoef. It ha take the prrmiaa at wrery Felt hesetofot. Th Pf ra ot fnf wt-ol PUte pa af U la tb bigbeat Urma. Ciwa 1 fit, tlams, Convalaloo and ,TT" WakefaliMjae, set promptly, OlUW erreetHai the 'its Ireaa the Brat day's Ws, eve wkf they kat slted luryeais. , COMPOUND EX. C0BTDALI3J " tnl CftUttftUVll afltfktll, The aaderatrB) i htv toruied S rtarlnrf ship ted) FroeV ..iwJ,eiat- In, aUdlaaoe tUei and raleuaaluiwe iMSer a lunaae V r'K'inee nnx , n il are Wares Alans!, Bat; , will retr aroBVab aov BT-lt m,i 1 W. D. TuOmPBMtI "I J VLX FOB laLX.. 1 A? . - ". - . a .t ".'.a . That la Hallo null, iiie e-one prlaeet the Mete few. 1 1 aw bared saMtMabe Baeaally I e milker. - tnryTTriiairrivwi ouriiri) UbM UeatX- keavfala. Beeoadary Byobme, trapUi aa JX. fru.a tearUul d.dr,l Biai. i if.r -- . w-T. Ua. ai. I JJI tli i ii -i -a" b- d. pabort.y ...ha lib water dl- MEDICATED HONEY I I , www BB4a AtraV, l4 hniadwar. M..T. iea, llewe iU " - . B.l to I'mka. Cldl. Bee- . .... -f ' 1 A tuLb'T DIVORCIB A aneweateW Baias let Coeeha, alii la. A.iUwa aad all duaasr Cida, B the Baawea4 boee By las Uaaely I a a i m u .ik m i h i at ' r 1 1 Isvaluable.la tb. fear -. " mstaaos HurVOT '"tJ"V.": 1 ' TU ..uCma. gt.e at. Ta.f 11 all bopeUUVti.lw.Up.trw.1 Umm TXttAlS .wrwnt. mas la meaiertai wet 1 that feat arat aaaw am suwataia-aa a a that (very Ketth Cetwliaiaa abowll ut only have t copy bat tbouid tarHariy vin It A amplet tl a haadred reer haos m t i be worth gtret drai rrir$l Addrtae, Cad. S. D rool, News I N.C. t U rd ha tmpmved b In b aawaa. faraUbed tt aastiT aad tuH'f, tap- a.wd berew f. bewtaet aad ., ad now h a r.av lead tf ever lJ- - BOTH of fttrnr:rfTTivri Ut Ipealat B-Uas-w aa-4 Us IL tw awdW a II A M. Jewrwal ef fte4aw4 im4 aad apww m T pea twodoa Wave af ataweVM w 7 Parwa. Piaa at , taf Hat liaUe 1 Till ORPHA, A8TLrL TaeTreeaatw Bkwtbai are aU aethw I teg rte M ta ttfll ef th Urv-ha Alrwa, k Oat. 1T ar aawwh Se-waJ't tvwwst4 Wed t OwtW. B4tytww bed mm swe4 ta O pha 1 Ay aa. I aaA the has. of tnm4 I " tawt,HiavU,8at Mt Jeaaaarea, - aetl'haeiaj DeawiOf-teaeb ewwaahl. lWa-h aeaty, ask Kg haewp'atalkies ad the Ikaard af Trwwtswaad i ; aad BWawi M-W- 7 .Ma. aVtAa, aadiO-W aehkag UC a-at saw Ntttwl BWudiae thweeJa ad aV t-tWgW, lag esaw. p-nrl aaw)bW'Jw are rw SMaWiOU WilhaHSW IMi an ) siawawe aa Ht-ltl th.i traa; bwt eae twwey has M' awwawl. pWat 4W -J oi'b.M a.aa.uB Umws wa kw what h. Aet lea aawwa. tVa ht Wert even thaw a4wtt. hi ease at th Aty Vawu.ueua at w nh Bt - m TV adiuit wa ta4 at Natte lUaal awtMttag bt laks B bd at BuaM af ItWarw kattwrkeyaa Tbaakagiviag day. whew wa eheald tsk arat op Dnatle bat Wlady Billy Haderoa, It wa ewej hbsaa at fowr year aga. Ibat tba edit woa'.d at M at tbe ubla wtib IUdtwv Oa aa ateaeaaa wWeaLaaailat we Wtau at Ik t&bU aad tb tdiUW eV 4 what ha awwld lake, bat fplf Tbe Wlag Of Vehed KUJ" Tbaakarvaag dsy be eat k ptroeW tar kf IB epta of WI4yB !ju arw. Wb arid aay that ta watt aw IX B. Oatwwdl DowtV . tb VJtartir wf Self WW IV farl i "Whew llletorv' t-flaTS. ike da haed ef Mb. v-L f wide he Ik r" " ' B'M aaoed Beat, fa b s w s to H 'y that aaetaed tae ' ... ' la lt of juatleae rrs Irelaad ha avea-TUy tuwint as pj pvwet af Eaflaad, aad U ta wf tb laalre te hg'.UhwbUv aaawis ta evert oVpartaat tai civiI.SsJhW) she W beated ea aa allea. Iae'parat4, bk aareelvee br at am aenij Bi tiab repfawaaUlioa, eh k lbtl tba av weaeily j tiJ, an 1 weak t by teat lb awvaat 4 aUaagib sb -tipeatted l l bat "aV-a. The military d J BOTTB " T f 1" - -- e.staber N ptrtitH tw W .kwt tt sttt ka.wUl ba LlhM.Mt.i .!w d-fta, Ot art W. .."TT Tf.WtB. ' . " ... i ..j k.. I ra--"c ! b Urtt iWe, Ht Hetet the Puiea l et an Amarteal - i I iheewwa Mawdty aad Ta-eaUy stasnf TIhm .ueeet will d to lw ttet U epaeiaw' ht la rVwth hi ar allow wty. Tbarw te B !' deal latrfws ussmaala," had w l,owM t lt b aat ata M Baawblt S bat If Wat BtBS saw aathaw thMatb lb bo haaa af CO aa. thaw WW aseat a ai ry that atealat W t4 wbtpti B4 l'1!"! SB. ut t-eaeeairuew ptomvl ruve sea w . - , EcuAwaT"6iraFio i ! A ntwaspt, peelUv aad tr..eat Ike seie-iaii paia l heeram-, hkaaa. tr Milli a ye aalele haleich, J. IJ 'T A lVWOM. iTalhtTBwiXlBDUT jiy aw wsBw'.y Chertoata, tt ft . TI8I1 IHFf ATI 01. 1 Taw UlJre-IU iVJIini! . SWW atare4 FaeWatj fOaadBelt lTi 'c- -B-Jad Watt A Oa,' Pal Ala, Q A, i? QtF AlP iJi,K JL ... . - af 4I I fl r . t lA BJ awaBBBaWtvaaWB f n fjTin-com ANOTALflS .-. VBB ! Bat Mcivoutfis tt I'Boys aad waahiah i epesohd by tuJwnc though fw Wd rrgnt that vww of awr af dl lttv, caw rauta lbm thai att. Uatt'- k Btseh tapwrlot M aa eineetlouiat Uasy w wb baa TBklad lUleigb, ILa lattwrw OW A lam iii Ward wa tlrtsaely Minatkg had Blawwsif kwwagU dewa th baaaw," l bat rwrwiTtd tba kaart applawa at dletlaywttbed actatwa Bothom aad Uatr Wai:atk,dwa raaTy pat c7Ttwl bt ttta tatlta 1. Mr. BwtWf g-w M let sat at ark-et te m the t'avw ki I.B - ataaawa, ; i , Ik- . , .. u n. I lima, ht. tp-. t via. LlVUIVUaa n,hWt.la Wl . If. aV WUaUkW w ws way as JL' awtuiw BBtibLAJt UBB. Lis Veaeel aawty 4a ka. wbirb B lU s l-t-wed kf elk.. We hee e-aae eewas aw Beak aee t-w Lttw, UVUIVUa, Ws bae twe ef , a' &) tv4 i ttuwaah IBiuiaBt Aay ktarwaauaa aww as a Beak awe f.w ttHtw, U a aaah ktoeral adtasMM Ba jl . , athasswtUrFBaM v ST K E C K V'T Vllb. A. kUt.M,. j Btrfnda ad I I'" HeraWaerta, I B a. I. . mMmumm. hV-O. tara Whtrb tb war l' l AMU&iItNT5 cKin ; n a i t 0aattBpwdt O 0tCfT.v , x W Bad tb sUWaleg tepmt f JB Cedersawd'e bhaaaowd l-e A W U of CaTTIIBT TTT1 01 W tsnvUd I eery etyti.h. A rt atserVar Haw r a rrsrf DRtif UtTinTirr OpW U fro! ut b-k.TT tjlMf A b3 lawof Marhn Badrtwsawd DrWawraj .til teJaaJBa t ' 5 3 writ , tt. kV A.NDr.tWi4( .- i: Btospif abb) nntMi.ia w a it, -j " TTATt ItATHil T- ii-8jB u UopoH sal thW.au CbavJC II A P M A N ; I fl T K U 8 , Wtasfy rrwW h B ie k-d . . I V-k WtlhAl Traasw ww a4 t-By t .ig-a ra. JZTZa rV-t aad P-A. The t w- gwod JJ ?ZZZ -id VHa-le' la, I i r i rm kert4 y Mt. BaaavdfuewVbat M awww lb ! tvta aW-la BteHat, I : t ei lt 71 Ut. t exay eai b J . . h . u K , J .... - . I. II. MKVaa, ps-" H i if 'tl lb -e aBaBLt ef hi wwt( temt The t i-aa lag reatat havd k haaBaat ertanel fmd twW - t rWetM IB ef tWat st Haw, ( Btasa.ailaw h tWw tw laawaas A'J rwaa.t.aW. Jl-t tl. Th ta.p ad bew tw ' i TTVar k bw Vai tw a4, whw w t4 t reir ar etij b L-a7 . aaM J-jr l $4 t9 hat M M tatWt bI $: t8. f- eavd ta i tw 1 1 J f4 td tM BUbrt lft, aad ' " at abb) hrwa. (at rj44U JUmm v( eoBitweed wW-w. I bt B aaA tkaA lLav af . JL tt. RaUg, 1 t1w Fdy I . U ile.eB,B,.a aewab tb - tw4f . U $rvtT I h Mtai; tM frat htkUtWakla 1 weeaWra.ea'hFW- dU ,t It, el al Wt I' aw th aw.r of tv Ln kmti, tv Bt:,y gwwd aW of aa . i.vte atw era e-'iatar a th at h- nil aaaas W iw BaK-avkia. aBWa Ml BUala4M. unr. I trfi ' wr, ia-wwvB"e . ww-t Sum aw- r. aM . W weatra ta '" 1eea.M e av let -, a the a .a at taw yeifBV 4 twmf-9 B taaw I , - wrBB aWMtMWatkMMlllMi I s fcH P-- - ' i - kaawwa !. aad raw r- Bs bflead (tfW-Mllertiralt Fr-w tM ana awl aarwaet tw li-wwk ih Utd mah.M auiarw i, wb - la aa a Baai.iel t leaia' 4 lb ra r. It t BMWk-B, waraw bw ea w. bt and easily maaara. ' w wneawBwa . . ... - - A L. i k eet I at ware, w. aw ' -? . 4aa a th r. 4 ttaoe-wg ly ha at aad dlraa tb . us at the ' tb - 14 W a-t, ta h fi -. BB ,4 la. whw v.d tw b-, hw Bt ag tb la t ea-ppSBg aa a.:, fanaa www wasmtaew a pww, a4 rwj tt BwaefB ie.aBiaU .kak WS kit hast fr-iat rrttb b4W piaswra, a p. U th r.taBwae, wd Bh ge.- awatB-eel hat a aw if adiBW. ah wa ' Bt B BiBwrB taw-wwaa at wt l wb ew4.l aad" J tad - at h BkrhSBl Bevaalsei ef U , . t ULCI!I, ILU aad tlXt, Ba,wta4 by B0rt4 Varlt1 ad Cwath. lly-t fBBf!" ... ' in fb KIW BTTtl tt rW wf-4 4 n. raw t $1 wV ADWdl 4XTA,-b,4 1 CUaU-A OawW aTwrhl abara,- a - . . . Ma dewt tW TwAa Uadah . ow 34 , -t kU'ah, 3.U B IS I I I I V J on . . - ew Veat'slkMr-vf"'- . w. Npa a. aa Me- t- taawwaw, aa aweaW-J TB-adaf wh.x, tV WWt " twvw WtW a-kaa, BBtitaa ' ' . LIO aad tOTCl, aa aadtW i" 0 - T WttW, faeat I , , , T . , taaraalBaaa' - S. r he - I ; lt-- a let . 1 1 aslbawt lata r ' " ' ' . L4 itt 1 m. !', 1 - I WM- -- 1 1 sol leaewaa -aw la . r,ve at '.'l-i a s eta a t t m i v , f aitlt. ; - '4tt, i - -1 ' sal i, WM t Jt f at A aVa-ra laiitna t at t - atr P tit I fT C- maad al $1 tl t 8 . i t