DAIIjV SENTINEL ". Sentinel PabliiMcg Comjn yj trice, nor tl Court liwx. r ' "'2 tM at Macunite ' ' '' wt "L.aaklV "---. 7klt gestieel ;'... X.0 .. n.iLV Bairruwv will Mtdlimita jT prt of the Ctty a Wriu I .'aim par aw 4. v - ; LATCST TJCIXaUATUXO NEWS OM 4th PACH 1 . LegUlatare of North Carolina. BEXATE. Stoat me according to .i il a. m. adjournment Lieutenant Governor In the chair, tad quit bug proportion,, pi genatort in their teaU. Joaroal of Sativda fcad and tpprored. graator Wiring, aannuoced tbut Doctor Millar, Besator from CleaTeland, was de tained at hi room by aickaeaa. ' Oo jnotloa of Senator Troy, leare of ab kdc waa granted to Mr. King, Senator frnm Lenoir, until Mood (j next. The Chair niraoenced the eommHtee on mititary affairt, ' cr. Morebead, of Oollford.Cowlea and Joboaon. , Mr Troy, preaeoted a petition from citi tent of Harnett aaking the enactment of a ceneral prohibition law Mr. Welch, from sominittee c Corto- ratieos, faTorably upon bill to Incorporate the town or uienory Button. Mr. Todd, Colonel Morebead and Mr. Grand y made anndry re porta from Judici- ary committee, unimportant. Mr. Lot, from committee on Proixxti tioot and 3iiotDC n ported aerem! bill of a priyate natu.'e. Oapt. Price, from Jndiciarj committee reported nnfaTorably upon the bill. Mr. Morebead, of Rockincham, report ed favorably upon a bill to incorporate the Wilnungtea at Beaaide Railroad Com pany ditsodoctiox or ua.Lt. Mr. Oraody.abill to amend the conati tatlon or re State. CuL Unmphrey, a bill to eatabliah two bmnchlntaao Aaylama, one in Wilming ton, the ether Id Buncombe. Oiret eon tml of tbem to the Board of Public Chart- tie. " Col AJlen, a bill to amend the etatnte of limitation!, Battle I Mi'Tieal, and a bill to amend the law entitled landlord and ten- aat. Oirea maslatratea itiriadiction of reoU leae than $200. J Senator . Horwood, a lit requiring beo dereadenta appeal from mafriatrete Judgment to make plaintiff glveaecurity la tn pnpenor iurv RcnaUit Troy, a bill to Hire tbe county of Cumberland ibree term of tbe bupe riof Court per annum, and regulate tbe time el boiiling tbe Mr. Mebeon, a bill relating to tbe city of Wilmington change tbe act of incor poration la repaid to election make iiieekctioM biaontal. Uula auspeaded aad Mated it eareral readinn- Mr. Co lea, t bill rulatW to tbe fee of Juaticee of tbe Peace Mr. Kill of Catawba, a bill declaring bars kHUng flog nuieano DO. author iaing tbe kuiiag of the Mm and making It a miaoemeaaor to keep mem. Mr. Troy, a bill to incorporate the CruM Craak Ctmetrrj Company. Mmage from the IIoom aannnaeing the liou branch of tbe committee on military affair, Alo, Report of the Joint (elect committee oa the Cooatilatloaal Ameadmeata-a to U.a tffect their adorrttoa will have oixa thi mu of the OewareJ Amrmbly. tbe mmaMtlea hold tbat the Oeaeral Aettav bly baviag eono4 tegnlarly tad eoa utntionaliy, being in ectaloa, that tbej y eooiieoe ia imiaa and leguiata too 41 of thr um t adjoanieaeat. I otneeworde, I no adopt km af the (meed Mat la regard to biennial pio la proa aectlve ha It effect, and doe not apply to lai wwluo- CoL lit. of Oolnaibwa, aalerKl bidh knit to the report ae mem bar of the coca taiUe. CuL Ana,e( t eomaiitU, i plowed aieaa whach Wd tbe coeamiitea la Iair ooaclueloaja, aad oited altborirte ia sapBMrt erth rrport A War k disralua her Meaara. A1W. .Welea, llama Mnntiaed. 5ona4 , Uaaapbtwy aad Wortb i . . . . 1 - . . . ITS r Kill aad 0 randy In oppoaiuua. Mr. Troy ealbd the prevkuo ejaesti , wbicb eall wa aaetaiaed, aad tbe awasla enarerred ha Ike report wllk valy isssatiagToltw. la sap port of t t rftt of ' the report ef tbe eneaeaittea, Mr. Mojsbtad, of Uil lord, taid tbat tba aoaamitte had td erw oasafbily Use ejaaatio labentted to laaaa, tbat while there wa a aatkonty airsatly la Bwaat, yet the were a few xneasn! gnes.aMe laea mt 4, as ts a Uwy ware aaalagnwa, the Iw t of tha aswasjl.lsa. The Uawaral Ac seaWy awi aw the third MusWsy ef M wbs laa asxter the ecweUWiM aa t hv A yet the am vt aw are ht a part at thaocaj.UfM an, aad 14 a- b U bw loie' has aneMiiod the waa4 piirUlaiil the rasvM. The ids aaJy ewtara he hataoUg ef I he aasaiaw aad B4 lie if asarw - hsea the aaaastuatfca a II t aad thsw aaad the amsailmswh McMwhewd here begfwd laaaw. M hstw Is UMatt sa UwomusssI Am iloasita, tdwhtcb he we ehairtaaa, ta rtaWa why the adaraaaset has ae Urn waa M esae ds. Al the beaa the awJatt ml edtowraat psi. the hM eahastuiafl tha liaeina a the fw eroiine rwa iw wasnparsd kl bctohet, thst f Ike the hatsaf a sake ae hie had af the ef tiai jm itheeeaw issii. ih let htv Aatll MMrtta that th I ef h Wdit ps:4i la fried aaUu af he ! tf ai the aagieWejra, Ms. WmsA oa4 M wa exaas In a wt4 gr taM mmtmft the Inrstare t aoi.utkaI W!f . had thaa Ml ap t wash eea4 IM wa - " Mt Lm mt4 m W( the mm Urn f ! rf r the WMa M. Trf 4 lb fntm WHaiaed Vi ' aai ash i sj ia sa ft ad ia-tgs lwrf a UWatstHssMCM. . Mr Le ha a4 Vy adJ ag he ejssjah aseiil Wy wa the A4l V b'wal -! td bla.aad 'un i a ) h rg we a i I' a ml rw awy 4 H,C h Aea f tfantr hie y. be e4w Haswakia wwaia the awa y Wi4 b M IhaheahJ baps d, am al warn eawoaad sa l Trwf we I H H sali lb wat the Us eiarlsaa i waa tana waeU ---gT - I - " &liT.; ' ' tn;;isT .1 A V r i T . i, , - - :ritt.rTV:rar ,dT;:; i h r ? rr I "X Jmm I'- t ' Xi VOL.IXrv?; ; ... u RALEIGH,",N. jCJL TUESDAY -DECEMBER 2T'1873;: ; : ' 0,104 leads! '(ioTau!..; thi ru1 and KkeW "rolutior' ia for W (he Sheriff of Bladen. u r Vr. Godte m0Td.tmrv3bTSSJiin resolution in faror of Judge Henry. A.c cepted TTii 1 'T-.- , ; i The rule were (uanended and the reao- IuUob la favor of the Sheriff ol Bladen pataed it lereral reading, and upoa mo tioo of Col. Ellin wigroisaed'and aentto Boweof Representative . ' ' Retolution In favor of Judge Henry puaed third reading ayea IT aoef 1S 5 CALBJSDAB. ' Retolution requiring prinl'ng commit tee to report My contract for public print ing, to the General Awembty for ratifica tion or rejection, t. Uol. Allen moved to Indefnnitely pott- pone. Jlr. Uadger noped tbe reaomtlon would be pasted. tit. Morwtod aaid tbat tbnaget the reeoloriott would be a tiollitv." ' That undid the act of 1871. ' The committee had authority to contract for the public printing, and tbe onlj way to bring the contract before tbe General Awembly w to repeal tbat ,- ect Tbat the considera tion of iucb ft resolution w a Useless consumption of time. Mr. Wrandy calleulfortbeyeatand nays. Tbe resolution in indefinitely postponed try vote or, aye 13, noct iz. Rvaolulion la rrirard to tdjounment wa called up by Mr. Love. Mr. Blorehead moved to Mnkeout 4th district snd insi-rt SJd. Agreed to. Mr. Welch thought the resolution pre mature; that matter of great importance to the people of the rtate demanded at tention by this Oeneral Assembly, and that it win too siKin to fix the time of a tint dit adjournment. He ipoke of tbe railroad consolidation bill, a a matter of vital Importance to tbe Western people. Mr. Waring concurred with Mr. Welch and gave reason wby the resolution Should not be pasted. Mr. Cow ! ad rocs ted the passage of the resolution. lie thought the time waa tufflcient to transact all necesssry public legislation devolving upon tbe the Uen- erl Aaaembly. The people expected thi of us, aad he hoped they would not be disappointed. Ueeara. Morebead and Norwood urged tbe paaM ot ll rtaolutioa. Mr. Morebead, of Roekinghsm, called the previous oue-tion. Tbe call wa sus iu- ad- tained and the resolution passed, aye nay 1 Un motion of Mr. Avers, the senate joined otU to-morrow at II, a. m. UOUSB OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' DxCKktMJt, 1. Mr. Speaker Itobinaon, called the IIous to order at 1 1 a. m. Journal of Saturday read and approved Mr. Turner, obtained Indefinite leave of absence for Mr. Bblnn. of IredelL on ao- couot of skkoea In hi family. Mr. Brown, of Davidson, anooonosd tha RepreeenUUv Jonet, of Northamp ton wa detained la hi room oa aoaoaat of skknest. mbmomau, da Memorial from tbe eitlaao of their raa- pectir countle oa tb sebiert of th (ale of liquor were u bra I tied by Meaar. Rich- ardeoo, fevnaett, Craig. Latterloh. Job ton. Jnyaer. Paschsll. Jordan, Warlich aad Carter. naroars. Mr. Wood house, submitu-d a report from on.mitlea oa Engroaaed llilla. Mr. Wauvh from Committee oa Cona- tMa. CiUsa. Towaa. Ao. Mr. Deenett from lb Joint Select Com- mltlee, charged to Inquir aad report what rfirct tb adoption of the propoeed amendment to lb cunslitutl' IB rrlar ease U the aaswUag ml the Ucweral Aa ermbly will have oa the prearat aeeaioa. eubmiu th following : Alu cwwful eon ddarsttoa yoar camitte ars of opialo a tbat tbe asndment who rati had will ml pruairttrrly naif, aad will a4 wy rr effent tbl do. Is ltd euaclusMMi y ewtvaew a -a(itie have th oa- wpifcftf af tha Attarawy Oeneral. Mr. Marlrr mbnitltrd a rvi. --lfroi lb f sail KM ow Eagwiesg biUa. Tb chair aasxMinoad Maaara, Kwbard so, waarlrt a4 siacawtn oo me Mire to iaveatlgal lb affair of It. J. Maaaiasr, late hmetary of Stale. Mssaag received flee the Renew cn etraiag rop"aiie l tale iat e swt a rtww the millrta hi it ' "' TkeSiwakrr aaaoaaced Miaaf. Uoe- au, rwaartt. ftryana of Swale, Dula aad ertKk a U rn- Uraacb uf Ike mm c the esibtia bills. A. lit lalrndored and ItrTfa-l r I'ilm. bill to Cbaage tb lime ef hnMiaa lit Cuwts la the I DMtrka. Mr. MeO4aw, b.11 ta laenrpovaio r. KoUewwft, had b rtjrwrC mm M lurk I swl Mr. LAt'erW. Mil Is) rrpawi snsn kil.iuaa aha sua ad W40aw wUhia three af OahaaaBd Veto) Ch, I'm m ki.J SMatir Mr. Wrt h, bill to Ih ner av tha haea af aM)af1b Mr. Weaaih. ball h esaead iMi 1. eftap- If (Mr mi Civ) Ifwvdare, M Pal Wa W. M M--a 111 Mr. Jwaa. baa so arwatptt saw Im) ha Us hawo 4 Ty. d,0.lk WU to r.Wl tha rf Hi. IU ar4. htd tHtftmt t, ad lha Mrrfewd I- II ehspsst !. HaU lWaL wa elaiteMl t w ailiaw d, wad th hfl pa lb mm ssiersl M4'an llubaHtl. ha w He) tasetM Whe eheM eak i d th - aaf fart-ry A th e ef Moeftr.e aW-e lessed mi Li. the A a oe tea-law. ' - tn a halt hs rreeal ewb pert f sk 11 sad It. rhaer BO. fmtut h.4 sd I at, a r' le lunHU mrvWl 1 s.l mm h b aeadMswA as FaawaA ilr-M. hd II. hd be swesw reswear 0af4 aMS4 iaU' aad bsaae Sa ,mmm IW eetae ef I the mo the hrata. ssal ervwral fawd-ef lheea h.4 a-r'1 rrard w) shahe) mmif e taA-a ef -d uJ .... s-.st.ie 4rwaa. h K wls aWMiav Jeaenaf Lrid ed L-tf eetawd, ' . ... Saaat bill relating to the City of Wil mington passed iu teVeral readings. Senatn reaulution In favor ol lb KhariB if Bladen County pusstd its several read ings, j j' 1- - r ) Houa djonrned motion ot llx. Brown of Davidson,' eli i . Forth 'enthral STATE PEN ITKIf Tf ARY REPORT. Mkkm, Eoitom Ftstiog 1 vend the report of Mr. Urausasaa, tb titeward of tb North Carolina Penitentiary, 1 find tbat be baa made several false statements, not only prejudicial to tne, but calculated to mislead the public, aid eapeciaity the member of the Legislature iu reirard to the management ofl' departuTcnt of tbat institution. Uewaaeo exceedingly anxiou to make it .Pfieay that ha b td 'fed tbe convict for a lea sum per dny 'than it cost the Stateunder my adminis tration a 8teward,fortbflrt lour month of the fiscal year ending 81t October, l(, tbat be did not beaitate to ruiorep resent the factl" tnd figure th lb case, lie actually took over one 1 boueand dol an from tbe account for fneL tights. bedding and furniture and charged to provmon account in order to make it ap pear that be bad fed tb convict on cent let per day for tb last eight . months than I fed them tbe first four months. The book and voucher will show that instead ot my (pending f 8.60P 81 for provisions, a be reports In tin statement, No. 8, tha whole amount will not exceed (7,300 00, Deduct Irom tbi amount what Mr. Oraus- waa say it took to Iced 1i ollicer, over- teen and guard (3,804 00 and we bave 85.100 00, amount expended for provis ion tor coKvicts, - take 373 a average number of convicts; as bo ha It, and we have II 8 5 tb coat pet day Instead of 14 cant a iir. Qraosman ha it. Would It not bare been much more honorable In Mr. 0., if he had reminded the Board that during tbe fiscal year 1870-'7I, it cost th State under hi administration IS 1-4 cent per day per capita to feed each convict during tbat year! But with the ligbt afforded him by the exam ple id hi predecessor, be had. been' en abled during the present yeirto reduce the expense ol leading tbecoatict to 13 fciU (which l only thro cent more than Hosttirth fiscal year 18T1-"7S Under my administration) and tbat be bad by flie an rue mean beep enabled ti reduce the average expense of the prison while " tf (I0,i nder hie manageawn from IV to 43 cents head, a saving to tbe State of about ,000 00, lor which somebody, but cer- wiiulr not Mr. Q. is entitled to credit. More to on, . 1 JX C. MURRAY, . Ex-Steward STATU KCW8 Thiai. or Kuxlui. Judge Dick taid from to Bench that at tbe next term af the court, all the kn klox of Madison cenat at bo brought to trial What duo lai aa twrdatswiai Jipeei Flta W Kgret to aoaonooe that the cettoagia of aaw highly respected fellow cltltea. Dr. '. Mills, wa burned few day ago About 80 bale uf cotton were consumed. EuLpoaed to be lb work of ah iacesdiary. Uuaeerii' Bmtk. Porranr. We learn tbat Mr. Rill lataade siartlng la a lew day, a Pottry ia th nlaca. Jaga, emcka, far, ana ev erything needed in tbe hollow earthen ware line, will be nianuiariurvn. u win b a paying lavestaseot. Caw. Sum. "W are glad loe tbat Mr. Wash Black f ttm af our I H aamed frwed, Jut M. ItlacLXaa. W Txmmt MXJ he b rbrted clerk of tb Chnrvy O-urt of Lm rue emir. Miss. lie beat bis onoooset. a rabl 1 Itaakal, bf m band aoene mortty. IA rsyeu ceawiy nas maay ef tbe son of i id Cabarro a her best cUiA la"w Wa. tw. McCa'iium. wbos advrtistietit I la th QiMtU. wa la towa Us Thu radar db tea Cadna, liowisg ibem the eohatf aad tritog to n saem laaa. Messra. Perhem aea mc auum nave aoqe a greaf deal towardi MUbtg up IhU and Uraavlll erunty. end m- ra ifhtleM. ac tive agvei eaanot wrj Vf fnd -- rweX veswt. tnavtj r a Sraw) Cansvww. Mas I UUWi Ms, ef Mewi WMotf, a irw dav eaw. aed M faara, Hit waa bar Wttaaul noil, (arm or wgj of sanre thaa ertllry mttlioct oa m.f meld swwro tbe n.Mr M wrti lixl ask afv a tf mr i roald writ waO. an! rw mutX EJsei y. e tar.f ae bream a avb f of lb Baptist caarvh. aad lauei a duel cbrtsttat) hi hat drh.,-AW.i Itimm. ! U aMHVAW XafaawUh llerw, X AT S frf- ukwwtii. AshrViN; WH II b.tr,Or.hsan; J f)Chr. Hi'Mrwo X 0; Miw tttof, C K M'M.m., Mr a H Dw. tjewtnons rnaicBf WwhbsftBw, M Dramit,iiiur (bsua. J a huaart. jmmtm m wwwan. Mary Stewart, ae-B, Ca-l, a Vt. rik'iisuei. C Ieaa.rrakhai W W .Aw Wa.hia r pua, A I MtL Ws; I'M jisth. riiaim. 1 W Fsmi : Jul W WkU Jerd,XrW; C S lUaard, W II I eMrth.TUlrk A heaps, i. , i J f UUrU,Vlabrw, Awl rwa. (VrtlL lahoTW ill am w I A rht- I. M Ci mmA mtm. It tt O- f U a o . (Wrtae tl r, . 1 SI Wa ul ei. wiiwisris " sw'.s Ji ; lira. a.jM g fx Ha. Kin iK m.. Hawk lea, im-agi-at iCaW, eeeh u-g V , It- ( i I auai w-ZJ JMM.a tkUrniM1'- - -. J u- O Til A, i Fi-eht M I sav.riehs asf 4hs) llesitgta) dser. W B ft tsAa iafaA-l . . (1 Iws Mm4r- rr r. f . tad m tbe r-Waees( ti w'i-edm' Ta'ea. lw.-t 4 f -yw- !- . paaaa. r-4 Net tewey. t4 . "Zf"Zt Ct ftrta fZ Wxa i f a7 '11 JT ... ,, J Z. ari s. IsairMaf JO W etwa ! " T fcwhia fr.a 0attaW, li s mm, mtmmt.. r m v. f ta a..- ! F4-ba, frrp- k4Bvb4ew-vl.r-, TT atll .TT- . W- A H -i M M WMmmm es e wraae ae" f are-. Imp'i flfrawTlli - "l " " eed f4 C-mhtaJahah, t hew a-sd-g a fU , twim t .J a, (-: "rr.JTasu V"H-.-r ttrr-rrptri-t paertsweaj-ail! eJW , 4 k f,1(f t.,, 1,1,. .mUsmm s4d J JfflJitt' er def fW t.r. hla.Ug STtZZTZ'.T. :i- tri t' .' i ' "t bottosb ' .'. n, I 1' TheRafeigh cotton -..nafket h)rf,del lng. it brought vcaterday 14 cent, aad nat. im rf w Oold are Button tet. On theSTth tei,'oetweMi Tucker H&li aad Mrs. R. W. Miiler?.s' Any On finJlng it will pleas eall at thi office. f m i m e ' ' ' ro Sad Rumor. ,aJ tih, , Wf learn that a joung lady eonpactad I with th Salem Female Semiparr wm I burned tq death Jn btr room, ber clothe I Meeting 1st WanW' .J 1! VYe wotkt acall 1 thi' Wsrrenton Q mtt tot meeting f the- Confederate of Was hba wiawa towerMtW'TTid object I to place In proper forri h war record of the county. " ' " ,mim ' ,'Lf The Orphan Hocae Again. - .- ; ", We learn tbat Senator Fleming' pro position is to appropriate (0,000 forth benefit of tha Oxford Orphuav Roma, and not six hundred a our type reported him. We beg pardon, and glad that the right U'p l.a been tak n. nod hope that the Leg is'.atute wtl) pats tb bill. Important Wot ice. The oommitt- e on PropoltloB and Orievancen," uruler tolitiMiom, will meet thi (Tuadv) evening, tt T 80 in the SHhW"Chmber, to laar th friend and foci of th bill, now pending befor said Committee, to repeal tb act on thi sub ject ; to-wi!, th weighing snd inspecting .ur, 4e. , Da. W. t. Lova, Cliar'o. To-Higbt I We clip th following from tb Wil- mingbm Star on Leo an 1 Lotm to be 1 played to pight at Tucker Hall I " Leo aad Lotua," au execrable borle. 1 4ue, atteriy flat, and tmipid slmoat to tbe I rnuv m pnxiucing naiiM-a, wa (electro r th last 'dlsplay-bf the kttractlon. "of tba Cbapmaa Siater during th oge& men juti lerminateii. 1 lie audience waa pleased, and laughed gaia aad agaia at tli absurdities at which aot evoa orofea- donal coivsatioaaliun aonld reetraia tbe dratM mwtmm tram laughing. - .I . Th Let Biabop Davis. Tb Episcopalians of Charleston, S. C, bare erected a moaument twelv and a half feet high, of pure white Italian mar ble, to th memory of Right Rev. Thomas Freder ick Davis, D. D , Biihnp of lb Dl- of South CwrviM. Bishop Davis Was a aatlv KortH Carolinian, and wss bora near Wilmington. . ils waa bora ta 1804, and did yar nro fjhapmaa Biatera. A large boiMe greeted tbi trnnp at Tuc9 nail last alght. But few ladies tentparativslj were present W only sw lb first piece - a fsree, which wsa wwli played by at least three of tb per- ranaers. W were oompUd tw Iswvw a aooowat ef editorial engsgemeabL ' Al though tbtr were vacant rsiieisj seats naaeef tb Surnnit. stafl wtr hi lowed tooecuny them a striking nam pi af tbe boasted "power of th presa." Accepted. We are gjad to learn fra the W Hmtng- toe Jtvrnal ll.t TUv.' Alexander Mania has ecr pted tbe rati reeratly tendered hka by the First IVsl.jtrriaa Ckarth la that city. Mr. Martta win be a er.der sble sxoraatoo Iu tbe Kiniitry ef the HUta. W eoagrslulat tlr member t uf th First Chunk epuav Ihei ricrlleatS'Tleae ta anuriog the wNvkrae ol sweb s tmira- bfc preMbef had Ckd-tlts galiraak. a A Ctrcwtt Oowrt haierJay V argsmaata far thede- 1'he la the tpeOal Ta jeael are made by Mesa. K. f. Wt, Job Cat. bag aad W. 5. IT. Ssiilh, aad Is the ple al 8 by rt rharl C. Blgrf Thi MnUawae. apohe with ttMSr aidiHf. O Moadsy.TIuw. K'Vetdy iumm - u. U BaiUwser. asswed the ar gem eat M the Btkvt He awiataiaed hW high rpetae $mt etnHty aa4 wa Us' e wdh prufad sltMtt.41 b a hrgs ssd - :: l Is:: ," tTbsetsoa l Odlc-er. Al rrgata avwllsg of Kaerws tire F.l Eag.se Crapaay. , U mday i;M, frmbf 1, h. l o tat, the 11 taWief afbrwre em tr'l 1-4 the year t1 ... t , aV IL IkaJ j. r . iot a R Fsrrall, AastsUat P Mwd lfharrh, Re. rWewtary A K Traisy. Flaaectol S as star I F k C. Mardld, TVehawrsaf . , Freak ttremaa, 11 ee Dtrweta. IL et..'.ea, AsaL H e DmM. : wtrf t4 tswtw '( a4 ItabMralhat hU Hr. a eaWt ae bygaeeai. apbswonal hkawaag awe ataj, I 4 te mi kwt ae rrm t arJt I titart- llng.htw filling tha it New fcom Orccn- will) of a dimpntnjhb affa gepoAiwi ..tw Raleigh. K,A dnfakU'ioxv connected , with a certain ,eoruoration not ,r, from the Skxtinel cfllre, n inimanse cpnump lion of hardware tbea and other reports reach aa .it.,!ff b,: , , ,ri , UW, jish b, ,tUi for the benefit of mmirattftM cones pendents that wa do )ot pbUsU a "Wjc CaiU.",, .If any n of corruption aad rwacality, it h) hU duty te gMT It publicity. Wa an ia tha daily receipt of one more enumunlc' lion wit bast any reayaaeioi aeseiged. These writer, withoak' a name, ohui only be beard by aeodlng their own nam with the articlea. : W' bare never r luaed to geven Radiewi bearing-, exeopt So). Pool, and ore vejeeted hi com mnaiCattoQ bjeoaaee It eras ilandmeo hod uncbristlka. ' : i: ,:' 11 :" " " ' We are lwy teidy to protect the In' tereet bf the people. We have always kept the column of the SvtrTtwn. open for tit ventilation of all grievance oft jmhiit eiarmeUr. If those who' hvd re cently sent n ttatemeote htort certain corrupt and fraudulent practice will see a In person, or send m their name, ere will give th matter a thorough frius. ia th SKMTmai. ; otherwM wo' canaof way anything about tbe matter. If ntvr mahl mlattmmdt Mtmtppm-bd If ffof aw2sW4WM ' Rrv. A, W, Maagmm. Our Senior elsewhere be given an c count of th ervice at th Methodist Church on Sunday morning. In a few day tb North -Csrolms Coo- rence will assemble at Ooldaboro, when Mr. Mangum' secondyear ia Raleigh, !ae. By rnrereoce.f h tha chorch ta- (istic a published by th Senior, It will be seen that Mr. Maagum'l labor bav .i,.i. J KI-A Za&lciua. W l'UBdn I04 b,d- r-9 fnergeimj couwcraicvf, eiwunvuva ha dn an cxcellant work for thi immunity. Hi preaching, always char tcterlaed by earnesto had practicalness, tnd ot Infrequently by glowing lo- quonce, ' be been well htleaded and kighly v appreciatod. u For eighteen months be ha been abl to hva. carried on regulaj ly h wak no lee tbh . irr prayer meetings, four of which era, bald in different part of tb town . The meeting bars been fnqad ta b aingu larly profitable, and Important aaxUlarta of ib chnrch. Mr. Mangum I aot only much beloved by hi owt people, but I highly esteemed by all In tbe community with whom h ha bee brought la ww tact. W deem any church l"ftat la I h , pome ion of Cich a pattet ad preachsr, acd bop th Bishop had hi Council will return hint to, lb charga bf hisnJ su lormgly sad CutbfuUy.. . i " . ; .:. t U Mseaurlsm. ' ' - , Jlah CVwl Xl ,'A& rXo. (tth a his rldnc In rTptoelll,TaJkle onftty, wl ma hd resided fifty atvew yart, hooore l,' revered ha lofed. lie was bora la CoaaeHlcot oa April Srd lTtt. TT ram it theRoeth I lilt sod tatfM at tlsaiptnavirw 1a 1818. Ilswm t (sfehanf, FarmrY s1 Mufawnrf, wa paatmas'ef fVif firty yeari.'tod waicUir saa nl tb C"un'y Court for boot lb same ' Wegth of; tia. 1 IKS M wa ch.ee by Ot. Oraham mi of hi " (owwaaflfir of fUt." II t WVg ia polttlr ani devoted lilted of th l'ina When war cam h ftood Irmly sad snarrfy by hi Stat i lb Sooth. if nt hi two ytieag-at t lb war t lb brglanlng, sajleg to them bo the (tartsd "My -,, Wt ax b gwd srW wet of ynh TSeoldnt nsw, M1b K. fowt-a, a- bUtadpol U44 wldlrr as ever IUrar4 es. fcH I martaFy woaadrd In tw li.t ght, Wad 1 ig l ' v rg mrt U the rbsg I M haaun Ilia, f i la pata ahea4 af I wfrybdy star, waba hh) bw heed aad aheeltag to hi eaaradel k jhfs nm aad Lad K t Camra bare iM Uy 4 lakUst tb baUary." IboatVar, W. It. UL Cewtaa, eews4 th 1st . C wafaJrf a a Kwtwt, aad Vy hi dashing eewrag JT.ipUysd a) th maay biondf aW4 Ikat list galleel rag tesesM M,at, f e he be IU 04ne(, waa tad) epsr ef rMaeadlH 4 ike gl chkll,L, aed tha Wv lad Jir ltdj ml hi eojrvlr, wh Vd hij ' TV Vrsrset mo ta the arwj of 2turth. srw Tugl'!. II tb war. lh C saal bed A 4 wilh sn n4 b how IS (Wrt) af the ij Peatswa Mr CwUe a dW4 p''4 l r4 trW8 aaf a tVwak!y tww maa, rW U l'4 ; bhX Wf gsthsf lb ah- I lU hbi'aary that ap rwf4Ulh'.t-M 'V.f I mtm a I 4k. - - - ) PiellliimvV ' wrwAeaf bfceel beA) , Man rumor alike trang ,iud 'MAEKETS: Alidnijlit lt teport. "'.Cotton 4uit middling U4-''' A r, . JioHroUt, Dee. 1. Cotton quiet; ailddllitg 147-8. " . LtvgLDec. lvl' , i'oitoo Sale M4H a.M hi an American upland welhlnn below low mlddUng dvllrerable' Mx Jsnuarj S t-lfi. Money active x'baag SI -at. ffld dull at 8 1-8 to V; Govern meat strocg ed little doing; State (fultand nominal. CoUon qotat ; aale ,43 bale tt It 7-8 to 10 1-4 ; aautbern fldur firmer And mod erately suite (1.78 ao aoOf ssotaann -ha fair xtr 18.84 to 11.00 ; gaol ta cboio ditto ( whiskey 88 1 Wneal quiet and gen rally unchahged ; orn dull ht 78, hew western- mixed afloat T4 m tore; pork firmer at 15; beef unchanged; lard 0 1-4 ; turpentine ateadyf rosin (.15 to (170; frdgbtadulL ' ' Cotton, net reoeipts Id to-day 1,888 bale; gro Mt. Future aiod eaay follow: bale 80,100 bales; Decem ber 15 8-16 ta 18 1-4; Jan.' 15718; Feb. 18 88-88 to is 18-lSi hialcb If t-; April 18 8.lfl7-lV !. ctTV corn) m aiik kt.' Coaitaovsa DaiLV Bv W. 0 Bniowaca, Uaocsa aao Cohmissioji Meauaaat. Kauiian, H. C, Dee. 1.' Cottor-Us 78 bal,-', at 18 8-t fill 'Italeiph Market. L'aaaacvao Oau.1. Hi U..T. . A Uao, Mjouisv avuMa, Dsssmbf 1. lOTIXiS T AltS, nr baueb l.0t u .....9 iV ery, par lh... ............. lATiita aviLi. LlATHIK LPftR...,.. 1-EATliCR HAKHUUI.......... BhaTO 80 MLA8itKrt, perrek.. Ms to hOLUBM 8YHc r flUtllk! A 10 I un' a , fog...., I A. g(MM , T. luall lOalt th3 At a J F KATH aHs...t ..... . ,H..f.Ht e fLAXMIXli tier bus.. ., BAT, per look. ...... ...,.... . a7t 1 1B aim ? Wt ... laalft roTATolA Hweet, pw Ua.. ... so lai.iiurr perm ... flNkUAHpsrgal.. ' vr....... 8AU..M Hll uau lstJ lr- . BOTTIB. 8eU rul b. par bat, M.4V. .......... Mm u IM.iktM Meal QhN,pv ha. at tw. (a 1 1 liun aeik IH 4M8.N a Csa fLUTn . KKHINUS. lt.-ri I M8' ' ) 1 1 8 av n 1 UAkl)..... . ...4 I0el OATH, al.raf r .'" ..... 947S rtimiiR, m iuu iu. . i.hi jh l ISi'ECIAL KOT1CE3. BURQtita ktUU, lshh-wahkBerhwiaad hsir 4rasser, awlcr J f. OalU-y A Ire, store. AJway ra4y le waM en eesteeasv. J Drahs.' eetM-l Tan grasajLfo tti aea "-Wmi t. CM tan bstmg lsfnss af hh) mterset SS oe tad kVlllard II )i fajtWrUk Bhast, (the Prairie etd )) th baste asi afrsafter wt l aesuedartod 7 Msssr. Jsawe R, MaOa AQeaa, Jmrnm W. Beat I'sltalUd aaplls. impitu aa4 ea imeis wta pU to hear ha th wiaig mart at th (stai'lMd-aMat a4as It preseat twwprtrtsv. mm at all scars saJ, vrrttilnf diejaaA St a Bn eiaa laaismaat sad bar arusauUr waraisa. 4 . narr cvaab FRirruatArns o wirans1 WIWW uf aatJ aMmber that the bast h) alwara eh , Bk, . . . . . af Paeroaaarw st owr Rial Ad-rtrwrler t sV paf fha past Bases ywaie. t A 1 saa et tne Beast eidlsrtteej ef thai aawatrp, alae pastor Aa-. as gnat af4y. 4 fa tf fiKVf ADVF.UTIStMK.ITB. I hsrwall. A JARtlB B, a BiOtikas BafVar Bss 4 IM BstMaal IMat. n't ill I - tail I aaslO. Va tt;" rrt l awator ml tUa Srekge era hoehf 1 I hiM f 4 se hi4s Im Tv I ka aa ad aa latti Maria - 4 aa t . . . v f 4sUrVBjrpv irf-,tKf1ii' tiMadl W IMinf-ld IW 1 -t t a f aa.aa k ta 1 - haitka a-4- I IMS a-- a-! .4ae,t.C sak (- pad s - al baa; a a 41 b kwM M--lt.i)a.r taw prasset avaweasaif Atatffail" al-ekeeataeaaara n h. - r.-4. T4 is. I-,! siMij lhlaa 4sr-V--i aliwt, --J p f , f sx-f Utl Aw Aawa,l b.Vr. T. Mti ..; At8at.a. fraav a I irnt'Knli:' 1 Tl f r I . .i ea - aa w s ri - j a ) hi he a -! I g ka S S A4l 1 aras J a- I I M le ADVkitiaiJiU UISs, T Advernaemelits will rwTnierti'Tl" the'Qlr liaiajlstiaatulkpwtaa; iataapr4aywt -"5 ' ... ui w u uuiiHta UUCS. le-rf thaa a week. .'... . ... ; '.. lttaai,lw k,t o,tsnasa. I , aa i munia, a.m;.i . ,ua ', iaU,i X " 100,U f,.lhyyv,44.UA 4 1 It! - J ,J . ij linn il ' li"J I sr.: u t i v r. wtl a..; skat 4-asi s-r.&l Appllrstle -U1 be made to t. jct "Pi wa Ktv liCKieiatantaiiicuTiHi.. ,. . 1 tiM Hiii, IJsoea eesatty, MmmH: wa 4ha -a M- ii nt, yempla-.aMiihwwi hi Kaleh, oa Thursday the IvUi oI iJJ- -lth) samasUj raqaeated thkUtoekmldt Who are suable to auud will n-nil ruil Ml tj order of Uh"'iaM nt; i 'iyTUOATite,HAjif " J. B. BiTCHSLou, rnxiuaut. nov UMewAwiaa . . ' " iw i ' i in'y 1 1 i mi 1ST O T 1 " C I . X - - j-wreail aeT ' Th eo-partLrth p heretofore exbtiog ode th aauw aad styteof ttsoders TsJtuS k) tbl davdlasolTed by mutnal conoent, . i. W. Tsltoa ta alone authorised to aeUii p th old kaalnea. ,. . , i j rrrnrnn.i, BeplemWniiyW tm " . ,.uwftaiuhlf HnVrfT ,.. , Mi joHH W. TALTON"1 J. W. Tllto wllf eoina.'&tla'era'sf tS eid aUa sad raaiwoti ally ask aaotJauanea of Uis pstroBatf hsreUfore bertowed, -. at It-warn - -".TAtTON T70K BALE. A bandsome Walnut Wairob!Tnitwl NT Chair. n&lMlJ, augHU-U W. ll.JONtf8 ACo. NT8 Hat VJT styles snd best Tl be rtsslUMl'saaila ei m thio marks at 85 W. :-1 0. 0.REARTT A Co's liojt aaiioe atom. nov m tf I R ATT B -AfitTlSAfcOII? ir M oil i 1- 4 sttU TrittmfihmntA l AZtw IT 18 KNDoRXgD BT OVIK 0 glKC IN- BUKAbCKCUkll'A.Nt'Bw Psad thfonowtnr eertldrate frbiaWl of IhaLseduax Hire laeiisseta llesif .ry a. Ahpd a. uivt auura: , . . J -" Knw tog.Msr,t,Vtn I Cnas Paavv: llaaa HiaM-'thej uadkfa klgued, Otheers of rire la. l o's. b s hoiieed, with plaasnra, yeerwnilravora to Introttuee a hate sod reliable illmnteeUng Oik hi plsee ef li ebesp sad kW t'd s i( KeioarDa OU wl fnawenairas-d. Theiar1taa( yoar 'Amr.l-' till, wiick sre so gcaerallj cueesdrd h; aeaT tlleua,th preaa and tha i.ul.llc st Urie, beA aa ta bop tha roar ewsWuss nsv be" frownrd with surma, and Ul cwasnusr, . el rally proicet uieawires riuio IrtaiKl ac ini, by Ike aae ol ea Oil which U farlixuy eeh w mink ths"Atil,Tm to be (tanfl. sa a Boea a lost el trt dst'a ars)ws MB4 .'a af beat Kmame,) sad we fsai tl tl Ma . Ii,.,l hh I II ii . i u lartallydlaslalsa h tire ks s aa ail baaut-t KS la wak-k htrnaeaa Is swred or uh d a it U Hart, Praav Aster Firs la Co , J T arrlott, Pras flrnaan's la. Co.. H B Wslcott res llaaovsr Plra la tjo , K i tooer, fras ore Kithauee Iw I. W Trt la te.. u-pka Ueax 11, Pra 1 'o.. aaalid t ol b. l'i, 1. 1 In la Do.. JAM. Johsv harL-e W an ia, aaeiaei Xioiii, iyideat draraua B fir la la, 4 Ailey, Jr., Boc'y llmtibolvl fir la la, 4 niley, Jr., ioc'r JlnTt,i,..l..i tire la 0il Whits, Mae agar, ga BriUa isaelila la Cak, Haery T llrowi ,.i;nae Ballnasl lire la Ce , Uao llixl.h. n a laltkstborker rira Is Co., W P Pahn.r, lire I Uaw a Whita, Mae agar, ft rrsi MaaasiiaarirelBsCe , W bCoMalrim. Aaatbrel M T Bo.ary lr In. CO, t T Battkewi. Psse hmica ee fwa let id ; i hilsw.irUi, I'rwt Mueusk Ilia las Co. W I j. t(U, saeBieyvasarit lira la Co., IHnauo lKm.aae'v Allsalw kiss Ins Urn . - - ' Kirty, rrcidsal Olol Kir Jne eo, A L . mmasra, haey PterNng 8- fin tu, W I Wadaworth, 4ee firaassa'a faad luere ft W Mwrols. Am'I btr M llllsu.i ut lis ' rira !-, My aflhae, kWy BartJ lr laaeo, Uad Marrsi. fne Keabw lMff fire Iw so., las Maura. Ber'r II "i-. I ir lna r , t klia. Ally o., fnrtilnt SUTtrord, M r all aad Cwaseetlrat turn la t u ' of llanf'ird. Coaa., Js A AI'iukIt, A(t fur tea Aiaa fire la kjm mi MartloraV aasta. aad fUnra, AM.sx Urus. Aaeuts hr lha leifd deisdre: and (uu 4t fmlastva-r al hastae, Hut , aad gnt Bilny oihrrr. Bi-ml assaaissw le ealld tethsf Jlnwg" W4ur, f rMB frwf W. V. Astr,usuist bjrd U)UMf KurthCamhost I , . . Ussi seieia II im .we I lui-bja, . c , Jt.j 4a, .,a lUI LK o l)4S ; I hsre ' aal )apiad tha(asps4 rsast'aAetraltaj paw) a Bl-orvaa fit I Mk. 1 te4 It A - ae Bsah lair let d-rrius. nor tarn U I I'm. , 1 a inar t aaihissjyt Iwua, Vt, C kl-aa. tl t rhsag al Lamps rialrd 111 bar I , T PsaUft . - - - j- t Per Bale sob; bg , jcuvs lcwu ca . lUft h) Lamp Uonds. Ola ini Ita-dwa s ef even . wsw. (UtUsJU, M. U f SVU I -., . i .-- I X. . I . l s r. r"r. aamuuawwr ihsm Cbfaay(aee'a pusaii I i ra 1 TI4Vyrarwy, net-a t ararf, tUali-n C.r . ataflaas A'aaa W, Af d a t Ti bM-tm-m aad k atifc a, J 4f Y af. hukori aray. . i II n.i I. j kwaaaeil, (taasesaf a. aa wsmb.' e. ftm-j la Miupi, aato d aai Jnba Uwf, Afa-i I ' ' . iABallv). w-'iasraaaaa uwMm- wi h u.ai Aaa l.r. unl wMr, P.emas Cetwsv aed hfckard l'r Wirsst sswj el Thawte tajwafcosa d (( laai. f fit isae w Bene. Bawaf a f ei Aji a i. I - ItATt 99 HOiiTM aUl A n f thawaa CVa Sf 9m,m4K ' M ara f awl at, t aasjases) 44) ll(ary, J'k t!, A iknaa tar- -! lef, t-fdia t'afW'T, . w.Ui f aaad awy Nana w Mens, -aa B. Sa. i '-t, J H Oi.i snd . a . eita. hlaapm , Ake k-i ! w " aa-4 k.r m wabs, Aaaa (ift, a m4 el ad. laaa Itrmmf, Ar.kii,d '. 1 a, . a-r. m ieii ixair, i s -. a lm). ! aa t . f- i..W laraaf s a II k. 4 I -T I1P.7V.I....I.. , rf a if te envar ei ta u l-4 tBaal i Siaeii har Bin s i4 fu aaas IwaMf tmm ' tb - aax VI o IA aan ' f 4 MaT s imm a-4 - l . 'I I i t .,1 iWM' ' ' I ts aea aw a) ktia a rw Uf .J a, i l U- vt , aha ta. aaai i SSM aaVr f Ml h t a U 4 l ta tesaa a aaeaa, r-rs. . 4W, A t i.tkbl, w,. brw mt.iri!lM' l i iki in ( turn. .....a ATI t 11A18!? j .. kfutwmiri4rv, r, - tt, I. ASPtori COT, ! W)4Alat Fen A. ! M.4ef UTwAsrti.t," tt UV M I . " t a a. (..I I "il ewj bvss f I as taww m"p

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