-.- ni air inni- D AIKVj SENTINEL rU'KI.IHKElO BT 4 " ie Sentinel PublisMng Company. , um o scaM-ait-rioa. ..- TT-r? iH Brtitioel I year la Bdtsaea to.o-i V-rkly Sentinel ...-. . , 4l Ttie lUar !. will be )eltv'4 in f ;irt ol th City at Vim tswra --er lUVtATlBlH KA' id. iilnrfinml trfll h ImHmI I the Duly sTniI. at Ni fidiowinir rait ruif tjuara o) nick.orto sawlow.uaaat , .T . 'T-i jq.iara imr i'p-. . . . . . . j ..... t f 11 aaob fn'n n till Imirti tr leas thaa 1 work A 1 qa are, 1 week, f I.S01 KnnlTan tSlO I --- t !, ABoi I i ..- WO! I j ",, tsaos. moo I t J Men"--' ! - r . 4 iintvo-i r f. j i ' m 'iM.oo i ' U " wue - , - . ... I i i i ii II . I . FT 11 ' . 1 IfcAtEIGH, N.,C., THURSDAY; -DECEMBER 4, 1873. VOL. IX. NO. 100. rr---TV . ? J --!., f.jpi.U ;n 3-1' ). " ",v ' ' - - -. r:.:"" ' ; ' - ' " . . . .-i-..- . - - -J . . . '- - NEWS ON 4th rAGE. Legislature of North Carolina. Wednesday, Ic. 8. Snte mot t )1 . tu.t tccordiugto Jonrnml of yetrdy ie 1 and approved. Mi. 2iroo4 rot to a personal txpla- nstiontnd fed tbo 'teport of the Skrti Kiili ' rt-ruaxka oa the 8J inUnc when Ur.CuDnlni;hm'reolutuiu reapect ing tbt public priotiog wat uoder coc siilcration, which he happened not to see till luut ni-hL He unld it did him in lattice, (certainly du Intentionally J pro bably lruta ni ewe laull in attempting too much to csndeoae what be had to say. What he did aay we tit u balance thi That the act oN871-78 requlret the com. mittee on pnunc printing to mats a cod tract for the public printing ; and after they had Biade tha conUact it waa com plete and final, and the Ltiifl stature had o further power over it. and aa( that provision ' the ad h rtw aled it will be a waste oi time tor iw to aiscusa tne ma ter of public printer. It' it i intuudod tb tt it shnjl be repealed that ought to be done by a retftilr bill introduced and pasted in the ordinary way. The chair announced, at the Senats branch of the committee ee Insurance, M'-sore. Welch, Norwood and Hansom At the cumoiittce on Bank and Cor- rrncy.1 Vewra Ilumphrcja, Troy aad Hmria, ; Mr. Moreoewd, of Guilford, reported ad veraely mva the Oriental FUh and Ower t'ompany. On notion oi Mr. Bernhardt, the report vh laid on the table. Mr. Todd, from the Judiciary commit tee, reported unfavorably upon a bill in relHtioa to the protucutum ol tut:. On motion of Mr. FUmmlug, the bill waa laid ea the table. Mr. Price, from aame committee, report ed unfavorably upon a bill ettenriiug the time lor doting out entrhw of land. Mr. Flemmmg repurUxl l'avorab!y upon the bill to ameud ctinp'.er 77, laa-a of ol 187t-7. Meaange from the II Hue, tram-mitting annmbefof private blllipawel by lLo Uouae, all of which wure poaeed flulmad rn, and were appropriately referred. AIhi, reaoiation ptop-iaing a joint cm mittre ol thre to requeat tbe opinion of the Attnreey Ueneral lipoo the efTvct of tlie annooneeoifBt rf the Tot npol thi hi aion ol the Oiiieral Aiaembly. On aiotioo of Mr. Cowlea, the reaolntioa waa adopted. Home reeolution r-quiring the Papers In'i ndenU of the Iiweoe Ayluni, Deal and Daub aud Blind Aajlum and the Peni tentiary, to n port what aalarka and iee are paid the ufflvwre and employe, of their fpvctiv loatitutiona. On motion of Mr. Cowlea, the reaoleMun waa adontaH. ilue bid, to change the te nia the Superior Court la Pitt and liyde couatiea, and creatine; an additional term in I'itt, wa reed and adopted, iirrmnDucrtoii or uii.ia Mr. Cadger, a bid to ewubib t the aal of apirlteoa liqaor wi'.hm two mim llurniTiile In Yuneey c.iunlr. The bill wa eernmpanied by a jitlition of thecil ixmii of Yancey. Mr. Wanag.a bill to alter the CtH.att- Ivttoe, lta4 by tu litia aad referred Mr. M-Aul.y, ablll which Jiiovideath.t public ofnerr who recdve eopiea ol Hat II' JUvtaal and the law el tha i ate ahalL eoJer urnaJu-. tarn tbra over to i liter awaee n In wtUo. Mr. lUrnha'at. a bill to amend ilie rhaitrr nf : lew a of Concord. C4. Ki.ia. a UU w rialoa la tea Ure of te aV.ajraHW Cearta la the 4th tediual nm time aaf reiorrfi 10 ine J rlmp eWrvIt, r4 Jodtciary Committee. fanMd. a UU Ui tl laweaf ISTl-na. Mr. t ap, a relatioi ieetreetteg oar wweihria Cegree to ,W their r Ivwt 10 the paaaag of the ftumaer Cltl It.vhlaUiL la wear e day aad.r CalaUhed bealare of veaVHay-tli lUllraad CoeeoUda'toe bdU Mr Mefca4, of Oai ffd. oflrt.d aa emeedmeat la tbe 8th we, "f the bill, ti ia IS rahM of Ike M C H R eterk at U4 m h,re of liOtl. aad aataoruee tne taw ,H Utiue aaay to pmhe- U eelvaie atockV'lHer ea Buy wl lo a!l a' thai price. AdopUd. tw. Ilaaiohrey omwvd a auuatilat lot th lie haedrad Ihneeaed d. Uere be4 aa from! of Mr. Warlee adVipied ) terd.y. It provided law Uweaa4 d4 br rwaalty ad lew year ljpriel' ttairnaeare t dtNtl'l of arj cfVer lathe rnrentaiioej. air. Wr awvad to reooaeJer the rotahfwMth hat eae4eait wa edofiiwl ; a4 thee) oflwvd aa amalakret to Ihe eabettwa prop 4 hy Mr. Hew 4m. M eabatar-cw aaf 'll"! App"4 ). W A UraJaeea, S k Vaae aa j D 9 Um4. eneaeataatuaw to U U. Mi beat ae tMealUlai4 eoaiMay Mr. HaeirhrrT I hoe I I U al aval a etaetioejarwe the dww the eneapaey Mr. Warlag dtalawJ eaj wth The qaesti.m recurred upon the lubatl-1 1'e t.ffered for the section by Col. Iluia- I'hn y. The aubetitute waa adapted. Mr. Troy moved to ttrlke out tho worda with the intent to benefit himaelf or dclrand the company." Mr. Todd ropported tne imnidrqcnt of Mr. Troy. Jlol adopted. - i Mr. Norwood offered an amcudment ta the 14th miction, provide that the corpo ration hall not have banking privilege, a J khall not bo eiempt from taxation. .Mr. Uowle onered tubatitutn tor the stvuon reatrictmi? the uowere. nuhta and inimunitiosof tbe new company, to tho were, ricnte ana lmmumtie conterrvd bv their respective charter. Not adopted Mr. Norwood a amendment wa adont- cd. Mr. Fletniniog. aa amendment to pre vent any change of pinge until alter the completion nl lite whole ooueolidated line. Col. Morehead aud Col. Humphrey ep ike against tbe amendment as in en ct trmneiitig the new corporation. The North Carolina Railroad aliould" be at-h-aid to make all the money poesible it it wui expected to build and euuip the unQniahed work on the Western ex ten lioa. . i t ..... Mr. Fleuimtiur urired that the adoption of the amendment would secure the com pletion of the W N. C B. tt. That the anxiety of cientcunir lines to chanee the gauge from Qreeusboro to Charlotte o a to contorm with their connecting roads would force them to commence and puih lorwari tne woik. Col. Welch, tupported the amendment of Mr. Kltmininu, and laid it wa theon'y L'uarauteo the WeH had in the bill and the only one aaked for. Col. Morehead, said out of diffuexee to the opinions of. the Beoatois from Hay wood aud Ytncey, he would vote he Hie amendment, but it wasnot worth tbe pa per it Wits written on. Mr. Worth, ollered an additional sec tion, providing that unices the road finished to Paint Kock within live yrnrs, this charter to be null and vo.d. Mr. worth, epoke at leocth in support of his amendment, add said that it was due the btate and private stockholders that thi eonelty should be impoaed s guarantee of laithfulne on the part Of the new corporation. . , Col. Uumpbnry, Said tnatll the amend meat wa adopted it would impair the value of tbe mortgage bond, and that theoneapaae would complete the road iu lie time tlian nve year. ' Mr. rtrramtnir arenrd araUist the adop tion of the amendment with mtub aariwwt- ne, and waa replied to by M '.Worth Mr. Morebend, of Kockiuebaaa, cflorei sn amendment to Ine amieidment, pn Tilling that work should be commenced in one Tear after the perfection of ib con solidation and purchase of the Western No;!h Carolina lUilroad. Mr. Worth ainciidwoot havins pqtitred the work to com malice within one vear fnm the rati- rlr itioo of tbe act. Th i la edoct ex tern It th time for the rommenceinenl of the work. Adopted. . , Mr. Love, an amendment to the aranl m'-nt n-iiuiring the branch to Duck Toa lo tie rlnuhaa w ithin I yeara. Ir. Murphy regaMed all aocb lieille- tin.i. a detrimental to the euocraa of thl gir o entrrpriap, and hoped the amend mem wonia not preraii. ?ir. Norwood iil be enoleeaed be wa net prepared to vet npoa the imn Uli u jmrnU. That he thnuld Tola f tbtui, but upua cuawuleralMia if he d Cut' 44 that thry wwuid ta ellaet prwvent the romptrtioa ol tlie road, ne weuH votn to atiike them oat. lir. Leva, by consent, withdrew hi wad niaet to tbe eaaaadaMet end afl d a satwtiinia for the aotaodmtet of fVeatnrWorh, which provida thai iat BMd lately aftor the tela af the aeortf age Inn la wmk shall CMnmeoce oa tbe fiad from Old Fuel to Paint Rnrk. aad I inn antil OoinpietaJ. AW lite cumple tion of that part af th road, srotk haii b ImmediaUly comanaeed oa the Ikark Tew brmach and o-atleae ea.i! laiehed la the UHargia and T.carMre Ube. Mr. Nvrwaes if.'rta aa aaveedaml r lairing that any paMio ealo af the K, C HaausHt ah".d te dvlH la ta aaasiiapera la the city af Kah-i'g h he mm ks bavieg th lanrwt e.rr ta. On mntin ti l vt Mirrbae J u eatat tilj'aaieed aaiil sexrrerw at ) I a. aa. of Fremont, Wayne county, in relation to the tal ol liquor. Ke porta Irom committees. : Mr. Bryson from the committee on Rail road, Plank-road and Turn-pike. , nr. Anaerson, or Unvie, In r ltie atn committee. , - Mr. Wiley, from the committee ea eor- porfttion. " Mr. Urown Irom the committee on prop- on tion and grievance. . Mr. Morlng from the comm.t'.ee ea en grossed bill end Mr. Marlerfrom the com mittee on enrolled bill, submitted tbe report. BK9OI.0T10XS. Mr. Oudeer introduced a resolution in- stracting tbe Qovemor lo withdraw the appeal taken ta tha Supreme Court of the Lulled States on the W.H.CR. Reau thorized by resolution of 1873. Culen- ar. , ' Mr. Brown, of Davidton, a resolutioa et' natruction to the finance committee, to tax tbe bond of tbe State as other prop erty i taxed. . . ' I 4 Btbta fewrmoDocm axp kwkrukd, Mr. Godfrey, a bill to increase the) aala- ry of the Judge of the Frtit Judicial Dis trict or worth Uaroiina. Referred. Mr. Dickey, a bill to prohibit the Sale of piritoous liqaor within , three mile of Kobblnaville. Keferred. Mr. Pawhall, a bill to provide for keep ing up of the public high way.i. Caleu- ar. Mr. Wsddill, a bill for tho bencfttt of Stanly county and others. Keferred. Mr. Marler, a bill to incorporate tbe town of Joneayille, in Yadkin county. Kelurred. Mr. Most, bill to Incorporate the town ol ToUnot, in Wilson county. Ketcired. Mr. Held, of Randolph, a bill to change the time of holding the8nperlor Court in Randolph and Buckingham , cottntie. Iteterred. KHtrIi6pring;:, . The ramou Spring are to be retitwrl at publUi uctieA t.JtUUeU Uewtjrjih Jaeuare lat, 1874. IMlidvertiaetitent r ; i -I . t 1 ;. . ' s r-7f; y. Recoveced. ' ...!. Kf i nl1 i - We are pteaxd to learn from the Eilhv b'o'ro"" RetorJer, that MJ J ilin W.rOrj h.mi, haii sufScieut'.y reeovrred frcm the - . i . . ' . 1 .-: . i . . . u jiirim uc Intel rvceivea, to ogi again. Kewffchobl lUIwIA. ' i , '! hi Sloa McAden Card. .. . f We have recflved a handsome Hd 'com-1 After our paper had gone to pre last t!e? rrrcolsi Irmn tf. fl.Seott, who I nigUtj we discovered tttoncr in the dark win open hi rV-hool for Boy on January I spreading a paper- written by anothi 5th, 1974, in Raleigh. ' II puMTthe fiat- tlcman and tigned by Mr. Jordi Stone, tering testimonial from eminent achoUr of the Raleigh AVw. Mr. 8toe -wee and divme. 1 Profowor Blatf' and llolla. backed by a card fromMr McAden , of CbM- at ' IlamDden Sidney College. I "Hie, who compr imisea the Ked black. tad " Ry. nr. ' I. M. P. Alkinson. I mklllng InjuucUon suit by which the follow.. ..DwejaWcr,, 13 l in) Jaauary i.-vi4-ij... i' ..r. . vt. I Judu tha taw.ere Timolhe Le & Co.. IS IV N I February 15 13-18 i Marek atiairfieatloh aa' a1 teacher.' We were paid $163,000 'inipecialJosiebond. AprilH 5 8 to 15 ll-lj, ! sMidniRUt Hoport. 1 wltlt ..-5-"w,f &e- -4 Cotton Net receipt Migross 1, 9 In ; future closed steady sale J4y2O0 bale notice also that Ihe Episcopal Bishop ol thi Stifle, Ki v. Th(jm Atkinson. D.v,, tnjorsii sir. neon as oeing "urwsuatij school of biglj. School at Oxford. . . ,W cat ttcntiritt 'fo advert iserueot of lb A. K. lien devson, Esq , Prinoipal of F ell qualified to teach a tho new 'trift'e school, be opened next J character.'' war at ft-xfo'rd. Mr. Hendeison liki bad experience a i teacher, I a lawyer, and a graiMlon, we beHeT,of tie 1ti Chief Juitioe Jleoiioreon,. jj i ' ' i IH Cotton firmer ; sale jt IS 8-4a 10 1-4 ; om tale 18 higher, True. " " We Jimret '-. eedingiy to learn from a gentlemna lYom Greeoabero' that the re port we pbith"d t day or two ago rela tive to )U ileal h of one ef the pupil rrom fiergia? bj . Woci lo fiilh, 1 UU. 441 State Qaologlet. '! Praf. W. C. Kerr, ttat Geologist, ha made hie report to tha Govera-w. lle (erriBg to the liberality ef the gentlemen whapaid tb expense of hi trip M Vi enna, he says : - 'I "There seemed nothing li ft to dq but to abindon tbe entcrnntc, since the reaom tioaabov cited, did not authorfe any farther expeuuittin; out of the geological fond thm ; Brfy"tr Ptepe; ttr required conecnon." Af im jancmre. tier rt4hmg looker Imn a Move, .liter which ''e ran. ahich iucressvd tiieleveral poidioHplrited citisens, appreeiaU name, aad o 1 idi) burned that ah died frerajjie tffotls. ,. the Siono Mc Aden card c JoUia notli- inirncw : the people of the State hav heard it all before, coming from Governor , Southernfionr kw active and lower at Caldwell, Governor Iloldon and t He Ring 7 totiewanmoi ta air extra t9 G0 to psper. The card we think was rinly in-1 f 11 ; Mo to choice ditto ; whiskey quiet; tended for a caucus which wa th "meet I corn heavy and 1 and J cts, lower ; wester aboutthe time ihe card ws issued, to re- J mfxed 70 1-1 to" 71; lard weak at 8 14 1 consider the printing, which tbe friend I turpentine steady 'at 41 ; tom tttndy at of Mr. Stone with all their weapon fj 13.60 to t.WtYe1g1ir oiir. " stratagem and deoeit.had failed toerkiWl j UaWef BBtiy;4KlauH . t 8; . . j i-a--. ------,-- i. ' 1 ; ' .... . ... bim, )Y tent tual tne people kaya com-1 goyernmenti ( strong jwnn(.very nure u tnitted to the Bit xn sri, the conduct ol I tb war gaint ce pet bagger Radical and r gue. And now that tbe light i lm4st over taad much, ia need, ol act oi rings, To Delmqaea'. W Qii Upp .1 to all who are owing us lor 4iib"u.ut.i. u x-i make immediate payment. Tin ire itic ubcribr whojswe u'i.Vi.iy, iiiiu, i.i forty dol- hirs. ;run-v lny n Jkid-iiie debt aahna W"" et. 1 in imvr availed themselves of cur ing the ImtMriauc to North Carolina, leitrior oi uieaeguiiiemeu. i4 , d ol having her resources ua lnaualricai u m tbeit-Mal aglut lungyogacs ana properly isprescniea at tnis gieateit oi an i o,,,,, they do not rend and defow world expositions, offered to advance the I ... ... n.a.r.r,inri. r, ,i , before the printing question is dccled.w ... j I . .U.I. ! L W. think it wold3be right for the Leg. ul' " Ulntur. to r..mhtir tha atttbat tafar. tioD.tliaU to their aaUsfaCtion, , fW redtv It era a matter that concern th I'9 innocence, U alway gray end d- Ing: State tnng. Cot ton 'easier low middlings If 14 i,J' BiLTtvont, f)cc. 8. -: ToUo Hyi eniddtrng IS 13; low ti"crfrcor' 14 Cotton nl 1 j'j'jfg ' oil v -oor-ro re ma.uk bt. Coaaacrin Darxy Bv W. C BraniracM, . . Uaogia a Cojiiuio Hgt, Mr. Phckelford, a bill to prohibit th Ulr, InTfr and money for Jtara. wUl that 1 wr,il)ltion at Y State, and private Individ uala sunuld not be called Upon "In foot the bid f Of the character of the North Clr ilina sale Of ipirltuona liquors within two miles of lahernacle Church, White Onk Town- iliip.ln tb county of Ontlow. Referred. Mr. n arlick, a bill to give to the coun ty of Burke all Vacant land la Said conn- ty. Referred. e s . t ' '' ' Mr. liicbardsoa, bill to Ineorparate thtown of Wbiteville,in Columbus coun ty. Kelerred. Mr. Uuoa,a bill waking it a misde meanor for bliarifTa or County ComrnV sioner to make any divcrimination in not then " pay the printer t We org all delinquent to tnak a ettleuien of net. Do aol TUy, we art in ernef ' " Fhrnolor. . 't , J ' - Dr. W. II. Hirkrr, of Cartoret county I tb American department. It lia-ation will ia a a t . i- I was fortunate and conpicunus, and it wm . , i . , .... ,., Inspected daily by thousand of people t. lenceofmln.I.Inth.UutMofliresea- ftOM all tb, worhl. wnrth. tativea oa Thursday evening at 7:30 pamphlet and .document of all sort o'clock. During the day the Doctor can ere in such reeurst that the whole snp- coroui, only the guilty rage and ray. If it be ttu that railing 1 ;a re lief to angry minds, (bya Mr. 8too must fed better thi mornings. Citton 310 W .00 bal'M wn.Ji.VaJuee.s- Baaaa 1 1 aleip'b - Marke t. he aays : j HVn.i V..vi.l1..... will tui r.lin..l In ta LrZ ' ' Ttih7i n ElUon ot OfBcera, nassed.or even roaalledln range and com-1 At the regular meeting of ' Raleigh pleienes,r I ihe attenUon wblck it re-J Typographical Union, No. 54, held laat ceivedby any other StaU oollectioB In I eeenlnc- .the following officer werd elect lent. It li ration 1 . . . , . " . . . . . I i d for the eniutng terrnj; 1 Prealdent James 8. Ilarward. Vice rresldent-W. K Jopea. i R5ording SecreUry B. M. CIL Caaasovaii DuUH , 0. .T. ! Btsxc ' r BO,MkaaftlBll ' H ft e ff! ei Devcmbar 8. fOttOlf'YA'kS. ierfiunch..r.... 1.4IU1 to UCATUKR IOII VSaSS idtaTMMt tfTl'EM..i.ili.nnat LEATUIR HAIi!(ia..w..-i. Ml . ' ' ' .-tr I t l- s I .-. "-w drawing oraummoaing joror. Calendar. I be found at the Yarbornugh TJotite ready Mr.Lind.ay, a bill to .uttorsc the to gi0 cbMti of characterr-ihewiug Commisaioairs of Nai-b county to levy a I , .... , .... . ' " MOLAHMhX per UOL11KM 8 i u .1 l..... t . -...e ii ,f. I f'nrri-anonillnrRecretarv JoslahJoae. I '. Bn,MrtM.ai pij wnum U' ' ii.i, laaivu m w m- , w w m -. - . i fllHKir1ff pecil tax. Reforrvd. U. Cuatner, a bill lor the relief of Unq- lofila Kelerred. .. Mr. Wheeler, s bill to txtead the lime for th collection of Railroad taxes in the county of Forsythe. Calendar. Mr. Bean, a bill to incorporate Uray's Chapel M. Protestant Church iu tbe county o( Randolph. Referred. Mr. Iteauett, a bill to a'low the Ctn miwioner of A cam county to levy a spec ial tx Ibferred. Mr. Bna.ka, a bill concerning tho Per the and Causeway from th oity nf Wil mingloa toliraaewickoouoly. Referred. Mr. IWoiwtt, a bill to emend the char ter o Newbern. Referred. Measage was received from the Sari a U priiposing to adVouni mm at oa th il l. Mr. Bryant, of Piu, moved to emend b) inserting the 13th lnt. The amend ment was adopted yea 89, nay ti. The q HtM'in thm rvunad apn the leamuUoa tsamendMl. Mr. I11vb, coloml, moved to liy on to table, he waa oppueed lo sex h Bon Oowibv leaolnllons Th mutton to table did ant prevail. aad the reaolntioa tt amended naaaed tea hi, nan 1 i, anil ordered lobe mt to b haaat tat eoorttTTwr. Oa motto tf Mr. Ueanatt, tbe SeiU bill m cede to th Uelted Stat, part of ha ia th cty af lUwigh, for lb par 's a) erecting t lovers in ts t bailllngt. kroa was take Bp, ameaded aad paae- d It teyvral Radtag. n e-BClal.- oaDka. Tb kill ta ralaiioa tn.usny, bo tone ha ii pre cent to be taata came Bp aa the spend ordat. . Ttu till wa rr I WbeB Mr. W(B (7 nd ih.t1tu' ta ro-cracl chspur Mr. Itantpkny rd t wag'k (! Us a-i. t ua 4 t a n . ta mm aptiarwad to ajcfart f k Mr te daae4 U ttn w ty aH e4 it'-a)Wi, li a-4 aatasetjaaiiiyta 1 atlag B waiii to wtjUd l"y Ml. rr4 lW(Vl taaiai I f Mfc 1tMl aawvad t atoal W ailiii m, aa4 ewpsaaaal bw rr tSaw f npa avai. Mr. WVB ryrw4 J iki saeaier a af u. na.lM aaaaaam tkU bed aswa - - U . a V aB lla. fst4 t-n4 fee B4'et ' N pre.td a -- 4ww be viixl k t it aeisj toa I a I ia ato.wa beat sa Iwslf BOT reaa e4 AtMtty ad to tart tklrl 4Vem mm a 'h-atw l IM s"ir-- W-w iu ato fkaeiat e to -4 tM aa t k e '! km M m4 I fw tU F i a to V t sxa Ms. MaavtwaU afiUttMaL Bke in at M Vr.f fwo-t t4 MmtMf" sua t Mt. ILmi 4 I--.I if aax ataame aato 1I0LC OFUU'REESrAnVRl Daaawaaa I Mr. rpraka IkbiBuael4 th II at to lt at II . m. J -ral of yMtday real aad tft tut r4. Mr. Craarutos warwaaai aapJaaa. laae to r iw" ia aa artta'a tt l paanad to IB ItawrTBBt tki BTKl? I laaHleg a" kt polilical hcBy Thai a BrpW woaid ant aa arpnaol 1" ri la4 aa waa stoa aa a twtt praetal aad wa voted M by tmtb Ifto n 4 iwaabrtraa ; last ae waat ta heeaarw wiB aa tv4 pwi" 1 Uaat be Wa av4 to be aki) pad tot mea a bv Br f j Ikal ha bad " a taadVd B Hrpab wa naret f . rer-rve. ac ' Mr. IBMti. pattlmal fraa liUMal af ia a,4tlt, WMkiag H pawal (- Mt ia ia aigkt n ta, rare, e re --1 r 'a Mi laMH, paaliimi rr m tt liliwi af rWwtaat to ma4 to to ket IMlilf Mr H'fikl, r i -a fraa tM tt m ii m mi IWtt tweaty H rrv It IrmVf !. M' Dk.;. pviiana fm IMet-at eftiaaa a IM sei T ltoi MB HmM atha i-f Hiir mHIml BU. Batow, awtiua ta ! f 'k le aad ssl salW M. AM-va, M -ta t k.f-i aae laaaar Mr Maf. r1' lMb af JJ ., Vat.e a', to to - A ia. ia smiaHMa at W ts-a. -; lls- - Uf rVa.t Mali s to to tra'y mm - M. msmnI . aVt t S IM a at Hum - ULm to a k pa v a k .ii imI aa Srt ... m- JAM awaM a)th4iltaaa) 4b.Mka. f,4 to te m at w tet . a tt. t-.t -. to't'b-tl f-a t' mi mm taaatf to S"f awf t M 1 iaat, fmmikm h-m Ito tt m aia4 ma mm t !) for what buine the subject M adapted ; al'O showing bow to arhcr prtnr for life. Admisain to lecture fret. Ledtea P'irUcuUrly invited to ttod. i , a . Candy. Candy. ' i 1 Go ti Rnyafer k Bros Canity manu fsctcry, Fsycttevllle St., sou get ntn of their pure, fresh CUnlies Coecianut anrj fruit candbe if every kind made every day. Many new style rirvtrr before sern ii ttit city. If y. u want aoioelhiBe; gaud and ni'-e, aooiet'iicg p'-rfectly reliable, go to Il rsierdt lir a They make all the Candy tteysell, nd warrant It all pur and freab. Ti) their engine Crass Tfft J" will be delighted. t Twa liotara. .Mr, i. 11. ll.rtiiy. t fir admirable, c.o eB'tonit, will give oie of Mt recitations r Teker Mall on next Monday night, fnt. Wt shall hsvc something mote ! say at th proi time. , Be. J 4in . Edwards, D. D tf B cV e-i-ed, Va., will deliver hi famna lector en ih "Choie e4"B wife," at Tocher nU en X ody evening, December 15th. b I to be noped that tnfe&efwal cntertaia BirU Bill aUfl rh if tUmata'1 tiV.tbltioet tal .BagrtABiatieal mrrm B'ajed by dtlh rat Itinerant ebwwmtj t and d.urart. "iiliuir.g N c u-ilrnad to bay tb W. about tb Stole, at It 4oul3 Mbr u tu,j , 4baa4kxa At onr 8ir paaaed the Ctt h H.t yaateeiUy Btntnlag, h t with tldet 1lrt, after a warm gm-t'.rg bat ware th dialilbatloa had ant ren restricted to a few bandied a day.- a r; t-: .-) i . Prof. Kert ha the todowmf Julloloe temai k concerning immlgratiu t i 1 found ttra A wet can Oonuls in tev- ral af tha leading citiet of fcurope aame thaa wilting to aid ut in the distribution of pamphlet ine rtnettoa eve thsta a trreat deal Ol tibnt and time, which iteqird to antwrrtb nuiu' rwur inquiiiea with ahieli thty are i-aulMULi tn-alaafn V Aad if. in addition to this, an intelliceet gaut, ooaviau4 with th leading toort Basttat laafraaajaa, wee euptoyed t suit the Motions ol Kuroii from whit b coma tbe flaw of rm'grsnlt we desire, and to mike the needful arrangement- at port tor their pege, It would bt Try ey to sucur a large aa immigration a ww aaa provide lor. Aud, it it abtolBtely certain that without tome gentle of I hi si-it or serf ing the purpose. Of giving Bw d lul lafurtaatioa aad (acilitaung tranapor UtiiHi, ,l the emigratio horn Karopc will be twaUawed op, a hertort.t, by Ihe Inaatlab'e Wwt." .u Ohailott Itsna. We cndnt fr-ia &n!ktm. Bm: k lire threatened to destroy the Zsa office a Fridiy taomieg last Iter I Ihteditor Jntinf kf Hi origin of th dee: Oar theory W th eelgia af the Pre I that sums l ubaa patriot, yepwrrd by baaBaa.kad atoien toto th eeaaul tt m eat iielet anon. Hi rtejnnj lav for iheVtwt veraiiitir h a . fid ever saw. aad hie tail lhrM J:klidl t,u'a. art tha floor aad partition oa Cra, He Liina.ll k aureuaed to have a r l4 ta ihs nbae of Bra" aad M bow "a child ef Financial Secretary M. V'B. Oill-eri 'Auditor J. B. nampton.' Petgtnl-ut-Arms John tlobcrt Itny. , i ;' i For the laeUnel. ' " DkC-kMBIfc . I)k.AB Bit t Th bill to suthoriet tb N. t , aad tayrri niwn y-araTT . 150 lOalt tOall A bill to consolidate railroad general- ly, to mak W. A. Smith Governor af the Stota, to enable McAden, Kep h Ce, to Baits a grand apoaalaUoQ tmt prth W. N. C 11. K. to aacraies the interest ot the private tockbnlder in tht N C.Il. R, en wlusa tae guatt rMtwsea ureeasooro ted Charlotte, to lireak np the ytm 01 a aaiform gaaga Irem the Kaat to the West, to give ike PeaBsytvaaid Railroad all U went, lo execute heavy martgage oa aft Ihe property thn ennaulidated, to fail to build say toad and tor other - par pose . .. i. lot'B rtiirs. , . . i. i The Uaean f Hulisad, altaaded hf B numerous lul . ha taken up a tipo rary shod In Geneva, Hwitrerland. . iias ' i A. arBlliaaa. f lb Pallmaa Car Com nan r. baa tailed for Earopa. B I ' I 1- .I:.!. I 1. kl. 10 pui oa aevarai cnaoau muusua palace tars, and is to la trod uc o them U. Aasniosa tyetem of reaa lag ears checking baggag,!. tctiii ....... a . . A '.; . . . .. . . r... r a to r KtTHBHS. ... 1- n.AXkKeebaa.ui..Maa.Adt 1 to HAT, tr 1UU Ilia 10) altft HtuW, r-wlhl)ry .TTT !! PtlTATOkd, Bwaal, pre be. Mi VlNftnAperKl.,", .Vl . " HAlltrf.iiAfc.iow l,jw;,t I t 1 iKn .t.,ri i" BIJTTKH , tiNitU r-UII'R, taw Mak M.-U. ...V.f.r 7 CO HlAl,ta,i v. i. a.ioai.w I'liKI, ti r ha., bt IU , '. .... , W' a 1 U kA(x) aik . Ullta,l ...h. i Canaaa, , ... l'"itl KULUTS ...,.i.im l.H,? 1 ilAk"'?..1.? 0AlH,'akWL'.a..i-.fc'a-vi,.-'4 " Bead . roDniK, par lilt IBS . ;Tf .IVi CAMULta 17 ',! WHAT MIT?. TTEnY , .mhi . "i .' bial hfTBlTB XoCBWt,' Augll.flTI i . t m "w 0 - WbbV4 DCNSUW Bl'HUi -H Qramm r-A w td rdte hn Am f a - which lastoJ t eferk I we aftor yetii nth peovlM that nr pertoa may for ... . .... .1 r-aji iao or ttie huadrsJ patm b lota of moaey tad I e ether c-ataid-1 ti lt aroM glvt him .beolotio far I (f j,, pM.ud Jb lull tagel" th seat I.) riisrg at mch mt t pat ant. Nr. Brown, lb aataOt at to tail, l votaitd il paaaaar at " lewgih. ' ta Hi.if Mr. vttrtBg, u, bUI ww UdaBaitoty aaHsd. The bUI to toenrMWB the Hiartk Caw baa leaasifTwrtoa tVcMy w takeaap aad pawi 4 tt areaeal aaadlsgs. Oa mntaa ef Mr. netne, lk LIU I tbarta lb eranatractl" nf loll landga rtfat tht t. at tab RVaf. Bt rv.tsa4)nd 4 tfclr J l-li.f and paawd. Tht bill to pritiOa (.4 to trpta- llua af ralaawd tosvart lom th pelka btry to thaa PWkt haaaa way tohaal Bp, aad edraaated bv Mt. ties, eatwed. Ua motoi mt Mr. Wtnag, laid a lk lal. Mr. IU.4 vf MaakUabwt. araaaiatla rt- ike Itj. W. A. Urakaaa to W be aa B44raa pft th IHakayal A aaakty dg Ika -" tsaalo 0 MkaWtad ataakaakr ttoHaVatk. af iatawmli a. era vswt aa4 f ad. - tt t.ikrt movad to nit ar 0 II (.endloa. ajl. r km Baamd to aJ I lit t-f W vr, u i. Ui, laaaaawnlwiaw Ue tajl to eattoa aad O BktJ Mr. W.lsf. IUWM ..u.,, Ik rbf sta ffs aai 1st -. at 1 ' . " r.ta4slMtoaitaaB. tTb) r 4laUi4 tW fWgraa IUW4 to toaxa-swaw Blear a I aaai W saaint .. mwrtm ve-weia (Mht mm, MatoBf If rl Vk toe aoaaif af tatAlUe mLTJ-mZmTJ?:mLm U Lm. A W.lUa,..tla,pa4Hk-l.to.B4 tM JTawe, sWvwJwatowapa4t.aaat 1 ah kto tt g to d t h tL - tae baa to aasMtd trnte 4 C T t was I Mmmmml s amt aad vea-te bit pay. attof aa . .-.iBT.Baha . WWtowt to We W k.B aat py ea" w w fwt ywaal w wl raa-I.ega f ing to Beat aa A'nitnaa pfoarrt iw CI let saul il tie jaJd Bpa cirtam staaratrBisg b t l arky aad ktritf Lr whe ttood Br, th Ddt said, Drttot 1 1 ke tt is ! "sit and abeo'aU ia lb taWiC Ckarrh." Ahtotto i ge4 ftre tit taid Tim dhy. uti I wry mint I aay parks. Tbe E4e eatorad the I Utet eflr a I raHsd f e ike amtBt. nlaialaf "BirlertbaB ia Chenh," which be toad with gnat atral, aad beg kW e.rat!t try naylag if Trr wa frf t mbet af l be (hank, M bad bkw t ) pe lea W of ike pew baa. aandsa OeaalV tfaard rrcaa. Mr. Oeatg A. Lswla, Sharif af , 1 wl4Vtto a jaatcrday. W karaed tt klm that be pail mto tb tiaaaatj ISt.ittH Mrtwitprl4ray atm of tageb last Muaday , I j dot. J, P. Tbnaaas aad Nirk Vvoe-ll, Cq , aisd sgru oituial sddir'a O Hara, tb rhmpi walkwt, osj fib dsy. Bis 1 lr Bil e in AO 1 t wiaut-aM-klf mil af the diataaee waJklaf backward TBI beat Weatoae lira baJIf. Tu Sec a I rrebytorta Cbarcb org a larl tt I alt, Ly Ihe eWrtbai of J lUakia. I P Aoaaadat aad H I MrDuW- I, st.lrre, aad J t fsfttn Bad leaepk pati.oi. Itoxaae I , MAJUMEXX . . At th rl4aaca of th brble talk, ta traded meaty, ft, C , VuV. BO, ltrt, by I M. L Wo4, Mr t T tfjmpso, mt lliry, I to Mks A At a UTmwar, aaagbtor af WlUort Tanas. It). : . -- ' a u aal - - b Bl 9 VUav. I Mr Akast ilaiarjw f Prtt-t-t fm T I ""t U ttnUI wt kit n a J a-a . , . . J I ' -a vary mack frtewted rtk Ik mil, tU r Ctiue, wt thought beat But fo op- B It UB- ,. , " til'tck arih, WhWtV W bed tstoa a!ng - f r "1 A la Wa lb. PPa4 Jvj,J patgoa. Vt,to Mis Itora VaUl, taalf aaagktsraf EU peain, I u, ef T ivwteaaty, I 0, Suvasaba t, JiTS, at lb raaljtass ftke Bets' afrtw, la Jaaavdl Tadkia aaaty C ky tM kv T T. klUinx'c, Mr Jaba a Bad to at tal a ed, all mt JaaaavUto At raat, tWafurt saaaty, C. Mot Utb tin, Kaary L Fly, g4 11 jaara, I BasaUn at raBtkro, Baaafarl aaaaty, MCMa Utk, in, Wawry b rtraa, agad Bt faara, I BaeaUbs - ' " The New T k rVaaaa dee Bot lavot th plo tbaorj t faTor4 bf Bar- lai aartasa, U r Wi mom kealeea d d wt B fnak pa abal to "" ik'f ' wrarkad eT toff-s af IU tost Baa, alll Bat fail to kfp th gont lakl iiat ikataMdlBg t. l.tluB, A!rdy tbetto- imm! - kv a4 wnaMkiae; lit 1 M ft atrarai r 1 1 g I to b4 la rf al4 t ral UaJ wael It jrt k.- H!Ii A to t -tk ef I k-yaVfy rUtMw4 I. g lit Xaa W Dt. P.. , taa w4 wd it mm maetaurd St Ike tskaaratory Bt " i : a-4 r a 4 t-4 bf mZ ay aVeartaaea, MM 4 rf al . t 1' 'r at 4 rH aeaaaaa tt Baea tt y MllW Waa ks -''" mats a Ptatlf ttfkt, t kle Ped I ...wtaad a ktf eat "4 lb i-rty 1 bat rr,ic4 aad Paid bp trt'k peP I tor b..mw ttbvbHwtf tt trv I nr ut yt iorma win BH t ma bf mkag wr-aaey Fwy. tutt l tm iaaaa laat Ik af fanbet taOa'ano mt i a w ltd s" ''- It, a I II ievev aad of Ik to.tltal.. t'aa thai BJaf kaaa.wa Are w totwpabte at ant.ag knam ipactoaaat Aft baret lA lb peat aaaty day, meat w efwto M'U mm mmrmn toto W-e taaM rto sat da- , '! I W'tb aad B-t. kb to- aft' - . - i i 1 1 tt t I. AllMVAl., Y - Tt- .a, if. IT. M4 riLA II. t !.'.i k L A-r" a,M,, r t Jka tsyt , ! Y ; I mi. It n ) Hf" Tae; n Tf, f.Jaa '.! UaM lftea . U J mmm, ynwtmmw, m, i i i (iry , ii"i. W IT t aa Hmmni . W n" taaM mm i . Jti Wkite, W!! k LkaaO. k L Ltot. il .a. h I-arb. --. . . i , , , .... . , tlra K tal. tf Kl! Ift lk ( li ra U t . l- -ur ef Ml. Jaw Fa- Wtoe to IkTt f aril mt lb t4am ef Mai TV la awH to aw Br Pert, 4 tab tap, d a faatl-ei J Wt ( ff- UalMtotltoV to toe .. UsM aaaa. IWdy A f fa, . t IA, rr Vatv Ca.ei k . Ik - I marina af ima " 4T W4 Fit ff Lta'at If i mmmJ gH aaatoaaliiBito toaiy I- y aass Ur'at 4af trw skt, wt au4 kae M -wttB Bit al tomato ' jrt'IUa ' k Ua the g f itrj eel lira i. frel m-m fkat' iia, , JaKa Otk 4V 61'fcCUL aNOTICtH. aiaaum mo, r At U, B4a J. P. OetWy m kn Aivata ready to waa) to !, . '. . w W -ad UUe aad wllkuat tkat mgrwl.l . . , t . v --t : metl to l.jtlouabe at etkat Jh'- W lad yoor 4t gtti a nniirt basT woat si . -t tfea araatsv light tha any w bawtraiart. f aa sorry wt tWid aet gitB ijj btgat trial bet w ar rail eTTf f itt i -. -. . a , a a.wa patoaJ1jem , 4f g4 Mat D W, r.iMBa. t. U- Bfioaadi poxbw aa Aeaat la kaaMTk Aad 4V k) Bartaa Itfimj iWp tart II ly twtltf P, t' mm t Ta wraBBU Oca" WSU Y. Cbf heatotj dsajaasatad hss mtarm m tto BaJina a4 k likatd ttoaaaeal r4IBai ateaat, (tk frwri aid t4,l Hat I UarWUar aU to t4i d I f Maaara. JaBW I H. Mdtat A Cat. Jo , tkaat, I t lUtaekad ittt anata aad a tea t WW Be la igSt to Baa te the iniga4 t tto Bust pits sat svatat IBs I m i nt eilaa ajaaatakt i rwa a a kf taU. ! t ikfci tt at a iih !' m F m riaJT ttJi ruTikAriB tn Yalcailm rfc rutft iAix I aaW sate lt sane f laaadwt k. Wm mm I -a atuaae mm 4 u. k-t Uaa Baflmto, aat narla( t - I'.a to It m kfm uaa piiKnaa a mtmmt tto ua.v mmmm ! aaat lh o i . atu-a tatwk iMa nalawta S" vm mi mmm Html Baa Mr t f nl at l.t , tha at.tay aaa a aut aabra ta k-a a aaa Tk 14 W ta'aaUt Brtaaibat aa adtaotanal P. Bt til i a aa i aiaam ' Hat ! rBaaa w j -mnmrnm atoM-ev .At-ktal AaUTt to WATkUk riMt AST ALLUI-a Btot ska toat kl ttaa ! toa ratd takt Mato fw to aart rae-aare t ear aw Ad'taafar fare M tt -t Ur to a t .3 Bt la 1 OaUart 4 at aa at tto taaat MiaarUa rWiay.iato ta SBM at tJ a - w ' bT T a " A l.WW i mi B mmmt ak f Baa liUa.ua kiliaa . k i aaaa t o , r- ) mrt 1 I f T - , - H ATS S.ilA-ld.J juiatu T o t., 4 ti -b -Ar3 ait l: U Tt -T t f aa-a i aaj'iatiaat mnm'f .an s -4 a.-a a wt . B- i, lataa aartanay.kv " . aaa St a at 'aa si jr. the miliLH aea) rw4 H jt'itnuKfi A to-i.; f.i't A Itla F'i(, .X.li4.4toTa II- . ft Tta -isV, r, iu. a prrried'tftui i . a - . . .. at I'u n.a. Tfi mmm,mmm. I t - . . ... -m. r - ll m "-Wt r. m'4 1-1 ia ha aa a a B a Jt w4 i m. a ' ' III a. t H i i . ,i. at tia aa ina - rV i a-k-il kaasa, m -t. faM l IW t 1 ?. 4 Vt et wm'4 t i I ata P Ja F i"y, sA ia 4Va4 a M. i ts , at waaw. i ' t toe waa 1 l BmI V MWa tk, itfUf )t , towaHlei .a. p 1 M-aikaiar to AW a r. i w 1

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