f i i. - t Of v. ! JOSIAH TT7RNXB, Editor. tB-ENOSBUM.. Edltoe, Fktoat MoOHDJO, Doc. 5, 1871. THX LtGISLiTUR&RICK O? THE Mnmsix for TOT! BESSIOX : The tegWatar. ffl eeaemU. otv Hov. . J7ti, It will be M lpotUlreaio to the people of North; Carolina It wiU probably tootlaa we til let March over " c I i '' lj - three mouth, including the feceas st ; . I 0tt,nM' ' . We oro anxiooa to tend the Bticl c '... , , . . , . . , ,uw UUUW"" .1-1 uoof nnoi w wuniw, . win wium 1 ' ' follow during the entire beasioo, of, the Legialmiaret j;-,;. . ; r. ft 73 1 00 i Beml-Weekly - Weekly - & m . 50 TO ADVSRTI3&R3. : . . , TM BanWUlini laajiee more papers erery we Jk thaw any other paper is Raleigh. If any one deubta this positive statement, l . a enter bin to tiie nuaier of the Heute - ... t i ,,. , . Paper Mill who- supuUt the city prrst " . . " r . t with all the paper they consume. , 1 i,yJtounimmltotowvmAi j i Harth Carolina, and goes Into more j than twenty Btatea. ' " I " B ii thereore the best ADVERTISING I MEDIUM ki BaWgb, , We adrertise at as moderate rate at any otter paper. Try o. ' EDITORIAL ENTRZIES. There Is to be a grand tnsti meeting at ; Charleatoo, B. 0. on 11th Inst., to tske measures to build a railroad from that port to Chicago, ia Nashville. Up to thia time three bilte-have beeu tntrodoced lit the TJ. S. Senate for fb re " paai of the back-pay bill of last aesaton. They were Introduced by Cookllng, Wright and Pratt. " awaanaxaaswaaBW f- '' The Oranges of Miasistlppi are to earn est ia regard to Immigration. Some ol "' the county Granges have promised to sup ply root free for fire years forty acre ol , land to every white family. Large land propose to doe ate Und to white - T owner aattlere. " , Oo tod InsCTeia olii for Qover- aysr, Llsalswial-Oovernor, aad other Bute oOcer. sad alto for loll Wglslaier fur loo year. V L'sited State Senator I to " be elected la place of flaaaigaa, fisdi- Oal. Oov. Devi was the Radical candi- ! J dale for re-election. . Urn oppooeot was I no. Richard Coke, of Waco, -' , ; I According to the last official lUtemeoi coooaralag the pubUo febtr there I to-1 ;' Icleocy Of rtvaoui for thl last avwtb of too asillioo of dollar. - Tbo N. T, TrA- a say: ' Oo the let of September the legal lew V1, "i nl'tDCLT'D'it!l, was lUMfiWflQi, ofter deductiag U.s k tut la uie treasury. The eomfoelia Teaaury. Th MTeefNdi awnoat So k ItU.OOO OUO. The refto I loo la tbereoow .',IM) CMlO to tbss sooollka. U eow eWvolvw o Congress to " oswvlde taeana to iatls Mr. IUhaidaeo , I orew vaca, snu iivw.wu, bglsasd ha elwsya wen fjianewate la tU ouKbet of great omb. ,1a sialssaaw able K kH smtd fur buadretls l-f I years a of great aluwlie and p I ' ttwaee.il At tow time It ow hoaal of tbrt laodref aitaai ho hooa to aly wewotrf or ! -Oladstoor, IDsrseh end B,i,bt. VI. Uu-t thiehe ke fr ' v. - ..., ... j 7. aSaX .The .aWuojsrt fleawts. paaea a ".f tljjh setlmaia, Jw,M dasertedly aa, oiawo Mr. tisswaH. - 1 aav r At a prltaHtarf WaJ.r, lltf ia e Vsms ua rtk.l4staal toeu- ewas a ISt sM tae Minwwied e Id siseeia.t kM to aaaaagmg the 1 1 o . of t'nn.a. s tl,i t m oh" . laea ba la pr. ft, eW, he 4 ktaa)lMl S Jia ISt aa 1f wtasaasSi; 4 k eMs eawMr hlW Oi yrsppW vastly whsj' IM an ! H ie 'Sjwivtuss, aad al.ife eo-otlMaiW awwallr toU d Oweaotao iUtl'W wyaf eoOer Ike Mwwiwa4 eeetit Oaawi swka aU als i4 I ni.a. I TOBMTOS MTADtX lAXD, . ..... . Vheo tt eesMM os ebewt ta V4 l';M We fe 1 0O at Ui a aVawt la teats 84i' fc4 to Urt the . Of tbo 0...U- i-icwe k waVh U. lw'Ml -"0V r"'1 tog, Mr. w4 k4 o wJ w.Ht.. so W fast. II awllv sw. rn-mmm - , mw Oswaj Of f - , ) v m lb oaaows to ohlrh he f.4 i go tbo p Jtig, Tbo r. n U the lusaaaoo Il.l e4 the tVuw4 V(Alo e4 Oso fcaaJ a awe saasnUej watjaaa. 1W ysasg waawtwe re Mwdtw O, Hi inifH, Iva4 0 Mr . ae ow ed to teaaawaf two ooawow Oy eWw that tw-H,,id hJ 1 a4 -t4 sW las) Wamnee, AW eauraata wbto hi an toti, aad a 4U a( ta o bar w wta-as ia wa 4 a..s k4 , 0trd k ItO WTttks, Ah, Uu lea . ffUcreal t to Wt e lh W t : waneaay SHaM 1 w oa4 i-m mi be .. M. W aay resj U Mgar to it iWaw mi ' Vt 4Wf ht a. . e graal'f etaAIarid tta4 Ut sWsx .! m kat U..'.ifc4 1 il ktl ft f--m to f iU tt, th4 "-sskrw L wa f' ('g f fc-ae, T.4 ;; f ! satatsafl" ho- t' I s. 1 4 a to It I, ; ts a t j m ' t WilMW'fil l t s n ,a lal'l' ' t ' ' tt It i 4 -1 i-ao ay t 4 Salt,-17 e4 treik. asewa Oa be fouad who will ey we ever de-1 of A i,t .m k; ,,h I la ceivcd tla or to'.d bins oo eatrutli, whether is political or other matter. Gov. Caldwell to Mr. beat wit for oar Integrity and truth, lie hiving attenp- ted to impeach it, Wore the public, pub lished the beat evidence of it to the world. Outside of thrv&ln of truth to us, tdr tbia M well aa the other world, we would not part with it becauee ef a part; view and naiHfrif inn Vnr If m a wnt tdi anab- u)m tmrton oar party and oot bo able to keep in check, Radical gue and Ri"gs, ai railroad Fteei.lente, like Dr. llaa kin, wbo at a late b or Wednesday night, wa - 7. " bulling up" end euuifurUog Mr. Stone. Troth ii the weap.m with which we wbip- . . f ped Mr. Wrihmu A. Ueame, editor of ,Be jy rrom, Carolinian and Char lotte Ditpatth, when be called ut rogue and coward, at doce Mr. Jordan Btono. Truth it the weapon we uied to whip IleaTDe with when, through the Wllming- ton Journal, be published us a. a leader Ot Htm II1IUA hwiiiui tnu uiuruciriai. Truth it the weapon we used when Got. Caldwell, or Fat Carrow, or somebody suiaBMiBed Ilearoe before the Uraad Jury to get a bill against as akuklui. Troth it the heaTen-gift weapon with which we whipped HoldM, Caldwell, LUtltBeld, Bwrpson, Kiik, Bergen, and Chief Justice r r Peanos) when be auspended the writ a' Ku( ; iml w y, lb, wm, mv w,tIpect to whip Stone, McAden, Bu- ford( Bi , gmilh and ,,, jing . ,d the PP,a ok" 00,(1 P loe'r Dod' uJ about elctory when we make them bite the dost. Truth rs the weapon with which Judge Brooks broke for us the iron bars of Judge Pearson's dungeoo at Graham Truth I tbe weapon with which we drove Fat Carrow out of his own court, where we had been UroDght by false swearing and wicked perjury, and where he, in vio ls ti An of all sense of justice, both human and divine, iicied the Grand Jury of ne groee and Radical, first to find a bill aud then to try us. . A.a to coverdly fear, In the use of car nal weapons, It does not become ut to I peak, muchless to boart, Our courage I has been wickedly, malicioaaly and infa baa never been .ulUcientlv tried, because mou,l7 UsrBjptinay to cast upoa i my paper . " ' ., . ,, , . we have generally be n assailed, we will notay by cowards and liars, for that would br undue as well as disrespectful to Judx. Moore, Gen. Cling.n.n and 1 other. But we msao to say geuerally, that the men wbo bare put our, courage oo what machinist call riperlmental.trial tee ruUj M", P'ke and ICcbe's eon Logan, and Dave' too, Aaron I aad Menningrr'l brother Frank, wbo put I i. , . . ,' , . I " """ Lravienrm. t ney oacaau oj a crowu w I oegroea, aad we backed by loo man I r,- .1,1 Ti.,t ....l. .i. i w I . ,. . . ' ' , I baod. would have put Oov. II.J-1 oaa asowjoouina iis out jo uas pro-l tVad sad panted, aad wt would not die. tmb m eenent or rr i th Bw of hi pious meditations by putting blm on, or I la Dad militia or Bui troop of Davie em-el. Having called eo 0 .v. Caldwell aa a witoees to oar I raid, a might call oo Os. t liogmsa aa a wilocee to lb x- trem rdortenc wltli which w take up carnal weapowa, always allowing the ad- frry too.belor drUtered oo blow. . I ( " JtrAlea a Card, puoiMiieo oy r. diobc. jsc Aura cease 10 ws is rrn roary laat to allow hi OS to assail thruughtbe Satrrmau We luUI him ht meet shool J.edan muM' gun, the . eod not the HaaviaaL, We luld him ws Would Copy hi card fnm the Aess ioto the f Ksmaak, aad we wuuttf pay Mr, St-oe fur it aa adverttaiasj ma'ler, by way f getting him to publish It, o we had wtosetl io 4o so. We must si... sgJe.t tbef th,th liiwo. lb hUtory of th parches ef th I 6t..U I October IMS, we fet hid I OflOVtraelkHI with Mr. Wllliaaa Pell I owehaaleg the Okartlls of which j e editor. Our at 1 1 tee waa with the tbo sUleigh Watleaal Itoah to howw if the o of Jtadah Tororr, Sr, the father of the writer of thia, cooid borrow aaoorj at bank. W ashed that he he alb- 4 H Oaf U trtvas araal-aeewallj, awd so were at haae two fear to aaakt Mt it W 'wtaied Ibal th ftprtij uf Jnaitk Tm'l. 01. Waa a.l reef ta- 41 latg and aaaty I aaaall Uarta at kat lo the Oavey ef Onaf a s iriswo aw toewtr wr Use so lis Itsww 4 tlrfM.ea, aeel 4 itos wftk tJ hoa 'The I'Mwldaat 1 R,hk kwtm sM im fn I 4 tgnswd that J wUhj Tare-. rr.swM.y k,f, u( f rm kb Vs heal M Oaea w . IksiOM mmmmf, ho aatd the kWk wU ,b H, w ,mr4 j, . ,m ,1, - B,., M th.- ad U J.au.h Tarawr, w, ww!4 ak t awta U k.aa Ike t'naSiawl, f44 I all;. lie -a4 g4 IM sJ ad pay taw lot sewttwesiwaWf fle kt ta lH wby be was aaa I payaU In the Preat. aWt . f ibe Im. k bad . lely . bl.sj ad swtbe iiis ee la Otaval. Taa h.Uwl af Ike bh waa l-x W rap.a, at a tba k k pM - s.y a Mr. i . Ia. K. I s tar tbo fUawtaa U Mr. fHH, awh0 'as a, llama . Mas be . aj4e o tl W sale stoi ike oaw to oV bwt to 0 Orwiaew, I U- b JU t4 Ma Ter - 4 . V b4 taieaa4 ear r kM ! , i tbe pr-pry. e4 00 hova sa steiH te the at. Um ywe a" I ai'e a4 If llaJai b4 tf a ca4 ike Oemaav Tbe psafavty -ft fatal al-4 4 JaUk f a a , waa, aw we ao rsaas tba wbark s rwai, ti d V l4o ;no r WM r a y k w ra aj ,0M J bW Oa.aw-W Hut h aa.4. b t-4 "' fi"i! l'i 4H to U .A b ,a4 b- aa-a I a) fa b u atai judgment, aad ieviec were obtained I eonrt, and the property old for cash, 1 la cowl, and the property aold lot caab, I ana oougnt in oy AX.CA.aea ana at. n it-1 . . . a- b:i I ura ror me uenn( oi wnicn ne w ma-1 dent. The eighty thouaand, or fifty-1 three thouaand. If o plcaae, Waa aold fur Cut), with the aw!drttaa4ing with Hewn. Mcidea and Willard that elier paying their dvbta, any aorplnt ahould go to Joalah Tomer, Sr., who will anon be ninety and one yean of age. He waa oar iecaritr for k 4ebt of tt.000 1 made belora the war for a old woota 1 Folly and her children. The only tlaree I we erer bought or aold, and we bought 1. . t 1 - J 1 J : L n- ,A w mm araiuiug w Alabama and asperating bar from her j husband. and McAdco paradea before the pnblic. It wat In the shape of a Judgment from the Federal Court, and it took a mill acd 1,200 acre of land to pay the judgment. Tfiree of the brothers of the Editor of tbit paper gre toMcAdm their notes for teren thousand dollars, nearly twice at Buch brouhut pul)ic mU or would bring to-d ty. In the iniinustion of the McAilt n-Stone curd, that there was a purpose to let the three brother pftbe Skntiukl get it at lvss thao its value, McAden is as unwarranted and twice aa ugly as his compromibe of the black Mar ley suit beforejudge Watt, (or $163,000. Josiah Turner, Sr., Iiat ten cbildrrn.and We thought and sought to make three tout boys of tbe family psy the full value of what tbey puichased by w.y of paying , . r, ' .? the debts and leaving the more to be di- vided among the female of the lamily. One of them we learned yesterday bad given up bis puic. more than he could carry and bought cheaper land. we look the la.t dollar we baa in the I rr.rl.1 4,. on.l.U ,.. ..ll.-r tmn In .n.W,. lo tbe fir.t pit merit of the interest due on their puith.ee. There ia ootbiug ol fraud or (.eruption in the whole transaction either on the pait of my brothers or my self, so help us Ui'd 1 Here Is air. Joidsn Stone's comment ou his card Irom McAdeu. " What will the oublie think now ol the conduct of Joaiah Turner, Jr. who tne oaium oi the ttwepson King I lie wboM lhe pEKTij,it-waa pur- chased with Swepion'a money poeaibly with the proceeds r some of the "Joaie'' JV f written so much receutlr-fbe whose hands rec.it.d Hing my from tbe identic.l George W. rwepeon with which to buy the Smtwci. from Mr. Pell -He. the immaculate, the fearliea. the to- doankiable Juaiah Turner, Jr., has hia own oesmeerea wun nun irom me nmg of the Swindlera. Let him flrstcleaaae hie own garment, let him return the wages ot fraud and lates t y- let bin lilt the Judgment lor the luane which now lnd on th record of the oourt let him purge hi own paper of th odor of pecu- ,!. obliBatlois to Oeonre W.Swiio." If oul ttaumaot thus far doea Oot "cIcm our garments'' and hands, thee ws Uaa give ether facts that will, aad at the I same time bow loyalty to th party, auch I aa Oov. Vance caneot boast. I In 1889 Dr. Hawkins, President if LUt.l Amotion aioi Raleigh It Oaston, iy Lnt n d, sought lo purchase the Raleigh jTlsi. aad Huldi-a' 4d pspsv, the 8taJr4, m conjunction with Uttleaeld and B-epaow. They aooceded . . ' I ns ouyiag out uuioea at f.w.vuu. dui onnmr i cu wai sm imiernuuaaa difTWeot Clay, blessed be his memory, The week before we ituKhaard tbe Son- tiau of hia at 1.000, this trio ofl red alro 110,000 for the BrriaiL, aad 1 3,000 year to edit Ibe pepc-r for them. They rrquired him to advocate what they called tbeir leaecie' and raiiMwl scheaira, aad epoo thl tbry broke, aad ibe eld aaao, poor a a church asoose, s)d the Saam- "L U 1,f 4t1 r,, "ch. I ' " 'I n ' svsre sbdsat, we were tfrr4 f M.Off tor tbe iirriai. by tbo Hisg. The !UTisi, as iko MwmMtoo oa piiaiiag kaow. U afared tbe Ring froe head to tout. Xtts did we advecote Maeot tbej propoawd. Sevwt did Ot toil to show bw np, aod lhe totodleUU wbt ba ked f- t,mcw Iroei ottber aU,a Ml O aaaaaar Im aaercil. Tax paver aad k -r- si Sam e-akUis f tbe Waakare 4 wwr khws ead lhe dallaaa ad wot -l. Year aAr jear, lie aflf lisae did tbej &. ta hoy we awt, eeiil tbe I prenawtsbo ewtw Ikeawgk Dr. lCatkaai. tf Oobed ael.er party le 0pa, propo4 Ibmogh Dr. .tkaal, M ha aide lb eawt to Cejagvosk Teod 00 by eeaaww, Uwawew tbe fbawtiw. hat. Itas ttortoo oew say lb off oa i.09 sad omI ta Cogwav ti, lUckaall s.B that we esocltsMsst at wiekawtaaa saa sal's saaWettoo. lf witi tli'y tket toslsol ef "vaseralsg." a tbe Jfrmt tlk 00 o 10 ato,ibo.wg of (ts4 aad rae vUt, oarwed 0 bnbo wkkkw wwH hweooftod lb todgaaawuto owH obwh lb JkVwe fwlie oo ws to psy, If 3,Q00or a lb Aeasssws roaao to UOO, ii0 ad prwaasly, pay aVW f tn.oos) ev fiio tiMridso on Mr. n i.,ar 0 bw urn pa, i st tial.annw, a4 aw art aaa, . wfcaai Mr W daO - 0 ht -.-.tk.J4t ika'ge it frao I ka sf-vteJ ( a-aMs, U at tkt M too payefcaaead Ib-t beet twafc by w SkObaw 4 U aUstM Oa OlawO to to lb la4 wara baa4, aad " to i a rHi aa4 Lni'sdist4 ewes b to be to.Uo (to) asgkjaaaos eod IUawkar to Otory bvaarft al the ,., -..-' ii IV tkt. oavf we WW lewsasi gio tbeo) esto lkkg k be tat UXOt TH TtlliTATM. .Ib Ja'j-w to tbo raaWtl Uaawt, to oath eg ,w r ?o' to ocaH to tM to ka VaO Wat bey a4 r t beyond any .Metiaa for determination j that wa before tb . The eaat before that waa before tb . The eaat before tbem waa a preiiaiuary one, to-wu ; ... bather the Triaienr of tne otate oi Nortb Caroliaa ahoald be injoioed from paying oat any fonda until the iotereat fund ia repaid. The Court refuted to grant the Injunction, but went beyond thia, and decided a qoeetion that wat not before then, bat wbkh will come to a heariog i Jannary neJtt,- It decided that k fSro.t T. xtmA .r erantrtuttODal .. ik.t tk TjiaUhttnra of I ISTO - Tl, directing divwlon of the fuodt coined for payment of the Intereatacj cru,ng on tbem, wat uooonatilulionii). id otbef vord tbeJ, gi?e M opinion extra- - . . . . jUlileiar became not Delore mem. uui which ia to be tried hereafter. They pre mise without hearing the evi leoce, the law, or the argumeot of couatel. The efiecta oi their decition will be tx ij .fflictWe u our people. If the special taxea are to be levied hereafter to pay the interest on the fraudulent bonds issued under the IIolden-Littlefleld re gime, then the moat appalling coote- uuences will follow. We find the case to well atated in the Wilmington Journal ot the 8d Inst., that we lay the most preg nant paataget before our readers. Referring to the fraudulent bonds of 1858-'69, the Journal sajs : a. If the acta authorizing these bonds are I valid lawa of North Carolioa there is no I need for the Federal Court to apply any J0" "'compulsion to the present or say future Legislature, for no further leg- Ulltill u uaxmt,r Xne Kt, of ,h, . called Radical Legislature of 1868-'69, Mthorizing the iasue of tbo Special Tax 1 ,mount thereof, but tbe property from wntcn it snail ne eniiected, and tne pies- l tOX all luture LetJInlstUreS Will tM Ut- uiriy powerless to prevent us collection, if the Court shall grant the order. It will only be necessary for the Auditi r of the 8tte to direct the sheriff to Collect these Special Tale from yejr to year, and, il they refuse to collect .heui, to order lhe United States Marshal to collect them, as is now being done In the county ol Cr teret. The Special Tax bond amount to more than eleven millions or dollars. What will be r rrault to tbe people of North Carolina it tbey shell bj compelled to pay tbe tatea levied to meet the interest oo that hugo debt, a debt tor which they re ceived no consideration The answer la eaay. The sheriff will ti-fuse to collect the auoaey, and- tbe United Stales Marshal acd their deputiee will spread to awarms through every ononly to the stale, selling everything before tbem, lor homestead aud exemption Uwe m ill then be of oo I avail. I Thia 1. uo ok re fancy aketch, but a ti ue uvvmi ' iivvvnuiiiiR ii ttuiiu vaiuiiHi, i .'fib. order to collect the 8p..l Tax. hsall Kso ainHiMjii1 K tKaa er. I f 'naivi I Th. onl, Ihinrihar n,7. ailnX beT. the people of North Carolina and utter 1 ruin la lhe Federal Judge Hugh , U ilia Federal Judge Hugh L. Boed now boldieg Couit ia Raleigh. A TI.VM TOR 8 TA TSSMAHSillP. There never waaa better lime than no tor Ibe eierciee ef ' true statesmanship. Our toreiga relation are ef a most delicate character. The least Imprudence minh aM.k. a IK.) -MM k. 4 . our Boaneo already in a very shaky eoe- ditioo, and woold entail vast wretched- I wow hundreds of thouaswds of tha Aasericaa people. Rut we Oeed elevated, .. ..l r . sera at sews, lo anal me wmin'la tnst rour and opprsaaHNi hate ludie'ed We ad wise, able, high ted. just hooorabl awe to direct th c ur- of public affaire, lu teuag Ibe sormat 4 a pOpls whose hootes have bee d aviated and wbtwr heart have lre rul. ly tura.ln bring bock th old fee'log of affu. (or lhe tag and tbe UnU-n, t . inaugurals a bcocfloeet aad kindly policy ib.t ahall restore b pe aad con fideaoe ton. al.ideoatioe. There ever wae a ar opportune moment lot tbo exhibition uf high iwtrixtiae aa 1 a geaesvMstaeaoialiip. Have we th sara ia t'oegrews wh caa ito to lb heigbl t4 the gle.l ootasi I Is Iher aeaao aisnptr, toiNciows, (treated eharwetnr who by ba aniatMtt dotjueut Oad wleeomineH ran , nl! syv the ac- Uoo of Cowgrtas aa.d Us Adniinl trattoe that prosper ily, happierei aad asily oi otiseet aod latmwt may pvtsMwte th whole lewd rraaera I" wan, sa l (rum Maiae to the oapae of T A , lb Asgwet (Oa.,) fWW ,f.i A.a.W kea the Wtowiog to say alaoot ll rare M Uoo. A. II. Ihrpavae tl4H giMa. Mr wopbrae k to we itt hsl, bet l ta weeflke aWI .4 lil g Asaircaaa. IloW atari) Ws 1 be rw t.i ,a kx enaaaals wf tbe Wwlanw rvaaatae tu be saaO Owr Uoorgta olwpiwry rewtarks 1 W Utaat that be wi t V aa) tlaat Is w as wwwwi m oefp wri Mas lmtti f ... praastua Um or sbkWV tiM n.le ty,i.g ' praaaraU aad reined by re 4 lbs to- saeatojwi ttaaatiwei b thai war eeal f aHafcM mfUt tbe alwd war bar tbej lab. Ukeoao saxvawd m ikia,bseili w-xwmm a g'wt wswaiae r aa ti ae gtwai wsbiiaa ad wwaw ) .uUe be0 hwoo aVaxa teas ww Oaw bate rt aa ad lael aad pwrpaaa. llh ll a. j bar was 4 j alll lhe grts fc, ' - oerary. as a 1 14 rJ .tx-. swais m aajuraOgbly Oaalinswuoot wMri ib tav a4 t wbMTOU.. Uudd, kt ra.,J '4. oaf I e I aave (baey aaaa aaat. I myimj reaw.biiiOa I j I """- - pMs a4 ettaaas I aaaaa blarli aOail L... a 1 M I u, e-aj.ba eaaw wf spbn aJ JiTiwa,Ot I . (Jap. Fry, at ki.v,, 1, oaaiay a4 I a ... TTJ. J ' I 1 d-t. wr mm mm cam - - . . I rk44 r V I S JJitittw,ft fttuoroHO 4. ttr -4 te aba waaawa OaaOtae t a a.. f . " 0 Wy ..-n.Tr'j a'l'V'ui.'-l!' e-wf eteat mm - - ANtbtOU. . n0 V'TftJ Atbitl. COMMISSION MEBCHAMS. , . , , , u . --rp - p vmrsr a K n WiLUAM p-rLaKD y y , , Wholesale Grocers; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FAYXTTIVILLI STREET, " X 1 1 . u.tmnolltaa Hall, RALEIGII,1W C, g8-tf " J J. THOMAa. - gmoked Broiling Beef, Choice Goshen Batter, Prime Cream Cheese, Smoked Beef Tongues, Kxtra Bologna Bausaxe, Large Northern Potatoes, Extra Cream and Soda Biscuit, Gintfer Snaps, Jellies and Preaerves, Main tnd Mixed Plckla, .Vuj and Sauces, duilish Marmalade, Flavoring Extract, Canned Fruit and Vegetable, KtilTsh and French Mustards, Ctox's and Nelson's Oelatio, Choice Teas and Chocolates, "Lane's" brand Choice Hams, Sugar Cured Breakfast Strips, Choice Virginia Baeon, Self Raising Flour, W. C. STRONG Oil. rpiIE OLD SUBSTANTIAL, JL VVKL.L TESTED, M Lifo Insurance k, wrro orriciVa" FISIIER BUILDING, CT1, , BiDwa stohs or- J (J L I U S L E H' S tfe C O. ., ... -i, ., , . . , , a OO, OOO. O OO I 44 bT Bd.l,,T proaiptness tn thU par- 5 .LV:VJ? .iL a-ill!- In class company; and also, haunt paid aoie ravenae lo Uie 8 late tuaa any other company, ibe snrrits and eujojs Ui wall aarnse usuacuoa or being u llUm LIFE C01F1ST Til STATE. Aad with ker 090,000,000.00 Aauootss, new on hand, and managed by geatlnaca of owe Mparwnes saa aaaariai saiu sue oners I """' .--a n.y w au mm i eeawttMra. aad, aa aa mrrainiani ror eapt. taint a I l,0iaj poitry Is ttler than lO Ouvin iwalwutav Afs frera Ota I ars rnenrmhla tM bou aasaa I Sla eusnpeay aovs aot say. I nrm Bat weaakaa I laanartlal eotaitaHaoii with i nhhimi im I rim aad eaytmimiry, and Ireva tbe reaslt to I u leiieweat ol Ui wiWie. I B eallmr ai Hit lan.l Aerator any o( I I iaia. rartber inroruiailon win be cnecr- W. II CHOW, . Il McKkR, M U , Medical Examiner. sap Vbia Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRON! r a 3o JVfrotaii .Karwn, at IVoeoW t Sol ui ion of IA JVwtoxirto oi Irom, U 00 roosbiavrd as l kit4 (A r Aw rsref rr of ultimemt, m oartlf tltgriteil unul aaimUaitt fTonhtmmm,lnri0raitnlmmd I tfaHtino ( 5artM. Thm n Tick 4 mmJ rUiltitetl llnwt per stoeuro wrg nT ofAO motif t pwpatlHnff ttatsxioM tl arwaa. earcAtttsy wtU atawrtiiil swx-rew 4bwsM. OMs4 lestHstsy tsaHAartay for afiamtse ro frit w$ton. Tht to rfco srrrrf of th ros dcrful M-rrae of thl rrmsitm lie oarritif IprkU. Liver I viif Ibtoant, Irop. llrronto Dtor. Tlkrro, Ilolla, NrfTOtU AnVUona, CUlo ms4 rovroo, Humorw, Aeai of t nnat Itutlonsvl Hffor. Irtonsavo of llo Kid not svsd lllavLW, rrtaaO (omplaJnta. el " mt oriatnnltnt) ias tosaf ! IA rWaavul. ev mv. rwwsnitl4 f tlrbUtlw or J orwle or a-efrwt. ilrfNtv r0 Vww feiwW 4 say wrw. If ostswpletwsy rffrxim mro to4 ut. 'r4 arpawaMavJua4T rsastaa eaosa 4W - pirwssfaf, 4taa l-f mmflh. te stsOw evil atasHo IA ksiss, tavl bttktUM(y IJt N irwss C'o- TirMlt. J Aawaoki.ft ktrr !rkrhM?r-I IA re IA)i rrmtft from 'oA, oirklf, omffrrima erwa ssewo, to swe-wtseT, JbMtifAg, at.f lnr watatato oto to pteo 4 at Irsnd. svo ikboi oavh toffi Jko4 prrtu. VIAJ1 1TRUP Wwar'O) ft 'A ptaMOa IamiltUle Eeja tCTM V. rOU 4 tOltt, PreawtoteH, So. 1 Mttaaat Pteaa, I aV. . " asesee aeeaata. JMHl4TlATihJ bTI I Ika awdMas-aad kawiwsi 1 aft.4 at I " ata-a ar i.-l H r . " win S. tfai lan.aa swan -7 r t-at.aa,4 t, mm aa.i aa . ,,.t , ,t lltMfttal att a t. .m - Ji aww v v v v , r food. It Urrvnaee (A -ttaMUb ?! o'l!?4 ,f . .f v-1 T. Is lit atwis aUUaU saaM. Il appata( lo laJZl iZZ a- LUtmJl toart. ttat lbs a.l.4atrv.,Ub OOtsf, jrwaa ' Hoaa, sua.! sm tad wifs gllst(h, limn Per.y, " 1 Llli . " k aa a ai a, t aawaf Uak- ' DRY GuODS, Jtcj OSynA yjjj (irjbCBseoo to a. ai.tsa.) lVltoleRal and Retail Dealer in IiEADY-MADE CLOTHING Staple Dry Goods, HATS, BOOTS - aL SHOE?, China, Crockery and Clau-Wirt. Ornfs' FCItyjSIIIXO Q00D3 and SHIRTS gjxciality. CORNER Faycttcvllle and Ilurgett Street. RALEIGH, N. C. oct 10-Sm N K W NOVELS IILLUMS' BOOK STORE. I Nina's Atonement, By Christian Reid, Prk II, paper Corer, Carmen's Inheritance, By Christian Iteid llnce 75 cents, pap' r cover. A Simpleton, Ry t'hsrle Hcuilc. I'ric 50 c?nU, paper coy r. ' New Slaydilen, lly Wilkic- lira, f'rire 50 cents, paper cover. Fiue hliilioiicry, Inlcst styles, Piriu & 0 ns i me 1 inteil rapers nuu Envelopes. Fine French Tinted Papers ami Envel opes. 400 Boxes Fine Tinted Initial, Paper and fcnvnlopes, Irom 85 to 40 cents per box, can be sent by mnil to any Postnllice. A lot of Beautiful Chroum Pictures, sell ing remarkably cheap. At the Hook Store of Alfred Williams, Opposite Raleigh National Bank oct 14 8m. pOrARTNIRSUll' NOTICE. The utderaiirntd bsvs formed a eoDsrtner- ship to do fiasvue. eura and ornanawtal I alnt Inr, alldinron (las and ralaoniinmif. Orders sddraasre to fwt Ottle Box Hw. or kit with Waynne Allcott, Caq , will receive prompi au no 27-lt W. U. THOMPSON. a PICirit MEDIC I N Dr. GREEN'S FIT CUBE I Great Remedy for Epilepsy, cvnns Fit, apaaro, CobTuUlou snd h'rnroos WakefalDflaa, aeta pnmi'tlr. of re srreatl tba fiU Iross law I rat day' te, evaa wbais tbey nav exkta lor )aia. COMPOUND EX COEYDALIS. Tie Crtat Tcfjtlalle lllrntiif, ICIU Htrofula, .Wuodary Sjpliilia, Eraptions an um earn, aau all anaaaat aria ag trout Im pure OUwd. MEDICATED U05EY! A boTerrlca Balas for Ceetba, C. ldkfria ebt la, Atlhma aad all 4iaaa e( Ike air pasaaff-s so Laura B Us Unwlr use saant euupuMa rases 01 lotaoipuon s's hoioU) nneree sue me Lanrs realoraa U feeallb. NtU'RALGtA SPECIFIC f A prnajr", palU si.d penaanM.1 nltei (or tba erwtaiinr paiaa of Nsrlg s, Khuraa ttaat aad Orlalkm. For bale lu Mak-ivli. K. C. be H iLLiaws at llarwuoo. rrparf4 only by I'M. .KEKN.LINDI.tr rUNTl.IT. OovOk-eisswAawly cbarbHia, M C X'ORTH CAKnl.lMA, 1 1 Caavnae I oratv I II 0 Cinaa W T Harara Alvta Huraa J I isiaaa, Wia WMU sj4 a.f. ( aiolloa, fanet arban, Joba Mab4are a ail Oeorgt Make- aala al bvbi ala It la tbwlraarf4 bat rab..raUaa b mJ. f. tr ata war k la Ika al. lb r.S'Tiaai. .tlil utifiiae I said a ia.i-ot i f. adau'.a I lb tliaww ate rwutksa, at. IbM aa a tl si fa.r Ute afflre al ibe lle af tb a ran for Lbalbast tuaatv at P.H.Iu- abbiw art WaakS Iruat LL arytaw ul U.M atttkra l. t.ab tuwtkie aa-l 1 Iwl aaaarr eaaiar W Im paUUVas, larinoa em m bat M.oroiaJ t-i ..,tnlirla,.. witaaas. T 1 Ml IV ibta w4aul eart at eOm ta rata iba tba .Ma el Ucsav ber A II lt eel4Aw i t. rgril.l' E.C S A ( I K T A N O V I. . f EUWI.H W lULII, Aaibaf u4 ' t k. A a., la t as t b-4". far al by Atrkt I WltlJtMO, krt if iNMnM. A C artakip aalt. S a laatb-aaaa bia -raae.lt b-Mtae aUVti f. Aa .1111 al laaa vaaaa at tf (J'l IU TI TMot Mt kotav t bka. T.T ts4 Pweba, la- la PfK ltt mm Le Pwti Maai atie; S Oat aa bt aa ata A . 1 at rmtaaO aaavwaatt la iba r.frwl Mti INukllAia WO TMK inoatrAJT, tvncnrnw, tux tl AbDairrtKlAEUL, La tad ratTba' Wenkbsr.we ew 4Mt t'b'kt-AO W. taaw r S'b rWtkf t J SU'.a St JB-lf . T t ( ri fhi a .-. w r-m D g Y G OOp V. and ranev Dry Ooos. T whtt ,""Ut. ,,ii. i..li. .ii ... wnich 1 m.-Ir surrounding eonntrr. mor iooo win e found eTmtiiDJ11--Tr t in aFlrrt Cka, Drv liolltt4"?. Aiseea, : is French eattinet, 1 t Cord Alpacca, . Anui'ns, lsBese SSrlpts, Brown Sheeting ttijt Bi.i.,i.'i - 1(V4 . " 7"JU, , ., l'-4 Bleach " . ' " 7-8 m - .. Bed Tickings, uenim. ana ria'd 0nbnn;a. C'antou taiuuvU " . Ked and Wblu Hnai, Our Flaaoels, Baofeu Wnaey Llai7" GENT'S FUnN'ISniNQ Q00D6. C'aA-lmers snd Jeans, . SllAWLt.SUAVU. Laliea Shawls, , BooU and Shots, Hats and Furs. In fact every thine will be fonnd In lata K Block of 1RY GOODS, especially v,fk Notions and Hoose furnishing; UomU Many Uiauks for past patronsire. I nan, fully sollctt a continuance of same.' TSZ attention to my business 1 hope to McepeetfoHy - ' !T" J. D. NKW801I. , octT-tf t, . JUST R E CEIVED. A (rood aasortmeut of Burt's Lsrsd 'au Buttoned , . , . SHOES AND GAITERS ; for ladles. Single soled -ea f fox ' CONQKE83 GAITERS fur m'nilenien, at $7 50, Poibl&d-soled nil COKM8IU BAITER .Scott li bottom, (or Keutlemea, tl, 'Thru Itood' si a made to our owu otittl tadva thli.k -he best in the market. Burl's tingle and dotiblad-soled fllf fc onirreas Uaibirs (or Kenlltmea. it It Mi pi ; riurt's slntjle snd doubled-soitd nut boots, t $10 and lilt All of the above tiooda are hand-uiidn. rJ cjnlldeiilly recommend (hem to ourciuta mera. - - A lolcnJid s'ock of liailou's FKkliCli TOKK URKfis 81URTI, ' stl'Jt, i7 snd m pcrduaun. Wegus toe them to fit and pleate. i ue uuesi oij ia tlLK llATi, t l'i .50, made (or ut and of superior aallt, fin, a inn one oi aiutoai every srutls anally kept in a flrst-claas wboiouk sad tall DRY GOODS dTOKR, - for Mens', Ladles', and Children's Wear, all at which will be aold at prWa whleh ris "t fall to pleaaa. fKTT I ft ii IN U, ' n..i mi tr Ii. un v. ttnu a. STIEFFS- PIANOS 3' a : ' Cowards of Iftv First PremiasM UM sal Hlltrr kladsls, war awarded to Csarias -rla", (or tb best ftaaa, ia eotnpltlws auk all tba leading wiaeoiactanrs ks lbs saeiiry. Ortlce and Han-rooms, So. . Atsarw Btraet, Baltimore, Md. Tbe topertortty of tbe vanrsiiwi saa PtaaoFoile. ta conceded brail wbo aaraa rad It with etuer. la tbasr New anal Ciaara Ccals. 1 Urtatea, (be sssastwisrw baa sueecded lu wiakutr the atuet pwlial flauo t orU potntil Prtrra will be found s reatonsM ss crossk Uti)t wllk tkorovek workiasnabip. A lara-e aasarttarwt til sXHat ksed rial always ua band, from IT) to .. JJ. VS t are at euU (or tba celebrated BstwO Cabinet. Parlor sad Cberek Or aha ') nd price, to sum every owe, guarasUM I (ally aaal to say and Band lor Ulaatrabra ealameae raaiioe tbs eaaws ol or t-VO aoa barwrfa, bi whom are Vlrtctcana, 0 Nortb t ar.iisita. trio bstt TrsaeanM an ethers uirtj """ the Math, wbo bar bnaxkl lb UA" PIANO tltira tba el'of Ibe war Several ef oar Pianos w th lbs tot" aaeata eaa be saaa st Ut raatdaata at rrat A Baaatea, vka bt oar aulkwkaad aceb. kaare-wlita .- 1873. ; FA L L Til AVE' I UIE MueT CkoWDSU TiM IX TXl Utaia A run4ala sad etrwiaal aa at el rokuaas axu immiatiu det otob. H bile li.teaVt. tbbra. LeeV aad w-" bbsabt. lluJ., INvka, Fn boaaSA Ua lA, iraiiba, aJu-a, Ac. st j ' J. P. GDLLEY 4 EEO'S. Cwaaaa t AtorvweuAO r-v , otvoo ll ltxl Itus " RALXIUtl, !. C. . 1 (ha tiaaa'a lI ILraaa ol a'ark '" aa, bt IM baat, H bt tb fraH-sl la-". 4 S rmirtMi Alpaw " ill to. frkcee fjwai 0 to 4t b J e 1 1 . ... i huts A!n fnor ... 1 nr Eb-k W bvnr, f"4 sad twatp -rtm bint iKiibt"'" , t l Waal's Hmdis al a4 atnaa.td Wat (waa. aw ba pakr W lr M We baveawr Una ad UtAtaa AOaaael W7 par I -air. ann4 a4 SkaAe la Uo He we ate faaaxw a-t 1-iwt ul aU wb par k ev. "T7 U Uir-. o. y-wS t-i I o '"' byt aad rhiMna. M mi I""1"''1 " t'tia ee ai ' ri art lfUrliWWil. ; Wj u.a. Itaa wt'.li ft b.- r- " -lasi.aaaa a. 4 b-i-. M a. II - Z La( at ataW M.tV 0 r.kV f-r t a laaf ar. , tar AS t lit. 0't kt - j p btUtrAi'-'i. ftieawst tfk tWJiA. Hm a4 b" tt-r artUfc .. B llttfllalsvM HM a,d - I ...wa OauusMsW t i-l IVT. bsalaWST a?a--' I . milaf to aw. '"""Jd I t I. II t' ICs (,'i,.'-a r - aaa iaww at ll'l w, u o a a rv - rrvtW A WoiKt

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