-V) X,!. - t - - -1 u . 7-.- 0 0PARTKER8I1IP Va the a-bdei aimed, hare formed 1 co partnership to carry on Uie holsaale and ko I Cj Grocery aod ommisetoa bitsraeaa it the I Mrnmt of WllmiuicVa and Martin streets, in ter tha arm umi rf lodd A Aran, D tiers I baying uus bvui srs rnwcuuij mVHM to axil a'd examine out stock and prices be-1 ' (on parcheslng elsewhere Consignments of I Cottoa and ail kinds of produce solicited, to I which we tu give our special attention and nske prompt retnrws facilities KJf the aim sue ol Cotton beat La the city. w. n. DODD, D. a AVERA. ootid QALTl SALT It 150 Sack Msfahslls sod Verdlnt tour Mil halt tmekol Back Hall, At octKetf R F. JUNKS ACQ'S HIE FIRST PREMIUM.! Was Awarded the GOLD MEDAL at tha recent Stats Fair, over all other Gins, it la the Be and only strictly Firs Proof tilii made. ' We now bars one on exhibition at our Store. T. U. BK1QU8 A SONS, eel 16 tf Sole Agent. B A few members of tha General Assembly eaa got aceommoaauoa ai j;a.4onej' aT U-U BiUsboro' street W. Joaat, Aumistiu Joasf. I .I0NE8AJ0NES. Attorucy At Ijw, RALCIOU, N. U 1alACTICES la the Supreme Court of the Btata, the Circuit and Diatrirt Courts of tna United Htetes sud the seversl Courts of the oik Judicial District Office oa Vayettevllle St. ippoalta the Ciuaons National bank, ajuv Kl-loi A NOIIER AARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN, B0Y3, WOMEN. AND. CHXLKUW, hies will eonlluas to sell cheap. aovlltt i. D XEWSOM. WHERE WILL BE A MEETING OF TUB IN C. Ma.nU Tamiite Aaeociatioa la Ralekch. on WedBesdsy algal nth December at T o'clock. It la aarasaUy reqaeeted U.t slock h .ldsrs Who are maaOM to aitaaa wiu Sena proxies. Ky order of the Praident, iAS. SoUTHUATB.Uaw'1 Agt. 1. A BsTvaeuiK. Frssldeat. aov lAsWwatwwM I A MOM D If lUTAULlti The SpartacUf are maaafsetared froai "Miaate t:rystal Fel.bUw" sarlMd tugwthar, aad are rel4 diamewd oa arroaat ol thatr ksrdaeas aad brtlUaarv. It Is well kaowa that Knariarko eat 'ruaa Hraailiaa or Scotch peb- kias are eery mjanoes to Use ays, beraeee ot Uf-ir D-4artsii light. Mavlag beta Usted WIU, tk. pa4sw. US dtexmd Uaa have toslNsTla admit SfVsaw per eeat Waudrar. U..I wia-r pwaM. Tkyv, - a ...k a .lanbiiraianiii frre I mmi v.ik ! I MlMtiac aecarrM vs sre tree fn-a ri.MHi a'ralkja, savl prudere a Wtgh'aw aad disUastaass at viaina at he- twattakad ta aswrtaclaa. Masvalsetares ay taalr eirOpocei Maaafastarksg tssapaav, Mewtovk. y.waalehy rspoaeiuis agasUia very ml y la tha L aaua. M MahWr, JwW kI OptMaa, Is Sola Agnate t.w lusrtga, M f, trass whom tav eaa ony oaHns said. a psdalsrs swspsoywd t not bay a patr wa'awa yew MtMtrad mark d-aS-dkly y ALC ABLE I EOPEITf fOE BALE, I affas- for aaU 1.I0B acres at Lead rich m raa ear. m etOef sUe ot the ' Aw LAaa I .lira s i. s4 aaarhmg trass Hss tiewa ktvss. IM purtfaaa ae sae at Us treH Was Hstwasd end law acker Lwkviiie Ikeawls keeaatita ewataiaiag fifty aeeeawL t Ira nemitf to the saalrsls of rmwaaf Ears. TVs aisyertf aea ha said aattra a ta katats seat awrakaaars. The Uad la ve'aeMe r twaaa aad sotewitawnl t'I-"a- Mt adJraea kt Lochvtile I Uaihasi aoaaty . ll t kwvlto fMeosja wtswiM to awrrtisaa to SnaM tm4 ataakM f Ifc l"W art IT-AostwSw aVOBtAT fa. gwlTII. l.iASSlsttai.IBB. JuU T ALTu, I Ota . Taltoo om oee,tkioe baaa.w at the 4 aaaaaealwr awaa a ewotajeaax I ketoo4 $ -.tALttrw S25 B D A aaaek M sa Make -e aad te atoerea tat tee to awsialti r-4.t ot'fc bna aad tM.eaee taat Mwoeo I ao4 eswh Tto uses awaesstotst ao ska Btaie oo toa li.aeaeio sA Ne oaa a iiiisl r a wa ka law-r ead s lassa to o, a-1 l n to to asaa-aa rt to oA Ass-o A. F. WHITt-tT, I A atlas! Ueo, Aa-rgS B. U aaMHdaVAaat V Ishws ward lbs -a w-A saw aeaaav w ' er I awt kins. .. SSa aaa. wtkai eka. tke tows Oeiee to k- . aad e s e if tke k aa. en tod to It t Otraake-k see a A to saeeai 0wS ad ts is S n t to Bee totw-von t i SJb 04 H fist D the tow. irelmwow AAdrmo A. B.' a. r!., V m lato. MMwoto tt.oi.itoa. w .! LLT'lZL. UpWaii toef tortlf to oa, M fees Wp Maayotoaove j,eeato,s at S'e h I kae aad f.d Ut - -' . . toBtd we t XT Q T I C 1 . txottswam-Aetow.lt ZZZlfJZj tof Sea toawrsw oko. sj. haassag H t wl lnu , . ' ' - f ' xVT, T tit TBI Pit -A JVV-to tototoatotostoHo J a'J;U A Ml- "ES I tiBEAT pTt X I- IV. Btotot to4 JZS" 1". -1B AOAAWA iWWA rtJ mrnAeuiaTt-too-T AkUlI. . b-Lo-to4bwa-e-ab, taa-' adtostkto. ,17 M T.yW Oto "'f' - Lajiv frsatb 14 '. tliZ?VM-i ! THE ALMBB olH. bar. rf. be stoto- JS?Zl!LH rToy 4 Z 'T - 2!!ri-t2Zlm JtTta-re s W V IT i T T A all. wolf by otoe.4. t a-re win ae oo aatooa awisafaws ost v ismsaoea. g, , m-m ad taa tm e-a or ea. -a t e , . . . . : r HitrT- A. ' r 1 srfe-llrjticarsrr tszsszXnX. sr.-n.c:rt.-.-.i StEHvsHVII 5" rrrjitr:i.ti-e!rE: "r?,-".,."nr""'' .:-'rs. - . w,.m.to,. , J.- atoaajwiawanoaS to sat Us t. P. HEARTY A Co' !!! u!!!rT: a. toe a akaaa.. m to. awawnitw- atss.wvr r......ttn .. .. 1 MIH lar tttit Enoch Morgan's Son's 5 a r o l 1 o substRato tor Soap lot all lloaa hM panoses, except waebbig clothes A' .4 i' O Z O far cleaning Toar hoaos will sere the labor of oats cleaner. iire It a trial. '8 A r O L 1 o for Window. U better than wbitmgor water. No moving curtains asd tar pet. S A 1 O L I o cleans paint and wood, la tact tha en tire kooaa, better than aoap. No stop ping, r-sve labor. Yoa can't afford to be without it. S A P O L I O for Scouring Knives la better and cleaner than Bath Brick. Will not scratch. S A 1' O L I O is better than soap and aand tor pol. tshlng Tinware. Brightens without scratching. 8,.A' 0 L '9 polishes brass and copper ntenslls bet ter than add or oil and rotten stone. S A J' 0 L 1 U for washing dishes and glassware Is Invaluable. Cheaper than soap. S.A I' O L O removes stains from marble mantels, tables and statuary, from bard finish, ed walla, and from china and puree -lain. S At-Ji O L J 0 removes stains and crease from car pels and other oven fe.br icw. There la no one tartlcle known that will do ao many kind of I work and do It a well a Sapo i Ho. Try It. HAND a A r V Ji 1 V a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal In this country or abroad. HAND S A J' OLIO as an article or the bath, "reaches Hie foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores snd irlvcs a beartby ac tion and brilliant tint to (he akin. HAND 8 A r O L J 0 cleanses and besutlues the skin. Instantly removing any stain or bietnttu irom boiu band ana isca. HAND S A l O L 1 0 is wilboat a rival in the world for curing or preventing ronirbaees snd tlisiiping of either bauds or tee. HAND .V A V O L 1 icmovca tar. pitch. Iron or Ink siaius and grease ; tor workers in machine shops, mines, Ac , a lnvalusble. For msktag the skin white and soft, and giving to it a "bloom 01 beauty," tv is unsur passed by any Cosmeucdinowa. HAND -H A r U L. I coat 10 to 15 cents per cake, and everybody should hsve It. Ion wiUltke IU DON'T FAIL TO TK TbBE GOODS. Uuy it or your merchant if be has or will procure it for jou. If not, then write for our ramplilot, "All about oapo lio," and it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, Fark Mac, K, T, or Lombard, .v. June U deodAweowly rpw ENTI FIVE, FORTY, F1FTT, ONE TUOL8AMD. m Cases Mixed Pickles, M Brandy Pearbea, 40 Dos Cans Fresh Peaches, lOuQ Peaads pare Caady asaori. At octWtf R, F. JONES A CO' A NOTIOK. T HEREBY (Jive notice that I will make X application to the tseoerai Assembly of Nur! a Carotiaa, at Its preMaat aeastoa for As Act to rnaurvarate tha -OrienUl Fish and OjsUt Compsny." of Carteret Coanty, N. C toravia" w, r- iiuwiikm- WAOD8 FOR AIL wUO ARE WIuUNU TO Yi UKK. Aay peooa, old or yoang, ot ettber set, eaa asaks fruaa I IM t ) par weak, at aume or in euanerboa with other busiawaa. Wanted by ail. iuitable to either city r coaa try, aad aay srssoa of tha year. This la a rare oppanaaHy for those who are out ol wort, aadoat ofaviaey, to aaaks aa ladapew deatUviaat. No rmi-ttal bvtng mejalrsd. Oar .""7'.' " f''1 V, ,7 U c. sf I seaas. " asunasw v. . s. HOW PJXltli Uli"", rarelpu et it vtA, Morrv . V'TJ nuIM I AU bit 1 0 wirM Ess iMfe W Ml. wim mm m aa4 Msrhlae, W I VTl'll Saavd t llleatraUd Csmlar. H AIML.U a u Mrkas Maaafartartsvg Coeapaay.Sua Eraadway, New York. TUS F-AJLLCK tX)MPAKIOH. Every Lady waals awe I Every Maa oaght to have oa 1 1 tut ut rwcii-t of Tea team. Addrwas, L F, HYDE A CU., IWk Bavaatk Aveaaa, New Y BON-TOM I LIKTATIOM StUNALdk leM aw rarript af SS rU. l-aua Prmtlag sad Pabllabtag Itwasa. a Yersry wtraed. New Ye Taa BhwtlA $iO PorUbU raamJly tWwto Mat Bias, oa 10 Day Trial, asaaf adveaitasras sne all UI a Una gaaiaatoaa. ar rtaaad. fm euaspWia, IJl fad dtrartioae. Isarkwlik IWaiag Msrklaa Csx, a S-vaatasy, N. I . 1MB NSW BA.kCTIO TkU'A. Aa as sarms fawfts, It Maias tea Bar-tare a I tiiava. aad a4r taa hr4ast aaer I tlL fuSSALt. 1J . ... . . elieM4aisllM rMM l aod toe kM f ws asm. O Mai a i , , T , s I rir-in till sat I Ii fbst tto toted f ik P.S tUr-.w-d a,rM,wls.a,-s-ts,to S.ed g-.--d ao-A YjlTT. -. oetos st taa ai. Fair 1 beared aasd to be (.afiwlid bimm,, t ..we iso.,r-sd T", ! , . ,7, 7 k , , t a-v. -s-. a. see. l.aparuaesoeoaw.aoo a-aM ai o- wi tb an she eessea km el t e aaaseaa, ikJtU M. HUX A CO, FaWtaAon, o-rr)ss Apply AT THII fipytc A k-1 JTtl-.-l k. a , tj . . . , ' 1 KafU UtaDit ), .ii " - - , - 1 ae d.aaaad o4 easkwaeWi Odditis to she oa, k) g t awtfAdit ' y U A A LB ktoas peases are fresag at gaaraaasa "to e r (i . a ft T O It E s " " ' ' 1 h . tor-eTTeWte tel few. , to T U II I O t tturtB atowa orews lead aa.--d eke I aev d o-a. to oiaseeaasm e to HtoSe-a aae aad T. - aa I at llftetBtoiitota aarv aaaueeieafcid bf te. ' et awe Qd VZT ullll. av J II - - . ao BWaaS kaeS B ' ' l . T mm. m wa I . . I : I i, I MW"wa r sas a was - . . . . I prvtagrawtM lmt a. . I F' " w wmw m- . . ; . I I u w ai BS w I ... .il LkBaOB. i W Be I e I IB 11 1 m-m - I . .j mm OTIW SI IT1 1 . - . owtattt H JJkld A CU. UsMstsstaiB)sw4 II at a aa M ' , w ttmt , m Se 4m --- " I 'l , , , mo I tea as to --- y.,.4l1lsodfkrtoM.od L Itlers a-s ss "' " " PtLTT lEAOl 'A ' mi. k . u t v - .VHOwesl-n-l .-d tsa-kef. ZZ- Ik. as-r wto so o y - f-y IX U B A L I 1 . r YJ" O A i J) s ,a w s.) ees to s 4 ri.al.BiMm u. toiiit.M to b-a- a aaa aea-t eratoawi Ua 14 ' 1 1 1 ' " ' IT w wwd r to to- oms rew, ovbav , aistietwH Pa t w, .r Ina- - . ' X. ... """" . I re Bale. Ttoag-d - IT-" TlVr - ' ' . Trba-'sTait tr:u?s"art.r,r-r. -1 X(lllllJl1,..nui4r xzzzrzr"m ;:,7-Tt- w m M Bweaaea, - !" , wk Met tke erS yew l-r s-m 1 , ....t , . I t to lw" art f,-s ' 1 t krtll A (A1 b J ssrf to as -.. Tevlt.f RAi.U!.t. lew,. .ttae4AsviA A at 6, ' fflt. wMAfA a-e to "' A rvk N .'OS4 laons oesal BOOTS & SHOES A SllOt STORE. CD. HEAUTT & CO. 13 FayettcviUe St. ABOVE TUCKER HALL LATEST STYLES nv iBobts & Shoes, Hats, &c. tisltert to the Fair are Invited to nil oa ns and examine our new stock. Boots, Shoes, Hats,&c A SPECIALTY. oct iar 'ilTINE I WINE n VV Best N. C. Wine In treat varlotv. from S3 Gsllon to fH case, also Grape Brandy from J "Wrniiavuie." aeptWtf W. H. JONES A CO. JBESH CRACKERS OF ALL KINDS. North Carolina Floor. W. C. STKONACH. scplV-lw MANUFACTURER AND DEALER l DRESSED LCMbER, SASH, HL1NDS, DOOKS, w1n1hjw a door frames, wood mould1n0, dTaik ra:l,i, NEWEL, BALI 8TIK8. MANTLES 8CU0WL W0I1K 8.VWED TO ANT PATTEItN, Ac. Ac. I am preared to Sll orders on short notice and at prices aa low as suy In the coantrv to Cash buyers Orders respectfully solicited, end for nrLce Hat. WM. U. JOSES, hwTB-U Cary, N. 0. "ptATT'B ASTRAL Oils. Abaolatoly aafa. Ferfeetly oaorleas. AI sravwauiform. lilaminaUmT qnaliUes aaiwrkw to gas. Barns to aay lamp wlthoat danavr of exploding or taking fire. Maaafartured ei preesly to displace the eaa ot vota'Ue snd daa- gsruus oils. 1U safety nadir every reeeibte last, sad lta perfert burning aalllira, are proved by IU aanataaad ae in arvr aVu.guo ism 1 1 lea. Millions of gallons bars bera sold and ao accident directly aw indirectly hsa ever ae eared from awming, aluriBK or aanuung IV The Irameoae yearly loas to Ufa sad ro:t- ty, resulting fioua the aae of cheap and dan gerous oils la tha I'nlled "Utcs, Is sppailiag. Tha iaeuraare lempaaies sad Fire Cues atlaaliiaers throaghoat tha coaatry rascnn asead the ASTRAL aa the beat safeguard wha lamps are seed Head for rircalar. BuidbyeTLRS I.EW1 Ksklgk, aalhurised AgawtaCUAA. PRATT A CU .lM. FalUw traet. New tort prouststore, aagsadVk'das TROUBLE ACTING FOUCL 1 1 PUMPS. J. L IITCHEI, tetsr ail law- iaaiirtr, RALE1UU, M. C, Aad f Kltrkew Broa, of the Eilctaa.a a, aWpwaU Pavislsiat'; lie sg Feew famp, aakk baa aar. Doable Aetiag Ferre Pamp, baeo m aea Tears, wrusoei evwa saw eaianea of oew packtag. II rerot4 to fst vnm earn tor lores po"0 a oor aisie sssra, rm e kset Urea jeara over an ouea-aue rn betag toeoaiy aowshtoed yard well earns aad bead fire eagle tha baa ever girso s ll eev thio m Ibis rowatrv. aad ksvUig bees lasted to over to fira aad ssto over ire haMraa: tkawsaad eWlers wart of aeoeerty. aod I have yet to bear of the Bret eee aeseg v r ess ay are. laey taruw i gaJkeae wsue par aameta oa taa rem ws sane story Hnl.Ui ly wtw wieee im w that I to 4 awa Bill -1 lr-mk tba aae yet oiaoat tha b oa ssnall thilirr won weaa mm. mi ks a laikaa twa aaetea ppas 1.4 Id ae ws I sas as at ww I .. i Jr...;..-" '-A rrv:" " v7 1 .. .. out Hv-"' . - sam TTT M. JONES V V . aa salary oeo. 1 aev we' w a I "-.-a i MISCELLANEOUS, i 1 YEARS VIRGINIA AIE-TIX3HT COOK: STOVES rpBIS Beentlfnl and aeelrabl ftnva iaa stood PKEKLE88 for the last M Tears as ro-tmprowed Challawirea eeaapetitioa, either tor durability or eertainty of operation. It la Renerall eoneeded to pe the Finest Cook Move on the Market. For Sale by T. H. BR!G0S0?ia, Sole Agents for Raleigh and Vicinity. ' ' "'iw-tr- pilK 81NGKB 8T1LL AU&AJ). 4 ) The ehiger Pewlrg Machine Compear sold In lots, l,7S-4i.(Xi0 more than auy otbar Company Nine tentha ot tha abora amber were sold lor amily use. The official report of Un Committee at the lata Vienna Exhibition shows that tha Singer received tha highest and largevl auaaber ot prises at that exhibition. Drat prise medal of r ogress; eecobd prise modal ol Merit, third prize bast specimen 01 work done, snd then medslsto ttuptoji'va fur superior excellence ot productions i.-Ll- A. llAKI'Ei; 'U. . "ewlng tim bias Co. A. A. t i M naos No. UIFajt'i I M ciitrr, N C. Falrvlsitii ' ' - im mm hi dtorall sndexauiibe t. . .. n . i . j.urchas inc. ' C ilUTION. UT OHLtTBS UEMIINE FA1KBANK RCALK HHOFaiTcnra at E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. .r.jJrsF"' i n ' ' Standard Scales. Stock Scales, Coal Scales. Hay Scales, Dslry Bcalaa, Couater Bealaa, ata, Ae. Bcalas repaired promptlv snd reaeonahlv. For sale also, T room net's Coffaa and Drag Mills, tumpuslUoa. bUis, all aiaaa letter Presses, etc, Ae. aurr raaracr lil (i ilirm T II Ct u BTgay ETgBt MtnrHtRT Dili II BuCl.D Cg TUKM. Warranted SOLD av Fahibark'. Pcalm WAktBorfimt, FAlKHANk.8 AUK, kit bread a ay, New York, 1(1 BalUanore Street. Naltlasnta, M Camp Street, New Orteauto, FA1SSAN AS at EWIMU, Maaimk UaTl rhilsdelphia, FA1KBANES, BROWN A Co., I Milk Street, Bostoo. For sa!e bv Lee-ling Hardware Dealera. aept II itswtm fJVrVO THOk'SABD Factory Cream Choree. rutIf D- FBI MB SO EIM Mouelata Ball. At oHSvtt. R. F. Ji'MIS A ItCA E CART 0.1 Tkla U a aeo (I la (bat Is isl aeiag brwegkl tofure u.a nhnr aed auiialartami at are be Was. M. Bart.il. ike aarrmalS lOeOa HSS all work aa well aa anv ether eta. 1 be tartarer has soaie oa ba4 al.irh will be a.aid st iwaanailila orlrea. steed too lultowmg tosumoatsl af A. S Yslea Kits Caal, N. C , B A let. Thai Is to eertlf r (bat I see oow aalag aae at the Cary Kins made bf W M go-ll aad Uist I am well iilnig wi s it sa woaia ""-r m s rt l sa woe oaaUasT a r '"O auv II dlwAola A. B t ATE. now . i aae-tea save i bm toe kM c e i - i. I 111 III II I w v - w i .. . . - I 11 tJ.tJt rx r aaraaaawmawww . . him'!' . Ill MISCEtLAEOTTS FAMILY ARTICLE. Agenu make t'lWper way, 7 par weak. A.K ENTIUETCY NEW SWING MAC DM Top DaeaU Tte, NLY FIVKDO With tha Hew fates llutoa I f rker, ' ratsnted Jane S7Ui, Is7l. AWARDED TI1K FIRST rRKMil'M AT I TUK AMkKlt;J4 lJioslTU i ANU ItARTLAKD INSTITUTE FAlRi.1871 A bbqsI wonderful and elecantlv eoastnac- ted Sawmo UscaiMa for Family H'uri. Com i,ut. la aU Its Faita, Uses tha 8tratifht in -. ' jfc . . . " . I r.-1-- V. C" TaX Feed and Ulouuulder. uperaMa ai naaai. and oa a Tsblb. Lyht ihrnwev- Smooth and noiseless, like all pood high-priced asa- chinos. Has IUnt tAsck to prevent toe wheel being turned the wrong wsy. uses uie thread direct from the spool. Makes the EiaTio Lock Stitch, (finest and atroageet stitch known ; Brm, durable, close ana lapia. Will do all kinds Ot wore, jm anu cooraa, from I'miRii: to heavv Cloth or LltTika, snd ntes all dcacrtpUona ot thread. This Ma chine la lAVIl.t COXaTHVOTlU to give it STKSWaTa : sll the parts of each Machine oa Ing iMtlraMsey swrAlnsry, and beautifully finished and ornamented. It is, very easy to liuni. Miniii. Smooth and NUmt in oiwraUon KWlaMe i " times and a f kscTiotL. Set iNTirio, Msi'HsKicsl. InvasiTioH, atUreoUy A Wood, Cheap, FaffiUy oewing siacniae Isst. I ha first sud only sef" producing a valuable, subslaaUal snd reliable pneed Sawing stachiae. lta extreme WW pnea reaches sll conditions. la siinpllrlty a strength sdspts It to all capacities, while Its assay av-nis msae it a univereai wm wherever, used, snd creates a rapid demand. If IS ALL IT 18 RECOMMENDED. 1 can cheerfully and coafldsaUy rsdoat mend tu use to tbosa who are wanting a really good sewing Machine, at a low price. , jwas s. a- wi'i'i Pet-tone, Will County, HI. Price of each Machine. 11 Class A 1 "4na (wsrranted tor five yearn by special eertlfloste) witl uli IM fiUMrrn, sad swcrywiMj cwnsNsu belonging U it, Including TaHaaoiao Nitui.i, iaekcd in a strong wooden box, and delivered to y part of the country, by ex press, rasa of further charges, on receipt of price, ONLY Fiva DoLLaas Safe delivery uii.r.nud. With each Machine will s. ud, oa receipt of SI ro, the new patent BL'ITON HOLE WORKER. One of the most important and uselul Inven tions of the age. S simple and cer sin, inai a child can work the finest button hole U regulsnlv and sa'. Blroa art ueauiiiui. Mtrind ."V T Ac, wbo will aaUbllsb agencies thr ugh the country and keep oor New Machines oa ax- h!i,iu.,n .nd Hla. Countv KlirbU xl Ten t smart stents ree. Ageni'scomplet outfit, furn'shed wlthoa any extracherge. Samples of sewing, descriptive ctreulrrs eoatsiaing Tfrmty TesUmoaUls, Engravings, its , etc., sent free. We also supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLIMEHTE. Lateat PakaU aad ImprovemenU for taa Farm and Uarden Mowers, Reapers, CalU nnn teed CulLera. Harrows. sna Mills, Planters, tisrvesters, threshers sad sll Srtk las needed lor Farm work. Kara Seeds rge ..rlelv. AnMonevacntlal'oatOlliceMoaey Orders, Band Drafts, or by Express, alll be at lour riah, and are perfectly secure, avue as Ivwry of all ourgoods guaranteed. ".en ma ana reaooneftoia arm anas eau ta. beat goods at toe lowest price, sad tea be re- Ud uioa by ear readers' Fai mar s Journal New lork, - , Not Katroxaiax- r EsaisTsato Lsr T1KS. Address Orders . JtiititlE B. nt'DSON A CO., Comer Orwnwitb A CoiUaudSUesi, 3. J. septal lwbw 3 T-JROSVECTL'S FOR 187 8 EYENT H i I AAA, TirEALDINE, ! niustrated Monthly Job real, aalvaraally admitted to bs the Handsomest Periodical ta UiS World. A Krpnaeolallvs gild Champloa ot Araerlcss Taa la. Kot For sale ia M of Ken flora, Taa ALDINE, whim ksaaed with all the ra- I u.nerwat ehararWriatlc of ordinary lartndareia. Ilmaaasrwaat saiarellany at para, kerht and giarefal luetetarej and a roliecUoa of pte terra, the rarest Mciessfia Of artistic skill, ta terra, the rarest ' black aad akiui. Alikoagh aaci. earns 'leg aamber efforde a freak pteaaare to Its innate. Ike real value aaet Beaete of 1a suuai wUI bo maa MiyrecteU-d aftar at baa ba0 bovad tie al 1 .e etoea ot toe year. Waiie other pwolk auoas may alarm sepertor rhx-ap aim, aa aompareo wtia news wi a emiw ciaaa. The A Lli N a Is a Bai-iaa aad ortgioal eeaeepUoa sloaa and aaappreacbed aiiae lately wilaoaeumpU'oo aa prsra av rssn sriar The pneaeuur of a compM-ia voauasa causa daplK-ats too ajoawtjlf at Saw papa Asue or aaa.ua. 1 JXZL . earn swa, aad eagrstlacs m aay ue saspe or aaraua. of voleasrs l wa soaws OS I f At1 xel"amwBSJL wMaHByatal PREMIVM FOB JfTA, Bvvry sabecrlbar to Ybo A1.IUHB Par U war lull will reeelTea pesref erowwa. ,Tbe urtgleal r lure were pesaied ia ou fug the pa U. ahera af The Atdtaet, by Ibasas Moeaof ah.ee greet C-dmedo rtttaee aaa perctseid byt nemreas fr toa thoaaaad do.lars Ike sai yeete . ere sleneea to re asset "lbs East ' and "Taa West " Oae Is a view m 1 as w bile Maantatna, New Hampslilre; lasauear I aivee lai tvaa Iba t lida of Wreeo site, wremasg 1ST IUITT. I as Bllwrrerv.ie w or Its an lira waemeerreo at a iwring aueiuwes sad sdiwds fad d4ef -t taa onset s er-pe aad ealorti.g 1 aa (bmaana are seek wuraeS Inm tootf diesiaed pksiaa, aad are to sis t II t ia( aad sppearaasee exact faa anstser ot U.a tg lass Ta I'eaeovattuawf aowrtkf asampta ot Aasartra a g-ab-at taaaeeape l ,a uiMfiba el lta atdiaa wee a bold bat peraitarif bsipy liee, sad its saw (lal ml HU. a) aiw.4 bf U IUM.g uuvi, aver tke a.gata- at Mr. Morao Biases. M. 4 , Sept Stk. ItTX " i.BMScneV at Lea, It .t IWera 1 SO SMli KM ns us aen ......t i-s Sifseeweiewiw-r---I Cmat aod Uaf US keg 1 ! ' ) " : 1 S U t.1 NCE. f PROFHtUXAL CARDS Ac , , . - M -T HI -' COrTTt2Z:CTXCUT XtlUTUAZs LIFE Insurance Company, - MatetaJM UMhlheet standard a bolvenoy! Tha character of tha lavastmenU Of It cca. malatad 36000,000 la ot tha Highest Class for asearity It hsv- mm VI Ulw aWAK uiaBawB nar iX e lost a dollar ol lta inrestaeat. ta 8 U R V L U S ' la larger than that ot any oilier Company 85,000.000; ttbaaa membership ot wear 93,000 parsoaug Its ratio for the euuri 87 yean pi lta business has been but 8.97 run CETJT Ot lta receipts. It has no Stockholders. Everv dollar of saving or profit belongs solely to tha POLICY-HOLDER. From such a record one cms wall Judge where so insure wit aaiaty ana ins smallest poaal- nleeoet. !-, , , 8. t.V?AT, Grea'lAireBt, IALEIQB, N.C ept Is EM0 NCO UU8 EOM K INSTITUTIONS ShC U HIT r AO A IN m Film. TU NOUT1I OAHOLINA HOME INSUKANCE COMPANY. I " RALEIQH, N. C Tkls Company eoatlnnes to wrtts foDda at fair raits, oa aU classes ot maursbla prop arty. AU krsees are promptly adjusted gad paid, . Tha " HOME' b rapidly growl jf la pabUa favor, aad appeals, with eoofi Jeaea, to lasarars of property ta sll parts ot North Carolina. AgaaU ta all parts ot lbs State, ' , R. H- Battia Jr rreeidewk , C, B. Boot, Vice PrealdeaV . Sastoa UslAS, Secretary. Tuusu Cowrsa, Supervisor. JanefA It " " . -pORTll CAROLINA STATE urc txsinu.rcE co. RALEIGH, R. C. Cnitltnl - d00.000 KMP r. BATTLE... .,..Freetlea AMIfluS .....Visa Praatdaot W. H. Hit KB Secretary DR. E. A HAYWOOU Medieal DteeeU W. L HoYrtl lK, Aastatoot Medtcol iHrertot J. B. BATCHKLoB Altoraee U. U, PERRY .Saparvlalag Ageal toaooToaa i II oa. Eomp P. Naule, Moo. J..ka Msnslag, Moa. Juha W. Caaataaham, Hoo. Mm. A. Bmlta, CoL W. L. tsaaadera, J. & Mekaa, HoaTTod A tsldwsli. Lea. W. A los, A Y. Il.li. J B Halrkaliie. Juka Mlrk..W tkii. L. W. Hamparwy, A. A. Mrkoy, J. C. Blako CoL T. M. Uoit, U. Tata Marpky, 1 i Yewog, thaiur Clark, C4. W. R. Aadeewa, Jaawa A. wrekasB, W U. I paterTa, Dr. W. i Mawb- toa, Jooali, wilisMaa, I. aL t ii i a, J.J Imvav FBATV'kEO ANt40TiMTA0tB I .!.,. . V-ompaatlraJI,a Hswaav'ampaay. I u saptul aai.atsas SWealA Sod afetv Its Raias are as Ww aa lAoo Ofaaf tlss umpaay sSCHapaay l adUa-a est desirable forma ot loeorsoeav Iia raaua see wseeeea e snail aaa mtaaas- tad amwas aar awa oeouta. be aaa ry rasUatlsaas) kwaaaad Bpoa W st lease a travel. roliriee aaa imfeiteMe anar losyears. U sal ion sad DsrerVers are yrn mlaial sod all kaowa Berth levtibteae, obuae sspevt. batagr.tr are laaa aaiAWMwA ge toe euwipar.y's etreag A.ea4iaa, aad u u. ra SHUT, litee Ast, TUAO A- MU4e,l--ei Agwatt ' h.-isl.. N C sVawd aawaas aak stea hawrai a-oh win aomaavs, oaated to eTery (esaiT at toe Bsif SOty I I V Be) UU Toenj Family EVaa, l)M ass irngnrs raoauy rtwor, ae J yea mis rv i. i. FTBOBACA. aaotlo Ckaap. At oedfatkf A P JubMACWs. iMAMtml PIAtbwII , .. .t . Wa hows tor asto Pea ptoaaat thorn aeat sw.ews.1 rw e-d avw kwr eoab ewe et ' s4 a teas e ass m si.it a. eaat mo sa tba . I " A B MS TROH0 BOOKBINDER l!I.n! '' Book Man ufsfttirer.' ' B i t. ! H;- nt -ATJORNIT. AJ JUAWt )i . : 1 A I'lTfl,! . ( tea of the Roar has . ik ' Sanupei Offiee, Q I D tj f I ' (Lata ot RaJaigh, R ft) "J, ' ATTORN EI A COUNSELLOR At U Wall, ST.t 1W MM ITT W1U attend promptly to all prof easlonaj 1 ess anuwatad to him. Refers to Ik Lb id Justice and Associate Jaetlceeof ta Saprenso Court of North Carolina, aad ha the w sola North Oaroltas Bar. teb IH-lf A , U. t. W - I . On CoMti JUutt if iff : 8 pedal aUeatioe glvna to Savtn ai Itnaass teads, la view of Uie lata d'ateloa ot tha B. eresM Coart ot tha Called States an ihs sua reck . may -dswAwtl - - - . -. . vy-r '::?r: ,. W(vra . wUtlltM MV" "7"" 1TT0BH1TI it t AW kALUatlsS. RUU aad Fadaral Ooorta aad tha Qearlit fi tbelst aad ik Judicial Dlslrlcta, ... ... e-r " "D ALTIMOUB LOOK i-.i I- ' nosriTAL 0FF1CEJ SOUTH FREDERICE STREET. DR. 1OQRI0 If,' , rhyaleiaa af this eeJeWratod InaUtatlaw, dla sovered, w bra u the Ureai llusoiula ot Ea ropa, vis i Eaglaad. F races aad tlsea here, to Bluet certain, speedy, pleaaeat and" adsctaal remedy ta tha world fur all ee as a aaaasw ol toa ayataas. Waakaaas ot lbs Bask or Lira he, llrlcUrea, Afectioa af the Eldneva or Bladder, luvolaa wry Dlsabargaa, Impoteocy, (sesMral Debility, Nervoaaaeas. Dyapepala, Langaor, Low SpUitavCoafastoa of fdeaa,Pa)paiailtta ef the Heart, Ttmsdity. liwmbliag.Uheasaf Slghfi or Ubidioeaa, Disease of tha Dead, Throat, Noes a Beta, Aleeltoaa of tha Liver, Langs, Stomach or bowels those terrible Dteurdar arising I roes Solitary Debits et Yoatk eat art aad solitary araeUcea mora fatal to thatr vio tmsslaaa thaaoagof the Syrene to tha Ma. rlaaraol Ulyasea, bllgtitlng their moat art Uaat hopes or aatkipatioaa, reMWrtng aialy rHge, a a , imoosaiwa, oesiroyuig sou oir aadmiaA TaeaaafO I Of tha aad alaneholy ft feeU prodacad by tha early banila of yoa In, Vis: WeskaeeS ot tba Bark and Limbs. Paluo m tba Head, Mmaaaeot Oigtik Los vi Mus cular Power, Psliiluuon, of Uis llesrt, fya. pepata, Nervoas IrrltabUity, uefangriuitit of the Digestive Faaetosaa, teeoaral Debility Sywilituius af CooeamplWa, Ae. MAN TALLY. Ike tvarful effects on tha mlad are maek 10 be dreaded. Lose of Mew ory. C'oaf ustua ot Ideaa, Depreastoa of rtpirlia. TU rorefroaiags, stwikis to onaevijt, well Dlatraet. Love at Soittodo, Timidity. As sra soots et tba evils oradarwd. 1 BOaaeaQs ef perauaa ot an at-aa eaa wow tadgawaat Is toa aaaaa ot thaw oerlraing haailh. loaanf Ueir vigor, bacuuil.g a iaa, psia, aarvsss sad eaaaaiata, aatr s MiwoUr aipnarnre shoal the ayaa, swegh aad eymas toms el t, amsamrtioa. . . AtAAAiAOA, ' t Married psrsoak or Teeing moa eeatseap to g Bsarrtage, a ware ot PbTsiesl st.M Laas ot PnaeeaaUve Fewer lmtuteory l Her Sues geetloMllte, patpataUao, Urasaie Wea ataos, Narvoas DeUlitr, or aay Otoer DtsaXHt ficsukm, asordUy ratievaA A CUBE SPEEDILY WAAliBTUA Firs ma raised la health by aalearw.d ara I tea I moa Waiters wha kaao l iia trUiag maotaj artat i h. tokiag yuiaiiaiiaa aad h Jarwaa sweat aoaols apply laam.aiaSMy. . VA SUUMIUX, . Member et tba Aerai Cotiewe ot la'rS. Lie Sao, tjaaSaass ad OBOed toa moat aaalaaal Cutega as toe I sited SUUs, Bod th hawk I aet d waeaw oie baa boea si-ot la toe b. I Cmss ol LooeVm, Perte. ra.ii-sd a. I ,gud lurl aeb-o- ha.i.i'i aaal sotl...a.,g .Ah rm-log to IM sad sat ssr I wbaa ailiep. great aarveaia.m, lais Siarwt l Hmmtim aaa, baahlaiaeaa, wit tra MK hiaaAtas aoaset Siaea.eg. iiimtid at a d. ware rr VAAlAUA DtAAAAAV I ' I at WVeo taa mwersided fimt bopra Aiai tetoey oia St-sa that oo Nee msataeel too ad tea) pe-a'al tmaaa, It b-e afteo ka at ajei mimf Oeteea bias tram epJiag aa rte, rrMo ads sad rin- . t, lee au toto too I aaa ah as bifrtead bam, lee ku J tiato eg arva aa4 AWr I oats aaea !- ed eartog, t-S hi I moaih, or as toa as toa bm test frees I- I BWtsWieei. oee m eeTaj wne ' haauta to oera oeee ata gw mmmvfmmmmmi, m fee Ik. mi - A ' . . mi m M I mm I I eee tee a eSntiJ et M l a- I nd Sen is to aaaaa Ur as i i w s sa. oaa aa I Mtal a u. t, ' I Maa m toa bead aad avo I a.afaeaa, oamea ao toa oad aetwil ai aa lag oh !t.i ras litr. But a Us aateie ed U awe h or toa Ums t I tarexax Ata, laVavat I ma a saat aai tawatai, aatd Siasst kv IWf -7' et, - e lOoOuoArsr1.. In S ta. Two ad I pa t'sasta ai ot I ka Bd I saadt VBAfB 14 kea t. A B l A A A All 'le