i' . - -v - . v. i. ' ..r ' i 7- ! I'- 1 DAILY SENTINEL . - ' fUBMBHTTT? BT T ie Sentinel Publishing Company. UtBoe, Boat Uw Qourt Howeo. ',." iats or Mntcumoi. lit Sentinel 1 year la advance Bs.oo B.uo nU; Sentinel " t) 1 ba lajwi BiRTim wuj urn aeuevraa IB l any part t the CUy at Firaa Cnrr par I It -in VOL. IX RALEIGH, N. CM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1873. NO. 110! Leglslitnre of North Carolina. SENATE. Monday, Doc 8, 1873. Th Beaato met at 10 a. m. Journal! of Saturday read aod spprov- ed. . CoL Alien obtained lemTe for the jacti cUry committee to sit during the session of tbe Senate this day. ' Dr. Love, reported from the committee on propoition and griertBce id Terse ly on tno bill to prevent the desecration of the Babbeth, favorably on the bill rela tive to an inspector of coal and wood for the city of Raleigh, Mr. Cowles, from the committee on In ternal Improvements, reported favorably opoa the bill to inoorporato the Yadkin, Kow river and Wtutauga river raft and lumber Co. ' Mr. Ransom Introduced a bill to con firm tba sala sale of swamp lands to B. T. Carrow. i Referred. A bill authorizing tbe voter of Grove Creek Island, in Beaufort county, to vote npoa the question of annexation to Pamlico county. Mr. McKabe, a bill authorizing the ap pointmeot of guardians ad litvm In cer tain canes. CoL Ellis, a bill for the tupportof tbe Insane Asylum for the year 1874, appro priates' aiity-flv thousand dollar. Or dered on the calendar without reference. Mr. Love made an additional report from committee on Propositions and Grievances favorable to bill changing the line between tbe counties of Granville and Franklin. Mr. Ellis of Catawba, moved and ob tained suspension of tbevuln, to take Op bill amending the charter of tbe town or iiiesrorv in cauwDa county, rasaea tbltd reading. . Also n bill authorizing the Carolina Central Railroad corporation "or any other company," to build from Lincoln ton "or anv other point" a branch rail road to Hickory Station on W. N. C. K. It, Appoints commissioners to solicit subscriptions, and authorize tba issue of bonds, passed its several readings. " ' CilMDiS. 8d beadiko. A bill fixing the ws'ght ot package of alt flub, passed. A message was received from tbe Bouse transmitting tbe following bills : A bill incorporating Montmorance Church, in Buncombe county. A bill amending the mechanic's and laltorerw lien law. Creates a lien lor ma terial furnished in tbe erection of any building and f.r supplies furnished in the raiting of a crop. Hcf rred to committee am Hie Judiciary. Also bills amending the charters ol rVbitevllle tod Beaufort, and Inc orpora ting Hominy Baptist Church, Weavers vilie College, and ins United Brethren of rales. K.U Also a reaolulion upon tba subject of totrraa ot lb pay of the President and inonbersof Coegnsa, The resolution con demns the action of tbe Preaident and saesnbem of Congress who- supported the 'bocA aaiary grab" biiL llama, colored, thought the Preaident waa not rsapoaaibl, and moved to strike tat all that r fleet upon bin. Mr. tiraady, concurred with Harris, inlored. Mr. (Judges, thought the Prssideat was more culpable thin any one else, and that he waa the greatest benificlary under the laerresa of saianea, and that ba coo Id have defealtd the adloo measure. CoL Ellis, thought time night be much better employed, sod that the parties con demned were noswerabl to the people.. llama, colored, said ba sympathised with oar delegsUaw sa Ceeigra-a, that tbey ere all poor men, msde so by the war, sad ha did not blame tbesa for voting large pay, sad back fay, aad that the we of it Msnsowtol tttoKortbern peo ple, who ta the matter of appropriations bIwsts tot the Hoe's share, and that tbey gave na nominal apprnpciaUoaa, by giving a tee aad taking hundreds mi doUara. tSmaSor Waring, said that pour men said and ahetild be noneet, aad that poverty was no excuse lor d-abooeMy, he .d vole lur the reeolatiooa, CoL Allan moved and obtained s or- der k tt Movkma qneation, Tbe reula ion at d bv strict nan voU with tba HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Mos DAT, Dec. 8. Mr. Speaker Robinson, called the Bouse to order at 1 1 a, m. Journal of SaUidey read and approved. MORNING BIlMHfcSS. Mr. Reed of ffecklcuburg, nkked and ob'ained indennits leave ot abtcoce for his collengus Mr. Brown on account of sickness in his family. rnmon. ' Mr. Kormebt, petition of citizens of Shoe II eel in Robeson county, asking that chapter 172 laws ol 1873- "73, be amended so as not to compel tbem to bold an elec tion annually relative to tba sala of liquor at Shoe UecL Referred to committee on Proposition and Grievances. Mr. Carson, petition of citizens and lumber men ot Beaufort county, nuking a law to be paased to protect them tram Do ing swindled. Relerred to committee en Propositiou snd Grievance. BK80LCTION. Mr. Blythe, resolution of instruction to the committee on the Judiciary, to ascer tain tbe true ' status ot the Cherokee In dians. Mr. Trivett, resolution requesting the Governor to furnish the House with a copy of any correspondence that may bsve passed between him in hi official capacity and any of the officer of the Carolina Military Institute at Charlotte. RWOBT or COMMITTEES. Mr. Beunett submitted a report from the committee on the Judiciary; Mr. Moring, trom committee on Engrossed Bills ; Mr. Warier, from committee on En rolled Bill Mr. Wiley, from committee on Corporations. Tbe following bills were introduced snd referred : Mr Mizzell, s bill to change the cotinty line between Bertie snd Martin. Mr Houston, a bill to authorize the town of Newton to take ttock in railroads and for other purposes Mr Hampton, a bill to authorize tb commissioners of Polk county to levy a special tax. Mr Corson, a bill in relation to Public Rock, in Beaufort county. Mr Trivett, a bill to authorize the entry of swamp lands on tbe ssme terms as other vacant lands. Mr. Gilbert, a bill to make attendance upon the public schools obligatory. Mr. Hampton, a bill to amend chapter 138. lawsot 1870 71. Mr. Privett, a bill to appropriate the proceeds of vacant lands in the counties of Ashe, Alleghany and others to said counties. Mr. (Jidoey.a bill to repeal sec. 7, chap. 9, laws of ipcclsl session of 1808, and cer tain part of Battle Revise 1. Mr. Nornient, a bill declaring cataio larcenies, misdemeauora nod giving to Justices of tba Peace jurisdiction of tba same. Mr, Osrt-r, n bill to Incorporate tba trustee of Fairfield Academy in theoona ty of Hyde. - Mr. Bennett, a bill to amend sections 4 aod 5, chap. 35, public sets, special sea linn ot 1955 In regard to ths Register of Deeds. Mesaaee was received from ths Senate trsi.. mating se engrossed copy of the bill to amend tbs charier of the H. CL K. R. Co., and fur other porpnscVi Ths bill re lerred to ths committee on Internal Im provements, Mr D-ruaa eked to be beaid on a motion which lie supposed wss a privil ege queation, slating that ha bad a letter in his hand from Judge Toorgee, which be deaired to be brought to the attention of t he House. Tbe letter be said referred to a resolution psssed at tba last session of tba General Assembly to Investigate bis Conduct a Judge, sta, and also t some portions ot tbs Governor's message, Ue deaired to send tba letter to tba clerk to bo read to tba Uonaa, Tba Speaker bold that tbe letter could not bo entertained aa n matter of privili-ge salees the geatlecaaa from Mitchell telt that be was personally a&rctcd by the matter. That (a tba opinion of tbe cbslr It was out of order to ailow tba reading of a oosnmunication from Judge Tourg bete there was not king befura tba Uouso in which that gi-ctUmaa waa ladi rKllf interested, U tho llooso should HOME AFFAIRS. IIouw bill 71, fin set to open tbe Ca tawba River for the free passage of fish. Tabled on motion or Mr. Keed, ot Meck lenburg. , ; House bill 73, bill to seenre tbe free passage of fish in the Catawba River, House bill 700, a bill to be entitled sn act to establish two toll bridges on the French Broad River amended nnd pissed second and third readings. H. a No. ICS, a bill to repeal laws of mS-TS, sec 1, chap. 97, Battle's Revisal. Mr. Trivett offered a substitute that the Committee on Public Printing are hereby instructed to let the State printing to the (oweat bidder. ; Mr. Bryan, of Alleghany, moved to re'er to Com ru; tee on Judiciary. Carried, U, B. No.,107, a bill to amend ths act of I Edenton SUeet Churcb. incorporation 01 uocotn- R. W. M. Robey, President of Daren. t By consent, Mr. Craige kitroducs Prl Female Coljege, occupied tho pulpit bill to be entitled an act to amend an act of Edeutoa Street MeVhodlit EpUenpal amendatory of an not relative to the feet Church on Sunday morning,- snd Rev. or county otUcers snd the Superior Court Moora . . h, ; . t Oottvn, i s - The great stapled bsnught 18 1-9 cts. in Out market yesterday.. V.iUUi. .t. ' A Good Chance, A new Howe Machine for sale at a low figure for cash. Apply at this cilice. sis . i Ooniecration. On mil Thur.Juy, the Kct. Dr. Lyman will bo eonstoratad at the Epiacopal church la this city, s AmisUnt BUbop ol North Carolina.11 " . - : i Clerks, ratified tbe day of February, 1873. An act for the relief of sheriff and tax collectors was, on motion of Mr. Auder soo, of Clsy, tabled. II. B. No. 181, a bill to locorporste Clayton Lodge, No. 88, in tbe county of Johnston, passed Its several reading. 11. B. No. 120, n bill to amend section 55, Title 5 of tho Coda Of Civil Proce dure, passed its several leadings. II. B. . A bill to la entitled sn set to allow tba sale of the reversion on bome steads where tbe owner consents in writing was tabled. House bill 118, to change the time for tba meeting of the Board of Comniiaslon ers of and County Board of Education, ol Carteret county, passed its severs! read ings, House bill 131. to repeal chapter 68, Isws of 1870-71, passed its several read ings. Messrs. Freeman and Gorman were an nounced as additional House branch of committee on Printing. Mr. Freeman atked to be excused, when Mr. Bryson, of Swain, wss appointed in bis place. House bill 151, making It a misdemean or for sheriff or connty commissioners to make sny discrimination in drawing or summoning furors, was tsbled. House bill t8, bill to restore burnt re cords in Watauga connty, passed Its sev eral readings. House bill 114 to Incorporats Gray's chapel, Methodist Protestant Church in the county of Randolph, passed Irs several reading. IL B. Ill, for the benefit of Stanly county snd others. PsMed its several reading: Mr. Bennett was excuse from voting on the bill being Attorney lor parties inter ested, M.WaJdell moved to reconsider to lay that motion on the table. Agreed tn. ' Messrs. Jones of Orange, Craigo, Bo "Torch Xaght" Two youths, Master W. A, Dsvis, of tbs Torth Light, and Master J. A. Robinson, of the Jloy't Companion, expert lo publish the Ttrdk Light at Oxford. It Is to be enlarged and improved, and published weekly, we suppose, at f 1.80. We alah tbem great success. 1 t Fins Cotton. t We see it stated that our old (riesd Arch D. Williams, of Frsnklin, has every valuable kind of cotton seed. Whilst it take generally 100 bolls to make s pound sud throe pounds of seed, to make a pound of lint, it Only requires about 45 boll of bis to make a poundj and It will often yield fifty per cent' ol lint. Tbe Berger Family. The Swiss Bell Ringers have sn excel lent reputation. They will visit Raleigh and give entertainments on next Saturday night, snd on the following Monday and Tuesday. A gentleman tells ui that tbey srs tbe bat troupe travelling. Everybody will of oro go. -The Bell Ringing" Is the smallest part of tb enter tainment. The troupe are flue musicians and play on tattoos Instruments i Tba famous 8nl f mith Russell, whose line is the humorous, will bo with them. Boras A Or re ScboeL . . ! On ths second Monday In January next, Messrs. Horner and Gravis will b gin their flrat session at IllHsboro. I v.ry erne kuvws of the rcputatioa of their school at ix lord. There were few schools man and Bryson of Bwaln were announced ftqnal to It in this country, nno probably none better. Tbe principle hats thought as House branch of committee ol joint committee on adiouruiiMUl, On motion House adjonmod until 10 1-1 to-morrow. HOTEL AKRVAtM. YannoBouon Hucaa, 0 W BiackHaO, Prvprietm . W W Psrplce, Northampton county; W H Green, M OR R; Allen O Roger, Hon II Rigers, Jr. H C; W M Minion, Raklgb; T li Gillespie, C ; M MrGea, person ; S ft l'ejr.av Lbeilotu; J U Myrover, rayetteville ; J K Iiiss, Agent Cherokee Indiana; J W Coving ton, Horner s Miopa; KrLuuib, hew ark : Franklin Owens, Baltimore; P B Hawkins, Loulaburg ; John X etarps. J oh mob ; M F Dratt, Ht Louis, Mo ; W i Ilea kins. Warren A B Andiewa, S C ; 0 M Brown, Bait i I U Unffia, Newark ; JaoH Pollock, kliaatoai Wm BuraelL klr.fl.ldi JaoM Wilson, Wilson's Mills ; J U Baker, Terboro ; K A Willis, Wsrrrn ton : W L PraceGranvlna. it to tUn interest to trasafer U to Bills boro'. It will be hsngrd into a Classical, MitbemsUcaL SdoaUfc nnd Military Atademy., Tbey will bar two or mora oompeteal eaeuieiils- Ws refer our read ers to their sdvettiaemeat, Thone desir ing special iufurssailoa will apply tt th principals tut circular. Dojlnsr tb scholastic year Jutt coded st Oifurd, tbey bad 01 pupils. . . u 1 ' . .1. ' -V. i.-., 1 lCUI ILUTI fu tliii t Z. m-i uflnve-Hto. at waa awggeatod man. Rnabticana who voted tor too rasa- i. ,k, m.A i ui ansa uurrt sw i w sssw m swa- Mr. Orsndy, from the ommittsa on Jadwwry ratwrud fsvurably upon tbe bill susni sfisg too datrtbolSMof Battle's lis v., aod too bU requmag in Treasurer of Chikea esly lo two over cerWn wawds n too Treemrer of Graham conatv. On sastiao of Mr. McCetUr. tbe Utl sewvtdiag an tiua term ot tba ftaparW luort of Pm aad Ujdo Oooaly, was taken aod passed Iw several readisgs WiU an saitn Inisnl osW4 by Mi. Cawleo iw aetftBf tkeas oswoUeO la pay oopeo twooftbo Ja4g asvd tVrfictar. Rate won a pmd4 nod the bill ordered U no Uasaediatolr aagruaswd. '.Todd, seswsrtasl nrosn tno opsnauitao naanratled wi is. Msag fruae tbo lUoao traossnitlieg aoaAi) astvale btL On sKM of Uer, oai. ssavo of nb ossl wos grasld to Mtwt, CoL, Mtil Tbnrsday. , rm-vrSMS raw Hibwt aa nlv would It oosapetrat for lb geatleaisn Ones Mitchell paodiag the ao uon of tbs llooss to bsve the 0snU Uoej read son part tf his nmtrks. Hs ralad the reaoaat aa not la order. Ceesaaaaie.tMioa froen tno PraaidMU' of the Board if Ihracvrs of the PeaHea t ary, la Aiylsm and tbs Deaf, Dumb aad B.ied, In r.laltoa to tba sesuirt of tba USetss sad ampioyew were read, aad ordered to be traoasklited to the foal with prnpnettiea to Mint, KeMags reraifvd Irtien to mobm m w UoM MHMMI to bast la euac nr In tw.W rewlaUon ta ndjoarn on tho B34, 1 ,lHte4 iUrU. aad a .is sae last oe-U Ms. vTsssog tovol to IsMrt nfUr lbs 4 twvesi aad a fee ft. m, usaosT, DTadaesdeyo aa4 frMsya, ao an to only pMTtdo M nlihl seeasooa so tboss nights. A4f44 aad im ltin poowd, , k'. V.4. , r .4 t's um.kes r tt brn eummMmm eo Js lirtarf. T! I't kl ' M if l rati- eesstwv rt esjmlled bi.-e. Tna bsf w Seessre lao osanpsttlon ef the Vsms 1U lrt was pxsm4 S4 nvade ;ij m ! I Wa4aee4s a a- saotUw ml CO. M wibaoA. sud pwi.UH la daiias 4 rablio tsssaw was. enow S-0 af H twv a. I rm tWy ssei l -ten atOt d tba at as of tuaeist Warvtsaa) who " aa 44 Ike btil l. W.fetV tm a sasaitUe on C e-w. , ssrv4 f.wy nrn wi -.t-mg u U" eltU.1 hi4e "-m iw I nee swsw IM Weafi ukk brtra. f Us, MaAar a-4 a swipasusmsj ri m tat tp n hU si4g ta t M M It at of iu IVwi'lkUMf, IfwdM tat aod aklnf oomniKtea of Cuofarvnco, i tarred la by tbe rlooa Mmsmco Iroot tbe awaata aooata tbe cowcamuco of tba Seoata to ll sx reaoinitoei 41, lo ad J Iw sanUr U the IIom ta Ibe jotnl etaadlag sssmjttse) oo pf.euag. Mr. lUsMtetl aov4 t reroodar nod peiM a.i.l II o'clorh to-saonow, ibe b.ll lo aalharta tbe A ll4 ta mil with the artias of J-ba Fuby Is' tbar f af Pl Onaslf. TVs eia4r ws new taken sp, llooss bill Hi, to allow IL (is- af Aaaoo oawoty to levy n aad II suvatai aoadtaga. II. m M l 111. bill M aeisnrtso tb t.iwm ol !b oswait to levy a (portsi Ui, 4l It sswral rlef aad wa orimd to be ag rood nod orot t Ibe No.ia U -a . t. ' . t V.J to saMad Wre 40, sxtknw r aod 14 of luuwa Nai aa a to alw lonlveto who f b boetaMe ear eriinwaJ vt realg tn p1" J lo bodnberg4 Mr, Marwr He4 o eaMe stH m-m . w.w4 ariw mm d it wkwb kxet, HW, vl t ! 4 Wry aa 4 4U.abaay. aad TmI sadobgs-4. fU U'J pwa4 swveeal soadta. is. Mr. Jw.i, ik. r Ik . t r''o f' of ruiises te ttmJ ww aad tW aWMo 44 bf the MIIIM A Oiftad Otargysaaavi Borne two or three weeks sgs nt refer red to a new painting by Rat. J. A. Orrtel, of Unolr, in Caldaall oooaly. naid paisUeg ws to ksva been exbibil4 In Raloigb. Mr. OerUl has lb reputation of a man of grain . tbe nrtist lint, la a Gern.ea by birth aad aa txcalknl chris tUa gentlamaa. Taw senior sditnr of tba Wilmington Jowmaf rscoatly vWtsd tbt church of which Mr. O. b Ui rector, nnd ays i A ait to hi cbaach la one of the p'.ur. of a trip lo Leawr. A tnagaloV otot aad approprtaio paiatiag, bis own baadisnwk, ! tb efcaaeei, the frame to which ie oo of tbe noeat pierso af workmaasblp wt hsvveOm. Il S-o siei id taur inaa loerr baadnd atc of native woila, all etabwralaiy oanred nnd artaalieaJly tttad tngwber by the arrwm II ts diy t I SaMMd. Dxiag b rtft to - - i As t matti r of "pobt'.c latarmt sd to prevent lecturers, clucuUootata aad oib legitimate Intellectual eolorUinert front visiting otrlain localities on bo tins raad-, wa lay the following eorrespoo denca bef 4e ear readers : ' i t . Taiarrf Coixnun, Den. 4, 1871 Mr. Immf : DsanPia-Our rcr poiui laws fur bid sveryihlog like Mi. Ilatb-y' let lur. W nave aa chum. Tb charter per mil nothing of in hind In two saibs of Ibe college llroc. U will be aarleesfwr bl-a to Cum. , . I , Toors iroly, ... B Caavim. Gatxnvn's Den, 1, 1171. Can Sin i Vw ut dated Uo 4, to h 4 Mr. HaribM wi'l ta saaitalinao lo- alfbl al the MrtbadUt Fcmal Cr tUjf. la li. m f'tmx l my retarn t Uiigb I wui O U Lrgatlatar nbowt toot icbaner. aViaMbig eaoet bo VjM at we) to so Tim'fy frosa Ha "rep-' sa-hofiilr. , , nrtii'f. , , I aso. X. & . - Tb Aidin Chrcmca few 1874. The two chromoa -presented t (ubscri bers ol thfe AUixt for 1871 are uch beau tiful and unusual worka of sit faith! ul oopiet of actual paintings in nil made by tba celebrated artist, Thomas Moras from studies of Baiurr that we feel justified is calling special attention lo them. Theaa chrotuo rervaent tcenes clisrecter istic of the East snd ths West : tin Whit Mountains of New Hauipahiia, and the Cliff of Greco River in Wyoming Terri tory. In sll tli range of grand ayd beau tiful American scenery, it would be diffi cult,! find two more ploturjesquo or charming views, unlike as nature fat her varying moods, yet appropriate compan ion sjijsv-,ariwr!e' stt J "wwa-- Tbe View In tbe White Mountain gives tbs bi. bolder a grand snd sublime teens of the moat famous region in New Eng land, n picture which Is filled with the vary spirit of the region. ' la pleasing contrast with tbe blue clouds nnd ooal heights of the While Mountain, w bsvo in ths CliQs of Green River e golden, sun-bathed landscape, with a ky full of glory a breaking away of tbe oloads ta lot tb King of Day throngh I Th phyaloul geography " of the Great Weat i very iiecullsr, snd tbi Mr. Mnran hue faithfully reproduoed. A grand red sandstone rotk, or butte, rises like a ru ined caill from on side of Die river, re flecting all the brilliant hues of the sky, which are also reproduced In th water. They are every way worth ol Ih great artjaurnalof America the Aldlue. These chremot are so floe, they can only be com pared erith the highest price pictures offered in the market It would bo an injustlrs to place them by the side of any of ifca eheep pilots commonly sent out by nswspspers as premium to their aubcrl bers. mm ' Tucker HaU. Mr. J, W, Hartley, the Eoglt.h loeu tionit, gar another of bis delight ful snd rt fined recitation atTucksr Bait last uight Thus ol our ouiscna who a ere not present deprived tbcmtslvee of much genuine enjoimenU Theeuleftala- nieiit was enhsucvd by th playing of Dr, Von Meyer boff, who very kindly conant td to i xccute on piece of o.U'le itb tb iHilliaot and xquilta touch that diatii gusUMit ri perform sik on tb pianev forte. Tb piano ued on tb otcasion wa furuiaued by Dr. Dorpp What the not to eat itl Northern Candy lero) or Ibre ntowtb old, When you can get It frosb every dsy at Ruyttsr A Bros. Candy Factory. This Is a new boss oatarprke aad la a orodil U lb city. Their flu French Candl are pro nouooed by eompetoat Judges to be equal to nay an ads by I bo beat oefeliosrs in Nw York, aad tbay have ike advaatag of always bsviag tt freak. Otvatbesaa trial, they make the boat randy erer offered In thlasnark, . MARKE'TS. Midnifilit lloport, , BaLTtMonn, Dee 8. Cotton dull ; middling 15 14; low mid dlings 14 8 4; atrkt good ordinary 14 1-4. - , v HotwotK, Doe., Cotton quiet J low middling 14 1-1. . f-. Wivmihotom, Dee. 8. Cotton quiet ; middlings nominally 14 Spirits of turpentine steady, 88; rosin toady at $a.l5 for future delivery; end turpentine stead at .00 fur hard, fjlM for yellow dipt, tar firm at $3.14. . .r! :.rm,i iv,t;l(,.,Yoa,I0, V Cotton; net receipt 1,631 gross i 8,M; futures closed stesdy; sale 18,000; Deo. 13 18; Jan. 13 83 to 15 J 18; Tent 13 11-18 13 13-10; Mar. 18 1-16 to II 14; April 18 8 8 to 18 7-16.. , , I Cotton quiet; isles 1,890, at 13 5-8 to 16. Money 7 gold sterling steady ( gold stronger at 8 8 8 to B 1-S; Government (trong snd dull; States quiet and Strong. Oobrsctiw Daar Br W. C'STnoHAcn, tisocaa asb CoMntssioni MnnontaT. sUuioa, N. &, Dse. 6. Cotton Sale 23 bale, at SXI$SH Msikst cloMd doll. - .. i Xld jDAILYENXlNEL . . ADVXKT1S1NO kAl Uk AdvertissmaiU wilfbe hwrrted in the Dsllv I 'ssrrniai,at thw (oilowtae; AaPer qaarf iw we, or ten m in.ua unee. UMsqaare as Urn.. ....... tl.es " each sehnneal InaarUon tee than S week. I square, 1 week, 8 S W 1 n;ua. Jutoa, t-Slu I " tmontA, aotr'l S.o I " IBM'. 1001 0 J.O t ., .nUWVJflaf '" .e I t ",. S)l "11." i - t-' w;f is'- au.o il :- ssjasaI toAvm- ' ; MISCEIXAkEOUS. piTT COCNTT, 5 uaml Cmr i u. r, neaniair, aaminlstramr Ot Tboaa Carney, dee'd plalnua. Henry Carney, Joaepb Caraeyi Abaaloa Qar. ney, Stephen Camee, l.ydia Carney, Wlthenitooa aad Hsry hi wife, W. J. Car v, Koben earner, Joaepb H. ttrar n lab lie ate wife, Manraret Moor, Akinao Whit. baret and Naoey hi wife, Kate Carney, Kich. ar4 See), Joha Carney, Archibald Lamer, Delia Brlly, rjeorjrUnna Carney, Lonlna Car ney, WIlUui Aaa Carney,- Mairnolia Cm.y, florenee Oaraey and Richard Carney heirs al law of Thotaaa Carney, dee'd dt'teadant. Pernios- to SnU, Rial kstATa son Asstts, tTATl OF KOKTH CAROLINA. A Iks eSWtf lO tour Brsitv nTo aro berab (oaiattBded, ta. mon Honrj Carney, Jowph Carney, AUuloia Car y. btapaea -Oartwy,1 bydfa t'arner, Ui ltber and Mary hi wife. W J Carney. Roht. Harney, Joaeph II. Giay and Bailie hi wife, Hanrmt' Moore, Alonao Whltehurat and Maney hi wit, Kste Osrney, Klrhard heel, Joha Carney, Archibald Carney, Delia ani7, wegTsjiawea uarav, Loatia uaney, Wllliua 4na Unnv,, slaj(noliat Carne), Florene Carney ana Rlchnnl Carney ths de feadaat aawv noased If shay awtoaod wlUils your ooaaty to appear at tba oute of ibe Clerk ot tb Superior Court for the county of i wiwu.a wmj mjm w iw MrTie oi tbi auiumoua on tiieia en-lualreof Uie'dav ot ocb wnrie, aod answer th complaint, a copy ut which la rvd with tbi samiaoas, aad let theua take notice that It they UU to sunner th said enilsmt within that time, the plain titf wlU apply ho tbe Co art ottAeUf d msaded In the eon plaint. Hereof taU not and of tbi aummon nrsks du. retarn. .. . ,. Given under my hand and teal of said C)urt, lolsiaihot ustober, brs. ' ' u .utronir oet 88 lswdw C. 8. C. of Pitt County. o - ConsacvBD Dailt, Bt Q. TT. OtnunACn A Uao, Miaxar BqoAna . ,j. O. Dccmhar A ..... L4usl 6 ! m : seaSSi ; OJaTU i H 16 s SO , ossr 110 :h: loalli I lUalll a SO a.ta7t I w KM alst 1811 llnasinoiJi's Bixnrj Is still la tl. so nltb of It popularity. Oolhwlth.taad lag Ut ebotato of Dr. lUlmbuld, tb cot-1 t8l ly ebrsssd saadickM In Ui saaaotaolurtd at tb labbratwy Ot Fhilodelphia, aod i old by ell lesoscuUa drsggBls. Il Is asrtantrd .frr ail dl ol the kidney Sd ur n.il otMsaa, H.ar of all counter.!!. Genu In ha propriet' private stamp John F. Hanry, fitw Toik, sn) agent. i COTTON TARN, per bunch. dry, per lb... LEATIIIR SOLE.... ...... LIATHXR CITBR... LIATUIK HAKMBba. MOLAsrlEH, per gal.... OOLDIK BT&UP. rBACUKB : Mfd ?OflKwp ClliCltEitif i ,.. tiiui ;. FKATHKHS, rLAAMkli rr has .... .... HAY. per 100 lb. IllUKd, perlhlry POTtTokri, Hwe.1, pet bu. TALLOW swlb .... Vi(jAU per gal.. KICK ItAUS ...... TIM... BUI TEH rUilft, se bhs, M.V. ...... MfAUparha., (XIKN,pti..telh.... bAtxiN n.iii - . 114 US, N C Ml-lJETa HlHltl.lUd 83Mr LAKl - iualt OATS, it , M eM ,. r"i rODOIR, w tut Ma. LlVKl.s CAAU1.S n.S f MAJLRira Is BalUmora lie tin, at lbs ruldMir of tn brlte't nsolber, by Ksv. J. K. CalhaO, Wbl U. Rarrvef . C aa4 MlMFhwaac SiartladaU, luraMriy a4 AtlaKrh, . O. BDRQEaa HD, Faahieeobi Barbet tad kalr 4rar, nader i. T. Oaltoy A Brw. sjlort, I Alwajt r4y lo Wall oo Caatuwer. Oaie w toww leais ' 'Mass .f Kk o 1.101 l tWt l a- ali4 SHI A ' T.i COTTOB FACTOHS AHQ QEKESAL ' J WI10LI84L1 AK0 UtTAIL ' . (. . ., , ,, -. hi GROCERhV . WiutiaovoH OtH Orrosrm llAnsiTSqcAU, Ws premt oar Card snd offer to Uts publls ear esrvleee a. -Ucil Comal-ion Mur ehaat fur .th sal f Cottea sad other pro doe, Ae. . O.r lorwtton la eeatral, tn th etnes part of tb clly sad wa odor eaotal wlwu-Uct sad fscllitiM la Ui itonc. of Co' ton Ac, kavtag a tret le ! roof sad tee pron sVor noeaa, ailaatod wtlbla s short dlaUaes Ot th polle atalioa, sud tbiw.t.y laliall a tn damrer ot tr. Thoaan aiita tnrlnt eoluia will Ind It lo Ueir interaat lo eoakM.icl Wilh' as tetora (torlng alao, wh. . .. . .!t" , w j W sr eoaalautty In receipt of S tin of eweral itraeerteawhlea wr vllln( st tb ymrj kiweat aarlt prteaw.' Jataaira aappUM siwais oa baud. Couutry prmlu. In bu. or nali eaanUlM lahaa la aaebanK fur (mid. M oUclt HwrsuU aa . iU Ust (atUtarUiry aair ud fimiil. prompt I- 1 tarao tar aB rtlcl iral4 to as. Oar painw ad lhr will b iaofMd tram um a .- ( Um toml t-aur of prv. for Ctt sa seud. carsUi e,j All aaiakiUuu ot iw(alry prompUy . t -1- -re ' N T,.v. . is , 1 Aaello Bal of MlNattane Bes to alxhl and SaaJry arti. i ot tiwcbau.!IM sad f urnitw. to ooausae every aighl till . i. . - . 4t i tf ' s wh jomUco. VT C FLOC AB Wm j FA X.tap. , tawos.'' sepi IS If yV.JL Jo Co. ----- - ' , t T . m nv 80 -vdl Let et Uarl.isa.d LsUwa Li.l of Leitort tima'slsg Badaimtd In '.t OflW kali(b, K C, Do, lib, 17 : ATWy.Jao arJm m CAL IbM.t: A is "irAsaus WLoes." wun v. cin toa Utlag 4lni4 of kis sstorsst In tb laloea sad BUItard Bomss Fsretsevm tr (tb Fralrt old stud.) la baatosss bwaaftar Wl4 sua4rt4 t Measrs. Jssta 0. Miltar aCa4. oba W.Oaot. CaBasltod trht to tear tn lbs nnsagimirl of the I U FOB BEMT. A Hans and Lo bt to KaaUra Ward. Ih hoM eontala te bed meat, eioarta, hoaMkefita, ainlae; n na, ii Hasan rat bnaaaa, gtrewaa, Hiiila, ciniii li4, tb. h.t Is K- h,ea4MlanraelMleIHy Tb I so emvtad by W. T. Mrewk, - and TrBl ttM f ll Ul A piy I" SWI aaa. tiWIe or Sa St. T. al fcOkiLii A ItMjl. t . I . osft 1 .i ,- t- tvw n) rpUE WATT FLOWv . twastaatl raeatrtiil 9pMaS owwr leaaa th aaualK-'um ol V, ii li'. 4 p.w 1 h rMw mm rd .- . 1AMka ILT'IU LU, t;t 8t U 4ihlf the Mf siiKiarrr. aaaAU.1 O elaMlitaawl aader In at all baorasad, mi.lf d at a tn tttm 11 aaiaet sd bar stvwytlj faniiahaa. , ,ytivt TanwMrtiw X I! Chew PVm. UfiBOd eoaty awvtl w si suns w. bw paisbbwra,bUki WHS kiss o paniooa of tb UvtlBMt earviaf, aod whtt fatmaiaiag M bng wlMal4, adTsac hi wik. O a aMnewsid al tbossaonat of snnrk asm4Mk4 nad UteakJl wuk wwtew H Is , ertth the ra4 ssoaa al kaj L TV oryaa wf lb thank, n vry ta. iatravl, sis Ih wutk of bw hatd. pi wi I, pwttMtv To Oaaa frt-0MW CtTeut HIS to to-4 In tptl f tM raklai of Ua. Hi. Bto,d Be Tent, wh by vMW f Is f4 hi Forts B Saerff4 mff of praahao't SU.bl-r4y. IA4.W be stoat ! of th team. is a-ltl- osd a. s.nli, 44 sseot sr t Boa aw sat for UM t IM i bd sa" to totasj t tb IV sodwnntontaoB twl .. m twy tawwvtwa, N 4 I It saproaa MS mtmtM Aroki f4 ty Btr, .t.w . .-, Bigy- t-tf WV 0 borrj t It B.ws It Wort tat FfWtor. TV AiU plr lb (.!a of aa odHortal pootb maM Ih fnwi lb italviU 'liiv" I WtaMOery mwb gveiAd MM loot jMWllbnght!y, ba bS rdmd to J Toraor.st Uai, I giving 14 B visas, to sws prutio: into no kaowlod ( 4 tb warb 04 OMVtoa ot in fvnvt, by U Is t ' mui WHS lh boorty r,-..W.- nod lOwratnaa of lb . Jo Fomor, k town tbsaa satwd Opoa U tocbtwooranf .borti.of Whoaa tU Aoara, Ml M n.u w ! V B nt. t r !Um, kn I hro, Mi. L t orn. Hi bt B ljot,lr tHiar, Tb lna. MW toroao tnm. i SI rl, tow rwaor,! H Mm, H M tin r HoSr llii - l a hiart.m, Ail Uuvaon, t ' (Mo. iw storf is Na Wa w C ltdt, aoo H-s,gU I ul M. JHO Noa. 4m at ... l.u, ll' ltil, tt a. mt ' bM,A4 Htd. " l kM IM. tloM, tlMC4Wto'l fllwlli, U Plan. I ttmm. IIor bi.iwr.lit; ... ki.to.kii HMtito, Taovor M ..lr, SI m Hull Btuo, Mr hut fiJ-O t, r. n li fiaait. Brlrk fuuord, it. Ik riaoor, Hawry Pmo. Mr. Keo arrwa. Mim Bono T 1 . tmrrf, tin iMrtf ' IWkard. Nr. SI fl l-rin. tov r w -, N oi,JaA II.M sab , mm. or it s4i kta MarO $ tor , kt'tttai OHM T !-. stoory lion, Wwr ThaOitMMI. b.4 F oirikJT cuAit rii'rookAnnwo to WATBOB'B F1BB Alt aALLEBT hot lb tost st slwar w Wetm has rorotnd tU-vaa kiSBAt ta th sort ra.rTO.SAr at ear BUM Acrkali fslrs fur lb past thro fear. CaB ttaSWr sod aos of In I sow sstliell tt rvolctrrapo to tba isnatrp, stto , SB., As, kt gnat Vortots. f .. . br tea . r My aaiou. hsobe lul. A44ri, dt44iotf a too" a dwi 1 at grw ;a M W , itont i Vy A - Bt T B B y r lade tout.st t -1 of tt aiiH hr.iAt sa or im j rSowa-4 a. ii.oi Ha. . 4.4 Ytt.tf f ! B. v. NEW ADYEUTISEJITiT8. W B L I Bcnojt, i - soop. v prad. kwpl.g tloev- IjJT-', " w ""Zt looaa, b Bhr tww twoto OW ft.! SMKfwM.tt ' t mm Hmm r'i a t. W lorn, M th-W -JOiatH U " raarvua 8 vote Th-joJ. m-' na ba to" wi-ot'y SMtHgH w.y Into n !k f"W ty b - afli'-e ha H! "" n. aad a .ibil r.looo of nU that addod ba o Vwe4 fross, lb Wait taC. M4or a4 rM of -t geod Bonb atM. Fto yow poal in BsaviBSt. bo rt a( t4 io4!y, WMOal ot, faewr 6W U a. oi aj d eta a4 SMwwr ohaat s.tto tajd to il lta Mat, a to e tstob od taratab br fw SaM ; wtotba I a. attwpt ftvOS I mid I taOaa af owf own Mot ta oU-gtao QJQiiat, a foaea to k If, lh o,o apoww aod tort alls of lb U-lal p"y Jo Taewa bs poib.sO llavl mmmm of It wlahod fauf ol that tU4arl f'f 04 M r-l) ' a stll j 4 A aa to.k IM kwli-M ad I'.-l m, lb) I'l Out i IM P 1 l 4.Looof tW t "I aa4 tool lottoa af Ih yf , b Lo e 4arod t eoof li St wartra 4 ogi.4 oMQ o ..I putoaa t .".o . I sinaat hs out aha Ih 4a t Villi iaaM, Ml. ! iS Ua kuo tW i- ,- layo. Mia tila 1a.oaaa, hi -a Mar -, Oi. i iM,lll'l . ot, i. Cl ney W oVaao, BfAJOiaa ' a. O. taai or i pa i a. mm pita. W Onoaaa. 10 1 aa tk .tatlak ' . aaoo, H tha.01 ...oaaa Bti I. iy Tao-W. Caao BBtB A CI ATI I Traatforert, to , UlLLBBOBO' It . C. ! ' A CLABIK'AL, sfATBIHtTfCAL, sXU! TlflO 4BD BtlLrTdir JC4DtMf. A STU. T. t t t.ioia af It I taf a lb I I Slaooar ka Joooory I tatdan oatuoa tr tarw so Owar poo Itoal.. aol a a f Ma I 4foo io reaa-liav at wsrw, w. c , tl Ih. lal f V Mai. U IL Uao III a mf a , I . M It tiAAt a. I 'M"4 o)f dttAotw w . i r a ATTOKTsTT At tAW,o ' eACIaoH, BgkTi CABU. FrlM ta an th. CoorW of tottaar'ai. lai.tal, Baru. aod U-n ' r...r.l, la IM a.l nil Cooat 4 Bortotj'oiaaa,ao4l t f e41 owe, . a la.UK ' 1 ; kk - . s, ' acexrw oo ryjrnctToeat. T W t IIC I ASia eaar P a B f t 1) . s w, w. iioui:t,r. . TS !! Breew. a r !' y.aa 1 aa ooap t. a-rt - " , i aa a , a. u aw -a a if a at .1 M t b a Ua. ,... 4 ooiaaa lo I atSal .. taaa. w-l aat - m- t oa a - a"ta aoatl.f ai4fcla lOaS nana.!, Off'-a I ... L . i . I a a ter.ja.aA a;a 0a0a I o4 Ud saawod -vtaj .o4.-e , I otsaM two wmm .o-, a hlh pi f M U 1 ff ?I-A la-k' Il W IbwataM bVUf lb -k-r-t ' " " TiJ-aJ art W-b toa. -- Vo WW 4 ' P-T t IL. a,,. .,4, to e-vt. toat eat .. roll wo. i. I ike ' fl; . . 1 -ZjT. totoMM to-s to lt aat I. ll. l.,w.V... 4 -J f t l ow,to tat..- -4t-a - m, Tr4l 3 K'"?"'" J o- U -k bt-ad U I.' fts- H.- - a a- i iiaMin t t 1 - a-4 mm aaai.ia ro. oo A .1 ,., imaaia aoa.ia. lo taao O r a W ... a A M i' I. , aa ho .a.O a oo. taaa a atakaavA. la aaa aaa. I 1 1 1. ol l"- taM F , i a-.-a to .-ai o4 i-. W im. II .o. ai a 4 as i oi i 4Im. o4 Oa .a 1 'I lO OaOaa. 4 a.-, r" - . .... i la mvm-mm l a, i. a .-I a.".") la ea It' I IkOO I IBIf'i y ... a - - ' Al oojsa ytoaa,oa to saoAb!y BBi) tWSBTT rll F8 C8T. llUjur BtABCraCTt blUAT FBIcnw vti . t'AAIS. ' If i li i -f Ba- WW ottoa, r nay at H. aaao. aswta, i Vktf t wta M U akoap dotktf ' " V" ft! tt. Orrsvs Bjujtl a.aa-a, IT, pa. v , i t, Trtl o.oit af ttia ..(i . t . i aartiOae tha o toaabt. loa ' ia .atal oaw. ! taa a.,." I haa. (Ja-O ad awl a4Aar ... I I al ho oat to aa i.vl aaa aa unmt A t a ora an Mad ha ta al r-o J to aaoaa .. a . a L. a w a- t W r' - sum or af r, y. Ato-i rrt t fv" aw imrta ad aMaao, . . oa. . -i .- an k - Ml oral! w A rt ' v i :j al a 4e ' t A -. n t. t r.4ir, W. T. MBIBTsirvilitT.Bws--o4.tPa. Jit I A W . i S , rriasoa. s Tot-ltf Al rVwl-s T S oa T ... -a. . o o laaiaia.. I Ht'lll aad Ti - B-S J aat So cn uiit rr (-- Bt A SO-al Sim. i t I W It t. r -a .t I l t ... I It Aat I'M b ' If 4 -a I aaa. oaS Wi-. t " t . , a --a . ..a A. I-a ' W C t. at , c A .1. I...- - aa a io I r"0 W ra.aal ool . ... wetBtf to

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