'.-if rrr- .i DAILY SENTINEL , PUBLISHED BY - i ie Seatiad Publishing Company, Oflea, &)trtrC nrtHtut, XAVii or ifuunioi. - .J SM-itiaal 1 year la daucr '. f .oo -ia-Wf.klf " - -5.110 Vkly ent.a l ' " S.UI l lie I At. Sssviaau. trill be oVIivered la un.t ot tli City at FirriM Caara per Lt"tolture of North I'arolia.. KIOIIT BKHilnjf. . . DECKXDKB 13. Bonnie Wkl oiled to order at 7:30 m. Cut. Welch moved that the private cul emUr be miule special order for the night, Mr. Cow In moved to amend by sus pending tlie rule requiring the ayes and nsys fcr the night unless called tor by some ttenstor. Agreed to. A roaolutioc instructing Ui Secre' ary of State to Issue a grant ior land to A. W . Boll, in Macon county, passed iU third reading. A reeolutioa in favor of J. H. Enniss, passed ita several rcadines A bill empowering tho commissioners of lUleigh to appoint an inspector ol wiuid and coal, panned its several read' ines. . A resolution in favor of W. It. Morris & Co., pined it several ridings. A bill authorizing the Board of Trustee for Hickory lowoahip, in Catawba county, to complete tbs Astn villa turnpike and declare it a public highway, paaaed il third readmit. A resolution in favor of D. D. Fercbee, Sheriff of Csmdcn county. On motion of Mr. A vera laid on tho table. A resolution in favor of Burt McClanr, treasurer of Swain coonty, passed ita sev eral readme. A bill to incorporate the Watauga New Ilivi'i and Yadkin River lumber and raft CuMiimiiT passed ita several readings. A bill amending tbs charter of the Fair of the Canlinas ; authorizes the election of a Board ot Directors and a President, and authorises the itsjo of bonds to a sum not exceeding in amount twenty five thousand dollars. Mr. Troy moved to strike out tbs clans which exempts ths boud proposed trom HtaUt tax. Adopted. Mr. rJeTtnonr moved to strike out tht . clause exemption the bonds from county and municipal tax. Adopted and bill oassed third read! dr. A bill to. require the Treasurer of Cher okea county to turn over certain notes and bonds to the treasurer of Orahsm couutr passed its several readings. A bill in relation to ths Catawba Toll Brid ue Company ; legalises for mer acts ot the C orporation and revives the charter. The President announced that the bill wasnnts third resdmg. Mr. King cor. t i ted the chair, said It hsd not been rtsd at ail snd demanded the reading of ths l.i I. Said the fi st thing we knew v. would paa bill to hau somebody. Tbs lull was read and psssen. A bill to incorporate tbs Catawba Val b Hridg Company, paused its Several readings. A bill to submit to a vote of the peo ),' i f Washington county, th question nl lh luculiop of their county seat. Al low the voters to remove their couuty n.t fmin PlyuioutU to Alt Key Kerry. M", A vera objected to the paae igo of lb bill. Mr. Humphrey said that th people of tb couoiy (.uglil to have tho power to change the location. Mr. Lot concurred with Mr. Welch, and (bought the peopl aught not to Us e'.loaid tuihaogelhe UxalloB without tuhtntial re a in a. Mr. Jobasos explained that two court houwi-s had been burned, and Wat tnry had no court bouse sow, and astbey bad to buiiil a ) n. the peopl wanted to rlimira lu ligation, or st least to hats a unon the matter. Mr. Murubv Said that as a matter of 1u.tii ami rteht to tho panple of that county b would niKS ths psavage of th bill. Taa bill waswid iU third rtadinff. Resolution la favor ol th National runk of rarettevllle. paaard owe li.fiir- nalls la eunweuooac of lb abaci of Me. Trot. A bill to inonrpoeat th "Waasarsvlll rn.r. In UuocomU coast r, passed It i - -. y rweraJ rawdinfft A lull in Incut norat lb Baptist chuieh ot II ia, la Boaooatb county, pafcwd iL. i hint mdinc. A bill to assatid th eSarter 4 the lows of It aatort, pawed US third reading. Kniato ndjoarncd. ' 1 " ' . ' 1 ' ,., "" i I "I' " T " ' ' I ' ' 11 i i " 1 " VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N.C, SUN&AY,-DECEMBER 14,'; 1873. NO. 115 t) AILT 'SENTINEL I I , ADVlKWfllNU SATKS. i i'V I k I )..-.r, i.lij A jTrtijmnti will t tnaartad la tha Dailv Saavtan, at Um tollowimr ralea per sqnsrs oi not laca, or t saauaw Haas, f i hi ' Unexiaaraoaauma...... 11. OS ' " .H. aaeS anbaaaaMitfauorijT . lass than a week sqaars, 1 week, t.M 1 sqaare, 1 aoa. - imoeUL B.IHH n " um " faro's, ia.01 Si - 40.ot "- -laen t w . t v " - ' 14.(0 1 M U Tlw equation provided for in the conati- mtion as to taxing property and poll shall be preserved. Adopted. .v.r. Waring spoke at lentch leaiDrt th psrsaceot the bill said itwuls prop isi- lioo to confiscate tba property in towns ana e ;ei ol over two thousand inhabi tants, and to make the property owner educate the children of the non-proprrtj bolder. Harris, col., replied at length to the ar- mputi of Senator Waring. Mr. Cunninirham sent no to the clerk's table to bo read for information, a letter from P releasor Mclver ad dressed to him as chairman of the com mittee on education, in advocacy of the passage of tba bilk Tba bill having re ceived the approbation of the education al convention, &c .ur. welch ooered an amendment, sl owing only property holders to vote, but Withdrew it. At Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, offered aa amendment providing tbat non-resident of fuch cities who own three huudred dolUrs worth of property within the cor porate limits of the city shall vote, and providing tbat voters shall show thcit tax receipts tor tbe year previous to vot- sir. Seymour argued against the con- sti: iitinnality of the amendment. .Mr. Morehead rejoined in support or it. Mr. Cunningham opposed the sinend- ment of Mr. Morehead, and ssid uhmjn wxi aiaehelor and bad no wife snd chil drtn, be supported a liberal system of ennimon schools In view of tbe benefits that would accrue to society. Thst now be had both, and he was more and mors conviuced esch suecesaivs year that North (jK 'jiina needed a eood system ot com mon ecbools. Arguing with much force in t ivor of the Dill, A dincutsinn upon the constitutionality ol the amendment here arose, participated inly Messrs. Memmon, Norwood, More- bed, Seymour andTroy. The amendment tsi'ed. Mr. Morehead ot Rockingham, olforcd an amendment providing that not mors thnu one-fourth of oneper cent tax shall be levied on property under authority of ton act. Mr. Conningh&m enquired If the Sena tor tould vote for the bill with this amend tn en t. Mr. M. replied that he would not msk "suv rasa promises." Mr. Avers, an amendment requiring voters to pay an average of pro rata tax betore voting. Lost. Mr. Norwood submitted some effective remarks in support of the bill and Mr. Horehead's aojeediMn;. baid tnareaaouia be a limit to ths power to tsx Mr. Morebesd i amaadment was adopt ed. Mr. Troy offcrad aa amsndmect which 8xes penalties as bow proviaed by lew. Adupted. Mr. fcllis or Uatawwa, an amenumeni requiring that tba Iwsoty citiaeas sulbor acd la this act to call aa election upon tbe q ieatioa of levying tbs aeceasaty UX shall b property bolder. Adopted. Hid passed Stood d leading. Mr. rlMuminc prasauted a petition In iu citixooa ol McOoaelL Inferred to oouitullte oa Proportions and Uriev- Kt. Moroiiaad obtained leave of s bee nee for the Principal Doorkeeper for Moadsy etr, t iL F.ltis obtained less for on dy lor nator fmm (leaveland, lit. still On nr.'loo of Mr. Qndger, fJenat sJ- jooiued until Mondsj at 11 o'clock, a. m. e al readlrg. hsving bren amendef with tbe proviso, that no greater discrimination than 25 per c nt. aball be made Ixtweea local and throogb freights. Tbe hour or 13 having arrived tti Speaker announced the special order, be ing th substitute offered by the commit tee on propositions and grievaocea, for various bills B.'red st dierent times against the sale of liquor in certain local ties was read and recommitted to b committee. By general consent Mr. Johnston intro duced and bad referred to tbe committee on propositions and grievance two memo rials from citizens of Buncombe and Mc Dowell asking th extension of the char ter ot ths Turnpike road from Old Fu:t to Flat Creek. The liquor, or rather tho prohibition law, was next read and created much dtacusaiooTsMkding its consideration th House adjourned. j j SritrTqita or Livxb ConrAiRT. A sallow or yellow color of skin, or yellow ish brown spots on race and o'.her parts of tbe body: dullness and drowsiness with frequent headache; dixzinew, bitter or bad taste in mouth, dryness ol throat and internal heat ; palpitation : in many cases a dry, teasing cougn, with sort throst ; unsteady appetite, raising oflood, choking sensation in throat; distress, hesvineKS, bloated or lull feeling about stomach and sides, pain in sides, back or bteast, and about shoulder; c ilic, paia and soreness through bowels, with best; constipatiou alternating with dia'rrluBj; piles, flatulence, nervousness, cotdnea of extremities; rush of blood to head, with symptoms or spoplcxy, numbness or limbs especially at night; cold chills alternating with hot noalics, kidney and urinary Oil- ficultiej; dullness, low spirits, uusoaa- bl lty and glootny rorvboding. Only-a few of above sjuiptouis likely to be pres ent st one time. All who oe Dr. Pierce's AK. Ext. or Golden Medital Dioovcry for Liver Complaint and its complications are loud In Its prsise. A CUBB OF LtVKH PTSKASB, Rust. Texas, May 10, 173. Diu R. V. PiBttCB. --tJ Dxab Sin; My wile last year at ibis tiino was confined to bsr bed with Chron ic Liver Deseose. I hsd oni nt tbe best doctors to sos her, and be gave her up to die, when I cam upon sums ot tour med icine. I bought one bottle and com meuced giving it. bh then weighed 81 lbs; now she weigli Itu ilia, ana is ro bust and hearty. She has taken eight bottles In all, so lie I am n advocate fir your medicines, WM. Ma Aim, Liberty or Pptsicaka, It hss always been ssid Ihst physicisas would dispar ag sny remedy, however valuable, which they did ait original themawivea. This bss been disproved by tnelr liberal ooora; towards Dr. C. Aran's preparations. TVy hsv adopted tbens into general ns in their practwa, which sbwsa wiuuigoass to eoaaiMsnre article tbat hava intrin sic merits which deserve their attentloa. This doe tba Uamtd prufrasioa great credit, and effectually contradicts tba er roneous Dotloa thst their enpnaiuoa to proprietary remedies is bsard ia their la- lareat to diacard them. W hsv always hsd cuellJeec ia th boaorabia xootivs of our madieal (sea, aad are glad to And It sustained by to liberal welcome they accord to such remedies Aria ft 00. inimitsbl remedies, even though they era not ordered ta tba books, but art nssd kaowa to tb jpl throngh th aswtpspera. Kf) Orlrtnt DtlU. Bapttat Qharch. - " j Dr. Warrra Randolph, om of th tore most preachers of the liaptUt denotuina tion, will occupy tbe pulpit of the Baptist Church to-day at II uVloc. , , Fwut sal Kotiok4 '' -' The funeral of Mrs. Maiy A Litchtord j will Ut . plwce at t o'clock, P. M. to-day, (mm the ii.pt 1st Church. " Masonic There will lw a regu'ar cnmmunicatioa of Hiram Lodge No. 40, k. T. A. H, on Monday evening 15th Inst , at 7 o'clock p. m. As it it tho evening fur the elec tion of officers for the ensuring maaonit year, all the" members are earnestly re quested to be present. ' "' i Ius Hew Place. "We not:c Jbat L. D. Y, R. Wombl bsve hoisted their sign oa the' cotter of Wilmington, sod Hargett streets, indicat ing their place of business. Success to these enterprising gentlemen. By lbs way, th sign was painted by Mr. Parish, whu putt them up all right, and general ly gives ist in action In both work and prioe. Those who wish sign and other fainting done shouH not' forget to call on him. osa PES ATE. 5 ATCBOAf, Daw. II, lm. - M. fi.ta was caikd ts wdav al 1 1 a. as. J..niBlofyaitdy ra4 aad Coocsr rv I la arrow tmnn rtkumna ewaatrrvaa. Mr. rwaimlof thm tfca Jadkiary e.wr aiitre; Mr.ioboaoa (rusa wimI4 N'U; Mr. M-wvfcewd f IKkiagbsaa, fmsaataBv .um aa eornoratkM : Ol. Cllt froia M.mliua mm th laaaM Asyta '. rw,m mr fruaa iaaaltow mm) Jwdiriary. Mr LS fro eomenilew aa BfoawaliK aad grtevsntw. Mr. Oadgw frwsi - - - w. Tfrt, a m. iutu rrlatiC t Vut'm Tiaasarwr U far I aw a al4 wtatoawwat a J-t.d aad 014 t j Jao.a.r Ik I We to ta e Ji SmJfnai. Mr Untpf. V'N to swswd tbpt-f las bl Is 71 .",t. Mr JiihaMMi, a Wit to rtator tba rd a4 '.! turn e-waty. Mr. II Jt, a b4 to lwirnrato a U Mr, PrW, a U't wwlaf Wilna riwvi bwl'w Iba k of "PVM (Ml J w 1 1 to) tataa' aa suwl kt mS vf Ja lgw IV ja. aaa aimin Ph. tto twaKaawwirt J-"S told Ik. vaiasrr Is Km4 tlir.e,fawH tr tB tW - mt i4ga Jvfr aad tk to lk ' a ' Ua W4-4I mi M. C-w H" b.li Uc..u tk ! i"Jv'l'w , A ...1 .Ik. -ml H(na t.'' I !' aU4ar. aaatt-a ml bis fi l lb4 P-f, a I al wktrti ww tw.4 M srpw-r'; r4. Mr Pr m4 to Pf-mi tba k. .a. a ik a. 1 la a to tto) Via r-V lawvt ta IM Pnh i t BMt t wwta, M, ai to Wf w U- to-a Ag-wMto. arrt. ! A a mti to awl r:- ' HuMtlSHSIts UawaaA lahW-u.a UOL'SK OF HEI'RISKNTATl VE5. Dbx-bmbik t. Mr. Speaker Rubiaaoa called th Houi to or Ur at 10 SO a. m. i roal of yaaUrday rwad and approv ed MAnxmo acsi tarn. Mr. Cryas, of Wilkes, saUnlltad a ta per t Irons th roesmliiea oa eountira, Citlea, towns, A 9. Mr, Ilrrwia, mi Bwala, rroea tha (mm mil- tea tm rai ruada, plank roads aad tora- Biait. iit. Uicaaidsen, tnna u tvetiaiivna oa fit .c. tr, M.Uabaa, iroa tba rvuimiUa laUraal imixavt a'a. Ut. iwvwa, U Mkiug, "mm in eumiaiiUw oa swopuaittiHwi aad gnsv- aorra. Mr. Oiilasv. fmaa tU 0taiiUaW o (ma Mr. Mto(, froes Ui awHa o gTT1 Mil. lr. Nsrirr, trm in c mm.w m ro'1. 1 l.ils. Ur. UraaaU, frvca tba i eait!a oa J d iUrj. . . Ta Oast FttLADBLmia Cawrwaaiai. WIU to aald la aptt of lb eraaklag of Hoe. Mr. BWatow, of Haw Tork. wba b virta ml aw kavia; Iua4 la Pari a BMnaacrtpt wiV ol I eaaBiia'a aaWlaua-iaoby, UOaaa aa at tut tea eaant al law A acrteM aWvalaUua aad lla aMBMWtala. Ami II bmi pvuva a iepa tmccjml hm tow will am la alia f4 "Via aaaa" ta Wtna 'V tlx a' - alt, aad with I weal aad hataaaal laUraatas Mlt laauM, II waaM avia Haia tour to IiM d iiWim a go4 by Mr. koOaw aa wf4r, Ivn-m li I ahiM oakwervaata kilaca lur la WuriS'in eualUMa. and "tot wi war bataf" tka ra H.M ' Hon vam www w'w aw a au.a. Ili aiaewtlra,U.ai will awaiwilly aatirii aad awlaat taa mmikt ulMia kal am al ai a n i w dm w wwa. Btaait, FVmm tw-, taa wMaara- tanra, fu tawat -talaalal Maw a," Th Nsw Post OfHc. Tho lutjoined letter to Judge Merri ruuo will be read with intorest by thos who feared a brick Instead of a stons structure for a post o files and court room would be erected in this city.' We bear much talk about tbe luferior qunllte of our stone, we never heard of it befiM-tsTwirpeople look to it thai tho it.ne near cot the banding mm uad, provided it be good and suitable. If there Is, doubt as to tho quality ol the stuns, Prol. Kerr might bo consulted. We must not import granite front New IIamu.hu ot Hichmond, evju when we have it so near bom and in sucU abundance. It ia bad enough to buy our breed, meat, bean cranberries and clothes from lb North. Wa entered a store yesterday snd seeing a barret of white beans, we siked where they grew, snd to onr atoulhmnt were answered New York. Wbeni were your rranbe.ir.es grownf Ia NewJeisty sir, and your apples I New York. W bop Pio leaaor Kerr and tbd rock cutlers will lei the prer authorities It sow whir good granite ctn be obtained for the ae post othV-a. Tkbasubt DsrABTMUT, Orrica or Siraaviaiiio ABcHrracf. , DiXCtUUM im, l7l. iva. A. S. Memmon, V. 8. Sraote . Dbab Bib: Atknowltdging tba receipt of your letter or this date, 1 bav to aay that at tli lima or writing asy rejxwt I was aader tba tm prraaiua that to Act authorising th rw tvio of a building at Hale'.gh, N. C., Mi i (e I th Department to erect a brick bun Img I am g rat. fled to find oa examltiaUoa ol tba Act It a I job are correct and that 1 waa atiatekea. Vnder tbe circBUstaoce I cava no doubt tbat tba Itocietary wt.l suthorise a change of the duaign I rota a brick to a stoo bullJiug, aad eaa aarur you tbat II will give sue great piaaanre to do so, aa I do pul deaire to erect la tbs city of 1UI sigh a building Inlcrior to tbos errejlad ia olbrr Stale capita U. Pleas accept my tbaaks tor your bad ass la calling asy aiU-aitoo to tba error. Very raixtfiMy, A. U. MLLLErr, Bupcrviaiag Architect, Th Bwrgar Family. , . ,.t j This company gave their ttrst culertain meat last evening st Tucker Hall. , There was a good audinance, though tb weath er was unfavorable. TliepiTforninnce w chaste, unique and entertaining through out. The muiic was delightful, and the audiance appreciative. The comic per sonations of Sol Smith Rueaell wir ipimi tsbty mirth provoking. The lateness of the hour at which w write precludes the extended notice at present which this athibitiAn deserve. W itl only add that th entertainment nt tho Berger Family fully merit tbe high ciicvip'utns bestowed by the.bresss if otheTcitios, and we trust that all of our citizens who love good muiic, and prefer amusements thst are meritorious and mod cat, will give this admirable troupe the benefit of crow ilml houses during their sy. ." win t Th Concert at ths Baptist Female 8amt aaiy. On Friday night Dr. L. Von Mejerlioff profented tot the first time, in Raleigh, tb youni ladies of that Institution in a musi cal relienrsal, be lore a select audienco of ladies and gmilleinen. Tbe character of tbe enteit.innrnt was of the highest order and the Dr. bad aa excellent opportunity not only t mauifest sg iin his marvellous skill as a peifoinier, but to convince the suJieucsof his unri valled success as a teacher, which was fully proved by tbe startling peiforminos of tb pupils under bis charge. Th principal fo&tu-e of tb entertainment was the successive presentation of the pupils according to the, time, during which they ha 1 received instructive ; and it wss la- tereating to observe th regular gradation progress, aa they successively performed. Wvan congratulate L. Von MryarhotT spon hi suoom aa a teacher. fMMkt. to Vr Mr Malt rrwutetl' rtawtrtsg tba e -,', law o fnil tat wa.i ta rpon a 4tf tosi. Mr IHia. raB!ifja tasi las nasaaua aa i-eSIr bwld,r to roH-ai I to rt"t m Uta arOiai sahaa ta rran I tia r - , .... 4 1a mi S Ba twswl Saw lae rwcrw v'r J Mai. . . i . i . . . t'p 4 fwera twaaaaal tsbil-r to. Ut. Rto4.a. Var.iiw4l to ftoawi 40 th Bwbha w'ttoC. fcf. M4Siaw wpwowf tw t ta tb anal t nwraiaat, . I Mr. Jwawfl, tm to frovaaa h -.'if law dm .wwii aaaivwwa- ry ' IM Mi kKoB-ng Iwietv af la i, - ,.mrm. by W-'J.ag aa sk.u.ii" of art , ar.4 mi lb pewdwoa aad iw 4 iba u. la to tif Usuwit ) (0 iimt M.y, A. U H7 J. ! Mr. tU asl toaa-Mkr' . e -a I a4 IS UV mw 1 1 . Vi mm b. toil snawaw( lawai-a fn-f ..-. ' . . . ... . it. . . f t . V. J-Ja,,i swvi n vm ff d 1 Mmmm to w a pli i m, ton af i -mmnm tr mw 4 lm fmrm. X. rM k I M wurswi I ,(' t.li-at. Ms IWwwli mmmtf. a aawf w-w aNi mi wtori Aa Ta U l to 4 tM im ',a ( W -i a ItoSei ("!" ' , l. fm ws U(W ta-w aa ta I tua to 4 - was iwaaii i w- l im rwa 1M. aw t to tol to r.-i.4 a4 aaato -" M s i,i ,1 It a. -wa 4 m. IM to" to w 4 mH TaiCvoa Raawa taa Itoof Ta fanl U-1 Vas towa anukal ta tba bf rbaa aaaat to sawsukwt la to etoawb tofar II saa to Sf ftawt aa O nn"Awiit ml tke aoly Aa a awst brUiia4la taw) '" '" oaww saw www. Is alwwlv w4 rarU swtoe.wi. MwwaMtor atwwwra a- la lavwrwahte. II w"iw lw fw.eau.w at aw-S to taw am l.aoraawry as ahwa nl. attafWM l siaaus is aa rwnai l4 la aawaB I' wrw swewa as w ww m j.i iii.nl M taa as aw art. H ar. vf ally apwa Uweliwiaawiwwww.a im im fvux Jaww, r to II". 11 wn-www u.l wrwl atawura, law km aa-JW L ww.li.KI vaw 0i4 mm Thl ina "-' law wiimtii wna It. tk-aaw.li wf l"- tmt,im tl awf t-m mi sa !' akiww-y awl f ww to w.u a- ri.l. taw wui tfw wNa S J . f K4taw. a4 ;wi-w mt W'f mm, k'm DivSwa Swrwaai Tw-awy tWvkwa wig to) kali t lb M IwwUCIiBfibas to-4ay. alwa pb tab tto) StotaW aaatag f V rVat.bib fa.-! ... wrrwit fa I'M a, (TJaiM MW !WV. A.W.M-iatAaat.g IVf vwwat II A. M sa 7 r. X. twUwiA Ai-wi-W. i, Tswag. rV.a.110. Im UI, I A. M. BarvarV twrarw r-w. D PrtHa4, aUa - rwa st 1 1 i- 5. I T T. M. 1 Uwt, - M- rarraai4 . ft. H At , Mil k. xtswuir. j!Aaa jwi-f-A, .n- ' fmnmtmmAA I ) A. M ariwu. a- a iiA-.toitr- WMt JtW-Wav t, "-, Miwi.at.wt, A.M vw wf f -. ffWwi . ) law. J. A T'war, a.f .. it av sa aw4 1 . A. J-. --a - T. osy. r , ta. ml f . Oobfaraaea pt th M. C Church, toath. Froaa tb Uuidabura if.awwyer ttUa, laara that th l?lh innoj Cuafeao of l.i M. E. CbaicA, Sualb, ta Sustb Carolina, awwmlilad at tb M. X. 11 r b la UuliaUjm, a Wwdawwday aurfeinf, half past ala o'clock, with D iU- p Kwa sr. of Leaiaiaaa, ptastduig. Tk Bfbp eoedaetvd th rpeaing nereiwt. Tawra wet. la ailawd.ara iisirs aad ll i i- ' i Ua fma ail parts of tb Muto, ss a-tone- a bt 140 to 110 Aeaoag tb via-o is to tb Coofrttsr era IU t b f. ftorsas, pwtor 4 fclb (herth af Scaa en," Sew Yoth I D'. Ht(od, of Kb- tdla, Ttaa, Itook l IU. . U rht, 4 tba Y"lMs C-vwew, and llrv. Mr, IWtak' iW, mt lb Ivaagila l Lalbaraa fhairh. fW.na E ', lb prwaiJisg .!, 0 gradetaaa td wjw Iwf (SaraUv ability, d p"d w Bi'.b d.gaitf. It aa aaawwaead that f wr aVfs of tb Crnfevwaow bad did daring tb yr tow! cj w4, I-d I IU. X f. Uw4, W. liaxiofws. A. J mmm, sal Was. fl '. Al IM fjww.4 af I to.. R, (I few), Cvaw. r. Dwvaaa. a A, Mra, aad totota, a rsawiattoa B'l tba C-lwraw, aanai rVws'y, nmirg B sk'p D f ptt l " awat k sawawarai , l.'lrwrw mm- a It "rk -' D trw', U By mi law sat wrW4 H -p ItaHy, 01 bU iwratoKWt 4)i( ti 4 ! (jwt.iiaew , . t.mp fV r II ba UW UWp) Had f., a-waat tn I'. f 'at'iw- THfWw 4.H rf-w ww t' I b mm Ml iMf ftatwra, a4 aa S ila oarada4 M U ijw.l-t l'f4 aM Ti a. y, taw.t-ww' aad Dav0- Tto tlwwa it. al ! i lb Ctb aa I fTt Br lw"? "T"1 m'" at ' ' ia'.-v 'I 4 M - Hl(b Pitctm. It lias long bw n rvidei.1 that many who desired to urchaws a Lock Stitch rtc'ig Machine (or domeatic use, or w(lv:i, l llinp, as sn aid towarJs pro cuiii a iivrlibood, wtra deterred I rem .ItMi-il ao by th high price ot a Lxk Hiiitii Machine, with tb various applk ate a r.ccei.ary, costing more thsa aisny felt riUlng to paj. Virioui rAftia uiachinea aera put In tbs 1 inrkrt, making curious sod (aacy stitc'.i i; but ia tb eed, oa account of r. pain conttantly needed, liaia loit wbea Ibey would at work, aad garments spoi'cil when tbey would work, they pro i-d. mora ctpenaiv thsa tba Lock Mtllrb Machines; snd tba scaml thst were wsrrsaicd to tab out easily If yoa kaw boa bad a way 4 taking tbara salves out al a tint snd la a manner aevar salic'rtatvd by th wearer. la view of thaws Iseta, Euas llowa, th original la wot. w of Sewing Macblnas, ra snlved to give th war14 0 Lork RiiU rajaHf Wwlng MscAla that ahooki owa- bln ail tba tt lt nf hit prnUrmt anschioia, with such liaprwvwfueats aa hi long tapvttonrw aad rip Ja JeTnent should sugh t ; In a word, tb lcst poaaibl ma obinr , to be a ild at lb tainlaiuai of pr A', relying ap- lb large aaaa Ml as to t,un tb lalr-ntitetioa of a strictly flrst tli o,acbB at a asodarato piica, ' Ti-s II ''as Mat bin c obtalntd at fk J, IL rsaBAUat ) '-r" NA.rsytttsn., al Km Yri rirf, aud rtfj assay tria Tbapabltaaiil pbaaa boar ia salnd tba apaws other Uachiowa are auid i at Hflm JmtUrt Wswwya swwr Htm Trh i. R. Faaatix, ' UaWi4b,N.C. MARKETS.! JS"oon Report : '" LivxurooL Dcd 13. I Noun Cotton jjaiet and unchanpeJ; Sales 104)00 bales;, speculation 42,000" ; no trattsactioaj. ., , v., .,-( . Later Sale include 490 American -nplands aotbing below good ordinary to shipped Daosmbor aad January g 5-1 t ditto, nothing balow low middlings, to be delivered ia December at 8 1-4; mw Cant- berland cut 40. , . .. J Nkw Yobb, Dob. JS. f ' Stocks activo sad Irreguisr gold 10 ; money seven bid; sxcliange -long 87 8, short 8-4 ; Governments strong State bonds quiet,. r Cotton (aringly offered, demand mod erate ; Uplands 18 1-4, - Orleans 16 5-8 ; fututos opened for Jsn 15 8-4 to 15 7 8, Fab 16 6-10 to 18 8-8, March 16 11-11 tb 16 7-8, Apnl 17 to 17 1-8, Msy 7 ,7-;6 to 17 13 ; Flour quiet and unchanged;. Cora quiet and unchanged ; Pork firm n 10-23 ; Lard quiet aud stosdy weitera stesm 8 1-16 ; Turpentine quiet at 40 1-9; Rosin quiet 8 60 to 4.03 for strained. v Midnight Report. New Yobe, Deo. 13, Cotton Net receipts 180 bales; gross receipts 4,030 bales. Future closed firm, as follows: December, 15 8 18 0 15 5 8 5 January, Ut0 8i a 15 13-19; February, 16 7 16 ; March, 16 7-8. April 171 16 a 171 8.. Cotton quiet and firm ; islet 53) bales at 16 1-4 a 16 5-8. .' Money easy st 4 1 3; starling firm at 8 7-8; gold strong at 101- a 1014; Govern- strong and dull ; States quiet and noml- naL Bask Statsiicht. Loaui locnas two and on-Jghlh mUlloat tpcclo lu cres on and onealgth million; deposits increase eight tuillion; legal tenders la era iso three and sevsa eighth millions. ' ' NoBroi.1, Deo. 13. Cotton tUailj; low aitddllngs 14 8-8. " WiLMtBOToit; Dec 13 Cotton Arm snd la active deennad; middlings 15.' ' ' ' ' " ' f . . Baxtimobk, Dec. 18, Cottoa firta; ciddllog 16 8-4; low mid dling 1514; strict good ordiaary 14 1-4; groat receipts 180 1 tx ports toastw Is 1)3; talct 803; ttoch 16,041 Ulatv . LtvBarooL, Ue, 13. Cot too uplands aotbing to low good ordinary shipped Novasabar 6 8 6; d.tto shipped Jsaaary aad February 67-16; ditto aotbing balow low saiddliags ship ped December aad Jaaeary 8 8 8. i NEW ADYERTISEMIiNTS. F A nalr at toioujh. hrAil U.rr- R1k and Bevwa years old, Say, thirteen band hUth, aarb la doable or single harMss. wry mck andtwnUe., " J.. Poatag CO cU. teat by mat) on neelpt Of amount, . JAB. U. EtiNldS, Aft, dae la-lm N C Bookatore, Kaieinh. TU O KEK HALL. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Wedncaday Itnd Thnrdar Dc ,iF . , ITttt eV IStb, , , ... Coming tk Famous ArUtUo, l i Duprez fc "Benedict's ' NEW ORLEANS' MINSTRELS.'.' Brass Band snd Burlerq.ua Opera Troapo, With mar erownlmr, trhimpbant snceaaa I BavlacJnat eoaelaiiad a moai briUiaut aa- on of two weeks at tbe Variuiiva Thiulre, Mew Orteane, the palaea of beaoty aad faab toa ot tba c'mcant City, appaariuir balura mill, iciiiira iuu n-iee., mutiiuuce. niiiLiy. Th-W rocatpts nnnteif each ev stilus; from WtolLWO. r , . , Wtll appear as shove, In ku entirety new, attraottva and pleaalnt programtiia. k -. - AtluilMloo 74 eta; Childrea 'i0 cU ; (Viored Oaltery 60 ct. Reserved Beats It.UU. For sal at Urananu's Book Ktora CHA8. lLL l-KFZ, Nailer. tJBas. H. Kaaauia, Oeoerul Asaat. aasUU,M,trft7UL.,..4 , 1 0 T" h eo-psrti,artbtp beretotnrs eibtlnc aadwr the aama aud ttylaot Banders A Taltua b) tbla day diaautvad by autnal eomeut, , 1. W. Taltow ta alouo authorised. to s-tUa Bp tba old kaateeas. I - BMiTBJriaLB, Bel etnoer xr, vns. , IUWAK'A,DK.ft, 1 k r : JOHN W. TAbTuK, t i t. W. Taltua win enntinna bn1n. it the old staaa sad raapectiully atka a eonuaaaaca o( to pmrooagslieretotora Imtowi d. octa-wiiia tauius. JlAMOJD BPKtTAULK?f - jr0l Tbs Btetae1es sr Biannrseturod (10m "Mlnnta t:r)ut Pt.hw" bhIko toother, aud ara ealled dlaBMiad oa arevantcl tlitir hardunaaand brllllaney. It lawli known t it BnecUclue eat fross br nil van or Beotcb pel)- nlwa ara very usjunoua to Ui eyo, been a ot Uirir pulariali.a lUtht. ltavlui( Var a telp4 lib tba polar bcoi, tbs diamond U nice bsva found to ad tall ftfUien lw cml K-wa beaUd rati that any ot W patiMe, They are Toaad wltb (Teat acletillttcawraraiya are tn-w troaa cbruauaUu alibwraliuna, aud iitHliu a brUtawa and dUllDeUifwaot vlali n a t tw fora attained la sivtacliw. M.nafatnrrd by tltw Hiwnowr Utiewl siaaaraetartot I wwipany, b aw lark, tor ula in nraowoatUe a aetata every eiif In Ui bnlott. U vauior, dwar era ipucian, ia nn Acanta for K.li-li, H C, tnm limn Id' j eaa only ba elitalBed. No peddlers amnio po aol aay s pair aaiews tea sws uiawaaa taark dwto-d.ty l'ity co-jrrow markkt. CoatatwsB Dan.1 Br W. C. 0twow.cs, Uaocsa saa Casimasioa Hsaoaasf. i sUunw. K. &, Dos. 18, ttlna -S.lx 101 tolas, at . laoju Malawi ctoewdlrsA. ss Kuloiph Alnrkot. Coaaak-vae Daiat. t O.IT. Bvwiaiaca A lao, Maaaav BijOisa. Paossstorll tUTTUM IAIIS. Per baawb. ...... LSOat 10 LtATlltK toll , LEATHER irrtB.... . ... L1AT1IIB HlkJlM atirLAiwJXX, par(a) ......1 uoLom tikir... ............ UWd...,. PiIK i.iu.aa,ii i ........ piATT'l AITKAL U1L. Abaolntwlr aara. rarrsellV onnriea. Al wave Balforwa. lUaatluaUtif wnallllr iapwrtw to (aa. Bare Is any lamp wlUinul dauir or ilodht or taklnc Ira. Minntx-lm. I as- ptwaaly m SKplaea Uia aa Of toi.um na aaa nroas olav IU aaletf ante avwr coawlbl twat, aa4 lu pwrfart buniuiif ullua. wra proTed by Us couUnaad mm ia over v.ooo lamllliw. at illlua af ranow tia aura suit ana do saidilial dlrwclly a tadWwaU Baa www- earwd (rwwa awralar, sVwiaf w bandnaa Ik luelaMwaaws rwal waa to UI aad l"v;-l- I, rwaalUnw tinwa U.a a il rbwi a.ft itaa- grnaa oil la UM I ali4 auiew, at iri; "is. law aaaafwaaw awwif ww hi. aww vn aatoiliiawi Mimwgkawt toa eowatry renew I Ua A I aAU a Ua Im4 aa:aar jaltaa lawiw wrw aad. 'hil fw rot ar. Bold by JI M 10 LKwl A l. k.!rW, Swlborlard Afmf. t UAH. rttATT A CO ,lJW, raluwaiMi, Jlcw lwaprovlwvoea, umi ., rkATiiiit. rbAkar an HAT, par II I I'M, I lira luS ii, it.,.. ... VTAT8 HCV Wi.asiagti a ha lb lay ttaaait Draaaa Utu mmmh. Ibalb.pwiwaeUatwrsarwprr wwsaiwg ttHWw. M' J -b C4la W4, a old sal as-' twr.atd titiSa af Wilaaogtua, dw4 hi tbat my Ml lb 10th laaL Us ( au a .f wrtor baa aaf4i isa,. aity C.ar, n pwyai'alwf sub rlWHwa, a.a', , V p H Wt.l aa to i'.'. to ..I th.jr ava, aad ra It HW-M i f p.pWI Willi! Dataal-Itoad, of tba ta t'U JwM. awry f -wl awwl y towowwa, ltBaas lUleSl bl a .p I ai r-.i-la ! ff Sua to atioo w 1st Bw4 I bi il a la U b) aaeiag to AsmBV we f ll I wi ei bow AtkV -w 0 It aib Aaaar Tb Wit Hw Ma aajs Ikat C A. Ilayaa, SMaalkaillfnl WUaalwcV, I. .; .w.i-ia wad Aafwssa tUI j4, was ar M I is fbat tMy u tb li b la, by ,iil . tl.a fuat C.a Drea. II. t imJwh Mu wa. IV lb t ara laa. a4 w a touito al tfc tow.'J wf b-aka, f . . b Can 'baa. law aww af bS av fat 4 wwt at mr asw-to ali, 4, Miailr hit ATiika. Swm4, ytt ba. T I .l i W wwr la aa viaiAk i rai Blt'SV,. .-,, - .. UK'S ... lira pintt... ..... ... run a, iu, a. C. wiauwvba., fm a bw.10 hii-i . a. ..... HdMBftt C. ,. ... aaiaawad, ...... bfftl T taaWi t0M . 0u lo.ll Ilk 11 U 8. s as ana't 1 V altt I hi I IbtoUw . alS J fj 8 T t O adtas 0ikber War Vwa, I YAP OaatA. . l - ' ' . I . . wVata ArsU " akk wllj las suld cbaa '. , 46tr 1 -in ntwwm. W aisw TUUMAA, Wholesale" Grocers t su as l.toalet tt l 1 is t as SttaKlKUA.,,, UAK (JAti, Sb-ai .... Bm0 frj 'I'It. r tm law. WAb UL00. ........... ......... 0 , I .! . I ... DntA . . f as COMMISSION MEr.C'IIAKTS, , irimvitxi8i&ir.T. Oppt.ltt lryi tss ntii, tULEItail.X C - SwptWtf (.f.triiilivtt, J i. Ill .atAA. 4 EPECIAL NOTICES. UQI."0 ItiD, FaaadaasM Bar tor sad Wa 0eww, awdw? I. P IWf A Braa, Alwara rwW to WaM wa saaUiiara. Iwbm tawdssala. , Hit If law Taaaarfaa MLwa." Witos T. t-U toa to'lt ml bts bsawaat la laiisa mml Biaf4 Biaaaitl raUtS 0ewH(tka PraMt wtd aaaad, tb bawaass bwrwaAw wt 1 toMadartot J It mm. 4 It btilW A C aj4. J Jms W. Uaat I'aB-Jlwd t anas s wm as ta saw a attb ras HOUII Hi IUU. . , L l. . - . W.j b ' . I laa swweaiw riiw.s. - - ia.1 wT, aad ajj.w ir " " rlbwrt, BW W-W -mt t ' tew M,btobaMlIMHli Ikn.S' at iwwaa ia w.i.a aw-w r - aad wwl S"wwi bS I i 1 ' " ' Ik. mrwmvw vm la '-! l w ,uiSarwal H i I lawra laa wu at 1- '- wawt ta IBar, imimm "" M 1 i r i l b 6 o a 1 1 A V 1 til MACIII.-a X W I wl a3 bwwraaad. awwrvtb nd t'm raw w Bawwt aawaiSilaa mm Sww yjy Tbwvoawa 6rwk srVWtwto M'b a-w to Uto Usfma M Utol a Loaat 7ts at .'. t m ' to4 U If r ' is ww t aU ia y.ib t f 'wa M Ui aa'U 4f, WbB ywi r It Owab ewwrf 4ay 4 Itoysist A t- S tH,ray. tb I 0 0WW I i ..i..riMa 4 bs 0 e"l t to lb My 7V 6a Fa.h ra4 s ae s-w- - I bf r-wap ' I j4al V 0wal to t t ! by rt tnmf'rtt- la F ; riMi cut nivT'XJurm -u A wwwfa.tafwi' St'-i " U taMwaia, uTtJiit numt:ir i' rt.i. . . t. r r. n, it '. mr t r I -' aa W0TIOV1 rif ABT 4IXflT-wa- aawawa tbat to towt hi atowr Watwwt tas .w.Hw Batsaa saaas M tba at rsii aaiiss as aw 0'ba A,w fa S w IM taw Wees fwatw. tB St U. mI waa ad to 'end a"1 rw-a ,to la tow w-aavy, si p iS r.iwjia, mVKmm. A, la ! wrtf W.S tl ISTU 0TIT, ,U,SI Br I a . 4 ta, 1. 1 r , ! I J A )vl a a. . .. . I I. i w. 1, ) aw ". i k a w .. ! It D I a A-V.W ShW to 4ala wf W O 1 liLi; tw Srf t ..'wa I . v. - a. I i! f tm i.ri Sj mm tk- V t wo a .! -rr m- H wwwrwl a4w, . a t. u C, Mmi I .a' to '.mm '. S 1,1.1, i.y awk. to towt taa ty t A w i r s- mtn a. i. a Mi (Ua 4 mm . ! L-., w.'f lWH tf ' if t. .i t:. to ia i tail taws r aal:) awwtoiaw4 tlf 4 Is tliis sawbtt. I iMtaai w u l"ir 1 1 1. ,l -.1 ab.t ..-la ' IM ki fava'-a. Wr4 JU- t R a i . w f. sat aa !.. r wd t w up t4 a ttowdas. )V b(ii 1 X.w T b. 4 t tj b,, lb ataa ag rft .iti MtHM, fl v it .w 0

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