! DAILSE'TINEL . f 1 L, . ' I I ' PUBLISHED BY I T 19 Sentinel Publishing Company. Advertlaenenta trill be Imwrtod ta the Till irvBLalthuUewiDg rale pax aj tare otttoe. nnr th f aurt llonn. n- men, of v umioa lute. . . .Oaetijnsra one time. tt:- m auck aabaauoEil . bats or ir-runioa. leu them week, v.. .......... -be 1 tuuarclwork. S-W.l uukt.7uue.ioliM Jlr Bentinei 1 jw ' advance I9.no lemi-WecklT iuo Aeekly Sunlincl -.. io The Daily Starrs el will be delivered In ,ny prt of the City at Tirriu CtXTt per :i- I mouth, 8.01 1 ' 8 ssxj 1 M Imo'L lt.W'1 40.00 I ",. 14 (Kkt ' , !. .( 1 " 4 20 00 1 11 " -iS.iKI VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N. CM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1873. NO. 118 1 '! I 94.001 l SO.) ween. DAILY SENTINEL 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Dkceudkr 17. Mr. Speaker Robiuson called the House to oruer at tu-.au a. m Legislature OI AOrin.tarOlina. Peciliug their consideration the Senate adjourned until 11 a. m. to-morro SENATE. Wedsbsday, Dec 17, 1873. The Senate met at 11 1-4 a. m, Journals of yesterday read and approv ed. KKPOB.T FROM C0MVITUB&H sere submitted by Mr. Cunningham from committee on education, Mr. Murray from enerossed bills, Mr. Morehcad of Rock- inirham irom comraiuee on internal lm . -.c. e . movements, air. Avera iroeu com arnica on nrooositions and grievances, Mr. Cowlc from committee on privileges tod el tions, Mr. Love from committee on propo rtions and grievances, Mr. uaager from committee from judiciary, and also from the committee on corporations, Mr. Price and Mr. Flemming from the Judiciary. Mesce from the House Irans- niittinc a number of bills and asking the concurrence of trie cH-nate merein. Also a resolution from the House in re ard to adjournment. The resolution re scinds the former resolution and proposes to take a reccta from the Z2d of December to 12th of January Mr. Seymour moved tp indefinitely post pone stating that there was no business before the General Assembly that could not be finished by the Situ Messrs. Allen and Avera opposed the motion said it was iropossiuie to get tlir ..ii"h before Christmas that it would take bix days to pas the revenue bill, Mr. Worth said that as chairman of the Committee on Finance, be would like for some oi those who seemed to attach blame to the committee for not having reported revenue bill at an earlier tlay-rho r.uld it be done until the appropriations erc made. Mr. Todd boped the motion to indefi nite!; postpone would prevail. He said the pernio of the State in the vote upon the Lonatitutional amecumenta naa luui-1 euted a deal i e for short sessions, and io obedience to the wish of bis constituents, j ne would vote for the motion. Dr. Murphey and Col, Welch ex pressed the opinion that it would be Im possible to transact the business before the holidays. The motion to indefinitely postpone was hut. A close vote. Mr. Bcymour offered an amendment providing that no Senator should draw per diem after the 23d ihst.,and demand ed the aye and noes, which were ordered, I' tiled. Mr. Troy offered an smendmcnt to strik out 231 December and insert 24th, and tike out 13th January and Insert 29th December. On motion of Mr. Flcinruing, tbe pre vious question was ordered. Mr. Troy's amendment was lost. Ttio nuestion recurred noon the adop tion oi the original resolutions, which were adopted by 'J a ayes to 20 nays. The motion to rtconsidcr was laid oa the table. Mr. Trov asked leave of ilitence forth Senator from Jacktoo, Dr. Love, for the remainder of the artsknn. Granted. Mr. Kpps' civil rights resolutions cam up s the special order, upon which h proceeded to make a very amusing speeco, and is hi tfforts to ti plain the objects of the resolutions, trot very badiy tangled. Mr. Harris i fleieJ an amendment link ing out the reference to tbe Sumner bill in the rrenlttioet and inserting, equal right before th Uw to all citizens, sod took at leogth in favor of th bill and the emrndmeut. Mr. linmphrrv. objccUd to tbe amend mint and said th benator from Ualiiaa ilesireJ a vi upon ht reoiatuu, and he wis distMMed to accord It to bim Kpps, colored, said that h acccpUd th n.lmeot of Harris, colored. Mr. Troy moved that Mr. King be re iriired to Vole. Mr. King, said b waa sot withia lb lr of th rWnat whta th qnestioa s voted DDOB. Mr. Mcrrimoa, mi that h roM to a iiu-itinn of order. That if a tfaUf wa wit bin th Chamber peadmg tt quest ioa as was rvaulred to tot lotaa) ieusel Mr. King, sIJ b wa Uklog nediclM at th tlm and vat cut th SanaU Cham- ber. Mr. T1J. mprrsUd that tasyb Sena tor Kiaar wa eitasad aader U ra x cutiro Masalor from votiag la mattef hi ia lhv are laUrastad. ( asoitu of Mr. liorsbead bitu es- t-dAd. Mr. Cban)trlala, said ha was akk aad had luttaded to saak om rwsark i pUaaUrjr of hi rota, bat bwiog aeabl to la art, now kt4 to o ana i but lasily whrJ b)etiosi was saade, vot ed ia th arr(iv oa th rvaolatioas. Tlx mnlalwaa tailed top. Mr. Avar awed to sppoiat Mr. Me t'aulr anna th ttriallac cwsutM 1 nlara U Mr. ClUs. ol Catawba, rrsJincd, 11. tokjtwd. Sid Ual it wa lb pntnetllM f h hif Mk thai sp a,I.imI aa4 that lk SLOOua wa a l- inA anna Ika Chair. Dr. llumphrtv. torr4 with Ur?U, inl u.J au wliUas? to risk th tli.tr. Mr. WaeUai4 it tha right af aay C.id .m laia to to aaak th K im. aad ltd It toald a-H h diAlorud i Osboni'a'Qraln A Fcraga Store. We call attention to the large stock of grain, forage and wood ior sale at O i born'a Grain and Feed Store.. They will cf yesterday was read B prompt attention to all order. The Journal and approved MEMORIALS, &C. Mr. Settle, petition to incorooraU Raids- ville, in Rockingham county. air. uorman, petition Iroro Judee Tour- gee nsk'iBg an investigation of charges herctofoie made agaiust him. Mr. Webb, memorial from citizens of Carteret county, on the oyster question. Mr. H&nuer, Irom citizens of Chatham, on the sale of liquor. HKPOHTS. Mr. Bennett, report from the commit tee on Judiciary. Mr. Moriag, report from committee on enjrrosscd bills. Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, from com mittee on propositions and grievances. Mr. Bryan, of Alleghany, from commit tee on counties, cities, &c. Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, from committee Ou corporations. BILLS 1NTB.0DCCKD AND UKFKIUIED. Mr. Hanner, bill to prohibit tbe sale of liquor in certain localities in Chatham couuty. Mr. Mom, a bill to amend an act enti tle! an act to charter the Wilson and T:ir River Narrow Guaga Railroad, laws of W2-78. Mr. Liudsay, a bill for the relief of ter tain oflicert and tax pavers in North Car olina. Mr. rk-ttle, a bill to incorporate I he town of Reidnville. - , Mr. Ri-nnett, a bill to provide a room ior the Supreme Court Records. Leave of absence for one day granted Mr. Carter, and to Messrs. Bharp and Uonuian until Monday. I he unfinished business beinir tbe con solidation bill was next considered. Msny ame ndments were offured and adopted which will appear hereafter. Bill pissed its third reading. Mr. Anderson of Clay, moved to recon sider the vote by which the bill passed anil to lay that motion ou the table. Carried. On motion of Mr. Jones of Orange, the bill to amend tbe tliurter of Ilillsboro' was read. Mr. Watson ohVred a substitute which was sccepted by Mr. Junes, and tbe bill pnwi:d its several readings. On motion ot Air. liennett, the rules tus- pended and 8. b. to authorize the ap pointment of commiuioners to provide ways and means to rid the Carolina Cen tral Railway Company or any other Com pany in extending a railway from or near Lincolntoo to Hii kory, in Catawba, N. C, was read and passed It second reading. The bill to allow the county ot Htaaly to levy a special tax wa real and passed Its second reading. Mr. Whitmire asked aad obtained leave to record bia vol In the afllrmitlv on th conxiiidatioa bill. Rules suspended snd H. U. to change tbe time of holding lb Superior Court, in the counties of Pitt aad Hyde, and to provide lor three regular terms of said court In Pitt county. Past ed its several readings. On KOtton or Mr. r reman, the House adjourned until to-morrow at 10.30. STATU ITEMS. Rer. A. W. Mangnra. We congratulate the members of the Edenton Street Methodist Episcopal Church and the community, upon the re turn of this gentleman as pastor of that church for the next Conference year. Dastardly Trick, A tbe Ooldsboro' train last evening was passing about a mile from this city a large rock was thrown in at tbe window, and came near striking a lady. Tbe rock was thrown with great force and must have killed the lady if it had struck bar. Personal. We had the pleasure of a visit yester day from Col. Jamea S. Amis, of Oxford. Col. Amis represented Granville for many year In the Legislature, and was the ac knowledged leader of his side of the House. We were also pleased to have a visit frcru J. Edwin Moore, E?q., ol Mar tin, and one of the prominent lawyers of the East. Rrv. Ah i. Martin, D. D , will aeuiin tbe pastoral charge of th Fiit Presby terian Chorch la this city early la Janu ary. B'if. Jjrnl Oa Tiusdsy last Mr. P X Smith ia cleaning the machinery of b is new ttraas. cotton gio, accidentally got hi right hand caught la th machinery and (very finger, including th thumb wa severed from that tuciuber. HatntilU JnUlU-gtnetr. Mcaoaa. Out few additional parte a- lar aev transpired relative to th star tler aear Abbottsburg, pa last Friday alibi, of Mr, The. C. Tborapaoa. I ad dition to ib two nrgrora Mitchell fliip- n and William Vt tight, who wrt arret ted on Saturday, charged with th ssur drr, thrp rtbera, whrna aaoset conli not Irara, aev been takea ap ra tuipt- ci n. hen th traia paaaed Aouoita- burg yeatarday a jury which bad bra nsanaltad by Im Cotoaot, war a- gagel ia holding aa iaqaeat, th rrault of wLirh r. as not yet trajui.irsd. n iwf tea raal Ptaioci Snonrma. A Mr. Braattry, fe nn-r y of Vuglaia, sod a Mr MusaMr, ia th ewi plry of lb fuar, avrt at I ls aat I r i It, ia Northtmptoa coast y, oa M'-a d., and had a htt -e caraka baadtiag of Bf arms la which balk wr shot. We Wate that IVaalky had plnjd Hust aad washed lo aaawl th barf aia. caxae llwfttt amsw waa B. shlwr4 aliMa'r bblad a Dm aad prrparad to glv ft. a doa of bwrkshoC B Rrd oa a. aad ttntrk hisa la th aid. S rrtrawt. 4 snvaalisaa taBtif a ba4 front hi fan lota Ike body ef R wk-ch II ss U"s?l wiU pre UiaU vi beard am arraaia. PTU AW. Well Put Col. Bennett will receive tbe thanks of the whole people for his timely amend ment to the consolidation bill, by which Judge Manly, Col. ArmQeld and Governor Graham were appointed to sell the bonds, instead of Billy Smith, the President ol the road. At the same time it is a proper rebuke to a man who declined to answer question lest it might criminate him in taking a bribe. Fatal Bhootlni. A centleman from Durham informs as that at Black Crctk on tbe Wilmington Jt We!don Railroad, Bailey who owned (he bear at the Cumberland Fair, shot and instantly killed J. P. Wood, of Oranvlll county. Ho shot Wryeraft in the arm and fled. These young men were travel ling with a bear and magic laotern, acd fell out about tbe division of the money they had made. Rsv. J do. B. Edwatds. We learn that this gentleman wa greet ed with a Urge and appreciative audience on tbe occasion of his find appearance be fore a Raleigh audience as a Ircturrr. II lecture again to-nijlit in Metropolitaa nail when his subject will be "The world was tot made ia a day, or lb gradual progress of the law of permanent develop tutu I." Tickets for sal at th bookstore. Tachar Hall. """ Duplet at Benedict' Minstrel gav their first ntertaiomaat to a large audi- anr at Tucktr Halt last eight Th fua was broad, torn of th aongs wer pleas ing, much of th burlesque was grotque and if w may judge from tb frequent applause aad loud laughter the crowd anjoyad th fun. They glv their last ta tavtaiuuMl to night whs n doubtWa a targt crowd wit b p rears t. Three Distinguished Men. Rev. Dr. Jeter, the somor editor of t!ie lUlighut UtralJ, Richmond, Va., ia an editorial headed, " Distinguished North Carolina Baptists in Virginia," referring to three, viz: Rev. John Kerr, Rev. A. M. Poindncter, D. D and R. v. R. U. C How ell, D. D. rcmatks : It is no disparagement, to the living or the dead, to affirm that tbey were among the n blest, the most popular, tbe most useful, and the most distinguished of all the Baptist ministeia who have labored in the State during the period of our minis try, extending through dnore than half a century. They differed widely from each other in their gifts ; but it would be diffi cult to say which was the most successful or the most eminent preacher lie then pays th lollowing tribute, just every way we cannot donbt fram what wo have ourselves beard fro a) other) to the splendid gilts of Rev John Kerr, the father of Judge Ken, of Caswell, who seem9 to have inherited much of tbe nnbio eloquence for which be wnsdistingu'n-hed Dr, Jeter says : "Korr was an orator. He was pre-emi nently endowed by nature for public speaking. With a noble person, a sonor ous voice, a vivid imagination, a Mowing style and warm sympathies, be would, in his happiest Irame, pour lorth strains or eloquence, absolutely overwhelming, in the pulpit, be bad no peer. We have beard the best preacher of this country and of England, and we have never seen the man who could be compared with bim in power to Interest, sway and melt a large assembly, tie was eminently sue cesaeiut in winning sou Is. It is not extrava gant to affirm that thouaan Is among the most valuable baptists ol Virginia, du ring tbe last fifty years, were brought to the knowledge of the truth, through U powerful miuistiy of Kerr." Appointment North Carolina Annual Co iterate, M. B, Church South, RAtitttrrrDrsTTtidf W II Bobbitt, P E. R -ileVh F.denton St A W Mancum ; Pcrsi,,; St 11 I Cole, Cary T 11 Recks, Roleville Circuit J E Thompson, Smithfleld J F Smoot, Tkr UiverH II Gibbons, Louisburo; F it lleid, Grunviile-J R Griffith, Rock Spring M J Huut, Henderson A A flosbamer, Nashville, and Rirketts L J Hulden. Wilson Circuit T U Mote, EJitor " Christian Advocate '" J Bobbin MARRIED. At l!lc residence of R. H. Le Esq., oa We4 rewtsv evenlue. 17th hut... bv Kev. A. W.I Mangum, A. 8. Lib, Esq , ot lha flrra of Pts- caa, LfAM., to Miss M.J. Mora. DIED, . At Madisoa SUUon, MiaalMippI, on Th 19, of November aftor along and ualutul Ilia, I John M. ratUck, lu tb itHb year of bia sk. NEW AUVEKT1SEMENTS.- MAKKETS.".' .. Noon. RopQi, t. D i A K 1 FOR 1S74. JtN 8 A Caurlataaaa OrUWA fUf aaUoa to oa LagiaUtora. Then ara bow aat buadnd aaJ Ua rpbaa chlldre at th Ho st Oxtord who aeaj lb at of gaacroa a4 tyav pathnle friead. VTMlst it a oqtU abiy th ( of lb Lrgiaiatar to task Lbefal sppruf ristloa for their tusteaia tdow, faed are ted4 for praaeal waois- W bar a tugg'a'loa which w would usoal m part fall y aiak to the aaeasbwr of th Cseetei Aawatbly a auggastlpu Whkh witl suik thfiw ts both prarlicaJ aad krlia-bk. It ia, tuar ami (Mr ib eivi tni OarBAW Ta tutarr mu ta rat IX Kbw, what say JoU t "IN w4 aa4 dla kaali. teaf kurt a Ibaaaasi aaiu. ( saj W." i.t. a rrfl-rtioe tb Chair. Th sa - l .. t r '-wm n -f IN wseadopt. I i. ....i., Ml.ua m4 bult s4 Mr. !, etUia4 SMraawatna ia tan-1 t a . t.wu . tasafw, I arpmarh to the dark valf aad data a ti l 1 r alwe to the W eat V I U a .,iAt-. tAW M w lk .i . i !k. Wa Marth C4iaa I UtaWsw.4s-a,u 7v, I iMpwuPswiavp-r- 7:i 1 k-. 4bMIM wr s-rt-Uf aaA.l """" .... i Im I aMS miaa k Ua SMM Mr. M tiler, a bid to ptwtwal imswh ; 'i ......v.. anlr leMss U itfirs WUkia iwe a.uaa m I ti.nu a u k IiUma f Pbi.v, Oevalaad eneat. I aaokw Ike kwis aae ke sMa kf ' . ....... . . r, . k . ..I I M - - - m Amaai a Mr. uu r, w 5' '" -JTT.-.L.r iZ:. a. a .-l Vaac-f faaloa the owel.t tM mm 'j tA-,...iJ of t-4' Uad thertia. I Ml , , ,.i r..i Ka4ir em am Mr. s1ae ae4 that ta-tmil ' I ik tmn s M a'javaare he ! ! t""- vv . ia. ia i ag "tr ; ' - ttnm aa J afief fnd iv. e arat I mim4 A, , m f 4 i.t. m al Bets la hat faaa'tf. Ufai-t. I ,u aaa :fakUaM, II i-w iHc.r m y ay I f.AM -4 aa a4 Ah I au .4 aa:rakl Mr. J4gr hf4 lawva of abesaee ! I m b i k rv ike H.Mt,4 freaa W -!;' frei 4 kke T Bae.t faewia li"".". U)d4 MM k e- 4 um 1 1 ! ' Mm . . l I , ke w .1 kw MM4 tmm k a as aMts T mt f S lkf(, tka. k Ba4 B.imJ.v swtt UraAl. Mr, lv a4 lha Hfl he 4hmI with t'l alia M (. etlitsa a IJavldw aaai. ta rtare se t Aa4 ) - A Uiia mi Ika kaia U r4el tfartt. I a. al l-m L-m Q t auk i. i, .. hi..l bats to ere. I m mmm w ike ....... ...I.IWLl 4 it --! rV-f ka w na4f', aae a - 1 . .M tat r-4 kf le reatrata aawertl . u a -, w'V a -a A Taudet leeae. Oa la Seaday, el I as , tlaa. A. W. Ttaaht tot J tt 14 r:iilois "! al the Orpbaa A ay lata. Tb thi.4a a suae of tbeW tMuUfat hyakaa, aad Mr. Ttwaht effrrae pnjer.aod tbe r4 aad aoaaioed a fav ttraaa la rrevart. It armfbr4 th falhtrs sad grsadta'aa-fi af kfa aaatba af the aMidrta, aad tbttf Urvavtaittt avjvi J hi i-y'f. 11 (tit that h tie had Wea otit4 af hat S aad aoleata V hi 4 caW.U4 af, tad ktj i.atea, 4fta( hit seeaarhi ht Un Hao4 he alteraare. U ki at leal, assca.aa hf hW fcalirg. a4 1 p"al wtt oVrp'j afT 4. Maay wU ; to Utr gnn tht avw'4t 4" that !; f Aaaeeraef aapfasMee bedfe. at a , If Aiilaal Ovaar af 044 rallwa. W Ukl t'.eaair la aaaeMig lh ahi Udf d rWWl 14 tSMklrarsarj. ae Friday the It, a T-k- tt.'l Kaj aVaate UaWa, T. . , "f WUa a a !", 4'4 eVK 4 Isetr m4 V-e40i af the ttate, ekd Ivtfik TW t.l mVX U tfae tVaf ef tnaniaat . t aUk ' , . uiu. h (Oe t Uesaa. t lVa ' Tk rka w raw 4 ay I rt"l 4 Wet for t'.ie Sentinel. EXTRACTS FROM THE LETIER OF AN OXFORD LADY. M (as lit. Editors : The present ab sorbing topio disruss'.'d is " 1 lie removal of Horner and Gravis school and tbe speaking of their student on Thursday evening." We all sincerely regret the move these gentlemen in their wisdom feel disposed to make, and wish them a full consummation of th ends they seek. We record with pleasure the commend tion of our citizens for the gentlemanly deportment of th student during the past session. With an aching heart and tearful eye I bade adieu to my class on the last Sabbath. For many years I hsre been indebted to the bojs of this school for a profitable pleasure, wbrn studying to set forth tbt duties they were to per form as christian soldiers, honest and up right citizens of the grand old Commu wealth they may tvu bav to serve. It ia with pleasure we hava heard that th irrandson of Chief Justice Henderson, has yielded to the p-rsustioci of friends and fiotrntrd to own a mathematical aad classical trhuol iu Iloiner't Academy on the second Monday la January. Mr. A. E. Ilnndrrson ! bid every tdvsntag thst money could be!ow, and oir I'ni vertitv at Chapel Hill could (five Until the breaking ont of th war. then, as brave man anil truo patriot, his armor was buekleil on In do nr die lot his country, and never unbuckled until painful wounds unfitted bim ht farther duty. Now io restored health, with anetpem-nc of five years teaching be again tender hi Stat a service. Tbe boarding drpartmmt la hit school will be presided ovr by bit wif, on ol ta aaoet fo"U so l miaul lajirt it hat bee my god turtaae le meet for year. Thiaold Iowa it so wsU koowa It is a m et delete to writ about ta maay at tractions it bfhrs. No etrangrr whs tit- ItsOiftl la th auwmar ot early autumn ran fail to adoiir the charming varlrty aad beaat of tbe srentry aruuad It Fw Llaat ef It alM coo la ins t tivial cut 1 ! i-rraJar ItilellirMtce aad n fliaatnL Oi ford ha rvr twra, and sbnvld enatlau to le, Hi l of uluf aUoal raltara. la every part af tbe rMaU nam sod wusnea of tupattur Uleal aad a.aaiu.a taa dais Ikclr firat taewire la tha great phar ol lalallartaal die lma ii rhe.J r mA Tb kladaaas of lb wipe ebia at a ktranirte I Ir.l kaew Ihrea, laid lb - dati.-a fit aoatt of lha strnacaAt l ship of say III, aad Bw I'h thai I hav aa abiding tov f e Ik If.ekS aataUli.ha I litre ,.r id Mohatia. ehw tUy Uj taa ceaaaaece the rare af bfe Bads Ib seas law fie a! aeapin tf lb mora furtaeete. Whe kaawa but AraUuoa I now data- ins' .MJf aad Uantat alaauag wi Is tb th.4 loosa of t Juha IWga, aad a f M ltn' day aa ia I Lair ni.1.1 sasf e Ul llir t aad ruea'ry t Whait tbe t le eat stale Niihrt Can ty a? Ikrae suaHstk 4l, Ua ynaraa t il rmufvy tnj i n yv A Ur e. CiHy frt.y. Tits l a aw Ltama lalUHlia A4 I B f. 1.1 W lk (,tv. TV I la frwh t SB t.aa W- aaeaMd hi aBr4al J le ha saal la aev a4 tf Ma hat ayAai-iajm Nw !, BB4 Ikat bav Ika advaaf i4 a'esy hg ahV llite bea i in). tbj aaak th Ut raaJy aV4 la lhetah4. $ Itu Biu HtU.SIlyllO DlSTUU T J P Moohb, P E. lUIUbviro J F Harriss, Alamance-It 8 Webb, Chapel Hill and Haw River-J B Mar tin, I'UUboro W H Moore, Yatiiteyville J Tillett. Deep River II F Wiley, Lenaburg J W Jenkins, Per" n W M Jordan, Duthsm J J Renn, High Rock C W King, Flat River-Sup. by W R Webb, Gnr.KNfB no' Dbtiuct N H D Wilsom, P E. North Guilfoid S H Helsabeck, Sonth Guilford It (1 Barrett, Tiiomaevili and High Poiut 0 M Peppar, lUvids-m 0 II Phillips, Trinity.! W Lewis, C rawsy I F Keoraus, urayihu I. Kuh, Wiuatou J F Hciluian, IH-.kes J R Scroggs, Madison L K SUtcy, Wenlworth W V Norman, T Uollvgo B Craven and U li Culbn-th, Agent, Greensboro' F College L L lltodrcn J A Cuauinggim, gAi.t:nuut District M L Wood, P E. Salisbury L W Crawford, i" Circuit T L Triplet, Mt Zlon T A Coon, Stattsvillc-J W Wheeler, " Circuit J N Semers, Mocksvllle L Shell, W C Wilson, Sup. Iredell N O Whiltingtbn, Wilkes W M D Moore, ' Mia.- Bup by J W Cash, Ysdkin R It T N 8'ephen a, J D , Sup. uiy DisTaicr L S BikkaxAD, P E, Sht lby-UT Hu lson, Circuit-J VY North, loub!t SboaU-U P II. bb, p,,u Hi Ml Mis D 1' Good, Cherry Mt-J C Smith, Rutin rfotdtonS Leaid, Columbus Mis E llowland, Marion J C Ciisp, L'pper Branch Mia J M Luniley, Morgan too J 8 lrvin, l-n. ir J W Ivey, Happy Hitoi J C Hartatll, Nawtoa P L Herman, lick Siirmg-J W Puett, Sutb Fork TIT Edwards, DalUs-P F W PUroey, I ncolntoo V A hhatp, DaveuiKirt Coll'gn W M lb bey, T J Uattis, Agent Wll UINoTo.1 DUTKIVT W IllLaCk.PX Wiitnir.gton Front S R W Moraa i Fifth St W N tonoUy, TiItall John Jone-e, Kenansville 0 M Aalerteu, Mairtio. i - Jaiaae W lllsoo, Cliuton- J 11 Alfurd, Cuketburo J Mabony, Madeu II ilea Foy, E taabrth J T Bagwell, WhiUvtUe W M ttoyle, Smitbville-1 W A wot On. low W II FargfsraDB, Cap Fear Mis-J W Ab-taatby, Church of Stranger, New Yor k Cha f leims. (WtUUTB PtrTBKT-J B WtUJOB, P X. I harloUt P J Carrawsy, t l Mia-Sap, S..ih Charbajie l Gratalag, IU-.cil'-W D r'raa.Bt Onv T P Enjtaad, MnaneW V SbwiU ! Clrrail-M D..)iB, ttaoufl UU iwuioa, Mt I'leaaaat i P hnat, W RueB, Sep, "taaWy -W II Walk .at, atsvUWA I) UrMe. ' Vlal.aoeo O i piaali Clriail Oaia. , Uaetilia Circa 1 1 -J Baajr a-1, Aittiitiui lmaiit-1 1 Ababs, V E. F,.tUi:i W Thepr,B, I'utkhar'.aa I W ft ChtCs, U.aaoe-I T yrka, iMttabeg-T W OalkrW, li kigh.aa - J Whair, p-a the T A Co, I'ehatrta O Famv, M fml by M aWr 4hata. I rtfc.A-a-L it l U, j n c pkii i ps rt.-lke-J 0 llai'y, WAwiev-U tWattT-Wg CLaea, P K. Watiiij la! 0tliU-A RKf A complete atsortment st th e Book trire of ALr'ttkU WILLlAMi , dee 18-lf . J1MII L1MI I ! IdMftnt ItiO Barrels No. 1. Kork Liu aow reotivlaa; from the Depot and offered a, reduced prices vo oeaiers ana laree eonirsevirs. jAMkd M, 10WLR3, deela-Sw - Cora. Mrichant O 11 B A L R The uiorouijh-bred Stallion 8AQAMURK. Ary oae wlahlng to Durebaa can see him st my stables or I can tend description, petit tree, Ae., by mal. deem W. C. 8TB0NACU. rpni rRSMlUM'l'LOW. Constantly receiving direct from the toanu taetorers the Celebrated Watt flow, all site with Catling to mateh, which kat taken taa First Premiums st the Virginia and North Carolina fairs this Fall. ittao, on ssta at lowret prices th BUrk Dtxt, on and two hors plows, whleh ara rttraraed by beat farmtr a Iht BccOBd best I I Plow la aa. JAMKS M. T0WLI8, dee 18-tf Agt for Manaiacturei. QRAIN, FORAGE AND FOU SALE. WOOD 80.009 rha thaaf Oats, 60,00 U Uay. l,(0Mbs Kodder, 1,000 baahels Bed OaU, 6 J buabolt of Meal, Oiio baaliaia uorn, KUI baahalt Faaa, 0U koakela Kya, MWbathebirihlii Antla, ' MiO baahela Mill Fred, 100 boahels Bran, roo nathels CoU Read Meal, lot) eorda (Kk, Hickory aod fine V. aod 100 Hram Wrapp ng raier. At (Ishnrn's Urate ana dee la-M Vardfetnra. ' W A.UATTla,Bapt, -pK()lt.r B. AND L. AUSOCUTION. yorty Stitk Retrular Moutlily MeeUng at tb oMee of th H. C. Home In. Co., Friday verting, IVtblaat.atTo'tlock, , L, Duos niu.l be promptly paid . do IT U Itv'y. rp 0 TBI ' lltllYID, Whitelaw tfc Crowder," Coraer ftloant andMorsa BtreeU. RALEIGH, N.C. Ar prrnarad le taraltk Taatteloeaa at all klada, allUar plain Amrriean aaa or ornaaaenlal ot boLk luliaa Marbi aa cheap an -Villa.; T f v , ; f aitTCKrvOta Dec. 17,, Cotton steady.' VpUndj 3 8 j orlcnut 8 3-4 ; sales 13,00D i speculation Jind ri port t,0O0 ;' Upland not be'pw good o:-; dinary shipped ibt.Pcetuber jnd Jah uary 8 3-8; Orlean nothieg blow good ordinary shipped fot . January and Feb ruary 83-4. . ,.., .. . . '.-.-,f " Later.a-Upland, nothing Ixlow good ordinary, shipped f.u Novtmber and Dcr n.l... D0...- . j;. NW YostK, DU 17.', Gold opened at 11 7-8. Cotton rsiKr, kales 1.141; Uplands 10 8-8, Orleaus IS . 8-4; future opened as follows ; . Dec 13 , ll-lal3 8-4;iaD. l7 8aUl10-3il-, Feb., 10 Mfl; March 18 8-4; April. 17; lUj ft, M6aI7 1-a J.Z.,,,,it Sj ! Corn dull; pork quiet; lard heavy; tur pentine 41; rosin 1 00 for strained. - ',. I Stocks active; g jld 13 1-8; money 7 bid; exchange long 8; . short 9 7-8; Gov em-1 menu ttrong; StsUa bonds (jiictv , t ISIidniglit Report. ' : " ;:,'4ls Yonii,,Dc6.)t; f Money active and i.iote ; cxctiange 0 gold quiet st Jl 8-4 to 11 7 8 ; Govwrt-' pieuls quiet and conlitlcrablo doing, low tr figures for omt ; SlsUi quiet snd noth ing doing. , - .. , . 4U . " ! Cotton woak,5,uTabia.'VlO'o; 19 34. --t' - ;- t t Flout heavy 17 to $3.15 Lyuiuton t' fair extra 3.20 to $11; whiskey dull and lower at 09; wlimet hay tad I to.i et lower; winter ltd weturs 1.C0 c,tb teat fixmct at 78 I J 1 pork, steady El., taoderattly active; mas 10 laid quitt, tadwsakat 89-8; turpcatia atoadyat, 41; rosia quiot at IJ.33 to li.CO; tidlow , quiet , ... ) v J,, ! ? ill ' Oltoa St iscaijitt 118 ; gnt 3,022t , luture closed slvady ; aalea IJ,H9 1 Dt- camber 13 13 to 13 9-10, January 13 23 31; February 10 II to 18 3-18; Maich lf8 h 18 18 18. t t u ;-,; i. 'i I t i YlLMUToa; Lire. Vhi.f , Spirit turpeutio . firm al 89; ro(rl (ra al 1123 H foi trained; cmde,tlr.l peatin toady at $3.00 for hard ; 1 9U: yellow dip ; tar qaitt at $i 30. i ; l j Cottoa Sales of Or lea at nothings b.-' low low middling (hipped for Jaarrv-y nd February $ 1 1 18; sale of liUd holbing Ixlow gojd ordiuarj sliippeil for , aaauy amiid ae a a pareaeaed at aay 1 Decambar and January tt S 8 i d.ltq itti- laal auniiHiiiw.i rv,M w. wvv.w - - --. i i beta tt lu baalaaat of ranrlrf and ragmvtnf 1 1 taarbl Isrtv-ts taata, w tuaalaar eeraataea aqaal te aur ia Uia Vnloe. Ws will alto taralab graalM or lbs bl onallty. mm oev aivuar ia aaa a late BMicaaav beltw lew paiilJIu gt de;:lreloui, timber 35-1,8, t . , . ,( , V tll l foN MAIt K K'l'. f I a i . r ' T'l J a. a auarrke. rat fcaa la onlar. auck a : door aod window aula. waUrUbla, sups, paata, ttnt sad trmve I Ceaaawaa Uaikl Br.W. U liawa.tu,, rare r aruaiuua. a . . an wnn m wa ally raraitad aad pautiaally ettaaded W.ted w plod eamlrt te gir situfactlo la all Uancsa Cuaaiaaiot Xsacaiat dea IT dAaa JOI1M wniTILAW, Z.tbowutM, Ralsiub, V- C, tv ' Cotlmv-aalat 110 bale, at "4 kukft rlnaad tall. i . . . .a asaa TCBUO IAIX. Ub Jaaaaiv 51k. li t I win rD tt fabll AarUo ! C aak al Ika Cenrt tioaa dmir la tUlawk, a aeriMta el Let to, at ptaa 4 tity t kaiaica, te aail.fy a aamtf k'S aivaa te nt hT Hack Caaspteli at Jairtat Udaia tat lata T BTkOHtCH. (J RLBCT rX) A till HU Aft) DAT KUUOb j IIILLRB0RO' K. C Tke MLaaaa K.ak A Ml Kolkehwillr el tkatr sraoetoe soeai. ltalcira aMarlcct. Ceaaaxtaav Daaf, Jlr O. ta hvat-awsn . , A lao, Maassi AeVaAua ; . , t i, n - 1 . T" i re'S"sav If "I JUTTUH tAKa.terbaatb.. ...'. I '. UMrUBK BoLB, aa. LXAiktiu, trriit-. , LIlTHtt ItikM. v.,.. il.tt pajral . ....... itior, ra. a. 14. fifralara farwardU aa tpplkaUee, da la laa M 11111 ruiwi ihiib rtown ta ae ahlihael a rivet H ru a laa aed elaar f arraa 41a aatakaebel arraaaa, U ainaiae ral at aaera aaH ItslltslHtlaf M! T Oi.kat tkaa aay al plee ee U. e-ai kit, ail atapaatae; ravetaikla pntats, tl I"tal viae kajBraaaaaael el tk tape Aak he. J. W. 4. lawAaa aad 1X4. J W B Wala-av akal iaa laaak ad kk stow. Cell aad tasaasa kt -a,,.j. jJUCti OLIl rWitDt, CV8TUMMJ AMD Till I I BUC (ia U te te. wet al Wade Bed aaU.4 aetiaa tkal ear eta eul aaae ka bruk.aa, I,, M rt.a Maria vaataraay rai. te Be tare ka aaafca Hi ajal (enkaent, aa ea ktkatat te kaaaaa asaa aaaaart; aaa toA.Se at aaaaiM i aad t tke aaajHiaaa, aa a a ul ka aaaMad la til M n M dayta Ue raa la B. Tad ka a.,a aar, a rari aallf lata, as aawea, taaaa waa r' M aiO ka ..a.1. .. ikat w kaaaa tke kaa.ta4eaaaataeeeeaatieaia.. a, .J aa.caa la a U ear ksrte aaa a.B .,1.11.4 at la f'tia. aad Al T-,i m aaf eiMiiUit at ea aae am aaa m ka laae a-S.aataa-i ka aaaaiaa faea tad tNVd, l Mil ll.Vtl v4 .t. .!( rtATIIKKik ..v... rulsllDraf Wa... HAT, par lalta., IIIIi&A. I( Ik Urv., hitll' l-. , pat be..,. yUW par lb t i uAa. aa (al. hit , . . .. . ttftMa,t.aa,aei,tf f.tnttlMi n .... rUii'i, a bat, k.t; kllAI, tw ka, ...... ,..1V.,., o me. pa ke M lla. bki'iM fta.k...M...a. .... ..... MAtta.H.U. CaMVBMsBaval iee-eif aatt I 11 i .. lllKHiktet tA A it. .... . ....,.....,-... a OA I B. akrti ..... .,. rnnfifa, a Ktl'iw '.'."..'..'. (Ak.tLae ................ BfeW ear u.l ! t--. K- a Id' ate 1 t ! iatV tii I' 4 aaie A.e : i f IttaU te I belli tea I te "!-, IK' 1 A r- ? - , aia I Mr. llAtavat t, t JU; , at I t a dstjVef. Tbe 4aha al kaaat-e ('all B. wa aa lahemariHd to M. Iv.ka. ut H.a.e The e4 I w.ntAk per la t .ala lm tl Bilae lata ttiltt it I law SMaraet, ka I aa "a l at ratel ta lae ar l af d aal at( laaael Bad ae"la I MlSll 'l n"S lb eltew ad Ike repeal ha be t a taiata a.iaal al Jwtaaa. M k k. -a l-aal- aslk V-M a a lat lee aliaa. I te'M It 4 . I g h tb Tela g-etataatat aaaeetag te $Tt.oaa) M.tf unit rethaf Itea tah at a. a aal Ike M to hi aa 4aa4 . e Ik fai. If tt a.) Ikt , fr-aj l;lt e-aV tale'tta, ae Ibnet, taa bayy la ...aaai'-a, a. I tal aa t VI . ! M arrraUe K f Cufa, t uni-l V ll 'jm, Tbek ft O Bel t, Ttraaje C C ItaHane, W.M.atw-W II tall. - ie.b t J-aatavi.la-P n Bele- ''. . . vieatWe '1-jw.i ..s. by ,u w lir t.atta.1. Hfh-By I. L Jlaak, ta l.a h-t-t tl r.a'', i A 111, aeav,arf. -Mtaaeth aad laa-,fce -afp-t4, ttpa llattavae W Mattes. Msetaal lHtaet- A Tstaa, P ft. t, .U.wf J r Kaaa, vt . aw- T II V- --4, at ,,a- H A t t Mt, Mi U4te 4 A Aaf tes k .e-4 It Ika-ka. . e tt riVetet, t,- - l wri. (Mb Meae,p'4-4, I n.laae at e-tayf a4, J -aa W A i aa, I .4f. taaj t 4 t I a aj ae, . e We - W .eaae. lam .Ulakaxk, IV a-t - 4 II W taaaat, 1hI- A I . taa, !.- If aa I - AmSu mm ka f tae I la e tke a4 vartaay ef via. tf b tl aw t hunt, lTb"'," ..ime, W Wat HtWTdilloM ASD GAjn.!U rt't tAtiiia IVat a- aOate .14 tt abate. t atrttt ra 'itt trttt bt'L uillia tin . I l.llli.Sl . kCkilBAt tliP, tashtaa .mlattttd bait drttaar, BaaVt i . t. lial-1 A fcsa. aWV AieafS aaaJf te a4 t tailaaaatA , Ian) aal 1 ly ' ' la trAaajjae beca-' M a t,i 1 taa keatad dan teat ttlaraal la la aa-aiaa Bad l-ilard t-aa tl '4 ajU. a '.raat, ( tbe f Aid 'aa4.t Ike ta. a, beraarbar tfj te aakdetSad f tlajare lae tt Mdaat A Carl Jaaei W. ! V kr.aakl te baa t tee taj.SBwt 4 U kl stW Ikt I aaa. at r-,.. Va gaea at ad taamtet rtarrtAla aaaaaataAa at a B-al aAaat taaiaeteat aed law p- asVf villi t w-i Ikaat aaeraada b ., aad ae aaa t .au k. ana k te ta a-at fc t tt m 11 .r.M;:tA f ii .t ixitL Ntj;i.Antia46'u; , tjiw aaa- VStAWAntB-a Tbt lir -t. a a $ t,M I tea Wt lnt t-r aa taaata M taa ta-y t. aaj 1, - kaa ta4 J ta a , aa. aa k.t. a' aat tnaae ta aaa, 4 kaaad U , i i l ra f 1 ijiai Tn i"- t tiAtAyii tint ir staitt-t. B Ibat Ike taat It A. fa ll. . -a laa tM4 i i'ii Vtaaia r a 1 eav rwaoeaAral al aa WSIl'''-t t a Saa Ike sat kaae taaaa. I 4 tl l a aaiaaay d aaa aaa a4 tbt taart 0 s a. tMe at fee aaattt la the taaei.y. a at etatve bee. -a, efveeat, Aa M f -a4 aiay. a.1 III I I b t I t iV taaat't fa-aat r af-aa taatVeat, - - J -saA t -.4- m la a I t- t a. It e taaaa is m ,t i t I i I I. I ! Ur k!n.e BA-ve4 a-1 Ab..it a jr.Ar TtT Z af II ra-e, I. ua. f hi - -Z?ilZ2 mmmm dartf taswasl tal heed JHT - f -'"" vakrte'kiaaai. a. a. e - B wet aa a I riaaaa ad B) d I hat taaal) aaeaa nnt !. ta. IV fa.ti- - axt. tt aad teal at aaa r At tui B tf . 1 C t t EA , f A U A. 1 tte ta Ik aee aa t1-! I reav ag Va lf r.-e ).. t 4 UavaA. I, aa a,. . t - , um.m ha aa aW !. I -, fM the Maavgu af U f..lkus) I kawefa. - kk-w

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