v. . I V - A . DAILY SKKTINE L JpOBLIfiHZXD 7 i ' J O 8 fA, H ; T V Jl N It R i i adyl:.:. j t.;t; AdvwrtwsmonLa wnj he luwrij J In tlse V.'.'.j wlsca,ori. r -., ', .., . 4 - math o'r,'-H-fioii. "" I , ' ... dl . I ALT'-. Uiia. .mre tm - - ...,.. f l.iAi leas thn 1 square, 1 . , f u I 1 iuu. (.ioo I . . t aumUt, is .v i v a a (") I' Smo'a, Uifl uw r 4U.Ot " t 4 'l " ' ' li l ' I ? : ' Ft ! On . t v fVMtnrt 1 year s timer " IS.no t ni-ft'evkir . " , s.uo W.-ekH Arnlliwl - . . ' AtlO Hie Ilii T bSKTtxSI. will be dallTsr! hi my pert of the tlty il limn liim per VOL. IX RALEIGH, N. O., THURSDAY. JAlTtJAfrY, 8,. 1874. . 4 ",.""1 l-4.l I 41 O eV- t .-i - . 1 iLjs-ST'lm'i':-: . II ' " I IT a. U'a'M 4 r:: -NO. 134.; 1 rr; 1 V. . -fit"OfllceJiiiMraiBirrg . WW "TBkTSio Office hour from T.'JO s.m.,to t:X0 p ra .drj-- rns; the tk (except whiff tbt Bslls are Suing distributed.) ; , . t Tika or AaaivAi. aw 0UMfn maim, . Wwternr-SewQriesav L-. AniraiU, .T Columbia, . U.t Charlotte, MlUburj.Ureent boro, Kelem, Chapel Hill, HilUboro, Ac, dM tI:00,Bk Cloattp.m. ,. Eten CbarleetM, . - C, Wthirtnirton, Newbern, Boaofort, Uoldaboro, dee,, dM 5:iw pra. ClosetfcOOp. m. . Northern New Tork. Baltimore. Hilti. ' - rtnlptila, Wlthlntrton, HichnKind, Ftterabanr. MlsMlliineoaa Kagle Rock, - Monday and l uama.r, one uau a i p. m. Hoi' noni. fvtirMetlnfdj, due UU-afcri 7 nt. Leai'hlrarir. mn Wedmtda. .due 119 a. m.,' eloee 1 p. m. Averuboro, eloa j . m. TliordY, dne p. aa. Fridajra. . (JHloo hour for Rficlitered Letter and 1 one j Order Departroenta. front h:i a m to ' : i am. - f W.W Holdik, P. M: Dr. Bke, aeoompanied by Mr. John . Milne, a young gfHogist of br9mi?e, ,ba left England for Mount Sinai, wl'icb be intunde to explore. , The Her, 3. F. SpeuldiDf?, Bishop elect at Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico, ae cnneeerted to - bis new poeitioo at Erie, Penn, on Wednesday list. Tbe etiDAw waa delirerad by Biahep Cox. of New York. . . irerrTlohira, wEo if It tbe bead of an jxpedUioa whicb to toex plot the Lybian draert, at the instance of the Kbedive of Kgypt, arrived at Alexandria In Novem ber, atd intended to proceed to the in terior with all possible speed. The French llinister of Public works hw nfflr-iallr propond to the National Aasembly that tbe 6tate restore tbe ex Empress Sugenio tbe Chinese Mnieant at the Palace of Fontslneblean, and all the works or art belonging to tbe late Empe ror ttspmeon. , . - Mr Edward Watkln, one of the eandi dat for member of Parliament, at the re- t- eltftiiwi-m-fceter, Bwtmr-tnat" voter would not go to ttie poll becaase -tberw waexooeo"raind thertco.'" ac tually stayed behind the connter himself while bis supporter went away to rote. B kop Xiwntan. ' Tbe Wilmington Journal Ibus gives its opinion of this gentleman. The Rt. Rev. the AssisUnt Bishop, chrsn. for his text tbst portion of fit. Jutin's Oospel fonad iu thft Slat add 33nd rerse of tbe YIU chapter: "live con tinoe in my word, then are ye my deciples mated ana ye stisll know tbs truth, and the truth shall make you free -Possessed nt a fine, full voice, the deep, clear tones of the peaker eould be heard dis tinctly in every part of the Church. Hit gestures) are not frequent, nor elaborate, but imposing when resorted to. Bis elocutionary powers have not been neg lected and are pleasantly exercised. Un derlaying all,, there is a genuine and un disguised earncsmeas wbicb bas ' a ten. dency to force conviction npon the most Indifferetit-hesrer In appearance, the BUhop is at nnce benevolent end Impos ing, ana dm bptscopsi robe sat upon mm with eugnlnrd esse. The sermon waa eminently plain and practical, with no ttemnt t rhetnrlrHl nhnw Imi.AmIIm. jrun me piayi auty oi Christianity as. a flMJ earnestly ana impreasivaly. . . CoRSDMPTtoM. The scourgs of the hu man Urnily, may In its earl v stsses be pnimply arrested and permanently cured. ItAVBHSWOOD, V. V A Oct S8tn. 1 878. r R T Virnrvi Sir For ths last year I have been osing jour Golden Medical Discovery. I owe my Ule to It, bavins been sfflicted for years. Did not use it but a abort time be- f.e I was beniflted : at that tims I was very bad, not able to sit up mack, was sonenng greauy witn my torost, was getting blind, bad a qry ceugb, and much pain in my lungs, I bare used twelve bottles of tbe Discovery and am almost --;sV'-., K ATB T.. W ARDNER , - A son of Mr. i. II. Mksbck. ot Cbatbata - Four Comers, N. - Y. has been cured of nniptrow'try1)r.fVtjrbMaenWea- msi ltcovry, so says ttr C B. Unneld editor f the S. R Eolab, druggist, of West Union. O., writes to stste that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery bas effected a wonder ful core of Consumption in bis neigh- , oornooa. : ;- THE BIGIKNINGS OT DISXASI -It is a trae that "xrsat oks from littler actons jtow," that frigbtfal dbesjea are often en- Keadered by sesinmglr trillog silsasoU. Cas al fits of fatdlgesUon saperloaiiee chronic djf pepala, ooculonal blllloas attacks culm la- aU In fixed gleas of tha 11tt, InUmlttunt I twinges tn tbe legs and arm degenerate luto . theeonUnn nssgonyof scute rbenmsUsm, ' Not that ancb disastrous eonteqaence are ln tableJtar from IWTnef are altrlbuWd to select: A few doses of Hotetir tiura- ack BiUerf will always euraeaaoal indlUoa or su oratoary ouuous anecuon, or srratt the preimmltory tymptons of ihenmatism. It la 1 tree thstwhes drapepala, or nervoo ot sick headache ha beontoe perml r nervosa deDlWT. M aieW beadache ha be&MOe perminent evil. and ha evesr banled the skill of cm weut tphr- atciant and leskted all the ordinary remedies. It stay still tw eradicated by the Bitters : but It la aaler.'ss Mscbetb sueKeaU, to crush tbs serpent's egg than the grows serpent, ' arN ., . ,. - ', i ' Mr. J. ML Brown, leader of ths choir in SLJolMrs Church, Wilmington, bas bees .presented with a besutilut watch and chain by k number of genllemsa belong ing to the coogregatton. r3j -the Journal. Tbe tditor ot tbr HillabW Mmrier - annonnces t bst James Barron ' Hap, edi tor of the Norfrlk Landmark,' will coa - '' tribute s weekly letter to the former psper "' A Distressing Ooogh cause tu iiieods of tbs sufferer almost as much pain as tbe sufferer himself, and should receive imme diate sttention. Dr. Wittaf Balmrn Wild Cktrrf speedily cures coughs, colds, iiifluerxa, sore throats, As. Itwillslwsvs . relieve Consumption, and in njany weltr Biicaicu cases n nss cnecreu m per rect PcraoaaLv' "" 'i W bd th pleuurc of rUit jotter- dtj from our Mend CpU Jul, ,f. Pvlt, o Loaitburg. , . - . HeMn. R p. Uowell & Co will inpply partie oiderjuiwilh ok1iickoij ad other klnt ofwood and vitb coaU Ot djri Kftt tufJpBb Ibt i)t office, f left 'TJj. aKr - t - I day, hie I. mill Ilonor. Jadge Watts, on the ere was only one ease tried, Stats vs. Barber, of Orange, indicted for obtaining goods under falso pretenses. The jury found a verdict of not guilty, Tbe Oldest Odd Fellow. . And now torn of our Bute exchange sre discussing who is the oldest Odd Fel low in the Bute. The Rocky Mount Matt K B. IAwrencV waiTBe 'TSllminifjton Journal tsys that John '" Taylor of Golds boro is the oldest," hiring been initiated ta 1830. Our J ob Office. By referring to our advertising columns Omen is now complete, and we are pre pared to execute all kinds of, work. We have one oHhe best Job Printers in the State. Give us a chance. Ws hope Oar friends will bear us in mind and ssnd as their orders for work. Journalistic . Ilereaiter the TbUitalor and ' Irate man wilt be united, and published, at Newton under the editorial msnagement of Messrs. Erwln and Moore. They ssy To tbe publio generally we deal re to auuuuiiue twrwngwTiBpknure wui aac ery largely to our circulation,, and that our Column present unusual opportuui ties to toe DUinass men of our country, as sa advertising medium. . Our best wishes f "' I , Supreme Court, Tbe following cases were argued in this Court yesterday,: U. Cr Wiley vs. John J. Gstllng, ad I niiniatratnf, fl.t. Thoa. D. Bears vs. Willoughby Mo- Bride Currituck county, ;, J The two foregoing esses consumed tbe entire session of the Court yesterday morning. - ... Adjourned till tu-dsy at 10, a. m. 4 Hogs Against Oog a, - The premium bog grower of Durham Township, it, Said, will out keep fine dogs, but la their stead a big bog valued at 33. JuhirWrrwniiami, for many years a member of tbe Legislaturs from Person County,, was food ol dogs, and be was aware of their cost. lit always gavt pounds or pork to raise a poppy to the ags of twelve mootbt, when bo wuUkea home end put in tbt pack for hunting. Grand Mnatesl Pewtlwsl, Our citizens will remember that on the evening rjif. Friday, January SSdtbere will be a'grSDd nautical J festiral at "Tucker 1311" by Dr. Yon Meyerhofl and Prof. Geo. Grots, assisted by - Mist- Ada Bister and a full corps of artists whose names will appear in doe tint. - The programme will be tbt most at tracUve ever presented to the ciliseos of Baiciglv"". ' . ' . Best Hop in ths Township. . Abrshant Truman, . col.r raised the 'lsVgwsVtow!si'lar1ia 4W,JoBdl,hlcttiws Bstbet forg ItCtntS pef pohnd.' Twenty eight dollars and twenty -five cents for one hog to not to bad. It t certainly better than raising floe dog tor nothing, as many colored ebd even, some white men do. Besides the I33.S5, our friend M. A. Aogier, Esq., a liberal nsercbant at Durham, presented Abraham with ok o bis best pocket knivee for raisibg the pre mlum hog of tlif township. : r Cotton Against Tobacoo. J f , j Mr. R. O. Brisnt, fotmrrly of Person but, now c'f Wake , ta!d cotton Isst year but says he csjLSaL-Mi He reports that Dick . Trice, colored man in Orange, three yssrs ago raised fit bales of cottomnd 40 bmhfls fff f-ffrtt with a bull yearlitg. ? r. Dick' bas improved, and progressed, and now works I horse and payt prompt ly every year a store account at Durham to the amount of (200. Comfort tor Focr Editors. ' " It Is a comfort to know' that the "great papers" one bAd their day or small hinge. Here is what a writer ia a New York paper taysiH ; ;",' According to bis stslemeot, the Tribun was begun ia 1841, with one thousand dollars, borrowed money, and its profits in 1830 amounted to sixty thousand, and in 1870 to one hundred and sixty thou sand dollars annually. ' Tbe first o file of the Herald wss in a cellar, where its mo rality was as tow as its surroundings, Jx now yield a. yearly Income of two busk died thousand dollars.. The Tim lost, at the start, one l undred tboosaod dol Isrs, tnd now it is valued st one million, includintr Its real estate. Ths Mni Putt, klur many floctosttoos, to nuw worth one hundred and fifty thousand a year, tli JTxj-m thirty Uwusasd, and the JomtmL- X'siswas sevrnty tboasttod; MBA '-At-Tr777' obantea' Building od Loan Ataociat loo win , Itti fcl(L,lulhB Coort JIook Friday TCBlng, tht pih iott, at 7 J g'clock. ", ' . Ai thi ta th tliM lot lb. l:twa of offioera, member ar requeued to atttad. 'Dnea b jid la ILa Becfetmry b or befor tba day of meeting. . DeUoqueota will be lined in accordance with the bv-laws. 1 VK. Mwi.lrn,en.l,..,,..ni, 'ri This troupe performs to-night at Tucker HaitrntbopWTSirBTw Nortb, South and British. - Her) is the last opinion from Charleston (3. 0) ifrw of last Saturdsy. , The Georgia Minstrels gave their seoond performance at the Academy of Music last nigbt to a very large and highly amused sudlence. The entertainment given by these " men and brethren ? emphatically a new thing. It is minstrelsy nnatloyedV and anadultrated-such miu streby as putt to sbame tbe bsss imitative soorta oT Tbe ourot cork brotherhood Kearaand. the right bower of the troupe, participated in the entertainment last ererirngr"Ba "1e(Tthe 'brethren la the " Pea-vine " song, which wss- given as only tbe colored folks can sing it. Abe Cox's barnyard scene to also something entirely "new and orlginsLThs pro grsmmu waTtverstfiuo,irid entertalnmentjjrivoked shouu of laugh ter from the audience. , . -Not to have seen and beard the Georgia aunstreit to to nave missed a great treat, Very Handsome. We find the following complimeatary relerence In the Norlolk Xanrfswtri &lhe late Hon. Weldon N. SdwarJs, tnd Nortb Carolina, which it affords us pli ore to copy t IX Mbmobum. We condense in an other part ol torday's paper a few facts la the life of tbt late Honorable Weldon gret that our procrusteaa limits do not permit nt to copy in lull tbs graceful ar ticle from which we have mode tbe ab tract referred to. Mr. Edwards, both In mind and character, did honor to his Bute. Ha belonged to a class of meri in tbe production of which North Carolina hat been very prolific men of whom Nathaniel Macon wss tbt type men re- marxaoie lor toad rirtues, calm intent gence, fine acquirements and great mod. esty. Indeed, this latter quality has been so Iboroughly marked among the greet men of our sister State ss to smopjrt to a wnHKH, Mta turn inn uie imio ir. au- wsrdt possessed, in common with the clsse to wbicb ba belonged and of which be waa an ornament, slay tbs Old Nortb State sever lack inch sons to enrich her history with good deeds while living, and with precious memories when desd I CoatribatioM to tbe Oxford Home. Ik Erno. On valosbtt box each from citixeos of Salisbury, ei HilUboro', of UcBderSob Co., of Enficta, of Loulsburg, of Cbapel Hill, Ladies Sewing Society of tht First Baptist Church of Wilmington, Mrs. J. HCsrrer and dsuclitsr, Misses ath's-Si P. Dick and A D Itoyster tnd Bra. ; . Three vsluable boxes from Dr. W G Hill, Mr. J Nichols, and other friends m Rsieigb, " ' " ;.;;.:,X'.', Tbiee vslusbls boxes Bad two barrels of applet trom Col. K M Murchltoo, of New York, Two valuable box from citizens of Nswbem. . . n- , ' Clothing, J M Rosenbaum, Mrs Johp William, Mrs t .G Crawford, Mrs & Grant, Mist Fsonie Lewis, Mrs S F Gor don, Mrs. M H Williams, Miss Alice Cooper, A Friend, Miss C Wilson," Mrs. A W Venabl and Mrs EM Graady. . Bed clothing, Mrs Lucy Meadows, Mrs, 8 A Morse, Miss E Medow, Mist Allot Coormr, JfA-dams, Twssr eV fltrHt-1 leather, and B J Hsys. ""' . A Mowbrsy an! ff l Nelson.l .. . Shoes, M L Wood. Harris A Gill tod Rer. J. A. Stradley. , . , Books, Miss Emms Graves. Turnips, J M Wood.. - '-' Dolls, Miss Harmon, Back wheat flour, W J Wilson, v Cranberries, W C Stronacb. 1 ' - SPECIAL KOTiOE, i WOOD A7ITTOATi J Ws ksrs eoBStsBUl , aft band uo4 Oak, Hickory, Pine, sod other hard wood, KeslAn thxacit and JggCoal. Ordsre through 1 post office or left at tb'eBowell J$otuftwill reeelvs prompt sttentloa. - V ZZZLlm WELL CO Foa Ksttt. A Hons ia ths Western Ward ear fepark'a foundry. Apply to Jonw Mr- ATT. j- . dee 80-lwW " 4 ' ' Waxtbo. EmuloTment required br a Udv having ten year espsrieaee la eeedswttag Diy fioodsand Grocery bnalaess, eotdd sn eerUke a reeponslbls engagement "V'SCTS," toX'S Ssdetgh, , fe-i . '' aee30-tw - ' ' rif.- wv.-r- : BCR8E8S KJEID, Vashloaable Bvbef and hair dresser, ander I. P. 6 oiler A Bros, store. Always ready to wait on eastosaerst, Terms ssodsrate. i ! octJl-ly ' , . 4f '; 1 OB Tlk&T CLASS PHOTOGBiPHS GO 10 1 WATSOirS TIMK 1KT Btl-mV-M. member that the nest is slwaj ebeapeet Watson baa tecslved Bavsa Mbsau forth sbjt PaoToanat-as st oar Btate Agrlcultor s Fs'r for the past tbree'yars. fafl at hi Gallery and see one of tbs finest collection of Phntiigmphs rn thts : ot ..... . ... . : ; . TELEGRAPHIC Ml IHspMck :.. ; ! ' Niw Yoek, Jan. 7.' , A special meeting f tbe bar associa tion adopted nlutiooi deploring the nomination and cbjectlng to the oonfir mstion of Williams. 'They m voted dpwn ureactlution fjjytmog the. sanction tmt v v,-rx. if -Gbbbv Jaa ?. 4 -TbrcitBoii Switaerlaud sent a protest to the .Goverbment against the expulsion from tbe country of Papal nuncio. : FROM MASSACHUSETTS. : , Bostom, Jan. t. Four masked men "evorpowered and bound and,, gagged a patrol watch- i-msff' between tbe Abiogdon National Bank and tbe tack tactory in Abingdon irilhtrt-J,J!OM?!Msttt. haif mil dlsUnt Irom tbs scene., Tbs watchman managed to free himself and gav an alarm, but the ruffians fled. FROM PHILADELPHIA--- . A severe storm of sleet prevails west of Pittsburg and has prostrated all wires, cutting off eommuaication with Clnciu- nsti, Chicago, Cleveland, Colombo, In- dianapolis, Srt Louis, "Ac "Pttlsbuig IV- ports ths telcgrsph liuet broken la many FROM LONDON. ' j , Loxdox, Jsn. 7. special from Berlin to the Tietst inrentrofrchtrtljop Udrfchwosko M -4 lhreten(IiAii bit furniture hss beonv destroyed and he stilt refuses to pay floes Imposed by the courts.' A telegram from Cartagena ssys it to reported on good authority that tht burn log of ths man-of-war Tetnau waa -inten tional, e4 that tht Meaouais and Men del were to bv been destroyed at the tame time, btrt tberplsn was discovered and they wert saved. . . A Madndsdiipttoh to the Standard rt- pons uat two nundred ptrtont west killed and wounded befors tbt disturb toces in Zsrsgosst and Ytlladolld were suppressed. FROM WASHINGTON. I " v , WAsnuteTOM, Jan, 7' In tlit Senata Morton give aqtic when the sslsry bill would be disposed Af ; he would ask tht Senste to take up and dis pose of the Louisiana qute; " i Stephens then gave notice when ths Louisisna case would bo tnkt op, be back to the committee ;bg JPrivitcges and Elections with sutbority to takt proof ss to tbe valid itv of tbe sieotioB, - In tba House Butler moved to recommit thebilL Ills spolopy Jo lbs Iost wu that he wished to piuut It of absurd amendments over whicb the House could vote two or three dsy.f , nidnlgbt Plspatcnes. ' FROM NEW HAMPSnrRB. " C ."'"'' " " " S Vs' t. CoBooBO, Jan. ?. In tht Itepubllcsa Sttte Convention, James F. Briggs, in the opening speech favored woman suffrage. rilQMMA83ACJnUSETT8. - - . Tbe LegitIature orgsoi4 with its.old Bosra. - 1 - j Mrt Adcliao Bsdger,!principat of a large private school and member elect ct Boston school committee, to missing, and it it believed tht hat committed sui cide. - FROM . WASHINGTON. ' " : ' WAtHotoTuir, Jan, f. In tbe Smate Snmncr pressBttd a. peti tion of tbirty-flve , thonssnd cilisens oi Ohio against - tht proposed tbeloglcslj smendment to the Constitution, A tedious debits en the tabtryl bill sx- hustej.iht day, , . Iliac wMco-Jxcciiwl session. Ia tht House a resolution, was adopted calling Tor namcsoL-paymasters In U late war whose accounts are aoscttled. , Crutchford, of Teso., asked leave to offer ta amendment to tbttupplemeutsi Civil Right bill providing a penalty against acy woman who refused any offer of marriage oa aocooot of race, color or previous condition of seryituds. , Laugh ter, (ifo t t) :.: :Zt: ' f 'v . . Bui Isr, of Msssachasttta, objwtod. In the course of his speech Butler - said, M It he might be allowed to speak, for tht Re publican party -h would embody tbt doctrine in.a sentence, not that aU men were tqual, but that tvtry msa had a ht to bo the tqnat of every other man if he couid. All cotstitutions, all laws, all enactments, all princlplrs, . aU caste, sit custom, sl tbooght against that, ia controventiou of that, were un just, wicked, nochriitiao, sod certainly muU be brought to nought - This bill only removed all impediments to every snnto ,1 the rqi if God bad ad given liloa "tht power to"be J. i .. . 1 tke equal, 7r Monroe, of Obtoj from the Committee ba Education tod . Labor, reported back adversely the resolution offered yesierday by Sypbst, of Leulsiaas, dfrectlng rmy ration to be issued forth relief of tht starting.p.oc-Jn-. the ooulhfr-&Ut. Tht commit tee had talked over tht mat ter fully and freely, and the result arrived st ws that tbs commlttee dld not regard it as tbe proper sphere of Congres to entey in a general system of prjviding for pau perism in ths Ststcs, ' If this precedent -. l-uuBega Jf- Uking iisrge . of ;psui pauperism gerally. thronghoonsr-iimteK-rbt report wsi adoilfcdranartbe counifttee waa discharged from tbt further eonsld e ration of the subject. ' .' ' I The- McEnry. legislature, through committee, have telegraphed tht 'presid ing officers ot tbo Senate and Houst tt great kngttir- Tot oommunlcatioB to the frrwi of petltlow (ot 'relief and, cognitioo. Tbe dispatch is signed Meear. BootBWettalV Lobdell,' Foster asd Peachsril. No executive bosroest to-dy affecting tbe South, except tbe -theft of about slcvsn thousasd dollars worth et drafts for refunded taxes,, mostly belonging to tbe people of that section. These drafts wsrein a tia box In tht refUBdlagfllvliK low th in trnsJ revenue department A tupplemantal; report ! to tba House from tht Secretary of War, sbtwt that the Freedmea't Bureau swindls wu car ried ob by false reporta of money depoet tod it, tht United Bute dVposiiories jmd of amounts covered in tht trtatary, Si i- - WEATHER REPORT, WASAiKon-H, D, C, Jasv . For the Sooth Atlantic Bute slightly rising temperature, light to fresh south-w)ttr!yos4'-BortlrTteriy-"wtfldw-ira(l clear, orcteariog..westhr daring Tbart- HEW ADVE11T1SEMENXS.' R EM OVA L Ths efflea aed Warabaaa of th Villa V Nene Mannfaeturlnr Company have been KKMOVJtU from Meuse to ItaielgU, la the tor recently aeeapiod by W. H. Jonee A v;o., adjoining U, KiieigS National Sana. waRsspastsMBM wui Keane dot in eaastf . stCWENTllAU --, Jan T-dlw ' , j BecreUry. GTOF THI THIWt ; :. , r Btohm fto my host on tbe eight of the tfh iaak. a larg dark MARK, heavy la foal, tad su in xi i wo men wars seoa in ms buiqrv. A saiUbls reward will be paid lor ths rtuor vi vt lus snare- . -4 , T 11KKBT E. HOLLO WAT, " . -s .,.! iUlehrh, X; 0,1 Care ot BasTiDtx Ofllce. , TWO JiiaUTS ONLY, ; t?i THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, January 8 tfe 9, 1874. TUB JUMU LAUUH MAK1RB. CALLENDER'8 ORIGINAt . Entire ehsnare of Prosramma each Iven mi? in meir peculiar unaraelerlatlc tcsaessnd veuneauons oi rtaniauoa ure. Keserved seats at Branson's Book state. jug.,, 1 UU3, W. BBQJt M, Agent, giloKKD BtlOILINQ BEEF, ' 1 Urled jftDilfi Roes, - ' Devlied llssn, Turkey tad Tonga, - - Krch c'ltroa ud C'urrsat, , , , (hole tioshea Butter, , . Prim Cream Obsess, , ' Preserved Ulner, - . Fresh Coeoanuu and LernonSj, "-".Sigeinsh Fotstoes. -"J:i ct iii-ll . W, O ITBUNACH,. g O 15 8 A ;L E , - - - - Aooatplete trt of ' !- ' - CLAIICIIAIID'D 1MPE0YED MitCBlNZgT FOB MAKJKQ Plow XIandlcs . espsrlty of which Is 600 per day ; alio on power- s.Byine aaa stwmf,oa stur. ftbafling, Palleys, SBfLBansrers, Woed Tura inxLaUw, variety of Mouidiog Machine, Belt tug, Jt c. Or In other words, , A FIRST-CLASS PLOW HANDLE FACTORY ;;: ' UWUI seHs a whole, pr by detail. ; 1 , .tjiuarece, .... ' ' F. H. RAUM, ! -: Box 07,KichBsoaa, Vs. deCtO-St . i- ..... i.. , $25.00 REWARD!; Strayed or"stoten trom the snbenibars Bear Avbern, N 0, two sorrel Mar Mules, ssadi- W will V Twentv 8ra dollar for thalr delivery to a It, Bmithleld,M V, or Twenty Dollar f.-r Irfir inl-rs Uiat rlli read to their rscotery. ..,-..;.. .i . - , utii-i as Mtu. Jaat-lw " , . . :.j , Biultbllejd, M a OTriCI'Or NORTH CAROLINA HOME lM)t'KANx;K CO. . BAi4.,K.C Ie.t,ljtta. Tke Awawsl Meetrnr of the BtockhoMet. of tbla ComtwnT w ia be he'd at their omna. im the eitf f Iga, ee TneMlay, the Ulh day ol.Janaary, In., at W o'clo k at. - - - BIA103 UALE3, teetl. f: ' a : Becretary. w 1)00 AND COAL TABP. A lot of best Red Ash Grate Coal, and alt if Wesd slwavaew lianil. iinnti M Sh.-. u"!h.8tflre will. h t :KX.Yf AD YEKTISEJaJEJtTo rnnE 8 E-U T f N E LI i - - i . j I ? f - . . ' i 1 " ' ' " ' 1 ' ' 1 : 1 ' 4 It. ALL KINDS OF JOB-WORK EXECUTED NEATLY,' . i ' QUICKLY, CrrEAfLY. t Having refitted oor Job .Office, And toeuri4--iL -ornee - -- mm Ml "W Wtt bto bow prepared to execute PL AUT'AITD Fsi.it nY .r -. JOB PRINTING. ' All person, haying - t-2 BILL HEADS,, , ; . LETTER HEADS, -4 .s.jU. BUSINESS CARDS, i 7 It i, tr ,11 V1SIT1KQ CARDS, -WEDDING CARDSL,', CIRCULARS, ' ;. 'i rOSTERS, AMPIILETtJ, Ac, Ac, . f , To print, will have their work ex ecuted in the Tory best style hj 4 t 1 ' ending tt VoiTie""" Sentinel Office. We are also prepared to do til kinda of . j.- CO.0H0RI la tbt very 'Seat atylo, at . ; MODERATE PRICES; All work sent to na will be done i (t t 4 u qaickl v and cheaply as at any other - ; . , ' PRINTINO HOUSE IN THE south. TICKETS Of all kind Printed at abort notice. Ia tliort. we are vrenared to ex- ecnte all kindi of Printia; In t,ha very beat atyie. - , . . - ' -. ' ' AiA,.V5. ,-r-i-l t; 'a n . Janaary 4th, 1674,, . 1 u MAEKET8: -t " J CofloB Bales n,rv3 X ' h.rTudloa" 1,900 lor export sod etvcu' i.on ; sales of Upland oolliing' brluw jrnl ordinary" tblpped fot Deceqitwr S 1-14 j iUitb ami April $i ditto ntjtli;rgTcln.w m mid dtlngs shipped Dcceu.ber and Jan'y 118, MTI 'I,,: 'KB, 4U. 4 ftitllrs saiet of plead sa follows :. jsn- BTfTJri-Sri 9-13 rTBbruaryl78lT Msrchlfl 1-; April!! 1510; May 17 1-4 17M; Joal71J-l: ', Flour firm ( wheat quiet; corn sd,voc bg ; pork firm mess 19.87 1-3 to fl7. lard firm ( steam t $ 8 J turpentine quiet at 41 l-Sail ; rosin unchanged freights Stocks dttllj ' moy lVrrbsr,ge long 4S short 4S0 ; Governiwents dull ; State; boodt nuiet 'a t 'Mitlnirrrit Jtjcport, . , f ,, Kbw'Yobk, Juf. 7. -r Cotton t receipt 119 - grost 607 ; futures cloeed 8t tBl 18,t09 jr?aouiytT 15- 1414 0-1 ( February lal t-4 March 16 8-1614 89; April Id 13 10a - II ai-39 ; May 17'8 817 -10; Juna 17 1-4.1- - f- f "Cat tea steady, llll. r x t r ' i f ' f Bales ms at i l-4a ' ' --r ' "FlduTEsfiade ffriuer tndTcss ac.UvsfllJ aS.80. Common to lair txtra 8.33at!l. Wheat lest sctlve and prices without a decidrd "change, s Pork firm, new mcst -IS 1-314 ,8-4, Tallow tuiot tad an- chsnged. Turpentine trmer at 43. Rosin o,uJ jj.aj5. v j Hm, LivEnroot, S p. ni., Jan, T - Cotton talc, oplands, notLi t' x below - good ord.oary shipped in January' and February 'at I 1-10. loin, !i,.iard, 4J." 11 lor new Cumberland cut. 69 for -tew short middles. " ,. , - Money tasy at fi7, Sterling leavy tt 481GolI close 1 slrorgcr at. 11 lft. Government dull. Elatvt quite nominal. " :. Wmmraxoa, y. C,"Jsn,j7. - ,. Cotton atoadrf tow-muldUng, 15- net reoslptt, S09 balo. i . . , tt -' ' J'h J-jNoHiolb, Jan, 7.- Cottio firmer, low. middling, 14 84. -1 1 '. - , , j Haltimow!, Jao.'7. , Cotton firm; middlla 13 7 8;-' low middlings, IS 1-4; (trie; good ordinary, 14 1-4, .... ft I,, , . . j, . " we i in . .-..t UITY CO'I-roN" MAKKKT. CatiaBorsw Dail Sv W. C. STHtsica i J tjsocsa ABO tOBMISilOX AiXHCaAUT , ,s Raxsio, IT. C Jib, T. Cotton- " ',, . ' . em .I. lialciplr .tiUlite COHBSOTXB DaXLV, B Qi T. tM , ; . Bao, Massst tu.t'A4ta. . ,j ,'.. jAnaary7. COTTOJt TA!t?l per burHh..,...,-; . 1M, LKATlirK K K. ,..,., ' MHaio- LBATHl-it Hi 'i-iAv LKAllieK HAK.N t jtf.., ,..,, ,fll -StOi.A-f.4. it iral. -iM UOLUAJI Xui'.. ttMS) CliiCklUM! oa their f.ct . - m r , r.ui4 " tw wiXHBiT;iV.,!'l-V'-'J- Br ir aTLitna 0.175 l in HAT, pes looibe..w......(J... M)U5 tnuis, tr U) Urv.... lUalt POlAl"-4. fcweuL ucr hu.. .. TStOloJ 4 alO 4.yw TALUlWperlb v ii a.u sua per gal, tic,. KA'i...... TIK BUTTKB. fw .t'o)f"-w-?.'f' - ' l ' , 1 rUiUll, per bbl, N.C.. ljuuuior,.;. TJ s .......... ,toW COKN,twirblbA. ; 7. - 10 liO UtnelS 80 fvir rIA!(N Bulk... UAktd, It. U. - cai MULI.RTH , lUCKKiAua. ........... Iikll ' OATa, shef.; , ,1 ' Bead.... ..,... rOprvn nar luO itia... tw 1.!" 1.40 iAOV4,A4.u FOUNDBT AND MAC1USB PUOPEITT FUH BALE" ' Latl-s Safe of Vm' x .la aud A!Lra.'tlve f rofvLj ia tUlelb, hi c, on ,... WEDNESDAY, JAn.ay-t t"TV If aotawiner sold st Prlvst sslothn Brop erti ksuwa ss tu ertyl n. a AGlUCULTriUL MACntNst rnpoMwealoa f and worked tjf IKf AHI, AliUkA A CO., eoMiati4j et , , , LOTCOUIt WEc.T ftHAnoTTgja. Ti.Ij EaI will mbr a a W.'ii aoiirtinent Ol Aia lituery loon. Block kw.riul snd Fix tare lor a Bnt-cua ioumtry hui slschln bhop. la fact, t lam lot of Stock and ITarerUl too OMftierona U4 B,cnt)in. . The kouaui V la.cou.i t, ,i. niih i',ud ennn. Ia, rri. and a le.-e nuiu.n r ot m 1 tutit le kuuti flu ot aiiM, , Any llf"iumiiua Uuvutd be Liven br appusakuB t . - 'i t l-Aiut, i::c;:j to, , jao X.8ta.ixr i, ilri, i, N. C. TY, AND OF V.Z .VL T. TATB.- fn Thanuttte th 1"-,th 4, .t-, r .. fv 1K?1 t, ...... j wui rent i-tr toe yar, c t a i.i .-mines the valuabis lui.'e fnu-. . i r to the lute Join . i.i t ii Faat of kAit-:..-ti. iiviMLit' i aie Vi ' v v,. i.'.infl nd la uue Btaieei eu.uvauou ui.: riuecity of kiUoii h. , . - , , - And aisu, tt biiuli r'.iri't . Jl i Duller- Slrrnedtmia i'.-nrj iliAidtv .u lmius, bond Aiitl rod atM'uru v. Aiao at tbe '.. tlm Sr-d r'sce, I will sell alileea mulne, bye oxea, t lour bre war- pee, ia emriu rn'-u, a r -e a"' 1 nont or Blows, fariun, eu-i.-..., A l"t stock - hove, K,oik ini,,iilifi,a vt -.1. 1 Ue i rain! ti-ut -. I. i f rciwh; . XiU Barvtvlrt f u:atf ol . laaSdid f I e 4

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