r y - ' '"7 i i L-1--' ' r 4 i 1 f r i ' 'i - -r ' . .. ,. r X , ; ! . ; : it,...,- , ,,;., K W 'x'a. 't t -' .. aiMa -asaaaw HMMk a j- ,-... - I , . , i .- ..- a. . i, ' ...... ... . 1 FOB. 1874, We Ut boughtta the last tea dam bean apply at v i i , t ", . ,.- u LLBACHnTGS. - -t,W. 4-4, t-4. - . - li-4, CM nmuEirato domestics. " ' t-4,T-8,44. ' V ft.-''- ... ; , ' ': '" I r Slew Btyl "Winter Prints, -i A,Ouo yard Plad Homeapaaa, -And burg la I of ., I LCRXB" GAITER3 & BOOTS. (ForcoMatnrtpy weather:) The beat (cods W Ul W ttflU. Alt UDi 1 IM LMWT TlUEBEIt AND ARCTIC OVER-SHOES v.. .a ' " f JIEiJ-a RUBBER BOOTS. -Tbanklnr the tnblia . tutilagi hot we bar aaafleawHw to wive full Xauua tW aal aaw ) a aa saade 4 aure eball pnaecaU onr buaiBca fr U a year 1874- with a much seal ana activity aa hat ebarac toriaed Utt n Our old Bwtto adhered to: "XBJI Xt OOT)8 At TBI LOWEST fKlCKa." .5 v - W.Ti"lVRTL'CKEnCO. TwNl feat Bed, Bolatera'aaj Pll Joava, On lteAogaMw l8tjaA aad Ward tortO W. E. JONES A OO NOBTXt CAROfJIf A M A8OH10 TXMPLX - ... :. AlSOOUiAllOal. - BBATCsatOB.Prea't XTBAtrta, Y.prea't V . aoAxsow vntctoM: " m E AaoaaaoK, . - War O TJrflacacc tVat JUicaa, ' v- TaoaUBauoa, , ,." h icaaiav .48 Oa-Tla, . . .. ii T (.'UWK1. ... ' 1. Vroia tba Report of the Owners! A Kent, wwe find Ih amount ol BacoadiUuaal, or sub- arnyuoa pwrabi ta raaner, to be about . ln.0, of wbicb abwnt 17,671 a aabaerlbed by tU Grand Lade and ha ttabawdtaatae ta their i corporate eapavttr; Um be la no by Individuals. About $AJ, beaid thia, la and payable la lator ar left oat afthia aaUanata alioaTether. k, Tha plaa ano which thea aabasriptloo , are tnade, rial On dollar par sraata oa each auare of t '. aaakaa tba aote aaatnr atowly, aad added to Uiia, tha diUiculty of nraenriog auoai airoaU to auuect the aMmtbly hMtaimeoU imiai), uy, baa aaaaed. delay ia ilia aeouuula. (.oa f fuad ta tba 1 reaaury: From tb 1 rnteurer'a Kenert, w Sad that nearly 'M,. f fro baa beaa peldoa the tneUliaenta, and for intoniiat oa as to tba iUabumeuienU aiad by tua Buard of Iriraetora, ra refer to that report feHow. 1'rt Vutabdial avawaUry Bookaabtnrt tuat t HM I past da and an paid. Tut we - (MtdwaB'intnanwtotMqaUoaot traaekdi tekv doa't TOB eetaineao .tb armfc t - - ' '-''" I - . Tha lot awon wbica wa propose t rect tha Tempi, w belier to be owe of th naoat elirtble situation ua tb eity for tb parposc. It ironU lu5 feat an FayetUrille atreet, 10 fee oa Dara street, admirably located f 'r drainage, Ae. Tliis Wt baa bora pnrchased for tbasnra of SU.VoU. It is aaa-tonrtk of tb man which will boccnpltd by tb United Auita'aCowrt How aad ist Ofllo aa oaa coraer, WakeoountTtort HowaeUtb tea. Ire, aud the Temple oa tit ither comer.' aida, to I arbor u Hotel opposite, now bains; aalarxed and baaatliiad, will anaa thl tb aaoet attractive portioa of th eity. W bar Mid nearly S& (Mloa tola property, aow worth Im.UUU, audit I aaraaatly desired ta secure title aa soon a poenibla. When thl la den, tue policy of tb Director will b to proeeed at ouce to anafc arnuas;aent for anntmenoinR tb bulldlne, ar4 not till tbeni If tlie Maaoa of the eute cannot at thia time raise I10O.OUO a ' at first couUnaplated, wasaast be eatianed with a buildlni; of leas diuKcaioasaa far lass money: It will, therefore, baaeea ata rlaaoawbat w aad aow andtbeaKeataaabeea laatructed to proceed at once to collect all doea oa ttoclt al ready taken, and also increase tb Uat wbea possible: bUK-kholder ar earaeaUy requested t mnH 1 m ui a. 1 1 u te pay m ent, that th work auajr g forward without rarUiarllalajfi . . . inartpuoai":"!t!l h et froceeda. Treaiaiu Concert, .... t M.80 KenU.7!T7?. ale of old material, rtiiwwwf'W liWBPailBMMts, I . g Oenertl Agettt, eoauaiaaioo aad ad- " . vancea, .... . t3,i2 Intoiwstaod Dlseouiit,... .......... Architect (flaa for lwildil,),...... ' i i,.t .814,5)1 FoU,PriaUnic,Ao. ...... Bsdanaala aaad of Iraajorer....... 4,m i - MM v P. A. WILET.Treaaumr, Br order of the Board of Director, - A. H. VV iBsioa, aratary, I eMdltAwIt " ! W .j f I B L I A.TT0R5ET- AT LAW, : , JACKJSOS, HOBTB CABOUSA. j . Practleee la tilth Cowrt ol NorUiarnpbpa, Bali fax, Barti and Hartford eonnUea: la th FTrrnOort of Worth Caroilu, and l tU I c usral t ourta. aad .dial 7T lCl-0 H T"ATJ f-WTllttr. JL - - . f KEW ADDlTIONi TO OUR LARGE AltO ATTIi A.OrXVJ3 BTOCK ; r or-'"'"' ' ''" I DRY GOODS, KOTI0NS,TJ00T - - BII0E9pnAT3,4c ; r... ain Pirtnxr baa inat returned front Jiew York where b baa bee for several dara (nakiir purchases St panic prices, to uMly tb dottcienee la oar atoch made by our a. ax poctodly good trad thia aeaaon. In return. In if our thank to onr patron, we say to tbees aud the puolie, that oar lata parchane wer tifr ia saving tha t ucn. eerxaitt uv be." oilemt aiuce tba war. . . . . 4.1 . t,..a a rood soruiv of Burt a. Zifclar'a, n. ktia haiul-iuaU ahoe and gaitera I, Laukea, UtM aad Chiklreu. Also, for renliemMi, utield'a. Porter, Dy ACO", aud burl'e ainifle and double sola calf K'ter and boot, w hit we oner at yery row j . . i .. nnrrhua Will WOt fWrTet Ball' 1. u . . , n t I., ara . .I..I lIAmillilll OUT StOCK (M tvru-jia. WaaeUfor. and nave fixed our .rUo oa a cah beri. Therefore thoj any .L. f do not h'lp bear any risk furUd aud el w d-bU. Very Uberal price W ...... i- lathis markttL v e hav jiit recmred soin very lata styled Of Data, lei'iuuirir upera, buvwum, field and ClemeuuB. -t- -DAXirL OU CASAOOAN, . . ATTOESEY AT LAV?,' i . - WafliJ Ston, D. C fpf!t rr The precutioa of claim for ' '' icf in Mmi'i t?ii-ii-t As butu wljereia bia p''"1 wa nr"i"le.Hiy an pfii rf th - I'twUnaetar-Vene)'!, ditod , . . , . T-.f? J - Lit. iEWII CO. ' JIBBIR BUItblW, , SALKIO H, N. C. ' , 1SUM PAWT8, OILS, TAirninss. WINDOW BA811B3,. i- s DOOU BLIKDS, &e. . r Aim - . v. I t Jw.-X. Xs-'r"'laV COOKING STOE, Bend for frlc List MACHINE BELTING. STEAM PACKJ50 nd Engin Hose: also all other article of Vnlcaalxed India Rubber used for mechanical and manufacturing purposes, . , , .,Bad for prh Uat.., i - - FRATTS ASTRAL OIL : Will ot Explode. Writ for Circular. decSl IAM0ND SPECTACLES. The Spefclet' ar nanafacturcd froai "MinuU Crystal Pebbie" Bulled together, tod ar called diauoad oa account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is wel known that siwwmi cut irons i) romaa or ccuw-u pu bieaara varv inlunoua to tha era. because of their polarizing light. Having been tested with thapolariacope, tb diamond lenses have aeaa foaad -to admit Sftaea per cent lea heated rays that aay other pebble, Tbey ar ground with great ecleutillc acenrarvs are free from chjouisUo abberatiuus Bn4-prodaea brightneassnddlstlnctneaaof vlsiqn not be fore attained ia aiMctacie. Manufacture oy the Spencer Optical Matiufacturinr Company, Jtw iorM. For si by responaibl ageuiaia. yery fity In the t'nlon. . ? , ... . Agent for Kalebib, N V, trout whom Uiey caa nly be obtained. No peddlrra employed Do not buy pair uniea yon ee ue trade ft''- 'f )v. eg-n'y - jpCB)Ll6 AAbK, : - rJi . On Januaiy 5th, 1874, 1 Will ecH at Pnbtl AucUoafor Cash at tb Court lioaa door la Ruk-lull, a portion of Lot M. In plan of city f RaltdVh, to satiety a morUae given to mo by lioijh Campbell A Jan ii us uooawia, , d ifl td U T bTKONtCH. r: 'l.-.-A, . i n. A complo at sort men t, at th Book Store of ALFRED WILLIAMS. , dee JS-tf - i JIME I LIME 1 1 LIME ! 1 1 j tun D 1 . WM 4 Ti ..L. r i. u....:..i. from tlie Depot and otl ered a- reduced price B aesjeta sugi utrg euturaciors. ' JAMAS M. TOWLES, i dee 18-8 w " Com. Me.chanl. 0 K ti A L E ' The tharoagh-breJ Slalllaa SAGAMORaV. Al7 one wishing to purchase (Sn ar him at my iauiea or i eaa teuu woecriniuii, yeu-ffljJZ;"- W.Oi 8TB0SACQ. CARRIAGES AND BCGGIE3. Williamson, Vpchnrch A Thomas being tb Agents for th sal of our CARRIAGES and BUGGIES la Raleigh, W hav left with them th work exhibited at th Stat Ealr, and tbey ar autborlaad. to close them out at greatly reduced rate. They bay aleo Photography Of all oar work and Uulowuat price for them onr Factory, ; ' i -oet sa-o 1 I OBEGO m BOWE. Iron in tho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STE0r.5. The Tefuvlan syrup, alYoteePr ed Solution of tho Protoxido of , Iron, U to combined n$ to hav tho character of an aliment-, ao cattily dlgcded and asolmUatea wUh the blood ao tho olmpteat food. It increateo the quantity of Nature' t Own - Vitalizing L Agent, Iron in the hlood, ami cureo " frVortrwl it," olmptif :. bvTonln0vp,lnvlgoratlnrantl, Vitatitinff the Svetem. The en riehed and vitalized Mood per meatet every part of tho bodpt ft pat ring damages and waste tear ching s out morbid oecre foiw, and leaving nothing for disease to feed tport. . Thl to Uto oecret of tho won derful inecct of title retnedy curing Dyanemia, liver Com- nlalnt. Droncy, Chronic Dtop CbBls and rev-ers,s Humors, Losspf Constltntional Vlffor tLsrftM'S f the ' Kidney and : plaad, -Female (Complaints, aitd off dleeane originating in m bad state of -the blootl, or ac eompanied by debUity oraloio state of the system. Jielngfrco from Alcohol, in any form, it energizing effcitt are not fol lowed by eorrespomling rcae tlon, but are permanent, infu r sing strength, vigor, and netcf life into all parts of the system, and building upan Iron Con . $Utution. ; w '- - ThoHsandt have been changel by tho use of this remedy i from weak, sickly. Buffering prea turest otrana-heaUtuunwU happy men and women t and . . invalids cannot reasonably lies Hate to give it a trial., See IhaTSach bblUi fills ft?,U VTAN SYRUP blow ihthe glass . ? " T' I'oruplxleta SETH W. FOWLt A .SOfiSProprMlars,.,. w. at iWnM wiuk. Biaetasa.' II AW i Y A H JtU I' collabanraM and eopper atenalla bet for eaat farm, and I O J,- lU ui v.. iw i v i ii v rv d i a i w w . n -r ),, . -t' t MISCELLANEOUS. i nbUtot f or loJp I or all BeiiM IttW prpot,etpt wmahlng tlotbea : r ..-A J1 O L I 0 for claanlng TOT bona will mti U ' , ' labor of m eloaaar. Olre It trial. S i i O L I 0 fcr Windowala bet Ur than whltinfor water. Mo ovlng corlaiaa amt ear- S A P O L Z 0 i clrant palat a4 wood, la fact tba en tire houvi, better than toap. Mottop- pinff. tare labor. To can't afford 'la be without it. . .. , a A J O L I o for 8corinf Knlrea la better and cleaner tbao Bath Brick. Will ot acratch. "I 5 " A F O L it batter than adao and aand for doI. labinr Tlaiwar. BriKhteBa; wiUioot r- acrmicnrar. ' , removes lalna frt ariarbi eaaaiuls,,. iaoiKSvuia aiaiuary, iron aara nnuii ed wslis, and from china aad pore. lata, & A J O L I 0 remove ctaln and grease tram esr feU aad other evea iabricw. ' Tber fa no article Mao thai will do o Many kind of work aad do It a well aa ft apo Ho. Tit It. V . HAND - tf A -1 0 L'J O ';, anew aad wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having bo sal in f this country or sbroad. BABD . $ A r .0 L J o aa aa artlcl forth bath, "reaches 1h foundation" of all dirt opens tha pore and give a healthy ae " tlon and briUiaut Unt to lha skin. HAND H A I 0 L I O - . . cleanse and beautiflea tha akin, "-rnatantly removing any stain or ..,, ..... QQji'frca, bothhknd and face. HAND SAP 0 L I O la wlthoat a rival la th world for curing or preventing longha and chapping of eiuter band or race. Hand 8 A ' P" 0 L 1 O , , lemove 1ar, pitch, Iroa ar Ink t. Uina an4 grease j for worker In machine aliopa, mlua,Ae,t Invaluable. For making ih akin bite aud soft, and clviur to it a "bloom of beauty," it lannsar. passed by any Cosmetic known. HAND -aV A P 0 L I O x cost 10 to 15 cent per cake, and '"'T"'r'-'"verybody BOultt hav It." Yoi will Ilka it. DON'T FACLTO TRY THESE GOODSv Buy it of yoar merchant If be ha or will procure it for you. If not, than write fur ear Pamphlet, "All about Bapo lio," aad it wlU ba mailed free.1 ENOCH MOBO.AN'8 SOS 8, Park Flac. X. Y or W Lombard, St - - Baltimore, Md. . loni ll-deodweowJy '"' V- The WilmiiigtQii Star. JCSTABLISIIED ONLY bTX YEAR8 ! DAILSTAR. HAS th lsrgoat clrcu'atlon of any Dally Newspaper ia th Mate, and a circula tion ia Wilmingtoa nearly twice aa large aa any other paper. - ' ... Al tha newiof th day Will be found t It, condensed when unimportant, at length wbea of moment, ab always presented la a clear, Intelligent and Interesting manner. ; 4 SUBSCRIPnOJf (In Advance)! On Tear ....... V 00 els Months.. 8 ft Thro Month. DO , rmcu slkovcbd. . . The Hit'yA(ar isnow eomlilned wlth the Crvlm f armmr, and as on of tba oheapast pepera In th couaUy, at th following , REDUCED BATES: - On eopy, one year. ...... .11 50 Oaa copy, als moatba 1 00 rarcinbs of 5 to 10, on year, SI 15 per eopy UiTCluli of 10 or mora, one year, only .11 Ml per eopr tajTBpeclmea eoj lr sent oa application. -. Addreaa, . v WM. II. BERNARD, ' ' v Editor at Proprietor," . Wilmimotom, N. C. decSO , . . ' t" 1?0B BALE. a: A handsome IbgChklr. . aug !& tf Walnut Wardrobe, aad Hock W. U.J0NEslaCo. t - w ao no- TJ0R ALL WHO ARB WILLING TO WORK. Any person, old or youngof etuirrsex. nra maks f rom-Otote swpjrvws, at horn or m connection with other business. Wanted by all. Suitable to either eity or coun try, and sny season of th year. This la a rar opportunity for those who are out of work, and out f money, to tnak an lsdepen- amtiivtnir. No esnltal bcinr renulred. Our lamphletT "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING, Eivlugfnll instructions, sent on receipts ol it. ceats? AddreM. A. BURTON A CtX, Morr Sauia, WeaUbualer Co , H, I. . . it a n i V 'I'iJ avervwhereto lonreewand AU Lit A U novel Kmbruiderlna; Msehla, TIT lUTlm (tend f uri Jilustratci Circular. It All Alr totbe MeKee Msnufasturiiig Company, 3o Broadway, New fork.----- M-7 TBJa PABXiOR OOMP ANION. Every Lady want on I Rvwry Manougbt to have onefl -Sent on reeelpl of Tea Cent. Addreaa, L. F, UIDR a COw. lVi Seventh Aveaue, New Sent on receipt of K eta. Unique Printing nd Pnhll.hiur 11 u use. Sti Verse v Street, New Xork. ; '. , , .j Th BackwriUt $20 PorUUo FamDy Brarlnf Machin,c 30 Saw Trial, many advantage over all Batista Uon guaranteed. or I JO refunded, (eat complete, with full directions. Bee kwlla Bowing Macbio Cc, HoA Broadway, 9. itt -k . ' -" ; THE NKW ELECTIO TRUSS. Aa Aa . i I ..tain, tha Ranter a Smaw JTr .. . - 1 all times, and ander the hardest exercise or severest stiaia. n is worn win wnuu", . i. i- MMj j.,.. WkA a muuianantt uaeK.-.---. ----- - . " Cur in s lew weeaa. k v.u n . L mail wnen requeeieu, ciivum , ordered by lettwr eot to The Elastic Tree slfs Metal Sprtaar Trusses j too painful j they 4..u taoireaaentlv tt may t-doodAweowlr Aimv-HK'B-sTANDARD SCALES. Ordara for the Genuine Falrbanka Scale. All sixes, promptly attended to t Uie aiaao. ta.tur. rs pi ice. , - - orders respectfully solii lted. - , - .,.. Dll eycsioore atruct Oct 8of Pewrabarr, Va, MISCELLAKEOrS, g.tTPlKRXID CITY PROPEUTY F,QR M HtLLSBOBO'STRlKT. I Bcreb) 'r aale tor hw RraMeace, Btora Hoaaa and lot aiwateo Uillaboro' St., South aid wear Railroad Bride. Tba lot baa feet frqpt ffo both Billaboro aad atonraa tltraeta. . . . .. . Tb Boildiag ai mw, well bnilt, te mod era atjrla. The Dwelling eontaina rooB eowrealentlTaad eomf ortablr arran)red. It la ao elerated that a baaement may be ir ade at small coat. , Tba Btore U 3 feet Jomr, I atorlecwrtth Uirway, counter aud alielvlug romplpt. CommBnlcaUaa between Uie dwellinz and ppar part of ttorw toa; be wed or cloaod aa Bwireo. " . it la a (rood ttaad f or Krocerlca and atap'a drr cooda tor towa and oountry trade. tber I a well ef noet excellent water witliia tea Kept of the door. Tn barm. Ac, Jo the rear and room on W organ Bt, tor other bnildinga ' '1 he location and jiaifrbborbocd la one of Ui tnoat ieWrelita- In Raleigh, nd beirtft where propartc la rapidlr And eoiutantlr b. e retain in ralne it U a good InTeetmtnt for aoftrY eapeciallT aa the pro pert T oar be icnted for Vt per cent tatenat ov the mocer reqalred to parebaa. l mean osftneea and dealr to aell aoon or rot at all. lb tltl la perfeetlT rood. t fur further partealai apply to nt iff-1! H yaW hi Hi naW itna ial ' t Hi i tT'" i Tf " J JllAUXt JE kj ' X 1X111 V - Upwards ef fifty First Premiams Gold and Buver M soaia. were awaraea so uiane n. Stien, for th best Piano, in completion with all tb leading wtsaatactBtw-ia the country. Office and Warerooma, No. V N. Liberty Stmt, Baltimore, Md. . The superiority of Hie Cnrivalled StleO Piaao Fos te, I conceded by. all who have com pered it with other, la their New Grand Square Seals, TV Octaves, the manufacturer has sacceded In making th moat perfect Plsno Forte possible. Price will be found a reasonable at conabv tent with therouirh workmaushio. , . A large assortment of secondhand Piano always oa hand, from 175 to . W r agent for the celebrated Burdett Cabinet, Parlor and Church Organsrall at j lea and price, ta suit every oae, guaranteed la be fully equal to. any mad. Bend for Illustrated catalogu containing ths Bssae of over 1500 southerners, 600 of Whom areVirigioana, SUO North Carollnuuia, 15S Fast Tsanesseans and other Uironghont tb South, who have bought die bl lEFF PIANOainc the close of the war.- . Several of war Pianos with tha improve ment can be aeea at the residence of ProL A. Bauman, wli la our authorlxed agent. marb-wUm BATTLE'S REVI3AL PRICE 1 DOLLARS: FIYB Postage (50 ctf. Beni nv mall OB rarelptol amount. JA8, u. tNHim, gt., de M-lm M C Bookstore, Raleigh. rjMlB SINGER STlLli AHIaD. Th Singer Sewing Machine Company told ia UTi. 81V,78-4',000 more thaarany other Company. Nine-ten lbs of the above number were sold for family us. The t fflcia) report of ih Committee at the late Vienna Exhibition show that th Singer received tb bighcet and largest number of prises st that exhibition, first prbie medal of Arogrer ; aecond prlxe medal of Merit, thler pure beat apcclmeu of work dons, and tb medals to employee for superior excellence of productioa. ' 1N8LEE A. HARPER, Pres. Finger Sewing Machine Co. ' A. A. WILSON. MaitAOBB, o:t Fayetttvin atreet. Raleigh, N. tX GENTS HaU lust received, the latest atyli and bent quality. Tha Best Gent's eiife Hat In this marke at 15 50 C. D.BKARTT 4 Co'a Bojt t Bho Store. nor :S tt PAY UP. All' partita who are owing a will pleaaa take aotic that If lUey do sot settle by Jan. 10th, 18T4, thea we will proceed to collect by Mw. . ... ' - -t '-J G. T. SJltON ACU BRO. jwltf rt : mtmmi :' ' Only 50 Cert tf per BolUc. It saaate (he GROWTr B 4WKUV . . hliWMH,kdtHriawtlieViasr ;Xi .aaaBaUlITVaftkelAAia. Otts Tmwrr T Aio t.tfWs i Kinuiu-j -n Tim Hair n ftr plsel in h ni.rk l FrxteMOT k Thorn., boa. a mdte Pnacsri S OoIIm. -Tha a.maTs demi In" th (. , , , Kir0,"Miifrinf toe-. rr.f' X" , fMM. TtifmritbasrciTt. arij thftlKOf . lirttf tt hH nhtainmi, amno-lmt4 nt ln -x Bill- lio,wlhmowiHniUi.AUTc 11 Hm. It ts a-deturlKtai -Mt" I W .n.TralT. if wwnis n. ,"",M - STKTtrti a It m tns S4MX ia v it.iTTa.it was mt a fca rar a - i..IJ. ... .-.i .. M.i.i .11 rr.ii.tfit And (Inna- Wf avma'at uly 1'tl'tl Cent per Bolila. Womau's Glon isEer Bp-ir." AT9AIR0fi FOB S A L E ' t .t s 00 Bbls., Old Apple and Peach Brandy aad a quantity of Pur Copper Distilled Vi hiskey, which 1 will sell on the most faroratle term. I am now msnufac taring Pur Copper Dis tilled Cora Whiskey, and will bs pleas ta receiv order from those wishing to buy a purs article of Brandy or V nlskey. Unknown parties ordering should ssr.d cash, or raUsfac tory reference. . . Addrep, ' . . D.P.FOU8T, 1." r . : j I . Aktrmtice P.t Olflee, octU-wlSl- Muilford Co , N. rpm PREMIUM FLOW, . t Cemtantly receiving direct from tt mana factorer th Celebrated Watt Plow, all aiaea with Castings to match, which hav liikcn tha BW P...,,.-. .t ih Virinia North larolin lair thU Fail. Alto, on ! at loweat prices the SUrke Diiia. ana and two hors vlow. which ar rnrarded by best farmers a tb Second boat Plow in as. .-...- ' " JH. IVWtU, det lS-tf -' Agt, for Maauutcturvra. I --...r.'ff' i A t. sfc'v. tif iu liAiLKOADS, dc.i QaANGI Of ICHIDC1."V . RJlLEIGH A GAtTOS R. B. CO.! T .. '., ' , j Bi!rBiiTsrrT Ornoa, xX. . Weigh, N. C, Oct tf. M$, . Oa and after Monday, Oct 3Tht,1873. traina on the Kaleica A Oaatoa Railroad will run daily, (Sunday excepted aa follow: , -, IAIL.TaAIX. . Leave Ralelirh V.U a.m. Arrhreaat Wldon.,..r...... -;:'..-. ft n. Leave Weldon. ......... . .M W, Arrirjaat Raieixa 3'-"- ! ' ' ' . AcoomtoDATioa- tbaii. . Lear RaleUrh.............. ...... 4 45r.lt. arrrreatWeMoo.......i...M;v.: 145 a. n. Lawraa Wetdow. A. u, Arrirea at Raleigh........ ......... r. H, ' Han train makea clone connection at Weldon with the seaboard Roanok Railroad and Bay Llne8teamereTia BalUmore, to and from all point North, Weat and Northwest, and with Petersburg Railroad, and at Raleigh with accommodation and freight train on tb Ralebxh and AaffnsU Air Line and Richmond A Danville Railroad, North Carolina Dirisluu. A. B. ANDREWS, Oct JS-tf ' Superintendent OBANOE Or SCHEDULE. BALEIGH'4 AUGUSTiV A1R.-UNE, " - - BrraaiiiTaaDaMT'a Ownia,' I : a: " Jill. iaai. Leave! TttlflMi .-. w. t tirsr.tt. Arrive at Sandfnrdi . Leaves Bandford...... 1 1 U..t.lk .4Aa.M , S.'JO A. M. ACCOMMODATIOH TBAIK, Leave Raleigh B.PJ-r. a. Arriv tSanford. . . . .' &730 r. a. Leave Banford..... ........10.15 a. a. Arrive atRalelg...... 8.00 r. a. Mall train makes close connection at Raleigh with th Raleigh A Gaatoa Railroad to and from all point North. And atSaadford with the Western Railroad to and from FayettevlU and point 00 Weak era Railtoad. AoeommodatloB and Freight train connect at Rajeigh with accommodation and Freight train V th Raleigh ad Oaaton R. K A. B. ANDREWS, Octio-tt Bupt. Z. W. GILL NORTH BIDE MARKET 8Q.UARE, Has Just received large and complete atock of .. FA3IILY GROCERIE8.1 - Consisting of Flour, Baeoa, Lard, Corn Meal, Sugar, Code, Canvas Hams, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, dtc, dtc.Ae., Ac TIIE DAB. He also keep constantly on hand, and Mil at KKT41L, tha choicest w huuuea, nranaics, and Wines. He ran pec tf ally invite hi numerous friend and the public generally to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere, lie feelt conlident neSn give come all. tsutlio aatixnc lion, uorae one, aptll-n B B A few. members at. tlie ticasrtl Assembly can get accommodauon at i J,' A, JONES' nov 1J tf HUlsboro Street jj or s til; .. ( j l Bed Room Set Furniture. 1 Parlor Set Furniture and Table. ' Jenlfrti v Wf.lLi'O.NESACO. , -n IHOOD GORN, MEAL, PEAS. FINE FEED, -iakdOaU, Fortcr, liar, Bhuchl, M w .. . At . ObBORN'S, -" ' Grain and Feed Store, West ef If. C. Freight Depot Warehouse. Order dropped la Poatouee promptly Ailed. - , ' W. A. Gams, Sup't JebSawlly. j:u s t; k e j ei.vid Another lot of CASHMERE VESTS, very stylish ylisti. ' a very toportor una oi . INE DRE88 SHIRTS, " OpcQ id front and back., All style ef , ; UNDER-WEAR. . ! A full liae of Merino Bhirt and Dravorr All ieea. M..i ,Jnu. nov84 '" R. B. ANDREW8 & CO, JJIOB BALK CHEAP. . . A doubl aeatad Rock way, but 11 1U used. Apply to WlU.:Mooii, UPCHURCfl A TB0MA?. . oct 23 St OSADALIS sraserlrfoT'thetrrr ef Kcro- lu.a, . nlooa IVlnt, Kliatnua- lm, Wf-.'a jSwitjing, (.Jo',, ioitVe, iVi'ir ra it-rn, 1'ronch.. It, Nrrvrias iH-iy aid ail die, Bi-.isA.runiB i iLr'COB-'.-loa Lt4 e Liooii , -In, BisvitsotTa sTfttaMepre)Mr. i - n sru m, 1 1 i b.c e"i( fuf It fut not. to rciuiud ths -na-Uvsot this j ,.),;.! elthaasremi. jf ei ms mi a bonis of this ir-ulf!H hiu - ut.ir suck e( family uertth'S. .. ' ,- -ruiic;i i en tie yreitnbd from nanvleauais I'.iv.ieiaiis. Mirtiums. xu4 aeaSfallB4iti4S thrnuehoutlh wta, etii.onibi.intkabtelMitt.ma, W- aWgfl. t- lr tt. wtiasar-n-olButliBM ys "as hataw.1 it In um of Scro. u san oumi Humtam with mock siM-.icn.. .... !'. f, O. TSstra of BaMarare.ra. pwiiaeuat It to .11 lx-rsoo, wSjerlar I't. Cl-.aara IIimmT nvlr.v II 1. .m. ! ws W aitx yre, rUia aa kss svsr I U Daom-w Dill e th Ala Tnni M. K. C oiiierriM-e ?itk tars aa asketLsciauci: kw.iuabyiuus 1 .it aa rarrrf ulis moaaawicls it as .J hi' triet-dt. aud acquiiiilancra. a raven . Co., Ums-l-w, .1 One. , !on.ril!-. V.. sir ituatu-huiaiiaa Ba nl-a SaUatscSI'Mt. 1 SMHw-ia Jc t.'4dn. WnrflMS ,(". 1 mm. ai H carnl liiai si K.lim-ir JU. a heitsllakw (sitca. t j 11-1 ntaMrretiiiu.:kurep. wstTrry ft K bow It teyit li'DiMcUa (- ba will tell malt a IcaapoMii si ITS strwtsest sUaratiVM th4tKWt,aii&. v- aa aacailstit Bkod yr snout w vn awiimont,! .eas ic BVurtb-aaawear to T-rj mx , -wanaa - wersuualiT ary r.f 4 by sit Thaista . IS Ainu oaa, &r . VHfor j, . ,.Awr. kytiMak aial . . ..i.v ".'"" 'V' r.' - 1 . i '-' - .. . : ' '.a.: i , ; R 0 A ' fi ; rwrinar. vt. Hy Icmild r..-j -- rty t'.xt i II Ipsrsiiiis known ' JL rkiWattk aaaJB ui.iiim. iuuudalisu a nxrr .JERKINS' & OHANDLEH: - Baltimore,: ;Md;'; POKK PACKERS ;AXD DEALERS IN BACON, AN IV DR. Baited HeaU, llama, Sidc,'-6houiaer. Poik, Beef, Lard and Lard Oit. - ' 1 1 A mn imi or finra Jenkins havlne betn X the bit firm, shall con inue to carry on market rate and prompt thipaenu always. , nor 25-Sm s TATE NATIONAL B.1NK. Ruuai, . C, Cecember ai.lBTa. A meeting of tb Stockholder of this Bank Will be held at th Banking Hon in tlib rl'y a Tuesday. Jannaryjath, lSTat U t tit k. SAMUEL C. 'i'Hi'l'E, deeSO-lt" Cshlcr.. '3Br Balor HO Acre of land, 4 mile South West of Raleigh, oa the Southsid of Walnut Cceek. aear Xatea MilL Inrelling House with four Room d otheroirt bniltl'Bfa. IS' aerra of BpecU allcnllon called to tho well-known nuvtmn, (- 6057fiUr4ioo itse. Faceory. ML Vernon; 0UlArT5 John St., N.T aug T-8ui w TRINITY The Spring Scaesion will commence """"'"" iANUARf 'Urn, 1874." ,r Board 111 per month.' Entire expense for five months, for Board, Tuition, Washing and Fuel from 190 to 1C0. ..-v," , dec u-lw B. CRAVEN. SALEM I C. KISllW " JiSANES . ' CAESIMERES, Received and' to lie 'sold low, Call and era tuein. J. D. NEWSOM. dot li-lf FOU ham:. OOI'D Feather Bud and Maboponay Bed "Stead 1 Singl Spring Bottom Bed Stead and Mat-1 trus. i Jute And Cotton Mattrasaas. 3 Handsome Mahogany dining room Table. ...,....:,,..-.,:.':......,... WJUONRS A Co. Oct 13-tf .Auction A Cora. Mcreharits. pHEEBE VERT FINK At J A JONES' ' angS8-tf . Grocery Etore. rpWO THOUSAND POUNDS JL - Prime refined lard. . At octSS tt R. -F. J.INE8 ACO'S. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by n rtimctf resort to Mfnetariicl- nrtl preparation, as has been "proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. ! It is acknowl edged ly manr prominent physicians to bo the most reliablo pi-eparation cvei' in troduced for tho relief mid cure of all Lung complaints, ' and is offered to tho public1,' sanctioned by the experience - of 'Over -forty years. - When-Presorted to in season it scl , dom fails Id effect a speedy euro In tho most .severe Cases of Coughs, Bronchitis 3 Croup, TThooping Cough, Itilkertza, AsLbTuhjr Golds,-' Soro Throat, Pains or Sore-' ncss in tho Chest and Sidoi; Liver Complaint JJJocdinjr 4 l at the Lungs; &c. "Wistar'i ; Balsam does not dry up a -Cough.'and Icavo the cause t behind, as is the case with ' most r preparations, ,but it loosens and cleanses tho I lungs," and:.ivlla,ya-irritationl thus removing the cause of the complaint. t " MitFAnrD bt Tff V. FOWLS A 6QH8, Bostoa, Maiii 4 sold aOrulits sad AsslersgaacmUr 0 R L 1 J E B P O O I, . FIRST CLASS 'SHIP', MCOLAS TUB . - - - , . . -. v . .,. i, THAIKi AND AlUJNOTOJf, V , will load at NobtolX tor Lrvmroou We are authorised by bouses of undoubted credit to make cash advance la currency of thre fourth of market valu oa consignment of Cotton by above ships, and the same will be held long a shippers may desire. . A good opportuuity istbnliorded to those Wba wiab to purchsa at present low prkee or to bold for a better market. . tA, , fcETNOLDii BROTHERS, r - . 4 mm Commisaiott Merchant,. ""aotlHw .s. .sr i Norfolk, Va?''' FntE oi THE ATLjcrWe-A koRTB 1 CAROUSAB.R.CO. J NoLicw ta hereby givea to holders oft the torege hnnds of U.e Atianti and North i v.rr litis Kallroad t owiwiiry tart ffinpnna 6W Nifl tooas dac 03 ll;e lA aif iTwannary, 1S74, will be laid at the Fulton National Bank, New York, on and aft'.r the luth day i Of Jatnary, 1574, on prewnUtioa. f , ' K. STANLY, Pre, i - 1B M ;'-AUaaU H. C. . K. Co,f Uff - I tHV' vtVs Ub-4d Unit ..a,iui.i.,taii w.yrty-Nv - w-n. -iruirfu ia6w4oir Stsnuvr,--Tvje-4 l' .M dlfsolved. We the nnderslncd.tu.l trs oi budma at the old Huiid doods stluv. ii Sujd your ordera to . . , JEUKIN8 St CltAliBf.ER.. . 48 South Rtrcrt, Baltimoic. : rrrjr : " r . --, TO THE Nervous and ' Debilitated OF BOTH BEXE3. No Ciargt Jr Adviee'and Gutoul D J B Diott, graluate of Jeffera . leal College, Philadelphia, author of valuable works, caa b consulted on .sue ot tha Sexual orJWTjuvry OtgAUK' - pOjearS ePftyJh'm to trertMilse Clim jv""tj"l t.nar(i lonable, Those at distance m tettsr describing ajmptouu are ei to prepay postage. . - . Send lot the Gum to litalih. 'it ' i ; & 1. B. DYOTT, 'M PhyeiaUB Md Burgeon, K4 Duane JanSdeodAwly ' . . yLTJ JD EXTRACT The only knows remedy And a poallive remedy f GOUT, GRAVEL, STBICT0I1 . BETE3, DYBrKPSIA, NER - DEBILITY, DROPSY, Non-retention or Incontinence of talion, Inflammatloa or Ulceret- v. . Bladder & Kidneys, SPERMATpBSBJlaV Uucorihu; or Whlbaa, Disease of the Pros trate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Caic-3 u" Gravei'"''oT'Rrk3ust" Deposit ' and Mucus or Milky Discharges r KEARNEY JXTHACT BUOHU Permanently Care an Diaeaeea of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSI- CALWELLINXJ3; ' Existing iu Men, Women au J Children. KT NO MATTER WHAT THE AGK : Prof. teele sajf "Ou bottle of Kenr ney's Fluid Extract Buchu la worth mot than all other Buch us combined." .. . v ! ' Price, One Dollar per BotUe, orSU Bottles tor Five Dollar. ' - Depot, 101 Daane SLNewXork. A Physician in attendance to answer corrcs pondeuce and give advice gratis...; tif Send stamp for Pamphlet, inc. JUl Jan. 8-deodAwly STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Couati or Chatham. . XX. TUB ttirBBIOB cotmx. Jlffioa f sr ftetU Ettatofor Jarffftoti: "ITS ' 8 "BeWaey" fat wife XTlxilieUC J TT Headea and wife Euphemia. Martha KKam sey, Anne E Taylor, John W Page and wi'e Margaret, by her next friend Joim W .PaBc, Plalntifla, ' SfaiMl ' ' N A Ramsey and wife Anna, M J Ramsey and wife KachvJ, Joseph Ramey aud wife Lydla, John W Ramsey and wife, Rdwatd B Ramsey and wife. Defendants. " . ... : U appearirg to the satisfaction of the Court that the abov named defendant M J Rima-y aod wife, Joseph Ramsey and wife, John W Ramsey and wife, and Edward B Ramsey and wife, are non-resident of this fctate, they are hereby notified to a j, pear at the oilice cf the Clerk of the Superior Court for Ih County of Chatham within 0 day after th service of thia aunimona, and anawr th complaint, a eopy of which will b deposited In theoQlc ' of the Clerk of the Superior Court said County within 10 daya from the data hereof, and let them lake notice that if they fail to answer to the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to tb Court for the L relief demanded In the complaint. " ' "GivisB Wider lay '"M'''a-'aea-,aMJoit' this Slat day of December, 1878 f'.-,:-.-,'-s f PETTY, O-tkof lji anporlorCQBrtof Ehstbaa,, janS-wOw-. ; : ' ,.; J3RATT' 8 ABTBAfcr-LlLj. "safe. ".. Perfect v odorless. At- Absolutely waya uniform. Illuminating qnalitle auperior togas. Burns in any lamp wimoui aaiiKer va extiiodlnff or takliia lira. Manufactured ex- prossly to displace th ase of volatile and dan aa flan- gerona olla. . Its aaf ety under every posiu test, an its perfect barning qnalitle, are proved by it con turned aaa la over 110,000 families, j ,.,,....- i -Million of gallon have been (Old and ao accidenV-direcUy or indirectly h everoe- : ared from Wuraing, storing or handling lb- The immense yearly loss to Iif and proi et ty,. resulting , from the ase of cheap and dan gerous ells in Ui United States, ta ipalling. ' Tb insurance Companies and Fir (iont mktstonera thronglieut tha country recom mend th ASTRAL a the beet aafegmrd wbea lamp are ased. - Send for eircelsrw r -Sold by JULIUS LEWI A TO., Rslrigh, authorized Agents. CHAS. PRATT A CO., UH, rullOB Street, Hew lork propitelora, ; i J" agtt-dAwom . , , TW ENTT-FI V E, PORT T, FIFTYi rr LJfSl'a A laf lb ONE 'i : ,. " 2S Ce' Mixed Plrkle. ; ' 60 " Brandy Poscbea, ' , ,- 40 Do. Cans Fresh Peaches,- ' : .1000 Pounds pore Candy assort. '. 1 oct 29-U ' - r: r.'FTjNKS A t0'8. B g A':L --E1 A Pair (if thoronph bred Marcs. Six and Siven year old, bay, thirteen hands high, ork Iu double or sinrl huines. very Quick aagvnua. 4 . ; c. ,. v. declA-Vr Wi.C STROM ACH. T. By ayxaug ladr'a pjaiUiwarte icherbf tb English branches in a K'buolor family of refinement..; References givei. . - ... v . - - odduea, ', - C. J A fCCNTAlS APPLEi AadCraubcrler?, for sale. nov T riroMT iftxAttt, i J J. ;' iT- h -a,. -fr'iiaaaw4'lr- ,