ft. ."? TMSENTMEL JDAV ;iroBirtii,is, il, 1871 OSUB TUKNEB,Bdifc J, Si ENaBBtJRT. Aaeocute Editor, T6e finrrnt laraea more, papers every ...Week then aa y other paper n Rakigh. If any one doobU this pouBr statement, 'i nter Mrl to the manage of theNeure Ppffti who snrlf'; the' dty press with ell tit papbey eonWtoe, 1 Tb 8BHTOtBi circulates in every county U Kartif C'io; n4jo to more thu twenty Bute. . - ft i Utrelor thajbwt ADIBBTKISfl MEDIUM JIUlelgh.; .,V..edTrtf at , caodermt ntMM ay other peace, i THr 4 ro ouaf4Tftom . .jw - f -- -paiiuDizca inso-any paper erer.'coDiuiDra r "":",y"S" ru?"i tyyjvvvinjj,M,Tpi ' now doe oa onr books' to make as rich 11 - Wi rnllsrtri.i Thste arsssinj whr"naf ierer ' paid as a dollar jrinee they subscribed to , the paper Sts, years gonlthotighthe 4ve. mep of means. Many of th aubacrlbers hare been drop nooVbat this eoDrto-oa otir part to which Wt were flrlyer, teHhcf induced then to iir Dtr,ta!pj''fil.it 'fJdeblednesi tanew nek I ftero w t Jim , beefl wsged jOpon U by rVilroad presidents with ring money; who ferh4 fieet fMoen for ditora,Uieir agents and drummera, to esarM tbe Btate for their rtoimiins, Tho amJssa- ries aVU llgtmg'M thcoe orgtnt bare i eren sdetTored to fob os of onr legitimaU syaanMA. nWibifi one peiaoa (Tf beiia aUppec bf their way to,pur ffioa' ."nd'ertiali,' aft bI to ldi of tha rtag jfpan. V t " ' .,WagjiV w)jvMVipribataI a. tjm tiki lV Nk!opM ii.eaj tbssma: , We Oa.,Bot ,aord longer to afwtiuf papers thai art not paid for, aid aa ia oar figUi against rings and cor rjsjonlst,,5 Jwryjubecjlbcf,,hould pay wl tromptly.andtboaa whose papers are a$oJtei sboul1renew; a) pncv .; bare atriTen to o: joof kt py tne peo ple ;bem id. helt ,dj J ns. It Is aot that we i are iaTricioo that mt adopt ajpneidieVM ead and most hare 'tsjaoef to carrj oa . the good gbi agaiiihaaowniee of tte n,t y EUTOBlAI; XIZfTBEB9L, ,th'er' 'to lot' 'Ibtich,1 Vrp?sbjlity that Cbngma will order a new election in Imiaiana,nia W WrtnseeirTir OTldeooe to show Utat iGrlA Woldi favor such action.'-''' " . ;. -h And now the GreUM 4n Texu say they Wlff rio't ; hare a Democrat to rule oei them & If they faro! forced lo'ow thrti the Bute GoTernment, which they ' aay'ltey edo" wUVghe ltdp of thtU In a moltitada oi coaoeellers there h wfcdorn. JPj jjatberinjj A Jafg aamBer c iaWl- la-WasWogtoii,' Congress aaenbopa lo'iwiwjswaba .adTlce as ifiJnablthna to maaagc;ih correocy qtteaaoa swcoiafjillyl ..Weii wewllt sea -bnt wa abwM aeafi c! T aaafle .. .... .wi-wwi'. .,....... i fjpe,CtTM Btj5hta tt ' iltl flf Is aaed bui aritb - la4no4ifleao J it 1st tboaght tit at the public achdejif wljl p( ba Ineludod. 'W Ha fotrlaV.'WaI an o1y sea trdaV Jbeao; Aif jb) psg f tftblll. , Wa-eliTe U-to be fraught wMi Immerje.tTil XW.wiw it Is Intended W Wesav It "iriv be biad'lii pan y of UdwUtiOBn Mark what wa aay, ffifs fc"cau'rejirifr da Tat deal Vfersitlfpto" 9Lgwytto! betweesj jV,"secQnii Ahahappiilffe iBalph KrrtbaTrwMiwrtsroa-.- destt who was lost -at- aass it beUartd to era betwurdere A JTbt jP J. tliatV, 'cml,- tC b MJJoscd tim!l raahly to the" suspt(iob of the Votanteerl b hk iw UeiteTlcaiaf the TVfiw Urdtallted- with thersj freejj, sod repon o) Uwte,ba'ignVa;Vfy mM'f . TaiuabU aod jerea ftartliag JiniaUo wbichU wa aaaiaalhasuJtoaomiBitto paper. IPwbtresa fcaaaelaaly watched raJl thTs wilaiowa4. oaT board Mi r, and : tonrdarady- wha'.aer- tor his potltiea, or hiei pfofesaioBj oi7hli Money, will WbrfnlTScTe?. te fnoafiT tti.Hu greattraTeller, moat genial, amiable nrnrpand- anthor-of an -agreaablo book eaifcd i y ugabrind AlMt4rea.'K - Bowdiltoi etotpl, ta. sub joined poem, wrote tho exquisite littte -pciB-i fctgh wr1babfiabwiwjmiiiw ngKKTte fseTiiehtl anfa4 ofsf enjui WewopT-tba foUowlug Am um Banday wv IISI vavavabr anv va a i Ccmld ya aot wateh one boar f , The honr nd Hie efiUi w at erwwwy, -wma iney pwr Two) botiBtw aJeepe ao) ; be whose toraw jaad was greatly wn? am wtea wra ) ha sUn are elear, but BOt to yiB tie eyas Trn. m win "patiaaee lsosa ;adr pattaat r- .ii nn..,,h tie kern hi ateadratt ttsht. ta mr Lia oat aifOBT tlmt drew' Tkat w-tj. at blood; to hear ttt ry vt .woe . ..-,.... v flia t- - k Ce;s tbrca prlceloat gift Of . '" . -biarest ' ":: ;. ' -.'---r-, m i , rd Faith may altimber, tut few Vili 1 lur. tyr'lp ur slumber 'i ; BLOW TOUR SOUS B1LLT. Bambubt. Dec 80th, 1678. Caw. 0. P. Eawnt, Treex,. 1m Btr: Order tb conductors to collect far from tb members of the Leg islature. in roea is too poor to let bow mnpot ride tree.' i Jours frolt. ' . ?' ' V 4 W. A. BMTTH, ReceiTer. Yes, and the Legislature hou!d be too honest to let .Got. Caldwell, - follow aoj longer, the Mil example of Gov,HoUlo in aprkHotoig spotted men to fill high Let Uii Solomons, as 'Billy cell the member of thi LegisUturf, read the re port made by a'committ of the Legisla ture to inquir1 into Milrtad frauds nod swindles, and then aak -tbemaeiTe ii Qot. Caldwell jdoeshisdu.ty Jfl sppoioting di rectors fur the North Carolina' Railroad, and H tbey perforin their duty in silently tolerating suclj appointment by the, Gorefnen -Read the evidence; rW aoae tTrSSTrSerfrtt commitiSt'Tmf I puiawu in di x,ifswtre pi l n "(:. not answer as it micht lead to Questions crimtnUng himKlCIa-Utie--BIUiTe lies the true secret of Vhs lease. Msior Smith taken tbs position that be Is noUciPllne Jue Ljocb, but tbeae are In- compelled to giTS eTidence sgaiost him self, as shown by the following question ana answer : Question. Do you, know .of any ism of money or any other eoeaideration wbat erer banng beea paid or proraiaed to ba paid to any person in this Bute or out of it for the purpose of procuring the lease ot, tbs North CsteUna Railroad or in any waeaecgt wlthnald lease t ' !' JftPif- 7bt;ba declined to snswel, aa tba aaawar might . Mminato him or lead to information that would criminate him." rgodrowfatltf N. C. R. Co., under contract 8 1 M Neither th freiidaQt or aay wicaotor or any other ofBCr Mmp1nye nf tbM Votapany shall daring the term of hi office or aerrlce he Interested directly or indirectly in any matter of contract with the company whereby ho or tbey-eemll or may derive any pecuniary benefit, and any one who shall become interested shall forfeit bis office or ptaoa. " : f; What will the Legislature do in this matter, will that bodj take suggestions irom Hqia-Bmiib oil ot. Caiflwell apon the aubicbHittloa Irfd j 4a.aIe State's money by the million to tun: the Blue Ridjre t When Qor.TIoldel ippolnted -Andrew 'ones and Dr.Bloaa Pwald eots of railroads, Hf9'ri eeIebca, eTTall taan,halMd he knew of Ahtfr qbjHotiaat ebtiarf 1YrMact!oU W'furtWuid that all tbrea ahould be in tho peniteo- tiarjj Ilolden for appointingj a4--ioaT i abd for tnetr taflt tt "t hai-tOtton transaction, i 2.ni , Vr When Oct. Cardwell, after tha evi dence published against Smith, re-ep- Una Railroad, he forfeited the conBdeoos of tha MorileL II the Lagidtatare-'ooea aot "take some ateps to remove Billy, tba people should hold them roepoBilblft. y; ' f 1ST US HAVE fSAOM. Instead of lowing with as any longer, we propose peace to Gov. Caldwell, Jor daa BtoDe.aAd the' railioil presidents, Hawkins, Smith and Buford, aad their . 'ToThObtemor' we say lea v out Dave Jenkics, who closed tba Treasury without brdera, aad wa will agree ai) ike Qettf Dor's Cabinet or council, composed of the beads of the State departments, shall, in cladiog itha yjAuxnofMiit 'mj who tball, or rather who tba law giree the bablic printing to,. What say you Gov ernor I - J J'lJu t I 'J j Wt say to Jordan Stone, if there ia a township aaptassa ted by a Democrat la the Legulature that will give jou tb Btate printing, you sliall bave it now; We will sgrVt naeI towosbip' id Taah County, wbere the editor, (.apt, Bfcfe1 WtalBtoe tfltoe,'1 4a ' Mkal lenbtirg dison County, where Mr, and. if a towaahip in any one of the cntie jWit'rote -the printing to Mr. Stone and the JfM' they IhaU bave it yet. f DTuarya vneaay to tovo. Clone may pa present aud read the Stone and Mc- Adem card. Mr Waring may be' present and repeat bis reason for voting the Mane tba pdnAngt o-aritj a' proper tai Itatd. lo Capt. Sam Williams for his plendid, campaign against John T. peweeae, a reward tolBtOoe A Uxsell for barlug shouldered muskets in defence of Vapcey 44 pnatnt, by-way af too two, Auer a full bearing toe vote snail be taken, by a magistrate of tha Town ship, 4acUWmla'u ttioe in favor ol Jiving the public printing to Mr. Jordan We make this propositioa in good io aettle the much Vexed question of the bublio printingT I Whstssys the .QjveaotT YYual stJS Pkijccoso. It is obaarred that the fiarty in power feel sure of their poaitioa- in case oi a cmuiuu aa taev aava laaen Iff nr? &frS W Vorable Jopinioo from Attorney-Geoeral nrmiams. This U what tbrf 'trtbmu reports lbs ilBcials in Texas as saying, In regard to (heir controversy with the people. It win h. ramamlurad that-lha electioa last iearjjsMronilTM naTwncisit-inrai--tnBr irre.erecnon rs BuR ain'Twidja U&m'' thiew weidcr rhicb waal beTd 'U unconstitutional ColrolrTbgTne itorneyeo bad aa coDBultlng. the Atju"tL'u did Got. Caldwell about coaMBtiuat. i " , Ii Tea, or in Ma LiaigrriTC, or id Mr. Oudger lives, 07 -.Jf-J;. ;', &AC i ' The papers North and South, eicept In North Carolina, are full of discussion npoa these two questions : The last report is that General Grant has gone back apon Sumner and the ne groes, Grant expressing himself gainst mi led schools. It will be seen from what follows that the AabcTille Pionosr ba gone back apon the 80,000 negroes who constitute the whole Republican party in North Caro lina, except the head. Bays the Pitnttr : a . . On Wednesday morning last, a young bfte man named William Huntley, for merly of Rutherford County, for the past two jeara a resident of this place, created OtaRreeabTe and diurustinc sensation bjf driving down-Vain street in a buggy, wun a mulatto girl, known as Sells Greenlee. Huntley boards with tba motwr or tots girl, and we re creditably ininrmmi Mtw-aw'awa;at"srtOTtew'WM corting her home from the house of one qui wizens, wware, atjaJMmjoyw iUlim.nmtl.il tm W tiwj A-K&cfaibg t trfinltiToUfi b1kWi)1 in nis taaie; to cap ids climax i bis so rial digradatioa by an ItllltnoK with a negro, we are no advocate of the die- qignitiee wnicq cannot, bo per pet r npoa a coBunnnity with Impunity, and if tbis debated creature returns to this place with bis pumpkin colored bride, with tba Mpaotatioa of flanating fat In famy In the laces of decent people, h will fiod that he ba miatakea the char acter of the material of which our society is composed. "'It has taken the Tionter a long time to real lie the old adage, "If jou lia dowa with dogs you will get up with fleaa." It Is said that Thomas Scott is tbtt ac tive in Washington in the furtherance of blsvartou scbemes, .and la assisted by Bea. Butler end J. W. Forney, who is in terested in the Texas Pacific "Hallway Company. RaUigk JVewa. Yea, aod be has aasUtante from North Caroline, aod be has aaUtenta ia Ral eigh aad Charlotte. When Billy Smith, Buford, Sibley, JdcAden and Wilaoa, the President of the Southern Security Com' pany, met ia Wilaos's room on Broad Street, New York, to talk over the con solidation of the railroad system of North Carolina, Tom Scott" aa represented by Wilson, - Tom was not there in person. When Buford watered tho Stock of the Richmond and . Dinrill road, and told tbs State's interest or stock at jast half be sold the individual stock, Tom was aot present. Tom works like the devil through agent and ageacie. Aa sure as tba devil is present where a drink of whiskey is drank, juat so ure you will find Tom .Scott where a steam whiatla blowa, or conaolidatioa ia to ba made. -1 JUDOS DURKLL. This corrupt Judge, one of Grant' ra pcraarvloeabls minion, 1 In a fair , way to coma to griet A Copgreaalooal Inves tigating Commtttea bsa been prying into bis conduct, and tba evidence taken thus far iaef a damaging character. Hon John A. -Campbell, el-Judge of the supreme Coart of the United States testified to the virulent, rude and Inaalting' conduct of Jadge Dcbua on the occasion of. a cer tain trial, when be (Judge Camfbkll) was denounced- by Jadge-fK-ee-a bewry -rebel; who ought to be bung. Ex-Chief Juatics Mebbick teatifled that he ha been fre quently treated by Jadge DoaaaLb ia a Tioleof and insulting manner, so as to sat isfy his mind ttfat the Jtidge waa under the influence of stimulaot.. He deposed thst he had eren seen him io he care in an in' toiicated condition. ; Other citixans teatified in a manner that could not prors specially pleaaing to "His Dishonor" saibe Augusta CoitUUuiionalut dubabim. 1 Oa the point of corruption In'tbe admin iatratlon of the bankrupt law, while Dub Btx waa not proved dinotly guilty, it was Shown cocci ui vi ly "that there wa bo Conceivable extortiun, ' oppreasion bih! mog-dmBi WfWBHts paKiW I votred' in bapkrupt proceeding which bad not bain committed by tbe General Assignee, and tbat.atl iffiTta lo arreat or repair these wrong doing by appeal io Duajaau. were thwarted by the Influence which the General Assignee wielded over him, and by tb extreme Jot macy whichexisted be tween them." . ' it is Kported that the Congressional Comtnittee atand aghast t the corruptioa aod Tilainy tbnt bsve beea uncovtra.1 And still Dnrell it a proper aa in tha astl- matiOTroTGrsnTan JbTa aet.. It Ta Wle? ad thatDere'l wilt be impeached. WHO PAID HIMI The eodonemedt of . ex-G0Ternor Wal ker by the Enqtnaaa, the principal orgaa oruta fwanayiTaniar owtrat naiwavit ta Vinrlnia, this morniaE, seems to hare rath er thrown a damper oa proepects ot '.he "bite trcamore of . Biaghampton," aad it it how intimated that he ceo secure the coveted honor of a Senatorshlp only by a Bolt or nie niends from toe caocoa, ana their being aided by the corriblned Re publioahtote, if the fusion can be made.", BtaUJtmrnaL ... r-.-. . , . , , 0eaurae" we Cannot tell who rem oner- ated tbe Radical organ for a malicious and menriaciou amoitonlb Lh to the connection of the Esqcwb with tbe Peon-vlvania Central railroad, the Journal baa simply Ud. Ai M Goter- as Wslkers disposition trrooit tu party cancn, we aay that tha ex XJoveruor would accent aa nomiaatios) aot taedored . by a majority of Ike Pones rratire snembereef tbe Ueeerat Assembly c And ' we aay fur tber, that an j man who disUusta, tba lor- al concentniloa of the Cooserrative oartv wia deaer ve and meet the opposiuoa of the SBOjOMBja. ttoTereor walker cannot get arty iteciieaT Tqfea. Etcamond rSfuutr, lmZENS' NATIONAL BANC, 7rtrAXitifia, . .. . BaLmea, M. C, Jan. Sd, 1871. The Dbwetors of tbl Bank have declared a Dividend of Jitt eer cent eat of the oraflt bf rjfe'paal'aix moo tha. Payable at the Bank- tag Bouaa, oa and after Xaeadtn lUih lnit. ? J aa W -J a Vawnwr, CtYLL RIGHTS ASD PRIDM KEARNEY'S rLrarrRA.cr Tba only kaowaremady for BIUGHn DI8S1SE And s posittve remedy for BITM, DT8PIP8IA, KERYOUI PKBIUTT, DftOfaT, Non-retentloa Or tnedlrrUnnee of TJrlns, Irri tation, InnaamaUoa orTJkaratioa ot tba Bladder & Kidneys, fifXRhUTOKKHCSA. warn .javyfu-q t Hismir'tinjfWjusits in itsi i iayftBniBAmWiW' LaaeonheMM WMtea, DUeaaea of tba Proe- wbui wiana, aione u wt aiaaoer. KEARNEY'S extract mm ... . Fannanently Cnree all'Diieana ot the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND IJROPSI CAL SWELLINGS, ' ; XxUtlng In ataa, Women aad Children. -W NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE 1 Prof. Steele aay- "One bottle of Xear aey'e fluid Extract Bncba I worth won thaa all olber Suchaseomblacd." Price, Ona Dollar per BotUa, or 81a Bottles for five Dollar. ' Depot, 1(H Doane St, New York. A Phyaldan la altendanea to answer correa poDdeae and give dvicegril!. 17 Send stunpfofTamptoteVtrta. Jgk Jan 8-deodAwty ' TO THX Nervous and Debilitated OF BOTH 8 EXES. A 0ary Jar Adviat and Conciliation. Da J B Diorr, (rndoate of JsOarsoa kted Ical CoUajce, FblladelpbJa, author of several Tslnahle werki, ea be soasaltad easUdle f eaea ot the Bexaal or Urinary Organs, (which be ba wade aa especial ttadr) either la suds Or female, no auttar from what eaass origin ating or ef how kmg standing. A practice of tt veaie enables hha to treat dlseasea with sweeess. Cures ntaataed. - Gbargea rea sonable.,. Those are dUtaaee ean forward tetter 4aaor4blog symptoms' aad enclosing to prepay poataga. Send for tbs Quick to EtaUh. Price 10c J,B.DYQTT,M. D., Phyatclan and largeoa, 104 Daane St, H T laatdeodAwly 1 t AflH Ponnde Bulk Clear aides, Xv-UUU to ba sold at Baltimore loss, freight added, at . befit LXACB BKO'S. inE-omurisrAiniaki; rV7ELL TESTED, ItSi'UiieMo. wm ot raj s is FIIHEB BUILDING " -' ovaa na BASCawaaa srcaa or - jrcrzius LEWIS & CO, is paid to the Widow and Orpbi North Carolina tinea 1808, the sum of 1 A80b.000.DOO! Aod, by f deUty and pronpteeaa tar this par tlealar, and fwrelaaiaf ta lewaa resaaei aa: trat ciua company; and also, having paid aaofe revenae to wa eiane iobw ear oiorr okojauiy, kha wcrita-aad njof avnvd dirtlnrflonol bclnit m"" wU lElDlSfi LIFE COirUl IS Til IT1T1 Aat with her B90w000.000.00 Aauaetn bow oa band, and taaaaged by eenUemea lonarczoarleaeeand aoaaclal akill aheofl tbe hlcbeat etaadard of security to all her cnatoaMn, And, aaaa taveataieot far epi talLtt a tlO.OOOpollcy la better thaa 0,OQUla realaatete. Ateafromwtoe are tnaaraUe Of both aexea. This company doee not Wry; hmrewtth them, any , But weaakaa hspaitlal comparison wun aay company ratm aad rmpeiuitrttif, aad leave tha reault tha indraent of tb nablle. JJy ealUaa- apoa tba Qeawal AgwBt at aay of Bi leaia, luriner toioraaauoa wiu p cnear- fallv tunjartedr" t k. - t ' W. H. CROW( General leant. . W. H. MoKXX,ir. D.. Medical Xxaialner. eep a-em rnUE FIRST PREMIUM. JL TUB JtEEDLX QlJt Wa Awarded the GOID : MEDAC ....... i w: 1 at tb recent Stale Pair, over all other Gin, kJaiheSaa. aadealyMrUtly Pir Proof 61a nitk. -. -- .4 " W"TnnwbA oiit am aiHlBItloo aPeor Store.- f f . i ,T. H. BIUUUB at BUrlB. tawtts tf - SoteAgeat. -AVrfVi'i,E'i Taryaaperior N t) Cheese frem Pork Of Pgeon, Eeon, Hay wood eouaty, j..,. i-ii t bev Bl V W H J05JES sk IAX 10 aW v - - wr , . i Prom and after tbl tate We shall dkeoa- JIN WW aicugB H WW" wmmsurwm. (Vf - W.HsOMXSa0CC talelgh,aanl,187t..,. ... ., seven miles aoaihweat of Ralehrh, a BAT UOKaK, aio years ota, anoa oa urea leet, awaiam BPOd I enter, thick, curiv wora r aoliar. abort UiL ' u l ir aoliar, abort UiL lnformautoa left with Mr. O. J. Stroaseb 111 oblbre SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, &c. T, W.'S, BOKHKS'8 KBOOL, EINDEH30N, N. a Tbs Bpring Session of this School opens on we na jtonaai Thenrleeof Voarw and tuition is 8100. for parUealare and Orenlar address the priKluataUaaderaoo, M C. G KKKNBOK' 11UXU. CULLXOK, OUXXNSBOBO N.C. KST.T. M. Josma, D D., rreatdenl Th Spriasr aaloa, ot 1874 will begin oa the lath January. CaAMBs ran Sassioa of to wbbis ; Board aad TalUoa m regalar eonrae I1?100 vnarirea lor extra (todie moqaraie, mar foil narUen'are. apply to the lreaidBt U WILSON, rrmtdent, dee It Jm Boaid ot'Trartosa. s OHOOL FOR BOYS. I WILL OVV IH THIfl CITT. ON THZ 3JWWWI'.WiiISSIIIe!W,M nth Of JAKDABT, 874, I after. I mfar at preaent to Bt. i. M. Atklaaoav IroA JtafSr A-M.Jtta- sera, em , w. a. vrow, aj. at a-aua.ia u. a. vwi i. WK8LXTAN ACADKHT POX TOUHO MXN AND BOTA Rbt. A A. Tba wick, A. at , Principal. Eosaxn E. Gbat, A. B., Aaaiatant. wm Iwwta the 6th A radon le Term of '0 week, Aug. 4lh 187V, for particular apply tor circular. aly 10-tl s XLXCT BOARDINO AMD DAT SCHOOL H1LL8BORO' N. C. 1 Tha mae Naah Mlas Kollock wilt re aowMtha axnreiaca ot their achooloa Iriday. OBuAi3SfeS-T--.-zSr--i Circnlare forwarded on application. dee ls-lm eyiSLXTAM MALE ACADKMT. As hoard ot managers of the tastftatloa, we annoanea with pleaaura that the next evasion will open oa the 12th ot Junnary, endo Ba gene k. any, A. B., a Prlaelpal. Mr. Oray la an honor gradaate of Kmoty aad Baary Uollrga, Va., and aa Aaaoclata of Mr. Trawlck baa woe tha eonfldenee of all by hi acholariy and eompatoat aervlea and by hia diaereai aad ptooi depurtmanU Only a limited Bumber will baiaealveA - Academy oa Kdentoa B treat by the If etho dlstCburch. . Por tana apply to the Baanseers, A. w. aiAJrac, W. 1. W. CBOWOBB, W. J.T0ttf,"" I. n. BBLBT, , ASJoaas, dsdlm ALXIOU TIVAI.I BXMIKAKT, RALEIGH, N.C. PPHoBOooD, A M., -4&e,1P! H W HIIKBIBT, (U ,), - Iinmymi Da I Vow Maraaaorr, ol Vienna, Maaus TUB BfRINO TESht WILL OPEN OM MOStUAI, 4 AS. 1, oa. Por particulars, apply for Circular and Cat- doene, die a SOdAwlW J)E ACE INSTITUTE. A JOAKDINO AND. DAT 'SCHOOL FOR TOCMO LADIES, -XALXIOB.P.C, Raw. R. BnawBLL. Principal Jobb R. BowwbijuA. M. 1. principal. 8, 4. STBvaas. ATM, . rnnc,l After tha atual Chltmaa ratest the enr- etae of tbu School will i return ia oa MONDA Y, JAN. 5A, 187i- " Tha attention of Parentf and OoarJUn I UaaUed to tba Ariiewia advaategee ettared y- tbia mtnotMM)t A aalld, lotenaedbtte aalubrioua climate. A. renaea,! mwuigant, owiivaiau. mnnltv. A eeatral poattloa easily sceeasibl from all A bsesttfal oak grove of eight aerea, half mtla n tha Oanttel Banan. A ptdoue hoildlng well ventilated aad wanseo. A fall eorpe of eleven ax pari ea ad aad ae afol Taachera. A well aet acted Library, Chemical and Phlloaophlcal apparataa, and a Cabinet of Mln leraia. Lady Teacher of CaUatbenlca. PnpUareeelve loatractlua la thl btwaeh free ot eharire. The afaala Dapartmeal la nader the ebara of PreL A. Baoaaaa, long aad faverabiy know la the Carolina aa well a Ueorgie and Alabama. The Koala Koll at preseat auia twtnvtirtitv BaMnben. :- Bptelal atteatloa la givea to Oeraasa and rreaca. - la addition to the laraw daa la Drawl and Painting, aU iia jna eei w inatroo. Uon fat Fro Hand Drawing wlthont extra aharga. raplla draw from objects ana from The eheerraL pleasaaW hopallke meat for the eonTenlenea and comfort of tha Tba ample provlilcn forth rellirioa, moral ana poiatcai. aa wau aa unwHietuai krajamj. Por Uecalac aad UataJofne address - Kbt R. BUHWXLL SOS, dec 19-dltAwtJaBO. , Xaleich, N. C. TTOBHKR ... GRATM' m SCHOOL. . H I L L B B O B 0 ' N .' . C . A CLA88ICAL, MATHXMATIClL, 5CIEN TITIC ASP M1LITART AOADXMT i With ' " ' a roix coar op omtrcctoba Tie Bprinr Saaatoa of itfll neetna thse cena jaoanay uaaaanary. We referby aermUsloa to. 't Iter. Thomas Atkiaacia, D. D, LU D; Blsbop or l. v. ' i Kar. Aldert Bmedes. D. D. 8t. Man'. Ral- ebrh. M. 1 . - IteT. T. M. Joans, D. D , Pres. Qreeeaboro Ber. A, Baiwell Poao lasUtate,, KaUgh, a. u. Bow. A. W. YeaahU, Ex. U. A Sep. from M. tt. - 1 i-v.V fa"' - How. X. M. Paareoo. Chief iuatka of X. C. anpraasevoan. . ; ,,.. v,s, aul V. Caaaeroa, Xq , HlDaboro', V. C 'e which we will add only i he two follow baa; Teetlmoelato, one from Hen. W. 'A. Ora ham. LL.Ox. U. A BeaatorTront K. C and the other from Ber. Charles PhUUpa, D, a. Prof, ot Math. In Davidaoa Collere. for- atarly Prof, of Math, ta University of M. 0. -I have bean kmc aeaaalBted with lie are. Horaar A Oravaa aa laatractar of yoelh la Hlch8choola, and esteaaa them la tb Brma daaaaf their atofeeslaa. - ary I bat a for many Tear beea teeemmeadtat; steaare. Marner a auavee eavaaaurt eaa lolnUy withimt aSlng tealr nd now B? Collaarnea hop that thev amp be permitted to doo for many yean to com wlm areata yea aad with pteaenre to theanaelvea. , ...... a r i- . With sincere regard, i am yours, ate.. . ' tS PUlLLlPA DarMsoa CoTkfe, Dee. IT, 18 Ta. Crcalan"aiiut forth tore' aa d ether par- tlcolara, seat on apii'icaUon. ., , . ' X. HBAVXa7j Trmelpala. andlAwU d-sw d-riilT ' ' v.- f -, m nraaiBfi b -.fir'- ( . tu: ..: . ' w.ta.yjjj m vg-f DRY GOODS, Ac S X C X T I I D t . Another lot af those "GRANGE HATS. ALSO TOE "IMPERIAL" HAT the moat styUah Bat of the I JUST RECEIVED 1 1 1U,000 Ida. Cabls COfd tortiMMdWa. JUST RECEIVED 11 Ladle Cloaks aad XnrUaa Walking Jaekeu Also, Waterproof Cloak and Padhurotea.' ; oet 11 tf W. YL A X. 1. TUCXXlt XS jNOHER AARGE LOT OF ftAAPIRCl ' M VT GTTAV MEN, BOY3, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, Whlea will eontlnue to sell cheap. . aevU-tf J.D. NIWSOM. J. M. BOSENBAUM (oocaaaoB to a iLnra.) Wholesale and Retail Dealer In READY-MADE CLOTHING Staple Dry Goods, HATS, BOOTS, tf SUOXS, Citaa, Critkery gad Cliu-Wart. Gnu ruRmsunro goods ; SE1RTB Spmalitf. ooaaaa Fayettevllle mad UargeU Stroeu, RALEIGH, N, C. octlO-Sm QXIQKD MALX SCHOOL. AT OXFORD, N. C. Knsllah. Chwaieal and MathemaUeal. Board can be procured In tha Principal' family. Term par Beaetoa ef tweaty weak ; InglkA Coara - '- -, ' Claieal ...... S0.00 A. X. UXHDXRSOM, ' Principal. Tba Tnutea of Oxford Mala Acad cm r In Ttte tha atteunoa ef theae bavlnc eharaa of the education of - boy to the above card, ol air. A al. nanaeraoa. r. nenoeraoB a had aavarel yeareof aaeeaaafal axperiaaee aa a teacher and la In all rcapecte wall qnalllad towaiatalatba blah eharacter enjoyed by On- lord school la in path J. S. AM I A PrealAeat Boaru ef Tractea. dee AdStawlm QOMX.ALL TI THAT HCXOXUt 830 Chick una, Tarkej and Dacka, lo Dos-PreakXiara... 600 Lba Preah Mountain 1 Butter. an ana rtna mom aia Apple, Just received expressly for tbe Pair at ctlbtf ' KPJONEaatt. Wor 8tle. ! v ' rro olo CoaabranMBtl. OBahaodaoaM Bad JL Room aet of Walnut fumatara, contain ing ta pleaaa siu eu uw ror eaaa aowa. W, 11. JONAS A CO. aepteS-tf T nittCT IMPORTATION, 1.6M Abek UvarpooKi. A. Salt Xx Jnno.1 sua " Mantiall' Pictwy Plllad Salt , 11) Caeea "Blood Wolfe ACa't Pal lit, "Leda." tm sal at price to salt the tlmea h . . . Villi A-JIHilAM 1 oot Ked Croe MraeU aovtSlw , . .1 x Wumtagtoa, H.O. PAIaL & WINTER SmmQ OP PALL ABD WiJJTIB BHunar, utmet xaacy aad faraUhlnf good. Needle Qaoda, Zepayr and other Wool, juu uivth w m woaaaaa ouer article at ISAAC (XTTlNOiR'd " " BBSarawal tka SAaa A J t a a A wm v vviwwejra. xnTBsai ss. bjtwotj Uay txataU wtW 09sXtUB 1 tJTVTa oct I4m - ' LLC O X o i s b a ' 8KWINO HACIimEa At Dtaanfactarea' pricoa, ea the or moa.thly ASD TWXNTr-PlVX PIR CIT. BXL0W M AM OPACT D RXR8' PRICES POM It parebaaad dlree from thl office, or any ot i T t"10C,"Pa, .i IS NINTH STRUT. BictanonA T. " '4 XTT. -, A a,.' Mi -' T ) Tl 0 A ClerkahlDWanbtd. bv a n.tUnu. I. Tim ia ii uij. jkMr at Maa iaUiJty. Aeuwire at thl I ax oettB-BT ILUAMSOfWfOllaOaAND Wholesale Grocers ' ' ' -, . ; ' r . i v . V ; ( PAIITTXTILLX STRklT, ,,! ?w Oap.ltMtrpIIt a a fl all, W" - - t- M .. , .liAXiGii. a av- - y , .., irKwiiLiaMsoXT CJ ALT! SALT It . , .- 1.10 Back M arahalTA and Venfiiia f oar tm half bubal clack Salt. ' It f' i':.t t-rJti:i ooaa D R Yr O aO D 8 . 1 1 NEW GOODS ! NEW (100DS !! IHAVXON HAND AirKMTinKLT NKW ud ittractiri Block Jf Upie IHhbmII. aad fancy Dry Oaode. nH V.n.1 Itrw Gosda T Wblch 1 IWKt f ally MtvlW aU tha elliaeaa at RaMgb and' arTOBBdlng eoontry, Among ibeaa New Hood wtu be louM avaryuuMl aepi in a rint ClaM Pry Uoods Store aaeli aa Alpaeea. Frencb BtUinet, Cord Alpacea, KIWttt, JauaauM 8tnp , Ac. Brpwa B bectlng and Bblrtlncs J en. A', . IM ' V tM Bleach, : " i, . . . . ..... 14 " M , bvi Tkainire, Denim and Pla'd Osnabnrga,, " Cantow Klaiineia ; sled ! Wltita Tkna!.- .. . . Oprt FlaaneU, Hlinkate. Ae. Llasey-LlMay: , GENTS FURSISHINO QOOD3. BUAWL8.XUAWU. Stock of OKI UCHIUH. eapectauy laaaee MeWce and Hot ranwahtmr koosl - - Mm tbanka for caat oatroo. I reapeet- fnllv aollctt a eontinuanca ot aunt. Br atrict attention to my baalneaa I hop to pleaaa aU. - Keepeciruuy J. D. NEWWM, octT-tf 1873. FALL TBADE. Ta B MOST CROWDED STORK 1H TBI State. A eomplate and axoellaaVjMtorV1 ment of PORIION AD D0MX8TIC DRT OOODA White Good, Ribbon. Ladle aad Seuf Sbawl, itood, tfloaka, flee Qooda, thrpat' Ing, Trunk, ValUea, Ac. at J. P. GULLET & BRO'S. Co aaaa PaiarrrmiB Bt , an Botrra Sins AxcBaaea Pbaoa, RALEIGH,. N 0. Oar Queen Owa Brand of Black Alpae caa, 1 the beat, It haa the pretUaet taatre, and a compariaoa of Alpaccaa of aaa price will prove. Priest from ev ta 81.0B per yard aL!K . . , . ,..,, ,,, BOOTS AND 8H0EL " Our Stock la large, good and ehaap. ' A gradaa We aak aUanuoa to eorown Brand -tAUnt'Boete at4eVW-aad eianadad l not rood, uoiber pair srivea free. Ha have on Brand of ldimelhaaaat St per pair. Warranted and saada BoatAl , , .,rZj. CLOTHNO. .. , .4. , la this 11a w at weparaA t asset om-1 patloa of aU who pay tbelr dabta, awr atock 1 large, e. Jood vartety fer (ran If, yeethr, ' bi and children , Bait at prleee to alt the moaay erteee. ' W have a wheleaale or Joe blnc Paparuaon ap ataare to whtahttMat tentioB of eonatry erchanla dreteeVs.W keep Carpetia; to Sell. - " Wathaakthe pabtte for thr part liberal Ktronaira and bop It will bt eontloaed ig a we deal right, eeil right, repreeentinf goud a they are. .v . . . i. . Bniioeka beat 8. irta, Orerooata and Tal- i. P. GULLET A BRO. Balbsmbb, Prank Bedford, P AreadaB , and RobVClay. ' oetUtai ,.i....H.il.rJ X O-T X LB AX riUJAIS'JOOK -STORE x N i nar AtofreBKfiit- By Christian Reid, , , . ii Ma II, paper Care. Carmen's Inheritance, By Chriatiao Reid, J Price 78 cents, paper cover. A Simpleton, By Cbarlat .Reade. Priea " SO twnte, piapar cover. New Magdalen; By Wlikie CollW ' Prio'' SOceau, paper cover. . ' Fioe 'etatkmery, ..Uteet styles, ; Plria Sobs Fine Tinted Papers and Envelope. , Fine French Tinted Paper and Envei- opes. . - J l . y. " -.la., lit--'!,:. ' ' 400 Boies Fine Tinted Initial, Paper and EnTsIopes, from 85 to 40 cent pr boa, ', can be sent by mail to any Poatofflce. ' JJtitttiiii CbramftP ieturea. alW log remarkably cheap. At the Book Btor of ' ! " ' Alfred VTiniBma,' ' - Opposite Raleigh Natitnal Bank. . "OettfVSm. T ARUXLOT. r KacMnnaad SUk Collarettea. oetl U tf TV. U A tw - TUCKXX AOS l Wr-Atir-i!.---,?. A Clerkship, by a nntlemaa WBcaa.grta the beat raferencaa. Addraaa ' A. B." ttea. finkUtha, oetlB-lw LaDin A itissEti sHoxi in okkat - tf Ladle' Prdaci Kid Boot, . , "T " B-ote,, " . X14 P0A' ; ioat ' Mlaaea Kid. Pox A Beam Boot aad 1UIr . ' "-T7 "" fc t. -ji BOTtS-tf C. D.BXARTT ACe'., s ,AH PT1 L'ti'-S'rrA-f -vi (., (ti.S X "v '-.:'( ' . A .;.ii'Bp '.' r-5 -.-.I0W1M . W...P ULLXXtk kh's im 1 Toraataby : lx v'h ft m.Va Z AUaWULlAMS,, it oct The awdmlgaed etftr. for sal, oa raaaoa able teraaa, a - Tary dwirabl and valaaM tract of lead, wtthia.a milav aad a qaartarew 1 the Southere liaaiu oi the city of kaletc. tut tha Wcatald of tha I.n-til-m. roT tainted two he ndrad ul twenty acre. IS irwam oa tae nma ror arty Ru, nd eaa Vi be eeavealeaUy divided Into two r more tot :M 1 be rait Darchaer. ParaaM aalnu or oar. haatna will a takea ever tha ynmim waaV ' m saa. -obtaia all aeceaaary tnforwativa troaa ; at tha Waa. ILXtedeee. or m-Jit- tlewaead Kreeopy tf t . v . '" "- " i i n i i i I 'i r i lot ;-fjR. T I na.Ks.oi wire Bonce thit I wiu auk i applieauoa tonhe Amambry v - ttorth Carolina, at it prnl wtotoa for AST ' an o meorperate the HirlaokMPUk aad) OyfcyContcy." of Carteret County. H. Ol . e.atoifiMBnav. , t -6. r-S . Aiif .'i.-qn'tst- J-

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