rp HI Oil j, v. t ... J, Tbi I t aew Gla thai b (net being broagbt , j oempi vs paono ana mannraevareo. m uary W M.oorrell, who warraau Uti ak au wan a well aa in attar gat, Tbe aaa taetanr ha torn ea hand which wiU ba eold at reeeontble price. Reed th following teeUtnoaleiof A.B. Tetee: - lftiXJiw;;t7lii6f;47ll7. Tbia la to certify that I am now nalng on of tha Cary 6)bi made by W. M. Sorrall and that I am well pleaaad with tt and woald chearf ally reeommeadMtto aoj ana wanting a rood Ulna aor U dlwAwlm A. B. YATES. QJJin CREAM A5D SODA BISCUIT f Wilton' Blacnlt and Cake. Canpa Freak Ginger Snap, ... nuri no. u immolate, , . H.prt flraaa mil HWk- Canned Frolte and V agitable, Baasei aad Plcklea, marmalade an rreacrve. AU (Mb good, ; oct iB-tt W. C. STON AC 10th, lSTt, then w will proceed U collect by: . T. TRONACn BRO. JanLtt f ; ". M OUMTAlN APPLES . And Cranberlarr. for aale. I hot li v W 0 JOKU 4 CO. Q AkBlAUKa AND BUOOIKd. WlHlamoa. tpcburch k Tboaaa belof Ua Arentr (or thaaala ol oar CAIU1A0U aad BLUajBa la Kaklxb, wa bara lett wIUiUmbb tha work axhlbltad at tha Stata Fair, aad tha aretutborled to close them oat at greatly reduced rata. They bare alao Photography of all oar work bad tba loweat price fur thaat oar Faetory. oct mure . j BREQQ A BOTE. JA I it BANK'S BTANDAKD BCALIS. Order (or tha Oconto Fatrbaski Bcalaa. AU alaca, promptly attended teatthamaaa. fa tnrert pricea. - i z:;: Oidera reepectfally aoHcltad. . itPLCMMKRAOo., ? t a U1 gjCiII1ore Btraak ocl V9 , fatarabarr, Ta, TpRATT ASTRAL 0?L. Abaolnialy aafe. Perfectly odorleea. 11 way notform. lUnmlnaUng qnallUea raperior to Ka. Born ta any lamp with out danjrero! exploding or tabla; Ira. Haanoertand ax , preaaly to dleplaea ua aaa ot rolatU and daa reruua otla. 1U aa(ety aader wrary laaalbta ieet. and Ua perfect barntne; qnallUea, proetf by lte-eoBttnoed aW"-ta uq auo.ouo I tastnea. '. ' I I Million of nTkma bar been bold and bo accident directly or Indirectly ba erer oo cured from bnralBjr, atari ok or baBdliog It, Tha tinmen yearly tow to Ufa and pro. al ly, rewlUoi bom tha aaa of abaap bud daa gerouoil la lb United Statee, m appallina;. Tba laattraoeey Com pan la and Few tioac rnkwiOBer throughout tha ovatry feeoia mod the mJali. a tba beat Mfegaard wbea lamp are Bead. Bead (or elreBlar. Sold by JULIUS LF.WI dt CO., JUlelarh, a horiaed Agenta. CUAs. PRATT A CUrluat, t ulton Street, Maw Xorkiropiletora, - Ug21WWOL - : QMoIW) BROmMO BRIT, Dried bf nllet Roea, Oerlled Ham, Turkey and Tongue, Freab Citron and Carraata, . Cbolea eoahea Bath., Prim Cream Cbe, . Preaerrad li Infer. Freab Coeoanuta and Lamona, Uite Iriab Pat&tM. octUS-U W.C.STRONACH. Z B SALE V fence, Ud Plcklea. ' ' 5JCS:-'Ar!TJ fM DISSS' X-- --..-,--h7..-,.;r n'.-r-rrfe VjJ.... . jj A eomp'ete art ot BLiUJOXeUillD'S 4WrOTPJ4i?BIBI WriliUfiT Plotr Handles, ' capaeltyotahlclilaSOO per day; bias One J boTM power RngloA aad Boiler, Saw Mill, Sheitlng, Palleya, and Bangara, Wood Turn ing Lethe, variety of Moaning Machine, Bait log, Jta. Or la other woraa, ; W.CT0RT." :;' '''"'' BWlHaeTimtlwboi orbtaatalt 5' "; ' " . Saa u:.kMchmoad, Ta- dec KVIV i 1 1. i . OF FUR Of NORTH OAROL1HAHOM1 , Dee. SO. la ,. Tha AwaarV t of-H Sleelrbldr--f the dty of Re'rlgh, o 1 ntdy, tne,Jtb day It ft) I T'TIi LPVIJ T w su arwj eWV'w mm ....-w. dot-Bl'"-"6 -' "BecMary. 1st: UO0 AXD CQit JAXp. A lot Of bast Red Ah Grata CoaVatid ait kind ol Wood alwayaon hand. All order left at C D. HaarW Bboa Stoib will be promptly Uled . Bea L4I - 4LSCRX." FOE W hiT botmhMa tha lart Ua day a freak WPP101, , ' -. BLEACillNQ-S. : 14,104, U-4, 1S4. i, AJ- s- TJHBLEs-CHEO DOMlSTICa. - s4.th. ... :m ta U Prints eae Few Styte) Wmhw Warn, t S.0U0 yard Pled Hoeaeapuea, , -; wmyJTx BOOTS. (fat eoM .torPT Wbar.) Tba t-,00 J,STweriaV Alee 4eat' aad Udka', , r . ;ltE!r BOOTS, ' bOMJibwaf at tha lotrert der,!!f!i aeaaoa, osrpiewa oar "VY'l ' " TaVrjeaT;'.. " , , 1074; Tbanttat 1hUa (or " J (eannr . kJ we baaw eaaarerad t. gljelaH talaa forallFerebaaea aaadeed ,wnew JJEV.KK.f?.Tr?Tl!jiI wltk aa macb'aeal aad activity aa hMcUree Wriaad the put. tw old motto adiieree a I THS) m COOD8 AT , ia.fc0aI w,eb. TCCKtfl ca ; MISCEXXAKEQDS. BOItCOtTOK OOT: One iS Saw Gin. hut to html of .( wb celt, bra ted Alabama Gin. Tba teriimoay a Ufranimoua that they Ola fatter aad maketl better Btmrjlii tliui An ithaa aaaa majta Jrice M pr ta aad tranjpomtlon. . . -y Jim ex if Tftwt.is r't f5-tf AgrxtL piAN08( PIANOS tt We have for tale Foar F1ant Two of them coat recently I'M end SrWO, will b aold bow (or cahduwnats7SaadlM. One ha been In aaa only alx month, and tea No. T, mttrnmeet. Tba other two ara cheaper, thoucb rood iaainuBeata. - . )i(yii-lf W. H. JONS dt CO. liitauriua The only RaBahirmrTHaTflbulIoria-Tlil eonntry ,000.00 ITS VALUABLE GIFTS! TO BB VUTK1B0TBO ID L. D. SINE'S ' 185th REGULAR MONTHLY Tt ht Dram Monday FA. !3i, 1874. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5O0OElCH GB"'BACK8 1 Two Pricea $1,000 eacb to Greenback, rire Price 900 each In Greenback. Tea Price $100 each in Greeobacke. 1 Hnrse and Fuggy, with BllTer-mounted H'i:-. worth toDO 1 Pme-tonad Roaewond Piano, worth S6S0 1 Tt a Family Sewing Machine, worth $100 each. Five Gold Watchea and Chalna. worth WJ taLh - - Five tiold Amarkaa Hnatlng Watchea, worth tia&each 1 'ten Ladle' tiold Hunting Watchea, worth I0U (ioUl and Silmr Lr Hun)in WmUAu, - im mO, worth from uuk I QbTd Chain, BltTerwara, Jewelry, dc, Ad. Sumljtr of QifU 7,8001 . , , Twittt kmifATO 73,000 ! lffDU Wilted U ItU Ticked, U whoa Liberal Prtminmi will be piid. Single Ticket! fl WtTlckeU t3; Twtlya Ticketa f 10 j Twentj-Flre 20. t Circular containing a full Hit of prixee, a deacriiitlon of the manner of drawing, and oi her Information; la rafareno ta tba Dlatrir buttoif, a ill ba aent to any one ordering them. All later muatbe addreeeed to auia or ica, L. D. SINE, Box bo, 101 W. Fifth Si. , i Coiai, O. dec30-td.,'"i. i, it " QITRNS NATIONAL BANK . o aiuiuu The Stnekboldera of thU Bank will aviet at their Banking Uonae on Taetday, the Iota of January, ixaL at 9 o'clock, a. u. ' - - -P. aTwILXT, Chler. KeIelga,Dec.t,l7S. r - dee3-d3t '-'bV !!gBMggiarieaV?iiiM 'aVa'y H0USR and three acre. lnd attached Boom baa 4 Rooma, Porch In front. Kitchen and road waU aat mnlM. Haetid oa FeT- etWvill Road, near Sore rear' Hoeae. oct tll-tf . " W.H. J0NK8ACO. F QR HINT. The very deeWable dwrjlhtg bane, with S rooaii, and a one garden lot, occupied mien by J no. D. Prtmroae, t corner ol Hanratt andlarTliWtBtreet, No, , : JD,44' BBtT ,'COOat ! BTOYR. Tbi stine bt wn and wMelt known: Wo f4tore' erec aa-da w rroerred 'iron tbapsbllca more flattering endonemant, aa alded by the cheap fame obtained (Mm run Riaaoaa. Ac , Ate, tbia Store ha woo for ileeif aad BXTIKU.T TroT rra ow rumrweic aaait e noettlen ba tb eatlmattoa of all hoakeepera, aecoad to none In the world. Mo gurre erer made having met with a larxar alt or Ticho more approved. .. t.ti m BKlCHitU SONS. Sole Agante ' And dealer In Hardware, Wagon aad Uu&KT Material, Patnta, Oil aad filae. 10:000 ' : c ' w 01 "CUtSttr ettlkl Catl&JbT)Ci "JavwFlIWmTSWaaJt1 oct y-tt ... b. y. josaa co'. qnoif ic it x o (,01)1 s . Great-Emedj for Epilepsy, Fits, Bpamn, CobTuUlon and Kervoo WakarWaaea, acta promptly, ' of tea erreathaa; tb Fit from the flrat day' iw, rrea Wllere tbeytavaeiiatad far year. -;:! '-j: .COltPOUHP EX COBBAUS.' ; Thi Crtif IcietaWi .UeritiTi, Via M.ioiajit f ;r.-f-r4 faiotola, tcoadary SyphUla, RrapUoaa ea tbe. bkiii, aae all diaeeaae ariaaag froa law para blood. , . ;. j. . . . , svl :i.. ;BDaWltlI0TI A krerebra Bala for Conga, Clda. Bros. ehlila, Asthma and all dleaaaea of tba eu paawcei aaa JBOt ay aa uaaaiy mm mmmr aappotad eaaee ef coaaamptioa are promptly relieved aad the Lang rattan a heatta 1 .RAjLApEgnc.L i nmmiBt. DoalUve and permanent relief far tbexcraelatiBT caia ef Mearahjri tbeexcraelatiBaT yim tiewralcia, Rhaar 1- for tele la KaielCB, V. C-, by Wnkurn Bat aiabi m , " awn fatinm-.iij' S TV8 J JCU&ffiJi 1 I "N lV" aad rvj r r i it. r $75 m ft k 111 i, . , .. v . .... ..?-..., 1ST SKNUiTH I TITEMLDIimi Aa Olmtnted aTonthly Jcnrnal, bhItctmIIJ .adaaltted to betaaBandaoabeat Periodical . in b World. A Repreeentatlv and Cbao-pioa -of American. Tatte. . ' . : .i - '. 1 lotForule is Boot or Ren stores. The ALDINR, while kamed with all tha re jTtUarlty; hU bOBe of Ui VmWri7 or Uuely lntercat characteriatle of rdlnary pertodkale. It la an elegant miecellaay of para, light and Eaoniul Utaiatnre t and a eollecUoa of pte rea, the raraat epecimena mt ertlatie ahilL la black aad white. Altboagb ' aaea aoceeUng number tfforda a freeh pleaanre to It frlenda, tha real value and beanty of Tba ALDUNI will be moat appreciated after M aaa been bound ap at the clnee of the year. While other publication may claim anparlor cheap neaa, a compared wllA rival of a etmtlar claae, Tb ALU1NK I a noiqaeaud orb(Bl conceiition-pkvie and nnappirpacheo.' oheo lulely wllboat eompeUlVm to price -fir cHar cter. The poMeaaor o( a complete volume aanaot doplloate tb Btlty of On paper I engraving ba aay otl hi graving n ear other ahepe or aumba, I toIbbm far am lamt tAaa, PREMIUM FOR 197. : whoee greatOolorade iilctar wa iwrcbaMd by UotMtiaa fertaa Wiiwmnn oouan. The aablael ear alieanraio aapraaaaV Vlia Xaat' and "T VVn." - m U a view la Tl I h a Tiew la White Moantabia.liew fiampahire; thebthar rrvaa Tba Cllfle of rra Mirer, Wyoming Territory. 1 he diaareaca 1b tha natar ef the ecmie tbtmaelvee b) a plead ng cootraat, aad adunla a food diapl f Mm. arUat'a icop and coloruig. Tba cbromo are ecb worked from thirty distinct plate, and are In Ize (13 z W and appearance exact fac droller of the original. 1 he praaentation of a worthy zampl of America' graateat landacap painter to the aabecriber of TheAldine we boM bat peculiarly happy Idea, and ita tec-, easafnl reallzatioa la attaaied by u- following tetiaonal, over the atgaatara of Mr. Moraa blmaaif. . , Niwaaa, N. J- Sepk Both, U7S. Meaara, JtHaaSmoaA Cot . OenUemea I am delighted with the proof m color of ronr carouu. Ther an wunder- Jully B' wilful r-prcnUtlop by utecbanical proces oi uie oiKinsi painimga. Very reapectlulh-, 1BOB.M0RAN. (SiRned,) TKKVB. 9 FX AimtrBt.- tlf ADTASCE, WrTH On. Cbkomoo rtBC. - " ..Ftr CENTa Kiiai-tua Chrcanoe KID ba aeatj atouttod, varulakcd, aod prepaid by THE ALDIHB will, hereafter, be ahtain bie only by Bobeerlptlon. Tnre will b no redaeed or club rate; aaah for inbacrtptlvn ta be tat to the puh!thera direct, ar handed to tb loeat eaaraaaar, " wtthonV re tponeibUlty to tha pnbllabem, except ba eaaee wbe'e the certificate fat given, bearli g the ft atoeUe altature ot Jaaaa Bcmoa dt Co. rAPSRRS WAHTRCT An Deraon ariahtut to act permanraUy at t lojal aavaer will reodve full aed prompt b lurmaUua by applying to I " JAMK3 BUTTON A CO., Publmhati, i 88 MAtoss Lake, Mrw Tom, OCtSSdtf ... f, ....... ,j, : A New. DiscovfcuY ! 1 ' -Dtt'a t rtAV'i 1 riAAvVi rtVlT Salvation for the Hair. v CLEAR ASaiyATERJ : wrnicJcsEDiMENTii v OPENTilaTHEIJGIITltl For Rtstorinr tt GrJiair itt Or t final Color Ph aloks VlTALLWiSeri ut. terly from all thafluur coloring crctofore used. oreparatioij litftCtd. sweet melling,t 'It prec r.reauires nosbaiunff.im.1 pari no suin to the skin. Hold he light and It Is clear and i iou ess. It leaves nojnar; on the scap t yet it reproduces m irTavhaiNae natural colof that me oricEhw4y ( !1iavfi; bleached out of it. ws toPhalonY I fs far one sole purposo, jfiat of , reproducingjWith abite cer ! tainty, the naturaUolor ot. the hain ' It1s noLaffitertded as a daily dressiQfnorfcrremoving rinfi ,ba)fines$; nor for stimula ting tJe growth of the hair. ;Thesf objects may' be accorii. plishtl after the color has beea ; I fixed th tie Vitalia, by Fh t t Ion's (emical Hairjnyigo rator. Ths ViTALTica harmless land unequaled prei itionfor. ; the reproduction of ieong jKil hue of gray hair,: djiotli ing ehe. Tl i3eeoi . i i iHisnea--j m from two to ten a ications, j laccordihetbthe. of shade - tequirei Solaroyall drugists. 1. 1. iDriaa'i lit TribIii ' Oaf beri teeted at YORK, PA., By Xy. If. ITTTfNQBB. O. B. aaa i a o ; yo 1 1, ma.; by (W ,1AJ. EmTJBTXaBON,H.Il. I " ' W Pn, XaM Tftrk Fm.I! faWinCw) va AT wiiium! - TTj C. BQCKWHRAT PLOPR. JOTlJ rxuii wow I wire PLOwir , 1 wow wbltbowt a rtvav, ft awm a eeaar and - ejrMer tamrw lt meenicaj errmoirm rat tor altertnc eat M mora almpke and eftlclent than any other plow on the aaarhaa, ealt abarpmlng rvrreraible polata, Lae greeteet -i--.i-.iiM.-i-.wa of the aaea Ark Rev. J. V.J. ajrwwder and Del J W B Walaoa, what taey thmkof tbie slow. 1 or etod year order te ' van ana viamin, at last dcalStt Areata. PlIB CRACK-CRB OF AJX aUSDAf ! WCrollaFloar. ' 4. tf.-4.. if- .irc..sxRQXCAt. aptBlw A B9OL0TI " PITORCi-S OBTAIN ID rrem Canrta of dlfierent State for do- aertlonu Ac. a nubttcItT reqnlred, Ne charge ohlll divorce ttr-i.fd" Addrcta, " XR08PltCTUS FOR Xr ' ' TlAmr 1 -r t. nui. n INSURANCE. COZniTJCTZCUT MUTUAL iXdXITE! ZosiiraiicoN Company, MalaUloa the hlghoat ataadard of ' ' Tba character of the InveetmenU of 1U aeca molatad unetaof 830,000,000. U Oi tb Ultrbaat Claae for aeearlty i It bar bar Burcr knta dollar ollta luveetment. Ita ...... 4,.S.. ..... '''.i - ' " k bvrger thaa thai of any other jDompany oaar 1 . ' . . i 9.97 V, Sflta'reccipU. It haa no Stockholder. Rvery oUaroj aavlng or proOt beloaioMytotb. . poLiCT-n older! Prom nt'ti a record one rea well )adge where to tntum with aafety and tba eoiaJkat poaai. ble cot. . B.U. WAIT, Gca'1. AKout, . XALKIGB, K.a ept 14 ' "pORTIl OAROLINA STATE , Lire ijrsuttJijrcJE co. RALEI0IL N. C fcWOO.OOO orricane: RON. KKMP P. BATTLR.. ....Preaiden Vic Preaident F, H. C'AMKHOM... W.H. TiltlKd..". ."fceeretary DH. R. B. HAYWOOD Medical IHreetor W. I. R0Y8TRR, Aaaiitanl Medical Director J. B. B ATCH RLVR.w. .U .i . . Attorney 0. XL PRKRT j- -Bapervlalng Agent , - ; Btaaoronat 1 . Hoo. Remp r. Batue, hob. jonn Banning, I Rob. John W. Onnninrham, Hon. Win. A. Smith. CoL W. L. oanBdura. J. O. McKae, HOB.'Toa n- JBioweii, , n. a. vx, A. i. McAden, f. B. Batetador, Job Nlchola OoL Col. T. M. Holt. O. Tata Marphy, LJ Ieang, Walter Clark. CL W. R. Anderam. Jtmee A. araham, W. 6. Vpcbwreh, Dr. W. J. Hawk ma, JobnO'. WUllaau, t. U. Cameron, J, Uane- ..- r FRATURBD ANDADVASTAwEff -It I mpbatlcally a Ham mpaay. Ita large capital (aaraatae ttraugth and aafety. ia ttota re aa lew aa thee ef aay trt olaaa Company. : . It offer all desirable forma of lnauranc. Ita f nnd are lave ted at bom and circula ted among oar owa people. , ba Baaaaeaaary reeUictloa aaftaad apoa4wi: -an tudanoe or travel. I, dre-w,w r.HUlnoe Ita officer and Dlractura are prominent and latcarrity are alone ufnclent guarantee for me comptare nrBgiiB,BwivBicj mau m O. H. PRRKT, Sopervtalna AgeoV , THRO. U. HILJkLocal Agent, Kaleigh,N.G. Good agentb with whom liberal eontracta will heatada, wanted la every ewnntya th E NC0 0KH ROM INSTITIJTIONS INOIITII CXA-llOLINA i .'. t arw .-it ; t -n HOME INSUBANCE COMPANT. fiALEiaH, H. 0. .ri Thht Company eontltiB- ,to writ PoUete tt fair Ota, on tn cUma at Inaarabk arop ATI lot are prompyadJatd and paid. A Th"BOMi"-rapMly growtif In pablle favor, and afceale, with ooadeac4, to mear cif jj-ropirtjln all part of Korlh Caro-oa. , . AenU In all part af tba State. :R.,B- JUHl-hvr., grceuieBt. . ' C. B. Root, Vtr PreaidaatP Saaroa a-aa, aoeretory . ! Ptn-un Cowrwa, wtrr1mx. i - V JB U. ) n f .1 ,.- ii'.rt f' ri 20 81 y u ar. r; v O (l Vw XlnagTov anwy loar, Ferealeb; w. i. stbonachV, (IOAJi AND WtaVttVs.-.v r I hare now aa hand a aupply of Red Aah Rita idNat tJonl "wnd-a lot of Oak "Ulcaeri CO nne wooo. , vruer uuca yrvmyvj. octko-U w. U. B 1 lURAUBi K . B H T . Hoaee and Lot oa FayetterUW Strert! loaaa baa t Room, TaeptSl-tf WH JONtdACo. pop rTha atderaarnaa haT farmed a eopartner- abln ta do Vreaooa. Sua and omaroeoUl walnt- It... eliding oa gtae and ea-aomlaing. Order addreeeed to Poet Omc Box aUO, or Mt with Wayaae Alloott, Reo,, will raeeire prempi at- ecu uoa. t s ... u.mvdi 100 a Proetor Oamblea Soap bocea Proctor dl taambi i -. ? .. lr - -t HteaV Dret OoBgreae eatUra, . t . DoauaeCarelalU.e, .t i.W ( . ! pevbl Soto Boot aaaa to raet tad beat m the attT'l', : -j '. awf St-tf f aD. BRARTT Ca'a. i i":. . " '' r" r r tout Ratrr Oil Soap to arrive to day. at LRACH BRO'S., ! aacW ' vbovaaaie Agent. T tl ALKIQ-t 5ATIONAI 1L BANK f" Of NORTH C4R0LIBA.'-' n..i.l-r Annul Meeting of th Stock' inkur tbia Bank will be held at tbetr Baakiia: Uoa ia tbia Hy oa,,Iauy, tbe ita omoara ana umcaun miw pivuuuDut aue I . T ,ir, -. TT VAO t r wU known North Carolinian, whoa axperUrDlMOg 1 rlAIJOS J I eoaaaa bualiaea men aad whoa worth and I, , w.;' rROfSSSIONAX CARDS, Ac. BOOKBINDEIi . ; Blank Cook Manufacturer. ' : vaa8.. aooaurroBB. p II. FLEMMING, ATTORNBY AT LAV, R A L R l'o H, Offle I'onth of the Conrt boo rear -be Sentinel Onto-. June T-lf Vf --',. J (Ute at Raleigh, K. C. ' i ATTORN RT m .C0UK8KLL0R AT LAW awni .a i. .ii nnia.in.il tinaL. I oaa siTuae OORR A 6ATLING, ATTORMKY8AT LAW RALRIQH, M. C. State and Federal Conrte and the Court of ttie let and Sth Judicial Dlttrleta. " BOV 31-tf 0 LA R R TAiteracr - At Law. , - RALEIGH, K. G. n n v, ,- PracUraa ia State and Federal Coarta. Col metlona made la any partff the State. nov --lm ri: ..3 F: o & AH the North faroUM RerwrU an t tth, Joae (be three kwt vol. , of J one vaboand I IngiMi and New York Reporti and manv test boeka aaefal to th Lawyer, alto for ala - Parwe wwhlag to purr baa will pleaae ap ply at onee to ' HRNBT R. WASH, ; Sea 1" w -jBillajprOi NvG. Wm. W.Joata, Au)utad Joata. n. . J OK K S ft J O H E 8 . Altorury'a At Law, RALIIGH, M. U. f T RACT1CR la the Bapreme Coort of the toe United Matee aaa tba aeverei ouruoi we aibniuctai untnct. -: OMtx on Farelwvll 11 St:, opposite the Oitlatm National Bank. Up xUlrt. lanH-ltf 15 OTlCR-iTARIN UP. A nout the laat of October, a Bay Bona- Haw, man ed tall un trimmed, and about 14 hand high, tare year old mat Spring, wa taken ap ny an near jtaywooo, vaaiaam county. The owner wlU pleaae some and claim property, pay caergee, ana. tane ami -Arcwooirr ATJO-TTST D0EPP, Of the moat approved atyle tad Bimafactura Aa aaarMtment ot tecond head Piano kept oa hand ftrtkal-r ataeabkm paid to tb ttoikg ahd -U-faibwo -. fl.fgtlfaviXaradM.aiWn-i ,t. JiB,r)ll-M4. Hio uuur adranlaga ta eail at tae vrareraom oa Hargatt Street near tha eoraer of eWUtoa- ry, before purcbaalug eiaewbere. Uraer may he left at th Waiarooca at at Slmpeoa' Or-arStore.' -,- ' . tatpt W-tm ... W II AT MRS. HENRY -I...J... 112' WARD BEECIIER SAYS; WB1TB IfoOTTAIaa, Aug. 15, t71 DESifiLOW ft BUBH t U ti V 6ntUm: At wa b) oil on band which lalel a week or two after ynor etme;w thrmgbt beat sot to open It aa tlf'THE oil, which' wa bid been ailng i ..miw i waacoDa, Wa then opened yvt,aa I' it-' 1 lk', wra' uilDff It until wa left bom and art ex i much pleaaod with tba oil, so olaaf auA wblu aad without tbafdiMgreeabl Itnlir as otjtclluuiula Is other 0lkt -Wa find pur oil give cLrabeb and Moal rrwAy light tbaa ab w btv tmiBih, I ,. . . ... , - I am'torTj we coujd not giv it a ion gar trial but wa an qu!u cooTiqced of ita f .tt auperior leelWaoa, . i ri t... if . 4.t 'rw ' Signed t MBi'H.'W. BBaMa.'; i i.. ... , - I ' M. n(. foe B-Wt. t Aaf deafer la Hardware of every daacrip. I Boa , . aVi TUB WATT PLOW. -' ia . il i Cn(i apr reactvmg eoppiie auaoa treaa we tnaaiiaetarera o ukt eejenrataa pi Tb Farmcra Beet Frlead.' I JAMRS M.T0WLE3. I aepi tt-tf 1 ' Agt for tb Mahnfactartr.'1 vyr-TAnAM Jtsoif I Fonadera Bad Vackltitstl lad mannfactaa ra and dealvra la haw Mil la and Machinery of all deacriDUoaa. Auo. Catiag for Mill. M Ipe .Pjo Harrow jBlUratorajl -m,gm I Uf beet caehBriaa paid for eld Jroa,lraa tod i'opue. - i . .. i , JTor a ia cheap lao eaeond band Raw Hill la good order, whVh caa ba area at Uwii Sbopa, one ur Wtaof ttai Court uuaa, Ralewh. W.G, LEGAL K0TICES. ATI XF R0RTH CAROIJWA, 1 Cgnatx or CaATBAM. i j nt'vn wvnmo eovm. . mttcm tt a3 al XtUttfor wrrlrloBr Wm B Ramaey and wife Rllaabeta, 1 H Headva and wife Rapbaaala. Martha, K. Ran aey" Aaaa R Taylor, Joha W Page aad wife Margaret, by her next friend Joha W Paga, PUUUfia, evwanat . ABHa.af Raikier V Bud ' wire riarnei, aceepn namaey ana' wire t-yoia, John W Ramaer aad wife, Kdward B Kaiaaay aad wife, Uefndanta. It anpcartfg to the aatbfactloa of the Ctut that th abeva named daf eadaata M J Ramar and nil, Joaeph Hunaey end wife, Joha W Ramaey and wife, aad Rdwail B Kameey aad wif. are aoBHraaidente of tbia Btete, they ere hereby Botlned to a pear at tha ofboe ci the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chatham wltlila tt day after tba aerrlee of tbi aummoaa, and anwr tb eomplalnt, avanpy ot Walsh wtUaadapoaltaAla IbeoflU of tba Clerk ot tba Superior Court for eald County within 10 daja from Hie data hereof, and let them take notice that If they fall to eaawerto the aaldeomulalatwithiB that time. r Hm aaelar air bead and aeal of Comtl I 1IT v., i;! larqn-r i(rpft nl 'ill ill' in if w a on 0 tTTWH ALL WH ARB WIUJBft TO JD WOhML. Aay Maoa, M or yoaag, ol either teg, ea make from tlvto SM per weak, at home or ta coanectioa with other bail eat, Waaieerby all. aultable to either dtr or eoaa. try, aad aay aeaaoa of the year. Thla le a rateopuortBBity far . uoa waa are outot work, and eat o money, to make aa ladapaa- dent ilvbut. Ne capital being required. Oar pamphlet? HOW TUMA&R A UVIBU'- rivi ox full laatraetioBa. aent on receipt ef It eeata Addraaa. A. UV RTOM dk OUu Morrtp aaaia, Weatchattar Ctv, H. X, . A n b' VTi every where ta mil oar aew aad ftUMtiO BaVetRmbToMcrtae- Maebme, W a VTni " lllatratod Ctrealer, 11 AIMCjU utaa MeKa MaaBaMtorlaf CompaBy,Suw Broadway, Mew lark. - Rverv Lad waata one I Rvery Man oagbt to aar oa H - bVnt on racolpt ot Tea Cent. Addraaa, L. F, HTDR A CO., 1W Seventh Avenue, Mew Xork. SON-TOW IXntTATTOJf dTONAXS. a - m mm i f i i T "- - . Par t J KayJT tFBTTeBLVll1i Ul XV V IBBW VallafTaTV TlanBWMlV Publtahlng Houaa, 90 Verier Stre, Kew Xert, Tha Beoktrith B20 PorUMa rmaflr Bawiax Machine, cat 30 Day Trial, many advantage over ill . Satlsta Uoa apaaxanUd. or I JO refunded, i Seat complete, with fall direction . Beck with Sewing Macula Co OKI Broadway, N.I. ; r f5 ; TttrKW"JtXROTICTUM.'-'W-flT tanrmal bmmtbn, it retain tb Itaptare all tlmea, and under the bard rat axerctae or aerereat ti tin. It la wore with comfort, and U kept on nbjM and day, efleete a permanent cure in a few week.- a-jld cheap, aad cent by mail wbea rrooeatad. clrrulara frea, whea prderrd by letter ent Jo The XlaatteTrna Uo., Bo aNI Broadway, K. I, City., aoooay thwa Metal Spring Traaee I too peiofni I Uwy ; l)loff too frequently. ; ; : zi mar MeodAweowlr , . . STORE; eautmwaaaaxoja) :- :'t '; -((, C;D.rnMItTf&O0; 13 lUjfetteville St ABOTB TVOaTBB STYLE 8 36o ts &3Eoes'j .'v'ibil; r(i; TTS. 5irtf YlaiWr to the Fth ar tarlUd to tall oai aa aM,xtaima'aarBewatocB V, Boots; Shoos, Hats'e&g A SPECIALTY. YTMtBli rORK BAU8AGC, Jfl i - . . ! muted Broiling Beef, . . LUoka Qmbaa Baltol. .. PrlaMCraam Ghaaaa, .' Smoked Beef Tonga, , RrtraBologflt Saaaaga," Larga HorthernPoUtoc, 4 Extra (Wm and Soda B kwnlt, Glngw Snape.i , , , v .Y.m .-a .. ... .MwiineiH j ...UUj and Mixed Pkklaa, Jktoapa and Saacaa, . . IngUeh Flavoring Rxtraeta,1 - ' Canned Fruit and Vegetable, rasgnn ana areaca am Oik'land Xelton'aQelatuM.f . Choice Teat and C-nocoiaiee, . . "Lana'" brand Choice llama, sugar corea nreaaraai einpa, Choice Ylnxtnla Baeoa, 11 r r SeU-RaUlag Flour, JK.aflTBCU!XCILL iNti wiRtrt I Brat N. 0. Whte la rreat variety, from tl Velio to av c:, alao Urap Braady from fWallavyia.n. ... ...w.- .. . For eaatlo. tU Utah Rraady. Apple and Peach. ' WXtJOKSAetOa. t aafSS-tf i BtlUXUn BitvTI' The anderalgBtd kartag aa the Bah Daeeav bar, lB7,aly qaallnea a axecatnr to tbe taatwUlead treuataot af Joha WHodger, Senior, deeeaeed, hereby grve aotioetoall aaraoee havicg elaim aaaiee th aatauof taid aaraeaed, tonraaeat la daiy aataatt tatea oa or oexure ui ? . , . ' lat DAY 07 JAN0ABY, 1874, to the unaerslgnel, ' or to Dr. Yarql taLh, tiawair Ftfaithflilil Jrtn ntt ditaaTlllFtT lit itl a uwi araaillAtaa.ffietej arajxateart vaj raaa:Bjiwwa; avw ae, i . Creditor are requealed to auka Immadlatt ptymeni , ? 1 will attl at public anctioa, at ttie lata real- ecBeaoi ue aeccaaea, oa . . , ! TUESDAY, Itm DAY JAJf 18T4, JTl irlahabl proiiert j be1qnngtoaldi eiu!, eoDniauJic oi uie crop oi Tobboo, euro ng fonder, at oct of all kind, a lot of wall tatted pory farming implement, A a. . . i i teraiaeaau. .." . I' w , ' JAMR8 P. IIODQIS, ! Xi'r John W. nmLra h mlUineldbhMi'o'a co'jU, tkc Ut loflL wmma X AT EST' jfeUseELiaAcs.- fg ALTIMOEE m UOSriTAL. 0ITICR-T SOUTH MJUIRRl'cSTKWT DR. iOHSBOH -Phyeiciaa of thla eelehrated Inetltntton, die covered, when ta the ttreae BoaptUl of Rm roce. via i Baa-land. Frarce aad elaewbera. tbe UHteertalny AlTT remedy tn the world for ail rxem or abaaaa , oi mo ytaaa. Weaknea of th Back or Limb, Stricter, Affection of the RMaeva or Bladder. IbvoIiAi tary Uaehariraa, Im tofnry, Oeaerel lenity. Nervotnaraa. Djnrpep!, Lanrmw, ; Loar v Spirita, Confaaloa of Jda,Pa!wiuwa ef tba lleart. Timidity. Tfemiiliag.Dimaeaaof Sight ; or Uiaaioeea, uieeaae ot tae tleaa, laroal. No or d kin. AAecttone ot the Liver. Lave, Stomach or Bewele thna terrible re arirlngfrOBtBolltary HabiUof Toatb cwi , tad tKlliary preeUeta mora fated ta their no- tuna tbaa the oag of ta Byre tba Ma rineriof Ulyaara, blighting their avoet brt-( . liant hone or aatlclpettooa, wedertag maif " riaga, a a tmpeeatoia, eetroytag aovh aooa I'tllH. SL!S Tbeee are eoma of th md-aielanchjolv ai... . mi. k- tn ttfuVtead papula, Jtanroaa irritaouiiy, uaraaurcmnnt of the illgeaUve Fanetona, Geaerai iieblllry , Symptome of Coaaumptioa, dt. MKMTALLf Tbe ftarfal eatwta aaJB aimd are mwehto be dreaded. - Loeaof Moaf ery, Oaataetoa of ldeea, Oapretaina ef Bpiriba, waraewni at taeae, inpreaaaoa oi Bptnat, Foreboding. Averaloa to society. Self mat. Love of SoUteda, Timidity, A., era lot the evil prodaced. i ... rsaaaade of peradae af all' age eaa aow avu roraDoajege, eiveraioB w oocamy, nail4 piatmat, om Tboaaaade Judw what V t Cu ef. thoir declininj aealtb, loaing their rigor, bweoamuf we a, pale, nenrona and amaeiateo, having aalngalar appearance about the area, eoogh aad arma A tomtof Ooaaaamptio. , . a "t'ffX'.j , v amilaWBi . s r.,iA ' Married peieowa, or T oarer men eoettmpla C aatrrmire,. aware ed Pbyaleal Waafcaaai. Luaaof Paucreatlvt Power (lmMeaaey), Mrw rout Rxcltability. Palpatatlea, Ornanie Wea - aeaa. Mervoua Debility, ar any eUMC IrlajaaJa . ' ioaUon, apeadlly rikrd, w i . . A CVRt SPIIDltT WARAARTID. Poraon ruined In health bt anlaaraed ra ' tesdera what keela trmiaf lath attog moniu, uuLuig puiaonoaa aa anjaneaa eoaa Buuoaa, abaatld apply tanmadtetetja . . - va.uuaoiufl,- " . Member of th Royal College of Sarreoaa, ' ' London, Uatdnat ef on of u awet amlaeaa . " College ht the United Stale. u th beat part of whoaa ttie ba tee ipeat ia tb ho pitalaaf Landua, Fria.tiui4elpiuaaBdola where, he eileeted earn of to aaoet atliia taUIng aee that war over kaowa t aaaey troubled with rmging la to head aad tare when eeleep, great nervouaoeaa, being alarnl d at aaddea eoanda,1 bailifiilaa , with fro ajuau oiuaniag , aueaaea amaeuaaee wna a. raoigtBMBt ad mind, were eared hwmiilBitaly. CRRTAXS 0I8RABa $ t v Whea the mbartided anZ aaroradeat votary of pleaaur Snda that ba ba tmblbad to NwiUuI.tbM rwl,diM,rt.K. oVhtPi. penetBetaaui umeaeanaeoi alum or areaa of dUcovery deU'rt hint treat ervplym; to tboee who. from educe Uoa and reuoutiiuty. '-- etn (lone kwiriand biw. . Me fall mto th hand of iguonuil and dealiulng pratandere, wbo. tocapabla.of rurloa;, lrt .ml neeanlarT. abatance, keep aba -trlauig aaoatk aft BHNua,or-aa toag a weemaiieae maair v -obtelued, and la deapak kave him with ruiaeS J i health to atTh averhl gtlUag diaHipoluUiiea or, by th aa of that deadly poiaoa. Mercery eaaaa the eonaUtnUonal lymptoa ol tela hoar rid dir.ee to make their appaaranee, aack aa r vilf Bioaratea tore uroat. aneainu aoae, aoetumti palaa la th head and limb, dlatn at aWrhaj Aeafneaa, node oa the ahia voae and anna.- Mil.k. Ih. W . .... .-4 I . . IB the head, tae and extrenilUeeT"' '" ig with frlghttm rpidlty, tiU at 14 1 i of tbe mouth ar th boaee ( tba fl nregrueataa; tha palate o no (all la, aad the vie Urn of tbia rwful di a horrid object of eftmmierra-"' Uoa till death Data a Bertod to hi dreadful aaVing, by aauding hU to that aadlanorerait eonntry -iroaa was awarMMamvauareyeg , rataraa'. . -- - i Te each, therefore, Pn Johnatoa Mrer tt "J"", oat aartela, epeady, tilmiaat aad aBettut " &'' remedy hi the world. i ' aauuMtaini una rnaxin. , , Tha many thoamwd cared at thla eUb!lo " T eat witii la the laet twenty rear, end th bauHnwoa important argtci oittotn per -formed by Dr. Johaatoa, wttnemed by the ' " BeprenatatlTe of th Pie aad amay either. notice ot which hav appeared aga'a and , gam before the pablle, beaidea hat Meadlng -aa a awn ef honor and reeponelbtlHy, I a luA . etoaigaaraflteatoikaifltlcm ' " r ' "' a-a vnnaianrAW '- i .-" ... .... .ar.m.t . m 1m-.V.'rfrrnr-.-:-rn-.--.vsT. or inn BALtmoaa Loos Hoarmi , V - Omca, No. f Boot FaaoaaicK StaaBf... "4 ' BALTIMORE, MD -' - s.'' v Ineloaa Adrrtimat aad itamy lot BaylVV' a Jail -aF WJt D0TJBJLE ? ACTING .FORQi 7 '.v . vJtBri4tli1l"a ' ' .ii . i ft A J. II H J i BT 0 ., - ' ' r, ... r " yi'.l nan A-J B A Vlll. - M.. Kltenee.bubeaarae, deep well f ie1ale-Cylai der, Uoubia-AeVtng Faroe Faarp, which aaaa beea m e 8 year. With oat area tbe expenee i of aew packing. ' it reoatred to Bawl preaa I lam for (ore pomp at our elate talra, far th laat three year over all deateetla pampa. baWgtlmoary euaitilaed yd aalr awmp aaaV-ri bead Ire eoxtn that hae ever girea .tif J ima ia tuia cvuKj, aaa va.iu vaa nwiffi by over M Brae and tared over Sre haadred Ueataed dollar worth of property, aad I k... k Ku. af tha lafa. kW.r uilw Srt aa betag vr., eoma by Br.- They throw front SO to B-4 rallona water narmlnate oath roof of three tury nauauura. xaay ere ntaae etrong ar 1 - tkatS to A aaea will aot break them aaa without th hee (mail ehlldraa work litw , lor ordinary a." laey ban Berceia? ' 3 Under whack eaa't ot the packing any . vd veaay taato to tba water, will aot want r.ar . caiug la are to tee yearau erowaruy aaaa. , -ituAmylotui expei lauce aad kaowiaibraet . ... Ibeaa pampa J aaa bow lally guaraalee .i-" faction.. Moraeof tbeai ar working atlafao. -,rl torily la welie Hi feet deep. .Many Wee 6t , them y they etv half per eeat. per aanu at ,.: tnnraaoe, ana many aay uiay oo auara.ua aeeaaaily of paying aay Ar toaoranca wnue -; they hay oa of my pampa. . My duu i rump vyiwra ana tnuuicung t oram 4. , 41 Paatpiha atoBlahad haadrada by lie won derf ul ktf?-t powara aad It aevelty t eoa ' airueubiiVati beaaty, both ot pratloa ad ,ut i hape It wa goltea' ap to aet where ur ., waa bb water, ar raanrma" tae wipe te auea wlgaboar welVcyteri or aprlng, lifting lb v, water rrom.a 10 aw test parpanuicaiar ana a 4 far aa yoa wkek bamaon tally, aad toea by at. -. taehint: hot throw It a far a yea claae and tt aatwera well what it wa aaleailed fur ' aad I tald ta he th heat ahlpmunp ia to world by attaching two (aetloa pipe 0 & one for blla-e water. I am makiur two of that and alx aite ot tbe Poreeitta t a. ear ramp mta over a aoeea nyi oi wui , there bend (or Circular and price ht. ... ,t i Two pmtama wanted, aoae Bead eipiy aa - ieae rooa taaocial beainee ate ar aaaat - . :r mwchanlna, Tb demand and aatlafa-ti the pampe ere grrlng at guarantee vl th -r iMgeRAlvUen retllaed from aay baalaem to - .. . , the i'nlt-rd Baatear Miea atatcmaiim aaa be eaaily BabataaUatea cr BBnoraaa 01 Btva ana " 2 per. IfaraoM ralaed la maaafaeturii f ... I'.rict having manafactarlng ldeea, enler ' , . priet an moaey,or a money, wouia ao wea , toeegotiato with ate al oac. It aotf mechaaeaey 1 want a help eaeeh"i-.;.r -and baaiaeee talanta. I will give i:)y - " miomtoenyataa that will bring aciatere dee well pump to beat aais from a... ' Horthor Boath(oalto gmiai4aBvia.) ' ; aia? IS dawdtwfcf . r t si o y, , The o-partnrh Baretoftwa ander tbe aant aat atyleof Sand art A, ii, I thl day dteeolved by mutoul e.m. u m. w. raitoa aione Uwoi.ttM u ac Hp tba o a Duame. baiiartaut, i m t - IlVAKiA rri 3. A W. Ta't 1 w'll eon"!! t- " tldtaal,rvL! fl f ' if Uir -igt larvWwi ' a .- -a tel i '''1 tvw OTjlikdlit-ntliy; or AWJ -- Char WIU, V. C. rf V W m Attorary. IIH Broadway. M. T )fi----b.bvlOLt8TI. r -Wt4

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