7"."- iirg;' '',H- -. . . . . . . . .... y.. A , 4 &T-fS!X!u- iJL J rl LIIII LCTTII CO., r;I8JISff BUILDING, ui i j. -i yr .a- DOOR BLINDS, As, wfL H&bui i nmntvJe.--jXmwnig" an-aitfefi. ii-t.-a i -w .i-iia if'e ; w(f',.cooixG stove, . I Tor Prfea UC Hir.t in . - If ACTUM! BELTIffli.HT-M PACKNO and Eaame Hoee; alr h i athar artlolaa of VBiaaniwd India Rabbar need for aaeeaaaleal and waaBfaarnriita; parpe t--- i . . Ja4 lor fata bit, it,;x itrz. J. . ;!. , u ' FIUTTfl A.8TBAL.OI1. . , JCST? Wit Jfot ipM4 a i ' Write for OrouW. 7U .it nt 1- . det 81 ERATLT XEDTJCEO PRICES. , . "V "- -fiiA lei tuiui ta ih: - V ' .&, ;',., t ,iii.y;n I paints, , "jfe'r' a. "mm"t : ,'.. i ..! y I i.. v," , v. . r . -Uijj . . I" "" aer . ' 1 . ' - --4m k-m I L.'j.f' l T I tri-.irrf;rtfVi'y Mfef dtt :koC- tifh)rT$f r r . -in !.!, tM-Jw..i .i ..r -j? ,s v-1 MtrswbkwiU ba OCCUlllrd I v - . 4 V .-4 4 (J i (:-' - -;--'. I-' ' 'A . .. r j ''- 1 '' J"-! .-. a I " w 7r.c;CiM ua bsa in aa .- . :r- ri4l ajfi'fci-' "a .(-' . - - Cfnr AjT'Ptt- . ,,fr' ' " ""- f j .. it ' baled Oatt, roMer.TUr, fhticht c. V ".. bra'n and Feed Btord, , Weat of ft: O; Trditbt l jot Warehotuc, Vdertr e-jedi PoatoOc 3 ;ironUjr Vil'ftiwg, nnpn' fab awlf v! - q v jl i . ; o-ri , . o i o Cf alf tfca kiTenUona' of Uwprcaent probably auaa kava creatad aagra) aaU-Ub i- tKiil U.Q ttialiOndu Wak-Uf , t rv- .. tUal.caof amUaK a Watch tor Jae tn , earn iJUu XkuUaa, laema aa ImpMiUilHg, bat It aaa at kogth beaa aoeoaiplbbed, and a perfect UaM Ind-aUx prod good, Keatdaa Utlf It aompi Waa Conpaaa and Haa Dial, wilhont xtracuat. It ia Jiul the thine, fur ike pocket ' f every aravallar,- trader, faraiar. ,boy, aad veyWdy daairii). a MiUaU a-kpan . It ta r uUnut aa la a oaa of gold bmUI. -whlh iaaa, enact luitUua at ta aaaal . arau-h aiae. jta erjtUl. auel aad laelalUa woiIl, asd aanriatvd M daela eorrrct Mate aad keep la order if tifX f4r for two . -. jtliiB like 1U - ..... .; w - , 1t. I;t Uiumpb At nieUuli m till b aiut ia a aeatraae, putt pu4 to aar addrraa - tor Oaa Itollar. or tl FiriM fur Two DolW4 bi r-aFPwfJJWMtt lj(Jw:SajrBjM OS4 tra . - -T u a i iuuitili Sl n ftaw) f avi m v . th tot Iiut iavaiTo- a Uij asd oo-nb.u atk Cenatattnx of Floor, Bacoa, Ur, Com Meal, a tlH!ara,"nilfl;'i.;-e.,.;ft w ' Haaieokap3e4iaUUyeW iaaadaelU t KE T41L, the cbotceat Whlaklea, Brandlea. and Wlnee, ufii aiA oi n.-,.. -- i. imVl He raapaKfally li.rttea hto naamoaafrleoda tadtaefwbHc generally five hint aeall a. foiarpwairtaatniiceieewaaiw. 'lie ieev c ouueni aaea-i rtv. aatlr aaUfactioa. - Ca aaa, aotali , t-i' J" aaiitlt-tat A J'ft seiiibeW of Hn aebaral AaemMt . l..nfkflArt at . . .f. - . '' aTiW'..Miinaboro' etrtet,.: ' , - - "J "' " ' "ir -i.ij Vt 1"T'1" t" rJ ? "'."' ", ; " " ft. a j-'' tb au-aiwed oWa'lo' falf ibt traot 4 laIl4)W".I14v'4,-i an , W iAwf9sjAKUAUY 4B74V .i c eontalnlwraei . 1 H wth f Hal ei,m th lwi'JMhfrfrOKaleiA a. , Ji,M. mmrt e the -Hand Road.' The hui-oTemente are vary jrood-j Ian wen wa tered nfty-acre' eirerai aid brasch tow mtida. -Alao -on tn Cnttoa Hla. Vt- tTFaaf TTTrP Tfclk fairAlllllf artaBrlw4-laaJ ttdCV. f k aa...r4.lwVrrVaFal M11 "TOrO ft fOiVl fCVW, 'I "- U ft vt4 widtmj m tii prebtM For athu KaidCBce, or j, f.iw ; : Clayton, N. xh ' MartMi a'o. ''--''" t-..!-....-''-' M 3 wf- itW.!1!-! n;P a a, t na t.ii t " .vi....' ACK!W!t.dfet'CALnfA; ! pt, m (. h 'ail tTte PrAVfi 'of Nof? hanirton. Ila. iitvis-rrie and Rertjord couutlea: In the hwm "tiurt of hcrtb Carolina, and m (he , ..... t-K ' ' '.- i. ... - ... . i . r!.?. J. ?i "i w,iumr, ifi hU - ? ' j a bxm fi iTaatrrjf r l I J U i I V.9 i l.-r ; ( 0 'i'-L'-i!H a '"I'l'.'.tt jl vmUw.!.' I .( U WatWgUrO, A w a Ana . . .... ! ... . r' . - - .t f r. i u ti Tba pmaecaiieei Of UiaM tor a..ii tiumim .toe tuail ia tboao blau wi a L. pki.ul a trna wa tutpraded by r r it ii rprtoMietopucatirai, aua kiay il, 1 L,im lawsvli W( teVauieAwlat -T-ALKIa NATIONAL-BANS OT N0BT1? CAROLINA Mt t 1-.- !di-r'ir. oo the Capital pi . , ul! n( the pnHtn forthahuet-ixmoiitna r . ! . , o u km di t l rrrt,' paytum al tnuj -1 . . ,C i. .. &: -a lira btu a t y uf i) an aai .tftraf C 1ArAL 4tfNaa$er.f XOltrfAJLiK. : " '1 j o I F. e'bar- Bert, Bd(irr1tJimd'WI lo v s Cue iiaiiotfaaey tied etead aad VVard lv.. ' '- " s . '? . .' ' " - OBTS CAROLINA. MASONIC TEMPLE AttoUClATlON J BBiTCatoB,Pr't PBiTrt, V. Pre'l boabb eacrM r - War K Abik, WaJIltcxt, , Jao NicauLj, . ' H T CiWao. W G CrcmrBcm. J not H Baiuoe, BGatlb, I. From the Report of the General Agent, we Bad the amount oi unconditional, or t nb MrrpUont payable la money. t- be abont WO,. 0, of which abant Bl7,eT5 to entoetibed by tha Grand Lodge and ite Sabordlnatet la their corporate cat cltT; th balance by Indirldoala. aoouttiArjn, ueeiae una. una ae together, j Uborara teftuul at th-eittwai Tba plan opoa which Uiee eubecrkpUoue are made, rl: One dollar per month on each there of t'.'o, makaa tba nota mature elowly, end added to thla, the difficulty of procorioc local agi-.nte to collect the monthly initalment promptly, bat canted d'lay ta tba eceumule lion of fundi la tha freatury. frnu tba Treaanrer'e Beport, we find that nearly H,. 000 hat boenptldon trn.e In-talnienta, ard for Inform it on at to tbe dLbureemeuti made by the bWrd of lrirectonf we refer to that report below. The financial ("ccirtary't Bxjkliow ihll3t,4tala rati dneandBBpaid. Tblawa eai llder a nfficleot answer to the qaeatlon of ten uked), Why dou't Toaneoaaienca the woiar The lot npoii wlc we mropoae to enwtt Temple are belle e-to berone of tbe Boat the Temple LU .tulJe U Jorle oi ' . t j a ' rlflfttl Of Ul ir the L tilted tuie'iCuurt Uuuae juui Poet UOUie on one eoroar.-Wake county Court lAoaa la tbe cen tre, and tba Temple on the other corner. ' ile al, tbA.laaburo 11 fetal oppoaUa, now baina; nlarted and beaatiflad, will make thlt tba BMMtattraettve portion of tha city. We haw paid nearly AS OiUon thin property. 0W arnrtb $VO,UUO, and It laeararatly drnlred to aecore tttia a aooh ia poylble. When thla ia done, t'polk'y of the Ulrectora will be to proceed X once to make arrangement for enmnieneivr tli building, a d not til then. IT '.he Mawna of the Buteetnnot at thla time niiee IlliO.UtW m at 0rt centenipiiitedweniaet be aatUAed with a bonding of leea dhnaoaione an for leaf money. It will, therefore, beaeea at a (fiance hat w aeadnnar andlliaaiiea-haa ma laatraetadt. proeaed at otH-e to coUact all dnee oa etcck at nadr taken, and alee) iuereaae the Bat wben poHlbl. atockiiotdera are eanieKljr fetttmatcd' to aiaka Immedlitto paymeat, that the work ygoforwardai-aoiitliu'UwcaViay, . . tictini , BtiWrTptloiu,.... .1 T,W!9.M Mrtrece,TiaieCoBCrt,.... M.60 Bala of old material, .. a,iUD,44 DUBUnaiMtxTe. Qeharal-gcat, nanim iaaiima and ad vancea, ...... ,... .. Mf .2,488.75 Ibtcreetand Dlanrant. nag.ai Arthilwft (plaTB Jfl b ttild.Djf".'TT"."'TTT'"" ?TV00 Paid on lot. v.V . . . . . 4,814, 63 Taiea, ....7... !. Poaaaa-a, Pvt-Her .....,..., law. Ihianc&ia) haaOa of 1 raaaarer....... 43V.M . .t n .:-': tS.403.44 - ' 5P.A. WIHT,TrMurer, By Order of the Board of 1)1 rector, . A. M, H iaaio, HeeratarF, -decSSdltAwlt MAKES iTUE WEAK STRONG, 4 It t j riltituUr of ffcej frotoxid of Jroje, i o eomfttnexf oa to af fA character of an aliment, aa 1 1 a ail if digested and nmhniltiled with thfilAootl iM the tmplft wa i av arvB -' hiv yntfovavjf o Naturt't Own lltalUlna Agent, Iron in th blootl, awl crm "a thousand ute," tlmpiV - l iltaMno the Hynlemi ' XAd en richrd and vitalized blood per- meatps ennry part of the body, 4 repairing Homage and va$te, mMrr.hlun oiut rnorbkf aeore- flon, anal warie? nothing for tut upon. Thl U the eecrrt of the won- t derful eueeee of (his retnetly in curing Dyspepsia,' Liver Com (plaint. Dropsy,, Clironlc Diar jrhopa, TJolKJferTWjisAffeoUoiiis ldniKSandFeVt!t, 'Ifrimo, 'Logs of .CwttstltatlbriAl Vltror, r plscMf i of thi Ktdneyg and Bladder, Femalo Complftinti and all dieeaeee originating in a bad etate of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a lout etate ofthe tyetenux lloingfr eVMr ' Jttf . mm vVanM.dia S energizing rffeett are not fol I lowed by corresponding reac ! tlon, but are permanent, infu- ting Btrength, vigor, and nexo ' life into all part of the tgetemK ' ' and building up an Iron Con" ' j ttitlltion. . .,, . , , , . . v , . ' J Thousands harebeenchanried fbwthwmmmftM vetnmtgrfiwn i weak, elcklg, suffering crea ! turei, to strong, healthy, and ' i happy men and women j and ' ' invalids cannot reasonably he- Uate to give it a trial. . See that eacfi bottle has pKU VIAN SYRUP vUntm in the glass. SCTH W, FOWLE vS0NS, foprletort, : No. X MUtaaa Ftoea, Beetoaw i at Pacooiava aiiitutt. I" O RTAN T.JIOTIO NEW ADDITIONS TO 0CB' UXQZ ,.j ,t.lr; I CSy'COODS, NOTIONS, B00T8, t,;L;,s inOJC3a.UT8,W i -J t)nr Senior Partner ha iaat returned front If ew York where he ha bean for at vera! day tatkle? iiarehatee at panic prlcee, to eapmy the dedciencet in tmt atoek anade by oar aa ekpactodly good trade thla eeaaoa. In return. lag our tbuikt to onr patrana, we cay to thee ad thepabH-J, that onr late parckaeea war nadt ia! ,a very Kreat J''jl"",'". Ufy at la taylng that tch bargain-bar not been offered alnce the war, Tw hav a rood caupiy ef Barf a, Zler1era. atidBaySaatav head anna ahoe. aad arntar forLadiaa. Mieaaa aad Hktldrea. AWo, fat entleanea. UanlekPa. Portlr. IMV A Wl . ana Hun.' aingle kad ctoujeaol aaht mutar t4 boota, iwback we other at err . pnoaa. A 11 wiahinir to nnrchaae will aot feeret U tag npop na and axanuninc oar etun ,u nricea. , W toil far -aw aad nave t red our nrim on a caah ba- la. Therefore thoae bnv- Sr ofoToo nolli'lp bear ariyritk forbid' id alswdebta. Verv utienu one -o nier- ante bnyirgta tbto markek " "','. ' have luat received an me vrrf late ttyle of httrc, iacfndlng Opera, Bnowfleke, Ctce Id and Clementine. " y .. I'i't.r'.I f t FKTTIIJUJiaa. TArrnfafT'T" vtllba tnt!B totbtr meea- ,k. I f.l.H . n lnM,rr(iMla I ha tnva oi Gold filll, 1'moo county. North Carolina. 3t MISCELLANEOUS. JEnocliMorgaii'sSoa's s-ap-. o r l o obatltate for Soap for all Hoaat ' bald purpoeea.eaccpt wwlifiig clothea a A I O L 10 for eleanlnit vow boote will aara tba labor of m eleaaar. tihra It a trial. 8 A POL 10 for Wlndowa la better than wblltaitor ' , ?IQJ5ftllsilBrUi!aaMiit p a. 8 A P O L I O ' cleane paint and wood, la fact the en tire hpnae, better than oap. No ttoK plng.i. saaa labor. Taa can't afford - to be WHb'oat it. 8 A P O L I O for Scoorinif Cnlrea ia better and cleaner thau 0a lb Brick. Will not acratch. 8 A P O L J O to-bettar tbaa aoap and tan A .for pol iabiof Tluwara. - BrUjhtena withoat acratcblna:. jSTA p o l 10 ygrffli atn T-.ya4aiv-j ! r - for waahing; diahaa aad Rbtaawani to' . Intel wabje, . Cheaper than aoap, . .-. r s a p, o l t e remove ataina from inarMe aaaatela, tablra and etatuary, from bardohUtt ed walla, and from china and porce lain. . r 8 A P OLIO remove atatnt and rre&a from eer--- peta and other oven fajyiew . .. There) la na ane article kaem thatt will do anuny kluda f work lauel alo It ta well at 8nao llo. Try It. ' BAND 8 A P O L I O a new and wonderfully eBectlv Toilet Boap bavin; a etjoel ha thla eonnlry or abroad. HAND S A P 0 L 1 O tba onadailoBn of all dirt, apana tba puma and iraa a healthy aa Uoa aad brUllaut lint to the akia. HAND 8 A P OLIO clean tea and beaatlBea the akin, . inttantly rentovlnfr any aula or blemtoh from both hand and far. BAND S A P 0 L L O to withoat a rival la the world for carina or prevaatti ik roaKhi and eh-pplng of eiter handa or race. BAND 8 A, P 0 L 1 O remove tar, pitch, troa or ink h ataina and Kreaae ; tor workve ra in machine aliopa, tnlaaa, Ac , la " ""w""VrivalulYiIer",F"orSTX:i wblta aad aoft, and k!vj to it a "bloom of beauty," It It unaur paaaed by any Coametle kaowa. BAND S A P O. L J ,01 coat 10 to 15 cent per cale, and everybody ahoald bar it Tea . 7 ; wUllikait .... , 4 DON'T f Aa TO TBT THKfltt GOODS. , Buy It of jronr merchant If be baa ' orwill procqri) It for yotr. 1 If not, then writ for oof Pamphlet, "All about 8apo Ho," and it will be mailed free. KNOCH.MOBGA.N'S SD,M,1 Park Place, N. T., or W Lombard, Bt , Baltimore, Md. (una U-deodweowly ATS.AIR01' i , ,.t -A i- tllllVt ' T . ! ' Only 60 Cent per Bottle. ' I - ,ttr--MeaiiaaKOWTa,PKItflEKr' -r-j iBMVtU4U,arftaema-a).Uar , mm BKApT iae ia awf It a loo Taiaan. wf'"wwi,y .'i , hl7 ll ioctn tha Onowra a ritfrvw haib. naa aiaa i .ma. . Ea itraeT, ItBrmttba Hairfr. Ituraiiif it.. I -dooi.a4-atah.ajA.iJ- j far iom aa Hu.y 1 ift Cauut ter ttaul. Woman'- Glor? is Her Hair. LYON'S fAWOBD iMCTAOtll, i'3 I. i i Th Bpeet dea-ara au aafaetorad fro "Minute Cryatal Pebbfet" melted torether, aad araealX diamond oa 'account of their nardneaa and brilliancy. It It well known that aiectacle ent from Brazilian or Scotch pab eaar aery iaanou to tba eye, becauat of their polar!!' g light Having been teated with tbepolarltcopa, the diamond kmeee have been found to admit fifteen per cent leaa heated raya that any ether pebble. They are ground with great aclantloeaeearacya are fre from chromatic ahberalkma,. and produce bfigbtneaaand dlatlnctncaa of vlalon not be fore attained I aoertaelea. Ha-afaetared by tbaBwuaat Opt al ataaaactaHnar Campany, New York. For alo by rceponaibl ageaUla very city in th Union. H. UaUlcr, Jewekr ar.d Optlcbta, to Bot Agenta fiw KaletKh, n V, iromwnom uey Mr.lv ha nhlalna L No neddlei emolOTed . Bo aut tany a pair auW ya an the tra-a aaara , .... . aesra! for mt J A complete eor1ment, tt the Book Store af Ai-rnair n iLLiaao. i dee 18-11 C1PLENDID CITY PR0PKRTT FOR ..SALE.. , BA. r.t AH tftl 1 .tin ?n' iTRatat. f tip IIIUtWHWtlW - 1 1 hereby offer tor aale my aa w Ketldenea, tore Houae and lot altaate on Hillaboro' St., t The tot ha 60 Act front WkaVH Rmtbora' nd Monraa Btreeta. . 4 Tha Boildlnga- aia bbw, wau nuis u odera atyle. Tha Dwelling contain J rooaaaaontenlentlyand comfortably arranged, tt i. o aiavated that a baevjaent aaay baa ad a ttmalleoet. -t " ''i.' i' ' I.'J , Tba Btor I 43 feet long, t atorlea, with. tairwav, aemnter oo neivwa; wepitw 7 iMu u.Mn. tha dwaaiina anA pper part of ator may be need or leeed a leelreo. -! I .'IZI' a...... it la a gooa atana tor iwww aiaa w i There BV a well or imm oninn w,w frithia tea atept of th door. . - - . : Tiu. u twm. Ac In the rear aad room ti I Morgan St., for-otber buUdmira. Thelocatioa and' neighborhood to one of 4 moat Aeairabr In Raleigh, nd berng wbrrB-iiiBaJlriXi' Creating la vafteitU a good InveamentTSr money eapeciaiiy aa wn ynryi m. rented for IS pet cant, tntoreet on the mocev reouired to purcbate. 1 Beta boeinete and dire to aeA aooa or rot at aU. Tbe title la aetatf - owaoonr pwvaw - , 1 1 -Itvaa TaiTaaW aWWWtW" I i .. K ( if IV Pmi k. ThoM If I. rjljta i Ooll. The iniwtilw from '"w: a n I RAILROADS, Ac r HANOI Or tCR-DULK. V : .. . . , XII0n0ATO..COu J BmvanmnrbajiT'a Onrica, .. EalcbrM.C-OctttT,U7 ' On and after Itanday, Oct' HTM, 1873, tralna aa tba Ralebrh Caatoa Railroad U1 ma daily. Sander excepted I a foUowe: v kUJL Taix. Learee RalHrt 9. 15 a. . Arrlrea at Waldoa t.tO r. u. Leave Waldoa .S0 a. M, AnUa-at B-Wi.h . ' lUr.i, aoco-KOPATioa rmtrn. Leave KaleUTh...- 14t r. k. Arrive at Weldon.. 8 46 a. M. Leave Weldoa .,....la. M. Arri ve at EaJeVh M r. , Hall train naket eloae eoanactkm at Weldoe with tba Baaboard A Roanjka Rtilroad aad Bay t-BfiUaMra via balUuiora.to and fnoae all potaiW North. Weat and North-eat, and with Pet-raborr Relltoed, and at Rah with aecomi-odaUoB and f relrht tralne on tbe Raleiffbf and Aanata Air Line and Richmond k Dan villa HaUroad, North Carolina DItIsIo. - A. B. Anumnn, act 6Vtf jpv' . Bnperintendeat. . 71HAN0I OF BC&tDUUb Ifttaia-! K. C. c"t !!. Tfc.E- . aaj Mwatav.vrut, tvia. a the Raletrt and Aarwlair Line will rna dally, lawadaeneeptod,) aa followtt . AJt,Aia. ' Layca.-Blrtffhi......y..y wyd a, aj Arrive at randford. ......... ..... Ml r. H. Learea Band ford.. 6.46 a. at. Arrlvea at Ralegh t.M a. -' aCCOMMODATlOa TRAJ, - Leave Raletrt t.05r. at. Arrtve at9iiord 8.30 r. at. Leave BantoriT.r.Tr. ....7V.'.;.;:'.1&13 JS at. AnHfC ntHaletRlr....: ... t.tr. at. Mall train makea clae connection at Kalelgh with the Kalehrh A Uatton RaUruad to and from all polntt North. ind atBandfurd with tba Weatera Railroad toand fromFtyettevlUeand poiataen Waatr araKalltoad. Accotnmodatlao and Fulrtt traine connect: at Raletirh with accommodatioa acd Freight traloa on tbe kalclkth at.d Oaaton R. H v A. B.AND&BWB, Oct 28-tf Bupl. XT -W' I "B LAW OFFICE, On Court lloxitt 8gvar ' RALEIGH, W. C. peclal atUnllon given to Saving of Hoae- leaaa, ia view or uie wie oeaauva vi uae oi nrema Court of thainlted Btatea a tbe e sa fer t. auyVdtw&wtf F 60 Bbla.. Old AdcI aad Peach Brandr and k (joanUty of Pur Copper DiaUlled Whiakey, which I will tell oa the raoet favontla knit. I am now mennfactarua; Para Copper Ila- 'ttHaa"Xoiii"''beyrrvHri iBnttr receive ordera from tboaa wlahinr to bay a pare artlcia ol -ready or key Wo Known parti ea ordarUf ahoald aei.d caah, or ialiat c (ory refcrencea. . Aadrer,':- ' t -; -" D -- r 4afflaMOrt POHBaflCat. "? " oct t5-wl5t tinllford Co., N. O, rpH PRKMITJM PLOW. ' . Crmatantlv reeelvln direct front the mann factorera tbe Celebrated Watt Plow, all aiae with Caatt nge to match, which have taken th nrir rremiurat V"ie (krolina rain tbto Fan. Alao, on aale at loveat prices tbe Stark Dixie, on and two boras plow; which bt retarded by beat farmert aa th Second beat Plow la aaa- JAM 18 K. TOWLI8, dee 18 tf ' ' Agt, for MetratactunT. S 8 A pair if thorotiah bred Warct, Sir and eV ven yeare old, bay, thirteen handt high. ore ia oouoie or tingie narneas. very qoica adMtta ' " aad gwatl oee nn' W. & STBOyACH. F OONDRY AND MACU1NB PBOPKRTT Fnn ramci 1. . V- V . '-f - Larkia- Sal of Talaabla and' Attractive Property in Kaleifh, N 0, on If aot aoooer told at Private aale, the prop erty known at the n. a agkictjlt rjrtAL machine , : ik w.O-ja, i i it r II poeoeeeloa of and worked by BKPAHK, UlCKB A CO., conaiallDg of LOT COITO S3T D4KOBTT ITU, Tlila "ale will embrace a lanre attortment of Machinery Toolv Btock Materiel and 1 taret for a ftnt-cht a Foundry and Machine Shop. la fact, vlarga lot of Stock aad Materia, too nnmeroua to mention. Tha F oaadrf to complete, with good cup la, eranra aad a Uge nun ilier of flaata, : . TERMS made knows oa day of tale. Any uforou-ka rieolrad aUL be glren by applicattea to - y ' i .KP-ttKt BI0K8 aV CO., v to-MwM---, .rf:tiUaih,l.,C, . B ATT R'S RtVISAL PRICt FIT DOLLARS. ;poiifja amount. JAB, U. ENN18R, Agt., . dac ia-lm u awoaatore, aaifKa -S ENTB llata Jaat receive-, lb It Wet JT atyl. a and beat quality. - Th Beat Oeal't elik Mat ta th- a- at aj., i .-. . Jt .Witnv A i i bov 23 tf t . Jloyt at Bboe fitore. By a ycang ladr a potltloo aa teacher of tbe CngHah brtnehea In a tchoot or family of refluent. -at Relerence glvaa.' - i - ' , t addreaa, T!..tii.('i ...- ' M1BBB. W . '- da t-lAVartl ,i . OafBtd Tt.U. -Bl cUXOER BTILa. AUIavD, ih 'I Tha Biarer Bewlnr hfacln Cowpaay total arcelved th higbeet aad largeet aember of Ariamat that atkibltioa, int priae medal c4 Jrograaa l aecoad prixe medal of Merit, thler mealle'Xi tloymm'tcr tTrperlor aicaUta ee fprodncUona . aiaaWoU ... jjji tn. .SlBgar Sewing Machine lie-.. A. A WILSON, Eiialltr Ko II TayetkrUle atreet, Raleigh, N. C j The Uoron-brc Stallloa B AfllMORE. A- naa wUhinr ta Bnrrfata eaa are him at toy tttUJej-or- i etir inaripUBf pad- 11 h. "i- h , - .jj... . I' -t-nF i i ti At t . i ' A . 7 hi lhri, tl,7bS-4o,K aaer thaa aay othaw Company.. Ha4eataa t th ahava eambe" were aold for ftmlly aae. " T The i facial report af th Committee at th lata Viiau Bxhibitlua ahowa that the Stare MISCELLANEOUS, . 1 CAUTION. GENUINE FAIRBANK SCALES, "E. AT. FAIRBANKS fc CO a ' t- - 1 . " v i ta i a a i - ' fea I talliarl lC--C8, 1 Block Bcalea, Coal Bcalea, Hay Bcalea, Dairy Bcaiaa, Counter Scale, a, . Bcalea repaired prompUy aad reaeonably. For aale alto, Troemner'a Coffaa and Drag MUla. (VomuoelUon BcUa. aU aUea letter liltV lUrm Till, Co't. IT RT atTBOTAWf DI1WII k-OO-B) UIC THE. Wwra-ted OLD A - FlBBjrt- Beat Wa iotst-a, j FAIRBANKS & CO., Jj 811 Broadway, New Torkn -alUmoreBtraet, Baiuaanra, ' 6 Camp Street, New Orieana, FAI-BANIUKWINI, Maaoni Wall, PblUdelphm, - r AiBBAM KB, BROWN A 0O;f i Milk Street, Boatoa. For aale by Leading Hardware Dealer. aept ll-iruwam D. 10 T B Tfl 4 B R fJTI. Candy Manufacturer and Wholeta'.e Deal er! in Fruit and ConfecUoceriet. BUCIQH, B.C. To ma Tatna. We are oflerlng Candy of oar ow mite at Northern price, with Irebt added and we make a much better article. B order promptly filed and aaUtfacllOB rHWanteed. We paek ao broke or atale eaady for oar whaleaala eaatomera, wa mt ik R to order, aad give aa good aa wa retail oar atlvea. Ordera raapectf nlly tolMted. dec S S . D ROIaTRR dt BRO'S. DEKNIBO '8 Over Two Hundred Militant hav been need wituia tba paet 10 yeara, without complaint of lota by Tag booming detached. TktT aaa eoai laultui a MtB-iaa COTTOW B4LBB TB1B AT Ta h aaa. All Irpreat Compantee ae them. Hold by Prater aad atatlonere trery where. oct-Vod3a STIEFS PIANOS Vpwardi of firty Tlrat Premluma ttold and Sliver Med a It, ware awarded to Charlet M. Btieff, for the beet Piano, In completion with all, the k-dutgrnanafaotarera in the country. Office and Warerooua, No. V N. Liberty Btreet, BalUmore, Md. The eupertority of tbe Cttrlvalled Btieff Phi a Foi ta, it conceded by all who have com. pared it with other. It then- New Ortad Square Scalt, IH Octavea, toe maaufactnrer bat ancceded in making th moat parfeet Piano Forte pottibl. Price w 111 be fonnd at MeaWiable U cO-ili. test with thorough workmanthip. . . " A la jnre attortment of eeeond hand Planot Ahaadricoa47.tm.....j-..,; We ere aces-fur the celebrated Burdutt dtbloet. Parlor and Cbnrch Organa, all atylea and prkaee, to rait every on, guaranteed to be tally equal to any made. Bead -dor Bluetrated caUIoga containing tl ia name of . over 4500 tooth ernexa, 600 of whom areYiriginana, -j0 North Carollnlana, 16U Kaat Taaaetaeaa and other throaghoat the South, who have bought the qIIJCFF PIAOelnccroie war... t ur, . Bevwrsl ef our Pianoa with tbe ImpfyT. menta can be teen at. (he retidence of ProL A, Banna an, who la our autborkaea. agent. , maro-wl-d j ttr, 3 Tr u js 0 ,B i I tViE D Afjotker lot of.CASlrilEBBT TtSTS, tery atTlieb. 'A wy nperfiif lineot' '! . ylM ti5B8 SHIRTS, , , Opca ia. front and back. AH ttjletof V, v ' ' tTNDER-WBAl- "' ' ',' A fullline of Merino Shirt and Drtwcrr ; not U , K. tt. ASDREW8 & CO. TpOR BALI CHKAP. V..,,r; A ooaai tatted TUcay,lm.ntt WIUAM80&TPCllUkCtt TBOMASj oet8-tf i t,.'r; .. ,-.,- OS A PALIS tonus CB.Vt.3frT3iRSf t trm.rtyrortBaiiik of ejero Itula. Hin 'lIMia Tain Dhnali U'n.. w l e sn'.uc fjLft a iloitr, tW"a,vifim, ltrpnch.f it, h rroua JUcbti.'r) aid aa di; i . nnrnfoilA-avaieaMeemaa. Ikaareaa wei I hm, iat a maatiat iwrett bnruaiifiaa miuttw Urraor l)u. i..ir...lsllhac j tf al-a) t giv'T ( a anaie ef thit .aeukine aotut atnea at faaula.- CerliiKAt-i can nt prenatid fren laaai iMiaf y-ewa, Mhitauia. int aaa.. t ; 1 1 mi . . tr. thnmc bo.it K .ttlh, eocMriHIiaiUM kit aaatawaal IirtLttliMt r-rsalihaar ' "ha ha e.i it In cm oj Scruf. i: aaa me ajittiet waa masaaav aiAClipn. e L. V. tl ISu- ef BaJaMPa.a, 'eamiarmw li . l pvnont ao Harlot l!t eiaeaaad Kimt, aaTtnrlt atta i turn. M. Atev tBtrr'aHtf the le more M. a. CoalrreiH-a ?atk amy, aa hat ttceee lauac amaflMit byawem Ual a caavrUtlt tmeaiadi at aa Ltl bia Irieaoa au a. au.lntaicaa. . . I 'raveal&.Ca.. DrurirlatB. aiOea. 1 ''prtrtille, Va-, ny It aever haa ntilad ff ftom tatiaaamneu' ' ( ' " I a.aBi-a a' :n raeoaB, aimiieae We. rt , yU tand k tat at IMonietjn aim all elat hniaaW i . I Kojulai iaei aaacnataack area, iaialmt Mt .,riiaui are anhliahad rijacuaw aa wiu uu yea ii w bmenaiaffal tf atranraat aUarativat Hhat aaiat. ant aa eaoellant Ilea iPariaar. Vml nir apac admit we f-, leaa Id rt"a taaiiaianiala em .te ea tie aovta aaa aem saraona knawn lo ever, aaaa, waaaaa land eh iM aatar - aaraonallr at by ra. goaadaJUM Bi dbyaUtatma , (UMJISaCo, ZL BAbnaoa. &;.:,V UOEir V. HENRT, -- ' Ko. B Couaci PUca, v ' .'., Ww FfA . WVaaa Ajaa , ar giw rim m i aa aaa a r.. . , . - - .. "j"' i- 1 1 Ai I - i rr w i t n n i; a A N :i ynimnii t f-::" ; Prima rcdoed LardL. . . , . ' " E P-JKW-8 "-i CtJ'g. BAGONj BAOONiBAGON Baltimore, Md. . : PORK PACKECS AND DEALERS ' IN BACON1,' AND DR Salted UeaU, Hamt, Sidca, SboulJera, Pork, Beef, Lard aad Lyd ,PU, 1 1 gT1?ra"5f ioiye A JenkW.a X the late arm, ehall eon lone to earry oa nv arket rata ana prompt thip ntnta alwata. nov 25-Sm gTATE NATIONAL BJNK. i aUtaiaa, ft. O, Deeembor n 1ST:. A BMCtinrof tba atockholdeta pf tbhtBank wm be-eieft the Hai.klnf Hoote Iwtnta city oa Tueaoay, January JMh, 1474. at U o'clock. dafi.H A J -Caahier. 1,'or Male. IT Aerel of land. 4 allaa Hoath Weat of p-vr -yr, n. mnt-W w , TJARW501f, RAD?X)Rr OOf. Tl 1 ... . . tfTKKL KTIH. B peclal atluaiiou caued to, thavk-wB -' nun. hem. ' Faceory. Mt. VeruouiOrilfe, 7S John St., N T tg t-8m GOLIjEG-E The Spring Beaeslon will commence' 1 jASUAIli' 17T-,, 187- Board Blloer month. Knttre el pen for iMv mnetba, (or Bnard, Tuition, Waaaiagaad dect-iw , , B. CRAVES. J fflllTOiRSir JAANE8 CASI-tElU-J, (old low. Call Recptved and and aee t'uetn, to be f J. D. NEW80M. BOW 11 -U l MALR 1 00 D Feather Bed'and Mabogoaay Bed J Stead. , 1 Singl Spring Bottom Bed Stead and Mat tree. a" i Jut and Cotton Mattrataaa, - -. -A-daomtMahogaay dlnlrreomTabJee W H JON d 4 Ci. oct 13 tf Anrtlrm Com. Mcrehanta. pUIIttTIST FINE V At 1 A JONES' 'an Grocery Store, mZ GREAT KKMEDYiFOU CONSUTilPTIOr. wUch caa bo" cured by a timely resort to this 6tan ard preparation, as has been proved by the i nundreds of tcstUnoniflls received by the pioprictors. It is acknowl- edfd i by. mariv rorninent i physicians to bo the most rcliablo TOTparatiornjTe" in trodrjeed for the relief and cure of all LimgcompUmtga.. and Is oflbred to tho public,' of oter iortr years." When resorted to In Reason it bcI tajMii fails 4o effec; it 8pody ccjo in the bost" setfro cases of CoughsJ3j:onchiti8, Croup, ."Wboopirig Cough, r Jnfluenzn, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Choet aiid Side.' Liver Complaint, Bleedinf at the -Lungs, ttc. t: Wistari Baluuui does not dry up a Cough,' and leave, tho causo behind, as is tho case dth most preparations, tbp(; . it loosens and cleanses the I luntrsa-iwLjiIlavRlirrii tlius rtmovirig tho cause ot the complaints : i ; BETH; W. rOVLH 4 Aara, Beataa, Jraa ' """daoldby prucgiatoaadTaeaeraUy. ! I t: ..-' .1 '.V- OR LIVERPOOL. TUX. . 1UUT CLASS . BQIF.V MlOOLAA f a?. .jHYi, "AUHQTOii.Y.'i' will toad at Nottroui ftr1UTaraa W ere ee thai hand by hornet ef and ousted credit to make eaah advances ia cwrency of three fourths oi .market vain oa fnatgameat ot Cottoa by above aliipa, aad tba tame will ba held a long aa thlppera may desire. A (food opportuafty to tout afforded to thoa Who WM u parent at preeent ww pnoaa or to hold for a better market. ' ' ! , .REINOAJM BROTHERS,, i ' -CotnmltaaoB Merchant, : ' aoTll-Bw, ' . Norfolk, Va. , aFFICS OF THE ATLANTIC eh BOBTH i utUUMA a. R. X.-" ' ; 1 Nbwbbbii.N.O., Dec Ah 1873. ' ! '!' . l.J.ii-l'. . ,.tWi.U.btnhy ftlrrfc.to.hAWyR.Cfr-tt'. nonna- bonda of tbe AUantie and North Carolina Railroad Conroany, that Ooapoaa en aaid Ho naa due oa the 11 aev oi jatiaarr. 174- will be raid at tb Fulton NaUoaal Bank. New York, oa and after tb 10th day wt ataeav l74j-OBeuttoB , - TTv' E. K. STANLY, Preet, Jta liiaa -. huaouc ve. ' BndfwTy ireBT Wont eraaV baenieaa at tba old atand. -ord at )' eeno ynnr omen io jkSKI.S CTIAUDLER. " " V 48 gowlh Strwt, Baltimore. . Thfj, Wilmington Star. ' ESTABLISHED ONLY BIX tl 14 R3 ! HAS tli largett-elrca'aeoa of any Dally Newtpap, r in the Mate, and elrcvU tlouln Wtlmlugton nearly twice a large aat ether r ier. ruyaunirticia ia aaiau fv;; Sit Montht. three MouthtV lot WEEKLY STA1T. ,x PHICIt UHllLCKD. The Wrtkly Mar Uow combined (with tlit Varulhia farmtr, and to one vt the eheapeat papura lu the ciuntrjLat the following --'U-SOC-Tr-AX-. : One copy, one yrtr. II f) ' Ooecopy, tiz mouth!.., 1 W fOiula of 6 tn lO one year, t ! SS per copy srchrt'aof 1 orwora, one jeaonly II 00 JT peclntea eojlfiacntoa application,. , Addrvat, ' . ' , , aWM. II. BERNARD, Sditur at Proprittor, Wilmlhqtoh.M. C. 1-06 W B U O W N VARIETTSTORE, .AW 14- fyytUilU, Strtt Jiitltit Jf. a PBAXBJI I . at r .'..- r. 00NFECTION.A Conthtlng of R II E 8 PLAIN AND f BENCH CAXDI CANNED tiOODa, . ..- J-IXIES,' t;.r nnil wa . . . ' FRB83 CKACEkRSand tiltd. niLDRBM'eV BAt BIRD LAG d, uO D AND ILVRn JtioH. All kiBiit of Muaical lnttramenU. fiOHN, BANJO ASD OVITA A blJtimi. Mt ttoek of Ftnir Oood and 7 ton i witt aell at aual ) mdarB ttock.. LaJl and ftU ' mf S-wlT, . . , :. h j 1 i ' ! : rOBTU CAROLINA, I i .. v i Chatham Louan I , LHJliimat W lJinrnea. AlvltBurnea. J B Burnet, Win White aud wife Carolina, Fanny Murton, John Makeplec aaa lieorge jaaae- - , -:.-r.. r Wm Tbomat and wife Klltabeth, Heary Perry, i, W Perry and David Perry. v- In the above entitled cause. It appearing to the Court, that tbe defendanta William Tbomat tnd wife Elisabeth, Beery Party, John W Perry and David Perry are non-reel-deuta of thla Btata. It to therefore ordered that publication be made for elx week ia tbe Raleigh BbntimsIj (weekly) aotifying thai aaid Boo-reeldent defendanta of tha lllng of i aid petition, aad Uiat ankta they appear tt the office of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court for Chatham County at Plttaboro' within ill week from Uweervtc ef tail aotiee bt pab Ucation aud plead antWur or demnt to the petition, 'partition will ba bad according ta tbe prar of the petitioner .- wYtneti, B t PETTY, OnV t AM Mart ' at office la Pltucoio thla the 18th of Octo- E!tberw-4w-M oct 18 drtAwdw- mtTi rETTT,--tV Bt 0 jr: jpE&i'o 0. OOTTON FACTORS 1AND OENEKAJU WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' i UKOCEUS, WmeTiTBUgBTreaai! i We preeent onr Card aad ale to the pnblia Our tarvioea aa Qeneral Commlaaion Mar ohantofor th tS oi Cotton asd qtker pro- duce, Ac. ' '..hi j Our lucaiqn is otntml. In the bualneet part of tbe city inrfwg offer ee peclal advaatagea and faCiliUee In the atoraga of Cotton Ac., having a Brat claat metal roof aad Ire prof etore ftov.ee, aitaated within a abort dattanca of tbe peiic fution, , and thereby leaa (labia to tbe danger . ot Ire,. The who detiifn 1 atoriag cotton will find It to'thrfr interett to ' oommnnicata with a bef or ; atoring alee. Wh)ar. f ... iv -j. . ' : -3 o '!' We are coatlanuy iff jywpt .or, una ox , Je4ieiai44ioooriuawaieli.waara Bailing aatha aery loweat market price.- farmer aupplie alwat a oa baauV tuaUy produce ia lame or' email quanUttea taken lu exchange for good. . W aollcit cokthrnhienU and Will tffbet ' taUafaetory aaiea aad gaaraate prompt re. tame tot. all articiea entruttod to aa. -Our j patron and otherl will be informed from time to Um of the general teoor of nriceafor OottbS and produce generally. . . ' ' I AO comuiunicaUont of manht .promptly' aaewemd. " J,,,, . . .aeptt7-w .. .7'r' WENTT FIVB, FORTY,- PIETY, ONE OTBr.TY-ArLf (aaVa Alike Plcklaa. " Brandt Peacbea, 4U Doa Xant Freak Peacbea, 1BW Poaadt para Candy ateort i At .; loetSt-tf R.F. JONTtSACO'fl. N nHTd ilAtlAl.ru Ai J t U.U, dr ths CPiKioR Tm,r--lat Jan., t874 uenrgeu arugee, nfrnvy xotea, a r'.Viaf,-Cf,- ' .Carolina X Longee, and olhara. . By virtue of aa order 'made la the abor ta titled apectal proceeding, tba ejndereigoed, tkCommi aloner In aaid order named, witt espoee to public aala, Oa Saturday, the lUt January, inetoat, the lot or pareel of Lead lying on the weat tideod. f tecttevUle Street ia the city of Ralelglf, wad boondad a fol Iowa t beinaliigat tb south etitum coraer bf the lot bow oecupied by tb Malelgh Na tibnal Rank; these with fayettovillatreet lorty-eigni ieet aaa eix incoee to ana eorner f the tot aow owned by WBUaaaaoa, V. jthiaimla atat Thnmll - Ihnnrt wa?- m-t.-.. Call IX O fB A UJllaal j atlPIFvraj Wftrti U OfJUttUair' fhutf street r tbeeoe with Baliebury SaTaet Berth 1 1 ibjlrtj-llve feet to th tee th-waatem eoraer at if) aaid hank lot) thene with th (to at eakt , , lotto the beginning being part of Lot-Nov" iai in the piaa of eald City of Raleigh, end a aw oecnped- by the plaistia tteofg E Longe, aa A Ttnwti Btor. - ' 5 The aato wlU bamade o Ih ptaaalaea,,, r UTI MBM OATtlNC l ComaJaaionet." aa i-td - ' "TlCBLIfJ 0ALK, VvA JTi' aw i -- 4 -'tn 4f in (TF Um Jammry 6ta W.A, 1 will aelUl Pabliat iaettoa tor Caaa at th Coark liaaee door ia , Baleigb, a portaoa e( Lot , ba piaa at eity , I Raleigh, to aatitff a mortgage gtvea to ma m. I ill II . I I" 1 i ... )-Ulrd ' , F: 1 Bud Room Set Furnltttre. 4 ..' ' . I Parlor Set EuaUar andTaoIcl. .... jaalo-U W. aJONkA ACO;4 ( - vi : w 1 f "V