- If SrAV-i"H' vt : I ? ? p 1 ' 1 I 1 1 - HeV- J, 1 5 j f I --T-. T IT1 1 I A 1 1 I ,V I H 11 I 1 f I . I . ; jMlliJU4dAUMJ CI : '!' i IH H. X.H IV'I'I V h,' D ! I i j I.i. .f.l spirited acESE iar tim hojjse REFRE8ENTATrVIS. ' la tb United StatM Uao cf itepra aentativt. on Saturday, Mi. Vane, H North Caroline apok agamet liie cm! Fin liia hill, claiming thai lit title hiiuld bo changed U'AUUto protect colored meu in their auclai rights," and laaerting . '. . ... r t. . that there wa nodeu.nl of civil tight in the Southern State. The provision of school be held to be a civil right, but the right of colored children to gw into the wliite ictiuuli waft social rigtet, aid the attempt to enforce It could but produce disastrous cflaetipon both the white and colored acloulaJLL i ' . AJSRWj9UttWA.JP fti.il.. cloao of hi remarks, biought oa by a r maik tbat if he m a colored mult would not aUad u a beggar- belot Coay creelof (bete right, bat would ratrrar. PA- T H- - (Atur 4rT C tb tiuatswiWitUai ha a eta vuuujut bero.aaUittktng thu 'raotuvatut UimUlt- 'tien I - air. Vabco aaid he bad expected suclj , guwiUou. Ijavijwbare'tbe , hotfid. aiuaap too or the war was brougni up. u wan riubt for Conffitae to re more theee dlta- bnitk-s, for l'reeideot Joboion had pracii cally done to b hit preclamatioa. Ood AlmibtT bad nut, lie aaid, placed tha brand ol Cain ou the Southern man. Tli boneaofbia Couutrwnen and frteudalaid ia their sravea at I uickamautin, iliuioo err ltidie, 8potU;lTauia, Plurburu, and ellewfecte, where the tell in maintaining wb&Uuej tKiierea tooe nirnt. Mr. JTort, at UUniked if bo thought th rebellion fight I Mr. Ync replied tbat he did, and under almllar circamstancenronld rebel again, lie would now ask the gentleman if he hal been pitcea unwr the tunc circumtaoca would lie not bare done the (unit t Mr. Fort aaid be could not conceive of an cucuBstaneta . under which be could be indooad to rauaLia hand against bis government 4 Mr. V'.nce then Hid there never was more sublime light than when, after the surrender at Ippomattoi, the Boutlie n people went home with the greatest god will to the old flag of their lathers. Loy alty, be id did not consist iQ devotion to a party, but devotion to the constitu tioa, and in Ibis seaea.lb man oi thi Booth went home loyal. ' Wbat followed I Laws were mad a to strike dowe the fannh. snii liii.pfQplc-JM..itJiimdatj-jB. on all Miiea. u cmrrastea in is wltD a revolt in Russia, where, afier it was put d wn, the "rebels" ' were oot met by denunciatioa by every stomp apt-aker, but a law- went -Imtt-- (x bidding trie mention of it, The war has passed, and atTrnl years, sad elapsed. If it was necessary lor aaea to wake, vp the skele t 11 ol It to sostaio s failing ostue, then lei them do It. The tioulh bad bE will ing to join hands, and when Mr. Greeley had proposed to (hake hands across the bioiy ebMm,-1bey bad, after sueing tktt he hfd Ibe knife In bis, rushed to the very edge i1 the Chasm U) grasp It. Mr, Fort said be di-iired to sk one more onvatlaa, w Mr. ViC. wbfl bad -yiclJed the re mniader ol bis time to Mr, Whitehead, of Virginia, laid he aw no good to come from fialitiug the war over again, and would Hot take th time it bica be had yield eoL ta hia friend frma Virginia. Mr. Fort appealed Id Mr, Whitehead to yieW. set -i, i m Mr..WbHehead ssld he hsd tp4Xed the war ended eight years ago, laughter, and eBnea to yield. Jtr. Fort, pcraUtiug, but Ihsquestioo, which was : The gentleman having itated tbat he bad sworn toanpport the eonstitu- turn, wbethar be or lbs lMdra of - th re- they attctrrpted th overthrow the cooaitu tioa and giiveninieitl Mr. Vance said that after their State hsd seceded tbat thoosih was no longer bind iir. Ftn sUtet now that under likecireumatances he would rebel again. I would ask him whether he considers tbat would be perjury cruet I Mr. Vance. "Not." He then went on to say tbat be bad not brought this mat t.-r sbwut. It aid been brought up by tb question of Mr. Ksiney. tie was not asham ed of what he had done, but tba'same cir c iiiietiiricx' -o!d mt poeaiWy occur sgsin, therefore) lb difCUMioE wae Iruit- Mr. Wbitehead clnhnVd tfie fliwr', lay ing that be hoped this "cruel Wat waa (taugbiart lie then , proceeded tii apeak, in fa vot a wd uct ion on tbedn If on tbaceo, irjtuiDR that thtenormout rupOTThTroauKrFwas iTOcrTriT nation agsioit the sgricultural intereata of Virgin!. 10.000 P 0 UN 1 8 Clear and Clear rubbed oaoon tieap. . QCt -tf f B. t. JON Eft Co' a. JOTJMTAIII APPLES ; ' . . - ' - r Anl Crauberlerii, foraale, " Bovw' W H JWK0O. 1 ' -::'; OT1C1& - I HEREBY 6iv none ttat I wiU make application to tb General- Assembly of inertn u-aronna, at tit wswrnt ee talon for A a Act to inoorporate the Ortentai Fiab and Ojstw-Oompawy.'1 of Carteret County, N. C. ,al0.atlaa. W. AUOn'LANO JJJ 1 ft C T" I M P O K TAT lO N. l,noQ4cluUverpooIU,A.BaltEx 'Juno. 600 v MarebaU'i Itctory tilled Salt .asplee.'v Ty tt - - "Exai 111 teases "Blood Wolfe i Co.' Pal. Ala. For aal at prices to nit the times, fe 19;by -t ' VICK . MKUANK, . n Fool Bed Cross street, nov S-lw... WUmlngton, .NC. Jp O 8 "A ' t;' S , r HOUSE ind three lene hnd ktUcbed House haa 4 Room, Porch rn front, Kitchen "S" f,'!0 weU on pvnilae, ituated on Fay ettrlile Koad, Bear Governor- Uoaae. Low loreaau. i Au'-'i' ' et Hl-tf - : . S MT. a JONES CO. 8 PRATT'S ASTEAL. OIL. Absolutely safe. Perfectly odorless. A I traya uniform, lllumlnatmg qualiUes aupwrior mat- Bums many lamp wltaoat danger of exploding or taking fir. Manufactured aa pvesely to dispute the ua of volatile and dan gerous oil. It safety aadar every paaaibts test snd It perfect bars leg qaallnea, an proved fay tt continued eee in ever ue,ooe lamiliea. s . ... . Milllong of gallon have been eold and no Cured from buraiBr. toriaf or handllo It. a Tb imtneua yearly less to Ufa and pro- et W. rctaltiDT from th ua f cheap and dan Cerous oils In the United Statea, la appalliag. . The Insurance Compuiie and Fir Cout tnisaloMra tbrovghont tits country recoov aisnd tha A8TRAL aa the best ttfatmjd ben Uuil iH! USeJ. 1 3Tor "ilciimr. Bold by JUUUS LEWIS X) , Raleigh, authorised Ageau. CMAn. PRATT A U.,lou, rj THE " - V . A Mr 7 ... ' One BswGIs Just to hand of this Justly eMwatrd; Alabama Gin. t Th tee-linoi KtBtoom that they ttta fatter wksel oeuer auppia uuua any etbsr ever man. Irioj Hper et and tma Wfctlo. pHOflf KCTUg tFOB lS7-SE$ENTg la illuetruted Monthly' Journal, uutvereilty , admitted tobthHBdsooPeriodieitl lu the World. A Beprwentatlvr aad Chair pi on of Americas Testa. lutrsrsaleii Rector HEfj:slnm Th ALDINE, whB Issued wifta aS the tl Eilurliy, haa aona of the temporary or Unaly Urt ckaracterUUe of ardthvy eriodkal. It W at etejeanVmlanrl laay of para, light aad gracelul lilwiamray-and. a anlleatlaa f pie taref , taa raratrpeelnMna of artistic akllL la bJt aad ohMe, Altbooeh eaca aaceaadlaK DQUibor afford! a fraah plearare to ita triendt, th real vaJne aad beantt of Th AXOINM win re moat appreciated after It a ben iwtvl) trttitarat cootpsU'km ft' Vt or Vnart aewi . is pusaeMor ! a eonpiew volnms cannot doplicaU the qnantltr of line paper aad angrartrjga la any ouer abap or nambe, wvoiuifctj far Ma mm tu M wwf bwa, mm araw wtr-amsa, aaaasa-r---''-- PRXMIVM F01 1874. v Kvsry aubaeribsr to The AJJMNE for the year 1874 will receive a pair of chroaaoa. Tha orlf rial picture- were painted t oil for the pabliabera of The Aldiaa, by laoanaa Morac wnoae irreat uoioraao ptctare waa pnrenssed bj (. I'liKreaa for tea thOBiand aoluua. Xhs atijo.-'a era chosen to represent "The Eaat1 and "The West." Ob Is a view In Th White Moaatains, New Ilaaapaniret tha eta kiym xam tjiina ei wees nivar, w rwtac tatriiory., IU duferano hi th nature ei tbasecnea incsasalvas as a pleasing contrast, aad aftorda osd display f tn artist's aeopa and eolonna. Tb thromo era each worked fraaa thirty eistiwot platas, mm am at aias (111 Ml aad apnasraaa asset fa atatUer e the ordinals, la pvcaeatauo of awarthy zaaaii i . Aiaanca a gnauai lanaacap palmer to 1 1n subscriber at HnlUUna arts a bold but pcnllarlv happv Idea, and Itasuc- ctntld n-afiaatioa la atteated bj the following seanmoniai, ovariasstgaatan oi Jtr. storaa Kewsu,' It. J., ovpt aotb, 1873. Mean. Javbs Scnoir at Ca Ucntltmen I sm dellvhted with the proofs 1b,c iilur of yous ohroinos. - Tasy-ate-woudsr. fully aui'seMful rxpresentatioaa by uiecbaniciu process of tha orvlnal painttnirs. Very rsspecuuUy, S'irtJed,) THUS. MOHAN. TERMS. S aliNQM. IE ADTAJICX, WITB Oil. LisUWMO FitaVK, . For SO C1NTB IXTR4. the Chrome tl be errr,-'Buranted, varnlahed, and prepaid by "m... . .; : :.; .. THE ALDINE wUl hereafter, be obtain- able onlv bv subscription. There will be no red ut. i or club rate ; cash for aubscriptions must I e sent to the publishers direct, or n-m j a ia tne local cjuavstser, wimoui re- spt.ttftlbSllty to the pnbllehtra, except in eases where the cortUcate I given, bearing tb ft nmi t signatursof dist aw HrjTTos at Co. CANVASS KK8 WANTED. Any person wlahimr to act nennanentlv as a loai eonvasaer win receive luu sua prompt in- luruiauoB uy applying to JAME3 bUTTON i CO., Publifthen, ' 58 MSISIUf LiAEB, KlWaiYOBE. octOTdtf A New Discovery 1 1 Phalom's rtVITAflAr 01, Salvanoii for the Hair. CLEAR AjfuiJATERf ' ' I- WrmcWsEDTMENTII , OPENTaVTHE LIGHT I If far Resterint to Grtb lair ttt .QmmLQile.il Phalon's "ViTAiuroitTer ut- terly from all tipnidiT coloring weparationjfieretofore used. . it ts 1br5id, sweet smelling, precufftates no muddy or slimy oir,requircs nosbakinp.im paifcnostain to the skirl Hold. V tclhe light and it is clear and iouUess. It leaves no mark on jhe scJtjy; yet itreproduces in . array haiStfi natural color that time or sicET?sa may have bleached out ot it. tPhalon'sVitalid fe for one sole purposed rcproducing.with absotute cer tainty, the naturaflor of the h air. It is noctitended u a ' dally dre 5curf or tUndruff ; nor for cu ring baJCness; nor for stimula ting tie growth ot tne naif, a ncs' obiects mav be accom- plish ii after the color has been fixed iththeVitalia,by Pha- ion's rator. lemicai rtair invigot The ViTALnta harmlea and unequaled premutation for the reproduction of li origi nal hue ofgray hair,d notn tnfe else. This is accoJhplished in i rom two to ten aBCkcations, according to tliedrpth of shade terjuired. Sgjawall drutsta. E X - Cr I F T ' a irovKt, By 7 idwik w. rrjitt I, Autlor f 'TSiaAngtf In Tb Cloud .i Fureateby ,7 s?t-, .H . . U ALFKId WlLLtAMS, -etStMf . JtookeaUer. : O ft Th undersigned offer for sale, a t ra le lenat. a war dasb-abl and valoa'il tract of lead, srltbin. a mil and a etiartar of th rVntthere HaalU f th eMy of Ealslgh, est th Wastsid of ta Fayettevill road, -Uinlag two hundred aad twenty ssree. , II fronta on the road for nearly a mile, aad eaa he conveniently divided Into "two or mora lot ".g.;-jTrj nitiir n rrraon aatinii oj pba. asincr wdT be token over tba nrriaiaea and can obtain ail necessary information from liner W. H. Bledsoe, or myself nov xsrir n, A. liLXUVVC jataiaiUui.-AWtbf. eloan JtUidjuar.-,, while tlVItMjygCTRCT JPWwT L,IV .W. it.v ... ......i.. JL ,J hTV W V. 1IPIIW . wmr-' T cONMEcncraT uutuai. Iusnranco Compiny, ,- ; VdnUiti th hl(i.t lUndftrd of BOLVENO-f. Tb character of the InTeetmcnU of Hi aoca malaud aaaaUof y r. ,,. S36,0pO,6oO U ol the B Wheat Claaa for aaenritr: tthaV- iBE Bererloata aollarof lu InTaetnent IU 8 U R P L V 8 la larger tbam that at ear ether Coatjmay of Its rBcelpfV It has B Stockholders. 8 very auuar ox btiiw arj(fns Dwuoas auawy w w "TV LTTvltiytP E1V. Prom such a record oaa can wejl Jar! its where to InsBr with aaiety and th amaOest paaaa- uie mm. i S. . WAIT, Ctenl. A reat - KALtioH, ir. a apt M "TQR T II CAROLINA STATE urjE MjrsviLmUrcM co. RAXEIQH, n'c. ' , Capital - - aji.'OO.OOO omoBss: HUN. KKMP P. BATTLE.... Presides P. H. CAM IKON. Vie President W. B. WCKS Eeeretary DK. Jt. W HAT WOOD..... Med kl ItracUv W. I. BoTfTKR, AaalsUat Mediaal Cireetar i. a BATCHEiwOE...... A Attorney 0. H, PiaKI.. ........ ...Sprvits Agent vnaorvM r Rod. Kemp P. Battle, Ho. J oka MaanbnA Hob. John W. Cunnlnebaia, Hon. Was. A. SmlUi. Col. W. L. BMiBdera, i. O. Men. Hon. xod sw uaiawsii, lien. w. a. (.ox. A. X. McAden, i, u. twvcaaior, onn men at, ;ol. L. W. Humphrey, A. A. MeKoy, J, C. tuk Col. T. M. Holt, C. Tate Murphy, t -leana. Walter Clark, CoL W. K. Attderaon, on, Baraaa Hrsr- Ins, Jobs a William, 9. U. Cameron, llUTsa. . FEATURED AND ADVANTAOE8 ltl empbaUcally a Borne vompanv. lularii elttal guaranteai itteogth lad aarety. It Rate are a low aa tboae of any first eiaae company. . ii oners au aeairaoi forms oi maaranc. Iu funds ar hsvestcd at boat an esreuln ted among our own people. No unnecessary restrictions lninoaed unon residence ottravai. . - - - Poticle nOB-forfeitshla after tw wear. Ita omcer and Directors ar prnmiaallt and well known North Carolinian, whoa aiDert- enc aa hutlnas men and whoa worth and integrity ar aion Bamewna gwarantae ror tbe compary-s arsugtaMMUvaney asnccwa. O. U. t. IvK z , Bnperrlslng Aj?ent, THEO. H. HILlsLocal Agent, Raleleb. N.C Good tfenta -wit Whom ttberaf contract wui be made, wanted in every eountr la the out. . .. juuy -it- E NCO 0UH . EOM X INSTITUTION ir SECURITY A QAM SI FIRt NOBTU OAXtOXatNA HOME IffSUBANCE OOMPAHT. - - . .mi . RAlKIGH, K. 0. -: - ... .. . . . This Company continues ,to writ PoUct It fair rafea, on all elaae of lnaurtbl prep arty. M AD losses are promptly adjusted and paki. Th " HOME " 1 rapidly growing u publi favor, and eppeala, with ef Jenee, totnSurec ot property In sTT part of North Carolina. " ' Agent In ill pnrtt of tb Stole. E. H- BsTTiJa. Jr., President. . - Sistob tiaxss, Secretary. PuxjlSbli Oowran, BaparvlaoKj JuncSS-tt . ; QOMILLL TK TEAT HUHGXR: y':: . ' WChlatsaa, Twrksya aad Duks, , ... li Doa. Fresh Egga, . 600 Lb Fresh Moanuuf Butter, HO Bus Fine Muua sin Apple, Just received expreaily for th Feb? at ! et lo-ti K r JONES da o. TO eloeeConelgnntent t OnekaadseeB Bed Room est of Warn a raraatar,- eontatn- kg tan pteeea will Mil low for cash . w aa.tfvnsj at tAja; ept Jft-tf T -v., t) a Jilt Old Town Family Flour, 2Q Bbl Elmgrove r amily Floar, t . t . fee al : BTJtOJUCB- aepSlw tlOAl, AND WOOa , , 4 'i, I -ksve Bow on hand aeppfy f itnd Ash Egg aad Nut Coal and a lot of Oak Hickory anaPloWed. Orders filled eromr.Uy. OBtiOJ-U .' - . ,. W. tABJlnOaAtSU F .,,1! x Hone , and Lot 0 FarsUerlll Street) Bona ha 5 Rooms, . tept Si-tf , , . , W It JOKES Co. OPABTNBBSHirilOTICI. The Bademraed kav otsd onartsw ahlp to do Frtaco. Sign and orBameatal taint leg, gilding on glaa and eahtomlaiag. Order sdilnaasd to Peat Ofsc Box HUO, or laft with Way una Aileatt, As., will receive prompt at- hBMion.-..,.CvAJUIjn, .. x -or 117-lt W. D. THoMPaOS. LABSK LOT. . ; - - f: vtii, BKhmgiend Silk CollarsU. ' act U-U W. H. 'k. i t.CKKB A O OITIZENd' NATIONAL BASK; rOt BALEIOtt, ' ' . Baume. B. O, Jan. Id, Uti. t-k. VMtne. Oil. Kanfc k.tm a-V- J Dlridead of Five per cent out ot th prodi ot th past six mouths, Paysbl t th Bankr i u n mS lata tu. - ... ' . m a Wti tf-w tf.kt.f P.A WLUT.taahier, JA-t 4J BMaaHaHaaaaMtfMHaaMaaaaBaaBMaatBaaaBaaaaaaMa TtrfTll t ''M 'S. Ii K T"lTlf TTOlT,OTOSAr,mnDfl.Jt. 1 "LHOAf;-' NOTICES, '";yiiiscmAitTorg.' r. - : - - ' 173 -.:Ti!? JOB OFFICE. ALL KINDS OF QUICKLY, CHEAPLY Uaving refitted our Job Office, And secured the senricos of i Wb ire now prepared" To exoenfe 11 kind of JOB TRiyilNO. AH person Tiftting" mix nEADSr"-'- ; ; LETTER HEADS, ' BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, , WEDDING CARDS, .mi - i i i. i ' v , y ft , ClltLJJAiaa, , ' H rmmmm9m. m tul .-IT' t POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, 4c, Ac, To print, will hare their work e- Dented in the very - beat style by sending it to the Sentinel Office. 5- fii.Jln ''itwl tr ' - " 1 n , 1 . .1. Wo. an) aUo prepud to do U1 a. kinds xt 0 yn.i tii l.ih..ory. be style, 5'-,j it t .... t -, . - . ,n, MODERATE PBT0E8; All work seat to a will be- done m quickly and chci'pty;rMBrtliy: other 1 ... - aa- -. .'m : RINTINQ UODSE IN THE ..... '!01 bUTIL.'- TICKETS Of all kinds Printed at short notice . In short, we are weMred to exi ecnte all kinds of Printing in th Trj peb siyie. , - (. lltlv US. - A Ctorkahlp by geattontin who eta give; th kwet refatwne,, Addre Aa l," Ft tawm.OSle. .. . s-i-s-'s a CJ -lW- . I . , j.s j . ..-Tt. T ADS a MISSES HOI8 IN 8KZAT Ad.si.(j 4 iia. . Isunea Freaeh-nld Boot, w."' , .....! ., si.-', d tsi. ''- naaB Gust . r, Ifiase Kid, Fox fearew Baotsaai Bal, CbUdres'a raoe aU kind. , wovxS-tf i C. aUEARTTACb T A. 1) -W n n A if r n n il . DUUli I I U 11 111 j.'T'.O JI JT .'RM n'T It t N T IOKBINDKU -I :,. .I.--.J .. laflr;. ... "Winti ott Hai iicturcr. ov''maaW..' 6-1 '-'kK L K I- O H . v.V.IS. Nkfttr . ...-.;. v : J llW, L E M MI NO, . ! u irroiwsT .ktiMvl 1 ; -V . '. . ... ' ;E '''! ,l.,H Hit 0r4OBU of tha Row'rt HoM Mar 'the ? " ' Beattaht omm-'--'.'.xt . - f V .! D . -1 - ; 1 V f 1 K ' ':,;Lrte'p(,lUW,'l,J.ii:r,- -i ATTURK8T. da COCNSELU'JL AT JUW . "wo: dwaii sr., naw renatem, - WHlattnd pre.mrtlv1(4 lHmfelonI biiU jaroc.U, Sa. I. koons. ioaaaTuaa U)f. 4 G.lTLIIxQ, State and Fedaral Courts aad the Court of tb 1st snd oth Judicial District. novSU-tf w X tT E R Lilt Attorney t .1. RUEiUUtH.C. . PracUcea hi State and Fe t al 'onrt. sxUoi.j made In any rrt of the Stats, aov la-lm Cot F OK KALE All the North Oarollna Beoorta no to 7th. Jones 'he tnreeTiat vol., of Jones uubonud i EnKllsii and New Kork hepwts anrl aunT text booki userul to the Lawyer, also Tor aal. Pemins wishing to pnrrbase will please ap ply at ouca to HENKTK.NA8H, dec it-w ilillsboro, N. 0 NOBTH CAROLINA, I Wi CooaTV, f ' arum mrnnioH cocbt 1st Jan., 187. tteonn ti Loerev, Wesf U 14uk, wad other, , aralim , l Caroline K LonKe, and other. Bv virtue of an order made In the above crjuiied apLial preceedlnsr, the unaeraixned. tut iOuiuii aiuner m baud oraer nameu, win January, lnatant. ta lot er parcoi oi una lying on th wasi side ol fsttittevUt Street Qt toe city of KalVb, and bounded as fol lows : beginning at th south atrp corner of Ibt lpLno.fr. -Pwupicd by tb ii'clrt :, tion4 TUuk ; &tuv with rajeltevllkbtreet lorty-i.llit feet and aix rnche to the corntr of Lbs lot now owned by Williamson, Up. chinch A Tkooiu Uiooce west to Bsuabury Street; thence witA Ballabury trett north uirty-nve feet to tiie aontn-weatern comer oi asm nana lot: wen, wim tne una ui aaia lotto tha tH-irlnnlnir : belnzbut of Lot No. lui In the pluo f auid city of Bulelgh, and now ocenn ed by . 'he pUln'14 Ueorg S Mugee, as a i mware own. iht ssie win ue msctt o me premise. . , Term Cash. .,,... JOBK GAT! NG. Commb)aiOr, , Jan4-td . ... li-::-r' ., E. F. JONES & CO. COTTON FACTORS AND GENEBAL; WUOLISALK AND KETAIL UHOCKEn. Wruinistol T, OrraatTB MsiuuT Bquaaa, KALK1UU, . V. Wa ureeeut our Card and offer to the public our eci-ricea a General Commission Mia- chants for th aal of Cotton snd other pro, dues, Ac. - Our locatlOB It central. In the business part oitbaeilyaad wa offer epacial advantage and fucillUo In the storag ot Cotton Ac, uavlnic a first class metal roof and flreproff tor hottie, Ituata wttfilu AsiiOrtaTrBinc of thepolicelfUtion. audtheieby less liable to the danger ot fire. Those who deaigl storing cotton will find tt to their interest to communicate with us befor storing else. We are eoaatauUy In receipt of allnarrt Creneral Groceries which wo are selling at th varr lowest Burkt prices. Farmer auiitiliea always on hand, t ouutry produce In large or small qusntlUea taken in exenang lor goon. Wa su licit eoasimmenU and will effect sstlsfactory sales snd guarantee prompt re turn fur all article entrusted to ua. ' Our patrons and other will be informed from Lime to Um of the genera tenor of price for Cotton and produce generally. All communication of Inquiry promptly IMwernd rl , , , , aepa si-wu . , Tux watt, tiiow ,;.:'.,,.,..- CotLstantly raaaivuig eupplie direct from Hi ataaufactarwt o Uiia eslebratod plo Th i'aruiera Best Friend. ',. JAMK3 M. TOWLKS, ' k lor the Mannfutunirsi SMOKED BROILING BEEF, . .; .'. , , ... . - - .. . It - v. - -f...- t Drtea Muuet Koe, r ... , - feDt Tiled Ham, Turkey and langu t fresh ClUou and Cuniuto, . ', Choice Goshen Butter, Prime Cream Chec, ' ' Preserved Ginger, Fresh Coeosnnts and Lemons, : -: ' Liik IrUh PoUtoes. ---v--tt. oct satt , W. O. BTRONAOH. F,,R'7'S A.:L ' a eoeoptcte rt of ,.- ,. ,. . t.t - - -.- .i-.--r-,.. . , 'i it mtWMVw- a we ... ikltOXtp MACalKIRT FOB MAKING t riovr juanaics, ; : capacity ot which Is 500 per day ( also one M Shafting, Pulleys, snd Uaiger. Wood Turn IsflAiQ, ynety of Moulding MacbinetItlt wig, ilnothavword:i. i t?XlJL j 1 FIUdT-CLASS 1 PLOW O AKDLB FACT0KT." , , . I ' . J i f u Willaellaia wbo'.e.or by detail, , .. ; Adareaa, . . , . 4 i 4-.t -fc , r. U. HAAlJaV f. ( Rot 1107, EicUuwnd, V. ; enwafttt ' i. -: ... -t. ' jjublic a-aliW, ,:;,.":, On January nth. 1874. I Win at" t rabll Aactton for C'aab at tb Cesrt Hoo door I Ralel?h, a portion et Let a, in phtw of thy f Etietfh, to ailfy a mortgage glvwart m by Ungb oamppeif eunin ttoodwm ' ticitu v . D'tltvsava, i ' - r ;,r i i -M i i Fn b balk . " v 1 nod EOom Brl r vrnitnr . aicraa.: I Psrlor Set Fsralturs and Tshtesv- -t te l-tf "' v W. H. JOSkS A CO. TflENTJ FlVE, rottTT, F1FTT, N '.!.... .-.- H la sv 9S Caes MlxM nekie. '---"eii't.isw . 1 l Do Cans reu feschea,'"' '",4 10UI Poand pu Candy aasort. . rixz - Juy ft tcriif iktfZl O.XAi I OV K0RTH.CAKOJJ.NA, vvvsii w.vWv -J. -. 'r "rtiB'sTrERfoit cotrtr. w' WUfao H aA Stat Ttta't far Arfttiosh Waa .RaBMer sad arif XHaabata, J Q HetsV and ftfa EsihBla, aUAhi K Hra nv, jtnnaft l"avior, John W r(f snd wife Mrrt, bj hw nrv trleud Joha W Page, FkiaUBi, . x -y- :, - i tf . wi.t-l -,( . . ... ' ' vi. .ii.., ; ' .. - w.f f W A Rarhiev and wi Anna, M i r?amaefnd wife Hsrte, oeph Kamev aad wrfpLvilia, tvhnVt fUniaev and wlfu. It P ward B RaiiiWy snd wife, thrfetdanta. It si pearls to the satlafanUpa of the Gaurt that lhaaaov aamed defendant M i Ksrkwv and stfa, Joauph Ksmav asul wife, John. W Uanse aad M and Edward B Haaaae and wtfe, are aae-ridtiis of tails MUto, ty an hereby notified to si pear at th ofac of tha-f Clerk of the "npertor t)ourt .for t ConMy of Chatham within DO doys sfier tha serv os of this summons, snd anewertb eomplaint. a copy of which wlU ba deposited tntteeoale of thei'lerk of is "uperlor Court for ss d Conuty wl'tilnPdava from the data hereof, and let them take eotle that if they tail to nawcr to the atd eowiplamt withra that time, the pkriatiff wittapnty to lb Court for the relief demanded lu the (yirplnipt. ' ' oiTt) ni acr wj naaa aaq veai or uobii WAO 13 0 TTIQIl AIX WHOr ARWllXlNaAJO JJ OiiK. Any person, old or young, of oRliar sex. can niak ia ii rom 1 10 to t SB per week, at home or in eonneetla with other business. Wanted by all.-Ballablc to either city nr coun try, and, any sesaon of tiie year. This Is a rar pportunlt fori thoa iwho Ir out of work, audout of money, to niake an lwdencn. dent living. Ko espltiu txlne requlmd. tur iwmphfct, "HOW TO MAKE A UVI-' SlvinK full InstructlSria, , nt on receipt (if W cent " 'Ad.lrww, A. BUMTON A CO.( BfonA Mlac Wasteheaur U, M. 1 ... t A aft j l V'l'yJ avort wbara to sail oor aw sad 1 II t it AO lorrt Kmbrotnerin? Msctiiw ItT ATTPTI Stud'' IlluatraUd CirmA II lA.iJ to Utm MeKe MaBufaeUnnn Coatpaay.lieu Broadway, Haw kork. TUn PABXOH, COMPANION. Kvsry Lady wants sue t tl - seat aa rat diit of TuaCeota. , Address, L. I", iirUk A COn m seventh Avenue, New fork. BON-TON FXIRTATIOM SIONALa. eVnt on receipt of it rt. Unique Printlnaaud PnMlabinir llonae. SB Verse v e treat. Kew TorE. ; " -- Th Backwith 120 PortaW Familv Sowing Maohin&ondO Dawi Trial many advsntairea uver all hstlafa boa gaarautot-d, or t) rufundod. Bent complete, with full dlrectloua. DerkwIUt tft'W.LC Machin Cuu eWJ Broadway, X I. ; THR'NKW F.LRCTIO TKU8. Ah Jm- porntnt Jmtiitlm. It retains the Rnotui a all tlmea.-Bim eiuier tne everent str slu. ft Is worn wlUi comfort, and If kept on night and dar, effects a permannlt curt in a few week. ' BiM cheap, and sent by sua II when requested, circulars free, when ordered hy k-tter tent . to The Uatiu-Ttj Co., No Broadway, N. V. City. NoWy also Metal dprlur Truaaes j loo pslnf ul ; tbey Bfion too irequestiy. ' atav 1-UeoditwsowU ' " , . ( M ST0REra '-si. a d. HBAitrr & to. i? Fayettevillc St. LATEST 8 T 1TLE.8" U rV 4 Oaf t t S . I -1 f. a .-.)' i JV , . ui a. .1. . B6ots-TSrr8hoes, ' , Hats, &c: : r? i - , - ) ' i YUiteai to the Fair ar Invited to rail on ue end examine oar new stock. i Boots.'Bhoes, Hats.fScc . r- ' Al8PJSCILTY.-,-i . tact 12 4tkt,.nt tm- i'.ttt.".t .i .,,.,,,,. .,.,,. ,' .AS ;.i.j,5 ,., PORK SAUSAGX,; fooked Broiling Beef, ! -, t - Choice GosbuBulte, ' . ' n. PrltBl Brow Chesae, Smoked Beef, Tongues,' VxUa Bologna,8suaag&, Urg.NWthcr.PBU.tom, . Extra Oram ind BodsBlcblj' i . .- ; t ' wtogar Snap, , , o Jellies snd PeMerTsa. ' ' "ti 1 1 . -.Iain iftd Mixed Pickles, it! . ' tadp end &cV ' " ' tnijilah MsrmaWea, ' r " .,, I tTavorlns ErbrMts. ' ' 4 Canned Frulta and Vegetables, ' , r. Engllih and French Mastarda, . a' tTmr'iand Kelou Oetatlne, " ! v Choice Tea and Cbocolatoa," . .; f , t 'LsaeV'trsnd Choice Haias,' - ' hiursr Cured Breakfast Strrosl ? tf A Cbolce TlrglntABon, aSUIl-nnunuiitr v luur. Tff Bo Piootov nemble' goaf ly KJ lift bow Pfuttur (sauible vaown, a, - - - - - - . - - eept imi -.aW.iCa BROS. U S T H MO IV I 1 tsent'l Dres Cigrvei Galtore, r- , - . iwm otiw vvuKivea uaitera. a a M I1ILv,i. -' Double Sol Boot Blade fcVde and beet lu the city- - -' "T ' At "'' '- " -.-' -' .! itbvtt tf D. BEABTT A Ce. C Boxei Extrt OUnEoapa. U irrto - -1 , . LEAtTU EWB., , ug W . , . t Wbolaaal Agwla, RALE1GU NATIONAL BANK .. . j A 1 OF NORTH CAROLINA. ..,, Tftr renlif Annnrit Vitn . OikaiM.lL holder of thin Bank will be held at their Baoklrg Hoots In this eltv on Tuesdav. that 13tU da of January next - Ealelgb,rec. iO, 1878. , , decM-dtdf IpAIRBANK'S STANDARD SCALES. I Ordere f or th Osnalaa FalrhsmlA. awUss. AU.iilmt rimmiitlj nlinu.li H in it in sunn a tut era prices. I I vroentreapectruiiy enueited. - : ? ' 1 K. il rLUUMIRACii I r'-'V-'- '-JTy, rr;40rwiBMawart..' 1 fr"y' ' -' " ?.- i'etoruiv1r:,.. ' '-TVI Sr:Iw ' fi,v. t-tM rtww. jvJimr; t,r.rhe Itojfc i.:.:''KK!3t -T 1"!S jp XT. i I M O K E L o p I JA-- I j; - .IIOSI'ITiLL,, orTBCsWT JDTTTS RS2JX1SCE 5TSJ5IT PhvalJaiof this eelebsated IrUlBl!,s. ia ' eoverodwhea ta the. Great HoapiiaU of a- . rope, vis : feuA-jfrafet and giae where, tb ' moat certain, speedy, pleasant sad efloctTtat - leenaium- J. i Weakness of the Back or Limb, itn.re m AffeeiijttKldaer or U!aWer Inx.'im tary Utsnkarfas, laspaienry, tiauwal bauitv.s Sptnts, Owof ostoa' ol idea,!1 sisl Heart. Tlsaiditv. Trmliliiikr.Ijiiniiaiif Hifba. or liilillaa,I)i a nf. tka liiisd.ajtrul. Nose oe Dkun. Afleattona f Uik Uitm. Iia Btomach r Bowels those terrible 1 "r-r-i ' arisiag freraiiuUlary Uakltaof Youtlricitrr and suliiary praetka more fatid to U- r ie-, 1 una Mia a rna snns:r thayrmat 1fcc"1r rinrf tijaya, -tolixhUng Unit aioot bii- , liaut iuiia's o " antieiuatluus. reudem.s u.j'i ' riK, ' c , Ininoasilrte, destroying both u a.- d Blind.. . . y Tnesadre soma of Uvl aad iraTsocVTv ef . MRltt. Kurwm arrtlnliil.tv.. arafiuiH-ri Kit ' H"r-''"f Iffntii-THii trsnaial ilii.nl ,, Bynntomsol UoasuaapUaiu st' -r M i MNTAU.I!.Tb r-aflui affucU a tfaq mtad-mre-rnnf fcr Wdres4eLVoi 6T KTRm x feorr.-vrtttf -ilih-rfl Ht trim T1tf4Hialfttf ft.iAf. u s urenvumgY iTseswn tf ooeieiy, Opii Dlatruat, Lovr o Solitude, Timidity, Ae , are i some of the evils prod heed. 3- . ci ' ' Thousands of person of 11 aia eaa now " ludirewhat Is tne- canaa of their declining -health, Uieiag tbetr viiior, bneoal g weak, ile, nervous and emaeUtad. h mtrta einralar ' ' fapiir lice abdat the eyes, eofn sad synrpvt Married iwrsous. or Yorm? men eontempla ; Bg naairf, aw of fay leal Waka--t 1 Loss of rucrealiV power (ImuiiUiisey), Ner vuu LxcitaUilty. PalpsUlion, Organic Weak ( noes. Nervous Debility, dr any oUier Wmu.il -i tteBtloBaoeidllyjUevid,. Persona ruined ha health bv anleanted ora. tendera wba keep them trintng month after ' . iiHinlh, taking polsoaoBS and wjuhua eom- , pouaiH ahouid apply lniiflUly,i. llii. JuUNa 1 tiN,, ; " ' Member of rtw rtoyai 'totlr-ot gaigaons.f Loadou, Uraluste of one of Uie moat eiulneal 1 UuiivKe iu the United Btatee, ud th oet....v part of wtio rtfs las bm span! la tfe nos- plula f Lodu, farla, fkiladalpki and .led' where, has enacted aaan ;et th noat.astoam. iallnir . euras lAa want r kauwa mwjr trowtited iwilA tasgiaa; In the bead and id ar "alarwai ' wnen aal, great awvaaaiiuaa, baliur d at aausdeu aeaad, rkwdOulueaa, with fru " queiit Unakibg, attandad someMinaswHa dw rangsmaat of u out, -war w-aaBBdssaiw When th cnlavuUed and bnundcrtt votar Of plecame Siiida that be io Ituuitied tu . aoad of this iaiuful d'utuje, It too often Ba;? pen that an LU timed aena of a'uaui or driauf, M,niii Of.iiryJ.iliiu'rsJita-aruia ai-yl .n j -t- luoati iio, irvm wlucatUin and ntcm; illtr esu4u" birfiJeai lilm. ; iifil inta.uTc kscuXof Ignorant lud duknhur preli ig)cra who, inea1bla.wf ciultui, filth bispecuarr, .' .Wrf , km;,ilm '., .VJlSiUS. .WOBlh. ' Jiftrt; i aiuULU.ot as.luuc as Uieamolleat fueoun l ebtuiKl, aud lu il eclair leave hlui with ru!o t neaiui u sikuwui uuKiluagUiaalpuliJlwcut. -or, by Uui u ot that deadly paiaua, Mercury eaasa the eonatituUonal ayuiptona ot tuls Uur-. rid diseaso to make tlielr appearanca, su b a -ulcerated or tare diseased nose, aocturuaj Sains in Ibe head auiiUulis, dimness ofsljfhl, . eaf nosa, nodes on the shin bone aal a. ia, bloteltes on- the bead, faea and astri-mllies, .- proKTPiwron wnu iiikiiuui rapniny, vn n saf ' tb paiata o(tuuitiih or Un bsaws cf 4Na , aoe fall in, and the vietiia of tlii r wful I asa beeomca a horrid object ot eommlaerd tion till death pat a period to bit dreadful eutlerlng, by tending hlui to that undlaeoverest ' country "from wkoj9gurato traveller ever ' returus " J . To such, therefore, Br. Johnston offer tb most eerteln, speedy, pleasant and anoetua! The many tUouaanda cared at tills eatablbdf ment wltUin the hut twenty years, and tha numerous important surgical operauona pr formed by Dr. Jobnatoa,, witnessed by tan Bopreenuttiveot the float and many others. , uoUcea of which have appeared agalu an aain before th public, besides hi a landing as a man of honor snd responsibility, I isuil . oientguarmutua to tb afflicted.. 'k of mi BAi.Tiirrmtrl.fX'K Drwrrfsx. " BAXTUtOKXvMO ; "J.;.? Enclose Advrtuwmeotnd B Ump for Eeply TROUBLE ACTING 'TORCjr '.r-rv. J. L. KITCHEN, lETcntor aii-faii- :; sfl u; fiAfmieW MfS esiriff tMi , imn .t'-6H'K"tHfi.; ifTB5 , , "'' A LI 1 a B f i t&ft ne "And Sueceetor Ao Kitthan Bye.. t -th- Kitchen.dubmerns. decu well Poruelaint'ilin- der, Joubl-Acting Fere pamp.'wbiett dta ' been In Use S years, without even the expense 1 otuWftoewg; l received tnelratpreu- ' rum tot tore pnmtnrStato lairs, for th last three year over all dumestl pump, . ; beinir tueooly eombined yard well cumu and aaad lira angbt tbat has vr givaa i.lnfat Ucm m tli la country, auu laving be by over ou tiros aad aavedovw Sv hundred toousasd -dollar wmte, ot property, and I have yet to Jaear of the first one being on r eome by Brut They throw from 60 to auo gsiloii wstor per tiWto .oA tle roof at Utree -itory bttildinsra. i'liey ar made strong aw . UiatS to 4 men will not broak them ua ye wivnoat to Ub atuau wumi won morn . for- onliuary use. They ha' a purccliug cyiiuoer wuloh etn't cut tb 'pstlinic m give any taata to th water, will not want ra ; packing In live to ten year If ordinarily nactf. ... niuisuy wua upv.iouuw suta Aoowitu-za os I base pumps I cau now v ally gUM-suuse faction. Borne of them are 01 kii.g auii-iiV .1" torliy in well b6ftei deep. 'Umf wuoi:r i them uy they aare bail per CenL. per sun u , , Insurance, and msuy say tLcy do sul n . s aaoeeaity of puylng any Br iutursntw hue tuey Bv one oj my pump. , y oi ji , ; 1'n.iup a Cyatcrii lud tiouble-icUug ft,n-e Pimii. ha astoulsncd bundritia bv its woa. dcrluf forcing power and it novelty ot cos twucHStu anu oiauiy, uoxa 01 operation ar.f suspa JA wa gotten up to let where tlier) aa no water, bv running; the nine to soma neighbour well, eyaturu or spring, Dfting-tb ; water irota xo to iw toct pergtendicuisr and ss tmr mm Wn mI.I. tsn...l 1 1 .. .4 ...... ... ... i - j ... ninii bmiiwii.wiiii. ,uw in i'i w y tachlng hoaa threw It a far a yon j - and it answer welt wbat it wa luteadt d ( tr aad it saidT to be th heat thrrrnKp is th " world by attuchtef two tuctitfi- pipes en an i one for bilge water:-1 am makins- two aire of the and six ian Of tb Porcelain t: - ' dcr Pomp snd overs doKenwiyles of werkina) them Bead for Circular and price usi " -f w fiartaara wanted, none need apply in- " lesagoott ttuanelsl bualnsss men er master mecbsnlca. The demand, aad latltf action the pomps ar giving la a guarantee of th ! Ingest dmdene realised from any bnlrw-t rn the Unit d Btatea, these statements can r- easily substantiated by hundred of awn and r ptpnr. Persous raiiMd4B eaaaufaetnria al'rtct having manufacturing td. s rn!er prlwajad uotiey, or no ajouey, would do weS ... to negotiate with ma at once, it la sots muchmener I want as help meehmiosllf sad bBsines talent. 1 will give I!.) pre mium to any man '.hat will brhur a cistern and deep well pump to beat nuns from el'.aer North or itouth (on Ita general merits. ) - ' , nv U-dswdtwtf ' ... 1 1 . "VT-d O. '.T- t Ei0;;B.Tt.? w XN ....... . i ,. . r I- The eo-p-trturtii'4 neretofor tv'-Hng under the name snd ttyieof Sander A islton I ibis day diaaolved by mutual consent, A W. Tlltaw at tlone sutUoriaed to t.ftl Bp the td baalaeat. -A.tj "Bmitetibui .Beutember 27. - " ED W A KB 8 1 NT"" V ' : I'dUliN W.TALTi.f J. W.Tltou Wilt eontioae imaln-wa at , old (ton end reswstf 'v a N-.i,ai.e of the pt-ronaea aeratefort t -.trt s..tiwSiaI; ,rti,A.W.lAL3 . w8a ..Srtib .t!i ai.i. - tr'.i 4 - - .

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