-u- - I! II '"- -I r - Y I II II II lVSrOV' VI II If I KAI.iIV sarriam. at In. following rat, par square ol . ;-. Mrtbr jot Hitnw. lU l r ' I j Y ' ' 1 -Hr ' t I J 3 . .rfA I II I VT'"--! 1 1 i I "" IV- I 1 1 I L, tl -p ' l"ceaArBOBliB-- - 1) i fAentlnel 1 vemr advance ftUW , . 7"" ' 7 if , fu.T...1 rf!!K ' u t'Ys,iY:tVyVi VT. 1 .qua re, tweak, I. Ml (mif oa. , peUi,xoath.BMivaae, -,.6.00 JTjLJL- ' ' V 1: ';. .' .: f IS r; -'V- -l ' 1- " , . . Zjmrttl UdSTST, ,, p- -, WKIy H M fcH " ; T " ' - , . Ty . yVir. Twf, Vflti f f"??J' S-' J- V '7- ?y sf. " 7 . .'.,(' " I tBO'l, lt - 40.00 ' ' ' 1 1 11 " fc l H II II.. I u - I . .in. in,!. I I 11 I ' HM ll'l II .1 fr J M I'he DkiLX bTlHBL will be delifered in .1 irt of lh city i girt mm Dint per LcgiHlaturi of liorth Carolina. 8E5ATK. Bjitcbdat, Jin. 24th, 1874. Tlio Senate met t 1 1 o'clock. Lieut, U v. Bfogden lo tbc chsir. Thv jnurnel of yeierdjf wai rtJ and PETrri". . ""3a- VOL. IX. RALEIG-H, Nr "JJftfifiYj TA1J0ATIY B5i ! 1874. bond in the mm of $500, and subeeqaanU ly reduced it to 200, which wwiird t yur petitioner in opn court At a preTiQue iodic An act to- iacordorste the Fri Company, of Fayetteville, 'patiei eral rMdtim. ' -..-jiuJiaiiij The Li toe! W thneberiff of Caldwell county wcolltct eireeragei of Uxtt, wm laid oa the fcble.V I The bill te prohibit the tele of iotoxi catlag liqaon vithin lw3-mile of Turkey Creek -Ceinjr .0rouo4,-ttt the .wuetyTif Buneooabe, phased ita eeVerkl' foadiBg The bill to iocorporate the town of Stae a4eBeele,iio ejie,ewwjpetf-ieeeri 'MPS' Wumtt-OkT. Rraneoa will preach t the Wicket-Gate appointment (Sin, Brown' realdefce i Kew Ter Grounda) at U o'kck to-day. The peo ple around fteKewTa1fGFolinarre"cor-. dully invited to atti, : ' A,t.c...Xuuifli,LiGiirnajLfi...I.1jij ty, ankidK for the probibitioo of tale ol liiiuor. ttelerred by tame, from tame, concerning the atne. Itelerred . By Mr. llerrimon, a petition from citi lent of Marahal, Hadiaon omuty, ntkin for a prohibitory liquor -Uw in one mile or JlHfphal. Itelerred. ISniODOCTtOH'oF BILLS Cy Mr. CliRinbcilain, a bill to amend the charter of Krletiton, Chowan county. lluterred. By ffymiit), cnl'd, a bill to change the tiinu ot holding the courts 10 Warren ad Jolinrton countlet. Iteferred Ou aiotMof Mr. Price, the bill in re lation to elections bo postponed, and made tkeepccial ocnor fur JucaUay next at 12 o'ciotir. On motion of Mr. Arera, the biii in re " latum toBeXrpTi5hA9yIum waa reTerrelT to the judiciary commiUte. By Mr. Price, from, the judiciary, re ported a bill to authorize Judgt-e to ,- point member ot the bar to preside in certain ca.: : !:5 sltr-iti.ti :' 8PRCIAL ORDKB, At 111 o'clock the motion of Mr. Allen to . rccoositier the tote, by which the a rffodriipnt ol Mr. Norwood, eeetioa 4, in regard to the equalization ol intercut pas- I was taken up. The motion prevailed. The Question then recurred on the pee saeof theaaieodmrnt; ' .;. '.'. Mr. Waring and Mr. Flcmming ad dretsedtftltnaU. s While thadjKVshjl walfl'prfigfesn, " Mr.' Mar weoa tseted that the rule be suspended, and a bill to legalize the called fciuprw-Cuft ol Wika to bwgi or Taeeday, the B7th, be placed upon its sev eral readings. The rules were, suspended and the bill passed. Mr. flemming resumed Messrs. Atlen, Avers, Norwood, Humphrey and Harris, col , participated in the debute. Mr" 'HrJiaphrcy tlre4' 'tW prerieos' jnestion. v ,r. ... , . .. jrfrNorwooa'i amendment, "that any widul tiolatioa of the provisions of this nut by any bank or other wurporation, nball work aorleiture ol !:s thsrter was1 then rotcd npori." ' ThiJ. amefldtnent did Bid prevail. . , i Mr.' Cowlcs, of Yadkin, oiTend i am odment . - A ?nsf debate.piun up which t M simply juiposnihW to report. Peodingi t,u fliv.'usion aeacrjiimeaU wtm eijered by Messrs. WorthAteta, ilumphtfj1, an, Todd. ... , ,. . ; . The nrtvloul' question was called Mr. Morehcad Ojofed Jo adjourn. The President decided that such motion was tistl i aa irL j'. Mr, tkilnauc appw'ed fr.a sho d. The afna and- ubt were l led. ' The lit. CuwIim called for a. anuodasocta red by himself. Tlse vnindmetf:s wredooiet. The (BesUon theri 'JnViM'liSnlIB passage fit UaaMkw.;uiHta. ... ,,,,, . Mr. Wat ). s suction iuetructing lehreeeatatWes la toirreti. laswrrea Mr. Morehead rnoeod that the Senate adiourn. , Carried. , IhU. fn Mr. NorwucxTs atsoaUmcnt passed on 21st inst., tbe rote stood aer 'I'r-nUA'Vl k;iH ;? HOUSE OF KEPRESENTATIVE3. Jasuabi, 24, 1871, Tbe UiM9 fli.f,41?? frSffcV 10 a. m. The minutes of the day previous were rnd and aDBWrfefl.''-. Mr. Bennett presented a petition from Josiah Turner, it, eatposing the Judicial court, when vour petitioner had indicted Oov. W. W. Holden for perjury ie aeearJ inK iiikit as to me inaictment ensnred about tbe arrest ol Tnor Detitioner. Jndire Toitrgee ordered a uU yrotequi. from both ef wl;iefa,oidersorTqtiirgt of the Court, your petitioner prayed, appeals, and in the latter trial madeun thnfraaeSnd' 'haaeVotj4-ty)lif.ttor fwtiarwiiff iimnitttf". iour Dcuiujuerrsiier bis arrest, with- i roposmons ina unersnces. i out warrTut or accusation, and without 'Tbe bli' to tncorporite tbe Ramsay any other authority than the due process Towrjehip . .Baptiat.. Chureh, la 1'sooey ot Uw, Itm sword, as Judge Bond would county, yssaaa1 ItaeaTveral readings. .;t phrase it, applied to Judge Tourgee for a ' Tbe bill to incorporate the tow a of bench warrant sgsinst Oor. W. W. Hot ' cestef, (a BhneomUe county1,' passer! fj4 deh, who bad ordered bis arrest, and who second readlnjfr" "" atone could have ordered his release. The bill to iuccvponte the tiwri bf Sar Notwithstanding the great aggravation atogs, in Wifaon 'County, passed its ser- of the case, Judge Tourgce refused the eal readings.. J- a, , request of your petitumer for a bench The bill W amend '6bap. 199 sets1 bf warrant. Your petitinoer prays for the lS"-'78, coooruiD fences aa Person, passage of an act making it Indictable for Orange and Meekieoburg, passed hi ser ai ; , . ... . . . I 1 , "wivi jytnun w uruig up a caK i crai reauinira. .-J, l An act to promote ttie sale oi waiinrai NO.' 149. TElMfflipilWS, i ., JFROM WABniNQTOX. , WAanrirrjToit, , Jan. 24. Unless the PreJIJeitb4Dge his mind he wilt send a qtesssga to Conaraas-aext NEW. ADYERTI&EMENTd BIN it where' the prosecutor has tsWen bond as it) t lis case of your petitioner, id a much as most of tha Judges at (i ambers bare denied ths sower of S Judge to arret a Governor lor crime or biaacb of tbecrimiaal law, your petitioner pys your mtaaramMxmy tur M-att Assembly authorizing aad euBowenera Judge or Magistrate to arrest a Ooveroor lor crime. , n v-'; r r But it Is to the moral and judicial de pravity of tba Judge of tbe sixth (udiciai district that your petitioner would call the attention of your Honorable body. Your petitioner charges that Judee Watts administers justice in a loose and Jtsgraculul manner. ivbout tbe Tear 1869. when the- Rings and Railroad Pre ideflts were Mbbing the State 6f fl6,000 000, tbe grand jury of Wake county on Tuesday or Wednesday of tbe second week of tbe term, made a presentment of uen i Litttieneio and . others for lobbrinft rd-crnnvtin-Th9"reTat' Assewbly: too juuge adjourned the court for tbe term in three, minutes -ftf the nrrsent- ment and befera the Solicitor eou .Mftw a bill. At Northampton court when a felon was convicted.'", he granted a ne trial. and oh tha 'second Inal when ihc case was about to be pat to the jury.thejudge sent s note by the Bberiff, written on the bench, telling the counsel fnf tb defeodatit wlist points to make, and Instructing bJm to prtas: tbem " and, yon will get ";0oi" wanwaause aotiettcr prosecuting, v. certain localities in Bladen county, passed its several readings. . , h. i .a ., . Tbe bill to give the Board of Educa tion of Cherokee contrty- tbe right and title to Jit. riaaaant Academy, insakl IaliUlall M i I slsti fcalia II lasTadai IhsltalK --" J s"Mssia jy-sar e asi mm sriwaBS wrl v TryTT. ma I be bill to incorporate, the .town or Winton, in TTertford couuly, passed its several reading! . Uader a asptqiiiia'r. of tint rule Mr. Moring of Chatham, introduced a bill to' adjuat the public debf North Carolina. Placed on tba calends. . r. A bjll Iq movida. Lit a iceciaJ slsctioo in thecnty of Caldwell,, pasaed Itssoe- ond an44bidaeadiaga, under a eaU.ef theHeuac,- j The bin, to iAQorporatj the towb bt Trenton, in, Jonei county, passed ill sev eral leadiaga. a!. !' .. to -i. rl : Tba Housa thsfl adloaroed aaltl 10:90 'muf ' w '' ' l' ml colored) to reply to, the IUerend atr. Uolmea (spiritualist) or seconij Advent.-! who haa been preaching on the Court- . . .'' . nouse steps lor several aays past, a at. terly raise is in erry particular. - Notice. A called msstiog wf, the jjpard of Trade will be held 04 Monday even Id g at 5 oTl.Kk, Ut tbe, purppae of, joct ing business of importance. , Adwemberi will please take uotice and attend prompt ly. By order of the Presideut. ' 1 oust Personal RxHCoarTsnt-Yesterday mor ning about 10 o'clock, , at tba eorbet ol Fayettvrllleand Hafg ett afreets, as Mr. tative trorB' new Manorer, waa pfoceeoing to -wards the Cspitol, he was met by Mr. Jfhn Forrest, a reaident of this City, wbo WOP&V comroewed to ply,jignr, t'bfclcory tittle uf.n MriiaW The latter warded off the blows very swl cessfulljf though baring on a hearv talma) one blow howereiiakJngUffect upon the bead from which some blood flowed. Tbe parties were separated as soon ss bystan ders could reach the scene of combat. As Watfra'iititar LtoULinra' - ttntit iBT-BMHta-s-A i Celd as thick as tbe leaves of Vail ambrosa. lung and tlrCBome dtA'ato'VMiimdron'j I Poliecemsn Mitchell aKii Boo Is, seem- usury Mil, Allen, Arera, Worth and Harris, col., engayed ta the wltWe. uTT debate. Sererk! amendments were bftered, The cmnbattsnts were soon tilting in reynltt llavly OTTOW iW: uiievcmau iiii:neii anus boo is, see m J Messrs, , ,'Wtaring,' Flemming la;le3t)j'ja era, Norwood, !fl Humphrey, U tbaflcgrote baecDld.gethoU oias Yoor petitioner refrains from mention-1 but no conclusion was reached. Consid erable flilibuaertingrioonrred'duricg the last hour atad a hslf.wbicst wastakea op in , ivui rcnuuau iviuinii Miu unmiQj forbids that he should here repeat a toert gtvea by Judge Watts in tbe presence ui fehtlsmen Irom three States in bis drunk so debauch ia Weldon. fiuffice it to say. vote U)' tbcl and eagle ot his country, and disgraceful to tne snaiciary, out ir ttiCTe tninga can fee pardoned aad overlooked by your hon orable body, ' your petitioner sayi ind charges tbat the sstd Judge, Samuel W, rvatts oss taaen a on be. Yoor petitioner charges thai be baa a letter la his possession from "Hon." John T- Dewoene, former mem be of Congress from this diatrict. la which tba writer anys that ha i' Wided'wltl. Judge I tbwing Churches to-day. We Watta that liio wnuld-ran aflfbijuao- gh the Uma of meettBjrol Hon aa,ertaiiaJrfeekmailrsuit xtaftva a..tiv.t. A A : as tbV "Keoffh it that BwwtaeL r"w": would pat a mi $3,600 in greenbacks -or I nrrnoDisT cacftctr. (Edenton Btreji ! V..U'U V,...,t.l Xl'i. I I ; '-f 'm 1 ir ' ' ''..' i. " ! 1 Fore fitota to eorroborate aad . aosUie Johd vT. ie'aes6, your petitioner tcMn yourbcnukraUe body to the sworn avj. denfM 4 aawrtby r. Lee, SJheriff oC WakS, wno receive sus osts aa nis asens ana nndrtnkta rniil them ia- New York fn loUh Po PacttMlliatU lbaraMi Maareaf III so, your petitioner rated oa the iltb dsy vii JJy,4 J by a guardt axof-ptloij SteC"rtaaqTf r -&ttle1 Revlsatrrft- -1 ) tj petitioner Vat then imprisoned WtSe ! IMr. Rhodes, a bill to Moride. common jaU. at Graham, ta the aounty of reslntrtioa of roterf 'bl tha day t V'bile an- fail nrsealjna!s aV - nlodatilr, wahbnvl, Umbler.'aosp aad towc.t sent to your peuuoncr tu o:is"a h a ft,.nd. u Yuwr patiiinnfi woa -4eoied rven'a chair or stool to itapeeuff-Suaneef thr partiea, td-wirf: Capt. vRaneayf last tsrai ef Orange Daperiot C'Ut fur his partieipatiaw-iB this assault upott- you petittonef the J adgmeat ol the eourt was . to diimlst the . indictmept.Frora. this yoor petitioner appealed, be being Ue prosecutor aad so endorsed opoa tba bilk Judge Tourgea tt first required your n titioner, who prayed an-appeal, to girt Mrt .u BiMtmt Mr. ' Bannatt nmrntOA a iwtl. ing (he junketings of the Judge la this I , r'... .j:. , .u. i. City elsewhere. If it is desirous for your J - .xsHw honorable. body to kaow o them, be re-1 naing in the name of thj?peoDlftb furs yoato -.Queot Bryan and others is I jiapcachmenliif Judge Watte for drunk- (ins city, wno can give tits disgracelnl I qnesA acadatousi-.conducJ'and)brJI, last at Weldon. ia Halifax county, his Honor Judge Watte brought candal and disgrace upon the Judieiatj by drnrikenntat, which wa continued oh. ine cart.to uendeiaon the great , .disgust. t I Mr. Bennett' introd need s resolution to impesh,Jjulgo Watta,hili was plused en theeaMdat.' Yoor petitioner forbeara and deoenev 1 tfde for tbe reg ,n matter, and'he tiped .r.lls. were soon low and es.-ortd to the Court room of tbe ilajor. Wbers upfti sxitnioatlon f wit nesses, it appearing to the satisfaction: of I His Honor,-Marm- Whttaker. that tr. Forrest waa the assaulting party, be waa Both-parties were allowed to ma! tea Itatemcnt by bis Honor, of which Mr. Forrest xuly availed bimMlf, ttatiagtliaA be had been previously beaten by .1 Ir. flea ton and that ha had now endeavottid to return the compliment.' 1 ! Mr. Heaton remarked to hia Honor that te bad nothing to say, save tbat he had Wllttemss- tactVc towalds that Ptate. Tbe propoeed election bill pravide, that it shsU be con ductei 'b Congres sional corpmiseion two tepsvsantatirea an2l oca aenAlor,. If Deiocrta can t brought to support tliis measure, its pas scge is ccltio ;.but all pi thin) are lothe q rcncw'reconatruction. It may be mil tedebat tli Democrats are disposed to bide themselves behind the constitutional piorisiuB .about securing to each State wimoUf!u iirm' rf go,erement.. j. , , 1E- The ?t ipiaioB is, that there will -be I new tkctioo aad .ibat Judge Durrcll sriU pot .be impeached.' , . LokdoH, Jstt. 24. Parliament bas been dissolved by a royal decree. Gladstone, in bia address etjaiBBt since tbe defeat opoo tbe Education bill the ministry hsd notsuf- flcieut powr.to carry out tbe great legis- ptopla. . A new' parliamentary election occumttJti'oiSi day. The-etsamship Joseph ., fsom New Qrlea&a for Bremen, grounded Lomf UvJ llgelaadl 'Bae casnieffJa a leaky ohdl- tion. ; i- nidJDtaTht, Elspiitcnc. J .rrnoM WAsniNOTpK, , ';v, ' J-'"': WAanWcrroifa. 84. Oor. Hebwt had a free, conversation Vub twi.4 r4f mu.ioi.; Oor. Hcbert,t impression it that li Pnsident data not desire a new, aietliou io wum- jttw' Mf jUt he dosbta'the power of Congress to interfere atur a btato bas bast) rconsUucted. ..It liru stiU tbe if re sident's intention in addrest a message to Congress upon Lonisiaoa Sffairs on Mon day. i'.. ,.A 'i . , lea wctltsv-ir ' ,'.ii;i . u. !..... ',: tie liorvdn- muat be .protected, and tbe lay of e!etiij, Jbe 'btll -te aVollfh the l iffice of Siateeoftigoa was watls the 1 f irMcrnt order tor lfc20ra. oi Moedtr. ii&QMlil tha pbbtia debt wMch Nvas plaeed Ml eaienaar. W-ito, provide ( tot aapeeiel eieeiiea Caldwell couatr passeij. its anal resd- liria Bemoea Tc-oar i l"t '' il 'i Sert!oaa wiJI1.bt J(hld in (bat if any fine waa imposed! on his an tagonist be would be as lenient ss possi ble. It seems the 'cause of t he figh t was that some days sgo the same psrites had coTaiionTpjirrtkarsnTo city. hich Mr.' Hestbn' grA crfnslcrefaMnhe esof ...the. battle, Mr, Forrest, it is said lomfng to tho conclaaioa that Jleaton waa oo much fca; the "shoslier and fist .rt " for bfdnmfTilUkefo ia retaliaj lion. I, itm"mum!tM increased. , . 51 The jSisjioVnt itppolinmuata to West Pc4nt Caaasai ip are coufined toa klnimon j fit 4 ptaosiWr : jepotuA, thai a. b-Ibs boei prcVaiedAjlrit'jnq'Idal districts,; ldgea,,.M -vi wl ii.it- - It W ttatcif. later rfl b y nt Louisiana bill bas lcen altoeu 9Jtliat in j stqad tqf.'baTing .it eondocted: ander a Hnnim-uiional iromfniialon it wltt lu. matt-' Heatoq ttojaWr olufk, aad stood 'aged by a '.comaaissioa .appointed by s be f0. I the furioua hammering flnhly, keeping lrefldeni. '"7V,t,'.. ' he IdeinryVot nle Thlnljr art, though l-composed of' military men. ' ' AXBd AND EDGED TOOLS. We offer the very best AXK that caa be mannractared By sktl.ta workmen and very menu, m- vuium we wui re casveuie aapuonof tne trad.... . - -Mrtlers fiUU HamiHliatelj. ,., ,. . JUUUo LbWI3 A CQ BolaJgenla, Kaltbth, M. C. W.U01 ' W..'..lJIt' a w-t t 40 e.ai MAKKETS: TTT A R t V j : i- I WTBBrOOL, JaB- X. tn - 'i tbia5a aepnaae.rri.raada Fmest Enerli 8 trT!t Orleans &v i.u ; g,w biTesn- w I-J..J! e .-..i j a asasftstsflstcflrfejssa Off tea or Jeuos Lawu A Co., , Kaleivn. U. ; Wadeslre to tall tbs Attention of dealers to uw ueoraua . tsuaxarut tXrrlvn nOM., uwuiwium exprttsiy lor a ay Tb JU BIIei lie aV Tol o BINQHAalTON. N. T. These Hoes sre made of the finest qnaliiv of ateet. bv skilled Ul or 1 bev ara not mid. w Aoia Bei, eai p la tea unaer Ura astasaer, ars hhehlr poli.lieil aurt are aoled lot Uanto dorabUtty ; hi short they are ss a ear pgr- ane sasasj isaa and foot aa tacr eaa ba made. Improvement on tbe old style, being solid and neatlv shaped. The blaue is aecauar hi zona, aad tb nandles atata iross aae whits umoer. torr Uoo la warranted perfect In stock. temper, finish aad durability. . Wr. aarnaaUr iggpJk'&m &llikiBgjrtbiM'to the id enly w North CaroUaa by . in JULIUS LEWIS CO., Lri Kalelirh. N. OR THKiit AOXNTS. Cotton- nominally lower; sales S31 bales ; uplands ,18 1-1 Orleans ,18 i f. Floui steady ; wheat firmer j corn dull ; Pork quiet at $18 ; lard .steady; turpen tine qufet at 43 ; rosin' firm' ' st $3.60 to $3.65 freigbt steady. ' , - ift-j"- .i '."f 'II xl Kkv.Xoiw, Jan.M. .. Cotton nominal sod owr sslc 381 baiw ;'at J 8 l:8al 1-2 1 net jrwlDtaJJli gross 4,790,,.;,-, , .' ;:t '. j t'cIor Ftour fairly m tire aad noobaafaed wjicat X cent tUr; crn,: bujera Jror with enquiry ; pork firuior at $10 ; lard Tfirmer ; grciesrkB and ttBdarirtely o ; io (. Ask for the Botles Cotton Hoe. and sea taa me same is stamps ea tae Blade. Hsea. . In each ai4 every inatanes tbey gave entire satisfaction. W.a aaaert Uvt tha Bnllaa iioaia taa vary best ever manufactured. ."' ,-uv.A - JULIUS LEWIS CO. 50:1100 for fi-vo.;, 3id-)d T.z . T"r- -i -') rp.BFlR8T GREAT ALT LAKI.QIFT L, Concert authorised by and under the Immediate sapervUixm of the eitf aatberittes ot Uorrinne City, for the benefit and IneleVof uie ., , .. active; a avals unchanged; trrigeU steady , Money easy , at 48 j ater ling! dull at '41-2; gold dull at UJ-SeUH.;f Gov ernments strong aqd coeaidersbie done; -States aUong, buf little dona, i," u r!. - BAiriMoaa, In,Mt Cotton 8alf of upland adthiag be low good ordinary delivered January aad Fifuerj.,7. 7 8 ; aJo, ef Orleans aohiag Vslo good ardiosrj sbippew December aa-8d.-M . n ft m t).i h. 1. COTT COTTOW aCABXBT.' CoaaBCTBD Pah,t Br W.. C, STaeaAxxt tiaotaa ajid CoaauiKiK Mimcsa- ' Oottoale 60 bales va a Ji.'wsy . v ' ,'r;y-k''9?'.'Aw. CoKascTan Dajh-i. BrtfjavueiACB i j. j.. . v At Bapf MAaxat 8jUAa..i;i ' j. ..... t'.tn. t ' - " 1?4, Public Free School .' i'' '1 ! 'The Only Tree Behoof ia! ,X?taV Tirritoty.1 m. a yHme vm ss ilAV IVV WvUUVI t - - I" :1 Captain if Howe, ' (r- ?'rrrfnrfraimfj9eT ! , : ... '. 1 r..'"tiJ t ic - ' ! " '' 7-sT ; :' (I: ,;. eiyis SRP.SR Kfin W'., A .;.ma V"-Vjyww ''!.',.' ,"Jf. HI ' ';-'!l : -It : TO DB the I m .Mvlldomaddlug in itite na ),ple, the Impeachment ot Judge Watts, for nruajfeuness. stauua.uu. vi ibiibeiakiqg. .;.?-.,.".' i. ' ' tro tua jioMoasJiLa tub hous or ar RBSarVtATIVM 0 TH STATS or Boiiin vCABOMKA. H, ;'.it J H T - The' oetition of Josiah TurirerJr.1 hosaWj com.plsTprngshoweth unto your honorable tboor tkas mere """S ... , --.. in autiii4 tha . 'tiW.K-F fdetnaadHorthe jwgkV r :2r: r Jnrlue Ramuel W. Watts aad Judge A. 1 I Reports fMra'StabdiBg committee were . - W.iraW Hale) lb ajsatdaV'tft A Xi- fbm.itted by Messrs. Waugh, Brytonof la tba-fieventh - L'lrcultheUfcpme OT ronrnetlBoner .'yna v"""""- "iffit. wmi;m , i i lbesetlnoes being pray for himself and demands' for )6nV suffering people tbe Impeachment of 'the aid Samuel WaUs.Yoar..ptkoaer aemaaue, la cna ns(ie4 tas retptetrit tbe aaVi Samuel "W. Watts' ao-rmrJeached for bribe-taking, drunkenness, scandalous cocao ot in office,ana ot oigu orimef an Kev.'A, M.auctfev JBeMatk 8eM W, ndesL9A.lt; v.H ii. i Jfcfcrrwi1 JMli;u xrtfr'r, t JgeAj33WrHird.tra tea at It Ai lL'sad f.P, iLr:: s4iW teadeat. 9 A-Jt,..t.t"M ja Rer:"J. ML Atkibsoa.:'or&rstB-'' er uavw)tge of eary talma aud bv uangum, omciating St 11 I f sue aaaa.i jar. rmieesawr. if a ll , .Tpsae, Bupertb-'I lnia tw matter . u. citizeo aqd Jtafr, 'I I a " .'rtrBOM MISoISSIPPr; Kalmaxoo. ian. ei. aesiloa here for aereral dava. haa mAnMA feaaauuw aa AM aa smaMl ;?i ;,Wwdo of the womBiitoa i. ,i'liT- BBaaaBWaaksWSBaat44afJaM 1 ' t . I . ae ' r . ' ... ai:r. ' i:.v i. ii . ta .i ! . r 1 UUOD. SHM1U IM IB IUH. 11LCC rBftt.Mllsuissrlav. i r'-v'T-f.r'-.'z- T- . i-r r-pepr'w.' vv"-.a.""aswaiaar JsWbubwl Ttq the" Ticket Holder be i American public, ditiqn' th.tstl.. .ll itiqn" of the AWarlp Nnmm la courae publfCatloiLbj . llmi., J.alkd! n, so well sod so favorably known to I vaiosa at! a A. M.atad-7 P- aL.t ,i ,!)u,..i L.Tg .ireaar Buhli.hd . .inm- d Arfto fc-A. M. McPbeatera.fltt.tih, iarie.. uifh. MLS ....I mUdemeaaora, and as in duty bound your pmtan.atit, A. IILa, .itia .fu bbw- .JL at a ' - OSAND JIFT.i COXCEBT It.'i. r .!) 1!'J'"I'! ..id ViW ) ii.-!:- ' tt ii..)i -Is T)a.HaiJTB f.v ''. oPM&fBOtti ihtt'orSojtvark "Ha: ' ' "' March fc. ' m maun .iaaary 4 I - ;UJi(tid t fl tws'i;g'.alav .".rn-T'vJt ni 45X3 it iXfTTON TAiLN.i LEATHER SOLK..V... LIATHEB LFPES... leateath Barkis . H OLA 88 EH. oer ral. . 8C. tJOklWN Tkrrivw. . f Aj?v;-- Taa! CHICKENS oa their feet.. .T..,. I BAI, per Lauibe.i.i..i,,.j.lotta1 ataft HIOIW, uerlhlry VINSUAH per gal...,. 40ao0 sHJTTRII;K!l!!blV.r'vrli:5tt Ctaaa rUH!H nu hbl. N L HACOK Bulk ,... ' i . 10 'ItWflO OAT8, aheal., ,....M.,W. I 4J ..;.. ) oo CANDLES., Ujufia t ISEWii ADVKKTISEMENT& in v- ttJ . ' -i i i ; i i Pno $1.00 each ,'u.i. Fiv petlUoner wlU'efar jlrty. f?r imjelLand I Mr.diViaetl trt4uoed ' .lI as a, .,. t .a .s , u ll r ... ? ' - . .' aasr aaaaaaaw apeaaav a'ssvw taaaw imiJN jtha't tHeJejljilatttrf Jbu ifj' ??bi to mate tWbwca, . , 4prnpik 11. (Uaswrga of willers -for eribdier I rain. Accompanying taa psorA et the omnuttre B tbe fdllewltg sesolutiboV BaiiyToal wbfle we! recAte try and all attempU to cripple or destroy raIlK ptemtt, isa ojd rSmiad them f'5!" loverabf that our intarasU are identical 'WaiavH ikXjCa4'tJL"' w4m V"u''1'" l-'AAdeActt; 8llH ifiiitfll aaM armed whites and blscks withouJjmfeaal 3udd WMaf Wflif rfmislaf J I r,,..ti,n 'nr warrant, add ss the said hi I miadcaicUar ia oflos I Ctibidsr. J 11 11 orJerof Govrtnor W.1 W. Be4deaj " i' ' Mr. Houston, a resolution in regard to Your patieioaea waa coonneo, ana trawiae public prwMn. ... , y rr tj eormfSan pbred . over Dim with girss; f t Mr. isenaett, a bin to amend cnapter words and pistols, with lasttnetiooa tnat 1 IfcTised Una t-tj-jt nrr.Trm?T ha was"not to speosT or"" talk even tffttt t ! Mr. Blvthe, a ViQ lo AryeuJ clMuir . for the I day trf1 elec Ai.manns. and thrown into trse lelonsl tion..v. roo cage or dungeon fr mere Wanton-1 , Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, moved to t .nest, and tba plenr. which ibfliojing lop the potato alradacv aad auttheaami - . . - . f ia .i .If i it in nr, MMI... Ih mmiImi nr tha NnMkW nnnisrimens iravv . w y mhmu v . w . v . 'Your natiUooer ,w a .removed iron tliei , vb wsn ear, uenueic, m I'm v ,Art to udther dungeon and contiaod in a establish tbe new county ot i,tiantoo jcloee room wltS a cegro felon condemned I wM'mada pcial,ordeV.fyrtT.mW. be banged ost llie next cisy, I next, at it a, m. On stotioa of. Mfc. Waugh. the tllo abolish tha office of Bute Geolorist made the special etdtr rort-W.iiLtiiii I J I " JTUV ATt CALKKOAB. ! 4 I i. A bill to pranoti the drainage of the !lern: and Alexander Ruffln, CptoM, 1 labia on, Clark' aad rartoa'A areek; ia of Aiaesaaoa, were indicted b una assault I Lincoln and Catawba aewties, -paseed its aoizitatiery npoa f otie petiuener. tnei sopono ana tnua resaug. , ..--.Jis tudgaieat of the court upon these parnta) 1 1 A bill to change the corporate limit of pronounced by JujTouTgreaiwrrT trie town of rwcsiDpsm.TlaTlWWwrrg icUaa b3f ajury, aa PaBjt,a.d. c8t,J of Ko;arDwid.lid its aeaoad dreading. Of this your petitioner sji4 not aoaHlift,h The 14l to swnd te st of iriettorw- lor a did .B oeatre e aaaaasnem, uen oi toe (qwb ,aoory ta in there beinr gnfltier parties behind tbem. I count j of AuSod, passed. It third tend log. rraea W. W. lloldea wa tneo, at tne l,,, w Dili to ameoa. tsacoarter 04 iA The bill to I'octadJ As co"nafTlTi44 ip .t be act relating to fcact fr & protoa tion i crops Bsiawdjitaseootwi reading. .Taa illtoHt;lrlorste', Unioa Came Ground,' in the' count of, JIcDoaalL pnescd its several readings. biff Jt?TBopiT, cirtffJ TPersoa Efrttfy ' irtef.KJ.' i!''Coiei A officiatingj,raV vice at 11 a. m. and 7 p. nx, -''i Undent, meet at 9 a. m, 1 mi we ai i'i "Hi iir -bin I tr-rjtwl detrra. la to-7earriBil lork will be compfere3w1reB -the kbJ i ... ,1 . . . v "-wik jPv jn posaeAiicuicr fortr blort them not to kill tbe goose that laid 1 golden egg, by taxing us exorbitant stesto enable them to coin wte with ther great trunk line leading from the est to tbe East. J true that -great eeka trornx VAQf Mem jrow,"that frightful disease are eft tHPwrurwa lot 8njrX -We In WnaWteeibfnl Loirpoa, Jan. 3t. ght volumes of, tbe. mpat charmi'as- fia- J0 jr.,j"fi"T. ...YNCwcaajrjJI utaljow ua to UJiilge is, erittoisa amis nraatiteig axiedUalle) aa a story aetler. and i ml Vnnlinn in-iytJS.TC-t I i.. . . -f a 1 in J tlrwsor Ihlamnrnintr (vimmoii. ni DeObla srelkh tha. lManlirnl, tt.ll. .l. , .'?'"--- juiZJJTliTZ: rTZ. - I "u 1111 auureea oi auvuiadstea aoBounc- . tu.M. .n to. aarurat n 1 dieaoluyoa as Parliament a... fThal rirwi-trretn w-bIsOsb a f4bwal Lft"6' wltb?4.PX,iiM.iVattb irTST "T. . I ' JW1Wf.ta t, .a, n. Aoubu tn, wikWom rJ'thV reM oT tb. t7lniiU ' P.blf premier j ;3 l.'aM IsybfUntut W.H7,.Mt the JW ujC tbat tfce aitTrrt. aLoai evlle Earfroy It.; They ara attrlbub4 1" ,Blt ?P? , ?J."to I ? n Staf&tri i Wicfcot of'aCoaseV lo neelech learlosaa'elt ites'tttter's toca. fbHt edition. The "New Vorir n-.w,r n. I s ii ' . .. : . - 7 : .. : tt-i PBUncva is -a mn, ax ..ttfuvimni,.! mm, Of an ordinary ouiioiu anection, or arms, tua I, . iu.a ra r m fi'i aaeaaoBlterji arnrntoa - thpasMliam,- ItisJ beauty." Agent would do well to trwl VnaoennttMuii ml rlla-nlfalt trae tnat when dyapepaia, O Bfuaetiii. Ili. .t. .y.ft't'J -'V r ;. -'i 1 . ; - - .. . ... ,Ti -..f . . . . . . r . .1 i iiiw uj tun . fin ii .nar t . . , OUUUllntkn , : k VIU 'A 1 - - - . i - r ncs Beaoacoe aaa naeoine apenntseni eviL I f r.ir.i'ij ..iui a.ijmiuui-: upju mi ana naewveB pasiea v aaiariw wnaweart iisy-1 Jru (UOScrirjers-tDer WC slclans and resisted all tbe ordinary rrmedies. I . JLl J p .'d .a It mar rtil ft eradteated y Bisters y i ne wg Tor a year. less easier, ea MaUieinrt. 1 fBljiAWidaaaa. tbe aaddmBesa of the baoncetaeat ef diaaolhtlrm I 1 " - . ....... ,T '? ajennieoteTil, I V i . wBimmg i ; an jmrnars sgree upon tbe popularity dtrTlf T itS;5i"M.MrI of the finance measurea promised ia' tb. rull ft eradieatfid 9f Bisters y i af ilT-na "r a year. 1 key ara good t?es -f t'l filial li-i,T oil ntuf Ji f4ioUgetLta $VPabov'TNotth,Cto-J t"''f r'a r ' g ,-tl jbxicht 4at'ggtbToaeerrAf ; 1 ;t --KTT.i'xfi-- vis jleH, ? "MJg Mi Mj lll,fT'.Vinthara)taii .itirlafil 3 flte4t.J' ..J ;irv '-? iitf jmo CpBE AUXp. Of ATAOT. rV soe- iMlhl llH flu Pi-' UJ1 St orlln-J J 1 jS J-. n,l.- 'I mtBtfWCatorrb.wheBeowiHed with the Lfffn1J!.ta Lwf "atant by asarf Dr. SMreS Catarrh ReortorAfiorkdl W -T Jtaaisosi aad . . . -.' ' I l'l r .,.. lis nuij'iouoi.a(ABktr, t4. f 4. n. -. . i-1 .1 1" - r-. TtTr - iii guvcriuDeni aa pea an order cinsi ung the AJ oh oca tst club ia this citv j jiaaaX 3UiK'asX.if"wJaI alia! fi Tng WEATHER. rf8-If:'J' Deucfae (the only aistbod.of reatliaa lbs tjjper and back cauuea oftbeAaaaaA lbs propria tar of these nastieiBef aa ode red a steading reward of i $300 ' ease of Catarrh which becia. aot.i Tba two medtcinea, with iaattaiuaata. rjterj," - -f- -, t "f?f'urf?a(--Sf BlUa1tr.yvararralar,litat' Fut fchern 6Utee East of h that I t!W core. ! KnHaaueai CalvtA "'Tb ;t4eral j Weatber wtli prsrsi'jwuh eoBtinued high V" crXh ' ff t aff p.,H.k i I i i l-ef Peterabwrg pipers pieaneopy. esferly winls. Six for I'- !. 1,71' J DoUarA.- -.1 lift UJ. ! ,.. I t.llli.r'n 0 ,1 .l.j. -til. M ''. ''a.yaUAfwdf" Adll.l, lr1') ..'3 . U 9 a i! e I 1 iaiMt' if'a, r" 1.VJ" - d.) loo a ' i ii 1 ' u 4 . 'j I 'i i t "i J It ...l ,1, .ii-t. d ID -11 3' $W,008 . Ba.uoo P.ouo c.onu A,000 , ,uuo "S.TJOO too ,300 1 1 . I J rVarl v . . " ar.vw ,wucii . t,ouo 60) sack . - . . in aim W0 easb . - V lo'oiw 10.000 , . ,J4,0UO ' fl,U00 laou rao.tioo M Kl . iaH":iiw let v CsavB f- aliJai a1. art, I-., ... ' nu..a,.: vuv . vuaoca in r.rir rv ,n iljl'i'.v ftt'eW'T-'.'i - 4tU''U-.iJ '-i y -nine TltenistHbatiM will tlanWMfiD.v,iii heaaad aade. tha toreaaaBdragnla. t)ons ss the f an Fraocisoo sni Lp uiavllU Jj. t Kelereae aa to tae hlerrity of this enter- BtllB m ar.u. OerriabF-Menoara 4 CMv t'oa'eetL Til, prise aad of the rnanava. following wpII -knofrn cltlseiiaT iTltobala, A Toponee, t niair-pnnwtM utj t Jodirs T J black, Ass't U to tbe fit ?i.n ihtalab 41 Green WaM, Proprietors, MeUopolltaB Ho if; Eugene Moore, City Mara.!al: W W Hull A.kK.-i. " v--:. .' ,," - J "ws"moi . MaoB, fL4uUibil J 5TthV-W slants M t'smpbsll, tnetorJeoitrai V nu1 " ' "'"; wcnaBV eanaiiy. UhjjM10arr.uaJlnMia we will tlao SB uouucStuaTiaeS and ref person fifing a t Ckatssvataf aad ailtian exantin our booka atd J bu.tuu lions eoBBtcted with tb eeterprlae ; and as "' ee pnaes win be ptacad tn t., bands of boaaat aad dismteArsted mea. Hili tosu-a a fa r a4. impartial dismunUoa.. i Cs4 HwsiiBiitil Assbbj Waul nil inmi i -' if I? Tfin.LLr Al!l '"" I- trMon V slliHild ba aiint Ii. ri.lll'l'j. b n oir-aar'tt''bP5' loner de or Ka-t-rrd Ltf uak,;. furparttealara. a4r . ,...,. '-;-, " 1 On the 4th ot March next, IwlA'nfrW:at pnaheaal lO.iO I ratios of eld Wmas-nlwett and Dry bCL'PFEKNONO. Aqd will sell at ? rivets aaJe, at any Urn wHbia-sitj moBUisLa own Lot ea the river, ea with Hist is u lee House, and a largs Wine Uonas. all la oraer, wMat Jfals,. Casks, Wloe an jtder rieaiawgnaHaratua. aad svsry thing -i?u4 tor Uib aaanmfacture fad iidUug np - www , vnaa bhi j u 11 st- -9T um iLt ' -'BJ esh.tjlA.'jn vWuhlngtoB,H.C.''l'W 't" iU or. , us EW. CJROt . US r4 1 iii.-L HOIUaogoiA. i a atti eVf - 500, Elid" n i, , Li J.Jn !r4 iiiU 1. )ril ( lODuJ Si I' ft 1 tr l.il I ) ! frtiiwv) s-ni uieu rt .ilJI. WTif ShlA t,- " SUlUBilT- Mill id ? ; r " " "U'5J ly -4iotw4t WuttuogtoahV (fcoT '"""iflf Hi'-1 18BKS BHOK& IN.norai I1 AKXETr:"""-" Xdls ( FreBch EidBoob,; ":f-.M,vj,E-l4 Dauf'i a.iitar?l eaijVr" -ti ft',0! 4"ir lalojrn e-JT 'Aax.d Oauarsa", enoe. ef si! hrnSsv - - l.r-e Vi.vi ov83-U ajtktml,, a. ..ti . s . i aIj AtAITT atssa.4oo "nt. for alLarlu t STTTfJ'!''' . salf skin. rWentbli pVuUA tbS fX" ptoWlmprorMsveBl ef heIarA.t'?rW' i i.j . i j-r ,n Bern tm.it' Ill ll I I iJ-it ' ( tin liul. . 1 1-r 'A newrnlVorX - - awf.aiav. a. " I . j a .i .I A hJ C kJ a nuan., . .i j w i;nemn .n3; ITJL'trr ottMa . . ' r - ...w w . -' . elebnleA uI.m aasortment cf ot!i-r TT tb: irinera.riuM''iaod a.lsnBEtO jaaU-Jw f otii-r r'oWA. ' TTATfcfrErr 4 a. a ;Agt.or MAOufactrJerfcY XJL ' VUJlIi, U 9l ebririH. T i aommene on Monday . ton jf. r T"'Un MB " ".-retof or.