IIAIlDtrArJSaK BGON, BAC0?JBACPN ii!JN liljSTS UJdAJSI JDJliIi!B;"" . Baltimore, Md. PORK PACKElis ANE "DEALERS IN BA0ON, AND DRj Baited Meat, Mami, jdea, BhowWara. Pork, Beef, Lard and Lard Oil. JHANtjB"OP SCHXDULXrj- "J"j KAUtlQH 4 GASTON S. g COU Z: i,-WaA...o'.i-L-(V'"" ,-r 'j y Eaa iu raeeinad htrja aod eoiiVMlotk ' FA9IXLT GnOCEUIES, CooaiaUng of floor, Baeco, Lard, Cora Keal, . liafir. Coffee, Caavaa Haaia, Tebaaeo, I i UKra, Sana; A a., A.,c, kc I , ;'TPIIEIf All. 1 1 - He alao kaet eorntantlT OA kaaA. and '! t KBTA1U, ttui cUoitcat Whuluta, Brata.tt, aod Wlsea. , - QAUTIOIJ. .Iiii.iii i.i SUM ''tOlWl, jKfrastffM i&cucb. n. (i, uct a, ion.. UEXUIXE FAIBBANK SCALER 'MtStrrACTVMB BT .1 E &7, FAIBRANK3 &.CO. Oi uid aftr Monday, Oct 9Tht, 1873, train ea tb Raleigh Canton Railroad will m dailr, (Sunday excepted m foilowe: f ,.. v SIS. II, TBaJS. : ; j Leave RaWgb. . si". M. Arrive it Waldo.. ...... (. r. . Lesrrs Weldoa 9.' A. M, Arrive at Kslalxh, A. Kit r. ai. T. n. AccomooATiua vaiia. , Leave SaJ-Hi... ........ .;'. r. m. ArrWeeatWeidoo..........:;.;. ttii.ii. bar bouxlit,i Ua taatlM day FOB $1.00. . rnOB fTRST GRKAT SALT LAKE GIFT . X Concert tfaoriaed bf m4 inlw th . liumediaia supervision of the city antboritir -rrinM UF.for tb benefit aad is aid ot rpBI Tina of Georpe A Jenkiaa haTifc bean dlraolrad. Wo Um andenrtpiled Mem bora J- the late firm, ahall con loue to carry on bosiuraa ai tie old atasdj (iooda at loaaat Barket ralra aad uioaipt tapanla alwya. Smffyrmrordai ly , ' Ha laatwrtfuffy teritai bit jirmiba trlcad . Alao, Axnreat Raleigh............ 8,4 r. M, ' B0T t3-8m f " 8 SoBtlj SHwt, Balliin'ora. and the public generally to rW. liUn acall ba- UXBLEACUED DOMESTICS J V rbll Free h'ehool Mfl trehi make eloae connection at Weldoa with tlx Seaboard dt Roseoke Kailroarl end Bey Line Steamer via Ualllnore,to u from all point North, Weal and Northwest, and with Petersburg Railroad, and at Ralegh WitT, n-ommodalkta and freight train oil tbfl KlKh end Anxwta Air Lin. and Klohrooad Danville Railroad, North Carolina IMvisje. i-. r r A. 8, AfclKWB, "vt t-tf 111:; - . - Surw atendent. lore ttrcaaeuty ewwlwa. He reel eoaadeat kaeaa rlva autira aatifactloa. Com rise -i, t-, t-t. EEAD ! EED! READ all. aoptU-Sa Prlnta ' 8 caaea New Style Wli.ler Print, Th Only fro reboot U Utah Territory, TimIm ot Fsbll Free School ' ". " Captain 81 Howe, -. "- ; TATKIT 8BIPP1N0 TAOS. BtaVdaid Scales, OrerTvo Hundred MUllona bare Iwea aMd wlUila tb pat 10 rean. t.ixxi yartfa rla4 HcwMapaaa, - . . Aad a Urge kt of , , s . (For cola aioppy weather.) The beat (aeda kUM World. AlaowabfaaDdUdWir i Stock Scaica, Coal Bcalea. Hay BcaieaDalry Bcrlea, Coauter Bcalea, Ac, Ac . t- rreatlDiscoWryj -; ,ari I 1 truituul aumplaiat al -Iom by Tf bawiaHag detached.' Thit aaa Koaa muiha roa aasiao Cotto Bala raia ar Tao i Vaat All Iamt Comparitaa eaa Utem. Hutd by l'nuteraand otaUiwcrafTOryvkara. 1. & derrUh and Akxasder Touna. QI1AVKCUJEDU'.S.; . ' fiXLtian AUGUSTA AlfULIMg, ' Dcajea repaireaprorafiuy aotr reasobantr. Fat aala alao. Traannar'a OnStm and iimu , i ro "KRAVLEYS PATENT.EXAMEL PAINT MiHa, (omiwalUom klla. all alaea lotUr I . ' $226.500-:- ouraaiBTKjivavT a trrna, OCT xaaoe3Di RAILROADS, Ji... r- I ' ar-Tt-r-m 7T7' T - ; .. - --.-.- ----- .--.-i----- itrsah U'.v r--7-f . iail inou a . A ' WtrWlt . . ,f&9 Tie Ouidier CiUND 'IFT CONCERT liPtnAjIOIJSB, ClTTOMOCIMtK ,r ji i ' v" - " ' DtpMitwf, Bant tf CHh. - a ' " ' - ' 9500,000 TllKtTtl Price f 1.00 aacb Or Sit for Fir Dollar $226,500 worn! - a rouow t tOraBdCaakOirt, K.VUU) U.0O0 s.ouo ,OU0 S.01O 4.009 8,000 I.0U0 .000 10,000 11,009 aack ' ooioarb " W MCt--'1- 4 oaek "HO eack ' 10 oack Aaaek 10,000 14,000 .000 d.AOQ . 1 M.UOOl Tha dlatribaUoa win be ia public, and will be made ander the ease forma aod ncula tuiaaaa the eaa fraaelaoo and Loulavtlla Li brary Gift Coacerte, aader tha aaporviaioa ot a eowmUtee of prumiaeat eiUaeaa aultctad by aiie hcuh nuiaera, , hef areoca aa to tba latacrlty of Ihla enter- riae and el the maoacemeot la made i to the tack i I' MLKtt Ckah OlftA amoaaUna to I.M.AO0 j ... , - -: r.,-:.a a-iy,,,- vi-,-,. , ' f. . . ' ...mje.m. - g j jg--ir:T:--rijwyyx"-" " '""'t: ' rt!: . , I oliowlnaj well known ciUaena I - oam'i I. Tlbbala, A ToKmea, i Uakw, 1 H . CerrUh Hembera of CVj C'onaeU. . - . . , audire T Ulack, Aaa't V Aaaoaaor t Malah j. , A liraenwald, Proprtelora, Matropolltaa Ho tel Xasana Moore, City Mar.uaJ i W W . Ituil, Arcbltecl; 4 Kchoe, CoaaUblet i i Jtai'ler, Jeweler t Vapt JUowa, Contractor; i. : O O llkhmoad Co, Commlaeloa Mer cbauU hi t Campbell, Proirietor Central hotel ; ktuKletoa A Creath. ProprkAam IV ,,. nne atauce tar mica, atarccaiu, lanady, a L t.a AW laantaoa, li arena, Montaaa.; . Wa will alao annuaaee that eacb aad very yereaa ba ytog a ticket eaa at any aod all llaiea eaaaiiae oar booke aad aU haiiaaae tranaae- lione coaaeckad with Ibe enter prme t aad tba drawing al on ate will be placed la tna , baeuaaf boewat aad dlalatoweted awa. It a ill aware a taw aa Maparuaa auutaauoa. i cd Jtatpeaaible JgenU v : Cwsmlaaloa Allowed. t?TMoneyahosld be aent by fipreaaor ny ataiv on an eoireai nana, tj roauimce Moatr Order, or Keglntered Letter at , rtak. ForparUrulara, adJrea i W UUHUiX. ataaarav. . ocaTBo nTorlu ae, l! tab . ftldSia D IAMOMD irSOTAULII. Tba Snectacraa are Minute Cryaial Pebbloa' aad are eauea oninoue aardnem and brilliancy, eiiwctaclea cut 'rum hrutliaa tki-ir pulariati-e; light. Having bora le.tvd uh the poiarieoi, the diamond leuae. bave . bwaa foend to admit 11 flee a per cvnt lea. h.aud rare that any other pebble. They are Touod with aveat aclentliie acearw-ya are f rre worn chromaUe ai.neratiuaa, nl prod are a ImKUtaeaa and diaunetneMiof vMua not bt : furnallatned la avert ac lee Munnfaclnred fry tie kiwneerDptlcal Manafaeturing enttakay, turn lark, tor Me by rveponelbie agrntaia errery city la the Union. . 11 alaUler, Jewab r a.-d . OptlcUo, U Sola Ageata for Kalebh, N C, tram whom they oan ataly ba obtained. No peddlera employed la not bay a pair euluaa yoa aeetbetiadt aaark - - - do-ddsi T Utl LIME II LIME til . tiiO .'larrela No. 1, Kuck Lime now ret-eWtag from the l. pot aad ottered t rettaeed prlvta ! w acaaera aaa targe ewHtra ra. - . JAMA M. lOWLES, de-iw , . Coat mcbawt. Smoked Broiling Beet,' ' Choice Qoabaa Butter, - - Prima Uream Cbeeae, -: Smoked Beef Tongoea, t'JJ Xxb-aBoloiraaBaaaage, ' -t Large tturtbera Fotatoee, . p. - . ' ,. ... -t Ultra Cream and Soda BUeult, OiBrerSnapa, Jelllmaad Pretervoa, . .lata and Mixed PlcUea, . . Jkuape aad Saaeea, Erigllak Manual ad ea, Flavoring Eitrmcta, . Caaaad Fruite and Vegclabka, . XngtUk and f reach MaaUrda, , Cbi't and elaoa'i OeUUna, Choice Tea and CboeoUtee, . "Lana'a" hrand Choice Ham, Sugar Cured Breakfaat Strip, . Choice Vlrgliim Baeon, ' f eUEalalsg Flour, W. & 8TR0N4CIL oa account of llreif I r ' A' ' ' , ' Ii ' l"l . it lewall know, that VeV , ' 1 I Mt. rpiiX WATT PLOW. Con?rit'f receiving anpplle direct from trie r s i imna of this .celebrated flow 1 ii k anii'ra bet F'li-nd. if At tot tee Wurolai-luicrf, l. .w,'--y, m.jm'T VlaTJi.1: ....a. 1wj.V - aV.'"r - T'l iffafl aalaafeaVaaai aaWaawaaaaaB' 1 'at 'JMI'aa iT'' Itfi" rrXMamw LfTfTJ r J. ' " fV ' - ---- . a- : n.Tjue. i . v..;....;,..;:..;....,.;: ii i i .-:-t,'j,t.,;-.y. . i lUMBiraoart itoooa omr Man eoiurat I ' " , . v - oom - ine Laaraa KaleUtti Arrivea at t,niiioaaiuiin.A..iu..,Uid..i Arrhaf alUakjtb,, 1 I xaMC.-aa4ts.. ( Kateni ...... I.l'ir AmVoatS&ni'irdV . . .i.'...: r.- i . . r lar- .ornrd....,J;.i'.,..att 15 a. a. Arrtret at RaldKh....... ',,.., a. Mall train naltaacKM conriN llon atKaWiyh wltfa the Raleigh A iaatoa KaUraad to and bom all point. Korth. - Au4 atSaaMfurd with the W raters B.Itroavd to and from CayotUsvlUo aod urfiita oa Wee. an Kalltoad, ' Aeeommodatloa and Frelrtt tnilna cotioect at talvif.'h with aeeonmodiulen and fraLclit train, eu tba fUlcLfb ad OuVw R tl. ' A..AypHKWfl, oel it '"- -.r '7 f ; B.pu" JAKOl 8 VL Of PERSON !, pao PIS TT, AND KENT OF RIAITliSTATS. On Trinrada tha l'.tS ilu nf Juiun imi I will rant for Ute year, on tlia ptemiaea the Talnatrta land forraertr lietonKtar' to the lata auUn Hatchlna, () four milea Kaat of KaietRh. Tbaaa taula are very valuable and In a Hue BtaU of cnltlvation and Bear the city of BalelKh. 1 And alao, the Hilda trarckued by tba ander l(nad from Henry JkUrdecai. Xenoa, bond aud rood aacauty ' , Aiia at tha a me lira anil place, I will aell alxteea mulea, Bra oxen, two four bona way oaa, aU dump carta. fine aaaortmant of pWwa,f.rmlncBt.ilaA AeJrJaicck, Bva, ,oow (Hiatteia 01 otHton Kti, - -Tba peraonal property will bo auld forcaak. iitieRooojaaiato commence at ui o clock a. ? G W. WILLIAMS, Barrlf log Partner of Wilder W Uliama. Jaaa-dtd rOKTA NT NOTICa NEW ADDITION TO OUR LARGE ATTUvVCTIVJi: MXOCK DRY J300D3, KOTlON JlOOTlt; DuubuaiOjac Our Senior Partner baa Juat returned from Hm I or a wnere lie la tieoo for aevenl daya roakbia; porebaaea at panic prlef to eapmy we aeucienoea in onr euc maaa oj oor aa upeetedly rood trade thia aeai an. . la wl ui u Ine our tbaiika to our patroua. we au to thaia J ndtbe publi-. tbatinr lale purcliate wre I mane at a very treat oeeune, ana mat we are now ee.llng uu. awrk at earn nrloeeaa M lna tiff C aayina; that rot IjarjfatM ,kvc nut 1 uecn oueieu aince tue war, . . . . We have a good tuwly of Burt a, ZleirVYe. and Bay Itato band-unde aho,a and aaittm forLadiee, Mla-ow and ;htlilrea AU, fil cenlleoieu, CaulUld a, fortar, Uay o'.l aua Wurir'aaliulB4 JhuWb aer-alt gaitere f ana prole, wnicn we unw at vtry inw prid-a. I All wianiur io puRiiaee win not regrt-t cill- And exawinTAtf eir atoa and pricea. We aell for eavA ana Have fixed our I price on a oaah ba II'. I berclore tboe buy ing of ua do not k lp bear aur rlaka lur bad and alow debte- errtltwraf "p.lcea V) nir atanta buying la thla markot We have luat received eote vry JiOe t lea M "-""a Vlfafa, aiiMlnBlrLi 'i-il-r rX.13 aniTCleuieuUue rrirr jones, ; No. SO F-"llle AVreV. Jaa I tf UTEUPniSE Tha only BelUbb Gift DiaUlbuUoa in ib.- $76,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! ' " ' W MM DISTEIllTJTRD IS j Li. "D. SliTE'S loSta REGULIR MONTHLY r5rwJaWay, Fi,W, 187. i TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF ? k F.lCH JN OREESBACKSlI ' ., Tt Price tl.OOO each la OrwubitltA I Five Prise 500 each ia Gretalim kA i Ten Irigr f 100 each io Ota nbncki. i 1 Boree) and Boggy, with SUwmona ad Barneaa. worth tnuO I Fine-toned Koaewood Piano, worth 5M I Tea Family Sewing Machine, wor'A f :00 acb. Fiv Gold icbea tad i haitie. worth 300 eaek I ', Five Hold Ameriea Ilaating Walchaa. I Worth f IMS aack I " lea Ladim' tiold Huutlng Matc!. worth tlOOeackl. .... , .. ... . . 10CO Gold end Silrtr lent Ouuibtf H'sfdart, M aVtaorujraa tv M tdUJ eaaAA.' Gold Cbilna, SUrer-war, Jewelry, Ae , Ae. Nimlxesf QfU 7,5001 . TacaW LmilaJ f 1 73 000! Ijtlti trinttr I letl fit Lett, la afeoa . llf nl frcmlnmi will tt paid. Single TlckcU l f Big Ticket 5 ; tv:vd Ticket flO; Twenty-Fire 120. Cirrulara eontilnlnr a fall list of nrtzea. a dewcriptloe of the manner of draw in t. and a her Information la referenoe to tha I'iatri-1 bo! ion, will be aent to anv one ordariiur them. Ail letter must be eddri aaed be tail orrtca, ; toi w. ruiaow , ClkLiaaAVI, O. a,.4d. A.-6r. aa.1 , VilrUf in'ia. X' I aaaaon, toaiimitaa oar tapwy lor coanaaaciaa 1 " T ' '' Tl I I . afa B"i7. .. . ; Bella WJtber. f-U ,f, 'I ' i iTt I "ZP or cou en- LJ , r 4 " nw GIFT f ..VJ .00r. a. I " atTriilfTKsrl I at tie lowart AeprMalo. of prk aariaf tba I ITtT 7- Iu7tawl iVaWT - t 0,111. a. riiir r " 1 1 aiuuun . A. m. 1 . - - a lYfr xtK A -1874. : -- - -Sm..w., - 1 V S7 '1 - L too ..Uk, lor paai, fa.or. , fT I M. I Vt VTOWtCy I faalinr. kaiwa h.H a.nrl la viva full I J V 1 MAKES TKE; WEAK STRONG. Th Peruvian Byritp, Protect ed Solution of the jProtoxUle of Iron, U to combined at to have the character of an ailment, a eaUji dlgented and assimilated With the Mood am the aimnlMi food. It increase the quantity of A'ature'e Own VUalUlna Agent; Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand ills," elmpljt by Toning up,Invigoratlitg ami Vitalizing the System. The en-" riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damage and waste, mearenmg out trior OKI secrc tlont, and leaving nothing for ; disease to feed upon, This I the eecretmgf the won derful snecese of tha remedy in ' curing Dyspopaia, Liver C'om- Iy, Oir-onia Dlar rhfa,BolU,IervouaAlTctlon)!f CLUU and Fevers, ; Unman, Loss of Constitutional , Vigor, Diseases of the Kldneya (tad Bladder, Female Complaints, btood. or oeL a bal state of the blood, or ae- compcnled by debility or a lout state of the u stem. JBeinti Vm from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infil ling strength. Vigor , ami nemf' tie tnzo an parte of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. - - t , Thousands have been changed bv the use of this remedu. rVam weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to etronn. health, nn.il ,i happy tnen and: women j and invalids cannot reaeonabt ihee - citato to gwe it a trial. ' , j '" Sce thai each tottleita PERU' VIAN SYRUP thvtrlaf ;j5fTR vr. rowLCt sons;? (A, Ble. 1 alllaam Ftm, Beaaoa. j rpni Waq wTlU. AHIaO. . J . ' 4iC!"r! I f Jla.., da a)ai.J . rf.j 1 la.., . a. . J . . tijt. j r fmfmm v aT wwy 1 7 a 1A. m - am - The Slnirer A.wic Mar'iite Cooinauf exdd hi U7a, altl.tuS-a .,w O more than any othor Cuuipany. Nina lentiia of the above aamber ear. e.dil fur faHi aa. -! - -s Tba uloial m--i ,U the CommlUee al Jhe Ute Vienna kxhitKooa abowa that the Siw.er raeaived the higi'4 aad Urgoal aumae of pr.ase at that axl W'loa, r; )rtie medaj . f Anhen a; aaran t-ri medal of Merit, th.i r aalaa In at anai Iki.i of work done, and tb. madala to tupl., . aeperiov exoelleau. of prodiu;tiou...i : CT-rwgfcg. Brr-yt AKrallt Frea. Muj! Mewitig Machine Co. . - - A. A WlUMlM, Minaoin, t No. It FavettevllU atreet l alelgh, N, C: N EW CU P CUBA VOUUibEa.' 500 Hhds. i w ci r it i mi i, ale by -i f WORTH A WOHTll.' WUmlagiua, N. C. ; v ,s 1 ,Jri!dl0tWlt Ot,T. I 0 UILL 'FORSALE. t By virtue of a m irtoire and aowcr of aalel exocuttd leua by I'atUTaoo A: Co, will sell I al . ablic auction, t Ibe hli;het bidder, or raab, at the court tiouee dwc in Washington, N,.Cat U u, ,tin tha day of Mareb, 187, a taluable - steamsa w asp GuisT mill, . ? i cltaated at lb Western end ot Mala (treat la Ihe raid town of Weefeingtoa, edyoiaing th real dew e of Jura a R. Uiut. and immediaUiv oa 1'an.l co river, aiih aplendtd wharf and ahii ping fociiiliea, -1 ae Mill ia oa leaaed land, la good running ordet aad ooavauiaat Hi lumocr. ....... , .. v IX TRUMP, SON St ,r .,( per Sparbow A rnHiaaD,' " T , - Their AUoroeya, " a r' " WfAhiogaw, K, a'" ' Jib 18-S(kw X-n. j c. bcckwhpat flock. Very alee, ittat rcceiTed and for aale. aor itl-Xt W. U. JUNK 0. i.j -,i wltb aa Baca- atal and activity aa baa c bares- I teriaed tba paaL Uur old motto adhered to : " TUI C41.UU'IM AT ill A LUIYMf - 'Tar IW. ItoVRS.TtCXErt&CO. dec 30 N X w NOVEL S A T 'Tint- WILLIAMS' BOOK STORE Nine'e Atonement, Bjr Chrietlaa Keid, Price f I, paper Cover. Carmen'" -iDheritaaee, By Chriaiian ndd, frico 73 ccnta, papr cover. A Simpleton, By Charlea .Reade. Price 60 ftrtlta, paper cov-r. I SO cu:a, cuvi. Pine tuii .i.i-rv, lateat atylca. Pirie Bona Fme Tintoil Pupen and Envel.ipea. r ine r rtne n i Intel I'apcra anJ Knvcl opea. 400 Boxea Fine TinteJ Initial, Paper knd i,avirtne, rrtun trrwwnti per twx, can De aent oy mail to any Pnatomce. A kit of Beautiful Cbromo Picturva. ae! log remarkabl cheap. 1 At the Book Btoreof i Alfred William. Opposite Raleigh National Bank. wnien can do cured bv a timely resort to this stand-' ant preparation, as has Ijccb proved by tho hundreds ot testimonials received by tho proprietors. . It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians ( to bo tho most ivitiiuiu liicpantuon evef in trodoccd for the; relief l and cui o of alLXung complaints. .1 ? . . a - . W wv :J nnci iBonerea-tir-tnopitDlic, eaiicuonca uy tnxjwncnco of over forty ycaravWhcii . A t at resorted to m tseason it scl dom fails to effect a speedy euro la tho most ievcro cass of Coagha; Bronchitis,' Croup, Whooping Coaglv. Jnflncnza, Asthma. Colds Qoro Throat, l'ains or iSorc-i ness in tho Chest and Side ! liver Complaint, Blcedinc t u tuciiUUBU,K, IJ isiar , Balsam doos not dry tip a Cough, and.lpaYo the cause behind, as U tho case with--most-preparations,- but it: loosens and cleanses tha ' lungs; and ajflya iritatibh, ; Sim m w VaJV w tUV VUliOV Vi W. rOWLB BOBS, anU ky Pna-aiaU aad ky Orvayglat aSHtTiwalamaeaatally. QBXXSX VKXr FINE AA ...dAJONU' Grocery Store. S.J at' lrvein?ool'JDirect HIDLAUD LINE. ThA Ka. 1 Coprer and Ap r taitened oara arvav war. . . , . . j bEARLE, aIastkh, .' . " ' la bow ready to receive trebiht at Morckead t 1y for Liverpool oirect , We are alao prepared te aka very Ibcral adtanrea oa eottoa and aavaleWte ouj(-ned to cur fritnea lo Liverpool. . .: rerecganmen apply to ... , ' , - ' CO-- DVU. P. UUE I atNceetiorMorebeadJCilr, M. C. TUB GREAT REMEDY FOR f corsunPTion - WMia ar 'FAltUaA"a-' SCALH WARUtotmaa, J FAIRBANKS 4 CX).t , fP- 811 Broadway, NewTTork,' 106 BalUmore Street, Baltimore, ! . .... i U Camp Btrret, New Oriaaaa, AlKBANKS ds EWINQr Maaonlc Vail, Philadelphia, FAIRBANKS, BROWN V C., - , Milk Street, Boa! on. . For tale by Leading Hardware Dealer. eptU-SMawim OR S AL E The thoroueb-breJ Stallion SAQAMORB. Arj one wlahing to curcliase can are biro at my auDiei or i can acea aeacnrnicm, en irree, Ac, bi aai, dec 18 W. C. 8TR0NACH. The Wilmington stafT ESTABLISHED ONLY BIX YEARS I DAILY STAR. HAS the largest clrcu'atlon of any Dally Newspaper la the Mate, and a circula tion In Wlluiliigton nearly twice aa large any other paper. Ail the new of the day will be found in It. CQMena.whim unlmajd bf nfnnienT ab alwava Dreeonted lu a clear. Intelligent and tntereetiiur manner. sUBBCKirritw (in Advauco): - One Tear.... ... Six Mouth.... TL ee Hontb. ....S7 00 .... S 5i .... Wl WEEKLY STAR. The Wrtkly Star la now combiued .with the CwrcAee ram, and fat one of the c bra peat papeia In the country, at the following . KEOCCED BATES : One copy, one year .,. ft 60 One copy, tig month... 1 00 prHiineeef to i oa year, ft at Per copy LClub ot 10 or rhore, one year, only SI vO per eopr tjrrVwaaiaa eOf b aent a application. Aoareaa, i ., k r.-s tt& II. JJEIUiAUp, Kditoe 4 Pnprittar, WlUCISOTOK. N. G 4m se j- i ti i k -i h 1 1 ,ko! i "OKOBPtUTL'S FOB 1ST SENENTH Jut --'-' ' ' ' - 1111" .- - THE ALDJKE, Aa tlloatrated Monthly Jburnal, unlveraally aamuiea ia oe ine iianaeoekeet renoatcal in t World. A Kepre.-enUtlve and - tuanpiou oi Aiuencaa laate. Th. At.nTNa Kii.b.nj iik .ii v. u The ALDINE. while laaned wltb all tba r. gularltr, baa none of the temporary or tinely Intereat ebaraeteriatic of ordinary neriodicala. It la an elegant mlacellany of pure, light and giaoeful liwtatarat and a eoliectioa of pic ture. th rax eat apecimena of arUatic akill, in uiarg and white. Although eaci. tucceedlng I number afford freeh pleaaure to ita trienda, the real value and beautv of The ALDlfilK will be moat appreclatod aft, It kae boea bound up at the eloae of the veer. While otaer publk ationa may chum etiporior cheaa- aeaa, aa compared with rival of a aimilar ciaaa, ma ALUiag. la a unique and original conception alone and unapprvached aiwo lutely without cumpetiiloa lu price or char acter. The noaaeeaor of a eomoleta mlau cannot duplicate the quantity of Ana paper I uu cuaiaviuga in any ouiee anape or a urn bo, of volume or laa Ibiwe af to t taut (Aaa, PREMIUM FOR 1874, Every tubecriber to The ALDINE for the year 17 will receive a nalrof chromot The. MillWttlll.ln.aiT bbu ,..li..A I 1 iL. ,im;tZ u. wncee gieatikiiorado picture war purchased 1 ny tongrem lor tea thonaand dollara. Tha anbjecte "era ehoaea to p-preaeat "The Baat" and rThe Weat." One la a view la The wniie Mounuina, New Uampahire; tha other aua viiua oi wreea River, Wyoming erritory. Ihe dltferenea In tha nature of tha acene theraaalvea la a pleaalng contrast, and aflorda a good dlDLav of Uia artiat'a acope anu coloring. The cbromo are each women rrom uiirly dUUnct platea, and are m alto (lax 10) and anoewance evaetfu. almll.r n we origins;, j ne preaeatatlon or a worthy aaamrdw off- am.iHi. mm.- painter to tkubcribera of ThaAldlna u a iia oni peculiarly aappy Uea, and IU auc vwniui rewiaauoa it aiiuaiea by in toUowing "'"""'a,t wr uh ainaui.- 0 air. Atoraii miiiiwuii. t. ..... . ... ... ,s.- , Nrwaat, N. J. Sept. Jolh, 1873 Jaaaa Surroa Cn OcnUemea I am delighted with the proof la color of your cfaromoa. They are wonder- iniiy an -Twaiui r-preaenUtlODt by mechanical ' Very reapecUel'vf . & . . T RtJS. KORAN. Mi rkV AKROK. IM ADVAKCaV WITH On. vaawaaoe race For SO CENTS EXTRA, th n beaent, mouUed. Varaiabed, and prepaid by THE ALDINE wUL h.T,fw fc- ' ahhotily by aubacripUun. l ten wUi t, reduced or club rat ; caah tor aubacripUona I " ue puuusoer direct, or I hM,d'1t.t P. enTaer, without re- apoaaibility to the onbllaht-ra. ..i i. I where the eertidcat I glvtn, bearirg the rat bail aistutur of Jahb Sottob At to. CANVASSERS WANTED, any pereoa wUhlng to act permanently sa knal canvasser will rrc-eiu ruii i lormauoa n; applying to . - " ri.wiiy. p. i , .JAMES SUTTON CO, Publiabera pox BALX CHXAP.;, ' A doable aeated Kockawar. bat Uttla a.1 WILLIAMSON. t PCHCRCH a MOM AS ectxS-ei w A -tanrkaarfi iva gafftTwair tte Td"tn-et retereuoea. 1t1 AiUrcae A. B.' 'fsa- TiBBL Office, act 10-1 v fv -rjSiTSjaa fimlica cmlyOne- wmUoea Ofvwj! SO tiURfa-.Tart 4 tW, . - '. . RZAJ) THE FOLLOWING TE8TAM0NIAL4: ROM PROF. W. O, eiMMtW. WytKX 4 i '' " ' Ma C. P. Kmobt ljia M: "VVe liavatw aerv! monthi leu r,.ng mir 'BuaiiLafa Pavrar Ixauia PirWT,'o our "t'olioge Buililing,' and eie .-ll fVeaaed with t Thoank it wiuaprlied by one having au experience is each awch.eetVe baeeaconayonv We .ball FOrrtlnue to Da ft, boliugibg Uiatu null wf ecunumy, durabiiiu aad ladllUf uf apeiacatitm. It ia adperlorto any other puwDt oderod In the market. . J " :,: - ,..:.-.'!.... . , ' Very Rwjwctfu I HS ? : t ' ' Ma, C. P. Kamnr 8m: The paint cam eato, auu inree uucaw. uae jtwiun awu. weeaa no. eonaiant wora comaieu me nouae two coaw, me laat coat arpuea liiicK, and it ia bow generalljr concaved that fof'Kiiaunl" lrfce hardaen aad body tad haimeoy of colon tl'.ere ia aot a handavmer fob in the place. I laved aixiyUve dollar, by the opr.ratiob, which I o Item Juat now with 'Southern People." it ahould be generally adopted In tbU State any country lad ran apply It I bave never dabbled In ancb etock a Teattmonlali but I feel o foul bly the great adaptability of your Enamel Paint to leu wanta of our people In ex. cellcmy of materktl, in beauty of color, ai d the fact of Ita being ready-mixed, Ihatl give you fall pcrmiaaion, if it ia dtirable, to make what nee you think projier of tula latter. BaLiiaoaa Decern bir 10, Itta Ma, C P. Kmsut Daa 'm: It ufforda me much plraaui to aay to yoa that the Bradley Pateut Eiaiofl Paint far esc i da my expectation, iu ip.n.r.wr, beauty, and 1 have every reaaou to relieve in durabill'.). Vore than twelv. n onlhn aioci', I lmttd ihe roof of my bouM (Mi faioo Houm-) with the Bradley Patent Fnamel Paint, and J waa.ao -well pleaaed wltb It, I ttUrmlneo to paiot the fionUot the -'llotel." ai d I am moat happy to my that It girea me I effect fatsflon. In conclujiou i wiU u, itUJa teatlmunlal will be of any ad- -vantage to yon, you are at liberty to ute tt. : - r yoriranioetpictfuHr, -' , :, .T iriin d uir'uraiv xr..t rr...... ni ; - The- following h-ttcris atrong mi vaTiiablii r " " ' ' '"'" 1 . . ' BiLTiaona, Mo. De. JT, 1871 C. P. AaioAf. AW.. Auenf Bradlm't Vutml fauna ldid Daaa li.i 'I ha hMmnid,.i from you we win cheerfu ly cudorae aa the beat of any kind w have aaed, it covering qnalitieaia everything deairtd.drjitu; promptlj undwith a hard .lore, which dual, we Ihink reaiatUieaetioaof all klnda of aesther. Tni la onr epe lence and we can reconuuend It vriaini.y, auu mimu mi nae 11 ou an occaaion wnere we auaire a good Jrjb nf wmh LJ1MAKT C. P KNIOHT, Lg . , Bpecimena and Price Llat furalaheil gratia, For Sale. 1T0 Aerea of land. milaa Aonth W..I nf Raleigh, on the gonthaide of Walnut Creek, near late Mill Dwelling Iloute with four Room and other out buildWa. . lSoacreeof uua tract it good timbered land. eept if(-ii W. H. JONES A CO. H ARHISON, BRADFORD ds CO'8 8TEELPEN8. Special mtrrjtli.fi .call to the weli-known lumoera. Faceory. ML Vernon; OUce, John St, N T aag T-8m TIUIIITT. ICOLLBGhB TbeSprlfig Eeasslon win commence ' - JANUARY 17tb, 1874. Board til per month. Entire eiDenae for nvemonua. lor Boarr". Tuition, vtaatnnrand m uci inim ewv vo iVt , dOClW-lW B. CRAVEN. I a M " JANE3 . " CASSIHERKS, Received and to, bo told JOTfl Call and ae them, 1. D. NKW80M. oovll-tf 1OiD Feather Bed and Mahogonay Bed Stead. 1 Sinirle nrlnir Rnttnm Rmt muj ..a u. lJl Jute and Cnttas. H.tiuua a uandtome M ahogaily dining room Table io..' i WH JONES A Co. j Qg U-w Auction Com. Merchanta. WO T H O U B A M POUNDS Prime refined iL At -.. OctSB-U R. F.JtMiRSmCO'B. TTOR LIVERPOOL. j' . TUB JIB3T 4 LAS.1 8HIP. KICOLAS THAYER AND ARLINGTON, will toad at Norfolk for I.itihpooi., nr. are tuthoriaed by boasea of uodoubUxl credit to make caah advance u currency of three Cotton by above ahipa, and the name wiU be held aa long aa eblppert may desire. , i A good opportunity ia thus afforded to those isu kajm ui HI far Karl, erminat nam a,lnIi.,H.Hi. m wuu wian id purcnaaa at present low oricea or to bold for a better market. .VWfctefe KEi BOLDS BfttmrtRS.-? (.otunilaaion Mterhanta,. ' Norfolk, Va.; BOV ll-XW . Ktwaxaa, N. a. Dee. 2Vth, 1873. aaoitriure boad. f lh. a,: .r.Tl" .a"L '7? AW Utisa Awawaanw rirarwa a kAlA,. M . C-roiina Railroad Company, that Ooupona f Bo ml. fin oa the 1st day of JanuarT " u oe pale al tbe Fnlton National New Tork, on snd titer th 10th dsy ed Jm.aarv. lt?mi a....i. " " i.aary, 1874, on pteenrtatloa. . v . STANLY, Pre, i illm AUaatlcdiN.cUR.Co.f COD AND COAL TAKD. iti.h!S "V" Ahe OraU Coal, and B .otW-Mro hd. AllZe7. reft at fi n nl":.""?. promptly filled WU4 b is- tf 4.BCBN B o A few uemoere of the General Aaaemblv aa get accommodalia. utn""t r . . . Ihov IJ-tf ! -t. t A. JOSEB mUaDoro Street 2() BW Old Towa Family rkra,,, f L-j f Bbk.glrn.rwtf r.w.vt.'n-- 1 For sale by W. C BTEOJIACH. leplw -V ' . ... "... tu -- ! . FOREST, N. t'.' , . ,0 ,r iif . WAKBFtuiE'tTCoi.Ifica.OaL aih. iwrit- TBI Puim, Fauquier Co, Va, Feb flth, 187S. aafely to band ia ordered, two kepa. live gallona Am rauuL'v ia eiaca, ji aio ana joo myeeii. Two. Very reapectfully and trnly, arMcOICTTTrl.T)."' t ' . . .......... ..WW IIVL . J, ... u. Tl I D. .1 ,.. '-" "j't" aim pl. OLAkVtYtV? Baaatairtal."' 1 osuw, Sif;u aid e'leaco Palatar. OgVEUAL AOBKTS, u:J, W. L"fiiburd St., B:imi.ie, M1. Jiov VSaSin. "JOBTH CAROLINA, 1 - a J A. v Wag Coubtt. j-f i .-t is tiik MpKHion eotmT ltf Jao, 1871 Oeorge tt Longcfv WeatPS & iouge, and -bthcra, - fc .-, ( V(aal , .,.',) t Carolin K Lougco, aad other. -" By virtue of an order made In the abore ' entitled perul proceeding, Ibe aaderalgned, the Commi ejoncr la aald order aaarad.'wlli ex pus to public aale, on Saturday, the Slat January, Instant, tba lot or parcel ot Land lying on the weat aide af Fayattnvilte, Street hi tha city of Raleigh, and bounded aa fol low i beginning it tb eouth eaatera corner of the lot bow eeeepted by the Raleigh K a tional Bank ( Ahrwea wltb FayelteviUe Street forty-eight feet and alx incites to, Ui ourner of the lot now owned by Wtlliamaon, Up church A Thorn ; thence West to Salisbury Btnwts tkrace with ftaltabarv Btreet roiti Uilrtv-Uve feet ta the aontb-weaUra em asr of aaid bank lot: ihecc wltb the line of aald th tv g j, Hlr.g r heiag part of Ldt No. IS I rn "tt i-iau of said city of RaJeWU. and ;ow oc ap ed by the plain 111 Oeorve X Longoa. aaa Tinware Slure. . . Too aale will be mad oa the prtmwe. -- TermaVaefc. " . JOUN GATllNti; .. , ,..;..u.-..nT - -.. -Ooamla.iiHn.- Jaa i-ld ' v F O B t' X 00 BWa.. Old A title and reach llrandv and quantity of Pure topper Dlatilled W kfakey, which I will aell oif the most favor. I h- tenia. I am bow manufactnrtmr Pare l:nrr liu- tilled Cora Whlekey, aud will be mli receive order from those wl.hlng tveuya pare article of Brandy or Whlakcy Lukmiwn parti tor .rue ordering (hould aoi.d cash, ' atisfac- reference. - -Addle, O, P. FOUBT, ? c i i Alamance t'uat tlffict, i Uullfordilu, N ', OCt SS-WlSt Aft I rf' .-, '-- n t f- "va . f . FOOD CyKN, MEAL. PE.lt. FINE FEED, Baled Oate, Forder, Ilut , Blmcln, e. At OtiboRN'd, .'''' ttraia and Feed Store, ; eat of N. a Freight Dupot Wareboase. Hi "i a. P PoaUrtllce promptlr W. A. 0TTr, Sup'k feb8wllv. SPLLNPID CITY PROPERTY TQR , SALE. , it. 4 i '' ON MlLLSBllRO' STREET J 1 bCIV.bV oUmp ffnr ula M. UulM.4. Store I House and lot situate oa UUlaboro St, ' South aid near Railroad Bridge. - 1 he kit baa 60 feet front oa both BlUebora' and Morgaa Bireete. The Buildlnira aia www -.n hnlrt In modem eiyle. The Dwelling contain room eonvenlentlyand eomforubly arranged. It la ao elevated that a hutauat mv faaa-ada atamall coek The Btore I 4) feet long, t stories, with 'taii-wey, counter and shelving complete. Communication betweea the dwelling and appar paft of store may be aaed or c'oaed a desired. .- . It la a good aUad for groeerteeend tape dry gooda tor towa aod country trade, - - Thore ia well of moat rint water wltbm ten strpa of th door. . . - TheFW hi a Barn. Ai.: tn fha M an.) rAom - on Morgan 8k, for other baUdlngA sJ. '' Ibe location and neighborhood bs oef the moat oeairahU la K.UI.rK .nrf heine- whera property U rapidly aud constantly ia ereaalng In vatne Uua good lnveatuitnt for moan especially aa the property may be rented for L2 Ir Mr.t. IntjMt ,n tha anoLey . vecjuired to purchase. I mean borineaa and deaire to aell aooa or tot al all The title I perfectly good. For further p particular apply to A. JONES, i act tS-U UUlaboro' bireet -V FOB 137. A com-lne aaoriment, at th Book SUre ' , . . . ALFKiD WILL1AM4, nrrr,t a AND - a v: i- -t1-. J - r v i

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