" ' ' . - rrTf-r-5v--. I-" iffsi'T' ' jg- -i-'??--iiii:rr- - - -f- 2J A - J'lr' - www wvw- rr r""fc - ? - - - -- - - . . - " ' ' , ry J " s Z4' V'T , . . . ..- ' - - v "- ' ' . ' ' . . ... ., . .. : , I . - -. ' - ..--. , mT-r---i !r'1..-j '.v -v - ' ' - -ft..:: ,. ....... W.WwiiWi'iww ggWffltf1-"'''',? ' ' " T """ : - - v-!-. ; - , . . - i '-''..MMaaMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWiaWa , , " , a j il' u-- - -JiM-aiJ-a mini II II SIIaggyaaMg-ggnpaB n . f "' T-r iitoavi i : t; AvtitiiniiiQiuTjLA."'T AdVaitIaen.aBUilt ha tnurbji i h. rt.ii. asrrisin.aatUa(ulwu'; Mksprf ansrsot raw lauA, or tu amuwanaaat- --trr- Oaanron jiiM. H . La. tVKiV - Bulla featlm) 1 1 Pali?, B.I BtOBliU in dBC- !aSrwt -50il'inr,7ffla.aOO onto, t.tti it - a " asW . Waaatj iMBlio.1 - - lev Taw DutT m iB be dellverad at -Mtee't' ""'' j.utr .ur -4 tot, ey Pf ' tbt CUjt 'irtaaa VsBHMt vonix. no. icsi wt.IW'tT"'lf 44 est t f ai r. t..;..iiei at .. ' '- - -rn , n - ,,- 'i i I ,, - ) pi ai;k taOI l.os. IB. T matt bkh nuu l foci in- K3 mi dky Hlru Mttt 1J 87L eilo UiidE lend It rk. km. -Md, 6a. 1874. se.ua1 . bOT d.wiU Slrt I U lot eorotr Kb N . Ut mrott in, Up llbur t oili laerof ( (Old. at Ma b. uid Jtgfl X - I'ayaat bitkey, e tanuf--r lia leuete buy iknowa tUbr nee, K.CV 21 3- orat aW..- JUJ14. Lietslitaro f Kwth Carolla. f 'tmoniHiui, r.b. 11. : f-- "i m.irtr aaki-d Kii s 1 -"HBii fur a Uepubiicaa CBOcqa. Grauud Mr. D MktedfiBi lin of L. mjm for Mr. OtobuR wi tit iuJr. . , ' A. bill to ehh(r j tbe Iihv U' weea Cum bcilad uhI Bliji'ii oouii.im witbtmsud tatsota. " ; - MMtAflM raon Tm doum. , Tha lolluwiag Uiiif received Irtli tbnMk -) Huom t!; t:Oat MiW - sMH BsJ AdmmiirlM being chap. 89, L ft 19M-1. iltCayred. 1 Uooatt bill ia ratatoa to the uajawut H ..iMilulll.t. Lf 1 ' lioaaa bill to iuourpiirata tba tow a if Him Uoal la BaW eaaity.' Reiwred. A Maaaagt vat Mnavad ttnm tba ! jaAlngfcitaaoajmitUeofcouWaart. 04- 11 "A iltaieadSaVlM Iba AtL i iking tlx deat to concur ia Uie ordar 4 tba ilouw to priat tba rapurt nf jo nt . Kt-k1 cmmitt oo tbe lawn Ay uia. o. W . t ' ' ,Maaaglkul, J.IIuttav.MkW .4b ' .ut-' t ur io tbe IIuum rtMoluiiiin ia rj(r4 tit ImiuiRsUoti' aod ctivrattoo ir U Biovid to kinnd io itnUt ut tba litla aad iuatrttb kl!uaiiK. ReaolutioiM U IkiIi tb b f July, aau MMUtaia ttl. ratnekt Day, Hmcb 17' li. Adopted. Mr. Ati r.i BiuTfd tu aaeid : trwRSnla" wbelfepKatat tiMMd ttoaatondo kut aubwaa y de- jtiaa tbt u Uelitwula opinion tb t atarviath tbntiiaad publiiibing tba saaMt k rlit, (bit w taretj rhi l inlitb d to the ttiMillation ni "iuliiuioaa, na1 we deaoancv i iu bi.Ubuat j4 fils iMlOwMKAi!budfai4y.0i titloi .lirttinetdta nd wiiinu." Aunu rd. . The qneatinq llin tut irru I up ,a Ibt pumifru of (h H"isj ivs iluuun omettd .adaadaid aVrfTrvtrtf . ti t frrie ifa7c ' riotAL 6FDKB Vi . . At I ai.br tb hiH t TTtie (tutif g ruuutuf IVoal Inoitutiohl taken 9p .1 Ir.Tfrji p&r4wa-jBteurataFihff Wt' or allowing otriaia tiaaat.jii of 'ime fur good bt bia ii ur, ud hIc; h cer Uw mad t tat apuit l.f-aimilufcouijpc;. mi LaeVdt.. .S.na b; alfowU eerbtia rau oi tu!cuo? A4oaetr . a'TW'V: Tt"fc' aoa ..k i pKid lag dirlhe wrvice, Adopta-L The amad ank Ura tad trtct.' . Mr. !y aw-ved to aat4 fet proridlsg Babbatb r'choitr likcliera appropilatiog paao, li tbataoditol addled. (Xbar a Mding ara aaotvaarily mlt aaaVvM " T . i v-..jja j- t ''f'';"' '. ' lum , Mr.' Bpcnktf Ilubioeou ealkd tlie Uum V order at J i a 'cjook. . - Tba Speaker anaoai eed the tpetHitl or ,.M.uwuTO'M.'tiiTl?:;1tif''- of eartain ofllceta, wbicb after tome debute aad amendment offerad aud n-jocted, it paaaad itaaaeoad taading, Tbe biU la relation to public roads is . Beaufort county wat tabled. rTbe bin t9 raita tereaaa bncf for vtliar parpoeea waa tabled. lb bill to incorporate the Carolina Stock aad Poultry Associatioa, 4setl ita tereral reading. .i'v- Tba bill to repeat all la w, &e , giving away any part ut inetwamp laodt to any lUroed or oth Cory oration v paeeed its srerai readings. . ,, vi, Tbe bill .to incorporate the Farmers', Mechanics anillaboieiV JJaioa and Asso ciation or. Hew. Xls&ovef ocuaty, pat iU ssvertU reading. -1 -t- . .rTba teeolutioa awttMrtstng thtOovar- mot to wltodraw tue suit now pending la the Hnoreme Crmrt of tba United Butaa. ftmud aad was ordered to lie enrolled. . I klM om to emeoa aa act io inoorpo- fjptnpgor. s . ... Resolution iav iafer oi tbe abariff of Blades count;,, pasted it several read- iaw.t ?' - - , ! bill In amend the act passed at ft - arcBont pbsbiod otOlMBBafUAJteaawy to incorporiit th towo oi iBtnberton, passed tit aeeeral readinn, - '" Tbe bill to amend tbe charter nf tba Bnotland Neck and Weldoa Itallroad aad Bteaoaboat Company, paissa ka amral faailisetA w.?.. ', ." Tba bill to ax end tbe time ft tba tax tottoctof of Cherokee coaoty to tatlla tba pnblie taxes, pasted iu tert ral raadiaga. : EES ATB. - Tba Seoato Biet at 10 80 a. ra., Lieut. Got. Brogdea la tba chair. Tba jonraal e(jr taiU a-atrael UromTt Of jpOMtUTTBfca. Mr. Lota, froea Coaiartttea ai Fropoai tloas aad Grk-TSDCca. Mr. oVyatoar, from the Judiciary. Mr. Arera, from , Pro poti lion aad Gr'.evacoea. . . . Mr. T.dd, from Judiciary. Mf WariBfT, fVobi Joint Uelrat Cdutnk Uet Chatiiable lustitutiooa Mr. Flmouog, (roai tba Jadiciary. ' Mr. UcCaute-r preaeatad a fetioa front eitlieat of Kuige Towaofaip, Cnioa county, latativw o a "ring fcoca" Ua fenad. v " ' Mr. Loth by paatt, atMdoeed b following resolution : . .""'r "'."" ."'.'7 J "Qeenived, That tba Itlorncj Gtneral ba, and be is bertby ttqocated, to tafarta tba BnaU, ,Wber ia bpaioa, tfca prooibitMiaa fowad to svctioa kTa, f aa act, aa tit led aa act Ut amend the charter of the North Caro'iaa llailroad U npauy, aad ' tt . other . fDrpusea - tbesaia tnean tiooad," and .asaod bate sea tba worwt .plaawVt-ta-lHio a4 ewr4t Uie bauds" ia line SO, teate angMased bill,re or Jftft ujiconatiiBtional.'' Mr. Lore spctke a Ue tosolution. .Mr. MertUnoa read a paper la repaid to bia action aa tbe eoaaoOidaUoa bilL iTl.e peecb wiU ba heraafter published.) S Mr. King tpeke la opposition t the excloai, of Maj. VT. A. Smith froea being prcuaent or director ot tbe North Cato riaa Railmd ; - fr " " " 1 7 M ers, Love, Hampbray, Wtlcb. Gqd Ker, Todd, addreaaed tba Seaita, , 4 TBe fasUoa then recurred - Upon tys pasaajra oi tbe resnlatioa, and did aot preraU. Tba following ia tbe foU : letaa. Neasrt ..i2jf- ar. Bwith. Walker. Wolcu . Jn 1 7 ItjurtJlcKrra. Allea. Avers, ilamhaf dt. Cc lea, Cunalnghnai. Uavia, AUtlv 0f Muuaiuwa, ApavSL uraadv. Ilortmn lie 1 Caalcy, Miller. Mrrrrranw, M'trehelW.- M WBHturd, T,h!h,d, vf , HucklagbMk. Po area. Price, nam, oMfecd, fdVT4. Irn.j5, n HI I u. 0 j Mr. Ciwlt umvtd 4 (.tvcuosidcr aad iuai uw nouoB 'it lau j4, tbu tab a. Aa opted. I t raviAi, i aiiER At P. M tbe bill twaoraW lei latemet came op at tbe tpecial order. It proe-ue tjiat tbe legal rata ahtll be' six per eeot. alrbnagb tea per cent. mW be Uttea by special sgreecnent, the rate nf ia tareat to be ststsd ia tbs contract i Mr.Cowiessfirad aa amendmrnt tn 4 ho ftcet that if a rreater rata than lfl nr osnt ahall ba Uken, the eontr.et lball Xt ftVL..v, : - ;'-r --i::: ' Item arks were made lv Ilea. ra. Cowlet, Mwtud and Warlag, Pending the dis cuiwioa, oa motion of Mr. Wsring, the Heaate adj .orned to meet at 1.3.cl.-cl, AmKNuoM skaaioa. Kel. 12, 1874. Tba anaaideratloa at bill eonccruinw a legal rate of inter it was resumed sa an- ieiihed lumnim , Masara. Waring,- Nor wood, Alien aud linns, (col'd,) addreaaed the Henata, , Tu qttastloa recurring on Mr C ow la,' aneadtaaat resaltad Ayca 10, Nsyt 0. Tba aasoadaMat did not prevail, ' ' ; ! Mr. Wortb moved ta atrika out tea 'pet cent. Agreed to., ...... .V . , A - He thew nrrered tn tmendment tolnaeil IS per cent. Lost, Ayes 10, Nays 80. I Mr. Mi tc bead, of Cluilfotd, moved to tatertS'percaal, Adopted. . t j r Mr. Tudd offered to atooad by makia'i lb enatraet void, if mora tbaa 8 per oenn, b taken. Adopted. 1 Ayes 83, Ksyt j Mr. Mnfcbead. of Guilford, moved ti reconsider the rote bi wbicb Mr. Todd'n amendment was adopted'. Agreed to. Mr, liorehaai of Oallford. cffWrod il xHiuwing'. v Ad.itipnl Scatioa. All eocb Uutsca in any ctiaiter or act of irjcnrporaUoa, HiTetorora, patted by tneUeoerai Aaem b y f Niwtb Carolina wbicb permits any rate of intwreat greaUir tbaa that, allowed by ibe lieneral Uw, ia hereby repcakxi. 1'a v4t Ai-S'ai niwuj naT tw yi s,tef tlabili. A)tt 28, Maya 17, BUI pxd Ha st-e wd reading. , 1 Mr Try oflered ieaolulioa inatrosUng the At tetiM-y Oaaeral ta iavaati irate aw to J,(KQ, w. I k f mbw parcba ad by tba su'i ai tioesviiie, tno U private paruaa nttve tait-p p asetilOB 01 R, ta uwututo leys! nrtctediiu'i acaiast snob parties. Ua ruetica of Mr. Murphy to Batata. ae: t iBtockt-eiittvaaeeBtoB. .':' " IluUvfi OK HErUKilirATlVJia JJaaWW"3tt3arttWrM leaWatfe'" Mr. Speaker Robinaoa called the House to ordut at 10:30 am. , In ' Juaraat oi yesterday mad' aad approv ed. ...... - Mr. Bionett, a petition froinr Anson county against the Ksbt of liqaora wrttfaial two tuilcsof Bethel Chanh. Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, A petition from citiieni of t'sldwell oounty In rigsrd ta a public road in said county, ,. ..... Mr. Held, of Randolph, , a inatnorial from tbe citixent of Asbboro', Baadolpb cuunt)', aiiking fur a prohibitory law -- j " aXPOKTi, .1. t Mr. Bennett, (rem tjimmlttef on tha judiciary ; Mr Jnyner, from Cummittee oa agriculture tu ttrowo,r Mackkabarg. from eommittae an BrumMitifiM mA crievancet ; Mr Morine. from tba commit. I im uMiMd luiu . tfr r jaexson, irom me comnntta. oa aagwaaad bill t Mr Hanner. from coinmitto. tha Deal, Dumb and Blind lAsyiiiOii. Mr WaugS; fromlb oommittea on eoiinlies, eiuet, c; tu aicMwit, irom tbt aom mittea oa ciaima. ' Mr Data introduced a bill to author!. tha Qo tern or to eaptoy couoael ia rertaia Mr. WaUow, bill to amend chap. 103, Battla't KevitaL 1 Mr. McNeill, bill to repeal teetiott 80 tad 40. Chap. 88, Battlal Beviaal. I Oa inotioB ot Mr. btaidlord, the rule ere suspended aad tha bill printing 8000 capita ot tba rcveaae but via read and passed It aevaral readings. f - ; Oa tnoiioo ot Mr. Dala. tba rblet freri tajpeadtd and tba bill authorizing tha Governor, to employ counsel ia certain ease, passed it several reading. un notioa oi au. era ga, tbC rale ware tutpacdad, tad ther bawte-ill to provide lor the election- of two Superior1 Court Judge wat taken up aad paand, si xmended bv the H.xua. 1 a t i .Okluttu tViJ lr.,V:B aba Bill to iacArpotaU Ibe r Ian Una liauk of Mount Airy, was put apo lu seTeral readinar. f)n atottoa, f Wi Luskey, the rme weresntiMaded tal tba Bill spprnpriatios 105,000 tor tba support, Axu, t tha Insane Aiy lum was read and pasted, several read jOnmetioa'or Rep? Llflwm "rufe sot pekided and tha BiU to allow tba oommbv iilners i.f lUleigb, to open a street across tbt ewtoend ol the tiocotitfe. Maaaioa passed its several readings. . , f a Mr. McOthee moved ti fbtm p tbe bit to allow tbe tale of certala wabUe pre party la aad about the eity of BaJeigb iir the oseeflt f the University. J , Mr Crjwn, of Davidaoa. uffatad aa aruaadineal to . atrike oat kUoivr.ityM and User "Itbli acnoo!. Aflopied. 1 Fendiflt! tl oojideration of tba bill oa te third readiag. ta Uofcse adjoaraed 1. V . ", Tllfll KlHt a t.Hlr. " Hmi am. plied to thiwe who di annually 4 Cos- lauuoa, although scknea hie of hue vwar tensiblv diniiniabod tbtir Hasif It m gmriyms to tawlkeArWrbejyt eat 14 AM W utar'f Dtbmnt e WUl Oartf ia largely lostromenUl la attaining this "1 ' - ' rrm,JKfh-C O. LT" JSbbou. In tba quoUUua froai Bbk tp.-arn at tbe eloso of lb editorial on Btr'auti, rel "dioa" La "bliat" at printed. There m otber anonfor whkli tba writer bf reeposisiblaat bewttarceseaiitf - f b aaBtattaaiUMoiprooHmaiow, f . Bar. Edward R. itid bat frioaliy fee eeptad the call teudkicd luiLae-tbwk U44T'b 'BUta! aext at IfvYlucjAj lte In tlio afU raoon. - Tba Sunday School will' meet ,l tj fqroKt taoa at I I S aVututk $tai .. VsABMJII. Uaaaiaiw We wweseV'tl opy oi tbi paper published kt Oxiortl, aau cuuea oy laps, n m. u-ggs, inr suesy yeanCadllojrof At tfqtiw&iUhiun It ia neatly piLtted and aviaoaa tact, a poriesMM and ability la Ita gaerar -jAt p tf BSR tucceetrit ia Co. i t tiva lfl politics and 1a publish ! at $a year. - . . f I Hott,. X 0. . FpuavWa , btl ibe plaaaura of spendlnf in evening week wltrtt.;;T. Fikjvia1tiog Faf etteviito on butiuess Hod incited " trtta Bit pnrestion. Our Iowa., aad tactioa sustained a great lose when Mr. Fuller hf ut ; but bit centprcuoaa taleata aad lhiniug legal abilitita, displayed mvf in a broader field, , leodar bin oo of North Carolina's onjiuineal tteo, ia erhom Wo Phof. HAhtlst. Thit idmirable eie- cutiooitt frill givone of bit tasteful aad niaaUaat eotarUinaMatt at Oxlord to- tight, and at Wake Forest College, oa Billy, tba horo-blowet. bs iatMdncei bill jwring j,apbolvab lui tBtaraal reveoua Uxea n whUke bad tobacedj bad to collect Aa tquivsiMt amoasi of ini ami by meant Of increased duties oa ImL pirtitl The. bill waa rafarred t iba Oommittea oar Way and Meaoi, Th faU of tbe bUl will taaw tba peopl jrh baoea,katfiiry M wortb at t Ooufrcasi ..j. tuMMvao ' av---'! , i long debate occurred oa a tmolulkMi of Mr, TVlba objuot joLwbicV a ob m s w eaawwsratytissaii, M to tha cotwOonallty wf that parfi i.f in act amenaieg tne cbartr of u jNottk CiuolinaBaJUnadt bywhlcb Bill Smith tu excluded from being tiiiu praaidsnt at Director of said road. . Dr. Love and Jftssrg, Welch and Gudger (all Oemoarats) tpok aaraeaUy In favor of tbt retolBtwo. Mr. Merrimoa made two tble tp tec hat in favofj of ataadjng by tba action ot that body. Tba retolatioa wat lost, Tbe bill In regard to Wal lutereat. alau provokad much debate, kdgbl par cent wat flnally Died upoi flurlog tba afurtwoa awaioa DiaaAAUw 3onra uto Powxal The trlqjaph of tb Conservative or Toriea In tnalaud will Beceatitata l readiuetment oi uie miaiairy at ui opening or Parlia ment. It in sot difficult to see who will bold tba reiot of irovernBienL ' It la' tha not very aingutar rurtuna of British poll ties to bava but two mea, who aland bead aad thoulder above tba arowa Db taeli and Oladettoaa. Hardly ever baa tha following f tba great leaden Of Englaad beet M week. Of tj Tories, the JCariof Derby aaa now scarcely be counted aooa lor any strength.' Aftev him, come who t propositiooe aa'l I r reauer mtaemoer wiu.oul refer , Aom tba ommit 1 116 10 ttr pamphlet f Froea tha to book or pamphlet t Froea tba liDna late t way Uia4atooe.aad Urlirhi. - rlJ." - t bead I Bo Dltraalf jrt II probably aaaa Into power' without a atroew followiaw, but with ooe quiet the equaTof he oppo eenta. Moreover, it ia aot eommittedto any deOalte poliey, exeept to deal with the chronic discontent of Irtlaad lea toothbisn manner, and to foflnw a rwiori rlgorou foreign policy. . !Tnouuh trtaaaervauve are Toriea, and may dis like some thing already tccvmplitbed, tr.e general policy of England at home and abroad will be practically tbe asset, ? 4 --.- awt W I Hill,,.,. .,M i Balnuai It k bat a I aAnuaVa Patbwv CaAttu Paiat. little arera Quarter of a eaav tary since tbe art or mixing paiae Wal obafloed almost (xolasivsly to a law, pea paratively t peaking. How, however, through tbe Ingenuity at BsUDUtv A rmAcTicAt rAUtTBS, at wa maCaaatisT, we are not oaly enabled to '-apply the I'AUrt, if are deeire, but can see th shades is) ed vtnee, atucrrirui, iAnri.1 eam,ba. htg furnished eaaTtt, with tbe difonat llida, or liatt naabered. f Jfoi having need Uie Eaatin. Ptnrr,-w want Nrf cirurss.apea: front experieaot, bat we brs aot eVouU, k tt all that it claimed fot it, aad moat evidently supercede th otiierri4i ranrr. Attn evidence of the grftal worth af ,4barErtjtiL PAlHTi we, meat respect fully request all of our read era, to carefully read tha xcet1aat tesUmooials of Mr. a P. KBigb oa the tt J)ga, ft r'i . . . . - hi m ' ' hLftfM aavelop eootiialog leeufaoee premiam aotat, tba lnder by kindly re- taniaglAeaatoMr,OV.fretjgirlb ravardedX I LAWKE CE COX U t j" 6JCia K0TICE&" TTtOk nttST CLA88 TBOTOQEAf HI 00 to fVATfK)X flSE iSX dALLU-a taembar Uut Abo best t alwaya abeapeat.' Waiasw has tetved f iltb KtDau for Uia Boat faoroaar st oaf filats AirrkaJlara Fw-fr-tof tba past tbraa fear e tWAtlli Oajlery mi one of tb tam-X eollecttoA nKAograpba bt tble boesLry also plctave tvamia.altvaasa. At ta grea variety, i TElCOBiPKO m ..iT A ruua ruuMJJixitnA. i 1 PorXADaxrattA, FeU, it,- There arat ao ditaeta to-day of tha I holla, of the Bkmaav twLlUt-Ua kaU araa Mt, isv4U awdbtt wbtek kv day vara impeded by a targe uumberof Mdioul mea. r f isesavvlwierK Ba uoaaarveuvj m i f ifitMrala. A he al vkiobi icwsiha. avdf - on Baltic tea ciu4 it Vv-fl aU.'tl aatiia .-aaatara auact. At H.wt a dykat paoatmtiag the Wfaada buratd la maay plaeaa, aad great tram coaatry ware-1 .nled. 4Thtdamage to proparty 1e' tnnnnne, tad serioaa loss la UAia (tared. 0.m, ' FROM jujcioana; i Maw'Oautaju.Fah. Hi 8:ata Brrk af Lottdoa, hoklar of tbraa mlllioaa lava bond v bava llad a bill la equity ia the Uuitad gtatea CHret CWt atkiag for aa louncti.Hi agaimt tba Fan! log bilL FROM ABfACV81TTl,rti'1 B-wrox, Feb. 11 j Tha Bcaata passsi a raaotatioa reaclii- iag tba resolve ofl871 which aemared Charles Somaar for hi action ralaUra to Uttkflagv. n fr)WA "TBOlt CAJTATJi." Mcwmavt, Feb..1( Jattlc Barbser to-Jav la aaa of Boasa. usbb, ao-wsao, oi araoa ia new lork.DtV a . . ... . .. . I eraaiMpnaonwtoDaxyltad. J - FROM HEVT TORr WMf r wYo,Feb. 11 Member of the Stock Kxchaaoa hath opened a- tubseriptioa 'Met for" th aaUU BtbrneBtot free Map koasa ia tbelownf part af Out ehf. Jaawtr Oordoa Bsnnett aaklfaw f 30,000 ti "Mpply oup to lh pbetfaaas UM Ira aad polk station! Juka flUipetti, travmogr iwtoi'.'wat lwt-w. I..' ,it ani.a w, i ', nets JWUatdaWlfe. .ibb weeiara pfawor eepprcatiag nqwir ajoooewia ba trWd 10 about tea dayr. WMoavtoty-Maak, ttt W Srtt Operated oa. ,A asate moailttg of altlaeat vill be bald whaaa pUa of opcratloa win he explained aad organdu'Ioat fbr work be formed, which it It propeaed ta prosecute figwoatly, :-.r .? -s.-d hw. t Bev. Chariot Kinglav,tbar, aaj aaa bf jtW CUpUlnt la .dinary 'to her M: jetty, Quseo. VkUma, arrived ytaurday on ?kit to tba United State. t Senator Conaver. , ef Florida 4otro duced a bill to q iiet wrrtala laad litlee ia that 1 BUte, . R.:f erred to . Publio Jadt Committee. , . wKhJ., Ilsrvey, oee Senator sealed M Blttaiibt IMapw.tea1( - JufM .) 'mnrtv, (vniw a uva, nvjtik ' ' ' ' Rotih, IS. Cardinal "Autoaelli Copaltl bad Tax- quimf vare; teriously ill. The last met jUooed I one of the Cardiaal'i recently polaiedbtbePop-'' m fc; !"' FROM LONDOIT. " ' H .) JaBotWb, IS. : Then ia aoaidetable epeeoJatioa a to tb weather. Disraeli, at tad of Derby, tffl .0 f . aA, Fefcw 11 Joba MeredUk .BeadV iri btte Cwaaol Oaaeral twtbT TalUd 1 SUtat Ct la tbU olty about to leave tor Atheaa, tt attorn tha detiet of mlaisto Olwteei, tary of Legation, A T jA Teobert, Read 'i Batetaiot, ia ktm. yj ran. '-"WAuelllJL: Fotjddail dk Hoar Eaglaad aad middle SUtea, K-ftheattarly ta Soutbeat terty wlada, failing bammeter, aloud aad ' " t "" .:' ; Tl a" ' raay 1 .awr" . - sjKi, &oVvuki,ehwilI Th XWy CrveWkrrthi city pub- nsbee a long letter froea Beaator BrowD k)W to-morrow oa the Civil Blghia bttl. Ha deoldadly oppoaat the mixed eckooi featitr Of tb bill j atye M iobl J destroy free school I the Souths, II advise the coord people to .tell Coogrea that Uie o aot Waal mixed eehoobvi lie awe fc- vora ttoltMM of aaoMewrretMiy.'--1,! WAWtOTo. Fbv 11 f X3IATB. Oasdoai o Georgia, praajs, ted a atemorlal tr. lb eity of Bruae. wkk. Oa, ia rela:ioi wtbe eUiahmeot of ajtatMitepas.. lie datiiasl baejall at' f tention to tbe fact that tT.eM wu BO EfiTil rj .jKit toala of ior.'u, Vat la of bar one oi i Uie Jtoef ?o.vtell be tatottary. Bafated ta otailtt4i K val AAaira, Ma aba Utiodaerd Mil tb ratirf td oertaia aaail omitrac r Li (ba Boa ker Slats. Mafarrud t Com. JtjMt' AppVBiatk.nt. f , (laoaawAakwtig Use eichiif duea asM aaWutsal-by ibn faakr altar tba twdiat uf. tbe J-jaiaal, ts' tua raapoea of the t1eeratay T tba Tfeaary fha attirS?, of araadatoa taw Me Twk and B oma fa doaameat, abiohvlaa Waa urdarad to- lie , - 1. ..- j J i .Tba fumdaxUa bill a, .at :. ' a ! r . A b- aawedi oat Bwwaa tW fl'ii si i srWsTyllWBveiBlM.' ''.Hr Ui'f, Keiuper,, of Virginia, U ia ih city,, Ue caiMrd apua Pnidit Q ant t duy, rmaaiaiog at tba Executive nianbli a hot m '-ia thaa ttfteea or twenty wiaju He CtIM aHtraly to pay bit ia pacta to in cuier migiU4te u. aasM at f y other utiaab uf Iba United bulea, mh with no politwal ' bjuct in view. I BCIEMTIFIO AND HA KB THEATMRMT , Vi baa uo . d with Dr. Piatce'a Haakl Douche aad accompanied with Dr. Pture'l uoidoa Atedlcal Discovery aaeaaatkatane al treatment, Dr. Suge's CaUrrh . IUmcdy produce perrect cure of tbe worst Cases i f Catarrb and Omu ot taany-yaare tatandisg. TUU tboroagb aouraeof mcd katioa ooattitdte tbe only scirntiflc, rat Inaal, eeie aad uceeaful maoacr of treat meat this odlnu dleee that ba ever peea offered to tba afflicted. So aueceaa- H hat it proves. tSat tbafersW hae topg oifared a euading reward of $300 for ecaaeor vjaiarn wntch u oannut cure. ISDISPUTABLE EVIDEXllE. I ThoA J. BiaBor, of South Bmok lit. S. T write that bis wife had suffered sioee a child with Utrrb .until It bad reeultad ta-wbalcmiawat physieiaas proaounocd (JoeerHkmi thaA sha. ba4 w4. bVl rej Catarrh - Remedy with . Dr. . Pierce's Golden Medictl Discovery, and tbey bad woraea wonoera witn Der caae. 8 TBALINO OUR THUNDER. 4 People should lewre of thnaa , tore who aot only try , to. imitate , Dr. Piero family . Medicient hut also eopy his ericiu nl style ofadvertiaiaff. bv offer- Iga Vauuua alaed rewards tar eases at Ca tarrb and other diseases which thsy eaaao- eure. Thoae who do tot poascw tufficient kttcillgeeee to write aa origin at advarthw meat art notlikely U bar made great aad valuable diaooveri-s la Medicine. ; KEW ADYEKIISEME.NTS. ,. v4are eamrat; wnef tbaeaaMasMlaiylaor BOOK IK A N0UHU, yusaaf Busoiveo oj biiiibm coatrni. (, t -'"' 'It. WDIKIH, .' ' r A MUkKla, Feb U-dlte . . - from Iba hoase Of Jaha Price ab Jat aaa mile North of Kaleiicb on. Tuesday evening but, a large He heavy tail aadian,- tail kange to tba left, eats all knee la while trot uk. blaa faeev rabbed a HUle tn the riirht awe tnurn.- in aaaer win oe llbtiniiy ie warded uv aeliver.nc the mum to ' . 4awb---W b trt, TAJtCET CbT RK8a FIELD KEDb Jast Meeived at farmers Dsll l Bad Clever. Timothy and Orvbard Urass Oeed. Every termer saouu uv oisunss riot ii n AMU U. 1UW1M febUtf - UMn. jtcrensBf rpBE BLAMCHARD CHUBS. K.rpt eonsUatly on rta a supply or tat la Wat anil atoat approved Cb-a, wfefehaevar faUt to give aatla'arUon. T Tn l; ir . fVbfc AgW St B1 MO A B RIVALS. V 09 Yd. Bering Btylt IWllt,' ' J. 600 TJ,JJew Black 811k, ...i Dot Freak Bid Olove. Thi best I BuUoa Cbva la the Mm bat, at thsfrie. t . Row 6ood will be reeelved weekly. Tsb. 4-tf W. B Alt TUCEEB A Co, Wsa-sV'- ,4 , . ziSZL . J w..-. -If.' 8l tb a---.-. Qrang jtvloyement ;j- ' ' 'aavaa ' ' J FARMERS WAR AGAINST M050PO- ..,a .iifr.j wot ... . - FaB aad aatbeatla aemmnt of the straggle 1 t theAmerlcaa ranaars tmlnst the extorttoeaef tba raUraad v-u-.s ..j... eewipame. -- - ' WtTW i BWTOBT o 'r RISE ASTpv PROG BBSS at theorrlerof PATBOJtS OrdhBAlTDRT. lb) ol'Jeett, brcarot eoadilioa aad oot- 'pectt. " Td which Caddo)" 8KB rCQU OF LEAWSO OlANOraa. By Eowieb Wian.'tw MABTtK, author or "Behind tbe Scenes bv wash-. IcgtiiBj" etc, tft . 'Illustrated with 60 flo Engraving! aad Protraita. To be had oaly by so been b- tloa ig-o't , ,-, -, s ,-:. ; . a LAF ATETTB NELSON, i Agent for Ralegh aid vklelty. fc. B Oraar thauaeb . tb Foa Oflra rraptiy atlented Uk 1 wilt be pira1 to kav my f rtaaija ia Uie eity eaU aad aabsartb ( this wo k. Oillua ta old aua4arl baildine ? the preaeai.- - ; ...... .. Ji E i . fti urn, T .--'. i ewaaplat aaaortiamt, st th Book 8Mrt af A14TKA1 WUXlAVf. JmM Ii akui un. uacbhjM tad Sdr Cotlawttes. ' : -aetid-tf vy.b.t.KA nuiiis ajsau rua tari.a oaaoa tv is- j ! A H-,-1 1. .at. ! . ' . ''-r aaW. at .SWaVtB?wtBiff' am yvan aa aa '; Thla runt Mt aa ao for amral wi ahuBa af bult.uWi v111 BatvafMj iatuacii tfaciM ana betaa wr.thr pr n.i nf to aiaioa a B will aatw.tr aar Um faint. rrs aovatiTAOxa suao itfAf m waaaVta as ' SaavMaSllMUr. - O Wt a SaauAAl mmmj aa a art aaM a)t, "' a aMaaa-riMi a aa JmIm ae aawna a Afiv ae aaan ail aau at writ aaa.-!' aeaVMBakrt'ertMiaaYBtft tkMsavyaMA A O a aiqM aaa iwaaaaaaaa aaaaVa,aa)aaatav. - It a fvtU ralla WnaaaaSaal ulna , TH09." BMCQS eV SOKS, Sole AgenU for. Raleigh and Doalen U HARD WARS, ! WAGON and . BUOQT MATERIAL, PAIHTS, OILS aad COLORS of every description. . feb tVtf ,,JL:, URST IN THE FIELD. SPRlisTGr 18744 ONE CASE KEW BPRHT0STTXE5 I,t3 I SILIt1 HATS. V 4.1 OHIT 5.50. W, IL 4 R,:&,UCKttR:450, 1 ,4 ..ii MM DILVrTTLlXai.L'O 4 tiii.io- i BHOIITIIILMGS .t 'tX-'i-:-'. TBB O it BAT AMBRIOAN COX SUhUrTTVB KBtQBQl Mi, ., 'a tiuii a atcaiaM t-e kAkathavetew Caatmaptton kBOT aa ImmiaMe eteaat. rhysicUatarsf this tact, It Ja only Bteetaary to have the. right, remedy, and the terrible malady eta be conquered. 5 HALL'S BAUAM 19 THIS REMEDT. Ubraakt ep to light tweatt, raoevat tbe oppreeeiv tlgLtaet aero th Lang, aad haala the Isoentsd and exeerutted tortaee which tb veaoss of tbe disease prodaa. WHILI LIFE LASTS THERE IS HOP! It auur aot b toe bu to edsot aearaevwa aftar tbt doctors hav glvaa yoa up BALL'S BALSAM it told everywhere, aad buy In bad at wholesale ef the proprietor, J0U5 jr. BEMBT, CC&BAB dk CO. at thear Brsat kUdielae Wtrebouaa, 8 and t College ne. New Tork. Prtc t per boHle. , i ..;.; I BALL'S BALAAM I alto a lure nmeoy .... ..... , a. '.-4 rf . Ceagb. .'u ,v . - - Odd, - , ' '' rataaaaala, ' ' ' BroachlUa, ' " ' ""'" . v ... . Aethaavr 'V-'-- ',f4 I . ' ,s . Bplttiag Of blood, - ,.;., . 1 1 J tjsaap, i , i, wucortsw couao, and all other disease of the respiratory org sua. tr-j i m w s j .,,4 S J.J-V. "'' 5 Alao Froixrlctot ot Seovill t Sleod'tadUv. a Syrup, Carbolic' Salve, Edav'e Trecbaa, Oxygeaatol Bitters, kott'l Liver PlUa,., JOHN F. HENRT, CURRAN CO, UI adt Collage Place, Bow Tork. ' lm v" ' "'"'' - T B D Bv a vraar iadv 8 boalttoa at teubrr of th XaKlHh araoobat la a aeboat o lauily of reaaeoMut. neraanceegjvea., ...,..4. l J aalSiilliaBBB. deetAwtt ; x.md M,q G OBB ALL TE THAt RTJNeiRi IrHS Oiickena, T'irlteyt ami Pucks, ..... li Itoa. riw Kmr. ' 6i l.tj Fraab Muuutafa Btrtt-T,"- ' 0ba Fin Moaa aio Afplca, Jaat meeived exprcaaly lr th Fair at ctuu , RFJUAaaeiOcb M-ARKETS. , ; - n lunaoToa, cd. l. Cottoa1 mrDilddi;BAi 13 1 act re! leeliletll balei; xport.tlO lalea. ' ( n ... BALtXMOBBtaFekv 11 ,ottowvd.v.U. aad,Baatnii at iwotlpU ArigaWy.aTtViri .jCottoo eeie f )p)aWt Mining? be )w g4 luvtry, .ekipped bx Jantary and rebroaryUiil! do la Fbrnarj od4(McklM0i dol toArMl jtadMcf . .Ui,-at avaua3,ew ''taaVA a sUitjr - , '4 : .f'Jpllfal'Wkvli ' ' , oiiey mjatibjeiwbsage flrm at ' , WF Ut"M I Htw JI AHlalNtttMBbl actiysi Sum qw-Aaad ataad. rf CVb Itiefthir i tajca J,M8,,iwl U 144 414 5 8 ; Bnar WU i btyatt faver at 08.80 to $7 83 1 joo4;, bj choice I7.M to $11 i bisk, y udj with fair enqniry ; .Vf."fl.to..iwbi.lowa .Cottoo rre $jm; roa,?J0 fat urea Uad o, 4y aeM J 4,800 teh. 15 . 114 8.1IS Mn 18 Ulia Ut-S AprU 10 If ttMa i May , 1TB2TI U -8JMitrro44U to" 17 8-8, ;!; j teajraw Jyaj Orrr COTTON 14AREBT. 3 Coaaeovaw Dxilt Br W..YJC 8Taotea waocaa aao HiaiaaKw htaauw aw , .... a.BAAW, JI, QFeb.. tytnaxjiattdota M n Kalt3i5kSkeL CoaimOTaa-Diflv?. iU7.-i0. -.i jtasKt-Ta4aa, 4 '?-j r. .'rT i?0Taa .,.' rar- aa li a fa DV'JV.aw, .-.. t ,, aa AaTf LEATiiXK tOJUlWaWeba- wft!a MULAIW, pergali,..;,.- . bC.ht cB?iEla5rot bS3 jtrj V-.eM.eA'.a 'ttf '' Mitt,.)! aaaat a . BAY, per loi bv.,ailV l y WWJk tl03 ali .a... . 1.111' naj i. plbn;,....-,.T5tol l...k.. I.. ' ' ami a KICK,.. A,, ,K,-r-t..f " tnffl BUTTER. leAate btKAl Bar bo. rrtr! pokb,er ba 84IbM.....,.e Tt aUMM-ttWtlXI.X-s bf,Rtubia.f...f..;......... ' 4 6e FOODBR. par tOO tba. . .. i ....... ... 1. r "1 .4 LIME I LIMB It- - A new tai'i'ly ol Ma. 1 freak L'm it -- pot, aim) la store Uidmulic tiumtnt and Cub owed fUsrcr, aluo, eximel by brut Tn iu a sapply ul AayloaituMl 4An fey tim Tim. - . .! :4AIHIUI t, ioau:v " lTiati5nal CEIo tel. ri nn e euvnoh eoJeA8,,-',w-' Ha' .!' RALEIGH, . CL -'--MavtnabAaaaiiarrsof th National Fot it I woald aaoaae)ao aiy aiany frtendisiui th pa bun generally, tbati wiUb preparen to-sw-eeivcaudeubsrtaiuallgataUoa sad aftertha 15tb last TbshouneUuuwaiiU cli ituuUy t aated. tbataosM Well famished, tod Uw t,.1 I aupi.liid with the beat tbl sad other market ttr lV"A'B'E'' JJ 8.I.N 4 Swedes Iron 11 Finest English Gtcclt ". 'v i .; .. ii a..a ,31 -.4 '" Tb best brands Of American and -awed,'- trba, aad "Engllah" Extra Beflnad t'.-t !- 1, . aiedm tlismsnufacturt efettr" " . AXES AND EDGED T00LS.. t-V " . -i . taj We offer the Very best AXE lht etn hoi siannractired bv skilled workmen and v. ra sariertormstarlal. and trust that wa ul celv tb support ot tb trsdejji j j.- s vraer autu unman ismy. , OX THE BREAKFAST. LO'CIIEUX PNi, . m BEE AND SUPrXS TABLE, ,..3 Lea and Ferrlaaf , W orrtwaaarahlre Staca iaJ tadlspenslhl.' , , , , ,ei, .. t JOHB DUNCAN'S SONS, New Tork." """ AgeBta for th United 8Ute."5 . Bi.faaVly" .( . e naiwii .ri.iii,, ajtgy . WIH mltmm Exeeator etWB WU,a'l . at ran Eaiiaace, ea --executrix of Hoi!.. wee aiiaack n nun uveroy ana wne, t:!it beih CsuiarUia Lai lance, and Jonetb Lid- i taaeen.i-- - " - r la the above anttflad aaa aUAtr Wrearrhtl,t4! , afendant Jnu'i h PtUj the Court, that tha dufe uuiee la a noa-rraldent ot tin. hu It u Uerefore ordered Uiafpubllralioa tt..a,L- six weeks In tb Kalei'iih SssTixat. (-.!,) , aotlfvlng tb ssid defendant of thl ik-i. ...i,, 4 that anlets b appear at tba o.-e ol u. 4 Clerk of the Baierior Court of ilcnfi.ra . Uoanty at Wlntoa within six week fn.ui u.e service of tbla eolloe by pubheo'ion rd w dlead answer or d.nur to the rw:uii, I;. a orsyar of tu peUUoaer. will be graaud eeniin to petiuon. , . , -. . - . tWitaese, W J GATi-ia, Clerk of t d ton t eflleebt WlntoB tbla stu feb oi uiua., - aa 1Q MtwOw. -w J0ATL1 , 9 C. FprLiycrpool .Direct ' Tb A NO. f CO MnfimrMTii.tMi net Troabedonr. 11 -a C 4 L n r ... E3RLE taaow ready trotva frlil at il j-el td jl lj lor Liver ,k1 tinaU - , . Vf are also pr-i-an I io " v, i y j weatteeoew b.n'sr.i e..vi.u.v.. , ..... to oar frindi la Li e wol, . - - -( : for tug wmeu i ply to ' J si . - :, i.M.lar?T-T&r:, J I . or ii. IV. t Ni beta or MorrhtsJ Oly, N. t'. ItWto - 3 .....A.. .