- T- r--" r -- rTTvrvTVTXtTrti H f- JOMAH TCRHI1, Ji. m-, wa uaet rt"ttW i.y vaet I .p,,,, .- ir - - -. a V ly MM 1 " " ft UiLt UmiE wtn be ttUvtni ra UUI1-... JiU Ic Ulatart f JK.art CmllM. feir?-?AtiVi&4s vvi: ,fBVaeiX, ! Mr. Iplrej lBtiodoce4'"!o,;ioo llplMBtttoa rlutic aotborbjag th Governor withdrew th tail bow umvdiog it tbSujrwo Court of lbt U. t nUkU im . tain pay ei rooruary, 17 It enThoriae th 0 VtA-oof fir ffi.-M OMfcaa.'' fMMd lit HVniI NdiB(lj ttuim ruMikMU BiH jjda tba Wright of Mdb- KKiisf iMl tk U BiU tutiutsad chapter 7, Baltk'i Kr- vikI, iiH'd lU tuird reJmg. It vivt-t rifcbl of di ore tb m tie ia eM of nilultefT on iupnrt "I tne nubDil BiU to amend eh-pUT 81 public ! ! BiU to amend tea. 16 clmp. 1, tni 4, of Civil Procedure, Baitia'i UtTital. Bill to prohibit . tna nla ol apiruuui I uuiir in J townalup In wbich llie in j tijjt irf tlit anUra abail to dvciJu. It i.l itian ehrciion to b held bent ',r lounaof lb elector thall to peti tiH ' The bill piueed itt flal reading ATM Mew. Allun, Arera, Bara li,.r.lli Eliik UdumbBi, Epptt, Kl- iiKuiiij;, INrrm, Hill, II llctmun, Hur- i . !. Klnif, laitnif. Low, McCaulcr, Mc'Jnl- ur, Mcrriiuuo, Miller, llorclicud Jtiick inuham, WtiphJ, Murray, N)cbtark, 5or w..d, Powell, Pr.ce, H.iln, Hortt, 8ey iii. of, Tf . Walksr, Wannj:, Welch and Worth. 88. N Ata Menva. X hmiubirluin, Co lit, Uraadj, Oadgor, llumplucy, Jubniton, McCabe, Hofcbead of Guilford, Smith and Todd 10. Bill, to amaod chap, 87 of Cula'Iia viant,! ...: 1 ' ' lSilt Tn amend chap; TThrwtof WTN-tt.- BiU a mlatiog tn Uw Public Library u Kttit.aacd, paaatit. Bi: ciMiwrnirjit U-smI UiblicttUni,. It riquh' aB Mberiff' notice, aclininlttort n.it &., bll be pablulicd in the c uiily kwper, and when ihcrv in no paper in ti t uim, aotmr ptpT In the u. i: wt. f rft'fanad u p t-5 13 uajtiQ. ilmeaU.i voUol i i : tie allirrualiaa i re : Uuawa. Allan, Kllie Uotuebn, ;iiil-r, Kill, McC'aa'er, Mrebeail if J.iill d, Mcrphjr, Murray, N.wond, 8ct m tir, M-ffiri, Wa kur ,.a WariaK. Tlnwe who Toted w Ui.' BtatiTu were : Mf-ara. Arera, Baubardt, Cbanilerlaia, i .-U.n. Kppot, flemmiaa;, Oudicer, Uaiw iih, iMbtaaan. f Uuiaphnijr, Jobaaton, Kii(, Un(f, Love. McCabe, Not otter, M. rrr MUkar. ' Vkti4.H.. PoU ggnjl aaJt4abfw.M neatai MJJ iM ),-, . , Bill U albw gordi-uia f infanta and ii. .tiTeabteut vt main-, aa- morjr, to n imivw pTipitJ fnitn lh .S'a'o Bill tn autiiiii Kiiap'ec 104, law of 177i-"?3 to autburixe tin cnuuiiaaiouert . of WUketceuat to iaaue bondt. . Adjowned. 8KXATJB. " Teh. 16th, 1874. ctnor Brogden in the halr. The roading of the Journal wu dia Mieed aiUh. r- . Bill to empower the cotumiaaionen of Jones county to levy a tpecial tax, patted Ita final readinc. Ui41 ampower the committiooen of lUadea eoanty to wry a pedal tax, patted itt final reading. ' Bill concern isg the parchaae of ita Uonery, &c paaaed Ita final leading. BiU to amend the Bella Cot Oyttet Company petted iu final reading. BiU concerning tht) catting of timber la the Tadkia rim paaaed lta final read ing. . BUI tft amend ate. 80, Chap. 109, BattU-t Bevlaei, paaaed lta final reading. BiU to legalist the tndiUngof txpentot lor eoavlcU patted Itt final reading. Bill to, legalise the ecu of traetettof iaatKottoa at Keraenville, pasted Itt "' final rtajtMiav i-'w-i ' BUI to aaead ta act to ooaaolidata aU (he aci incorporalibg the towe" ol Lam berton, Robeaoo county, petted Ita tail readings- . f ' Bill to Incorporatt the Oak City Sav ing' Bank of Italeigh, paoted lta teveral readiBgtte, DtU 4av pay Ales Dawono aad other $00 to 4y for the tmtt nt convict ..pitt ed ita final reading. BiU to amend the lowo ol 1871-18, f ant d jta acal teadiwa;. . ? Raaoratioee eonceming too boldttigef aa iaataigratloa oonventio to be held la Halaigh.ea. BC.raUickt Day, 18th of March vra adoptaaV Retoiatioa eoaoaraleg a Oeotennlal Celebratioa of Meckleaborg Deelaratloa of Indepesdeoee. - It make It fa tzhUi tioo of art,tctcncea, eVe. Laid oa the ta ble. , Bill to -amend thtptar 10S, law of 1870-T1, BttUe't BtoivaV patted Itt taal faadlag.Me!' m aitu- .' "r4- BiU to amead the obarter ioeofporatltig the tow of BooavirU, Johnaloa cantj, paaaed itt final leading. ; v BiU to amend too- laocUoo Tar Oompaoy of Witmiogtoia, fretted Ita final reading. - r . :. , . , BiU to gtra the faportc Coortf M tia eooaty ooaearroat jariedictioa with Bortlo eoaaty Jo rooaoiatiieod, Bertie eoaety, paaaed Its final tending. " 1 " BiU la favor of the X, C JnaUtetioo for the DtrJ?ab.ad iiiind, aotted tta final nediiit. i "' 1 ' Bill to oawndotc hap) ft, Bittle. ! Bovieel, patted lU fiaal nadiag.:. , .. BiU to Incorporala thO araaaaa, Maf cheotB Iborcra' Aotoeietaoo or Mew Qaaover eoaoty, paaaed tta fiaal reeding! Bill to oteore too ednatmeot of tbe pablie debt of Mortb Carolina, aalhodt too Oovereer to appoiot t eeaimhoioa. The how of It M. Oavieg arrived, an Tote wot taken. VTfco BeoaJo adjooraed oUI fi 18 efeloek. ' ' '. Arraitaoow ivannav., j Beemto met at 848 P. M, Mr tVffaMor otbo ettatr. '" '. EeeoluUoo complimentary to the oft Oar ot the BcaaU were paawd Bto - mooaty. (The ptet wee igooredr - eVUht M4 il,MW nwnwi t V Ul 111 - - "-' 1" i . .. . t a . u i i n ... JiJ, . i n . Fii lrir-ii Tif 7 r-vr ir ii n il n ii n r ii . ... I 1 rrv I nousx or rspbssjs statit tv-. ItpnDa.f.'cb. 18. ' " AjrtOMOOtt aiaatntl. -At the eteiratiee f tW bfocoj. 8:98 p. ai, Mr. Bpeaker lUltiooao eallod tbe Uotraa to order. 1 iMr. Speaker -rbtbtnai.e -tbeo p4e at dtUn0m of lis Uom uf B&mtni i MtNf ...... , f" iCkdertbaaaaolatiuIre tbetwe RojeVa, Uw term of tan QaieraJ Assemblj xpin todar. W leave' btifa aww ad mt bajawef ee the people eee Kiraeta w trkfartbe wtadtaea er fuilo taeiaiaa 1 w ba eaa-ead, 'www tbw inaan.int pHTj the aw of aM mate aao-tu aaarutt aql cbapnit aduiiuMrailnai aouelti a, arxl it ibv object uf prudent legiabitora, Te m.e.lT j(rieanci- " n! for nmrn'd iujj od ttrw.ttthening the lai"ilit (.'on(Uutiin ff nd tb pcnple protvoiioa in frtimtnt eltrlunt AroM-d with thia power ami cnlih(euwi by tratb, tliugh the medium of a bigh-tnued and patri otic prc-ta the people will never lail to d. IgbC r In prtrun irom you, Keatiemea, I d -tire to exprmw arnne meaaure ol Uiy appre ciation I'nr the cnnrlciy ,an4 tuppurt 1 hava rte ii'td at yoor htnda. I eaa ay truthfully thst I t,ave raeoived, a yoar presiding cifflcerrtbe attautt n-aprct and ciiBaidt-iutina (rum meh ixtlitiiimai mtm btr of On Bourn I ciiurtah Bona bat feel. Ing of friendship and kindneat from each maailier of your body. I cam let, tbt Chair enttraly without ablicltatloa' oa my part, and cafaatbat X attiitneal tit dntica with ini vinj and doubt. At laawred yoB iu the beiuniog, I have eadeavored to ''kaoa? BuUhtr party nor friend in the o ten. men t of jour body ; how falthrttlly I have been to that plodga I will leave ypt. to determine. Horth Carolina bit need for the tervtct of aft bor ton b, aa iu whttii.v. r ipUcre w may move in the future coiittiiue, keep her bonoc end pro- polity in view. On motion the Uotae took a reotaa uu- tU8 p. m. " At the exuiration of the . rvceaa, tbe Speaker called tbe ilonte to-order and ad journed It, in accordance with retoljilion, bvpaAKB Cou m Hondtiy, Ftk. Ibtk, 187t.-.Tbla Couit met at tbe arael hour (10 a. .,) all thu Jualicea lieing preavoW The, follow iar, easea, tet to the end of the docket, were trgnt-d : , , ' Jompb II Ether'iJge va BettWeouBty Mil lord Vdaty v icai bUlc4 ; Smith de Uir.ff for ulilnfiff- W W Peebltav JD State v Martiyoomty t larteW if Whitfield, Second Dlatriot ; lltoraey fjreo- ral HargrwVk: .ir btalv, aw Ouuaael fof de- fondauta. ' D. A fc W L Hmaphrey, exr'a v It W Ward, si ml.; Smith eV Strung for plm tiff, Battle & Son for defendtnt. Tte follolii(.' (ipinion were B'ed by ttii Court yntrrday, the 16Ui icat : , W It M Welt ve T HluJer, adm'r, ap peal front BunCMiibe county. ' Judgment modified. Jut Ketwof H ml v Finger ds Keener, admr', appeal from Lincoln oouaty. Jndgmeat twrancd aad eauae remanded that 'Jj fact may ix more fully found. ByRai,J. - H H Street at at. vt Ornnmlaalonert of Craven county, . Appvul from Cravta Jadgmaat aflriined. StfteTB AU KcPbenoa to J XJuary William. App al from Wake. , Error rmrv ism: : fays; ' By Rodham, J. v ; W 8 Luk vt P T r at too. Appeal I from Buacomlie county reverend and judg- ent for defcndaoU -. . . Loth va CtTtoa.- Appeal tVom Bua combc Judgment tiurmeu By StTTLa, J. John A LSM vt J C Plummaf. Ap peal from ia!jev Judgmoat affirmed. " I but on vol W R Cot.' Solicitor, f PeebM efot 'Appeal from Nerthaoiptei. JndgBient below affirmed. By Btscm, J. rf ". fx?' '''J State oo ref S fl Lf opard JU 0 Rdetiaaa. dppeal from Riwaa eoanty. Jodgmeot below affireaed.. . ; Stat oa rW H B Armfield ot ot Jadg- atoat affirmed aad eaa remanded. toe McPhema tad Willi aaaa, bwrgUrv It will bo teen from the Sopreme Court doclaiOna that tbet burglar bar beoo grant 1 a aew trial. je"iaoi aaa aa nuawi, tiii iney trere first take befor tbe Mayor who bornil then over to the (Superior Cart Thoy 8woodaaei by thai C'.rt trl huog On Ue 18th of th month, (lot Ft- dajp fOHO tbU decMlnA (hey appeared to the Subrrroe On art, and the ce wa ar- goo-J ii tbatcoatt bat Thamday, (18th) aad tM opinion of the oouat filed futer day ofleroooo, , , , Saki oowrt tortag decided "Oat ftora Waa Btrof bebiWJed t ir is two iraot- edl They wilt doobtieei be bang, though oaoofli aa another trial oaa ho had.. ' BrrMa vt Tareer- Ihtopialoo of the Sepveiate Oeort at Bit oaot (which ' fay v4rc)thUMUoa,who la the tatblh) orioterl WW probaWy be Od acxt Mondal ereeintv The aumt only file joab owe per Week, aad oa the Oaa oalV argued Satarday, ooald aot hre Bled yesterday.' Aa the J edge bar ao conform ot oo Satarday tveaioga. hoaring-at tbe,jead of tbe docket of Vie Sup rn Coatt; aad f tbe ocler la which a. 4l m iw.frnMf SMl!fot- ' " tiiieeUeaiitr'-' ' v - tioAra BamaoaLrWit.' JakWta.'XkrMi8, WiltotfeUoty.' I iMH"jma i Bon - ; Dortofi Vi. IXtftcaf Witod etoaty. ' Roaatna n,StbhteA, Wllaoe oiiea'y. , Bempeoof, Altaic Md 'Meet b C)-4- 1 a Rafifnid- fopj;Wt t'ty. UryAo W'jBta; 'FataMaty:'' hu vv BJdWbrgQiroweUMy.. IT jalerpb, va. WUmiagtoo WfM. tUliroad Company, Oret-h eouety. . HVelberingtoo, a. PbiHipa, Crreeo Bounty. WJ v. Puilutkr, Carteret cotuity. Ilttkin r Royt'er, Pereon count v. Green vi CaatU berry, Orange Coutrty" McDonald T. HaughtoB, , t'batluai ootiDty. Crump rt Faueett, Chatham, - Albilght v Mitchell, Chatham luU A IUUhin, On lf..r.l tKcibbura va Jurdao, liandolph. : 0ynD vi Piitti raorf, Surry laxwaU v Max wall, Davie. fitni vi 8tau.il, rtowea. . . Clemmon ve llamptoo and Stoke. . ,. D R Cooper ds Co va Marin, jlowanT : Jeaet va Wagweer, Bdw&, - Heal vt Cow lea, Rowan. lJt Folgcr Jt, Bowie. Surry. - - Williamt va 6harp, Davie. W"1tW Kii by v Maauar, yoraytha. W Stananuet &:McCuky V Smith A 8u.d, Mecklenburg. : , iiutiU vVlIaranu'8- titate t Trb jrouh, Clctvelaud. ' f (Wuimau A AUt. n Orlt-r, lioekbw. Uunit uf Ctutrlutt rt Davidaon,.Muek lenburg, , , .. .... -, 1 Carton 4 Orier vt IJneberger dt On., leckteoborg. - v Bren ef Meant vt Jennleon Hecklto- trurg. ; . . . I'.H , Atlantic, Teaocaaea A Ohio Railroad vt Johnatoa.. - ..- ; AJtxaudu ve mlaloaer, Meckleo- bnr ... -JJ!r I Akander v JubntootMeekloibttrg. I Snhata,'MoOolef e 47o..ta 00a V SMmMMM atBUOraj.. mm,.,...., Bank of Chatlettt teaouOa Bo Cauley, Mecklenburg. , Bbrrought de Spring vt Bauk of Cltar- lottd, Meoklenborr .' '.,775" ' Dowd vt H 0 Railroad Co Mecklea borg. - -' WIie, Roddie C Vime ve Bryoe, Meek ttuburg. wulv.ig , . . Smith vt Mcllwaine, Mecklenburg. ''m - J ii iluatoa va Davia, Mocklenburg, 1 Erwin vt Lawrence, Meckleubarg, ' Ueute ve Roe, Mock leoburg. i B) ee vt Butkr, Mecklenburg. ' Je l N C K Ii Co, Meckleeburg. Tate v Smith, Kecklenbnrg' ' Uay v Davidauo. Metklenburrf. rf y , Brtlton V Afliaon, Meckleeburg. . A Herri v Herri, Oabarrul ;Tudd V Chamber, WilketX f Harper v dodderth, Caldwell : Clod ietter vt Bo, Catawba. ' Bud well v King, Alleghany. Dole v Yoaag, Wilkc. J Ttmpleton ve Hummer, Iredell. A T ft O R R Co) vettberp, Imlefl . " Cregg Mitt vf Reynold. Buncombe. ICr3iprrl'8 Lftle. Mcfll, State of North CaroUna vt at C R & Co, Wake. Hodge vt Hodge, WaVe. , . " Cxal vt Oommiaetone, Fronlilie. - . Wataeo v Oodd, Wake - ' "! ' " fttomiaionero ve Brown, HaWag 1 Mtyfieid vt Jonw, Orao villa. . ' T. T3E8SU(08 TAM ;i WAaVIUUt Ahl vltUCBBaV m t cHKArarr THl LAIUT, MaTT AND WABHXE BtADK. That ateta Waaban r baUur I i other U aow eaaaraily eoeeeOed. That lb ! kMeia tko beatet tlaam , V. eaberi wUl beat readily aoanttett by erery bad Who tees tt and trlee It with etban. .,;,. . , lit aoawtnetloat '1e'oeBT aa te Mai tba hurwbqeaeUty of water tavowfh the eieie. hag M be ahorttet tame,1 aad toeempeaael the wtter te (O where it la deaiioa. and pre veat It fotoif an yw!i era elae. ' It ha o bucu8 vaavae te make the water , tow by Ma aa4 8jW al tptervalt -bat eaaae It to tew wtaaA'y-pourlng alxtee itmni oa the wheleeeifaee Of the cUrto ug. ' The the w4waaeatleeecedta taeeentreer ut8eiideof tbo f!a bottom to gat back to (te trtwatat bet erne atrmlght Iowa fro at where it !) weebteg ell perU of tbe ciotO- ey It ipM carreer, it rahe tafwafh tbe dothlaw auany tlmee pet miealcawd aaeaae them ta IS to a) mlanta I 1 be eueve tb aaachhie may b vd tartT eeoa ia aiaVeaoea la wear ot Ike elotbe. , itmay toeaveo very too ta th dlflawea e labor raeeirea. f, , , . - meehtee aaade U fit. baa 8e aetd with bay Move bottar erihe totlar lor tUaaaehla may beoeed lee any ether paruo., " Tnb) BueUao tela ane Aaa-4he eoy of Me kia,e4wiU eetla werki atekeraarfagof toaewaghly. At He torn kaaieata It k 1 PXERLESS AMONG 4Lta "'''. 'f ' T bey are maa or both tie. Tko. better wbhralTaim4kwa bottom.' wig ham eaaey yeamaad are eM at the Io4.oeraag low - ,i. I " ..-! i t tTUBtaJu law wsf' & S Tot OwWaaVsr ad feflar. ia.ai tbaa) t. FertWaaavloee,(a.e4aLte) rartbetv Per W nbaraa BmlarfeTWa brge) 8 ! aaeer eletMtaJra.aw(aa I , uaa U bar baa wiAe byjtaieag Th eaoal aiaa Th extra brrt U aacba wide of 88 teog prlc by !-'' -ww" i . . ? L rroprvrwr, tee uf lUMetKe. v w, . eqpcpT'Z'AJCXiS 11,1)1 ' ' 'P " . iHb-Wniai'SM pir in oar V tu'l'i'iir'j r4)4 at CoBtVt m ,vyfc-J"'lg Trjrer rt Mtraed TtaBd'UeWirt vVxteritiT. ... w . v , ' . f we uK'a t i' week. CirratHJoaa w.,nooaa we were pltewd ub'vea vha fru4 oaguetl man from H.ttfiwd. Tao titbt ol theCapUia oaUodtwawiod 44.tei tte mmpei Rbv iad'taeVa'BeWI at Kit MV I . mi ' Carr Uuaa B. Wt arv- glad bOro' 4iue oity, looktaa; at 'taw' (Oct thterf'aay.'la good trim. One maa -f tK energy and character of Capt. Cola, eon put a whole township to work and ks)p it rwjHCtablt r.7 ;-' ' W ''" "' - Tua Llt)U0R Bn.l. One of the molt bapVrtiint t 1 1 1 a p..d by the LeiUture wa a bill requiring an election to be held In my toWk-hlp when 'rioe fun rth ol the enter petition t that tffuct, to submit the uetiiia - to the quetitte4,,otort at pm whaibar tbere a'iH be tpirttooui li quor told within the townabip. It i be lieved that hi biU wilt work great good many eommunrtie.- LaotaLATtv SoWAar.-.Th atorning hour was take up with lb paaeage of a targe number if private bill. The Lien tenant Governor mad VTaddre, Ju"ng Which h manlbeted eootiderable feeling. Retolution of, thanktjwere paaaed, Jn which the officei vera oimplimeuted. At 8 o'clock P. M. the Senate adjourned ffl..V"j...k:-j-:: - Tocksr Hall. The OlJ North But ICi9ol aa Brt tBaai wilvo t ffoad MteffitiaateStAt Tucker"TJall on Friday night next. HOth oat. Tbe bill of fare la Inviting and pleaaure aeeker will have aa opportunity of enjoying tbem- tarret ani;al ejonyibuHn; at bd tome timt toward i the lniprovmeet of the Cor bet City Baail ,Le everybody attoa J, or end their cealributlona., v r Awoorkxd Th LeBilture adiour!!- Od teaterda at t o'clock, after a Vng and laborfou ieanloi.1 Tbero wa much tob dmoa' bv" the ttoialature. and much tlma am wt trie greet Baeeeura o( . Ii . f It did uot iViginato with CoL Hum party at b (Itougbt.,, tbere wa but Utr tlo money appropriated and Ibl credit of the State wa not invoked, and if it bad bee1 not vrl.brln theee hrd time. We greeted the iV-gialatore In their oom. lagand we now bid them adieu witbing them l Ml Kturn to their conatitnenU famine and Irien la. OCAL JoTTIMO,'"' ' ' ' We regret to bmra that the venerable Rev. Dr. Uatoe, R ctor of Chriat Epiaco- Oopal tyhareh, it Very dangeroutly 111 of poeomoofe. ' x - ' ' s ' ' : lit i s ' -" . .Prof. E artley ,the accom plithed Eogluh locatiooiatj la In Raleigh, and gave one of hi charming oattrtainmeaU at St, MaryVEpUoopal School laet waning. The weatbar yettorday wai a toft and balmy a as dprll day, Tb Stat Grange jr ill meet la Raleigh to.aBByejA.jjrfci tn. '4 - L. , Tbo Traaieet of the Ualvertity of North CatDlib WW hold their fret meeting la Ralefgt oa Wedueedty. J7 J SUwart, ot the ' rafia,. l tbe oity looking happy had contented. Stewart and Braaif hava the happy tWalty of making dheir 'panel able, in- ttroctiv aad. iatereatlog . t urn ii ' ii "' .Jfjnrrwo. of mtX$cmuu o m rrvf BitT7Wrtr tht t, tbt r., qaaatof . ajghJb A Settle. Traatemot tbrTJaireraity of North Crftv' Ua-rMeatty tppotntod JhL, L A. drortjoftheR. 0. R.B. aad R. 4k A. MJUmm R. R CVa. 0Taloott, Ba- poriaVade,t of Ihe & P. 11 Co. (X. 47. Divialc . B. It StMiy. Prottdeat of tli t iTil.'lt. R.' Co., and CUt & lawf reraoaSoperiaUadeat of the Ceroi i nnjrjbaUa4BV have baaed order for iliaia'4 M?1wXm& teQifllof t befirat meatlBg of hd Board H tHwra-,fLU;:l3ta.).Ma ttoabo, to afituori of Orhtr Rxflroed Tioof of the SUte Win tOMie umilar oroera jwui i fioB Somuabt. Th Ilouaepaeard stoaota. bill .There bwt HV tk debate aad all work. rncr; of bedell, latrodocwd b eeeifcdiaa ""the Totolut1odft act ipaW at Jaaeridiao,'' aad' declariog thaT4'(lbaaWfabo!d Unl ml Josraol oiaeaatat o'eleok P. It frwrl' dod that ao Irgialatloa ahoald boeinae aoaWtbo ryificatwof; bill tegrotaed. 1Tae ComaiiUae oa Imaoaohmoat r awiad1 Bfaor.bl''apoai If f7 ReeaLerta reaolatioa Impeaching Jed go Wtta4 'Mfiibert of tboj Atoaval.-. pilitutad Speaker fbmoovwj'h t), handarjeoa.bn t, fw which eeeanaaa Ma JoOet,of Cald- wc!t, olnttr-ag tr-j'r-prtseT'tpcccti that eexaif appear . with tbt rrceedingt ia Our acxt, ftautatmr- lt'a Dltpotrhea, fiTytlOM If KW YORK. r Hmm Took, Feb. 19 Chief J em ice W.lte it here an 'I will leave for WaiAiimjo to-aiorrew," V bifco aariptHmtiat for the relief f the pot. FROM PnlLADELPlUA PaUttDaLruu, Feb IV I It ie teporUd that tbo aad betwae Cttaag aad Kng bare beea operaud on, ad o reporfwin bo made to the college Btrgeoaa oo Wadaveaday atxt. Ii ds,ai pioat impoaaibl to get a cUl to-tb pro. eoeding, everything being conducted with gr.at eecteoy. - . FROM WA1SHINGT0H. WxaiSOTOH, Feb. 13. A. ub oommitMo W -tbo lioueo Judt cihry Cothuiltte have prepared a long re port in ievor uf tbe abolition of the teat oatb in all enact, au I will U)i week pre sent it to the fttlleootmitte. The temper of: the Iloua i la favwof web Ugttta- tioo. Tbe bill will relieve penaioner and deputy poatmaitere. Iruu' th exactioua uf tbe twt oatb au4 totully banlth tbo iron eUdoatU protcrtptiooii ' ' Fuoit soyrifcARoijarA. CBaavLBtTOX, Fab. 13. A great coocouret of eitixen ol aO claauc attended tbe fuaoral of Robert Sthart Burn, Patt Grand Muter, aad on of the bigbeat and brlgbteet Haaoat la fh United Statea. , ... , . . . 1 JiraoM rtxsmsakl 1 V M-Mpaii, Ftb. 15. 'HI Th Miaalaiippl LeglaUtore tdjouraed till Wcdaeadiy, ood many membert bit for New Orleana. ! ; . FROM EW YORK, - " Taot, Fb. 18. ice ia front eft hie city broke tip tad deal tht morning, at.tr aa men who war at WMk oo ont of tb pier of tht bridge, took rcfuKeoa two boroea muorod to f p!4 of toe piled aginat tht barge, and cut,th peaker wnicn neia mem 1 1 wt rent dowa the river to a ' point near Al- pay, bn eMccatded ia reachiag th thor. Arurtbe iew broke up, the water roee ten fee iu a many aiioutet, the water ia bow reading and all dancer of a freabot It tuppoaed to bearer. FROM ILUN014 , ' CntcaoQ, Feb. 18. - Jtotbing ia boacertalned 0 laf i regard to the book robbery at Quiaoy yeeterday morning, though aeveral per- aoui bave b en trrcatud on tuaptcioo. A reward of twenty tboaaand dollar has beea offered fur tbe reetoratlon of tb ttolea property oad l.bo Oapttr - of the tbievea. Among tho bond ttolea were one hundred thouaaad dollar of Adami oouat boodel Numbered from lil to iOO ajHiwwrv. ' FROM LONDON, r:-j : Loaooif, Ftb, n Tbe tchooneT Lodt from Wilming ton, N. 0., for. London wa abandoned February lOtb. Tbe crew wt tared. PgiijuBiBU, Fab. 18. Xeooard Warabolt, keeper ef a beer ta- oat th leaat provoeatioa. . FBOat HXW TORE. - NBwToBK.reb.il A itpeciol dispateb , from Hori4a bay 14tb tar: "It ia reported brtteatoer " Margaret, which arrived hert yeef arday from Havaaa, thtf aaatial Ttw baa beta declared ia Havaaa. Voluntaera to tbe umber of f,000 havo takea powitaiaa of taal Ity ompeinng fb Captain Geoerxl to takt refuge oa board lb war thlp Ara- pllea. ' Ta woeaoa aad two mea orgaaiaed here veiurdsy for a erwad kgtlntt alco boL' iThy will devote Ibis waek to work and prayer lor an locreae. la their num- best. j Tbere i much feeling on Long Ie liBd tgaioat tbe wbb-key trade bad proba bly j 8 BHvemeol will b Inaugurated fbcra,' 1 to j Uobokea yeeterday, David Bowie waa aliotMaad dangerously , wounded by Coeskble Johaaoa. Citiaeo oho eaw tbeoh; aniagbit apoa Jobntoa aad kick eat him about tbo head, fatally In Jering blflt, a h t'm U FROM PINNSTLViNlA. . . ''' AixajrrewM.Fsb 18. A jrriba acoidaad accerred thl morw- ieg bear SUtcdam Btoiloa oa lb Legblxh SoaOot-haaa railroad, botweea one aad two o'blockv.ffcy which two mea have loot their tjvca, aad a largo amount of proper ty deetrnjed aad tevoiai parOM) eeaUiard aari-u! aa aorbtpo fotaHnyariei " v Tbe lr'oleiU UaU t v.ily Itdea, raxMiing at a high rat of tpevd re law a laid TirlwoieAi;KaiVp frattr t Tb engine jumped the track and I hangtovertheUnkof tbe rim. Eigh-l , i ..... . rrlnt Him lir.kAnm luiill. n.M. I L'.i ur n ircnn ... vmiy . ICO. 168. Icon can wote thrown from the trtAsk and piled on eaa o.bvr, umubiiig freight ol alt dcacrlp4uo wbMb oae-etrewn along Hie road and tinrled into the river. Not oue of the Uate handa at far a we coeld learo eacapel without aia tllgbt injury The body the, engineer, Deal Shoe man, waa faiood under the engine Oonalderably I hunted. Otto bboemaa arcmao, and eald- FROM LO.XDON. IeKDoB, Feb. 18. Tbo elections ia Irkad still pending. With tbo. weaa-eaidiug Friday taot, 848 Quo nod 88. LUieraleaad Boa. SuMa have bum retaread to Parliament. Oupeeiyetivo gala jd 80,. Tho ilouae of dommoot will havo 811 ae teemier!' ' A UMWtrng of tho ctbioo it to bo bald to-day to cootidur what ctfurt it hould i.EtJ..Ib,'..,J!i MtJCB?!!!B!Sll.. ectidlo Parllamtnr ftOm JreltStt ll ol. Tlie "Tirtgrapb" ajt the U.rquit of SaHsbury tih tnt.ira Sii wtary of State for Lnlia. ' The Emot-rot ol Ruesia will trliit Eng land mxt April. FROM OHIO. ' i CitiomnATi, Fab. 16 SpeOial ditpttebee to th OaMitt (Tom variwu parto of Soathwestera, Ohio, re port that about eighty out of oni hundred add forty place where liquor waa told bat beea 'oioard ii net the temputanc movemaak Tbeae tvporte oomo farera foaiteea pwaoad TH Uje, ' " rf " FBOMliTlSfX Lbwb, Fab. 18. Aa Ameriota brbx it ashore 18 mil toUtb of Peulotek' ialaad. . . BUdnlght AJlapateaea. FROM WA3IIIr!0T0N- WAtiMtaimia, Feb. 18. I the Hinite' Kelly, of Penasyhaqia, offered a reaolutWn Ibtt member of the Uouae aad Senate wUl assemble I Car. peeler's hall, Philadelphia, oa Monday, tb 8th of September, 1874, la centennial oumoumUioraJioa of the assembling of lb delegate iroes die eevtral ooloales aad provlnoot of North America oa Moa d.y, tho 8th of September, 1874, and that th 5 pe km of th lion a be invited to preatde over tbo meeting, aad Vice Proddeat Wlbmn be M pouted to dollvrr aa addre; appropriate to tbt oosattoa, , iflor reu arks la onpport nf tbo reeole tioa. Kelly yielded the fioor to Waldell, of North Carolina, referring to him Mtbe deacendant of one aboae bonus res ltd ie the old Mennonite churchyard at Oer- maolnwn, haviag fallea et the bead of iron pa from South of th Pot-iasae. Waddali made suitable eekaowiedg meat of Kelley' pollteeca aad onorbwy, ;avood,;agg g'ajeoc' la" which he alluded to lilt !cotalknBi tor of North Carolina is the War of th revolatloa, and in tho great political eveott preceding it, particulariaiog tbe deatroclloo vf the etimp npaely aad publicly long before the throwing of the tee into tho harbor of Bottoa by mea wearing diaguiaet, and rel rriug f i the original duoleratioa ef iadapoodooot drawa ap ia Meekbaburg county, N. 0. U WottBd ap by aaying, let Congress, the, on tbe 6th of Septembor axt meet ia join wmveatioa ia that venerable hall, and let the orator of the occasion tpeak aUb a healing power, a power which will arouae the eUimberiog -apirU of former day, which wtll re vive - raltehng : faith - and hneoaj BowtTor aiaoca :ay otx tree ted, itiH well p parpetaaJly ta every tro dmerlean heart. A motioa to tuipend tb rulet aad pea tb resoluUo did aot reoeive th 8oerary Iwo-tbird veto, aad thaW olotk wa oubeeooeotly referred to tbt Select Committe oa Centennial Cclcbro tUa4 ., . ,7V,y . Ilea, A loiaadaf IL altopbaa It quite Ul t hie roaoa Wb aeontu-iaofildneva. Xlfil(t before Is-t aevartj phjaicioo war ta oosMlUtioa roiaUTO to bis aaoa,ad agreed that hiaooodiUoa was ewiooa. Ht wa oomewhtt eaaler yettrfday aad to day. '., .. .. ., ... s' j : TOOlf RUedLA. - j - or. PntatstmatT, Feb. 117 A grand dlaaor wat glvea last tveoing by b Cxar to hit Imperial aad royal visi ter. ! Ia hi tpeatli hit Malotty Btld that tbo Imptror of Ocrmaay, tho Quota of Engl tad, tb Emperor of duitrl and bioMSlf would preaervt tb pete of th world. . Th Piiae of Wake wat tbt rep- reaeatative of tb Qecei, who bowed hit Ibaaka, aad Emperor Francl Joteph ro- rtoooVrd, nttaratlng tb tentlmcBU of tb 3aor. . " , ... , THE WEATflia WiJBTDIOTMr, Tto. 11" ror tho Sooth itlaatlq BUtot, port woaterly wUdo, aad, , partly eloejdy sad clear weather, soatewba higher tompera. tfint bad portly atoady weather. ' ' A J H 4 k Jt I 1 m . .Another totpmaat t ear brand of J -4 , OAMB ' COCK WHITn JLEATs. Just to hand ' -" - 3R100S 80!I8.- Arertleement wUl be batariea k the !fl f taarriaaa, at tbe follovlnr rate i r uuiua ol Onexjaara eoe ae Uiw..Mi.A.KI , - - amen kuueeqeent InaartMM teat ttkoi owe.... I aquare, 1 waek, I tM,l aare. ? woa. Ji.ee 1 lewitVSIt - it.M 8 awe, i toil o-'eooau I . e . . 8. oatio il I 4 ew3 oao j t-DpiarJI . (4aaax:Txn BraieuaV. .aiilioZ at tuaaav Banana. Ul TON VabM parbanctt. tea kkMiira btiLi.., LEaTHKH LFfKK VUii.bt.hi uti Ib.UrtiWt. W Paitiaata ...... fi.AXskblliwrUua. .r.rr:.?r.T leiia1 .tiM .:' -' 88ai8 HAT, per lUBIb.. HlUtO. (MttbDry . pwl iVit. Pi'T Viukit. SwLm ba.,.. AkiviiW ver m , V U 1. a aercst..... stick. .. HA-.... ...... . ri.Wl OOaoO-s. 4 Tl ho . . . ........ ,. . , 4. r ff ta '. tO u " ! t.je- ;rr-i M1CAI . parka.. ........... 1.08 8tlM, i mm.. M It. .,....,.,... l.. hiik)n fttaix.. a... t.. ...... u-i w.t liUU8,N.C. v... i--Osaeeetedi h,.a ,.ti.tvU2-;...SI6 M-RKINU8 ..J! . ..!. bAHt. ........ .. .... A.. .. u '.Hdatt 5 OAT, tbett ... ,...,. 1 !ttf (t.tO tn BOO , ..... rODUBIt, per IVO itM. . i . . ... ' .t LeOt-l.l CA.NULM a. -.!. ItJeutA m NBWTALtM'fw.' 'aTooey t'y aft..fnli elcinge'iijti. at ft S3; gold 18 3-4; Oovernmunt trong aad ooealderaWe doing; Statek ttrndf,-''' JW i .... . im FaaA - Cotton quiet; 8.08T bale at "16 l-4tl9 B 8; pork quiet aarl'tteadf, icw'toe lCf ' turpentlo qaler; ria'io'uncoangel at (160. ; Cotton future , closed weaj,, aoJoftf f 5-141 MaW-4 16 " -sfl8'pr 1-8; atprtt 16 K; M lfflSjt Juibj Jlj Foothera toor dull n4 lowot at tB!flUt 67.6a, osmasoO to talo Mtro 'ST.TOaSl tf good to choice ditto, -.o ii i a'i seaBw-iof-r 'l ' "I 1 91 "1 I I O it II fl 4 t-H " I ' U g nar rt Favot tevillo B t; ;1 .BSAUTlfUl. TIM TOILIT itTI,.,,. BKAM TOr FX5DXR8, t. , m jft POWDIRIT) BATH BRICK fee lelpg L .. I- . .U . .. .. .i , . fl.t.n ., " ,J BRIOOS 4k tWM.. il , i, .i . . i.uit m n - s.ni-r frw 1, . yw hnmv trw .. . I I ban I 1 I awossar -I . ,.? .4.-t(Mr?VisaMW , poutios ruar aho run Aai- , h v. r1 a t OR. OKOUNn I tfrilj sttfeds. 4f ewj aCiaf 'imnmA ia ff ' Bay only the beet Be that Trj Can baa r .A Lim,.mil... eerlebeiealt. wMtwHBieiaaiaiaBalBMBpaaF'i i&a '-t.-'i'iti ". ota yaatt 8iyMUIKaVtt i o.: " j:dt trsd ii in. aewoai fab 17-U tlllTK, m I.IBaadl' .. 4.41 .ii .iaas vo Mvrj .i seotas .2 : tr ao- 0t The oafy EalUbU filft PJatrtbatloa ta the ' ,O0blrJ t r ;:.t4 sA -;. ,poofOo: TO Baf BUTIIBBTBO IB . , Id o o : S I UST El QM m . i ue ,f i .i."q v;i- i n U Jw 'ifii ONE GRAND CAPITAL Ktttt'flfi' 00iOoldlt ...T-jwr vi. -A 7 i 'U FlvPria, $1,000 tacli la Groenbickl f FivoPrizfja, 1506 9ch la Grwabat-kt ( j j Tea Prlatt, 100 eh is tjroeaback f J ' Two! Fatuity Carriage1 aud 'K.Uiiti!; , Uorar with Bltver-MouBted Harnew? worth U90 each - . 77-a TwoBuggie,' Ho-aeA, Worth JCC . 1, -4 t r-A wft rtait Two Flao-toasd, Jtowwood Fiaaot; worthy -wmi ISWeacbl . "j ln j,,, w Jo Tea YMW Bewlng" Maclinet. Vorto! .ZZ ' UtfiO aweb f---- ---r TOi-- - - iL-"4 '" e "! am " "a I 7 We2d aad Hlssr Imrn EtmHg tf.trArt 1 ta eOI,uara.6- e--V ; a.toJ Oo,dtpuUnst Kveisje.Jewaaryo, ,?d e.irw ITT?'- - IflBt VaiU. lf .eU'TIttf!t.'W- Uierti rremiBjEi miy U j.U. SiacM TVm ttVix TlcV-tt tlOi Twelve Ticket 30rTnty-FiT l ;' ; j ' (futular iontiitarnit a full lint of pr! s. 4eaertuoa at tbe auaimae of lrw., ...d ' other liort!mUoo:.lta ftilisreneelatltio . tintiwnwUi be teul to hit ohoih. uuMBbu.. . p All kMior moat be eJiir-i. .! to m a i a ornca, 1 IX 8INK, itox (ul, 101 W. fifth Bt Cjcjmati, U tcblT-td ' .t ij 0 a.i s.5 Ji . f