V1 0R.Tn?i9:tn0LtNA To u.n iWdYitailli ! t'F KOBTU CAR0UW4, h i -. ux!iit.iiiijt...r.. 1 iw imp jr in Horn bald pttar f-m ('HrWOhtM do4lw mm TTAflTITM . lilt V ftltrfk Utdlltmd frA'M IhrMM: T It) fldlMlililltt,! fr J' .Utt IJtlSl ', .Ji, a a Kaauar an4 wita luia.tMia. J 11 Wffl BBS toe of tw f I IT. Riant IfJWW fi Wts.i-j;. leaara ana u JUlMaBUa. atarUHk- k Kan) ir.iuMtTli. J..hi, w p.ir ...j API 4Z'fcQ Qnpltal t)feOO,Oo'o DR. THE OWTtTJIflrPABt C&Nb" BUMPnVD RKMXX)I. M. .'. W e'" .rn iVhkm- tttmitti JbaMt at ' 4 es W Ak !' w ftttft. 'Au suiiiur enrLttiiu: uuj etas. Tatciaa of thla ... ' '' A L .w.aajt ..rwww.raai- (tmn epa, Tta i Wland. fiweaaaud.iaiLiM. ta. a3 "(S2 .ssuif Bwftsntt9tt ll HHP I, HI T IbB,,, Presides ifT, -,p!?7; P'"1 affaotS ' President rmtraniptloa It POT m ,tol)k IIwJmJ. rb;iei , $mfalt it .ty "only rr- artwyitwart Ve W'Hd-lWaa4aaa..-.iw. '..a ! ltjptr to-ritHrfiaMlo'r46nrt tlat the abun-aaniad aiim u i i. .. cleans csint ud wood, la hut tha - aweretary F L E M If I N G , tire hoass. batter than soap. Netop . hmmm to here U,.HU iwBMdftaadteasl- "" P" "wr. i o canj anurfl HATCHKUIK.. rTZTi reawrtoowtTti - ATTORITfT At LAW. ' terrible staled eoaa N(NW- B, fUU ....WVa3 k;.t,. .t. sr." 1 Mil te. I ItlKTOMI Hm Keapr. Battle, Ho.7nhi Manning. Han, John W. Cnlrhimn ui . -Haar-wfcvB W RaBft od -- .ar- tba av ara Ban rtmanna af aa Bteto, thavara f) nMadMatprattbaflr e ttt w a aba anaiw .tiMitrtia IIALLIutsAat TS ""r "I nn'Ni.-Hiui Wttht BiiUi, Col W. L, Aaaadere. J. C. Mettaa.' a v jn mi. iiiiu , . ," t hatawlthiB teyilter1M aarMai If it i .vi .i:tii. ii.rU AmII niak.rU l UW, K. I, amaea r nkai-u,i, ei-i -ftl iiniaaa, ann aaxrar loa voaaniani. artelBK fruuxMl ua V'.irl. aa v wjr iMFOMJ tt llt'li nirwinn aaii" Wt I. ROTBTER. AaiI.ia.t'll.J uumuvi. .v - ' I BOUU. VOL W. L.. Ihnartnr. J 1 U.u I - . - - - I Wl w MWI UOMM MV 4tt li a a a. a at while lote l. It ii y nn' be taolsfeU effect ' H LL'8 HAUSAa ) oUl ertrj wkce, BI joun r bekY, ccsausr vua. m tky Ureal Merfic ol-W arebouae, 8 and II College Place, Mew t'WL Price 11 )ir botUa. i ' ; ,i- im i,aut i "nt 1 Cc-lua, .XJ'J.'W.tJft ra raeunioulit. 'ftwAohflia, 1 - " fc"i!rtv ' - lr';l !' J. ii a,juLl, Pin. J - i tan anl qLto,daaa ( Uia ,ranlfUr . onraiis, ,iul -i ll . . ' ' il'Udt Rill fi ;iSrf 'i . iiti.i i Aln PitHKMU wavi4 bloo& icd iixyk"fiaM BlttAVMMl'a iJrer fHU,j Han i College Place, flew TorWi'" n iui IronintlioBlQOd MAKES THE WEAK STHOii tut Th FtiAMiUuiBfnwn. JVofaet emriltf H(fMtt aaei MdfatoBl oorf: ' If ticrrae the quantity o? ,afure'j . Qwn, ...rUalfMn iffCMiTjlxiMiJn A iooifatiail ri. ii .. V. ,wlta.a .w aar mwmgnif y l'rtytJwtarafwgawrf I ianJistWi? IA Symtmrnr 2 a ricevf onrt vitalise Hood mam tneat$ Vrv port fth aWtf. '! rvjKUrf fjtf damage and pue' srrxMnr onw ftaorpK aecro" piBV4nl iIOag taoi&tftg or J B BBwrBd flk aaoMar ucrrm mvrsw rata rwmnariaB 'WT'immtm&':' Mirer Com plotutV, Uropajr, duraalo llat.. jom or vonBntatuntal Tlr, Jiladder, Female Comp u disease originating a bad state of tha hlnn,l. companted by debilit y or a fat ta of th $item.. Airing jTrea from Alcofu,!, in any form, it energising effects are not taU otortt 9fi0rrespmiing reac. wn, out mre permanent infw ting vigor, and im' life into ail pmrU t ike y stem, a nd building up an Iron Con stitution ,v , Thoueanfo have been changed, by the turn fifthttrrrmeiiy, runt weak, mi- ' ',- en,, erinm crea- turee, to ; tm?r, IteaUhg, and ' happy a. t tfstt-nvoi'ivif and invalids i 'not reanonaWjhoem Uate to gt . p it a tried, j- C Bee thtit ebfh b&mhat TZZ'J'l Xiuatplalatai Itob ETH W. FOWLED rVtort, JO aBBisa,aABamaaw' r m prT'raT qxi.es. new ItoDiftosaw otrft Larqx AMU (A Towcy J w .,sut a tia.it hMi i iJ mimuiicfj i .4 t-(u,i yXntA.CTTlVl1IXOCIC I IftaafactBreri far Ua South-aod South- , - , , . .- , I - HiMf'TiM mmgkimimi? I i p'KU'tw JU r, I , lv,A,K.,wg.. -wr-l,. ia.Jt w-ov,,a -t ' I'J , .. . . . ., . , . I Jt 'owxn-tfiit W" ! of us , DUYOup. IT0T105 1KJ0T8,; Rftl-IPQ tj 1 TO a,-w f ff-'i I it X"rrit W ran"''. u iim-1 yin i ee , Our Aenbav Faftaaw baa aaat'aiaaaWMA, aan new i enter Bare bee ma kbit; ua oe 5rHJil.IISL?tSSi! y."r.'.,Wt' i tepeetojUy treed trade tela eeaaoaun 1b return. a onrnamnBs ear pstroea, waaayto thaai and thaaukufl, that aa lets pnerbnaa. were Bade at a Tury iraat decline, and lhat we are now aeUinr oar stock at aoeh Aricee aa, to In. tafc yltS that inca bergtiBe, ,yjt not : We hate a rood aopply pf BorTi ",BaT 8UU Jtaad-made. ahoaa and Kaitert for Ladiea. MU and CitlMreailaTfor lenUoouin, CajiaeU'a, Prl, Dtr dCd'i, aaa Bnrt'a tinted Mid double aole.caU gaiter aa boots, WUitb We otlof at Very low. frtoua. All w1ati!n to barehaae wUl not reeret eail-. b ntkun n b and jexuninliir oar atuck and Prieea. Vd sutiJer oA prkcee oh a -esrit'bBiii. Therefore tboaa hn: ing of Bi jo ootA'Ip beHi sii : rtek fur bid and al-Hf 4cbU. Very liberal prices to Bter chante bnylr-c la tbia market. . We hava laat aeeeivad aniaa vatv Ltta atvta of haia, hKhi lioir Opera, aowlai Cheater arid aad CluKWbUue. ; Jaa l it , '"- a s aa Bble., Old Aptile and Faarh armdy and aenantitrBtrnmiMTinr ra.,. ui,;. tm 1 -"-wrk I WIU sell oa tba naoat lawratle teraa. BOW a.1ratvlnrfM Pmm ( Iv,. was Wore WbUkey, and will be please to . nostra ereaw front thee 'artefaiar to bay a pare article o Brandy or Wbiakey. L nkaawa yarweaontanosaUoaid send lash, or sans lac- - orj reurennaei a f AureSL. tll f " u. r. TOUST, Aiawanxe ftfi 0T-1 ot p.w'' (Y?-w4-i7 1 0 L 1 fcrf waahun " and Klaatware la ,.!P"!w..ViaaBMaao ..( ' ' iMmotW itatnt Ihni aaarbla man tela. "SM .table and atatnan. tmm hrA Mi4 - M -walla, and trom biaa and poroa- ifieaa atari aad pm ttom ear yatowwaarirafabricw; ' wit i " l i " ' ' . i.i ' ii .1 article knwn 1 1 m nur mind. r 4 m It aa well aa nana. There la that will lMarlf I tan Trjrit. a aawl aaaar witoiiirffin fv4im .11 " r TotMtBoapL' hattnr ao aunallaf ilkhMMihMj i. r '1 i . wthia eoantre or abroad " n - iT aa an artirfe 'or the bath.Vache r 1hlouBdaM(ii,'ofalldIrt,iiaua .( a, ..ii laaperaaand slvaa healthy ao- tion and brilliant unt to Mia akin. havd 8 A 1' U L I 0 ' eleaowsaaad 1aairUfii tba akla, I ! J bMlantly rsiuoTing any atala or I ( , -f "i MMf flilKIIIWPM IMIil jl ,, l wIUmnA a riral la tt world for IJ,9W todcEApujf of 4lber bAtxUuri AUnnaT nr TUMtVaUttlriU Wttlo-Kaaa H remorea tar, jiltch. Iron or talk ' tarnrt nable,', for mlw(iba akla 'white and aoft, and gluing to It a -viuina oi oeauiy, iv ia ananr , pMud by any Coametic known. HAItD, aV .L Q L 1 0 eon in v is centa per cake, and BTerybody bo14 bare lv, ton Will IlaVV law - iHiN'T fAU. TU.Xaiy TbIUS IHXD8. IBttf it of, loot, maroliaiit U iiB.haa of will procure It for - yoa. If aoty tban write nr er rmpblet "AH about 8a po Ho,'' ted I wlB bi mailed free. - ' " T' tuna U-deodAweowly I Trv lOlT1. Ton f A V jUf U U to t JfW freWajial.M, f ' Betti-- - rf - roundd BulkTHear Bldea, j . 1 f:"'v a Hitiil I ,. aaaaaii, .n.,,,-,4 '. 'tka uideraiKiWI oflrof mIC'ob rWa abla tBrma, a terj Begfrable antf TaluaSl tracta1anLHhiB'iUe L a itnarter ttf HlC r l lilatTTU bHbbUM I fcfctt taBAHai BBMBtiifBWaBTII tbd WaaUida-al tha yareUeTUle roaJ, con tain tojr two hundred and twenty acrea.. it Ironta on tha road for nearly a mile, and can be eawranteaUy tykjed Into two or jboib lota V entt pnrcliaaera. feraona dealroaa of pnr ehaaiaa: wlU be takea rer the pretataea and saa wav aii aacaaaary i mrormauon jm either Wia. H. Bladaee, or nyaetr - t m ,., nT 2S-tf A k ) -it M. A. BLKDSOK. Jlawa aad Xraaopy tf 1873 AND .4. ir-VriNINO OF FALL AND WINTER I W Millir,Latiee fine and fnmlahlnc I piM"i" woooa, epayr aoa ouer wool, i j warwBjBa MwnsaBO oaaer aruciee at I ISAAC (ETTINQtK'g trota tba tsi day tOetobaK treat Sa,eJ riajiM laiuianBaai 1 ever. T A M)t ft 'i rJjiEi. F F E L'Bl - I , j IMPB0V15D DOUBLE Turbine Water WHeel itfffc.- M i. i Tf-r iSt ' -r, j 1 av t t ratt' fJ im fUOLK HUNT, BAUmtoaav - Nearlj 7000 now.la naa, working under v- needs Tarring from i to 840 feet I .Atlatraia 8 4 to 0 lucbes.5 "L" f - Ti ffj '. . Th most powerful Wheel in tbs Market, ana most economical la aaa or water. r u-ataOTAOTtrajBaVaiao; Portable1 and 6U3oniri Sletm Enslnet aad Boilpra, Babaock A Wilcox f ateat Tuaalooa BoHer Elaitrb't (trasber .fee i iiinrala. r' fdw "J tad -f it MU'a rrorinr Mill Msch Inert,' Machinery for rr mte.xi yyoru aaa Xltl M.U1I, thaxtr , log rniieys ana usurers. .i tutMu run ciuccLAKa.' :ebat-w0os ' I t & V T I ON . Nottaa la aerab aires, that the Infe af Baiierfc, Hicks Co., ia this day diaaolrad by icutaaiaeawaaar---' 1 ' --- " W. d. MICKS, " .Masry tea,1 pt t i the tnderaTgiiedf Is aatb-irlnea he old Iraaot Bcparks, Hlek A Co- to settle no the bonioeas of tbs lm. All persons harlus; elaiiBS SMatoat It, are hereby aouaadto prai earn wren- Bsetnmta Tor setuement, aoa in per enas awtos; said Ana awat eooM forward aad pay thBsaneea a before the 15th of f ebrsary Bart, vr Uew arcoaat 'l be bkced hi lbs Jam deof B ot&cer lor cuiia. tion. st - TBeopsroerl;tphrtTwrUdil.Jr1rW4la, (be BaoM aad etyle ot b HMStt a hUHiaiB, : - ia uuaiuy aiaeoivea oy ffiniani eoenwai. 1! d. tHiiUK. i I Teh ti"A i -t:.n i lB if y . I M ! ' I. '-:fc... II , AH l' ii ' f. ' SM it t el '.Afc.aP 1a I1 I if t S -,-SS. -v-mci i .,.Sb C u J. ! I tl. if. J ! ! I'. . I ! tt 1"" mr i "Ta iar" i f J MATIJRII jINDiDVJMTlOIs- a Hataaara 'f-lww 7 olanf aVat It aRera all i aeaanbarfaMMia of lninranoa. ra runaa are liWaaVaa ai feoi tudauuna-oar awn naonak.' aj ana circnla ho innacaaaary teettlcttMC anpoaad wpoa ' realdeaca or Uveal, j i fabeiea oa4or:fabW hrWtwvWra. IU offl cert and tuaaatonl ara prominent and kn?VB Sortll CaroiiolaBa, wfeoee eperb anaa aa baaiaaaa . aad whaaa vartli aM 'eanij ara uana nnBai gmmt teaa for U eatBiMHiT,t ttnmKta,aotTOBst aad aaecaat. I u eatapeiiT,t ati I t. U. Piikhl, ,.lfuy. I 1 , . 11 euuerTUlnc AiceDk Ja. BUJU, Local ijent. ood acenta With whoai' llbard UirJ.t. wlB bakada, wasted hi erary twaty tn tbc wWla. . Jali Ife-if 1d MCO GRfl XUMB INSTITUTIONS SkCDltlTr AG AIM 81 FlUh THB I ' ."" HOME INSUBANCE COMPANY, i fa fair ratal, oa all cla-e, of inaorabU Drot - ! 1 i .1,- ...rs.,.'i. ' :i i il. All hMae are proiafUadete4 aad paid.' Tia-'HOMl-'tarapldly growlngta pabBe faTdr,aiidarpeala,wltheor.deeAtohiurerl oi propeny nan pane 01 nana cvoUoa. AtenU ln all part of lie 8Ut. ' r 8' Bam fcl Traaldcot : C. BiBoot, VloaPraaldanV , Bbatob OaLBBf Boeralaiy. FfuKi Oowtbb, taperVlaor. ' , ime ai-tt,, s . , i ) ; MLITAX MAUt ACADIMT. , At board of aaaaaa-wa of tba ksatltatlom, wa J auauausa wua paeure mat lam aeu aaaaloa i win puna aa UM jttta af daaBar. Baaa K Pa ttatf, A. aa rrtnelpal. Mr, ray h a honor fraduate of Saaerr aad Haary Collrca. Va.. aad aa Aaaoakteaif Mr. Trawiob naa won tba confidence of all by hit acbalarlr and feompetent aerrtce and by hie dleeraet aad piouh deportment. Only a United aaoiuar will b raaaivad Aeademy on Kdenton Street by.theMetbo- wii auiiuvo. j. i . m . . r r - r tar tenM apply to the Bunaeen, ' 1 . I f J. A, doIBB , E A-" " GIF T i AK O V X L ID WIN vr, rcLLii, AMlbor of "The AnKl la The Cloud For sale bf 'y ' ALFH1B WlLUtMS, Bookaeller. octM If 1 " W - - I a . I L.A.VT Court Home 8$'4mre RALEIGH, CI ,w ' aeelal at tea Una a-tveai te larlnx of linaaa. taada, la view oi the late dtataioa of the Ba pratoa Coart of tba United Btataa oa the an b- Teyt.. . o -m.i' auywdawAwtf A complete art of BLiUTOIllllD'O ! wrsoyiiiVACBiRKktroB makiicq -id .., ..k & FIAT9II!it1rllrtt hx. ca parity of which U500 per day ( also one I none power Brine aad joouer, saw Hul, onarunic rojiertaua uanrare. wood inrn- I inrlaUie, varioty of Moulding Maehlae, Belt- nR3T-CLASS PLOW handle TACT0BY." y Will seU a a whole, ar by detail . ' IOM- l address, . . .... - 1 1 T.U. RAH If, il . BeitW7.RlckBWBd.Ta i to ! r Mlt ii. aa-ta, aaa sold.) Of mil the lareaUowA of the Breseatda. probably aoae hare created aaore latealsh- ment thaa the London Watch. , Tba Ueaef auktnira Watch for tba mail aaa ef One Dollar, seaau sa ImpoaalUllty, bat It has at hmrth beea aeaoaipUaBad, aad a perfect Urn Indicator prodoced. Heal ilea tela It eoatprlaas sOoaipaaa and ana DiaL wltbaat eatra ooet. It la Jost tha thbif for tha pocket of every tra Teller, trader, (iroter, boy, aad ererrbwdy desiring a reliable tbae-keeper. 11 Is alejcaatly got ap la a ease ef fold bmUM, wliUS Is an exact hnitatlos of gold, asnal Watch site. tiaM crystal, sunt sad neuilic works, and warr sted to denots eorrect time sad kp la order If fairly aaed (ortwo yearai nuuias use n. 1 ha parfaat trMwph of will be' awl in a neatcs. post paid, to aar sddreea for One Dollar, ot three for Two Duljarvby we Boif Agciiii nit n en ana sou w, ,, If I, .'. It AAtAVKtNK m f i 1ee)a.deolrAly , LooMTiile f H, P. Earhaa'i Bit Tarblai ; I j Ai.ia. avrnniAut, uu ""iead ai BdLTOIt staaaTlr J jab. cmtzsoh; as," 53 ,Z7i'tf Pfr: !t wnd! Test Fepflrt U-iJivea, IS. t. BamuaiB, Ibrk, P. II B , IV ORE .... . t ., "S. , , ... .,,,1 JaaU J u, Ilaring refitted our ; , Job Office, And Boennjd the ierricet ' . j s, r We am low prepared to execute 4- -Si' all kfiid 'of''" twiwai. .l..-,'t,-Mi:,JLiUBW-.UasllBWn laBWmn - . 'uiUntBBBMBS . . 1 ! AU PWB0M Bill Heitda, 3 - "I , V.! I j Lottos H-ada, feuala iCdi, I TiaitingCareH "Wedding Oarda, ""I 1- - Clrculan, t Poatera, aVc To prinl, will Ka'Voth'eir work x ocutod in Uio very beat atyle bj I1 . ' Beading1 it to too I l Sentinol , Office. MV are also prepayeti ta ! ' i fy-i . !) ';;:;."! ..iifswii; kindtwf im ft r nr nn -mm In t!ie very best ityle, at All work tent to a will b dona . I ' ' ' iQMttf'ut cheaply r anIf. JiCIvniii other - - . . l-raimad holm tn tot 60UTI1. Of all kinds Printed at short Botioe. Is short, wa are prepared to ex ecute all kinds of Printing ia tba! rcrj post stjie. esa;jt;7 . Ii ill im in. i im i. i ii I Tl I It O I B B t Kt l a " A taaaarBctoaM' butalaaeaia. arawatUy i i i and Twsm-riTt rit csvt. Bturo . MAHcrAGTu&KRsr nicsa FOB. . II Bitickseed dime from thta Offlea, erafiy at ' -.p.a fHaloclsaesbt,.t ,.,., 13 WTS fftFTt. r''Wt:,Ta.,T -vr& .JecMrata t )j-t t t WATT PLOWS. -- Aaotaar swtirlt raaelead aadaeettlila IiT eamomim iow. ah, "itiie" aad "ratuHes- Fnead ' awortaaeat el rtnerr'nw. - taatanr IM and a tanra AU4 H. TO WLtV 1t tt-lf f 'f y !. i w TIOEETS UUiB AT LAW wii rr.. toi err. Ha4 PromvUr to all mfanahnia! baal. eoiraattf ia hiam u..rMM 4. .w. 1 1.1.1 Uoart of North Carolina, and to the wbolt -on vaiwiaa Baa., , w .f'takaa-it, . tmriBa on aifuira jjwmii OiTUjfo, 1 ) 1 i ijij j f AT T 0 B St Yl at l Aw; f towwaTijorl ud tba Conrta of w t m via BBICiai UMUlcVL otU-U w ?!).ifl w ALT 1 I Att.r.Y, V V?iw. jfcMSlL - '. . -'p .7 Trt5ow ?'rr nsm PracUtja In Slate, . raJera! ToiuU. C4 I rtba Baada aa'ia.p tmvot A btttot J ao lK-lm fiaH snot TOM 1 ' r' tl ' rr V' ATTORMCI T lVaV.f f MilU itlA'I -v trt oalt JaaWlt-w NOaTR CAWfl.DfA.1 w-.'.tf". ,. .AKUMTaaw.dAliat. I -1 . , s " ' : ' ' ' .3" T I ? W 4vwiwT'nui': HH.T; w.- ,i s nw -Jb6b.' . wwsnjh -MrBWuaayii. llRACTtCl i la thai Bnttrnma rtil iv. a- ! eMwa, ua ciroavi and Dlatrlrt Court of wa u uvea ntatea aad vne-Bayaral Courtai the iUUndkctai BtateV'T".!!. Vr" ..."trttl,.,lt" PtoaUa ,tba Otlaeaa Mattoaai Manaw, aJaaHlf.... TXXCUTUVBHOTiqX. 1 I Aid fj '""weeaiiraee nanaf on the vth Peeem-1 llaat wIUaud leataaiaBa ai Jl IU UL . BenK daoeaaed, hereby rlvea awtto toH BerBmaavlBirlaiBM a1nat tow-wataWof aaiddooeaaod, toprnaDt Uicm diilr auOienltr , ii.. . ini. ' ' i " ' a ' ' i . ... i I WWOT,Ma ..... . ... w) the wntaratirMdu ar 4s Dr Farod au.fi).. I m v v lOIIUUlI.lULl l.hivn.i.iM ..... . aal Sultbdekl, Johnston eonnty, If. C. UMtltore ore reaaeaaad to aaaka Immadlata all tba pet totata,eei fodder at ""wKj "s i i ...... t. J AMU p- an mm r a r Sbltheld,'?obtOB coiiuty, Dee. tS, Wit ' aac a8,ati . i r"n T" " f IVfrT jfeisA.f)'sttiiiafifw t.ti A.' 1 led I , I ... A I... .A.il. Bet ' 1 Parlor Baa rnmiUM A T.hl. I TntsTrrm: rrmtr; rirrr; w liedtea"1 ..,.! in iin n j Mfci t ill Brandy Paaebec, IMS Caai Freah reacbe. ,' toOO Ponadt purs Caady I tub B.r.OinMlettO'B.' iii mi. mil mi .mum M M . in, f. UTEL.;;ii25 hat oalf KeUaLU Oltt'CiatribaUoa la iL j i iyar -f'.'WW w i-a BI Wf ..-:w(--s I ifma " ajajiiuUy i i ii i ii i frMi' I 1 il '"nrz. I WV-toTZ 1 1 t Jl tW I .Jf - IN TK tf A'U ffjf I TBI I"" - xo aa tMrraiaoTaaia.-. - . mmwm ii - TV U Jfrmem. Mnioyj-Jfim. BOtA, 1871! ntta An a arni ns neV it" Vw 1 1 - a iw:'v4j uptosm it-eMw ak!i OoPt1,f.'I,000 In Bilref!" T" Fire Prixa, $1,000 each ia tireesbeckaX , fire Prisea, $W each tn Oreenbacks I Tea Prises, $100 each; ia Greto becks 1, Two! Family1 ' (Nwrtar-r i aod Matched H ones wttti -BilVer-AIouaUid HaxBeaa, wartn sijawaaeai Tare Baggwa, iiureae, etv worth $800 eao i wo Fine-toned Rosewood Pianos, worth 8580 each t ' 4 " Tea ! Familr i Bewlar MsthlBem, worth $ 80 each I - - . ; ' (A , M aft ' Ltmm Siiti'lnf Watch. t a". W"rA JVom IM to t.tOO tack t ad taalaa, BllM-aua, J.aelry, Ae, duT, jFwtoteVr tfaybT io.ooo X.- iv ricbrs ttfii&dT f 50,0011 'l;cati f mtfi tt fell Tirkrta, t vbom liWal f KJuiaata will kt ptiii. f !MgBl''T!t1ctt'' f X'Wf TTrTtr-fh'-' iT-f)': uswf Ticket IJOiJwtntj-Fiya IJ , .J . .1 .. , . I n.u ,. 1 ' fireaarf Myat tii!" a fan fl.l n' trtm' I flfMTti'tiPS or tbe Uiacrcr of d -ia . .-, ) o br( lr.nri.iUii In r-''""--'ii" I b'l'ina, ill be eratli iy up nr' - -if n..--1. Ail Jitters ntut bv. 'V wi m n. t j. ' . i ' L U. rlNK. - 1U w. rvf'h SW, , tiacmti) 'X - fh11M ' I tbaaaiBAlMalilaliiftwiLain thi llri. I plaintiff! will apnle to tha C.mrt fnrth llaf daanaadad la BVaaowiplilai. b.iliaAA I 3I nd mfiiaoriuij Mai of Conit 1 aia Bay 0f IWTOliM li H . ., .., wm( ,.t ..at i4 .jmi. f , iw B;anir aa at "Ctarlr af-ttflHtapartor Coar ot CbaUiaat I rnw :aa.i a i,aa MMMi for. . J. Walker's California Vr4f' liitterf ara a .pwht Twtaljla ration, rnuilo chiefly from Uie na- herbs fonnd on tat hnrar vantrwa of oierwt neraaa monutoini of t;Jifor: i iua meaicmni pro; WrtlMl Of Which (itraetod thpraftwq.vUiwut tba two rUlWUfc tfi UM liuunui. I IIO I1IIUBIIUU IB BlUKJBi unparalleled iuccoms of VisitUA Bit laf Ottf ailBweri tWtt thw remoV ag canto of dienm, juuiihajjaUout ra. j BBoita.'rTner m im Croat. 4 purifier and a llfo-glvliif principle, eijfoct Kenovator and fartgorator Dm t antaa.i Itaraci unibra ia tha. tb : ayitoot.i Korori befora 4a tbav otji'wf .-tba world be inedldB beea ; TMBjBAekaaBaatnttM veaMrkatnw i i.wa vt r ipkuah TTiia m oaun)r me w orery oiwaw bibb in nmr to. i ner I lentle PurtiUra aa well aa a Tunii?.' DUtaatw l'herpiwrtlra fif . WAUiaft j VinoAl lUrrim are A oacimt, I)iaahareUc itira.CobJurJrittuit fcouhiWAJMi; tir. aad Ata-lWioBB., a art tt a oka Bmiu tuo most wmhWuI l.lZrJmvrjr'mum aai hrta, v VtraraahamaO iawaBekaBl:BBBBa ayafeai, a;-t Jm j9 (P.d tdiDB to dlrteUiUKDditaoiuiiJouflf latW! minerl iKiiauu, . or meant, and ItittorgittiB U'wted tWrorkf mwaL la W .. -imjf a) . .T MtnittflBt FeffnUW'l'ar' prera-: lent ltr t!i ratrcyf f tiiV'VittTrfri;rif till ui iuo AiweHwpui,,! M T'...., K.7..I. -illidots. Tennessee. Luiulei ImiuL Alkalis slled.ATalMJwJrxlU-rtKaititavt Pearl, AUbamaKfaMlev 8aiMnitH,4to- - Buome, tfBmrn, oua nwnT ntnorB, wjiij Mier aa, trto-tartaa,, tym(liiwttoui antra eonntrr durlnir the fminkia,aaa1 I iAuiliirjn, anilfefnar&aalylto Uiwlnnsi'n- aont of qimbmhb atUBV and duyiioM, are taviriaWy acfompanied ovex tcnaivo de rantemeuta of the ctumacli and live. and other fttjdoiraiial rlaw!t,.:!trr,tbc)r1 , SMiarmaric.hiM.r.ilaA.riA.. .iLuJll rfia mauouce nnon these rarluus or- I cant, Is easriitiiuly nocoaaary. 1'liero I to na eitthartio for Ilia niirtkn entml In I Ml. Wumli Vtia BttTKita, -fidw fJiafl K 1 11. aitaniiti V bahi f aa tlui iIuhIj I "irar.T.y eoiorwatriacii bowfcts are atlmulatlnr and! imnrrallv rnalarinir tha kantthv Tundtiotia of the diimstire ori;ani -i w n --"j i VrFortif fhetody fcjraliiRt dlsVAaV by purify Ins all its llulils with Vinkoak Bibi o aprdemw or asysirtwwgforaftwniofi. a .a. . rtrfiWoildilfePKUolIlTAd! im it e itouidro.iii ATtat I 1.1 ax. I1' v Erurtolilis If M sjoiiach. tf.,1 I Ltl iHPvij aiiai , t ibk- a. A 'IA. AI ID NPa mil la In thf Aiuutb: Biirow2ttcks7FaTi,TiaT tatifn Of the ilaart, Inllanimntion of the I LOtlgt, rain In tha rcffloll of the Kid I Beyond a hnndrod othru-nainful ajmp ton are the oirrIiiKa if l)yspeiia.: .Ona bottle will prove a bettor guai'aittoe of IU merits than a kngthy advcrtlao- aietfc.: , t : "-l rirofalfti o tUfa vM vn Breillat, UkrBrj-it)eliw,iaM-d Kettt, Goitre, Stmftriua luUaiinwition-i, litdvleiit IiiflSinmationa. 'alnrnuri.J Air.u.ti.Hu m.l rnttv I lnodcd, at tba same time I I j rnalnan. Itie awratiousf the lirer. ! f ,,T..!W IHCluTSf ,lt,,f ,ron a '."IIJR aolii, Ttabtri fnorea, RBipli t (be bkifVriera Ej-bk, ttc. 4 theae, an lu All otbr ouutuUiiHal l)ia- I r naaaaaa i iimaa atrrTIBB nave sbowa their rnat ntratlra anwat in chi. rMiwmaaaa mtmatawetai.Bi. ; r t i . .: " . . : . ----- i FoaUaamiaUUraiaff OtrouTw J AuieatnattNtrir' titritiwiiiBttonirt tcntwid Iutcrruittent Fevers, Disnaoea of be Uiliwd. Liter, Kidnert aiah. IMaddal, tt.bae Hitters bare ne enmil. Such iNsoases are satined bw' Vitiated IllrUut i Jlec baniral liisra.scs.-f cnou tij- Caed in l'aiiiu and MiiMrnla, aualt aa .aMiHibora, Txpo-aettoM, Gold beaters, and iUnart, ss tboy sdrsBrOi'tt file, hi ttiljoct to Hrah-nU. .of, ie; Bwrl To . guard mihA Uiia, Uko done o,WAiKS' Vl BgAl tiTTas eroa-atiall. (, ForKLIn IllaaaaMfi t" tor, teslt Hhenin, 1:i.khe, r,..!l.-f..'.'.T....-.--rir'--i:T:' . .! SealS-head, towa RrrMiehM, lich. Beads, IMseolonuoas of tha, Pkia, anora and Diaessse of His gkia of haterr name or ratnrs, sre literally dn af sndtrarttod out ef the aantaanto a abort Auaaha torn m iiMastseeasv. ta !se-!rt m Jn, Tape, and oiher Wefmit, larking la. the ayUaavaf so aiaay taaaaamla, I ara SUactnally deatroyrd ad raaioraih JN'e I irnteni of BMHiieiiie, no TerniiriiKoa, ne an tiielmiBiUrs wiH frse-tharatrm iron ananaa Ut loses autora ' For Female Complaints. WYottnir us wai jii.'wnua or wni(i, s i m uwn nf wir -manhood, or t'irn rf l.ln,' II ee T t.ic i.i . i ..... . -. Pit ten dinDldf so decided an (iiftunars tkut iBiprorsitent le aaon ajerrew'tbln. ilcanofttr.e V, .1 Llood whon. res find Its ineutaiut b immr throach tlie Isin In I'linjiif, iin'i.mt, or tioren; cleas o U ,en rod Ci. i Jt o tnn U 1 i r., lj in freTi'i.-.r; cl-anw it shea it ia i ; yo-ir iraiits-s n-il tt .1 tobw'-. a. i p a b4 puis, s-J toe bt.-a.ai oi lira 4rs-iu Wi'l luililW. . -tM. .,. b. n, W'OrtfAf.T tti rn. ' I "4 tit, ,trt ar0 Fr--w Kitsi rl-,'K l(j " 0Wn "tl ami f ti... i .,,, ,s I. ! rtaira, a , inpaaalbta, 1 Ti)mfl 11 it neae ara auuu iM Ue awf a-Wbulr af! fu rwUioed, 07 tit. rly a. JfToaU. ! WeekBa of tha Back and tLbepIki "W rauntatkm, rf Uie liuv wiiuo are mucn to t druailetL.' 'l,im ,rf u ? Ktilforabodiiwa, JivarwM lo boMt Sil Jblni.L Lore of Bolltari. n-.i.Tr" aiBtia Bf tba a la neadivnt t I M la lull Oaaaa. 1. Ululr an I i.-' paia, namiiu aad emaeaited. a.ii. ..iJ!.l.Jl atoaranca aboat the ayea, euuirk aiuTLvL - - Bat Hlflaalll waaVavna n ut, Mr... 1 2 il vwW'BB'HiBr Ulaaa aciiiun, apwUUy ralicrad. "bbb .Bitfc, taktHf piiianacM nf liihtitoaa potnda, aUouid apply ImnMdUteiy. a'i ma ?Lt?!IU,3?, '.Nra of ftuririMB.. iT.srzi wTJrrr.r 'rr.'" w iaaBt f li? of whoee life ha. bee ZuLiiZ Jfl f?? J ! Jr.0! B2 P"1-. "iUapblaadaIZ I Uk Tni "'"TT-Iiih daiM1 Jl iiy - rii Tvi"Bi BjaaaBttataair ' n I T I h I or he tlie iwiainkMaai dmprMtfotar ' laaauja, Aiida that! haw balaaaua ...It. tWan Hi . flBte4aBBaBabaa1eeBBS w Uaeovary detnn biia in ....i.TTI I who, Iroea adamtKia and m?i.i.?ii.? mt'T-Jl-!:. ja.iSrtaa SttUtanee, keep blot Uiflinx atoaUfVar nod h, or aa lona- aa tha ..-.iuT. T""! MaiiauT leave mm With ratmia .eebtoeiheYlAa KliaKdlaappolutaaat. r, y (he uae of that duadly poiaoaVMaraa!? i tba eoBetitttUoaal mmmjZZb .vi. TT h ufcirSLS,r t , irzr tt ' I VrotrnawlU frStrrt.. . I tba balate of tba muuili ,nt l S Z!L f h.' i'j. vaf. to.nuw. j,..i: .ll i n-pi lbar4Jim T)rltftlt.t lif'VAj 1 . leartaia, aiiendr. nha..r.a tdy 111 Ui world. ..7TT"" . .5 tnlXJHi'IMKNT OP TUB na la many thuaaaaai aaiad at this esteMteW ia iiw.j..k... i . t aaaBttta.jUaA.wf f wnH:0 nave appeared Hrala aad t'Tf befew the PWK bdU eteadlM noaor ana reapoBatbiUty. hi aaaav I aarantsa to the amUted. W Wi aswiitaxa iaxil ! ' ' viiiiiini. Orr i Bwrn FBaoaaJua luaw BALTIMORE. MD t-ihifnr if. " . ......... -Ura .i.X-...iT.. r.. r,fje.( J " " , f u I TJTT XA"ncr i" '" ' '' I r.'.!"" .'Ti, J a - - . iua . a a yiT3H aww ' , btwjiww aW'Vtt':'f aawu i i. itu n i. n R A LKItt H, M. ' Aid iar, Jt . ,r n laaip, WBWB BaS llMuifef fia-ae aaiao.al ui-iM.i. a... - -I la.l l!,.' ,w L " " auaaatue paauie, I lnk theoaly eomblwad yard wall paaiB and I baid IreenKttM that hasererriKaaa.iLi. Mna thla ooaatry. aad harbxr been tasted SLSfJJ1.? dorer,are baad.ed Utoassod dollars worth of propertr. aad 1 lVFZ aear of the Brat eae eig ar r r. . UOi: OTOW trom aa to sua ;."TT."jr" '- "atoareot ad atom tbaia to Bea wiU not uw iney are BMds atronai aw wlU)Bt the haa email ehtlilraa werk tbaat boad In aaa yearn, vHeont tiw Oin aaiwaaa, I'tntw fiff- it row., ti,sT Hr t rata.' . . cTuahtoT'nD glreiaay bale to trie wr wtU not asatsaw .- ES:!?J? ! " orJuardy lawIaT' - rr. mj iwr capauttiwe end k.avawdaef ;.. tbeai paiai..! can bw juU, fnumCL uLU h M factlba. Soma of tbam nrw.,., " f?""? to deetaasTwiM tba'ay they awe half p u rB a) JMjBanyrsft1oTBw.t,5 , aecaaaHyofsay&g any irr laanraoee whihj ' " aecaaanr ox aaviDtf urini i,.... ... a. ,.Va aW f -itX.rTr?.T a wyW'W oaWu o3 , " aatoniahed haodrade ly g, woi, ainieUoa and beaalr. both .. Tn... j "I" HKOth'a Bp toSet whiathar; """ "r ranoinr ine pii, m soma 'JJa or spring, Bftto toe water from SI& to feet periiaadicalar aad aa ' ,btn yWi'i -: r. v";" "" Hirawa h aa far aa roa i and It aruwera wall what it i..i .1 . , : ;i 5 pi and Uaald to be the beet sbio pa tap la ti, -" warkt by attaching two smtlw . Vipee oa ai.d oneSito ikr wier. t aakirtwVs.a ' , of theaeaadaliaisesotu.e Puitiala tsm. ' Tap Bd:wr a doasn styles of worka 1 ' ' toeta Bend for Ctrvnlar and pnue Hid. . m-u-i- A - ra Barassre wanted, wobe need spp't feaakood a saodat .baatneae tee w p.JteV -waaaiaai-"iBa aentsa4 bad BsiiafaeutHi " Uiese psnpe are girtng a I guarantee of toe ' toe iValHt Aiafee, three atateaa.U eaa be - - eesilk abatoBtiateaar hundreds of a end ''" ma, - . r-ro .nmaw nuveo; -iw wiaaafaclanea - f .rtra-iiayiTie nsanfaalarHig k.-, auinr. ' ' f toaa Bonr, or Bessoaar. wnntd An ' namUate wtUt; aai mm n u i. . aachsaoan t Waat aa fcl j.,.,,.. and wbwaatatoaia. ! atf.'gire , Kte.i- " -BilaiBSuaay-MMI 'Jlat W,H brm a eieiars sod '-" da p well pumw to Beat nmt fmm elibar- 3 Muctfi ee Haata fa Its rederal uiurita I ... . , i - . ' -a?. todaWAwtd - t . O T - Tua " Co-t)rlterati(n harMArVw. .i.,.'. BBdar U)S anina sad atylsof .4anJw, . t Is this day d, id l smu. , t. , , f i- W. Tiv ii in, svo-ie . -in- U'i! 6;i theeid k. , -a - " - ' ' . tjstTuiriatii, a,, '..n NJ7 1 I ... x ,. Lit J. P.'. T i r of ti ? r hOBf St I t S t. I laa J t .SijM-. 1.

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