HAhDWARE, 4c. AOSCEIXANEOUS, FOR 1874. r hAT4iuditbi the lt tea dr froth DBT 000D8 "J, Mf UOSNVAEUM TWO DIM MI BO 8. "I PATENT BHimNG TAG. (tOTOMbO TO a. airaa.) Wliolraile and Betail Dealer i ilKADTMAPE CLOTDING Staple Dry Goodjs, .BATS, BOOTS V SXX0C3, tuna. crttlert hhiwwih. Gtntf FVpnSUEtQ GOODS "iimi . T Sm&TS BptekUttf. . A NOEER AARGE LOT OF XA. 1100T9. AMCfiHOlIS, , BOTV - WOMEN AND . QWLDW13, VVhlca wULamtlnne Umiitheep, ' J2V U-tf j, D. K EWSOM. rjlW : OLD : SUBSTANTIAL, vVKLL TESTED, M 1 kiss Cj., wmornci ta l'l HIE B BUILDING, - era rii aiaDWAaavrou or , J UL I US X SWJ8 A CO. II iw Mid to the Widow aad OrpUaa la . Xorth Carolina tinea ltMA thaaaai ol atari on oo, 000.0 oo i ' ud, b adelltj asd proaptaatt la thit par tJoultr, aad turuUtdug the loweat rataaoi aa rat claaa eumpM? ; and alw, aata( paid iora ravaaaa w tha BUta thaa aar otlitr canBT, aaa aMrlta and eajort tM Wall Hrocd dlaUacUoaof belnic the leioisB Lift covin u tie itati. Aad wits her WO,000,0004)0 Amte, auw oa haad, aaiaiMMrad by naUaataa of 'BKriperieaeeand tuaadal aklli t tla BlKbeat .ataodtrd of aaearltf to all her Ciuluiaera. Aad, lata laTeaUneut for eapl a lbiallu.OiJU puller ia better thaa ROW la rxleRlAU, AynfroaWtoM are laaarabla of both aexoa. Thie emapAay duet aot ta, ..h ue witk thaai, Atafc Kat ntu , hujiirUal ovaavartioa rthaf aevipm ta r-ia and rmpmuUMty, aad leave the reealt to 11 Judgment ol the paUle. lijf calliDK apoa the ttooenl Affaot or tay of b Locala. iorUier uitoratatioa will ha ebwr fullj I id parted. W. 11 CROW, OeaanJ Acaui W. a ale Alt, M. D., Medical Xuuulner. ey H)B v. 33oer -and Wine Hall. I pro- : ; larir at d well aaaortad Vliktea, Brandttt, ;'; ".'i, . Ulnf tad 8lrltaooa Llqaoart I all kind b the neuore al n really rodaoed p kKia, 1 kuleod to change utj baalaeat to ai ravlaalva ' : BKSB ARD W1KIBAU. ,' '' ' tny praaaot ataad. Paritat who deelre rmr cbiatair tu lkraft la aaaatlUea teat thaa re gaiioaa woaiaao wan to aall. uueral -ariwKonwiata with, dealer. tlllU a.w. nun. Gents'. ALL BlZEffi,' Ii the FASHIUNABI.C (TTLEB, Jott r evived at E. BL AMORKWI A UU.'S. ' 7rayUTU)e8Lreat, Ul-IIQH, . a January t, 1811 rn o TUB - B I II1TI Di Whitelaw& Crowder. X Coraar ffloaat tad Moij;h BtreeU , " ". RALEIGH, K. C4 - Are pTrrauwitb foralah Toabatoaea of all J.inrt. eltlior pllt or oraaaaeatal ad both nirteaa aad lUUaa Marble aachaaoaad liwiUy executed aa eaa ha paichaeed at aay 'iLereHaoiifcumeiii norta or aonia aavun ltvfi at tlia buelneia at carviaa aad eaurravtnt JAi f .',.V7;.:, ..--C--.S. .L.... , , m n n n-min , J T T-"- ' t""-- w B BiiEioa,H.a i? inest ngiisn Bteeii actio - - ")rbl forty-a va yeara, wa coaatder oarattvai qul to any la the Vnlom. Wa will alto furnish fraoita of the beat aoality, froat oar ; ww iUirti, either In aaiauad block er rut mie to order, tuea aa : door aad wuidow Ml In, watortaiila, ttepe, Mta,aUeetaad arava yinl rttrliatoaa, dec., all onlete will he Ibaak. laiiy recelrea ana paaetaaily atteadad tojtad - r pledge ouraulvw lo five a41alactka la all , -, ' TOHlf WB1TILAW, " v Z. CKUWDKJt, dcrlt-daia rnwu THOCIAMO roUBDi J. ..- -; , . i'rime iviaod Lard. " At ortM U - A. r- JOMEIACCB. 1UBM OK A L B f ifty barrcH. Win t. liver law railway Wv1j.ii A H 'I it by Iritar to "A. l" jMciiK-il!e, h. tl " bit. ' : .-' BMli(tit; siUitwl, Drxt to Capitol S l . ' PqllV.v'. ' r 1ULEIGU, M. tt A NEW HOUSE, fine RooiDt, well Furniabed aod Fitted up la tb batt)h. ATTENTIVE SERVANTS. Th Tabl Daily rkpplid with th Best tbi i4 otto Market AlcaC a & BROWN, ' 1'rc irietor. fob 1 dim Tba-beat braadt of Aatrrtcio tad Bwdet lroa, and BacjUth Bxtra Bcflaed Uat Steal aaed ia the awan tactart of our . ' AIE8 AND EIXJED TOOLS, Wa offer tha Terr twat-AXB tbat'laait BMaafaetared by akttled workmea aad vary eapanor aiaienai. aaa vatt um wa win re eeiva taa tapport of the trade. Order llllad liamadlauJy. - , JULIUS LEWja ft C0. 5 OM THE BBIAtrAST, LbscHEOS. DN1 VBK ABO BrjrrBB TABLE, Laa aad rarrlaV Worebeetenhlre Baaed U laifltpeotlbl. iX . JOTIS DONCAM'I SUNS, New Tork. A (tat for the Called Statee, oct JO-ly ThoJiliiiingtoivste ESTABLISHED ONLY BTX TEARS I DAILY STAR. HAS the largtet drca'alloa of toy Dally MeweiMunla the Mate, tad t circuit tioa la Wilmlnirton aearty twice a lane at aay ouer paiier. au taa aewe or tae day win be loon in it, iBdeaard when tnbnIHtrtaliL at lenirth when of aoBMBt,anhalwayt preeeoled la a clear, lotelligrnt arid mtereaUuf atanaer. 8UB8CKIPTION (la Adraoeel : One Tear T 00 riiMoatli a at lre Moatbt t IW iWEEKISTABr- raioa aauueau. Tht Wrtkl Slmr U Bow aoaibined with tha Cmrtiin fkrnur. and la one of the chaaDaat papal la tot country, at the follow'ug BBDUCED RATES: Oaaeopy.oaayear.. II M Ope copy, all bumUm 4 W r?fClube of t to 10. one year, l 5 per eoy IVL'lube el 10 or aKWB,uue yer, ouly 1 vb pareopy taapeelaMa ebplr teat oa tppUcatioa. - WM. H. BERNARD, Editor 4 PreprUlot, ' ; vTiumieTDii,N.C dee SO - IRST IN THE FIELD. 8PK1N-Q 1874. ONE CASE NEW Bl'RING STYLE 11 OtfLT S5.50. W. R &iS. TUCKER tt CO. laa 29 - DISSOLUTION. rpMI FIRM 0 CL D. HIARTT A CO. la A una day dlaaolred by mutual eonaeat AUpwtle Indebted to the Una wU make payment to 0. D. Heartt trd ill cUlmi again t ta ari win a preaeated to bin for peyuMnt, mm awn nana; aauonata to MUM Bp IM II telrtof the eoBcera. . . , C D. HEARTT, , , HERBERT BRAGG., 7 TTAVINP PTJKCIU8ID THE ENTIRE XX Intereet of Herbert Briea; la the late arm of C. IX Heart Co,. 1 will haraafu conduct tha baalarie la ny own b me at the old ataad, aad reepectfulrv aolicit tht palroa- aK wi mm pwj'io. UUAIIL53 V. UEAHTT. Itiatb beat made, ararraattd .- " Every on fully HANDLED It W made Frun Solid Caat Btool Cilt k. IIS a.. ..a a.-, it . hlBI-lrWUifiUBJs,' " l-' - COTTON It is Biaile eapeciallr U thla aiarkaA u m taa bo avaryoody noId aa. IStS y -4- hoes: fhtki tut Prim Ltet aad lawWaM. t T. H. BR1GOj, V (?ON. mar Sit ' - TTT B ARE BIN. OTTir n imi rano Over Tiro Hundred Million, ha vt own mi wtthia tktjiiftWfHn, oumplalnt 01 Hum oy ia vecomioi detached. tlT ABB OU UUlftl foa MAUI OOTTOB BALM VIA AST f A Be. All Erprea Coeapeariee aaa Hold by rriatert and HUUimn tvdry wbar. vCtlaVeodSiB "T" 0 T I 0 E MILL FOR 8MB. Bv vine Mirtr !" Ml a, KeV4 Vu.VM.-bf fVMriMMk tiaiUmU. SITU Jf 54 W JJVX QR1ST MILL, , titaatod at the Weetern and of Mala ttreat la the Mid towa of Wathknaa,:ad)ulnlD wit residence of Jamet R. ttrtaL aad uaiaediately on Pauliso river, with apleadld wbarl and hiptiiu( fucUitlea, Tha Mill It oa leaaed land, hi food ruuaing order aad convenient to lumber. D. TRUMP, SON A CO., per 8cai"kw fc ra to. Their Attorney t, Waehington, N. U Jan 18-2taww v " " ReR.Ha RADWAVS READY RELIEF CintXS THE WORST PAIXS In from On to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONK MOUR . aflar nulla a atimiaianil aead aay aaa - - rnemm vm Anr.T :" BADWar KKAST BELIF 1 A CVBR POB VBBf frAllt. , . - Itwajtaetntaaia ' The Only Pain IEmedy Rat tome try mtomt torn no eaeUUiia HW, allawi AammAUviMLaaa etm OwmmvOmm, wh.ttMr M ikm Luotk ewxuch, hdwaak e ettMt (laada wrtaa, a MlMtioa. lafBOM ONE T TwTWTT M fwtTTTSJ. ft fwfcf tow ikat ar eicrraclaiiii wie aata a . wmjw, m prvamiM wna RADWAY't READY RELIEF wrT.L irminlirriirrii HfrLAMaannii ornii kidmktii " lri.iiiATiiN nrfm bladde (NrLABMATIOa Or THR BOWKIA roKOBlITIO!! or TUB LUKUA aoajt THBOAi, jurru:i i.t antAinuw . ... . rju.ri rTi4p vr TH ftT.- BtSTEKlCS, CaOl'P, JlIITIlERIA. :t BIAMCBB. TOOTHr n it aa lia. rtHACaaritrf. Ttw anpUcatUia 4 ttw BMty BXtrrtn thi. puffer rru Mn Uh aala ar d.iulij t will aflMt m ail 0'wrorL : Vw.Hijr drt.pa In blf atnmb1r of water wilt In nf.w IIUlilillllKA. V I I V HI, ,ti.ii.t .inn im and til INTBBXAL rATKK. TUB BoWKLS, Travc)rB ,h.uilrf . war. earn . IwiM Tr nT 1 war Bla4jr Krllrr with fhtfut. A Ctw dTui.4a Wfjet wm-pfial .w-tiwai ar aatas frtim rli.ne nf i.r. It a IrrtUr idm Vnach Braad wr BIIKri u uamlML ! I lxvEa jutij, A0UE4 i , ! rtJVI two tmnt awafl for flfrv rnt 'ti. I. ant a mandlal ayninl In trw wkpM teal will rara r. vt- ia1 Aa, nad ad wthar Mml.rt.., uHuo rr lvho(l, T.II"W. aad aUnr rnm taldrrt Wi VlLUXI quirk h aAJJWAI i BKt)V I i an ww 9airtinv ummc ai'Arnr. im ar m-. LUtr. ruty enata par tenia. HEALTH (BEAUTY!! itbonii Attn rvan met? BtvntKrtiaint r rLKXIl AHI WKiOHT I.KAR (HUM AND BAUTirut. cuarLAXiua scuau to aim. DR. RAD WAY'S Sarsapariaii Eesotal , THE CREATRLOOO IrniRIFIER. . ha ad TtiE Mrirr AfiToirMtnuo mr.$: no SI'll K, M BAflU ARK TIIK CHANIIKM. THK Ererj Day an Increase in Flesi ail WeiiM is Seen ail Fell Kry 4rt of th HAMaPaRUXUTV RRHOf, VK.NT eonumtnlraiM th.. ih B !). iwml UrU. n1 ntlMr FlatW ati4 )ntrtAoi tyMtm flic Vlror nf lii. for rtfirtlh waMttr the b'Hty with rww atvel titutwl vterlL IfVrunl, SrphUi, Cou-umpUun, uunoiisr . wen yi Hinwi, BtOfttn, T n. Nodes In tl)(tiaUHUtnl otrr nam of tbarmfpri. tVir Kvetx Hmikora 1lKrarTT4 Yr n tba Kamami Dm worst form of Main da4fw, KrnMitoa Fatr, sVtrakv aV aka HMsdt, Kinf Worm. it Rhewn, Err-dfMtaa, rra m taa woais, aH WMftramliif at) iraiHfwl dia- M-n, aalaHlai atfNia wtiriaVa m aviaj r lajn, f UBTIUrw, 1H thanrn, Niarht Hwtata, Lnraj ,f Hpcrm ati4 all waataa of Ifbt lira orlni liOai. are) wit hta tha euratlva rartar if this wtrtnlMttf Hpd?m iltwmiwuv, w4 a w djuya' aa llj art'Tf to any pai rilwaaw taa ttaa!t ' nf niur nn cm wea atAfiiat ai wer to aura I h . li tiatAMai. tfatly I 1 ' - - --- --' hi Ilia aadaa ami ouDiptaiiiioBi iimi as fMBHTwaiij- prtBjrrcawtiniu mm t in amMinf tba wnrtaa, artff rpaira the mim Alia now nvairrtal auule from iMtBlttir MimmI atl lata IK rUrtflAr-AK.LL.AJ trUt ana) doea arcNrw a cur la rnaiQi fur whoa aoa tht iviwnIj ewuiMe iia wot a. wn pniriBtTaixavai. ani mnrvw9m in aimi.iTaniiirE irifl Iwatof WaVMea, trjitrawill bj rmrkl, and evrry day IBoi paMtaiB wr in iwmct mtrteiajii ni" taaay lawiawr am lh fM4 dlMlfff T, flffTttttl laTAfftTtlfti Md wrtfUt im'rewtM. HOB 01 IT a4M IIM Aafurivtiuair Bbmrvrnrr awtl i 11 kaown retnedlal vtwnulaih-.-nra ol t.hiNaatera-r tRkMh, tJomaiuiumaL aaW ikua rttejaataa, twt U tf Ua aly aoalttva can for ! Kidney S Bladder Cmylainl frtntrr tfttJ Wank iHaaaaaa, tVml, NahftM. lffwt, wt..ppatet Water, IcHvUriaiK'of Ur.it. rlfht,abia aaa, AibuwlouriAv, and la all etaaawa whara Utata ara r due 4aiaita. or taa watar ta tbtek. chwdv. ntxej Witk Nbataacaa hka taa whti of m av. or thrassda ttka whtla aUa,or tharo Itaiwbii aaj-k. bilvStA a tana, and whit ti-duat 4aMiatts, atnd waea Utara tg a fcalrbf, kernlni araaatia wban p ; mi watar, aiaF B4UI U ftsAlaU a j Tumor cf 19 Yean GrowtJk I Cured by BaHway'e Be$olven$ DR. RADVAY'3 MfMt1y tstitalaaa, atafaatt a)a4?d ayttk vwaot (Vfa, arav, irnikfa, amnij, cwanaa ana nrenfiatn. itaav way a riiaa. ror tne aurae. ail dkanawraat ma atfltnaca. raw' LI TOT, Bawala, Bldaaya, BladOar, Narroua jHaa Ha laadaeba, Oooatipattiia. Caetr iii.ia, voauvaaaaa. aaatf aanua, lira Hoaa r.Tr, InaaoiiiiaUaa af the mh. Biitoaaaaaa. a lowala lll. and all Daranfaawata of tha laWrnal leeara. warranwai H i teanvt a awaiitw aata. Papal: aaaiiruM. A (. anaaa BADWirt PTLLA aril rraa tha an Wa fraai all ika atxtTo aamad diairara rTioa.ni aaata arkA. BOLD If DHUOUIhTA BADWAT A CO., K Warraa at. ara. latwaaUaa Warth Q0LUIP8 WARP VXTBD , ' , , ,Caat Steel Cotton Bwep . i r v.- JlardwaraHtraatof E JULIUS LEWIS A IX).. , . . .. . Kaletgh, N.C. f Tradt tttpplicd 'at MaBufacturert Pircee. P lRATT'8 A8TB A L OIL. Absolutely aafe. . PertacUy odorieav it wtyt anifiirat. lilmalnaUnir quallUce tuperior to Itaai Bain la aoy lamp wlUiutit danger of eipHHUDf er tauns ara. aanniacturaa a praaaly to djaplaca the ate of volatile and daa Ceroaa oil, 1U eafety ander every roaaible teat, and ita perfect bamltix ;naUtiea. are provea ny nt eontiaaed a Bt over JWO.tWO ttaillet. - " - - Million of rallon btv beta told and ao (ceurav-airecuy or indirectly oat ever oc- enrra iron OBrmn:, ttorntr or Bandung It, I Tb Uamnite yearly loat to life aad uronaw ty, reaallinaT Atoaa tae Ixa of eaeac and da- "wia eue ia ute-VMied O'aatea ta afipalltnr;: Tka laauiawti JrmiiwjiiCT and ftrr Com.' aitoatoaora tlimoirtiont the tonatrr recoat aaead the AoTRAU aa ttt beat afctjaaid then bunpaart oaod. rVod fur cirralar. i H,id hw ira itwu a ,w u utharnw4 A(C"U. CHA. PRATT A CU.lwi PultoB Htreet, New Turk propriatonv I WITH WUhbUt " BLEACHINGS. ill V- 1' ' Aim, CNIi LEACHED DOMESTICft. tA, T-a, 4-t, Prints S cam New Style Winter PriiiU, MM tfiii yixl HmMnmii Aod t luxtljt of "CURfS" GAITERS 4 BOOTS. (For cold tiopu weather) The beet ooJ la lAe World. AM UvotJ tod Ledios- rlTWtl 1 tteVSaA MlJSraA.'a'S Rd.' R ,4i fdho; ATEIVO ilVJlBKlt rlvvj S. I Standard Ooada havlae been bouKbt at tha lownet depreeaion of pricet durliux Uie teaaoa, complete our tuiiply for Ahsuii ucink thtytav 1074. Tltinklnf the pnetie fur jst fuynrt an l feellnx bat we have endnarorvd to give full falue ftv all parehaaea niade of ua, w (ball prvnecule our tuaina for U-a year with a much ! sntfieUvlty a bat chorac turiand tUa AMat. . Outuilil molbj adhervd to : "THE B8T OOOD8 AT TUB LOWEBt , W. It A K. 8,TUCKE fc CO. THE CHEAT- KEMEDY rOIt consupPTiorj avliich can bo cured by a :. timy resort ta;thU- itan(l- ani preparaiioimia nas ueeu jirovcil by fche hundreds of testimonials received by the tiioprictoi s. It is acknowl edged 1)y many prominent pliveicia us to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and euro of all Lung complaints, and in offered to tho public, 1 sanctioned by I Im exporienco : of over forty yonra. "When resorted to in (season it sel j dom fails lo effect o speedy ! cure ia tlio most severe cases of ( Jonahs, 1 onchitis, Croup, iioopiilg Cough, ; Indiienza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore I nesa in Ihe Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Bleeding i at the Linigs, &c 'WBiar' I Balsam, does not dry up a : Uongli, and leave the cause j behind, tjf is the case with 1 most preparations, but it (loosens and cleanses the vlungif, and allays irritation, ! thus removing the cause of j JJ CQnil8int.. -; -i mCJ" bbpabbo it 23 ' TOWLE A 8013, Barton, Keit, maayvrufgiara aaavaaini aanaralir. g THE, ;J3EST ADVICE tint can be i irlvin ta peraoat lulTurlBn from ATtpeptla, bilioua omplAiDt, colic, contump- iiwii iick nean arae, n-ver and Kua, nervos aauuy, or or any dmorJorallecUnK the atom ch. the liver or kidneva. ia to ud retnutt Uieie important organt by the haeoi -5- t DR. T0TT?S Tlfoi'f ABlE l.fvr.R pii i s thT act very mildly, yet thoroughly reetore turn luacuuoni acuoa ui tut aif(ealiv oriraaa tndthainteatinetuid renovaUia the eyatenr, 1 he v prodace ntitlier BAUau, Rrlpln; or weak aero, fjid may iM taken without cuaiure f diet Or oceaiiatroo. i . rric im oeiitt box. Buhl by til Urnggltt. P&TUT'rS 1L1IRDYE oeeeati qnalitiaa that no other dye doea. ttt Octleti,UntuieM.e, and ao natural that It wautnanKiEanr i tie doe ti obaervor. U M hermlru and eaauy applied, aad la la eanlae amoii( the f tehionnble hair dreat- era ia arwry uat m m taa United State. a ram tu um eo.u tvcrywberav i i V -wrt -1 w A dlaUnrulthed Plerrinnaa of M. T.a. JpeakiBf af thit remedy 4rharactcrli it m ua vim apardai hfeaalan of th nineteenth t""'J. aa ceruiuiy oi it Boaluur tflact. aid ha, and tb immunity trout danger! a lutBkAwai aj aa I 1 t a.,l . . 7 SHa?,t )ZT&rz!" he eared by thla mtnedy. By ttt timely aaU yairaoaary aieeete may Tie arreatod. aad eonatunpttoa-tbe ecaurre that tweepa way SiOtkawdaavoTikw-woald .bivehock-d i tU bxrlnauuT. " Ptnwna lth a u.it .n.v wurea mmu ur mat at ai)(ht, will ind by feklna t )i. g ii i i i i . : .... ... ..KiHi,va Kuina 10 oea tae1 will mjnj aaliroken dlecp and rctrethinir rut OaVTBtf a velW alaaaanl aaatn at I. .a. Ubratorv 43 and Ml l oriJ.lt u t npUBBU RD CHURNT" ' tly oa bead a uipl of thla Btrat nd mo atirrovott ChBm, v liicA r. wiVAirK aauiacBon. - - - . ... A.UVtt w. .Lr. w.A.' ,fehaa-tf . . . Aft. Of ,X "" a a. . i.w . i t. i- -(. ( A few, nemo-m ff ' Ot'erl Aaaenbly : la' CUWL , M get acceiumv ; WlBVr4 d.c OAUTZON. amroaitrn UENUINE FAIUBAIf K ICALEX, ....... .jt4avMtBB jrr- K & T. FAIRBANKS k CO. Standard Scales, Stock BValee, Uoel acalea, Hay Bcalee, JMiry Bcalaa, Counter Bcalet, c, Ac Stale repaired promptly and reaaonalilv. ' aioT rv-aracT afUAV CJiSU DRAWER ires Alirb Till Co'. s . v IbuW""! btbbt rnaraja, . ita'Awaa Xr Ll-IJ WartMied 1 MKBCBAHT DUTHKM. IOLD AV ' f AIItBASKl' BcAXB WAaRHOCSaw, , FAIRBANKS A CO.,' ll Braadway. Hew York, 160 Baltimore Btreet 'tlmote, &S Camp Street, N rAIKBAUKsABW ' ' ataaonkl V -Htna, FAIRBANKS, U,, .Hll For sale by Leadinif'l aept 11 Utawtm Boaton. Dealer. D ixiit rLowt iili pumir la now whithout a rival, It cutt t dietwr S 1 1 . I . . . . ' amt wtoer iiirmw im mccnanical arranite munt fur tltcrina: rat ia more altuplo aud uniBui vuan uuy oii.ar plow on lUe market, aelf aba'penitlK reverdllle polnU, the irreatoat tlow impnivc-w.int of the ae. Ahk Kuv. J. W. J. Crowtler and t)ol. J W 11 WaUon. what thry think of thia plow. Call and examine it or tend your oroert to .JOEBAGH- NORTH CAROLINA, i Cbatham Coubtt, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT-15th Jan . 1847 N. WinninKhatn and wife Mary. agaiwt : Jofc-B Bell nl Elijah Belt, M ExcCutori oi AuomaK iun, aw a, Jos is Uoll in hie own right, Elijah Bell, John C 8'oue aa Atllninia tratorof Wm Bull doe'd, John C Btone and wile Hetiecca H., A T Lambeth'and wife Da rothy. buaan Ualdwla. EUiah boll. Eltiah U Bell. J U CIuk and wife Sarah J Luclan Baldwin and wife Julia T., and A G Atkins. fttUioHfor at awimutt and NettUnutU of Of niiuut ff 1 Am. Hell, deep xi It anpearinii io theaatiafaetlon of the Cotirt that Klijah bell. Ell lab BclL John C 8Um aa Adininittrator of Wa Ball, dee'd. John C Btone tnd wife Rebecca 11.. and A ti Atkins are non-reaiuetit of tun Bute: III ordered by the Court that publication be made la the Kaleleh Bb.ntihbl. for tlx anoueaaiva aaaka notifying the amid non rerident defendant to appear at the ollice of th Clerk of the Snpe- nui iw vuauiaui county, at riiuooro. wtiniu twenty day after theacrviceof thla 8ununont by publication, and plead, anawar or domurto th eomplaiut of the Plain Ufta, a copy of which la Sled in the office of Bald tsierk, ouierwiM ludguient will be taken Kainit them Mcordin; to Bald complaint. Witncee, 8. T. Pbttt, Clerk of laid Court it ollice la PI U bore, thit SUUt day of Jauna- rj, A.., AOfa, . - - .T.FETTT,C.B.C. Jan tV-Sw. WARREN HOE: Th WAHP.RM UOK la rrtA uJt aAantWI to Uie Fiekl, Nuraery and Uanlen. Hit tape- rior to Bn, Una aA .ll anjb tn. ahlrh U tnteuilud. nch aa, ; ,, . , , . j K'LVERIZEINQ, PLANTINO, 1; IILLLINO, ,' . .WEEDINOj r rY BCRAl'INO, 7 i .f CHOPriNO -,.r Thej ar made Of SOLID CAST STEEL i. toiZA V . 'ft j i TBOWElTEMPEh,,T And warranted aot to break with fair aaajco. Mo tiardeaer can aQord to da ilium t ua and tpend their time and atrenirth oa the old ttyle Hoe. Ycrn may not like the look of them at fiiat, they bolne; ao diifcmnt from tht oia an ie. oat altar aalnR it a abort tlmeyu. a.m.M k. i t U . i. . . i ... . r. ".... hu. w .lunrai I, lur iwioe HB coaa. OivaUiU oaicbrated tool trial, ! Thmiui i ftA.lir Aa li. ..ili ur. ta . .... n. nflwni, mat year, ana au wen pleated who ad thea; , T.tt. lJKIUilllONoV:) leOlK-H. , x ';..;-- v NORTH CAROLINA, lUairoBB Cuuarr, I : W H H Smith,aa Exeoator of W B Wiee,doc d Sarah BaUaaet, tcriiilrii of Hollnwav Ballaace. WilUau Ovuiby aad wife, Kllza beth Catharine Bailance. and Joaenh H.1. . , timi . , , , , j i la the above entitled panaa. tt (ntiearlnr Xn the Court, that the dvfendan' at-fendant Joaeph Bal mac u a aoa-reaidont of thi. ktt i i. therefore ordered tbafpubllcatton be made for Is week la th Kahsurh Haovmr. i.iii.t andthat unleaa he appear at th office of ue Clerk of Uie ttuDoriur OuciA at Coanty at W intoa withia aiz week from the terrio of Uu aotko bv tialiliiaiimt ..a feed aw wer or demur to th petiuon. th prayer of the petitioner will be a-rantad a ourdlnj to petlUotv .-.''. 1 . , i Witnoa. W J GATUB. Clerk of aM v.rf M ofhc UWloton, thla th Vth of Janturv. 1B7A" Jaa ll-d!tAw6w. W I QATX1N, C B 0. Q ELECT BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL B-. .. . . HILLS BOKO' N. a , The Xisae Nath Kit Kollot k ill ante the exerchwa of their Hbool oa Fnday IW, , aeiv. Circa tan forwarded oa BppBcatioa. "' dec l-lat , .. r.... jgASE 8T0CS rORfcULAV Within; to (to into boainna, I win acll 10, I Of 3 than of tha etoeli of tba aUluh Nalional Bank of Kbiih Carolina, oa nia. aUterm. Apply to - , . . . . f ' BJciAAAU) W. HARRIS, i ttb iaVyt . vv- Oxford, hil. -.L BACON, BACONi AGoS jElsrKiisrs & BaISm : ; r " "DORK PACKERS' AND DEALERS IN BACON. AND ri X7 8114 UmiM, Qatu, ftiJca, Bhoaldert. Fork, Bast, Urd aad lla5oJ,'UJl TS? T"." 0eTO 'BUB havtod beta dlaaolvad. W .th martteaad " A. the lata drm ahall oonUnue to carry oa baaineea tt th old Vm4 jwZ ,'"Bbr l aurket rate and prompt ehipneut alwtv. " Baadjroar order to d low! dot l5-8m EE AD ! READIBAD QBE AT -DISCO VJt.-X5i; , Oreat lOiscoveiT i if in vnrmr btTnv vnntaTvin,nt.. 1-"! ' au a aavia, v ia ii iaa a , MIXED BEADT FOB USE. Sold by the-JGalloB onlj-"OtW Oalloa Cover 80 ctuuaiw .Yrf. . . READ THE FOLLOWING TE3TAbIONIAL8:j; from raof. w. e. bimmons, waee Ma. C. P. Kbnht Dbab I I ATBBT KBAJMBbPAlMT," OB I it waa applied by one htvlnc contlnae to aa it, believin that la noiat of it I tuperior to any other pigment oBered la tb (Blcoed) Ma. C. P. Kbibt-8ib : Tb paint cam each, aod three backet one (rallon eaeh. Aa HvvvHauik wvia. wuijwa uiv uuunc i dow Keaeraiiy conceded that lor Enamel" tlierc it not liaixlmiiuer ob in th place. I it ah item juat now with ' Bvathera People." any country taa can apptyit, i nave never .. ..... .1. .. 1 -1.. III... . a. ou iuiv.uij w kwm atwwauuia7 vx jvwr jaumnni ra w aata or Our DMnU u " ccllea. y of material, in beauty of color, aod tb fact of It being ready-aii -Atili , you lull penuituoa, U It U dealrtble, to make Ma. C P. Kaioui-Dbab Sib: It afforda me much pltwture to aay to yoa that thalirl? Patent Ikamel Paint far exceed my eiecttioua in economy, beauty, aad lhn.12 ' leaaon to neltuve In durability. Mora than twelve inontlia aloce, 1 paiatnd tha house (Mtaaion Houae) with the Bradley Patent Knamel PaiilTTand TWm ao-wil.1- J with It, 1 tetermlned to paint the fienUot the MloteV and I am moat bappy to mi ilia i(l vee me fvrioi:, Huaiacuou. in ouiiciuatoa i win aay, u Ml aeeumonlal will ha of a-TLT ouu, you are at liberty to ua It, , Tourt moat reapectf ully, AOAAtJ ALBKItTBOM, Manaioa Hoaea Hotel 1 vautaK toy The following lettei 1 ttrong tnd valuable! C. P. Snbjkt, Km., Agent Bradley', fafent Snmnd iWaDBAa 8i trom yoa wa wut cttoerrntty enttorae a the (ualitl uea e I everythlnic dcalred.drvlmr oromDtlvandaith a hard a-loww. .hiTZZ.. J? T1 "i reeiat the action of all klndt of weather. Tola with certainty, and intend to at it oa all occaaloni where we desire a nod lob of otZt EM MART C. P. KNIGHT. Uolb Bieclmrna nd PriceLlat furnlahed gratl, 0RF0LK Thla valuable fertilizer la offered to the farmer tt a prlott j uit th Mkt, whO BS ' IrenKth hat been greatly tncreaaed. No Ouano has met with auch aniveraal favor every where, ao irreat wat the demand but teaaoa, Only on third of th order eoald be Silled. it contain about 38 per cent, of Bone Phoaputte, and from 4 to 5 per ceut of Ammonia. ' Mauy of th beat farmera in tha eotintv am naltiw It. It mi. k luf k .....l tn ... La, calHeent, follow: "l. uumi, OH IVIlUWBi WiiuAMtoa, Upouubob As Taoaus, Joun R. Dub a, W. II. Avbba, A. J. P. Haaui. ... w. Dn. A C Davis, it-vay-xu J-Ol WU, JJUI, in W HJUIIU 1JV Mitrch 4 dAw 2tao For Sale. 170 Acres of land. mllea RnnUi Wmtnf Balclffh. oa the BouUitlda of Wtlnut Creek, near Yale Mill. Dwellln Boot with four Koomt and other out buildlne. 190 acra of thit tract 1 (food timbered land. aept .v-ii W, tt, JOMKB OO. SALEM N. C. KERSEY JEANX8 " " CAeSIMEBBS, Itetxived and to be ald low. Call and tec them. DOT U-tf Xr0 R LIVERPOOL. JL' , .... -r ; - TUB, FIBST CLASS iBIUPd, NICOLAS j TilATER AND ARLINGTON, . will load at Nobvolk for LtTBttroot.' We art tathoriied bv houae of andoubted credit tu Btaae caan aavaacet la corrency of three tonrtaM of market valae oa eoalfnmente of Cottoa by above aklpe, aad the aama will b held a long a ehlppera may deair. ' i A good opportuni ty It thaa afforded to thoe wno wiaa to purobaae at preeent low twice, or to bold for better market. aiBXBOLDS BROTHERS, ' Commlaaion Merchant. J-BOvll-aw MvTfolk,Va. f ,l l t l t HI OiCi M g fl. 115 ji t vrnt ffifnn , va...J a ui J i 111 UUUli 1-4 Great Remedy for Epflepsy1 Fltt, Spatma, Convulsion aad Xerroa Wakafulneaa. acta nmmnttr. nfiaa amttn tit FiU from th I rut day' bao, area whr they bv xited for yean, iI.Uv pOMTOUUD EX COBTDAUS. I Tki Great Tcseta.la lIUratiTe, Bcratula, Secondary Byphili,' Eruption oa the Skin, aad ail (tiacaae ariaing from lov pure oiooo. lltTEJj poiriTI : A Boverahra Balar for Cona-ha. Cblda Ima. chlks Aatbma aad all tiuata of the aa pamaarat ana i.anif. Bj 11a titaaly a maay tnupuaed rata of Uoaauntioa ara aa..rfA. p"- "aa w laaauiawi u aealu.M I Si NEUrlALGIA SPEdFia I " A pro"!, porftlve aad ptrmauoiit relief for Ui excraciaUng pin oi heaialgia. aWama Ura and Bctatftov -.TT . .. IFevtauat. Baietgb, B. C, by Wouawi v OH WWP, ,f Prrpared only ty-M (DBA. UKBKN, UADLET BatNILB, BovX.HldkwA'wIy .. Obarlotte, V a I , , Another ihipraent of ear brand of . ! OAMB COCK WBTTH LEAD ISiGGl A eOMS. Juat to kaad. - J - . i I .J dENEiNs a cnAjrnr.i-n Sooth mrwat, ai3ajqr, ' n AaAaaVU latttVIJ VIliJUf( ' voaai! forist, k. o. work, yet we hare a rood tab J" duSbultv tjS veijaetpecuully, . e , - .W.ABJIM0Bav . Taa FtAlBB, Faoqulur, Co, Ta w . . lZ lately to head tertw Sera, IS J!? practice It alack, 1 did th job ra "jobmyaeif, Ta Tw like hardaeat and body and haraaflaZl Tzf two vvawi, auw iaaa vuat a a I aaved aUty-Sv doilarabv tha .,'UL T aved alxty-Sv doilara by tb Mmi it ihould bt reierally adODtedi. eafenv " U .hould be gewallr' adopted lath!. t?S dabbled In auch ttock a reaUmVawTbat 1 25 tnamal Vmint to tha aul. t " . Wkkb I,.,. . . t . . what aaa yoa think proper of thtLTTT " tat aaa yoa think proper of tht. Lt.- Very roapecUully aud truly, a "Tt "i . , ainvnooar w AJ1 Cor. Fayette and at. Paul Bta., Baltuatr; BaltimobA, Md. Do.JT,lsn'. :Th paint w beat of anv kind a UTT : , I onr axue'ieace and . I1!.uI t uSr-'' Bonte. 8brn and ITfma. o-iZ. Oknk&al Aowna. m. 03, W. Lombard Bt, Baltimora, MJ, Bovwaflm. "T ' " ' Raleltrh, N. 0. j ' ""' BelmaT- - Vula!? u . VV, . t i Ooldaborti. H ? tOWAND A H AKRloil, 'GeaW Aratv , Norfolk. V. R b J O IM E H t & O. O. COTTON FACT0tt8AJJD 01BKfAL,o WHOLESALE AND BET All 1 6KOCKKA. WnjiiBOToa St. OproaiT atABa bt Son aba' ' m sr.. urrvaiT. aAAW KALEIGI1V If. a t hi FM GOAIJO. ' i - .. n i; a-"-- i.it i W praaeiat oar Card and offer to the pMI 'j, oar aervicea t General Commkwioa Mer , ehaota for tb il of Cottoa aod other pro dace. A. . ." ,, -" ' ,, i Our location It central, la th boalneai part : of th city and w offer especial idvaatagel L and facllltle bt th atoraga of Cottoa an. j aaviDg a Srt claaa metal roof and lr prof r aaurw nvuaw, aiboawaA wiuun a anon aiHUince and therebr let liable to th danger of fire. Thot who deairw t toting cotton will find tt to their Interest to eommnnicate with aa beior atoring tie, where. -'i: . . , . . : We ar cornUntly ta iwcetpt of k Una of General Grocer! ce whieh we are elliag at ta very loweet market prioee. Farmer Mppue alwav oa hand. Country prodace la awe er email quaauue laaea ta exeaaog lorgoorta Am ft Iw i we eoucit eoBAtgnmaat) aau- will o aatialactorv talut and aaanuite twomtit tarn iot au araciea eniraateo to aa, war Bttron and other will be btformed fret m to Urn of th geoaral tenor of price for Oottoa aad prodace gtaavaily. .iU'J Ail eommaakstavB of inqair promptly aaawomd. . , --- eptn-wtf . . . ... .. 1 .,.rr. ,nttl.M : i" . J t k. i iiib,ri.i a fcAi'--l " . CORN, BtEAaVinAB'-'lrlBTBT flBD, - Baled Oat. Fordo. Bar. Strwrna, A. " ' ' J , -.i.r At MBOHN'a i ' " " ' Grata and Fr Btwa, " t i Watt of Hi tt Vniaiat IMmt Waraavaa Otwera drooled 4a foatofltc avwaapUf a i 4i i,!j ti ' rtf. . W. A. Grrta, BpH i f 5bSawll '-rM- ft a?! ' " ' v ; - ? fl ' " " ' -Jr..-. B AC K'A'5T Tfiu NJ.T .. it,0,f Si T'7 r;ii tt v . . ;:T :,JBV B.A XDESWE 00. ? imi ClotbieT. M r n ti . j , V . iT .'.'"L'-.r,. V tfl.if i : ...fltt I' Tt1 ( ' ' AND' '-'"! t . . : r ;r-r,l i w ' . ;. ,...i..i:....:.4.. .,...;. i...-M f..- -. - nvrf I 4wy I1..JS7A A-....,.: n II n

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