THE SEOTTNEf PUBLISHED BT I ')HIA8 TURNER, Jn . n tlao Court Hours, uia or sowaearrnoa. Dun (kretfiwl ) yese Hi advance - I8.W i 8ix months la advance, . -; . 5.ou S mi- Weekly " " &.UU W.-kly Benunal . ' " 8.0U 1 in Du.r Bihtiku. will b delivered in uy pel-t o( th Uty at Finns Csxts par City Brevltiest. $2,000 bu been laid out it is said for the grand Nash Square' Park, and it U suggested that a foot race up tbe walk te inaugurated for tb coming ubiles ths -fourth of J illy, betw-cen the besvy mas' of CUs Ooreruromt. who did tjjesuper. 'wna has lately wvveaoOed thattttv. JIatW St . rv . ijv 1. j i j a V on "Qua! One mon week for registration. Giv it your immediate attention. It will oc cupy only a few mi an tea of your time. Register ! Register, Pbil Walker, the' popular saloositt of the Yarborough, returned from a visit up West last evening, but he did'nt bring that wife with him the beys said he would, Judge Wait' Court wai engaged to. day ie the trial of tbe Burglary Cue Al ien McPhemon, aad Henry Williams, negroes, who robljed Mr. DCarjon Mur ray's botiee. The different Rail Roadu oftbebUU linrc agreed to pass delegate to the i .'ntnil Lodge of Odd Kellowi at Ofttnt Luiu ia XLhj, frj ima . faro lot tbe round tr:p .1. Kuilin Williams, Eaq., has recently purchoaoU a lot adjoining Wru. G Up Lliurdi, K4., on tbe Uov. Uolden lot, lruuting Nash Square, and contcmplatea tbe orection ol a new residence there at a u early day. " ' 2'he fuuadatiuo oi Mi. Jtff Fiabei' new rrmdeuce ia laid and tbe walla are faat guiug a p. It promiaea on completion to lie ao tl gunt dwelling. 'o-day haa been another of the dulleit, tli j !nc&1 followed" old Seth'i dray four li.:ka to see the old gray exercise bim- a' in Lis kicking pranks, but lo and lic!mld, on couiinK up with blm we ob scivuii tbe immortal kicking (trap attach ed and the limber-jack game waa played. Meeting of tbe Stockholder of the N. i'. H. R. at ."ialisbury, tbe Itftu. 2'iiura dny. Consolidation tbe principal topic Keren ne official broke up two illicit distillericSjthey gay, in Orange, on Batur ily lust. Oue tbe property ofXiicbard hriKtopher, and another owned by Dud . ) .klry aud Jauiea Boott. 'berii was a slight transaction in hair or rather black woot, on MoDuwell Slrott, lit tween two men, yesterday afternoon. The cruel war nk suspended by the interference of a c.i.iple f stalwi.r'. sovereigns, who pulled Urui apuftd")? abiiu-!"nmwU to tbe iiiiiusemeut of a small gang of youthful l.j nniltlsitaf V TLVK 'UMlllOt or 1 The little orphans of Oxford are to hare a plc-nlc. May 6tb, giren them by the Masonic iwfge H that town. Sue tbe new adrertiaement of Petty and Jones to-day. ', . ! Citt RseuxtuiiOM. Hogiatration oi votes is as folkrw to-day: Whit Colored. Middle ITard, ' ' 5 Eastern Ward, 6 f j Western W ard, ' Total 25, " UegisUation from tha l-t uf Maich W the 14th of April, Including lo-dy, 1,218. Her. Dr. Tritchard and lady hare gone to Baltimore, and the Doctor while there will assist in conducting reriral in tbe Franklin Square Baptist Church, bf which he was formerly in charge as Pastor befor accepting bis present call. . : n: . .. Local AfTUlrw. . Odd Fkllows' CLKBATion.-Th Odd Fellewi' Committee for celebrating their SSth Annireraary and excursion ti Kittrell on tbe 87th inst.i is composed o the following gentlemen ; Thos. Badges; B. C. Manly, W. N. Jenes, PbiL TUieok J. J. Litchford, M. TB. Gilbert. ws Th Rkfubuoajs, Hotm.. There are now 431 conricts quartered at this bous and a few more will go. from this counts tbe present wsek. dontict ar coming in from the different counties eT.ry week and Capt. Bill Thompson will swon bare his brigade increased te 450, a . Sr-fl torn Orru!jt.yir, iken cbarire ottbt Tbs iavrniBX Job Jobn W. Marcdm, has taken charge of tbe bs- tinkl Job Office snd is prepared to ti ecute promptly all kirtf sV Work at moderkfe hlrltrf com 'ls s first class printer in srory sense of tbe word, and was for S long time the effislent fars muUieSfcirisaOfnoe. ,: .J Anr work entrusted to him, will bn- precietad by, tbs Psoprietor Of fliii papet and the attention of our friends, is respcejt fully and earnestly called to tbe mstter. I i T l Tiinti nan am old BuiLDrjia. The purcbssfT of tbe building lately 4 nia fa Mr. Oaonre Loans ss M imi torn, bttt formerly Xbm old PoWfcr5cewis engsged In tearing th jkk landmark down to-day abfch by tbe onward course bf events is to gir plsce to a mors. mC . nifle.ent pises of architectur. , 63rertl old papers were resurrected beneath"! ije fisota and the tea roe wa rkscYsinAl with ths advsrtisements which they sail I ' $50' Reward: is'-anaiiinwZaii iiiA.. Ws saw a fetus) Jroa a rest Mas tir down tbe Eoad to Billy White, who' is nw la th Asylum, aad who wa lien Ruats Agent fur tbe department, to eonie if -tII 1 liM nl dfllll 'V'VYTu' iOyt w AFAA Ay ' at mm m mm mm w . a a v mm - Br m. e. . s. mm mm m w at . wa ar m m v aaw m it VOL. IX down a certain Dight and "to be aura and bringfesuls and bit banjo." Ws reckon BUly wentjfoihswasagay banned fel low In tboM days, aad a dear lover of the banjo. On rom a Place. Tbe naw Bam of importuned for plates by teoreS:"- Us iS fin looking gentleman and strangers in quest of him, can easily distinguish him a regular six footer standing gear the pits of concrete stone with bis hands in his pockets in working hours. . There's at least (fty applicants for weighmaster one f felloW stued guard, ou tbe ground all day Sunday, (he's just going to hare some kind of a situation at ail stents,) waiting for th Major. .Another bad a big whin sirurllng dewo tbe Street yesterday, and ha wanted "Capin of the . wagin train, while Friday Jones A (X, "out cues' the Dutch, because Democratic Bosses won't pay lUM per day tor honest labor. Ths work goes brayely oand ws bop t see tbs littls church , around tbs soon rearing its eaajestle head towering to the skies despite, th capHces aad -curses of disappointed outsids Radicals: " ' BuokLsUO Horn. A vein of blajk lead wss discorered last year at a spring on tbe Camp Hsngum property, tbre in j i bfM miles west of this city, which has since been ascertained to be about three or four feet thick, sod has be u traced by experts ia s northerly direotioa for the distance of at least fourteen miles, and th knowing one ar of opinion that it cyotinues farther on. Itr. P. Murray, of New York, visiting this city about the time of the disoorery, parcbased the property, and is now engaged ia develop ing the lead,, baring thro pits st wwrk near th old camp, in the old broom sedg field, which every one thought ss poor sa the land Kiidee Lasstter sold to Oenl Llttlefield. Prof. Kerr, our 8UU Oeolo- gest, pronounces the lead to b of great value, it will not answer for ths Baca- factum of pencils, etc, but for paints, la-' bricating oils and moulding purposes It is of tbe most excellent quality, and ex- trsmely valusble. The owner, Mr. Mur ray, who bus factory In Nsw Tork,k shipping rapidly largs amounts f this ar- ticls, baving, Bp totals time, it is estima ted, excavated at least twenty thousand tons of it. As the mine is further opened of a factory noon tbe sroanda far pro pa - ly placing it Id merensnuote snspe. Who would bave thought it of tbis old hroom aL.'e field, where many of us bare so often shot birds and tired stopped at tbis spring to quaff lU Wpl iwtst wswr. " I'h.r.'a lead in the old land jet," and west of us near- SaUsbury, "they are dig ging up tbe Gold." , MsssHS. BnoTsrnsis. Ths gentlemen, who have made LTjarlott their headquarters lino they have been sn gag ed in tb selling of stoves in ths CsrolU nss, win lost us now' la thn course of week or two for new fields. W rogrei this. The Cslrers sre men -caucjc run of business and enterprise, aad it is al ways desirable to hsrs such in a corn munlrs. Ws would bs glad if thsy would settle In Cbarlotts. Themselves gentlemen, they .hay brought with them only gentlemen as salesmen. It is well-known that, travalr ling men ass clsss are apt sob snoouthi rowdy lah fellow, ' M i" "W4 reflntd commnnities tbs very name of travailing dealers is odious. ' .JJotif any such prs judic existed in this section against tbs Culver and their soptsyee when thy first came hers, It has all passed away er tbis; for by their oniferm ewurtssy aid good behavior they bave mad friends of sllthosw with whom they bar bmt thrown, and hsve effectually lived down any enmity blch may bav sxisted , to. ward tawm. be fur Uisv were knowst For some tins past th whole party hav txen boarding at tb Central Hotel, ia this citysnd tbf 6g fb aVerags nnnv ber has bee 21 MIAstten, tbi proprieto Mr. Eccles.lellsssthst. be has yet te know f tbs first JjisUiioswbersssy of them has been guilty of conduct nnbe coming a gentleman. Often there has been as many as 40 of them In th house at one time, and a mors orderly or better behaved aet ol DMa'hsoever had in hk hotel. It would be hsrd to Ssy tbis of 46 men ol any calling whs happened acc- dsntallt to b thrown in one pises at tbs SS0S tins. It- v.' ( The Culvers are opsuiiog on an sxU tive eapitsli they are doing a lergw boaj aess1 aad cannot afford in have other than geotleorrtin their employ1 During the slight months in which tact hsve been ki Charlotte, thef bsrs had her an avs- age 25 to 10 , ss was remarked above, and from 60 to 60 bead ol stock, in addi lioola the families of. th principals Their wrwenc hss been a source of rev- Tde, aniwnen t leave U will not bs liks lb leaving of most trsvellisg parties '-tbv will not inks with' thent mosey from pepl who hsvs no rwsHsd vales rscelved lor au paid. t i f " A to the qnaitty efgoocU wTifcn thej have beea wiling, w knew nothing of cr own knowledgt. " Bur tbe" Beaty 'sales which tbey have mads, and tbs fact- Jhftf from all thoss to whom they bsrs sold, Is a suffloicat. necwmiedstlnn lot them wherever tbey Saay go, ' Withis the range sm bract rig the oouaties of Cabarrus, l'n- RALEIGH, N.' Ion, Mecklenburg, G;isioo, and one a two ooontles in South Carolina, on tbe liue ot this State, they bare sold upwsrdsof 600 of their stoves, and hare given universal satisfaction to thoss with whom they bsrs dealt. Whil tb y hsve sold great many stores, th local dealers herrinform liev that their having coino heru will re: douad to their benefit. They hate tho rougbly advertised tbe stove business in tbe country, and their canraas will in crease tbe sal of these auiclus, as no uuu wha can afford to buy will now be with- ontoa, sad thos Who now havs oue, will b obliged t have another if tbs present one should get broken or wear out. W are strictly cooscmbUous iu bat we have said above, and wilt close by ylng that we can commend Messrs. Culver Bros, aad their salesmen as goo tlemen who will deal fairly, aud be prompt to meet all of their obligations. Obttrvtr. SOU 1 BERN liEWS. Rame, Gs., hopes to have a National bank. Sow that th winter ia over Jackson ville, FlsM ia tbinniug out. ' Over one hundred larire shius aia in the Penssoola, Fla., harbor at present. Ths late frost throughout the State o Georgia did littleor no-damage to ruf 4 ana g rawing crops. Nsar Lsk CltT, Florida, an old mi tlemea 104 years of age resides with wue six year, nts junior. Utornay-Oreneral pocke, of Florida' i nscidsd (bat ths railroads bf tbe State ars Jiabl. to bs tsxed Shad are so pleatilul on tbe St, John's river at MellenvUle, fla, that they can be had at fir csnts each, or one dollar per barrel, Farmers are buying them for manure. - Abtrest cock flubt between fleorizia .ml South Carolina nhjekeus Is announced to come off in Macon oo th 15th instant.' for a hundred dollars a sidsf aud a thou ano dollars on. th main. Suooessful exnerimenta with thn V.n- cslyptus or ferer tree are being' made smuna L,se uity, ris. Tns l"rm. says ; uId a few years our city will be nestling amid grove ot the towering Eucalyptus. Besides General Toombs. Wssbintrton. Qa,, boasts of a reading elnb and l)ilfding and loan associitioja. ThtiVjljl buiuw-ainh WMhinfrtonts jo4 beginning fro grow. Th Colurnba (Gs )- Riujuirtr says: Since Nmber 10, 1868. When the homestead act w passed fn Georgii. to hundred and n vealt-ea pa in Musoo ree colIBry harfr-tsWn trvsartstw H proviaiona. This ia every small ptrcDtsge in twenty four thousand tnnibltauts SPECIAL NOTICES: Many Suffer rather than Uke; nauseon medicines. Alt who suffer from ouiibs. colds, irritation of the bronchial tubes or tendency to consumption, win nau; M WM BaUamtf Wild Chmy a remedy as agreeable te th palate as etfctil i i removing disease. The Bslsam is a plesssat remedy; it is ssfe remedy; it is s powerful remedy; it Is a speedy remedy; it is t remedy that cures. ;, ; Tr EASEI Oatarrh sometimes'xi.ts alxno, but is mer frequently a symptom of other dit eased ooadkieae. The ' tbliewing letter explains K: ' -v mi j Coixinowood, Otfondaga Co., N. T.( Jan. 88, 187. is I f m' I Dr. R. V. Pinncn, Buffalo, N. T : , j Usor sWr 'Allow me to jrlve ron A brief history of tbe effect of your rued I oia tailed "Golden Moditsd . Diaoovwy'' in my ease. I am uenv-1 my seveoiy' fourth year, and naturally of firm consti-t tutioo. Within tbe last few ye ws, OTor-cxeicise, I have been sllliotoH with eomplicatioo of diseases alm4t Incredible to relate. Iu the first plsce Catarrh, te. degree that, to wm, it seemed ust my voice passed out at tbe uaia, to ahicn wss added its natural Mlj Broucbitisi to which, a no great U4gt of ime, were added MourelKio pains la toe neaa ana shoulders end bloating of the lower liinb the most of wbioh wss .superinducoe) by a tnroid stste of the fiver. I bed the soV rina of several eminent physicians, and tried almost wvsry known remedy lor aneh eomnULnto without relief. A rapid . " . . lose of strength and waste of flesh, reminaV ed nse that I eoold not long witnstana tne eombined force of disesse weictt was last nearing mo aown. i gave Hp u asuiabr will, had Ssr nraveston VlsjCed in position and lettered dt . . . . . exit, ana resignen myaaii my w await eveata. Jtot loon aiiet mis, i saw your advertisement, procured yiiur remef dice I sm now on tbe second ha'.f-doze bottles of Ooldea Medfcwl Disoorery-f bar a good appetite, have gained fifteek pounds of flesh no more talk out of my ears, no more bloating of tbe limbs, r osa walk twe of in see miiesvwiui saw,iw feel that you bars given m a lease or th or fifteen years subject, howsrer, to the ratifieation of the Oonrt above. Tha yon may live long to do good tosuffsncg humanity, is tbe sincere wish el... . Tour nnknown inena l,othkb ooue t NEW ADVERTIBEMOTi A DAUGHTER OF BOHEMIA; A j nw iravsb - 4- .BCbbistub Rbid, Anther of "Va- bwle Ayrnser," "narrow nne, - cro. r Beautifully , Illustrated.' , Price, Pspir GiversfitOa, Ik clotk fUtt ' ' , jMt rosiv4sttheak8toro epUdtf .' K-t. .- A NKOVNPKM B H y.j j "r:I rmpectfaftv ssnconns snvesif an fade- peadewt ewMinate lortne emee i oira.- RIOB COURT CLERK for Wake eonuty. E.J3LBAY.; ao!4f i I C, JBSDAY. APRIL 14, 1874. NOTICE. The copartnership existing aader the name sod title el Utley Stone, Is this day disrolved by mutual consent. . AU persoae indebted te said Ira will pleas, outua forward and settle the same, as Inagtr todulgenoaeannot be given. Lockville, Chatham Oonntn, Jr. 0, apH-dSt A. Very I sapor t suit Notloe . o all Poreon Wlsh- Qeorlw sat Stsfoatly iisccii nicn. . 1 . We arc offering to our customers tbe only stock of entirely NEW 0065G in the city. Ws ar now able ta eel them much LOWER than they bars evw been offered before on soouewt of the ex ceedingly small trade in the Northern market. All goods in our line declined very Diueli and our buyer taking advantage of that we sell a Lorn as Jny Jfeaas in Us Qitf. , .. .. , - We bay to all that they can Save Honey by txamining oir stock before baying elsewhere. Ws will offer yon no old goods, our stock is ENTIRE LTNEW. PETTY h JONES. ap 14dtf I !i f BUM THK CHiEtOTTI, M. C OB8KET KB 0 UOV, 1878. Clarlotte, N. '., Nor. 1, 1878. MtssHs. Cui.vsa Baonshs; Hsviihe pureaased from you, and had hi use In oar families eosae Uaa past, roar Far- mir's Cook Ins; Mews, ws cheerfully bear tetttlineur to U many gooi faaUUea; Its economy in tbs use of fu3, th rapidity with which It does Its work, the uniformity with which its bsUnf. and eooKhss:. sad the ma rly conveniences combined in It, all Wwd to make it, to owr Judgment, the best cooking ff6aYdOTPU,t n II Hnntor ' '" Wm MoUaU V- N HutoUBSoa ft) Barker Noah BoUck WM Alexander savid i'orran i W eruUta ' DHhaith A B irowna W C Graham . i A Wearer , i C BrttBth ' WA McOteu 3 M (Toffev R H t rt A Ktrkps trick . , John M Pott V J M Strong W B Cbebraa . Joshns tVver KM Klcasrdsoa 8 Williamson M 1 Bowdea ' HI Alexander 0 A tutors -M M Wallace W a Taylor " TlmOUonaeB " 1 1 Brows J F M Fsmdl e JHBiaex K A MoCaaWy Jas Weeks B COrler BAHstm WIrMBUj . - JosnU sMswssv i' JW Stewart James Packet Wa r McC'sm4 Wm L Harney J 8 Urikbls 1 Dinner v John O Hsster M J Holbrooks T-Wflon '. R H Henderson " , 8 H Elliott . C M Campbell 'l. SDSmlth Jsmes LOrlrT " W HWllaoa fDrurr 8 Mi?taflor4 '' H M IMxon R Wneborn i 8 Long .. . . Wm Taylor Jas L Jonnsou W H Caahloa M If DeArasewa B A Tonwee slobert a wait L BKirkpatriuk KUUriOfth f ktLCanMkar J C McOattMsrins JAlUed D J afarkev 1. K 8 McCiond r ortiii H B Ulankeosblp -SOHacer John a Kerr Jos Under wood t 1 41 fill JCstssrgtlowe 'tE- Ar6sbd.W Clerk of Ins BnreHoJ Coort.f saidoooty,4e hfTf srtUr that tbeakove named partlsa ar etUseej ; f eatd euewty, of good sad respsetabt stssdlag. s WlUwa my hand aad official s efflee in JWloUe. weekday of "we"!"? - B.A. 08BORN8, U. ; sP4wn;V! Pcarco Cotton. " mu .hM. ' U thA LIWllSO 1 ion In liu United Bute, will ssaks 4 808 a.. nr mrr iMurorad laaid. "Its Sn aad long staple, will eomaand from Jen to flfteen eents In tbs pound mors tbaa tbs -mA iii 1m TM-tManU sttasidad W bf to U .aHsau rlWw f 4 Hhjhly ConeesK rated. "Has siwars been Manuf actund ea the basis of a swaraa'ed aa .1..1. u rn unW baaold awbteot to all law wrtsrard to f-rtllissfS, with THE 8AM8 Ubarlottesvuie, vs. ap ktUawtm B T' WU' WAKBAiEii fWriT Wehavs sold Mdoaen this season, sad net one haa biokea. Ask tor IM "4auas utwm Axe sat) take ao esitsa ' ' ' sweiu-t irfl B4PLl88LBW18OU. ITT --OOD AND OOAL TAsU: W - 1' a lot of bast Bad Ashe GraU CoaL aad SB kinds of Wood always oa kaad. AUr4ers toft at O. 0.- llaerSVs nhoe Stere wUl. e .ta. adllJI 1 ,lH-tl w ;lbcm. MILLINERY AND LADIES FANCY ooona. , s ' Mrs. llarria' Aadrews, isa rarettarllU Btraet, a few doors parv m me . avase ttonal ataak. has returned from the' Vertk iuI Susoa band a seSdld UrillaeryesdUdlesreacy 6ods,of the la laet sVir sad ajawortaUoasv ; i Tbe JaillhMrf liaswteaeat Is sadev the ehanre l bMllee of evnertoaee, and the pnbtte ar awnrtd tiiat irerf tiling ottered for sal VI th'a SiaSilisSaisnl tswarrulad U he of sk bM iwaav and aatwrtal. Call and eaaaalM tbesptondldssaekv wniek , fe efferad attfce S5tinri iaa- I ,,- Mad. BAE'ET ASDRtwrn, j i i JKW GOODb! Mkvv OOOD8 1 1 J common kind, neea tor sale as i,wi p a lon or 84.00 per vewnd. ; Monies for seed can be Mnt bv ractsUwd totter. AU orders tor addrese- "'' 1 d. GOODS FOR 18T4 ' . kU ano stowr Moiutealss BxpltHlesl, 1 .' ,"' ''nor iiim lilt m Turn ir rci mm ta J??-", Wl hto et"l" PoUXMid expert uu ma; w ta nrase ana ei . . v'-i DAT to O D 8 aa UNUSUALLY ATT8ACT1TB Btos; M tnm knd lanajsaev 3eeelW " . l...l).H,lil, Dress Moods, vrWweosaV U' r, Liaan UaadkwraliWa, Otovse. eiMUKTeiD. nVtid eUtthrsUM sMna-vkki-. K.t U s-as,aeairameujui tl H . i v. , 1 , i , . . was is am sjasssw as Ub ,!Pmem l1 ds to fms fabric. Man m wsnsoc win and K e i their tatorssS to eaV aad ersr. iaw mrawea oeipra parckaslnf elsewlmra, 7 rs new naa wm be soM at rAsuC rne aa :- Mr stock of Pint :t Innrw i.i.H"- 0A8V1MK818, TWIID LINk.H UUUXdanS aiTTONXADaXwas asrw naore cosaptK Bur of tkeaa W ssekeap or evwa W- ar tbaa before the war.) . -i.t mj sieea of - ' Hkttl 8B1 IT.ti for Ladles. Gents' sad Sitae la lam aaai wall assort, d, aad persoa waeUng sooda, wares or arauuwuue, waeinw atway wasaMss wry stock befor buying, ss I Intend te snakslt to their In Ureal to bey ef I belier m tha motto, ' to, "UT1 AND LET UVK. I MaiMaliallr ask fKHIVTHV if n CHUMTd to examine my stock, as I will ener tbsm special mdnccsMsl, sad UunlLl ea sere them money. apdww4w A. CREECH. fKOP08AL8 FOR BK1CK FOB TBI - Unikad i eutes Uonrt v Howe sad .f est VEo.. ItaUegs, M.f4 Ylji Ovneaev Bornsorrmusgne, 1 U. 8. ' Joust Hoosi postOrrtoa, IUuuffli,lii;-At.nlB.1874.Jl i Ses'ed protKMaJs wiU be received at thU Office, unUI 18m., of the 8th dsy of nay, 107, tot inrmsaing and delivering st the Site. of. the United State Omrt Uoase end Port Office at Raleigh, N. C ssy 800J100 fcard , named red , Bricks ef tbe best quality laken froaa she tswart f the Erin, n salmon ar eons) brick will be received. A sample brick mast be sub mitted along wit sack propesal, xr 1 . Deli very be suds at such tiaaeS and in such quaatieiee as mar be rtsesns I nee- fotnTtoboto'1pplhUon st this sffioe, Ad each bid so s eeeesnpsn fed yn penal bead tw -vbe sum mt one thousand dollar, (tt,000).eonditload that lbs bidder will accent and perform tbs contract If swarded Urn, the suffl- eieaef o44beseouxit tob nortmed.hl the Tjniud States Judge, Clerk of tbe United Sutes Court, or tbe District sttor- neye.' the District 4o which, the biddet resides. 'J : . PsvmenUwill be made montbrv as- ducting ten M cent; sntitth compietioa of theentiweer----"------1- ..k,,":.... The right te reject any or all bid Is TJrmeals must bseecloeed lea sealed envelope endorsed "Proposals foe Brick tor toe uoitea bums tjonrs uowee aaa Post office, Raleigh, N. Q." and sddxesjsd a ., WBrA. HEARNE, : sp 7-84L ffnperintandent, PBOPOBAL1 FOB DIMXNSIOrT STOKB for the United States Court Hoses and W Pest Offloa, BsWgk, . v - ' -: Ornow or SOTwaiswsnwnwv,' ' ' I ! U. a. count lloose dk Foe Orrssn, V ; Bauuea,N.C, April 4, IMA. ' IsaUd moooaab wlU b raealred at this ef. dee satU 18 m.. of ths 4tk day of May, 1874, fe farntsMne aad alrertna; at the site ot i. ir .i. m n a, WT !T . a SOI m tJL " .! "I" tor, m, faaartetst I Tbsapeetos ef etoae frees watch s tsan will be made will b eoaaaed te Oraay Has, Marbles sod Bead 8aasa, aad the aak sapeeiaiir msisteo a pom win wm nauar sdty of eoioread taxiwre, dwraittilty. sad the aasacttf for working at r the shisal rkaaa- SMr. -i-r.-. ... - A aamnla Mack ISxlSill fctekes mast b mbmlttod with each bid, showlac oa was fan tka aatoral traetare ef the atone, and ea tbe different ersdes ef eatUnf - Tbeetoae est bar a coo crate as as tree xreei au discoloring sabsUnoss, aed the aarry treal wbleb st to prawarsd rnaat he fatly opwssd and capable of faralthla; tbs Quality S4 anasuiv aenrwa wiuiin ww 1 wi . - - - Abwat so.oue ebl feet soe or toss wU bs iwq aired. Tha i setoai srverasw ad the ftonss oaa not aow bs air"", will appro. I boat Id ealilc leal, Ww largest ssoass eoa taiama aboet T entile feet- lae etoae win baaadsewd owseededale of ketstaessnd ss- eofae laek te ewah cat f awe will be for eaarrv dimsnolnaa, accord law is lb rale mad by tbis trapartmeat la order that to eon tractor may make proper aoowk sees see eataasr, we ejaarryia;, aae w IbWaswedaM parsmie wui as maoa. ' ddere will stats bow soon taev see eesa. race deiiverias! the atewe aad ths" amonnt aerwaak thev ess deuver. Ihe will slae state tbe swsreew end naaxfnam etas ef tbe stones that can bs obtained trow Uk q aar ry. - - - - - Jto vtos will wv nuaini unw irvm tow man or toseaea af tk eaarrv fror wkbsk tbs slow Is proposed to b turn is bed, sad a sertlSeaM rroas UM auearaw ef taewa which the IstheowBcr satpan; Ail B propeaala to he obtained ea apvlli est be eocoaipanted by peaalnoad in las aum ec are moasane aoiiara tea eeuj was tbsbtoderwUleceapt aad perform la eew tract If awarded kiss, aad gtre boad tfeerefor totbe penal sum ottontbowMHid d.iliars,l 000 sad aaaeate a veil aad blading lease ef ton sun y to ta wswwamsnt as asewrwy nr mm Battalal waiforaaaaee of tbe aoatrssir toe kssse to take eBsrt apww the failawa ef tk MUBcwrso saaiprt wiu w isiaises wne oa tract, eatd I. aae to avtaaria the Uorsrav BMattotak fall aosisssi sa of the , aarry and week Hat the ex (waa of ths coavractot fes Tae IrTrtmcet reserra ths riabt to retort aswer ail bids, ar to divtds In aowtraet aad spkb4V-e valopa aad Mtorssd FropoMl tor Iiaeasioa roTJniila icSlS-ar. ArUdwT1 r tt WH.i.llUUI.1 t epV4wt' - aapwtotosdaat.! n BuoLUTB W VORCK8 OulAI-XKC mM. 1 . Km htidutBE. 4-r8 -wiaR) emwwwssnwi sywm m wjrbt tr ay a. , ,'ZZml. 5MZl cuflZtZ I -BEAW8THB LAST DAI OF BACH i eror tosase of tae evarry saast a. I . ......... an imtu. , . raaokkidVtr 1 iiiia ".irp.,. avi ami mast be made oa printed I u U iwisnan aauoa 10 u 1 ' M'1 limine , ii in i ,,, -,.,ll,H,,l.iii,.iii.illl, f NO. 216. ' tXU MsMrshtn toswteW exlsttng aadsr Will Mease present them for bwwMdkatt fwy smV - eVad e8 wke asa ksdebtsd te the 8ns, $ bsaots er ssesnnt ar re.wstesl w - i wm miwi. vwtsnvKiran wsvw TO QUE OLD FEIERDa CU8TOMB KS wemwstsswaiiwer4 The dlseohttto at ewr fttmclrsa aapata and eorraw. For aaaat wear yaw saws aiaair paw mused s. V ta hira bav eadsavemit V fan WS r. wifc WB i'lUi wOUOv at iwaaiaabls prtaaa. Owr rrHlshlp awe svv bssA plesssat. s4 agretubl. aad w earn it eoaweat to lbs dis eolntlea snwawt to daep nam.- - - - - u W kare kersloreeis raralshel all tha eewssaedatton ws enahl. euwutsat muh t lwpsr sarspisw awaMns, aad fa esakis tte fullowiaa; saaoaacetasa we eea (rasa tberi)Biresabiad LtW. - " , arrsss sad sJIsmto dstav eoeos otvi ery awjcriptloa swkwj1s totfcenrai 9tm4t W. V. e) A B.tOCECB, CO, , r WR1 he sold at lrTMytiv liK di CI FtB tlaaa, with retwwae. t she Baal esossacwf tae Bustwea. ,, , Biw Fartkar sredit eaanot as rfvw. - -Th (took areeleswd w ,-;J - " . w- TtKEBU-, warrMogrsravsrs the l i Una of,i.IUUtaXca Fsrttes wha Aadn uhaiSiw t n.v 001M baalncss la Kalefarh. kaV new an op it" w ws u (inu wu Ta fawtesMS aeat- I.rLw Parchasinj s stock "assrtshlee teear Btoek, win never fcswe iMweppuait--aji sarlr call vLU sem ' WV B. fk S. B. TUtEIwTTv5 Burrirmg rsrtaer. ap tdtt fT1 Y)niwM i - . - A snuilala sMMiiani t o ss sd - Aunka wiij.ismm WS IsVtg i.jfcJ.i.aB.kiJ . N .mi l save ea hand a Bmltad sanml m4 svwaaa, Arbor Vitas, t years aid aad aUasMw ua 1 aad 8 years old. Apply teen to mv eel! ot howl's: Wm H. jeVMr.rraI Johason, 1 e l '.fit J-y-.! I r GAEDEN- '1 til rut-Wwrnina; awns she. ( They an OS, a Made of wood, Li Ucht, and fMsnssa , vs aremaek ekeapw aaasatiarsnaa wire, tkn aad mass t i -t T. H. BklOO rasmaowtat pwaer, pwt ap mbexaeaf wa satis aaished pp. bscdaownlr Utke kaS mm Sua mmd aad. atamind W ith anv etorlrad laltlal, will be seat taf address, pcaksg paid ea reaeiyt i tk pde.--,n,.T,., . Conneotiout VsUloy Xultinvl Bask new soatatas ewe qJr ef extra an por wad ewtare, and two pawks ef waits en rdopes, staaipsd with Bea'to initial Utter. Fries Si aeal. . BrldrlxtwotKl XEoejey Tint Ialtiatl, Baekboxesatahas awe enlre Of loss Tint Oetere, aad twe packs of Tinted Bavelopaa, mpa wita bsus juuai mui rnossD its. -7 " ' . ' t amiTatffAsEw,v'B!? Bask hew ssatslss ewe fatrs ef tons' told papsr. (soeastaias; ssrtlreiy new.) assarted ttaU, sad two packs ot bsrsotsl envelops, larxs Kjisarsiia, slam pad with initial Let ter, rneeeveanai. Any of "TTLT?, TT KLLfaoB. (iw j. . , Bookseller A Butloeer, ;. ii. .l'-w;i ill. M Klebmead, Va.;- spMli Jim trSAera ef tend, mDss Boeth Weetef iga. an me nowusia or waiaas ureau, fate stiu. lrwellln Honss with soar Bxwsm aad ether out haiidars. ISkserasef j this want is good timbered bad. " - ' asptsT-si, ,, i.. w. nvduaHdtvuh ; waj W. Jew as, - Aasusvaas) Jesust. J ONEBdi JONE. Altwrwey-eAt imw?. . . . ,. RALEiaR, X. 0. ,i a..' ' i A Tit ACT ICR la the toiwesae Oewrt ef ths IT Btata tbeClraalteadlMstriot Coarts af taeTJattsdktatos sad the several Oeartaef I th 8th Jedietal Dietriei, I Ofsee ea farwttorll lie. 8t flllMiii MsM1-l lUak. tn atalra. i'8-Mf sn. m Sjf Wiwsi , JLUtbOUMi STATE LunkkiAd I i 1 Ugsasal kyBtata Aathorlty, w4 oaAwsia nrnuo in ft. tocm, Whets ttehets,10i Ualvs,sj QaarUra, t,sl - --1 fr -- - ' nwssxw-- - i. as . f sswa.w a J-i s, m a . JrWCsrrVsa. leWWwS?njsn(snj rtW8ajJ sVfCffj eRV cama.raiaaov83S,nu and - w,m rnssa, aaawwawa; a o',i ri I - Draws everr swiareav eunns tae veer. rjcarra, pur ai.ras, aj ouaarsna, ' lktt'"l eEviiij Address, for Ticket aud Ctresbw. . slUKkUr. MILLER A 0O.. MaeMen. . r. a Bon site. t : t ,, St- Lewie, Mat apaowMwsw j , ... . cojtTAjrr of I pssr'i PEHADELPHIA. sf W . I hsve bent nppwJafad I Oeaeral sreau tor th sboveWideW lpaoviovuis etas e nona varoiin. 1 and will have the Kgulat receipts of tbs emnpeny la their bands; tor eol lection." J policy holders and others should eotnaitt 1 nioate Oir t to nlAgwaiawsoted, . Cbatkdte K. fft j Bt (- f - j mm PLANT All s 4 il At 7. a I ni.a lmht R(eBa of 10 (100 Wni 'SENTINEL , ut MaitW sUtJAUl autlsVA IJ I ' adrerttasnssnto will bs hsserted la the Dr8y rasrnweL at. lar fullowliig rates , 'nare t tnrw . sua r Moa ftses; inmn osw .. r. tl 1 week. I $iM suaare, ItitWIN tsaosiuL arui- to'a, ltwtr.: .:l'Ii... 1 . : 4 rnwrnk mm , uTT-s SLENDUi tiff pRoptWrtVoI -Op WfLMntiSorsmiltlT"0'5 1 hembv eifar mi, mj w.Kasies.ta, Btor Bouse aad let stiaataoo llUUbun' SL. out side aeatr KallroaS andice. S1 b lot ss A IsstfrssA Jllh stUlstwes an saonpurotrsMSi TdU ais wnw.-'weii 'bwllt, ' U ananssnrnsi , isea.,-- inw sv swasw.- .ay....- . HZ' .-TrHr..--.wwrW"T',.,aa.' .-iv.- tbe Blare t 48 (sa law. SatMW stalrway.aaisai. aad sMr4a areto. UommanlcaUua katweee the dwsiuua; aad appsr Park alors any he used Kr closed as , It a (rood sUad lur rreeria a&4 stap 4rr roods tor town sad entrr Wade? Tbsr Is a wait of.aSoat sjnesltont Water Wl I K 1 ka nt k. A- ! Is a Bare, Ac , m Che rear and room an Merswa 8k, forotoar bBUAk,, j IkekwaUon sod neiebborbovd Is wee el the mess stoairabie 'taatoigh, and b wksr properly Is rapktly and cotuuuiUv la sreasiag la value it is a good InTosUntuf fur mtolfoTln'eact. latiUir'fLL rsqairad te purchase. 1 aMaa btsineas aud esabw toaaA aoswernotuall. XaetsUel For fupartlealars spplfo,' ' J f J. A, JUNES, -e- . u Ruiaboro' atreei, , Pf l.f.alllirillWTBrBTVf i I "l wnt '.mi . fiJIHas bona tettad st TORE, PA.y g JAM, EMKMiB. PeTTor ramphlet and Test Bepon ' ,.m, a-.-i . ANiEir o'tiAijuarr i ATTORKII AT IAW.h t He. 4U Bavmrtn vnasrr." W'Tf. H t'irssWgssn, Dt'o"'1 5fti r "rl wr'ri avmatW f'1 fraal 8POIU.rT Tka nuuillna oi .k.n. a arvhiasln earrrmg the ataU la tboaa etaUs wherela the --" aa order of the Fnetwsstsr Oaaiial. oid lanyal, lsnL - dl wlnT A .and altreetire BtotkTof BUple Domes Oo. sad faaey Dry Isood. To wukk lrJTet tuUy iavlia all tbe eltUena of iUUlvkaud surronadlns; eountrv." Amonr tW? nT. wm mm awsFBsM itl a - V . . . -w " w M IDIinti mwawPVtaStklsy natmsaUiai ft. - .j,rBnwaMu,ia. MwM,jm& tudt (tv .f AtukmV' ! w8fcV'ayriu'f.vWw sWssstosad BkiHlas .sane, A. 14 Btaeel,if:,l,,i VUff-ti f si ii " m m rrfrB-rf--- Wtl k,,,w'asniaafcjsa. !UMrV-LsLnis4i.i . nxmwj neaw juue. nWatUw hi lt;t ). SM ,lfe ' out ,; w4 vi.A''j5 tBM.j'ii. eSeverrWitne vW bafwwadrta IblaVaa teock of DKT wOUDeV eapeciaiiy Xankse ottoos sad Rowss FarsMdilus Ui OUA " - Meey thaake sat past palrnaana, 4 MS pwt-. tally soUcit a eoaUuuanc ot same. Br strict Sttsnttoo bs my bnslusm t hwpv w-ptew an, - rasH ; iJm tM& fLt,1 JitP . U.J u -" 1 1 S1" ' '! f J'" " I1 " . a. At (Lant ai statslgk, K 0.) t" ' ATTORNEY e! CJOOlttSlXOB-' AT LAW :;,.. f WAU 84 sMr-dswtrr-4iM WM attend weesnctlr ki sW Wofsistewsl Bass. aaa ealraatad to kiaa. lUifem sol tbs Chief Jaettos and Associate JasUcce of toe Supreme Ooartet North Oaroluwaead te . ta wkole by Oatarrh, -1 - waJpT JpBtsJAaft,, rMeRV Cwtsrrhnc aateqaeatl Mr. Levi ffbrlnrer. of NetUe Lake. fF. O.l WUliaras Co , O., foratoriy of Durbaa's U. ears, O., ha bees eared of deafues of fuar toea years' stsadtog, by aalng Da aaga Cat arrh Remedy. . lie was so deaf be could not sear a persoa talk wbea seated by bis aide, and ea now aaa tha eharah bU rwgtww mltos distaat aob writes.- . , AMABXEJ CAE' Ot tEAFNE3S t,iw ste- CURED,"'"' - " asj.t. Dtrswnaoaruxa. kiaa . onw. It. T.. Feb. 80, 871. Aboatoae year saw I saanht tssvereeoUla THE th asa a, whtek tennlnatod In a sever form or cetarrk. - D arias; tk ton ukwraUos oecand - la Iheaasal psaaasrea, aad i tiestae wbolly deaf m en ear, with partial deatnea la Iks etoe a swteflaasaUoabad lavolrad all tb dalieats slrwctarssef tk oans aad was sa Irnaudlat aatiKar of permanent deafness. ladlsebarc became profase aud fetid, butk kito my tbroat and from my ears, ,1 tola eeadiUo I called ea Dr. Fierce for aid, wbo prsssrlbsS ato sjosaea slsawbl Ulseoreryaad Catairk Bssasdy.sad aad their- naa bav raisaiy racororaa. - jay bearing at niatoraa, sad asfCslarihlseaUraly wi iu. JilUH BMi'TR. fkLT 1.80-48.884, BOLD Of sH lh Uvsn&o naof lh' nreaant ear. probably none bars ereatcd more aatoaiab. ssent waa see uiaaoa watca. Thcldeaof makiag s Watch forthsssaat! sam ef One Dollar, seams aa topoeelMliir, bat it asa at learih baso aooMpii.kaa, end a periect time Indicator prod need. Besides tola It eempriae a Com pass and Sua Wai, witbunt mtrot. it is ust ths thins tor toe pes Of svery traveller, trader, farmer, boy, and ersrrbedy deairiug rsliaU tlrakprw - It Is eieganUy got sp la a ease ot gold, saatal. wblcb toaa sxsct linil iuoa of goid, asusl wes'SB, giass eryatav ewsn au meiaiae works, sad warr ntad to nno4s rarrart 'ase and kaea ia order If fairly Bsad fur two years. -Aiotbiag Ilk hV w v-i rH. e ' This perfect triumph of mechanism will be seat la a awn case, post paid, to anv address, rorun uoiiar, at tore tor 1 we iotisa, tb pot Afreets for West and Booth. . , ds 10-dcodwtl y . LoutortU As, "LTVLOWtll Vor8,A. , Vaa Wiuca JTJ . Flower Pots, th beet, asd lL;btest pota soldmttues aarkot. - " r 1 J.C.fl.lLtIISD15X, 1 ;0- - r- ' Mann factarer and Deialer Is Tiu t-AISUeet bnWmv btoaewaii bu-vea, tbe t"n b world, BOM like then. Ha Roof ;nc. iut terii( aad rtpinir. a Bpc-iauty. Xtyulm atOiipoaite wa Uarkut iw (k ' , - ' -. r--t 1 i halaia-ht N. U, ' p.r?"..ltf r 1 "s qwsDia iBos.p.,,;..;,. ,:.......,.." i 1. IK. t, hXX ... 4 '- - - JVLIC4 U'.ViS W) - 1