7- M Mi Tbawat Aran. 14, 18H ; OBlAJa TTJBJTEB, Brlrtne. ;A gtnUeman-juat froa Newborn, asyt tattaglf word written abort, whleh U unfit for chrian smooth e ai editor's jtmJXkm ieaheewy aghi ho aayt,o-e. who ahaUethtSUU't property.. The SMtberm Bectuity ' Company , backed Jrjjj Bwepton, Bill; Smith and McAdeu.or (be Midland CWpeny, becked by Oakeeexith A Co." He repreeenU 'BUI; Smith en 4 b aba m heiag ttikal chance.-' $hr. . rVLTaiarl LmmMld PraaC nltr 'ln4ti-d44b fMia4 rvannanrV Th-ee ntWa 111 q ji tin party or makt Oald well iaaT4 Tbb action oa tba part "of tha.GOTeroor ahow tbat 1m baa beaa lit wlU Billy, tbe loro Blowat,ta ,iU aacvUfo( i . North CaroUaaEoa4,6tMrwiaeba would bar romoTed Billy, aa ba baa 4M taa ly, On. ' Bilijbai made money by tbjj ' leaaa. Hi waa antiwly hankntpa, aa axa aatioM nrtoroed tqr Jobnrtoa poo fill) abowriDa Ua axeaatioaa waa ratoraa4 by tba fbario; aotbiog ta bf ada fiooi the leaaa. Kilty lad CoL Hamphrey, bU partn ban built iiOJOOO huM ia i?oldaborJilx, bfaa aa ai4 la trODtteg fcw aawapapan, part Bapoblt- , aa an4 part Democratic, and od bid 'pwadect ibvoat TSfrr ahota Sctar"teelf e4 limit' froa KlaW ISm r and thaBootberi SccarltylODgi will owi til tba Baiboad propartf ( tba 6uia, ' It b aow only a o.aatioa of Ebso. Tba Stockboldan at QreamWoro, to-mor row, win accept eoMolidatloa which they pretend la dittwtaftii, mad :'i$tov food-by to tba proparty.. If Gea. Sibley aad tbe Ring eoald poaaeta tbematlrta of the Wra tersrotd byloaalng tb Praaldcpt 170t- 000, wba ia than- (e ! prercat tba tame partlea owning tht' North CaoUn rW4 wbea ttloaoa or trayt tU bonds to the amottot of ti,000,OM I :. Wbllt tbert w iwoeac, aiacrtat mea raroring oonaouda tioa. ; Wa aay t tba peepie, nettntt C CoajpUrey ox)f the Commiaaiooera appoina- ad by tba BUtc. Origlnatad oooaolldatlod but tba arigiaatera at tbe acbame wao Ttnowi and nTlcted vaharpr ,1a Wall Street, Noitb CaroUna nd Virginia. , Let tba people of tba .ITeat watch them or they will bar tb IiUlefleld-flwepaoDj gam repeated apo tbenv We aay thla in ao baatility to tbe iaproTeatea bad development of tbe Weet : AMOTUXU IXksA, Railroad. The manner of the thing meet the aoadeataatioej of erery bones man. Wbea Direetont0iatiftAV4itb oat first eilvartuunn Uia nr iHinm J ' u'"" ' . .rT. W5 it property belonging to the State, thtyj merit public oondemnaUon.1Tba mm the Midland aw hart merita, bat th r ot the teee tre matt eowdbawj we did Bill ftalth itfrmMmimfr the North Carolina Koad. Tha Newber ..wiwey veweejrooa oftbeleaaiair of the Atlantic A North d otter BpAff confidence ia tht wtetfrtty44 and ioaetty f Billy gBAith..Tteaflngpa the aoaeladtd 4 okawd wjth tha fothr reaolntioa aatarad h Ms J. J, Wedfaad eaj -BeaalteaV Tbat la tbe7ptrjie of the1 TOamW jRimmere BexpedieBt aad aaaaUaatly for the tnterest h. .t.WhnM rfth."lii.il. i. " " -- - Ll ' -along the Una, at well earth, faunrt' of aattfl fmImmmI attnnli9 fui laaaal IA7,a VtiiJ U.1 Nfirth Caroliaa Ballroal J fill J . , T7. . nrwh termttAtbt director dceffltx J '... .ir-al-t JJL'-J,W WW W uaTeimg (X. -a. j.-rii;-.'.'':,..L' lcate by the Beard of Director aad atocM I Cotdartofaakl Aetata, m Nerth tSlrel JinAlLoaCompajiy.aaanjiDg (if wpportof lhitwCbamaadtbUi -"eieMMUjCd t"lj mim EtiTecL Tbaf i olSclIttCdp 6 reaofution ba amniatelr aem to tbt I PiUtwajad PinctoriM, 'etlMvitleitll rallroed' ticket agent it 1 the world.1 ttiroaa wmpasy. - --w- .or. CeWweUa Nnt Wed nagv rfaicv inaay uuT vu the jeast bad bean r rmtnmauited beiore thd paptr reached tba - Tba faithful ' bare falls, cot. - 1 4 tt Q . ---T1,fHT Al .w Ii li 'fee-- Waww aame TThf Utejiroal we take It Mlcd ;H Jbi fmit that fofwaar aotd anape bad p ; Tbe fxotU ef Sunday ainl Monday, tba 191! aad 14th tntt- WU only : two dart , than the ftoet of 1849. wbkh occurred ;fM 15tn,lflth Bd 17U Of AprU,kiUiiigi , toe iran vuaa nnaiDraacnai oi ireea. la tht I 'Santh"& klllad all tba' anttna ami rJ I tbe latter being much of tt knee hin-bi I ' A ptastet tl tba Bontb sitting tt ' our, , ei bow while wa errite- taytf Aa far ti nritfhtfMi?vL burg aad Natchet, aTttrUilnti4 oeUoI I Tewra aad tba Uartt af tba trees, were bit t tft... . tt 1. l- t L I nna uiiguwu. vu.ma w mj rr-uiui ana 1 aaed Mid tt 11.00 pt buaheL Seed tike - .1.. 1. .ti ... ; - E-rvr J. aytU ibatjcv.jjCt piada.if) gt efl cotton, wbea betfaourd bare mde 130. 1 I Yet bt lott ulc( ao ttocey-ntbe. price 1 of cot ton adTWKiedoWt"to:,,t$''cctiti.f Such ea throatof l84aVl(.'ih.l,fA4ej f-oat ex tended to Rodnew aad the outh,j atBiwu ataw ii niiiia. they were in 1819. But ebeer wj- fo4 1 . KUU a4Ai4 ,vinws wr . aae wvumi ew as ... . . ! : . . i I. , . . i I tl me crop aaorBcoea u mua tee pr.ee l dotible-d,ioSbTemtdiiitcdof luaLt I a . THE BOUrOJUUC SOLDIERS. ' ' - . V It a late meeting of the goat, (0) branch oi tb Sogtborj Ili')cal (Jodaty, General W. 8. Walhet was called Opon la peak, and taid that is the mind of h is Oa daobegaito untold, she ask ed bus one Jsj bow bateat bileg. ''It wee hot off my daughter." .And in ana art to further inqairtot on her part, bt explain ad the r&ton l(hiqb' iodocad ' bim and bte fcllo wHjonntrynjaa to go to VBCpjtTbie iacidjni, be taid, bed coorinced bin) the,s$ceeelty for Just hiwork at NraA ooatetnplattd W th (rrgaoination 'ef ffae 8c&ietj9 llnUrical Society. He if ti that no paloa thoild be spired in gathering p material which would fit to their ,bil draa and to their .children't children "ailAr fcl PT -red, be tioaed tbe fact that daring tbe preeent tiod of leading Character! In a New Tprk aodiencef tbe inaa-j with the leeritabla cigar appeared, and Jhe paraauaUoa jraa greeted with the wlldeet ipplanse. jHeit, Otneral Robert . & Let wae aa eoooeaafully paraoaated ii M')poasitjla" fiMa, tba iariuia wae toeieat and tbe ap plaaealhat greeted tba name AoJ peraeea ttoa of thediatingnlahed jgotbew general hook -fbirtundltig pod ipll iodwn'i TOere wae t? tbat faclaa omen pit ,fbe futar happy eiaea, be hoped, for tbe whole eonnt7, ,He,?bj waTof "tht Uoloo; li we ooald keep iti U there waa aay,ieoeaiioa In future, It would be oa the part of HeWlailalA'fTlt)', biatory ofj RraUieTBol(nIrjuia rprowet re- ooid tba aay h other the aation eottld how., Jt would hara to toka Lea, Jobn- aoe and BtoocWaU Jackaod is "f kethpla'a of military geoiui, and confeea that Sovtb- tra eoidlery vv (be'brtreat rn the woMd." " f m TUX EAGLE AND THE CKOWr 1 ( Mr. Bobbins, member of Congress from North 'lini'iiW,'i''"speecb' upoaljbe OiTil Rights bill, made a soggestioa tbat; might with propriety ba adopted. pOe fcTai.Mie aW-S bd ei i , -ibeveyor head Mr. flpeater, I ae tHflljmtgAiuii preaonlment of the eagle, our national emblem. In tbe name of the prevalent idea. I inggeet that he be tojfn 4oalut Jfcft oeh tola doifnbe. f"ij wtw iwq I ,. . 7T I t it an emblem loi wtnnoanMaKIWt reapecta, such bletbtorlag iripeuttteirTtnd Vtt Hk.- 4 mAsim-tiHtddM that ii Mit bllltj as (Mtfe. tha vm.nrA rrnmnr, tmHb"mtfe1wmnl! frora hUt n.t IJ.1. " 4 ill P":A'V r,''1TrTT:i7' J-atlrtfS I Tbealew Vork WJ . bead a ei : tth In k ihanty" Waa lifr. during the I test war I. mmp a-(am aw to3i i-"" wa.,; .aw "TBanduakf tnumeratea ' two ' feaawa; ' JLrXTial VT I 7 Mb ufpilpeopl. there would loome tasaaylBone week Iftbey ba I I. . . v .IJ; i ' a i t V1 uia, that 4 4d7a4pJbjB; reatl, threshed tbirtyine aeholari bi iu day. ;,Eo Tatroa 4' lluabandri ognf tSaaoara the right to exhibit her aj !ta)CJwtaia, Fa)r 'aatJjaVvcy'nipta "Cincinnati claimii to tha 1111 httbt habit erClneinnatl te claim trertl tbrng b inott i;ced'i itod baan'Lgol U i- .- fa.w'j mn FraakJls ILdjfgJJii wild of Michigan l it long ajnee) and 114 A 1 I .. ....!. utoui,. n 1 1 r"""1" " " "" -r wriBBJ. I etona wat, parbapa, the at oat akillful self-1 loser that atrtt adopt ttie profceaioe mm tpeciaiir, aaq toBJoeTtr caught Au atari-4 Ug out to loet -hlmtelf without takbiif" thf pieptaC ai yr. -.v.i( Mt mw f J A Miaaouri p.pr any -that nothing ti-1 4ir:1 : ' inor? t,t, bJeh, burl"J " tianet a week for trlfihl iontb,W should to fiBj dbeea inch a foot at 1 bjcrib for A aewipaper that would cod d . Ifbdnr1tri Won! immv bin. am. ( h .n tA k.M I. - 'rsi I hou" 1,foke "f1? " tAUcderery aigrit I dnrinVthftrvWtUhL.T.I tf J I t Tbertltfsajd tobeiaUuitTerral It wheat wife baa tlobed Ire timet. who hat ftargi rem And .taken het beck btt heart and bomt'ererf time ""Wa rcry asi!r e how a 'IjhntiB9.mmbl fcd of peace In tha family, eohld torrf. atawrl!. twn Wt''i'.-.r''T';v"v . . pi! ir. .1 lk.1 1 . J . ' m . 1 I r-v ?t " ""J g'"ra uarayi end .TS I act much ices ciearly in iact, d trorJ i . i .t- . flpufitf, ttr, I demio Ifcat iuilwCSU ttere He U a repuircjl-jUie king pf bd jrie J not al flt'eribfem I Qanj tliWtfeSai-no p'rr4r-w. 11 me wnat oira couia wiw propriety re uvinii. nr iuno u.. actt S "" yit- H .1 iVJ Jf'ifl''i 'r r,A Pbratinaa la atiendaaee toiaswareorref tloua te Kan FrjnUiKXt sudltuiarllU Ll- w Zl DOl la hli li aoff vTbtvMDW.Jur. He if .fi"!?2rl" i h.aifTConcerU. nndrfU..nonrtMonof aw II a bird of medium aiae. and thereireWi Bend stamp fea-FampfaleH Irr Jtk a oomiJtt of piWrnaVeitbra selected by lit !'" . '.. 12, .J II ... . .. : ' .i ll Weucae omqenk . af0nnaITla7tkTS.Tlmln.,,l . nr ! I Wae-a,,ai a, J ri.V.'l.'A,. 1 . J loUowuur wcU -1 i .i: , ..r - S VTTTV",. e-1l16WM eMAVh aVCaMUUbbBU Abru'l wumgw i - iwminf i,.i,wii t ---- -- - 11 i,."r JTtrTr-T" 1 mb-i:--0 BOTH iirrCja. i,iuii 1 drtMllBl fAhif ' TX ituau i ii s IWhdlesalejG-rocers 00MMISSION MERCHANTS, fatetteville street, 0 ph o 1 1 1 M 1 5 ' o ,". 1 T 1 1 I I U aj 1 , b p. trrLdAw . W. . UPCHUKtill, J J. THOMAS. Sept .'8-tf O ALE OF REAL ESTATE H virtue of a d of mortmiffl ex ecu - U-A to m on the lt diy ol April, 1871, by loko W. EktaaitBBd-wUa, I ahau. oa aatan Ly, the ih of AprU, l7raell afpab'te djouiiiia lit landa ( ltW Ailaa, r.r. TikIi and otbert. , 1 . For parttca an apply u 1. r. uefa rasa attorney, atUklKh. ' prUl dt' - ' ' FLUip EXTRACT let ' w n' . own remedy for , , t3 H O ' J C r inuiiakB t Aad a ptrwtrr raaaady for UOUf. ORiVEL. 8TKlrrpRE. D1A- .: BlIES, DXbPEFbIA, KERVOUi IUIB1UTT, DXOP8T, Vm Untliaor iaoonttnearaoi Orbn, IrrlW i .jaUw. JWUnunatioB or lioeraUon 01 vue , Leneorrnesa ot WnKee, Diseases ef th Proa - traU UUad, Stone ta tba Bladder, CsVulus Orard br Vrickdnst pepoalOilui .. Macw or atugy wacnargea. UABNETV 1 BITlUCTBtCm) ( PsrmaaenUy Owrea an otsesaes 01 tne , . j. ' J BBADTJEB, KID NETS, AND DR0P8I CAL 8WELLING8, HT NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE 1 Wrdf. eelesaT 0o be We bf Keari aefa Fhrid Hxtraet Beeha is wortb Inom wan all eahat Bacha em-ahiaad -'.'i ilai); : w rrtee, One Doiiar pec BetUe, er 8U aouui ... j . TT iW M Of 4tfeto end tKfdtoli - . ; . Xjil.lMii' aiimiMia, mewT-Twir Mail, al i .! t B Dtor, gradaaM of eBcr 1Ied; leal Collfegt, PhlladflphiV Author of eWeraf Valuable works eaa ba tonsaltod on T1 dla, .tliur hr 'nf how l..mr hn.ii.. a ,.r.M. ""W1' I rw I Wbies hha W treat dlaeaaa) wiar I ucc??. Karantl. t hara- Imaa. ia 1 bia. Tkose aA dtataao can Jorwarw Hotter d eseribiug aymptom and mityhi to nrenat uoitaira h-brti'I t. th(rtiVfci tooffA. Hceli I sawwifaft boa ,j . I . -iSr. ! ,i ,.. .w J. B. DYOTT. M. D.. , Pbraiolaa and Sargwoa, llli Duaiia St, N T Mttli r,T.V 4VlKtil Slifi'f HyU , . I EVBKT floB riMMdHisD wort Aaw Wanl RARTwua yaa.iitrJAaf flmtgu u win entar tn ground tetteiy ' It bat ih.m(i eutierwrftw, , i wiii ii;aa ana acour tn iMiit, 1(l K i It It the I true treat sraiia ll.ieavar aaajJ o It Is the anaak enTaotaei Hon bet weed planta cloae tocher, fto., Ae, " I Write ftr DescrlpiWe ClMHla mm ff ''FittcV'YjirLt '" " !Va'iai 'w4'"wV v-. ': msi O W iU,,JjOL LA.U i m umj b i.i j j ir. 'V ur-ta H ; R'A L E I Q H ' N '0 1 ti MX "t&ZlitZZTS ; j I , Iwil!krt m I St"(f. wi! ettetid tt my offlceiDa tb taf iuiolUl. of TTrlnm fW,. .kt.W I nu" I CUUC1CU r- - '-rn--r" I V n v.A.u.MMnaon, otlcutale. nomatter trom what causa urkin4 1 We will alto a wim atvciiu a my viuceoninemoxtH.il;.. I, I ' - - .vow DOW. Iprfi;i8?4Uiapwpa S dc, .iBoUai flea Uxlittfotthecitrot Raleigh Abr Abe real joi - i ne nmea eru D Kent Owen dov nnff me " twenty " wortine' iririff'aati April. .' Tboet lai II ao td list nil! be an ret to double tax. W. WLUTAJTLUi. jurea no, laa, . , ,Da, Morv'tLlVBBFlXAAi-dtiaaaaa to nuke a pill, bail make a good nUl, L ah! r.7 "r TT '1 . ' a aare a.we jjiua. uaisra,0( area ka DeaMflt than I aavTwhare. Jon W. U.a.r r Proprtalora, land 8 LrUagaPiaea,New XerT wy - 'o A !i J' -'' ' m : w l X, -Law o-vridiSt On Coup, J?0jft 5ff aja r'i ,;- '.-1 - , ? " r1 361 . arf..-sJ 1 eeeial attention rlreaU lavina at Hi s tea ill, in vlaw of the lata dssl.tma tw. preama Court of thaiiaitneV Slates e ibeb-1 . ' -. aaw ismeirc Ai s. "T I - 1 1 I T,'I"T F -.wrnrn.- instanur reoiaviog ? ""? " aemata - xa mmtnm- . .u .- JAAUati AL TOWLE.1. aay ttl Agk Bar tba Manataetauaas,! r.4l t A 0 A M tdk O flk. - t itABAkl dere and Mask .AoiuMterr and Msehtntutt tad era and dealars la Saw Mills aad Macaaaarraf .11 iaj ilnil 11 1U. U . , .vl ivrrtptitMi,. Alto. 4t.art iW MUk. ' I'i 'T, . .1.11 xor iit cacan t-n aartWid fmt w - i - F - tog Mortar, b b ean be seen at theirl - d . ... ... . . ""i- "; cruara oi we tnrt Hoaaa. TZlL'ZlZV 0i ,rnA A- I . . I 1 MathtL 1 agb SPRING 1874. CUiTi' J-E1S(J aaT, Tba blading Bprine etylea la medium and Fine Fella, t the aoojt reaaooabk price. Now ready at R. B. ANDRKWS4 00 Cloth if ra and OeaU' "ttniaher. ' S Next dwt to Tucker Hall. r TUlciith, N. U fob. 27lh 1674. $50,000 FOB $1.0.0. THE F1KST OKI AT SALT LAKE F1 1 Oonturt niioriMiI bf aad andertn T Oonturt enfiioriMiI bf mat ander the auerrifioa of tbe dtr mthonue ti Curriaae Utv, tor U boiMtnt aad ta mid of the . . Thf i)ii!y Kroe Echeol in Utah Territory, Ti u.Uw of .fu bile Free School 1 Captain 8. Ho we, J. 8. Gerrub a'nd Alexander Topourc. $226,500 .1. Distributed 10 JU to tbe ficketU'ililere at A (1UANU .GIFT CONCEIT TO BK HELD AT THB 0PgH'IT0CfS. CltT Or V0R1SNS , , V Alaroa B 1st, 187. Ppoilcy, Bant 'of OvrirtM. 800, 00 TIC. ITS t IW tl.00 each Or ir for Fire Dollar. $226,50 in oifts! . , UIOLMti: I Grand tluah Gift, ' VA,m I m u 95,000 1 " 12,000 1 " " s.ouo 1 " o.yuu l " 5,0U) 1 ... ,ouo I " " 8,0(10 1 " " 8,000 5 " " 11,000 each 5,000 ti ' " 400 earn 10,000 IO " 100 each 10.000 MM "60 each lO.OIIO 700 " " A each 14,000 00 " " 10 each 6,000 l,SUr " 5 each t.&OO 50 O11O' " " 1 each. 60,100 UM Cash (lifts Nnoantlng W f'JJ,500 One X'hanou la Every Mine. the dUtrlbbtioa w.ill be in pabllc, and will kaown ritliAii. 1 XT TIbbala. A Tomim i w.ui. ' j it wifwjf-iiiMiKi, 01 i .y v ouncii. II '"w1 . i u b Afcttj.or : atalsn wutwe 4, sic, As'l u t '-lviwalPfOj.iHtoia, MlrupllUo Ho- I ItUll . 1.1-:1.U.IJU 1 .1 K.I..... ,...i.:ki . o i) chmgnl ' A Te , Co uwu. uu tractor: I chant . M t ( amptxa, Proirlstor CentmJ youiuissioe Mar m a. creein. rrODrleUra Pa. smea, aencaasi ilabma, Muol announce Ul.L earll and Aura person baying Uckotcanat ani and all Una I nv.n,nA iinr ImwiL .ml .11 kn.T... 4. jou. uuoneotea with ina entemrta ud 1 lbs drawiue, of uriaea will ha niwuut I. k. I bands of l..,liflst aid diaiaUtratA I lniureyaj sed : partial distribution. WoodPepopMe Agents Wanted, Liberal 'ommbsloa Allowed, ' 1 ! 9Moae tboeld be sank by Exnreaser by draft em aa selvent bank, j Poatomee Money-Order, er HegUlared Letter a ear risk. Fe-ertlal" addrfiaa 1 ' "'! MOK6AN, Mansger, i,i' .it Loci Box 15S, Cortaaa, Ltah. ydaa ! .a EXJ MP ,;j yr AUD I DaOO tooa glas Lamp Plaster, direct front ehe'jaama, vyinciaor. N. aV , Frvah ireand ptaauar v up ib DM and at, jjmiay ja. a ewa.. htrtPLlS BLAIBV' .. ,,"! y tJinri.mlsslon MerehaWts, U"7 Basin Bank Klchmond, Va. aMrtdllmos THE iyAUJtnJUTEU , , ","iurAii.. rr . flo' ;aw.u levia kthLs' Trade sniiDlIad .t u." "O"A,Bja90N, BRADFORD A CO'S HTEIX I'KIVS. sAi wAke emuknaw. BOn'BKil&0 Aft9. Faeeorr. ML Vermont tMnen. r&Joaa at M V (JJ.ST'8 Hats lost received, the late 4 niK.HU nHVUlll alitr. The AUK t ttant'i &U Hat kathl mark at IS5.60. a D.HBABTf A Oft BorSB-tf If Manalactunrs aad Dealert In all kind of Cbttoa aad Shock Matraaeet, j dso No, t, Fayttterilla Street, ar I4tf 1 ' v, m m R.0S1" . - - A K J U V F, iinimi TTFt f JltUJ ilK -'my !. if I M lii J,US T,O U T !' -.1.' - 1 $ P-M! t . l, J - ' ait warnsAi; aad .sit 4 J I JtA ABDEE W AWW ClothrDd rnraJabar..: '"' "J, ll' Y 1 " - ' " " i ' ' - " - r ' ' . "jmif.i. -u.. .-I MEI. XQIl 1 OWli'' 5! rrraa gjod 'aa the Market' eaa aSar4- Charge - reaaonahle. I BtarchlSU Mrt-EOAEOWE,' wmm -piEKJJCM BTEAM iVAnUEK . BLtiCDER. TBE LAlEaT. BEST AND CHEAPEST A8HE MADE. That Bteaa Wwlter are better Ui.u other, la now areaenUly eoneaded. That the Peer kBM la tiie beet of itusun V ubnrs will be a readily admitted by every one who vm it ud fiies It with other. ta coDstnittipg U nc w to jruh the Iwyest quantity of water thro u Kb the clotli lux la the abortcet Uma, and to compell all Uie water to go where it hi detrr4, and pre vent ita going any where .in it Iim bo bungling valros to make toe water now by fit aud ecaae to flow at Interval but cauee It to tow steadily pouring ahrtMn atreaaaa on the whole sur'aca of the vlolu jug Then the water has not ta drtcend to tbe centre or both ea.de oi tbe talae bottom to iret back to it starting noint but k'" .triiuh t down from where it falla, wuhinif all parts of Uie ciotb iug dow uutouaiwl y its lapld turrea . 11 rnibea through the clothing inany. timet pi t minate and alt-aw them la lOio -iO Bitaole I 1 be eoet of the aiachlae may be saved tery soon differuct In wear ji tn- cmw. it may be saved very sooa la Uie ulnVreawe ot labor miuiruu. In. A MciMiiBaa to St. -rtenr b ifd Wttft Ub4i ad- wU- aa 4ba .'tftWntriWa: mWT''"; thoroughly. As it name lndicalea it u PEERLESS AMONG ALL. Thev are made of best J la. The boiler with galvanised Iron bottom, will last many yea rs and are .old at tho f ol owing low PRICKS 4 For the Washer 'mil Holler, nmal slsc) $8. For the Washer alone. uu.l rise.) la: For the Wanlar and IL.il.ir (cxlra Urge) tV.SO. For the wwlii-r .lone -nr. large) so. Tbe usual sixu 11 luche wide by M long ui-aaoep. The extra large U Inches wide by 30 long t'J 1-adeap, - . r m Sent anywhere per express on receipt ot price by j. A. jupi ne. rroprwior, Kaleigh N. C. 7-tf 50, layetteville St. BEAUTIFUL TIM TOUJCT SETTS, BRASH TOP FENDEKS, POWDERED BATH BRICK for cleaning nnivr.B, TinwAKE, c. AT mim& a buhl' 1,500 ,50) POUNDS PURK AND FKE8R 0 OAS UiiOCNl) IN RKFINED LIN BEED OIL. Buy only the best, our label oa It. So tbat every Can has BK1U08 80N8. feb 17-U s C O VI L L ' ' Blood aiid LiTer Si rop t A U. eotaneona eniptions en the face nr bod) Indicate An Inrtiuc Cohdii ion or ths Blood aad Una may, er may n t be Sohofola but in either ease the dieeeseis nr thing more than an miuious reison that , , a .1 , "trnugn- Ilie-forhs7owliiij 'seed wa uuetii Wvu CTOI J I'UlimUUa. ( In IbjeeetndlUtfn ef tklags toaietelBg ia nam, WOJUNI THA IUHIU and BOOV1U.S BLOOO AND LIVE It gXKUl1 will rwiTiTBLt iffeet thU desideratum, .ex. pulling every traaa el diawse from UiaTwutMl and iy.Um, and leavitig tbe kln - WiTty FATE AND BI lUTIFUL. Hondredeef eertUoatet atteat Me ralne. rtee 11 per boUla. 7" OHN . HENST, CTKRANAro.. Frop'rui R ainl ti s"J I...... Ul U w k i I..RB01'BIKTUB8 OFil:.'.;" . .- Hall's Balaam for theUnga, CarboUc Jalwu BT1arAi fV,l.Al. i i . , . ""J - van"""' trucuoi, X VafCTl lU'.fl Bitten forDyipepaia, Dr. UotC Llv erPUIej D. Aagmf VegetablJ- Worm Syrup, Dr. onre Ueata to.KaU,MJca, ,4 and Vermin. Kussian , . , FOB BALE BT ALL oWaiaT,. ISaVr ar-lm-W DOWN TQI! niVHK oa MicTiciL itssosi vmi The Code Duello. . -at AN AMATEUR, V aiS 'u3 ?, jabushora. prlci This la a Southern Book, founded on noma enn-axje lately transpired to Oeorgtaaad Alabama, in whicn soma North Ckroaiiian. Were prominent eetors. , , - . , , ; For Sale at the Book Store of l! .... ALFttUD WILLXAMS. marlltf .. ' IS W CKOF CUB MOLLASSEsT 500 Hiids; : 1 ! HEW ieui.it For aabi by worth worth;1' Wdmiugtan, N. (J- lylAMlOiwAt IIE FIRST ; PJtEMIUJrt TATA? JtEEDLE Ot.T Wat Awarded the GOLD MEDAL u i1.,?1 8lf T,r ,OTOr an othereml, Uta the Bea and only Wuj fne Proof $5 We BW hava ana aa ahtkHi .a q. ' a w Oct tf Sola Air,?, t. JALBltaU FEMALE 6EMINAKT '-Tliiril'itT, xt.-tJt f FPHoaooD, AM., .. Friod,) H WKranuAr, (U Va,) Aaso, i. trUcl aJ Da L Von MaxaBnorr, Vienna, - Maam 'hi nPRivn vrii: m i" r,n. ". MoaTDAT JAN m iut. alogaK decSOddtwIw ..ilw j J Iff S T ' RECEIVE D't f I went t y iioogrem Oaltara. w j rrniw,- ""tore. . , I " .t - T.10"" te made fc order eUbeatiathscitr - TV, . i ' - i- 9 ti ' ',.-;,..A. x li -f tl , C. 0. REAElt A Co. i - Upwards of fifty First Premiums Uold and Silver Medals, were ewareed to Cfaarlea M. BUeff, for the best Piano, In aompieUtiai wllfc all the leading manufacturers in the ooostry. Office and Warerooma, Mo. V N. Liberty Street. BalUmon, aid. , The superiority of the Cnrivallnd BUel Plaao Poite,laeoneeded by aliwb hare com pared it with othera. Is their Mew Uren Square Seals, 1M Uctavea,'the manufactur has sweeded in ' making the most erra Piano Purtu possible. Pricua will M found as reasonaMo as coubn Usia with thoroagh workmaaahip. A large sssnttmantot aveuaif bead Pianos alway. on hand, from f 75 to fcjUO. we are sgenu lor uie eeteoratea oarae and others IBrouirJ the Booth,' who hsve bongbt the StlEFF flAMO stnee tba doa of the war. Several of our Pianos with the improve meats can be seen at the residence of Prof. A . Baumau, who is our authorised agent. marft-wian W AG S S FOK ALL WHO ARE WILLI NO TO WOKK. Any person, old or young, of either sex, ean make from 6 1 0 to t&0 per weak, st home er in connection with other buaineaa, Wanted by all, Suitable to either city or conn- try, aad an; eaasvn ot the year. This ia a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an Indepen dent Irving. No capital being required. Oar .....M..t t in ku.- t i Ultra . i luiMo grving fall tnstmotiona, sent en receipt of ll cent... Addles. A. BUKTON dt CO., Morrt- ania, Westchester 'Cot, N. T. 4 (" i KiTW evarywhara to sell oar aaw and iHHilUO novel Kmbroidcring Machin WAHlTfn Senator lllontrated CircnUr, ll All Alt toUte Mi'Kee Ataaafactartng Vompaoy.aow Broadway, mw xork. THB FAKLOJl CX3MFAKION. Erery Lady wan one Evan Man oturht to hare one 1 1 Sent oa receipt of Ten Oenta. Address, L. F, 11 Sereuut Arenna, New Xarlv The Beckwrtth (30 Portable Family nVavrmg BCachlM,oa 30 Deya Trial, nirr advanlagus over all. aatbua. Uou guaranteed. Or F'lU refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beckwlth Sewing Machine Co., a liroaowuy, o. I. THE NEW KLECTIC TRDsS. An - poruax InaMtteii Tt retains the Ruptbre s all tUao, and nnder. Ihe hardest sxesuise -or sere: et .train. It la worn with comfort, and if befit ea night aad day, eftesU s nernaanentt cure in a lew weeks. t jiu cheap, and seat by mail when requeaterl, eircalars free, when ordered by letter eent to Tha Elastic Truss to., HO S1 Broadway, N. X. City. Nobody sines aieiai opruw i nusv ; loo painiai ; i they npiou oo ireqnentry. ' mar a-oaodAwawwlv milSfcOTTONGfT One afi Saw Oin. iuat to hand of UiU raaUv eeletiratad AialMina Uln. ihe teatunun a nauimons that they tiin fatvr and luakssl better sample than any other ever made Price (4 per saw and tmsportatlon, f AMKo M. T0WLE8, aeptlaVtf . Aguat, the boidiah bnnuhes in a school or family of ....... v.,, nwwwinw glvvQ- Address, ... MIPS 8. W., ; dec 7-,U wtf Oxford . C QXFOBD" MALE tCHOCL, j-., : f ,. aw OXFORD, N. C. English. Ulsaslcal and Mathematical. Boa. a aaa be pienved aa Uie Puaeipai'i faaauj. Terms per eesaton o twenty weeks : 1 Engllali ewree - r -.--'-aMn Vlassical . . , yu.do . .Aafaiiwiteorir I The TroAtees of Oxford Male Acsdnj'iDi vito the attention of (hose having charge of ednection. e hoy. So She abeve sara oj l1 A. laenderson. Mr. Henderson ha had several years of saceessf pj experience as k uachar aad ia In aU reapaoU wail qnalilej to maintain tha high character enjoved br Ox ford ScbooU in the past ' ' I " " ' ' L AMIS, , . , President Bosru ol Tnuteea. ; dec S-ditawlm A tlt N Oh the IztU Instant a small sorret mar With white kind feat aad a small wbne epot In the forehead, and apparently about six or acres years old. TheewaerwiQ pteaat prot r'Mjr"., rj waaa au iaaa uar away. W hi. MoKGAN H AtOberlava miltaarekof In N. , VaaK lal w.111 ' FOR SALS. NE Handsome no top Sewing Macblnd and eighty dollars, and will be said for on fTWaaKWaaWDtaVaBn iHtw tsntR. aaATtal TrnuleaA' sgon,)naari new coat an. hundred hondred. ONj light tap Family Carriage la good order.DrlceiS dollara. Eaa n ita at ftnntht era a,xiraai vine, Ol JOHN K. FERRAU. mar !M dlw Ml'Ji AMILJUritMI-. ' pro -noae as sooa as a sni detent nambar of - ' nbserlberstolnsUfy t tbepuMlcaUoacanbeob. ' tabled, to rapubliab the Joara. ' alof Fanning. Only tlty copies of . H were originally pni Ushed. Want ing the l btmina aad lifnautln. a WrlU aUfeof Fanning I applied te Mrs. Spea. , ot Chapel UiU, who ha reecroaaiv lenajntedte write a life of Fanning w aeeompany the Journal. All -(" that M wan lal, la a eafBeient ; . , . nnmber ot subvoriben to pay expense of pnblica- " : Urns. tbebeakwUl ,os4Uke romance , lor Fanning was ' -. a here a well " . , : - JL-i .l '.'. ) u THOMAS D, TLaUIER, ,. Sentinel Office, Raleigh, N. 1- now ai?! ' '. - j.0 specuiaio i e e e 8 8 1 Randall h.foOteac Bankers end Broker, ta Broadway, if. f.. lemnera or. atoca xebaagaaad Gold eard. ReJereaees Maehaakr'a Aaakaa. a-iT tioa, or any Banking Bonaa nr rrmmsinii Araocyla New York. - N, R-PaaiphJe ea "Wall treat and ita SeraUoea," bee on arpllcaUoa. T WAJUtEJt'JiX)aV Beat Hoe erartan fnraMaa; i'o'y'-.T naa. ,ntaturcanmuar mad prions. . ..a- i:'i mi I JVUV LEWIS A. 0O, j .tntarriaf waA4artlarM.tl I Trade aappUed at Mansfaotarara' Price. I Cabinet, Parlor aad Uburoh Organs, aU styles WfcaaasBe frW CjaoitBiana, at JMjuneifaaans 1 - ri -t. si! , , TWESTT-rirTC.'Fw'iir. PIPTY ,Ca 35 Case Mixed Flcklea. to " Brandy Peaches. 40 Doa Caus Fresh Puachee, 10UU Punnus puis Caul) auurt At oct W U R. F. JuXKa A (,,j.8 DA. WDXt UALZ.S THB ORB AT AMEBUOANOOi. bUMPTIVE KEMEDx Coiwuiuptiou h MVT aa WaraUeoiM, PhynlcUns aas ire as of thii fai t, 'n 'l, uuj, neceuary to havi the "right' reim", u terrible malady can ba coqiered Jul V.'V Tbk r:r, Creak, up the iilgbtswmta, relieve, u,, ppreaive tigUness acrt'ss the Luut. ., heals the lacerated aud excoriated n,r... which the venom tf tbe eiauase-produc WHILE LIFE LAS l"S THERE IS HopE It may not be too late to eflect a cni after tbe doctors hsve given you up. "AUJA is .old everywhere ajid may be had st wholeaale of the Prowl,.,... JOHN r. ilENKY, CUKRAM CO . ,i ti,,,'. Ureat Medicine Warcnouse, 8 aud u,i Place, New York. Price l us, liu BAIL'S BAUAM is .lao a sure rviuodj tor Cotv'av Cilda, PneUlliotil llroiielutui, Sj'ilUiig ol ilood, '-'"I , WUoOPlNU COUUU, and otbur. ukmor ..ta. U.a rpi,.u," Alao Proprietors of dcovld . Blood auu t,iv er Syrup, Carbolic baJve, Edey'a Troches Oxygenated Bitter., Mott's Mver Pills, At., JOHN F. UENKV, CUIIHAN & CO. , Ban . J CoIJcxb Phicu,,Jlw Xork Jan IsMm 2 M t'O RT A N T N 0 r l v K iNEW AUOli'iO.Nti TO OUR LA KGi; AKU a 'r ruAcn v is; stock DRY GOODS, NOI'lONS, Hooiti, SHOEfj, HAT8, te. Our Senior , Partner ha Jut returned froui New' York wherehrli been for several da?. msklipuRhaae at panic price., to .,3, made st s very ereai dV.l7 ..i Sf ' were selling nW-atoeh ai .",31" 'e'are tiy no Inlying th f n..h L. prHX' f to hein oiferedshKe thi wir bf'B W 001 torlJiee. "I.f'tfr. tiiAAiViaiui, LjLuiuaiu P,.-a .. W ruil A lu.a f.. Wa rinrrrangl1rIu.ad.,irir Pon . cS, bTul h"i flxed mg of u. doWt hlp 'bjv h ,br ,,a and al .w debU. Vy Uoef f0r b buying In thh PrM W held and Clemiune Bno"'ae. Cheater- Mn a,f5rrr JONES, No. HO F.v...vv,Ue Jan 1U Street. F -ALE pure article of Brand v or Whi.i...i- t y Address D. F. FOU8T, II..,. 'u . octm-wifita tyr UnilfordCV, N. U s E A Q I F T A NOVEL; EDWIN W. FULLr.it A.lhorof-Th.ABKoIaTlieU()ua For sale by lfred William k Booka ; iiim STORE. m C D. MIT 1 CO. Fayetteville St. ABOTB TTJCXXB HALU -a '""-t- L ATE8T ST TIES OF B6otsSa7ho43sr - Uats, fec. Visiters to Urn Fair are lartted to call oa a aad axsmine ovaevatock.. . Boots, lioes, Hats,&c ; ..ASTECLILTT. ! oct a: iTw c v 1. 1 ij e a i, 'tisr: i Ton Fresh Burnt Shetl Urn at D.pot, , soinsUwa. LuJ Ll..t.. '-i. I al. o. 1 Buildro Lime. , iJAMEa At. TOWLES, ill mm fehSi-lw tAuiMiaaioa Msacaaar.