THE SENHPB Tlie Celebrated ,(MISCEtLi2IE0TO:v IMBUHiKCt T K SINTINEl PRO88tOSil. CARDS, t ' LEGAL NOTICES. !"V BTaiI M okTH CaBoLIMa, t COOWTI af jMtauL. t n nk arrramiom ooubt. JWiliaa tal Jfcat JMt fi JWttttw Wm B Baauey and Vila Bllaabeta, J H Btadra sad wife Bapaeeala, Martha K Bsm any, AaaeB Taylor, Joan W face and wife Margariit, hyktf aest frteMiohn W falaufii, ' " ' ' MISCELLANEOUS EnocllMorgan4s Son's substitute for Soap for til Huaa h Id purpose, eioept hUb clothe i .8 AJr": 0 L I 7 for cleaning roar boas vrBl mt toe labor of one cleaner. UWa tt trial. 0 X 0 for Window la better than whiting or fetor. No moving curtain and ear pets. 8 A P 0 L I 0 cleans paint wd wood. In fact the en-,, fire house, better than eoep. No stop pine. Saves labor. Ion can't afford to be without ft. pOB Jl , OAIIOLINA Life i.rsuiui.rcE to. j-OHH iR'IUSOX BOOKBIOT)ER An Blaak Book MaBBfctarei'. LTIMO-UEjLOC - UOSHTAL., . ', bmcxWTBoUTmDWr Raleigh, n. c. JOB E. rDR. JOHN SO v iralctaa of thla ealeuratw i...... ... Capitol ioo,ooo erd. whn to the uu HaUua.?7 1 ti i NABnMeyadwlfAjr,MJRaiayed. twVl?S to Oitt on' r tiltzer. R A L Jt 10 U, M . orricaast H0M. BBMP P. BATTLE.. .. ... PreeWen JT. H. CAMERON Vic freyideat W. H. MCKS Secretary DR. X. B. HAYWOOi Medical Director W. L ROY8TER, Assistant Medical Director J.B.BATCHKLOB Attorney a H, rBRBI... .Supervising Agent D1HSCT0M : - Hon. Kemp rTBattle, Uon. Johu Manning, Hon; John W. CunuiuiEhein, Hun. Win. A. Smith, Col. W. L. Saunders, J. C. McKae, Hoa. Tod R. Caldwell, ben. W. R. Cox, R. V. MeAdervJ. B. Batchclor, John NlchoUvCoL L. W. Humphrey, A. A. McKoy. J. C. Blake Cot T. M. Halt. C. Tate Murphy. LJ.Ioung, If Hacnet Joawpk Katasey aaa wtrsiyaia, Jeka W Bamkay and wife, Xdward B Baaaty lad wifa, Imfaadaatt, ltappaarlM totomtfaetloaof tbeCbart that tb above aaaoed sefeatdanU M I Ramsey bbd wife, Joseph Barney aad wife, John W Ramaey aad wlia, aad Bdward B tUataay aad Wife, art new resident of tola Slate, the are hereby aoUeed to at pear at the nc of to Clerk of the Superior Court tor th County Of Chatham within M day after the sarvk tt thi auaameoa, nd aaa war the eomplalnt, ft aop of which wUl to deposited to thtoBie Of the Clerk of ttoSpetor AtoaH do said Ooanty wltaia 1 day treat tht data bereof , aad ml thee take aotlct that ht the tail to tea it v M too .yrtam. f it. P L E M M I H O yrj aanra,mrHeocy. Oas Lw ATWUKKT AT IaAf BALtlaB, M. GlLlIAM'rJ - A?. A P '6 I "11 d noas - sain. AtoeUona ef tiia 1 1., , for fioourins Koto Is bettor and OfBee Bottla vf Ooitrt 4obm Beat,, hm tUatlaal IMIm. ' " - cleaner than Bath Brisk. Will sot arising inwaooiitarjiuaattaoi Foitaiaaa aa tod solitary practices mom fuUl tTtheaTJI - cratch. )nef-U i.8- JLP OLIO. A1X BUNDS. Of a. V. aoom - la better than soap and tand for pol- WllUtUM lahlug Tluwi Brighton without OOBB .ATLIN, T- i, Uuu' rwodeymganU- tJ, w, K. Amiown, June 4. te tbesato wiwta taat um OFFIC ; - attar Wart All the work of -" . HERN FERTIL IX.INU COMPANY, uinde from the formula of i'hVF. WILLIAM UlLHAM la "tamped with he above PATENTED TRAOB 1.RK to (jUARANTRE ltdistlnet from all otheri. Prepared Etpeeiallj asd Solely for the cotton eitop, BY THfi "SOUTHERN FKRTILIZINU COM PANY." RICHMOND, VA ... sjr "Each Specie of Plant moat have the pSoiriC FOOASUTTEDTOlToPECULlAB ATt'HK In order to produce the LABUBbT I .iND MOST REMUNERATIVE RESULTS." TUB HIGHEST TESTIMONIALS received fruiu every llrwlioa Irum many of the Large t FAKMKK8 from OPINIONS OF THE PRESS and NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS, and UTIIER OlSLSTEKBdTBU PARTIES, through lut DAILY PttE4, relative to lie aplcudld ac tion throughout (f he State. THIS CELEBE1TED "COTTON" FERTILIZER lias won tucti a marked and exteneive rcpata tion throughout the cotton growini region of North Carolina and Virginia; and haa bnea ao exteu8ivoly used and almost nniversallirpraleed that we deem It TOO WELL KNOWN TO RB yl'lKE jINY PR AISX AT OUB HANDS. Its Merits 8pak for Itself. to the handsome yield It produces, and the larne NET PROFITS realized from It Or ek your ueightore who have IjW it what Uicy think of it It PAYS A NET PROF IT of OVEH lOO VJBIt CEN N. B There will be only a certain LIMITED AMOUNT of tha Fertillaer man nfac tared to iwclally for OUR Bt'FPLY. Our friends, and the trade, will do Well to tend In thou- orders at ouee, to be booked ahead, and then tuey can order as they may need It The "rJouthurn Fertilising Company" use on ly the HIGHEST GRADE of suitable materials known to Chemists, and MAINTAIN AND iiV ARANTEE a uniform standard. . , , This Fertiliser ta sold by Merchants and, DeaJ. ere generally, at all the principal Cities. Towns aud stations, throughout North OaroUaa and Virginia. BPEOIAL AGEHTSs C.W.CMNDI&80N8, COTTON FACTORS Norfolk, Va. We have the exclusive control of the "COT TON" FBRTILIZER for North Carolina and NotMheatfera Virginia. This Fertiliser fan be had it.ion the following terms: Cash. Basis.' tffl Per T 0 n, at our Warehouse. Drajagt 60 Cents Per Ton AuJiuonai. Orders for 6 Tons and Upwards 4 Per Cent Dla. .. jo , A " ;- m -ti an m k a .. .. an 10 T " " ui u u li " ' Cash order mast be accompanied by the Cash. No discount allowed on Orders under Fire Tons. ' jt sf r- M Till, ! WITH 1PPS0IKD IECU&ITT ttlS Per Ton at our Warehouse. Drayage 60 Centa Per Ton Additional. Payable 1st No vember next, witnotrt interest. - Orders tor W Tons and upward 11) par cent. OrdersforW Tows and upward per teat. Discount " . 7 . . . Tb Discount OB tint orders to b based oa 41.M i.h v. aeanerton. Ho Diacoest a lowed oa time ordetr uuler 30 Onters MADE DIRKCT orthreuK toy Cot ton Factor, Ctommltslna Manmaatoor Dealers oaraii. will recdvoKroau aUenthm, Ap- plv or tend your orders to any Merchant or Dealer aaolf W have aot got ft toey wlU or- der lt for o or the f anaerl and Ptonter gea eralleorwCLfJBd and seoT their orders accompanied by too Cash for lota of , 10, 30. una at tha above rates Of discount re spectively, , No discount allowed exeept lor loUaana td above. AH letter of enquiry ao- wered promptlv. W do not eoasioer it aecee- aary to ask any oaeto tof ttta FerUllMT. but msroiy to anaoiBoa xiu n " b jsadk t " y;t j' y,. ADDBBSS ;"' ' COTTON FACTOBB, BORFOLC, TA. ECIAL A0EVNT4 FOU fill BOUTUMSf - 8 A P 0 L 1 0 for washing dishes and glassware Is In valuable. Cheaper than suap. 8 A P 0 L 10 removes stains from marble mantels, tables and statuary, from hard anieh ed walls, and from china and porce lain, 8 A P 0 L I V removes stains and freaae from ar pete and other oven fabric w. . There It no one article ltaewsi that will do so Btaajr klada af wrli rand do It aa well saa Bap- llo. Try It, , HAND SAP O L J 0 ':: anew and wonderfully aflectlv ' " Toilet Soap, having so equal Is ' this country or abroad. bard 8 A P O L 10 at an article for the bath, "roaches - tte fKlaaoB ot all dirk opens the pores and r!ves a healthy ae ' Uon ai.d brUllaut tint to the skin. HAND 8 A P O L I 0 cleanses and beautifies the akin, Instantly removing any stain or bleaUh from both 1 b nana i land lace. HASlV- JX1-J? n 0 L-JL-J1 a wtthoot a rival In tin world for curing or preventing roughness and chapping of either face. HAND 8 A P 0 X 10 removes tar, pitch. troa or Ink taint and grease i for workers In machine shops mines, Ac, It ' Invaluable. Tor making the skin whits and soft, sad giving to it a "bloom of beauty," it is unsur passed by any Cosmetic known. HAND 8 A .POLIO coat 10 to 15 cent per cake, and everybody should hav it Zen will like It LMJN'T FAIL TO TRY XBBSB GOODS. Buv it of vonr merchant if he bat or will procumatJt foiui.lf Bot, thoo write for oar Pamphlet, "All about Sapo Uo," and It will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, ' Park Place, N. T., or W Lombard, 8t, Baltimon, ltd. June n-deoddcwaowly 10G0O ISM Bulk Clear Sloes, at Baltimore Ices, frehrht added, at BepU LEACH BRO'S. J A S . LE F F EL'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel POOLS & HUNT, Baltimohb. - ataaafaoturen for tht South and Booth- Nearly 7000 now in ate, working under bead varying rrom a to reel i Si tlzot, from S 8-4 to 08 inches. Thsmost povrerful Wheel in the Market, And most economical in ate of Water. Large Illustrated Pamphlet tent poet tree HANCFACTTJRKBt, ALSO. OF Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Bailers, Btbcoek cV Wilcox Patent Tuboioui Boiler. Ebaueh'i Crusher for Minerals, Saw and Grit Mills, rionrtng Mill Machinery, nacmnery rot White Lead Works and UU Mills, Bbaft- ing Pallejttand Uaogera: ' ' BBND FUH CTKCLLAlta.; febll-wSm HEW I1LLIHEII STORE Having fitted up tat store recently occu led I v Fink C. Hardle Tobacconist a a mtflaai Milllnarv BatabUahment and aav- Ira recent) v Durchased an entirely new and elegant stock. I am prepared to furnish to the public, everything ' usually kept la mi Una. I hara aeeured the aervlcet of t flrtl class Snnerintendent to theMUUnarv Dawart raent, ana satKiacuon w naraataea m prv ces, styles and materieMWt ' i - - . '.II u-a ..lf.MilMia aii W4iwa Order from a diaUuce solicitea, and promptly filled. " Opposite Tucker HalL ',M a Mi mr an; ay a mm a apSdlw ' .w (DOT iT.alSG-lEi . Tea SDriae- Besmtoa will : January vtrs, 1574. par month. Bntira expense for for Board, TuiUoa. Washing aad 11 vt moouia. Furl from M to liOIL f l4 decUy-lw .j, , , , t.s B. CBATXM, TO BOLDBRS P CITY BONDS. ' The hnaenlgnea eoinmiues 01 u ooara of Commissioners of tha eity of Raleigh propose to b present, at the CiUxeat Nahosa Ban teit th-Boiuofll and U o'elock, A. M, svwir ai roa os wsaa raoii tbi PiT, In order to take ntemorandaof the eltr bond outstanding. All boldea of CIV bond running oaa, two aao tbi si raama, whether matured or sot, art requested to exhibit them to Vht Commit totatonsof Ulujujrned. 'i " 111 U IfvalaTil V JAB. H. JONBS. "tehidlw,; v, , ComlUea., 7T o laeotartnerWrwVttVirei?t!tirirfi th name sad style of BOOKER NoRRIB, It this day dissolved by arntual eiivit - 'i A MOBtOS. fsb Bdtt r , lor wan aula .ur eu ana rouaa sum J . . :! I 4v 'tKATL'KSS' -AKO AUV S ' - 4 Itle.emobatlcally a UuataV'euitiany, lu large capital guarantees strength and aafuty. lu Rates are a, low as those of any first class Company. . v It Offers all desirable Torras of Insurance. Its funds are Invested at home - and circula ted among oar ow people. Mo unnecessary restrictions Imposed apoa resident or travel. -Mi - Policies nonforfeitable aftartwoyuars, Its otfioers and Directors are prominent and well known North Carolinians, whose experi ence aa buaUoas men and whose worth and Integrity are alone sufficient guarantees for the company's ttrentth,solvency and sueceea, . a U. rBRRY, Snpervislng Agent, t TrlEO. U. HILL, Local Agent, Kalulgb. N.C. ' ttood agents with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted la every county lu the Steto. iuly M-l JNOO UliU BOM B INSTITUTIONS ShCURlTr AGAWSl PlItiL TUB Pi OJKTI 1 CAItOI.IN.V HOME INUEAKCE COMPANY, RALEIGQ, W. C This Company eon Una o writ Potlcie at fair rates, an all classes wf insurable prop- All loeaes art promptly tdutd and paid. The " BOMB '' it raiUly grow ug In public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurer 01 property in au pans 01 fiora varoiuw. Agent ti aO part of the State. B. H- Battle. Jr., President C. B. Boor, Vies Preaidant' Bbatom Gates, Secretary. Ptitassu Cowraa, Suporrtaor. Jane VU Iron in tho Blood mm THE WEAK STRONG, 94 Solution f th PrototcM of Iron, i$ ao combined at to have tho character of an aliment, aa omoUy 4iqWt& and aigimilated with the blood as tho simplest food. ' It increase the quantity of l?ature Own Totalising Agent, Iron in the blood, ami ouroo "o thomand ill," tlmpty by Toning up,Invlgoratlng ana rUaliMinff the System. The en riched and vitatited blood per meate every part of the body, repairing damage and waste, eearchinf out morbid oecre tione, and leaving notMng for dieeaee to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing JDyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronlo Dlar rttosa. Boil, Nervona Affections. Chills and Fevers, Humor, Loss, of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Klilneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from any form, Urn energising effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, ami neu life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution? ' 4 Thousands have been change ly the use of this remedy, from .weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men una women t and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. Bee that each bottle has PERU s V1AN SYRUP blown in the glass , . Pamphlet) ' Free. . . ' ' SETH W. FOWLE It SONS, Proprietors, Ha. 1 Mlltaa Vim, xtoetaa. av DacooisT cimiALti. F O R A L E A eompVeU set of ELAIICIIAIIDO IMPBOTBD VUGKX&itt lOB MAKJNO Plow Handles, koasoirvfor BmrineaoT rlerSa "mi" StoflcyMuid Hangera?'wooa lurn mg Lathe, variety of Moulding Machine, BelV lac, o. - Or la other words, A TiaaT-CLASd PLOW HANDLE FACTORT." ' " fctau, M A4A-' V Wlli tcD m. whole, or bj detxva ''-" - V h. RAnstJV -J ."---a ,,xattT,Rli.hmon4, Ta. .daatsVsMUg-OTaa; Hed Room Set fumltora. " t Parlor Sat Faraaar end Table5 ' .pMl--' W. 't JONaB.. CO. W U 11 AIL I llsving refitted oar Job Office, And soenred the aarvkwt ef s mmi e mm, We are now,prepare to execute ' . -"rl M ' -w-saanr -, - ?UlW AND FANCY All persoDi having Bill, Ltttet S"al, Buait 1 Card, Visitinf Card, Wedding Cards, ClreoJart, V yottt.M U,a-- To print, will hvt thek work eeuted in the verj best style fey sending it to the Scntinol Office s We sre also prepBrecl te 4o all kinds of MOEHOTil rsr la th very beC tiyle, ftl 'All work nent to tw will te;doDe ,f. f , -'ii ' ?"!. A. sslqnickl'aad chesply as Bt ny otlicr , , PRINTING HOUSX IN TBS BOUTIL TICKETS- Of all kinds Printed Bt short notice. In short we sre crept red to tx- ocnte all kinds of Printin j ia the very best style. , t January 4th, 187A FOB eAl.K. GOOD Feather Bed aad Mahegnaay Bed 1 Single Cpriag Bottom Bed Btaei Bad Mat- traa. '- ' . i Jut and Cottaa, . . -x Haadaoxat Maltogaay dtojing roots Tabba, WH JONBS Co. ootU-tf Aaoatoa 6aaa. ATT PLOWS. W AasHamtwfrrdytasmvwdlestef IOilt tostly asUhrwtd vtow, Alan, knoturt tot l;'liJue" aad,' fataMrs frtoad' a4 e largt 3a wrtcteat f outer pli fn,wa r . . 4 Jti at TOWLKdy -t. fw atatiestrriFWv ' J .i It Jr At. O ALT,!,. SALT 1 1 . .. . ' -r- LWBacksMaralian and Verdtot, fowr atd BsMawabaaBkOBtBathit t octkvtl r.JONUACO-l! X: Slato and Fetaral OoarW tad the Co art wf tn it ana oi t ailicial iiiaincu. aovSl-tf . P. . St III D W 1 0 1 ATTOENEI AT LAW, HUJJHtOwVr, JtalMU N0BT3 CAROLINA. .UlaUriliSE The only Bellabl Gift Dlsteibatioa m the t i 1 eonatrr"5 $ioo;ooo;oo IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! ten DIffBXBOTBB w L. T. SINE'S 48d SEMI-ANNUAL . Tt ht Drew Wmfag, Her. 800, 1874, ONI GRAND CAPITAL PR1ZS, OOOlnOoldt, ' " ' One Prist, $5,000 la Silver I Five Prise. 11,000 each is Oiewbaoks I rive Prizes, $500 each tn Oreenbacki t 1m Priaea. 1 100 each te Greenback I Twe Ftmlly Cerrmges aad Matched Hortet with Silver-Mountod Uariitas, worth 1100 each I . ...... Twe Baggies, Horses, tVc, erarth $600 two rine-tonsd Rosewood Pianos, worth $550 each I Ten family Bewloa Mtchlnea, worth BloO each I - . ISOO tMd and BUmr th Btt fMehn, asaswriAramaMiMSWW aa OoU 0tBtv--tvswwri Itwelrf, Mtn JtweOtrsf 9VbVtS)fol ... IVeMa IvmtW It 80,0001 sjauftBUi u iu .lieketij Ml Slsgla Ttoketa, t, Sis Ttekett, 10; Twelve Ticket w f i weoy- rvw few. ,mr. .. 9 .. .f. r -Clrrmlar eontahthig a fall list of f.rl,1 irttMm,' "At tha xuaaaer Di draWms: aw oihef tosormatlea te Jaferanc to tb Dlatrli beuon, will aw eaat to any wm ordertng tnem, Afl lettorp Ifltiat b ddrt J" 101 W. Fifth St - dJHsMai,;0. , Xasxiraaco Ooiapany. Maintain th highest staadard of The chanetor of tht investment of it see malatsd asset of - -- . ' ,30,,opapqOr la of tha Blirheat Claat for taearitf i It ha bur aster tost a dollar ef Us vestment -its MhwgeV Ifcee aay aHel Oompaai if S5,000.6o6 ; It aa membership of ovic 81,000 peraom 1U ratio for the court A reM of ita baaijMt hwaetabat" i nntn., a- , at MaraeaiDtxw. tt ha M BtoakboUUra. Every dollar of saving or profit belongs olly to to ;.rOLIOTnOLDXH. 1 - '- :S --J..vrf m E. WAIT, Oeul. Aet- mot as W,. w , fiiilii . ATTORNBT AT L-fT, JACBBON, SORTS CAR'UHA. -' ' fWaees U all the Courts of Northampton. Bali fax, Berttoand Hertford eonatiea i In th Sanrem Court of Burl CaruUus, aad la tt Feaeral t'oarts. i l loo i ft mil SlWXNtir . fcaACllXW At efactorar tries, as Bateer taoathtj BIS.' - ' " . - ' ' " t AMD TWBBTTFIVB PBB CINT. BELOW ... . ..:! I M ASCFiaCTTJ BBBS PBJCXB FOB - - - - CASH, . v. U nan. listed Jrrt from Ura oI5ee,ar any a HeMwwaswia, jt li VIVTH STREET, Blertmoad, Va ' t JAB. B. A. allioo, Proprietor. ilBMffBBiMiai'Si J -'-.- vj ,4 ..w.. ftH-,.-.ATJ5.(lWtiW., -'-'..t.-.t.-. ll'ttaa Slat dryJdwrrriiTir, GIFT! aTiL.a. Clerk aifUr Ssdarior Ooart f Caalhaa Jan-wa . ,. ;l Dr. J Walkfir'sTalirorTiI Tin.. gar Itltters are b purely Vegetable prermrKKmi msas curouy bwb tlrt herbs ibttnd eB the-tower ntnges of the gterrs Nersds mwrrftalrit or cnuror-i Bis, the tnodlclnal proportl(ttt)f which' sre extracted tborofi om wlthoat ths DM of Alcohol TMfB!-:p dallv ssked, What Is tlie eeaseet toe nnnamllnlftd anccest Of TtBTOAB BtT Txast" Our ewwer U, that they removB the eaute of disease, ana tut paucai re covers his health. They ere the great blood partner end s llte-givlBf rrtiioiple, perfect, lUwtovatot-jtna vmsww. of thoi asUm.1 NwirPKnrtlis hltory el the '1 lMavtottwtBai tBoae0a siisantlng-. the. Jremarkaul mmllttoiof rtaeBlvTSMla haiuigtot Uk ef every atotat sBmtoaatrtjo Jtaey are e genua rrak!ivB e welles e Totoe, ndlavlnw CanMatiou. , or laflaniaiaHea) utl the liver aal Vaetrat Otmum is 'BiMoaa Th protvprtle of Dsi Wittisli TaaoAi Xirrsaaara Apriat, DfanhortUo, riarmlnaUva. Nutritious. Laxative. Uiurstlo, Bedatirtt Cnt-Irtitant Budon", Altora- Uv,aB4Ajatt-iiiliooa,. firatflfal Thoassndi Droclalm Vw aaaa Bitteks the most wonderful la- vtforaat thai enr aVMsiset h liokiaf vstem. . . , No PmottcBa take tJiese Bitten sooording te dlrwtioti, andiJiiaiaiig unwell, orovlded thoir bones are not de- sttvrsd tf teinsraroToI W elhef BteBoe, asdFiMdergtf.fiisUd beyond ranalr. 1 1 IllUons, lilUfmt Bad Intfir mitten t FtrtfTit which ere se preve lent in rne vbjibti vj ut arwa nwrw throughout the (jHltod atM,twpclail)f thoaa ef the AfUtissluni. Ohio. UissoutL lllim)iBTnoaaaw(Citmlierlftnd,ArkBito tin. Itt'rjttlMittfwiBm tt Orande, Pearl Alabama. Kobito. Sarannah, Ro- i snokev iaanes,:Ati4 twuiT btUors, frlttt, tbete mm tnuutariae, tiiroagbout ear entire wontr darlni ht ieramay end : latBrfln.imdMmsrkwiy W euringiosr; . sons of unusual heat and dryness, ars Invariably aerjomponied by eitensirs ae rangements ef the etemach end liver, and other abdominal vltcora."- In tbslr treatuint,a pitrgsUve. oxorting a po rful?lniludc ir niBio4ariou Br gans, k caaontluJlf aecossair' There it no fnthartto fsr the purpose equal to DsviJ. W a Una's Vivboab Bmaasy as they will speedily renwvw the inrk eolortvl.vlscld; mstwif f Ith which tut bowels are loaded, at the ettme time Itimolating the looretiariS of the liver, and generally weetwrng b healthy ftiDf tloiw of tho digestive organs.' Fortify the bod against disease by pptitfiag etUitp fiuida wtUt VaraoaH Bitters. No epidemic eim take bold 0Bsy8trB tbtislfore.arniBd;i' t'4'ii Djspcpsia or Indigostion, Head, ache, rata the Bheuldete, Oontrha, Tightness of the Cheat, DteilnftssgOBf Eructations of tlis Stonwch, Bad Tastfl In the Aloutli, Bilious AttAckaj ralpiua tatioB of the IIearVlntiJrnBatlo of th Longs, Pals to the region ef the Kid . neji, and a hundrcdotlier painful sy mp toms. are the onirings it Jlyspepsk One bottle will prove a better guarantee Scrofula, or Kimr's Evil, White BwalUagi,IJIeeaa, Erystpeias, Swliodck, Goitro, BorofttioM saBaawmatjoiitv Indolent inSatnmatinnv . AOrerMi Affsetinns, Old Boras, Ktwpttoas of bkfcj, SoreBro,, la thottyea to U iorotiinMiuol Dhv tasta, WALSia a ViitaoAS tJiTTtaa hav shown their great wativa pewera la tht SXMt elretiiuta and totractoLU For Inflammntory and Chronle ShentnBtiBta;M(3ouV Uilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, DisMses of the Khwie, Uvetv IMm eedl firaddtr, these jtotbir have ao eqtiaL Soch tiustae are eaastd by Vitiated Blood, " i Mechanical Discasce, PersoM en fnged ta 1'atnta and AimeralS) each as Kwaebers) Trp oMtoiV'trald-twator, tbd Miners, at they aoraseela life, fere subject to paralris of the Bowr-ls, f Ta guard tgalnirt this, take s t)nc of WAiBJU'l Tur MaaBiTTtameiiiiiiIly. , ,, . For 8kln Diseases, Eruptions, TcV tta, aUlt-JUeaav Btoaos, Bpots, anpUe, PustuhM, Boils, Crbnncle, king-worm t, stoMd'btad, Bute Kyet, lWyfMto ltch, Scurfi, DiaeotoraUeB ef the Skin, Humor aad niaeatM of the Bkia ef whatever name tt nature, are literally dng Tip and carried set ef tbt tyttata ia a tBort tune by the at ef gjeteBittattw-.,--. j, ria. Tape, and other Worm, larking ia th system of to aiaay tBotMaadt, are effectually dettroyei snd removed.., Bo tyitom of tuedkina, ao tecnuiugat, a S theiminltlcs w 01 fret tht tyeteaatoai worn like the abators f , ,m i - For FcmaloC(TtT!p!fthiti,lnyonT) or oto, DiaTneo or eim';?, ui ine oawn i wo manhood, ot the turn ef hie, these Toni Bitten display so decided as maueacs that iprov weat to aoee aatnayttlilsv - - Cleanse the VlMated IMrKid whatw ever rot find it ininuiitw burauni Utrongi trie ikis in Harpies, r-rrtpwrnat or Boron Oanee it whm vea 'd it o 'ivtod ami ! ..-?'B tfi th veinf c!"r.ti! it . r, ft it t. e I -u rn: 'Jd i he- a el Will i . ' i . .". ' . i Cal'ilVaSa, '- v etasa, ' ta. H. H DONALD as (At piwNiiot Am. aa yvaaalawe aa 4 W Jt ft (A I l-'U. 1 Bead be aa -ai aaxt aw IsJi - tA fecU produoaA by the sarlv kaWtT. . la to Head, Dlmne of .,11 1 eamrlwer, IHUnluoVS? u..J -l"dmWb,UdrZIeltrut,'" ory, Coaf aaloa of neasLfr'' w' Bvtt Foiwlkudto T!i,,?r 'pirit. Ulstrast IJsm"'.', Self- omaof tovllprodueJ JTT lJ ' Thomaands of IwaonTofan ILl ' " iadgewbat Is tfiTiute f .i J?""" appearaacoBt thTiowrh Ullir toms of CoiuauuinUonT co Md VV 1 "2? ; , ' MABBlAOaV V- neNrvou.U(T7W . ACVBBBUBBWLr WARBdNTBD.' Perauna ralaaa fa ui.v t ' moath. taklnr i..,i..7?.- T neatl. aft iryT' w- Member ef th BoveA (latta m . lmdoa, (riaduuTmin' 'Burgeons, OTvrbVSiSai? lrtwZ&f&irst tt w tahlmr eare toa werTsver kS..t?lhN1 troubtod wtto tofinto ,LkCai wbanaalA.p, VZXZ. d at udd.,a sounds, Itabful2ir auent Z Whealhi mlarolded a,- ....!TZ:t' learara Siida thai aX i.'u"Bl toi ot ali tgrtood Wm, m ufcruZ?Zfl of who. toeai ymm ami deigaimr ureuna. M aartog, Ska, hU pe-anhTr. substance, month, or bha . w Ullmr tslloi long, a the iuallet feveaab, ' "Ptlr leave hZ with ratoaa aoaib aftet obtained, at. aasita toalg. or, wy ae eause the rid malt. "r " nor- alewatoSaorathrdtaelT ?ea"! blotcWon to heal ff ZT, t"1 f M ht, imd.thiTr" fit! atamlT!'fKiaTIiSlrL to ttndiseuvewd S? tUm bottnuo traveller orV fttora'" i jUi,. rwn-dTlnet'o.ur ,,,u', actusJ SBmroatorwUxTirJ "4 " formed V JhCuti T ttopraoaataUvesof UHaT bj txata before tLVjaW.1! H a a man of honJTiT hi- taadiii( - nr, Juii.aiov " ic-Jn, BAXTiMUBX, Mi i f-entaad StoropforR,,,,,, T)OUIJLJE 3 ACTING FOKCJtt lubliUXT Ta. . 4 W And Snrnnmn ill irn' ' Bltehan Hl..rL "'"" Uro., of th rump, whicli hM of new lZklLZ Z2V'" .pe torn tor-force pnmpslKr but thro vesM "In" "? tot a1to i- i.ilz .zT" "" ever given satiafac bv over 60 ireTV'rf toetcd atawxeB. eoVw-S? - gaUoaTwIS tIUtoZ ',11." iuJ7h..ii,ii..JTT0?1"" fM Of three to. Ho e wea wiifl.T?. " trong !" "iUnUbreaririJ.-Z,.!r wnaouaua aaa mnaH .hJ).ir7, 7.,r?' tu tmlimu-v cvliniiw . wiilch a e't eat th WW . e a9asittr5K55 ' ha? -uTuUlmdbidrXtrl f derful forcing poWm 17?1.ZL1J ,F-.itisurf-iiBIAM!i:i sr: U tt aovellf o1 a! Jfir..01 l to set whar there Water from T toiS. f u,Hrui(j, lifting the fvvwa'f!!'" t. Z. E .wsTTOl, ff hma'l for I was iBtondud f hlj pump inv, lucbou uiuea on ai "1 aivacuing two suet oa forbligawator l im Ot toe and air du .TT am nisklm two tit. j w - . w I UUiaJS iivllB. r""P over a dosen tvia of BxriafLii a i'oictjiau iiviiej. toad tor Circular and DrteViUL tomo, ."" rrjfPJ fs Ei'lng la a guaramue ot the ir.8"1 y buamea. la lali vl.fT' . tWtomeuU can he aaauyutantoiaed BuMrou of nun aad ST.1. . wraon raiaett; la xaaoafaetoring toiSaalTaf TCL ' lJ " abd- ! Bfll-f.challT ",,", I ' wOi give UjO pre Sitr?a,iM" aM"'ifl WiaeiMmaiid oeep Well pumu to beat uime ruu either north" or nuuth (onus geuoral ntentoj'. llwVSdWWL , , r The tmderelgaed oiTofs for kalo, on r ios aw torma, a very desirable aud vaJtiaVi trae of toil, within a mile and a quarter ot to Soatlrara linut of th city f -sfatUam ui to Westaido of to Fayuttavill roa-teon-tuning two htuadre ssU twenty acies. it frwiUon th rv4 for nearly a mile, andean be euuxeaieartlf utvitltKI ieU) iwu or more lnU to suit parehiwrns Perwwt deL'ouiof pur-' eheftln. will be toaen over toe prt-tuie can ut'Um ail ("jary iniwnimuua i cae oi'Uia iaiumrwrn. I - Bor Bft-tl 1 Bwt aad S ft bieiiaue, or myetfif- Si-tf M. A. liLEUt-OE. Brecon U ' . - ajjj ibsm u i toiaea!"1'0 ktl7of tawanfttr-n ffWBM sxtaAsaj