BACON, BACOtf,!BACON LATEST DISPATCHER vrTi(m Beautifully Situated, riex no uapitoi DtaTBUCTlVl rNCESDIABT CAUTION. BUT OKLTTH ItENriNK FAIRlfAKK SCALES, ' a nirrKTuitaD ar E. ds T. FAIRBANKS A CO. " ' V -v.:' .j ... . KJ nits. M WaxiAMirost, 1 Pa., A! daeUwctir incendiary Bre occnrred bar at 1 o'clock tUU morning. It started In the piling yrd of Brow A Co.1 w mill, i dae. Uoyed Inmbm amowntiag te abont. twee ty million, feet piled es the grot-ad, tarer al mw mill od phwJMilU aad 14 itwiwlMiniiw wiwtiwpyl.n toy gotten tutd oostfoL. A'cleek Uta morning. Om mM ft reported M burned to death. The feet to estimated at I elf millioa of dollar, ud Um umotuo I about 1150,000, , - Alt EDITOR ARRESTED. " . . PXTCNT KHIPP1MO TAGS. HOOTS AM) SHOES, iOvarfwe aodred VUlloa have U.M-am4 wlti.lw Ua Mt 10 rean. Baltimore, Md. riLhuut aocnnlaint of Iom br Tar becoming - X aatached. Thbi aoaa mluiij run saaajoe Corroa Bilk tha ahi Tae I" pan. ad Sipceee Oenpaiikee aa ihem. i ; Mold by fnntwaaud eiaUoner everywhere ' oet ft-wd.Jaa .J,.;.,-J..; - - : f 1 mm A ' NEWRIIOITSE, IT. 1 i i ill. EORK rACKE US AND DEALERS jL JlAfJOTkLl H3 -BaSfd Haata, llama, Side, ShoOldera, Pork. Jtoafr Lard and LareV Oil. Fiae Itoomi, wU FawJsbed bad prated " T Jl. R. Re rnu K Firm of 0eorn A) Jeokint harlng beta diailrel. Wu lIib nndrain4 i M,, RADWAVS READY RELIEF J- tae late arm. taau eoa uae to carry oa oi ;:: ATTEIITTyK BERYAHTs. Tho Table Daily Supplied with tba Deft :thtoMd other Harketa'Aflbrd, VVOMKN. AND market rate and prompt ahlpwenta aivaya. nor 9-ta ' dead ruui order U) CTJIIES THZ WORST PAIJTg 1 JKNKIN6 4 (JliAJIDLKH, 8 South Street. Bdltunrt. In from On to Twtnty Minute t. fFAIRBAPiKSy Standard Scales. Stock acal. Coal Dcalee, Hey Scalm, Dairy NOT OMIHOUR ' ato rMdla ttib atmttMMat aaaf aaf aurraa wrra rata. EEAD! BEAD! EE AD GREAT DISCO V iair rillLl):iKN, fmrianATt. Mural Habtaed. editor of tt (W4warmte4 tot tot sight for pabUehieg a lottery advertimMit Le riolatioa of the tow of Ohio. .... MABMaMN a C. 8. BROWN, , J Proprietor. aaDwart mast aauat ia a craa roa W hlcn wjll ell xtxbt raia. . . t ItwaettwantaBtai ; Tb .Only Pain Ilemrxly feb 10-dla o u-tr Kcalaa, Couuwi Hcalea, Ac, dtc aft mm. ai. - ----- - XSr.Tt, tttrtSMftmt&fr-'V'-- - r.B"BTh WE ,Tf3vm.l il"TT-'r',:i . T . , 1 f.ft -V'S ' .1 5 ' tMm, tf.Z8 .' I jj d -A ff' .31 l(ir14a; Uu-T W 1 T -at P 4. ...TiiwiWitw. : W JvVaAirfcti.UaUatX. YSf Ja?'r,, - V HOTEL. ,,!)! I MlflCliLLANEOUS,'' r A 1NDJJER AAUGE LOT Or I UAHLW A1U c : 1 - j : TAf0 Ft -ft-ji aula u lit hca. J. 11 NfW)M n wvmvM m n I vrr irru ;j2;Jtti 1 1 1 1 ii (I i ii 1 1 in 1 1 ni tain aa aUboraW aditorial dactafiiig tb praaaat time opportune, M K'Tee re auaa for the immedlaU recogniuoa M the Cobta lUpubiw. . Tha ariicto cootaioe citotlooa from Iataraatioaal tow trriWra, ihowlDao )oat oaaaa oi efieooa ( Spaia U recusntUM to accorded aad oomroerclat tiatke entered Into with tha Bepnblia It declare our oonuaMrcUL lataraat are irraaUy aofferiBg by Ue war ia Cuba, That tht oemplicauoM heretolore exiiting oo loogarexiat. TbatE'oglknd Utrignea for control ofCabaa aflaira aad trade. Thai rtoocnitloa would opea a aaw aaarkat far weatara grata growara, pfortoloa daatora, mecbaBioi and maBofactttrtra, That tha Eattera aad Middle Btatet waold fnroiah oocapatioa) to thauaandaof Soothara pao pla aad reatore preapanty and good tog 1 the 8ottini.8Utea towarda Ui coToroBeaL Tha article la eappoeed ' to expreei Preaidcat Uraatli rtowa, aad iora ahadowt actios by ihe gotarsisont ' AS ATTMITTOJBWIHDLX A BURAKCE OOMPAKT-A MAN PRB TEND8 TO BCBT A WOMAH THAT WA8KOTpEAD, Z'J KW Tom-Dr. KrseetUllBg, charg ed with aa attara pi to defraud tbe Mer -cbaaULifa laearanca Company of too . thomaad dollart hy pratraiiiui? the death and burial of Losiao Oenaa, who waa is atind (or the abora aora, wa arretted to day at its Seat S5th street, whara ha waa found aerated under a bed ia bit taai denea. At 100 Eldridge etraat the polieo arrnted a womaa 65 yean of age, who gave her natoa aa alalia Da Bagaickl, and a young ma named Aurei dalfaagi, who iW.J , bo hat saphew, Poring aaareh mont tha affeota. Which were be ing packed up, earda and platf foood. uroTina that Ulinrt real Wfi Eruutt Ie Bagaickl, aad tha Womaa wai hi wife. Bagalcki appear to ba a member of a noble Hungarian family, aad haa bred Is tbtoclty aloe 1894. lie has beau In moral bad aerapai aad wm tried twice before far ewledllog.Mt OKipea. The police are amsgntM of arreeting the womaa Oermt la day pi two., j - i' aaaaaBBaaieaeBaBaaaeaa l ! ,ilFomair.ArrAiBaru,.,,,,4,.s-: LoMDoW-Walter Haddletoaa dectioea Uie Solicitor Oaaoralahlp. , Famine reporto from, InoUa are mora alarming. , , '.. -.1,-. .i""- Btllw, the ekanitkMiatiWB viiited the UaitedButeatoat year, to daogerouly ill. . - j The market for Erie b Brmef t6 oonae quence of aa annouocemant that the Di rrctrrt intend to bare the aeaowata af the Company examined by indepoadeat aad nniiuocaohable auditor from London prcTiuoa to the deetsrutioa of dlTidaod rrteiprrhi QeyeraaMBi baa laiuad A circular prohibiting attack by aawipaperf nai" declaring that rraaideut JcM.abon' iwwn are wuontaHabtai MAOKn.-Thr tortWfoTOhtt !a before Gerone be attired, tha rauaicipal authoriUea. bariog paid tbera 1,000,000 real to rae frora blockading the City.., New nm.ain.-The rirar remainf It tionary, one inch ahoew th fgh water mark ol 1071. 1 oe uootm uarea era anna i 129 feet wide and IS feet deep. The water pouring through oea be heard rot mii, i 1;hr PaiLADiLrnriA. Three nercbaat dtod f Dneomoaia aetardaf f Alelaadat K. Mclleary.a large exporter of petroleum aad bread Muff; Jacob Smith, of Selgler A ftmlth. oil. oaint. and stoat dealer; Joaepb Wriflht, of ft J. Haffmaa ft Co brand ttuffe ooaomiaaiea marcfaanta, ;, 4 It it reported that R. B. Afagil, Abe agrat of tha Phoenix Inauraaea Company of Hartford, (Joan laawaaiter to in tent af 15000. ,; s-Z CJ THETWX3D IlT'THB llISSiaBlPPI Kaw Oaxaxn.' A errraae or MO feet wide to reported at afeOaUoro, two coilee below Baton Kouge, on b Ml base. The Stat entrineer. who waa deapatohed to tha mouth of , the Bayou Plaquemine to out a dike which fceepi tht waten of tha MiMiaaiprM out of aaid Bayou, ba re turned without executing hie . ulaeioa. The citiieot of IbanriUe partoh aad the town of riequemine, ia a publle meetloe proteated againet catting the dike aad reeolvedto preTtat It by force. .They have deuiled a guard. It to sow poet tirely aieertad by thoe beat informed that . the opening of Bayou Pliquemioe would ' oveinow the town at Ptoquemineaad the greater portion of BeTTiil Pariah, henee the oppeeitioa of Iheeitiatn. FALL & ; WINTER 'M 1B73 AND 'r4:::j OrsxiNa or pall and wihtir Millinery, Ladle laaey aad famlhh rood. Meadl Oooda, Zepan and otaer Wool, kid tikrret and a taoaaaad otaer wtolaa , . Isaac arruracirt ? rom tb fad day of October, from, I a. aw. everyday aatil th Beaton orer, I I am aow Itanafaetsrlnw a yare arUcl of Cora Kreaed waeal wukki era, whlca 1 offer toeaab bay mederate price. It any Llqnor old at raydirllllery.or by my Partner realeemn. J. A, Cheek at Hulabawa, faiU o be pot and whevtreprveeated whoa old,th monry will be refunded, or ao chaix tor the wbtokey. Order. aoUcited, ..rf Comiany Sbop, Alaaianca euauly, S. C-t March TdJtw-itn. t , j J.1T, F, : CtLram jngs , .s w,o -saoariixa, JL a-4 " kerpa coustantly ca band - ' , A LABI K ABSOBTMItiiT OF SAY, J wliicb he will fitrnUh at fhortaat aotica. IWItl S-iSf' -... 1B.J- - f'3t;!IRtACi.- 'IdSW tiHdm The beet brand ot Aiaerican aad Bwedn bea, aad EnglUh JEtra Beflaed Caat Steel ' ated to the attaetaetui et oer , Vr VijKl XM ED0tb: -TdblA 1 1 - H v ! " I m .. .-" . Wa offer the Terr beet lXf that eta be manutacturea ayekilM worlnaaa and very Mpwior matertkla, and trout that Hi to eetratlie eopportel tl trade-' '',:"? J Order JiJed IminwliiiU'ly. , v - -;'-ILTUa. LEWIS C0 oMTttMhtwamrAUi, tuMcbKoM, rii IXSAirp iOtJPMfAMiaL 'LaaaejParrtoa WorehMteraha lauca to IadlDaall)to ' C"1' i s M'i " ) jdmt i)CNCA!PI 8)Nb, New ToraJ ' t '- A - Ajreute (ortlte Unitud BCatea, oct JO-ly i Tlie Mlniingtoni star, aABtisHE&-OT'ilXTiARS 1 AlIjTSTeAJL HA8 tb larfeet eiree'atioa ol any Dally Mewepaper la the tUU, and a circula tion la WUrulriKtos nearly twice a large a any other paver. " v ' ''"- ill the aewe of th day will be foaad la It, eiiedeiiead oliea m lint, a twtfa whea of moment, ana alwaya pieeentad in a clear, inteiUarnt and Intnraitlni; manner. ailB!RlPTIOilHii Adrancei: - OeeTear.,,..... . tw.ii. .$T p6 Six Month.. ..u .ti.... .m.......mI-, USA Three Jionthaa .. ..i t., ...,' wt,, -The Vrnaft our to aow-eombtnednwtth the Cavot fWwr, aad laoaa of tha aheapeat papammthaeouatry.attbetollewln! -( ,-' a KEDUOSDkATU: - - Oaa eopy, eae year..... ......i . M W Oaeopy,ela mootha........... W -rCluU of I to 10. on year, I 15 par ooj.y LaT-Clnb of 10 ar mora, on jr tsar, pul ,U W uareopr Ljrspectmeaeopirf ant on application, ' a VfM. H. BERNARD, Siitar 4b Propritfofi rt? .TtUl wmj tts.WlUatHOTQIUll. Pi . dee a ; f 'i a- 'it. -i "ffXTTt'tn WMtelaw rowder. "' WIN! ,, , Coraw oa JMrgaapwwa.,1B mx4 mtntnaarr n 14 tsms! 'a 4naeal to tantok TeSibeteaea" a? all amda, allber plrfa ar omaweatat ee aota aaanrttiaa aad Jlallaa Marble, a cbuap aud aaally axecnted a caa be purchaaed at ani otner eaiaoiiwimeiii purw vr ouniu wma h at tfaa kantane af earrlne aad eacrarlna erWa fnit-te yeaif, w eoattilar oeraelTea aal to or haJkft JJatuavWsJalU ato t'ereiah graaite O Jk beet auality. from out new quar.lrt, el" r to flnBnihed block of cut tna to ordsif. eaeh dooraae wtndew !ritce)iAMdane? l,Mm maltad and none Jiellj attended Wjuid W ploC OUrnuTC w ia a umiww w.u .Vi7i-'X'-'i VOHN WHlTXLAw. . ,wt!l fcna Jc.t;aWWMatt,) daeiMom ,, :; ' - .-J IK.. ' BfTlrlOe-' i': ! t ceafarred 1a Mortcac ( Joba JU tgitchea ead U Kitchen regiatared hi iatiHtbit'r'e Ufflee Wake Coa aty, In Book g, Page il the i deraincd wllleull a rubiio anctloa, In I (4t u iUllrh.n TanmniT. Tea tftar Daff or araiu is7t, aa of ttM property eoereyed m ajta on(reae,eoaeiiing r- tse V rateau lor the "Glnbe Pamp " ,. . . "A. BaliUur'a gnbmericisa rarnp, ad'all ether peteoU for gaa at ear Uioe aeietaieta Iareatadaad fa teal ad by John U kitokea.'M .!,'..-, t .( -T'r',,t Aleo all the Malorial, Machinery aad Tool. a by d. !. Kitchen la tae atanurautaie oi Puna tomiKar wlLk all Pamua on hand.)' Aadaaailef tha aoteaiaad aeeonnte for Pampadaateaaid Kitebea, aaeTby aald-Morf-gaK aaaUoed to tha audonignui debtor. r awaby lurWddtsa- to-pay iaa Mima to r. t hMtebea,'Or any one lor alia and are required W pay theaaaie myaell or my AUoraey. t bU mai V SfvWt ikVWtrgml -W KerihBOfCl'dtor ftlvyit mr leMSurid , DBQavEN'S FIT OtIBfii 0fd t Bemedj for Epuepj -wdtei viwr'UBvHiaaa Pit, . raaot, Gearalakma and Memaa Wakefalneea, acta- prawiiiUr, jf laa arnetla the ITile frem the Irst aaya aea, area where they hare extotes tor year,. m. Tlt'-nti UitiMtJiitnm is -. -J..-. Alsr -- J-";' v. tararnld, aaeoadmry BypMUa, Braptton ea the Skis, aad all die artoma; from tat-. paraiUood. .. ts k ,;; . . kUCDlCATED OOKETI A BOretehrh Balm 'lor Omaha, 'CWda, Broa ehlila, AaUima and all dltettne of the air paaaaitee and Laura. By lla timely aee mray npnoaed caau ol UOuaumpUon are prompLt relieved the Lanx reaWred to health., sreuRAioiA SPEcindf' ; A prompt, ponitire and permaoont relief for the exemciaiin palaa at hearalgia, Khaaaa ttanaad adatirv -.. , ror Mam la Katolgh, V. 4L, bp WnxiAar AtlATWOOD.' jii, vnafmvlmxH nv' ,. Prepared only by v. '; f,,, .. Una. t,KKi.S,LI5DUT ABKMLii, f$!!3L bft.. 'x -fir ataeiuJ w eA a i at Trom tie hoot of Joha Price bat on mile Morth ot KaJeiirh, ea Taeaday arentnc laea, a kwtje Hon heavy tall and mane, taQ hanaw te the left, enU bit keeee ia while trot-to-, bmee fare, robbed lHWe ia the rtoht hind Uiiicb. The tnJcr will be liberally re warded by delivering the same to ' fahtf. i4 AMCEt A pi - A lirw pala red work ox, atar la uie fra- Ui'nJ, l,".uU honia, out 12 rtrolil. .snl-fcrwfork-ra-tb-j-r' 'i.t vr i:jli"ul'h'.;it aivm " ';r it iir 'r:e' left. ""A nd on eOW Twi oi dark rvU. tntormabua ot tiinm will be tlukk'uliy rtxlvd and rmi;! ly rewar- de('. . A'tPSri) WILLIAMS.! IliAt rce 8flh 1 IWh, RADWAY'i RfAOT RELIEF wtll Atmat tatTAitr tJAsa. f NrLAaUATlON or THR X1UNRY larLAMMATIOK cr THB BLADDBa mrLAMBATion or thb anwaia. rHBOAT, PIFPf4'l:IfT KHKATHIHU. BTaTeafb. caoui". wktheria CATAJiaS. tKn.CEKIA itKADAcna. ToomArna KKI'RAMtA. BHEL'MATIilM. colo rnillJl, Aof'B rimxa TIM appbalton artlM Mm4w Blltorto th fiArt or pmru wIMr tat paw vr aiMcutijr XUU Will lOortf m Twntv drmif In half a tnmb!rorwi,ifTWfM In afow Biii)ii r.r CKAMra. CAa, uvh wiaa. HKAICTftrRV HH k IIKAIlA:"IE. DIAKKHOKA. DYRKTrriir roLta wmu in tub owel. and all INTRRRAL PAIN. Trgrntrr ch.MlU P,rff a IH ar Ria war' Bll-r Wrh 0 . wir will irviit l:lLiiifW pain rroa, chna uf ,ur li It imw Una rraac Braadr ar luwn at r mra ajto aotje. ritYVR, A WO A m rmrM fW HfTw Vts. fhm U aateVeWnuadMt fhaVMU in Hw wofMi thatt will esrr rwrr vna ur, Rfta ii wnir aiaritM, jtiwua, aaQrMM, Typri"iv atiio mnr rcwra iMtncq tv trtt WAf n!,lJ tal'el M aUlWaVI 1,1 KF fltf GtJilS pr UKAa. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! tr(ia!) rmR ntrn awKm-ixnuxm llf n.K-ll AMI WKIUIIT-J .KAB RKIN ANl BBAVTirut, voarLauua aavtiuw rv au. D R R A D WAY ' 8 VM OR EAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HA AO THB BOUT ARTOWTJIIIKIJ CttRR: o 8UK.R, RO RAriU Ann TIIR CHAIIIKIi. THB ODYDNDKROOKa, lIKr.FR TUB IHKLI'RKCR or thi xaubr woauxaruL axuicma.. "it fe ,a .a Jan. -Bar ii-teiaiM iwr irl tyiiiAiUAwiTi,UAir mtn VfsTcofBHiTtTilcat.ajtliToUaiailhe Mood, ItwMt, Uritv. Dtfo. for f erfMtrRh wum( ttw boir witli r i gr)Q iKfttr r iDi'ia ai'R jrjcvb V irneni iiai Tiuor rRallDtl mRUlill. ii'lliAiuinlaiP d l iflorw la th Ibrnftl, Mtnith. Tr rorHielwir mi uiawm ni wun l'tai ia ui vw "y awirn. fit wor fonnR of Hkln d maaei, B tr rKloiw. VRr KraVM iJ4hd, Bilag WotaA, teUt KtWttlD, Ki JriplRaV lAi iiet, niRek Hpiita, Wtwiu In to f UmH, Tttnot, CRni Hot my, vrtttaorti aawitRrir num itm Ban, rim a. uf, niavek Hputt, Wtmut icfrs ia tne wuatu,tMi rji ill akaunlati la)- irhUVBAV HttTbt mWaMUL LffM of Rcnn anal all waila of it hf lint principle, ax wimiRuw crfruvr ratwi oi ;Aa,1ar aaf MiadairR fUllllalll Rflal ft af aaRVS' BAR trtia prow til mi pfiraoa unina it ixr jtnr mm iwm a Ai.aaktaa tvtSAaaAt besewew t eaatM ttteMR. il ta pRtittnl, tfavilr ktyoilrig rRdufOr1 by MiR WaWtf arf rMmBjniri1roa that Ir on Hn tut I If arneTrRMtrtR. RR lci .(U IB nHD4 taMra fBMOa a4 MRrfR tha fROfe viih new mairr lai ma rrmii naiirnw Binoa- rur una iltl flew DiRforial md frninhatlfhw blood" Rtii ila HAaLHeir AUfLUAII Will t)oaa iMoW- ar It ceium. for win a onoa tht renwar cornrnemeei iu worm of pr.rtemtL, antl Rtvemai la dtairtRiMntj um Uh oT watlM. IU nptlrt wm rtykl. an ry ar frt hlmaatrf RiirwHit Wwr Rltdalr r, ia i.we eianiaa btm, Mlu tinjiaeHa, tail ate; I ...A OAlut,! lnMaMna iint incroatinf. , n Hot Ofl IJ aRR in naajraawiajBJ aararri.Tpw wataia It AfiowH ivmditURCnntbnra of Jtir'iiili, Htrro. rttWR, rHRlWalluilRe, Ratal a4Ua dlsRBRRR. tthtt ft ia oh If pjftftirRurff , . ff . (!7 Kidney & Bladder CvmplaM, iHtiftV anH Womh dtataaRR. Oravat. MabetM. DmhRY.' J ltp,iRfa of WRtar, liMonUitRtaeRof Ortn. feavRt irta- SfiSau. wnktaii 111 fiiat.lrrMatng.or Lba water tothtcfc, cl'-o-ITniixeJ HaaaM iiaa mm wwni aa n aww uw iLttlkm laa aiarliM, drk. tultoatavwtr; dWkH hooaM daixalla. and whM UUra I a prtollnc, turalaa MiwAUua wata patalna water, aad pala la Um tmiu tt lb 4 aad abwe tfia lrfaa, f f$mottyt:T"tr' Growth DK, KAUWAT H PtTfeclPiirptiTeffipla&iPills aheciaitMK), UvMt lxmt rH ewaM fra, fcanr. mrulaw. eaiur. atoaaaa an Mianftkaii. lud r'trilU, forilUeitraaf alldlJonMno' U Klomaoa, . . . Eii..... KWAi. Wan ..uf htaUH. ) Lltr. BuwMA smiitra Bladdar, Rarrcna Daaana I i i in. ai 11 ii i " n If " raw, liiaaiaauaa nT tea aiwia, rtim, ana an Tlaxra. Warrantatta laaaat a aoturra ear. Partly Tiiui, t tnltniag aairir, iir aw A fawaaat of B ADWATf PtT.U U frM th rra latiirraaBaliOMabonamliliiorAoia. rrtot,t.eaki -RRaO "mil AMU Taua. aeod eae aMr (im la BAUWAT A CO., Ba Warraa tt. Mow arkf lafanauoa wort thoattixl; wUI a ttnl j ua, " I f.1 fTSfjE 01) STBSTAjTriAL, 4a-,.! 1 aaJtA Aa r a AWI ' ' - '- ' ' VVELE. TESTED, , wm ornoa ia FIIHERBTJILDINO, oraa tbs bakowab moaa or - Ha aeM to the Widow and Orphan to on Larolln ebaee itMA, tea aom ef nearly r. V-fri 00 OOO. " ' dad, by tdelity aad promptaeeii In thl fr ttoaUr, and furnlahing the loweat mte ol any frat elaaa company; and aleo, havmg paid mora ravaoae ta (be Stat ' than any olbe couipauy, aha merit and enjoya, tha, eell earuta aiiuncuoa oi oeinft ue . .j., nam mi ciirui a tii itatx. And wtta tter Q0,000rlMMM)O Ammetm, , a -a now oa hand, and maniced br rentleuea ot hmr experience and financial aklll ab otter tb eat elaadard of aeenrily to alf bar eaatoojera. And, ae aa Investment tor eapt tallat a fKLOWpoUcr ia better tha 10,000 m naleetata,, Afee from fO terf ere inmrabl ot dou aeve. iai company aoca not my, amnrewlth them, any hint. ' Bnt ire auk aa anpartinl eotniwrieon with ear comranv ta raw and rmfwntixiUy, and htove the reaoft to thejndirnient el the pnMie. M " bj eallinfr apoa the iveaeral AjrrfSt of any Of hla Loeala, farther infonaaUon will be eeacf- rally lmprted 0 3 fW.'fflliatXl,k.t6. ep -nl . urrteral Afent. 'JlWO tUOCdAMlt P ptl XD PribMrwiMd luad.1 n ITHIfTWU At' act RMt,..a T .tvt fWt B A lew meabnva or ibnwencral 4s mhly caa n aeooaamodatioa a .. ... f, aorU-U v - UUUbore' treat r i i t r i i'f s j r j ' t r . It is tb: bi at inaile. Every one fully warranlKl HANDLED it i nivtir Prom Bolid Cat Htcol. 1 1 linn 5 12 lixil. ljwjilii GOT TON It tuade itmeoialiv for tola market. It to tjilt boeerbrHly aUboId JW. Han J tor Prior- iit'and Diaoriuat.') 1 mar 2lf Gfiits' ALL 8IZK;8 III the mi.3t KASlllOMABI.B lr?TTl.E. Jut tncelvcti at K. B. yi. U'.tCWeVdi t'O.'S. .Uf Kayctterlll Blrcetr KALCIUH, N. (J. January r a, 1874. I THE BEST ADVICE pertona nffor1nr rum dltpeptU. blliooi c iniplalnt. colic, consuihp Uun, aiok hoad echo, fever and airne, nervoot deHlity, or of any dltorJcr allocUng the atom ark, th liver or ktdmrrn, bi to tone, elenae, and reiratate tUeae important organ by the Will DR. TUTTi? VEGiTABLJC UVB PILLS, Tliev act very mildly, yet'taorotttrbly reetora the functional action uf tha dlfreative orfrana nd the Inteatine and renuvatee the vitm. Ibey produce neither nanaua, (rrtplnrorweak- nwa.ano may a mxen wnteoi ojianre ox mat ewttee. - " ' Price lb cint a box. Sold by all drarj(Uta. DR. TUTTsTlAIRDYE poaaeue qualltio that no other dye doea. It elect wiatateea. and e aatnral th 4 tt cannot be detected ny the eloeera'. obsflrrer. U la harmlea and eaailv atmlhid. and ia in general aa amonat the faahionable hair dreat- ere in every large ejiv ia Uie United Btalee. frice f 1 box. aeld tvery Where Serouin, Kiuptiot D 'mtue of tht Skin, tit. Aniliony't Fun, ErytijmUu, Blotch, Twetor, BoUt, TetUr, and Salt Bhtum, SeaU Ibad, Binqworm, Jthcvmatiim, f (HtiXukvommt of tht Bwm,F- - naU Wtahuf, BurUUy, Loucorrhma or Wkitet, Womb Diuatet. Dropty, White Bweilingt, Bytihilu, Kidney mn4 Lktr Comfiiaiik, MercHriai Joint, .mi Vn, all proceed front impure blood. db. tdtt'i iahaapakilla it the moat powerful Blood Partner known to modiaJ tciuoci .It enter into th cir caUtios tod eradicate erery morbifio (gent; renovates the lyctem; produce a baautiiul complexion and tauae the body to gain deth and tnureaae in weight. KBBP THB BLOOD UBAI.THT and all jwilL be jreiL JTo do ao. nolhinir hatVater lfafTerrd, hat oanfooipare waa miiTr vmunoie jresetaoie exiraov Price ii 60 T WttrToldby all Drug, giau. .Dfo 4d CDrtIaodLBtreet,Y. T. ah,f SdK'! wf m it ,vu--. r VBottt 1 tXIv joap to arrive to 0J day, at 114 i . Wholeeale Agenta. CO.XSCUUltUD. W t lM '"' Meauos r 1 ajso - . r -; ,! MXA KlaUfi JaVI Af AOMI Onlr. One Dollar A Year. ... . A :O:i-s0: .Tha Coaeolidatio W the MASUKIG MOM ITutt and th BtUUHT MAjjoN, makea - - nrEX bright MA30N" On ot th Very Beat Mi watte JeanuM In the Amtbere Athatte (Mete. It ta sow pabliak- edhitttnxliw (he hrw price of One (Wllei 0 tear. "- '- r - .. .. K . .... . nM . . . & . . . BLiD3iviriK nuvr. aiaaonw vooa etaao bit everrwhrm erereeneeted to act ea Ageata. Clabe uf lea er more only ta eta. - foT-Tea whole C4eb aed net eeai from eP.t taamei may be added etaay tmteat club mte. Addreee i i , . - C'.r.BARRJS, ' jHI -p k -Ajeaetwd, K.O. taTBeatMediam for Adrartaaara to - the Boiilb. , , ' w ,..!.. , paaracr tisn niuiirmn. Alarm Till Ct'i. BVCttT BTIBT MBBCSAHT 0 B A was OBB TBKM. SOLO AT ' Fairbanks' Bcalk WAHBrtoTjasa, AIRBANK3 ft CX)., 811 Broadway, New York, 'AS BalUinore Street 'timora, M Cam ii rttr'-et, N .H -lit, FAIRBANKS Jt K W Maaonlc V .la. TA1KBANK.8, - ttoatoa. Dalfr. Kor aale by LcarUna; l Ki'i ll-tawtui D 1X1K 1'U ) W I Illl FuiW 1 f ia now wbith mt a rival, it cuta a deerwt and wider farrow It mechanical arranire mrut for altriu rat Is more almple and Mlrleiit than any otbar plow on the markot, tell i a enlnir rerertilile pointa, the irruateat ) w uuprort'tu -nt of theatre. Auk Kuv. J. T. J. (Jrowiler and OoLJ W U Wataon, what thy Uilnk uf Un ('1 w Call and examine It cr awid your ort'ert to a r josta co , ih c 10 If AKnta. 1 HK ORE AT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a tinu ly resort to this fitand ju-tTpnration, as has been' iiiivid by tho himdrcds of' n:t iinoniaIs"received by the jin-ju ioiovs'. Tt If acknowl ' ' by- many -prominent i-hyxk-ian? to bo the most , ivliublo prt-paration ever ia iroducca for the relief and 1 n o 6T aTTTrUng complSiiits. iiiul iioflcrcd to the public, snnH ioiK-d Uy f ho experience f'lwtr (pi y t;sifcu AVJieu twirled i.o in eeaaon it sel ilom faiiv ir, effect i Bpeedy cure, in Uie most" severe cases of ( Joughs, Id 6nchitis,t Croup, NVhoopii Coogh,1 Inftucnza, Asthma,: Colfls,; Soto f4?hroat, Pains or Sore- ncaV tii1 tho Chest and Side Liver Complaint Iileedin at tho Lungs, &c ', liYletar't, lla bam doea not drjr'upa1 Cough, and leave ihe cause behind, a is the case, with most preparations, bat it loosens and cleauses . the Utngs, and allays irritatiori,1' thus removing the cause, of the complaint. ' H ( i fW 1T. POWLE Bona, Bortaa, Itaan "d aotd by Orngtiato aad Aaalara nneraltr. B AkK. 8TOCK IfOa BALK. , W'jhlnff to t J into bntlnevs. I wtll sell 10. 15 or ko sharua ot the stock of th Raleigh Nettoaal Bank el North Carolina, oa rraaoa- am wraaa. Appiy o auciu 1AED W. HAKKI8, tab 10 w J uxlord, N.U. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF C. D. 1UARTT A CO. U thl day dissolved by mutual oonteat. AH pirtle indebted to the trm wiU make paymea to C. D. Heertt and all claims agaiw t tba frm will be presented to bin lor paymeet, be alone being aathoriaod to etae ap the al- fairs i-f the cow cat a. O. a BEABTT, ! HERBERT BKAOO. HAVING PUHCHA8BD THB INTItB InUveatot Herbert BmaW 1 tha Ut Ann of U. D. Heartt A Co., 1 will hereafter conduct tha but In est to my own name at the old stand, and reipoiitf idly (olkit the patron age ot the peeple, CUARLEd D. HKARTf. -tebM-tf. - t QOLUtt'8 WARRANTED ' j. Cast Steal Cotton sweep Hardware Uanae of r. f irjTJria i.varia a-. tT - - Kalelrt. N.. Trade mpphed at Manufacturers', Filcea. ARK TOU GOING TO PAINT f : -"V ' ' T "Avonll Chemical Pilot li tba beat. dOUUd LEWIS A CU,, . sol Areata, Wr te for deecripUr aire alar and aardot Olom. . af Beer and Wine Hall. tpra my large ati wan asaortad tocl kof Whiakiea, Bratdiea, ' ' Gins aad Spirituous Liqaoar ef all klada br th as are at greatly redaced prteea, M 1 Intend to chanaa my .buileem tn aa axjclnalVA sKxrA WISI tlALL at my preeeat stand. PartJa who dealr p-r elnuung la liqaora' ia quantities la Uuai tve gaiioa would de welt to eaU. ; idberal arrajigeaMata aa with dealer. . - f tthlt.f , -.i.r"., ' A,W.lU?aV. f m waxraotea MADE FROM PURK WHITK MIXED KtADIirott U3B.. v by - tbeJOallon only "One Gallon Covem so tM,uar ,V(da a j.j, Bold - " READ THE POLLOWIMO TBdTAMONIALrt': from raor. w. a. Wmhons, wake okbst, n. c. ' WaKB F&KB8T OOLLBoK Oct 4tli L7t Ma. C. P. Xaioar Dbab Sib: W bate for aaver.1 mo.u,. 1 . 'J..?. ...V !,7i-. fATBV laaiiaLPAiirT," on ear "Ooliage BnilduMf,- .odan. wU pUwatrf wi-i ItT Taon.h It waa applied by one having ao experience in aach worn, yut we Have a goud J.,l,. w'ltli continae tpaa It, bejUvlng that, n point Ol economy, duranility and faml.Ty of It t auirlorlA ana oLhar uWaent aflttral In tha mrirt ' ' kt.)-l tBlgaedt Mm. C F. K.M10BT Bin: Tba oalnt raaia each, and three backeta one gallon each. A weei no eonaxant worn eompieiea ue nousr it now generally conceded that for "Knamel" it aa item Jaat aow with "Soathera reopia." it ahould lie gciei Allv aJojitod In tnia aute any country lad caa apply it, 1 have never dabbled iu tuch atock aa I fatiuionlala bat I tool so foil lbly the great adaptability of yoar Jtnaotel l'nint ta tto waata of. our puoi'lo In ci- el!w r id malcrUL 1b beauty ol aolor, and tbu fact of Its being muly -mixed, hu 1 ,-t yott full permiAaioa,U it I deeirable, to make what uv you thiok pro,, it of tin-1, it Very ruapect fully and truly, v a. -Met, 11.L, M. D. Baltimobr Uoccmlii-r 10, l.SS Ma. C P. Khioki Dbab Bib: It afford me much pleasure toaay to you that the tirwl.e Patent lamel Faint tar ezeeed my expectation to economy, buauly, nd Hureevaiv reaaon to aelleve in durability. More than tweivr nionlhi alncc, t painted !be roof of ui booN (Mi ado Honee) with the Bradley Fatent Kaamet Faint, and 1 waa to wjll pieaaud wltb It, 1 aetennlned to paint the fionte ot the "Hotel," and I am moat huppy to sav that It glrea me perfect eaUalactlou. In eonclualoa I will aey, if thla taUmonlal will ba of aor d vantage te yea, yen era at liberty to aee it Town moat reepecMully, U4AC ALBKKTBON, Maneiou House rtot,i Cor. Fayette and at. Paul Bte., Baltimore. The following latter la rtrong ud valaablet Baltimokr, Me.. I;ec J7, 0. P, AutyM, Jlm,,A0tnt BrtdUy't italant Mtumtel Pblni Drak Si , : I ho i'ainl we I'unha-. d from yon w will cheerfully endoraa aa tae beet of anv kind we have i, ita .. ,VenVi qnalitln ia everything detired, drying promptlyasdwith a baid gh, wnlrh must, reaiet the actioaol all krnd ot weather. Taia ia oureipo Mine aud we ea i icioruuiend It wiu o rvuuij, ana rawna an aae u oa all occaaione wneie we a,,mrc a good jnh of work ! EM mart a P. KNIOHT, Bolb W, Li'Oib rtl 61., Baltioiore, Md. Itnet-imgns and Price List furcl bed gratia, - ao, v.lfia NOfiFour niH luffio: Thf valunhle fertlllanr U offered W tho farmer at a prlcu to mi. the t oiaa, while its strunatli ban (Men greatly liiL-reaaed. N. Guano has aiet with such uuiremal favor every whire, vn u'r t the demand laat season, oaly one third of the order cool I be UUIed. 11 co..iaiiw a4iunt ae pwcont. ol Bone Pboephet , and from 4 to p -r cwt o' -n iionii. ...,j 01 vue ucBb larmen iu c d amenta, aa adiowa 1 the county ere Wjuwaaiai, Uauauaooi A Taua, Jiih R Dumb, W.U. AvBaa, p. J. V. Habrw, UK. A. Ki DAVIS, - j ! Price f48 Dr UM. nnt an In 'Am nnnnrl hr i ! .. ;Mareh-4 d.wam0" SB TH Bit Another shipment of ear braal of GAME OOGK WBTTB LBAD; net to band. " 4i J. . BRIGOS A SONS mm 1 d kirsev " " JEAVE8 ,r 0ASSIMERE8, Uetseived end to be aotd low. Call and se tiiein, " 3. j.9i8pi: aovll-U i I Diaisl .fl.I KIT. :i 2 T? in ; i . ,-! AC K AD., B li O N How ready ,S,A3IDRWSA0a, Crathbwa.- Jaaaarv 9,UX NORTH CAJtOUMA, I Cbatbam Oevarr, f Of THE 8TJPE&I0B OOUBT-tStfc Jan., 1M7 K. Wiealngham and wife Mary, Joe. B Belt and Elijah Beit a Exscator ot Thomas Bell, dee'd. Jo a Bell la hi own right, EUlab BelL Joba (J Stone as Admlnia trator at Wa Bell dee'd, Joha O atone aad wtteatebeeee H.r A T Lambeth aad wife lr rotby, Baaaa Baldwin, EiUU BelL Elljaa G Bell, V U. Cleg aad wife aaraa i Laciaa Baldwin and wile Jell T., aad A G Atkins, ittitioa for ea mxomU aad Stttlmmmt ef (As w Attala a f Aae. Bdl, iuuiti, H appearing te th. satisfaction of th Court that lilliab BeU, Elijah BeO, Joha C Stone a Admlnutmtoret Wm. Bail, dee'd, Joha C atea aad wile Rtberoa IL, and A G AAaa are noa reaidenU, ol thla State; It la ordered by the Oonrt that pentieatloa be made le the Raleigh bbbtibbl, lor tx aeeaaive wiiks, notifying the mid a oa resident defendanta to apiear at tha emce of tn Clerk of the Supe rior Court tor Chatham county, at PitUboro, within twenty day alter tbeaervtceot this Summon by publication, M( pteadt anawar or demur to the complaint Ol th Plaintiffs, a copy el whek la fled to the office ol aaid Clerk, otherwise Judgment will be takes against them aroordlng to said complaint ' Witness, a T. ParrT, Clerk el aaid Cbert at office le intuboro, thk with day of Jaaaa. - a T. PETTT, O. A Ol jas -. ;,,-v-..t rrt J. W, IV BORKEBTl BCHOOUlL HEXDERSOlt, TS. C,Tflp'T . Tbs Spring Deaaioa ol thia School open ea the Had Monday la Jaanary. . - The price ol board and taitloe I f 100, Pot parUcuiart aad Clrcaiar airlrma pnncipua, henaemea, m Kh LKAD LINaKKI) t)lLZlV. Very Keopectf ully. W. U. BIMUONM. Tbb Plai, Fauqulur. Co, Va, Feb fltb, iT' aatidv tu hand a ordered, two km. a.. nu ' . practice U slack, 1 did the j ib iiit -wif. i wu two cou, me iui coat a.-iniuti ilnok, and it Uae liar,lnua and ImhIj ami harmony ol colon very 0,11 A vcrv reepeiiiuijv.aigu ana rneto faaimrn JAKTLKY, 8 W. Baltimore Mrtt House. Hien fid Kn o Puintr. Qkhbral AommO uakig it. ilcao bi had by applying to onr I Itaiu'gh. N. Kor.Trtvllmr tfctma, I'jciUe. Uoldabur"', a OU iVAND UARKIS., U,rrl k-I, j. N.trfolk. Vi R. j COTTON PACTOKS ANO OENIKAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! GROCERS, WiUfnroToa 8t., OrroeiTB Majulbt Seer abb j .RALEIGH, N. V. I We preeent earCard and offer to tae nahlle ear aervieee as General tomn-laaio Met, ehant for the sals of Ootton ami other pro daea,Ae - Our locatloa la central. In Uie tragi nun part otthe ettyand we offer especial advutaire and facilities In the storage ot Cotton oVe., having first class metal root and Are Droll (tore bouse, situated within a short distance At tne 1 -once "tauon, and thereby loss llalde to the dinger of fre. Tboee who daaira storing cotton will and It to their internet to emnmuulcate with na before storing else where. We are constantly In receipt of a Una of weneral Greenlee which we are Belling at the Jery loweat market priaee Aarueen supplies -Iwavs on hand, t Gantry produce io large or mall quantities taken in exchange for goods. . We solicit consignment and will rtloct satisfactory sale and guarantee promitre- tnrna for all articles entrusted to us. Our patron and other will bs informed from brae to Unie of the general tenor of prices for Cotton and produce generally. I All communications ol inquiry promptly answered. I I 1 . , I aept f7-wtf , jl I I - y. i J ,- ? ' FOOD riOBll,- MEAL," PEAS, TINE PEED W tmiea Uate. r order, Uar, Bbacna, esc. At uam 1. OKN'S, aaa. af alfaaav ' of N. C. Freight Depot Warehoaae Jrdara drO)ued to, foatome jtrampUT Sim, W. A. tfATTia, Surt tehiawUyva G O B P r B 8 A !LaV Plfy Wrato!' WHI llelirer Into railway wereboa. Ap;.Iy bf Water, to "A. g ELECT B0A8OIX0 AND PAT SCHOOL . to-irSBORtP k. a rr-z The Miet JTaeh A Vim aathMk will re earn tbe sierciaee ot their aeamiaa Friday -., U74. ; " ( vcaian rorwaroaa oa apputauoa, x . deatf-tm , BLAl(clAri CHCRS. gant m, a nmrv of tblr latest aad most approved .Caarn, wittea awer fails to give aaUaiaeUoa. , 4AaHa,ivTHB L fehl AEL . .if-, Amy ''-; a 1