I liilT IH HIT i'l.ll I Miw.4MjAj1SUUIl.jr" I t u i it w fi n I 1 - ii. . i i . . rROFESSCONAX. CARDN MISCELLANEoya. :f?iii..:.r. .1 Ho,. rfgU ... t.wiu'.i f Citt u" Vae tlltxor. f t i ,. vjit a GtLAr!-j it All the work of , KERN f KRTIL- lINOoVtl'ANy,' m ule from Uia formula o PHOr. WILUAM (HUH4MU tamped with I he hora PATKNTBU THAU It jaUKK. to I tiUARANTKK il dUUuc t ruia aU otliara. Prtfired Espeeitllj tail Solely r thi' COTTON CHOP, Blf TUIT "SOOTHER H FBRTILIZINO COM rami," lutiiMunu. va UT "each Utwlea of Plant mant hs tl, PfcCiKlO IfOOUJUITUDTOlTS PKCULIAR mat una in oroer w proauce the L4KDKMT flr.ll BUO 1 KUMUKIBKVliVJC KKSULTS." THtt rUUHKSr Xa.6 TiMUIiI ALU veto) rroul erory mreeuoa Irom many of the Larcent FAKMKR& ronOPimontJOPTHK PKES8 and NEW8PAPKR AKKES1'0NDKMT8 and OTrlBR 11HLNTKRKT1 PARTIES, throujch tue UML.I rKKS', riUT to IU siiloudid'av - uon uuuuuuui uie cvau. THIS CELEBRATED 'CQTTQr, . FERTILIZER iiiUiUu ilcil. tat won audi a marked and eztonaire reputa tion throughout the cotton growing region of fwui varuuoa ana Virginia; antt na bnen 0 j cxtonaiyoly used and aliuoat anivenially prainrd tlml utm Hmmim It Tf ui wxr r I tl Ml lUiia nft . lo . ' " - w .a u . u u.i.i i. it; UA' WUiKAni irnAleiC AS, OuKUANDt). Its Merits Speit for iWf - Hv the handsome yield it produce, and the large NKT PUOKITiS realiised from It. 3r Auk yor nelehtw who have tried It hat they think of it. It PAYU A NKT PROF IT ol OVGlt lOO I Kit OEN ,I N. B.-Tliere Will bu only a cerUiu LIMITED AMOUNT of thi Purtlliavr manufactured a HiciallvfurOilE SUPPLY. Our friend, and the trad, will do well toaand in their order at once, to N .booked ahead, and then Viey can oraer a tncy auj noua iv m The "Southern Fertilizing Comoany" um on Ijrtu HJOHK8T GRADE of suitable material know to UhemUt. and MAINTAIN AND 1 . 1 p - AKANTiEK a-BUiform atandard. ' ' Thi FerUllaorUaold bv Merchant nd Deal' era generally, at all the rinctal Vitiea, Town attdttUUena, throughout North Carolina and Virginia, . .i a - ! n.- t f- SPECIAL AGENTS: C.W.(iMNDSOXS, COTTON FACTOUS Norfolk, Va, We have the ex1nlve control ef the "COT TON" PKRT1LIZER for North IJaroltae and Hontheutera Virginia. Thi Feruliaer can be I had uioa the following term: '. Cash JBasis. i tiOPerTen, at out Wardbtmae. - Drajag JO I Lent rex Tua Additional. I Orders for 6 Tons and Upward 4 Per Out in. I 1ft .t s B ; I ..)- i. a i - i w - 2 " " ' I tJaatt ortior mnat ne aceotniianiea nun Cash. No duoouiit allowed on Urder under rive Ton. , M THE, wiu mmn JECCBITT 06 Per Ton at our Warehouse. ) Drarace to imdi rer ton- iuoni. ryoie xt no- nnuwan,Tiiinn uiwran. Order for (9 Ton and upward 10 pereant, Lnsvoani. " - i Urdu for 90 Tom sod upward 8 per cent I Diwount The Dlacouat fa lime orders to be based oa theOah Value, i per too. ' No Dlaooaat ' lowed on time orders under 20 ton. - ' .., i Order MADK DIRECT Mr through any Cob ton factor, UoaaadaaUiav ItaresiaaU or liealers reaeraJly, wilt reeeiv prompt attention. ' Ap ply or aend your order to any Merchant or healer and If Uiey have not got ft they will or der it for you; or the farmers and Planters ga erally eia form (Jl.liBd and send their order accompanied by the Lash for lot Of , 10, 110, JW or 6a ton at th above rate of discount, re apectlvely.f No dUcount allowed except for lot a sated above. All letter of eixjuir an Swerad OTomnU. W do not eensider it Booeo T7 toartkanvootlo bny thi .Fertiliser, but merely to annovao w ami; M riarsiiniay c:w.MspYisoss,r- :' COTTON FACTORS, NORFOLK, VA, AC1AL AGENTj FOil Till 80CTI1KRN Enoci Morgan's Sou's eubtUtato for nop fur all Buna "- beldjarp..a,eiee4 washing clothe . for cleaning ypar house will. Jet the ,' t labor of ea ekaar, Uhr it thai. , 6 4 i . 0 Z 7 ; 0 to Window la better Una uniting or water. Mo noving curtains snd ear " Pta. ' ' j J. SAP 0 L I O ckui paint aud wood. In fact the ea- ' tire house, bettor than soap. Mo atop- mg. "Save labor. To can't aflord beWiaeatit. ' Si Ap' ,'o ,2: O for Scorlug Kolvet la bettor and " cleaner than. Balk Bnca - Will uot aratA.v -- - , J . .tur waakiBxdiahaa aad KUaawara rar U TtT lUTaiuauui. Cucajjer Ulan aoap, a A ' I' O L rcmuviw ataini fruu marlila aiantnUi table and (tatuarjr, from hard flnieli. dwallajaud frum chioa and jwrce. 8 1 P 0 L 1 0 ratnoTw ttain and irhease from ear-) pet and other ovea fabricw. i Tkere I no one article known tutu will do m Diitnjr kind; of worn and do it at well aa Bin- I HAND- i a A- P O L l O a new and wonderfully efluetive --p Toilet Moap, having ho eml lit - - this coon try r abroad. hand HiA P O L i O - - a article or the bath, "rtufche tin fuoudatlon of all dirt, epou tueporuaaud Kve a health ac tion abd bnlliaut llut to the akin. HAND a A P O L 71 y clean sea and bcaatlflei the akin, - instantly TomoTtni any (tain or ' blewuh from both hand and &. I UiFD . 8 A P .0 LI U without a riral la the world curtnit or proveutfiW rouKh andchappluc of either hand face. 1 BAND lemcrre tar, pitch, Iron or ink talnl and greaae ; tor workers In machlue ahopa, mine, dto, it invaluable. For making the akin white and aot, and giving tuit a "bloom of Beauty," it la nnkiir paned by any Coametle known. hahd A 'A P O L l0 coat 10 to 15 cent per cake, and everybody ahonld have It. ton Will UK KTW e e H j-jy DON'T fAlLTCI iulTJaitiK tiUUUA. But it cf touf mertliatit il fes had or will procure "It Tor "you, If nttt, tien write lor our t'ampuiet, "Ail about riatoo tto." and it will be mailed free. I BNOOH MOBOi'H'S SONS. Park Placo. N. 1"., or IWlxnabard, Bti, - Baliimora, Md. 5 June llrdwdAwoowly j 10- O00 to K Wtfi car t)ld llaltbutira icea, frvufht added, at beptt a. L E F F E IMPUOVKU DOUBLE Turbine Water Whe6 TOOLE & HUNT. BALTiMoBtt. Kaaafaciuren fu the Souti aud ba lb- Nearly 7000 now in rue, working andjor ..A , Doaa varying from 3 to 840 feet 1 24 aitea, from S 8-4 to 06 inctiea. The most powerful Wheel in the Marktt, Ana moat economical in one of water j Largo. Illustrated Pamphlet asat part irtii MAlturAOTVBBSI, AMO, 0 Portable and Station ary Stoam Engine And Boiler ,'Babcock & Wilcox Patent Tubuloua Boiler. Ebaush't Crusher fir I Mincrala, Saw and Griat MilU, louring Hill Hauhioery, Machinery for White Lead Works and Oil Mills. Shaft. ug I'uiiey ana Hangers. ( BKHJJ roii LTlt(JULAlt3.J feb S-w6m - t m g ALE 9 sp E At ESTATE Br Tlrtue of a da td of morttrair excti- I ted to me on th Ut day of Apnl, 1874, try ona n. Atuaanaaa wue, i anan. on Satur day, the INtih ot AprU. 1874. sell atoubllc auction at the Court Hon door to the hign et bidder, all the intareat of the laid Jofam W. Katrrtao. in certain land aituate la Waka vomnj are or six mile Wort of the city of oaieigo, on ut norm uaroiias Kaliroad and aojoining tne lands 01 upt. Allan, P. W l uca ana oioer. 1 i sor parnca r apply to T. r. Dev ranjz ... V7.A.KDMOND3TON.S pru uw TIUTT1TY i t COLLEGE . . i 1 lite Spring Bewiston wiU eommenea f , JAWUAKl 17th, 1874. -. 1 .J" ' 1 moTitn. ntireeipense for for Board. Tuition. Waahinar and fuel from ! to lluO. - ,aw a.cuvisT.i : L TO HOLD IB! 0 CITT BUNDS. , - , Hi,. -. . ' I . Toe ondenlgned eemmltte of the Board o (.'ommiaalouere of the city of Kaleigb propoae to b present at the Ciuaeu NaUunai Bans between the bonis of 11 and U o'clock, A. M area bat ron snw wssc ruom Trs iTS, ia order take memoranda of tbeclty bond outstanding- , t , All holdau of City bond running odb. two ab a TBaas rata, waei bar maUred or sot, are rcquald to exhibit them b the cmniult teeat uae of th hosra named. . - . i 41J. JtiMrP. BATTL. ; W. W. WlllTIt, . .- , .9"..' i t r -4-5 H. T. CLAWrKiN, ......Jan u Jiikiva ' . 0.T l..Q.i.&. Th eopartnemtilR hntn(or erit!n and.v the nante and stvle of BOOKER A Ni.iftU.IA i UuaiUy diMwiveA lf mulual eonarnt. , a. . tiuoasa, P. a Mi mm, -i- JTsb--d .. :L A A P O I. I It '( . I tlfMwb,i..n..lu f,n.. I ii. W . Uiiiuu ,n.jr, A. A. Mekoy, j C. HlaLg AM. mm 'iniw Mian M 1? sM- wwfe.e. JJ-OBTII tiAUOLIA STA Till LtFE iJtSf'tUljrt'M: c RALKIUU, N, O. CapUul irtvMm.oo irrn.-: HUN. ILK Mr P. dATTLs,,,,. ...,Pral F.H. CAMKKUN.... Vie Prwileut W.H. HICKS ....ce$ary W. I, ROYoTEk, Aaniahuit Medical lliifctor J,B.BATCHKLuB.... ..Attornej 0. H, PKRBlf .SupeniWiig Agent iibbotp; I Hou. Kemp P. ltl.k, lion. Jnhu Maiikiiuir Hon. J )Km W. Cpnulnrham, Aim. W j. a. BmiUi, UL W.. JU. J. C. MalUu! Una TWI tt IfaMnH - I4 U v McAden, J. B. -BsUjlitslor, Julio NiuIi .Ih, VL aafotv.k It Kate are low a thoao of aiiyMrst cum vumiuuiy. l , ii obct aii ueviranie lomia or iBsuraiuf. Il (und are lnvoatud at liouiu aud ciidula tud auimuc our own people. ho auoeOMaary reatrkUouik Imposott apon reeidentw a travel. , . Ptibcie aeferfiUliti after two Mai'4 It olllvur aud Director ate promini ut and wall known North Caioliuinuit, whoau cxIhti ence a bualne men. and whoae wortufand Uitvgrity are alone aulhciunt guamtUse1 for the coinuany'a urengaolvency and sut, . U. PKKKY, SupwvlsluK A(ent, i 1UKU. U. HILL. Will AgeiiU Kahngb N.ll. Good agents with whom lilicrel cmitvui Ui will txj mmitii, wauUiu in evury cuuuiy in the Btnte. July A E t FJIiK HOME USSUBAJJCECOMPAiIy. RALEIGH, N. C." Thi Company con tin o ,1o write Pollck at fair rate, oa all classes of insurable prop erty. , All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. TueuIIOM"rspidly growlagin pubHs favor, and appeals, with cotiuJeuco. to iiiauren o: property in all partset Worth Carolina. Agents In all parta of tha Statu. B. H' Baiti.s. Jr., President. C. B. Boot, Vice Proaidonf ! taatoa tiALas, Secretary.. . ' I rousai Cowraa, Biervisor. ... June 85 tf. Iron in tho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of ''Iron, U to combined as to have ; the character of an aliment, a easily diffenfed and aaaimiUUed with the blood as the elmpleet food, Jt increasei the quantity Kature't Own VUalUinff Jtffent, Iron in the Hood, and cure "a thousand ilia," limply ,by Toning untInvigoraUng ana -1 1 UalUting the Sistem, The en riclwdand vitalized blood per ' meate every part of the body, .repairing damage and waste, searching out morbid secre Uon, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon, This Is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in i ctiHiiflr LynicpLi, Liver Com laiut, Droimyr4i;iiroBi DLtr r, rtiBolKNcrvouAfroctIorif fJlillu ana Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Yiffor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, rf all diseases originating In a bad state of the Mood, or ae eompanled by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, Us energizing effects aro. not foU lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, ami -neut life into all parte of the system and building up an Iron Con stitution, -r Thousands have been changed havvu men and women t and invalids cannot reasonably" hes itate to give it a trial. j See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP UoM In the glass r rsmphlet Free. 8ETH W. FOWL! It SONS, Proprieton, So. t MUtoa Place, Koctouu Jn,p ST JBB(iOIT eSBBAI.tf.' F 0 Ii SALE A complete art of BLAIJCIIAIID'O : IKPRUVKD UACH1NIKT FOR MAKING ' Plow Handles, , caparlly of which I too jkt day; aleo one 90 bone power Kngine and Boiler, Saw Mill, Shafting, Pulley, and Rangers, Wood lura iag Lathe, variety of Moulding Machine, Belt ing, . ur io oiner woru. t , A FIUST-CLAM -PLOW HANUJC - FACTORY." 1 Will tell ut whole,. or bv d-iail, " Adare, " i F. H RAUM, : A Bui M, Kk-hmond. Va pOI IA1I . I Bod Rotiib Fumllnie : 1 Parlor ts( Fornitar andTald . ' jenmi- VV. t.Jui4Ca JOB OFFICE. . j . . WORK Having refitted our Job Office, And secured the servicer mm i We are uow prepared to execute all kinds of All personjliaving Bill Heads. Letter ll:ada, Butinees Cards, Visiting Cardt, Weddint Cards, Circulars, Potters, Ac. To print, will have their work" ex ecutod in the verj best stjle by sending it to the ra . mm , W aro also prepared U do I kinds of . In the verj best style, at All work sent to us will bcdoie asrjuicklyand cheaply as at any other i ' - v .- , S PRINTING BOUSE IN THE j SOUTH. i V - - - - 1 ' ' . I mTnTTiTimcii j xurvrii o ... t Of all kinds Printed at short notice. " In short, we are prcparod to ct- ecnte all kinds of Printing ia tho verj best style. j. Tit I. VO, i Janaary 4th, 18T4. . . .. i FOR 8ALK j 14KKD Feather Bed saw Mahogonay Bed Stead. ". i 1 Stngl Spring Bottom Bed Stead and Mat ins.. ; ,. . ( i Juts nd Cotton Mattraaaa. S Handaom Mahogany dining room Tables. WH JUNES A Co. t oct 13 If Aacttoa A Cum. Merchant. WATT FLOWS. - . -ABOtber sopply received to day ef Uits to ully eelubratnd plow. Also, Mutore 'Dixie" and ' Faimira Vrtnnd1 sad a I large f vortment of ether rlowa. JAM 4 L TOWLEfy i. gALTI SALT II I'lOHark Martnaii sm rernms inaraa half bushel Sack Salt. At .OCtSSrtf F. JUNFJ ACO'sV ABMS T r;w ((!. f !.-,) I BOOKBINDER ABB j Blank Book MmiufacturmT . oraa a, a aooasroaA ' fab II tf 1 (fil.ufW J. U. L ATTORNEY AT LAW K A L 11 0B (Mfwe Bouth ot th riouri Hoaw or th wUt Untew - f JaasT-tf I ltifiltlr - ' sXAXJUiilik u. Slats and Federal Unartd and, 1& Courts of t. 1st and ta Jidiuial Dlatrku; aov ai-u F. H. a T I U D W I U K ATTUKNKT At LAW,. Jan 04 f Th oaly RelUbl Gift Diatritratloa la ,,. " eountry . 7 f $100,000.00 IN VALUABLE QfFTfi! 1 TO BE SlSTUntrriU) M ... ; IL. D. SUsTE'.S - 43 SEMI-ANNUAL - T U Drawn Monday, Mm 30CA, ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, OOOiaQoldi . . , . , , One PriM, 5,000 in Bilvct f Five Prises, (l,000eauh in OroeuWks Fiv Prises, 'W each in Urucnbacks I Tea Prises, 100 each in Greenbacks ! t Two Family - Camac and - Matchvd : iiutmv witn- Biiver-Mouuted llaruH, worth 1,S00 each I Two Buggies, llorse, c., worth G00 each I Two Fine-tonod Rosowoud Pianos, worth aooveaca i - - Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each I 1 i ; ' 15 11M mnd Sllmr Lmr Hinting Watcktt, :, m u, wortanmts-tu i Oold Chains, BUvcr-ware, Jewulry,4cT3ti Lff-asnW'sffiTts iojoooir-v;,taT": . ,- TVsfam ImiUd HflO.OO'U lieaU Wilted U Hell Tickets, U wkia . . Liberal rKmloui will be paid. 1 Single Tickets 3 ; Six TldkeU $10 .Twelve Tickets fjy j t wcnty-rive so. Circulars containing s full list of prises. f dcrltlon of the manner of drswfnav and in ia l oiner uiiormauon ia rviurenoe to tua min i euoon, win no en u any vnewuenug uieu. buUun, will be seat to any en ordering Uiou. Ah V. SINK, Bos hU, I 10l WFlfihSL viBOinaaii, va fbl7-M -TUB'- a i i iTrf, it,7,:n O.JO .(Mtiae I . : it ". k ! e . ' s 1 cm cur ixutital COreTJECTXCUr lTJTir. LIFE iDniranco Company, Maintains th higheit tandrd of SOIiVENOY Th ehrcter of the investments 0f It sceu- mulatcd aaaetaot 36,060,000 I of the Highest Class for security i It hv ins; never lost a dollar of sit tuvestauut, iU I a larger thaa that of suy other Company over ' 5,000.000; Itbusnembershlp of or- IW.O'X) person I It ratio for th euur V ye-r of Its b aslniss assDesa not 8.97rEaCEMT t' of Its reeerpt. rt has no Stockholder. Brery dollar ei wvlng or proHt aeiong solely to the POUOY-nOLDER, - i From aeb s record on esa WeD iedm where to tnur with safety and th mallet poaat- ' K ,,J , ,.' f rM(.. Si ta, D. WAIT, Ooa'la AtuL XALIIOE, N. C 'i sept 1 ty w t I A . L- ATTORNEY AT LAW, JACKSON, NORTH CAROLINA, PrartirM In all the.ronrta of Nivrltiatntitia Balifax, Bertie arid Hertford counties: in tlie Supreme Court of NorTB Carolina, and in the Federal OoarM. . , .. , i asd -diss w 1LLCOI t GIBBS i t i iHEWIrVCr IrxACIIINltS At nsnufactaret prices, oa ttm or montjily lastalaeata.'" ' ..... ...... f I AND TWINTT-Fl Vft.FER-C B N t. tlA1 - . , f M AN CFaCT U K EKS' PKJCX4 FOR 1 If porchtaad direct from till offlw, or any ot IS ISTS B'PtFT, Rl-m-rn4, V , i i WAS. a. a UIBB.n. Proprietor, dee -wUa j ' JOHN MILLS l)0RJ,, NORTH CAR0UN i. -r--r n m .. i . I I .x. TFir m a"",. l i?-i. wj. fe0 all ClFlUTEltPiilSE 1874 StA f 6l,'KiktU0AiMLIWA,j t .w. Ooanrv or Caaraua. j -" w thb) avrmoa cotmr. ' f ' AMtm MS Jbaf AM p WMMda; ' Was B gamaey mm wtm- RKmhaU, U U HeadVaand wife Kunhemla. Martha K Kam 1 dy. Ann K Taylor, John W Pg and wl'e .A...... a r .... a ......... aij:Ts oya or nun menu onn w gage, rHahrtUs, . - ,1 w f . tMi ayefcisf ' " y I ' N A KssKswy and wife Anna, If I Ramsey snd wife l:rlct J.emph Kanuey ad wife Lyitla, John W sUmaay end wUa, fcdward m Itaaway adwU,ltttaBdaiiU.,. .( t fcJ, , ,, I art uiat uaauove named delauUania M I iuaiy and wife, Jompb Kamwy snd wife, Jotm W Kainwy sad wUe, and kdward B Haimu-y and wUa. are anwawnmts of UriaMtata, they ar kwby aotiaod to at pear at the olbes ofi the Chsrk of lhf a per tor Court for th t ohaty of Chatham viViin Wday the servioa of thi iuibtSvbh, and wfwr theeompIint,. eopy af which will bsdenastM I thsqilics f the Clerk of the Supwuw Omrt fat bwd county wiuun tvday inun inn dale Ueronf, see tnis siM aay oi veceiau v Jl , .Clark 9i the Sapermr Court of tka4am jan a-wow 'Dr. J. WalKcr'B'CaHrornla tin fCRt Ultlri ftr purely ToKotubl propaintton, maile" thlofly from the Ba tivo hcrui fntmd o the fowor rnnRoi of the Sierra .Novnda niouii talus of Culiliir hla,tlw juodiolnhl. tiropoillcljSt which are rtrnrtod therefrom without the bao of Alcohol. "The fjuestion Is almtwt daily asked, What is the cause of the unparalleled success mi Vixboar ! TEitst" Our answer is, that they romsvo the oAase of diaeass; and tho patient re eovors his health. They are the grpat "Wood nurlfibrWa aiiliniGipler' perfect lieuovtttor aud, luvijjoiirtor of. the sytteitj, Nerer rbefore ia the history of th world has ft Medielns Vtwi eeinrKWide4pe)iuMiNii)glttbe remarkdUe qualities of Vikmui Eittrr la hesUne ths kk of every disease man I heir to. They are s tootle Fargsttiva aa well aa a Toplo, relieving Cotigetioa or Inflammation! of the Liver aud .Tl'ceral Organs in Uilums Diseases '- j " - .The nroporties of Da. walxbb's v iBaoaa uittks sr apeneni, uisnuoraiiv, Carminatire. Niitriliou. Latative. Dtu ratio, Mndatlm nniintflr-Tnttaat Mudorifia. Altarav ,,ttra aSj Aati-!?s.ns! H Olil i rat.t.fuf TlMMiunda proclaim viif. BOARUiTTKua ue must aondcrful (a. rigorsut that , over suatmuod tb sinking 'No Pei'son rftu takrtliV ni((r according t ftiirrriouii, hndjom.uii long unwell, provided their Inmt' aro not du stroyed by mineral potsou or other means, aud vital organs wasted beyond repair. Opalr. .-".'' i " t "' j 1 1. WUou?r Rmftteut -and, IniU niitteut I tJVt'i-s. which aro so nrorn. lout iu the vaJUn of nnr mrat liM'is HirmiRlitrnt thtrlrnitmi Starrs. r"tj)tclitll thosn hf ttiA liltK.wlmil. Oliio. kliHMinrU I ilUimi3Viirari'rtCiaiiL!rland,ArkSu. .r4t(l(l()yad.i1Miiis,KjiCraniJo, Pearl. -AlAlmmiw -MtdiHA Savatmnh. Eo- Yinnhn .1irn hn(T miitw Ml,m 4th entire comitrr dunim tho Summir ttiukl APtuinn, and remarkably sn during sa sous oi unusual boat am urynms. Sro invariably aecrrmpnnlprlhv ox toiislre do raugements of the utomaih ami llvf r, ana owtv auaoimnai vwtoia,,., in inpir trentinent, a lmrcatne. exertinn a now erful liilluimca iiii theso various sr" gans,,ia etiavjitmiiv nccessnrr. 'llidre is o earltartic fur the purpose equal to UR. J. UAI.KKU 8 ViskGAR lJrfTKIK, as they w ill fineedilF remove tito dark colored viscid matter with which tJis bowels nra Jimdfld. at 4ba same tlaia stimulitlim lw SceilottS ot the liver. ana general ijt troMorinB tho uoaitajr tuiiviiuiis oi uie uigcstivo organs. i Fortify the body ngalimt disoaso by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar jiiaKiia.r0 cnmomio salt taka lom if asyetemiiMtif-liH-flrtnedv-'-, - ; I3nppsa or IndlRPstonf nc-vl-nclic, fain In tho Sliouldora. Couub. TinlitiiAU nf (Ii. I'lu.. lki..l..... fcructntions or tnsNtmnach. Bad Taste In tho Month. Itillous Attacks. P.ilnlfa- tation of tlie) Heart, luQammatlon of tho Lungs, I'um in the region of the Kid . , ,.. .i i .. . . . . . . . i iioyB) mm a niiiKimi oiuer pamiui aymri Olio hotttcwill pruts a br-ttcrcuiuauit'C of lis merits than a luniuhv mlvuitj- incnt. i ft " "s n I CH-itiiuia. or it I n ir m Ki n. una aiu..A..v I ':. . ..... . . .. J Srcllinir. I.'li-ern. Rri-Hjinilux. R rlliil Niwk. Goitre, itcriiliiliui lunsuiiitutiMi, JsJolaiit iiieminiifin i err ilii.it t A nelsons, Uld onw, uniptitms m tne bkm,Tiirolirel etc. in tuexa, s 111,'au ouweoumuuuiiiiM eaues. TVaIKKR's TlKKOAa llimsa Lalra shown 'theli' grr-at fiarative power hi, I4ie wunuuaie ana luiractawa sane. I r For InHniuniatoiy and Chronic RhpnnifttiHm. tToiife niUonr Reuife tout and IntermUtcnt Fovcrs, Diseasospf mi tiiouo,, a ret Auluars and HlatlilSr, llieae liitlMS bnro tlaeouuL - Bnch Liaiit ,ore canid by VJUttted llioud. : . . i Mechanical IisfnRP,Pfinionn th faged in Paint and Uneraia, such as I'luilllicrr, '1't-nii.M'ttrL fiiilil.lMalar.. aa.t U i tier,- fluiy ad vance ii lifa, are su lijtr t to paralynis tif thei Bottol. To gnnra agiuunt tlii. Uka a, dose Jl Winiii1! liik. tuaa JAn,i'KkiijiieBliy,i.fci.v --J. i - u" For Hkln llisises. ErnMlrms. .! wr, oan imfnm, juuicnem, Knots, l impldiv i u- iiueay i"ii,' varuuBCiea, Jting-wemm, Seolil-hsnd, Sore -re Eryainelai Itch. ptirf, Diacnlnraitons of the Skin, Uwiiiav ana viarasst or tne Kkio of whatever aaras M nature, ana litorslLr-dac on snd tarried fiuv oi ne eysrein ia a. ort vine ay the use I 14 I'ipae 4httdr2 I B t : U y arin Tape,? ali f otlit t? 5Vi IB, nirking lu the r 41MB T BiS'ir Cioaaakii. are eileetaallf dwrtrtfjed and Wmoved. No irttem ot aieiiieioe. no veontlnges, an aa- theliuiuitka will 1'rea the AVmWl rtlttt.am.g.rirAst like tliB IJiUer. , . for Female omtlnfnfq. in vminrr Or old, msrried rtr singlff, at thr d.iwn of wo- rnanrjonn,. or tD tnm or J if , . thnse . Jrie iiitters diplay o dijcd an hiUuenta Uiat improv-fcerrt i swm perceptible. i Licansethe lUalM JJlood -tien .,...7 ,,MHM,jHmu.iii;ii. I ever yoaaad itaaiaatia.asft tne skid in lnmnle. Kmntiona of &.! 1 eleanie It when yoa bud it otatractod and siaggisr, w tee v-strif ; inne u wiica H mi; v.mr iihr,e r:ii t'!l run hi-a. K.-n l,iw,d pure, aad toe health of th avsteai will t. ,.-'w. , , .,s to. if. Mrrmvst.n ju en.. I I ""rnis and ii a Tta., Sun !, Calirnrnia, Bad m. g WaManMMi adt'kwM'Hi Ma.. . V. sitMi vmK.m i. ri AJaofrr y-jg -ctibt rin -r mini i r i r i t r r m cir ftamnn vmtrw kwn-.A., t-bT . ..' . I 1. . ..Mi . Ja ..... ;.t. ...t I ... . ' " HOSPITAL. 0FFIC-V,VrtI rKXl)F.Rjca e'TEJKT l'JL 3 0 H NN O V romedimUiai.urJ..riu "l d'-u ef tMsysUm.7-''" "'iwaesorabitee Affection of the KkileT. Z ai?! rea, Nrouu,.aa, . Dv,Ui,i. il hilliy. Bpirita, nfdaluVofi (dLvffU,w' Lo" Jeart. TuadaJt. . tZkt" the on, ABtxitioua of Ui I TT' btonaWw- b::, tuna than the oBir .l oZ X??1 to "'r v vie- afaaaSDmim. mJ at .', - 1 1 -w. mn maa-. am Msilmia a. 1 pla, NervOM&nr,5."' "rt. Ova th Digest B7toai'';ri T7m" " .Tk.'i..TT mind are murk to h. a.-.!T "oea on th. ory, Confueion of uZfTir- ? of Mu. SU Fowoimrm. i7;.3,7r.!,u 'Irit Wearast, eltoZ. ei7- o th evil, rTroduceS 1U,laa' u- auwaasnaa of Betson. r . - ' ' judge what U tuTctuJ , .Tm"" c beallB. totbwi,.?,.t"r dedwiu. pale, 4,nlcQ " "i g w, labootthii.;Ttr-Ii kIBaJeeupa , Cuuh symp. r.,.;v , I mAstsUAflaV--, - ' t L.7 --'-ua, OT i out. wrlage.vard iSvSXZitP! bof IVoemttvePj;,;,,, a w vaia.a. ua aiciuiill t. l.l 1 i-'wiryi. lupolemy), Hot a, oa. Ufebi,,f -'-? yr.mtf wkk I uaa i-.i.. TT ., : w ".tioim ,ui i aj . , ... .. i fllFwi reUeve ? Wwl " " Persons ruuuui i. k...,.L . . n'"i-D. month, taking piiimSL 1?K J"118 UU , , , ,; t ia. JuUNbion'': U ?rtof whom llfehaTb,,,4'' be, ' lhiur cures that vr . V' u"Jl to n a sudden wiuiiUa. h..i,i..i. aarm, of 'Ku ST'Ct 7.' SiatoS&S5 A iuTiHi"Zi of WMT'deter. luT rhoaa wn tem i'" l'pli iug t ead alou befrioud hiuiT m- ,liCUl""')f, hand, of ignorant8 al l,ui ' who. incapable .euitaa?as f,i,'lo"d'. ubatance, keen Liin f?',i hia pecuuiarv obtained, and in deeSt? 2 1 " " ' healih to igh ever hU?ih,!! . witk ,uuw, caue me cuikalilution.i ,ZZ .f "-"." urr rid'diaoaae lo make I this hur- lceiAedsoiwtlirin.J'!?ruc. "ehM aa n.i.. .1.77: r wa ua I 1 hiotchm ou in lJj ,...Jla' u-wT the at. of toe "r5'""'. U t h..i I no laU hj, aud the null.. .J, Z, UOUB" tue bouee of tli, t aula it. . Hon tiU desm sat. e-nuXi i ou""ii--saSerwK,u,7IaiLb..to".,1'd-fni oontry "trvm wiioV Ti.,.r: ""uwouverud vm who turr.r."u.,r'y'' retBras- . - : j : J , ch, therefore, u. iMHk . - - 17 22 ...i'?,Jil-, -raa Pug- awnt witoia the "Ii li - "i,ii,u. v LrAlLfUMUSS.Ia I nuinerou1u(pruot.,r.''u,,r " tu j iBZiveBotta " Jl"ts i I of winch hTvaW?!- 1 0UilKh I "K"l beloretoe pl Sjr8lIK",a "i- fomied bv ir i" "bw; wperauuua I Ulu of uouor uUr,..:.7....' UU"i asuui or u.-7..:.,''., I'lMf IL'l- ai,t , - -sWAMS, Pitrjvips. i,? H'lALIiUS, a,, y.t Add 9itM kUtUien.eubBerge, d T' ' dr, loubl..Actg l l,iu-?u- but tot. ..r ""''to i jua. for aaaifUreengui that h Jtll. puu,i' Uon ih thia eountr, ,t?r ' MWafaa. by over 60 SreVJ ""a U.0uaud dolXa,,8" ""d hsteyet to hear or .iTl i Tul'tJ'. and i , eoui oy uro. iB iL-J- . u be") UT' . """"uMnv' liter ar ,a . . "r" to S to a wurl.TT. B"Ml "-i'g Sj I withuat ths hv.ae au,Ji .ZlTr u""m "yt cUdei wT't " l"-Jaia iv any toaie Z to? "-r p-W i aretotoa.'i,"' !ml - vith u?v Joui r!,r,,.?')rt,I ?',nrlly used. the. Fuple,u1,7ko. ledg. of laeuoB. eooie of tuuia m.,;7B toruyih weiiseafuoSo! S ln taUa' thM aay they mvetalf.il; . wuu av U..urau, and man .saTti.fl2r..a,,,,"n rr' wwy.do not -...,r. urates wuiia Pump Cyatern nJ if" F 'be dwlul lorcuur r.UUJ'xU bT IU , oa vUt (j. feu iM.rnr traction ana fiu.,,71 7 . J ?"y con- hape it wa gotiia buV' 0,twrUo" " w. so Wr, b$ t wuerw lllar aeighboar well ciHtZT Xti i"V ilP I tL4'1 eyeteru or suriuir. lifti,, ...I wau. r;i,r.',rrB r.priug. i,IUl, ,. f; you wub ao74SlydtuJ"u, " toebiug Aoae throw ilyJ Uum b l ad w wU Chil k f ,oa l''"" and i. a.a to bTto. w t"""11 ? ;,taciiluf o mcu: '.rr". .u.1 oi rthme audU SS'of Z 1"" TWO partners wani . "' ' Sgoodumu;Ute?.uuu d apply Biecuauica i .i.T." . au or uuwior ttJZ,. .iT,.?. - aaUafacUo. to Onit.it ULtl-r ZZZ. " buwiieee ia ii r" fte statemunu cuu U. SL"1? of niaud i",l'f. touegotoTff.ia"J'' Wuu,J J " hd huamoai talooi ! J TwlCi u,x:;'.'-:l";'i Ulluinu. . ..7" : sun . ii r. ' U a lb uuiktr. f...Ml'l il .P. In. . I llj U mi a yiy 0-liau.a ... l , , rM,l,WHl elude au laiBtJ' -.-". . ruutj anu a,ji..itvj a. .-. ..UJ rawtkume J'lg two hundred "..id v ac-w. it' iroilt. 04 Ulu rtwi i..r . . uecunvuii. ,,.., a, i..'no r rc itt ' l Ml4, li..MM. h-i'n '"! be Uk,-n oVr .m.,...-. . e&a t. .-H,,i ail n..-l..,ry iHMi'iu ,u.,u frym ..i,.r u ' py w-.i , . , ,,, it v