- Latest ; Dispatchesr FKOX HEW YORK. j ; Muss OW TBS IiOM OF TBI ECMPB A Pbmbt to Csitaib Tbomaj-Mbbi- .NB.w.YoiuLTbemorBiDg4)ptr con tain additional tateauaot of the officer if tb ilea mart Europe sad Greece, ; ree- . pectfuUy supporting and denying 1 tbs charges Mid try Cant, Led an egtinwt ,,Gpt, Thomas, la relatioa to the placing of tbesslvaga crew m tb Europe, s -The rescued cabin puweagert of tb Karapt bAve pretested Capt. Thorn a with. chronometer wtch -tad cbila a s aJltflVt uMm of their cksowUdgererjt uf bit eervtce in saving their Um .' UlSCEIXANKOUo ITEM 3, , Maw OaLBAJia Tbe water ie f ioabee ' urer the level at bead of Orange atract ., aad a foot deep over the Mobile railroad ' from Jeffureon ttreet to tbe lower end French Market , i , Ataaar. Tbe Ikpullicana here elco- ted their Mayor by 1,500 majority. CicmATl,0-At tbe late inflation ueeting etrorif ntolntioM vara aaatad, iigMd by Qao. T. Dai sad MlYksa rreaideaU Oaths other aide a -doco- roeot wae aignad by 80 meaufactnriog t Orraa, elalmiogto employ 1,000 baade, and to represent 110,000,000 capital, sig - nifying their spprorsl of CWgreei ia so thoridogtbereiaitte of tbe wi4,000,OOO reierTS, sad the propoeed bore see of tba National Bank.':, -i ODNQIIESSIONAL XEWbV Wajhuiotoii. Houaa. A bill was ra iiaaajiBMl taHt. t aa jw ntl ulU SaUWEtwftBsl wtfimm lirVleninisT awiTtvassv nf wraanawie of Congress, - Rshats. The bin appropriating $97, D00 to pay school teacberi In tbe Diatriet of Columbia, was taken up, FBOM WA8HINQTON. Vmoi No Vrro Tbi Fuiai, Haiaiao 0 TBS 80TJT CaBOLIlU Mxnoaxu- urra-TiiH Iftoass CAJtoola: " : Wiiiii otob. Con riBJUTt os J am ee Cochran, Poatmaeter at Culpepper, V. Ttie question ol the hour la whether lbs I'resideat wiU veto the flnance bill The proesore b beery, the best opinion ie that be will alga It, " Tbe President bu neagsiaed Jos. Aa gost Polterta Vkss Oonsttl of franca at Peniaoui sad Charles PilUchady ditto st Mobile."- :- ',. .-v miur utt 1 . rr i t wiyj....-.. v-n.Uii.: -. Mat asv.-. ,)H&if1ff:lfta " 1 inia .ww m - . - .... .... " At tbe final hearing oa the South Caro lina troubles, before tbs tnb-Jadictarjr CumuiiUoeofthe Houae thle murnlng, rardoH irw.ke for tbs counter niemorial tats, giving a brief account of tbe fiaaecca of the Slate, showing tbs causes why the LyIJature'had Ucreaaed tbe debt ind holding that tbs Itepabliesa edminlatra tioa It only reepooalble for one mllUoa three buudrad tbouaaad dollars of J it donvlng tbat the bonded debt ess s be shows to be over ten mlllloei, and sfflrnt- iug that of that amount lha .old BUte . tiorerument is reaponsibls for eight mill ion gores hundred... thousand, lie held tbat tbs DemocraU in Soath Carolina are : rnponiible, equally with the Republicans for tbe esiating state of aflairs. " Thomas Y. Simmons closed for the - memorialists lo sn eshsustirs addrses of lulf n boor loT which he showed j la detail tlie many frauds aad outragu aer (wtraivd giooe rooonitruotios ader the lorm of law, and carrying their perpctr tmo borne upon thoee in power there tbe bat sis years." He sasertsd that tbs dbs billUea under the recoaatrsclioa acte were an absolute barrier against participation by tbe leading oltlsent ta tbe forms tioa ( tbs sew State government, sad closed 1. .. BM ... i no.1 Ann! Cra annh tfiiraarlnraw tion as shall show ths truth or otberwise of the charges made by the tax-piyera committee, - What action the Judiciary Committee will take b a matter of mere conjecture. It ie believed tbat they will fiud, however deal root to do so, no fci grouod for the recommendaUoa to Cos- groat looking to sa lermtigstiosv thoagh ths matter will doubtless be made s nb- ject of congraaalonal discusjion, : t Mr. Lamar, of New York, recently ob tained Judgment of tbe Court of Claims . for five hundred sod seventy-olne tbou aaad dollars for s eottoa claim. - Mr.Cbs . tur, as Administrator of hb deceaaad brother, who it wss claimed, bsd SO f u torett in ths clsim, filed a bill is tbe - Equity Court of this District to prevsot ths money from being paid out of tbe Treasury. Judge Wj lie said to-day tbat if the Court attempted to raatrais tbs psy 1 moot of money by tbs Treasury it wsuld have little dee to de. It was only where the set vice oould be msds persooslly or sjainst tbs real or personal estate of the party that the Court could set, , lis res cinded tbs restraining order. The clai mant, Lamar, being a aaskleat of New York, and therefore actios cannot lis in .hi vjmncT. . . A .TERRIBLE WUNADO STRIKES Ksaviijjt. . - . i i - Nashtuxb. tornado passed sver sod through tab city, from tbs Wert to the East, st 13:30 o'clock this morning doing to hnmenos amount of damage. It 'struct tbi city at tbs Fair Ground pass ing diagonally through tbs city, aad out . by tbs University and Mount Olive Ceme tery. ' Its width seem to bar been about a quarter of a mile. .Xfter passing the f Ail vivuuw .mw., IU, a.AnAIUtH building sod Kidwell House, seriously dawngieg 'he---nefj ths froot of -tbs Acs Ic-iny of Sf'j-ica, Froit's groowy stow, Carney' wholesale liquor cstablitbme&t sad tcmal other smaller bal'ding, near Itsocuraer J Broad bsm! CWry etrw, were crushed, Tb front wladow of Hurley 4 Bra. end Hmmob 1 M 4 dory building, sew the mi locality, were crashed is. Beadle' livery stabl, oootalniog ia Jmsieoss smoont of .feed wagons, bora aad Cattle, vara blowa off iti foundation lain tbt back watar. 8er al horses and, it 1 tboogbt, oaa mas ware drowned, f arisber i livery stable, oa (Jol lege street, ia rear of Beedlee, waa eertous Ij damaged, beeitlee erverui hod -storr ; aad a scnaH negro dwelling oa the street a-saod from tber eraMiig la tb frnet M the colored Methodist Charch, east to, the Medical College, taking off a portion of Iti roof, sod Iron thence to tba nugnifl-o-nt raaidanee of Judge Pariah, moving the wbols of the roof ewtof place. "At tlii boar it U impoaaibla to enumerate Ui number build wg damaged or tba lot, which will exceed a hundred thou sand dollars, ataarpoor families are Rtdmd boamleic-.it b feamd.thaw ha jq-ATlOSiL HOTil, BecuUfully Bltuatedi next Jto Capitol ftfiar. - ' niT.Rinu H it r "7 ANEW HOUSE,. Fine Roomi, wen .Furnished bud Fittcd - ' " , up'.lB ws besttyie. . ATTMTIVE 8EBVANTS. The Table Dally Supplied with the Bet ''(thb sod Staer MarkoUAfford. , aa'BRdwN, " fcblSdlm Proprietor. E A E E I Swedes Iron : saA .the . Finest English Steel! The beat bread of Aaterioaa aad Iwedr lroa,aa4 laglkh Extra Ranaad Oast Steel seed W (he SMasfaotar of oar AXES AND EDGED TOOLS. We offer the Verr beet All that aa be ssansmetares by skilled workmen and verv ipertov auteriala, aad traat that We will re ave the support of the Wed. , Order ailed Immediately. JULIUS LEWIS 4k CO.. ON TUB VMS ASM AST, LOMCHBON, ONI KlllWn IITmilTlRI I ' Lea sut rrrlns Woreheetenblr Base 1 ladispaoalbk). ' JOUH DDMOA1TI SOWS, Mew Torh. : Agents lor ths U ailed tats. eetJa-ly i . . . t The WilmingtorL star. ESTABLISHED ONLY BIX YEARS j fAILYSTAR. HAS the largest eirca'atioa of any Dally Newser la the Mate, and a clrcsU tioa In WUiuliigtoa aearly twice s Ism as ae oer paper. . ... ,. aii we aewtwioe aay win eeioaaainit, ss4 wbsb anliaiMtrlaat, at lemrt) waaa of ssoeaeBl, aett always preeeaieq m s clear, miauiKeni ana interesunc ssanBer. - aUBOC-UFTltN(lBAdTase): On Tear... .....IT 00 Sli Months S t Three Month.. 99 WEEKLY STAR. faiOB hVBDWBDr - Ths WfMt Mar b now eombiaed .with the QsrutfeM thrmtr. and is one of the cheeDeat papers in U eosnuy, si us louowmg ' REDUCED EATEa: aoopT,oosTar ...............t SO una eoiiv.au moauui i uu MTClube of s to 10, one year, tl at per cop IsirClubeof Wor asore, one year, only 1 Ml Iiereopv i Spec4msaeopireaeBtaasppUcstloB. ' WM. U. BERNARD, v I i Mditor at IVtprUlor, WiutuioToM, n. a dee 80 . ., . i t hTI ' E i k A V i . Whltelawtc Orowder, ' Coraer Bloaat sad Morgaa Streeta. t- RALEIGH, K. 04 Are prepared to famish ToeBhetoaee of all Slada, either plain or ornaaaeaut of bolt American aad .talis Marble a asean and neatly eieeuted ae eaa be purchased at an) other establishment forth or Soath baviaa bean at Use easiness at ear-lnsr aad enrreTina asarbl tortv-Sve yeas, we oeaatder on real -aa eqnal to any la tbe Union. We will slaw tarnish granite et the best quality, from oer new q names, si war in wnsniaaea diocs or eat Inn to order, each ae : door aad window euis, walanable, eaapsi peau, sire-tend crave v srd curbetoBa, Ac., ail order will he thaak- fully received and paBctually SMended toad we pledge oursulve to give sUlsfacUoa la all JOHN WB1TELAW. 4elT4m ' , . ? PUMPS I PUIIPH ! Bvvtrtaa . t eon tarred In the Morteigo of Jobs ta gltchoa and L.L s-iicnea naistersd a ibe Saegisws Office of Wske Von ntr. la Book a rare SIS. the an- derstrned will sell at pubU auction, ta the iiy 01 naieira, oa 1 BU aD'. vaa wra usr iraii, ie, au et the property eeaveyed ildMorVsire,eonsiUngor , 1 rsteaU Tor Uie "tjlorts rump I 1 ' A. Baldinea BnUwsmd Punn." sad IU ether satenla for ramps at any time heietofore la van ted and patented by Joha U Kitchen. - .-i V- - ' -t Also all ue Material, Machinery aad Tools, wd bT J. L. Kitchen la tha alannfaeinie of Panipa, torether with all rssBps oa hand. And as alio! the note and aoeonnU for Fnmpe do to said Ellehew. and bv said Mora. rara asatriHsd te the anderelgned debtor, are hereby forbiddea to pay the ram tod. U Elkbea, or any one for him and are reqnlred so pay ia Sams 10 myeell or my Attorney . . MorUrarer. f lam Msaafaetartiis S sti ra article nl vara aye aaa Wheat whlikeys, Which I offer toessh havers at moderate prteea. It any at BiTdUUlleTv.or bv mv Partoar I. A. Cheek at HiIlabo. rkll ii be pare end whstratresated when aokLthe en.y will be refunded, er bo eharg far the whiskey. Order tollcl ted. . BBnz HOLT, Cotomny Sbons, Alamaocs eewnty, M. 0. March f d-iw-iiB." JTUt EOU UtiiKU TO tAlSX) . j "AferJI CHeaieal Taint 1 tbe best. ; ' . ... " JUUVB LEWIS AdOw- n..iA a ... : Write for descrlDUr circular aad card at I olors. ; . ' . " .. 4 - ' &!."- .- 1 1 .... l " MlSUELLANE0USf DENNIS O &... patent euiFMNrt tiki. Over Two H aad red Millions have bees seed wlluia tbe Part 10 year. without eowiplatat of lose by Xac oec'uing detached. Tan aae wobb bmabi.' fob aaam Vovm Hum rut nr Tie) in M All Express Companies aae tin? in ' I Mold by r"nntT Dd BlaliiBur tTcr wlir"t Re Ra Ra RADWAVS READY RELIEF - enrmxs the worst fa?xi In from On to Twenty Minutes. NOT one hour - altar nadlat Uw Mnrtlmmmt aod aii om wmi with ruir inu raut. " It wm tk tnt and k The Only laln Renedy B.urali, or ftimtmua lis simsm uia .uircr, RAOWAY'E READY RELIEF . WTIX AWOKn ISaTAWT RASR. ' SsrLiBMarios or Tim siimnvn . T lrrBATriil or tub sladdkk "isnirri(Sn or ma Lisas BOSS THBOAT, MrrKM LT KKKATHf N.l. """"" raupiTATnm or ths siakt vsTBBica, raorjc. oirniKRu i ( ATAHKII, IMrM ESZA RSAOACIIh, TOOTBaril . . , iK! SAI11A, KUBUKxn a coin f!Tm,ijr ifm! nuu Vh. eppliratlwfl of lb Sra.r Btllrrrn th- ..rtvr p.ru .ton ia pew er Sialcalli aau will .11. ..a ,.-. and Oaairart. Vwealr 4moht halra limM.r nTw..r willln . frw awHn.ntM rnr. CITAnrs, KrArlMH, MH'R r.iiAt 11 IIKAKTHI MM, HII'K HKAIItrilK, III 1 1 K ItreK ' and all INTKRWAL rAIKH. . . " War', H.9m4y mrttvf wiih Ihrm. A frn il..... m wai.r will errr-nt ah-kwi nr fntiit tn-m rhaui 01 waur. m tmmm v mtmmng ui aui.ra a. a rryia avd aqtjx. nrsa awWsom tmm tot anr . vtvr- u S'H a rnaoial aKrat im late wotU thai will oar. tv.nr Sn Jua, ami all othr M.larkiua, BihMn. Scarl' . Lr'-vT'!l"-S" "I"' rrra I.Kl.d k, Ali r.titr"-ul i"" SaowAt's aaXbr as HEALTH! BEAUTY!! stboso At rrs un ii rnn-iv-RBAKi or ri.KKII AND WRIiillT-lM.KAB HKIN AN 0 SKAUTirUl, toMrUUiO ajkCUSAU SO AIA. 0R;S0WAY'a3 Sanapaililiaji- Wmt THE CHEAT BLOOD Nlftl'lER. UAS KADX THE MOST ASTOKTatttXa rrRPP no 8W SO RAI'ID AKII THB dIA N.IK. Til K Or ttNOKR.HlE, I NnKR Til JNI-l.rKN. R Of TBI TBULY WONOHHrb'b MBOICIMK, .VIIAI . - .1.- ... . . . ETerj Daiaalarae-iflFM ail feiiMi Seen ail Felt JwT Sk-S ef Si S'SrAPARTtUAN BSSDL 'VKMTenninienleabwihn.eKktk. BloeS.Har.al. rlnc, AM itar rialii.aii liilraief Hi. .yakw theK al 11.. im i, .,. uv v y"aj nw MB)nd macr rt L i it tuleu pnin uaiiioitiiiMrii. wliatMlBlar sltfM-fjaar, MrifB t fl infiBT. HtMIRI, TH- V. lis MMilmaitai ib lllniulal artrl nlharnarraAil.. .... f KysM, struto4rus dwharfM from th Ears Rnri th worot forms, of Hkta stianausaa, KriiiiiannsL rv..B SwItvjsa, twatri nv-mm, mnsy wora,K.W niMUin, krwaah.aalaa. At-, Bitch tMU, Wurma t lh Pltwh. TuturK-V )n tm (n the Womb, insl all WMkcttlng and baiafitl dt rrtanrssa, Vht Imata, Lmo( Mprm aissl all tissi ..i h life prtnrlpla, arc within laa eunatlf nnito of Mi wm4tr of Mottarfi JlvmMrw. sM a taw da tbt una ill tarnve ts My Mraoti vtainf; tt for aiihar Umbo funkW uf di -faao It poUnl powor lo ara UvaVtrv If aaaitant; tfallr bsaeurnlfiR rvMueael by ttit Wawtra 4s4i no eoinawrsa isoa mas a fjrmta wuuir prtwmin. Bur v-r-rta ia eurejaung Uieaa tMes, and rtpaJca Um aaitia wtth new material made from Iioalthy blfMMl and tliis tfta MAMHAIAMILLIAN will ant JM McUrt- irn Is nriatli; hrf Khsa Oacm tht rvimHly (Kimmaacol il wrrk of BartlsMUti, Mi4 aiwcctula itt diatiiuliUilaif tha hrnssof WsWttj, its rfpnira will b ranU, am v-i y Any tltc pfctivnt Wf.l fiH hi mac If if r.iWliif Wllm- and air ri. r, ui) 'iierminii urtsar. a)raua atiAurtviAiM. a'U hTrVUi and wriifht ttwroajMuf. Masj Mir sjtraa tht BABtUF4OUAs1 Rmi.iwjft Blrrl nil known rwinrMllal aaxnisi in iitt enra of tibriMtic Hr.- luiosM. asfsswiittitoiiai, tud hbjm uiacaouo; lsl ( U) II. SHSty pOatUTO syatyy ftsyM-- "T TT K ;"" Kidney &Wa&far CmmpUUul.i9 I'rinary and wotao aiwataaa, llrnyai, Plaoatx. Prt.r. swhrppajiaol Wator, ltsWUelUO)ane OrttM, Brtc IttSl liev a, Albuminuria, ami la akl eaaea wbero tLir aro Ihricft-dtiat dapoatta, or tit watar to tnbyk, elmil-, miEud witn swbaaiKnaa ilka tha whita rf aa rv, or thnsatta lika 4ia, and artitto botMsust 4oMiita, and whan ilieiw at a pnciaintf, DurniBg Brnaaiwm wnan passnmi water, awi pssta bp mbbj bsmsbi va taw aws shbh mimt usa auAaa. Iwriaor 0 19 Tear' GotHh Cured bf Radway'$ Jietolvtnt. DR. RADWAY'8 PiMectFiirptiYe MeplatiniiPills nerlSaUy suMast, eleranllr smM with rveet ram, a. nr.. regulate, perif, elaania and ttr.nrtbn. Bad' WararilH, ror UMeuraoraUdtanrUarf of uie Strmiarh. liver. Sew a BWa.ye, Btevlrtar, N.rvou. 1mkma Haaaaua, iiMeupaiiiie, uoaunneei, iMtntiien, uva aaaem, uieeaaaia. aiaoe. ravar, innamiiianoa 01 11a huwala, rile, and all rjarens'.manta at Uie lllt.rll. Vneara Warrsnw teeileni a pnaltive eere. rurair Vaaauaie. ennnlnnw ae BMnsrr. aiiiatala er eaausrl- a raw aaaaeer mvwii, riwu win 11 .. im tja n rreai a Um aMra aaoM dunrdera rrlee,steaMt Bar aoa. elk. Il vauwnnir, BBAD "VAIAB ABO TBUA" Aani etaata as BADWAV A CO., Ba Wama bl, M.a sera. Inrernieiiei wnrm Haeienwuiaeianl sV. - ? VVTEI-I- TKSTEDJ 111 1 kr.s!3 k, ( ) ' ' wm ofries ta FI UIE R BUILDING, ovaa vbb babdwabb rtors or j JULIUS LEWIS b CO. Has Mid to ths Widows aad Orohana In North Carolina since ltteS, the turn of noarty SafSOO. OOO.. - And. bv Sdelitr end prompUMea la this par- Healer, and furniahlng the lowest rates of sly srsl eta eoesnaayi aaa aiao, naving patu sore rerenna to the filets than any other pany, aae ssenis ana enjova ine we" ny, aae merit and enjoys the earned distinction ol being the I1D1HS LIFI C0XP1MT 11 TBI RTATI. AnA with mmm OXBO.OOO.OOO.OO Xbmetaf, sow ea head, aad msnaired by rentleun Of HMsg apenoaee ana nnanciai saui she on the hUrbest standard of seenritv to ail hlr eastosaenv And, as an Investment for caid sal bit a lu,000 policy la bettor than i 0,00 In realeatata. Am from to 0 are lnnirai'le of both eexea. This euespaBr does sot sat. kseare with them. Atasv But w ak so hniiarUal aravtoai with aaa comuany hi raiev and rearwMriWitff, and leave the rt.au U Vu jnoirmeol 01 tnapuoiie. ,v I Br eallins apon the weneral Aeent or an er kis Locate, further informs Uon will be Aiieur- fully Imparted, w ra rmMmr i - -t . ' J aeaerrfABa.; W. H. McKER, at D., Medical Exantlucr. gtryel or 8tolou.;i; '""ATfii'TaeTcTl! a'VtInlii for head, broad h Jri'S, tKiut UyeamoM. . .S-id-low furk tii lb nvti. vjir sn f slit srid half rear be tui old dark nd. I i O w.tioa O" 'kimsrdl rCAf J ded. v Ai,bdKt WtAit Eight m Ins SVhiWi of iul TP inau A'KOITETl " A AUGE "LOT Of HOOTS AND SII0E8, f r v (fl.N i.lilljntHS u)tB will t-;iwt K Ui l' MJi. no 11 tf I' KW.SM. JIANJJJJil) It H 111. I'll iiii r, 1-3 til' From S-ilid t linn. 1 1.'.-. CW Si eel. 1 1 r)i. Ui GOT TGI It i ma.Ii: rsiH ciallv for thiu nuirkct. it is Uh: b.Htevt'iylxMiy iliould an. Scud fir 1'rif-R.Lit.t ami I)icount8. xf "rv 11 HUUKIS Jf. H(1N -l f l tKf Ustr-'Bif Grouts' IS ALL BIZ El In Ui niv.l f AolUONAULB tt?T V I.KtA.l lust rvcvivcu al K U ANDKK.WS4 CO.'S. ;tlf Fayettevllle Street, I . KAUIIUll, M. 0. January IOT4. TILE BEST ADVICE that ran bu ulv. n U peraons sulfurinir from lipt'psU, bilious c uiilaiiit. colic, conaiimp tl'M'y kk bad ;bt;. Invar and sa, nervous auT iiny, ur n any amor JorsneeiiiiK uie stom ach, the liver or kidneys, is Ij tone, elense, and rKUlslu Uiose iuiiiortant orKsus by the 1H. TUTTS VEUKTABLR UVKR PILL& Ttitv act very niltilty, yet thorouu'hly restores tbe functlouMl sciiuu of the diKOftlvu oricsiii. nu lueiiiuoauues mm ruovaUai the ny-tom. 1 1n y produce uilthvr naiiSBa. itrln niror weak- -firrFs.aiid may tic taken wllhoutcliaiiirii of diet or occuieiioii. Price lr cents a box. Bold by all druirtrists 'iMtftTPS HAIR DYE oieossL'S nuallllvs that no other dve doita. Its efli'ctit instantanencs, and so uslursl tint it cannot be detected ny the cloeecsi. observer. U is harmless snd easily applied, and is In general obi amoug ute laehiunsble hair drcsa- ers m every inrireritT to ths United rules frice lis box. bold everywhere Serojula. Eruptitu Dutau f tht Skin, Ht. Anlhany i fire, Kryiiptltu, UUtehn. Twnsori, iWs,' Tstfer, and Suit Mumm, Hcald llftd, Itintftrorm, Jihtumatiim, Pain 0id JClargentenl of tht Bonn, Ft unit Wtatiuu, Sterility, Leueorrhaa or White, Womb DueatU, Drojtiy, Wkitt ; Suwlingi, tfyphilu, Kidney ana' Liver Vomphwa, Mereunat Taint, and IMtt, all proceed from impure blood. DB. TUTT'l SAUiiAPARIU-A is the most powerful Illood Purifier known to medical science. It enter into the cir culation and . eradicatee every morbific agent; lenovatc the systoin; produces a ix-autilul comulexion and Ciuse tbe bodv to gain deh and increase in weight UK? THS BUKUI BBALTBT and all will, be well. To do so, nothing bas ever been offered tbat csn compare wiin tin, valuable vegetable extract, ov, 91.VVS uuiu.r ouiu uy a" cUta. KJlHi ISCortlandtBtrtet,. Pric,tl.pOa bottlc.r Mold Ly all Drug- A- I. ( '.l.aEEJj'SnTOUBi:! , n t Eemedr for Epilepsy1 CUBA , j, , Fits, f iamA, Voaralaeon and Nsrvoas Wsketulness. wet Drompllr. often arreatimr the Fus from tbe Srst day's lis, even where they have existed fur eere. COMPOUl.0 EX; COBYDAIIS. ' Tke Srfst ftictikli ilUriUr. CDBBS ra."Ofuls, jSucontUry Bypliiua, Eruptions on the bUu, and aii dinaae arising from im pure Biood. - . A Sovereign Balm for Coughs, Cjlds, Broa ch is, Aithma and all diseases et the air paaasa:ussad Uamts, Br tta timatr use svv upKed eitscsf Consuoiptaaaara prempt; rci.ej cai ana lu A.niiMe rwens awwu A prompt, positive and ixTmaueet ralicf for Uie e.Tuc.un pt of iMl.rs-li;i.ii....lil)iuna-. UiB and jjiv;;::;;;'--''-""-'-;-'""';-' For Sale In lUJeiith, N. U- br WIUJAWS A Havwood. ' - , I'e. ered city Sr. - v - . ' U, tiKaS.x, uUkSl nan ils, -not acawdbwly UaarhHia, M. C. rrrei w'r r :- a ais , rei , i.. T-t.. f mr . r frsar . ; j.sv. i-rvrr !, i vi rra.. v,.i..jav,L' :va oi."cs .njna. I t . i ii' I ' -v"ot rsarsci I It intlin IhkI nia.li'. Kvrry one fully I tfiet Harm THJ Cs'a. . waiTBUt.-il I hv fc md CAUTION. BUT . BLITHE UESUINR FAIItHANK Si'aLE M Hi r TC'RID T E. AT. KAIUHANK8 & CO. 5"AH: Standard Scales. WsrrautAid Hll.D A Kaikbankb' Hcai.k WAUBnoUSK, a'AIRBANKS ACO.. ail Broadway, New Tork, -'I Baltimore Strep Umore, UiiUlii Street, V .H -ns, r AiKbA.ft-n a w Masonic F rAKlBANKS, Fw -i. Boston. Kor uie by Leailinir l eil ll-iiw-in Iealera. JIXIK I'LOW I III! '"l'LOTf Is now wlitlh iot a rival, It cuts s deeper sua wiacr rurmw -its muciialilcal muiie-m.-nt for Avltcrin cut is more simple and i-lllcu nt than anv otlier plow on the market. self s a H-nliiK n.versHile pointa, the ifresteet UL" !!pmvjan Hi si . 1MB atm - ail m-v. a. W. J. Urowdci and i '..I. J W II Watson, what they think of t'm plow. Call sud exsmlne It r send your orcers to K f, JONES A Co., dec 16 tf Agunts. THE CiltEAT ItEMEDY FOB CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a ihifly rcHort to this stand- ;'! I'ii'i'ii ration, as lias been ju .Ai4 by tha hundreds of iiwiiialH received by the : It Is ncknowl- ; T tiy iiiniiy jromiiicnt' I '!.;, k iaiw to -be the niowt i-i-1i;iT)lo jncparation ever in i i'imIimhhI for tho relief and cure? of all Tiiiiuj complaints, and if odcriid to tho public, ' h.-int lioiicd'iy Ihocxircncnco , i i' i -a w f oi over ion years. Wlicn i t s. ii fed f o in season it Bel li mi lUiij lo cfleot e speedy cure in Mid mosj severo cases of ( Jouglis, $ onchitis, 'roup, Vhooj)iilg Coilgh, 1 iilluciizji, Asthma, Colds, iSoiv 'i'hroat, Pains or Sorc iicisH in I he Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Iileedini; at 1 lie Lungs, &c. 'Wistar'i Jialriam does not dry tip a Cough, and leave tho cause Irchind, as is the case with moKt preparations, bat it looHeiw -.-and cleanses - the lungs, and allays irritation, thus rcnioviiicr the cause of the complaint. -ra.u air fTH W, F0WLB BOBS, Bsttea, IfasA, aold hv IlruAVtrlalAi msaal -a--t- . -- .- B ANg ToCK IfOH AXIt. Wishlllir to a i Into business. 1 will sell 10. 15 or 'A shares of the stock of the Raleigh nnuunai oaua or norm uarouoa. on ri-aaon abe terms Apply to K1CHAKO W. HAKR18, feb 10-swi Oxf.-d, M.O. DISSOLUTION. TMEriRktor 0. D. HiAKTT CO. Is this day dissolved bv uutnel consent. All Dirties Indebted to the firm will make paymen to C . D. Heertt and all claims again t the Arm will be presented to him for payment, he alone being authorised to settle up the af fair, of the coucern. 0. D. 1IEARTT, HERBERT BRAOO. HAVING PUKCHA8B& THB ENTIRE Interest of Herbert Brser la the late firm of U. D. Beartt As Co.. I will hereafter condui t tbe business In my own name st the old stand, and respectfully solicit the pelroa sge of the peeple. U11AKI.ES D. HEARTT. . leb St-tf. Beer and Wine Hall. 1 pro bit larva ard well aaa or ted lock of Whiskies, Brand! -a, (ilns and Autritnons Unnoara Of all kinds by the sasaear at graatly reduced prteea, a 1 tirtand to eksagu my bastnese to in exclasive BERK AND WINK HaJJ. . at say present stand. Parties who desire pur ehaaiB Sne liqaorsta qaaatities less thaa Sv cation would do well to call, liberal arrariKeiaenU made with dealers. o it u A. w. ruAnj, rjy Wvl THUUlAMil POUNDS Prime reined iArd. , st oct 89-u E. r. June a co'sv fioeathe Soase of John Prion abmtone mile Morth of Kakurh on Tnaada aaanliar last, a lanre Horse ; heavy tail and mans, tall hangs to the left, cuts hit knees ta while trot- In , blase fac, rubbed a little ta the right kind IhiKh. The Suder will be liberally re warded by deUvcrlnf the aame to fshltf StfhhK. IAJCEta0o. IMS. WHS NT Ja. I' . 1 PSSfDBAW,S nini1i.1i m. i . it I UBS THBM. aBaaHJ BACON, BACON: BACON Bitimore9 Md. PORK TACKEtlS AND DEALFR3 "IN UACON, AN' dr HalU-d Meats, Bams, Bides, Bhouldcrs. Pork, Boef, Lard sad Lard (Jul, rptlS firm of Qaorre Jenkins ktviu bean dueuiveO - We the an4araV-i u . A Uie late Sna, .hall eon inae to carry on bnMBMH at tbe wd H w L u.71aT7' nark, t ratal ad proapt ship nenU alwara. Send rHirarder. lt- lteM JKNKINB A CHANDLER. novW-Sm 48 rVHith Biraet, Ul.,m, READ! KKAD! READ GREAT MADE FROM PURE WHITE LEAD LlNEKD OILEjNtJ, ' MIXED READ! fOR USE ? . Y . ' by tbt-0allon only "One Gallon Cover IrOSouare ", Yards j READ TUB FOLLOWtNO TEJTAMONIAL8; FROM PRQf, W. 8. SIMMONS, WAEK FOREST, . o. Ma. C P. Sbiobt-Dba. h,.: W.hsv. for ae"i!hT Vi'J. ' Patbt Kmambl PAinv." on oar "Collar. Building," snd are wcTTpSl wlf. It waasppUed by one bavin so experience la sac work, yes we harssrood lot. Jhab couuoue to aae It, beheviiuf tbatia point of economy, daability and fail Ui. JTt, it is superiur to say other pTkuWnt odered ta tbe market. "ciuty uf spt-.t,,, , (brnsd - --V"' Heetf-Uy, - aKMi , W..BU,y(iMjL paint came foe saeh. Ma. C. P. Kbiobt Bra: The each, and three backets one iral HilamhiilnrlMMnU II. L now irenerslly eoaeeded that for "Knaasel" like bar.latvs and body and Sarmouro'l ,L? there b aot a kiniiinniar fab ta the plae. 1 saves aixiy-Sve dollars by the omraUon ki!? Is na liana last now with "SoBthera People." it should be irewally adopted latnia aua. say country bsd can apply It 1 have never dallod is auch stock si ToaUmoaiaU La" so forcibly the great adaptaLUIty of yoar Enamel Punt ta tbe wsats af oar pwn u JT cclloiu r of msturiaL ia beauty of color, and tha (set of Its being read j -mlied. Lbat i you fall penBiasUnvit It hi desirabte, ta make what aw yva think prataarof tbi. Inu, Very respectfully snd truly, o. MeUlbU M n. Baxtihobb bvceuibur 10. Iiui Ms. C r. Kxiubi Dbab Bin : It affords me much pleasure tossy to yoa that thaSrad Patent amel Paint far exeeeds my sxpecUUons la eoouoay, beaaly, aad i ban eta!, reason to ncUcvs in durability. ore than twetvr Btonths atnoe, t painted lbs roof ol i.i bouee (Mi anion House) with the Bradley Patent Beanicl ratal, aad Vwaa so weUUkkZ! with it, 1 sttermined to paint the fionUot tbe -'Hotel,-' snd i am moat nappy to sav thatB gives ue perfect satisfaction. In eonclaskm I will say, if this tnsUaaonUl will be of anraA. vauUKt to yon, yon are at liberty to aaa it. Tosra nvoet raapactfully, iaUAi; ALHkKTSON. Mansion Bouse ffotel Cor. Fayetu sad St. Paul Hta., Baltimoia Tbe following letter Is strong and valuable) ft I'. AwifW, Kmj., AgaU Brmdiry't tuttut friMn ann mm will ..l.HMrf ti 1 1 . -' 1 J "" V mm miv w. vi -" , um mBW I, It C 'VeTia. qualiUoa is everyUiIng desired, drying promptly sndwith s hard kIoss, which nL we Uiak rcsiat the sction of sli kinds of w eadiex. Inis Is our expe mnce aad wa ras recosnijieBd I i ' situ cerUuity, sud intuud W ase it on sli occssion. where we desire a good job of wort Very re-peelfullylf-n snd resco Psintera KM II AST A giTAKTLEr, J?M W. BalUmore btreet House, Sijru and Presto Psintera C I K.MU1IT, tloLB Gejikbal Aobmt, "iniera. , ,,,.. , ua' W- Lomb'f1 St-i Baltimore, Md. HlKMrlmen.aiMl rrici l.i.l upl Im I Kmtia, - , f. H. Ja, NORFOLK FISH GUANO. Tlii valu ilile ferliliJT Is offered to tho farmer .it p-tc-i f salt the t'tnes vrulh Its tieiiittir has b ea treaUr Inereaaed. N llnm (mumi ... ..u.. .i where, m ifr sit was the demand ta.t sesma, .......,. .roui.x,,.rc.)ni, oi none rnospn.f, and froui 4 to S pweent. of tnina ntiiuy lit the twst farmers In the count, im a'm. It It . i. .a i- , i Wll laJtaoa, UrtiHUluMl Joaw K Dorm, 1'aVrMAS, W. 11. AVBIA. A. J. P- Habbis, Oil A C Davi. tTriCfl.Sw per toe, um a ia ilOU pound tiscs - March 4 d w nos u SB THB BBS Another shlpmsat of oar braa 1 of GUMB COOK wbttij usad: Just to hand. BRIOOS SONS mm 1 0. mm JEAKEQ CA88IHERE8, sold low, Csll Received and to be and ace litem, DOT 1I-U JjOT ' D' E EBB fl ft I EBt. orsa ib 4 F R ) BACK AND tsow ready at K- E ANDREWS Co., Chitblers i January K, 18?t . , MORTH CAROLINA. I Al Cbatbam Coustt, ( IN THE SUPERIOB COUIT-15U Jan., 1847 N. Winnlngham and wif Mary, ' ... . svesnat Jo. B Bell sad Klltsh BeTL a-x.t of Thomas Bell, eee'd, Joe S Bell ta ki ewa rbrht, Kifiah Bell, Jobs U Stone ee Adminis trator of Wm Bell doe'd, Joha U Htenasad wife Rebecca H.. A T Lambeth aad wife Da. roUiy, ru.n BaWwia, Klljah BciL Elil4h Bell, J U Ciuir and wife Sarah J Lucia Bsliisrta sad wife Julia T.. snd A 14 Atkina. i JMifisa) or aa avmnaaf and awtfasssw. ef Um Asetans iaja.xt, eaWMVSat. . It SPTSwinfta ths Btatfaelinaiar thai toa.4 that kliiak BalL Klilak U SelL Jaaa u Saom ss Administrator of Wss. Bjli, dec'4, Joha C Btoae and wife Rebecca IL, and A 01 A'kin are nom-reasaeaia at that ettaler Km ordered by Um Conrt that pabtuatioa bs mads ia ths kaleiKh sasrrmaL, for six in Ire weeks Botifyinar tba said Boa -resident defendants ta sopsar at theottlos of Ins Clerk ot the 8ape rlor Court for Chatham county, at Ptttsbiro, withia twenty day after the service of this SamaasM hy vooliestloa, uj iiead, answer or demur Vo lb eoanpiamt of she rtotlffs, copy of wh eh I Sled la lava emae of aald Clark, otherwiaw jsalfriaeal wdl be takes Safest them anconlia toaaid eoaapiaint. Wltaoaw, A. T. Partr, Clrnk o4 said Court alette la inttsbore, (bit AAA day at Jsens BfaN asfcfc . . rjl J. W, D, HOEMIR'S SCHOOL, ;;.iWOER30,,lL,Cw:i. The Bprinr Sessloa of this School onatiaaa the tad Monday hi January. - ' . iwpneaei eonrarsne 1 wand tnittaai U aian : I For partacwiare (nd Circalas aaUna. tka pndiis Ueadaraoa, 4 C. , - . t SetUlm ' v- H I lCJLiX I a rS Tas PLaiaa, Faaqukar, Co, Va, Feb SUt, in safely to baud ss ordered, '.wo kefs. J: . As aractiea la sleek. I did tba ..h . 'r,n.to ... II.- 1. . n . .i ' 1 "O BAI.V1H0BB, Mo., Dec NALViifnan Via. ie iim. Knmmtt kinfDBAB Brsi The Paint we nu'rehai, ... . l .. i . . ' ipurchsett only ooe third o' tha order eonl I be Silled. "ETIexh forestvllle, elsaa, PaciSc. Moldsb-sr., tilWAiU A HAKRIBd, sorsl ham. Norfolk. Va e: TTToTITTou COTTON FACTORS AND OENERAJ. WHOLESALE AND RET All. eBOCEKS,- ehUtor tba tl.ofCo sTwprV J "3 J-J p-traL la the taetam. pari snd beiUttea ui the storaKS WCetteasVe.. Jfrbw tret class meUl root sad ire pros t!k a0t " within s abort distance Of the ,llca huUob and tberoby lees liable to the danjrer ot fire. Those who desixa toriag eottoa will Snd tt to their interest u communicate with a before etortag else. We are constantly hi receipt of a Uneot ttemerej (Jroorrfoe wkieh ws sra oiling sltkt very lowmi market aricea. farmers aapphss aiwn a oa hand. Country produce in Isrue at smsll qusnUtiea taken ta eiehewa for goods. We solicit eoBsignBMnto bsmT will ettect satisfactory salos snd BWarante prom t re turns for all arttclee enirostsd to as. Oar patron and others will be inforaand rmaa time to Uioe of tbe (eweral tmor of prices for Cott snd produce xoerally. All eommnjllcatkiaa af ti.nnlrw nnil septx7-w FOOD, n"RW'. .EA FEA8.' FINK ,ID x-r- Baled Oats, rorder, Hay. gharris, . oaau UN'A West of W. Q. Freight Depot W arahunas, Itedt' tU'IU rwsaitl W.A..Arna, awp-t shBawltra,- Q O tl ' r E 8 A ' Frffy barrel. WllllleUvor Into raiTaav WareboBj. Ap.dy bf liter to A.JLr,, M :haaTU 14. C, ';.'y .. - Fa lav--' y -i-- s ELKCT BOA RUING AND DAT SCHOOL EOJaSBORO K.a The Missj Nash S Mass Kedluek will IS . sums the acerciees of their ecaooi oa Fn4X Feb. S, 1874, Circulars Ux wsided ea appUttttoa., . -am U-im --v-"--J-a. fp JE BUstCBAES CBDBJ' -...iZs avrotanaalaatla head a eunrJv af that - tstmt snd rno-U anororad (Jksra. whirh Bever J 'sits V rive wttlstartion. ' i" . v - JAEB .T'JWLEB fehW-tl -AgL- . . h ajo , "

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