TUK'Jim- B KM un it rr-, t- - -. r- 1 .ROnCBBtOMAI, tJARUS,A,,i LEO AL" NOTICES"" mSCELLANEOUS. uuua jyiqrgaa s Bon's TvXORTU CAROLINA JHk F L - A .JP0L;i'j '10 ' Sta'i b r north Carolina, i . ..ugy "Tl o Caab. ,, Jn ' iMHa' aaV Jbat 2Wa fif Hrfttiaaf . Wat- Kanaar aad tt KUambala. 1 ' khfcit'afcfc1 TJAtTIMORE LQC HOSPITAL 6TATJB " life i.rst'HijrrjR c. -" V for aO Boom itT0KSY "AT for ckulax roar Bonaa wiU tare tb I KALKIUII, N. OSaa toath of tha Ooart Hoaaa Ueadraand wlXa Knihamja. Martha K Kaaj- Um BoaliMl Uffloa. Jut Ml m lajiur, una w rajra and win Hamaraa. tik mm an IAmA in n 7 CtoHia' Fertiliser. Cupltal V.'()(f,000 WalaUlla: ' ' " "f . J U IT W "hHL"" - ' "(Jf' ' eeaving curtain rar-i orrioiM: HOW. KKMP P. BATTLt PreaUa UH. X. B. MAY WOOD Mlicl IhrectS . .'OOM a 3 Jotib unjaai -4" O Z I O in natal ud mn.jt i- t i o iniiuni 'maw hnatf and wlia,, Kdward b Xaouoi "WEB TlTAT'li". W toj howj, bettor thea soap. Bo .top. prw. Mm labor. Toa can't aflbrd w iaiaamiiit. " " t taa Caal ' U arrnarlr to the atUafartlon af tiJLBAM'S-- nraor. ioacau'1 r Xnlvee la belt 4. B. BATUHKUiK ..Awraej 0. H, PKKKy , BuisrMiiur Arvat Uua the above aanad AnlnuUiti. u i tar, UMteta. ,."- iawm mm - 1 tela tad radaral Ctwrtl aad Um (rti an wire, Joasih Kamacr aad wlfa. lahm lUmaaa aad wifa, aad IJrd B Kamaat an) Ti: WData. 1 rtla, ,UufU4d,. , CA-ZTJTT' for Bconrirur better atut lion. Kemn P. HnitJp. linn J..hn u. iii m iv irmni ia. . are aoa-raaulaau oi tbla ttlate, tbe bf iioUIImI to a pmr at the offlo- pf rlnani Dim M. t v. l. Will tot Hon. John W. Cunnlmrliain Hun u. f' " t"-r "mi lw a h-n Suiith, Vol W. L. thunders. J. , Meli' E Clark of the Bnrwrlor Court for the Cooni at Ubataaai witltka tt ddTa Afw ava T Hon. JudlLlialiliuilUtto. W. K.Ux,it. I NwAden, J. B. bU.-liulir. Juhn .i.V l w I 0 K Mua.1. Lit o -a y- ry A i fi of tbla aanaona, aud aaawar the auaiaUlaT A-oi of wMrbf Lll,lwdMHMltel latkaoW. JOB OFFICE An the worhof RBRIf ntRTTL- IZINUOOMPANK,' madefm-albe fHOF. WILLIAM UlLUJHIa ati Ilia ato rATBNTRU TKAtll pad with mark u UU AKA.N TK it dlaUact froa all othara. Prcpiired Knpeeiillj nd Sofelf for the COTTON CHOt, THBU1UHK8T TKSTlMONIALfl rroTed .i uiu j ainum iron nanr of toe Larrml rAUMIKH-frem OMNIOHB ifr THK PltieR OTHER U181NTKRE8TKU fARTIEfl U?roS5h a-aa wHVWt w THJS CELEBfilTEfl .1 a . ; - i.' e I'll iiih. rrnTiiM7rit uu in u 11 r L n 1 1 L L Ln kaa wiib aaeh a marked -and Mtenalre reputa lion Uiroutfhuut the mitton crowlnif iwjlon of iwviih ana rira;inia; ana nu bnoa ao eiteiinivulj u-Kot and aliunaC onirerwilly nraiaHl Unit wo doom It TOO WKLL KNOWN TO KX- Its Merits Speak for Itself. By the handtKnae yield It produce, aad the I jarga ami r&urim realised from It. 4T A 11k year natKhltora wbe have trted R I wiiattueyiuink Of it. It JrAId A NaT PROF IT Of . .. OVElt 1 OO PIS U H. B. There will be only a certain LIU1TKD iinouni ui una ruruuaer aMmaactured ee lwuuilly for OUR SUPPLY. Our trienita, aad the trade, will do well to eond In their order at uuee, to oe hooked aliead, and then tha aaa arder aa they may need It. . , , . The "HouthKrn rrtillr.ln nmnu"Hl ni. ly Um UIUUXBT GRADE of auitable maUriala Kiwwa to Chemlata. and MAINTAIN . AJJD uniform lUBdard. , . u . Thla FerUlUor U aold by MerchanU W tMaK erKooorally, atallthaprtncUmlClUaa, Taana udbutlona, UiroUKboal North fkrullaa and uaiuia, , ... , BPXCIAL AQCNTSt C.W.CMiT80iVS, COTTON FACTORS JS"orfolkfVo. We hare the ezclnalee control of the "COT TON" FBKT1L12JIH for North Carolina and Hovthoaetorn Virginia. Thla FerUUxer earn ba UMI HjlVB HI IUUOWIIUJ MrUUt Cash Basis. OPer Ton, at our Warehoaae. Dra)ag SO voniarer ion Aaaiuonu. Order for Toea and Upward 4 Par Ceat DU. " ' ! .. H0 H ., '; ';.! a M U f a aa m je m i . m " : BO .. . ."la . h Vaah ttrdwa maat be acoompaaled by tha vuu. a tuacuani auowea on oraem nndar Fire Tona. . jr . , j . fii TiH.'riiTi lrrioru ibcciitt rr Toa at or Warehdbi. Drayan CO OwU Par Toa AdOJUuaat Vayabla lit Mo iwuoiiiui,viuim uana. Ordera far W Tom aad npward 10 per eknL Dlacoaat. . v. UrderatOTWToM aBdapward I per east i Tin Uucount oa Hum order to be baaed on I un vaaa raiita.eiwpar ton. v . i . Mo Uiacoant allowed oa time order uder Bl I toaa. , , .. I urdera MADI DIRECT or taroaxh any Cot-1 Wa rector, (temnilaaloa Mereaaate or Uealetal KeneraUy, will reoeiTe prompt attention. yij or and your order to any Merc hast or I r I eer it for vom ar tha Tarawa aad Plantm mh. I ' aaier aad u lliey kara not (ot tt they will rallyean form CLUBB aad eead then- order couinied by the Cash for lota of A 10, IW. werAvtoBaatthaaberentes of diaooanLn lwctitely. No dlaeoaaU almwed except lot iU aa aa ed above. All letten of aaonlry a wurad promptly. Wad aot aoBaider It aaees ry toaakaay one to buy thla ForUMier. hat gwly toaauoeaceUOWANU WliJtiUltmay ADDBKSt ..iCGBIlSDWSOKa: . WTT01I FACTORS, NORFOLAVTA. EiSUL Aomti f n THt BOCTBtRK rmtuzioooatfAiav ' ' 3 " 1 r i f i- i i " T i If" "" Tj77 v7m and ee-oytasUs bet tor ttoa cU or oil and rottea atoM. r o , j tot WnB.lBir. dlehea aae Wm u tevelaaWeT tr loaa soap. naorsi aUloa rum anwhla maatela, lai awltataa7,.frM hard tatT. , gaH attd feua. .ad iKltv o. A..h ..( JJ'f'i - 'O waiar anr greaw from ear-" tl tabrtcir. aore no ana iMrU l..uL ifaat wllldo m Has klnda Ji .TrhBd..do well M KKa. odrfntly flacu cilia HAB a In article f or the bath,""rcechl w HMaaama" of ail dirt ope we poree and a-tom h.Iii,. Uoa and brilliant tint to the kil A 8-A- J ii T. cleanaeaaod 1aatI(1oa (he ikil bleaiah from boiii liana and fact UHUOUT mmmifir an .lain . HAMD , iV , A T O L I ta w"ot a rlal In the world f I caruia; or prevenUnir rouKhno ia chaupuig of attiiar haudi ( puiK of etiuar haudi r Ur, pitch. Iron or lifc ace. (ni HANB 5 4 remorse Ur. atalna aad rreaae i for workcta to machine ihoiia, mlnei. Ac., la I invaluable. For making (he ait wh aw. mm KIViUK HI LS "bloom of twenty," it la nnauf I paaaed by any Cosmetic known. I HARD "1 0 L I f coat 10 to IS eeuta per cake, and "JTbodJ ihonld hare It. yuu L DON'T FAIT. Til BVrtiB tUtS" .tl tfr 1. .- T i"."u3",'ni I .r, procore K ,0' J00- I if m . ""lJ"lwfci ah auuuii oa no,- ana it wiu be mailed free. IJSJXUUU MORGAN'S BONl r)eX N- ', Lombard, 8V, June U-deodAwaawly 10. 00O wT.ttt?d - Icea, f rakht added., at Beptl LACU BRO'B. A.S , L E F F E L'S ' IMl'HDVKn rwiTTnT v Turbine Water 1101061 i IA. POOLE A HUNT Rai.Tfwona. fUttfackurori for ht 4utiis feoutii' tiUMiii . taBfc, i,t, j j Nearly 7000 now in uae, working node a wmmw Tarring irarn to MO feet I MiMfromSS-4to 08 incbea. -i; I ? wiuv i,.'i. - ii . ii "w jiuwariiu . n ooei u UM aurkati And moat sonoanical in bb of Water. ' Large UlMtratad Pamphlet sent post liW Portable and Stationary Steam XngineJ aa otniera, shDeneC Wiloox Paten 1 1 Tobulona Boiler, Ebaugh'a Cruaber fod Mineral, Baw and Oriat Mills Flooring MUI Mactlnery -MMhtnefj ro White Lead Workj and 6il MUla, bhaftl Ing Pnller aad Haneera. i i i SEND FOB CIRCULARS.! febBl-w6ia SALS OF AS AL ESTATE . s- i i , t r , By Tlrtae of a da d By 1 I to i of mortiraK execu mat m tha 1 m M let i ia aad a AprlL ioha W. Sataua aad wlfi aay or April, 17, by) arir Iah.ll n.a...J uay. iae aa of April, i7, aell at pnblid aocUoa at the Court Hoaaa door loth. hih2 est bidder, ail the lnteraat of ih. aaM jZhJ am Bw aa WIIA UVI ICoaanAveorelx aailea Waat of th.it. nf I Balehrb. OB tha North CumHn IJin. a I I Adjourn the laada at Ca,A Allen. P. Pi I ock aad othera. i. For partlcn'are apply ta T, P, uove rei jauunio, at aaieiga. C.AlXIIllONDSTOlt. aprUl-daS HPO HOLDIRB OF CITT BONDB. ! ja. & ... -I i. i .1 . "7 j Thaha4enhTflea toarafttee of th Boanl 4 Vommiastoner of th city of. RaletKlj K'P hapmaeat at the UUaens Uonal Bead betweea ' the Bonn of 1 aad U lock, A. M, nay bat toa oh waaat yaoa m Ban, ia order to (akd maaiaraudaof theeHy bond oamtandinir, i AH holdee Of City bond runninr m abo Taaaa tbaji, tether matured or bow re reeaaaled te-exhiUt ahem to the eomaut! aaeat oa of th hoar aamed. i v .. u . B.AVMP P. BATTLB, ' tt !. - i . W. W. WH1TR, . a . . ; . H. T. CLAWBON, j w Jaa u Jiima-M i .ff . i mi i ii (, I m' . ui i ii i iii tnr 7U t ' ,irtr- ATtfflRinrr.ATLATf, jmy-w.:!-. I , JAtltcHJN, iNOUTU CAhVlLlNA. t UlUnCtnrUot lorthaaipVm,! BaU, Berth, ad Hertford emraUa. : mS "J"1 Oewrt of Rorth Varailaa, aad ia the -.Tupt SeaNea-'wtU 'IMMW,1 , JANCAKlf 17th, 187A Hoard 111 ur nMk .u ..... ri; .i 1 Hi l; iIHa irt-j : t'.t lil.l.W . .. -' a", AaiUM, naaaiaxaad. rnel from to lo7 , J naia, tt. . u penuren, lff w. J. ilawh OaVi WUliama, H. Camexou, J..JI j jrtATljBKDNDADVNTAUKU- i " Iti emnhalirall a Km. ..m... I S lU laqra caultal (aarantom atrcnKUi 1U lUta4ani Hw olaaa Uomiauii.v , -I Uioae tf au 8rt It otTura all aotunMc forma of InxthmnoB. .1 iWianda ar luixwtud at boms and circuli- fto anueeoawiT-rwtnuUoui: iuiiuaaa nnoa ' - - fl. I. A.I U 1 .J L 1 ' ' VolieMtjarforfallabla'mftertwovoarB. 11a oiucara anit Mirwuira aie irtmuiit aial euca aa biukuw uua and wbuaa worth aud ikritf am aluoe anftvlent uanuileo for ft fKHKT, ooiwnWnit AiitiiiL, '1HKU. ILHlWal AKuut, , . Kaltkli, N . O. ' flood agcnU with whom libersl wiitrwia win be niadi). wantud In averr cuuuly In tti. Stata. ; , ,y July M-ly; 8tcaiiiTr ao a jaw tint TJIK HO ' HOME INSUE.AKCE COMPAN Y. - RALE10niH'. c. 3W8 0ouiioy couUua ,to write fullclu tftUriftUa.'&ilair'cUwos of IniBiibieVrop- AH loaaoa are prounitlydjuted and paid. Tha MUQMH." i rapidly growlmrln pulilfc favor, dud appeal, whh oonfldeuce, toinaurera I ui (iruiiwrvj w au pans oi ortli Carolina. AkuhU In all parte of tha State. R. H- Battue Jr., PrusidunU (J. B. Root, Yloo Prosidunt I Bbatob QAI.1B, Bocrtilary. I Puiaskj Cowraa, Bujierviaor. June 2-Vtt Iron in tho Blood : MAIES TKE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Syrup, a TYotsct- i ed Solution of the rrUoxUle of i Iron, it to combined at to have) th character of an aliment, aa i eutily digested and assimilated I with the blood at the timplett ! food. It increases the quantity or Nature' a Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and -fure"thound ill;" simply I by Toning up, Invigorating and I UalMna the System. The en-' riehed and vitalized blood per meate every part of the body, repairing aamaget and waste, , ; starching out morbid teero-t tiont, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. k if , Z'A- it the tecret of the won derful tueeett of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver C'oni- plaint. Dropay, i Chronio Dlar-i , rhoeo, Dolls, KerrotuAlTeetiotta,! Cltllla , aud rovers, Ilumonv Loss of ConHtltutional Vigor,; Diaeasea of the Kidneys and Bladder. Female ComniAintaJ wrw iim uieeatet ongtnatmg in - badetateof the blood, or ac companied by debility or a tour i ((ft of the tu stein. Ilelnti Awa ' w . - . : :z t rvir jM.coao, f any form, itt energUting effect are not foU f lowed by eorreepondinif reae- Uon, but are permanent, Infu mng etrength, vigor, and neuf l life into all parte of the system, f and building up an Iron Con futation, i I Thousands have been changed by the vn of this remedy, from Ufeak, ticklg, suffering crea ture, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women t and I invalid cannot reasonably he-1 Hot to five it a trial. Bee that each bottle ha PERU VIAN SYRUP blown inthegUu. PampUlcta Txem. j SETH W. FOWLE A SONS, Proorteton. 1 Mlltom rim, Baadaab a ar DsDooiaT aaaB4T. F 8 , A L E A complete art of BIaANCIIAIID'S IMPROVIOHJCHINKRT FOR MAKING .Flow Ilandlcs, carlty of which i 900 per day ; also ono liirae power Kugiu and &iilr, Baw KllL BhaXUnK, fttllijn, and lUnura, Wood 1 iirn- iiiKUUia, variety oi atouldini Machiee, Bult lag, . Or ia ether Wunla, 'A FIRST-CLASS PLOW HANDLE Will k-H a whole, Or by talL . Add. km, - (-' - , ' F. H 1UIIM, Ko)7,riii,,i. Va, Alt , 1 Biaf'Kooai aTrurarflrft ' I ' ' t Parlor B F.tralura and Tablt.- - aaian w. tjoNiiA aoa at' 9 Fit I 1 ' ' ' i ? I f J JOB W0RKM-M-:i:Ir and Uaving refitted our Job Office, ! i And tecared the aerrioor ! mm m iwm, We are now prepared to execute all kindB of PLAIN AND FANCY I All erong fiBvinp; Bltt lteida,- Letter Hjai!a, Buaineea Carda, Viaiting Carda, WnddioR Carda, Ha Circular, Potter, 4c, I i To print, will have their work eoutod in tho very beet atjle i 7 Bonding it to the Sentinel Office. We are also prepared ta alo In Uie verj best style, at i t t . 1 All work sent to ns will De aune - i aqnicklv and clioaplj as at an other PRINTING HOUSE IN THE I 80UTI1. TICKETS! Of all kinds Trintod at ahort nofa'ee In short, we are ttrenared to nxi ccuto all kinds of rrioting ia the very oos stylo. rur US. January 4th, 1874. J 0 II If A. BXITKOR O B00KB1NDEK llluik Book XuHfactorer. . oris a.. l aoouTooa, R A L X I O H n. fcbUtf WATT fMlWBi-.-. ..,.'.:.,-... Aaother autititv mdni idt-A.. ml tkU jaauy ealelirahid plow. Au. iaatora aha I s -wiaw- aaa 'Tarmar yrload" aad e harg kinaiof " ia J - . 1 r- V i ft i frit-- ifeiIaa1 ia oaiy fteUehl Hut DtalrthatUa ha -'1 T a 1 a Mrtl 9100,00010 1 IN-VALUABLE -ttOTfe TO BB DirriiBUTKniH v 43d BKMI-AHKUAL I T Mtnd' Mat- 197 ONI GRAND CAPITAL PBIZ1, I Oae Priaa. AVOOn In Rilvw I , I ra rrlara, 1,000 each la Gnwibank I : rive tTise. b.mw each in Uroenbackt I Tea Prisea, f 100 each la Greenback I T Two Family Carriaicot - and Matched lionet with Bilver-Mouutod Uaraeaa. worth It JWO each 1 " " .iTr Two DuRgiem, Uoraoa, 4c worth 190$ t Two riaa4oMd Roaewood Pianoa, wi aouu eeca I Ten Fatal! Bewina- MachLoM. : $100 each - , t , ,. i, .)(-, ; IBM OoU tmd mimr Ir Hynfhur I taatimrmA)MliaaM. Gold ChalM, BUrer-wara, Jawalry, dtiSn As. TVvMf Wmttfdl id 60J igeflit ffiitod U tell fiekatav tt vita Liunl fremliBU will U pail, f I Single TlckeU H j Sii .TickoU $101 TwelvaTlpkeu 30; Twehty-FiM 0. Onrarara eontuhirntf a fall flat n nrl. 1 aoacrlpUon af Ui awanar t-drata)r, aai ar hufanaattua la reference to the Diatrf ba Uoa, will he eeat to any n ordtirlnf; theni au mwi maaa oe aaonaaea an aiaiautTriui " la IV Bl NX, Box he, 1 TJLJt- COTTTCiTICUT r.IUTUi Zmriiranco . 21XX' ltfalataiM thaifrhst taadydoi'l BailrialtlaMl mmfltlnf ' i' J ' ' -1 -4 3 l HW. 1 S36,000,OOCT I la of Ua Iciest Claaa for aeenrlt i It hal N( aever luat dollar of U uivealment. lfe 8 U R, P : L u s n urirer una mat ot say other fjampeni S35.OO0.OOO;. It has S amberahlo of star BS.000 Inaraml I IU ratio fur Uta enUr If? ya-r of 1U baalstA .a7 rim CXa7dT JL of IU mwelpta.' U ba 8wKkld-ra By4 aoliarof awing at yruflt hal sag aaUely 4i the from aach record oae eaa welt Indira where totnaare with (afety aad tha amalleat poaaf RALAUGH, H.O. M 'mR'i4X,r'.ifl. I "a1 Prt ""or Bed Btad sad Mad ' Jai aad Oottow M attraMa. a ' ' ' I UaaaaamMahor!ydnlnffrntra Tahlnd Oct 18-tl? n AacUoa ACMVhUreuLahJ N" O- x '1 0 E ',""''' Th eomrtnarhliihenitofonitliiMniranJl.4 w aanw na airia oi wuiu a JHOKKJBJ hub aiaawirea oy muiaiu eoniMni. - , H. J. BOOKKg. - 1 ' P A Nf IKKI WILLOOX . iB';1 ... i i i Ataaaaafactaras' uricnaoa Umaar mniiUJi AID TWEHTT FIVI MR CENT. BKLOW ' l ' l ' .r 4 1 MAM UF aCT U RXR8' PaMtiES FOB CAAla, ,i..,-..,.... If paarhaaad diraat from thto Offlra, or fay at' ,utwvai aaiwia, f 1 1ISTB STRUT. Rtehmoad. Va. 'j " rrrWtor. ALT I BAhTII IV) aWk Marthna andadl fcM " - - - m-1. .. . ATM VI orUk wortj I aaawer to the aaM eoniilatut wlthta that Umi ptidtMtwlr) airtlr l th4uiri i2 I relief dennuidad la UuanAinl.Int XT M J i- tut X i lie M Hmtfl! Work ef the aDatiar4kMM af (ikul 1W WBlieAalltoiti Tin egarUttfcri r a purely JeeHl preparation, mada.eliiotly troa B lUO live herbs (hand on the Voww rsnr of tne Hiorra MerxiarurMnfamsorcaitfnri Bla, tlia rtiediclnal woportin of whlca are extracted therofiom wiUiouUlia on n Aioohw. fiii quoKioa alraont daily aeked, " What i Ibe -eatiM W th itDparAlleiDd sueeees of vnrxtu,' Brti TKEaf Our arts rat it, that they roinov i the eaaee ef diasoand the-Mtient re ewrerW-W Bealtk. Ij'fifjy an tbi ftren . blood puriflnr and a' lire-giting principle a perfect Jtongyator. and vivtgorato of tho yBtom.a'NiiTflt...,t)OJ'ore In lb i history of Uif 'World b a niedicioe ben , ooinpoandfle, poaaeimini xb reniarkabl i qn&livio of TniQAafiimsaia beaiind tl i k ff every dieeaaa aao i aeira.i Tb ' era a annua rargauva a weu aa B Tunil, relieving Conreatioa or Inflammatimi df the lATor and Visceral Or fans la, IlUtoi "i.Ti Tht trtrncrtlf?st)a. Walkkb' ymso-Aluiri'KM are Aperient, Dwphoretii Carminative, Katrfllon, Laxative, biuretti BsoaUTe, vonnter-irritant eodorUie, Alter tiT au( Ahh-BMoua. rf jr f f i ' Grateful Thousands proclaim . Bua mia tUa nvoetwoBdorftir I yleorant tbf eTW watsiirod thtluAii. iystem, , ,,, ,K ...... ,.ri, 4 , r No Person ran take these Bitter according to direction, and remniu tong nowoll. provided Uiolr buuoa are net d. atroyed by mlnoral muoa or olbqr means, and vital organs wartod beyonj IUUoub:' uVijitiUflut aud. Into mittent Feyprm. wbtrh m anravi lent In tbe Tallin's nf mir rtnilt rivn tltrooghout the LniliMl St;it,Mcriill! Hiuea oi we uuMktxHipi. Ublo, Alisouj moors, innnesse t.aintwiiivod, Arkoi as; Rod, Cdoradn, BnteiM, Rle Grand j'can, auuaraa, juudiw, aayatitiab,lb aauaa, yMDSS, na OrVlF rOLUOTS,. Wil their .vast tributaries, UuaUiaAjM entire country daring tbe Snmmor am Aumrpn, BDa retuarxauiy so ditftug jobs of uniuual iieoi and di vnnsa. InTariahraoearnnaniAd irrtrrtmrnvm a rangotpcyuts f lie itomath.WJji Jive: ui uw auuraniniti Tiscoravi -iia U10 treatment, a pargatiys, Bxertiitg a errui tnnnnoe Hrwitt tin' YarionJ 0 Kaog, ia essontiauy wswtwy,, The I HQ Cntbartlc tar tha nurivma anuni i Pa. J VAi.Ers VthsaAa BrtTaa as ifiey win sneedily mwre th d eolor4. Tliiclfl hiattot with, wbleh powou. are loaded., at tha earns .tl aumuiatiiig tus aooretiao of tbe livl,I mm generally resionnj tDO' ooali Tunciiona erine aigftuttvB organs; ,i onii uie TMiay AaiiiBt dUea F PuriTviuii afl iu tluida mah Vntxn DfTTMKB. ' No enidouiia can- t.ik hn Qf a System thlia fnrw.nWnn.t - . .w . v ... HIVU. . ,,i .1 aehe, i'mu hi ewuMer,OTgb., Tightness of Hie Cbost, Dizziness, Sod uiuvuiuiriM oi tue Btoiiiacu. itad Tmw ln the Moutb, fillloos AWatka, Pali)lt4 .totion of tue Heart, InflammaUon of tip A.uiiga, rain'inianyrion of tbof Ej arymianimafirfiiniorti htitf tpaA a,e-yirl-T;lKso; CbtioUIil tfroVo i bstL ImliJ, 4 W arfiBan lungtlii atUU ' w.Minn." . 1 ,rr.-iT..ri m. .j k , .., t fi , uiiutuiu. ui-, uiiiuH auiiij uiiibi BWellihirs, illueia, Erynmolat nwalkd h'arl.i Ourtre, fconifahra luAanmaUiiins,' Indnladt 4nueawiaum)aM.Mreurtaib AaTaathw) Oil puree, Brupuao ef Hie Bkl,rriJ EyeSj elf. In these, s m 111 ntliereonsfitariimid n.L esses, Vaabsb's Vimiwab Uimwi bavt- eaown wieir great enrstivs power Ja lii For Inflammatory ah4 -iiironik BhenfnatiBirr. ooot, Dillon's,1 Kdmifr tent and Iotermittont Fovera, Uiwiol at Ma i'wm, ijvit, auoui'y aud illaddcL ttfflS yh toT hats nd MuiJ. fiueh DiiauZ -. . . ... . 1.. . - T re canwd By Vitiated Ulood. .. ( ... " caonca cy Vllialoa liiuolli. Bechanical DJwaHr. Persons mA I faged la, Palms, and Mlneralsj: such ak I ; luuiuuisp jyen-wuens woM-eaaton, snt Mlueri, ad tbuy advance ih lila, are lij lo paraiym tf-.tha .finwete. -T ipiari " Mild, tkki s dose ef WAtRSftYViii euAa iHTTaas nmaMtlryr' " V For Sktn DsflPu, Eruptiii,,'Tat ler, fialtjltlisiim, ...lUotehat, Bta,, Piuipki Pttntules, Umi, CarlinnoJi)., , ICing-worm-Bcald-bosd, Bor Kyoa, Kryaipwlas. ltd ecitrff, UMTolomtioiut e tiia fckin, Jiniinr i-i"-ia w w inaq oi wnaiflver name or nsHire, are utsraiiy du np and eairirA out oi we aysiem ia e eaert uaie by Uie, at aftheesiliUera.ij.tt -s -mviA pe, ana oriirt- Wfjrrnsl mrkinir n tha vtroi of mnzf tboumjadd are etinctnstly daitrored and miiiit.iI. v2 yysteni of nuilidun, no TentuniKes, m aiJ thclniinitlr WUlfioo UijcLim Wotoil Lia ue Bitter. . ' . For Female Comptalii, m yonn J ey aid, msmed or single, it the d wb of Wi3 vnaanwM, or im inm or fify thpse Toal rrnien oinpi.iy tn aii-Wd in liiflueuco ti,al irnpr-T xin ii rTi pirrrp'i' ' . " " t'leansp tlta Viliatud LltioJ ahJ Tor yon Bud iu Impumini biustmg throng li ,.. ui iimiiiea, niriipuoua, or rore cii"rtii it when you Cud it abn'roi tud, at. 'infcih fn thsTi-mr ; cli,irii it ulion it i rout ; yonr rir(r w:!I d-ll ym wt j, ai Ibe Wimd piire, aj.d t; fc..h ui tLV ,y-la Brill f,. ll..-. .i " 1 1 V.M 1 I TriBfllTF rTIt iriiBteal dlffal I - -- - J-A A ,V'A i ' -I lil!! . V!l sjiteui . J "i Co'. ' Tula - k'h. m MiTAtn m m Dmf (tHw ai4 a (ta., en rrii.,i ia. 1 me, a , hBDoaalbla... .i-irZ.',""' Id I had otlnd. i sad mind. T0UN Hg.y " - i " star jaTtw. l:,1tr? '' mCd jre niu. to ba u,,,l sppearanre abo.it theeyei,ata, , . .slAKRJAfll Marirona,orToui.-L- "" ." aw "M'" raon ronlm..i spedutuii.r " uU Wiuah :AiiRWaAaiLT nrAaa.n rcraona ruined la health k. ttnderwhe keep" lm pre. month. Uliinff tt-funa. f"out, fte i si -a 4 r. DH. JOUNB'iu7', London, .T.;r.rV0"" of Burte. meeaiMSiiiy ta a...,t .. . i JolWoa ia the Uiilt7i?5.,r " laiuant waeso iue hat aa TT IIIUU of Lunilrn M.. ..7 HI UW hoa. where, baa uii m?JL,aISBd.tae, luijr eares that wore .- T mun " ad twsst-miishlng. tto,?dtj,f? nuuemeat 4 ti."r?. 'eUuio.wilh da ftM'tJ tomdentyour,., swJsat ATMS JL' Ubed tS that an ih-Umedaanaattf .i!L P1 of i-tinted saaas of aliam. Z. "J i 1 eUim"i'oa. ttioaa wad, e Wad. from eduvattM 1 ' " ksndsot de-lf!. tato who, lacaTatdaof rlTS?i'!Sf"'lm' ubaUnve, keeo ilia tJlMir" Ll Powuusry . ni.iiTl.i f"1 . smallest fn. ... a-dU. Walith ?.lM "lwd ulcerated ora dlJ!' Bl:"' F-nsle Umaead tiSri ooturaal saaaliht ,y sund uir kliu to thiT To such, therefore. Dr. Ji,.i. . - . Tea BiimuxiBa lmINU , th aV-uititl , J" ltea by'ui. sM rti...i.V ZY"7 iloawyau, i Hal J ,-r-: ... wv, raiuiaiiiii. uuu. vHih iALTIOIU(,itt .. . , .Ttmma and 8 up tot Reply Jj)0UlUS. ACTING F011CE II a T T mj a BUMPS. tCjafC'lBTfiiicr'aii, lau- cpr u xal'eiidk; SWIM) )iS iriifai', tt t. fBVl4 f( the f W isjesjaaT. VrTT!?. ?T eJm7v:F'' kaud areaasln TtLsthJiV-." i "uid thouaaad dollar iawMk a"ired - OF. Ir4 The, tK yiu.ou.tth, iTitrfl. . - " . Mii;m uy haie a porcelaia KlreaavU." I''''" ki..J Ih win not want m. taiuk '" KmnteaaHa. WrUyla waiUWIaetdoap, Uicui ear tbuv .7T..i7T? wnu h sam, frraBe a they aay, ToM J1rlhjl ru. a Ur.tr ,B & ttWb run,,, n ,u.uUd hwKtrtjd. 7,. ,7. SailJ' boU f oparaUo' and taM WaJr 1,? BpU ' there BhiiliyTasa--.-.- ,0,u"'l? the Dlua to nUhUAAh .... w borri,rari,-" far a SwtjT'Kuy' so as d it1":?l,r yon and it auawen wail )..t 7, , piuas and ia auid to T J?1 IS Z" tol"l for .i l . "e Beet auiii uum.. l one tor hilaTw-TI Z , - Lpl,w oa f theaa anXafx iao, l"- " der ruag aokla 1 . Porceiaiu Cyliu-tbc;,?T!!..4.-f worii, T ww um itawalna' torn ....n c- v whanice. The d2Tl?,.!5 J!T. J-r1- Ue Uni!. H m..T't01- "r balnea. 1. prd moviU.U'ClU"U Wu much monuy i want 2 Tr " . ot and boaiualit-iJ;. , belpa-Ba 'banlcally Th BadnrtauriieiJ u Cart of' d VM' J vIiT-r " II la." , . W V"Oliy fr Kahdr.' oa "!: two hnn,l,--J IXJaU. nun. -!...-.."; .. "- f-r.i.v ik. H (HI IUIIIITm.,,... . ' i in t.. ' . .... . - .. .. . ...... cli-ni will ! U.m in i w - -un-.i.iwM!. I ., ..... ,. of pill- cnu oiiuuti all uuiiae a nud Irma - hody,'-!.,'.w'aw! dAJlu M. TOWLS3, , aa U lw Agt. foe aUniirtarers , co-lw A CRAY. . -At V ..A eetat-tf r.joNtaacva aq . ai waMinrbie ana :tuit.n Km, N y Buy lc i if M. A. I l f