Latcst'Dispatchcs: Ukahia aaataa UARDWAIiE, tfec. BACON;BAQG)Nj'BACON If yoa wilKtoatrao thai nflksa-s ia 'iJi'i,ik,V),J,,iM 'A II siaad of the araeeal to aid tba eity noli 1 -7WU VZW YORK.; y MpitST iHrinwU taT. a;"r3rrrt-i"- ' -f-a i ia maklnstbaaoMU aM whofe. DBMAL MABlaB MUmMlIU Haw Yobk. Mr. 4rcnibld, B.iti4 Coosul Oanaral here, dcnioa being tht authority fur the atateiaeata ia plarnii published la tL njrlcuitniml' dattriote of . England, (hat forty ' thoneend ' band Bri wir'ng to titans to Ingiaiati Ufr pro mmm it whole thief w fir m relet la llu a rilllnim MurJ. - - ' 1 Tb Vtctorr, from Haw HAvea to Jw4 lark, wast on abort at Ilante Island. Gaptala Cook waa drowned, t ..wtl a dispatch fromTboauNTtllatiiooaaca t bat tbn aagroee waia bang Car BMrdaf in pMter, OM for noleoaing bit rr4 ' Jbeir adaiittod tba pablM,' ' noady"c4 Jred, to ria tba bedia bajota take (Vol i ' ' ill tiUOIMT . lr"tonaa. inaearditra ata3" .) i ti jjo!l)if J iTitr'tCt of Bagtead caotiw 1itKied fB'trrnfi ty Uie VBltefl Btaka, til ataHng oa .'. tba aatborttj- af r tba Uoaaai ArtniDaia, 01 new ion, 40,000 baodt ready ta wtara to Ea Tba bio Ao'ora. iYoa Paeaaoola to Urerpoot, wti abandenad a April., 8 Tba capiaia and part of tba craw fcxoea ana umoon a sj M18CXLLAMS0U8 ITEMS. CiMcijiiaTTt. Tba City CoaaeU of 89 to fl. i ' ' j Wbw Om.A.Tb Rtt bat falleaa foot. Otbec creTaaata art reported. Abo4e four id a half iaebea af rain fell with 24 hO'i andlog aU o'clock laat oigbt. Mvrui, Tba beary raJoa tba paft law days bare not oo'y bee deatractiilt to tba plaatlog iaterett, bat wltk tha-diguwat railroadi oealerlng Lokdoji. Dr. linontoaa la barii Tba eaaehet oHba Qaeen and Prioea Waka wart pn iant. ' ' " -WtMBiii'iTow.-rUIUua pawad tba bill aapplytag ration aad diauaad annfy elotbiig to tba people made; dertltate by ovnfluw ia lowar lliaaiaaippL 'jJ ' 4 "fWOM WABIUHGTOH. tMKks'i ou?Kuiaa ma wawuiaTtai , Wi-nisuTnF, D. C Baoiaer't oba iu i.ll be rHemnlrod ' lo :'tba ... M's r; riainaoflr Wrlfibt, of Iidiaoa, btt ua.'ia utarbleqaarry In Ioddodn . , County, V , bai forwarded Va meuiorial 1515tfT ulI5ia to gliW tbatlaveTi Btut Uio full putucatiuo of all ' tba . laid pt"ftty, n iaaaoa aad owner fir tw yc44 liuia tti ia data for tba ptocoriog ail U awibw aeeanary to ; flolib Ue r "Wahiugtoa Moaumaati ' " -"ffaahiagto., April U Ta JTtkrkk Knmw. Mover of L ' Had. Ark: - - " 1 '', ( -You taunt b aware tUtiiaJPrealdeit .'tt.'.aVMMif.:: BrWBW,A yPT AIT liT JB V X. ."" T "Abeda --i-' w ... .... Ir V. rtlSf Ernest fcaiissr - - caa got Interfere U tba doraaatio diflicui- tU of a State eioept la conformity win - tba j.)utittka aad tew of Ike, United tttatca. 11a cauaot reoognliie a call nade , j yon klm for military aid hf the (f r . ., . UaUarltliJouiiiEoeVoonimaDd Inj tba Uaitad 8tatt troopf LitUe .j B itk to prrrtmt blooaabad' iwaill - ' be can dounda(1lting cirenmataooa I will .k Ja aoiwertj ,jer lnquly wbetber tba United Btataa are aowarleM to ptoteet 90,000 people aitaated jtj 4 " eitir oio( LtUle Bock are, if tba peopli of it kaowi hare not patrietiam apongh 0'!ltrf .. Uoa at to whoahatl koid Bta-fl oiliua w ba settled . peacably ea Uj:'iy, aad vat bring apoa their Blitt the 'g,.e9 and tola of cml war. , , i . Oao. II. WatiuaV, ' "' " ". . AU'iOaal , Ibtiboreiaiaafawer a tg follf ' To A tUrney Vmu,ni Wiiliamt, Wkbo- la your diepakk la Oor. Brookl infer yoa la' end t bt andenW d aa aay ,' log toe preaidaateanaot NoagnlM klm GoTerner BntU bit rbjjht haa beea fully ' aad finally recegaiatd by - the eotuta. l : anderatand from your dupaicb to Go ' areor Batter that tba Preaident cannot reeognhsa him until hia ngbt baa baas ( aetUod by Ua bprema CooA The Baprama Coart will lot be la 'eseaioa aa ' UlJuac Naw what art wa to dotft' lBe BwantUnef QoYeroor , Beater baa lamed , bia pruclainaUao, patting the city ; ttnder ; BiartitJ law, an4 armed aaea pretending to at nadar hla orden, are patrolilng the . itreeta, Wpplng paacabw aad aoarmvi eiuaeoi, aad eettiag tba aathurity of the , city offiuare at defiance and arreating t 5 , puiiva: Mot only tliia, but prirato pro ..eity, u being forcibly aaiaad and appro- - pnatod in a like manner. The conatraf "ItWai placed on your drtpeteb by Gorea; or IUxtci ia that it it a Uoanee to aaake -an attack aa the Brook faction with at ' assuraou ia ao doing the Faderat Gor- rooMint will not lnUrfWe. Yea will readily tea that the city i aura to become a aceoe of bloodshed and over a atrife Jta auitoritl. are not responsible' for, and which tVy bate art the power to settle, m94 Hed where aa appeal to aiihtl.oo of tbu peraiiia claiming to be GoTernor lays tba city AuthorUlea Hable to lbs ct'Srge ol bi-inf Uiepartiwe of the out eppewlfd to. I iiiwit toaak'if tUe rd." isiai Ctverumnt pflWrrlrae to protect - tUe lirts aud property of twenty tbunaand openly violating the law end eatting 1 ante at 5afiaiorT"life: pTwwrart peaoeof ibacUy wiU-at b4agope!: e i E IWtirpbariii1 faj&miwp: J log taetwM : Tbta traesttoa of svhe ta lt rifbal OrBoraaoaly be settled w Jjf. 4 Uuag(.tba( Buy no. dose r theaut tettr othi; aid I i . i '.i i '-.I now impiure yoa ia toe ajun pi peaoa ip ud bm ail ia yvor power aatU tba otb A qnasuon If esttled,,,, ,,. . h, FHKMcatct KaaiUBi Mayor of LitO. WA.'Atk! . w s i . Tbi' aw bruW" ot Am'WVeaaS lroa,aa4.lcUb ExtiuVkeiilM Cart 8tai taaafta ttMiaaaateetaMbrattT' P AXSS AND EDGED TOO LB. jltra offer an vcrf fr MX S d ai bb iaaatruiarf kv rkiw wirv.uef ae rer saotatuf autankia.a( Ir8 n4 t iyi ra bvottv say J1 vvaB . Abasa iiW lnraediiejy. sjumi urns i& inn Aiti evrria tuhjwk tea and VerrtoS' Wof i.e(nilia aafcee - bVttCUTt W He fbrk. EA8 the Urgeat etrea'atioa of anyTXUly iK"Iilr In the fciale, aad a ttreuli Uoa ta Wlluiotrtoa aeariylwica aa targe si aarwwwpapab -v; ,'. ? t,i' !.i ! i Ail Um news at tba ear will be found la it ooadeased lin nnlnTirtant, at length whea of moment, anb aiaf"presen ted In a CleaiL WUrilUrentnanrtierafUnrnuaiBer. ' . s n aUiwUUmCMUlnAdtaaoeli-: i Oca Year.. (...W,M .(........ 17 01 aia atwBUia...w. , v . ... i, it aa rwcB-naueemx- Thji ItWia. Jtui li nt &lnMniiit' wlUi tin Corottna Jfaniwr. and kt one of the uimpm paara in we ooomry, a wa iouowuur ' ...t TtiiifHBanai aruuiBn Ank.eL2zi! One eopjL one year . . . . i ; 'i . .a . ", .. 91 w One ewTif, tlx moauM oath..'.. ikl.... . 1 01 MTOlalii of f to 10, one year, IISl Hneraw' VOlDbt el Kl or saotevoaayeat, only $1 o uaraaur Isi tapacisaaa aotwa aenv oa appuueupn. , i aaarvas. . r -Wu i- nvnvr tr i.: :J!-J iB.'iAf ,h 'Wftr ri"s""rj I I dee M rJT-o TM K-atl.lsiTtlT n ..isi ;..!! lm,.u'ij r Iiil'-lirtil pLpnw-ponnJCtfll m MHWifit I IULBIGH.' N. 0. l:i.";, i ii! M.f l'.i,'l:i.i -ii ,!! ! n-Aro-nrepared to fnralsh Tombstbnoi of all fclada, Mlber pUia or raaiaaaUl bjlf Anerieaa and Italian Marble as eboap an neatly executed aa eaa be parehaand at ad) etnas aaUbUatuneni Mortkror Buatti fcaTlai toaa at the anataeai a( aarvtaff ao4 aaitraTlni aurbla lortv-ilve seara. wa eousMtsr onralea sqaal to any In tba Union, We will al aew qaarrlea, althar la aadntalwd bloekS or eaa ana ta oraat, eoca aa i aoor aoa wiaoow aula, watortable, atajia. poata, street aad grsrl yard cart tuna, dbc, m prdars will be tbaaa (ally roceivea ana paociasuy anenaea wa pteags ourwiTW w grre euieiacBoa ia l!liB;iV, ..t .WUHlf WHiT&UkW, i deelY-dte.'' PTUP8!. PUMPS Br virtoa ' - - l.;Mi,r aoarerMd to Mortal- ( Joha U a:Kchaa aad L. l k'tubaa registttred la tba uttoglAUr1 UtBoa ot naaa uoantr. in noua &. rage oia. tba deretgved a ill sett H J ublie auction. In lUty of Raleigh, on .'factao, -m trra Da o ann, uii an 01 the aroprtjr aoaaayi B saw amNiH at y .lj aa , ff. xawnu lor Ui "uioba rassn . ' ' MA. Tt.l.tlnir1. lj .. I ... ..... ,1 Hm, "1 4 H ether aateaw f or Fnmra at ant tfin iHaaaaara toaawtod aad patented by JoUa U ia au toe aiata.1, s aaed br J. L. ILiUh.ii I. rnaipa, arnstiMr with all Fami oa hAod. , Aadassilaf the notes aud' Saeoantal ramp 4 oa to saM tUleheav andajraaM iifrrt- gaga aaugwid Va the nndaralKaed debtoa. hereby forbiddoa to, nay Ua same, to I debtol.arb . luff t A uma fca J. 11 K tohan. ar any one for bite and are irednlrei to pay v hm eaina aa myeeir or sit anwnm. -tx ,4 .jfcLUtTR,!?l aL li ''iferrimonlriAiliAASf ",' JtOMifagar.T' LAM,AU'r J at I t a tarn arlirJ Cora Itnaad Wheat whit ken. whicB I of! a nnn a motunua pneaa ' II Ant Uqwors aoU a awdkUllaty ,av by mf Vtna ar aaAeetnaav . t. A. Cbaak at HUtebor. raili a aa pare ad wbMrapraaeated whea old,tbi aos wUl be rafuaded, or ae abarge for . tht BWaWABaWAWafABawaBaa AJU XOU WwJtGfdlflTiujia. AwhB raatnlcal Faint W t&1t(:! " 1 a.. i. a "Write for eeicfWtlta,'eilar and card oi etasav'ft'r I tvH It ist,n I Daafni aaaa oaoaod by Oatajrh, Catarrh aat anfreqneaUy prodnees' it- Raal -I Vtl H V " - i i K,. H(aft Mr.lMri Mm. a iNntUa Lite P 1 WilUaau Co, O, aamerly of UarUaa'i Osr4 U., AM ban sanHl tit daAfamaa .of (oarf rears' stSAWltog, by tutng 1 ael oati ioiaedf. 11 Waa ao A, ,l li .1. JH anl hear a uarsoa talk when aea'.ud far b! sUe.ud eaa now hear the ebnrcb bell rhigtwo miles dwUnt e k write. -I .!" !'" I A MARKED CAS OP ' VSi :,t CURED.'-' 1 " lrr,tliiarTii.tAvNl'1:? Jf..' About oae year ago 1 canght I Mfrtre eotd Id the h4 wbfc-h tanainated ia a serere form of cat Arrb. Durlfcg the Uui U'uaUeu accwed in vuc uai paiHU.-A, Alia X Decant bully deaf ta one ear, wilb prlil deafuva iu tb etbea. Tb tnAAOutioa hud ln o!Bd ail tha daUcnta atractans of the ears, and was In ImaaedlAta dAnger of pn-manmit defnaa l tt atKnarg twcatM prolM and fetid, both lata m uiraataao Irota aara Ia.tala condi Uoa I oaI led oa Ir. Facto for aid, who preec4lMt his Uolda Molicai Uueoffwj sad Catarrh Ktuiedy, sud under their aa hav rai'HJ rtiTett'd.. Mrboartni h rniamd. aud any tuTii' i' eslBViy wSlfi"r'- ,,t-:...rt..i.t... Uifl.BNlTir ' IttO &Arral Ha. i., Bock ionAiua from tbe ikfai and oflvrrd-at rmlaccd pnefs to deaieiaaiut hut!i cmnrne m .. flee 15-SV A fl t d4.K3 TWI.M, I ,UiM. XaiCilAUt. t pan 11 j YEARS awAnaaa iwnnwai - . . a i ins "a i 1 i OvarTwa Hundred MiUIaUe eomolaiut of JuTt b'm'-fc ebad. , Tr Kuaa acua-i ataaXonoa Buuaa T4 itttit f Lint AU KxpraM VoniMnia nM 7 rrmvni ana rw:K r r. r if! av w vvfww w a anew si a a awanbJ aki In from On to Twenty Minutei. MOT OKI WOUII, , I BAOWAr BBADT KKUfT IB ins uuy rain itonreoy Iniiinniq-An4 mrM wlttr of ill ww jsea) rwi wa bh aiimp w He ataawajwc utmj wuiI. , nxfeWAti it aoy Ittrfr wn.L arman jwaTsitT rasb. arbAaMATioa urTim m,M ii; THB.RI.ADDK vLABliariua t- i r - i IXlm.HTI)!l OI 1 mnmw inaAliiTtu'. i unuiii 'lAU" ATtoK o? iw j WBAouaviy'""' " ; ' .1 UAflV0 T'f or IM KoiUtu HrlHPa Ifcr Ml tij .imrw It. htff t tnmtr it, r.iiM, www m rim iin tii. kiu.! a ri ftury at Bai. rai" U-il-r iriih A tWm IwsrsaaJlmi aaMatllllri Ihi WttrM thmL Wilt ctirw ri I tbu Kill cl IMH, atioiw sat maaal Awn msaaf All aMhtai OAart BL...I. trt Tho ita lo", UM OWW riYnJjlil ll,JtA 2mA t- HEALTH! BEAUTY! , or n.Bn md watjHT-:M!R KPtin akI aosr Asmmmniii crnrn aa AArilf ill Til a -H ANORH, Tl Xrerj Hay ai Increase ii H TT trtni rirnrin 11 n rattu'w tnniuf n inc aiioosi, PWtl, I rilKfi uiatltuUAatr uisnaaa. vnias 1H Mm MtlWaU, MttU III, Biort. MnrltMtn lh (MintteaWrt MtWf OftFta dT UUaarnCm 4 Mfli aiyaaB, aMroiwurpti atawiiAfyei kimii um fci WaV 11 u worn roroaai m Min atMAJscai, raiiUona stcii, tvt.14 Hethtt, fUn Wort, Ult Hhcum, afry-Uai sat tern, vissc a-fuiatj uiiaaw am mtw w wU, I iimom, t. (K taat WOB,aN fJiwM Lota of rlthm u in mn4 pif-J ehmrns), Kl if bt IwMtift, Lnta of ir.n trW Iff rtrK-tpa. mrw WlthlB Uat CUftVUv) fMlN T thJ tnta mil w WtMHUr Of OOi ra dTmi Jbwmhwtrv. and fear darn um wi HM UaWt aMIIieTtM MMC ftAflM tJ w to csr thrii. T T I WsUIJ Ml I Fan iaM lit potent power to esrc If Ik patMBt, tTBilr kwmlM rtcittett WWt w-wtA And ttoofDMm)titaB thai at cimuauatihr itirfMMihg, M.4 vm1i In arrewflnf tlivat waale. aftdr rtpatrs the nti-ft winwv tHwriu muw rroai mKiif wetMiHUid in Tftf MMArAitibUdrl WW aiMI eyai gaw.wa'a) a aMai a MrUMi for hta tfi rm4y rrnnmatita 1 rk of BanAoatkra. and accaMtl la dioiintahiiur iti Utm ot wutaa. tta refalr will a raptd. atMl war 4 .i; the aaltant will faal hiHitwKiffnwtM iMttarrnlMrntivsA ttt raod diiratiai ttUtf, Tsfr(twtitv Imrovu:, aud Utti ana uLirstm. , , , , Masl an iiuwn rianilt fi i)i mi tlivvtir of T"r' ftthsaax OwiiatMutiunalf a4 Mida ikmu; tt H u 114 Hlr pwuva uua fur Cmplaixtis9 1-FiHtrv and ftUiDtiaufa of Watar. raM, Albnmtnaria, a beldam dajdjoatai. 1 anta mint bum itUtaawlaHn of aataM, at w anna, ana wnrw Drjov-onar nwpfnynj, atn wirtu men a pntiiMl) nriiiiMj mmmiatm wwm pawawiraw waav d atatailtat Wwnall af Mn Hanfc iimI ilum liia IsifUia Wiaior 'c rriLt?r'4 -Cured ay Eadway't Iisnlvu& Feifiicffiri aarfMWf taHilaai, (lataatlT eaM WHIl iwaat MnA alia, raaauMa, Nni T, vmmm hh miwma 4 lArar Sill riila wiwowiWiimwffMwa hh vbmb lilvar, aulralA KhlaajrA Btatldar. aarvitut Pweaapi HaaHacM, uaianpaii.a, (MinHm indiimtii'aa, Uva I, AliloniaaA la, A'Haa. ii d ail f . - .- y lntarnat Diaooa rvvar, lunaninuiiHni m ill VwuMAaoalauuitf Mawtua.aAioarauwielaUri n 7XUa AADWaVaVLU 4w VrA Iha' aa (tarn All uaalxTaaainMaworacA rrwa, It aauai DHUuoifirs. IA1J AH it TULA" tA I bauwai a VV. Wwran tu Kif InrarMiiM watlh wiuaaaam 70m .... aJhivS rnns OLD SUBSTAKTlIl J, T VTU'J illi'i V4i.8 a wrn WEIXTJiSTEr), f a rj '( awi'H FlIIIEBBUIL D I N 0 Has paid to the 'Widows and Unhana 1 North Carolina sines IssA, the sunt of nearli ' - AfiOO. OOO. Alnd, by IJ.-. in sad promptaeas in this narl tlcalar. and fttrnlahlug the lowuat raUiaof an Brat elaa csanpaay: aad also, hsuinc- Faid baore rarenoa to tb Out thae any plhof aosapany, aha. aserito, aad . aaloyi ,tb wed SAvnMoiaunAiUoaof imuh, ,vv.u LliBUfl' tin' DXf UI II Til ITATI - And with her 0.000,OOO.OOrAMaj avw on naao, ana managoa py genueuea oi long npenence ana anancuu aauu ne oner I tae bigheat jtaadArd of security to sii her I ewtoutera. had, aa Ureatmnt tor tAPU I talltt a 110,000 policy ia bettar than 10,0uo ui I wwm aun inna w MiiNhan Aliauaattia rw" Tirr a , a DR. RAD WAY IS bab a a na nrl ofaothsexaa. This core pant does not sayJ : -( tSJS&JS isflnliWMPOto EX. COEIDALIS. rAndrvUr, Andle.T,thare.SU.11 rh ca.hoa- ot the Uairf jGrAf'.lr irrAl1 1 W. It. - II Af..j:jj tf'.W 3fri aenaaid'AaAaU II llclkI.M. D., Medical KxaiuiuerJI . . ', 'J Si-n -r1 up Klnlf ii i wi'-i ?l i AUraw4atoa4wark'?dsf. kt tb Ua Vmai. I heaat braatt ban, bwVUysar old. wal j kw fork la tba right ear And airt 4 Balf I MAABi rnnAmm .. i ,1. ! J .. I Hvv ! utn. 1EIA aVaUA AUMBODW A1T vSU Hd dark rtd, "amMti.f bathaaktuiiv reediTnt aud orooerii rt-w"H- aA-iiAr.AJ lVAtUlaVAiaJ !ght Btilea (oiu of baih. , iioot.1 ixi) snoES 33fli 0 II V' iM ', t;iHL!tK mm ijj()W ret WHTfmteii HANDLED tldst K It in mitilc Frnrt Ndlil has 5 1-2 loot lmi. Ji.j-. Hi eel. It is iiiadv ttccia!.y ior this mark& I j l at r C " 2s. Vl I'l '' -v 1 110E& . Send for Pru List ml Discounts. HJiltrwa.kt-tiON. OtiitB, A 1.1. I in tb" moi r iitiyiJAmKi8T'bits, just ru.'i'lved at : K H ANiKEW8 A CO.'H. ' ;2: FA3etteTille8!rvel, I RAIR1WH, N. C. iionty H, lftl. , TUE I! EST ADVICE lint can tw (fiv-n;t i fwnuni imtft rinir- trttn dtAiien!, tdliiiiia c.uuidttint. colic. FiinminiTi. Han; -ask ten's- touievorirmt ggoe, mervouh 4'' H't. fr any ditonfciisittjcijng the toinT aeb,.the UTer or k.dneys, ia t tone, clenaat and mculte Un-so !miortant orfjinn by tu Pill 5tQ??S TTFEB FILXt Tlitv act very miiiiiv, yt-t Ihnrouirtilv runtora Ui functlonafai'iiou of. the diL'ubtive nd the Intcaliucn mid n-uovstes the cynU'iit. They prodace wither uauatta, griping or weak nc s, and may K taken withou lLam) of dldt or occuatlon. , f nee 38 ceuU u box. bold by ull dnimgiata. IWaMasvsqualilii'a ihA no other dye dora 1 ouvw iiiifiaiitui'-fns, nua ao ualural llut n canuot be dvteeted fy the ciosntsi observe! It la hsrmkus und caaily appllod, and Is ia genera ns among the fiwhiounble hair droni I PS i i a ala, Krihilim Ditetuet of tht SkirL .St. Anthony't t'irt, Bryijhu, IHottAt, Jmnort. Dvih, Tetttr. and iU Khtuoi. Pain and Enlargement of As lionet, I. Mr. ... .. . . mat nouene; aiermiy, ieucorrlym o Whites, Wvtnb Dueaie; jMpty, Whit Swelling, SijihUu, Kidney and Live ftjmaZriaW- .tf.:rraAd2 Tnliii 7W. all proceed from impure blood. OH. TITT a SAHSArARILLA Uvthe must powerful Blood furiflor known to medical sciencu. It enters luto the ciri culatiun and eradicate every morbifi agent; renorates the system; produeea a ocAutimi complexion and causes the body hi givu , jj uH-lul-IU).f weigat. KRKF TUB BLOOD USALTnt and all will bei wolkt 'To do so, nothing has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. I'nce ll.OOa bottle, gold bv all DruL- RCEEN'S m CUBE I f ia .wrnedj lor ApUep8y ' , ...,.. t t 7 ' nrj !; ; . i Tr.' "'-J rns, opAtn. vonTnmiiiin and Wer-ont Wakefulneaa, cU promptly, fto arrcAUng the Fit from tha Brat day' Tue, even wber ""J imiiv VAiaiA ' v., jv-wo. Th iraat rAWftahl. lltrtl . cvaas , Dor Hl,K.d " -- MrnrrrAvvm' nr.vtcvi--- - i.wi in, abuiow ij i. mj uiMKota vi uivj air paaaaarta and Langs. By Its timely tue bvbv ppu4 ccAOf Conifrtfon ar prtunpUv I the 1.mwsw rojg" b: J. KBDRALUIA IfiPEClFlCi -ii A tmunpi, poniUra and pormauvat nsltrt fur tint oriieuitin-:r.aina of Drliria. Khnma. lie excraciatint: J-aira 01 tin And eciatiex . if gadWta fKls-ilBuiAiai. . . . . . - t , . : . I . u irsTWBor.i a ..-! ItVSMSffWtM' " '.'''" Una. tihKKN, Mtltn.K V ' HatJlTlB " ori-uAwAiy-.. . rttaariotwa, N. C, 11 l,. K., '1"IA). , 'II '-1 I I joy 11 U , I). NEWrtOM.i I nriTiiTTTiTn mnn , icutfy " i ""'aa"' T iaia!aalLl BeTiij ii ? CAUTION. jx Btrr'OWLTTBB L ! JKXrWE FAIKBANK St'ALEI, .irvACTuaSD ar i FAIRBANKS 11; ij Mi yMBajiiilHutJI "'!!, j, Gtandard Scales; f BWrk Hcaicie. Owl Brale. Hay ttcataa. Dalnr eal, Countrr tklea, .te, Ave. H- alrAfnalrcd DrouiIiUT ana reaaxmADlT. . . . ... . .A. ii.a. 1 " m Ciln lltrm.TIII Ci't. - i nutr aHUtCUAtrrf uuu SOLD AT Faibvakks' BcALfce Wabbboobbs, A.IKBANK3 ft CO.. 811 Broadwar. Mew York. 1A6 BaltiinoreBtreet 'tlotore. as Uamp Blreel, B ,,J IAIKBANK8 A IW U Mssonia V FAIRBANKS- ,JM,., B ttC Boato. For Ale by Leading a Dealera. ! ept 11 auw4m , 4 D IXIB FbOWl OlT" "FLOW II la now wfaithout a riviO, It cats a deeir auu wiuoi lurruw iu BtasuAalcAl -araaatca-rmnt for Altering rat Is mora simple and eiucieiu man any ouiar plow on the market, !.ianieiitag roTcnihle point, the greatest plow improveiiicnt of the Age. Ask Tier. W. J. (Jrowdcr and (Jol. JWB Wton, what tney mink or una plow. Uall And eiauilnc or i.'ud your ordura to K. F. JONBg Co., deete-tf tit, THE GREAT REMEDY FOB CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a tiniely resortto this stand ard preparation, as has becD 5 proved by tK hundreds of tcHtimomaw received by the linm-tors. It ia aekuowl wli tl by many prominent phybicians to bo tho most reliablo preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and euro of all Lungconiplainta, Jiud i plTercd . to the public, banetioiied by f ho experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fail lo effect a speedy cure in tiift . mos) - severe , cases of-oug'hs, J-ohchitis, uroup, wnoopufg Uougb, InfluenzaAsthma. Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- nws in the Chcet and Sid,o, Liver Complaint, Blcedinj at tha Lungs, &c : "Wistaifi Balsam does not dry TjTF' a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is the : case ,witb luofct preparations, ' but it loosens v. and . cleanses : the lungs, and allays initation, thus removing the cause of .!... -1- Jf W, rOWLB 4 80H8, Borton, Xasa, "" oM Vy Drotrirta an4 DaaWntrMraJly. B AKK STOCK F(U 8AJLE. WUhlnr to to Into buslneas. I will nelt 10. 16 or aft haraa of the stock of the Raleigh National Hank of North Carolina, an rcsuvoai aonterma. nppiy to -t . &1CUAKO VV. UABKItV feblOawl Oxford, N Hi. DISSOLUTION. T!H FIKM OF -C. D. HCARTT CO. Is this day dissolved by mattutl consent. ed by n to the I AUpsrUea indebted rm will make Daymen to O. D. Heartt aad all elalats aamnut the in will be preaeutsd to him forpayaaant, asm oannc ninonaoa V3 sente ap aa si. falracf Ui uonoarn. C. D. HEARTT, -fiSBBSII'C JWUOO. Hivrsa rrjKCHAsiD th iNTfiti tntenxtof Hernwt Brmar in the - UK Uiiaof U. 1. Ueartt Co..l wUl hereaftet conduct the business In my own name at tb om swno, aoa reepecKuiiy tottcll the patron age of the peeple. CUaRIjKo d. hkabtt. fab M-tf. - .-'. Beer and Wine Hall. l pro my large and well aeeorted HX1U1 WhUkie, Brandies, Oioa and Sniritaoua Ltaaonra 01 an una ny 10 e nseasnre at greatly redaeed price, as I Inland to chawra air haainosa to aa exclusive : ... BE Kit AND WIN! HAU.- at my preseut stand. ' Parties who desire trar- chsAiuir hue liqaors' in qnsntities leas than tve Kalians won id do well to ealL Liberal amuii!emnta made with dealer. t tin 1 U A. W. FBUrS. . rpWO THOUSAND rpUMDt Frlm reanad Lard. , . - At oetMf R. F.JOSMACO'B. rroat the hoase-Of Jotia Price tboat oa aiU North of Kalehrh, on TueadAy evening last, a lanre Horse ; heavy tail and.'man, taU liiaU WVwii-m tr4 'if, blaze fare, rubbed a little in tk stftit kind thlfrh. The Under will be liberally ie waram vj SCUTtPnv tae saffi in ... -- ttbU-tf rtlHAH, xASCXZdsvak Baltimbre, Md. PORK PACKEK8 "AUD DtALEES iW BACXJy, AND hit 7 AAdtnd Meata, Baoa, 8tdta tflionldent, Pofc 14 M ij tt rpat Fine ot Cfeorxe A Jeaataa bating be X Itwkuadrtn, AJuOlconio tocarr.aa MaietratAaaadpiABiptahipaUaltJa nor SS-Sra !" ' . ;'" "; Z I'M il -Xli READ! KIJAD! QBE At rtsco vKii y i GhreatJIiiscovery 1 ' w .-t r:rj' wi "ra 1 rj Bold by Jbj; fMo'ocjT- OJlon Covert 1 . ftKAD. TH1 FOIaLOWTNQ TK8TAMO Ma. it. Fi SaiorrDkAk Sm fa have lor s.ven.1 mVn ,. . Fatast Kiahbl Paiav," oa ear "Coll. iulldiiiK," andTTwnu'lied w1?h u It was ain.uj by one haVlac aoixpan-K, is ;ork7ytTwe Xft???ori eonttaae balksetaa taataaAknt ofteoaawsswiHlslSltttr aad fafihtt & .rJfc.?" It ia arto waaj oUswIllwsa . a t(iirnadV. ftr tft ! V?I1 B si ilijirti ; ; i-rjIIIW lABi I-'. , U-AAsi; it ob sack, aad lliina aaeheks oes jpulow eaeh weakt aat eoaAtant work aom pteted thai aa. v. r. aaieav eiatxne. pasnt ssaaa eaen. 4a the khuie s aaw gmmnnj aanaaaea tae ror "snaasev .. . .t. than 1 aot a haadsomar tub la the pi Iac. I is aa Men Jaat bow with ' evathora Veopb.1 aay aoaatry lad a apply Ik I kavi IpiclMy tna (treat adapututty of eelleiay uf uateriaL ia aeaaty of color, . yoa fall paraiasion,U it at desirable, to m Ma. C F. Kaioal Dhaa Sfa : It aflbrda PaiMiit AAaaaul Paint f c rmM.1. tn reaaoe to selleve m durability. Vor thaa vm. tawaum fuuuaai wiui Hra c with it, I dstenniued to paint the 1 Rive m perfact satisfaction. In 1 Tints to rou. to ar at libertv to ass It. I Thstollowim letter U strong and valaablhi -'' mJ",'- '' 1X shf v. ' t-. , I'""",1 ..tbUimmA tlu..iw i.,.i a wUl cheerfully eudorse a ti beAt oOlir hiad ws UTeneatUeniveriar evkrythins desired. dryiu promStly and with a hard (loss, which ptuat, we Uiak :tlonof all kinds of weather. 11 is la our sxieriuw' aad waveaa recotaAsaad it UVMI IVTH 1.V Will qualities ia resist the action with certainty, aad Intend to ue it on all . Bpccligpns ari'g Pri-s Li"t fvynl"hiHl gratis.; 1 ma VSJuame rnHlli&er la ufloruil til tha HORrOlK IISH ,; 6UMI0. 'l"-4i:.-lii ha beeu greatly Ihcroased. No Huino hut iiiuf With ucu BnlrersAt tavor efery wlwr.i, so irreat wa the demand laat'se4n, nly one third of the orders could tm hilled. It contain About 4 ucrceuL of Bone rViinlnte. And frum 4UiS nr emit i.r AaaiauuiA. Jl;2u! fonoV'af " cmats "f TT. D. ATSAA, A J. F. Habbm. Da. A. OT Da via. atiaaa aws seywatB Wtpaaswbsal. aol'i March 4 dw I u 8 S T.H I jll 8 -y-'.atl- Another shijimant at Oar brand of CsAMB jOOOK- WHTTB LEA17 just to haBd.1 i- at-"a:,- BKIOOS SONS I ill J, ":i SALEM N. 0; KERSEY ' s4 (fi" . Mai tnv M .ainil W i t h '; . 8tnll,..X t,H - - , CAE8IKERES jiti-if. iw hi iii r iuii w. i jiii fii Kauri vad and 'to be aMd Trrw.'AnaJ and sea theav , m u n -i ,i a tt novl, i-H . is t m 1 K "ijtti av usa Bitt" a h;i a t -A JIWJIIAII ll f ... 1' i tint OTBB a il(w If Jt .1 17, r, ?- 4 . a n -i o a i a jq BACK AND FROKtj . . io.-i ?tf b ' t tn .nl-,'7 T'l . b- v-4 1 "b ao os M .! '.!. 1" ' I. .-" ! I .i,(J In icllti :n V ui u.f a .lr.-'Aii. r4.V- lt iv--.: 4 aV sVNDWsmA,.W . . . ii, n , 1, , : cMMsra 1 JanaaryaU.OhM.j ..: ..-..It NORTH CAROLINA, 1 ' " 1 .c CaUTBAW OOVBTT, f '- 1; 'l IN Till BUr KRIOh) OOTJXT-4 Slh ssL,iSt N. Wlnabuham aad wife Itary, l-i Ui Ben aad Klilah Bell aa Kxseathrsl 01 1 Lamas Mil, aaa', do a Bell UsUaewn ngnK aiijAh neiUdona U hton A Adiainis tntor of Wa Bell dee' 4, John t Btos aatd wue tteoecca av T iatmbeu aad wife Da rothy. jBusaa Baldwin, li)ah BwlL Jatjsh Ii sen, 4 a Ming saa wirs aarastata facta Baldwin and wile i alia T.. and A a Alkaaav Qtitimfar aw afrawarf and aVrtlfsj mt iM ; .smta y 11m.Mi1, itaitaiasmr it atHKarina- tn tksaatiafarilnanf tkarVmal thatKliJah bU, AMt)ah O hsU, John C Btewc aa avtuBuatuaiorsi wtv bail OmVeL Joha c Stone and wife Reoerca 11., aad AO Atkins are aoa-resMsnia or thlsSUU: Ita ordered hy ths Court that pvbticAtioa baatAdeiaihe aaaeij; oavcriAax, ror six weceaalva weehe. aoufyin taaaaid aoa rasidaat sMeadanta to ap!Av at Uis otlic of Iks Clerk d thvra nvr voan ior vnsutaia eonaty, at nttshaso. withla twenty day after ta asrrtc of this Bnramoe br tasblicaUoa. sod niead. ui.w or dsn or to Uvscoarttaiat of ths riarntitfs, a copy at whkh ia tied la tke oft of said Clork, otbarwia teMfrjueai win t takea sgidnatthemsaHierdiBa) to said oawapaust. Witness, tv. T. Perrr. Clark ed said Uaart at orfles la Fittsboro, that sVtk daa ad 1 ry,A.Dtl7 HENDERSON, M. C " The drtriag rjajsmon of this 8caoo op oa thkoyda.iiyiw-i: impnctoi ooaro ana Witloo Is 100. Foe particulars -sad Ctnwiar a.t.!na tta daauia - T. ;l . . dUeolrod. W. th duri(nd hfai. buaiMaM.Bt tk nU atai5toiA??. head your or lw to aio, 48 Houth Htrsart. luiii. IlEAB" WAE rOKSftT COLLM'fl, Oct. 4th I e " Hi u i 1 J , , i VargiiwdfaUyj tf. S1MOMd.S tl 1 4 , . .-W'J.'i' il f'i JTbb Ftias, Fauquiur, Co, Va,rhth. 13TT Safety to nana as ordaraa, two ken, Mrs . p.-cttc is slack, I did the Job myself. ) - two eoata, the last coat aiailied ti.i-i. ...1 u ll'lilied t d hannu use naruuea ana oouy ana iiariuouy of colors ... . . . i n saved slxty-nv dollars by tlia omratlon ki. h IB 1. .11.1..I.1 M .- 1 . .. . . .. f. I a. pwr m ai w wv 'wwiiaau aa saw etau dabbled ih sueb Stock as TestimonlAls but I li " "" " our peopi In ai. the fact of lie belli ready-mlxud, that 1 ie what use yoa think proper of this lttai Very respectfully and truly, be mneh uTbasui e to ssv to u u.i 1 JT? uj 1 1..1 cl pleasure tossy lo you that tha Brad.. t. In wiiAhhiiI lunl. ..A I i " V, ! W jsyAei wr-syv?Mft M'i''sld.. $ Coata:. fli'l ' , Mors thaa twelvs saonlha since, t painted Ui roof ej J, ha Bradley Fteat Knamei Faint, And 1 was so well pkmi the fiontsof the 'Hotel," and 1 am most happy to sat that tt , la conclusion) 1 will say, if this testimonial will h 01 auiJ! rtytooaslin.iM i'V::.' ... ' " w. twelve aaonths since, t painted Ui ruol ej n w ToaianaMtrrsctttlrV..,'i,'u,'v ' TIsW. .Wt- aalUsSta tariuin n uoi n ouiaug a eol' A) OX st vary roBpucuuAioutu una rnacu I'imtufj.. yUAKTUtr, Ai W. HalUmore btroelT Mouse. Hiiruaiid t . pii d, W. Ixmbard bt., Ibtltiiimro, Md, r.rm..r aA .rii..t. .Mli i..-..a wkll. 11. . ""iihf- w. -bJj ff urto Haloiicb, It. C. Foreatville, ' DelBA. " " ,T Pscilic JiiuiutXijLijeumi. OWAttt 4k HAKK1S8, fieneral Affionto, ,;, 1 a - 1 , 1 , inorfois. s. F . J OlO: tt te (J O U:4Aa.4U.tMA.A. JJUl. COTTON FACTORS 4ND GKNKKAi, WUOLKSilLB AND RKTAIL UKOCK1U. WaUfueioa St., Opmautb MAJtsar Suoau .-. h -i-mu RALEiaii, N. U : - ; . v. '"V'pTeiitdr,eira hd offer to the pnbllc bur services 'as Oenend Commission Met, chant for the talent Cotton And Atiiarnro. due. Ae " ."' c Our loesttoW'ls'cetif rsl;'Thh InricAt'psrt of ttro police rttallon. and tliereby lisss llatis vj aue nanarer or nre. Those who dosurn storing cotton will Bad it to their luterest to eommunicata with us before storing else where. Wa are constantly In receipt of a line of (Jeoeral Urorawins which soUing st ths very lowest market price. Fanners suppba AlwAvt on band. Country produce bt lanre ot mail qnantittes taken la uxchanire for ruxlA 11 q SOU iiunt oaaxsmata and will aHeet,, satlafaftard atc,ad aMutsidee aroajut rtr4 'I ptttraa for iltnartMeV-ratrVnted' to hs. 'our 1 - All .1 Ifal 1 ... 1 a . j: a-r .i r imtron and others will be Informed from Lime to time of the reueral tenor of nrlcea for Cotton and produce Kenerally. , All commankathnia ai, Inaalr nromutlf aoswernd.--" aeptx7-wtf t ttftJ F iiini' " -a'Trf ..its aii s an " oaArtl "jlahT',i -or! .'.t el sA' UUiV ) ' 3 fojFFt lieftH- .r-...".. eORN, MtUta . FAaa, aTINB FU0 baled OaUb rorder, Hay, Hhnch, dte.-'.' Jir q If st Ab ia tm OhBORN'tV w"6' , riusiid Keodetors, 4, Wast of K C.-Fretsjht l:pM WsnvakMis. Orders dro; pad ia fostollie- rrootptlF BilesLs s'lu! .K-.k-wt-: .'-.i'. . W. A. fiATTia, Bup't fSbSawlty .... .,--r...y-r-- . fifty, WblA I J9iUJhvr luto, railwM ! Wareiwua. Apiy h 1-juer W ''A. i. MeetUle,4M5A,,, , u -.Fehld, . .,.( ,.t tf..- A-.r - ' - . OtUEUTBOAhUlliiUAJia DAT SCUOOi. , ."."'aiiiiiioKo'txi-r v 'The Kissws' Nash ' MM Kottov w H r asm tfea aereises af their Kioal oa tTndty Feb, a, 197, . : ' taaioretrsts oa application - f; KPt &.ls!ajrtiv .tt' V.Ali.1. k Siii:j!jr of. tW UtfOtatuI saoat apiMovedCiitrh, iattrsvaa---- V!.ll-lw5tt0SA'.w.- Wttn'kl S I H-atJ.-.lJXL -arwr aHwani:-- :-r- yu auiA wa uuot cspcciAi AO TAHUU'et . tnd facilltie I the storArt uf Cvtlon Ac, bavin a flrat riasS hictar 0f and fire preif ' store noun.' situated' wltliln a almrt ,ii.iun. -. i -xr"s-r!

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