bto: iirsEiNTiEiA .ta . : rUBUSBSOSJ . J O 8 I A H ,T t! R M E R, i a , 1 VrSLe r ( efr a atf",S AT ' if ,t'P"V AUTurriaiKa kxtxa rf . 1 - ' O m ue, r tha Court House! nana ot st'tatcairrion. DJly caUaet 1 year fa tlnia r &ou Daily, eta ssmihs la adranc, 1 6.UI Beui-Wejbl- --- - 5.1 Weekly beatiaal .. 8.1W The Haiti BnaTUmi. rU) be delivered In , say ml IA Cltr at fvtau Uant per L(K)nL40yj I kuoosoM myself aa Ia4cpeuiluiii C'aa dldeto for Commissioner in tb Eastern Ward. , iXTBKO UPCfllRtn, .ill' jtp a4-tf -'i': - - ' Ton, Bali. A Billiard Cloth, good at v new. Uddraaf Box" 163, City PMtoffict. khow people and reformation. ipUU. LYNN ADAMS. ill y II n ' II II II 'it if I X VOL.TX. t .tv V . ventloa Ky lath. The following cora mitte m eprxiinted : Beeer. a T. Fuighum, of the .Stab riHriiaJ; John Bragg, Dail aurruu. ; . a Woodeua, Datif'Nttt-; Jvhn "S, rHsiBptSn," Unify Zrmti ; If, VB. Qilbwt, JraH. H. WbUaher, VtMi Timptnum ; N. a Btuughroa, RALEIGH, fr. , C, SATTJBPAY AgEIlM U7&Uli the IVderel ofltoer in whi j 8i tied. UiebU o bTTY.Bit, idl Chtlfl 'ft IJlTmTll pcrtd ceefereoce with him in Baud's Coair, upon the trial oi Oapfc. Bbotwel I, a trial troa which bt wa cioti U jd a ouBTkst To-dy Ihii uu tIJwell," himeif OuTrof,of North Okrollna. mull ooBlmt kiM2r with dwliiitiif to remia uu, my umugnuw r ( A feflmr ntmed Bartf 1iJUif tlek tnd best hit wife to CaaOs In Xw Orini bacauw (be failed f pny'thtrrat of thdf I I il L i uurw wiia uiv uavuvjr uj u1! glTOW a lor ttio ,arpoM. , , Hi iii i m 1 - ii i r 1 1 ii w ii mm. i. it, -. I 1 WCM III rAAnowtfnTl th. ai(t-.l k I 'NIWfM If y-giyii, ,?w,-THr,'.f--' v'-y-H- .-at iwii m r rrr-n-rn - ii - ukwr n nni-ini n TTainfain -m J' - .hm.. k.i.. Hjarir. wit j- iw. I 2 '. L w ',?-urriB wf. T '..m IL. .1 11.. - . - " ... . (. . . . ".I T'. .1 WWW MM MHITW Htm MtW nillM ' 'WWW' 'WW I- . r, rri whwhiit Wt VH ' WjiflW .... r i,--T .-T rr rT-VT' effiicrr. wtUoN IvUhOorvaor OtldwdL aortfae mrdiot Anrmagement madv'wa hop will rwaM of tha food poopli of North CulU an LLTo !HlL!iEBrLF.RAtTrM Warp. I I4.!'l?.???f'!f??)ff t'TrVi'?! I J',,U' " I Uka thi mothbd of oooanciag B jcf I ft J "V : " ttu"B8Jw "Uf ir" " 9T. M ft IadOpeO'lCW CEiillt, l Qommt-1 propwea t wow wcai . vuwho. T tJoeaf ka th Eftatern Ward,cdif alrctsd J thiough pi batilul city la tba right j Chaexottb, R.C. Aptil 18, 74, ahfttt aadoftTor to bve tha , cit j govenir-1 W a,i beyond the baoqaet and exenr-1 T !Uy, Tod &. ColoWi ; j 'neat carried on aa eoooomioal powt-1 wd a commiogliog of gcouiDal biaw , i TUIrQVK.: I friend, wa M canndeot that tot oocaaionl iwjtan IW lay not apUtd i Jwill bwht it oold be, .ad our kwoth-! ZTTrLlt m win be wall Bleated with their viatt la I bflitv of ki kwn . .! Fob Boto. W. 8. Ball, Km. of thai the Oak ill ty. otb4 iayoor.rfaaL Bometlmee yei H Norffi State. Graeaibora acd N. B. I , . i I mMvm"Ta TimnR uut yon aa n aad The a. Raaimy, rUlfl reoreien-1 " " , J j I af the Bmka TIrBl by ezberUng t tatira,wiH atteiid rha Bight Worth I v- 7'VW1",7 Bgfttja wwarwld. to harl tc ... . it ' niun ut www-' wv uaifjBiajwjwv c-ar iimjww i i iwwj ana tin tit Wftwte to oakw Heav. on Tueaday, Maa I . ' f. aa oa warMeS thaea that If thn drt Mth 174. I I U,UW1 "rL1" , r T tod the U4 toiea to. the low, wh. -TnJ . I to ew wMeb ara lwv fra i I IM tu. a.ij l. lj i u ' . . t Ii ' 4 1 " -1 UV1V1 II U IMA uir EJeatoo Street MethodUt Church. R. I acorn and contempt which the deMrreth rtBglhaloetoaaeocy tf the weather Oie I A. W. Mangum, officiating, Serricea at j ' ne. rp"e,1 Pnded Mheuralgig, Hop at thejarhorough Hotel laat, 1 1 1 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m j yioTr worda, and to bmut of tharn aW re Throat, BcHh, f e -rartMwC 'hitfo tha m-iii anrtotOT'JMi mi a5 1111 aot Maay parauiwmifrar V.lhaW,Hchk I Paaal IZXHUAX U fall Wa2L''erfei 4-ettathM rrttock tut - lotHtMUwhara bvfiiM ancfaarroiu hdaeiw, au4Uy loJ by coiitrenSi n'r3ofir oVs.-1 peraoae 4T rebf t( ;b t cure, kueptng loe lioweu 0,-v-n auti ol lUrwiif Vy4je IV '. Hare' yoa isflaaiatory nore throat, ati juWU,of UnoiuaM frorg. aft r CMtae rrer I Hare yoa rbeaunitic ut other paii i aay purtof tbebudTl Ifte, aaJU im' Anxlvnt LinMutut, lutiroaijy.aai eztaroail I ' i il U f -' tprU HMMtiaMli oaarai her I VBlTTTIVr t' W K iiiwffaaattoar nuai uy.a )rtujawf frt t, 187 AB Mae lakwt MoTalUtt la Hata luatti i . - i ii, MILL. .yarinv.anju.-J. 1 a-jije !.' .'-arirav.ttrnliiait. tI..i.Jliiii, .! : ' . ,l T.y ., i ;- LH U "Wj Rheumatism, Scalds, i I T'w WWJB, wwu auw WHIT UI IWWWM WrUH " www viina mm mm uui. waa ahogether rtehmU being well atteoV I Baptist Church, corner HaUebnrr and doath aj yoa axbortad tka to do.. Ali I ffaranayii t'l . n T i u-.u. v..,. fthar.i,ilW4...L-n n.Tir P.i.h... I bow ttuT were Trn .Vi T.TI I """1'?f'r t-iCTfJ.Jrnlei, cBj; wa paittcipatol w Wj tota hreiach; p.-,,- '-v aaf rartalry eenlwdthat yoBt Lii??"., .Jmjt hoar. i i iie in .' Tbermontjter iitnaaaaaw' Uo'k -TKmrifttttM.- 1 -1 f At 9 A. M. 58, " 2M. " 58. t P. M. r t n 6ft cffictaun: rrksei," I? "T1?- you eoeld to obtain the remoral ut thai I aad T o'clock f.'nK -f -wr- dtasbiiilita. Yewirietw - letter -atretnrti CyytOteiacopal) Church, WiloiiBtf- arglng their pardon. Tben yon ditpntol m ataaaa. R. V ofBclatinif: c ?tor (aJUrwar d. aoeidenti Spralnt. All Ilewon3iflgt I-'"' ViTTffM ' , f'l BflBlSinsOT JEdeaer8jn? (nsdm he .. v. - ..... flin(afin I " rvi vvwriiui wxiiuentaiii w. axi! MT. .' ' . I -,.li.k 1- V 1 t 11 Veloek a. m. and 7 o'clock .raL" "1"." Tumi i tm KAarnwi WrTtor4 1 p. . whw nuaw aoA i aMdavai 44r4aj r w mi I w i . .. . h J . . ... .. . i . . . . i bw wwwau miMMetwa warn nat mgu. k oc. Hall, Iter. U. E. n. men, oraciaungj goch. tcra nw tba iuti!tt of balia-rUd eva apoui W'c!oo. om iiw uiw i bervicea il ii ociocx a. m., ana wciw. i aayuing your Aleut tear? aaaywan w weraaubtlonl wUhtrat aauch dumrire bf I. ! I takiaw aiM a ia I ata aura tbat Ji nighbor. who repaired qnickly u the peMOa gtw6t Metbodlat lW "'SS? acene. It w ibrnaU Ute roof waa h I Mfr, fflc.ting. Serricee at M fSpfiwejJyT , WWrVirHI?aj eufcUlyeaeb7mttendiBeoii'a, T . ( laetraalvyw will racaS jow . toUtlw LjU'eafc. .-t &IUiAi n ar vaaa now uuauwaj. St. .JOOM (ValHonC) UQUrcn, wa ) I 7 , ' '-""" I a "ae WMMtrMitren It t 4,-4 f,r jz: m -ri.-. v . 1 ""j mii. 1 1 aa. - - , ... ,,...,-if'"T t vr"r 51 eat. natural DoDut. will addraaa thai" "" ' " " I ,7rB"7'Tmlw.m r fcww citlaene of North Carotin 06 auce Quualkia at the iuliow meaewf,' k Tueaday, Jlackf reek, Wednoad BatUtiboro, Thutaday, .WUUaJtera, Friday, lTQihHle, Moadi; iCaaUlia. Toaadwev? . , 1 lfaTeJtt-rarailm mtlra Stock aaor sevbwut aj-l taweet pbiat rl4lhle 9prtic. and aa) etyaaiaajiay! WAJ3,W,aaarlt mi :tBtM iHD!' 4 eirii iw UItt lFa)nfrrMiD!TiE4.S to - r .jfjai BU'iTh)iTrffca; i'jbfv rrif J MWHQ yMHiav aakk-at 'tuaHaweai I arkieftfta auM aViraaaeaU aMOIL il.aaaarrati k,'int ff laweliriaeae ai aoiio . MattoaU 1 i.inuraiHiMuimn pnB'Bswan I ) iuv Vlul for wwt tarotft Ifcoonrto aavM 1 it.iMia$)( .wamvbji .oiaia ataewttot 'i ;H.iTTKrKtt CO. I ym ewar af war uaMr r arlli k. ' 11.. rwii aaaTuai. at Uta foUovlug rataaperMoeraoi iiaea. v lack, or loa aUnloa I . ILM taiartiua i UMaaaratiiMHaM..... " eachaBbeaBawtlaaarUoi aaa ttaar a week..!..... a-aam 1 week. aaaare, T atoa. C. M 1 - iaMath, loc i - .. - . sa.M - ra ia.uwr 1 " - -ii.a.t .)? if- 1 "Wll " -i tauwjl 4U.0 19 44.0k 4. la M ta.(W Wf" fi Inliiri ItWTarllit Uaakaea Icataa at YORK, fi . w. aadU OUXOtl. JtaaMby &MrrairH waa Teat tecor aiwewaaaa. UdraaM.l .IfrB.fe,, a 1 ' 'trOM' or aoeouut ai ko- aaUtaaamai r & I . Ji5 to ou& ou rtujem a ctubtok wlam aty a Wt the aWiattn " "aiwe we waa eaia eorroir. WW ttnmf Twa roaaarMacMly tnaleerl nWtfc bus Ure.eaitMnma .ba.aratki va widi msT lt&S UOODju rZiiiiX rrMwoiip ba bnw auth tMiit aal eonatnii K wa Str'!?1a4 3 ealiitie aarairt toMawainiviUiirui.'K , JaJWWa .herirtiitwa fanawbad aUt tk CourmtnUuja we oooUL eoailatawt,) wUh pror aa etyof or butimrae. and la mkh no leawwturanaaaacnaeirt, w oto froat tbaftotaMseatee4 i.aW. i- VraaiadwfaajiiAla data! afF af aJ. try 4ewoaj aaaoasma- tetawaVreaace j salt an M a,atrDCEia; 4k 00-i I 1 WtlboaeUi ai XTBItjBI.T (M maL vi.tiivi,imi nuerHMW twlaeSeal leMthi FarteMra (he I ita ina o r rartTcl Who ddatra ajibarkln ta. tha 8CH budnmu. la RWf h. have aow an o eiaauywt DUriNO VCf 4 tntelaM Baal Mexobauta wka i . atiai a atak.a or of ri'euaiaaUavUMk, wUI e,! brtt(Worluul afiif' t stii'.o.- - T'i -' i jj rftikeiiii - w .TTOYtl attB. Mawaoii fjrVJa5tv-r Bua'art it wj-o mi m Ikicoaiu rua k&lciT rua .1 ' XTyytCB OI SniULHlMTBMU UT. ) ( : ' " I 1 -rii .I'" rWTl, l tbia Unioa, tuiUl 1, A flay, of ' 874, for far aiiiug aad deJivoriad attiiewta of Um uilad HtlMfhMei iaiHrw anel Peat Office at fUlcltfti. N. OJ a. j SOO.OOU- tard bof ,aTfl Bricki of wa Bf-j namy fltked-fMa' r$e Jieart of . , . - Mth, 3 " T-waiaiaw.K'. ' u iL,a. n.mi(iaw.-..w r.r.. . , , . . . . ... ... i . , , . ,,,,, . . mli , - wiim tg w ;'in).iaiiauMat ami . . a Haiiiai 1 - - w a K't-f k 1 lav inn i era a ir 1-17 a w jiar-k a a www v arvmj- r af t- w? -wea . .-. . 11 . n j hi aVlook. I T 1 if 1 .1 I k " l aaual at 11 a'dock. WicniT Oatb. Eer. la Braneon wUl tnti - i 1 to aah Ki 1 e 5 . . aits ' aaaaaawaaiiaaarai iM . . . a... . .111 11 a. I ,. . . . I ZBi"t&iinW1 TZ T V? -W.at4tolto'(aiVtot-waW rUa,i4rpdBs: wholcbr.y.4 tt."'. lagSttSVH 0TJ3 " " - - - Aelaaaa. aT.! 11 a - -a UffiGhMod.jrorfolk aad a 'W daw Sr"1 18 P'"4 wa track l.a-aifta latmallaterTl " jffi? "wfe.?ttJ,, I aaaol lraLaPLai W Tk ad I iUX4 4 gOiceotl, ivpaiwuBianw law Haas. atitoi' to WRmlngtoat4Treafl" ng- CUrr Bre -rttlesat I aad aad thia'oonntrr aoeak of bint 44 I jxa kwnortMl.' thai ftfator Whibakar. Brbira Creek MiuaMajtaMp the B.gga mtdt la ;ferr5efit thai fewJaf forwartl W a foreigd dpa ootpplekd, aay by SQy IQib, thera wttl be aUi&ttghaaaAdoftajltWeat,. -a- m delay la Iaylpc (he track aL of tha pathoa Uaawwal totodaai beaa fclftj U' -ilW k. bk.' hra,44-ChaVlc-tt "Ui jeaWda. .I!!? A-T'hiaJi ftt'tha patiaota katW tol ChWtagh U gire. wJ-a. .. taa atata Bk at MraSaA TaOkmPMinaV wllll.awanWIIV . aT - "r - -. - - I -tii, otrrrajBd. vft to few awiea bmm theaTT '. A(l,jC3itliofcwaTaaa' CawABT.--Ai 4a 'Ai taiaiaar irood malaieL and a auflklent dadaoticatoaeaTabygifaatoaUl. aumW ,r tha orairati, of a .'. l-ted tff kid to make lm bod. of men. Tha ComoanV will be! J'." W'V-Pi T ted bj a to Sovmexf , dUara.,itU10Ui.tniliaLaaa.l LCS I thei'lh bidder iU aootpt .kuMT peilbtai m mwhi 1 1 varaaa 1 aaaa, itba aaffl-, aUaacy ol te aeourity to arKtioet -b4 the United aataa Mira, Urit aeVWiil UiUed -Btatee Uutft t.WTila(ra.aa-i ff eV af tha Dwtric! , to, 4wh h bUd J roaidea$ . ' '' , ' . , ". , l H ftyowiU mm 1 i doe tin taA per oeV BijUltarcompTotM SZliLlV-' -J. "rt'J :.V V4 a'xii -a- a iniwn mutj o aaaoaoq la a ... yM Uini iu utcii. a uw vvoimui nut r , -. ' - . 1 " . . - kiowa urk A. Raleich Uoht laf antrr ' Sd P""" aad an oroianlzatian was CODODleted a. oaWb'aUU wHl M-plaa4a4 to W e ra- yeataVday. by electron, W. R. Cox, Cap-, aaaarf. - tola; ttOL ltoaly, let Uaataaaat ; J. C.l , . ftTO Brewatcr, Br., 2nd Lleatenant and T. P. APr" J tl''''l Derereox, Jr., Bud liieuteotant j v . IT. I ,i, . , , , LTirwACVjlZI, IT Mtfioam-Th. Wilmington tbw thUcompy wUlKfljct much credal I1' t biaaaaliPM ami th..r rit, ,i I4 Boa Mate tinea, a btorary aaciaty be 1 1 n j ti ie - ' ; f 1 1 ( ' J longing to Rutherford College, eleetad EaiitVal bf PrratAa. Tha ;flutre)fte I Goxrernor Caldwell an honorary member Lodoy oKalhofrylWaeeit-; aad he accepted. The Governor afler meuued ita aeieioB Taeaday last at Pitta- wards learned that Cap!. B, A. Bbotwall, burg, PaUpantrda (, 4,000 Kaighti we the aeeociato editor af the Boutbern Ilonie, eee arcln ataCQdaacJtcbdelegatn and tha geUeaian , pho hae eufAarwd ee Iron. Aejr York, Chicago, Boatoa, Cleave-1 aincb at the bajhlart toe Radical party land, Oncinnatr-- Philadelphia, t Jeraey j waa Uo a bonorary member af tha ao- Vny,MurJmoia, .; aou., anuf yanois , ".- 1 gKtoi ciWaw ol iill aoaairy. Baltimore reaigniog bit mefaberablp, atatisg to the ent tha etrongert delegation, which it atroDjeat tetmi that he woold have ao af- heaflbj.regiaiaall bead Ct the filiation with a Ku Ktux. VeryUnd Fifth. Hotcla are filled to Strong in the knowledge of hia owa overflowing w jib, Titona4 membera of rectitnde, and eoaaciooa of hia anpariority tha order. ,' to Governor Caldwell la ail mattara that Tha following dbtulabjed gewtlenra make a true man and good dtixea, were pVeweufc fcemuef need,of tfoaat Captala SbotweU took ao offenaa at Oov- nolly,N.J8.V..ttGBerry,afCavi- arnor Caidwoll'r actioa, bat eon tented t, SJP.r8. A pavia, ffNea,iamp- iimeelf with pnbHahinj a letter to him abire, S. - V. C.; W. Long, of Saginaw, to the Soatbern Uoaaa, the concluding Mich- S.R.,'an(f 07 W. B. Kennedy, of part of which We pablbh below. . Ohio, S. O.; Joaeph D. Wicke, of Pittf- Captain SbotweU waa pat to chelae and burg, S. la &, and C. H. Bodgeaon, of confined in the peniteatlary by Radical Weatera Virginia, 8. O. 8. ' i oUiCiale, bul out of it ail be bee some an- . t . ' 1 f fit -a..a. aa ; "T, J f ''- ' ' 1 , eharacteTi-a t..-:;- t.v.. llarmra qj RtJ-BJaaajrravnrii or thb The day hMcooe bj, wetroet, whaa at ClTT Paaaa. A meeting of the repreeent-1 the auere wilfyf aaaJif aaat artaanai la-1 -avw-ettb'pta bet iacant iwB-caw-dMtraeyaa eaal iV roomaof the Dally iwo yeerday V-J duogwoa wiUilevea the" eembleoce of Z?0?! 10 Uk Joto coiuuderatkm, aad law, but U aeenn that with the power to profida for the autertaiament oftb'a maoa-j do evil the will to da it baa sot gone, ben ai tba gtaU preae at tha coauing can- Tana yean ago Craversor Caldwell aat by fiaj baaUag Ibahridga wiadal ULana'ij 6y wegont troa the kmAA taeraaw.aa ham my ba'eurap H tti Bmm Ik. .mam H-caea nai potato rtI OHtilnr S tonka tike biweak Wa itatWataaaiaat UM PiatioVat aad Bdard of Dirtotorjvat mat meaauig atMaertal tba work, to be f ttniied forward, by evt'ry mean pCa- aioie, w an oarly cinpietiou of tba line: through to Charlotte and Hhalby WU 1 THiui. 1 v v ' eia We leara that tba eaaa IWaia a xv I Irooviwhicb .arae hare batatrk 4 art Bel receat llyda county Court, haa baea iaia over until, next k-rnii and that Mr Lucaa, iu default ol bail, haa bean Imiriia onedi- Ibid. . TaXr-uiaTJp 0kijng a&jLir the aaaa end title ot L'tlcy dt Stone, l tbia fcaaa aodia lir-i JTf Aiai Jai.114 thfc ..ret tf.La.illa r).ak.m t . lr n . 4 J . -. -.A pril Btka 4U1'44I ., i-la-vr' t-a a. if. O. iiTUaT. "Tejopa enr-oraed "PrepeaeAe, In, , lick or the United ntX Wrllwa,aa.i: BioposAii' ostii.i;jB4ofj srosi - tor tha UaiUd BUiee Coart Ooom aul iriw rnai um mmngni ,j;4 a rivu . ti . ;OaynaiBt apvawnrvawiiaairt' iw r tt a. i. . ii ..' r 1 I Ji w,a a,aT aiuuaaai rewumaai i l a -.. .-X- JLal-aUlH. N. I1. . inal lkB. ' 1 . I Healed propoaaTt wUTbe ja-oairt a, LbU !l flea taktU IS UL. or tha 8th da. i il.TTahl ...... - M.i.'BToirai'' il ''K'"'I "'!rln: . t e ite o ii waa ai levari cbuea un iiaiaa aial raatiif Boa. at !UUlKtwMorUi:UaMitfaVal efthadi fla'"" '".I) "I VI ' I II a NLMltl.aval.hi 1. 1.1 I .. .- a - r-vaauf . wiai.lir ' CTTTltXia geder the naiaa and atylauT BewlerWMi Talkai to VlU)Ldl.MolTd hT tunlaal eoaeeaU X( w- Taltoajie-aiona aatl.erUrd to eelUrj K TiKaark,.M.- i-'jKoe .r a arvij Tu.rii" 'ANDiita, - -v r 4;.,;jyuvw.TAi,Tfii7 . Titton wtO' enritiitUK lanw'at 'atw ol'l etejia and ree;twtfiJijt .,.. i.wt.aMre Of Uia trtnie huretofrif l.Miw) H-wSiB ( ,j M t ,iH JvXJkVttfl .' . 1' ' I- E .1 J1.-1LUHIH.lM . 14- It WNRgeatd that a-awtoa" w wld be f NWJ tj 1 1 1PR TU 81 more eerviceable thea a- "atxtant" Ui"A M.A l board the Preach ateaaaem 4 .i!''!"' fhe fenowinc papwy; i( aa 4 of A . 4... i,k. aw... j rBUO aaUnflnlabeU p..w, bur djrtmelT lltbo- A new drama of the "eeniiatiooal" type tiki. at4 end ateAped with aw U aouonncad, entitled "The Umi Loulw, Iwirod ImbUi? Ml bXaeflt'toX.fcddrial c the Nmeteea B;ick,'; , , . . otKe paid on receipt of b prtea. A,o,u.gB ..Utahi,rl have "j? VttJ cointuitted enicide recent! 1 br 'dalibe-l J:" ""."I'.'''" .e"r - rala.i . kfl L i far wana amra, na-Miiii ttlU w rata' dnvieg a Bail ists hu be4,' I tal, tHanK-d wirt u-fm 1 Lt,; Love waa killed oa a railroad in Berkt I eT "f r f J-w county recently. Hit first name waa Ieaac I awatwooa UtniiTUt T i tin " . . , Baehtox contain one ifnW of RoeaTuit Two bnrglara, la Illiooia, worked half UcUyo, aa! tu mcU t TmtiKl fcvi tha night la Wowiog open a ftaie, nod etampod with KueUc initial icttcr. Friaett thea diacovered It wea empty aad as- eente- s w . locked. Court YnltlaL . .-a. Aa old retlamaa at ihiablaJFalIi 1 Jh!l,l.f,v4on Li Mo-aged oSreoea, waireosntlr aiarxied.l Uaia. aad io laaika t haranM'ai, tba eereraooy being performed by b'ta eon, I lare aqoareaUe, etampeet with initial Let. Aged 41 yearn, - - ; I rrjoeWeenta. . . , , , , i I Aayof tkeeboTeeent poetife Mid. to aat One of the Hew Totk apring ben net ft addreeaoa receipt of ,be prUa br , , , aa a ball of tooe hearing at tha back. I . , , I.!Ar.l-V - "Ul tThamilUnaraaid that abe oouJdut find .-, , :fL7i, ' ' ' " Kkkateaal, VaT' Aa eJd lady, bearing tome one reading . . . ..... . . ... ' . aay other place for to . Aa old lady, beaxini about a Coorreaaman-at laiire- rushed to I tha kltehea door footing: "ifarah Jane, I Q 0 II 0 Ot Sarah Jesel don't yoa leave the aTotbeatO- "" oataU night ; aaind, I tell you, for there j VwV IK - r't I V a -t J . I. . M addicted to thfl - amatn'na laf eiavJurr. I Cimlare. eoateinlna raarlxklaa and laati. waaaeot tea laaatte asylum oa the oertifi-1 ayiale wi3 b pn.KA, fa Uaae, arr cataof two wwiaarad tbk'. ph3JTL iTufiil hae rltrnvli.a mania A. ...... ta I "0' Sr7: etW k . Z . av.v . w. u. vrai, .tea, ttvacooiBjBjiitj. I waaia, J CUCOTt. CiTT. tntTRI aU Of J A K L AM Y. tt. , . tajawuea, ci.aaeiint aa MaTweaaancaL efcBrJfltaaat 4 --'fleVcnw' frfMsT "if iSlllr1l'fla BAYaiaA. tfaa will ae.ajiaaw wtaiaeirmnt-d tffi.a. Itoe, Martiteaaiiaara I'eate.'en.l tt e ,1 Ueiuillf kied naa.wiiilaaii: aaity ut goimt aad faaiara, anaafalit-ywaw aaj TB eaeariaa ejueet at a A'aaatW loe fa fVf 'U ii. aabnitMd ertUeaaWtaiAalaaejM awe faaW " ira vaiarf a HH -aaar!., ajafl tth tBI oJer aiUerent aradee. al AOttlOK 'Tba alone a aat hare a a;ood grata and tx free from all a avoolorina; ihaaia, '4. ibeinarnr fraw wkkaa ikia.iX'Ma rwaat kaaJtf opeoed aad 4apai4a ol turunkleg .that oULlikv aad quantity doairad wlUifaeae ycevr. Abeat ttLutaj raufa ieat aaur awfaiawUl ba .eHuirt.Tk aotaal avne of the etoaas taa awt now ba airwi.bat UI aoarox aaate JO ..Ue 1 feat, X iaexmarat-aau,. taiaiiijc aUoat 74 aujile lut.itMluek wtU baordorad oaaacduawf net aiane and ai kiwaMoiou aaxet ant (aiwwta fa nadafoe naarrr, duueaakiiav aexwdiaa' to the rales taude T this Uei ertsaeat fa oMer that tba eontractor aaay ajskw prooat ailoa aaoa for catting, fa the quarrying;, and oa wia i.uia will oe BUUM. ee d4rjrWur tb4 sbae Md ike aMotrnt we aVeraM and ftuilmura alaa r .. per Wi total evuaea,kAaaa taaobfaiaed trom ttlrtiSiv No bida will a, irewarttd: tawapt ( am tie owners er faaases o( tea) duWy'ftnm wfaeh ae etewe fa pet toeed t tie urnl.had. aids eawwasalaaaamasasttejawaererr tneceMtr ta wbtekv Use ejeMtrv U attaaftaw tfaa the MeUw fatfaowaaworfauaavirf fan ajearty mast aa eoupany aaek bid. k -,:.-- . , . All propoaafa sattaf be: Bavl4 o prlnUd feanta fa bo eMatwad oa pHntinu tothft otttee,aiaat be aeeeeapaaled bfapelwwd ta tave iwal f re innnaan. dan(4 ouui that the bidder will wv4 and partuiia UMea -tract If awarded aim, aad tfve lH.d U.refue tatbe penavl aaa ortawthwaiawd dollar, le uuO and execate a valid aad "-iase; ' n .( ia faitUlul pcrfurmaaee of tba esmtract; hmt lr taJte, eflo. t apoa the failure of llit awntractorto' eownjlv wltk tba m4h k. eamtrat. eald l-ane tu eniiioriie the OovrW vmt erf tfre nnar r. h wwk tt at U axb-use ef the eoa Jactut la aaa ef eeiaia it; - h Tfa ttarieeDt reaervae tba rlnht to re1e. t J'TMl bWs, or to ditUa LUa auatraet aad Bi-Tik a tnua. kl4aad naa, ,- tlwaw!. aaita fa; aneloaud W a a.i. ZL. waloee and awrnraed Propo-jkl for IHuieBni it tHuswrxe ht Lalti-4 atatrt Voart Hue aitj rortOtaa-Jt ialFkb, liorth Cirollaa, aad ad elreeaed to - . . " ' il.t. .a. t- apMtt Wl.A.'HIiRt-, buperuifaadeat. 19li-'h.'ifa(lSJjU SS ' -"- - -aiLi a. ... am. -a. . . jt Hl-Ll Attroiaii A iaNaaUO at uw& . wo. iwaiavaa, aaw rsutorrTa h , WW atfaad pronat). iwnJr prafaaxtoaal anst. aea estrasted bfiiua. Hoiara to the Chief faajad Aeeeeiate JufUuedor Uetapreeaa ganrtof Malik garalfa,, ejaa fa tba- wfaafa ..w .ti n ' f I 'I i ITow-r l?ota. ti beat awl tkhtaat taa.ata.Bua. . a.. ... W " aaiaVkf IU Ir-I'l; 11 ft TvH. BBIXHJ3, A BOMA iH'll tt!(f.T .t'ii M'l I 1 -; -if - , wlA UiCkteIOott4aweer4. .1 Hardware llonee of ' si tl '"U ULTU4 L W1B 4 00t, ; Trade supplied at Kanarsy-.duwrf Piicsav D .i l'i I s, M -n'. i'tt ,-Mft'i I'.Maiaaa'l f -r'1 A eoraplet aawrmit, mt the look Btor . ! Ii.sulrrk wii 1 11 Caa-laVwtwi;- "I"" 1 ""; 1 COXSCiiDATED. Tn.iaa tarv - Baa wWfa ' Article 1' far rWWnf plant Am i.'iTliBy... are palatwd 1 arrets),, aa are taueb chueorr tana. wn.Jl,,t axambiaat 'i -4 lui oui: fcfve 4I ..1 1'4YT n ii IIW J3 tf !f1H j utuX aad orna sra lavraluabia brubs, Vin4 inane or wood y Hatha, ' aaa' aad batter the lwire(aJlaa jEwaoopai rvrswooi 1. L .if eejn.ialaiM'iVi e.'iv . .ii' eHi Jin-1 n) o a adjtia-t,; af m Veatr Imsaortaiit'PCoilAo fawnil.Tfl. aTfV-f rVjaaaj-a, fiu fltW awlTieyaOsJJr'MftBV' i iMaoarl lWrt .. -ia' IilTi--! u j el m l) j aW l(a-a1ij,,,' '& .i.-i.m j i auiY iBfc'eaaT,eaijr'!.wif- at M ; loafsi -wifc'i'l.wi.d aiswufji I "f aafTwiia aeaaailisttai tioii , I ffajBBiItfaPg.aawriinto tf (a ataott aT atjtlreli n ' 11 ' : ..Hit at 4j. atckfiitk LiaLsiJ 1 aai..i; . them aiikcb iaOWKR tba thoy kavw aw bean otTerad befrara ( aaooaiA trf tbsj it- Fflf W larll jitassrsfi aauit; in aoja-cto a U ti aUI gwnsah toeejaltoa 1 daeUsadfaJr ierarkaacf ,ua.a,j... irTlidakti in w Juatscen'X adl 41 eavjv 4Vaw;'ti''C".t:i4M-. Tax stasonic Moarroa al , TA ..5 0X1' " viy, une Dollar A Tear, ' t.'ii'.l .a iw ay ..... ,. . . ji , ...;.,y .IT1! 0"H'lwtie Bt ABO MIC MoMf ItUlftrfaeiiiUtiUX UAaOH, atttaT.-" .. alii '3? BWtkat fttABOM" ' 1. . ttiTary 'Beet ktaeonle Joomal la Ike itl. AtlaaUe etataa. u a as tiblfa. ? awH,wiWJHW, afaaeava.faBantaJid. ins; erenrwhera kn .1 1 1L "Ht aw BOt cobm from toe r O.. names fray be addad aiaiir Uuatat ink ajst uafaa t ; i a tuxl rli.l4fA j i j fcai-eiaaa u-na. . , Couoofd, N. a tnwlaa-"toWJ faa srtS- Is; '?f KlLtlNKRY AND LADIES FANCY WBt tid Bi ,i.-i mut . w taa ,L.PPpS"'-K!ii. ! if Itr., Harriet Aadrear,, ,, rayettevllh BUe-t, ft (aw doors Mortt nf the Htate Ma. BiMakl bank. kaaV tatana nan-ak. awa ud basea fcw.d a iiilaodld aaaA-tiiiBt ot Millinery And Ladles Feoey Goods, of the la teMdansad fatparfatteaa. .w . 1. - . Tka kfiilln. 1. . i 1 ... .. . iw iwHaajt aa anutaw wav tlawveof ladle ot dxueiinnea. And Wi. areasMM that every, sbfaa otland la sale at this eeUbliahnMnt tswarnutfad to be ot toe fast maka and matertat. ' Call and ezamln aaaikisVk4(iWhJch..aa attar at tba ... JUtTkAnltirt'AllOmWo f aw-Vkt atl La ut ,iu-i v;.. . .... r..i .- w w. r.atgtv wra f av'ai'iw JTM lJ'La Xi iet ". f Ra T. - - I "iatiki'-ti. l.m 'a-- !J'.ta " T,TV TT f'r " jvw aw otq. -..sjoisvawr atoskia XNTIRaVu ', w t 'Mi PETYT' b TONIS."" rt Bp I4iltf . . liaii i,i? a. H aa ava iiUat.Sk'a anJMOOia, ,be Bneiag ' Beaafa. at this Bcbool opens oa the and Moajday fa Juaert r ' ' -' . 'n anvaws usnaro aae laarton mt BtOB. -'i Fur pvakntlara aad Cln-aJa. adduavta aWMSBH-Maj, iianoenseav a U. a.sfastaiar:o.iiMKa WJt j Ji - j a Li W Jt -tU. JAJE5Siia 1 - -' .r--'lB -tl mi b 4. a" I. , 1.115 faJ I S5 ' - ahtatl .1 ? m W H t .Ji v- V- i- JAAKI3 IlatHat mar " t. a ,,"difr2 ClBJtBiMl ' l -ijafjfc . i -;..;!)' Iluavwd aad ifto be told tow, Oafl . aitfitt-fa l" . - 'lr).iiiJ 1. -. 1 a. a-.Sn'.l it k SW. j.oTMiWdtMt . ...ft , f-.l aaJ aTa .1 S'Vlirtii i tt " - i 1 a NXiuU,T; . I ::Owliif i Kho.r.i.. at af " a. Kk.'t On tha 18th day of May, next, 1 Win 'II fiaf cah tn bremises aowoccooksd by Ilonri paae. beinc the tract ef land boagbt by said Peare Irom Dr. K. B. Hay wood, sttuated lathe Eeetera Babarba of Raleicb, and adjoining the toad of iUrJ Booth, IJliMsaat epcocar and athar a , I Will siaavaall at tha same tianaoaaaaU of good rauka). Yng aad to fait ea 4ittoa, " " , Bale to tika blaow oa tha Btamieea. 1 nrU Uth, 1874, kMv '- ' , ap lT-td H JOHN CATLING.' JPcarcb Cottorii IDf -1... .T .a a- ai . .T A 1 1 .da. rpBkalMre (Yuituo Is tk stoat arouaa dot jl tonia tne taiiara Blatea, wUl make 4 Ka d atataa. .111 malia a la a fca per sere on riai tOTed land. J,t also ha a Ine ad louft Wpla, will eoflkmaiul fruui tun Bflaen cui.t bt the pound more than tha tori be j?n (iKd iod for ssle at per aai- fr (vaaavAwia lur aaed , -w'Mtorad fetter. AU oreVra tor epruinpUy attended toby add tnit thli Bnd(VaJiri,i.l at Hi al a . ytj-kO , 1 1 . nil IM n I ...ifctkUayl tWI' WAI.RANTKB , Xltt i, Webava sold BW doma Ifei acaonn ad not ene-fias brokoa. Aik tor Ute "JuHaa liewU" Axe and fake ao ota tWto"",...,. .ai-kAMiaTBABJoaaa, , "I".- J 4 af I I SB J O If -'Aii-rSwirtYa, " ' ts il UiT"i ii i a ... ii ii iiii.u a. finumaiw.t). , IlKACTtCt fa tha' Ban. a..,, rina, i J tha. A J Btafai the OlreaH and Dlatrtet Oaarta aat OfltoavB aaSM.aa.llia SB. aUuaaalaa' u. B-f-alwO' OoaVhll iI'iO-T'l' i hd ViiJo n ji"i-,l suit aioI'Vaaaa ''.O 0 ti Zi X3 tJ' -'; - al BevT.--!rT v-i"j.'.li,f -ya a. at tPW. PPTJ'OX.PPH ttot WtiMealy HOKaSMtdaal.. tottil CWteeUNc Jtpnad btaal.' ,r' W aold to 1878, 899 donta'af ihata Hoea.-.,.- vwva, aduiW atu tllUlU, Hard war House off r4 i7-, i,!alWI4Ua1 US WIS s CO. ijjl'i ' iiiaiiii.ii.a a '' xrxm GOODS! r o . 14. "!' .jSiifltll4d mi!:I Tfirn-J b( tbevi Uw e HB4Vk sLlf - M lli av".i'tfMa aaoMa,f. WS fariw ISSW'St " I Wi altHle?- a,,, IA1U& lUtSI TIIWI CF WICT T-jfatirii.4 "t- : ti r r.T.!- . atY 1 nr&TlUt dlsl VJ Wiaii... !1MIt'IWlll,ti'"1- ''at l'l.-,. w v:. a n 11 i?iy niT lajwra wtto bU corps at -pottta and errierieaV ead Jdssaisaaaifag to W trade aae D B T IOOD i! in, J M Vn,CAW,Y ATTkACTIYst Btotk af .prsata; atpoj HIHBier ft Am, , reiitly puroliaaedla New York, aal atanv at at r ajuo YlUcJCa, ;-' 1 etaaaWiar , jtjatuoa, or urea i se , taa aatatdkreMefa. Olt-r-a. ' ' Ih-at.ifatMl .rVlfNS tWahar-'.W S-i ''G'HWrl al Will Bn) ff tb' their late-A'"to U aad enaaa. fa , aay stock befare tiateaaalna' ehanrh.Mi PaUIaf "r'sf"' he aold atlAiUt, - M, atoew f tttm ' rOOrr9 eon-taftnrof CAAlMKRFB.TWEID UMKNUtWLiAra. WnO.NNADKA was never more eomulete. a"-" oaii aaakeap aareraa tlia w than before the war . , atjetocBor ' 14 Shoe. fcnd'U.fg " tor Ladle, weals" and stiaacels Unce and We'l aarocv a, ana persona waauna; foods, tarea or mercbautli, should always examine uiv Stueb aastur bo-Itt, a 1 intend to make it Wttasir hitaraattu batei mmi'-r,---. I Miets La the motto, "LiVS AND HI UVaV1 )...-. -i i ... K. J I r-arwctfullT aak (X)l'NTRT WFK- . CUAMIdtoexamineniysUick, as I will odor thaw jUMCial. Ujdor!Wra. j4. Himli 1 .can mm Wat wiiBiVr.v,-i;-c-i' apa-a-'w at.tikesuu. BON-TON fXraTATION f V AXS. Beat ea'faceJpt of at rte. fBl.'O l-rrnrrrrand a... I.. I . u 1. . 1 . dUUbdUWlSAOO. '- I B.iiiatauiaj aLVUSO, B tararr CUW ai.if lark.

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