V JO- 7 TE i SENTINEJi 0MIHH2 THE n i 9ENTIN EL JOS I A & TDRNEU; J h. i iiivn, iitr tha ( ourl How. AavaoemmtswUl so laaansaT m Ike DaOv ftaavuna,aAlA(ollowiB ntu t qaare at r. s.Trrr UiA.nar oua uu ........... . ILOt " H k ?iquent la rtiot Bane or srasoair-rioa. .:-t,-.. S VSISi i-nrmwnii.ifjir'- IJ.it y BaattMl I yaw ! ad wane And ' 6.W 1 squara, 1 woaav (.All I eMUara, T e "i.M 1 laaoath, 8.ot t .";.oa; Daily. Btx matte I i la advance. Bernl-Weekly lao'v WeekU BeotlBel " " X.UO a M,owt . 10 11 ..-..Too Uajlt timu, wttt he deUvesud lu any part of the UV at Fia-rasa Uun ear rata. ' " ' "- 4 80.(W1 ' aw H.( r .t'i,,ai(U(l.j ,. VOL. IX. RALEIGH,. K C.,( M9ff APIULi g7y(!187mmm I SO.J. V atijsarf l.oonl AflUlrm, a , Tub PjrFUa's Tic IT. There will bo a meeting of tlie voters of the Eastern Waid at Metropolilan Uajl Tuesday niurfat aa I when be got to the part where it re cited bis grwt ability as Becrutary of the Radical State Executive Committee, a ne gro yelled out and yrt b owes "me39 for that time too. (Qruat Uugbter.) H wanted the voting ' doss to the'ssme man net as in tha lata city Convaatioo,-. Tim Lse said bs wanted the meeting to endorse Argo or Harris, vieo sca, then tnatract delegates aocordliig to that rote, and then went oa to orats about the The Board at h sanm tism repealed the ordiairic grtinBg4V!phtf way to x street railway to PB. Hawkins, at tha earnest sollcitation'ot ejftj M' ftlon ft line of the proposed road, wis petitioned tbo board paying against the building ot I. F. oartiM'i giv TirgiM Uas bees tested at TURK, Pa.., by p. m. irrTmaEat6. u. ana 'at' llOlLl O t , .Maaa.k by JA9. fcMMERSOtf, H. XL a- jUTNOCNCKBtEXT. 4 pJkMtftyirflfit,' Ooi next lor tbs pur p -av of nominating tan-l didatro fur,tuu.ii.i-ioucra. Every voter J A'rgo said he was modest, but in self-da- Ths Partnership aretoiorassistang aadsr tense nMwt iellf bfiu, . wiiaUie had done. It breech as pocket, accusation, and into s ins nrmw ' . If R.fctPCKk;j PMsphlet 'aVid'Tei.taZeMia ....... i. . ..A.j. . . - - .j..-...' . .." . 1 ;jf!n JS-J01tJ3K aw A .m A. Aw . . . - j'a Urn, .J: 4 rWFarF f)KLBO (TIM AIT IJiTtl) TO tUK W AtttlX- toM" tSKV'wTf iiiiT ir06kTiT "Bsi-" TWKKK .T M .A.ROq AND LoQg IIaIUIU Xh Boh or tub liiu Stick Ma Ckbb TUB CHAilPI 1H RutikTKHTi&O. c. Ac cording to programme, our streets wera -. Ailed at aa early boar Saturday, with s largo crowsVatootly UsnaWfWm too sot rounding country, ia it tendance upon the Radical meeting, which wu to. nominate delegates to tha Radical MaM Convention at Warranto!, May'Oth, whose duty it is , to select ft candidate for Solicitor of this Judicial PUtrict, The regulat city brig ade of idlers, market bouse loafers, and ethera, were of course on band, and after man; preUovinariea, such as treating, bui ting, Ac tha moving spirits tb bead centres, about one s'clock, got the done thunder cload rabble assembled together in the Courtroom, when our Busting 8hu iff Tim Lee sttiituiuniuxlj called the tick U order, stating that the busiavat before tbe meeting - wis tbe nouuu&Uos sf "dilegits" as we bite aboTe lUted, and in his own iuimiUUe manner, wunu-l ihf meeting conducted in tbo fairest and most impartial manner, (of course he did bo else,) that if any one created a row be would put him out of tbe meeting, and he nominated fur Chairman our great unr lesded christian Mayor Wesley Wbita ker, Tbe latter gentleman was quickly is blrplace and made a short speech, it which be counselled peace T and barautoyl lie said Jet;tUere be no clashing, all should be beard respectfully aad let no complni ot , be mads after our election htre so that the meeting to-day might prntc an excep tion See. (The negroes said umon, yen, yes.)' tt, Mf. Butler, a uiulatt", was os motion chossn Secretary. Jim , Jones, (col.) Jeff Davis Carriage driver, moved to go immediately late an election of del agates, but Tow Argo quitk ly ates and said he wished to be huard before any . such nietion . snap )udgment sliould be adopted.' Josea' nomioatloa wra as follows: llenry O. Jones, (col.) Wlllism Jenka, Tim Lea, and Nurflset Jeflries (ool.) argo was decisred entitled to t beard and he opened the skirmish by say ing, barring tbe means by which so many strangers to biua bad been induced to come here, he was nevertualess nuttoie - taken aback.bnt those be did sot know he l--weald only be too gladto -maks Um qnaUtanes of after the thing was over. He said bs wanted them ail to know be irss Tom M ArgOj an interested party . ti. day, that be was a oandidat for Solicitor, he had nothiag o conceal and was alone n bis own bottom, and they wera to de cide upon hut merits. ' Ho trusted they had not come pledged against him and that they were in a neutral attitude, ' (Jt Is very sure though that Tom smelts mice at the vut black ooncourae,and that bs was suspicions that a J ob was being put np oa aim, by Tim, Logs and old mas Cebe, who wu also.praaeut, with the big stick.) Toss said M was nnderatooi 1 by th leaders pi the party sbsm years back, especially in the office ot Gov. Hol- den, wban they , were talking of such mai- - tera, that be should be tha man eoliorai back, if we may a any for the Solicitor - tbie'yearri874 aadhe IntrtnaM thahe 7 had Uiongbt that sufficient. Me Cil tt Semebody, Lflge "and Tim perhaps, aboit certain cancuses and meetings which bajd taken place to influence rotors on this oc casion, bat denied that lie (Sad been gul ty of njdCBefatoui traasaeUoii, further that virtue ahpuld triumph and If others possessed more than he, give them the office. Be denounced any attempt to pack a meeting by poaiiiuai or momcf arid any subUrfnges. Loge flarr)sj he beaid had said, that no delegate should go jo tha Convention from this meeting, unlets be was pledged to him. Log iuckxl tie assertk), aad Tonv .called'' ii plJke ysui.5if . k4 y mighty "bad J to provs what he sutad.4 L Iks cms int4heing smiling, bit ws kne,W fa In instait, friierfibst Child like aad" bland'1 that LY wouldn't "tots fair" or that ba was going to be non-coat-. ' mltlal, for be said if U jga ba4'told lira J. ftnything ofW kbdt U iookjk ltg4- tt as a "running joke." This wilted poor Argo.ajad wtbongbt we Opul4bsr hin ssy,MI wish I bad one of Thil Walkej's Cocktails. Tom. prooaeding, said thi Was a cancaa against him taat niglt, which brought Jim ' Jones, (coLland B, ft Jones, (cot) qoiekrf to tbefr feet, wo vara than was not. Old Friday Jonas, who had np to tbH time (bwea slept spectator, became infected, with the talk ing mania, got np and ald be wanted its (attack tha gentleman,) bat the Mayor rukd the old ctras 4own.'' Urga thoutit Bnllncb, o Pmiihrlio, a right fonni4il .wmmmii uunp ittrnw fwijo packed, Mi. Barria might not be so the cam.1- Xoffthsd oen mrWnrti aitieiaa. nralsinar himaalt in the Era one of which' be bad paid f,7S. Ils.aU go, had no money, and. h"-0? nfl Iyt5ai ry epistlas. Lga bonght SOOcoplmof th Era and dutrib.qted thorn. Argo rod ijn articles wlisch wis Loga'l btograplj, CKaayccoOiiiytbicrbtrtioy, voters, there wero 1,800 of tite ;tejpribls Ku Klul the bead centre of tha Klan mided there, he was elected to the Leg Watureby the Democracy though be never agreed with them, (how thin.) At the-end of tbe scssino, be bad become a Republican, voted for t,be fifth Amend meut aad feivdtVa--dtauooiaUe of the, whole Democratic party. An old eol'orcd friend, who bad boeu flogged by tbe Ku Klnx, cams to Raleigh, and show, ed bis bw.k, and his mind was quickly made Up, for be said if that was Democracy d-n tbs party a Logo was only a year or so ahead of him in the Radical ranks, h proved what he said by the Wake Senator, Jim ilrri, (col.) lie now attempted to harrow up tbe- feetrogs of the negroes by blood uid t tinnier talk or lue Ku Elni m 1870, when btt-ran lor Senator, and was beaten by Gov. Oiaham how be had car r'Hd bis lite in his hand, been ostracized, and about what eruel death awaited all loyal royal riot; tarTed t'elloAs in Orangey during all which time possessed of great and truecour fe, he was au a and ao tive double dyed (all but the long heels,) copper-bottomed Republican. Uot letter rrom Mr. Sam Phillips, complimenting bim tor bis canvans far Henator, but Anally resolved being persecuted into tbe gloom of existence to come to Raleigh. Was elector afterwards canvasaed in tbe West, and never fultured in the runlta since, his aJUutiun to the pwtr, and Loge's being few days ul tlw start ol bim didn't matt ter, didn't eutille luua to tbe eboice. Us hinted that it was time he was getting stime besides ?hipty :'bnriora,and in th languse of Uocle Handy Lockbart, tha other uiiht, be wautcil "some rations, seme bawsd-" L 'gu now bad three ef Hccs Assistant t;ierk of the Cmrt, City AltirncT,sn 1 Treasurer of the tiiaaue Asy lum, lie was ti liuir ol tbe Era formerly, aud at the same time held tpecial Issis laut AnseiHir, aU O'Uy Attorney, but be got A ik" got liall ol tuc latter lor helping bim. Logo abouiiin't complain now for ho." Ar, had not got a cent from the Re publican party (though hu came In ft few MiKtwsttl i'fOaidnBt ol'tbe yavewity Bag Itoad.) Logs shuuld be dumped or utada to bold only to what be has got and let Argo, have the twlicitor'a place. 11a ba4 beard Hint Tim Lee said he "was going to give him b-l and lightning." Tim sod ded bis head, but "riliier winted tbe lin- guigeamm4d," when Argo, replied, bs luppicioucd s uiuclt nttt-r eeiug the crowd, he had brought here. He nominated Bar- Dec, irosran. Knew anil T. L. uinks. H his deU galea. It had been said that Tiqi Lee carried tbe Krpuhlu-ans of Wake, 'in hirpockoTT Timialdr Ttiey told lies tjpot him, he wished he could, when Argo re joined, it wouldn't be any honor to tbe party f . rgo, concluded with a yarn of ft hard-bell and a fiddler, (applying it to Tim forcibly,) whsre the hard-sbell bad been cursed as an old bald beaded devil for too much meddling, &&, &). Amid the great yelling af tha "Moss-back and Kamoaroos " Loge Harris, now cams forward aad spoke to tbs multitudf. lis thought all this talking wu unneces sary. Uebftd been ft Republican all the tints in season and out of season. Asked Argo, where be was 1867 1 tboae trying time. ' Be, Loge, was in all the meetings tn Holdeo'a office doing every thing for tbe party. He too had always denounced the Ku Klux. Got nothing for editing the Era which, but ;for Jihe circulation, tbe Republicans would have been defeated on tbe Convention question, dvo. Swel ling np prodigiously now, be loudly ar- oiaimod for some of bis "manly and thrnsting articles," he had four letters tt bis home frum .gactlemeay..who had ia-, vited bim to the South Carolina line to try "a little coffee and pistols for two, "all of which' be gatlmtly refusrd, by iuforrn ln( (he said gentlemen that" he could be found in bis offios from sunrise to f riser. Tern Argo reminded him af tbe sick saal, who tbe doctor disemuoweiea ana pnt ja sheep's lenmach lb its place, because ' lie fievet could retain anything upon it, and whs shortly after the operation was per- iokiuvu wilt ov uw mwm n..iii on splendidly, but that hehed a b-l of fa bankerfsg alter grua, , Agro was tns man tha stofisuj led toihtsxas always hank ering after fk-1i H tu blu repnb- ncaoa rfuu is vtmm iarui oj their pxTtyMIftmeftW-liow'they were treated in by gone days that tried oar soalMtha pfirtywasat last respeotabl ft) ftqa fts sugiuci to mn ;uiem eotas m from principles, dx. Tbe negroes should have every ngbt t&at be bad it ba could mike it so (vjice-all of yon drink : a plenty.) lie had ad-cted it in caucus. Negro just as' goad as a white man. Wbtn he went to vote, he did not care about tie color of, tha skin, black or white, as he was the nominee, and, ba always voted la this regard as if he , was blind folded. (He piled it nue nig high Bete while bis Paddy Cebe sitting Mar. seemed aver so proud of son Logs, for bis countenance Was ss rsmau as a awroiag giory muq Loca obtdoba Ariro, hdw for going et at grdat rata, be told, tha blacks there weremauy otbors presentthat ba was go tg to stead foroafaaraof the of&oea amotg thaaeeroatm all ooventlotsf(jf muom ba was sund op, and see they didat pjet any.) Be denied aha tam had been say Saucuahy kirn or h friends. All goad meevJim Jonos bad aomlnated, and h didat know now ttv were going W vos. tArga amlted a yellow feverish.) "The question of (be rights of tbe negro has o ba yet settled, I sund where I did 1a tie eaucujsea. : lie evJegised tha departed ranoar, as far heaven-ward or psrheM ia tbaotbat direction, war could not Je cipbersba dared go.and mid ba desired Bamnetft reprmentativa ia ;, North Carolina, a farther reDreaentatira af the gionaaa CiViUiliti U iU, 1U cnnuludaaaia tarangae with " wrwjHHBg uses waa orsca or iu n-cinfnriMi!ij inej) . Uat. - Jna Blair, snd whispered a "Cnss." , vi. wormaa now earn into tbs liig and aia ba wanted this thing dans fair, as dllaua a wk,.. ) , m lW rajft msw 14aa kUVUI Ul an.'tlIU waxd.JaIUng.J!filxUng..IAthufll before tha war Aa aVc, sad wooad np by a motion that Loge Harris was tbe choice of tha meeting. ' . r ' Argo said ha expected soch motion, for Tim had been ob . tha go for sever days a Week or mora that morning ka briddsothfeagh .ft HU, JfettftvOit drove to Ralelgb. Tim denied ha had said a wordjto any one, but finally admit, tod ha had been out three days, amid, gteat laughter. .Argo mid ha knew they had Iliad it, It had all been eat and dried ha was in ao clique no ring had no money but ha would yet have a hearing elsewhere. Protested against forestalling the delegates ia fuch a manner- ' Gorqian WM hers ho give satisfaction if f it took all eight. Wanted tbe deleca. tion to go untrammellsd. Great confu aion now prevsilfd,snd tbs maw was kur gingtoand fro, Jim TJuetl, who bad been upon the floor several times, asking (jueaiiona, netiieo 11m, wno assea niu) bow long be had bean in the party an why he had so much to do with thii meeting t Uzzoll replied he had aiwaj bees ft Kepabhcan, ahd intimated a bel terane thaaTim. Ho bad fought In th war i a liroakiyn regiment a prison iroBVBaliKuury to ArMeraonlle. -'Was n tavor of the freedom, of tha negro ion before tbe war at his borne in Petersburg, as be could prove, aad waft never accused of being a Democrat nntil he worked ik the Daily News offios, and because ha wal a brother of Bill UaseU, one of tha proi prietorsof that paper. This statement set Tim back, for the negroes applauded loudly, and cheered Uasell muchly. Jiifc Harris, (col.) bad a say about tbs eouatyi being represented fully in this meetig J, it-. 1 -i ... . . m . .l" L luai ns ooeervaa mat ona lonrtn or ic wi only repmsentad and fhnfr somebody h hfot together sll the ' toafKelhouaelbni ftera." Was In favbf of letting tbo del gates go unpledged, Ac .Tim b4 .iaQt to say. Jim Janes swore be didn't know how tbe delegation woold ge that theie was no ring Ac. Tha' , Cbairman, WhlU- ker, said rings were all mytht,thoagh thejy had aloaded him on II (Qreat laughter.) After still further nproar,' cooltufol, and deviltry a plan of ballotiag wis Kd BponVMdlbe Logellarrlsdetegi tloa was elected Jhj faa majorUy. Tom Argo came in second best and gt bisdeLsgatioa appointed altaniatea. had Urge a amber of additional altot- watrs ftppotntsd wbd "KmtXhfrml , who is right after him, "got tbs who s Radical party appointed and they a - journed to tha mm mill. 'rl' " City BroTlUew. . , ' James tt Harris, (col) who U fta aspi -aat for Clark of tha Buperiat Court, , ad -drem. tha Usable jftrovd Ja A 0 Jtdu t House 00 Saturday afternoon, after tie meeting wss concluded. Tha AtUetia and Sooial fClh msU 1 game was peatpoiied on adebunt of tie iDclemncy of tbe weather on 6aturday an 1 will take place Wednesday afternoon 1 1 1-S o'clock.- -: ;-:; t T' j A gray fur cats was lost oa fmndi y morning at ths Xdantoa street Mctboi t Cburcb. The finder will plaaas ioav t ftt Uimofltea.-;- ' Tha Board of City Commuoioneri . a Saturday voted to allow 'tha State Ar -cultural Society to ba mortgaged for 1 n additional sum ot 1 10,000. This acti a was dons at ths IssUqCo ? th Maaairi rs to relieve the financial sosbsrrasament pf theocJety. aad to allow them to lake 1 p itsfloatiag Indabledheas. ' Ths members of tha City Press w re elegantly dined by Col Cal Brown, A tha National Hotel, oa yesterday. tra r berries, groeri peas. 'Irish potatoes frc h rom Cuarb-stoo, 8. a coavprsted la adi I ties to an;ereasjtatr dslicaam -y is sp'loodiii bill of fare. Ws were sorry, that we,, warn prevented ana voidably . frc m being preseoi. k Jht.Nstloaslhas a fiist clam reputation aad d eeervedly so, ia t is hands ofsueh aeWverareotlemsB aa C L Brown, shows himself to be. Ths Odd Fellows Excursion to Kittr II Bprings did n4 taks pUie thii morniig, bting postponed to soma tutors day m account Of soma ainrasary aitaogsanmds, i ' t '.i4 -MM1 . - . Mr. Bryan, Ex press Agent, reectvai a present from some unknown flend by 1 1 pnaa to-day of a blacl African Parrot. . , Ths Slestiaa af Boo day School Ofdrt of tha Baptist Church occurs oa nex Dtb batb. ' '' -' '' I . ,-i A .EMua.l' 11 t Theyhavt ia tha - pos Qflpe' aph'oU graph of the new Government post Offloe that b to bs-thres atorias with a man sard roof very arattr. 1 Tbs beautiful Jay brofljbt 9a3t'rtb .aa. K u aiMM.wr kVaaaV" aVTIPWMwWfc-lwt sV ' a SS.v7. V fii-Tj1'' & &lT I" " full fcrc Jaod the I wraecs won an appearance of beauty .and (aialy, ,-wi-j Ml $ HThere wif be"s"niiing of '"too"' ress Cnasroittes Of ftrrsngemeoH to-wprmtr evening af 8 o'clock at tho ffico, of Us Stat Agrtcanorai J0Braar'"""1 " new. Address hox ta j.t ity roaiotnoe. P M d3t .'.,. . .J ..1 s. e a 'ii 1 - I annoanos myaaifaa luicpandent Can. didate for (pimisaianei la tha Eastern Ward. ALFRED UPCHCRCH. ;-Tp4tf ft v tiMM lIytmm m Miisim a Waxs.- I take this method of announcing myself as a Independent OandbNte for Commit, siouer in the Eastern Ward, and if eiectsd shall endeavor to have the city govern ment carried on at ' Economical aa possi ble. , jii, T.LWTl epS!dtd 1 saaonrjco tves)( -a. oaadidate lM CommisManer in the Eastern- Ward know no party, I am for the good oi thi people sad nefonuatioa.- 1 ap25td LYNNAJBAM8. Nwirjtllaring quau.'tod.ne Admlnio trator on the estate of John Tf. Primroaiv deceased, notice h hatel);' given to alljpe sons indebted to sid esiate, tonake in mediate payment, and nl! pcrMins hsvini claims against said ett to precent thent on or before the 1st by 1S75, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar cf recovery. 1 Willis '81 Paramos O'Jiprit -23,' ItSTt:-'J ' Wany persons suffer with sick headache and nervous heauacno. auaiiv iduuwi by costiveness, indiiteeriot &. Sucl Maranaa will flud relief if not "Cure, M keeping tbe bowels Of aft with atrrall dosas ! Have you innahialory iore fhroat,iBtilr Mnts, or lomonuaa Uom any cause wuaf svert Uaveyoa rlMUTOtw rr 1 fher pains ra any part or to aouy h so, nao ar son's AaetfyM XMtiiisvu. iniernwiTj an Xtetpnlly .tci shi) IfgVfRirrffEMlrfTa &uw dour to, Wu,Ut .aleUh, I will sU Jmo. XL rrimroSe7, Sue ball UlMml Jft, If f oUoalng property. . .... 1 , fart otiut No. iliO en TayetUvUla SUaxw occupied by .0 aV Wai! v , . Tenia, VJM ah, Makes at 4a .moutfta, with intarat frmn eatta Yr-ii-ar '"--" , Taraa loU oa Xaatera half el hyt . Tanas, lbOcaah os eauA lob.ftslwt 1 IX mouths witkanterest from dal- - - '-t . .. ., m tW.'aVJfalllaYCa.-. WHA4a.otal:rtojroaJ j ,...-..-.,. ...j 3, iAasMtftsH rf wffisall myaaiiSeiaMt totlbVabt rs ptawtfcaA-teowaia-tliao-r"1'- -"' . tui. . a- .w. A Pamaoaa.! 1 . ,s b,u tim tU anaaaujt lawe-h weak . yti .11 tmi t. 1 1 S ii II 11 W Siiiainil i To the Voters of ths CRV of Bsleler 11 At the solidtatlofl bfilirks number bf Use voters or theetty. I oanoanaooi self an INDEPNDfeNTUdNDlDA' run max uk, sua d elected win doavor toduwsra nth- dnslVt toft otitof to tho bast of mf eWHrr? ,pnm,ot4t,l)M a N n m ''Also lladhcijhrvri'iVsnS ,'ds a j.J'ajli'ra aoaAiAkwat ffwu ;trtKFKX1OffK0 PAINTS, ,tthrt ,ih FAR, CUURCB AMD JBrMllaiil BIiattA3t.at1)flTsf -" -rs rim-sin wvrpt THE AlX BlbUY HOOU. 8TQIA , oRaUdktfrik a $ttmw ae,ga ap W-i 4 .itfaaai ia. r--.... ' ,r j ,ri a ,Tt5nioif .n tfj --BLAJiTIi.T(iI'OWDERe LAFUM, AJIO E43J TQMKt to, Ugaslak toyoad toft Ottyl.'.mfuT I . Ka'eiKh, H. JCLICiLBwH &VO!AkmtU utm I rHkArmm .aVaay wwata tba civ re ot ahanrot '' ' K At r(rsss4' Wsbwue confer feu aftakSaisae. Ji-: ekA t ti t m Sfc.rf ad "ir mi iwUrf! i .JiiiA ,m Jf Allll W .KOTI JEWw..b aw The co-Dartnorshi n Hrtatf nrf1 rrdcr fit name and title ot L tlty Bt"Oe, ts das disaohrad by 1 AU persona indebted- S said flrSa please come forward aa? settle tM OaM as UnjerThJDlgtyiSe cV1if!-rte given. 1" 4-; f Wjk, wiUmI. JM nesavsaoia Huudotca mis .vaaosaaiiov one has broken. lt Ut Jis "j alias Lea is" re sr.d it take -co othei .i..U.ijI Jt JsJwit.'as.aiisjw ".lftJtort....aSST)i i . - iwiUi opbn i nnt tSTro)i the fttbOF JAbUaatraf AwKaouta, t,aAaoAi MAVacMATtcAb Bcaooi.oaa alors, hi wlmh thay will bvpre prtttuar for baatneas StArat foroUa. Circulars, cxmtaiiiuia: pax ocular aadtes moniais fill be prawn W-V da- if tlaaav here. alter. ,4 rel'jt at K"f,mt Vi . au Atimna. Phrf W. O. Karr. A. M. Mcf&ee- tn. W. M. Crow. Aao. . . v. . iwi i. , eraUv Mr ftmk ot tiriar a4 Waataial vtottatDt;, tor- Man a&- hoys, the most cf wblen aas been imauuracwred By oar new fork Partner,!: aloes Th tlerllns tn Goods wnicktnablea aa 1 sell minca lower tha keretofare. Ceil aaO axaaala oar atsek and. tbevWul aat oasw to took alsswllar befors parvnaalag. ."Trr. . adaUrieUvs StoAaf . " "K.VAwRiw.rlca All ths ktesi afaveltSa Jar BaU last ra cetveat A . QoaUers sa , , ,fMh, " I.lIU. u s . Miiii'. , I' 1. ..mh'i fi ,tw;iti .A V H T. r -s Ml M lf have yar 'teeeWadmy BprlricaadaamaMr i Oeada, nouht at tnk kwsV aemft Maaaat Jhi iioavJwfl as) able to offer coodsottaoaamequallty as cheap aSaayooelk wis eearr otnsr thaVkea.-l wi AkP.,itr MA'l ''.'it:h.H .tittUdJ hi-a 1 tip IwUHT WOODS, tH'jjOTIONrT, FANUT ' . . WODA BOOTS, r, r . - . . . ' . ur. biiavu 1 ur. n i.J NKWAtfD FRESH, nought at the lowest Drioes aad BoM tvr a small proflL UMreerta- ablhafaiy 'cnstoaiets lawat aabMe .tosapslf Wfias nvas as aaoamesarv pnoee -1 u.Tkaaanal for saat loia i ftoo to aaarit eonUBoaac of the same. b aias atUaatoa to Saamwa U-ii -,i -Mm eylftdaurTi t' v a n t P-1- ioPoiixii fosri&icii.tfuit n3nr lloiUd SUtrs Conrt House en g Post offleej ksHegb, K. w " ( f t ( dirtioKaa akaaxaasruajraVf V. S. iJwaT Hoosa A PostOmoa, Ralbkik; If . tt. Anril 6. 1974. 'fO.tjwf nmrvuuli itt 1. ftwjtvAi1 M tbift OlScN anUl Ua., of tha 6lh day . of May f W4, tor fnroiahiag auaVOslivartDg at the site of the United States (bntt House and Post Offlca at IUMirfr. If: Q. say MO.OOO t ar4 ,Urned nd Bricks 41' tbe oest quality 4Kflniiriui,ine nean si the Kilbf ao ajilmon or arch Lriek will Do rocetradJ Atenpla-brtokiasf ba sui- mittaif aiohf tth eacri liroiwsai; - Dal iry will be ma,lotia limes add ia sdth quaatitMs ss iuy b dcemod nee- ry iy tna Buperiownacnt. au bias must no msas on ma printsu form to bs obtained 'on spnllcation M this Qfflce,'lhd each bid to be tccompap. tea by s penal ooea m 'tna 'sum or one thonaand 'ollari,(tt,000yu oun Jtttottad that tbs bidder will accept and "lrforw tba contract tf 'awarded hint ' tha ll debet ot tha security toJb certified by tha United Butm Judge, Clerk of tye United Stfttos Court, or tba District sttt hoy Of the SiotriU 1l 'whiek tbd bidtl sasidas, t watnm 'f Pavmaatta will .ba made -moouily:l d notice, ta perosas. aatil tba aompietloa of tnaaoxnaoa,.iw,i9 h r i i Taoright toatlosktw aall blds.u resarvsa. . .---! taw. i frPmnesaav most twoatdomd lasjealcd envelope endorsed "Proposals fas Bipk tot wo unissa tssas uoara nooso aaa Post oiflca, Raleigh, N. C." and addrssasil ho nits aJ-tn um f'rt'M I , W. A BEARIfXJ op f-ai.wvfbsMrt IMrrjerintandenq TaV0FOaALa FOR DIMENSION ftTOat X. for tbe Unllaa Males wan Alouse . . fom, uince, Mieiga, n. y, jJOrrieaot DCMKiiiTssns V, B. t'CHWt MOUSS npssslswtU peo aatil J aa o to ih day of May, fHtl for furuiahlna aaa asuvenng as Uie aituKH tin Vol ted btates Court Iioita and foatt- A .1 Ulul.rh NfM4hr!mliR, Kll of lh Aim SuaaiaMa aioao rsBUa sue . aa tenor, ua tbattaiuung. -- wiw V' jm I The species of stone from which aseOe !hn will tie mafle Will he confined to Gift irSn- and 8id"8wni"B, nd v tlisat- . .!.! bm.iu v sii be tirpr- iir ar.nl t '! itm, in- :, nilv, :i aUs y.tt eatw.-Uy tor wwikiug uwtvr u uiul erasM; aaar. - :K ' 4 " . I a sssm Is Moaa. HHtaa ta habea mastJlit snbmiiuai wiui aaen nia, snowiug oa one isos the aat nral tractare of the stone, and os tUs ptliw ailTerent grades Of CuHing Tba St Sua mast have a ffuod grain- aud be free lromU discoloring subataoce and tbe taany fnia which 0 la proeorod- aaast be fully opsoea SM ranamo ot vnrnwnrar wiv qoaiitr aoaatity deairad wttbln awe yastt' '' a kAt ail (MHi Mhki Imi anM nr 1aa Va mmlrrd.' Tha- aetnal ovants of atoaea eaa sxn new we tivew, sas win appaus- Imate 10 ewbse Caetf tbo largest aionasa oSa taialng about TO eabte feet.' Tba atone wtU swovaared oa a eetiednlo of aat tlaas and el towaaos of ooe tor to each cut face will be madafor onatiT' Otmenatoaa,' aecordtawi to tbernlesaiade by tbs O,.artmoot la oadar that tha con tractor may -makanruperallpw- aoea for eatUBK, M me qaarryic tblaasbadule pay aunts will be made. Udders will state .how soon they o mu ddtTaiair UM) atoaa iand the am oust pararoaK daWabadMivar. ilbflfiwUl also amaMoaOeraf aada saltiaavdas of! tba atones (hat eaa b obtained from thslf fliar- Mo bids will ba recaived except from owners or lessees of- tao naarry front wklcb tboatoMUpeopased t. be (unlabaa, asda oartltloata from the iUoordur of tbe coantr la which Uis nusrrt la situated that Uie biddar Is tbe owner or tosses of tbe quarry Bloat se sowBaay eaeb btaV - ... i f b4aVal avopsaate ssawt be made oo PtStd . ftonaa to be Obtained oa spyUcaUon Wtbia olUos,maat be accompanied In a pen si bond is the snai of flvs kbonaaod dollars (S3.UU0) that the bidder wtU seeaii and perform tbe iow aiauOtf awarded blra. aaO alve boaat tbefcfor msbe penal smm oftaMUlouaaad dollars, I IflKJO aad execnU a valid and binding leaae of tba q aarry to the Government as sacortty tot tbe faithful pertoaaaasavot toe.oewtraetd tba Imh to bake efleet anon tbe fail are of tba xrjtrarlura awanty jrito the banaaaf tbs eeiitesst sato taa to aaiAMrvs UtaitowMa- aamt k Saat fun ynainaaioa ot uiavqttarr? ana work-, it at tow axpaaaax ed tbataaaaaassaaoc ia ' Tbo frfoarlment luacii vas the rlabtto leet any or all blda, or to divide Uie contract sad d. tarn or mora Kinds of atone. ! ri .-. Fraeoeala maat- ba amtloaad ta a aes sn- Vvlop ana awooraao rropsaas sut V meaaion nAae nr ana vnttea bi mr uwu ana fc: I'fllH ffs l asm W 9 9 sWr'' ateewd feat Oflloaj Kateigti, Krm Aiasvauuk,! sd dreased "' J .' - i riiaifcWJt-A.nEAaNS, , f Mtt , ' 1 " apermlen4Mti ' 1tr f'MS?JK'afi8: ju ramrf waTiiijf crarms-st ne una meat. Ana all wbo sis lodeDtea to. the Irm, eitber by vote or aocosnt are reqftasted to call aad ssttla eaine. . iv- - m TOOL'S OLD IKilSDS A CU3TOXE&I e mnst say a word. Ths alasoltiUoa of oar irss gtves as pate and sorrow. For1 msay ara fm save idit .(aArvuiaa aa. . ws lu um have odeaToma " to famish von wtth rig 04 n,t4 WOODS a rarMiUlir1eM. lur relatinitp baa beeaf both' plaaaaat and afrreoabla, and we eaauul consent to th uW aaintaua essei ta aaep sacvati ' "' I We hare hareWrfora faraiahed all -ths Sot eommodatloa we could, oBaistKt wUh 4 pops sassiavasous eaatewaa saa at aaaang Hie following aoBonncemauL WS do so froia tkOfeqawesaenta of !. H Front ftad iftet Uili aater an BooAa f tV sry oascrtpuoa neiongiut to tne araoi, , W.H.a. AT0CK8R.CO " PWfflbesold at IXTKBMXLf LOWPKI. OBft FOit ti&aat, attb vsfceaawa so too leal etoatawef the Buslnoas. v.".".' . s 1 Furtln eredt' cannot oa l(lye.nt ii!" ts'iiTaaJlooka eseetoees.-'-- - v W. U. e H. A TUCKEK, BnrtTtr Parteers ot the bte Arm of ,:,W.M-41La.XUCIUtM,aCOl PaHlea who daaba eabarklna to-4AoPF OOODi bnalnrss tn Raletiru, hare now an om rawaumty at aUIIUIaVOUT a ftiHetaas aaab Mthanbt'lrbe' 'leMro nrchailni a'stw'S at ef ra4 atshtBff tlwatBtucai. wUl aaver bavl a Deuer o.pouuuuj an cjrij( su wwaea triTMvrt W w at. s av uvaa.ia,.. I Mai-vivlntf KrluMi tttmm t- rrtsms vary omW "ifbl- and ornid- menial Art Idas for tralnfnir planU) are lavatoibb "hroba. Via' av'i. inp are paint4 (rana, vs made of weed. I ry iWbt, sn T 1...?.. II. are much cheaper .ot wbo. Call and examine at T H. BRTOGS, A BOSS. Jii L... at nl to all Pcrsjoxxsi Wiali ; . 5? ftvAxxAf t lla jr Jho w;i ij nWd MPWHTWCtta,.. We'arc cffurlng M our cusomr'Uia oah .Jl-l'alocK of antlralt n patk.d l.-ii.i- ! - -i awts-Ti wvi n W (TOO DO T bi l awiJntW llama ua is latbajdty.W. ara-:aow-bla toael them much LOWER than they hva avtr bora offeror before. 00 ftootot Af the ti aoediogly smaUi trad, im tha .tforwefn atarkei. isroj. -j ,i'ri ji n i i JU1 goodftJajttiB Jin .dauliaodTsfy mnchaDd onr.buyar taking sdvaategs bf tb wf.aaH asv. a) Um aa j4ny JSmst As (As -ft ll any 4hS saKnjtA'xtkl 1 - ,f Wasay to all, that they aao.W-s hut 9-Tl iH'kVimf ,j..ii til . .-4'e hy oaaaalawigy oao otoak bafoto buyl aiaswharai Wo will ofler yoa ao old) uod goods, out stock la KKTIRK-i i p TMr4l Ol aIY OX'aT. 4! S Mt' birrr Via.? Mir vvftva -'4- H t a T M .1. iti:.t ". w .JSiaa aaiiBairJ . i M!dma ail rVit-nVarV-nOlf kraiVii n4 ,iro alia -TbeTv(f nl to bo' sold low,' Call v -.a ,il jm aa-Wm aw. w w fa JuMalt im at M Mm ti .fr.idm! i-i il ' r BOVll-tf'" Jl(M I' a I 11 111 KM li lt XT" - f T Wthoi8t day of May' next, i jtli mil tot cash tns prtmlaeo ow oaraiiteol by Henry Page, being the tract of lld bougftt by SaJU rags n jm ir. it a. jiay- wooo, situated in tba eastern nuoartis oi Rakigb, and adjoining tha lands of alary Ucviay Pteasaat Ppeocor and others.'- j i I will atoo well at the same time ens hair of good ualeft, Young ,jnd ,ll fair oon- Bawtotoko place oa tba pramiaeaj Apra p 17-14 JOIINt ' a a L TAtTW at I TJB A 'mm . . . " ills . a carco tonoa. -; TBBabov Cottoa latboaaoa araiiae (t tea la lbs Unl ted Btatea, will aaaka 4 000 as paraesaoa laiprovea Jaaav- tl aiao nas a no aad tons; staple, will eaaiiaand (rem tea to Bftasa eaala la the nwaad aiotw tbaa the tonan kiad Bead for sale at 1 10,00 per gal kas a St.to per poand. Moaaes for sasd saa Mrnt by iMlaUrad lctteti Alt ordars for sad wtU be promptly awaadad to by addraas- Inc tba BadaraWuid at iiUilardiaaa, Hart Uo at. a "- - Ad.i'KAatgK. 1.. Tba ieo-oarti.arshli heretoidro anlttlna aaarattoeasaaa aad atylaof Saadaaa A JiUj Istbls day Siaaotveo ny asutuai coawni. i-4. w. laiura ss ail Uoae antborUed to ialU bp uiaoia DoauHssa. .,...'... f baMTBrtaU. bwlitrn-Uic St, l'.n. i ; x:, . j.ji.v.iA4..t.i. . ..... . . ; J. ' Tattoo B ill emiUi.us inioiite-t J itt eld aiau aud rw 'r-'y aaaaa cmt.s aui-r Ot U-a pairunAgs aamuaiura BMIrTllIal a-aii J lAUtX ss:. . (Lata) of Raleigh, KP. . , ; ATORJlkt 4 COCKBELLOK AT LAW , bo. wall St., asw roioi crrr, Will attend promptly to all profeMlonal bual Oeas Mtrasred to bim. Muter to the C'lilef Jostles and AaaociaUJastiaasof U oapraaM Court of North Carolina, eod to tba wbola North Oarollna Bar. ' ". hlll Fiu( BTib Ulr Flower Pofa, the best and lightest pots soidlatWsuuirkot. T.,H. BKIOQS, A BONA piOUHTB WABBAIITEO rr ... Cast Bteel Cottoa Bweeps. wi Uardware Uoaae of r W JITUOS LXWta et cr.t . t i KalelKh, M. a Trad p(ilsd at Mannfactirara' Pilcea. tf. FOB 187A " aasortment. at the Book I tore ; aUFBKU WlaXiAMB. of -daeiAtf. 4 COXSCUDATBD. itK.falwKASOBioMoaivo , , , h, TJT E 1 I aTlt A B O K I Onljt One Dollar A Teir, 11 .;.-. I Itftlittrt ii H fW ' ' j - Ths ClonaoUdaUoaof the MASONIC M0H 1TOU and tha BttlUHT MAnoN. mak.es ..l!Illi!!TB.JBMaAT..MAeojS& ttasof saa Very Brnt MatoaleJoaniala la ths Aotiuiam auanuoatates. tils now puiii ed la Mafaatoe form, at the low price of One Helm a leer. ' .. bUBsClUilK UoW, Masons bicoodsUnd. bit sverywhesw swraowafOed to act aa Agents, tjduhs ut Tea oraaoroouly Ueta... i . , . ' Ijjri x wnoie VluB need not corns rrom ' oaMP.O aonMsaaay bs addad atony thnaat. Ink vat ..a. a.lHr tM w- xnmKxt Concord, H, Oi MTSeat Meultut for AdrartlSMrs In Uie Bomn.. w-j. t -'ia iii .. u'.. MILLIMKRIU AMD LADiKd JTANCY i.'t'v.'-f -Vtf r ' ArSftha'1' "',:'t ino KH.i f-o : , Mrs. .Harriet Andrews,, on Fayetterltle Btrent S few doors Norti ' of the HUte Na tional bank, has alumad from the Korth andbasoo band a splendid aasortment of . Millinery aad Ladles Faney Oeoda, of tbs hn bat daalKoa and linportallona. t,. i The MUHnery Depaftanent Is nnder the ehanreof ladtaa of experience, aad the pnblle are assured that svery Uilng ottered for sale a, this establishment tswarranted to be Ot the beat make ard maWrtaw (Jail aat axamlne the splendid stock, : which. Is oUured at the" reetUberal rates. - y,i , MitaV HARB1BT AWDBtW, ap iv-ou - Wa.; W.Joais, " ' AaausTBAJi Joaaa, "I "' Attoraey'a At Lstara ""., ''''iALElOBCkfi''1 1r) BAtrtiCS4 In ttt frnOreme Conrt of ths" A j Bute, the Orcaltl aao Ailstriot UOUrTS or UieTJnlUtdUUtea and the several Courts of tlie Otb iadiclal Dtstrtot. votes on IfaTettoTille. at it, opposiW .the ClUasns National Bank. Up sUlra. f suir ) i.:' -UaS-ltf to Tr j Oi O.WL.I 0 X, .HANpLtD' COTTON' HOE, that .tlf tha only JIOS made of . , 4 AViUdCoMaHeeiotiwiSUiel. Wa aold tar 1873,809 doses e( these noes, Ws Warrant ovary UOSt JvUxA. .ta. Stock, Temper and yiaish, I llardWare Urmat of r ap 17-tl JUUUd JJCWId A CO. . , i, M i , I I I If OOODt FOB 1874. n A t-oa aiU att r -.;. f.i a t.t t i a,, i i BALD AMD SToaB. n DIouAxtavlu Exploded,', -ifHNsi-TjBtr--3r1 viuii inK ii TEini of riser '.i--i ala t CUEEGHl ,? ItMUb eed SaloaraeB o&rlag Jo Aha Jrade aad eoa- auiuera va D1 TOtXTD E' aa UtTCSTJ ALLT' ATTBACTIVE Btoek ot Bprloaj avmst tassaaor CitMssta, soeaaU pore hand la Hew Tork, and auay of tbeia bonirbt a PAN10 PkUtta. Mr stock of --4 -.:- -Aii Dress Woods. W Whits Goods. , Linen ilandharchlela, (ilovea. v ' H salary, Sdglnga, Blbbons, Karaaola. An. take j'lnasnre In saying Is LMtOE and well AJtauEl i, aadeubraees svery thing that la new and desirable In tbs t o n t" a o o u s line from low friend goods to ffns fabrics. ioamt at waaho , " i -t.- JDj o e s . Go ods wUl trat tt to tbah-tntoraat tocstl aad exam- baa my stork before pan-hating elaewhrre, aa ttit-T am new and will be sold at PAKllf Pruwisv :d . - Wy stock ofPlKrH GOODS eonamUnjor CA8HIMKRE8, TWAiD U.NgN SjUOUnand tAl ro.S M AU Ka. was aever saore eounkta, aaany of tbens bains aa cheap or even cheap er than before tbe war. j , . ,, I Jf StOsk.0 wi. , , ., I- ,r i JSIxoes and 11 t a for Ladies, iat' aud Mlaaaa Is lanre and wcl asaortrd, and perwma waalluc goods, wan or aiarclianai.. should a'wava exaHiine my stock befora bariaa'. aa I tuusnd touiakeit to Uiclr Interest to bny cf nte. . , 1 bvUteln Ue mm 'i.ITK A SO Lax.., rtlAMis to eumlBemyskir.il, aa 1 will oiU-r tht-ia apecial tad tieeinen la, aud luink I can mveti-tnwB-'""-"'v",-'"-'"':'"Lv sphd.'wAwtw -ACaiWH. PON-TCrtTTJTAl !0ff ! "TAX.S. i- uiiir ad Mi-uJwaj AMaa, to Viw-ji I a. .4 ' . a- a b , - a surniM-ai 01..