------- -vr 7 ..'. y , HE'r SENTINEU THE 7 r SENTINEL" . wi A 1 rUBZJBBZSD BT i vtkl iuVtBXUMd KATES. ' JOSlAH TURNER', Jkv, T i 4V HrVl:rt(' AdvertisenMnU will be Inserted la tha OaOv !stikwi. at the (ottowta; ralsa par oaare ef Ollicm, sumac tb ilourt Heon. AtSl. Attn iaare ,... f t,0 " u each ulise)neBtiiMtirtiuii less than a week... leaven, tweak,! t-io-l w V w -lt.0O . bats or HraaCKimoa. D.ll; kntiaal 1 year aa adraaot S8.SU Daily, tiwnth lead vanoa, 6.00 Semi-Weekljr - ' " '"' WtwkljBaaUMl mm.. L(u The Dailt Baarrraax, wfH be deliYrd kt , T pert tt Wt at Vumaa CT per III M ? M .t.iUi..llJUi.-....lir..Jiif.l.):,-t'i-.. t 1 t " Imo"!)'! " t S0.00 .HI' -i uaooti VOL. IX. RALEIGH; Nt C N0.227J! I r 8tOU(t 1 t.- is t - .aKy lit '"iAj lW-UKK Ill v jm w 1ri!yV tK . MimnR ttvurtAj School Picric. -Ibis school excurts to Btttell Springs Thursday wek for th purpose of aftrdt fog iu scholar m legant pic oio. Th CArrroL CLovEH.-rTb clovef bs ingcuton the Capitol Park waa purchat ed by Fraok flemmbur , f for ty.&ve I i waw wtvwajwnj MtJU at UUt afUUU V Jt SM" mar's to-day for bis silver watch which be bsd left ifcVen years ago for repairs. -f-, He got It and it "kicked an right" ai be pat it. He departed da , poaoe with ft tight fcssitvf w monTtelrc Tf' 1 - Tin Matoealti. Mr. P. P. PoacuJ L 'urged bj many friend to become a can didate on the People'e ticket, for the ' Mayerahip of thi eity. Would it net be well to take into consideration the oomi natipe of some good dtiaen for the posi tion! AVotkB.' s ...... 4 TBI AlXAKTIC & NoBTH CAROLINA Rau. Road Imbboolio. A telegram re ceived at tbe Executive Office to-day, conveys the information that Protideet Stanly has turned over the A. & N. V. R. R toR. W. King, tbe new Presideut.- - Jndge Cla'ke has appointed Goo. Oreep, Esq temporary Receiver of the Road, t(it - we are not advised whether tbe delivery f tbe road is an end of further Jiitlicml proceedings. ! - ' Editor Sbhtobx: I tike this method ol aayisg that I aocept the nooIiDntia for Oommissioner in the Middle Ward, and if elected will not betray the good people's trust. I am untramelled, I wear no party collar put on by dirty hands pr thievish fingers, my purpose will be to save the city from spoliation and plun der, j.o. RLirrLE. PkKsoitAL. Midshipman Perria Bss bee, U. A Navy, arrived heme on 8tqr dny, and was1 welcomed by a boat of (frssnda, - Be taa just returned from sn ' extensive cruise of three years, visiting Europe and the different Eastern coun tries. He brought his friends many curi osities and souvenirs of bis trip. He gees to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, la sbeTlt ten dajsto prepare bimseti for ek- aminationfor further promotion, when next spring be will go on another cruise fer seven ; years. Be bas our bsartisst ' wishes for eontiuued aoocess and deserv ed promotion, ! A talented young man, clever and bandsotno, be ia an honor to bis family and friends. (A)iraJivATivn Mbbtimo of flwtrr X!mM TowiuHir at Yates Mill, SATtni- at, Mtb April 1874. Tbe meeting was called to order and N. J. Wbitsksr waa . chosen. Cbairmatt sod S. B. Strain, 6ecre .' Ury. Tbe object of the meeting was ek , plained. On motion the Chairman ap ;.. pointed a committee of ten delegates to represent Bwift Cieek Tewnshlp in each of the conventions. Delegates, & D. rkephsaeon, a Or flsycs, W. .1. 8trsm, W. H. Pope, M. M. O. Stephenson, fiarna- - baa Jones, Thomas Yates, W. B. SUpben aon, James Penny and John Harrison, v On motion the Chairman and SeoretJry , was added to the Committee. ' ) Mttolvtd,' that the citirons ef Swift - Creek Township in Convention assembled " ( do beartily endorse the course of tbe Hdn. , Joeiab Turner, and cbeer fully recommend . biaTa a aaadidate for a seat in Congrtss from this Diitrict.-';--,T'r""" ""' On motion, it wsa requested that ill good Conservatives from said district who . Should De present at saia codvodinu ,t snpuia. conBiner inemseivcsacirgaMia. . U. BIIIAICT, BXCy City BrTitle. Francis M. Sorrellr Esq., city Uxoollac- tor, who bad a severe attack of cholera morbus on Sunday, and suae red consider ably oo yesterdsy, la we are glad to ace able to be on duty to-day. i Eastern Warder will bear in mlad tpe meeUsg to-night at MetropoliUa Hall to nominate candidates on the People's tiok- etforCenuui.sionersof (hat Ward. i Tbe Masonic Lodges bave decided up on celebrating tbe 84th of June in aid qf the Oxford Orphan Asylum. ' The Princi pal 1 the Deaf, Dumb and Bnad Inti tta &a teadertd M lb fraternity kiiea pacieui dining room and Concert 13 M . (or tbe occasion. e, A ;aood cause. Le it result a fperfertsueceie' th ntm tst encouragement upon the pert of all Woodson wai a little gripy yesterc sy i ' from n over j abiiadauce of good taisgs ' 'be got away with at tbe National dmaer yesterday. Somewhat Bald-MoooUinbh. , TbtCooservatives 'of Raleigh Tenia ship bave a meeting at the Court Hoe.se Saturday, IS at. to select delegates to tio County Convention. W bop tosepa large crowd preeen. - . j Oovemor Caldwell returned to the ty -tbb) morning. ( i v f ! '' The colored Grand Lodge of Gfod Templar met in tbi City to-day at ib Colured Good Tmplar Hall, over Tnpptr' Cbardu Thar is a large number ol del egate prvseaw i Tbey will have a pard -o-menv-- Tu Rufe Staa't' Oak City Brass Bd, bave gratuitasly offer I their service to th Executive Committee of the Press Coavention, to furnish any necessary nia sic oa tbe occaaioa of th Press Conven tion, May 12 lb. The Cemmittoa wiiiloa doubt accept tbir offer." Prof, Kbi r luci ui td pu Cpal to the y ouuj ladies of tlie Peace Institute, last ereoin. Many of our ci'iiool wars preseot. We wf r uuble to be pretent but sent Rami ssy as our submituta, . be bsing itriotly k GwJ WJMnJi;.pk link,tetm: eUbut remarks lie took CsWbut 'b. dan't Strr. Pateut applied for, I STATE KEWS. CoL J no. L. Bridgers ba been ap pointed by the . Cummiasioner of '. the T!ktite!ll&lfeL StatisUCkKrorrespoqaent for JSdgecomne county. ,y ' . Th KInston Gazette says: Mr. Jacob Harper, of tbit cuunty, bas throe ben ef the Blaelt Spanish Legliorn species wuioji tsyed 19 eggs ia three dys tbe three hens tuguClier ljiog S eggs a day for tw o dsys, and 0 egg on another day being an averageof 8 eggs.eaob psr day , for three days. ) TheKiustou OazatUi says: We learu that an old man named Win. White of this county, beat bis wife nearly to deaih with a salt pestle' last week. This brutal i is all the more shameful from the fact th be is near 70 years old. lie was bound evertoooort. - ' Prof. W. C. Kerr has accepted an vit&tiuo tu lecture oa Kology at tbe co msncement of the Wilson Collegiate In stltute on the 24th ol June. , Th OtiTHAOB at Clio. The Rocking- turn Carrier Souvenir, gives the follow iog in regard to the capture of the nero who outraged M isa Quick, near Clio, p. C, a few weeks ago: ; From Mr. Malioy Pittlunon, one of tie parties who arrested Andrew McLcod, elm CroEsluud, near Bboe Heel, for en outrage oe MisI Mnry (Dells) Quick a Booth Coroliu i, wo learn that there is ho mistake about his being carried back sad placed in tbe jail at Usnocttsville. Ro confsBsed that be was guilty of the offence, and was actuated by a desire to avenge himself tor being accused (as be said) of a threat to burn, a certain house. His Vie tint aUegos great - violence which she res isted with lbs courage ui a brave woman. 8hs is not dead as reported, but is exptc led to recover. McLeod is a repulsive spoimea of ths lowest ordr of human beings,witb thick iips, prutruding teotb, flat nose, red eyes and receding forehead, and so black that guinea negroes would be in tbe dark in open day unlets weft supplied with matches. I- Tbe muttering from Bald Mountain wers beard distinctly at Long' Mill, per son conn ty.s distance br over 200 mile on Iiesday last. j (Nnw York Would, Aran. 12.' A CAROLINA CREMATIONIST. j Bcaiima of Hkitbt Ladbkms om Hi '' PLABTATIOH IM SoflT- -CAaoLIM A-p - 'His Body Too Good' to bc Eatks bi Woems." j 1 Inciting, examplis of cremation in modern times, one of tbe most noteworthy has been overlooked. It is important, not only front the high character oft e person but from reasons which bear directly ttpen tbepubject 'as discussed " by tb World. It ia that of Henry Lauren' which took place oil his plantation. De cember II, 1798. The connection of Henr. uaurua w prtmtujenuj' aa:;reuiievij with our early national life renders tbe carrying oat of bis last wish the mors fnUresticg. A citizen of Charleston, b became a most uocessful merchant, amas sing a large fortune during a business career in which be was distinguished for hi accuracy, integrity end ths punctuality with b ich b niti all bud nets engage meats, Having gooo to'(Iarop for th education of hi fonbewa one of tbe tbirty nioe- wbo ""petitioned parliament against tha Boston port bill, Having done all. in hi f power (t pteveat jWar, against all persuasion to remain in Eog land he came home and identified faimtelf with the revolutionary struggle. Hs suc ceeded John Haooock aspresideat of Con- grew, an office be '. resigned the second term, when be ' was made Minister to Holland. On his way to hie mission tbe fesael was captured by tb British, and be was carried to the Tower, oa lb sus picion of treason. Hers hs was placed J in closs ceafiaemeat, guarded by two War deo who never left him out ol sight f . .With no pea to writ with, with no en t speak to, h remained fourteen months, Buffering bom Insufficient food, not being pt rmitted to asa bis own money for that narpose, broken down ia health, and sat: snag acutely . from gout. Hi suffer ing became known ; Burks was interes ted ia bim; various schemes war proposed for tie release. One of thee was to be through th conceasioas ef bis son John, then i Pari a representative of Con gress boi Laurens replird:"II lore me deirlypraif "foialo! fay-downfir-liff to sate ttuse, bat I am sure b would aot acrific bis honor to ,say . mine;, and.1 aoDlaud him" When. Bnaily . be was released, k waa appointed en of the miniatds 'of Coogrcsr' for ntgotisting pfiace,ijaiB4et Jy,Fraok!U and Adams, at Pari, beie the preliminaries of th treety were igned. ' Oa'nfamlpg Americe be wee reosiTed es astioetl beoefactorbat be dicnaeal n public offieee nod devotee! bimself U tgrbnltrnts and the mnadinir of hia broken fortttsHk- He died December 8th, 17B2. The Mow ing clauas ia bk wiU rclsten to tbe dispo sition of bis body : my body to be wrapped inr lwel yards ol tow Moth and burned until it be entirely contumed, ahd tbea coIKk my bunas deposit tbem wherever he ss Uiipk proper." biographer, Ramsey, who w soa-io-law, relate this much,- and ddi that it wsa done as desired, but make no mention of till causes of tha request . ir tb.4 details of th burning. , So Baosual .a procveding doubtless most haV 'ereatod considerable interest, and tha New York .krul and PcttrUtU Btguler, Satarday January 28, 1793, on file at tbe Histori cal Society Library, tjontaio thi allusion "The following extract of a lottr, datsj Charleston, 4 C, Dweember 84, is copiid from the Norwick Wteily Begittr, U Jaouary 14. , j , i ' I I " 'A few day siucs departed yul lie Henry Lturens, Esq ,. about seventy eniy tie wti. years ol age, and bi corpse was burnt Thunday after hi deceuso. This done by his son at the request ot bis father, who made this reverse in bis wil, that unless bis son oomDlied with this le should be cut shorf i anJ 0I" bi estalj, which was worth 6fl,000 sterling tie asbea reniiing from tbe bodk were taken up and put into silver urdTor tlikt purpose, .The season . that Mr. . Laurebl gav for thi singular duire was thst body wss too good to be ekton worn a." A foot-noto, however, in Chadwickj's "Rinort on Intramural Interment" States that Henry Lauren -having wa tnfaU child die of small-pox, when the bofly was laid iit caused the window to peoed to admit a fresh current of The air blowing, over the bodv . rratortd D ' - " I ' I the child t lite, and In tbia manner it HwbMmMd bfliaa buried.-4IWe. tW horror stricken waa Mr. Laoreaa at -lii event that he Wit orders in 1 Jii ;if !, if bis body to be burned, and th iohci- tone of hi estate by nt son ws maps condiiionsl on hi carryinx out lbPir quest - It is Impossible to find ihodeeafl of tbe burning so far, but a jrsiitlenma fe members ! have road them years ago la an Englikh book. Tbe fuutral pile WM erected on a buuitiful spot oo bis plant J-t tion. Tb body, wrapped as desired, In the will, wsa birne on the. shoulder pf lour favorite slavea'. ind laid ' ppo tp pyre, when Inceoae and perfumes .-wee thrown upon it. .After the, funr4.4r vioes were held beside It, tba flame war kindled, and when the pile- waa burned, tbe ashes were collated and placed in a stiver vase.- . . ... i COL. STEPHEN D- POOL'd ACCiJP : - tarce..; ' j' Th fo.lowing letur from Col. Pool, accepting th nomination tor . Superintek f dent of Public Instruction at tb hanps f tba Taiocrati-CtBSttl vati re i b ait br the 8taU, will bo foabd tfi tbi Mhdd just such a one a expected from tbe Colonel: NBWDEiut, N. C( April -10, 18W Dtar Sir.- Yus letter ul the IStli inat. Informiag me thati "At a meeting of t Executive Committee of th Democrat! cl Conservativ prty, lor ths 8UU st ,lare held In this city (Kaleign; on in prat inW you r unaalnnul cbesen! a Jie candidate of oar patty lot, tb office iof Supeiinteudeat of Public Instruetiop was received on the evening of the,, IBth, I accept tlie nomination ,ao, cnrdiaJly tendered, and should your action b rati fied by a tnsjority.of the voters of piy native Bute. I shall enter UDoa the Jis- cbarg of thd u0"narblHduti of tha office with tb fixed purpose so to perform tbem to add to tb efficleoci of. eur system of Public Schools, and to sdvanc the csuk ef Education among all oonfli tiona, classes and races of oar people, j To tbos who know ms, I need not say that, in tbJ performance of the dotio imposed by th office of ' 0dperibtendnt of Pablia Instruction J khalL 1 W Heeled faithfully endeavor to carry out Jst h most tffuctiv and impartial manner, (hi law in MlMiM tav aftr :(b1o schools. noting ocb defect ss msy pecomg appa rent and anggesting at tha proper tba and place, such amendments as may sens to m necessary to make oar system in alt rsspecta worthy of thaag aod tksaopl or norm varoiioa. i Tendering to tb Committe my ppr cialio of th high aecspliowt eeafarred npon me, and thanking you Tor tba kindly terms in which you bav notifitd mao, their action I have tbe boon- to be, sir, V. i ,.? respectfully,, .;. fy. IVrt Your obedeqt Berrant b. v. root, Geo. W. R. Cox. Ch'men. ,'rt:!- V t- J h ' ExcuT Com , Ralelgfi.-N. C Tom 8alb.-a-A Billiard Cloth, good as new. Address Bi li JiTTty Potoiflo. -ap 14 d3t -: . -1' ; siclul tVwtl;esK J, t We bave ofutn woadcred wbeUier there te immsuu ia the evantrv who doe bot kaow aad appreoiat the f at-ie of , V sra AMdyn LuitmeM a tawny meai- ciucl It ie adaptrd ts most ai) pur and ia ttys best fie dMroar-Abia can be used. .UU.itp Ji' X i . , Farmer and stock rAjsrrs bars freane ly told ui Hat they as snen very. od reeulfo.ffom.'yMag hhm-uUu't j7eeVw CmuUQtm Ptuxin ih k and nrlne' tfc ore and ater tbey drap tbeir yeuog. Tbe powders pnt them in good condition, nod give them strength to ra nnd 'provide iT i 'F- "W . mi wo, in is 10fUrUk sway bis streugth, coure and energy, out so rich thelihtod wica its vital ela- ment, Irosw by .tkjg the Peruvian DV(up ia proiox-aevi uooi, ana you vsi tee rich ad'Va4rN assay body Trv it. ' ... ' naHrV(aowft6ALrB is so wf- known tbs'WbtfaJ5f-Baaary tocautldn asalust imitations. R requires a cartful admixture of th Carbolic acid with other ingredients to produce a sftive tbst may be relied upon. -The geuainoatiry ' guar anteed. tM thai it I wis tb aignatnra and private proprietary staap of John F, sjenrr;, J4i beeM Juikr era. Joan F. IIknhv. CuftftAJl & CO- Proprietors, 8 and ColkgeP.aca, Near TW- . T---n-it NEW. ADVERTI3EMENT& i -i j u iii.i.i . iiauwiiJ-lii u .1 ii i ii Ralbioh, N. ('., April 85, 1874. There wss a special ineetiug of tie Bourd .ol . CitJ . Commilonr- to-dutf. Messrs. Uaillo, Clawsoo, Ellison, Gormasii1 t i t .. I - .. T. : . i. . uri.!k.. present His llouur Mayor WbitakSr, nro.ii)in A ... 4 .liA . 1 -t i -. , The petition of numerous citizens of tha Western Ward protaaunz attmst tbe Or dinance, granting right U way to I'bJV It. llawkins, lor a llorje It. ICoad through certain Streets ot that Wiird, was read. Whereupon, Mr. Goruwrt, mavednito I te oOhilder said OrdlBariC WBIch ' was kii- opted. Mr. Battle, movej to strike out a the Ordinance, the nmneot t'.- it. USr kins, and inseit therein Hlbe words apy person,' their easocia'ca i'.,J assigns, whs msy obtain contracta in C- S.Couit Houa and P. O. Building.knJ tmther.to sUik oat provision 4lb of said Ordinauos jlo wit ; that tbe rail aball not be above two tnebe abov the level i f ton Street:' akd.l insert tne toiiowiog to wi; tnat tns, wis shall not be kbovs the lei il of H,Prftlr.t. am a aa amenOMioiy to mi urdiuaoe tjie turther provision, thut st aw-power shall not Vkj employed oil tBhi Kril'ltoad; 1 Mr. Uormaq moved to Jwst pane Indeflnitily with the fblMwiiig re.mlt Ayes I'laW- snn: Ellison, German, ioom, Prairie, RiOk h. YhlVa-hMm jonnson,! ,,,( ,.;.Kivt mM ' wrUpoa) vthe petition ot lb Aorta Carol itea Btau Atrrieuiwrat eocietv. asktne antnor- ity a further mortggi 'yf .Ten, ' those- aua uouare in uie new r ir .urounus,, following Ordmauow wo wirndnoed,.) .Whereas th laads ol ths North CaK lina Acrlcqlturkl Scic'.ct ' near anld city known as (lit "new Fair, GrouDda'. b)v bseq, neretoiors oooveysfl in ttust te aa sr tb payment of ten thoasaiddo41aya, borrowed ot the Norrh Carolina Stare life taiurancecon)iwuii.Xml tbera riimains 1 14 Urg iadJstsduass luciwrsd by aaiti.VcJ ietvln insproSlne thslrlin isHBid,ppn whMi mbsrors and mc)aptcv' Ken 'are claimedt'kQd suits, been brought lo snfotco" ths tamo, uauv.tw noHsaari t pro- tide fur auchi iadsOUtlousSi sty fuother loans to Jwrseoorsd by mnrtfrage or deed in trtst or said lands, to whlclj.,th .aasswf of said 'CTty or Ralelgb.is requisite. Now tfaerefaravM Mliifi-JI boot) 3 Be it ordained, That f be , North Caro lina AericultUral Society bave full power and authority o infrry tl 1and-afot. aald bymprtggsr'deed j'ffprt ijaw simple u secure,s iiumof joo ut mooyv not cxcsrdmg ten thousand dollars inter est IbesweaK in additioa-Sd tbe sum for which ths first mortgage was given) or.jat tbe ejBCtton. of paid liociiiy,to. -borrow j a sutu lt rwi Qflinir tweltv tholsand dol lars, Aid iijuf sj theseog, torivlieb bonds msy oe isaueu io,ucu amaunu ana pey- uca uia BLsc two, vvra,aa uis 1 i" yaws aniiutiHi or MmMBtukf t.r srtsr 4 lJifls..ttti,A4u( tM MM rJyf a f.Mt (n lana. f LMoW maslaws lha. aWAkt . .n-Z r7.Zl rowed ot swrived fiom sales ai said boadsj so muou aa is Deomwary, 'oau aw appiiea to Ids' payment, sad aioargs or ths pb - ligations Incurred by thy first lean afdrs- d. and of th conveya'scs mads to k- " uv wm moneys shall be appliod to ths 9th4f n debtness or atd Society as aforesaid! and fhe proper officers and authorities of said citvoo directed iatt nmasj aadn ttt behalf, to execute any dee-! st writing Ve qbjred te tarty-thi Ordinancs with eflaot ritovlrfed1'ba'w(STer, .tjist 4 mojsgtgs or deed in trust autb (ii 4 And 1 soaadnt sd 4v4s -this Ordiaaaoe -eball -not l bs liable to , foreclotu:, ,jOn ntht tda therein coLveyed to ' a ala VitfuJ two year ifter 1U ttrttitron.'' Tilis ordibsAci was SO op too. 1 ae vote Btttoif as 4oI)ers: Messrs. Battle, Ellison. Gurmas, Johnson, Jnnes, Prairie," White xed" Rlx,' Tiling affirmnably. Mr.Clawson riaUvely. t tne suiiciiaiipo, vt a iagaaumtt or the vote rt of the city. . I . aanoonc any self sn "INDEPENnOt, CANDIDATE FtJR MAYOR, and jft fleeted , F" deavor to discharge' Ui duties , of tbs offios to tbe beat of my ability. J :z: ROfeT K-BE3T-i- (JO "DEALERS., IN HOUSB t UBNIBfllMO f j - Ado Manaractiirr. ArmU for ue Sals Of "?TPKATT8'A8TBrt'TTt.; " " ' BOLMfH to I TOf HOI8, t " II S. VKIt'LU JU KM It TAX, P ATSTB, !af - I at ALL RI0HT CUOg, bT0Vg , 0&A SIGX BIFLX m BUUnNQ - '' 'ruber Building, Rallti, N. C. sp20 U SPRING &SU1IER ti an: IV) 14 (ctotiUMs Ann"oiTsrviuiiMiais ) . Woa'nsbtflfallj rail . hi 4Ut$m wmcn PM .pee" nanwaeiuriM aJ , WTWwj wblcasualite-' as to -sell awctt. Jowar Uisa hare to fore. Call and examine our stock son UfTfU1 aoteare Jookelsewaerebetof A awf aai attractive stock of ,mni davs. AMURiwsvea . Next door to Tacker Hall. o( V.Y.k .KTSWlllltlBsVIH AU the Uteat Novelties ta . Hats iatt eaivdat- .'''- K. B. ANUHlWS IB CU, ,,! :i,MaUiirt asd tt.au. farUb. ut. St in liit v Utl"rvUef Soriuir and Bninmer uoous oooxnt at sns lowest point reached Whit Siriojr, and ablerooiar aoodaonua sawaqaaUty atMip u any One In thor orsT othsr market. 1' I stkUCF- 5'-' ' U-JS.,tTi.'-,J v -l ,n ,nIDRT0'oODir,,',l,H';'ki! Ua . i.-;. t. fift.m M,. tar I ', m ANUiHOtB AUDlUm NEW AMD FHESU, boaiilltat tha lowtat pricaa ana aom lor small .prona, snvuy f sbtlnr my nrtomara sad neblto' t lopnly Uiemselves at sallslartsovv Bwees .w. I v lhaakfuliet past iavis-d nop to aw it a aeaMananaa ot ia.aie by elaaa attswUpn to unsiaess, v , -j flv s vt.1.iJtliViOM an u-asm I .4 U .Willi. Til ,1 t wOiHjiAi tO atlUUfH. UVH.1 1 1 Unlt4d iUtes ttoartviHuasa; 1 da tM Foal Office, Katlegn, U. C ' fiL ir Bi&tkTaJTiiE. t flft aVMIocsw UaHTW 4 PoSHlrsrbB, Raijuoh. K . C. Aonl 8. 1 871 ' Scaled proposals will be reoaiTud, sat this OlDoe, until 13m., ol ths Otb Uy pi May, 1174, foi ibeniahing and doliveritSg at tbe sits ' of thw " United States' Obdrt Umm and Post Office at Raleigh. N. C, ay 800,000 trd . burned red Brickl the best aualii Uksn from tb heart Iof tbs Kiln, rii syoi (ilrA brick will U vedr r Aawipls brick BiusT be itibvl An Annlfnatli this bmce. ana each Did to t sccotnDiir- ted by'apsnal bond is tbs snm of f4 'houssad dollars, (li)ut))7coud'ltiorikd that thr bidder wW accept ' anif perform we eontraec u awaraee nmt. tn iuoi dlenc of the aeenrit to T certified t th United Btatot Judffe.' Clerk of Hi - A. . r . ri United BUfes Court; or M District st4r-J ney ol tns UiUlctvin Which ins" bidder resides.'-11'1 '' ". 1 Pavaterita wiU bs msdf aoithlv! d- dostiog ten per osat. until tbs eompistibt. of ths eoBtraot ';- n M. T'li"- j The right to reject "air'kr all bids) is rosafvsd. :' nisit f'? Jiwv '; 1 I Proposal must be enclosed ia 4 'stefcd M veto pa udorsedi freaosals HbrBrp tor tns uoiteu Btstes court uooss up Post offios, flalsigb, N,3."and sd t0 .it Mr llll H 1 () H ''j 1 . W. Al nKARNEJ aa-h Oit Sal n hm! iIAs! nBOPOttALA VUK DIMBNBIUM CTOSI Jf .; for U. United Btates.Cpnrt, Uonss aud . , Ornci or BiTsamTisnaat, l V. B. COimt Hwst Post OrrtCB, ' .(ham 1 RAfcasvit, M.O.I April St mil 1 1 fealsd weiwaais will betaeasvrd atihU of- los aatu IS am af ,4fee Atk day sf M,4i, ' fnmiaWnji sad dallverlug', at Uieil4.of 1 tbi vnlted BUtes Court Hoi end fottfU- 1 see, at Kalelgh, HortbMJarollna, all of tbejll- l nwnsles alons niulruu jot tus' sxtertotol l.that taiUdlp;. . th i hy .-'f t 1 .tT. l? A JfSl 1 tmm, siarwea and as stwire- ti1 trie naal- ( ms (Meetar)y mwierur " "ilfiir- y'rtn-!i t t; tier, itv, in I !yH; u'j'Tt' I TUT. MT'io.u.iana. ..fi- t AaasMiia blouk liUikl laeatcw nut be abiaillvtl with aeh bid.akowloupa ons ttoa th natural fracture ot the stone, and oa (be other dltTerea tradaa ef catUn ' Tbe stew satkaMa4t stabs aa be free Srannail AlaoulDrtef; nljstaueeai Bad she aaarry frpea kiakttis proearsaVataat be fully epeaeS and eapabavof lura labia tka quality and sjaaottU (Uairad wtUiia ewe yea. "i J f Auou au.uai earns, itav awrat teas yui bs reauirrd. Tk actual avenur of tb stowss tan aot sow bs ssven, bat wLl appnixvf Imate 10 eBiae lestf tae awfea toavs ee-j taUiKUtxmt a eabto last, i Tsw atoa will bsorSoratt a aoinants of eSaiaat and at lewakceaf oa bwhte each ca tact wal be aud for ananrv -Uitaeoiiloaa. aecwdinrito ths rules aaade of tale lleiiartmaot is ardor Uuil UuKHiDtracluf fnayi Btaka BDr allew anoafor cUIdk, ia tbe .arr4a( aad 00 this schedule payment wiii be snada, I , Blddera will atate how aooa Uiey esa cena- ience deliveruut the stons and the amouat par weak 1 Uiy canf drlr sr. I Tue wui slo lat4itlia AvaTaiSslaOiil mjUiSitm Sltaofuba toaMUwtcaAaitaiH (sitlr W Ms bldsrin bs: (rsoerrsdi eicept -frei the owners or lessees ot tbs aaarrv Iron wkirb tbs stone Is proposed to be furnished, ad k eertlflcate frost lbs Kecorder of tbe ouanta ta which tlie qwrvts al tutted that Th btdde fctth owner ovMsse of tae taanry Blast ac: eeatnanv mmem b.a. f!- 'm'. ta inn I in nMruMflU nn.t Iwt MuU All BrlitA4 ionnt to be obtained oa aiflicallos to tbte otr-miMt 0 accompanied Dja penaltionS Is be aura of Ave tbooaaod dollars ( 85 000) that the Udder will aeeeot aad perform th eoa tiaet 1 awarded bin. aad kit bond therefor In tbe penal earn ottenthoaiaud dullArs,tl0,OUQ sod execaU a valid aad binding lean of tbe qnarry to the Ooveromrnt at acenrity for tlie taltbial perfonataee ot tba oootracts the lease to Uke elect apoa the failure .of th contractor to eomply with the" tersMof tbs contract, said b at to atttborlz the Uovara sicnt to tak full poett"ti the nuary aid work ft at the axtwnae of Ui contxivtor ia mm Of mfanli. ' . " ' ' 1 Tb Ui-panmcBt reservM th rljiBt to rajert tnf nr ail pics, or u oivioauie VBUct atul K ihv ur uun kiouvvi iwuei ' .. 'tooaaalaaiaat be eaeloaad la a aealel nn Vloi sod endorsed Proposal for Utqieiwloa nuice rr ws uniuta puv-i I'oun uouu and Pott (iHIca, Bakigb, KorUl Carolina, and ad recej UdictltimM aid in siu ilMitiacs afuiaili dfmsd n ot ssaijfte wiyicJI ii All Bid must be made oh the print id , spt-H K, ( ... .: auparuttcadeuw Ti;Iit'P,BlIii 1 The rartaerStilD hsretofora' axlstlojraadir I in aim 01 ,,1 W. H. R.J. TUCKf R, A CO. r' JadltsoJvsd byhs daosas of aai Jaaldr mi Ball ami teWa tain TOOUS UU KiUgJipg A CU8T0XIN w mum mmj m wupi, I am mmwmuwm V u - . , 1 m. . 1 , Li . . km rives as pais and sorrow. Cor many year fowlav ktaA lj trealad as. ' Ws In lura nave eaoaavorvs WO larslaB yea WiU riksT LSAJUOODJ atreasbls pTke'SV Oar nlattiwHS k sekat beak ptoaMnt sSd airrenaws. ana ws cmanxi eoDatjiii vo we uar aoiutloa etcept la Step naret. J Wshsrv Bnlorei faiahed all tha sta eoaunodatloa wa could, ' cons latent ' with is aawpataawa atet ear baiks, sad iDftiiklia the furlivwluit anaoaDcaiaaiitl.ws soaalrosn ths nqalreuisnu ef LW. j rrosi sad stws- thi sate, all Goods bf e. iry.ericiiiiUrOalatKlAs totbe firsiefl J. I . Will be soH at JtXTRtTMKLT: LOW frti- v n.3 rim train, wtm nierence to we n cioaln of tbe Hulna. j, .1 i uJ j . . inn tier enxu casnn oa given, t . I !HirL-i-Tka'lliiita Mikianl - 1 uf- U A u u rpmitii bitiiiiw rvuian ui uia .a nm ill W.U,AR.ATUCEKH,rt ! rsrUs. wk AfalraMbarkliue ia th Dill GOOD bnalnrailn Raleurh, bar bow as dp pertuaity ot BUXlMtt OUT a nast elass Baal- MefelianW Who ' wr"uro!nir V'stoek evottuaHsannuawwswaiiMwwui never aas a butt poriofxafl aarl , 4iaJl FWoob- j -qW.-'aUdi BV aVTOcKKR. p ii will ' ii t in M HA ' aofta L'a nil nil ska Orsa- tseetat '( AtUcwr tor training plants fee Taev i-ars wa-mvstnatils Shrubs, Vla psiuted seea.' v I; ala aiDch ehaaper 4 madioiwosd rw IUM atii and better tUaa wtr. tan and d s tt cwi' a i ft '-'ib ... SB IpflfKlNJEW QOUD - iir m- -d--xds tU-xt J ,'i ' ft-U-lMi Salt -tiilai!' ' all i H ,uti J! to setll a90ll .7 .1 ! JaitiT' T-. :.irr,f-a tW J 1 li-m iisi i in ran ica: 4 . id diiwd tiiiat iw t it Mw'.d vvr (( r" WfofierlngL!to our cuttomars tbs odly la-tin dty.'Wst Jtr Dowvkble" to sel tbent ntsob LOWER than tbey bare ter ka c4lard Defers on sooodttt bf ths sit ceedlngiy email 'trad ts,'tb ,NortIieV8 market, i a'-i q ta r . All good labour 11 0 declined vtry mseh snd sir boyer tab log kd vantage toat wsweu as uwtsu sijv4. ii aniwojri nw-vat "tttl i Kt lay to all that thtVttei "13i' l soil' lnt!L 1 '" ' vdl 'jbflti byVxamimng' odf latock before Dtiylbg '- tlsrnere. WH will bfler yob tl9 old S "'tfmda edr stock U ENTIRE- " av'l u? ,"'tXYNEv,.,, t"""1 V PETTY ; JONR3. , XJL: I'S;C. a illity. BiiJ ot J" ?iil Jlit-MUlK I jii . nf.z'Hi aitilm'.p WW if ,milr 'CAEfifMEitis. daal( &arp; ;.:.-..- ! f iJWrwoVwd, taite laid Jow-CaTl jBisl ims wniKib 4, D.-KKWSOMl ' 9.'iVt d ,W3(ilf ."1 . BO OV1I .11 ilii iflitfdlirU li'iiil A.V , . . . .."I 1. .1 Ott'tbs I8th 'dr"of May' next. I trill aH lot eaab ths premises now ocenpVed by Hears Pag, being tb tract sf land Douirht bi said Pas from Dr. R.B. Hfcr- wood, altttated la th iEasterq Buburb ol Rsletgh, and adjoining tbs land of Mary Ootth, Phrataat wpeseet sad otbsrsV ( - . L will also sell st ths saras tints ons naix of good mules. Young, and m fair coa- . . ! . ... .. - . . i . f ''I aaieto tass piac on tae premises, &pru llth.1874. nt IT-td t f JOnN GATLlNd., , 4iiaiiiii. a., i ..... i i mg t GUNPOWDER, 1 1 raTipTs Tiramewl WVodeaTleis. n . LAFLIH AND B iHD PO WOIK CO.! ' klagtiVbsjond tb Oly Limits. ' j ' , - . -, . . JU'etgh.11, C a mi rr t sti a m ' -i '?odr'dcllTred abroad, oranywkerala wit put tree or eetarza. ws in rite orders f i front ffie'tradeT ' "T -i4-. i i apao-tr '' lHiNDERdON. N. C. I Tbe Bprlnr Seanlon o( vti Bchool opens on Ue oa Monday in Janu&ry.l ! i . The iiric of board and tui;tna 1 f IW). rV rti. ilart and Cirt-uiat. Jurua..tU priwlila, ilettUernon, H C. ' .. . doe U-iia - . . - -st . TP IH'IIB ' '!"' P ""HI1" " l mT nT tM ar WW m W ata I.P.Barhim'iliwTarblir Has be. tted at ToUK, Vi, by - ttr)L ETnNOEH, a B. and'at'H'Ol.toiI. Maaa., by ' 'Sl.S EMMEBSOrr, H. 0, -aA'Jfc.iti.J.w i. ,. i ..iwi ii,...iihii. . rTFor Fanphlet and Test Beporl Addraes, H. f . Btimham, Tor a, fa. lt- o. fi wau. St., aaw tobjk cm, Will attend promptly to all protpasloiial boat aeaa eatraated tuaWin. Kufeaa to the ChJaf JnatioS and AaaoelatisJaskkee of tasttapreme Court ot North CaroUiiv and to the whole wrwa uaronoa Bar. "" 1 a -u , jj riowar rote, tie twrtTiiMst pot . sold ia this markot. ,r:r , T..H. BiUlKiS, A BUBS, COliUsTS WABBAHTKO i t ; 1 . " " Casttteel Cottoa Bwaeps. ' ill ssiis,, UardwareUoaaeoi ! WUUCI LEWIS (XI., i. liaietrh. H. O. Trade aeprned at Vinaractarert' Pile. D A I g g -- -l I I- I . ..! vni 1ATA ft," in " A eomplet assortment, at aha Book Btora at T a : 7 AUTKIU WILUA atA. " -dee ih-U w t ' ' COJisCHDATED. i ..i ...TuaMASoaioUoiiwoa x ' ' An rn'-TjatE B-KIttttT MAIOII paly;DneDonrAer rneConwlldaflonof tlitttASONIC lf6H IXOttaad tbs BK1UUT MAJsON, nukaa "S'unTBI BRl4 3T KiVBOirTTT"-" tin of th Very Beat ktatonie Journal la the Southern Atlantic Mtatut. It U now putillah ediaManstaaferrnvat thetow prlosol On , llollai a fear. , . AU BACK 111 ROW. Ifaaon In (ood stand ing evarywbera are raqaeated to act a Agents. Clubs of Tea or mora only 7ft eta. ' t-fTk wbola Cluk nard aot cone from on P. names aray b added at any tliasat club rate.' Addreas jk t ) ju y. r,H ARRie, - fBeetXixUnwor Advertls.rs in th mar t8tf--L;J-'1 "T MLLlNEtt YAN Dj LADIEii FANCY iu ,jm, floop&fiv!. v '' htrsT I Harriet ' Aadrsws,c 6s yayottevlll Btrent, a few door Nortt of th BtatoWa tioual Hank, bs retnmad from tbe forth nd basest band av apteatUd assortment of MUUnery and Ladies fancy Uootl,of the la-, tost dent aad lmortUon. . 1'ue MiiUnery Dupartment U under the cWireof ladies bf experience, and ths pnbllo araaararad that every thins; ottered for aula at this eatabliahBMat Wwarrsnted to b of tbe bast maka and material. Oil and auualns the tdeodlSstAt k, which I oiTsred at the vest liberal rates. : t ' MkMk HARRIET ANDKBW8, . ,(,) i, M (-'ri tmporiusiof Faabioa. WavJ W.Jpaa.giaoi nt Ajusistbap Joaas. Attornry At lw, 'Yl RALEIGH, 5. tX I In the Bunrera 1 PRACTICI In the Supreme Court of the Bute, us Circuit end District Courts of tMtJutad Mates aad she several Court of tba Slh Judicial District OrUcs oa Fayettevllls, ' Bt, opposite .ths Clttaen National Hank, . Up stalra. - 'u;-nrff ;xWlwnss ts) tbtM '.-'- : " yrt!i "(s 0 b'tiriXl jQ.'.; .'S (i i ) QAVQLSDi COTTON HOE, 1 that tis tlit only HOImtds of ' ,'' (olid bastSteetNot Rolled Steel. Ws sold' In 1873, 808 doann of tbes Hoe. Ws Warrant every HOE perfect in Stock, Tentpef sod Finish. ' Hardware Houss of ap 17-U J ULIUa LE WIS CO. New ooai ana for - 1874. lftt",VWll I ' .1 S .... it lii;r v;BA,lt AKO aTORa1'" ' utaf .'';ii(i !. , t i - - ' I ,u i SXountfUat ;fixilotlt iiKBXf .Iriujii' nirii n urn r.iitiu & A;:fCIlBEOn lit in wthtfawlthkUe4MiMWpaUUaadexrrea ed ttttleasaen sUerta; ttt Uiv trad aad con- IBHM 4.t sa UNUdUALLT ATTSACTlVI Block of Spring and tnnisner lioods, nesarly purchased In Mew ' Tork, kad many of tbetn booKht aPANIC PlUCiii. . ' Hjatockotj .t,. t, .. ,.r,-., .,-.,,.-!, Dress Goods. White Goods, ' J Unen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, - - ! I y i. s . i , Hosiery Kigtaga, Ribbons, - - ' n Parasol. kc. dw.. - I Uk ipisufgla aayitit; la LARti C aud weH ABSUU 1 tu. ana euibrauet every tblng that ia new and desirable in tb ',pj;jtir;. g;:. 'o t : i a line front low prleed goods to ffa fabric. , aOlw.waBlus.,-, e;, s . IXi.e'MQio o d s wui Bad It to thai mtiwaai totstTl aad auta- la atri atock aefora parehaaln elsewhure, as tkey an aw sod wui be sold at VSXIC VRICEa. , My stock ofpIKCl!' OOODS eontlFttn; ot CAcHIMKBKS, TtVkIU LINES fctXJl and iXinO.N k AUKS, m aever Bl ore wvmplete, saany ef then being at cheap or even eiieap er thasi before tbe wae. ; My tockot , Shoes and Hgts for Ladies. Gee it' and H e la lanft aad we'l aawirt-tl, aad parsons wanting xooda, aarc araiercbaadiw, aboald always exnnnBe nif ttock Njf ore Imj In, aai inlaw te make it to ttanlr intTBt w boy of mn. . " I U-Iiev in the nwtto. "LITX LET - I rp4)ctfny ak Cf't'HTKT MFH Cli.VN'l S WfMnilne ej.f.sttk k, at t will oiler tbem speeUl UiducemeaU, aud tttntt . can-"- Save Uima uoiict. apUd.'wAwf A. CKEECil. - EON-TON JXraTATlOrJ fNAI3. 8nt on r,f;-t of '.Ai'n. I n- ;i rm.t..;an4 fill, louj.g tltflUC, ixi Vvj j tJwl, iv( 1' v.; a. . . .w;-.

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