V TillvSENTliNlil, Wbdnesdat, Ana 29, 87t JOSIAH TTJ&NEH, Editor. Elbctmk, Aag. 6'.h, 1874. Foi,, po p.iriat adat - of 4'uUia Itratloii, cou stephf a POOL, : I Of Craft. Judge Tourge U now jipjou the tfcird day eft be Term. The butine of" J tb fiuirl haa itmIIi AtmlnialiiWl ' lattWafvft 1 . I OKAXOE COURT. . I i 1 and criminal. Judge Gilliam, as mere! I W Joojiwd bJ and Ail a Jndir as ever ul nrwn tie bemci Atitt that rfrT ibull Bf the i . tnj ;wu constrained by "fore of la w; and cir cumstance, to erdar ilM Bta U U Uub ''edAt the whipping port la 1866. JTb - lathing waalhougbt at '"tbr tim to tT i pnitwaa of fruit Itvbettvr thaa aa . duad hope, aflur tbe ice aad cold tnap about tv midJla ' of . tba aaobjtfi. j. Oa Tueixadu Tourjje adioaned Cbdrt ; tt IS oVslockJuotll tee tbeaeftdajf. I Mr. jyurwood, tbe lata Buaalor, waaoaard to a boor and a ball. Be gare a full ac count of bla Aerardblp, and the1 dnjoga ' aad proceeding of tbe lt LejjUlalure. He id Mita body bad been abarplfaod ' njully fitie'ied b tboee w.b h4 mot attrioualj eoDaidered tbe work and aprri- Co performed b.tlutt ' body. . IIU aoolo i; fur ipeaklag at all . wat tba ba would not be a candidate for re-election, and, It wa propartad Utia tbe moat anitabld k- caaioa, fur him Jo telr bow be bad eped tboa wbo bad boaored him with a acat " la tbe Beaate. Tba labor of tegiilating u greater tbn miat pron iupptoecl, . in tact, few men, be eeld; bad a pipof idea of it. It waa not ia epaa teaioo, bat in tb coatmlttwa room bat tbe hv i bor fit to be performed, there wu do f port of the work perfurmed ia rommjltkl room and la number prlvatej reomiatid ' hence it went for . notblpg, aad w Ht. counted in the general ettlmat of Lfgi- bill nd reaolutient wr IntrodQced and a larger a umber ia the Bouae, making a hrg Tblume of lawa."At tha aocond aee liea 187 pibllo aad 108 priTatelaw Were ebacted, boiidee 4S reaolntioo. E erj member, to do hi duty, mutt bare .i8d and iuraed. an oplnba' .npoaeacb and every act It required time, thought, patience, aad labor. ' The purpoee of gor ernmunt waa to protect life, liberty and iiroptity. When the 'goreromeat waa ia tax payer would not feel that tbait prop. iTty wa aecure. If arery roter were re quired to bow hi tax receipt beford to ting, U it did net gire ecority to prop eny it wouia petnape oeubia tne pou tax. He ipok at length Upon the ttala debUiBtweal and Mory.JlIoir iodltidu ala were limited to eight percent, ihil Bank were allowed 13 or 80 pet fledt, or whatever they might atk.' Agriculture and a change in aur ytm ( culture, cwualn aaporlioa of hlnpeecfi. TJj aTjt;rt tnnrtr wMniiMmiiaifcaawii: wnwoiBi iuaawai vb n o i . . -. r- -,:T'n?:'jii-jT .. f-w - ' -- V T 1 . l . mtm MM mm IAff.1 tlA WMH IB A lir Ul I eL, ... MlllliH II UliHrM I I - "".1 nia pioapecta lar a pfaeu H 7? 'T 7. rhTr'-f""" ti "' 1 Pt" """e , I I, Wheat and oatanerer looked Better, and I MiBB'BwiTfJiw, , - lt,w-va'' -I. u. . - year epeech wa well recaiTed by aaattejitiTe - -- aoiiieaeei-Ofanffe-never had a fletatwr who gave bie Urn add attention man to J tbe businea la band than Mr, KerijoodL EXTBACT8 FKOM SUOTIfELL'S )IA In Ralbiob Jail. Ag. Slat, 1871 At , A. M. oa tb S8tb we left Ukrioa .; jail, caoorted by a trong guard ol Yankee '' aoldlen, to called. I oat the , lat iterm ' becauai moat f these ao-callad Tankeea" are rtncgtd iSouthernen, naay of ibeta . from tbii SUte, who either deaerted jdur. ing tb war or hare enliaUd tiac. lam told there are whole battallion Gaf vanixea xanaeee" ia lue urguia axiay. A we marched to tba depot through a drenching rain, the rlllager lined, the ailewiik, while tb Jdle ltood oil tba . baleonie or at the window, waving their handkarcbief lik Oag af true thfaugh tbet were In point of fact. fle of dedaace rather than of peace. ' . j ,'f ' At BaliBbury we were delayed an hour or longer, during which, time tba colored populauon of the place collected around -tb cart ia a disorderly mob, until Ljeut. commanding our guard, orderedj bla mea to puah back tha crowd at tba poiat ' ', of tba bayonet The oldlr obeyed wltb, '. alacritv. civina m , aa ODeninr to aak Lieut. Q., "How b H that jou FeWaJ auiuirivuwvHiviMgnHi ageineiiBw Begrof for whom you fought four year 1" "Ob t cur tb algger 1" eaid be "I bad ao , use tor them before the war, and I like them a d i light ten tlBcc." ,'Tbo remark waa hardly a logical renlv. to mi Inquiry but then ia ao doubt that it z . jtreteet tb private opiaiea of nearly all the ngolar vtoldler,' Hotwithttanding ,(hat , thy ar lendlDg their aid to cruah the ' tkiutb Wo eubmiaaioa to negro rule, W reached Hie fliit capUalli llttU af ter midnight, and war marched' tej lb jail, where tbe antir party of 18 mea War V; packed la a email room, whoa conditio would compare badly with apig-atya. It waa tht filtbieet pleca w had yet beeta In, Like moat country (ail at tb South, It bore evidence of long occupation by black vagabond, without the least discipline oa tin pert of tbe Jailer. Tb battered will defaced with charcoal kitjhee, tl - rutty . ratioga, inatead of window frame tb window ledge and corner garnished with accumulated eloret oi tobacco quid ; the iinlt'cribiible owticee of tb floor, tad the dreary view from the w!odow-borf aUble ia foreground aqualid negro cabia ..ia pttij c'.ivciPmbljjed with the niuj fating teneh, and horde of every variety uf yrmin, rnade a picture' of wretched t!ici.-a.lrt tucb a I never wifowed bt- fore, and ceiuiuly Herat care to see ag.l: Fur h-d, ws have a plroa of fcalf baked iara bread dirty plate Of haji boiled fow-peaaj and moVta) orbboj ftroof jraowgb tq b detected byfl m at aoon a It l iwoogb la th moii. ThJt delccubat tar to allowed bat twleaj dat cooked W a l4oark, whoa looks euaraote tba aaatine f their cookery ; and if brought to tba fd ioiisJ'ySTnoW TTb vliaJJtboagk a priaoow bimacif it aafittlad la satire a hij phwaBe iBlcnnusjj a wuog athitsida, 4 rjw fecial awMwtU ttOdhdtJ Tbarrfarele Mack tike fJlhy abalt nev"tb cBoic". tba victaala, to pwrtoit ua toiwajjii, I atapfoae, that, tba Wfoa rad oa d pT i 48 fj,bpwVef, tbarVteBAtWag laW friend aad arqaaintance wbe, are , (dea- Utfied with m politi41y aod "aaoiailK ii otfwtV7UiUy;ndtwbo (bouid M that yrmtUak UeirWjindJhit If ant i5?5yedtly ta,gi4jTiieit of tb4 emnt-power, flief, o,"wIII ' Wfjjl abf In Tertecutiof iaqd Roiav Bui wlf'b I tb trrorin that prevail ocb tb lri d of the eowtamiaatlag epithet of Ku K ux," Att maay 'fieraonaj ciua.',v44 tb vicinity of tb yail iatt4beX'bMil I be charged, with aome aeeret mantfeeUtii n of ajmpathy. j Bah ,1 Ia tbi Southfra 4 Mt -airy ; Uowever,. there 1 are excepi ion Many of the aobl ladlee of Ralelgl do tot forget th "afflicted i and In prlton," nor (ear to give practical rxprwiln . to thU tymjhW . Di(y Iroid ba ketl aad tray f delieaciea which w add rende m indeptiadent of the prison far Wr eur number last. To-day I bad an etegant supply of rh W, With a ntp tri( DBtadklS of tbe larotf o nous; tuir at tf wf ad m Aea k botel keepiridfta kindies of thi pro, and f ajeid Mpbvalely ei pre bi gratitude by begging my accept nc pfanth&itbit bltabre tfoMtHL. ff dorUhid trfflW and bU vlobsd Dr. B. 4 M of A good fellow. j ' - r., v m,--..y i ...... itAlsrwHWf,' the Bberty-of naming Cln(T& paundera, of Jobntto as auilataAdldaU C Modret, rW8plibd and able, wo jmao would da tk Sbita mora bona, and ao man would) poll many rote ialtbi oounty. WH(rovt1)i kaowtedtf 2 mak tfina free WittLfila nam!' .. . aour,--.. - !'. j.u.i .oi .! t' otusfrag. SMlTff A1 CALOrVEtxT VKHSTJS P 7 ar r The CWbUesOoserMr coocludiag ab able article ea the above tubject bad thi tessyf s i'.i . If Consolidstion fails, Governor,, Cald wall is rtspunsibl fur lL It Wsa hi duty a tbe repreeentative of the State, to have or no Billy. U ought to have retpfsted tb. will of the poopfc" deciare'if bi lue Legitlaturet aad dot 'have ptostltuUl tbe State a tbe loot of on Baair-!- And now w,alt. fii BUI Bmlthr ti only man in North Carolina who k tipa- bto blmanaglDg tbe CeaeoUdafcd Line Wt know that h ( perbtpethi ooly'maa la tb But who can dross netftd weacn in men' breecbe aad( njtrqb them ti poll: but we 'are not prepared to beiitr) that hei to oalyS railroad maa' of tblii ty ie the State. Ia inch a man essctitlal I to'edr'Voiperityf Mast thConciida tioa tcbeue go down , ! h hr made IU manager i Ar th ietereaU of Wee- tarn JEortb CarolioB ., tq ! a eadaogered, and Ibe hope Ot th people deferred b cam of him I Haa the Old Worth Itase nnx o low Ibat -Mld -mustjCfiDg at i met of tula maa I u , these thing b tu. Gd bslp tb Btaiat--'-U-.-jU.- In conclusion, we will ay twyheiciU- Wen of Wternr J(ortb OVrolioa,' th at )i th CooaolldAtioa . acham faiit or it de layed in it execution, it will be beoauaa OtthambUton Billy OmitX, anlA HtMnitHcy - Tad CaUwO. BiUy Smith It believed by tht Giw4, Asset -; biy to be u worthy of tnf! Oer. Cald well ba attempted to ssddla him at tht people la aplte of their declared Will. By so doing, h ha throw a Majainng block ta the ;ry ;orihi achcimlilch may result la It total defeat. .''-' (, t 0 t.w ' at. -! ., HARD OM TOB BSRAUX: Tbe Bsltlmor Amtriam tell adood tory of th New York JbroU. b It key k v "Tbe New York Z&roi5 peoplt I are td- ly dsUclent ro biblical knowtedgV ; Th other day they reported Dr. Adam poa of th most learned dlrtne of tha citv a htvlng la a aarmoa quoted th words of Uoaw to tb tribe on th day whoa h becsmt ISO year of. age, which h pr nouDced to be tb eoronttioB of ail litera ture; 'I am now ready . to be effered; U tune of my departure I at hand." I have foucbt t Kood fljiht. i have BnUKed sbt courtu have kept my faith. .Tnence- forth Uer U letd ep far me a orowB for rlgbteotaneM whlcb the Lord, the Uhl eoes Judge, shall gtv "me ir thtdyj not only ma, but aat.' ii atea'wWleve Hi eoamaadBMajtex Tb TUnU b1d, ergsgt the Mryice of , madcra4ey W atnieted Bnnday teboof boy to keen a . . 'i . . . . " outai sucjk Diaa4er.aa tbis of tadkid gup Mtwt isi FH. Tsnl.a ' J,XWWASI3 Jtfi i, neneT soia ar-? -a u:; senitna, ami sot on Im brnl JULrtSLIWlS A CO. v a 1 1 l ralatbftr U I iTaal DbTtical hardiHotM awdtktiima' ibMl rrr ' i : . . .iJ 't. j:s tri i . -1 .i t aaamw w i j. d. uernttn ana Aieitnner lunnM. . Be i ana BBameittuj jaeaiKmi, J oaaifaeea i - . -I,,!.,,, . .-.ir-f.n "Tf r.'r.. rr r - FLUID EXTRACT i a Ul ..Tba 'n'jr k '.wb r medy for KIlffinrS-l)ii5BI8i! Hv lebilitt. dropsy, ': a...' u . i Non-retention or ineunfiraora of DrlM, In ..tattoo, Iajw or iJireJsiau oi one ( "Bladder &;KidSey tf ' -.ill - .'" I f PERMATu&itnCB A, w 1 . r-BXTUACT mm rii nnn 1 'f Cro sll DiseaM of tut i . ?. ft- t t ( SLAUiXBR, KIDHSYSjJtND DBOi'Sl . ttMkvfl& lUm, Waaaeaas 'CliliJliwu T MO MA.lt Kit Mi HAT THE A 11 ' Prof, ajeeienya. "One bctUe ol lr Bey's frtrtd kxtraet Buctra Is wprthmore IbM all other Bachos combined." ' 1 f -,v Nmi On DeUarper BotUe. or U tu tUs for five Dollars. " " Depot, 104 Daane Bt, New Y )rk". A J'bysJeUa-U alteBdanee tLBawer ti rre pprilence and Are advice grstA $ vqiiT f ; . v I TO WJE'I t I NcrvoiiTa OF pOTft .SaKA,,, , r Db J B DrotV, (rrsdnat of JoOcrs y ktd leal Coll;, Philadelphia, otor,ol satrasal valuable works, caa be eoasalted gn si dta e ass ot the Bexusl or Urinsry Orjraiis, (eUiuh be has made aa especial study) either lotaaie or female, ao saatter frorai what caass oeV Ubs' or of now loag standlns;. A prsctipe ( 80 ywi esablbt Urn to Vwif Jiseases jwiOi succeas.-, Cures guruteed. 'jUbargesT re onahliL "ttioa at A dUUnfiJi, cu lonrard jetter daserlUuig syujytonis A4 enclosing J Physician and Borgeon. lot DnanaSt. Kl, . ju dolv lj ,,4 , ., .vi- b; .J,C.8.IUM8DK.,r ' Vanufactarer and Dealer In tin sod,! iron ware i Btoeewsu otovee. we Dial world. Boae Ilk those. Tt Boofli ine, ferine and Piping a Bsaoiallty Fayetl BU.pparttotkeV.a'BmP'i .t . jbeab leville'l BUUW KM '- t ) 1 ""TlWb aa Th Esa Frandaco and LoulsvlH LI- Mr aviiu j , , JU1IU1 X 1UUI i An old physician ouoe aid that near! all diteate originate from a buutAiBD corDiTrbit of tub tires; and thitttate meitt t true, altboogh It may at Aral seem Uk tc exkecwation. ','flm .the Liver 'f oht of order tbtlolojygleni anfLejr erjf organ' and function tuflar more or Uioa Pom iotKnow , Wjt.t AiliMIra - Hei moody, restlwis and. deepecdent aad tUtvt b ,Ah 'time toi take t tiarui bbmjiot that will restore hue to husfch IN A 8INQLK I)AY.( s lo T and prsveut, who) train oidueaseajthat my follow - .I .vrsm (., , KOTT'I WTM PIUA CBnt torpidity I the Ljver,' -,...,. imntrl.aM'.!vm , .Morr' LiTRH.raj hiw tonet i the' mott's livkb Vills cloante thedyttoat l MOTt tWVBB PILIA drixtout fiibri fection. leaf tt woii'tuvu cilia aUcustbea tirswbole ytteau :: .i)t (r'J n tot ,11 MOTT'g uvu wtibB regulate tbe iiiyer, ana tw motw rantnie a a uver meoiaine then any of the Biwsraf ptmariuimd that DO MDBS HABM TBAB OOOft, , I .,' ' f . For tale by ail iruggieU, -t'Priea 88 cents POT BOX. u.-rf X'ti' S'ai"! ml , rt ' " ' i -dUU r. UKNK T, TJURRAIf 1 CO. ' Pr mA S r.u. f IV "marn wlm""r'. ' ,,77 -, "FT :MQJ(el.D)fc f um btats lotiikjcs f i V, ' mibbouiu Lagallssd by Btate Authority, audi mawB ra tonus iw ar. Lotru. I Grand Blnffle Wnmbm' SehejHi' of &O.004 itoai DRAWS THE LAST DAJOf JEACll . ! rvn ..rimit.r.i.1 iUnl 'I .1, 1 10.BW Prise. BmrninUnv In 1MB Mil Wfeeie ttckets,10; Hslres,; quartort, M.M, JTAsOrmt CbmMaorJoti Seh'nmwUM i ' avtw at i am ur ex i.ivw . bsuia i Prlaea, awountbultQ 85T8,1T1I.M v. ry Batorday durtnir the yBtrr"" 5BT, 810! bIltM, flCajSiuie, WWOTA TtCBet, illLT, CAaVta, It The undeniiroed kev beea appointed General aaiwts tar the above.Bamed com'- and will have th rtgutAr receipt ij fbe oompajiy ia tbeir.hsoO tor coHacti. Faliay bolder aad ether abould eoiimuT 'E. RYE BTJTCmSTW A RONI AgenU wanted, .. .v t , ChvittbvN.i CL AP iw-aBt . , . ma la't .. -.1 jilbt hTOCt. FOB 8ALK. V . - niabtos; tec into balBee,i will U 10, la or' A sharaa oi tha stuck at lh lalelah National Bkf ortAtoJia. xioa- abiaurus i.. . Anlr U ,, M . i B1CUARO W. HARRH, J -A B30LTJTI-t)lTfRCXa 'OBTAtSTrf XV fron Lourt ot ditareat BUles far da. aerllott. Ao. AEo uuu.mmi .Md',lrd J Mi aubl dlvorc anuted. , "AddiwatJ n' 1 ' M.HOU6E. ..n I .oe Attorsey, Ik Hroadway, I H.T Mm Pilliil - I m w 1 1 in aaareas. roe TWrett and ClrcQlars, k, I -MUkAaT MILLEU )., Msnagert,FH r. O. Box Med. ' , " Bt lwLfia'f 1 SPRING ,i 1874. 6XST' fFRIBt) p.4T,' ' Tba leadinjff Pfiiig at flea U meditta and Fioa tb-4traoabk prioaa. .MM4fat f M , R It KNlSZWHArO. Clothim i.d ta' faroiaGtr. M KALk 4i "Feb. t7ta1SMBr'" 1 D. m ih W IT KalQht 21. & f 'in iifi Tha rriwr gkiat salt tAtt oi rr Concqrt wiUi'Hixod tr ami Badar'tb tin mediate tniwrrtaliB of Uia Mj anthoiitie if CinvtaMUtf , for th bonaM aaa. a aid of iflf.i f!i - ! " Ji"! ''' ' ; ' :r ' Xfll'. (ill It rt..t.. .!-.) i i-. . TU HI ,- , titrtbufod,tr the, , nckl Uolrii nl-A M I.lxT-AI4A-Ui ... ..T 'isUA-xn ' orFT cqscb t r ,.( , ., - us.paLfl.AT Tna I 0PB&4 MMVKiqtTT Olf COMtiXM " . ' March 8.st, 1873.. i u i DrjiHitory, Dank oj Curium. "''VoHl-.rfOo VIckAt! " Vtia f 1.00 each '0rl8, f!(f Five Dolldrs. $226,500 is oiftb ! tyovuWs: 0,000 ,ooo " 18,000 8.OU0 O.OUU t.ow t i t " 1 1 I " 1 5 -i" . KM 1 i- ,ie ,ouu i.uou a i.OSX) each -Wearh Kfl each .1. 90 each ,"(' 'Oeach. ". , 10 each " ' 5 each 1 each 6,(n o.ouo ' 10.000 10,0110 m . 7w , r to , , my 50,UoO td.ouo B,OU0 t.auo 'st Cash iu. amounting W tttJilifitMt , (Joe Cliavce ia Cvwry Nina. The distribution will be In pabllc, and : mail" wider the same forms and ri'f S6 aathe ftaTrn'dco and Loulirlli. Iberaart ondtjr the same fofro and Mtula- tary lft (JtmpertFmdec. a a4)trviin of kc1 ' t" mi v4vW- w Vw RnrHe.4i'f4i ii taffta'thtAwltv aV .i.u'-1u. prise And ol the nanaeeut is made to the hillnwltiir wi II kn.iwn i.JtlaMi 1 aiai'l L Yibbais, A Toponee. K llshV H us urnim mtiHfH ra w j. j v uuiwll Jiidiin fHuick, Aw't U A Assessor ; A (irtenfrs!, V irielra,' Wntropollu Malah IrotMilllAn Un. wi; aureus noore, i.iy siitiaiial : w W i(WeVJ U V Klclirr Ititrat J ijKehoe, , tousUble ,- i welef ; "Uatt 8 Howe CoDtrastor Kichmoud A Co.. Commission tier. chants ;' At Ti lAmpball, l'rourietor Cwtral U..I.1 . aini..n At . I. I it b- cuiapyaiwiis r.iuicn, auvt'taiit, Baondy Utah ; A U tiarrlsou. llelena. Montana. : we win aisg announce Vf t earn and every SeraOQ hnylnr a ticket can at anv and ail timos exsmnia war dooks ana an Dullness traasae tioes connected wrth the enterprise ; and as us drawing oi jmiem win d placed i bands of honest and disinterested men. 11 Insure a faj( and. Impartial distribnluav Qood Beeponslble Agents Wanted, Liberal , . viPBimweion Allowed. 9Money shoeld be sent by itzproM or bi 0x art ob an; solvent bank. ''V ioataltlc ssoney uraer, or KoirMiorea LetUf at our 1 -U O .1 1... . . 1 .1 ' ' l sua. iwrjiaiucHwii,,imnNa t p i';-''-l$k USHW l p iillw4 ; ti -t Ann ' SSOO ion (ftoif Lump Plaster," direct 'from Um Qnerries, ; Windsor, ft. 8. Fresh ttoand planter pat upih rjbls and pew Budsy Baes. BiarLBoaoLAiK, f0inmnuon MerehanU,. .' - MOT Basin Bank ' KicfamonAVA Oottoa Ho. ... ! S sold la 1373. 598 doa. ftolla'a" i Ua eatteav-a rj ii .-- -: t -a '1JVLW8LE'?1800., ! Hnla lu f.w II 11 . fHTtoaUlledt Jas1mrtlrTs Price. genn ior rnce uai. , . , . i il in i IT,, MtnutActurer and Dealers la all kinds of Anton and Shock Mali rastoa, :ni'K. , ' "ii j- ,'i...,v.. r'Htf ,'ri,i.i t t , win aiujsn irt Ciy oince Ofl ui ut of ,s win aiieaa m my ollice ofl th lat of ptftmA. fur the puraoM of taking tbe ix til U Bajiagbj for the year Kl I J ttboik ii be kept opct du- taxi 11, rt nog ias nrsr iwebtV workinw data in April. .Tuuee laiuoir U-lit..li be b- SJPfOuro tut, , WUlJAKKIt . aiaicnao, t74. AUyor. M7rtf.v,;wtVW.v ;vi;n. ' A .., M ... .t Hi .f W-m! 4 r:. tTVfTBvC."r??rVflSti I , :C; -;V . -RtT.prn'w w r i pe ol J atl ntioo ilv, to Bavin- of Home- steads, ia view c of ma laia n tainii r th Ba. i. Court if UiailBiiad at.wn . A.. sab- Hiirhlv Concentrated. Haa item MaaulsetwArf r b bast) uf a xwarsatedd aa- aiyais. nill nun Of if sold subjert to all laws iantrsrd to .FsrUljwra, with TUX 8 AMI guaranteed analyri. 4'.'BS A flLJ uii i ti'hsiliisseasulavY.- . J ; ' P GOQjl DIIAY iloass tor-aal Apply w :f y.r.'DKVAay.ux.' . I AND f v' - BIX1CUIK. TB tATitti BlflT AND CHIAPK8I f A8UB HADE.. - TtatSteaili Wwhwa ara twttar than other la saw (eaenlly cooeeded. Thd-taa faer hUu brttof rtawa r uhm wUI b a aadll adiaitteii b.ry ooa who mm it ao4 IU oiSrtSlor W a. to nuh th. arteattBMA altwa. I I a ... i -t - i hripwti iaBtitf at ntm teU lb eloUi- Wff u ui ibONwI llaa, aod W compau all tba witer to 1(0 vbera t to dutred. and pro it IT ijujnj Mj iilwr - It Ium ao bnwrHn.JTM Jw nwiia Vi '' 8JB and cmeai .r M 1urV4 1 1 It Co luv teadKr-npuuriiur cliicea uw VI at cum uouriiur ixUsi ttraaaM a Ban tha wter ba wil to dtaawd to taa euatra or uoth awli of tha flee botuna to t back, to lwauliiwwUtbaxaea airtight dowa rroat wberu it AOU, wuhinir all parU of tba elotli Ibk bow BbtondMd j lie lavbi t-anva . - Jt rtwbc tkrwua Um cWtAiaa maai Ituoa prr alnota and ewuia then la 14 to VO aiinutoa I tba ooM of lb aMKhlna nt tn u?v4 ary aooa n different in ar of b oUUbea. 'It nay bewfnd titj auoala tkk diUurasca of lbr molnd. ' ' t if: A aucbiu and to It, ean tw aasd wlUi any itora boiler or the buffer fot lb aiachtae Bfat beaaayl Ivrtoy other tmrpuav are made of beet ti. Tha holier rltb'galveobKd Iron bifttom. will last saaoy ana aresoMSiTnn rorowmx row - -(.i. !' i rwic4' lor.tk) Wtsbvr and utuul ror tliu WaAhitf aUinn. t u..u -1 mUut e.) 8.V Portbe Wanber an U, k (extra krirej 16.50, tot tha Washer vluue. iciiu lanri'l 'So. The usual sit j s 11 iucho wide by M hmg a i-eeesp. ' , The extra large I hrcbee wide by 90 tong 1 13 l-8deep. I " ( Hesii anywliars pw nxptm) an receipt Ot price, by ,., , , i ' ' ' . A JONfc, Proprti tor, . t 1-U , sUicajtll M.C. 5:0. Fayetteville St. .BEAUTIFUL TIM TOILET flETTd. BRA.W Tor TENDERS, . POWDERED BATH BRICK for cleanins; kjiives tin wake, c AT BKIOUfl ft BUMS. 1 , 5 0 0 ,80 PJUMD8 FUKK AND FKEdB C OR8 OROURO IJt REFINED LIN ' BEEO on, Bay "only the best Bee that rvery Can I oar label on It. BK18U8 80Nd fablMf g 0 O V 1 L L ' Blood and Lirer Hyrpp! All cetaneons ernptlous ou the fw or bod) Indicate A a Impukb AriTioorTiitBl.'oD tnd this may, or may ilia HoauroLA 4 bu in either caag the rtinraaeta nthinir mortj'tiian an iHiuoiova Pomox that I BCkNB LIKE A TERRIBLE FIRS, ss It ceurhea thronrt the rdas. aewiag sends ot death with evsiy pulsation. i In this eondltlon of things tomethiaif ie needed at onoa, to olbajub tbb bloob j tun SCOVILL'd BLOUD AND L1VEH 8VHUI will posititblt effuct thi deoldcratniD, ex pclUng every trace of disuse from the blood and system, and leaving tbe skin BOFT, FAIR AND BEAUTIFUL Hundreds of certificate attest its valats. Price 81 per bottle. JOHN . HENRT, CTJRRANAIO.Proirs. r aad Uolfcfre Place. Ne w Y pi k . wwmtm oi- -; Uall't Balsaia for the Langs, CarboUe Salve, Adey't Carbolic Troches, Uzygiaistod 1 Bitters for DyspemU, Dr. MoU'sLre er nils; Dr. Rovers' Vegetable Worm Brrup, Dr. Bunnett's ' Sure Death to stats, stlee, j - and Vertalu. Knssian Hair Dye, Etc., Etc. ' 1 FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS, mar tM-w. I UOWN TOIS IUVBU, OB mcTicu lEsssii vmi , The Code Duello, .. . ' , AN AMATEUR. X. J. HAUL A Bom: Publishers.. Prleo liW. enrs ciom oinamg.; This Is a Southern Book, founded on some Meurreaoes lately transpired In Goonrlaand Alabama, In which some North Caroitulant wera promineni acwrs. ' ror oaie at the Book Btore of AlFKED WILUAMA mar 11 tf - - -. - -7. , CAOP- OlBMOLLASSI . , . :-. . :.:,: , COO Hhds. ii. . . in cut r 10 L llll I: Fot tale by .WORTH A WORTH, ' t WUmlugtou,M.Cl )y sa-diotwtt fJUIE FIRST PJIEMIUAL TUB JTEEMB tSf j " , f I i.i 'I! ',. .- . -'i ( " -i - W Awwded tb . GOLD MEDAL at the recent Bute Fair, over an other Glue. It to tb Beet and only strictly Fir Proof Uia made. . . .. We BOW havav oaa aa anrhlhltlmi at Anr Btor. ' i :!; ' .... i. I ,, ns-tf floleArenW JJALBllili FEMALE BEMlNAitl FP IloBoooo, A at., . V prlBetDal ft, .""' (U V- A"l, lvTTktafVBVitlt. 1 ; THE BPKI(W TERM WILL OPRlf ON I ?'MOSIDAT,kJAN.W, 1874. I Foi Mrtlcnlara. annla far l mniu. ..j i..i dOddrWlW " OST ' IICIIT1D. OentTDress Congress Gaiters, -. . : . Doable Bole Cougreas Gaiters, " ' Dreas Boots, Z.t r - Usable eo)a Brmta Inajra in &m- aadbesttatbseitr w-8 V .CD. aXAXTT A Cf'a '4 Hi:- 0 -"f Upwards of; I fty Fuat rYemlams Uokl (Silver Medals, were awarded to Charted M. attetf. for the west fiano, - ta- eessplaaauB 11 tlia mmAnw ' - Office sad WanrwnBViJIit, ittO id' as AM eoa 1 atree, naiuasora. Ha. ruuio ruite, eonradod by all wbohave dons pared It with others. Ia their Hew VtaaretWsls. If Mtv taa sssaaAaetlii ba (acceded In taakla- the moat Mies' rtaaw rtrw pvaaaiaaav - i'lairwjs'is bsad Ksnus rnces win ue lunna ss raonsi tent wita lauroutrh wurauanabiu. i A buK aaaorUunsv af avoewd baad pent always oa band, Cross $75 to tuu. , I 1 Wearsairetrtafor the eelebrsted Hurdett Oabtaet, rVWraod Qbrb tqsnisal.slea felly eoaa) to any Baoa. WS''T aesa jus . ui uavs,tcd xtmufm coulalti WrSajtSsWt; Bevvrai or o PiaauS. with ttaa f m .M-tirn awautaa be at th MsldoBeeof Pro A. pauman, wuo at 904 auutorued WfBW inar-wla v ' .. i . . . . . ...I. TTIOR AIX- WHO ARE WIUJNCJ jD WOrUt-'Alryiporarm'otdyoon, .. 1. 'i mi. .M 1111, m : TO t eiuiea- sea, pB uaae arum tuiu ou or deek. at'hotue or In fcouneotlou with other DUtiati8at Wanted by all. tlBitahie tA either SUyor 4 try, and any season of, the year. , Thi raos oppondhtty for those wndar oatol work, sodoat of saoney, to aaakeaa tai deutiivlnir. No caoilaT boiur reeuired. I iadt- Oar pamplilet, "HOW To MAKE A LIVING fivlnKXttll InslrBatsoni, sent 00 receipt Af I cenU Addj,A)ilk'..orrtr AftTNTS " to seH ear nl ilUbnt) novel Embroioerina htact W .1 NTPTt tor Illustrated Oinailsr, Oompny,ao Broadwty, New Tork. TBB PARLOROOMPAmOH. Every Lady wants one Rear, Man oairha to kaiw aaa 1 1 Bern on receipt of Tea Cents. Address, L. F, HTDU A CO., 1V6 Beventh AvwnaviNew low. . , j TVs ltelrvsith gat) PorUUe rinily 8wiii Machine, ou 30 LVaye Trial, aaany advantaires over all . Datlsfs lion sruarmsVeed. or f'AJ rsfonded. Bent eomptete, witty fall uirwuoua. ow n w iui oewuig Jtacniuej vo. OU4 PIUMlWftJ, f. ft , THE NEW LBCT1C TBUieV. ,Ai Jm. portmiJ HvmrtoM It retains the Rjiutiin all tlnua, and under th hardeat aieraise or severest strain it Is worn with eomlurb. and if kept on sight and day, efleets a pennaneatt our In a few week. - Bald cheap, aad sect by man wneo requested, circulars nee, Wttet ordered by letter sent to The Elattte Truss IMl, mo sua ttrosidwsy, tt. X. City. Nosjodj slsos Metal Sprlna Trosse ; too ualnf nl ; they uimii hhi irwjwnny.. . mav -ii'od.eowl D en H corrtMr t;r- One 46 Saw Gin. lust to bsnd of this lustl ceieorausa Aiauaina Ultt. 1 ne lesurnoBV unanimous thai thev Ulu fabtus , aad ruaka better sample than any otlier ever ia)ade. rnce per saw ana tnuuporkitlon, 1 jAMko M. T0WLE8L sept'O-tf iAaHmk-- - By a yi ung I ir lady a Doaltlo.i a twhrr nl Ui Euirlisb branches m a school or fund of Address, M IfW a w Auc7-dAwlf OsJord N. O" Q1FORD MALE 8(JHCL OXFORI). N. C. English. Claasical and Mathitnaliral. Botka . m imniraiii an rnoiauars lasuiiy, 1 erms per Hesslon of twenty weeks : I CuKUsh Course - , - , . fjft o Ulsscical - - . . BO.oo aw.sv. ua.BDt.KBON, ' - -" va.u.w m. mil nm,m, ui' IM thm ALtjw.kt.kn ..f IIim k . -ml .1 . . the education of hoys to, the above card el Um . IT 1. a .. ir i i .... mi. a m . ucmwmni, jar. oenoerson nas uau nrenu yearaor. snccessiai axperienee as a tai-hitr anil lj. In all M.n.wl. 1 :m-j w hhuwii su uiau vuararMir aaioyeu 0 J Wa u Duuuuia ia sue .pasw. . . : I J. $. AMIS, rraauianv Doaru oi 1 uecs-onawiim ...... K i ll i N On 'ha tilth Instant a small aorral taara with white hind feat and a small white spot la the forehead, and apparently about sir or wTtauaassoia. ine owner wui please prove vyv t.j f wj ,uu,a UB lane uerBWStt i H WltlUlAM At Oberlln, S miles west of tt lei A, if, C -rOR BiVIkD. 1 "NR Handsome no top Sewing Maculn r "g'B, nearij, new : cost one hundred andsdghty dollars, and will be Sold for owe ONE light top Family Carriage In rood ordcr,arlce?9 dollars. Enquire at Boatta- ern Exprew Oflic ot JOHN R FERRAXL. mar Mdlw Fun's awa .sawaasBBBSSssBBSBBBB Wrm j. UFMXUUOUHXll; ' --ii i- ..'' ' pose as i eooBasasuf- ' ficiant ma Uer of , subscribers to jastify' L, -, ths puKUcatkm cs heob- tained.to republish Wa Joura- . al of Fanning. Only Bf ty copies ot It weraorigiaally pat.Bshed Waaf UigUie age. brain and lararmiUoa to Writ a life of Fanning I spoUed to Mrs. Inen- r, an wnapei 11111, wno Das snaerenalr oojsaited to write a life of Fanning , to accompany tba journal. All T ' TP ' wJW)-l, it tulfldent J r . , nwnberot subscribers to ! . - i pay expense of pobllca- ' i "" . iUob. TbabOjkwUl ' ! read like romance ' i . . if 'i torFannlagwas 'I'T'i 'S i ' ,: , r.' H9:u h a i--y"i'l' moo. v r.AM ; .:. THOMAS, D TtAMIaVf Bcntintl Office, Raioigb, N., To speculate Itieeetsl l i j", Randall" H, foots a t 0 Raakara ul Imhm M R... Z w Laf ibtirs o atoek - zrbaao aad titii buant ferBce Meehaaic'e f-ntiasr Assncta- tion, oran Bauklne; Uoias vr y -mmsn isl Agency la New Tork. , I N. A Pamphlet Va isA sttraat aa i. BaraUoaa,'Miaa artlcation. .T w,AARXM,MS01 Beat Hoe ever made fur rardea and -v-f--a; u 1 iJULIUSLEWHlAcO; . Sol Agent for N. d ' Trad supplied at Manufaeturert Prfcsa. ' i jwrwiyi, puitTr, ruTt on aCsx aftHd IVkW ' r.Vws' dJaas Freah PeBcbVi 10UU PoBBda puts Cndy rsurt ' li.. ' "' ' oetv-n THE OHBAT AMERICAN-OOM. , BUneH-nyij jaiUbtfJU,; - Uowsaptioaj Is NT aa lat-arabla dUeU. rajnioitnaaaaareasof Ul fart u oeecalary tovl rtguv KaBa,"ar'd ik. territikinshisiy oaa be aonqsmsd - iaeurled and .vxeorialdd auw... which lie veoom of Uw diwast prod ox , , Iv-llB LIFJB LASTS THERE W IIOPF F . :! tooj-la to.sflect, ev, ....... f t the doctors' hare glren yoo up HAUAJ HALBAtt'lssold .hre,Md r "a" ai waoinsaie or Ui Poprl, Great Medicine Warehouse,, S suinuiiia.. Plaew York. PricuAt tr btUe. - HAJ L'B BALSAM Is alao re remeo, Coug'u. , . Cckta, ; ?VW0tti. r v Urunchitis, - Aatitnia. ' ' 4 8pitUg of Blood. . trosb. WUtiOPlNG COUGli. and all other dtocssur Organ i; the respiratory Also Propriotors of ecovtiL Blood and Llv erSymp, Car boll Balve, Edey', Troches, 'Jxygensted Bitters, Motfs Uvor Pills, e., JOUN F. 11KNUY, CUKRAN A CO., Saain College PlaceNew TorC " -JaB'Jp-Itt ; '; J At PGR T AWT iN 0 T 1 "C t NEW ADDITIONS TO OUll LARGS ax ritACTivK trrctCK or DRT GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ac. New Tork where he ha beea for sereraJ dan making parekaaaa st panic price, to anm,ll Ihe deucTeace. In ourWkWbyon'u expected y good trade thi. season. ri",0U l..(tour thwka to oar psirons; weaay to th ' and Uia pabli3, that our lato parr liases wan DMJ ,' K"1 oecUue! and mat we are sow selUnf our stock at such prices as to tas- We have a good supply of Burt's, Zlegler's. snd Bay Btate h-STJc shoes ludTsTtoa for Ladles, Mieaos and Ch.lUreu. AlsoTftw jentloiuen, Canlleld's, Port-r, Day (Jo'a, ana Bun's single, end double sole eslf raiter. and hoots, which we oflor at very low prices AJLwtohliirio purchase wu1boI rrret call- ing upon us and examiniuir our aiTUa and pncoSv. JVajtaU Jos -mk- and nave ttrt n lag of us do not hi-lp bew any risks forbad and al-.w debts. Very liberal pricea Waver- ctants buying In this msrket. J??,"?"? very late stylet a'M, Chester- ti PETTA JAVfn Mo. 80 F-w -iu otreet Jan 1-tl ' P 0 J "J A L , ,1 ohhj.r01d Apple sad Peach Brand v and " 12Ji5.nsltJr..JrPI.ro VPi" Distilled Whiskey,, which 1 will soli oa the most favorable tortus. . " .aaaw.j( Bajkl WUI UJ LtUmfW 10 receive orders from Uioee wishing to buv r - '- or rr niaaey uuknowa paruoe orosring ahould Send cash, or satiafac Addriaei ' 1 D.P.FOU8T. Alamance Post Offl- Office, i-.N.C. Oct Vwl5t Gullford Co. S A . O I a m Q VI t K T :,' . ; . ADWtN W. FULLER, Author of "Th Angel In The Co l ! Foraaiaby avLFRED WILLIAM . ... . Book oet, fk, is STOKET : wora toczbb hau. ' LATEST STYLES 09 & Shoes, 1 Hats, &fc. 1 Visitor to tb Fairer invited to call OB a nl ex uaise ar as stock. . - Boots, hoes, Hats,&o A SPECIALTY. oct IS (tST& UaU just Rvalved, uTe ' 1st ' VJT trl a and bawl qnaltty. . , : The ftoat. Gent" (titk Hat In this aUrk fat 5.40 a P.HRARTT A Co'. ' Boot A Bhoe Btert OVBB-tf

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