E;!."BENTI PnOFESSIONAL CARD 3, Ac LEGAL NOTICES. MISCELLANEOUS. MCU GKH EOME INSTITUTION! THE SEN1ITO The .Celebrated :o. Vact tllzor. - GILIUM'3 bruins All the work of " BERN I"KRT1I IHlNHMr'&JiY wide from the formula ot VAOW. WILLIAM MfLrMMia stamoed with . ha above PATENTED TRADE sIaKK. tat uuAftAniai it amine, irom ail otaer. Prepared Esptfitllv and Solely for the C0TT0KH0P, BIT TUB "SOUTHERN FERTILIZING COM fANY," KIOHMONU, VA LtT "much Siwlos of Flint most hare tlie 8f hAJIFHJ FOOD 8UITJ5D TO 1T8 PECULIAR NATURE In order to produce the L A KO EST AND MOST KBMUNKRVI IVK RESULTS." THE UIUUKd r TK8TIM0.NIALS received from every dlrectloa (mm many of the Lanrent FAKMEK8 froii OPINIONS OFTHK PRBBS nd NEWSPAPER COKKKPONDENTS and uin a.n uioin iE.Bi.sinu rAKTIiC a, through tue DAILY PitKti, relative to 1U aplendld ao- H U kUlVKJUVUB wt THIS CELKBKiTED COTTON" FERTILIZER liaa won inch a marked and exUmtire repsta- tlon tlironhout the cotton Krowint region of North Carolina and Vlixini and baa been ao "exienai 1 ul j u tt.il altaoat antoeraallr nraUNl thtwedtim It TOO WELL KNOWN T( KB- yuinaiAai ru AloJt AT OUK HANDS. Its Merits Speak for Itself. By the handsome yielil It produce, and th lanre NET PKOK1TS realized front It tW Ak vow nekhhora who have tried It what Uiev Uiluk of 1U It PAYS A NET PROF IT of OVGU IOO PE It N. B Tliore will be only a certain LI M ITKD AMOUNT ox thia renuuer manuiacmnw. w tmeiall for OUR BUPPLY. Uur friends, and the trallo, will do well to aend In their order at onee, to be bookua aueaa, ana uicn vjj order u tney amy neea it. - The "HmifhMit Fertlllaln Comnanv" ttae It the B1UUKST UUAUK of aulUble malerUI known to Chemists, and MAINTAIN AND GUARANTEE a uniform (tandard. . ' . Tlvl. trrt.lliKRrliimld bv Mercuantl and Deal' era generally, at all the principal CiUea, Towpi aua Biauona, uirougnuut nwui ww w Virginia. , SPECIAL AGENTS: CW.IIHAMIY.UONS, COTTON PACTOIW jorfolk, Va. We have the nclualve control of the "COT TON" FERTILIZER for North Carolina and KontheaAterB Vlrvlnia. Thla FerUllaer cm be had a,u the following terma: Cash JBasis. 1 1 Ton, at our Warehooaa, Draj a(ra 50 ceniarer ion Aaomonai. ' Order for 6 Toe a and Upward 4 Per Cent DU. tt 20 ";'w " "4 " M M fly M H H Jj H 4 " Caah order int be accompanied bv th Cub. No diacount allowed on Order nader Five Tuna. 1 0,1 THE, WITH 1PPE0TKD iECl'lITI Per Ton at our Warehoase. Drayr SO CeuU Fer Ton AddlUonaL . fayabl let No vember next, witnoat intereet. Orders for U Tom and nuwarda 10 dot cent. SW?- JV !T k Jt.-.&X. f.iA:t JLfc . f.-XTi: ,.' . m . m tlcouot. ' OMera for 90 Ton and spwmrd V per eaoi Dlwonnl ., Tb Uisconat oa time order to U baaed on Uie Cash Value, per too. , No Uiacoaat a lowed oa Urn order voder SO ton. . .order MADE DIRECT or through any too factor, Comatlaaion Keren anu or Dealer ' generally, wilt receive prompt attenttoav p ply or need your order to anv Merchant w iletiier and If (hey have not fot n they will or dor it for yon; or the f armor and Planter gen erally can fora ClliBd and aead their orden ammpanid by the i.aen for lota of , tOv SK, So or Ml tou at the above rate of ditconnt, r peetiveiy. Nouiaconnt allowed axmpt for lotaaana ad above. All letter of enqairy an awisred promptly. W do not consider It noc aary to ak an on to boy thla Fertilianr, ilnt merely toannoenoaUOW AND WUEHKituay be had. ' . . I ADDREa ' ' ' -cw.Gfieoyjm. ,, COTTON FACTORS, NORFOLJt, VA. C3li'. tllfn 'ItTtt S)aTHtB!t FEBTILlZJNd WliPAST , ; - V ' substitute IoMm; tor ill Boost : htld purpoa,except washing clothe rfMP Tolrcr - ror-tieealng war house wM save Urn labor of oim cleaner. Uive li t trial. :s ,a i 0,1:1 to - for Ylndow. is better than whitingor water.- Me soring curtain and car-' pet. I - 8 A r O L I 0 clean paint aad wood, in fact the en-; tire hose, batter than map. No stopping- Save labor. Ye uaa't afford US be without U. TTT for Booaiing s Knrre 'ftmowuH BW Uriel. Will A !' ,Ul L I tt I batter than op and sand (or pal-i efciag Tinware. Brighten aitsioutt .n. -: -- V - , f 11 i.'J.'li for.waahinKdialA and Elaaawar It! mvaAiable. Cheaper than aoap. . s A vol i (i ;. remove ataln from niarttl wan tola, - - lauiea ana tiuary, Iroia bard iluiab- ( d wall, and f raw aln and puree- . 1 s a f: O L I , remove Ulu aa vmaat from ear , peleaadoUur ovb fabric w. There I no one article kno4n that will do ao many kind r work and do It aa wvll at auM v. a rj 11. hato a . a r 0 l j o , anew aad woaderfaily eflective ective X l ouet eoa p, oavinf no aq i uua cooawy or auroaa. eakp s a r 0 L 1 0 iT;ii assB article or the bata Yeacfce the toandaUoa'1 of aU dirt, 0na 1. tb poru aad give a healthy ac- Uonabd brUllaut Uut to the aliiau HAND 8 A J 0 L 1 0 elaand beantlde lh tliin, instantly, reotovm; any atalnior blewlah freai both hand and f ape. . ' " " 1 .. -in 1 r. BAND 8 A O L I U i without a rlvtl In the world (or curler or preventing rough im and chapinjr of either hand or face. j HAND S A r 0 L I remove tar. pitch. Iron or ataln and greasr ; tor worlcrre ... tn machine ahopa, mine, Ac : 1 Invaluable- For making the atm - whit aad soft, and giving to t a . 1. "Moom of beauty," It la noatir - paued by any Cotuietic known HAND 8 A T O L I o ' cost 10 to 15 cent per cake, 1 everybody should have it. 1 will like tt. DON'T FAIL TO TKY TSiEtilt tty)U4 But it oi yoof ruurufc ant if bv has! or will procdr it ,Ior jou. If aot, tlivn writ lor car rtmpbiet, "All about 8apo lio," and it will be mailed free. - KNOCK MORGAN'S SONS, Park Place N. Y., Or WLom)ard, 8ti Baltiaaora. Md. , ' Jnn U-deoddiweowljr I 1 irfll in unud BJk ter Sldea, --V- w j KJ to o o!d at Jialtunbre Ice, frehrht added, at 4 toptt LEACH BRO'l T A 8 , L E F F E LIS IMPBOyED DOUBLE Turbine Water Whefl POOLE A HUNT, Baltimouk. Haoafaotarera for tho South and Sou : west Nearly 7004 now in oae, working rjndot Dead varving from to mv teet I 24 ite,from 8 8-4 to W incbe. The niott powerful Wbeel io the Markbt, Ana most eooDotuicai in. use of water) Large Illuitrated Pamphlet sent post Irfee manufactubsb, auo, or Portoble and Stationary Steam Engi and Boiler, Bibcock & Wilcox Pati Tnbulooa Boiler, Ebaueh' Crotfaer Mineral, . Saw ,- and Griit Mil Flooring Hill klaohiacrv, Machinery wnita jueaa worm and uu Mill, bb wg'rniiey ana iiaoger, ,- febl-i LE OF REAL ESTATE Br Tbta of a dsl of mortirair exaeti ted to me on the lit day of April, 1874, by Johu W. JEatmaa and wife, I shall, on Eat 4r day. th 6ih of April, 1H74, ell at publio auction at the Court iloaa door to the bhch et bidder, all tb Interest of th aeid Joha W. Xatmaa, in certain land situate ia Wak County treat six mile We of the city of Baleigh, on the North CaroUut Railroad ahd adjoining the land of Capt, Allan, P.iP, Tuck and other. I For parUcn'ar apolr to T. P. Dev rebl Attorney, at Raleigh. I aprui-di " 1 HOLDERS Of CITY BONDS. Th undersigned committee of th Beard twmmiauoueni Of to elly of Kaleigh propoa to present at the Citizens Natioaal Baa a between the hoars of 111 and HI o'clock, A. eviar mr row oh waak raoai tui batb, in order to take memoranda of the city bond outstanding, j All bai.MM of City bond mailing oaa. f we abd the a raajt. whether aaturad or not. are requested to exhibit them to the commit- lee at one 01 u hour named. " . , Vi A.XN f r. BATTLE. . W. W. WHITE, . H. T. CLAWsoN, , Ik U JiiWi; j febs-dlw ... ComlUee! ...... i'V..i "k" W VMM), T tiUt WATT FlrOW. aUfTMatfaVntlV HaNlliFlfl MTlwf MM Jllu4 -j --IT'-" ""Wl AIVIAl th uflf.Mrtmr ot tblt eJbmted pldw saw fwarwiaiwiriirjiiu, ' JAMErt M TdWT Wa y 125-tf 4gt, far the laanofaetarerJ WO BALE, 1 Bed Room Bet Furniture. 1 Parlor Sal Furniture and Table" ' Jaalo-tf " W. H. JONKSACO' Da. Xorr,LivnPn.tA.ltl.a.aIh to aiak a pill, but to make A rood nill a)il that's lb ditlicultjl There are eheap, harah drastic plIU, that are f rtfm bnt bejn-tlt -than' t dose of aalbr. but a j-ood mrtlidne. Ilka Bi. Mott't Liver Pills, which denetrate to Ui aemt of disease, it a desideratum indeed. Win positively cure ail disea-ee of Uje liver. Sold everywhere, Jon F. UaaaT.CuBRaa Oo. PropneUira, 8 and S ttiee Piece, New Yota, March -u w. ' , j E SACOIUTY A GAM SI jf A run NOltXH CAllOLINA. HOME IKSUMNCE COMPANY. ' RALEIGH, N. a - f TfcwCumpuy eooUna Jto writa rolkk at fair rate, oa all client of laaarable pVop- All loeaA ar pruaspUyadJnaled and paid.' ,TH fMA wki I Satti.. In, President. ; 0, B. Root, Vic President- Sairoa Uaiaj BeoMtary PuMu Uowiva, larriaor, . y JuBb Sb-iL I - - t Iron in tho Blood MAKES, THE WEAK STOff. The Tmtvian Syrtrp, a Prottd ' l Solution th Protoxide , Iron, i to combined aa to have the character of an aliment, a easily Ugtetl and anaimllaled Mun me tnooa at tne tttnpleet food. It inereatet the quantity of Nature't Own Vilaliaittit Agent. Iron int the blood, and cure "a thousand ill," elmply by Toning up,lnviaoraUng aid I Ualizlng the System. Tho en riched and vitalized blood per meaies every part oftaa body, repairing damage and watte, eearcMna out tnorout secre tions, and leaving nothing fr disease to feed upon. A This Is the secret of tho U7ort derfut nieces of this remedy bm curing .uygpcpsia, liver Com plaint, Dropy Chronio Dlar. rhoBO, UolLNervousAiToctlon, Ciails and Fevers, Ilumotto, A.OH9 of CoUHtitutioual YlgOf, Disease of the Kidneys . and Bladder, Female Complaints, ana au atsease originating (ft a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a loUf tate of tho tustetn. Being fret from uuoonot.tn any form, tt energizing effect are not fol- - wa oa -oorpotponam 9 r fio, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and . new tue tnto ail uart or the system. and building up an Irom Con stitution. 1 Thousands have been changed ov me ase or int reineay, from weaK, siciiiy, suffering crea tures, to strong. Healthy, and happtf men and women t and invalid cannot reasonably hes- Kutu 10 yvoo u a iruu. Bee that each bottle ha PERU VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glad. Xamphlot XVee. I SETH W. F0WLE 4. SONS, Proprkto.1, He. 1 mitoai Place, Basioai. ! aT Dbuoqists oaacKALLvl F O R, S A' ! .E A complete set of BLANCHARD'8 J-JaoVOMi(JHINttKT TOK MAK1VQ . Plow Handles, oairUy of wLfch It 500 per day ; .1m one SO I UUrW irvWVT Aulflllfl aVfltl XfOUer. VatW M1IL I ouaaLuuit; x uncja, suu UaUtKTirm, -vvoua larD- iniCij-Uia, Tariety of Mould tog Machine. Btlt- intr Ait itr fn Atiisa ! . T alt.-A Ltt .1 If nr . .a m ' I A FIRST-CLASS 'PLOW DANDLE f ; FACTORY." . WU1 iwII'm a whole, or by detail. ' Addrosa, - - -. . - - Bex W7, Richmond, Va! aec aw-av , .. , , .m s ALT! SALT If 150 Back Marshall and Verdln four d I half bushel Sack Salt. ' - -At a Bctttf '' F. JONES CD'S NOTI3E. - ,' Tb co-partneraliip existing uadur the name and title of Utley A Stone, is this day dissolved by matuai eonaent ' i Alt person indebted to (aid Arm will plcafe come forward and settle the same. a IodrlT indulgence cannot be given, LockviiMicoatoatn uounty, it. tj i . April vtb, 1874.- U.U. CTLKT, AL J, &TOHB. jeanss ."ai V CASSIMERSa, Received and to be sold low. CaD and fee toeta, 3. D. NEWSOHi. bov il-tf N 't On tb 18th day of May next, 1 will I ell for cash the premise sow occupied by Henry Page, being th tract of land bought by aid Page from Dr. R. B. Hay wood, (ituaied in the Eastern Stibarb of I Kalmgh. and aHjnming the land of Mary iio-'tb, 4Jluiaaotnene! and others, -a- 1 I will i cell at the same time one pair oi good tuuica. luung and is fair con 1MM. -" - - - - - 8ale to take place on the premises, April mo, i9. v " sp 17-td JOHN OATUNO, 1 it ' ji. 7" " i "II JOB OMCf: j ":s! ( I I -r. , T 4 ALL EIHMOr Ilaving refitted our Job Office! And oeared th wrvtoo MAM . J03 FESIB, I We are now prepared to execute all kinds of PLAIN FANCY AH persons having 1 BiU Head, Letter Bad, Buaiues Card, Vauting Card V fVeddioif Card, Circular, Potter, Ac To print, will bare their work ex ecutcdjn the very best. atla tjr sending it to the eSextttxtei t9ct7. Wtv are also prepared to do Ul kinds of nil In the rerj best style, ai All work sent to tu will be done taajfinickl'and cheaplj as atsnv ther PRINTINQ HOUSE IN TtTJB j 80UTI1. Of all kinds Printed at short netW In sltort w are orebared to r- jecnte ail kinds of 1'rlnting ia the rerj post atjie. k llil IB, 1874, ' - FOII NAT.ll 1 Sumo0 tmiliX hoomtf 1 Blnsi 0prmg aoUoej Ba Stead sad Kat traa-v -, iuU sad Oottoa Mattnaaaa, B llandsom Mahogany dmlnr room Table, " "" I W H JONES A Co. - ' Oct U-U AbcUoa dv Com. liarchanta. BO 01 A - J"Onk ARUflTROWO BOOKBINDER Bleak Book KuifaetiFar.' - otbb. c awoasToaa, . . j . ralkiob, n. if feblttf T . ; i nil " ATTOlusriT;AT nam oaU of Vh rttmi rloaa aear -, ;. fcaUaal tJfao,. ... ,. 5 v .T.vr . ob eTm Mate aad IVtaraToovrW 3f theCotuii pf Ui lat aad k Jadicial OiatricU. I P T U D ,W4J,(J ATT Kf HT LArW, -f i' WFT EliTEliPniSS th only Reliable li ft Dlalributtoa in I onntry $100,000.01 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! fn it Diet ail) irrai) in , . . 43d 8EM1-A5NCAL ' 1 U Dnmn Usndaf, Mar, 80M, 1874, ONB GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, f 000 in Gold I One Prize, $.5,000 in Silver I .. Five Price, 11,000 eaoli in Oretback Five Prise, Vi00 each la Ureefibsclt I' Tea Priaea, f 100 aaoh la U recti baclci 1 1 Two rmtly Carriatre ad j ItAtctkd Uonn with Btlver-Mtmnted Uarnie, wortn vi.ouu each i. Two Buggte. Uorae, d., worth 400 eacni Two Fioe-toaed Uoeewood Piano, worth ooif co 1. Ten Family Sewing Machine, worth SlUOeaohl IB io Ovid awf AVser Lntr JfutUkig Watch. a mil, aertA (rmm 10 1 fiJUO hmA t Hold Chains, Sllver-wara, Jewelry, As., V4 SumberefQifU 10.0001 ' - - - Ticket kmiUd Is AOflO.tr Igeiti Wnttd U Hell Tif ktit, U woim Li.eral rmalamtirill as slid. ! Siugle Ticket f ( Sii Ticket $10 iwelvt IHikets 130 ; Teoty-Flv $40. Circular eontnlnlna- a full Hat of nrima. a description of the manner of drawing, and mmr laiorsaaiHa ut rafercuoa ta uiatrb DUUon. Will n sent ua ana onleriiur Dun. Ail asttar must be addressed la ataia orrica. 101 W. rutb St . fsblMd wiauuaAti, tA 1 I H I IsIFIs:;"" . - si a J jjijnixanco ; ; uompany , atamaun in highest standard Of , . . - - ----- Th character of the ravettmenif pt jet kojm' 36,000,000 I of the burhast Claaw tor aamiritx It hU. Jug ever knt t dollar of 1U uvetmnk, tu SURPLUS k larger than that of any other Compaty $5,000,000; It has s membersklD. af eva- S3.Mlfl laatalna H rsUo for Uwenllr 'U vers of it b aale ww uvea DU . , . , . . of IU receipts. It ha no Stockholders. Evtrv dollar of aaviiig ar prwtft belong aeiely to the POLIOY-IIOLDEB. i. ;.M' ."'.'ir From such a record aw can well Jndim hr wan wna aaniy aaat mi atnaileat f and tke smalaiat poaat 7. Oen'L JLerwk. t 9 . X. WAIT, Oen'L Ajrorit. f RALEiOH,' N. C. i 'S ept 14 Trrr Theamdaraigaed offer for sale, on resadn abl terma, a very desirable and valuavia tract of land, within a mil and a quartertof lh Southern Omit of th city of Raleigh, in the Wottaid of the f ayettevUle road, taB taiotng two hundred aad twenty acre, til front oat th road for nearly mile, andean be eewvenhmtly divided Into two or mor let V suit purchaser. Person desirous of pur chasing win b takes over the premise -nd oaa obtain,!! Becaawry tofermauo frsa either Wav it Biedaoe, ir y " , notfts-t . i . - tt a, HfjeruiQs; ' ; New and Eraeoov uf '. j t TTTLLLlAMSOIt, TJPCHTJIK71I AND THOMAi Wlaolesale Grocersbf r , . An COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . ' TETTEVILL) STREET, Oprlt'MetropitanBtl3 RALCIGIK, S C. B. r. WILLIAM fN W . UPCHUHCU, 1. 1. TUOMAAt r eptSB-tf 3LL1 T HI BIS Aaotaer (hlpaent of oar brand oi OAMB COCK WHTTH I-EAD Jut to hud. ekious at eo.Ns. mi ATT ,r i. , a I WT Yf - I f ! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ( . C"i.ari ur CUATnii f j ''" or ran upgiuo eociT,! - j fttitien it a ! AVaf bf TWrltM: - Wm Ramsey and wife tCUsabcta, ' J B Headra and wife Kuphemla, Martha K Ram ay, Aase E Taylor, John W Pwre and wife M.rgantt, bykat-naxA fsd.oha, Vf-Jfoge, Plslnilria, - .'..:...j.r. " , ... .r,.HB, sssinst l . r ( N ARaDieyedwlfAana,K JKaiawyand wlf Kchli Joseph Katnwy aad wife Lytlia, Joha W kainsey aad wife, Edward b Raiaaey aad wife, Del eadaiit. . . lt appearlrg to th aatlsfavtlon of the fsurt that th abov named def endanU M J Kantaey aad wife, Jceeph kaauey aad w if a, John W Ranuey-aad wife, aad Edward B Hamaey aud wife, are non'-rmideni s of this rtsta, they are hereby aotibed a' pear at the ottlea if the Clerk of th auimrte Coert for Uta L'oUnty of Chatham w tibia SK day after the aerric of thla aummona, and answer the-complaint, copy of which will bv dsasited to theuttiee of the Clerk ot the Superior' Court for laid Ooanty within 10 day " til data hereof and let them take aotlce that If they tail to answer to ie wild-complaint .within that time. s'teiihitrtoi-"&-iia''-S Dr. J. WaJkert Cullfornia Tin efjar Bitten are. a purely Vegetable preparation, made cliiedy from the as. live herbs fonnd on the lower ranges of uss c terra Hevaaamouutainsof uaiiror nla. the medicinal Dronortlos of which are extracted t hot cuoui without tbo nae of Alcohol. The question is almost dally asked, "What It the cause of tho iw paralleled success or vinegar hit Tititsf" Our answer is, that thoy remove tue cause or disease, and the pat Ion t re covers bis health.' They are the grsnt blood Burtflor and a life-civing priiicittle. a peifoet Hetrovtr and-lnvigorHter oi tue system. Aovcr oeiore in tuo history of th World has s medicine been eomponnde pomeimrng wi ' remark alii qualities of Vttioaa BitTMt ttt heoiiug the iok of every disease man is heir to. They sr S gentle Purgsuvs s well s a Tonic, relieving Coarastion . or Inflsmniation : of th Liver Yujcortil Organs in Bilioa Disraies ' .,' The properties' of Dr. Walkes's TIIM11 Km. its me Aiii'trent.Diaiilimtttio, Carniiuativ, Nutritiims, laiativr. Diuratic, Sedative, Cutroter-Irritttiit Sftdorific, Altra tlv and Aatl-Biliusa.1 'i -- Oratr-ful Tkonsiiiiii;! irwlalm Vin egar linTEua tho uictot wnndorful tu vigorsnt that ever tastaiucd th siuluug system. . No Person ran tate these Bitters aoconllno; to diivrtuma, and remain ng uuwoli, proviuod tncir bouos are not uo stroyea by mineral poinnn or other moaiiS, and ltnl jfrgaus wasted hcyoud repair, i .i (-v. ? o i . , IJilions, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so iivit. lout in tho t'evtlcys of our Ki-uut rivitrs tlirougiioiit tiio litiitod Status, etoclul!y those of the illtwiiil,ijlilo, riliiwnarr, Illinois, TonnosKOP, t'uiuhKiliind, Arkitu sns. Red. Cotqriiilg.llra.os, ltlo Groiule, reitrLvAIahsuiA, AtuhUe, SitvnnnalL Ito- suoke, Jitiitps, and . ninny others, with. tneir viist tiiimiiirios, tiirougnout pur entire Country duihiff the Summer and Autumn, and roinatkably so aunuB sra- sous of unusual boat and dryness, )tre inTMianlyaeconinauied by extensive tie- rnnfftmicnts of the stoluach and liver, and other ubdoininnl viscera. , ,Iu tlioir treatiuent, a piircittive, exotting a pow erful tnOuenee iipnn these various or. cans, is ensontiulty njcesaary., - There is no catliai tio for the purpose equuli to Dr.. J. ..Waleeu's Vinruar- UrrrKita, aa they will tpeedilv remove tlis dork eolwed viactd matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tho same tune stimulathis tlie secretions of the liver, and frenoriilly restoring, tho boalthj" functions of the digestive organs, i f ortinr me bodr airalnst disease by purifyiuf? all Its fluids with Vinxoar Rrn-ERS. " No epidomio ean take bold of a system thus fore-armed. Ul snensla or IndlKesUoa. Eeftd- acberi'ain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tighbness of tho Chest, Dixsinoss, Hoar VM)t.tlMl Mr l,Jk GlnmM.I, Tl..l ri..u.,A in the Mouth, Dillons Attacks, Palpita tatlon of the Ueart, IntlanituatUin of the Longs, Pisla in the region of the Kid nays, and a hundred other pailiful symp toms, are tlie offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will Drove a bettor Guarantee of Us merits than a lencthy advertise ment, - , t SrrofnJit. or KInir'g Evil. Wliito Swellings, Liners, Erysipul, BwoUud JKeck, Goitre,, facrofulvUs luflaiiimatmns, Indobtnt Inflammations... llorcuriul Atfoctinna. Old Seres. Eruption of tb elk in, Sure Eyes, eta. I In these, a tn all other constitutional Dis eases, Wales' ViMsosa Bittkks btve shows tbelr great enrativs powers in the most etrntioate and Intractable csiw. -; ' lor Inflammatory and t'lirnnln lXhenmatiain. Gout, Uiliou, Reniit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of u uiooo, utvor, RJUhey and lllaudor, the Bitter have no equal. Such Disease are caused by Vitiated lilood. ; f Jicrnanifal IMselise, Pemorn n- ptged in Paiut and aliiierats, such as llwnbera. Typesetter, Onld beaUira, tud aluier, as they advance In Ufa, are subject to partly i of the Bowels. T guard gainst Uua, tak a dose of. Walks', Vis- j ak ui ii una w-usimiaiiy i f. ? . z u t or ma jui.sfascs, tnipiion, Ttt- ', 8alt-bheum. liiotches. Bnots. I'iiiinli-a. Pustoles. lioil. rCarbanolem. Itni'-wiirai. Scald-bead Cure JJyts Etynjvlai, Itth, Scurfs, Discolors lions of the bkin, Humors and Diseases of th 8kin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and carried ont of tlie system in a abort tun by th e of thee Bit tar. Fin. Tane. and nihe.r IVnrma lurking in th srntm of to many thousand u, are etfoctoally destroyod and retuoved. Va system of medicine, Do venniiugea, no an thilminitic will free the system livm worm like these Bitter. ... i- For Female Comnlainis. in vmmrr or old, married er tiogle, t thdtiwn of wo- wiantiooa, or the turn of lilo. those Ton a Bitter 'disflsy W decided an itiOusuc that kmprov "xieut u toon peroeptihle. - t i lican.se lite t itlated lilood when ever Ton find it imouritiesbiinitina' thronrh th skin In Pimpli, fcraptiui, or futes; lrri S whn yon fir.d lt cfcstrtictra and largish in tn rater i clean it when it is fi ; yenr Irelinirs will tell voa whi-u. Kp tl l'i"d pyre. a..d th fc ailh or ii.e sVstem Will follow. ' - - , k. h. Mrnoti.r ro.. Trf' nl lie A Tt.. S.n KrAn-il t.Hfonda, aa4 Of Of W .iiiv.'!MH sn.l I i,,(..tr, Ai. n Tt . Swiil ar au ti.is aaa iftstWr., tTi?lrrisT',ttairs 'I ' Clerk Of ih Superior Court of Chatham I In the Head, Pliun'ee of oikIil S u"U, " ay--eyj?wr..ti--1-' M'jili...'' lJ:-r- :..m'Ba. a-t "it tr;v.'uBri la sfiTl ssak ih Hilt 1 IS mil 'aVrA . W.!U -. Jl' Aaffmk!a',,,.-,rf'' all t I jaa-w)w t r, rxn -j -, v 1 - I r" t,r.'f t-i irl. .. - - 1 i I.... ,l..i I ill lllll ,n j j jgALTIMOUE -LOO-HOSPITAL OrFlCaW SOUTH FEEUJERICK TKEET . . - D Rk . J O n.V HJi.- Riylclaa of thl ceiurUJ Ijntiiuiii, d covered, whoa tn the Ureat. H.nuiUi.rf K . rope, vies England. Frac-audeiseahn e . awateertaJu, swedy, pii-,,,t and ittVcf . reuHHly tn tb world for ail ri or bi Ottnoyalm. ... Weeklies of .he Back or Lliubt, BtricWm. ABecUonoftlieKtdneyaor Bladder lrivoiuu. Wry IMacbargee, 1m potency, Onnertl U-oiiitv Nervousa Dyapejwa, Laww, L Stiirlta, tufiislon of ldene,ra1,ieUw o 1 . UearL luuldilv, f rein lin.i.Djuinwsof ,1,. or tiiddieeoa, DiaratM) of tBa UoiU .jea,, Nose y bm, AttouUoas of lite Liter. Lures' BluiuiMk or lluwei ti,sa (emols Jaa arising f n.u. Solitary Habit ofl'iwtu Slid aolliary pracUcea luure fatal u the 'vie, Uni than lb -xift of the styreei to the mT fiuere of Hjrrtew, bilehUB thdr moAaL cuiar rower, faliUtaUon, if Uie ilearLTiTT. Bymj.twmsof CuiuhiuihUob. c wouJ, MS.M1ALLY. lh f.aifui ellocta n tu EiUFuicbodiiiga, Jvci.iuv to aueh-ii . i UUu-usWLove o? Solitude, tl,; some ofTie evils pnrfuceJ. 1 lJ ru r-t ii9HnAtrjt of porntni of tU iudge whst U ti,w csuas or Hi can now health, Jonmg tutdr. viWf. umi Tw-ii ' nil irv..... t..i . 1 ,"1f weak, "ww declining snanmnt-eMmnt tw ejesVT touiaof Couisumpuou, U "d V"P MAKitlAOK. Married person, or Youhk moo r ..itooinla g marriage, aware of iaylu!j WCll. Los. of reattve Hewer l imwu,"? C - fiMuwrsiaHl tn noaith ty uulosrn, a ore." ' kudera whekoeptheu, trilling mS aiu' " month, WkiiigpoiaotHiu, Ul4 JW. JWa0a,ai,oi3d'1,,,ylmmltiK,M I)K.rfOilftiuN. Reaiber ot tb Royal Volioire of Snrmrm. tir.btaoa.u'u,brbr,;!. s: rl UUhS eure? Sit"-0'1"' C ha.t. isuiitg cures that were ever known- ..... doubled w,U. ri..Klug In XetZ a'nd Z heu al!i., grout aervouauess TbsingaUm' d at sudden sounds, baiftiSss eiih f quent blu.bl,ig..itded .ulS."w,1llV rMgeaieut of wind, ware, cuiwl uumLlel! CERTAIN piai646E- ' When th niUurulded ani. linprinlent'votaj. ofpler i,,d. uiat hs ha.' luibilLd i th, IW.S that an UI U.Uud sense of ,)lMB9 of discover, deutr him from sp(,lving w those who. from wiuiaUun ajidieewtSt.tT ... can alone , bcf.ieud hum tle Uit lllv"J; bands of Ignorant and doaini ,,ruw,i0. . Who, taeapalH.f curing, nieu u pL .ubsUiiue, keep him tilfliug un.utu afl. U0u;h, or a li.n(( aathe eaiuiluet fmraa L Ohtalued, and In doapah, 1, umiwiu ,uln, br, by the use of that ui adiy p0,Jtt, Meruur, caUM the constitutional syiiSoii. ol tbi k?f n". f'lferance, .urlL - palu in the head and Uwoe, Uiinui of ZhL desfnws, nodes oa tlie shin i.M ...1 ... ..... -.M-w vuu 1 tu n rig.iiM( with f rigfitfm rupidily. uil t l.7l Ui palate uf the oiuuUi or the boue, of tb" use fall in, and U.e vh Ui. ot thl. ,-wfui di. ea beooiue. a horrid ot,j!t-to( roiULUiaer. UottUlUdeathpuU a period Whu ddu sullwiug, by seuuuiK hi.u to lh.it uudiw jvered retnrnr" To .uch, therefore. Or. JuhnsUin elfer the at.Mturhdu, Mly, pleaanui ud eUoctluu reiaeily in the wurlu. ' K1X)K8KMKNT OF THE PltEW Th. u.y Uiouaaads eased at III tl.h ment within the l,t tww)ty yearaTaij JL inmerou, iiuporuwil .urgiuaT opsraOuu Z brined by Dr. Johti.um, wit!,1? UepreaMiuUvesof the Pioaa and anuir diiers uolioas of winch h.v apjd lin 3 .gain bofore the public, bjides hbTsUndiiii as a uuw of huuor and nwiu..ii,iin.., i ... eleiit guarantee to the alllu Ust. - , ' srr, .OII!TOV , T t nitTrarrwa 1 ir " Orrica, flu. tkni-ra Faauaaiu Hr.n H1I11U..UW .... ; .KVl.C, MIA' Encloae AdvwUuemeuleud Suuni for R july -ly pfy" till BAtRieil, BT. 0. ' k j mrs. sosa;k.owi. Fi.lraa &nnA in. ir..i,.. ... . Charge Mamiutlile ... msninisii . M, s B08A R( Wjt( W : r, l s . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jackson, korth cakoun Supreme court of Morih Carolina, md S th Federal l oans. am rHJB WARREN HOE , fivHRt Uon Tkmpbheu in On, aku War i hi r v kbt unr UAr Btkbu. It will enter tho ground bettr. It ha the (host cutlery surlucB. " ' ' It Will clean and scour tbe best. s the strongest ffrsde II.wcvw made, it is the most uiri.t'tni.1 n. i. planu clo, uaprther, e."i Writ for Oo.crlptl rp Circular ruost ojit' . . O N 4sJ )OL f . u JVLW& LEWIS & tU, S ilo Agunl lor RALKIQH, N. U. mar 8-tf. ITtrATT PLOWS. wer Yrkiod' and a la, i wrunent of other plow. JAM1S3 M. T0WLE3, Aj;t. fur AIn.i.,. trer. 11 Jr uUuwI,lttc'l,rlc8'o,, uu,fi"r w8ti! AND TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW MANUFACTURERS' FKiC'KS FOR " - CASH. U purcbeMd direct from Uil oUiee, or any Oi Ita local ageute, VINTH BTllEKT Kleliiiiiiad, Va". SecS-wam WoBoi fronnetor. TH12IITY COLLEGE Tu Soring 8ooa U1 eomoKm JA.NLAlii" i7rMf i6;t B.rdS I iwr month. Koliru CM., , aveuiontus, t0rlio,-j. TttlUuu. u ',...., Fud Iroia (.wto Sluo, uee eo-j w li. CiiAVi-.N. jsr- O ,T I V Ibi crrtTerf-ir (...; , fi lli ttmuv nd n.- . r ,. lUi.sda; u...,ita by u-n inn II. l. li Fb S-. . aa