Latest Dispatchea FROM WASULKOTtMt' '" ABiiTIIBB Dl-rATCU bbom Littlb lloCB I ll NiOGKJt B CuKURISUuIAL Nbws, WAiOMUToK, April 28. Jjttullo) 'ng uispcb iu r tviA today Lim.i Hock, Abb , A pril at. To U. A fart, Jtor few : ' rw llB IVLIl t lll UIUII1II, MB Governor of this t, I telegraphed JT a tht there wss aa armed insurrection BvuiA, Al ' , April 88. tbe wstor H liiglitr than li'icti 1865 and if s''l rising and rsir'ng. Tin Selma, Home & Ultima Keilroid is to Ui told by a d crw ot the Chancellor. Juiie b. Avovrtli Ujk , April 81 Tbtre wss.s henvy ntin to-day. Crop accounts are discouraging oo account of floods. The comcr-sume of the I'io Houo Col taewuua Wtti citu ud delegations from Atlanta and Columbus, w'. be preterit to take part in the ceremonies. ' , New ORLr-$s, Ap..l 28. Some $200 from Savannah reached tbe Relief Com mittee. Tbe advices from tbe Tech tpvttrj- sr.- diwonrg'jg" "The" DosTol contribution rob 33,000V . Lomdom, April 28 In tbe Ilouse of Connnoni tbe Home Secretary introdu ced e b''l emending sad considerably ameliorating tbe licensing act. It fli"i the closing hour of pub''e bouses st bell an bour later at night New Tubs, Apr ' 38.--There ii a (light fall of cuow. tJPWtAJQAU, Pa., Apr'1 B8. The severe wind and rain storm of Sunday was followed by a heavy snow to-day, which svti" continues. It is now twt inches deep. uiuVr t.t .UxHMuu4,MtWaar AAA: IXi. LittlbRocBj piU 28. There is no ma' riul change. Tbe Bsxtd.t 1 have a sixty fou' pounder siege gun planted at th corner of Mfkbr-n and t 5ott stroe''. Both, -ps ties are expecting re'tforce mon Both telegraphed to tbe Presi 4nt ref?p5liDg the -Uua' op. F:Ven cltinens ol Boughlon foi'ewed borae thiu vca and bad a right. One tit un Sid three thiey i were killed. " Batom Bouob, Ap.:i 38. Tbr i hur). dred families of this Parish are bomel toui-Uitiluod. Tbe question as to who is the actual Gvveraof wit! be presented to tbe Presi denrtor decision, unle'i some other mode i settlement snail late, fene, before tbe matter is formally taken up tor Ei'cutiyi cvusiueraiiou. Since yesterday morning not more tbaa 50 depositor! of amount bare applied to tbe Freedman's Sai.oera Bank lor with drawal of U'Bda, In all other rap it the bum ilea is prog ressing r t usual. IIousk. The lleuse appropriated $90, 000 to purchase rations tor tbe distressed people suffering from the ore. Jo w of tbe lower aliBsissippL Tbe Judiciurv Committee has b m an- uwi'w w laao MJafcrjiouj lO'iKIDg IO Itte nunwaaiaai ol Vudgo Bluij, ul kuu SAS. Sknatb. A 'corn presented a uiemorial of the Btate Orange of Miasisainpi in faror of the Fori Phillip Canal, inferred to cumin niee on cyommerce. against the legal Oovtrnment of this State, and made a requisition upon you tor aid u suppress it ana to prevent domostic violence. I have just now been advise! tliaT yon net er received tbe requisition. I ouw tate occasion to say tnat an armed insurrection exists In this State airainst the lawfully constituted authority thereof .a H'J av uta Jegisiatura canaot-neet nntit the 1 lib day of May, I call upon you fur Sid to. protect tbe State Aiust domostic Violence. K. Uaxtkr, Gorof Arkansas. A similar call had preriously been ceived trom Brooks, claiming to be Oov tuor, and two attorneys in his behalf rcir iea nere yesterday to rrge a oomph aucu with tbe call. Two attornevs rles iiatched by Baxter will soon f'nva on s J ike urmid iu bit interest. J ItKsoLtrTioNs Adoptro by tub Stvits EXKCCTIVB COMMITTEB OF THB DgMO CBATIC-C'ONiSBVATIVE PaBTT-PlAW OF OKOAJJIZATJON. RBSOLUTIOKR. ltttoima, inat we aeepio symstbize with the oecinle ol the West in their want of railroad facilities, and pledge ourselves to use every available means to. secure me earij completion or ineir projected lines. i lietdved. 1itX the Republican parly ..having despoiled tbe Stats, milllionl of d(tirs.ergtofore appropriated Jot rail road purposes, is unworthy, of confldebce, snd tnat experiejice jus titles, the conclu' sion thst if that party aj'ain entrusted with tbs sdmustratiou of our iuternal improvements, its loaders would apain prove recreant to thesscred trusttnd would divert' the public fund to their private purposes. j Jtetoifd, That s wise policy dictates the adoption of such measures as may be ne- ct.ary to increase the educational ad van luges ol the children of North CarolinA. - lictolttd That we earnestly recommend to the members of the Pemocrstio-Oon sei vative party to discourage Independent Candidates and all other - disorganise rs, and that all support be promptly with diawn from every aspirant for office who shall oppose the regular nominees of pur eooventions. f foief,That we tender to tbs friends of Free Government our sincere congrata lotions at tbs triumph of the greet prin ciples of the Constitution - as illustrated by the Democratic successes ia the reoeot tftate and local elections. - pi. A a or onaiAirhtAVfAi 4 , 7hs following plan of the Democrat lo Conservative party was adopted : ' I t. The Executive Committee fur tbe Stale shall oomaist as at present appoint ed, snd ah all hsvs all ths powers hereto fore conferred upon it i S. rbe Executive CommiUce for the ' Congrarioosl and Judicial Pistricti shall cor Unue as at present constituted, until regularly changed, snd shall have general superviron of the affairs of the party in their respective district. f , 8. In each county then shall be sn Kxecutiue' Committee composed' of a Central Committee of not less than three -TnemtotTi, Sod of at teSt one X'ommlftee uan from each township. This Commi ttee shall, under direction of ths County t'ouvontion, have entire control of county matters. It shall be their duty to see that all the details of tbs canvass are properly by competent challengers, that each Con- tarvitinMita him-- ikA.HatAiiS- iha tu fraud is perpetrated at tbe election. They are rMrticuiaxly enjoined to take the ne cesaary stes for the efficient organization tf townships, aid" to keek Tjr i wlae 'ad. ruinistraUoa to promote hannoey aad to inepireoobBdenoa. ' ' , A. All Executive Committee are pre- per ly choose by the Conventions held for the iwpeet ire territorial dirisioe I bat f any causa there should Wlurt by lite proper C-mveetioa to appnieAea fcir cutir Uommittee, then the State Exeaav tire Oemmlttee may supply tbe deflcleo- cy- ' Pl-Annr OBOAwrtaTiop or tub Pskn- CHATHi. C0HSByAT!V PBTV. At B uictiog beld in this city yesterday, ithV fuliowing plan ot organisation waa advp ted by the Bute Executive Cothmittsjej 1 Tbe Executive Committee lor 'the Btate shall consist aa at present and shall bare alt tbe powers appoin'ed heretotore conferred upon it j 9. The Executive Committee for trie 'Comrrearioaa end Judicial Districts shall condone a at present constituted. Until -regularly changed, and shall hare general .vw-. i tral Committee of net', leaf , then three members, and of at leaat one eopMnittee froaa each towBsliIp. This oomsaittae shkll, ooder direction of theOuanty Convention,1 have entire control of county -milters, Il shall U theU dutyto sw (lbat ah the de tails of tbe canvass ar properly i conduc ted ; that the polls are attended by com- poteot challeogeri : that each Oooservs ti re east bis ballot, and f bat bo fraud ii perpetrated at the election. Tbey are par tionlarly en owed to take "the, accessary steps for tb efficient orgaaixatiosj oftowo ships, nd to seek By a wlai aUminisirs- tion to promots harmoay bb4 to inspire 4. All Exscutlve" Committees are pro perly chosen by the Conventions held for the respective territorial divisions, but if. for any cause there should be s fa'itire bj the proper Convention to appoint sni Executive Committee, then tht State Bi ecntive Committtfe may supply the di icieucy. ! a 0. Nominations for county officers and members of the General Assembly shall be made by county conventions: for town sod township officers, br tows snd town ship conventions : for members of Congress snd" Judicial officers. " by '"the District ConveDtiens. ; 0. .411 Conventions shall be open, snd d us notice of the time and place of con vening tbe same shall be given. - K. COX. lHair. J. J. LrrcHFOHD. Beet ' y, , Many persons Buffer with sick headache sud nervous headache, usually induced by eostivsaess, indigestion, Ao. Such persons will Dnd relief if not cure, by k- eping tbe bowels open wUtsmaU doses ol Partoni Puroatitu Villi. . ' Have you inflaautory sore throat, stiff imnU. or lameness from anv causs what ever 1 iiave you rheumatic orother pains in any part of tbe body I IX so, use tou t Antxlyn Luwiunt, internally and ex ma"y FKoiA ..I t A lb : '..,-K. OVOB'tt.' CH OF NOV, 18T8. , ! ttarlotte, N. C, Nov. 8, Igtl. Mrsass. 6'tn.vaa Bbotbbbs: Havliiirpnreliased von, and bad in las In onr f aniiliea for some time past, jroor Far mei's Cooking Moves, ws cueerfnlly bear tentitnonj to it many good qualltioK its economy In the nseof fuel, the rapidity with which It does its work, the uniformity with which Its baa-n(t, and cooKlsg, and tbs ma ny eonvenlcnees combined In It. all bud to males it, In onr judgment, the best coaktngj stove m use, ana m tucii we wonM recqu-. nicnl it to tbe public. J t Beutsn J K Caldwell . B H Hunter U N ButchinsoB A B Itowsa W tiGrahaus J A Weaver i B Griffith W A McUinn i M Coffey A Klrkpatrick John M PuUa T A WOspn R 11 Henderson H Elliott 0 M Campbell 8 Datnlth Jainra LUrtrr W WUm . FD Fair 8 M. f Uflord H M Dixoa KW8ebom J 8 Long Wm Taylor Jss L Joanaon W H Casblosr M M DeAnnond B A Torancs Robert 8 White . A. B Klrkpatrick kUGritnth M LVaaseler ' J C McGathsrlas ... jReed D t Harkiy A McClooo " KGrirnn . B BUnkenshlp John B Kerr . , , JCFlt r ' M L Harris J W Klrkpatrick wm Jteuau PC Hark.y Noah Bollck W N Alexander PavidCorran J W GrifllUi D H BmiU K H Abernetby i M Strons; , , W B Cbchrar4 Joshua Clovet K H Klckardaoa B Williamson , M B Bowdea . M M Alexander' CABehora M M Wallace ; W G Taylon Tim U Connell JK Brown J W M Terrell J H Black , A McCanley Jas Weeks C Griev ' K A Helm i Wl.tfrilBti , ! Jonath Stlnsoa. JW Stewart ! James Fneket ' WraFMcClawa Wm L Barkef i 3 slUribtU , J Bluner , tahn ti Hanter M J Holbrooke 8 C Haner", ,nt , Jos Underwood James Connell Wm O Well 1 MB Little - NORTH CaROLIRA. ' . ' Mecklenbirr Ooantvl I, E. A. OsbotBS, Clerk of the Bnpertor Court of said eonnty, do ncMby certify taat the above named parties are clusenr sit said county, of rood sod respectable steading. J Witness my hand and official ssalt al rqe ia bsxtotts, the sin day ol November, lisa, ' . M A. VSOOHIII, W. B. u NSOUSOK.MBllT. I respectfully announce myself sn indie pendent candidate for the office of 8UPE- rUUHCUUKT CLfcKH for Wake county. .,;-.' : B. U. RAY, - ap H tf - - JUIJUS LEWIS AND CO. DEALERS, IN BUILOKKS ASD r;.r; , .' ;;"t.,BC8ltJRNaHlG rBiBDWiltj Also Macs facta rers Agents for ths sale of "T PKAtTS A8TRALOIL, . " V BOLLf 8 tX)TTO HOf 8,, ' AVKKILL CHEMICAL FAINTS, FA KM. UHUKCH AWD FLA-TTATION BULL ' - - .; TME ALL aUtttlT CUajsKSTDVE, OKAMIIIFLIJfaam ; ! t.k. K'-r.: v iWlUtt risber BnUdliur, taMgB, M. O. ' Bp -t STBATID 08 BTOWA- x "! . - -, I' ....... . i.." ci m t j . Strarajorstolasw from m oa-aH bay mars aula l years old with all fa Jock a Inclined to be rrav. A soluble reward will hspaid for her dcUVery at my turns ? saiira Ailll t K ti StaUarll A .A lh. am n A A . BaaaderadlCo. la Kalsia. . i'l , , t O. a RAND. I ; BP 7-dU3t i ' --'". -r I 71ISCEIJO?EOl75r"tT ip a a Lb O f PATSST WUPf INO OverTwo Handrvtl ''Millions nave a assd wiuiia tbe part lu ttitn. without eompuau of iloss by TSs; sacoounai tfeUcluid. Tasi aaa aioaa bbuabls S-om aubM Corteer Bta tama a u cwa. AilKxnraisCoaaftanies BMtbniB. j j Koltl by fnutan and 0UUiusrteiMrwlfen. oct A-eotim . i , 1.''"' it til RADWAVS READY RELIEF CUKES THE WOMT PAIS! , In from On to Twenty Minti o. NOT ONE MOUH ! u AwfMdkw Oik Mnrtlanni m4 anjooa I surna with rut. . , ; mar rail. . ItwMUMantaiktla Tle Only Pealn Berne Xy Lmho. MoiaMa. Swwala, r UMr fuuids w Mgua, by aariUaUaa. 7T . u mis nit AiiainrsMStM 1- IKFLABMAl llf lis fun VI ihtmkic a rii.s or Tiral Si inanK BUA'TioBorjirita'WKi.- joUffilot nrnl'iu aitKaTiiiNo pmru whert UM Bui or U'DfejuJIr xu wuuaaiai aMOnaifan. ' ;V ,'. TvriintvSnfTMlfi half aUSmblar of wafw wjfltn 4 MHwnWaar CM A a I a, WAWIA -rtrw jrirm Skakthi gi. mi i UKadachk. IHa iKii ana aiiiKTjsKnAL. raina. - -fnnatrra ahnaM. atwate rmr;baejt r wBsw- wmv-a aaaaMir an tn'-si aaai ItJbcttvrtUatt frmnch bxmfJtKintmu TEVIX AXD AGUE, i m3vnrAir. WtarS TrnhnCT Ti W1IM HI UBT. tlftaamiaHwrUiUi. HEALTH! BEAUTY "Wi.miiaJEw SBAVTirUA. COKlXkXlOB ttOlBJUJ TO SIX- ,i .A. k T7T 1 iDRi' RADWA i THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS BADS VHB MOST AKToKTsmKfl rrMRijuo opnyr. so sapid abb ths caamiK. viir BODTTNaTEROOES, 1'NPKK Tim lf.TLlrB or THIS THAT DajlIicfeaueifM MfeiiiltisSeeiiMp Rrery drop of th HABSaPaRILUaM RRlrL VK.MTeonmuncatMthrrMiirti th Blood, flwrit, I'rlite. Tb4 ttw rtwrsley n4 )ntm ihm Tttem (h Ttfitf of ha. for ltraflraUi wiwtpg of the Ihk1 wlih m- ftnrt Batiund ma,ttirlsiL Krrolul. BTDhl pniiitj, wnwniptinri. sBwort, Modln tK OUfvOitEBd MIwt jArta. if tsifm. Mor By, Brtrymorttm ilischant roil) lh Kan iivfi iKaa jriirtat fnrmfl of Hkifl diMa4l KMiHTforM. Fifcpr eVaht HesV Blnj Wuiim. ltUI RHrs, Rrv-t .f .t-, ActM, Blkck Apata, Wirrm m t4i njli, tumor. hn- o n tn um womb, ana til woasveninit an M.rui I rtiartiRi, nignt bvuu, uom 01 B)eriri mtui au waMri Hi lit, airtncinltii. ara within th rnmrlrsi ruitH nf i WWlBtfel PUBBIII BaalBBV.r T, BIBW CTBFJBJ SfW i-rnrn toanj Miwei wine nior iuieir bjbm avu ti lt sroWwr fe ftnra UiafTL It tii DttiemC oailv becontlnK railuead bw U wJ aiMi (ioooaKMitroa utt ciantmaaiiir ptuatwMiiiw, i n etl in arrtMtiuf thM watea, and ntmlr th m whJi ntw natarlai Ubhis ftma Iieallriy WmmI-h(I ttii nut HAK.SAPARIi.LUN will nd c1h; atciira- ofira ta carUia; for whea oaea tjiin iait(lr rtMnoivaai-iiu work of aarlfleatton, suitt icssttto Id drniiirhliiK h lkfof VsvasssLlttrepahawUI aa raokL aaei tjvcr ly tut patient will flblUMlf ttrowltu tM-tUr sttsd-trGiiff-r, Ilk fatMl decAii botvi, Mpoilu UafirorliBf , aitst isChli and wiietht Increaits.if. t No on It 4om Ui luatArAftnxiay Hvmvr . ll bwb ramadiml ajtaii in tnc a m i-ur"tii fuloaa, OsMkBmUsMtai, alt4 Hkia liiMRi, Uui W raiiafjoivfcinm , ,,, ,, Kidney 6 Madder Cmplah trritAsuy aM Vml 4ttiMM, Om. rWh4Mt t Ittitppaita af Wator, IieatMUkMBoaof OriJU, BriuhV ratta. AjDunMirii, ana ia au eatwa wmra user ara brlcBHluMdapoalta, or Uw water to Laiek, aioudr. miied wit, mfasjunoaa Uka tha whito of aa ,, r tKrejulB Ita wkiu allk, or Utara la a morbkl, dsirk.AUtooa aupaar- oca. aaa wniw domuk uapomia, ana wnen mvr oca, and whit boaa-duit dapoalta, and when ft pricsUiix, burning Mnaanou wlian paMnc water. a priCaUUK, Darauiff aaiiaauun pais la Um ttsustii or Uh. .tack aod BWSlSSj BSJB DR. rAdWAY'8 PerfertPnrativfi &Rei aatSjiatly hatatoaa, abnasUr esatad with mil rsra. arwa, raa-ulata, partfy, claanaa asd atranithaa. Bad war'a rila, for tba aura or ail dlaordara of tlia Stomath. aim, Bamw, aianayt, ataonAr, n.rrooj uaaaMs. HaadAChA 0WNapaAla, OoaS , IadUwatto. Oil Mna. ttlllnii.nm BIMana Favar. IiiAamaiAtloii af uia howala, fllaa, and all Dcranaainanta or lb Inttitial Tlaaira Wamsta laaSaat a paaitin ear.. mil taratabls, Be narcarj, AAAMfaU at SalAtfri A r.wdoaaa of BADWAVS mu wm m Hm fcv 4aoiraaullUaaaaaainae4iTCrdAia Pr W pom. al AKguui.ia I i Z : bBaS "Vajjib abd tbo a 'Sot ena to BADWAV 00. Bo. m Warraa At, w TwB. Jafuaaalasa wm ' ' ' KUlkaa it- mnE:.01TJ,.6TjfJSIi .'.13 Q . I U U .It) ' WEXsI. TESTED wrrs omcB ta FI I HER BUILDIMJ, OVBB TBB SUBDWAJaB BTOBB OV . I OL I us l z wisjb 'i;b. Baa paid to tbs Widows sad Orphans Kortb Carolina alaes UM, thai earn ( ana ind, by fidelity snd promptness In this pir Deuiar. ana iunuaning ins lowest rates of ap; list cisas eompany; snd also, bavins; pt store rsvsnos vo u bisi uaa aav company, she merit and enjoys Un aarnawl dlatlnrMnn nf Iwitni lliA ' r LKicLifi un coiristu.Tiim1 -, And wltai her . -it.,'- KQO,000,00.00 A bow oa aand, and maaered hv Real knur axuarianoa aa tuanctai skill sheoOsrs the hiKboit .standard of escarity V all her cosMraHfra. auu, bbb invtwuDeat bpt eapi. tallat a !1Q,0U0 policy I better than l(;,0UiiB realestats. Ages trooi to 1 9 are Insnrails ot BotB sexes, abis eompaay does not sr, rature wiut usm, sny w. se aaa Impartial sosaparissa with aaasr eomiiaay nuat and raapaaariMity, and tear the nsuftko UM)iidcnMatottbepubUe. j Br callins apoa tbs tteasral Agent pr any kit tla Loesls, tnrtBer inforiaatAAa will be cliutr- rully bBpsrtsd. - jl r 8.Mt .iW. & GROW. Geaenl Acenti . a McKEE, M. 0V MedseaJ Eiamirr. Sep O-brn A compVe esurtiaent, at the Book Btof see U-tf Ja- rou ooisa to ri.sTf - ;i venll'tdcslr ir..; 'jki.ii4VLtt;8LawtflagB. . Bole Axatl TOO IM 111 II 1UU aciraat fn "'-''-ti' i' llow. And otttt-r rvori id-lr UaI' .Ltti .Mi autre, sut AAJiU AT's. ML' ME- ... I 0 I lelora. ;'. ; aniainrBNiTimifv nwa at i.i r k HOOTS 1ND SHOES, if s i! Wblcn HANDLED It is niniii- Kroui Solid t'aat Stoul.1 It lu i una u i-s JHti'i ii.uiv:j. . er - ft i r J.UItj. fill I 1 A i .COTTON ..... , .... irniiadf Mpcci.ia f fti thianiaiiut I'rNfcf. J m TfTTtA' S4 ruscditift. 1 v u W.-Tiitinstio; W.1TTiiljfJrOS,fcOJi. mif 3tf 'lug ajw llitei'i'a.-turiiia; a l ore article of i,uni nyo ana wuiv.i wui auji, wuieu A uuer toeaah biirura at in larV' pries. Ifny Liquors K'f.l at my,li-tl lery,or by my Partiiiy or saleemtn J. A t bees at lliltsbore, Ea:l o baisure mi whaM iiiraseuted when olcl,lh moniy wilt be r ruuile.l, vr no charge for the whisker. Or en s4k-iUsd. , ' " ' JERRY HOLT, C.oniany Sli tn, Alamanc county, N.O. Marcb7diw Im. ' tbttltftnlM' fiv u i t eim.ii- iMifv rilllf trpm nyBpupfci.i Uii .int.- c ifU'iitn t, coi., tuaeuitp- Won. tck q ail a h ., tctt .nU ttuu, nnfu. cb. thd liver or kidnoys, U ti tuue. c)eio and rculaic tht&f ioiurtsUit oru;But by the K. TUTT? VHf rTABLFi LIVER PIL18. Thtr act very itftrdiy; yetlhiirouiihly reatcjos the functional ac.Uiin of the di(ttive onrsus snd iiAlcuiiiea ud renovates the system. 1 trey produce ik it Her nansea, gripliiKorweik' nets, and may be taken without chantra of jet or occu)tion. 1 Price 25 tent s box. Bold by all druggist. DR. TUTTSJTJnt'BTE l-oaseases qualities 11. a, no other dye does. Its unani. aauatfisanra. UaI, 11 cte JJuyhai, SioSaeas oOswnvr. I an .1 i-uallv auolled. and lain I t is naimless an general us anionic the f Aahiotuble hair drues- ers lu every large c:ty iu Ui United duti :iy iu Ui United dutss. W everywhere. j ' 1 rice si a oex. id everywhere. aft) AT S.. .f o4i mil tht DiAtomi ot the Skin. MM Firo. trj.koApkMet, 1 eU-iumHaUt Wu)n. aScoW Ilea l, Ilinuaorm, liuumalUm. rain and t'uhrgrmeni of the Donet, to rt&,Ww&iayiji&Uiiyt isflerrAaMlsr Whitet, Ww8 Dueatem, Ihvpty, White Buellingt, tSypUUtt, Kidney and Liter Complaint, Mi curiaf Taint, and Met, sit proceed from impure blood.. . I "tt Sf fffo W tf WfhWP&Z It is tbe most po orful Blood Purifier knoia to medical science. It enters into tbe cir culation and eradicates every morbific IgeW; reoovitt'HHe 'mfptoduco, a oeautuai complexion ana causes ths body to gum now son lucres ia wsignt. XKKP THE BLOOD HXALTST o4 all will he .,fA. ;,Te.doso, notbitig has' eW been ftekd thst can compsre with this valuable veircUble extract, Price100ibitttM.''t)old by all Drug- gists, ottice 4. Cortlandt Street, N. Y. mbasdir , 1 STAR. HAB Isrgesllol'eB'Btlon of Bay Dally IfeBioaDdr in tbe. Btate.. and aclrtinlA- tin In Wiliuii.e'.uB B'.IUir twice Isnre as sny other paper.! li i I A(l the news of tbe Vy will fb found In It, eoDdenstd when sximPurfBnC at lenirth whea at awent,attb alwr prosouled In s eiesr. UUJllgcutAji(J iiutrest ijir mattBer, ,. r . ''SV'fclttfiSiiji.AdrmceS: t ! OiwTear... .BJ OS rv..P. , IH . t .ve WKRld'jy STAR 1ftfjTltR(W jifcyJfeCBrfrhiA. j. The WrtMv Star it now cornblmd with the VtrulmA tuwt4-ahd ls One of tbo ebeaiMat papeis La the eon t y at,Uie Jollewina: 1 REDUCED RATES, ' , Owe eopy, one year P, fo One etijiy, six mouths.. .............. .v 1 W tftlui of 5 1.1 10 ons year, tl Itt Per copy pwapr.a v.j -... t ' - 4 lB-pociiaia n 1' smt as ypBBttoat' 4 AowaesB, ......)'.,! '!-. i 1- WM nBEnNARDr'r''r ... sn4;tAt et Proprietor, T mi jrj TlLMtSaTOB.N. C , i CHILD t:N will eoniume U sell el'a. aov 11 tf ' D Kwm jl . DBillntnF 1 1 If U I I l U I T I- 1 1 1 U 1 I Al. IO Hl'i W.'l MllAiri Jif.A.. r ' uiTnnfiiil . ,' j ADVICE i SI'BBS. SBP at waWBBBWaaSB SB W a t' B -J C8, 1 ESTABLlSni- D ONLY SIX TEARS I I I 1.. .1. .. ' tud-lU-MU- .W'-A ..'' tl UilJlW-l J)IX1K piwi nil flowii; Is now whlthoat s rival. It rats s Beepar sad "wMer fnmnr ru saschaaleal srsaaure. irat for alteriaar est I more simple asd etttckmt thaa any other plow on the market, sail sa-pening mowunir pointa, ibb arrwvwi plow Improraait of the ace. Ak Kev. J W. J. Orowdnr and lot i W B Watson, what thsgrtauaksl thwpW. Call sad saatnls It or SMOd yoar on are to . at. r.iusissvii., dec 10-tf . itlC'OaSt WMtftifr tetrr-i timely febort to tltts stand ard prrparation, as hfys been proved bytho hiinclrcds o! ti stimoninls received by the iroj H ietors. It is iu-lcnowl-r ctlged ' by many prominent . )1iyfirci7in8 to be the most ivlinble preparation ever in litKluoea for the relief and ..mro of all Lung complaints, .md is offered to the public, aiK'tioned byJhe pxjxjricnco )t over foitjr yenis. . When x'sorted toi sonsop it sel tjont fails to effeet r epcedy Tnre - in tiro mosj scvero conea of (jotighs, ft onehitis, Croup, WhoopiiJg Oongh, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore " iicss in the Chest and Side Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar'. Balsnm docs not dry. up a Cough, aud Jeare the cause behind, as is the case with inost preparations, bat it loosens and " cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of Uw complaint. fRSPABKD Bt BTff W. rOWLE A BOSS, Boston, Xaabr "Sdavtd br UmnlAr and IAAlra rtioarmlljr. DISSOLUTION. rpHEPIRMOr (!. O. HtAKTT ACU'ls ,A. this day dissolved by mutual consent. AilpirUea indebted to the 8ms will make payoABO to (J. U. ueartt and au claims attain. 1 the firm will be pre vu ted to biro for payment, he alone being authorised to eotUe up Ibeaf-fulrsr-f the eobcern , C D. HEARTT, HL'UBEltr UKAUG. TTAVINO rtKOlliSEU TH E8T1KE JL I it-rest l llflrbtrt BrutK In tbe late Him of V. U. Huartt A Co., I will hereafter conduct the buslueas la my own as me at the old stand, and respectfully solicit the patron rgs of the peeplo. CUAIiliE 4 D. UXAKTT. leb B4-tf. , A DAUGHTER OF 110IIE MIA, BBW BOVBL By CiiuiBTiAB Rbid, v Author of "Vs- lerie ArtcfxOraattiiA-AUb'-Ceautilul'y Illustrated. Price, Paper Covers fl.Ott. Inclotb $1X0. , Just rtceivitd at the Hook Storo of ALFRED WILLIAMS. ap 14 dtf Beer and Wine Hall. I pro my largo atd wall assorted tockof Wbiakirs, Brattllea, ' ' ' Olns snl inlrituoiw Llquoars of all kinds by ths measure at greatly -tuoed priees, sa I intend to change my b'Vi w to an exclnaive BEER AND WINE HALL at my present tund. Parti who dee1 re pur chaslng fioe liquors In quiotitles less than Bve gallooa would do well to call. Liber I arrangements made with dealers. Kb la-U A. vv. iaAio. Doatness caused by Catarrh, Catarrh not asfrequently produces desf- aeas. Mr. Levi Aprinrer.of NetUe Ldte. (F O.) Williams Co , O., formerly of D rbsh's to. ners, O., has been cuied of deafness of four teen years' standi us, by Bains Dr. Bara'a oat srrh Jtemedy. He was so dust be could sot hear A person talk when seated by his side, and esn now hear the cha ch bell ring two miles distant o hi writes. A MARKED CA8E OF DEAFNESS CURED. ' f DiCKBBSOsrviiLB. Misc. 00.. N. T.j Fab. 82, 87L ' .' , . About one year ago 1 caught a sever eold In the head, which terminated in a sever torat of catarrh. During ths time ulcerations occuted tn the nasal passages,' and 1 became wholly deaf in one ear, with partial deafness in the othea. The moamation had involved all tbs delk-at structures of the eara, and was ia Immediate danger of permanent deafness. The dlachanr became Drof use and fetid, both Into my throat sad from my ear. In this condition I called oa Or Fierce for Bid, who prescribed bis Golden Medical Diecovtry and Catarrh ttomedy, and under their ase have rapuiry recovered. air Bearing la restored, and at Oatarrh Is Sutlrely wolf UUB BSU'Ixa. 'BiiEES'3 FIT CUBE I ! ,r; nat Bemed' for Epilepsy1 Fits, ' Bpssnu, Cob1sIobs sad - lemma WskefuliMSS. acta Dromotlv. of taw arraatin the KlU from the Srat dav'a bab. avaa whara they have existed for years. , ,- COMPOUND EI. COBYDAUS. Tit Great Teictiblt llteratlTe. 1 !, !. ;.U .'Otmas ? --7 '" rcrofula. feeondarv Bruhlua. KniDUona oa tbs Bkiii, and all dtaaa arlaing from ita- purs Blood. ' j. Ir . MaWICATSO BOS JET I t, A BoverelgB Balm for Couth. Colds. Brant ehl la, Asthma aad all disease of the sir passage nd Laura. By iu UoMiy as Baray aapposrd ease of Uoasamptlos are promptly raliersd snd tbe Langs nstorad a health. ' - -- SECMAIiQIA SPECIFIC I A ptotBot, poxiUve and permanent; relief for tba eiA-ruciatlna: pains of Nearalgia, Jthuma Usm and Sciatica. Kor Bal la tUlebrh. H. C . fa Win .awa SI HAVWOOla. I' ,Vf.i...-:-'i; - t rrspsred only .;.. ..:...aa ' -,T- " Oa. GREEN, LISDLET A'BicNTLE, B'mt tViUKWdtswly liharloUSa N. C. . JJWO TBOVSAMDrODIIDB i Prime reSaed Lard. . At . ' " sKtmt '.-:r, k g joNEA Acy's, ' tlilM v Baltimore, Md. PORK PACKS!!! AND DEALERS IX UAWX AS o m.7 Salted Heats, Bams, SKiea, Hhonldera, Piwit, lloel, WU ai.u Lard 0,1. ' 1 S ri Ml Tina ol taavma Jsaklas havias; badtrAi. - We tBVuj,.,,; . tiAv lata urm, p uau Boa isss w oarry oa luarlut ratoa and proaipt aklp Bunt always atov S-iaM EE AD ! EE AD! REAJ) GKEAT JDISCOyii: U Y J MJAJCL) BJCAUY FllH lltt j(J Sold by the Oalloa jol "One Ualloo Uovera d UEAD TilK F0LLOWIN0 TifcTAM0N(A.L8; FKOM FKOf . W. 0. SIMMONS, WAKEfOKEST, N. C. " 1 li K Smv)SAV8u.V Wshavi tJSi-, I-atsbt EaaaiBi. Faibt ' on owr "Oohesr Bulldimr." jZl arT-Tr.-lS yt!. .""I1"-'' It was applied by oaa having aoaajrkae la sat wort, tot are ,, a irool oi ur " oontinne W aae It. beUevmg that ta polnUof economy, durability and f amily TI f n m suinorw ny owv ptgucnt ouexvs m (BlgnedA :.- Ma. C. r. Aaioar bib: The paint came vu, now ui , uw vuv avu wwii waA not eo taut work completed the house is bow generally conceded that for "Enamel" there la not s handsomer tob in the place. I Is an Item Just now with Bouthern Vooplo," any country lad can apo'ylt. I hat neve W9 AUIAAVIJ HI. KIWI MW)lAII,f W JV.I aWUni IWUI WMV W MAUI WA UUI IliX'.(J ... uelleu y of material, la beauty of color, aim the fact of it boiiia: read? -mixed. UiaI I yon foil parmiMloo, i m, n it ai oeBAraois, to msae aaaw a. aaiaaiKAfaAa aia , it r u i r . a . . i . Jt . Patent Etamel Faint far exoeeda , whm w v w .m MWwum.i.. m-mv mimi . I. V boua(Miualoa Uoue) with the Bradley Patent with It, I a iwrmmeu to paint tue nouuoi the -'Hotel," aud 1 ais moat happy to say that It ' gives me cerfect aaUafaction. In conclusion I will say, If this testianoiual will be of any ad vantage to you, yon are at liberty to use it. ... Tours most respectfully, i lsViAU ALBr.KTBON, Mansion House U oh 1 - Cor. Fayotte aud Bt. Paul Bta., BalUuwr. The following IcttAii IssUroog snd raluable; Baxtihok, Mo., Dec J7, lm ' C. Jf. A'ayAt, K., Aufnt JiradUyU Jithml Swmet iWarf 1bab Hi t : 1'be Paint we purt:iA" from you we will cheerfully undorse a the beat of any kind we have ta I, It OYeriu qualities ia evorything dealred, drying promptl) undwith hard gloauv wlueh uinat, ws thiak " rosist the action of all kinds ef weather. Tni ia our experience sud we esn recommend 1 with certainly, and In Wad to us It oa all eucaaloas wber wa duaire a good Job of murk. ... ., ' Very resiiwtfully.J'leu and fruaco Paluuira "" EMMAUT dt (iUAHTLky, -ill W. Baltiuore btreet, House, Sign aud fresco Painter. a P. KNIGHT, Solb Gbmbhai. Aobbts, - , I 93, W. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. oieciin"nana rrice t.isv rumi-neu graus, NORFOLK This vatu ible fertilixer is oflsrod to the Ifarmar at a pries to sail the1 tlntea, wbla it strength has bten greatly Increased. No Ouaoo has met with sock anirunal favor srsry- . where, so great waa the demand tat season, only one third of the orders couM bs Billed. It cuti talus about HB pareont, of Bone Phocphnte, and from 4 to S Dor cent ol Amaoouv -Many of the best fartpern in the county are using It, IteaabihAiiby ipljiug to our lo cal agents, aa follows: Wiu-iamsOb, Urcuuaua ATbomas, u ' Bale'gh, N. C. Joan R Dunn, , roreatvllle, W. H. Avsba, ii... u A. J, P. Hahju", ; ,; PseiBe.. " Db. AC. Davis, I Ooldsboru', " rncj w per ton, put si in w pound, nana. March 4 dw Brno 'yy e . a s e i Swedes Iron sad ths ! i Finest English Steefl The bas,'.. brands ot .American aud Swede Iron, and English Extra Refined Cut Steel used In th'i manufacture of our . AX Ed AND EDGED TOOLS, j Ws offer the very best AXE that canti manufactured by akilled workmen, and very superior material a, and trust that we will re ceive the support of the trade. Older, oiled immedistely. , '' juwun LEWIS & CO., ON TUB HKKAKJTAST, LUNCHEON, DKl HEB AND BTJPPXa TABLE, Lea and Porrina' Worekestershlre Ssoe is ladispenslble. . j JOHN DUNCAN'S BONK. New Tortu - axawass is tae vaitsa But, oct JQ-ly i, : , m-, , j-.t . a S ' ,j,yiiL - from ths hoase ef John Wceib-JSt one mile Not th of Raleigh, on Tuesday evening last, a large Horse; heavy tall and manv tali hangs to the left, cuts bis knees In while trOt ing, blaze face, rubbed a little ta the right hind thigh. The Bm'er will be Ubarally f warded by delivering tbe me ' . I teblS-Cf wxMtfaa, TASCll Afjol'i NORTH CAROLINA, V, I : , j, j : Chatbam Ooubtt.J ... x IN THE SUPERIOR COUKT-15lh Jan., l47 N. WiBnlngbam and wife Mary, ; 'y- VMf - Jos. Basil sod Ell ib Cell, a Executors ef Thomas Bell, dee'd, Jos B Bell In his owe right, Eiljih Bell, John O Ston aa Admlnl. trator of Wm Bell dec' d, John 0 Stone and wife Kebeeca H.t A TLamsetk and wife TJav rothy, Bussn Baidwla, Elijah BelL Elijah O BelL J H Clug aad wife Sarah J Laeiaa BaldwiB snd wife Jail T aad A O Atkiaa, lUitifAor sn aeoojat ama) Htttimm of Un , JMsat of Thm.AU, sJstsausw. 1 ' T it sraatsring to the satisfaction ot thsl'Otrrl that Klijah Belt, Elijah H Bell, John C Btohe ss Admmistratorof Wo. Ball, dee'd, John C IS ton sod wife Rebecca It, scd A O A'kins ara noa-reeident of this State: Ills ordered by the Court that publication be made Is tbe Kalelgh BbmtibbIa, for six successive weeks, notifying tb Mid Bon-realdent defendant to appear at the office of tae Clerk. of the Super rlor Joart for Chatham eoanty, at Pituboro, witbia twenty days after the sorvloe of tola Satr bobs by pablicstion, and plead, answer or demur to the complaint of the Plaintiffs, a eopy of which ia Sled la the otOos ot said Clerk, otherwise lodgment will be. taken sgintthemancordlng tosaldcompaalot - Witness, B. T. Fbttt, Clork ot said (Jom t St ottlos is Plttsbvrv, this HOUt day ot Janmv ry, I1 ... 1 B.T. PETTI, US. Ci Jaa S-6w. i ii A fc : t FALL & WINTER t 1873 ANDJ4 i i OFENINO OF FALL AND WINTEE Mllllnen. LadUs faiieT aaJ frtmUMt, foods, Needle Goods, Zepayr and other Wool AVia uioves ana a wouaand other articles at i ISAAC OCTTINGEK'S . ( " - From tlis tad day of October, from s. m everyday asai tbe Sssset I lev. i octi-lai . . ..... s : v ' -.. I J ' '4wrai u "I' l le uaainoaa at uir .-a i ,,, Bend your orjor. ut JKNKU i CUAHCiaAH, 48 bmitU etreet. tMju4a ,y,.r.H' b Cuato toe maritet, Very Beapeetfully. .... W. . B1MU0HS. Tbb Plaws, rauquler, Co, Vs, Feb JtU lSTi aafoly to hand a ordered, two kega. hve mil?,,' safely to nana a ordered, two kega, the nil?,,. . u.u v,i v J u HA V AUlf , I VQ two coats, the last coat like haniuea aud bojy sod harmony of eolora saved alxty-S e dollar by ths oiwratlun ...rL. it shonld be ge'ierally adopted In tula jtuL. dabbled tnoch stuek aa Testiii.iiilals but 1 Igiv wnat use you una proper 01 I 'rot thbMnUq Very respecuuny ana truly, B. kill 1 i.i. u n OAA.TUSUMBV ueccmlHirlU, lsi s: It Affords me much pleasure tosay to yoa that the BraiLur la my axpeclatlou in ecunoiny, tmavuty, aud 1 ha,a I More than twelve in on Uia aiucs, 1 paiuted the roof ot nit BALTUfUMB DttCvmliMr III 'lyj. . l . . , . . . . i ' , ' wwuiiua bamw, a JMNUMAA ' f " fvOX QL DA, Kaauiel Paint, and i was so weUulaaaau - - ; ' oo? Mra I OWAN1) A UAKK13S, tinurral Agenla. Norfolk, Va E. COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAIfl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , UKUCB.K8. WfUtlBBToa t- OProairs MAJuraTSqitAaa KALEIOIi, N. a rtTs proseiit our Card aad offer to the puttie onr services as tieneral Commission Her, chants for the sale ot Cotton Said oilier pro dace, Ac. Our location Is central, la the business part ot the city and we offer especial adraatages sad facilities la ths storage of Cotton Ac, having a first class metal roof and Ire prod storehouse, situated within s short dlstancs . Ot the polk Station, aud thereby leas liable to the danger of fire. Those who desiga storing cotton will flnd it to their Internet to communicate with ns before storing els. where. We are constantly In receipt of a line of General Groceries which we an selling at the " very lowest market prices. Farmers supplies always on band. Country produce In large es small f asn titles takes tn exchange for goods, . Ws solicit conslguBAente and will oiloci -satisfactory sales snd sjuarantes prompt re turns for all articles entrusted to as,. Oar - -patrons and others will bs Informed from time to time of the general tnor of prices -for - Cotton and produce genorally. All communications of Inquiry promptly answered. - septl7-wtf COKN, MEAL,' PEAS, FINE FKSDJ J Baled Oat. Forder, liar, Mliuuha, SUi. fcWf .At .,; uaiKiKM'BV ' . - ' . Oram smf Feed Stwa, " v West of N. C. Freight Ueput Waruboaev . Jrdera dliuirtaaS ha- - SMatnffiMl nmmutlr tied, ,. " ' , W. A,CAms,Snp't febSswlty.. n O K K . T O V 8 A L A fifty barrels. WIU etallmr lato rail a? WArehoBss. Apply br liUar is "t I," MibeaitfvuXM.U, -Feb IS. ,. - . T- li . -ai. ii. ii I g ELECT BoAUDtNO AND DAT HUUOjL : QILLSBORO Ha Ths Mlsws Miss M as It'HI.ACi II r lume the eaerci of thatr scial as Fi-dA reb. B,i87A,, vircular forwa de ls-bn appllcatioe. fJ13E BLANCBAIO CHTJ&K, ' Aitenstntfy oa hand S supply of this llirstsd mtt arprovd Chora, atucB arm fails to giv saUafacUon. jIAMESaf.TOw'LII FISH GOME :r .ftbrtsw... "SI A .-tl I ..A

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