! ! THE , f yi'INEL H7BUSHHD BT . 408UH TCRKIBI, J. tsrttow, nwtht Court Hoon. Advertiaenffitawlll be mam-fad In Oif Daily TlaaTtiia m h (ulluwtiig atK l'r v,itm ot araa or irMcnir-rio. '3ne-aooaiwtfte-4nM . ... It. a " " sank auJajtiumtlti'artiti ' . lea Uuul a weuk laqoar,lwak,l 8.SO I aar,Tii!iia. f.oa 1 " I month, .. !1 - & - jfi.oo I I urn's, UOUtl " tt .! , w H.OOj 1 10 " 14 W, D.tly Sentinel 1 year ladTae Dally, til months la alwm, . SA 6.00 5.00 Bemi-JA eekly Weklt Hootlne! " " - ton The lo.r BaimaL will bt delivered m 'I'lr pert of the city at limn utm pw VOL. IX RALEIGH, N. C, FBI DAY. MAY 1, 1874, NO. 230. I " ft ", , " 1 - JUa 1 " " aS.001 Local i flhln. 6wrw.-Tbr nut catuiderabl ho wart of Greensbore !t Wednesday, with heavy )rot tine, and tbe weather we City Brevities Seethe new edvertfetBont THIS AND TH1T. . 0Frk P. BUir, Jr., kujoiaod Pnytrin ckaroh, ii St. Lrmti. Mf. fttaswood, of Portland, want $30,- doed' that Victor Bogo bad tent hiai 6,000 frabca. But, ia truth,. bn tbo old pnrt wna applied t, h rrfuaod to gito aartbisig. M. Adam,' woo at lo' him, txproaa4 aurpfiat at thj rafuaaf. ' ll. F.Burtam'i New Tor bine of r.H. Brigg A Boa. ,, ' Ths bsad t'l tb Mf g over e maul Ma bona tsatad at TORk, FA., . ' a iinusB. un, ir m cold m in tbt month of January. tiildiog wer being pAd off this morn- Md at BO-IOKK, Hi, y "You bara ti that KocbaCurt a-aa juiu L The 'PaHtnitfahtn hMs4ifnM .TUtlnvnnitw JAM. BMMEHSOW, K. B, 00 of acaa who called hum om p. Ukenmnfism. Satld .iAmeti te M'And Jkjrisw5l'iW THE SENTINEL 1 11 I II II If I I II II II II II II . I 11 i ' ' -ft . , t M fiffii I- 4 'ait 9 ,'4BOraiog fratealing a conaidrbl nun of ffreeobackl' from ' W. C. Uocborch Ii Ha wa committed to "Doyle'i aa looti in tba roar ol Wake Court Houaa is dafanltoTbail. PKBjoaiL brrsUiioaMcas. Qtn. George K. Pickett, of Bicbmbnd. Va.. CoL W. S aniDg and ; h . '.JBradloy lobMot, are regUtared at tba Tarborough flotai Capt Samuel T. ITiUiama, foraurlj Edi tor of tba JKmm, 1m arrired ia the city Mat evening. OenL Kirklaae. and Col. Wbitobead are at tba Tarborougb. Aaotub MatcbOamk or Bxaa Ball To-Mobrow. -rbara . will be aootber Match Gam of Baai Ball to-morrow af ternoon at 8 o'clock en the Baptist Orera Granada between thefirat ton of tbe Swift foot club and tbe aecond ten of the new Peatime club. Peraooa riaitirjg th ground will find comf r.abla eeataand witneaa what prom iaea to be excellent ipnrt. Tbe following are tbe oatuca of the conteataota : Bwiftjoot Ten. 0 T. Aakew, 7 ; W. F Tajler, P. ; Max. J Gorman, B. 8. ; J. W. Wataon, B, 8. S.; Wm. Tbomaa, let B, J. H. Adam, 2nd B.; D. T. Adam, 3ra 'B;Tlt 'li Fentreaa, t F;; W. A. Farriai, C, F P. Bmitb. R.y, Pattim Tan. Walton Buabee, C; J. T. Pttllen, P.; L. D. Hcartt, 8. 8.; R a Bradley, R. i. 8.; 8 Uajwwd, 1st B.; ithae. 8. Farnaa, 2nd B.; J. W. Payne, 8rd B.; V. Roaster, L. F.j Wm. Wataon, 0. F ; O. Tonnoffaki, R, F. '.- Mkrtiku or T8B Boahd or Citt Con MuaioxBBj. The Board eu agtln in aewioB, laat night though it waa under ' atood that they had completed their la bora tbe night prtTioua. - The folloaioat were nreaeuit. Ilia Honor Mayor Wbitaker, preiiding; Comuaisaion era, Battfe, Oorrnao, Prairie, Clawaon, White, fftlisoa, Jooaa and Ricka. The object of tb met ting waa eoon made apparent and the cat let out of tbt wallet, by a motion made to ge into as elootios o! a wood aad Goal Iaepeeior fer the city. Oeul. Gorman objected to o doinc, ai tbe matter waa more properly a aubject for the new incoming Board. (Tba unloaded portion ol the Board ware in favor of tba election, while thuae who have yet to make the race eppoaed it.) Genl. G. waa overruled by a vote and tba election waa proceeded with. Two bal. iota were taken with no reeult, when tbe General moved to postpone, but the mo tion did not prevail, Tboae voting in : the affirmative wire Mesara. Battle, Gor man, White and Elliaon, while Mcaars. Clawaon, Prairie, Jonea and Ricka voted in tbe negative Tba Mayor gavo tba ' cwating vote in the negative, when anoth er ballot waa taken, roaultiog in tbe elac tln of Jamea J. Lewii, dofoating Thad. Boabar, eneof Carrow't old'deputiea, by on vote. Tbavmveting then adjourned. For the Sentinel. Ralbioh, N. C, AprU 80lh, J 874. McaaKa. Euitoei : Considering, tbat th municipal election ia to near at band, aad the election ot good officer of eucb ... impertance dffll jpu think; t high time, we bad decided for whom to oast our votes for Mayor, and that it ia highly imprudent to be "urgigr flrat one, and then aootber to "coma outl" Several daya ago, Maj. R. W. Beat waa rcqueatad by awany of bia friends, and) tba frienda of referm and good goTanroentj to announce himeelf aa a candidate for tha office. He did ao, through tha public priota. A be it tha only ooe who baa dona so, and many are pledged ta toppert him, let all auita), and not acattet the atreogth of tba "Spartan Bm." i Frdfat f long aad tailmataj acquaintanoe with MajJ Beat, both befniw, and since bit ( raaldeaca ia thks city, t cm eenfidratly v uaert tbat no man better qualified for tba office cm be fefiiV B u ntMr ln hielir.and,iaotatall Iikelj to be come ao. Let every friend of Temperaace, economy and rtiarai give him a vote next Monday.;. X'v A Votki. To m Crnaami or Halkiob. Wbea tret penraaded to become a candidate for the Mayoralty of tbtt city, I promptly da4, Ucai I bd aerioua doubta ol the wiadom at propriety of becoming a candidate under existing clrcamataacea, lie Ufa, end doubted my nines for tbe distinguished position ; bat a ao many of my friend, of ail parties, comprising both race, have expressed a preference fee me, t haw, after further eooaideration, and eonaultatlot, with the wis and prudent, concluded to acqaiesot in the wiahea of my frleads, and if elected, will en detour to "dliKhirgi "the duttet of Mayutuubiaa ad by any party or combination, what ever, aad without reference to future pop. - nlarft. belicvior tbat there ia a maiontv of the voters, who btva pride la the crewth and proauerlty of tfie city, wha w would sustain my adminietratioa, : . T ml-d iw .. . P. T. Pasco. Rrmembar tha Tewship meeting at the Court House to-morrow 13 m. v , TballadlcaTahaVrW meet ing at Metropoiitaa to-aight to whip in tbe disaffected. 1 prohibition meeting ia also announced to take place at Hayea' colored Chulclv - - - - Old topers and drinkiata should fill their SMka aad jug to-morrow for at twelve o'clock Saturday night, nil tba saloons close according to tba election law until Tuesday morning. The Minor Liquor taw went iuU ef fect to-day. We aaw oae youth refused this morning aad we felt for him, for be said be bad been on a little tare and In consequence, waa vary dry. He was given a huge pickle and told to depart. Oae hundred and twenty-five tickets have beau sold to tbe Norfolk Masonic Lottery. Tbe sale closes to-morrow. We learn an elopement in colored high life, occurred laat evening. Gut Jeffries and Peggy Stitb being the parties. The father of the young man a few days age broke up the game by putting the groom under arrest and taking him home. On yesterday the loving ones made the trip mora aucceeafully, and eluding the old man they repaired to a friend'a bouse four miles distant in tbe country and were mada one by Rev. Hayes, a city colored minister, after which they returned to the city In tbe fullest happiness. i ei KntutsM to-morrow Saturday, at 12 o'clock, there will be meeting of the Democratic-Conwrvative party Of Raleigh Township to appoint Delegates to the County Convention. A full attendance ia desired. M. Hahbisoh, Hay 1, 1874. - Chairman. U. 8. Cocbt. This court convenes nest Tuesday in Ashevill. We fear this court it to have a fearful eflect upon the interest of the farmers of Western Korlb Carolina. Owing to inceaiant rains for many wcrxs past, the tarmeta are vary much behind with work. The Court will require hundreds from all parte of Wes tern North Carolina to abandon their farma for two weeka. Tbe damage will be , iounanie. Irl would be well for Judge Dick to adjourn tha Court until the fall term for these rea eona. AthnilU En. Bald Motjntaih. -The Asheville Ex. potitorol tbe 80th ult., says : "This fam- oua spot continues to be tbe object of live ly interest, Since our reporter left tbe cane of excitement. last week, tbe roaring baa not been quite ao severe, but up to laat Sabbath, the noise was beard at in tervals for many days previous. Many of the people have left this region through fear of an apprehended eruption of earns kind. Quite a number of Scientists are visiting the locality." A correspondent Prof. C. D. Smith, w nting the same paper : "I rather from what yeu have publish- ed, Mr. Editor, that tbe trembling of tbe earth at Bald Mountain la altogether local, and confined to a very limited area. I believe the vibrations have apt been felt ao fares tea miles from the mountain. Thia would indicate that the cause was local and alight certainly nothing like the awaiting aad surging of Volcanic lava seeking vent through the solid recks of the Azoric age. The phenomena at Bald Mountain may, per ha pa, be due to tbe es capement of accumulated and coafiaed gaaa, or the disintegration and breaking of tbe rocks of the mountain ; and it may be that large elide wilt ultimately take place there. Bet. Dr. Deem deliver tbe address at tbe GresDiboro Female College commence ment In June. Sad. A and den gloem overspread pur city on Moaday laat when tbe anneuact- ment was mada tbat tbe estimable wift of Prof. Habr, f Greensboro Female College, waa dead. She waa wall at breakfast dead at noon. She leaves five cblldrets , all noder fourteen year of age. The dh voted and distressed husband ha the sympathy of the entire city. Patriot. We dip the following extract from tha St. Louie DmoarmL ""Another of our ocfety belle baa gone from us; yet, ia the midst of regret at tbe vent, the good wiahea of a large circle of admiring acquaintances will billow her. The lady referred to waa Mia Mary Apple ton, daughter ef our wall known fellow eitixeo, Mr. Geo. D. Apple ton, of Apple ton, Noyce A Co. Mc Staple, a gentle man trom Greensboro, N. C , la the happy man. Tb marriage ceremony took place yesterday afternoon, at Mr. Applcton'e residence, So. 1781 Washington venu. A reception was held from t to t o'clock shortly after which' tb newly-wedded pair left for their future borne in tbe old Pine Tree Stir. ZT7, OrtBr PHsibvl. Which assembled "here last Wednesday, waa attended by about forty Minister and eider. Kev. Tineicy Ficaiek presided, Tbe seasioa dosed Skturday aiarbt, Sunday being de voted to preaching in the dinereat (. ear th: wbkh wr Urge'y Ueudet-(?rm-W Patriot. ' ur. A The Pope bs received Easter gifts vst- Jfiad at 115,000 from eerving moid hi Ureal Britain.' t Arcbbiabep Bayley; at (he latur part of this month, will make a buaiaeaa trip to the Went. Jamea' Mffirr fctatty shut a young man namtxi atoicaro at iiedlord, a. X., &Uk day, la a qvatiet nbtMtt a young lady. Aa anti-Buraside majority ia the Kbode blaod legialature is tbe result of tha late electiena. Boston pays $142,000 per year for church music, whon congregations stand ready to sing without charging a cent, The Minnese'i Stage company have had 144 day of sleighing this seaaon. The prospect is good for more of the same sort. Celdwater, Mich., Is truo to its name,at last, thanks to the lady cruwidera; no liquor can be obtained tboie, and (be , .j - it The minufacttirrr of airturu hair-pins must be a goose. No wouixo ever owned that she bad auburn hair, except when somebody told her that it waa rail -Three inches of anow nu the ground and tbe fruit trees in full blossom, i not often seen iu Gwrgia, hut this ia what they aaw down there last aeek. -in oys'.er punsji w ug ;aii:2ed off Thomf Point, My., by a. sudden equal at noon Moodny, and the c. p aio, John Marih, a hrte man, and time coh.red hao lo Jauiaa l.'iuid. Johil Liick. nd Win, Rud were drowued. There arc forty thouxund poaons in Texas who wnnt the L jjiBlnturo to pie vent tlu in aa well as otl e flkn, from getting a drink. ' They might be aei.t to an asylum. "' Tha St Louis IkyMican tells lis tbat tbe .strongest gluts will tus'ain 2 000 pounds to Ibestiuare inch. It alao has been known to t JHet a man'a legsao much tba. be coulda'l wnlk. A CoTSit ..rv mj ... utvii ww. there' ill rido fifteen uiU !o"jpuk"a girl Sunday night, but tho wuueo out there will ride doubl ; tbu diataaee te set a man huni( 0; ArTowhaeud," wy a Washington correjpoinleot, "having recuvvd. some tempting offna for literary work, contem plates an early rettreut nt from jburna liam." "Mapa)auntj got Ues iu hcrnioutl?" No; why do you aak such a question?" ",Caues that leetle man with a heap o' hair on bia face vetcked hold ol hat and said he waa going to take the honey from her hps," Who say foralgn missions do not pajt The total coat of civilizing and christian iziog the Sandwich Island thus far, h been about f 2,000, and now mike nearly $700,000 year profit out ot com mere with them. It's the same evea when your mother in law is royal. Queen Victoria allows tbe Duke and Duchess ol Edinburgh to -board at bar bouse whilu the Clarence House is ' being whitewashed; hut ell makes them pay up in advance every Saturday night. Ifiluauke Benlind. The town of Fair Piny, Colorado, ia in I bad condition, and cries for a car-load of marrUgeable girl to be sent- there. Thclocal paper says there ia only one there now, and she has been reduced to a skeleton cnurtiog the army of god looking bachelor. Thia ia not fair play. A Maaaachusett farmer saya: "Mj cattle will follow me until I leave the lot, and on tbe way up to tbe barn in tbe evening atop and call fur a lock of hay." Smithaon aays there is nothing at all re markable about tbat. lie went Into a bar yard in tba country on day test week, where he had n t tb slightest ac quaineaac with tha cattle, and aa old buH not only o!owd biro until bi kft the lot, but took the git oo the binge and raced with bim to tb houaa in the most familiar way possible. SmUbaon ay he baa no doubt that tbe old fellow would have called for something if be had waited a little while, but be did't want to teen the folk wafting for dinner, eo he" hung one tail of bl coat aod a piece of his pants on th bull's born and went n tth honor, Tour Frenchman is never so generous with hi money as your Englishman. Thrift of ten approaching to what vem to b parsimony is ewe of th character rlstici of alutnet all Frenchmen, Victor flag" we very fond of Henri Rocbefort, HecaTed bim bis "third son ;"hs said -the be adopted Mr; sad now tbtt "both of Hugo W5 s tw are dead, it. might be uppoerd"tht the adopted one nould be till doan-r. Th other day wbea Roche, fort esoaped from New Caledonia, tele graphed Pari for money, very on said: JKb, Victor Hago will tend bim nil h wanUend it we nnnouhced, bh ugo, Vsri OoV. Vance deliver I. ia cebrtd lec ture on tb ecatteid Nation at Dv(don Ujiiegeto-oignt. .Tr -" ""- j I anaounce myself a candidate or ird. jl of te' know pwtyf I m for tb good )oopls and reta-aaation. ; , . j epKttd " LYNN ADAMS. NoTica Having quaiitled aa Admioia- trator oa the estate of John D. Primrose, deceased, notice is hereby given to ail'per- aoaa indebted to said atti, tor make im mediate piynient, and all pvraiHia haviag claims againt aaid estate to preaent them, on or before the 1st by 1873, or this no tice at ill lie ploaded in bar of recovery. William 8. Phimhosk . April 25, 1874. slet;itil Notluen, We have often wondered whether then is a xron iu the country who does not know ami appreciate the value of John ton'i Amdym Liuiment aaa fatally medi cine? It is adapted te moat ail purpose, and is tin beet pain deitruyer that can be used. Farmers and stock raiser have frequent ly uld us that they have aeon very good results from giving 8heridan'$ Omky CendittBit Powdcrt to cow and swine be fore and after they drop their young. Tbe powders put thui in good cond'tiou; and give them atrengtb to dare and provide lor the stick hnira. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wt.N TED A location for a steam aaw mill. I will aaw on ah area, for parUoe logging tin mill or (or cud oj vn a inauaaaa For information, audreae, loeloaia; a tan p. at. HI. BaWgh, N. 0 may 1 d3twSlt-wat Q Ul A T SALS O F j GARDEN HOES. FOR NEXT 80 DATS, FOR NEXT SO DAYS, GAHDttN HOES S3 CENTS. GARDEN HOES $5 CENTS. Garden Garden Garden Hoes S3 Cent. Hoe S3 Cent. H.te 85 Cent. Warranted Steel, Warranted Steel, ' Garden Uoea 30 cents, Garden Hoea 80 cent. Great Bargains, ' Great Bargain, Garden Hoes 85 cents, Garden Hoes 85 cents, Call Early, Call Early, Garden H e 40 Cent, Garden Hoe 40 cent, Extremely Low Price, Extremely Low Prion, j Garden Hoes 45 cents, Garden Hoc 45 cents, ' . 25, 30, 85, 40, 45, aad 50 centa. Call and buy great bargain at T. H. BRIGGS4 SONS. may 1-tf R 0 O L I, K C T , reference 'lotfie DOL LQ'S HANDLED COTTON HOB, 1 i that 'tis tbe only HOEEf of , L- Solid Cast Steel-Not Rolled Steel. We sold In 1873, 598 donee ef theae Hoea. We Warrant every HOS perfect io Stock, Temper and Finish. u Hardware House of ap 17-U JCLIUS LEWIS CO. ?1 hav ut received my entire Stock Spring and Summer Goods, bought at the lowest point reached thia Spring, and am able to ofiir roudsof th sameqnallty aa cheap a ant one In thia or f; Other market" " 1 EIKP - : DBT GOODS, j .... NOTIONS, FANCY OOODi, BOOT, AND SHOES AND HATS, NEW AND FRESH, bought at th lowest priest andoM frastt prot stiereby 1 ao nnjr my rwomn ana Beoiie wauppij themaelrea at aatis factory prtcaw . Thankful for past favora I hope to merit a continuance ot the same by eloa attaattan to baswaas.' 1 J. D. NtWSOH ap 15-d.lm s ALE OF REAL ESTATE. On Saturday the lo of May. at the Court House door la the City of halelarh. I will sell Jno. D. rrimroee's, oa half Interest in th followlne; property. ran of lot No. ISO en FyettevUI St. now occupied by D . Wait Tenn.Se.OtWeMb.balaneaatate aMetb. Wtfc IntflVf iVSM 4t .aeaaiiiulm Three lote On Baatara half ef let ao 8,. Tanas, tuft cavsh oa sadi lot. .laaiaiMw al months witb tareatfnm data. ; W.t. Para are e. .v Adas, of Imo. D. frimroae. April KT IbU. . I will sell my hart interest' t th above property, at the earn time. r- W. rnntneen.- DaUy UWtek (iM. - H. III roat, Bom mlTt4l MoarseneHS, Ulcer; Brni8es.U Headache, P'Tfles SpnallltTlcdsetuTa twniM. La iT.T'Sy Jf 5- K, F. BATTLI.Fraa. F. H. C AM SRON.ViF. W, H- Bit An, Sesretary. f 1st o b t m "fj a itio 1 1 it jA , EJrm ursuiuajrcm to. RALEIGH, N. CU CapltAl gaoo,ooo At end of First Fiscal Tear has lasued ove VOu Folleaa without austaminii a ainirle loa Prudent, economical aod energetic in an ar- men, naa mmam h ' f , A fUCCESSFTjL CORPORATION. ThleCompanvhwue everv desirable firm ot folicUsat aa low Kteaaa any other First ctaaa uompany, Imnoaes no uaeieas restriction upon "real deuce or travel. Has a fixed ne'd on value ou all oollctea at ter two annual payments. lltaenttra asset are loaaeat and inveatad AT HUMS, to foster aod eneouratro home eater naea. a . Thirty dart xrace lkwel in ijrmnt ef ... prv'uiutu. - f. With the tacU before ibm will the people or North Carolina continue lo pay aunui many in an FureiMTi Oompaaiea. when they can e care insurance in at ouiry tqaaiyreiianie, aad every dollar's premium Ujey pay be Ua- wtaiid uavested luoar ow Stale, and among ear own peopier - THKO. U April SO d tt f.cmrT.t NNOUNCXMENTt txua r WoU reauaetfull Valf thw-SUentlo of their numerous uatrom and tha public Ken- orally to their 9 tuck of Spring aod gumaaer tlothlni;, for Men and Boya, the moat of wlilea b bees manutacturect ay oar new York PartDera, alno the decline to tloods which enable a to Mil much lower than heretofore. 4Jall aad nilne oar stock end theylwlU not care to look elsewhere before puicnaalng . ,U ... ayni wii,wt. A large and attractive Block of eeuUFuraiahin: Goods, Constantly ou hand. ' R. 8. ANDREWS A CO. I s Next door to Tttckef Hall. April SJnd, 1874, ' All th latest Novelties In Hate last re ceived at ' 1 " I K. B. ANUKIW W. I Clothier sad ttent Fvrnlshers, ! ' 27 FayetterUleot. BON-TON FUMTATCOaV 6IQMAIA Sent on receipt of 2 eta. Unique Printing's runiistiujir House, m vecao . awe, J ew York. :Ut 'O T1KOPOSAL FOR DIMENSION tTONK L for the Untted r!tate Court House and root vmce, naieurn, h, jj. Orricaor HupaRinTaxneaT C. S. Covbt Hot) dt P&rr Orrtci, HAiaioa. . 0.. April ft. lnti. Jrrro, V lNt. I 8ealod pioooaaf will be reeeivvd at thia of Ice until 19 nu, of tbe 6th day of May, 1874, for famiarnr 'and delivering at tb aiW ot the United State Court Hove and Potif- noe. at Haieutn, nonn'uaroiina, an ol the di measion stone Kuird,for tbe extaaiotef tbat building. ( , , .-t I Tbecpeele of stone front which eie Uon will be made will be confined to Gaaa ltaa, Marfalaa and taud Steaea, andtheqeal ibea espaeially Insisted wpowwlll he unifo mity of color nd lex nr, dnrahilrty, and th capKiti lor working under tbe ehMei or ham mer. . . . . . i I A sample block lttxlUxlS inch must be submitted with eseh bid. showing; on on ac the aatoral fraetare ef the (tone, aad on the other diffiwwlsada of eaUhagi Th atone mast nave a good grata and b free front aH discoloring aaostauoea, aod the marry fana which It ia proearad eiust be fully opened and eapebla ot turnlshlog the quality aad quantity dealred witiiia one yea. I . About to 0W cubie teat more orlewyrtn be ret(uirM. The actual averaire of Ithe stones can not now be given, bat will sppox lmate M cable feet, tb targeat stone epe taialng about t cubic feet. Tbe stun Will baordered oa a schedule of netataesaad al lowabee of One loch te each cut face will Ibe :1to letor quarry dimcBtioaa. according rules made by thi Deuartment la oi the order that tha contractor may uaAe proper allow tie for cutting, la the quarrying, ana) aa Iblsecneuuie pajmaniawm M ntada. Bidders will state bow soon they can aaeaoa dellvertnc tb Itone and tha amnnni per weak they can delrrar. ' They will Je state the averagel aat mxbasa aia ofithe stone that ckn,ejtimjrnmjlr qar ''jt baste will be received except from ibe owners or leaaeea. of the quarry f rom which tba atone la proposed te be furnished, add a certificate from lite Recorder of the county in which the quarry la alias ted that th bidder la theowner 0 lese of the nAn? maat ac company each bid. . , 1 Ail proposals maat b 1 made on printed form to be obtained on aiipllcstion to tbla oftict.miMt be aeeompaaled bya penslbonsl ia tha earn ot tv theuaaed dollar (Xii OUO) that the Udder will accept aad perform the eon tract If awarded him. aad give bond therefor In the penal turn oftenthousand dollars, 1 (1,000 aod execute a valid and binding kaao ef tbe quarry to tb Governmrnt a aeenrlty for th faithful performaae of tb contract; the lease to Uka efloj t upoa tbe failure of tbe contractor to eumply with tbe terns of the eon tract, said I- aa to authorize tbe txrrara ment to tat tall posaaastnn of the quarry aad wt itastaa upasM of the-eeeneaeter In Moteexault. j Tb Department reserves tkrttrtte4t say or aii bids, or to dttld Ui eonlract and as two or mors hinds of stone. - I . ; Propoulamaat be enclosed I a sealed en velope and endoraed Prouusal for Dimsnaloa etovc fur Um Untied Mate CViurt Hotiae and Post Office, faleigh, horth Carullo, stxt S eismua 10 - 4 , ..... WM. A. HEAKNaW 1 pT-St BuperintaadenU : . : i . .4 m.hTBbXn mi., 1 7n.r T "nolv patronised a. Wa In 1 tarn have eadeavonia la farnUh th i kioseouui aa iwaaowbic pneaa. Qirjlatkiwt)tp im hmA -- sirreealiaa. and w eaaa eooawt to tha dls- ndnUu aapt ia , a Mr, j ' . e ku hea-atomra rWraiahed alt the r ysAiteWsbaattflahBK,.thmak sain srfl at" Ws4a-M. i proiw sty of tw basis, aad ia anbhtg the fullowiBg aBBoaoremeot, w4 dj ao frtaa wetcquinauauof i,w. J F-atfW ii daK aS flxxlahf ary anaaartpwosi ewnwgm us arm of j TTwTC E" 4 tOCKlE' CO. Will ki said at KXTKklMCI.r I1W CU F'JR !ll, with reforence to the 8 sal imRn uio naainea. ' ' t, ...Further aradt' eaoaot be glvoau Th Book are ckwud .r... .!T. ..... ... ..lrifc4 TTJCKIlL Surviving Partner of the lite firm of W. a. m K. B. TUCKS K, ft CO. Partlea whodeaire eubsrkinir In th D3I v wva ouaiueae m naieurn, nan now aa on pot Unity ot BUIiNtl OUT a Irstclasa Buel aes. ' , Merchant who dswr pu rail aalne a stock or of reoisalahlng then-Stock, will never have batter opportunity an early call will eon. Tince ouyers W. H.4R.8. TUCKER, earvrriag Partners apTdtf G-AEDEJSf TREM1I8B8. ful and ert tre tnvaluHble fortralnlncDlanU TL Shrub, Vlaes Ae They are pahftMl raen, v ut much cheaper maae or woo, ry lUrht, aod and better than was aaauie or exwiln at i wire. Ml and T. H BK1GGS, A SONS. N EW GOODS l "VTKW GOODS II A Vry Importnni Not I4e I0 Ujr JfOW-, i- IIWJCID rilCES. ff I W are offoriag to our customers the ohly nnjjl -9k w-entawly , r j in the city. W are now able to te! them much LOWER than tbev have ever been offered before on account nf tha ex ceedingly small trade in the Northern market. , . . 1 All goods In car line declined van much and ear buyer taking advantage ei that we eell a . as Any Haum in At Ctif, We ray to all that they csn 1 . ..,, Ho iy by ixamimng our Mock before bn; tavwhere. We will oftar yo no goods, our stock i WTlRJar h V, .,LYNEW. , ,,; .j'!)-?, -, pETTT A JONES.'' ap Mdtf;j.:iiu.L.i . EHOP04ALS FOB BK1CK FOR TBI .. U mted i AtatOowt t Hoaa-- and roatumce, Kallegh, N. G. ; Ottkjb or StTPKBisTXHiiiurT, U. E fiouBT Hoom A PostOmcst, , Bauioh. N. G Aiwil A 1874. Sealed proposals will be received at thi Office, until 12ra.. of tba 6th - dav of Mty, tSTA, for fnrnishing and delivering attbeeiU of the United State Court House and Post Offlo at Raleieh. N. 0.. ij 500,000 lard burned red Brick ol tb best quality taken from th heart of the Kiln, no salmon or arch brick will be received. , A sample brick matt bm eqb mitted along with each propose!. i : ueiivery win oe made at such tune ana In such quantities s msy be deemeJ nec- etrr by the Sirperiatendeni j i AU bid mtmt be mde on the printed form to b obtained on spplicatiou at this office, od each bid to be tccompan id y a pea 1 bend in the turn of one rnoneend - dollar, ($1,000) conditioned that tb bidder will accept aad perform tb contract if warded bim. the uffi- ciency ot the security to be certified by th United State Judge, Clerk of rbe United SUfeaOptrtie tb Dittrict attor tey of the District W wbtah the bidder reside. ..... ..;'..., j? , . ! ., PavmenUwill be mad monthly de ducting tan per cent, until tbecompletlo of ib contract, :: , ... . The tight to reyect ny w til bidt k reeervedL. V I'repseal maat beaitclosed la a eealed envetwpc endorwd MPrpcli for Brick tor tna united Stale Court Hone and Post office, Ratoigb, N.C." aed addreamd M , j. . t, . . 1 Wm. A. HEARSE , ap 7-21.. ,- buperioteodesV. F OE THEgM AtOBAL TY. To '.be Voter of th Ctj of Raleigh: : At the uliciUtio ef a wrg auoiber of th voter of th city. I announce my self INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR, and ST ttecttd wtM " M deavsur to dieohnrg tb dalle f tb uflse to tbe best of say ability. . .. , - , ROBERT W. BEST.' .; pr2 did ; . ; ri v WlS UOS. . ( K PUNT HI TVTV I. IH. ,,,,,. Inch;. 1 JULIUS uvu ci ! I r- w . . .: A .. 9 . I IIKi iMMMWH NJ IT - 5tv pv. xu, ST., WJ-TOJUJ.CIT WU tttena preantly to all profeastOMai traai i oeaa enLntaiwii bi hun u. r.. new entrusted to huu, Bar to tint if Jaetlce and Aasoelatc Justices of to e Supreme Oourt ef North (larolina, a, id to the whole fob Ut-Vt MILLINERY AND" LADIES F'AMCY Iito-sTI l:i GOWDeLf jk 4.,ri Mm' " Harriet Aadrew, On' Fyetterl le BUreet, a few doora Nor it of the Buu Na. ttonal Bank, has ruturned froia the'lh and bason hand a iaplenuld aaOrtrM(of Millinery and Ladies Fancy U 004-, ol the la teat designs and hnportaUnns. " ' The MiUinery tkipartmeit U wiuter tho charge of ladies of experience!, and the unblre are assured that every thing '.nfw 4 for tale at thi awtabliabmeat Iswarrknted. to b ot the best make and material. Oa. ud e4ilne tbe splendid stoek, which It ott ered at the meet liberal rates. MBS. HAttRtEt ANDREWS, aplOdtt - fm?$t Fasiio. GOODS FOR 1874. Mountain .Bx plotted, ' Btrr ' - ' ' IlaBlE Hill iSD TEIPIE OF PSCV STILt " ALITE. A I titer with hit corps of polite and expprlen -ced tfaletmea otte lug to Ue trado ami ou sumers cf " DRY GOODS n aa UNUSUALLY ATTRAeTf-a toefc of Sprimfi ul Hummer ed, reewly purchtud In Wew, Toil, tail msny of them bought at PANIC PKJ .i. My stock of ,1 Dress Good, WUU Good.. uneu llaudkercliinfa, G'ovce, s. i - .i- Hoaiery, Kigioga, Hlbtons, 1 VrSADlK. Al- .t- l !f1'e,Filu?urln,a''lbB Iitt5ETan4 ell autaUBlKIXandaiuhnsiiaa avrnrtninit .am i. new and desirable is the ;-; ; ; f. D It T Q O 6 t 81 line from Ij'w nr'.cod goods "to lfaa fabrics. -IdaitastKWaatnt v1; ;. -..o. -1CW i iqjH-i !..(-,; 1 !t! X&Rps-a Goods wUl Sodlt to their inbwest to caU aedarai laamy atonk before purehaiiar chtcwnDre, e2" r sad will old at VAKld many of them being sicheao or Vrvn ci.i .n- arthan before the war.) ! v- , ' '.'li,' My stock of 8 k 0 e, s b d II a tvg for Ladle. Gaata' and Misses 1 taran and wp.'I aaaorted, and peraoaa Wanting goods, wan or merchandize, abould always examine my stock before buying, an I , lutoud to uiiUeit to their Interest to boy cf me. ' " 1 - I believe la the motto, "LIVE AND LET LIVE." r reapectfully k COUNTRY WER CnANTdto exauiiaemyctock, aa 1 aill offor them epecial lnducerauuta, and tliiua. 1 can savatheca money. ap V auwdtwiw JL CKEXUu. IIIEUPIiliiE Tb ooly Reliabtr Gift DtEtrlhutlon I the , : Man try j 1 j $60,000" 00 ' ' ' to ha mrntmrn'tcD wr ' ' L; T; BUSTED 167th REGULAR MOSttlLY r --I i n e U Z Jai J)ra Monday, Jam fith 'ltjU. TWO GRAND CAI'iTAL- OF' $5,000 each inGruwbscks ; . "-t Two Prite 11.000 E ' -,. ' .. ... Five Prizes, VW 2 CfCt nbacki! fen Prix, tlOO, 3 ( -- i flora A Buggy, with 6;!rer-mi'inied Uamea, worth G0t).. :. One Pine-toned Rosewood l'iui, worth S550I .. " " " . . tTen Famlty Sewing Micl.fnr;' worth r-tiooecbl. ; - ' five Quid Watches Chain, worth i00 ch I, .... .. ,..,, , ..1 ,.,., ,.f. Five Gold .American Huntipg .'Wilctie, worth $1SS each ! J - Ten Ladies' Gold - H-iatlng Walcbee, worth f 100 each I , , 9 - T S Cold awd MJmt ft JRvnttng WifcAaa, aVrMrMr TjJ ac Gold Chain, tUvHware, Jewelry, ate., Ac Amnir QtfU 6..100'! "' " ' ' TtcbtiJi limited to 00,000 1 igeiti Wsstt U sell Tickitv t wkda Liktrtl frtmitimi will bt ptiiU, Bingl Ticket l 1 feXi IV. 'is TwelvTjckrt 10;TBeuty-Kiw43tlL ' Clrenh eewutelng full lis nf prims, deaeripiiiai of tbe manner ef drawing, aud O' '. er inlbrmaUon ia re'i-rewc 1 n Hit iliatri b Jon, will be seat to any on erdurtag them. AU letters moat he aJdr.sael t maiji orrica, ' L. I. blVK. B,ix m, 1 VA W. Fifth St. s- 1 motaiiATL a 80-14 - mm OlFTt

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