11 , . '' ' - ..-.i .... ,i " , 7" ", " """J.- "'"""Tr" ... ,' . r 1 1vX " y ' " J? -I- JT-71 - " - - """I 1 ' -'- ---"... .' ""'""" - - :. ... r .'. r- .. ' .. . ' . ' : :- " 1 .. ,..,. ,,, rP ,-.,---r"--.".-rBJi3ay,Mff BlaaBnyawjaBBw jawswawstsBnunnlaManBl ' PUBLISHED BY ! UflJ ... - TfTTll 1 1 H O " 1 ' f JI-AM H ' ' ' H - 8iAitrr?BH.Tr- 4-MS-iiV H W "terrf ti io, ntitrlh Court Ilcrano. una or imMBiraaB. . D.ilv Rvntinel 1 year la tdnuic f."U lkau.4Hdllr " " & 1 tie luu-r UiKTTKai. wiu b datirrt ia ny ft ul Uw Ctt at tTmaaa im a P.'P. TESCUD. fur coMMusiuHa t uiBMJt vahu, W. C. Stronachi Jxlbo C. Pliae, J.;C. It Litde. r . llarriaa, late State (Senator, and low a caudidaW fK Judgt ' Buoting'i card t -ly. " BH) .Mataia Ilat. Thermoraoter ' L. Brainom Buk At 9 A. M. " is a "3 P.M. 68. 74. Tun BiuoMT CHA.LLBMUB TT. Carl riiiupuou, o! Chicago, baa offered to match a liursu to dot three races for $20,000, throe mile henU, beat tbrea ia fire; twu miles ana rcpoitt, and tlirte milt and re (witt, all three races ta be Ukan together, against any hurst', mure or geldiug in the Uuited States, all the races in barnesa. Tho winner of two ract-s to lak Hie fi0,000. The bona and owner to be oauii d bea the depouit i put up. Radical Candidate in tbb Middle Ward. The Radicals bare again Wed up their ticket in the Middle Ward and Messrs. C'lswsou, Judge Bunting and Kcks, (ci'l ) are announced us candidates. Turn out Jli idle Warders ud T i'e tlieui iulo wbliviun Monday next. Vote the strajlit" ticket, S!rmi:Ii, fWiHicjf Vnd ... Little. :.; :z.z.:. . a- The Eastsuh Ward l'oBwroBRt. Au iiilorniul inciting of Toiors ia the K-ntern W in), was Uc'd en jtsleniay inl if was h;ix4 to C"ucii.lrie t atangti t; ttic oppusiioi) to tit HU , cf ueuiiuicj, by vo'ing tor H -ssrs. Divid L. liojstcr, N. V. Uonton and Alfred Up' church.. Menirs, Lyou Adams aud Ttioui as L. Lova hufiun yielded tothei ther thac ctindidatti We congratulate ibe voters uf the Siis'rn Ward upon this titrmonieus aciiou and with a strong and earaest tSort. the ticket ea b elected.- .Work. , .:.'. CtTu Candidate for MAloir"At ik ineuting of fiisnda to-dy for the purpose of prevailing uiti one if the iodepert dvnt candidntot, Mtirs. Pescud and Best to withdraw from the contest at whici both of the geutlmueu named were pres- eut andTiblj;r;eorio begoTarned by the decision ot these friend a, alter etetingj tbeir iwiitttal; claims. riaHwd Jroin the room, when a selection waa made, the chsice drrolying upoa Mr: Pi P. Peaaod Mr.BestVctfi Ot itfidrwtppr.in our columns to- (ay. We are -tienrtily' pltiasvd UiiU in wht a , plan w adopted and so happily .c lUiUiumiiud, -and aowj that one csndltlnte is in the Held posed toJ'ieW. Holdun, we hope all of t4 tncuds of Mr. IViictn will wrk-wttli sj wili aud ekut hitu aa ilsyor ot our cityj 'lUit CHURCUOF TUB GiOD fOFPHItB! . Oa Tuesday last the ladies of th' Uoo Bhepberd of this city organized a sock styled the Ladies , Building Society, th object ol which if to solicit ana receiv . coDtributlons, either of money orsewinj material, to aid tin the building of ibfe coutein plated Church for that C'oOfc'.fgi tion. - The followinir offiuera were electe . iVIrs. Jos. 8.. Batchelor,, President; Mi Richard Battle rice President; Mrs. A. Wiley,' treasure and Mm. Geo. Baker, Secretary. rWe trust as we ba' no doubt, they will meet with the fullest encouragement and tint this splendid congregation miy soon bare thisdiflci, . aa much desirid. The yeung mea of the city may ibecomrf honorary members f this soiety tjj pynl of twenty- fivecertfe pef mosOi fUbottt Iwing active parUciMWJiUt4ll sfecialTjl Invi ted to aid Ifl'the good woi k. t f v ri-rtrrvr v Tbb I It aw CoMtawiioB. t a otee ing ot the Committee of Arrangements f the Press of this city last evening,, to a. range lor the entertaipment and pleasure ol our Press fxlendj i Vil lM 1 t l TA IT II ' ft I HUM II J2th hst forlher. ' steps ' were Ukea o complete the programme. The session! of th ConYentit.m occur in tfee Senate Chamber at 10 o'clock, A. U. every day. ' The afternoons will be embtaopl, by "the Press ia riding around the city, aad visit ing the suversl public aad private instllo tioni in carriages 'provided tor the asms Th banquet will be given by th. Bosird of Trade on Wednesday highland an $i return from the Haw River Excursion jof the Press, th Rslrigb Pteasnre Club liill . tender them t Complimentary Hop at on of the Hotels. Come on pencil drivers, w promise to make your time pas' plea sandy and happy.1 " i. Msktiro or thb CosMCRVATiyKS icy IUlxich Tusship. A mejtiiig of the Conservatives ef Raleigh To taship was bdd totky In the Court noose. Mr. M -JIfisos-was appointed fhairmao, and ' Mtwtrs. Woodson end Brsjjf, requested to c'lis Secretaries. The CUairuiaa eipUin J the object ol the aioeting -it being to i mmm: mmm.. : ' . . , - ' L i . .7 "T- " " - W- sr .t -, vj 1 v. , s.f -- p ; . . l-.i..i-'..i-f.!J...-g.'.::;.'i-''.;);-!'...'. '.; " i" ! - i .n , i --UJ" " , 111 "J 1-,.1:: '; j..,,,,.....................,. , appgiat Dok-gak to Om CWatj OMTeo tian, a4 apokc at (usm leagta ia ttgVi tu ttmoOI tur p. Maaa CorenUoa by tlij. county xiutiv tJooimitK at, r. U. BabupitMd iiut eaU f tbamtt- tee. Tartaar djaooialoa ectued hi wbkb Vbemn, Vtxm Separlu and C. H. Biubca, partkipatud. best tor tha aareral Uwaablpa ts bold Oalosatst III tha old war. Bat aaoa lor- . ".... ..." . . . u.or czpiaAtiua m, jr. U. JJusbea, wba 4ftmA W aajt staotbsy qsaxlag ..of tba Count? ExecutlT Committee, to take into nsideratlon the objectiona urged, Dr.J liaoly resolorioB a wilhdrawB, '"Mr. W.P. Bstchelor-offered the following, which wm adoptedp. . i . i&eoi!, Tht-fe.Chauman appoint twenty delegates to represent Raleigh f owaship ia tits County CoarsntioB of iti of My," aod reaolTad furtbar that ill Dcmocrata who. are pteseot at said t onveotion from Raleigh Towashlp shall I a oonsideiad as delegate thereto. I The Chairman was InsUucted to ap toint d -legates at his leisure, which will fmHHtbly appear ia aloouay s issue. On motion the meeting then adjournal ti. ' .; "" Thb, Rallying Meittko or mm R roBucAas Last Night. -The Holdeo ltepabllcaaabeldi A rallying meeting last night at MctrppellUB Ball John T. Ball, Mall Agent on the N. 0. R R., was called to preside, aod ' Bandy Lockbart waa honored with the &cretarysbip over t hemeetibg. -, -. James U. Harris was the first spoke. man. B said in part that this was a great rbfrui tuovemeat, w hlcli he so much d.girud to see carried out DesisroiB. parties bad tried to obstruct it, they had s dd there was something aoti republican i i it, and ih.it thu cry of Democracy had been ruined, wbioh be denounced sa fa's, and that some of his parry bad started' to road him out of that party, he couldn't be road out, &o. He. urged hi hearers to go to the polls, and cast their vote for Hoi den aad the other Republican nominees. Kxplained the Prohibition Question, wbioh had nothing to do with the city sitctiua, aad tsfwdiriteer that ptfVbm sanely Carry- toe Kastern and Westers Wards. Pitched into Tun Lee about ger rymandering the Middle Ward Repub lican CmiYentiou, end wiund up wilh an exhortation to the faithful to vote their ticket. During his remarks he went' for Friday Jonea, who bad been talking about 1) im, 11 saWFriday was a quarrelsom old fellow, wooli be found locking horns with th dsvil, when be went below that oat of 365 day, there was only one Good WW. Ww listeigo was euraso wun an if -.1. . . . ... Kvery Day Friday, . .. Old man, Friday . cams , to tha front amid much merriment and yelling, and stated that all be had said,' was that Jim Harris ha told bira that he had arranged foivfltswart Ellison to take his plac in ItSc State Senate, sod be, JTInj would, tak the Sapanor Court Oterkt place. Harris denib 1 'If t he bad madD snth B tt-. mens, and Friday retsred after brantfiahf ing hi jtio'.ts ti booting crowd ' lilaek, wearing he wwnld strik anyo tbem'tVai ioaalt4 bua,e'leic,f.'..' foe HoldeB, ia aoiwer to cal's, appear od aad mad a little speech which h said that there) was fair chance for ait ukction, that Reform meant servant of the people, not, thair mas tars, they ri going to have a sober, diasrset, ewderl government and upon . that platform hf Was nominated and. expected o stand,- Refrirm was in both parties, and it was triumphant one, And advised Trybody to go io the poltlasrd Tota for th,aom nee that they, would hayeaelbri carried, not by. a party, bat by a m)Atj of it cit'sen,' f Good , government wis what h and hi friwd wr after. Prd hibitloo hd BothlBe U,lwisargTfif eTeetio sod they ahonld pay oo attention to tbbMWbd trieC tdi ciwat . snch fal impressions. Jt. ; Jit had no doubt all those elected would giv satisfaction tovry eitisen and con cluded by promising to do hi bent torti good ef t city reform, and a h flattsrtd himself to be a liberal minded man would exert himself to please alL Thate! Wa ob three hundred pnsstst, but there was n great abseoc of tha asUal hitherto enthuaiasm, and if tit friend of Mr. itaend 4U work bard w think riotory will perch spoabu baanor. De lay not friends, boV ge to work and kp it ap.' A j sw- Oon Ch caches To-Mobaow. rviee .rywia- be held.at the follow- ing Churches to-morrow. Stranger and others In th city re earnestly and cordially invited, to attend gentlemaaly ushers will be pieeeotto conduct tlsiton t peer which are always free. , Edenton Street Metbodit Church, Rev. A. W. Msngum; officiating. Service at 11 o'clock a ia. and 7 o'clock p. m, 5 I Baptist fy'hurcb, corner SaJisbary ao4 Eden to street. Rev. Dr.T. H. Pritchard officiatinfr. 8erv'a(ll o'clock A aa. and f o'clock p. m, . Presbyterian Cbsrch, corner Saiisbory and Morgan street,. Rev. Mr. Primrose oflkiatiog. Service at tl .o'clock A m. tad 7 vtiojk p. m. - BAUEIQH;, N. Christ' (Bpiaeepai Cbsweb, WWasin Um tret. Rev, . tBt lsttmf Service n o'ohx k a. m. and 7 o'chx k P.A ' . ... Church of the Good, Shepherd, ta Tuck- Ball, Rev. U R RkA, tcitimr. ServlcA at 11 o'clock A nu, aod b o'clock p. m. Pereoa Street Method i Obliroh, Rev. Mr. Cole nrSciatina. Service t at ft uaiiy a 7 a bs. IWv.,Mrk (Jroai Pastor. , BtAugustin. (U. Kpiscopalr-QMWter tn aao Uawaon stnwU, Kev. .John Smedesotficiating. Berviejwat It o'ehiok a, m., ana i p. my f fh tasa-f a-disfoetUb. .IU please notify trs oa Saturday f any eaasige mst may occur in tneir pulpits ; , - ' ' S.. - ... ... -f. --.WAtmwrToHjp-Arprii- ro.- It ba been rumored ' for a day or two Ibat General Bcbeisek Will tnotieuccced Mr. Richardsoa aa Secretary of th Trea ury. Delano is to go to th Court ol Ht. James, snd a Califeinia named Bealt wilt be placed at tbe bead ef the IoUrior Dpartmeo.t....4. d Th propositidii for cars promise on tbi currency question, bang discussed pri vately, provides f. an axwe of w tiiM redeem sbl in gold in ten pnaiaoce third to be reofi Table lor cntilms aud in tended to be sxchanged for ike present circulation, the latter to be retired a fist at new Botes are pot in circulation. The qors'jon increasing inesent furifTduiies ten per cent, meets moch favor "itli.the Senate committee of fisrhce, but is urni meusly opposed (y the f ways and oscans committee oi me iiouse. i sjis incresse, together with the duty on tea and coffre is favored by the President and Cabinet. Th revenues would be iiiciesstd i(m twelve tn ulteen inillinns, sutnoient t- en able the government txiueet all its ex pen . . , : .. - - '-f tUS-ri(D -TU4sV"-'" - A woman in ludiuna cUiois a divorce n the ground that her huabaiid'H muhcr bents her, and her husband is stiaid Hn iutdriert r": .'.::::TT1 A ciliz -ii of Washington U c.ji:imeo- ced suit aitalusl acleruyman for xnliing liioi Irom the measbwrshiyvt the.shuah. Damsges are laid at f J WW.- ' - Th nold flld which Do Bote aud msny other after him vuiiily tried to discover IS tn in ten. M'? tbe cuantrv. sr ia to Bav Aecati. mum , . .. ArkansHA I ney are to so lb mountains, neat fhf Vhoctaw nur. Th members 0 the beoti-blauk' the. tre. ia Mew York, recently, sent very csndid tetter to the llentU of that city, asking f..r "a putT ia year: paptr, a can hardly take ta enougbi uHuy to ue frav our exponses." The , Herald gener- eusly inserted the letter in fulb t , j 1 fi dvi since a pwminent fawVot n Bt. Cloud. Minnesota, carried home a nio voung turkey, but w told, by .; the srvnt girl that it most be vary old a it bad lost iT' its : teetn wnereuiion &w lawyer was greatly surprised,- and 'replied that he bad a6t Darilcuisrlr examined th turkey, but had relied wholly upon th butcher, who aaid tt wayouug. Ocht" said A love-sick Hibernian" what a" recreation it is to be dying oflevel, It sett th . heart aching so OAllcalaly, then' bo tikln Wink tif sleep-' for the pleasure ot the pain." Tha pride, ornament and glory of Doutrlae 'Uirtf.;'CNriOL'Tbf iwomatt wbebatbOBb married , eigb) Aime, hj tight husbead liwqft and who resides; iocideataliv that h has grown a daughter who U Uvsnm, with her tbi busband. .jit.w.tfsfw.-. r,,,tn,it A'saied: dramA.enUltea.UAriai';lIsi detaia,ni being pes frsBd at one of tii Psrts theatres, it aeerioe as Being kiod of ,drtntlo oratori'i, tbe chorui an soma ol tfi characters annoanng n appropriate coetamea, -whi ; several tb solo linger appear in eveoing as at ordinary concert. Bom boy in Salem recently borrow tw tat froni hclghor's ,homry, an after'boiliB tbens in a balio bah returfl d them to tb newt. Th boiling process left tb egg covered with the figure ujf tb Uoo, and th ekcited owne Mbllr- nd to est curiosities, tar ana near, ana atMht ia vaia for an exolanation ef this "curious freak ol nature." . .... t fA hew opera t announced in Ital uunaea on taaavauu oi tn j icnoorq case, and is entitled "La Cans Tiseibor- Bt." Tb Lord Chier Jostle Jtgurs a h Lord Capo di Guistisi Bir Cocbipof- Tb New York CtmmmeaLeAdvtrtim mf tha tb bead work and basket mak ers of that city re unutoally active In coescqnano of tpring order from the squaw at Niagara Fall and Baratoga. I Thar is nothing that your wiibe ptyohologiat will tndyritb.deepet nt rest than tb peculiar , txpreaslnon tht teal Ovaf tb COUtoBAOC ot tb ' mss who ba iuat bad hi v punched with ths parasol of th lady into whose face a was eoaeavoriBg io siara. uruutujn Alluding to the roceot victory of tjie Crusader in th local election at Bloom Ingtoa, HI4 a contemporary say. knd i a description of tb up whiio . the ; new was oomirsg in, shows that wbn the wo men shall get th ballot they wHl vot oltenar, cheer-louder, and Uy out later to got tb return than their husbands vid,? , yt 1 i BrOoklyt i to bsTs a- mopnbid police force of twelve mea, which. It 'it hoped, can ba pot la vic by, tha middle of Jba The men are recjuired to be light ad ctpoog, between tweay tv aad thirty yar of air; and good honernebj I They are to be responsible fbrtb hesKh ' and general appearance of their horses. The ptirolme? Will rrrive tllOO per year, and tborgot $1500. It w ealiiuaU-d that en mounted police ro as will b as efficient a two on foot, where th bea t srtlaog aad lonely. , a. I C, SATURDAY, i v r r t f I II reside Bear Chester, Illinois, and hs buried three wive within twenty "'nth, and they all died oforrcbro-piBal uituiogiti. ' Rut, With a Bronin worthy l tie martyr vt aooivtt ,4ay,..h assert-Ihat-ao k(( ahe tslti destroy crflouruh he bis metuugiti ia tbaigbbirkoood, witfrh present xcel'aesl facibtie for iuuliuuioUH with Itaaaachasatta, h flatter himaalf tbaf h caa mauriallj IBl ittu wb promptlfi shot tur bnabaaa dead woea h wsa.bituaby a mad dog; but evett this was totalled by Uia-pr- noeor mtod ora Uelotade lady wbo w a man. with a revolver in his htnd laaiogt bat husband toward bb 1 ranch. e led to reurtv tb can Inua the. rifle f hich her betU-hll was o hanriedly hunting. Noah Count wishes o know biote. v4rtw -y-efmeurnina? -h quickest. 1 A conteinpotaiy wishes it to be under stood tht "happiness It not outsid but Inside,? , H any on doubts it let him tek three or 'lour tuupsful nf 'alf and Wlf, est few sliced cucmbers.follow them hp with pint of Ueidslck, and then li flown on a soft a few hour before a hot fire. ; - -" i At the village of East Mesdows, Long Island, recently, a ldy who had just been married was leaving the bouts Mu-re the cereumuv bad been Mrfurmed. 'when the horsw attacbod to the cairisgt In which she1 was seated took friirht and Ihrew th unfertuott brid. Her feet were entangled in therein, and she was bainifld a considerable distance. When jlnund she was quite dead. A Famous Afplb TEBB.Ther is an apple sree etsnding in let adjoining th house ol Rev. J. W. Csntor, at Huotsra. vijle, Pocahontas county, West Firginl, which has become historical, marking tb sipo't where Oeueral R. E. Lee pitched bit iftt tent in the 4at wari Early hi th summer of 1 88 1 Ueu Lee ws ordered thi eoruB In West Vlr ginis. Li-aviug Richmond be cam to Warm Springs th first daf, and on th dv following reached Huntersvllle, whert fur the first time In tb war b bivouack od on tha tnnt4 field, seleoting the ore- muhtlonetj apple ire, which stands Tiii t hill overlooking the town, as tb place where bis lent should be pitched. - It is singular coincidence that Gen ml Lee (000101 have commenced hi mili tary Career under an apple tre among the Dicmataitat of .Wjat-VtrajaL lwn closed that brilliant career by capitulating t Grant under an tpple tre at Appomst tox JLnd, what i mora singular, a an iocldent.connecUd with th war, John Brow,-wbw oommenced this war, was hungko asour-appl tree," aad tt k said that tb forbidden fruit which mother Eve partoak af was taken from an spple. tree; and now, "ep th climax, gent for th aala at apple traear bocuming sibumoroDt u ligntnlng-rod mn and ewnrvmchmsrmto.-t?rsnsVsi M DIED. Rev. J. sf. ' King, tbi morning, near OsgKd, 'agi 57, Hb WIl bsT buried with Mssoaia bootMS on Monday, 11 o clock. to atttnbt ley ti roll ; . NSW sTOVmWEMXNTS. ' Having been announced a candidate for Mayor of tb city of Ralatgb, and htv lag roeoived most flttrrlug, assurance of support from all oiameA of - our titixont, frlwhlcb t will ever feei iratefulj yirt for the purpos of promoting hsrmony among tboat who dosir good gonrninaiit In our city, I hereby withdraw my bam at a candidate, adjg upon my frieuds thttthey voU and wtrk Ibr Mr, P. f. Pascud fat Mayor. ,. i ; R. W, BEST. Raleigb, N. O, May , 1874. -f T 8 ALX VT GARDEN, HOES. FONEXTeObAlrV., FOB NO. t 80 DAYS, - , r. jt -; JARDElSf IIOES 85 CENTB. ia )vnn-QAmjgjjj HOES 23 CENTS. Garden . 4) ,J t i f. Ho W OesU. Garden Hoes IS Coats. Garden,, , , Ho ii Crnta. flir......i..,l SSf t 4.T" "! - . f : to i u" Mw t v Garde Born So cawta, 'VX . Carde Hue 30 cent, Great Barcaia. ai .-OnsAtBsrgslna, Garden Hoot 85 oent, . -' ' .... Garden Hoe S3 cents. -r Early,- " 'T f " ' 'i -Call Early, . Garden JI'e 49 Cents, Gardes Hoes 40 cents, f ' Extremely Low Prices, 1 j Extremely Low Price, ., t Oardea Horn 15 coots, . Garden Hoe 43 cant, . , 35, 80, S3, 40, 43, and 50 Cent. , . Call and buy great bargain at T.H. BKIGG34 SONS. may 1-tf y Vilio JiOiJi . VlX.Vj. ". T, 8,9, 10 laciea JULIUS LEWIS CO MAY 2, 1874 S 1 A I, bav Jut reoolvod mt entire1 8to.k.o IprinK asutlustuier Ooou. tooiwkt t the lowest point reached th's Spring, and ara iWTIOMrWf ANt!", ... ANJ11UK4 atNMdUf, ns.iv anu rKESiu nuiulii at. tha I'twsst nrives aaa sow tut a avtaUr pwA snrtiy ea atiUogmy eiutomefv tnt paDhe to supply ttietufilV at tausfartor? Urls -iThkftri I fcsKWmstltt erauauaaoa af u am ay un aeaVf) to boaiaos. ,p,m u. ,..-., ,,,. - J. D. VNEW803T. .. F. JB ATTI.I, FnA. I.fl e Ail fBO N, V.P, ; n ti. iw.ki, Duureutry. asr - ' . ktx. .y.'i iSwAi.. a .e,j );.. At and of first FlacsT f srtSral''er' WW Felices wlUioutcashaotas; a alngt loss. :rfii.ti.K-.fT..-hf? r-vwW rranasis. nmaami avu eaei 'SJMSSBiaiBUI neat ba made it M SUCCESSFUL gOlUVR,TWNY Thi fJompssr lastw - every .deslrabl fr.rtn of Pollcks at as low re.lt tt any oUier1' first viaaa vovpany, '' " . ' . . 1 . . i!,.,' . Itapooasao asola roslrhiUuu ujioa mi denee or traful, - 1 ' .... s jjj. h "1 iMh Has a nit pa1 up valas on all NiUets wr two aaniai uaiiuouw. - f, . Iu , ..j Ttts ent1r assets 'art lotied"Bria "lnvesteS AT HUMK, to foster and uaeuuraic beta nw msv- ...... !rw - Thirty days grass allows ta- stswsaoa - ef pretntaras. 1 . , j 1 .. ' With tbe faots before then will ths peonl of MorUt Carolina cooUnaslo pv aunusJIy Uiousands unou thonsaa isof ldiars lu bald up rorelKn (Jum panics, wuvn tncy 1 an se cure taauraoee in a ooirtaiij ttjooby reliable, and every dollar' prsi uAa tbuy usu? b ttfau sdaud lavosted In our own HUU, SnJ kmong ar owa people? , , . , a . . , .. u '. ' JHY- 'b,t B .April 30 du p ,; ,,7-v. & 1CI3. Aadt-o-vyi to 9 a "( ...... (cktuu Aks) osMts ksnfhs ) Wonii roSDuettuBv cstt!tteslliiUoBOt tbeir nnmerous patrons son th poWiti Ken-1 rallv to Uwlr Ktoefc of spring- and summer tlotnlna, Jor Moo aad boys,' tb mot tot wiiica aaa naea snaauraeiuren ov our. R1 fork Partners, ttnee the decline In (iood Which enables as to seinnrueh towtrtbtn beretoAkre. Call and aiasslB owstockansll tbeywlll not care to Wok sIsowberaHwre p;U4ing.. ,-, . ' ii .... ij . . aoni ttfuu, ..UU-.UUAjALiA ... ...1 , ... tt. A huwa sal attrsotiv 8 lock of , ,K 11 timUVaweHhlBX-tiaooA, . i -i-.-U osttsuOi OaksauU 1 K.tt. ANDREWS A CO. .. ... ,; - Kuxt door to Tackur Halt. All the latest. Movaltis n -HaU just re AmA t ' eolvod at to: -ta mrhanrl a.'rttH' fa n Jhtthler and OsnU ruswlsbwa, m : , i iff fsyatUvUia at. PltOPOeALt VH WMiNHUJN STNBj for tbe United HUtes Court Uouse aod! foal Utnce, Kaielgh, . J. "," ' rMmna lfrM.i..lii.wW' f'l V. Coubt llouss A Post OrrW, KAsaieSL W.U April a. loT. Sealed proposals will bs neetved at this of o tuttU 151 au, ol tb etb day of Hay, WTSj lor tarnisxint; ana aeuvenng at tne tile ol th JJotted kutes (Joart House and Post Of to, at staletKb, Kortk.VrollraL kit octlMdij stanatosi stoae Rfuinxl (ut tiie. eaUrlorot that bulhllBS,. . !..n, rf-v -te r- I The speetes of ston froia which selecj uoa witi oo saauB wm ue cununea w He. MarMesand Baud Stem, and Ibe 0 Itlos eaooelaUv Insisted apoa will so sol to aslly of color and tcxtars, saraMitty, and tb esoaetts tor woraiag aaoer uw etusot or A oampls block litrtihlf (neon mitt sabasltted wttb eaok btsV thewlaa oa ea U tb atwval traatwra ef the stjsv o oa Ui othr dltfsreiil trades vt ml ane liie atone as bav (rood rtl -tod be Irro,i J disovtoriag autsiioa. and. th -i oairy iron which It Is procured tnust la .lul.y oiwned and capablo of fumUbiuK Ui qusjuty anil auaatlty desired Within one year.- - i A boot BU.OUU eabte twt nwro -or less will be r)Blrd. The aotatl -arorssre of lb sloaaa eaa no aow beKinn, bat will appro bnato 10 cable toot. Ah ltrreat stone eo talussK about 76 euiilo tost, ,1'be stoae will eeveVsred oaastuedul of poisiaosand si sswa.e ef oa. look t taoh at face will be Buvis for quarry dimensions, according the rale nude by Uiis jDoftrtaieni sn ordr uaiv ut eoouaowc way ,wmx pruuor uio I anee-ior sswaai ia sue quarry u.r, aaa this ehodul ptyiaont will haiuado. -i .auaaorawiu stata. now soon thay eaa eoi ttenfe deUverins, th (tons and ths amount per weak, they eaa, dUer .'1 bey will also stats tha avsrs n4 snsidinpsu site of tb stoae (bat asm b obulueO, Xrem. th'ir oatw. ''ko bids will be feevsdxoit' Irom tb owners or teas of tb irittrry from wbteb Ui atone is psopoard to bet farwrsbad, ai eeHlfiMurrosB tn KeooKj ut tbeAoontyla wtton tb tttlrr s,ikil lis t bidder Is tb Owner or lessee of tb Otufrf Blast eostnaayeaeb.b'.d.M. . ss-? 1 1 . All proiHiesls must o rbsda Od' prinlid iy.bt4.'-&j'nt-Yi S".' ' brm to bt; obtained on application to ttu offiee,mast be aeeoaipanied bya peaallHWdli the sum of Sv taouaaad dollars ($i IM) ttfitt tb Milder will acosyt and evrforsa ins un tract tf awarded bira. aad Kir bond Uierr.ir astao penal sua of ten thousand dolUri.tlO toO and asocuU a vU4 aad biBdloej 1isvm ot (Lo quarry to tbe tiovernmrrit at smnrltf for Sis atilatai pert essst e ta eontsaol; p lease to take eflect spot tb lailurs of the con tractor to comply with tha terms ol fis eoatract, said base to author! the Uovein saeat to tak full possession of the qusny ud work It at tbe xpatis of tbe oon ssctoiia esse of tsfault. .. ,.... ,, i Tb Department reserves (he rhibtto rejset any or ail bids, or to dWldetbe ostfaot and ase two or mors kind of stone. v. k. j Proposal! most be enclosed la a stutei) en velope aad endorsed Proposal for Dimes Joe Stoee for the United Atab s t'oart Honse nd Post Ufflee, KaluiKb. Morth Carullna, aad ad dressed to l ' WM. A. HKARNE, ! p 7-84( . : Bufermuntlcnt ' BON-TOM FLIRTATION SIGNALS. eVnt on receipt of ' cts. t'niqae Print inland nt a 'uWio ruoiiatung House, tso verscy street, jivw Tork, biBOl. .. i i ...... ... uaSr"'" MBit i .:.uit.. n jNO. 231- PartnaraWo heretofore axiitlni lndar thssnavf1' . t v- . , i W. H. R. B. TUCkKsV CO. l,s41aaulve4 li..iW-nnse ot w iaator okli snd sxti lUlsUlt WU) r&lKHDS CUiTOHCSA ssnatya rord. TIs alssoiuUo ef asu sVtjgire aspslB sod sorrow. JTor naay ylnars you havs kiadTy patrniused as. ' We la imnase-oaosavorta o rsrota yea wuk ltto f, (. L &t st Hp at roasoaable pri dm. aTrelUuipUs-1oa-bottipWMWAod KTmora.oM w eestais tjosMeu w Ua itttf jinuoa e .eeiilia fi. iH nbrrwi. ( We havs hsV.Urfuro farotsbe B ths . tuaunudaiUs wj, etmhi eoantstoat w fh a roper sarety ut ou buio andJs n Mog Uie foUowliiir aaaoancemoat. we iau (ros Uirihretaott.tW, .i! ,.,:3 ,,., t !t I From.aiidft i-ih'S di, U 6 ted. of v pry aeaerrpisM MHetgin; tow Brttorf , " Tsus, t a, sta ucAia, m VU. ( J t. rKFtKlAtli, with reisreno loteeaaai iioonror ins Buenes. . . .AH. Jaw) V VIUWQL - - - .- Ttrtl.M Ti()esIrttajtiorktes- Io th.TlHV ...... . i ... UlfWIU.. .ill-J. . . . . a. . iurunivy vi nut . vx uu a a urst eJSSS nnst nam " ' : r-;.n:;i. ,,fZ Marehants who 4aaire imrchaalvia a iAw.t. or of repleBlshlns; their Stock, will sever have a Doner opportunity an eanj Bail will o vuks bMysrs .. . nun-:. 1' 'BrvivkagParsMtra " ap 7 dtf , GARDEN". Tesoorv ase - asnBu, -fut snd ara m (.ml -ArUck ' fXM. ?a tre Invslnsuie BhralM, Viae ... ...1-1 r -xv Ac .They , are paint sis, v suaoe ot food, rv Hrtii.' aad tie uv'tt) cbosufr 2' li.... ... I- ..mW. aadbsiiertbaa wire, () ant) saamMi at " Jf iW.flww ti .Jsfm ioom 1 1 A. VorV Imuortltn TVo- "T aUi J.ortonss TI - -ji. . ... UVU.IWUS . . liKMhi lEDL'CKJ rilCES. !' ri.i ' .11 at:', w " . "i Wn, arooffufiug to our custom srs tb only .-osbj a.' P.rtWt. .VM a,.. lnhe.ty. WW now' abt.' to sot ibsIM tnOcb LuWElt than they have ever bono offered before on account of th av coedingly snitU trade in tb Northern market. ' '"'" " ' ' 1 " ' ' ' 1 '-AS gondsila iwt . line oVlinsd very aacbaad out buyet: takiag advattg t tbAt f Milt tT hrA , ",8 ii a' JLny JHut$ in tk Cify.1' ' i W My to til that thty osa ' t i t .-!:? v.. f hl'tt by I ((mining bur stock befor bOTing ..iMWbeas. ,W will oflet you bo old . I auftyg. tsiefie 94 I . m tw 'lu.iir. n !ETrir JONES.. . it it dF.4Jif ,ik.!;a :-;., silw Fropojau foa BincK fob " thb -" Ualtd tales' Hour Hoes and fort jUfflo. KaUgh, kt,C.j ,-,, OrncujoF SoiTwnrraDBim ) . i ,8. oDi QonsB PostOrnca, j . AvabBiuB, a. u- apni u. to ia. y i "' Seated proposal wilt' b received at tbi0iaet untU I3sa of ths th day o( MitylB74, for furnishing and dsllvering at th lite, of the United State Cbuit House aad Pott Office at Raleigh." N, say SOO.OOO Nrd burned red Brick of tb oet qusllty taken from tb Start of tbe.Kijti, no aslinon or arch brick wilt be received. A asm pie brick must b tubj mlttcd hieing with each proposal. '-! 41 Dell vy wdl be made at such timet an! is sueb )uantitie aa may be deemed Bo y by the puperlnteadent. All bid must be mad on tb nrlnted rorm tj tot' obtained on pplictiotl at tfeittffiee,Bad Sack bid tob eoonpil ied by pens bond ia the jqm of on bonaand dollars, ($1,000) coaditfonad that th bidder will accept - and perform tb oontrwet if awarded bim. th nfiV-l eieoey at tb toousitv to b certiflod , by tb United Btste Judt'e. Clerk of the LUnUed ButeL'aarL-or the Dintrlct tttof- ney of tb District Jn Which tb Milder midox,. ' i I i Payment will b mad monthln de- dswUsui ted bsf east. BBiUl the cvUiblvtioa of th contract. " To right to reject say or alt bid 1s ttservco. , fropiwals mutt be aclosed in a letkd avhp oodorsed uprpoal for Brick tot pre VPittvt ftatas tjourt llouss and Biat Oios, Rsiuljjb, IN. Cn.and addressed . Wst. A. HKARNE, lip 7-941. ' ' ' buperlnteadenti jV EU9..L L EC T , t . . . y io ruieronc to ta , ; D OL Z. 33 ' 8 ; ' .HANDLED COtTOX HOE, that 'tt ths only HOE md of Solid Cast Steel Not Rolled Steel. W will! in 13, 53fl doxeaef the Hoea, W Wnnt every HOE perfect io Stock, Tim per and Finish. ' .. liatdware House of : ? p 17-tl J CUl'i LEYH 4 CO. !l ft- Pol. Itb F IT II 41 V THE SENTINKL it'.' i I I , . f j Advuilseffienr will be uteris m the Uallv ' 4SSTIKBU. at tan following- rats per srtaare al . tm-k, or k suoHK linns. '"vanimjorif rine.... l.B. . '" 14 sack aaUssomnat InnarUust , 1 - ...... . ...... i. . I soaar. 1 week, VtoYsVuariiios t'nm 14" 1 ssoatAg .'.' -.- as wu I taw's, lAOOl,," o so.ou 1 -;,-. IS.UUll, . " 10 " 44 o ! JWuoi - ii Hf.lBriaa'i SttrtarbiM. Ua bs tasted at IORK, Pa., by ix m. xrrrmaEB, aa and at BOi-l'-OlK, tUss.. by Ma. rMMF.R3QW, a n. Errw Psnipklst aa4 Te gepne) Address, H. f. Burubanj, YoCIl, AttOstaitr COUKbKLUR AT.-tAvf; Xs. .s) waa a4 nt; iMqsttf "' f : Wffl attend prdnf!tly ti alf ns7sMlonai 1 " oabrasled to Iftta. HuAtr tttha fhio a. JuaUo and AttooUte JimUumoI WaKiiitcvu Ooort ot North Caroluia, aud i to tb whole " Vortb Carol uu kar. . -it.; la-tr - n-v is-t illLUSEiit, JLKD LADIKi FANCY ' Mra. Harriet . And rswv . oa fayeUevllte , Itroat, s few doors NortT otUht Bute Ha. poottl Hank, has ratumad rui tkitS'ortj, .' tndaaaoa band a splendid assoruneot f MllllBery and Ladle fancy Geodt, ot ike la- ' tost designs sod UBBorUUoaa. . . . ., ... . .. i Tb MiUiasry Dopartwsnt I under the tbarxaof svlies of experteioa; and tbe pnUlK) art i aasarsd Ibat fwy tiling oflarsd for sal . t this tablUhntot Iswarranted to be ot the best sasdiosssiatsaris.., Osds-md miame !U!S,1'i",tKlt hiok,,1i.oUsrd at u, , ftUberal rates. ' ' . ' v tttlA, HARRIIT AMDBSWd, ! 1 kp WdU "- rtu rAsbion, ....... -W B I'-jU. VM IXll ,& FOR-V1 1874. N&W OOOfil ''bau add nox c ' BXouutuIst. ;Bxplo'(lol, '., ' Aim iiu us tutu of nm ' ' STILL ALIVE. - t t. SL??:? WIUl ot PUu wiaxperienj. Wd (talesmen offg iug to the traJe aud eou- uatera ol tn utm i , j, !.(. i DRirsOODS taUSUBUAar ATTBACTlVi Btsxk of " Spring aud Summer Goods.' reoenly pufthMfd In HtVw Tork "and man -e( iheat bought at PAN1U PHlCsJi, . JT' Myatockof : . . ,. Dress Goods, Whit OtvniC VT " " . it . AdaviUsBdkerahisraGloVts,' Inu1iPnrit,?,S,,l,, M AoeUK 1 klj, and embraces MtiryUitua that ia ssw aud desirable tn th ' 'l -f .-" . " OUT 0 0 0i If BfS llo frosa tnw prfaa n ' h sSia laMua. . uuuea in ttusrr -w r- Dress -G-pods will Snd life their tntiirast to ran an,! r.n: bm my atock before parehswhit: eltewkere, . at Uiay rt new aad will be auld SA PMfJ PKli.En. MystOftk ofPIB(!K flOODS coasts! ing Of ;Art8lMKItK8.TWEI) UNKNmhmm.,,,1 tXllTUN NAD UM.nl aa never more eoiunk-tn saanv of tbeia beutg ssvkeap or svu bsapv ... sr than before the war. " jay stock ot - - " ' k " 8hoS'n d HatB for Ladle, Gents' and Mtstm It larir and weH assorted, aad parsoti wanting goods, ware or narchandlss, thould alwayt examine my " atock before buyln.it. as I iuMod to aukeit to tholr taterest to boy of me. . yet me.. Uo.J'LIVE. t tieitev In the mo AS9UT LIVE. I - rnetrallJ ask ' tXVl7HTRir - Mra. CHANTS to axamhsamy stookvas ! wUi oner -loom special ladusoinents, aad think I can MV tbera money.. . , sp -OJW.swiw , A. LKEKCB.' . ti ' . . ((. 0 6(i. t, t i EUTtWHiSE Th only sWliabl Gift DUUlbutloa In tb -.,'i.!..i-s;.,.'t """"J,,;.; hi ;S6O?O.OO00- II? VALUABLE' GIFTS I a .. - jo 9 UrtTHIBOTKn Uf J. f Ttr REGULAR MONTHLY, . Tt U Dnm itmHay, ''Jvtu M, 1871. v . YWO GRAND CAPITALS OF t5,000 ch io Qrtonbtok 1 'j ; Two Prize it.ooo r 11 ' ' " . -' . . ; Kiv Prizes, VW g V Green backs t . T8Pr1es,ilOO., ( "' : - I llorae ds Buggy,' with Sitrcr-ruouiited Harness, worth G00. " ' " On Fioo-toned Rottiwood Pisno, worth 1550 1 Tn Family Sewing Machinos, Worth ,. $100 ancbl " '. " , ' ""! ' Fir Gold Wstclie 4 Chains, worth $300 ch t Flv Qold Jmericta Hunting Watches, worth $125 each ! " ' Ten .Ldict'J Dold'Hltttlajr -Watcbe, ' worth $100 each t" ' " SO (Told and Aiwr Imr Hnntnit) H'ateAf. tat A,twrayyomAlteiuoaA. Oold Chains, Bllrer-ware. Jewelry, Aa., die. umVr f Qyt ,500 1 . . V TvhiU limited ti 60,000 1 IrtnU Vantttts Sell Tifkctj, to wtitm Liberal freinlumt will be paid. Single Ticket $1 j Wx Thkett f; Twelve Ticket $10 ; Twenty-Five f -0. Ctrrulart eontflulng a full list of prices, a descriplioa ot the manner e! Ur , and oiber iulormalioa tn reference lu it t-.iwif . buti.m, wili be sent to mjune onl. i.i-n i. vki. All letters njusths f', lr l'i H i-frii , L. D. tiM?., ti., nil w. r;t th 8u cicim.vii,o, S W - . .rrlNGlFlriv - gffirjEef?. I 'S 1 f I Q - J flli-'f 'I' M " 1 'k ; 1IK ' 'Was. t . " a ClFfl iiijl! .. -I -

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