.,' ' - .,' - : - .-i-4r- - ; ' 7--- iiyV jrJr'--..,...u : .L: J....--; r, ... ; -.. , .-. - - ' ur by; WH -U I .- .. .. - - - - -y:r- v r-f y " --li-T . Il-k I . . . JO 81 AH tPEHBRL' Ji. ATM or iFMOumoa. tNUlr, tUz BOuUii la Mlraaca; Bamt-WMkl - 6 WfTf? aw rr io tli XlmU L'Af BubcB kilt prwcb i Hall Boom oCAepreMntatiTM on To4 Uj alfht at T 1-4 oVhk, th Lord wil IBMrKtuaoii -Hums. Tbo. N. Rani Si j -, - . meuaoea? u tfgut "f rerl were added to that lodgek" J . j , Ocumatm 6 ni " OueitT Ooin wom. M Haniaoo, Eq Cbairmaa, off tbe EiaftrtiTe Comrifittee af ,Kieigk . Jew rjahl LippaiWii. Ulowlnf delegataa W the countj ooarecUoa wbicb iba in, tbcilyAn tha-taraatT third -of . H7: ..... ........ - : Col J P H Roaa, J 0 Separkii H 8 Brawn, F II Buabea, Dr L C Maulj, D C ltarrar, K 1 Harria, H H Thorn aa, J D Thorn paua, J S Hampton, John Bragg, I C Woodaon, W H Jonaa, 0 M Bual, Btmuel Rowland, W J Bdwarda, B T Cheatham, T H Hill, Beaton Galea aad A Miller. "' j Th rort Cikp. Piof. W. C. Ker, who baa returned from a viait to tfaleia. and the Yfmt, uifonaa ua that the fruit crop ia aeriuuily dttnaged bj tbe laceqt froata, which will aroTe a aerioua Inat to that aection of c'.tiatr, Prtie nip about erecting in 8alem one of A'iena PkteaU Fruit Jriera nmilar to one In oo aratwo t Bidgeway. 1 Rcroai or ona "Botihjm 8HRwr.-i Tiaij (be greet .naolpvlator returned ta tbe ety am jntorday finri grand cru aade among tbe "ioyal" Katwatd.'L U followed Tom Argo to HaWajwieiaab Rada held a meeting Saturday to aclect their delegate to tbe Radical JadioiaJ nomination at Warrenton, - and report - that be mowed Tom under deep eonughi baring aucoee.led in azinr the di legal tien 'all hanky" for Jge Itatfia. jfjin 4n?ijhj doldAtore, and foined a belpt log hand at the pow wow tbmeSoturdajl ereaing that meeting was anything but hatBMahMja, tret endorsing Dudley, (ooLt for CoDgrewbnt after much apeaking and manoeuvring turned the table apou Dadley aad endoraed Jadge Ttmm fpj the aomination. Tim aaya, Thorn will hare a rough time of It, and be coanto'wJ It TJ doubtful aa to hit being the man. Ax Ktmihq Rub Mdub-bace. -One of our Expreaamto (we abant call b is name thia time) feeling like taking a ride on jeatarday ereuing to breathe the pure country air, Itddled tbe little kicking eyater wagon male and put out in the direction ot Cfabiroe, where be armed all; aafe enjoying bit excursion: mucbly, but, esaaying to croa the stream by lording ft, biauiuleahip became nuddeuly atubborn and in.hU andeaTora to kick his crupper j off, ba landed Mr.) gxpreaemiiu at toll length ia abuat three leet of water. Wasj be ihedf oh no not e bit uf it, but catch-! log "Dr. Thager". again, be came bnc to tbe ty im a wy that wu a tin to behold era and a iubiagement upon all laws of th'mmatcrneUjr:';K!lfty. i 'Vail'iiy a a chip thlf morning, ibd when W taw b!awaa i atrwt to the pella to vote tb dry ticket." , ; ! HI Mm" l , i Thb Match Gaata .. SaiOJtuir A large attandanoa of peetatora, aasembled ta WTbewitha n(yesting gaaao of base bail.oav th Baotwt Orora Orounde oa " Saturday;' between1 tht ttrtt ten of ,4fiy flwiftfoot, and the aaosad; tensor the new PatUma C1uba.'"The playing was fine and tbe interest manifested wat . groat. It waatha finest game, Raleigh, baa had thia aeaoon , and with the abow made,, by theaecolli tan of the Psetime their first ton will wo doubt girt the" Atheletica (the obamnjqaa) hot timi far tbair ball wbea the? reWM together. The Bwiltfoets were out "batted though ptating ?ary cradiUblrif(1M:dfflf fciie. The core reauysdfet lVwifcfoot 7, Tn Cm fywr.-Tlle clly elecUon to-day has been progressing quietly, and oalatjcotin.if aWrairpetnoojs i4at4 fy wBgalOdna the polla. From those that we aaw tbe (mpreaeicn seemed to prerail that Prohibition would be defeat ad, and that it wJ .alio unconstitutional, if adopted, ne regiatratloa awing had or autberiaed !j tbe bilti 1 . ooaua of the ward pataoae were allowed lg tote on this o.oeatloa; nndor the old legietraUon. Joe Holdoti K la thought also Will fee elecWd Mayoc, Xt It tapoaei We tor otto giro th rcwnltt to-day, baring io go . to . prmnltree'elockv P.M. Tbe friends TttHmt VtfUtyrtK CciaT "were lard at work 4brougbaot the day. " City ftreiriti' portion of the cit legal fraternity left tbi ranrntog for Halifsx County. TomjPurnell, tht Radical caafjidate for SuDerintoodent-B PnbHe Iuatruction, alo vmt, down to ecuff fc the negroaa.(J'j The Paetora of seToraJ of put cburcbea oa yesterday advocated trout their pa. piU tt Probibiliou Law, and urgtd their Bwmbm M$Menda te. votetor ttto. :"daf. : - . lu a atroll around the dty new houae aaeV im piwTwnentl eontinuaUy greet the r eye. Tbe city i building up and spreoi-' AT;.. II 1 I I V mHXS. I I f I I VWOCV. II aiCNXN.'- .wit t in. kv Tr,rrG1' fTVCfV .ntwjr IlJnrssoall x i aw i i 'i' i ii ii H iii ' a i - - 1 a. w iii r,i i & ii v t " n am. ii i - I TO Mi 11?' ;Ml i klfflSEEr i mm smw . . r wyvfxjf -U . xw -aw . avjn ."tw.A a i wji vrj vav. - - - wi . . ....-.iiii .k j-swj.5 ,-.r . ticiit 4""isi" r 'V . it irjft i,Kf!.T"'PT'T""r - itl '.TZZXTT .x1- -i v-. ..4 1 wrr t. Mten mi vf 1 1 '" 1 "'" .ii- " ' " - - - . . ! Mmt. . v, A mj. .i nf? 1 ! TOL.IX Fac Intfltnta, prtwbe I Mrmoa en j terdit kfUnaoa to taa owarton of tht BiiiOUytba Barber, hw ateotod I haadauoM poVa In front of aw alogaat M looo, and fDrmottBted tb fame jrlth trnoha Is recomtbudaS ii very tVtba latter. , , Btrawberriea arecumiagJn, bat oa dollar per, quart ia a little too high- . . ! TheWlotod youth indulge th hugely Ik the gajne of thada;ybaae toll, Sundsy afternoon! on the old Fair Grow ad lot Caa'l ji Bsissiawiary be prwe ailed wpoj th wander among the "heathen Chines I But few Ti-itora to the beautiful Oaki weod CeeaetorT Sunday afternoon on ao ciunt of the coolness of the atasoophsre. Rer. A. W. Jfaagum goat to Ozfori iK-morrow, for the par poo of doitverieg s lecture at the Maaeola Pie ate, to tbe tti Ufcorpbsjisof the Asylum,, oa Wedoe. day Mart. , , ; " -JhavMethodiat Saaday Seboor atar nouriloa to Xlttsslt fptlhgi oa Tbora iiy. Persona desiring to Joii tham aa secure ticket of the oommlttoe for the round trip, at owe dollar. ' There wu M wMeaiiug oafiuada fiursjooo.of the Mtaral alty Suada: bonoo4e ia iUr Baptist ChurcV 44 as were delirewa by Dr. W. J. Palmei A M. McPhoefers, Rer. A. F. Redd aai Col, J. M. Ileok r fhere wa bo r1ecrt"ttorBe4tll I church last areuing, oa aeooant e tbi indiepoeitioB of tbl . Pastor, Re,, Di , Pdkbardi " ' : " Tba Matbodiat Sabbatb.Bchool oonven tion will crmrana in this city oa the Utl i last. Many delegates from sister towni are expected. Jtddreaaea will be toad b divima and leach is, and au eiouraioa i i contemplated. " ' . . oisej ii " ii i rttateNewa- - THE DEATH BiTINCI. Durid Martin, thooolorad boy who wa convicted last Fall of tha murder of thi Httlu wbita boy, Willia-Outer, w brought into tha Coqrt Room yeatordsj to roeetra the awnteao Of the law. This was pronouaced by , Bis Honor, J udg Ituaaell, who sentenced him to be hung by the Deck until bo wss dead, between tbe hnure-ef It and 1 o'clock on ThareJaj, the 18th daj of June. Tbeencloeure at tbe rear of tbe jail wu named aa the place in which tbe sentence ot tba law must be carried, into effect and tha Sher iff of tbe county- will caTitlnta tha" IXtCU tion; . - - ' j The condemned sermed to comprohead, but very little, all that waesaid to him and to be scarcely aware of tbe nature of the terrible penalty that be ta to pay In expiation of hm guilt. In deference) ta a petitioB aeet in against naming Friday as tbe day of execution the aanteace will be csrried aot oa Thursday, a annauacad by Ilia Honor. WUtHvuto JaumL . , ! Wa undsrstand that Gen. A M. Seales will ge the nomination tot Oangraaa la tblii Psiltice.JhiTNii CMrwfifcbi So far as wa kuow tba aeatkae erf tbe lopio f this hia na'it county,1 Wa ban no heaiUtioB 1 aaying they prefer him to any other man in tba district)! and will go far him In the coorenboB, aad en JUa 1st Thursday in August Rockingham will give him tbf biggest Tote aha haa giw any man since tha wsr-Jfisdsrara Xttfmf- lyeasourg wauta a roaa team at t ma from that plaoa to Hiltaboro. R b uot by aay mee eertala to get n. t MUton has a lodge of Ood Templar! orgaaiaed;wlth eixtoea members. . Milto la lafeatad with poultry thierea. aonutow uoww BBsak. a tow Bight) ago, stole a duck belonging to the senior edi tor jjto0kmHrft j: liil'V The farmer around Rldgeway ire Rldgeway anemia la county, tbsTwla4.;tbsy Hold Bet have bought tbe immense amount of hay . that has been aniseed re A ess lilacs Chrlstasas. They make so mueh eottem, of course they never think of such triflea ateora, wheat, outs eodclBTuri thai it puU theat ! M ka IriuUi to Older hay Iroot Jgawt, tfcu to cut it oa tbair ews nmdawt. Wtw 7e Tn AaalveraBrf Cekbratloa of tint Wilaeu Odd FeUew! it wbieh i number of reutlecnee belonging to the order; fnm Tarboras' Rocky Mount, Black ' Crack Fremont aid WafdoU parttblpatod essM off ia good style aad to tha grattSoatiatf of alt concerned oa Monday ran log Wat at this place. Including the Wilsow Odd Fellow! fcere wart JltCeXethst sbcBLs haadred avseeat. Deputy Ortad Xaster Chamberlain discoursed, to aba iulUatsd soly, at 4 o'clock ia the Lodge The handsome regalia of tht order wai doaoed fat the evening aad a targe audi aacB est ksdies aaid geatieuaet who were loot Odd Falkwrt ware presesj with -the i1attVaecTfJkt, Mitwi flail'io boa the orator tor the oocasisw, Mr. U M. Biabae, of BaWga. . The id drees of Mr. Busbe wu highly ontertsin w- If beuffcil I m m m a mm a I m m . mm mm mm a a . i a i jmm1 aw ... i iv l x a ai a a a - 1 - t i a a a . i r a , RALEIGH;. N. optock wppar aa iiraonooed tt grl KbwMk Botai wImm rwtblog'dfalral bla.batb Hglit and aobrtantlal thai mi$H baaoaaldnad aaoaaaarr t makt up food"ipp waatDbabad, Tbaa Maw Mm Ball and aWnardi rest iTaifl'iaui, wuuaaaatajufrWatefcwj ty ta au the mora abausafal froeu tlin I act that be is near TO years old. Jltf wab bouad orbr to court., , ( i Mr. Stilly, of Rewky Moqnt, bat uJp giving phrenological loot urea in our tew a. The notnber who listened 1o - bit s6mfr what iaeohereat diaoonrses, wore ant e gTBSt rtBewbo "probably atteadet Bock Fsashaw'a funeral, and wa beHevt the Profaaaor met with rather poor ua oeea. Prof. Bcaaett, who ha pu'blisltcl tbe lateet and perhaps tbe ablest wor ever written o JbysWojr j, very clenrlt demouatrateailip faUecy of Pbrenulng!. Be taya that m nof oaly not a cieocl but a humbfjItJ U I Our elUseh jriU hvp a opportunity of iieteaiee to s In tooturc nest Wednesday night, Mr. Vf. S. JJs.ll, df OreoBaboro wUlpoak at that lime on t great and importaat subject of Tempci auoeyaad wflt wodearor xo orgauiza Lodge of Hood Templar. Mr. Tien. I Rabitay ol Itdeigbiilll also bo atcse n f tAosnWrtativeauletmn in Cmrlol Thursday t resolution wasvunaolniautl adopted rtovmmeoding lion. Thomas, S Aab.a.tbeehaioaa the saooUi 4.r re. aomlnatton to fjngress, a rs lutlnn w Brat offered propoetag Gov. Vance as nominee for member of . i 'ongres bul.w wnmww we nqares or li e voveTcoi be stating that it was bis opiaioa tw Mr. Ah'i coarse eiitttted Mm to s secmt Federal eonii Ju lgo Dick, pw si ding, opened in Amhcri lie lo-aay Judj;e b:tl dejifur a" lee tut ! tliirre at fbe CiilUgt Cbapei oa the Itth, tnhject. Woiusu RACE -The race between Bitty 'bow' lege, owned by Mr. Jos. Lloyd Idgei ooeabe, and pioey Woods, uwted: by Mr: J. W, Fsucett of Halifax. eine i.ff a Huoeytnedeon Wednesday Ut, The rac. race. Time, 1:58. Tarter utkmjr. Cosqbiuhokal. O'Uira ui Ju a veryj sensible tpwKbTO tbrotored jxK)p!e last Tuesday, in which he presented the claim! of Judge Moore and himself, but Mabson was pn heod and made bis elacker put him down. Tba negro of this couuty are eo eoopletely aold te a few men that: it I out Of tbe poWffpfMf one la'tffcct i hem, even though a prominent man of their owa raoev We bear, however, that O'Bara will carry Wsrren, Halifax and Wayne, whiea aimoet secure nia election . let Edgecombe do el It please. Tbe ne-! groee ought to claim the Congressional candidate. Tarkre AwMersxr., . . , j liu. RsdSoLi :ol ThursdsT McCabe was en domed for Con- j greas and Leuia Billiard of Pitt for Judge j QHRItyTlAN CONVENTION. M " ' X. !, May Ut, 1874. Ths Qenl Chriathw Convention met in its 4th Quadrennial session st this place to-day. The opening address was deUv- erad by Rev. W. B Wolloiiir,ot Vs. The following officers weteehosea : Rev.. W Bv Weilona, of Va , President, Ret. S. Ap- pla, ol H. C , Vios Presidoat, Rev, Ct id, Apple, fcwwUry, J, TL Moring Aaseoia tioa Seeretary. ,- ., ; u , y. - f The uiusl Committees were appointed. It was sanonnoed that Rev. A, Apple would preach to morrow st llo'clock, M..-hii.t . UVO. 4 Tbe weather has modsrated very much aad ererything bid fair or a pleasantse i to noia we religious exeroisrs. D. "OISERAL CONVKSTIOX OF THB irr CHRIST AIM CHURCH." 4 bas ah, Jf. C, May led, 1874, 9 A M (SBWRfl 4f .J jj. f j V The Cod too tion ssecmbled this morniifg si the appointed '.hour, and was cU4 to! order by the Preaid ent. Religloue serf ices by Rer. 1. ' W. Peale.' The prLoeedisga. of yosteptay sroro seau sua apprwv w. Rev, J, T. Whitley offarod. the ioliew lag t Resolved by the OeneraJ CowTsntio), That we heatby eomnnsd to. the Mai Cburche withia ear Juris4ietlra ta leU their paston for Indefinite terms, instead of holding aa elelttoa to fili tbo .psitoral omce every year, this csiiea lorto re marks by Revs. J. T. WtuUoy, J. N. Man aing,D.l.Loeg, W.X Martin, C. A. ApwM after which it woa?kid- oa the 1 onctoct, t. m., svriMoea sswstoB. s TbuPiusidettm the rlsir. The Oom slttee oa publication reported. R Was ' ' Bradant ta have all thi uablica- ttouuhf iir ilaworalaatipB Icensenied by mdiridisU enterprises. Tkh folfowbg are auaousced to Breach to-morrow .at jayi- ua'Blaosssi tVslcU.lli j j. u " WWney, L K arrsii Jt.hUntas:; W.W i ll -11 T A- Apple sad Qf. Rotated, ' " la Laocaater "count j, rocootty, a " h aaasodJuhB Raaede, While driving' air of koraal attacked tw a fisid roller. slipped from his Beat, sad falling la Iroot af the rotles, It passed over hint, cfusaisg to aiMfiAJ. lOttHUIiSlUU w bo yiil wad tbia iuaara amff aibn aykfc Kid 1 1 JMaaaat im MM fona,""bb mlRht b eared witbi a bottle at two6 of Jvhnmm Aaodyn Lmimmt, naad 1atar4 ally "'Vrmt aot try it I' - . f ,1 An Irubman tan called at a drag store la . ' - 7 get a bottle ment lot tbs Bboumatim Jei .druggist atksd' him In what psrt of ths body ft troubled him moet,uBe me soul," said hi, -Njave it bOrfd oorn For lose efeadvfcora all, red water tp cows, loss of appetite, rot, or murrain e aheep; tbiek wind, broken wtad.aaoT'toe. ing, and for all obstructions of ths kid neys in horse use Sluridani Ctnairy Cei- dc tofftn t'4If) NEW11 Aftf t?lttf8!BNTa. .,,. . , t .i ,., i, aa". w ANTED. Situation aa aawrsr and CenUoler SUmm Bngrnes and Machinery Satiafaet lory reference giren. Al ppli at this oflic. dsaAes-tWA 1 tmr UOR KtMJ. t ' Two Office Boosss en ths Lotelkf Mrs. H. V. miner, witn or witbont bositl. majt d St. CURBS Kheumatlsm, Seal da, Jjunesot Neuntlgia, Buraav 8mBMi Sore Throat, , Bolls WtutdtJ lloamiiesa, ' tlcera, Braises, Iloadache, piles. SpniiiU Toolhaclio CoUc," Oil Sore AU nemorrbjtgM, DlarrluMa, 1 I. -. t--.rut fbT lust rseelvod my eBtfaw Btoekd ftlris and Bawueer -4rseesfewbf- Ih4 lowott point reaebed thia.Bprlng, and ant able to offer coodsof the saatequality as i sa any one ha this or say other i assrket. 1 SJkSVr .-ri-M' L r..DTilOOD,, IWiX1''1 ! ,' , aooM, boots, i ",r '"". "."ivn gUL)tm AND HaTI NEW11TD TRESU. bounht at the lowest priee mat seid for a email prett, Shereby ea- ibllngmj customers tnd ooblle tosopplyj thenuelres at sattsBscteev prwea ' Thankful for past tarocs I bop tonarU eoannaaaos tsue of the earn by clps, aUeattoii I ta vaami ap 15-d3m, BON-TON FLIRTATION BIONAIA ent on racelDt of isf eta. Unlaee rrlDUnrsnd -111 'V v,-.'-S '"UvW-M . i- "'- At eteTBtl fMladc! It thu itttwelib- eny so ia., ceuuuitov i Vigna ' tail aad Btxiabi deeJinc aiuasssry aees ia bunsjee. Hstrn from m! trttset rta . an iwt1 anorsdoted these lactlJ and acud uposf. them, pe-fiod ursslvea, to-day rewaideAior Abe eMossre swaie ttos, xauoa, -aa4- tketna ef rest ey seein our long cbeflsh'-d bop! reaHied, ormakintr Charlotte a. Jrvuoiosiue start, and.Qi; Aft.- Moluaiva ,sWholesI IlnUBS. in i !-. -o ,mn $m m : la order to be-more" eipllei (77 wi bre the hlaeeUe of tafbroliur the mercantile world toai we naTO,,isssq .sua sopwo iStors, adjoining ourpreaeot Btore, (nere 1 bufuiu esxirptctt try xtesjrCI-Brem, firewp AOo.ii thett'Wt-Oaods"toreJ Which we will occupy by orst et oepwunoer next for the Retail Trsde' ohry.', and wilt has onf ' Dresent " eleaaiil snd Aotuaodious Blot fot m EXt'UJSlVJI VIUHMMIM llOLiedB, tha rinog to taw ttwa strut. lyWaoteasJslstsrblisbmeiit, where they can make their ssleeUont from a Stock Durchssed los tba Trsde 00J v. thus avoid inir oomioc in contact with a retail Btotk sad RBTAIL UYKa The ad rootage of soch a Hoase are toe obvious to seed further comment, . ITbe, ntieulai of the lint bekeptJaeacb osi. Ft,. Ptfr l future cireular. To sir He, ceeerat -reader abetter oooobdUoo of the eokwsal dimeoaioosof our two Uouasa wsstats thatVeM wall have upwards of tMrrr Thwusawd ,fTO,wtW) tast ot oa oorflcial Iio tooua: et ff i line f ten feet wldt were formed rf eu stores, 1. -..U A l.l - . k.. . n wuuii ..uumilMWif 0 tip mm m BuleV i.u 1 t ' ''" ts At the sains tinse we in terra out nume rous frtehdt that our'. Mr. 7 Rintelt Is aew strain North.. bujlDi snr. ..second Stock tins staaoawaact sauf SHasinoiw gianifewtsgfta-w ta sniiy eompste wua aij oincj heaof. wma -a -A - . . t M J. i f iAAl JL - im I B - - yory BoetronTt winowy Ri!f rxiA Charlotte, N. C, May let, 114 " " spMdltw4t - MA-KaATvAtr. FOR NEXf 60 DAY. WflSKJioWwia iTraaUd'sW .Wtwat BsrgaJnt, " ' ' . limfrinal TTraaai Wrweu HUB). Mj- GM Hom 85 cent Coil Early, . - ' " ;i-'3JlsVly ' flardustnuileee i Oowtiy ' - " . Bxtteuatlylisiw Poees Extremely Los) frloos. ... , f w siaidea Doe 41 ietil?' T 1 v sreer HoVe 4T oent.'" 85, 80; M; 40, 4 "iud SO oeis?, Call tad buy great bargains at , T,tt B4UOG3A 80X9. xri..-.jsell MBaadrBtan , JJavingparehaMd frum yon,aud.b4 le u te oerfamlllu for Sometime rant, jonr Faf- asere usovw we" incerrnliy vm tmsUmanj to its aasny. 'fused esMUe'ti ecooomyju fte uaeof uUk rl'Ulit wjili which tt emt It workf the ui.lf7.nnii, w)i whasb -tea Wklac. aa eeoutmr anl the tn ay aoayenlonees naossSiese i lattr attsmt ti nuks it, b or Jadguumt, lu host eookUij uT ia sse, ana sucn we won d roeour BSBSartBUptlMR!.!'r i F Boaston M LHanasnoM J 1 0Ullt 14unfc m J W KlraswwMt BBUauSt ,ma)sn WukWUl. HukiklMOB lUHbf'i 4 9 flewrssvifsu i uf oak StolkkJ! W C Orahsia - W N Alenuder lABvrmif.l M faTldt'Orrsu JJ firUULbvi ,j -sMtwe W illB-.ii J U GofTar R H Abemetby 0 M ejssaaaujlt jt t JtowooJw 1 DSmltB ffl M i l)mmaimm.ZZ fames LOritM w A PchufB ,u ,j W tlWUon"x 1TM WiJlace' rotmrr .wo Tartar 8 M f taflord - ,. Tim O CuuneU H M DUon . J K Bi B woebonf I "rp --rial Brown Mrerrea kuatrlGk 1 COrluiih Jsmea fackH . tt LCaMl3--'-''- i-Wat P MetTaut, - J slctiaihasaae' ' Wn LHvter' " i(Keoti.. ,iiu JWW.Iwi tfruns Sfi- - -'tmlH i HidbrooUXl 1 MlietunsB y' -' C HmeeH ' ! :a c aha it si-ii niiJWo UlrwodT ' U rita r r-s-ri-aT Jimes OonaeUT ffi wmuwoix ..juJu iiuit Ane If Mill. I4W MeekuJsbsrt CoVnW . K. A.. n.hn.M. l.rk 1 li Suosrlo Court ofsaid county, da hereby cwrtily that tbeaoove aamsd pvfte are ciLUene of s14 mhmu ntrant kb 4 Mneetafiie tiHlhnr.'1-" I y tunes air nana ana omsui soim, to?k4QttkeUier ot woreasw.lenJ -. " v 7 ; . . . , " im j K. A. BAttLtlre.'.'F.'ll.rAa'Vj Vf O E T II OA R O tW L sv a ST at f ST T BTW mmATJ tYJ sTfafm ,ins? rij odt .M.fcrf.wr.a stt. Al ana ut tint FiauJ Taselua kwaed see p.HcOf Without sustaining l.slngla W i VieetAJtsoBfoaaleataal hkerketo) anare aaaat tostas4ti txu 4H - . 1 - , Of i'tr ''I'RsilM.; low nWMrjj Uittf asakwhtl Iawoea so iotas! 'rSstTle trpoh real eeaoajM JraveksaA tt toai4. Baariies H'oVp!v5luWa1fpoW,V' tsf two snasj y-rawW ' lUoetlr ssetr( loaned and Invested AT HOMB, to tMtor esd wfwg a(m4 TblrtrdaTseraej'Tfftowed.ln. payment I" 1 .ay. Ji an niM AT wttk tt facte uoniwm a people) (bn sands tmiltmmanirvt4mH to bSild, nprurelgu Uompoateo, wbea thrjr rsnSM n yk.Vmfl..' rtnnllrn.M AT ItinllAlll care ineoraner in winjti ciwi mmA aware dollar's Meauass ther ear be loao 4ud sayetta! to our owa Btat". snf Stnooic aurewupaopler t wAV-rTiT SPKIMillllMt iO V.. I,.. ajjliijLltlt a0 B e efcnef Awh bmTt !mM f' I tWn w4 i.'lZ.'l WossM lUsneuktUrlf ni M 1 IBs SHiilUituwf their auxsetoas pauoo aaa tbetJsieeawr srslly to their !Vck of. Surlug sad ntuaiBor Ctethlng.'far Mew c4 ' Boys, tb mos t of whlen ba sees manuraoiurea tij our new lark -fartawrSv UAaea vbo eVelloe twuoods wbacb whkii Ti.lilai Bl to sail heretofore. Call and SI wain rut star una tbaytwllleot car to look elNwkere before . .t.tA '4 VlllWS A larf an! attractive Stock of ; aa ifc nt- -natto Tdrttfahfti1 (ioodil . . - -';:J CorsUntlt aasaaaV mmm " r1T. V. AfcUKEVTs SkCU, ,.. i? ..r, A-srll !a,4M . All tha latest Morel tie )a Bs Jutro e-O ViH nitWi mr. I Tli " ' WYlitfln iiiJ Cull rinai.iin t ' mi " . U SVtr s awl-tail ILl.tl I. I IJ-W OT " VlX, S, rK,, ,; , f. , 1,0 Inches. ..a '-.,''., . . L d .1 1..' m Mi.k.j LiniHllkl 1 ' latvuiitl aw ion nrr. WW saBBUavas,Bil wu a sw-wa on . . .".MM. a.. ... - . SL , r. -t t- - im. . , m tauong - i -v toi wm rr'"f I i s k a Mot stiitfy N.r Ni Ww o y wm ev--" ' ' t Jat on -:. Aonlll ..laMrterUayKelw-! tt ") f to n,ituA JL t 1 1 ,nii 1H uwf UVD IT m-m.m m a . strsd Meow modi W vnas el bumIS Uieni iikh)iT Kit tlian Ut fcea'Wlftvd ?f hMtdiai m.m i an Uiov bnvt es. eeediearly kmmUitwmj Ktrjl lllK'!y J.m Mnej. ,dccjined. rf tlch und UTbdV'T ig JYnUi''e'oil,f XifwL""' Jpi wTwA-bT 1 " v a . .. I I ! ri bewui'S VtS SMBitt Rati iaolew wtiEfssA skWe(TiryUa 4 !ViUM 1.-S4i 'jtSiTw tSMtatS 4 1 P ' hWwiral 1 ,svu v Hmmm eiei;wti.'r we win onrf vou ni old LY Wi lt, ,rw tdl iiiii as ivn&a. ftb mif OR TBI Post 0K sgb,i1.C. Akrt SwmwariA) rrs, ;uBTir.ieaa PtietOrrtraJ,, feittidii, ir. C. lprit 9; lSTfV lkMittiprtipeBat! W4ir4"t Iwaelvedi this OfUoe, aati tiltoi4w toa.ttesdieyeiti r 'JnuiUjung aj". ueiiveriiif atthssite of th United ttr Court nuse uiiil Pirnl OfflM'sfltnol'tV. WO. say 800,000 rwre'i Weed rod UWtkSJ ti.trtiuwia4keajisam thai baart ol iJerviiywvlJtfc skMe leuniiasu1djli m m ejOtujUBiai MmeyiNI desawedutari ?Wdu5R rormit bfi Vbm.MMlrMlcatsnl.'hi tneuaaotiMrfS'i aripas wu uy a penm unnn in the sum olt, 'nousaoa dollara. (f I.Q90) Oonditione that the biddarwmccetit and rxrtn thottl!Slde?trai, felU"ffl uwBty tt) toe cuuitnw4M'.celdtt4ii tha United Btatsa . Ju lue. Clerk, si thi TJuIled States Court, oi toe JXetrictsUor. uev of file Distrfct 'W wtfch ' thi Mddei reaiaaa,. i tiar o'stganqe'e reweoa J at murtauWi.euadw rAOsikfr' i y. .t . y ..' r 1'ropaeAW ntuat.be eatduaedM s .seaidu envclitjio endorsed Proposals. ,for tkk! IWftlie tfuitdif Sfatre Codrt Itouaijami reetomo,'Hiei(,'rr; irrvj."Bua sodresaea to' i t"M n Xil -w "." m-m tet 4 ri SVV a: -35L!. Uat S-W - .. . ... .;"'-.at .-.J t,vw n'ToftrwuM totbsT" ot Mm a oa owd ,'Mi Qt tetituiledSlsswt We aold lul8?l.S&dMUd tteNtlMa. Ud erf HearsVfouoeev k"' tUiiaVUUrtUtWISeheO fcea.tiia i) ii" hint Tiiftme m T !? !soarF,1gHmNOWaTONi ... u-vtiMMMiewt lrimesu.i ' tesloA opoaafe4lfl 4 iwetved t this of- BeeuBtU 14 m., o tne th dayaf May, U)t for furnishing and delivering it tba site of the United Btewa GOur SV.4t Snit fMt U( In, at Kk;h, orth.CeJolliavall of tbs tension stoii reuulred for -4be eiteriof ol UiSI listlSlnui't rr lura t -mt I U -i) wnl Ilia atieole of ston from which is selea rri(ni wlilbe iiude will ia eonflnwl loOriui ikai, irbla aad AaftA auwaa, taS,tiaS llle ospecUlly luiud, uuoa ,will be nuifos- WrJ vwwr mum e hiv, """. 1 mum -' - eMot Mfrtiuder.toe bli oasst WA'athreo4doUaP tMs1PtBhWaviil submitted with aaea bid. aauwroc ae eoasso Wis aatond fracture of tbe stoue, snd ou th ataw4Utiw Seesaw eatilaao taesien asust bsva(od grata end e fm iron. all discoloring suhntancee, r i IM ,urry front akwAttai sisunsist souaf we full evejsaw I and cibl or furninmus; -tna ujaUlf UMI w,iwnni sees lanu wseaa wui b requlraeV lAi aateiil overaite of the tone e sot sow be given, but will appro s- 1. l. 1.1 i..i 1. r,u i..r....ui VI btriceol Umtaa-aiwei Cseablev fasta- TbOatoaO will be ordered oa aacjattul of "Was and al lowsbee of one web to each cut (e will tlnruleeia.de lr Hit ! . arVaeat, la ordas sbat Xam eoBCracwr may nisi pniper know aaeasofl MttlncA lu' Use tiiaavrfiass, tad SB Uitarhedalimoeolawune.soaae, ti SMdr wttl srat now soon uey ess COOi a-iulilaaat tbU i per week they can deliver. "hey will also iSaw Ule mVimgm- maximum iih vi un apyoa,toattss b'tosefremtmlfcejuera rJUoS:Jtwl W reTerSflWftto ti.i one U oroiol t be furmsbed, aad a asrsMeaSs ma the Eeeorderof wweouhtv le wblebtha ooarrv Kuad IBM the S4rt iwser or lessene- 0400 swr swaraiua UtbaawutrorTesae of the ouarry must a sassnsuiy eaah txa. -ot a .io.w All t urouosal must be i naade 00 pranteu to be obtained oa npidicaUon to tliis fnnnf ouios.tauet baaeoossuaaSel boa sawalbon la tli sum of tb 'Usal.e awllare(f .0U0) that ma USde! wnl Sceetit anil perform the con' treat if swssded biaa an aivs ooAB.wof.i tntlie penal oftenllumwtnd dollars,! IO.OiO a! eseeata wMM obA binding imt ut th oiiarri to lea Uoveansarrit sa seeurite see t rminui perronnajiee 01 uie r-o(iiiat w take oteet '-Uveal Swr' Isilure of 11 enoet U0U I "failure 1 cjii tractor to eosnslr with tha eontract. said l.ao to auUionxe tb uoveru-. to sake f at sootesatn M ttw uUarr aae vurallat tbe pxptna.o4lSwHsVCf4 fcunii v tesau'ii Tb Department reeerree tbe nht to reCV as; or all , bids, or ta dtTHniha.jKtursyt f rt a two ormore kinds of aWue. ....... 1, t'ayealiiat Ow aerluliS SawUde v).j and Indorsed f roHMal foe limnaion V"wv lHa(w? U baa I I Liil" TA, hj rwonaa.riMis.i 1 i I i,d i M Ul v u k. e. Uui.. h st v'it2af .Km32Ziltl'iZm?LiZ&ML jtiipo ttimMn atnclp JlM rrctiYea. A Sjii i! biik must b,suW Uw hldag-wftlf each ViauT oioaarir vne ueiuse riaw i-inin iiuuac ai fost outoa, kalelgh, N ortSwCarolium, aad si tressed to WM. ABXARNK, ap 7-SH .... Bupeiuiletntaa dvertlaamenU wtn be Invited ta the Dalit fBBTlwi. nt follawina; T'a t nquare of reewrr-.j.-. 7.'r 1 aqaf, 1 week, !...t, 7 ' 1 1 month, M.U .1 " , j 4.00 Imo'e, l.0O;V ,1.00 t' Om 1 I - 1 ,f 1, M .. . tfumL WN1 JJLJ H aw 10 .. 1 l5hfe,url,, -T!rbiw 11 JA3. EMMEnpH, H. B, ft: I so. waUi ST., Jiaw tobk crrr. Win atUsBdjiromyUjr to sJTnrofaislonal b naaaeatraaM WhiiV keftrs to ttie l.hlel jaatlo and Associate Juatlejms or taeaupremo tiourt of North CarolUia. aad to ttie whole North Ceroltaa Jav-I a fob lu-U Fsoto- 'iH ustit -riwtrr-i,rrrTT7f'r-r I mjUMtn oUtPrfLADIRa r ANCT . 'fjOci:'U l- 1 ' nii'bWKu.!i,iii .. Mr, llarriet Andrews, oa Fajrett. etUvIll IkM. -bM Iaam U..l Kf .V. w onal wiA MstSrad worn. tEe Worth and hu un band a spkudld assortment of atSUlaorv aaw tailew raery Ooods,of ths U oo doslffaaasd lmportaUoat; r,' , - " 1 " The Milliner Dupartnieut I nnder the lee of experleAM, snd the pnhlie are amared that srery tiling ollored for aale at taus establishment wwwranted to be of th teat snaia uisest lastsjiat. t)a saA Aialn m saw iMAUA UARRtIT AKDRRW8. Ii ws4ltl.S,K,iaotMhlo,,- assaw ! ni s. .. 1. 1 lkT..riKK00 Del FOR '1974. ml t tod! towliawff' J I ' -d.hee JMfi? ' . rq saw i' ti ' m btoow saittel tj,mr, t - 1 1 HuiiifliUrisi nmi tt ma hfl ad sd b'auda fitTmt " iawrwi 4 ad U is Uaolta kts- ns) perns d eToertrw uoadll JbTswaTODB1 aa UNC3UAU.y JtyfgtCTI? Btook ot ir& ststA Suustsnor Ooods, rwu'l surcliaatd bv w rorh, aad many of them Brtvftli at PaSio PKluKi, , f VraSocsef 3 ,1.0, --.V.. .r: a ...... Irwi ttfMJSV. Whlte'QooaA.vT--;; T7,TT v,iyViamh Handkerehlefa,0!ovfai t s. Parasol HodeT atCS Ribbons, JaWTSlsnm ft av?i .J'tlAiloi and welt AaoVH alvssm sraAaa.veryUiliui that is new and dealxmbla In tha imevroniTow prreed goods to (foe fabric. -aawjnwuw wanw - 4-rf 8 S 9 n3T O Od. S f9 And K tcvUoir to WswaV-to oal'. aaderasa mo- taf stock before uwchsainK elaewhere. . 1. 1 . e aauwui ne sola at riliiv - -i . .,..1... .... bUI i'OJt V A liKA waamrrarr aara aumilliitu. " tsany of then betiii aa cheap or even cbeap e iu botoro tnj west - -"- - for Ladles, G-n!!snd MlaseS l large and well aaaorVd, Sitd -pertons Wsntlng; goods, wares oemertaMulitN-sliauld always eianlno aiy .,' stouktwrora ouvtng.. as I luwwt .to aak.s tt totbatr-tnteresttd BuV of tne. .iteiMwetate ssottsv.i.ivi ahd lkt l ssepetUalr tski0rTJ!tTRT MKft- cmahis wexasusysweass I vui oner tuem Kpwias lucinccujeui. anil tu'ns l ess ewsoUheot moneft"" wi-l:-r . "i.'..:;".!1'1 to 1'iu'ii inn beta eiaaoa i't'aIjr'4f W outsu; it aT Bwew to tbe idt" ajePwi' tiwotvt ' lr we- -le lt'nH' s''r.-s a dust. IN-Vyfc WA'BF.It'Q I FT 8 I ol ItatVIB tn Jrov 5?i(ii js'!l T, ' to ,vi, tn Bipiftuimn-KDnf eo-1 njXM4mtaU-mkIllWSTlU.Y- twos basJaoJnoqeii-.oiM -U -:U EsfTyowTfio ai to bit,- a iliiil 1 fcWtMAKiV0lPlTAL 01 -'f iW-sVrteW;!, V ', ' tw8prrfinor! Five) inte-.' iKl' rfTfeMhafVs ! ' ' " " fsuarrsMB, llftOa fi f m sir . . IHoeWtftlrnr, eUrUh cWverwenbuutod rgsrness, Wfrth fJLtf, mm-filav- Tsei rtoMf'Bew'iht . Miclilnes, 'worth f, (XOS esctl tl boa ,et l i. a, - ' ft va Oob(k4-aips, VeUh iWt- Five Gota ritnetk;iS''Banling3 WaUdics, tBMrbt 139 such! '- ,J' ' TpBLadaesM Ud ;,44'mlBg Wali.be, wotta f iu'eacn if. , ' ' '" fO (Void end M'ht Lnwr Hunting Wilcui, wu1awfl hmtt ut emu eiaiawrawrdwity,vt,a. - stows 00! ed Swier. Itol'tfo0.900l Utgti IiitdOtMU TitkrU,' ts vhoai Liberal futjiiuKi will hi paid. . uHry?ik iatl"5 ri.i Tiokt-i v; Twelve 'Uokem, tlj wejity-Kive -so. . iutviuat sMBntlS; tlsK Bt uf priiea. a , ieattteH e lia autHner ot ln,MiiiK, ad .Ht. laforaiaiMai 'rnaeto the LHsiti-'. mtiou, xr.H ne ntl f by i.ne r-imug ibeta. bit WtMis uMiaSbe ed trc't to ma i a urrni, im u. l Mu, liox wi, 101 w. riiut Bt. tiNoiKSAtt, o, apoVVd . - JT .' : ... I ... a I "f "7 lag xteuiTlyoa,all tides. Jing aad crtdiUbU to the ipeaksr. At bias to oeata. - - - - JUUUBUWISAU-J

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