THE SEiNlLNEL The ' f Celebrated . A MISCEIXJUtEOCS. f EnockMorgaa's Son's '" substitute for Sosp for sll House bf Id purposes, ex owp washing clothes ' tot cleaning row house will sera tb labor of on cleaner, ttlv It a trial. . Jl .. P..Q-L I Q IN By BiKOt 8 EN TIN I f ROfESaiON Alt CARDS, jeT" p H . ' F tTM M I IfG , . ATT0RK1T AT LAWp' --.i B A h I I H, W. 0. LEGAL-4 NOTICES." :jn MISCELLANEOUS flKH ,.KUt .LSnTlTUTIQii STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA, l - Corari ot CaATaAit, J t OI TBI SUrSRIOR COTJT. JWtfea (o 8 iaal'fisstr for Jtotifawn Wat Bamaer aad win EBasbest, R HsadMsaad wife Eupbsnua. Martha R Ram any, Anna E Taylor, Job W Page snd wife Margaret, byhar next friend John W Pace. Plahrtillsr " . . - g ALT I MORE LOO. " HOSPITAL 81GUKITTA QAlXSimith V .-arW I m-VU I EE f aT.niV T IttftB.. 'eanusraawm ' DR.' Jf O H W 8 O K PhydcUa of this cLsi!ti'.4l inuiLsl w oereJ, FB tM ttM tiuttat ILuuiiu- rope, vis: England. Fracoa sod elsewh .i " moaleerUla, speed r. pleau and eir i remedy in Uie worni (or all ) hsos or . of tno system. 10 Ofios Boath of the Court Hoaie aesr Us Bsntiael Offloe. .Jkt Inns l-u j ii : Cotton Eectll laser. for Window! I better than whiting or water. No awTing curtains mod car pet. TEK NOXXTII OAUOUNA HOME I5SUEAKCE COMPANY - raleiqh, n. o. - This Comis J eonUnn . to rIU,Folicir at fair rates, oa all lases of Insurable prop- a. r. nooai loan ani pOOKB a elTUKG, K A Ramsey and wife Anna, M J Rsrrisey and wit Rachel, Joseph rUnbeylad wifel.ydU, John W Ramsey and wife, Edward B Ramsey aad wife. Defendants. . "-.. It appeartrg to the satisfaction of the Court Mat the above named daf andante M J Rasnsef aad wife, Joseph Ram try and wits, Joha W Ramsey and wife, and Edward B Ramsey and wife, are non-realdenui ot thla State, they ers hereby aoUled te appear at the ames of the Clerk of thaSsporto' Court ,for the Coanty ot Chatham within SO days after the service of this summ'ons, and am war the complaint, a copy of which will bs deposited Is thsolHoe 8 A POLIO cleans paint and wood, in tact tht ea . tirs house, better than soap. No stop- . ping, Bares labor. Ion can't afford to be wlthont It. 8- At PI A L I O . for Securing Knlrcs to better and cleaner than Bath Brieh. Will tot " scratch. ATTORNIT8 IT L A W ' weaaness or tne Hack a Limbs, StrletnreaL AffecUon of the Kidneys or Bladder. luVolua. -tary lMachsrcea, Impotenry, Oeaeral DehllH y NorvonsMss, itrspepMa, Languor, iaiw ' Sntrite, Confusiou of IdM,PalpalaUoa or i Heart, Tlmhuty, from din.Diianeuof alirht - saaAlaUQXX V Ce t ? t J State and Federal CourU and the Courts of the 1st sad eU Judicial District. , ovSi'tf , orr.HA.M'8- or UuVliaeui, Diaas ot ilia Uuui. T..n. BoaaorSkla. Afloctioo of tha I,u in..' F. N. T ItJ D ' W 10 K Stomach or Beweis tuose terrible ' nJ srlslnic from Solitary llahite of Voulli viq wuwt rrwjHoes more muu lo ' a S 4 '. O L 1 O I 7r ATTORWWW-jT l.AW I tiiAa tban'tlie fuiBur nr tti. aiwr.iti.- ... . . AU tae orkt.-. . "a ., HERN FERTIL IZING WM PAN V,' made from the formula o PROF. WILLIAM UlLtuM is atsiopeu wuu be above fAlEMTttU I K lit GUARANTEE ItdlsUect from all other. Prepared EinMiailT aid Solel (or the COTTOX CHOP, BT THI "SOUTHERN FKRTILIZINO COM rANT." RICHMOND, VA. tjr "lech Speries of Plant must hive the SPECIFIC FOOD.BUITED TO ITS PECIUAR NATURE In order to produce the I.AKi.KHT AND MOST REMUNERATIVE RESULTS." THE HIGHEST TESTIMONIALS received from erery direction (rora man? of the Largest FARMERS from OPINIONS OF THE PREP8 and NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS and OTHER DISINTERESTED PARTUS, through the DAILI PRCS, relative to 1U splendid ac tion throughout the Bute. THIS CELEBRATED C QTTOK" FE.RT baa won sochs marked and exkntire roputa tlon thronffhoutthe cotton growing region of North Carolina and Virginia; and hat been so eitenalTel) tied and alrooet nniTeraallr praised that we deem It TOO WELL KNOWN TO RE QUIRE dNI PKAIBE AT OUR HANDS. Its Merita Speak for Itself. Br the bn1ome rtcM IV produce, a. d the large NET PRO KiTa rualUed from it. Ask your neighbors who bare tried It what they think Of It It PAYS A NET PROF IT of OVER lOO t i t N. B. There will be only a certain LIMITED AMOUNT of tide Fertiltaer manufactured es pecially forOUR SUPPLY. Our frtends, and the trade, win do well to send In their order at once, to be booked ahead, and then trier can order ae ther may need IV The "Southern FarUlltlng Company" u po ly the HIGHEST GRADE of ' eniuble ;mtertels known to Chemist, and MAINTAIN AND UUaJtANTtEa uniform standard. Tola FerUlUerie eold by Merchants and Deal en generally, at all the principal Cities. Tonne snd .Station, throughout North Carolina and Virginia. ' (SPECIAL AGENTS: C.W.GHANDI&SQN8, -- TOTTON FACTORS -Norfolk, Va. We hare the eveloslre control of the "COT TON" FERTILIZER for North Carolina and Boatheaatora Virginia. Thla Fertiliser can be had u,ou the following terms; v , Cash. Basis. t) iTon, at onr Werebonae. Drajags SO CenU Per Ton Additional. Orders for t Tons and lip wards 4 Per Cent Die. .- W 44 .CT.f " -- i go 1 SO - .-." 10 " ' u . m go m ; W IJ - Cash ord en ssnet be accompanied by the Caah. Mo discount allowed on Orders nnder Fire Tone, t ., j - IX TUEr I ITS if FIOTEB SECCtITT ans Per Ton at ear WsrehOBse. Drayege (0 CenU Per Ton Additional, fayable 1st No-- vembet nest, wltewnt htttreeV ' - Ordem for K Tone and upwards 1 par cent. . Dlsconnt. '- Orders for Tom and npwnrd per east. DUcoemt. - The UUcount en time order to be based oa the Cash Vele,iiO per ton. ' ' , No Discount allowsdon time orders nnder 10 Orders MADK DIRECT or through any Ctot- ton factor, Como.lasioa MercuanU or Dealers eneraUy,"lll receire prompt attention. Ap ply or send yonr orders to any Merchant or Dealer nan if taey hare not cot u they will or der It for yes; er the fanners and Planters en erslly can fona CLUBS and eead their orders accompanied br the Cash for loU of a, 10, IW, W or 60 tons st the abors rates of dlsconnt, re-spsotiwely.- Wo Sieeoests allosred except for lots as an ad abore. All letters of enquiry sa swored piomvUf . Ws do not consider It necee sary to aak an? one to buy this Fertiliser, but rely tosnaoeacoilOW AKU nUERKltsuy be had. .., - ' ADOKESa GRANDYiiSOSS,; - : OOTTOX FACTORS, KOBFOLff, TA. Alsirt U TII S JUTflEBN polishes bnus and copper ntenalls hev ier than acid or oil aid nuttea alone. 8 A P O L I tor washing dishes and (lasswars laraluable. Cheaper loan eeap. 8 A POLIO Ntnore stains from marble mantels, tables and sUtuary, front hard anisb d walla, and from china, and porce- uin... : ... ... 8 A. P d L J O remorea sUlns and sTeaae from ear. pets and other oren fabric w. There In no one article known tliHt will do so many kinds of work sand do It an well aw lino no. i ry it. HAND 8 A P 0 L I 0 anew and wonderfully efiecttr loueiBoep, naring no equal in mis eonnuy or soroao. HAND 8 A P O L I O as an article 'or the bath, "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opens . the pores and Ktres a healthy ao uon sno urimaui uni to uie sain. HAND 8 A P O L I O Cleanse and beantfflea the skin, Instantly removing any stain or bleaish fromaboUi hand and face. HAND 8 A P O L 1 O la wlthont a rlral la the world tor . curing or prerenUne ronichn and chapping of either bands or face. HiND . S A P O L I O "" lemores tar. pitch. Iron or IBk stains snd crease.; tor workers in machine shops, mines, Ac-, is inraluabW, For making theakin white and soft, and glvinj to it s "Dioom oi Deauty," it is unsur- passed by any Cosmetic known. Hand 8 A POLIO cost 10 to IS cent per cake, snd overjbody should hare it. Ion will like it. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE OOODA Buy it of your merchant if be hat or wiU procure It for- yon. If not, than write lor oar 1'smphlet, "All about Bspo lio," and it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, Park Place, N. T , or W Lombard, fit, Baltimore, Md. hue 11-deodAweowly 1 rl f Pound Bulk Clear Sides, 1JJJJ to be sold at Baltimore iees, freiicht sdded. at eepti LEACH BRO'S. A S LEFFEL'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel POOLE St, HUKT, Baltimobb. Manufactarers for tbe South and South west Nearly 7000 now in use, working under beads varvinj from 8 to Wi leet 1 rom 9 8-4 to 96 locoes. Tbe most powerful Wheel In the Market, And most economical la ue or water. Large Illustrated Pamphlet sent post Ireet af ABUFAOTUUna, ALIO, OF PorUble and SUtiooary Steam Eugines and Boilers, Babcock & WUoox Patent Tubnloos Boiler, Lbaugb's Lusher for Uinerala, , Saw and Grist Villi, Flouring Hill Machinery, Machinery for White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Shift ing Pulleys sad Hangers. SEND FOB CIIWULAHS.I febii-wm LE Of RIAL ESTATE Br rlrtue'of a ds J of mortvaee ezscn- ted to me on the ut day of AorU. 187.. br Joha W. Eataaa and wl I shall, oa Satur day, the lioth of April, 1S74, sell st public auction at the Court House door to the high est bidder, all the Interest of the said John W. Batman, in certain lands situate la Wake County Ire er six mile West of the city of Raleigh, on the North Carolina Railroad and adjoinlns: the land of Cspt, Allen, P. P. Tack snd others. ' For particular apply to T. P. Dart rem; ttorney, at Ralsigh. , C. A IDKONDSTON. aprUldSSt ;: .- rpo HOLDERS OF CITY BONDS. Tbe aadenhrnee eommluee of the Beard of Coawisaloacra of toe city of Ralebru propose to be present at the Uiissns National Baa betereen the hows of 11 and U e'aWek, A M., srraaT oat roa on wbsk aof this un, in order to iscs Bamorandset Uie city bond onUtanding. AU aohieu oi uty aoaos runnus; oaa, two ano raaan raaas, whether matured er not, are requested to exhibit them to the comsait- teeat one ox lae aosra named. , i KiMr r. BATTLE, ...,., ,, . W. W. WHITE, H.T.CLAW9jN, ;, , JAS. H. JONES, feba-dlw - ComltteA I.K.C. JANES - - - - CAeSIMERES, Receired and to be told low,. Call and see them, i - f , ... li D.NEW80M. nor lMt ALE 1 Bed Boom Bet Furniture. I Parior net FaniiUre snd Tsbleel Jaalt-tf , W. AAA CO. taror, and ar"pala; with eonddeaiMlnsnfei oi piupany in au paruoi nuru.knMuia, AfanU la all parts f tbs Statu. ." R. H- JUttu. Jr., President. S. B. Boot, Vice President' satOM OaLss, Becretary. PoLAaau Oowraa, Buparrisor. June tS-U. . . Iron in tho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Surup, a Protect ed Solution of th4 ProtoxUU of Iron, is to combined at to havo . tho character of an aliment, at 1 eaoilif digested aiul atimiUitel with tho blood at tho tlmplett food. It inertatet the quantity of Kature't Own rUallzlnff Agent, Iron in the blood, ami cures ,fa thousand Ult," limply by Toning up, Invigorating and VitalMttff the 8ytUm. The en riched ana vitalized blood per- . meatet every part of tho body, repairing aatnayet and watte, . tearchiny out morbid secre tions, ana leaving nothing for " disease to feed upon. This it the secret of the won- ' derful tuootti of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Coni- . plaint, Drepsft Chronic Dlorv rhoea, Rolls, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, i Loss of Constitutional Vigor, - Diseases of the Kidneys and : Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating tn a bad state of the blood, or ao-' eompanied by debility oru low state of the system, being free) from Alcohol, in any form, its energising effeett are not fol- lowed, by corresponding reao : tion, but are permanent, infu ting strength, vigor, and new , life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con tention. Thousands have been changed by tho use of this remedy, from : weak, sickly, -tuff ering orea i tures, to strong, healthy, and -happy tmtt and women t and ; invalids cannot reasonably hss- ; itats to give it a trial. Bee that each botUe has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass, - Xamptlsto Fros-- - SETH W. FOWLE k SONS, Proprietors, BfM I MUtttav Plaee, Sossaav ano BT DatiooisTs eiatiiLti. F O It 8 A I E A complete art of BLANOnARDS IMPROVED 11 iCHlNERY FOR MAKING ! Plow Handles, capacity of which Is SOO per dsy ; also one SO bone power Engine and . Boiler, Saw Mill, Shafting, Pullers, and Hangers, Wood Turn ing Lathe, variety of Moulding Machine, Bolt ing, Ac Or la other words. A FIRST-CLASS PLOW HANDLE FACTORY." Will sell as a whole, or by detail. Address, F. H. RAHM, Bex 807, Richmond, Vs. dssKMIt s ALT I SALT II ISO 8cks Manhslls and Ferdlns fonr and half bushel Back salt. ,, At etWtf - F. JONES A CO'S I . a NOTI3E. The no-partnership existing under the tame sod title ot Utley A Stone, U this day dls'olved by mutual consent ' ' All persons indebted to said flrm trill lease come forward and settle the same, at looser indulgence cannot be given. Lockvilie, Chatham County, If. C., i " -April Vth, 187r. , , . , B. G. Utlet, i M. J. &T0HB. To nr irk bTronb BOOKBINDEK AMU Blank Book Manufaeturer, ovaa a. 0. aooasroaa. B A L E I G H feblltf yT-ILUAMoON, TJPOHTJSCH AND rnoxA" ' Wholesale Grocers COMJIISSIOy ' MERCHANTS, FTETTIVILLE STREET, ' 0 p p e a t A Ma-t rope lit au -H 7 1 w KALEItlll, N C,"" , B.-V. WTt.MAVIO. - . W. O. t PCULRCH, IteptM-U . i.J.IUOMAa. J0B WORK Having refitted our Job Office, And secured the servicer of a mm is mm, We are now prepared to execute ' all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY All persoue having Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Business Cards, Visiting Cards. Wedding Cards, Circulars, Posters, Ac. To print, will have their work ex ecu ted in the very boat style by sending it to the Sentinel Office. W are also prepared do" all kinds of -Jin the very best style, at All work sent to ni will be done ae'quickiy'atid cheaply as atj any other PRINTING HOCtlE IN THE SOUTH. TICKETS Of all kinds Printed at short notice. In short, we are oreparod to ex ecute all kinds of Printing is the very best style. lisXIJB. January a. 187A O T I ., C B . : I On tic iiiVlar'of' stafliaL IwiB tell for cash tha premises tew aosapted by Henry rage, being tbe tract of land bought by and Patra from Dr. It. B. Hay wood, sitastcd in tho Esttera Babnrbs of Rskigh, and adjoining the lands of Mar Booth, Pleasant Spcacer and others. ; I will also tell at tha tame time on paly of good males. Young tod la fair con dition.'.' " Sale to takaptso on tbs premises, April 11th, 1874. spl7-td . JOUN UATLING. 1 '00D Feather Bed aad Mahogonsy Bed Dieaa I Siiixia&rbNt Bottom Bed Stead and Mat- tra. -i" ... .. , t Jute aad Cotton Mattrsaass. J t Handsome Mahogany dinlncrooia Tablea. - W U JONES A Co. . art U-tf ' AacUoa A Com. Merchants, BOOK II (I atf-daf uoE-ratiEOLnrr l reapectfally aoBonnc mysslf au Inde pendent candidate for tha office or BUPE RIOR COURT CLERK for Wake county E. 1L BAY. apMtf JE Wis' .WAURAN TED XE8 I W hsre eold WO doaea this season, sad tot Axe and take no oust JULILdLIWlS AOO T.H B CONNCCTICUr VOUTV&L Ziiffnrance Company svatstot lo algbeat stendard of - BOLVE N O Y. The character U tbs inveatmeuts of Its seen. mulatad assets ot S36,0OO,OO0 Is o' the Pbrhest Clas- for sscurltv t It hav lug aerer lot a dollar of it Investment, it b U BP L U S i larger than that Of aay other Oompsay orer : 85,000.000; IthaeamiHibershin ot ore- Kt.OOO persoM It ratio for the enure S7 yrs of It b muses ha been but 8.97 PEn CENT of Its receipts.' It has no Stockholders, (rarj dollar of saving or pro lit belongs solely to tht POLICY. HOLDER- From such a record one eaa well Judge wbsrs to Insar with tat sty snd the smallest potst- nie coat. H. D. WAIT, OenL Aent. EALEIUH, M.C. sept 1 TJ a E T HE B E 8 - Another ahlpasnt ot our brand of lOAJstB COCK WHTTZI US AD Just to hand. . : BRIOOS A SONS. N O T ICE Tha eonarteMsahlD heretofore sxlstlng usdsr the name and etyleot BOOKER at NORhMS, Is thla day dissolved by mutual consent . - ' ai l . aiwkir WD v Feb S-dtt. WATT rLOWA .. Another supply received to day Of this hutly elebrsted plow. Also, Inatore shs "Dixie'' and Fanners Trlnud" sad a large h wewsmt ex now pwwa. .. JAUiCdM I M. TOWLEU, i 11 Agt. for Msan'ptarrt At nsaanfaaturfls'micca. tm tiiaaarmonthlr mstelsaeate. ' ... , tj nuj'i r AMD TWENTY FIVE PERCENT, BEL0 VI MANUFCTURB8' PEICEB FOB . CASH, If purchased direct from thla office, or any 0. Its local eranta. " 18 INTHSfltEET, Richmond, Ta., ' ' t an. a c U1BBS, rroprletor. eecw-wKw ... ' . ' riHJJ WATT PLOW. : :t.. Conatantlr reeetrtrur nirml a. sinoS hm. Be maanfsetnrerS of thla aalahratjMl nlns Tk. ir- u .... 9-i j r JAMES M. T0WLES. ' sey Wi tt. Agt for tha Msantaeturai. i Da. MoTf'i LmsPaxs Itaessvenourk 1 - to make a pill, but te make a good pill, aU that's the dlfflcultyl There are cheap, barsb drsstic pllla, that are' of eve less beaeSt tbss tdoseof esite- bats rood snedioiae, like Di. Moll's Livsr PUla. which Penetrate to tht seat of disease, is a deeidarstum tadeed. Will tosltively ears all dixtatea of the ilrer. Sold rs-y where. Joan t. Hsaar.CDaaaw s On. yrapriotors, a ana (Aiiiege rues, most iota I atarenw-u w. i "rrr The aaderabmed etfan tor ssle, on re sot' tbla terms, Very desirable and Valna'iU trsct of lead, within s mile and t quarter of Sis Southern umlU of the city or Raleigh, oa tha Westeid of the fsTottorill road. eoa tsluing two hundred aad twenty acre, it inmia wo tu wvmt iur aeari j a muu, awatraa as eewvenieaUr divided into twe or more lots ts salt purchasers. Parsons desirous of abasias; will' be taken over the premise, Mi taa obtaia all asimisry bnformaUoa frosi Sllher Was. H. Bledsos, or ssyseih BOV S0-U JO, A. JiLEDsOE. Newe aad aVeeoo tf -'T7n 7ar T HX WARREN U0E. Ivsrt Hos Taitriaio r Oa and Was; AWTEo or v ksz awn uast stebl. It will enter the ground better. ., , -It baa tht most cutlery aarfaoe. It will clean and scour tht best. " It ia the strongest grade line ever made. It la tht moat effectual Hot between plants close together, Ac, Ac Write f Descriptive Clrcailar y. FXICS CULT ONE ' , , - I . :' :;; icLira lewis & co, '.. ZZl "',' Sola Ageots for i i t RALEIGH, W.O. mar fAtt - ' , . VV PEEBLES - -- Al IU1UISI - Al UW, T- a SMKWtarwn a aa er a aaw JACKSON,-NOTa-'CAB'lUJi'A. r Prartlrea ia all the Courts of Northamntna. RlfaV. SWti. Mia tl . ,rA mfmrntl-m , ti . iuprmne Court of North Carolina, aad U Un reeenu iwans v det -41at - ' - n vne plain tira wut apefy-.w vta- jjnerv reuet aeutanaea u uitedopiAWw.iii.v.I,.A. rA.: Glrea nnder my hand and' seal of Court this (Ut day of Decemotr, l7t - Clerk ot the Bupsrlor Court at Chatham t-wow tea Dr. J. IValker'g tallfornla Tin. Rar ltittcrs are a purely VopoUble preparation, made chiefly from the na tive herbs found on tht lower ranges ot, tbe Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted thoreuom without tbe oso of Alcohol. The question la almost daily asked, "What ! the cause of tho unparalleled success of Vimeoae Bit. TKRst" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tbe patient re covers his health. They are tbe groat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, at perfect Renovator and Iuvigorator of the. systotn. No?or. before lu. the history of the world has nicdioinc boon oompouadet, possesriing tbe rsaisrkable onalitiet of Yikkoar Dimts In healing tht tick of every disease man U heir to. They art 's gentle Purgative ss well as S Tonic, relieving Congestioa er I a Damnation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious JJissatet tr ---:v"-rrs-i; ' - The properties of Da. Walker's Timioas liiTTiat are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, LaMativa, Dinratio, Sedative, Owntar-Irritant Budowfto, Altera. Uv. and AnU-BUioua. (j . . i Grateful Thounands proclaho Vnr soar BrrrBBa the most wonderful In Tigorant tha aver sutuiued tfa slaking fcystem.-' v. '" '"H' ' 1 I Ko Person ran take theae Bitters neeording to directions, snd remain Ming mnwcll, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. . . i-' ' i Jtillons. nemlttmit and Inter snittent Fevors, which ore so preva lent In the valleys of our great rivers throURhout the United States, estMSelaHy those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Rnuoe; Rio Qrsnde, I'earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribntnrioti thronghout our Jctjtlre country during the Suiumor and lAuturnn, and remarkably so during sea sons ortinusoai neat nna dryness, are Invariably nanled by extensive de rangomeuu of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow. erful Influonce upon these various or gans, Is essentially necessary. There s no eatbortic for the purpose equal to PR. J. WALKKK'S VlNKQAR RlTTKKS, ha they trill speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which' tbe bowels are loaded, at tbe same time stimulating the secretions of tbe liver, rtna generally restoring tno neaituy S unctions of the digestive organs. 1 ; ' Fortify the body against disease y purifying all Its fluids with Vikboar Utters. ! No epidemic can take bold bf a system thus fore-armed . ! DvsncDsIa or Indiirestion. Uend- lacbe, Paiu in the Shoulders, Coughs, rrightneas of the Client, Dizzlnem, Hour ractat4ons of tho Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, I'alpUa tation of the Ileoit, Inflammation of tho Ixings, Pain la the region of the" Kid tieys, and a hundred ether painful eymr ttoma. are the offspriDgt of Dyspepsia. lune Dome wiu prove a aetterguarantM bf its mcrtts than a lengthy advertise pent: - lt . ; ; , ' : ' r"; iimruift, or Jtlntj's ktii, white (waitings, TJIcers, Eryinpiilaa, -6 welled Neck, ioitre, gcroftilons Iuflsinnistions, InJoIdtii nflammations, Mftrenrioi A fl'octinnii. Old floret, Krnption of Uie 8in, Bora Ey. ete. tin these, a in ali other enusttiuUuaal Uia jeaaes, Watsst's Yissoas IIittkus have ohowa tbetr great eurativ pawee4a-tae knest sUtiDale and intrasUblt rases; f ; 1 1 or iBnammatorvaDd tLlnoald ulhcnmatlshl, Gout Bilious, 'Kamlt jtent snd Intermittetit severs, Diseases of aha Blood, Liver, ICidasys and Jlladdor, Itheat Hitters bsvs no eqtuuV Such Diseases are caused by Vitisted Uleoi. Jlecbanlrai ulseaHes. Persons en- xraged in Paints and Minerals, such as I it umbers, Type-setter, OoM-baaters, and Miners, a they advance in life, are subject xo paralysis oi tne uowcis. to suara against this, take a dime of Wa.kss' V'l- eu a a Dirrsu icosi4nally. , . ,t . - t , or Mi in UlM'SKes, Eruptions, Tet er, Sslt-Kheum, Illotcbes, Stiotn, Pimples, U'uatules, Boils, Carbuncles, fcing-wonna, ficald head. Bora Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, fccurfa, Disooloralloos of.ttis Skin, llumors land Diseatas of the Skin of whatever Dame tor nature, are literally dug np and earned put of tbe system la a short tuue by the oas al meat totters m lirt, Tape, and ether vTornia nrkiot in the srttem of so ttanr thnansnoW Bra elioottially destroyed snd removed. No sy stem of medicine, no venjuUugnt, td aa4 tneunioiuee wiu free the syatcai liwm worms like these Bitters. . , . , . , . . . For FernAleCorBDlaini.8.laToono: or eld, married er single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of lire, these Tonie Bitters display at decided snihtuence that Improv kentkttwa pwwpiilile, . . Cleanse the Vitiated Wood when- kver you And k im pant iet banting th roach the skin in Pimples, hr'ipuons, or Buree; claanet It when you find a obotruond and tlamh in the-trrcr t clntwe it wfitn tt Is frmi: ywrrreeimfT wtU tsil roa vrtiw Ktp" tbe biiied purs, snd the k-tlih of Uie ryatcm Will follows . . n.HiDoiun sto., DnrHMs axil Hea !.. Kninaw C'ni, aad vt t i'a.fe!?.?urf ..4 ( hiiti'i -U. S V. SM14 sr au tiaMuut4 LKain. Thoie are soma of tha inui....j. tecte produced by the early hahite ofrouth vtet Weakness af the Back sndLtaWain. the Dla we aigesure . runcuoa, Oeaeral Dahiilt. Symrtomaof Cotuutuptkia, At ' NlAlJ,.-fhe liartunffcte ea to mind are muohao be dreaded. LWof M. ery Contusion of Ideas, DeprsaaloTrf siml ti yorebodlngsPii aa'Ttw, X DUtrust, Lore of BoUtude, TimidUy. &L sosnaof Us srlls preduW. -7' ' r . JSXSiST ot now pale, aorvoua and simveiated, bsrUigsalmru'si appearance about Uiseyos, ong,and nmS. WsvtBisuuintlon. ' ... ... . mV. .. M . alARRIAOE. Married persona or 'V.aur m. , . Loss ot Proctr of Procreatlra Po il.,..., , I? tama CuafcaMUt. A.i.r.1,"'.tr"'7')..I't' eak toalloo, speedil rellerad. u.U A CURB SPEEmr.V tri no i w.. . rorsuas rumed ia hsalth by unlearned I nr.: tender, .ha keep than, -Wu, nSu J?u - tbth,UkinirrHilonou aud wjunous Z - pounds, bould apply tacwllatolj. u . ,'4 JOHNSTON, Member bf the Royal Colleire of Uillegesta the United butea, and "isi part of whess life has been ipjnl n iJ "i; WiuSelphhiatdeiit UMns' eurss that were ever kaowai .. troubled with riiurtng la the h and r wheat asleep, great norvoueness, brin alarm? sd t fttdiU wuuds, bshfuTnhwf1'u , queut bliuuilng attended souwtlme. with laagemeat of uind, were eared InwieaJioIf .iMl mTAOl JMBIAU.-: -When tha moulded ani imprudent voter, of pleasure flnde that he has Imbibed th atoia af this painful dlaeaai, it too often kw Iu. thatan AUuiMseuaiif aiXawnrot -ot diacorerr deters him, from epidyln to -those who, from educatioa sad r iciahiiiiV can alone befriead him. lis faUslalo tha hands of lgtiorsut and del,uliur preuindera h"-( l!ble of curing, fllch hisVecuXv sabateaesi keep aba trifling morlm ttU f long as tbe smallest fee can U obtained, and in despair tears him with reiuM cause the constitutional Symplons of this bar rid dims to make Uietr a,araucs, auriia ulcerated sots luruat, diaeaiwl -pain la the head and limbs, diumea. of slill -deafness, nodoaou the shin bones aod.r.? . mulches eu Uie head. fab. ad sitremltl,, progresalnr wlUt trUjfiUui rapidity, UUat teat ihepalawef the mouth or in. binsiofi; noMfaUla.aud u.srkUm of thU rwful dia THZFTtS object of eou.u.JrT Uon UU death pute a period to his dreadful uUerlng by sending hfui to that uuulWrd sountry "from whoss botu-neno traveller ev returnr" ,'t'''"'" .'""' ' ;;, To .tttretor Dr-T Johnston offers (he .ENDOKSEMENf OF THE PRESS.' " The aauyuoasaads cured at this cnteblU a meat wlUua the last twenty yew; itd the nuuwro us Important surgteai OtwsUons nl!L ' formed by Dr. JohiJwltZltd bVu,. notices ef-whlch hsvt appeared aula anj Z" hli .tend"!; as a aiau of honor and responsibility, te auU elent gusrsotee te ths aJuWted. ' Ir, JOU.Vi lo.'V, ' OSST- sVoctb Fkli.hajck 0Taaa"" ...s.i. i BALTIMORE, MD " ?awrtlsmentand Btampfor Reply .flora " tltlltB, . 0, By MSB. BOB A EJ0WE. 'Talrat good at tht Market eaa sflord, - march IStt Mis. ROSA, HOWE, rCOXSOMDATED. i : . p Ts MasoaiO Moniroa t ano. . THE BRIGHT M A 8 Q N I , . : ; Only, Oiio mhrA fvu, The ConsoUdnUos of the MASONIC MON ITOR sad the BhUUHT MASON, mlkeT w "THE HKllaHT MASON" r One of the Very Best Masonic Journils in the itoutbern AUauUo elates, it Is now publish ed n Magaxins Form, st the low price of One SUBSCRIBE NOWi Mason Umood stand lug everywhere are requested to set ss Aireat. Uube of Ten or more only 76 eta. i brFThs whole Club need not corns from one r. O., names way be added at auy time at club Addrees C. t. HARRIS, Concord, N. 0. for Advertisers In Uia US-Real Marllam SoUlh. : . mar IStf ' The rsrtnershlD heretofara .i.iin thsSrmof " " W. H. A K. B. TDCKER, A Ci). Isdlssolved bv the d r tn..i.' Psrtoer.T.MgUEE. AU Psrtia having claims alnsk ths Srm will please present them for Immediate pay ment. And ali who are indebted to the nrui etUier by note er account are requested to? oil and settle same. - TU OCR OLD FRIESDS A CUSTOMERS ws must says word. Tha d!i!,iti..n . . Ana give u pain aad Sorrow. For mnr years you hare kindly pstrosUel us. We in , eaaesrorwt te- larobiU rot Willi UKar cLatfduuoiM at e.,.i5..jJr Our rela'ioabip has been both pleanaut and sgrenalrie, snd we eaauot content to the liie solutloa escept la Step retfrefc Vs hart heretufura t uniwhed-ali et acr eommodatloa wa eould, cousiateut mint, a Sropw wieiy oi our outtneas, aad In mikuiic is following snnounccrnent, we dosofroul Us requireuienU of LAW. Front aed alter this dste. all 6on.l r.r ... ery doscriptiua belonging; to the firm ol ' W. H. A R. B. TUCKER, A CO. Will besolii st EXTKRMEuT LOW PRI CE For OASH, with rsicresce Wthe Anal ciestarts-of the Business. : . ' r urthur eredi cannot be given. The book.. : j ri.Wn d W 11. II i Tl'i'rio .BarrlftrgPii.ers ot the U iirmot ' I ' t- ' UwKJtrt. t(, I artid. wuu uM.-e euitnu-aiuij lu Uo-Oi, k bOOUo-besiness id KJ w-Ii, have JW 0 p.rta.ilj of BaleOCI HKlciss Uui. .... fiere, -; Mweh'skts wfcw -d vai W'trcatkliig' a" stuck ' Si of rt,p.wui.htntt tucirSuM k, wm i.jr,e ttwUropM-luuuy au eaily ell a jlicou Vieca buyers. ' ( W..11. R. I. T Lt K F ' ... fcurviviiig fjUi;,.,,, 4 TdU

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