THE- SENTINEL i ' ' PUBUSECEXD BY J O I A H T U R H I B , J . uw, nirthCiuiIiouM, D-ir Baetieel 1 year m edveaot , &M Dally, Six ata-medvaawa, - ' kOO Werklv Bmtleal " " -BOO ma Uinr Wtim, win ha delivered ta nay Mt.ef, Ifttjr a ' Unrn par TlH H I1M 't'r ? : I oeas.A flalrm. , . ,. .-. ( ; Til Mrrsf di-t Bchdai" Sgboal So am. The Suaday School Society ef the Methodist Chare of this State cnkm tblo"efty the 14th bet, at 10 X M. The formal opening address will ba deH ered by It. T. 0. j f m at thit city, m femiJjr atrietd aMa- thia norolag Iron a pleoaaol (tip to Tex a. We were glad to ahakatba Oaaerai ai luaiuu aad Jiara aim agaia ia oar nidtt. They bate ta kewaoowjaatthrKatSoaal Hotel .' v Axuw Mr.-Taor, tba Editor ka'abaaat jfroaa Uw City being at ail born .U HUJeboaeyaad a lack of aditorW to-day " ia tlioa aoeonoted . for. Ha forwarded MTenl articles which wo regret cam to band too lata for tbli laraa. Ha aaada aa account af tba Orange County CooTeo tioa Batarday, bat from delicacy refrained from mentioning anything cenceralng tha action of tba oonTentioa ia regard to tha Coograaaioaal aominatioa. We learn from oar triend Jamea Webb, Eq.,of HilUboro,' lathe City to-day, that the CoereatloB aoaaimoualy endoreed, Joeiah Toreor, Jr. ai their cboioa for tba " Ceograatieaal aominatioa at the DUtrict Oonrentlon la tbia City Jane 2nd. Tn Match Gamb or Ban Ball BiTtTKBAT On Saturday aflemooa a largo eoaeoaraa of apectatora wore pres ent to witoaas tha con tost between tha second teat of the Athletio and Pastime Clubs, oa the Baptist Orora grounds. Tba Pastimes at firat seemed to bare it all their way nntil the third inning wbea tha Atbletica cbaagad their pitcher put ting their "Dummy" Holt In that poai Uoa, wbsu it sojea became trideat that bis hot balls could not be batted and from that laaiog threnghout the gam tha tide turned against the atrugKling Pastimes aad tba Atbletka prored the champtoaaHhi soore reaaltiog: A(littica 89, Pastimes SB. Time of game t hours and IS mia tttae, I Tha beat feature af tba gam was to witaeae the axaltatioa af .lha.Deaf aad Dumb,, Holt, (tba pitcher) at his suoceea, making all kiada of metioas aad bia coanteaaace wreathed la Bailee. MatobI Const Too aegro man were arraigaod before His Honor, Mayor Hol der!, Ibis onrning1 Heodrrtoa i4 Mer ritt, fur aa attercatioa, at one of tha dens near the central depot. JVothing serious re sulted from tba difficulty. Merritt had a stick asd was ebot belaboring tb dero- tsd cranium of Henderseo, when tha latter came aflat bun la the reaor style with his pocket kolfa arowlng ba would work np oa Merritt's internal improvement organs it that stick came down. Henderson swore oat a peace warrant upon threats afterward of Merritt. Tba Mayor dismiss ed the matter after binding both el the erareigaa over to put In their attendance a pun Greasy Sam's nest opening day, and issuing the peace warrant. " " A Na&bow Iscapb. A party of ymng ladiea aad gentlemen were oa a ashing sxeorsioa to Tatea Pond faar miles from the city Batarday afternoon. One of tba gallants iaritad a lady companion to take a ride la a canoe. When rowing a abort distance tha little boat npeet throwing tba young lady out. The young maa plung ed in after her, both were aa tba point af drowning, wbea fortunately ba seised bold of a stamp and cluag to it with bia. charge, antlj aaoUf or boat reached tba spot and rescued them. A Barrow escape indeed. Beware of these little caaoes young friends. We . aerer sew one that weald aot tip over. - tnn Caararo Rabkai Ooortt Cost vuvt oti FbibaT aaiT. From aha sigas and doings (areng jtha: falthfal, wbea Priday sttfl awa wpo1- thai City of oom.wamaf 'pteparael teiess the blackest crewel that baa ' beea la oar confines si oca the days of Governor Hoi den's jubilee on the bigtit . of fourth ot July, In 1887," for Timothy hat called tba County Coaveatioa, aad Mayor Jo, OcaL German, aad others; who waat to shove Tim oat, have called a grand mass meet ing at tba Baptist Grove also wbera things ara to bo Axed up foe tba General tqd Joemea Harris, br iaa Bovrrelgoe are to bated with barbae ae aad eo Hards. Tba General, Jeemes aad Jo have had their botseaaea owtjit is said, at fall speed distributlsg their posters some dayt aad calling a pea tba Cooa to coma forth from their boles, far another day of jubi lae to oa hand, aad If they dea't give fbem the forty acrea and the mulerthey " trill fill them up,ae aid Kaocy Jones la tha sounty, says, with good reform chain lightning ea4 sweet "Bob Veal." We hear it rumored aa tba street, that Blow Tonr Hera Billy It oee of tbe heavy coatributors . to tbia barbecue, ha vug dropped Tim so aagretefully too after hie (Tim's) getting tba nomiaauoo far blm at Praasiintoa two years ago, when ttere was nch-wavering ia tha ecaiea. This ia not to be anlooked for being .......charsctarisUc of Itadicsl graiitude.. We would hope tobaaaaed Ireea - (hi grand -entpottrinr, bat tba flat has rona out Md the good eiUieai are to be jostled at VOL. IX it wm la tba dap af Littlelield, Holdea a Co, by a drunken rabble, dtofnrbtng the business iaterest of the city and dis- ergeoising tba labor of the country. U Tim cant U oontad without thto Little laid mode of eampeigalng again being taken ap hy tba old tat ba left behind, we heartily wish Ptrel. and tloai BAlelATlk. Slay 1 , 18,14,1874. k j PROORAMMX. j - .:jfeiBBitBUilr -a Tba Amaeiatloa will meet In the Senate Chamber at 10 e'clock, A. bt, and ad jiairn at J o'eloek P. M At t SO o'clock, P. M. tba mem bars of the Press will assemble at the National JaVtsI, aad from that point visit the In sans Atylum, tearing the Hotel promptly at 1 45 o'clock, P. M. Carrlagee will be a waiting. Afi o'clock P. M., the Asso ciation will re-assemble ia the Senate Chamber for business. Wboxbsdat, Mat 11th. - At 10 o'clock A. M., the Assooiation will assemble la tbe Senate Chamber for the transaction ol business, and adjourn at S e'clock P. M. At 8 80 e'lock P. M., the members ol the Press will assemble at the Yerbore Honss where carriages will be in waiting, and from that point visit tba Penitentia ry. At i o'clock P. M., leave the Peni tentiary aad visit Saint Mary's tichool. At 4 40 o'clock P. M , from Btl Mary's to the Baptist' Female Seminary, leaving that point at 5 SO o'clock P. M., thence to tba Peace Institute, leering there , at, 5.10 o'clock P. M, for a drive through tba city; and reaching the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution at 7.80 P. M., where tbey will remain nntil I o'clock, P. M. At 10 o'clock P. M., the Press Association will aasem at tba Tarboro House as guests of the Board of Trade of tbe city af Raleigh. Tbumdat, Mat 14t. At 8 o'clock A. M the members of tbe Press Association of N. (X, and invited gueata will asaemble at tbe Central Do pot, leaving that paint promptly at the boor named (or aa excursion to Haw Riv er. At Durham the train wilt atop one boar. The Tobacco Aasocistion at that point having extended the hospitalities of Hie towa tor tba occasion. ' Reaching Haw River at 11 15 A. M., where tbe excurtionists wilt be entertain ad by Messrs. Holt A Moore. At 3 o'clock P. M., tbe complimentary dinner will be given by Col. T. M. Holt, Presl dent of the N. C Agricultural Society as heretofore announced. Jobdoi Btvhb, ) Ch. Ex. Cm. Piess A. Jno. Nichouu, Pret- Beud of Trade. T. M. Holt, ) Prea. .C.,Ag. Society Tba following programme baa been Jointly arranged by the Press of Ral eigh, Board af Trade aad President of tbe N. C, Agricultural Society and a spe cial committee appointed to see that the tame to carried out. A bearty welcome to our beautiful city awaita the Press of N. C, Vs., A 8. C and ether invited gueata. R T. PcLOHtm, Sec., N. C, Preaa Association. City JBrewitleaj, Tbe colored folks in large number ex- mnrimA tm Ridmarav oa VMalarda to wit- Si a mammoth baptising of their race. Bishop Lyman preached the sermon at (Christ Church Episcopal,) oa yesterday. (Hrawberrtoa ara being shipped per Express (rem tblt city to Richmond- One of our yeusg merchants of Ex change Place oa a 1st rise in molasses, end savored lo purchase all of that arti cle la the alty. A party in Apex wish ing to tell tent him a sample of bis stock made lata horse jcaks through the Poet Office, and tha trade at laat aocounta waa about beiag completed. Happy city mer chant glorious horse-cakes. Tba sessions ot the Press'Convealioa will ba opea to tba public, wba are cordi ally invited to be preeeaC . A committee of the City Preaa were at tba depot thit afternoon receiving and welcoming arriving members of tba Vest Coavantion. ''' 1 ! t . At we write a large esaeeane ef aitt aeat ara wending their way to tbe beau tiful cemetery of the d. d, to. join lo tbe Memorial exercises, where, at the eoocla- sioa of the erstioB by Goal. Cox, tbey win decorate tha graves of tba departed beloved heroes. ' MsoicaIi Secrrri or If, a Tblt body wiU meet in Charlotte oa tba 19th laat, aad tbt Board of Medical Examin ers will hold its anaual meeting at tha tame time aad place for tha pnrpoao of hearing applicants for license to practice medicine. It to expected that a vary Urge attoa- deace of the medical profession will ba present from all parte of tht State, Thane Meeting! ara of Tory great importance to tba orofessioa and to tht aublte aa well. Miss Pr, Dimmoek, of Baltimore, who wu elected aa honorarx member last year, hat promised to be present. RALEIGH, N. Tba rktorham Carrier Sweitir says: Sondsy morning we received intelligence that duriog tie tatter part of laat . week Mr. Jobs C. Yaiburwaglt iu instantly killed by uaa Dana. Rumor baa It tbatYar borough wej accused af having tome unpleasant warde with Davis' wife. diaclaiiaed any knowledge of applying such langusge to bar, wuereupoa Davits husbsnd of the wnman, seized a spade aad with one feirblowsplit the bead of Yarborough, jlaahingout bis brains. As we hear it, no words passed between them at all. Davis was immediately ar rusted and jailed in the county of Mont- gomery. These ir all the particulars we were able tn gather. ' THIS AND TUVT. Borne information ef great internal te women will be found in the mm rel ie port of the Kc.glUh cunsut, lately. The facts of this report aiiow that, without counting wive, th number of omeo ef the sgeeffltteen snd upwards, enged ia specific occupations, ' were 8 453,881. Within th past twenty years there has been a rspi I increase ic thu number and proportien ot women eugitgcd in produc tive work, while there is no evidence of the incrcsss ol idle- a omtm, nor U any mention made of the number of women engaged in "worriting me i " It is prrdicted that short suit will be the thing for street wear. Tbey will be cut of s convenient lcuyih to clear the ground freely, without twing drawd or held tip with the hind. ' With nil kino's bt promrnada dieieee the China crape icaffi will bu worn. They will be made of varioui colors to mV.cii tbu dreaa, and era worn like the uld-fhioutd - scurf maoullas. Among tlie Utet nriv;lUe in cot tumcs are long bs' ijuiiics shaped like a gentl man's cut. with denp Louis Quirize vest, pockuts, and rulf. with plaiu bang ing back without drapory. Tbey are generally made of black silk and trim- awd with J-t, : iosertioB aad - Jaooi,- --The akirt to trimmed witti ruffl-s round the bottom, and liaa four shirred puffs In front - GreciiiQ carls are much worn. The tendency here ia to heaviness. They Bra what school-children tweniy years ao denominated ',brom stick curls." Thcj are few ia nuiotwr, but make up in quid ity what they lack in quantity. Tbey graduate in luugib lrout tbe long curlt, to anaugcd asio soHthe handsome cor sage, or tojust define theuitelvos oo the pearly shoulders. From thoie lower curls they become shorter, until tbe topmost row are merely thick, fljecy rings. .Ancient Arabic manuscripts are ' being industriously collected, by order of the Khedive, for tbe library at Cairo. Tbe Alexandria palace, near London which was destroyed by fire last year baa been rebnih,--Hrl tjotrprned mJone Two thousand pounds of bones, tbe re mains of deceased Celestials, were latoly received at Bau Francisco t't shipment to China. TbeFreucb ateamer Nil, which wa' lost recently off th coast of Japan, bad aa board a cargo valued at 8,000,000 franca, about $600,000. Daring the month of March, 1 874, the ' umber of emigrants who sailed from! Liverpool waa 18.4U. This year the number wss only 8,068. ' - - Scott county, Minn., contains an ex tensive lam burger cheese lactory. Tbe Cbeeee to doclared "ripe" when a piece the siaci of a bean will drive a dog out af a tan-yard A bicycle race of 800 miles recently took place ia England. The1 winner ae complished the distance la four daya aod a half. It is announced that the English Arch bishop Manning will go to Roma In June, wbea he will receive a Cardinal's hat. .. A newly appointed editor of a Georgia paper announoi ttiat bit ei ienca bet ter qualifies him to wield tht iword thaa the pen. It to stated that over 500,000 Circas- sisnt bit emigrated to Tarkay naca tbt conquest of their territory by Russia waa completed. A large coal merchant In England, wbo u a teetotaller, declines all orders from brewers or distillers, for fuel to be used In their busioesa. Tba public are hereby assured, through tba columas of the Daily BaUial. that iVrnau, Pwfaii PUU contain ao inju rious principle, but that they may be ad ministered to children and tha most weak and ahattered constitutions in small doeea, with great certainty of success. , Dr A Johnson, oat of the meat tuccete tul practitioners of kit time, invented what la bow called JoAnsen Anodvn Lvi iment. Tbe rreat toceeiw ot this article in the cure of Bronchitis and all diseases of I hi oat and lungs, will make the name of Johnson not lest lavorabiy, It less widely known, thsn tbaty of boutt Xtapoioon, 0., MONDAY, MAT 11, 1874. Veterlaerv BtrtranM all over tba aooa- try ara reeomtneuding flWdma.t CeeaJrv istea PoWera fur tba fellow tag troa b boreee: -Lnet eapestita. rouebeees of tba bair, stoppage at bowela or water. thick watorjaoough aa4 oslde, awaUlag of giaaaa, waramt, MM Ml, UKK tM, aad heaves, . 2.-- 4 Aa Irishman called at a draw " store to get a bottle af Jm;f AasdasM ims- warns aaked troubled For loss f cud, bora all. red wrater la sown, loss at apaabtavaot, at mwrtaia ) sheep; thick wind, broken wind,aad raar- inff. and lor all obatnutunna ar tK. kui. neve In koraaa use Shtridan'iComalni Cn. I dUion PewaV. " iVsoa't JStraaUtt fiOt, which' ara I now being extensively told la this State I are purely vegetable, aad are aaild and geatle la tbeir operation. Oaa ia a dose. Good qualities, osrtaialy. NEW .ADVERTWEMEJtrnV JirOBTOF THXOOXDITIOM Of th4 RMgK National Bank, ef North rjorouan, at Ms otoiMUss, May 1st 1874. . KUOCBOI8. Loans sad dlsoonats. SMS 534 74 merdrafts. S.OUG W U. B. Bonds to secure etrenlattoa MW.OW 00 U. Bonds to see are deposit,.. 160,000 00 U. 8. Bonds and sscmriUes oa Other stocas, bonds aal mert(a- 61,898 00 Oue froBi redeemlac aad Bestrve Aienta. an ana an One from other National Bulks, Bs,M8 11 Due from other Banks aad Bank er! jgui 40 Bsnktna boase. 00 I Other Ketl Estete, S.IT9 00 I rural turs and flx'uraa. 1.068 84 Current expenses, .............. B,ttN 19 I Taxes paid, t,ss5 M rreainma. BI.4U M I Cash items, tnelndtar atamna. .. 1.1KS 4T I UJilU of ether Matioaal Beaks, . . a, 870 0 I Tracttoaal earreaej, eMail ouKw, coin, ,.,.,.,..,,,...., ,A 1,TV Legal kader notes,..., , 140,000 Ml 1,083 8 fa UABIUTIIS. Capital stock paid la,... Bnrpros tand... .. 85 ,009 00 I 0,00iO Kxchaurs, an o Profit sod loss, .. W.018 an 460,000 00 I National eircalaUoa eas ataodlna;. Dividends an; Individual depoeit sot on 484,(44 87 I 1 Ur71tl I Cashiers' Checks oul ing, . United States deposits 0,714 00 DeposlUof U.o. Disberslaf ol- Due to National Banks. Due toother Banks and Beakers, Notes aod bills re-discounted,.... l,ilM4t Otes.iwi 7 I I, CBABUa Dawar, Caahlaref the BaMgfc. I National Bank, do soleaaaly swear teat ts 1 above statement is correct to tbe best ef my knowledge and belief. ; 1. . "CV'biWit,'3sshtolr;,,,. Subscribed aad twora totefore ase the Mb day of Kay, A. D., 1874. CkaJUJta BOOT, Hotery PabUe. Correct Attbst: K. B. Tucssa, I W. Q. UrcaoKCH. J. Dlreetors. V. Dawst. I mayOd , " 400 COBD8 OF 8X1801180 PINE for sale delivered stt4,7B Mr oord. Leave your orders at BUU' Btore, HUlsboro Street. naj7-dt. JOUM DAVI6. OB BB MT. Two Office Booms oaUe Lot ef Mrs. H. W X. Ill 1IT . . ... . , " iusr. niia or wiwoas aeare. aaajtdtt. rjIBE BLAMCItAkO CHUBB. ' Bept eonstsaUy aa hand 1 supply c latnat and moat approved Chara, which fatla te give aatulaeUoa. avtble 4ANHUII.TOWI,KB sb U-tf .. . . . . . , AgW gALEOFREALISTATK OnBaturdsy theWef May. st tha Coart Honse door in the Cltv of kalakk. I will sell Jno. D. Prlmroee's, oaa half Interest la th followtmr property. Part of fot Mo. ISO aa Fayetteville 8tow occupied by .D B. Walk Terms, 85,000 cash, balaaes Bt Sbx aenths, with Interest from date Three loU oa Bestara half of let ae M. Term a. (180 eaah oa each lot. baJanee six months with Interest frues data. w. A rarwarss. ....... Adas, of Jae. D. Primrose, ,. April at 1874. I will sell mv half Interest la tbe above property, at the same time. w . a. rainaoaa. Gents' allisizes; laths W ABRTnWAIII.lBJITri.Kfl I tm. received st ' m- st B. AKDBBW8 OG.B. ;T FayeMsvma Street, BALEIOH, R, C January 1874, B Oil Dtlll ;i84I 1IT. era nrj BACK AMD PROMT law ready at -, 1 1 BAA KDRIW8 a CO-T. Csotblert. Jsaaary , 187. y or saw nneeaaausm; wo arugglM I fv I Bias sa wnat part ot us feodt tt I n " - mtj bto. meet. -Ha am towl" said he. I yCfAl-'- - ' "v!'t 1 ff ri Fin Di sills BkeuMtlsm, Scalds, lameaea MM ToottAcke, Colttw OM Sorea) All JlfmorTlugeB, : ; GUlTBGr, eto. O T I C B . To Stone CoetracUrs ftlcd bide will be received to 18th Inst., 10 o'clock, lor re- ballding tbe iter of bndgwon Kieky Kir or la Cabarrus county. All aolid maaaary 0 yards new stone required. F. A. ARCHIBALD, JACOB DOVE, Bridge Com. n. u. niuia, ) i P. B. All communications muatM ad dressed to F. A. ARCHIBALD. Omcord, N. C, May 4, 1874.-dtl6. QRIIT BALK OF GARDEN HOES. FOR M EX 1 80 D AY?, FOR NEXT 80 DAYS. -- GARDEN HOES 85 CENTS. GARDEN HOES 85 CENTS. Gsrdea Hoes 85 Cents. Hoes 15 Cents. H wa 88 Ornta. Garden Garden Warranted Steal, Warranted Bleel, Garden Uom 80 cents, Garden Uoea 80 cents, Gntat Bargaina, - Great Bargaina, Gardea Hoes 85 cents, . Gardea Iloes SS ceets, Call Early, CallEariy, Gird en Hoet 40 cents, Garden Hoet 40 cents, Extremely Low Pricea, "''TBxItwnely Lew price; Garden IIes 45 cants, 1 Usrden lioet 43 cents, & - 88, 80, 85, 40, 45. and SO eenlt. Call and buy great bariraias at ' ! T.H. B1UOQ3 4 80NS, Oranpfeaportino; AND i-i BLA.8TINQ : POWDERS. GCNP0WDEB, rat np In MttalUa aa4 Woodea Kegs.' - LAFUB ABB BssID POWDIB CO. tfagaslaa beyond the City Limits. - , 'Ba'elgh,B. C. JUUUS LEWIS CO. Agents, Fewder aeBvered abroad or any where la I ins enr rree or eaarga, We is flu orders Iron the trade. spHo-tf spring & sumint ANNOUNCEMENT, lXD. Amdtrewst Ac Oo. (CLOTaiBKS ABB OBSTS WaSISBSkS ) ' . Would respeetfnlly esll tbe ettenUoa of mew aamaroes patrons aaa we pabftg rea- pvif wHwrwcan sprue aae anaimar UothlBK, for Mea aad Boys, tbsasostef whleh has been saaaafaetared by ear Men fork Partners, el see the deeilne le Goods waieaeaaMse as so sen mack knrerthaa keretoCore. Csll aad examlBo oar stock aad theyfwlU aot ears to look elsewhere before parvkaalng. . - Apru IXBd, 1874. A large sod attracUre Steckoj .V,,.-;;.- Oeats rarslahlag Ooods, Constantly oa hand. , B. B. AMDKEW8 A VoTi Next door to Tacker Hall. All tbe latest Mereltles InHam eelredat , t"," B. B. ANDRaWe CO. ' ' dotbters aad Grata PaniUbers, 87 ravettevUle at. INITIAL lUl'Ii fhe frtlowlnf paper, pat ap la boxee ol reea satla flaisbed paper, has dsoasly Itue- raiMd ea top and eod, stamp wiui aavired laltlsl, will be seat to snr addewa. postage paid oa receipt ol tbe price. Onmexrilont Valley Iaitlal Back box eoetalne oaa ealre of extra an ew wklta octavo, aod two oadis of white an. vatopes, stamped with Bas'le Initial Letter, rnossBcenu.. ...,., ;.,.;. t Brlflrlatwood Kosse Tint Initial. Each box eon tains one antra of Boss Tint Oetave, aad two packs ef Tinted Eavelopaa. stampea wna maette luuai tmrnr. rnesK ants, Coixrt iBltlal. Bach box eoetalne one quire of lone fold paper, (sumatbtoa: entirely new,) eaeorted uaia, us two pacta ei oaroniai earaiopas, lance square else, etamped with Initial LeV I ver. rneeaweeaia. I . ..' . . 7 1 w " aoorses ea receipt 01 m prro oj J. T. ELLISON, 1 . ) J. .j.J.m iciuaona, vs. spt-dlw taa'l. warts, w. w. Davis, wm a. nauns WLTTI, liJtltCl., WHOLESALE DEALERS I!f KORTH ERM ICS, ; r rOUTSMOl TH, YA. Orrio At let Hovsa e Qossi Brastr. t. O. BOX 144, , Having three Ice H"atet tod superior facilities, are prepared to ship Ice in any quantity via reaboara ct itosnoke Ksil- : . -M- , t r . 1 ,1 Iroaa, or oy iviver or vans; nuaia, wun ois patch and at lowest rates. TEilM CASH. atysdia. 1 .trif 0 t"W,,L,.'T";y"T V-A W ' iUftflryaat Ti fTiaa i .all?- AP -yil'sf s--i'--V NO. 238. TIWOOOOai.TmtWGOODSII toillPeropn'Witi- ' .L. f" 1M4T to Oaajr Mew . . raatirty tea irtoch LoWIK ttee thee Vara ever hew oflrred befnr oa tet'd.tanl of kke ex ceedingly mall trade ia) tba K outers atarkeC , ' , " All " 1 la oar; iina 4 declined vary much and our naym. salitig ad vantage af that we tell aa "'' i ' ' Lorn mt Ap (Vast an 0t C'Uf. , Wt ay ra all that they e-n " by rxamiuing our stock before buylug eiavwnere, rre win mer yuu bo uiu goods, our atock Is EM TlltK- PETTT 4 JONE3. " ap 14dtf Prof. UeiKhsoa't WrtUoK Usee will meet Monday, 8 o'clock P. M. la tbe Friends of Temperance Ilall.over Guller't Store. Pupile will pleaee bring Stationery Ligbta,8peaoeriao peat No. 1 ,Of UlllotU No. Boa. Jttch Ueottemaa can bring a Lady without extra charge, ap guu ' JJaMK tTOCI IfOB BALB. Wiahiua to f J Into baatnees, I will sell 10, IS or st sbaree of tbe stock of the RakUh National Bank at North UareUna, oa reasoa- smt :bA tea'Wswl! U) W. HARRIS, Uxiord, H.C. MOTT , An old physician once aald that nearly all dlaeaaea originate from A DisbAibd ooBDmoa or thi litbb, and thu tate- meat ia true, although it mat at Brat tka ac exaggeration...; Wbea tbt Liver itn)t of Order the Whole erateea aod rv jrf organ and fBnoTtod sufliir mora of less In eoneeaamoa. la tha tad plant stems oi tna aisease a maa , Does Not Know Wht AlUlIlm Ho it moody, restleaa aad daspoedent and that ia the time to take a tmrLB bhbdv that will netora bia to health f IN A SINGLE DAT. ' m4 pn vent. 1 Khvls irrin of imum that Eay loiiow r . . . torr't Uvbb pills cure torpidity of tbr hrorr a litbb piua give toaetotbe stomach. ,. , , . MoTT s Livia rau cloaaea tht tystem f bite, ' mott'i LITBB riLLS drivt oat XebrUs ai- iecUonk ( mott's uvbb Mlu ttreng then tbo whole tyeteas. . i motts Lirnt rnxs regulate trie Liver, and ara more reliable as a Liver medicine thaa nay af tba atmer-af pnpanUiont thst t0 MOBB BABM TBAB OOOO. for aale by all JDruggiata, Price US cents her box. ' fra and 8 College Flaoa, H. T, mar 17 wlm , - I have test received my entire Stock 0 IpriBg aad Summer Goods, boncbt at ths wweea pout reacaea utts Bpnmr, and am able te eaar raodsof the sameqaallty as cheap as any one bt thU ar any other market, " ' DBTjBOODS,- i' . .. . TrtOTi08t,' FASCT T vfiOOD8,BOOT8. 4 .--. - AMD SHOES AND RATS. MEW AND FRE4U, bouxh at the lewest pneee aae sold lor s small pront, (nereny sa abiiof af eastomers end esblle te sepply tbemaelrss at satisfactorv Drieee Thsakful for peat favors I bone to merit a eowuoaeeee ot see same er etose aMsesiee v pasinsaa. i. D, HEWBOK. apl&-d3m , ; : .-;'"(.' R E C O L L EC i la refriaaoa ta tba BOLLS' " HANDLED COTTON OOE, that tit tbo only U0E made of ' ' :' Solid Cast Steel-Not Rolled Steel. Wa sold la 1878, 688 doaea of tbeee Hoes. Wa Warrant avert IIOK mrfeot ia Stock, Temper and finish. 1 : Hardware Uowee of ap 17-84 iUUVA LEWIS a CO. -IONURESBIUNAL, JUDICIAL AND y benatuhmal conventions. A Democraatc-Conaervativa Coaveatioa for tbt tfrst Cneffreesioaal District af Carolina will be held ia Edentoa oa Thurs day, th.JSih day of May. 1874. for tht present tba District ia tha 44th CoBsrets Of tbt unitea Btatea. At the same time and placa CooveoUont will be bld ta nominate candidates for Judge and B tlkitor of tba first Jndicial District, aad candidates for tba Senate 1 tbe Bret Senatorial District The Ceuntiee In tbe Distrlct are request ed to hold their primary meetings and ap point delsgates te attend theaa Coaven- tioaa. . ' W. F. M1RTIN, . i... Crim'a of Cocg. Ex, Committr. 5siaJLA,BAXrEB. V Chni'a of Judicial Committer. t .. , -..(JL.A.OILUAM, t Cb'mnet Son Committee. may8d21t. T mnn Dillnl Goofs THE ' J SENTINEL - oTsxraufa JUTii' - adrartliaataU wttl b baartl la tha Dally daarnra, at tha f oUoainc mot par atra at naa tana, or tea minion tinea, OBaaqaaraeaaUiae.... ...... XM " oack aabaaqBeattaaarUaa - laaa thaa awask.... 1 eoaere, 1 week. 1 1 JOi I aquara, t Baa. . I w ... 1 awatk, Houtt a .m T t H lavo'a.' l.VOi t -40.00 I ' " Uouli lo 4.0t. . 1 4 " iwao i . 11 " ts.o I " alUM.." la . 1 " -viat),!, cv, H.P.Iothia'iSiwTorbIu ' Daa bea bxteS at TOKKk t .t b, Bit ETTINQEB, O.K. aad at HOLTOKX, Kw., by iBMlaTERBOW, H. B, . S4 tHoc Fampblet aad Test . Report I auoreaa, n. a. Danin.m, jottra ao, t waU bt., bbw. roue crrt. Wlfl aftMd (.rt to air TWO region el ;! kses eatmstedlo kias, stuferk to , tbe Uklet esUoe and Aasoetate 1 itatlcue of Lie Hupranis Wt ef North Carolina, and ta the wi.ola NurVh OruiuM 1W. - bklt-il, i L ,, ; MHXUiEItY AND LADLES FANCY i ' ' OOODa J ' ' Mrs. Harriet Andrewal onFVoUetni" Street, a few doere Mortt of tbe Stale Ma- ttoasl Bank, has returned from the Prth aad aaaoa band a splendid assortment of Mtliieery aadLallesraaey aMdi,oftheU teat deaiVtia aad importation. ' The Milliaerv DeoartOMnt la aadrr tba eharreof ladles of experienoe, and the pnbiln sre assured that tvery thing oflored for aeis at this eateoUshmsnt Mwarranted to be of tbe best make and material. Call and examine , toe splendid aUx k, wbrch la ollered at tba meal liberal raves. MBb. IIARRIXT ANDREWS, Jtmporiuaiol Fashion. apKMU- - - - - , -- - N' W, GOODS FOR 1874, " BALD ARD BT9MB '" K: ' STotaaitaln Bxlolel, ' ' I1ULI I1U I'D TEMPLE OP PiSCT - STILL ALIVE. i. CIIBECH 1 "J le there with hie eomeof nollta and emnrUa. - eedJelearaenoffetiag 4 the trade aad con-" " aaaawa x... ; D BT 800BI CNUdUAIXT ATTRACTIVE Stoek of Bprtng and 8aumer Gaada, ' " ly purchased la New York, aad maav r mem ooukm at rAMU PKltK. arsroea or I Ooods. White Goods. o II aadkarebiefs, Gloves. I take t'ttwanra la saving U LARUB and well ' AjteOKI'BU. aad embraces everyteiug that Is ' ' w awa uaairBuaa w vasj - ,j :b 7 , g, 0 0 ,D, 8a ShaSmhrlca. lt from low pr.Mil aBwaaBana was Dros s Groods will Sad It te their Interest to oaK sad exam me my Stock before parcbsaluK elsewhere, as they .re aew aod will be eold at PANIC rAiiBa.-;- -r 1 ,, - My stock of PI It OOOD9 eonstatiDr of CAeHIMKRKS, TWkED UNENkUUUaand Wl ivn NAUKa. wss never more eoiuilte, ovanv of tbem beina as uheau or evua clieao- er than before the war. . ay etockof , . , ; i.?;.::. Shoes tad lists for Ladiea. Oeate' and MUseete larva sad wel. sasortrd, and persons wanting goods, wares Of sruhaadias, should alwaya exauiiae say' stoek before buying, sa I Intend to make it 10 weir inimei to ony ei me. - i believe ta the motto, LITE AND LET ; Ti' reapeetfnlly ask COUNTRT MKR CIIAN'i d to exsmlne my stock, as 1 will ofl.r ; Umu speolal tndaeemcuta. sue think I csa save tbem moesy. apsuwoiwtw , A. IKBJCUU. 0 U .a! el f 1.1 Tba en!y BaUable Gift DlatribBttoa la the . eountrj ; $60,000 00 ; IN VALUABLE GIFTS I t ttj BE PltTMBOTKO IX L. D. SIJSTJi3'S I 187tm REGCLAH MONTULT T U Drawn Ittnday, Junt M, 1874. ; . TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF ' $3,000 each In Grceubackt I Two Priset $1,000 j" f - Flvt Prixea, I'm 1 Greenbacks 1- x Tea Prixea, 1100 8 1; 1 Horse a Bugjy, with Silvvr-mouuted Baraeas, worth $G0a Ona Fine-tonod Rosewood Piano, worth $5501 i Tea Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each I .. Five Gold Watches a Chains, worth $300 aacbt " Five Gold Americaa Banting Watches, - worth $t25 each fn ' "' " . - Tan Ladiea' Gold Il'ioting Watches, worth $100 each I 8 47etd tmi SUfr Intr HtmOng WatcJm. in aS, wertt ran t-SO t OJ tc I Qo'A Chiina, Blfrer-wara, Jewelry, 4c, Ac JfamWeOiT .WO I " I tcJutt IttrnUd lj 60,000 ! lltBtl WlBttd U lt Tirkttt, to Buoa Libcrst rrtmiumt vm be paid. Single TlckeU $1 ; Six Tickets fj Twelve Tickete f 10 j Twenty-r ive J0. Circulars eonttlnlng a full 11t of r"i"',-, a SeoerliiUoa of tlie ntaunw of drawn-t', an-1 O' brr. irtformttuni iu. l v.Gfm l& t-t tJ-iv- hnUon, will be int to nr ma or.i.nne Wwiiu All UlUsreuulteiMrvMei! to aim ovrica, I 101 W. Fif ih 8J. spSO-td Vinci snail, 0. 1

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