latest - Dispatches. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM ; Madwd, May V-I Implying to tbc sJiircss, Mmbil Serrsno says that as d -lira a week's deley to deliberate on the political crisis before reconstructing ( tbe Cabinet. ''".,.').' LocitTiur Us; 9.-Tbs grat asnan-- won jnafcsrt niiinasilipg -el the -3ns J Conference to- day aa'io the reception of the thre comm'ssio-ncrs from the Metho dist Episcopal Church, North, IUr. A. 9. Bant, D. D , Rrr. C. II. Fowler snd Gene ral Cliutoo a Fisk. Littls Rock, Msy . Railroads nrn islerroptedto sosp recruit. Fout Breok ite negrees lulled yesterday. The Bax terites ere confident of quorum le both Houses of thetegislsturs Monday. liigbtened nberss and iumpeded sbout two thousand persoo. Severer hurt, Lrm. Rock.Mjj The Broekltna captured tbe steamer flsttle franks. Sine wae killed. Captaie Sam Houston died from his wouoda. John Hyers, the pilot, was mortally wonsded. ' FROM NEW YORK. A"TlAt AtfA Xittm Tni Fniiol iVVoo-mt- A Dufatci mo Bixbsa. . New You, May . A letter from Ha vana dated ' April SOtb sJ : Frederick Dockery wae takes from Neovitas on tbe Stb ef April tad transferred to prison Jp Peerto Principe, no doubt for security as tbe Cubans bare bees, so new Neuvi- . tas at to render the eapture of tbst place probable. Nethisg has up to tbe present been made known regarding hie case. A dispatch from BUboa says that Gene ral Ceocha's troop are throwing np forti fications. Don Carlos and General Leo ere reported to be at Durango, 13 mile Southeast of Bilbo. ' : FOREIGN NEWfl. Annnajra Wax Taxi His Time I 8olt- 1X9 THn POLITICAL PneBLKM Tun EnpERen of Rossia. j . .. LoHDOM.Ksy . A Ttnue special from Madrid says that Marshal Serrano has (Se cured he will not solve the peliticsl erbus before tbe sxpfraUon of eight days, In the meanwhile be will study the question. 8nmoaJU,.My The Emperor of Russia, who ha been in this city since tbe Otb insL, baring com hither te be pre seut at tbe marriag of the Grand Dutch; 1 ess Marie will depart hence on Monday next for England. ,... CoMJtumoAiion wim LiTTLn Roo CfJTI Orr It is SurrossD that Fioutuo is Ooisa 0. " Mkmfbis. May 9.-At 9:05 e'cUck tbla burulng Little Rock wires went down end it it now impossible to communicate with that olty either direct or by way of Bt. Louis or Nsw Orleans. At last ac ceunts fighting was going on, and tbe supposition Is that the lines nil have been - cutot trapb-effic steMd.;7apt,-gaj Ilouiton, who was killed yesterday above Little Rock,, was formerly Supervising Inspector of Bteambsats at thin port THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONTEN TION. JtrrtKton, Tmas, May 1 . Jas, P. Bojoe, of Jjouisvllle, presides st the Bap tist Convention. Dr. Burrows,-, of Rich . moadr Jones, ef Nash villa, Crane, ef Tex as, Devote, ef Georgia, are the Vice-Presi dent. Three hundred delegates er Id attendance, FROM WASHINGTON. Cenrnncncs okAkeahsas Mattsrs . THI ATTOSNIT UXJIXB.AI, LEAKS TO Baxtee RAiLnoAO Bokds Ihvolveo. WAsniHoroa, May 8. The Court of Enquiry acquitted General Howard. Rioh- ardson Is at bom. The river and barber appropriations wil be reported on "Mon day.' u' ,u ..r'-r..; -H :v " --:J Representatives of ths Arkansas fac tions are In conference with the Attorney Ounefel, II they fait to come Co an sgree ment the Attorney General is authorised to issue orders. Tbe negotiations will not close until midnight. There sre Inti msUoos that Williams leans to Baxter, ? , There sre seven million railroad . bonds Involved in which rt is said Arkansas oil cials bav sllfrti Tb sotirci dt trotibie ssemitbat Baxter was snfractory about The stat'-.tician of ths department of agriculture, Mr. Dodge, leaves this city to-morrow to attend the setsien of the Nstlonal Agricultural Cengree which opens on Wednesday nt Atlanta, Ga .and also with the intention of making certain statistical investigation In the South. This rganizatio,' which held its first session in Augusta, Ga., in eighteen hundred and seventy under, the nam ef the Congress of tbs Mton States, has annually assembled since in different cities of the South and West It session continues through tbe wetk. Tbe main subjects for discussion being suricultural statistics, industrial eductioo, AmerluaaTorestry, taxation as affoctiog agticulture, co-eperativ busl-1 ness system and American pomology. Representative men in these special ties er announced te lead in the discussions. IIorjsB. The Committee of the Whole concluded ths Indian appropriation bill. It will pass Monday. ?i 5 ' i " Nsw Yoke, Msy 9. Cetton firm, ules 2,330 bsles at!8iaie. Net receipts 83. Gross 185. Future closed firm; saba. 13,200 bales i Nlows : Msy 17 1 32; June 17 85-32; Ju'y l"h August 18 B-tO; September IB S -10; October 17 15-18. ' Sout hern flour heavy and declining com mon to fir extra 10.3317 20; good to choice do 17.25 fll. Wheat slighty fn verabayeis, Cera opened steady, fair demand, closed quiet, lal teste lower, 83 i37 lut bw sreetetav auxed.. Go&m heavy Sugar firm. IttM qolet snd nnefcenged. Mnlaases shsde firmer er, Hew . Orleans Ttllow dull, 7f. Pork steady; newness $t7. Beef dnll it 50.$1 h mess. Lard lower at 10 10 1610 Wblsknr steady H ' rreichUiteey., ' ;,. , ' fttolCTto5S ADUITkU BT THE 8TAT1 , EXKUTITC Com aUTTKB OfTBI Demo. )UTic-?o!i'iATtf l Timtt-PiAFit ; PnaaMizaTioN. , i BSaoLDTIOKS. 1 BmlttA, That we deepfo syntathice hh the peipl of the West In tb-ir want of railroad facilities, and pledge ourselres to use everj available meaae te secure the early completion of their projected line. ' - - - ' .' " i&uZiV.Tbt the Republican party hsTros; despoiled tb Suite, millltuna ut dollar 'beretofure appropriate for raii msd purposes, I nnwortby of eoofldence. n1 thr vnorlmwia liutifle ha .eonrla.L urovc rwroani'ti inesacrea TrneiJtna I ould divert the " public futid to their parste purposes. . - . BaoHMd. That n Wise policy dictates the sop(itn pi such measures as may bene c eaajjKo Incrwihe ednoHlf oaal 1 vauj spei i.ti eld.dsv ofoi UrIAl tocmiwm 1)JS wwwwmwiMj ,'t,iwl t jtlmwbvili of Ums DnocrwC4 vtrrtttrty todiaooorsgelodeeenderj Ctfifldlen end U . Othef drorKi5wnv (id that nil lupportji be prompt If eiitb drswn ftom ewy espifant for office, who t titt ffppose the regular eomioett-of ottr Cfmrentioi-r-i'---J'ir-- J 7feW, That we tender M the frieai's of Free Ooverament our sincere coo grata lotion at the triumph of tbe great , prin ciple of the Constitution as illustrated 1; the Democratic successes intbereeent 4'tnd local elections, . - thkM Of MAIUTIOSU ..' . i fhvfulluwbg plan of the leemcitio. Cenwnravtm party was adopted - .1. Tbe Executive OonimiUee foe tbe State shall cemsist as at present appoint'' ed, snd shall have all the powers hereto fore eon tared upon It. i. The Executive Committee for tbe Congressional and Judicial Districti shall continue as at present constituted, until regularly changed, and shall have general supervison of tbe affairs of tbe party It ttteir respective district. 8. In each county there shall be an Kiecutiae Committed composed of n Central Committee of.not less than three member, and of at least ooe Committee ms Irom each township. This Commi ttee shall, under direction of the County Contention, have entire control of county matters. It shall be their duty to see that all the details of the canvass are properly conducted . that the polls are attindod by competent challengers, that each Con servative casts bis ballot, and that no fraud is perpetrated at tbe election, They are particularly enjoined to tela the ne cessary step tut the efficient organ it tiod of townships, sail, to seek by n wise ed ministration wprrcmctfflvariUoHj-snj'to inspire ennDaence. 4. All Executive Committee era o ro- pilrlv chosen by lbs Conrentions held for I tins respectivs territorial divisions : but If tUnv cnuse there should be a failure by rlt) proper Convention to sppntntsu Exs Ciltlre tVommlttt, then the, ttn Exrctv ti.f ommittas may supply tbe dtHulon- j . s ' , PLAM OJT OnSAKlZATIOM OF TflE Dkmo CSATIO UONSKBVATITX t ABTY. At S meeting held in this city yesterday, tb fiijlowiug plan ot organization was adop ted dt tne estate itxecutiTS uommittee. 1 Tbe Executive Committee lor tbe State shall consist a at present appoin'ed ltd shall Jiava all the power's heretofore cnnicrrea apon tt a. Tbe Executive Committee for tbe Ciinirression! and Jndicial Districts shall continue ai at present constituted until rugularly changed, and shall have general iu iter vision oi tne attain or tne party in their respective districts. a. in eacn county toere snail be an Executive Committee composed of a Cen tral Committee of not less then three members, and of at least one committee from etch township. This committee shall, unacr direction or tneuomrty Convention, hve entire control of county mitten It sliall be their dut v to sue tbst all the de tails of tbe osnvsas are properly conduc ted; tbnt the polls sru aitendedT by com potent challengers : that each Conserva tive cast hi bsllot, and that no fiaud is perputratod at the cloction. They are par ticularly eutoined to take tb neceasarv step tor, tbe efficient orgsoixation of town- snips, ana to sees: by a wise administra tion to promote harmony snd to inspire conuaence. 4. All Executive Committees are wo- perly chosen by tbe Conventions held for tke respective territorial divisions, but if or sny cause toere snouid be failure by iss proper convention to appoint any Executive Committee, then tht State Ex eeutive Commit' msy supply the de- uieacyL; 4tgV.;'i'.B '':r-r 8, Nominations for county officers and members of the Getters! Assembly shall be ntsde by county con vention t or torn and township offloers, by town nod tors ship conventions : for member of Cobarrea snd Judicial, offloers, hv the District Cnnventiews. i , - . . 1 All Oooventians shall be open, nnd due notice of tbe time snd place of con vening tb same shall be given. ' " ' W. 11 COX, tHair. J. J. LrrcBroBO. 8cct 'y, . tiinwiupm DEALERS IN. : ; iiiocbk y crsibhino ' '.- fi'B- BtBUWiBE.;5 e Ma smraeturern Agents fee tb asks or PRATTS ASTRAL OIL. V I 1 - DULLES UOTTBVHOIS, UTIKIIXCUEsliOAI. PAINTS, ' . FARM, CHUBCa AND " 1. PLANTATION BILbS - t THE ALL KIUUT COOK STOYB, , OEANUXsUrLI A BLASTING jmer BnlldTnfc RaIelgarK.C. ap iiO-tg FALL : WINTER : 1873 ; OPEKXNO OP TALL AND WINTER MUllnen. Lsdtaa (soev and ftlralxhln: roods, Meedts Goods, ZTor so4 othe kVool, Kid lilove aad a tnoaaand ether articles at ' ISAAC ETTIQ(R'S . ' " ' ? Pi em the Snd dsv of October, from S s.'m. enrjJsT mplUthnMoatQTer. , ' ri eeti-isn :. i ;. rn STID, BituaHoti t iawrer inj 'Controkr'of 5tc&m Eoiuei d J Machinery, Saii&fao tory refcruuee given. f- .: . Apply u Msiioiaoc'Ht'K i , Ii LI, HI Ji I Mi I nr j, r.T -i .11 1TIVT BUIPPIVI1 Till Over Two Jiundii idtlwis have M nsed within the tia-i 10 about complaint of luM by Tig becomlo'g S-Sached. Tan see anas neUAW s 1 BAauwe Oorrow Balsa ea ant Tier at.Alt i pi Coei imrn ar e liana, ' fv.ld by Printers and where ! bet 4ft-eouJloi RAOWAY' READY, j CURES THE WORST PAINS in from One) to Twenty Minutes. : NOT OMR WCUR . K"' ! after rudlac tliw 4rrtnnenl iMci iom'' j . strrran wits fAis.- . "M1 asDwars UADvijuiru fvtx It WMUMlnt Slid Is Only Pain Remedy liHlMiAtlofw.Aiid clrM ( frnirMI ln, wtMnheruf ; I MfUMJIATIIIIV OJlffK XifllkKY ruMJSATIIIIf OJ17fc XlflhKVH -I(I.A4I)I1TIIIN I.I' rlilt nl.ini.ku IjrXAll3IAt6KtllllH'lW.l r. edsB mnoAT, nirriri if hiu:i ;' . t ' FAfcPITSTIIHI W 1 .'.t WftA UT. ntHTEUca rsai f diitiikki i 1 ' CAr.miiii nlinirnv r irnim INI .. . hi i-HAioiA r.itr.rXATfs rm& f'Hii.i.H. A.ii K i iiii.i. yiiapli'Mttin ci lit. I;m4jr H-Iprf.. I r pr' , f fiarw wlir lh Alil ord.lti.-iiaj xu. will ntl..i.i i-. mill t'imf.trl. ' llmaaltl IU rr-t Hwlfp r in ftiw ( rati. kA 1. ill ( V. rftA lF . IIHAKIHI'KK, KICK M lliv.l'i:, I . 'K I t slllntBSKAt rAtln:' v - ettr" .hfiiM sl'Aj. 'Mrr.-n Jaitii n.i..i n.lii-r mui iii. a Ill hr Rnr. ,r jiitii - rri.i.i . I 1 mi ll HldU,!AAlr vy . I J , wai.r 14.. tmuilsAi. , FEVER AND AGUE. VKVltB AHO AUfR yir.l for nn first rmevltAl ktrvnt III thii w.rW tht wilt tin I Bfw) rn. aiKl all nther MAlnrtoui, Kllmio. Henri Way h P1M! -"m -t t aUinVAf kBAlv k . LlfcT Fiity tents ptrtwHi. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! "mnnit AD n nr. kirtu or n.KM'i am WHiHIT-i I KAK SKIV MAtiriKi toxrixxtn arjri xso to a..i. DR. RAD WAY ' S Sanaparillian Resolvent VHK ORCAT BLOOD PUJUFIER. Has madb ms Motrr asthhiiihiko oi'ttE8: my QUICK, SO RAIMI) AUK Tlg l'UANOK TI1H sour rniK'WKt. t'nnKR tub iNrLt SNin or TlllH 1111 XV WONbKRKtL HtDIIUiK, THAT SveiTBayStarfiaFi6ul aai Willi is sen aa! Felt i , , .- i . , ! : 1 1 rTT dr-P tlrt riUAPARIIUAW RftfWI, VKNT com mint " af itiriti:li il RUhhI, Hwrat. 1'pliif, fn utlir Flnirt mmI ,u.-c of ih PTut tn the viuor nt H4 tor It vrnatreUin i"'Mol the (nut wit ft ntwind f'ttTi(l maltrla XT'U, Mllilll, CHUtVUislA, (i!4tM!ular dlm-n, r In tliroaf, Mutiilt tii itiien, Nx1ln fhFI'.i'ii1i"n-l otdrr t tr:.t i !n- mib, i(i Kfa, BirMiniH 'in tli-cii -tu u"'ti ifit K ir- mi ) Unl xuTftt f'tririf klu tl' nV1i'rp ft l trli)Ua.i Irtr. Wtfi.! m t .h.F&ii, ,iiit-, Ulsu k ft (Hit, Worilt In Hit Vfit. l'unmr, f'rtn t i-rft In the Wfrtiih, and all wakfnin(t a'i rntnfVI -, J I itf. Hiabi fiw-ai Um of pim tnd an wiuiw U. lii-f utv print' liU, a' within tha cnia(lv rHiif iff linn v f lruf Mtdni Ctimn bury, ami a Irw dark' a will l i tvt to any parwHi uoltin Udsr tliharol Uua lisuiiaiii . iii-jas iu potent jtowr to eiirt trie in. II ilia paUant, dally tMwoDilntf raflnrwl bT ttif wafc dnctriiipnaiuon tnat iPonttmiitv pr'ciLwaw. Vifli nrw raaUrlal made fnun 'irIiH; tl tl aiul to' ilitt RAkNArARl'LiLlAll witt ai4 X air- earn U tyflt-ulDi for when onoa thl rrnitMly cimimenrM it wVk tnf irarlllqatlon, f4 rH-otjrnU In 44wtyiiBiiH.Uii J.nnjof waMii1IUrtpairiwlil bn rapid. anT cviVv Anr i(tiifatient will fuel htntMirKrittvlriK twtfs'r rundntfuiipj-, lht IihhI dlfffttinit Itettcr, ipUta tuspruvittf, ftiul uesti ii ri?ririi ni nastnttrhl Itiflrt-ssstlnsr. IM only 4m tb tAHBAf Aaittua Raftni.rim pxcal all known rffimcdlal antntaliiifieciira ol :hrmet "(.)') lultiMt, (TNmiitltiilloiial, and "Up dtatswaa; bt tht unjy poaltlva cur fur Kidty & Bladder CemptaMs, r i'liaii of water, MKominatKa ot urtne, mnirrira Ht, AsbM-nnarta, awl In all catwa where) tlier are h wk)ujtiMftia,ar th watr la thick, cluudy, ml ltd vi((i ut'-rtanvnHntj th witltar-f ju.utnULLUirMlUik tita a Ik, or liiera a murliid, tiark. bllioiat appt-atV atisw, and whlta bona-duat dapiita, and wbvn tlwre la a Wkcking, burntnff avnaatlon miwn uwlntt water, nvud ytiia la Una aoiaAi of tUa Hack twd atoog Lba Luliu. Tumor of 1 Ytar9 Grewth (fared by lwuUjtesolveHU ( ! i w 11 !' rt DR. RAD WAY'S MrfMtir taatasMa, latrantt7 coald with twat riro, f afga, jWulata. purify, oraanaa ana atrvrtsfi ban. Had wnFHU. fir ihaauraof aUdiauntcrHui tbc auniwti. Lifer, kowala, Kldnaya, II ladder, NimtM Dl llaadaebex Ooaatlpevtha, CtwMvauaaa, IndialUin, iva BsjasMa. swl I lOUaoeMBL inotja rTjr, innsuninajiifiti f' inn fciwala, rtla, and all Irariga5enta of tha Internal Vbtaarft. W ami i lad fa a Tact A poaltlra curex fura Visyt'aK't. yrsHatnMn M maKOXj, asiiMraiaor deletarl ri u!$mm of EADWAri miJ will fit ttta tytv laai rYueB aJi lha aboa rtamd ilirdara. Fr Ha, S& cuta pet B,,E. SOLO BT DkCUUIKTU BKAD " FAIjAB AMD TEL' at. H fan4 fi InWf ffama t RAUWAT CO., Ko. at Warraa sW., Maw Tgrk. laforinaUoa wortb tlwttaiwdj vUi ba aaal jo. rpUB OLD SUBSTAUTI ALf taa Lifo h:iran:s Co., I WTTSl ovrics ID F.rTilE R BUILDING: flfll SA1DVAU STOKB OF jWetws ninvi&t&i eo: fas paid te the Widows and lOvphaw la Nrth Carolina since ltMS, the sura ol Besrl t, ,, Aid. bv fldelltv and Dromptaeas In Unr par- tioular, and f araisain( the lowest rates oi any trt ciaa company; and also, having paid ere revenns to tbe But than any other company, aha ascrtu a enjoy tk well earned distinction of heins: the LI1D1.TU LIFK COlf ASI II TBS 8T1TK. t An w.tb ear: ' " g0,000,000.00 Antssotsj, baiw on hand, aad managed by s-entlouen ol long experieaee and financial skill she offers the hl(het .tandard ot seenrity to all her etsriomera. And, a aa Investment for eapl Uhrt a $10,0C policy ia better than 10,000 In realestalav Asies from aw totO sr bisunsMa of both sexes, isii company eoee aoisay, i, dwaTs wHSk nuzri rivivftu:wam uuiisduhiriiuu win tiv ux,:;. v ll GWlVrT. iJ.'fl-V totura with them, J.-BuV-WeeidiaiUky-A.Vil lmiiartl'al eomtMu-tsoa with entf eomiian SJI rMm and rfpamnbiiUy, and leave the result te thsjndfraMBtof thepabile. " : firm Br eaiUtuT npoa tb Oeaersl Agra tor anf f hi Looais. (iirUier inforaistion will be cheer IbIIj ta,rted. 1 W III Ml W 1 " Oe&eral Asrent d Agent. 1 t . IX f t H. HCUL X. AX, Xedicsl p SXtm ' j 1 'T Hi I i ro roa tbe hense et John Pries a beet aa nil Nortiv of Kaieifrh, on Tnssday weuing but, a lane Horse i heavy tall aiid.mane, Uu bmft to the left, ruts his knee tn while trot hit:, blue farevranbed a little' tn tbe ruht hind thten. . The liner. wilt c iiberaUt .r..l warded by oellyentur tee rame o ' n ma-iLJm m& xancei e. rjiwy THOueANii; pounds friiae refined irc t- .t , r . ,.H.'- T.. . ; (T- ,i I' hoots wo mm women; . . t !Hi,n OT ll tf ii' f i rj II i'v. 'romp y itt-'f'tt ! t-i l .ul:iru Uirl'.THiintMl in, Uil.iiriNi-'iii, Nuili Co j Tn. fI'rinir Ht'liin will rnmiuunce JAMUAftT 17THJ.1H74: J mn1 f M pit nmtittl. Entire BTwnse fur flVi- im hi tiie. fur Hoard, Tuiti'iD, Wanhiiii; ami 1 from lima, a . ! N K S A .1 ( X E 8 .. Attriif ' At Law, R LK.HiH. N. 1itAiJ i't4 in ttie SnprnnlS Court' OTTlie i ;UU-, Uit t'ircuiLa.ud lllnirut Vvir vl I Ualtfil S' miif iric sviwrml Co rU of ne ettJiMiiMstAit, v.iljj-n H.j.nt'. r-p utain. EI 1 un nJVWle- til t'ni Kyeun l whn whi k i . s, which I ouVr 'M. isli I) -ly.sri, t in "fcr.n prices. Kanjr Lfi inrs 8'1 1 ut iiiy'ti-l;(ery,iyiuy Partn.n urnilMiijn j. a. taivk V TlUUbiirAs. f4, i b ' j'liic ii'nl rcirtntiUi.l when knltl.tliii Uitii'-y will la- r. riiihl-?l, or nu clMrife for ".b whl-kcy. ur crs .ILitcd. ' JktRY HOLT, I i)Uijny 8)i ix, mim He fnuhlv, N. C W trcli 7 ti&w i in. THE J5KST ADVICE it can lie . :.v n t j tiisotn suliVrlnu froui i"o ' inplahi't: col :t, conrump. itt H h'- fevy . ud ai;uo, ncryuud i .my ill .nr er alloc, t.jr the Atom ur il'!iJi l iiiiiti, vlci do lh i 'mpyrtauj. org iis hy thii liepnia, 1i f li;ty, or i h In.i . i. u U f ,t 1 1 'IT Vi: ,. 1'Alil.K I.IV't K PILLS. V an very iiillili. , ,-t !, n u;hlv tores functiouHl setun ot'Ui.i diutivc uriraus ueiMcsliiHU ..nd r.iiuvAUM the ewlnm. i I'ri-uucu u' ii'iit ii.iui "ii, unpin ror weak illl'l rnnv u tiiiic'i without chjAiuii tt .IImI IT IICCWWHl'illlJ" 1C : 'JO olitDy ulTtTf uieTi" tDR. TUTirSUJJR DYE loeSi-s HliaHlic no olhor dye does. Its enruia in-UntiiK iu.s ari l no wmural Hut it w hcm-tiku it, ii.e ClOjIli s. ODs.irver U Ji aarralesa aud essily spjilied. and is in gelf.tsl UM amoiittrrfl-fainlonablc h dr dresi l-r In every lsr(t'itv iu the L'nitcd ' Ulea. ) rjee tl a box. Sold everywhere y-Jula. Eiuptict Diaiiuct of the Si In, itmfos. Jioii, X'etUt, ami Stilt Iihcunt; f-oiCd JJetii, liiiKfieurm, JVunmatum, fain and Kidtirgeinent of lh Iiimtt, Fe trmU W&iknem, .SltriUli, Lt,.corrhm or M hitet. Womb DUenn. Ih-oimf, White aSmWjjo. t-JuJtiiit,, Kulnym a ltd Latr a.. & . " SJ t - - il.c, tltuii'i c ajtiii airf; tuos p iwi r i, ii. -i I'm ill -r known c iinr- into the cir- Jicin ;iwuy;. I- jtion tsttd . viyitiickiles evurv mintiiitic rt; fetwrit-s the syti-m: uiinlu'cun a Hitiiutil'ul complexion untl chuk-s the body ujgniu ilifh ami incrciiiit! ir weight. , I KEEr THE BLOOB BEALTIIV al nil !bii:i,;Mit if,, trt,nrtlilrjfe ever been otlt r. d tbnt can compare vtBhtliis vultnlilu vegeubd; rxtrsct. Vice $1 (10 butt Iii. .Hylil ,bv all.Dmo- gifctU Oflfce iS.CWl&itioft Streelt W. Y. Ii 25 Itf 'The iWUmiiigtorA star. MIABLISHED tAtiy' 'dlX VEAIW1 DAILY STAK. Ill ? VifJH! frcd:!fntef mni Oaih jvipiv 'r n8 i r lA. Jand ja ArculS- isT mm as isive lay uiuer psier. , , t . ., 41 tMw mistiy win b seand inH, eotaojuiA wcn aAOturtaui, at IcdkUi when of iDjornunt, "t !utl presented iq s, clear, lbi.diieiidkSrMi(.tu taansMn'. ' t 8LB8Cl;n,T10N fin Advanaeii ... One Tear 00 Sit Months SJ..XJ 1 1. S 5 I Itree Months ..,,.. 1 00 Wirv.AVFVT7;vrr. .- . I i MC KITBfrMcn. ' I Ttr' 1V-y Wrlf komblned. with the troM -Farther tnili hie of the cheapest repefSj ijjthecotrntry, artbetoyowlnj. ( . l ' 'JO L JAS.UUJL-AAA AAA ILBJ, .. Ono cojiy, ma , . rvtM(. . to One copy, 1 00 -fUistWtoikjq oiAfjnae, per copy -7 Clillia cf It) or more, ooe Tear.talv tl 41 lereopr t-TTJpcmajNij sen! on appUeaUoa. w ir ni.'tivii!n 4i :t iij itttn' it JrvjTtetor, ... Wvcni ,t -MlilLMUSeTeH, N C UaaS s J.vl eal; t "-u ',;,:n'i NM.ln. -1' . r ti I "".ii r 't . i ' . , e T. " l.A,. ... Jrl iLk . ... i .1 .. . t , 1 I . a t & - . 'V. ' y Fi syi im ij-,"v "V. "MUM. il :'rt mr mwti i ait I i i - .in I w M t - - . - ... - WlliSOT i '.!' We, vpoiOaII I; vj '.AasidtetJ uotton wMk ,i'-( .. . p s ."-'- -ilansware lioua of ni i si!,! ce i-swre oa., 1 " ' Kaleih. M. e. trail svnpKed at aLAauractarers Piices, . " 14 ((!.--, l i. . - , . ::. .(.' K Mti I 1HI , CUi'!! bow hithnr rrrai. It ro's s Seerwr Ltm wia.-,r Iam-v mechanical arrange men for t.1i.rin cit in ftfir im;te and j iSViKTit ttian aitf ulHer plow on Hit: market ! -wlf a a' eniny revciatbli. potaU, the irrwatit 1 iiuw uuiirimm at o: tl.e i A, n v j A'. 1 Dm n 1 ol. JWB W.iuim. wkat ' I't-v vl 4.. pl w. Call and emuine it R. r. JONKS Co.. (I i !i "I Aifi-ntn. vlik-h can le cureil by. a timely resort to this staiul :til pi'fjiafation, uh lias lKe proved hy the inindifds ot test tinon wis lt'oeK'etl liy the lri)i'iot)is. It ii tu liiiowl i.'dctl by many prominent lliVKi( -iaiw to be the raost I'tTTaLIo nreparation'cver in 1 rod need for tho relief nnd 'ire of all Ltnigrinniplaintg, inl is ofl'cn-d lt tlto public, aii'-tioned hy liV txjwiience l over folly yats AVhcn fsorted ' ii sea it nel- iuvijMllJLii eilt'cix-Kpcetly ,. iino ir. liin most severe nues of fjotighs, $$ onchitis, ('rotip, W iioopiirg Cough,' Iiilhieuza, Asthma, Coldrf, Sore Throat, 1'ains or Sore !iess in the Chest and Side Liver Complaint, Uleediiif at ihj Lungs, &.C. Mstar' llalsam (iocs not t m a iry up a lyuurrii, ami leave the cause ii' hind, as is the case with Musi-, pi'epaiationei, - hut -it )i)o.ein and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PHr.rAr.Kn ur BTH W. F0WLE.4 80S8, Boton, Mass., ati4 1 by llrugifiita and HcaUTHircnerntlr. DJSSOLIITION. L this day disaotwd by mutant c.iiseutl rilp rtiis iudulil.d to tbe lirm will make paymen toC. 1). IKarUand all claims aicaimt thi llrru will be pre cnteil to hiui for payment, hsatone tMslotC auUiutuwd tu ee(U t ih - MirsfT uie concern. ! C. IX IIEAH'IT, IIKKIIEUT UKAUti. TTnVlNa PUKCI1A8EU THK ENTIRB XX 1 1. 1 err At of ilortxrt hrairx in the late II i in of c. U. Hcartt A Co., 1 vrlll hereafter n I u t the Inwini -hi in my nwn name at the I at. mil, hihI ixHin-ctful y siilUlt the patron' usie ot the pi" pita) : UUAW.Ks I) HE A.! tlX li b S4-tf. A &AiJHfrertTJf'-lStfflEiaArr 1 SKW S VKL By t'liiiisiiAN Kkiu, Author of "V 1' ile Aylmi r," '.Uirt.m II ,u," &c- liekutit'nllv fltut rated. Pri;, ..I'apcr l oVna 1 09. Io cloth f 1 80. . riCelvi J nt llie Honk Store of ALFUED WILLIAMS. . sp H dif Beer and Wine Hall. 1 pr t iny Urijo ai d wJtaiWoHed .'lock .f - W'ljisiii. a, lira dies, (iins and j irituons Uiiucors uf all kinds by the menanri) at Kn-'l' reduced p irua, aa i iuleiid t-i chined uiy husloce to anexduaive , j BKC.K AND 'VIVE it ALL af ftiy presenl stand. Puril.'s who desire puf clissinir Hut liquors in quantities less than Hv ifallona would do well to call. Liberal arrsnifomeiits made with dealers, t b 14 U A. W. F1UPS. I Deainsss caused by Catarrh. I Catarrh not unfrequcntly produces dcaf eaa. 5 Mr. Levi Springer, of Nettle Lke, (P. O.) ft alums Uo , O.. formerly of D roan's Ar- Oufs, O., has 'jeen cured of deafness of four teen years' stasdloK, by u-ln( I)i . S-' cat trrh veinedy. lie was so dent be could not h r a person talk when Bested by his slde,snd cu new hear the chu eh bell ringtwo niijes. iliataut ob"i write. AMARKKD OA-E Ot" DEAFNESS . CURED. DicKKitsoNViixB. Niair. Co.. N. Y.. Feb. SE; 871.' - - ' ------ About one year ago 1 eauirht a severe cold in the head, which terminated in a severe form of catarrh. Purine the time ulcerations occured lit tbenaaal paaaaKea, and I became wholly deaf lu one ear, with partial neatness in the ottea The inuamation had Involved all ths delicate structures of ton ears, and waa in limnediau duurer o( permanent dealnen. The dlscbanre became profuse and fetid, both into my throat snd from my ears. In this condition I til ed on Dr Pierce tor aid, who prravribed his Golden Medical Discovery and .larrh Kemedy, and under their use have until I y recovered. Mr hearinir is restored. sill ui) Catarrb is entirely welt. ! iiiuaautTD I cat R)med for Epilepsy1 GDSBS Fits, Pnasma, Convnlainn and Kervona Wskefulnesa, acts promptly, of ten arresting Uit tiu from the first day's ate, even where they have existed for years. COMPOUND EX, COBTDALIS. t (he (reatjrtetiblt Alterative. ' " CDRSS ' 8c5oTutaISecoiiarv Bvuhllis. Emtitiona e tb Skin, aad alt eUseues aiisingifroni im pure Blood. AUSUiUATED IlOiNltXI A tarerelirn Balm for CoaebA. Colds. Broa- hl is, Aalhma sod. all diseases of the alp- paaAwea aad Langs. .By its timely use mr jj supposed case of Consumption are prompt I r relieved and the Luntre resiocwt to health. NECKALGIA SPECIFIC I A piomnt. noiiiUve and Der.nanent relief for the excniciatiiuT pains of earalgt, Kbnms-. Um SttH CK'HtUCV , for JUle In KUebrh. N. C bT Wiluaws AHavwojci. ft- puroii only by Pas tiK.tN, UNDLP-T .t B-VTL1C, BovS i-dA4swly Ciiarlotvar N. i K I roa it. A romptet assortment, at the Bonk .tor 1 .,! . dec 18-tl ALJTKAD WIXLlAhlik BACONBAQ Baltimore, Md. - , i Tvi III' I I lir !.. o .k'vi iii r.m. JL tiit H&tr ii-tltti. Kittua. mi, iiiltl.: tnttt -1 .tl i . A- ff. T-"-- nUl tirm .it Cl.torua . Jenkins bnni tHH.adl.i j v.- I t- U' J.i inn, -ti ill oi inue.w CHiTy ju .tiuU'j i iura i r.iv mu r unpi wrienn siwys HEAD! EEAI).! liEAjJ sTXrkn4' i rs.rlna. I f - ' . JttXKi ltHADY t..K ti.,t Sild oy the Qallon Mly "One Oalloo llEAliVuE FtnloWIN PliOM PKOP. W. J. 8IMStON8R.WAg.glrOKeT, N. . . Mb. C. f. KsiouT-DtAK Hia 1'atsh r Paint." on our ll whs u pplied hy one LnvliiK uo enpoi coutiuue to une it, believhur that in p It as nti orsuf to awy uUw putuicit edere i re tbe (digued i M it. ' ' P. K t Sib: The paint came safely Iai hand aa ordered two kv. .' ?;. ciich, ai.d tbrcn htirWelH one idl,i:i eaAib. AI m cokA iin' uonvUnl work couiuK ted Uie liouae is uiiw Knurally conceded that for "Atiiaiuel" t: ere I I- uot a liandaoiiii-r jol In the place. I lein .just now with ' i ulb -ra feople." r an i a ycnuntry lad uu amlyit. 1 have never dabbled in such ut-k an reatimonials but Ira so lliegieAi djiUU!ity of your tnamcl. l'iUi.4mftf..4&9ltMif&--zx i crteiiiy ,.f lualeriul, in beauty of coior, a. id Iho (act of Is SilKjrijy-sljaTu you (uii ermnwiou, if it m desirable, to make one you Ibink proiier of U)U lutln V ery retpectf lily snd truly, McOILL, M. D. liALTlAt'iHS Ouccuihorlo Wl Ma. 1. P. Kkioui DbabAu: it affords me much pleasuie to say to yon thai tie ii' ' PsU-ut KabuioI Paint fur exceeds my eipectations iu ecouomy, ' tManty. and 1 nav n iM Mito njllcTe in durability. Vore than twelve inonuu since, 1 paintod Uie roof of hou fOti vaiou Houie) with the Bradley Patcul Knamel Paint, and i waa so Well ulelZd '? with it, I a Jtermiued to paint the fiouUot the "Uolel," aud I a in moat happy to sat thltlt ;oj ive ni e. fect aUsfae-Uon. in conclusion I w.ll any, II this Icntlmoauil ViL ba of auT. i ' ' t v;iiilKe to you, you are at liberty to ai it. ' Tours most ruspeclfully, ' (, .' -- 1B4A0 ALBtHTSOX. Mansio House' rtoki"' Lor. Pajotle aud t. Paal nts., BaUimo V f The ( 'Hon n leU;r ia alroiiK and valuabiei V. l: A'.iyii, A'., Ayent ItrmUty't JVlenl Ktuuuel tiuil-UtAR Ai i: Th Paint we nn'rctfaMi fioDiyi'U we wdi cheorfu ly endorse as the best of any Kind wehavniui ... - '.r n-,iom i ..uMiiiiiii At..w.., .i-..!....-;........T r:..'i. : I , ". . 1a c 'Vonsr , . u ...j.u,. p,w,;,,,,.ya.,u-i... . uru iun, WHICH IIIUaI, We Ulluk reiKt L if miioti uf nil kimU uf Tm- i- A,,rw.,u. .n.i - ' mmua 1U1 ci i Uiiily,tand inteud to iiai it on all occasion where we duair sitwod. job of work ' Very rc.etfully,ttrn and ruaco Psinijm F.MMAKT AytKTLLY, U W. Baltimore elme, ' '..---. house, rijiiaiid r ieaeu Pam'l.r. C. r. KNIUIIT, SoL1 Gksbkal Aoknts, m . . , r vV- L"u''' ff pU 8 tinaiie lire Hie. i in-nn.l Pur.- I.,i Ei.ii,, hed tr-tis. v NORFOLK FISH GUAM ' ir 1 hi. ,-alu ible (ertill.-sr is ofl jrud to the farmer jit a pic t unit t'ia timo. while Its strength him hm-ii irrently increased. N , tfannq hi met will sael unlveraal favor every. - i .--u w,in to uuiAuii la-u miiion, Wili lAMsem. tcuOKOH ATbomaW: J-UBH ii- lut(, W H. Ahia, A J. P. llAHUli, 1'it. A. 0. Davis, i-nc : w per wu , iu i u i in juu p un J n urn. Jfaruh 4 U . 3ukm . w A K K 1 I i Swedes Iron and the . t y Finest English, Steel! The b'A brauds of American and Swede" lion, ani Knghslt Kxtra Ketlu.d Cast frteel o ed tn the manufacture of our AXES AfJB EDGED TOOLS. We oiler the very b;-t AX It tint ran b. nuliutu'. lured byskil.ed wurkmen and var superior uinteriAlA. and trust that we will re ceive the support of the trade. uiaerH nuea immediately. JULIU8 LEWIS A CO.. . OX 1H BKtMtrASf. LUMCHBOM, DN1 NEK AND HUrrKB TAULK. Lea and Perrins' Worcbestersbirs Bauce is IndiApciisfble. ' j JOHN UaKCAK'S 80S9, New Tork,, ! Agents forth United Btates. ' 1 iK-t JO-ty ; - . - ' j MlSSOUlU STATB LOTTEKIK81 '-1 , LeKalised by Btato Aathorlty..and' i liuwi in roBUfl sr. LorriA. Grand Single Number Scheme of 50,000 Nos i UBAVVBTUlCLiS r BAr Of jT IUII MONTH. , ' ; CAPITA!, t ISS, W,0l' ' 10.40 P ir.-. amomitimr tn l.tuff (Vm Whole tlckets,lO; Hal vas.ISi Quarters, f3,M The Gnat Combination Scheme, with a ' capit ax Farad ov ti,500 1 and ' ' V 83,HS Prizes, amounting to "T8,IT7 1 1 Drews er ry Saturday durlni the vear. ''"' not.s ticksts, 110; hsxvss, JCAarBS', .IAV. Aiidreas, for Ticket and ClrcnUrt, -UUKKAlfc MILLitK A ).. Uuimm P, O. Bjx m 8t. Louis. Mo. a? 4deodww ly i , . . ..- i Vj 4 OKTH C ARO LIMA, i isms BUPK&ioacousti'-iisth Ji iii-i 1847 . vtianiugtiamand wire Mary, e i- ... aisiaisf , i T' J B Bel! aad amia Bull, as iBaeutora of Thomas Bell, dee'd, Jas s bed in his owa right, Klijab Bell, Jobn U Stone aa AdWAtni ti a tor of ATns Bell dee'd, Joha O Btooeaad wife Bebeeea H., A T LamheU aad wife Da rothy, on Baldwin, Klljah BJL Kliitb O boil, J U Clng and wife Harsh J Lnclaa ttalitwin snd wifs Julia T.. and A O Atkina JUMmfor aa ayo-noW and Hettlement ot the AWnre qf ThatnBeO, dueled. it spiiearing to the satisfaction of th ( nnrt UtatKliiah BeU. Kliiah O Bell. John t: Htnn. ss Admuiistrsua of vVm. BjII, dec'dJ John tl an wo Munxa il, iai aaav ai are nos-reaidanWial tbja Stale I Itk 'orded- oy the uouri mat pabiicatioa b made ia the Kaleiirh CaMTmau, for aix successive weeks, notif yinz the said aon-raeident dnfendanta so a:farat tbeodicsof Ui Clerk of theBnpe ri r Court for Chatham county, at Pitta b-jro, wdbis twenty days after the service of Urn, gnomons by publication, and pkad, answer or demur to the eomplaint of the Plaintiffs, a eopy uf which is filed ia iho office of said Clerk, otherwiM Judgment will be taken against them aecorawaT to said complaint, . VVltiiMS, 8. T. Psttt, Clerk ot said ftort at ollica in Pitwboro, Ums 0k day ol Jaana ry,AW.( 1874 ' - ' )an EJ-6W.' . v. ; i, ; X, , a. , 10 is. rhsa. wlicrc, U co.i idim shout as percent, of Bono PhoSphati, aud from 4 to J p ire Jnk o( Ammonia. . Many , the I'cbI r-innura In the c moty aro ujlnir It Hcai bi hid by aoulyluir to purhi' l" ciliiiei ti. asf.iliowa: ! , '''. , WUVH LIV7H a,yy AsJSTJDlLE'lvis,! , ii t. V A'Sun ena jr i ir uraoi " ' " attoeasl fhNKIVM A CHANDMtii more. I pnvem ti b'Ed'f A.Y tT. N. C. Njiime V,,,!, ?JoU, MONIALS: Wars VJUka-rl , .... n .. ... . : We hav. ror sjvtNJoKmtM arAW'27 ,rB ,M7 "College Bulldin,,." sud J?, LS? ' '" ' anponeiemau, a work, rot Wu i,a a,?, ILi rJ ,rt V:i To point Of economy. duSSitTa. .t?Z?- market' aetiim'r; u; Very Kenpoc-tf ully. Ths Plains, Fauuuier. Co. V r.i. . Vracii. e M,eK, 1 Ul Un job eivasiL" ill'iMU. the Inn coat ai ill.l if.uL ' u,...ll...l .1. " I'l like bur lucn and body and barm on, ,,'f "ii!; aavea sixlyilve il.ilir hy lue oil rsUou wkil It ahould im ire lerilly aJoutlvl i. ,..!.. Haltimokb, Md.. 'I.' -J i J .t!:)-'It (Of thWf- "tni ell onryimo inna or llio ordur coal 1 Ml B.tlea. Halelrh, H. r Tofiwtville, Helms, ' I'.CiHc, - Uoldaboro', 0. t o W A N 1 1 , 1 1 A KIlIlM, OoiH-ral Agenla. .'----.-' A-'-ysaeAt,- wn yrr - K. F . J O N K & it-O 0 COTTON. FACTORS ANU GKNKRAL i WH0LEU4LI AN1 KKTA1L UKOCIrW, ". WrurniofoK '., Opioeim Marnier PojOASI KALKIMH, H. U t Bwsent onrVard and offer to the boblle -5 our services a Orneral Comniisaioti MerJ ' cliants lor the anle of OoiAra sua other pre. dues. Ac Our location Is central. In the business bsrf 't'" of tii city aud we offer especial advantages ' and facillliea in lba atorair nf rtHn a. - '' 1 having a Brst class metal root snd firs prof! stoee house, situated within s short distance of the poiice Elation, aud Iherebv leas habla to Abe danger of lire. Those who desiga storing cotton will find it tu their Interest 10 communicate with; a. before storinc else where. We are conatantly in receipt of alia of Ueneral Urocerica which we are selling at the very lowest atarsvot prices. .Fanners supplies i alivajs hsiKL, Cciinnjlprodiiir,lareof J small quanutiee taken m echanfe fir good A vVe solicit conaignmenU and will etfect satisfactory sales and guarantee prompt re turns for all article entrusted to ua. Oar pittrons snd others will be informed from time to tl no of the general tnnor of prices for Cotton iud produce generally, , All coiiimunioatioB ( tuqairy promptly " r.ssvered. . septS7-wtf V V'';'v ft l .01 II. ! A. lie-- is .Bio i? i rr .... r is 1 - I t'l ( nsaet.1 & n-1- ' AMD VlVj WeSt' V .1 .l-.'.: ,U1T I" i1OOJ,;'::,,:,-!' , -i t -i ma i. v- u i-tinj. JMfjf (, t n' Q OR, MEAL, PI id. P1NI F Ml" "'" Baled Oata, r order, liny, iHracbs, die. 'r ' At. OSBOK.VB, --: ' k i -t Ural wad Peed ntora,'' ' West of M. C. Frslsht Depot Werehoswr- Jnltrt dmpsat-ia Psatuillsa inrtly ailed, ' . A. Oarrss, Sept " Tj awllv. ' , ' I '' ' " " . 7 OLIJTb- DlVORC'Kfl ' OBTAINIC , ' 0.''frem CoTirta'of dlflerent States forde- j tenlon, Mo,' trbllc1ty, required. H9 ' wi-A" uw aiTurc KiAiimi. cwiim,. -.. . i 4"Bf' Attbnr-y, tl BronTwayJ If.T -v-i-.- flB T;p 0W TO tMISTif . re. I ''Ave'riil L'Aien'loalFAiai .toaesC ."i Hala Ami. .ul 1 Pr te for descriptive drealar and eanl r( -r- QSLKT r BOAf OINOAKrDATBL'HOOiL fkiit&oir J' - ... ' I The Miasm Hwk t MM Koltaek wmm nsj the enireia w of their achsotue Pndaf Feb. e, HI, . V ! J ' I 1 l l Cirrulare (orwamied oe applkaUos- it II K t?G l ,(,.. I -

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