I Latest ": Dispatches. THE AMUrSAS MTDDLK.1 Ijttlb Hock. MayrfiTha P"tlr har) . shsrp skirmish yesterday, with varied rHtilts; ba ft FWerauv lata- quarter. Th Baxteritie lost 001 ' 1ioN kuJ one insa w iligbrfy wonaied Hrpotiwl lirkits ua4 .Jgat tilled and wvabik-X" - ' .s4. tltirt onim'Bd ymterCUy I knowi In tha sity. Col Rom gv , ord to htveUsteppeJ, od a company formed iwitind Hi barricade, forcing lUxUra iiu with load gu. mi gt "J prevent thir buvsdo. Aotker ewn psnv nailer ilia oomrMBd 0 tC Jlobl, "mtrcfi'is towrd th UlB1d bitted . . . ' A 1 J ftk. gnrdjd,'lringb)qttlU ifc,o botb Bid. Baxter lore p driven "wf'tM"' Ibt.AM.'b two of the Cal Md FaltoB Rrw4 t.hiTitiBiw.'Ths fore wata" aawat 6000 .r,i .nrt. f7ol. Ron wu MM ei rMina- toward Baiter llnf. wblCD hd moved back towards tie city-." teniat MonSaan and Col. Hot Voth gJ, loped to'difleNint points to Hop tb firing, but their effort wer Ineffectual, however, and lb firiinr now Www anarpar and mow toward tb city. Now th rgu- l.r. marched betwetB. but MOfl Cant back to tbcit original poaiUoB. Firing between the picket wu not tntrrrapttd. Ttaxt seat onttlieiiifwtrytoT wpp White, and black frm tbn Btata Hooae, and pasting it tbej Ore at the advanced Iiroek't plcketr Hi company and on black company from tbe Slate lioii find a toller backanJ 'the BexUwitla taiMliB i?ood 'order. Several were awn to fall, 3Tb Breek' fares wer nn.liir the immediate command of Ool. Brimlarf. Toward evening King- and White's command me rod back toward the end o( th town-flghUug during the afternoon part of tlie city. Women ind cblldren were badly scarad. Lieut, llorriaoa of tbe regular wa shot at three time. Morrison wa on horseback at tk tin and endeavoring to prevent bloodshed, lie drew a pUtol to return Are, bat it Map ped. ' .. " OlIKAT DUiOKITBATIOa OvB TM9 AbIU TAI, OF TBI ClAB F flUMIA. Lorx.,My 13. TbBoiJi tap rial Tcbt, with tbe Oar en board, went aground yeaterdaj wbil leaving Fluab int, and wal not floated In until 11 o'clock ttils morning. An imjae num ber of peraoni hv left her for Grav J end to welcome hi majwty, nod large crowd not aware of deUntlon are gathered t th railway UUona by which the train bearing him will pa, in thi city flag are fiylng at all point. The rumor 1 current tbU afternoen that .b will Und at Dwver Inrtead at , Qrav- atBd. Atfrveut h will r ek tba aeaihor before 'clock' tht afWuooa, which will be evrai hour behind the time fixed lo the official programme. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Lobddh, May 13. The atoikiag miner at DorhaaiMirbwlMt! Utok diatlee - la their fumilie. The Cxar embarked at Flueiiiog (pr England. . , Batobmb. Mar. 13. Don Carlo ha revoked iiiUhmiif ' of the "car rol Santa Crut and recalled bim to Madrid, May lThey y Interna tiooatiiu are becoming ' treubleeome at A!coy4Vnd the break i tetrad Uxwotom May 18. Keen Flora won a half mile daib, 49 eecond, fatot by two aeooud recorded. Lexsea, May 18 -Priaca of Wale, . DuWeoXEJinburg, nd TrlBce Arthur will receive the Ciar at Qraveaead at Boon tn ,Ur and conduct bim directly to - j t WlBdaOr. '-.TT- t - ,. l i - ENIQ1IT TEMPLdRS C05VENTI0N, Bat AMAft,' OA.', Mayl3.-Th'.General Commandiug Koight Templar of Oa., mit thl meralng lo annual conclave. -Owing to (he inclemency of the weather there wa no public dip!ay. Mb. Dt ok ra Lia " Gnxtxf own;, i yi I WAiuiifflitMal 18.4Dvi;of We Vlrgrnadried Che Senate tS-day Tb favor of navinir clarm of loval itio for property destroyed or token by Ftd eral troop daring tk war. ' NEW YORK MARKETS. N B w Tons, Majr " 1 Cottow qaiet but firm, aale 1,723 at IB 19. Cotton, net receipU 882, groe 289. ; i-.'s ; t. ft,.-.'l.. - Future closed ateady; aale 88,800 bale a follow : May 18 I S3 ; Jan 18 810; July lot alS 81-88; ugurt 18 15 IR1I8: efsntamber 18 17-38. Southern floor quiet and drooping. .cgminoa to fair extra f0.25af 7.10 ; geoa to choice do 7.15atU. Wheat 1 cent lower with moderate demand. Cera - opened iteadycloed hd better ' t 82851 for new and old western mixed. Ceflee dull. Pork quiet 10f10 8-16.-WbUky toady t 88. Freight fir mer. . ' $ ; ---V ; Itoein dull at $3,85t3.7S. TorpenUae dull at4040S. .-v .1.'.. t. - ! : Money cloaed caay at 8.4. Excliang dull and heavy at 448 Gold cloeed wetkmt 12, ViuvernajenU sctiv but little doiiie, 6Ut quiet and nominal BON-TOfrtlHTATION BIONAJLS. eiit on receTt V S9 rta. Vaiijne PrtntiiipM Pnbiifljiii lluuMS. Veraev Btnwt, ew York. 100 C'R18 Er . i;l u!c Mivrr1 V, fHJ, ,iT KA.SOSF.D FISI crd . Lva f OAV14. KKfurrwa AuorrxD r tub State BxtccnvB CoMkrrrxB at tbb Dxm r i ATioOaanvATrvB Pabtt-I'i-aji ev O 0A1I1XATI01. ' ' 7 ,s ' I BBeotormwa. WT ; feeebed, Tb n deeplo BynatBia witk trie people l tb Went in their want f raiktuad (nciliUaa. and pledge wartelvea lo use vtrv' available Bnoi to 'aeottf the early completioa f tbelr projected !1B.; Ikiokti, That the Republican, parly hiving rlrepHM the ftntr, mlllllnr f dollar heretofore appropriated for ;t road nuipoae, it unworthy U ooufidt m, aid that experience uaUfle tbe concla efcm.Uiat if bat party h mild be aaia eatrtictod wiUi tb aduiinetration of our intone! improvementa, It leader eould 7in prove recreant to thetacred traitod aould divert tlie public fund to their private) purpoota. . v v , . .mh4. That wiM policy dictate the adoption of auch meaauret u may be ne- orantvy to increase U?c educational adVao 'agesol the obi dnei 0 Nortb Carolina. . draws firoas every aepiraaa far offloa who shall oppee tb regular nominee or our eooveo tiona. 1 . lti)tmii,Thtt wfMat)t4Mbe frieooYl or FrejuoveniBent turnnoent eofigratu lotiona kt Ui trjumpri of Jlie gnat, pria eipics rrf th Coeatitution , a illuttratod by thf DemMtatie Miccesw iu tbe recent 0rto tad local election. r . , . ; .' fbe following plaa of the l;mocTati- (Jooservativ party wa anopteu : t The Executive Cotutuitte iur the Stato iball comsist aa at present appoint, ed, and ahU hav all the powur hereto, for ooaterred ape it. ' -K . rbKxeuUv Committee for the CoBgraaional aad Judicial Dittrictt bU conUnu a at present conatltuted, unbl regularly changed, aad thail hav general siipervisoa of the affair of the- parly j In; their respective diuicu. " I, i 'J 1 8. la each county there" 'thail be an Kxeculiue Committee compoeed of Central Committee of not Ins than three member, aad of at least one Commitles maa trorn each township. Tbi Commi ttee shall, ander direction of the County Convection, hav satire control of county msttars. It shall be their duty to sea tbat ail (ha detailaof the canvas era properly e 01. ducted . that the poll are attendod by competent challengers, tbat each Con servative cast hi ballot, and tbat so fraqd ia perpetrated at tbe election. They a re particularly enjoined to take- the -necessary step for th efficient organisation of Uwnhp, and. to seek by a wise ad ministration to promoto harmony and to inipire confidenc. t All Jtxeculive uommituo sr pro perly chosen by th Convantien held for the lespective territorial divunoa : but If furny csute there should be a fsilor by the orooer Convtntlon to anBolnt n Kxa cutive Committee, then th State Execu tive; Uommittef may supply the dencicn- 1xaji,o OnoAxixATioa or tub JJaho- okVtio ComsHTATTva Pabtt. At a meet iog held in thi city yesterday, the following ptsB of oresnisstion was dop- todiby the Bute Eiocutiv Committee. ' l! Tbe Executive Committee for the Bute (ball cooiiet a at present appointed boot an a II nave all tbe power heretofore coiifurred upon It. The Executive Committee for tbe CoBi:reional and Judicial DUtricts shall coiUinuess at present constituted until ftgtilarly changed,-and (hall hare general u per vision ot the anatr of tbe party n their respective diltrict. 3, la cu county there (ball be an Executive Committee composed of a Cen trai Committee of not lea' then three muliben, and of st least on committee tfoSnoarhtowniihip Tl.cftmilttjwuhair, nuder direction of th County Convention, have entire control of oounty matter It (hall be their duty to see tbat all the de- ti) of tb caavaat ana properly coo duc tal; tbat th poll ar) attended by com petaat challenger : that each Conserva liv cast hi ballot, and that no fraud ia perpetrated at the election. They art par ticularly enjoined to take the necessary stoat fdrtte efficient organisation of tow n tlufaa, and to took by a wis adminiitra tioi fe promote hsrmony and to Ititplr coofidenoe. a , All Exscutivr Committee are pro perly chosen by tb Convention held for Iherespeotlv territorial divliions, but if for jnay cause tber afaovld be a failure by thS proper Convention to appoint any Executive Commit tea, then tht Bute Ex aoutivB Committet may supply th de- " ft Nomlnatioa for ccuntv officers and member of tb O en eral Assembly shall ue m sue dv county convenuoa : lor tows and township officers, by town and lows- b ip convention : for member of Congress ana jnaicisi emcers, by th district Colveottoa., ' , , . ' (L 111 Convention (hell be open, and au. nouce 01 th urn ana place of sou vemng in tame shall be given. J J 1- W. It COX, Chair. J. Lttchfobd. Bcct'y, . H jDEALEKS IN, BUUaOKBBANO ' I HOTJBK rUBMUHlNQ " I '!-a,4l,4NA4wiM lotilSiai, wt rr FKATTB ASTRAL OIL, r ' H BOLLI8 TTO! RUM, - ' ATAKILLtHKMIOAL PAINTS, i una, uauaua aao PLANTATION BILL TUK ALL K1QUT COOK iTOVt URAtitiKKirtX BUSTING . . I - PownF.1i rtsMr Bsllalwf, RaJilirh, K. O. ap a) tf " 3? B M n a 4 t a Fifty barrel. WUI deliver into raiiwa; wanboawa. Am.hr bv tetter to. "A. Z,' MvsojmsvUIs, H. 0, , ' Teb 1. . , ., O T I ,0 Tb co-partovl)!p koretofor eilntina under tht aanae 1 bhum) ana aijiv ox, r Bandera 4 Tsltoa Is this oar diaaulved by saatnal eoasent. 4. w. TSltoa Is atna salaariaed la seta op anw w oaauiraa. ... Imiitbfubi, aopteraber ST, laTL f 1 .., , XUWAKD BANDIM, f, ,'3 l-ll W, TALXUiCv' J. W. Taltos will eoatlnse bssiaees at il.a old staM aad retpactrally asks a eoaUausasF ot tt patwwisge torwlafofa battowod. . a-wsoi , t. ,- t w TAbTUNr- 74- OPKNISa or FALL AND WINTER Uil!i T 1 a fti.i.1 ' , oiot ao;j ami luniipuuii rood. Needle floods, Zepayr and other Woof, Kid Ulevee sad s taonsasd other articles at - ISAAC CKTTINQtR'8 : V ttrm Itia Sud ot tW tmm R m everyday miU tUe BcaAuu It 001. , oil-im - 1 . - . m f ATENT 8H1PF1WO TAG". Wer Two Haadr MiUtmw kav teea (rod whnia the u t IV rear, oittout eomplaint of low l.r Tu taeeomins AcUchod. Tasv aas skibb svajim-s FOB (BSjao Oorroa Bitst tbas Ar Ta IS j. All Eip eouHiaitw won Oitsv yn -Sold by Printer aa4 Matlaaato over jr when. . A etxttm I , . R Ra Ra , u RADWAVS PEADY BELIEF CT7KES THE WORST FAIKS In from On to Twenty Minutci. t v MOT one Hour ' " aftar roodlat Ikk aSmrtlarmnit a4Brow ". surntB with FAia. SASWAfS BEAD V R1U.II! F IB A COM FOB Bvaav faib. ItmstlMntaB4la The Only- Pnln Reme4y Sitlntnt1 tre titmimi rtmctmttm intna, ,a Ltllamnialkina. an4 r.mr9 Ciwrtlona, wMllMtr of tbrn Lan(a. Wonuu-b, Bowel, Of Uar land vvm br rt-T?mtaBW,e'ifca!(v., 1 raV5?V .Wr mV, 1 i i ii-awsiaiM 1 -a "all will, irroan DtTirT XAaX. srt-ABaATioi or the tumr.x rtAWA,niW?,7T.:iw 7 . cu?AKKn. isrixz.si. rriBsVUJa, Tit., inn.:, t u n N I'RAfIIA, r. II EC MA Tl t iiii'i'tniiJi. AfiirK i :n -i. t part Wolff the lu vr it 1. uiij .-aa-ih itl aiTrif vm inn MimTim. T-iH 4wT'Tai ti hff I - 9HirM'ln l ffi irtoiflfnlh Hr (.WAMrti. -urmstKK, Kf' -fvfrm.vt ini- unfair, r ( tr'i -hrrmAvfi MKAKI Kf KK. Mi ti HUiu HI.. . 1 . Tilt Mf K A VrhTKUV nii.lf HI M IN .TlUt (JKJ, HI I f F I hlH f VI. I a S J TrvF)rrt iii-.:iM n -r ?arr ALttMIW ftf I. (!. wy' Kntriy KvMrf with iIm hi. A lew tt. . in wr " i ' r in .ir-JuK-n-i .(r imi-:- from trtiiiK l wa-r. It 4iUl'l'Ai Inwa rirWl jiQjpw 4 V FEVER ND AGUE. rHVFR AND A(M'B eairMYor nftr fyrW Thrrv- la ' B..i k r-TaniB)i aigfBT n th wfTwi fnf wilt rarf fMti HI'- Hi, asilWw. Ui uttmx rewras iaUd-) bv KAt) rilWi raffraVM KAiH AVi kelY 4 f uij eutUtu.jiiuii, HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! stWimi awir mf.' sH ir" ki'lniSi a OK Fl.l.il AMI WI,lt.lIT--4 i.KAK HKIS AM (.KAUriri L UOSI IAUOM afcOUSKll.TO ALU- DR. RAD WAY'S I Sarsaparillkii EcsclTent VHE CHEAT BLOOD PURiriCR. 'HAH MAnE TOE dOT ARTnKTHMlKll (VPS- o ' , loov uNiiennoKH, imiiKB thk iNrCuRlo 1 or this iuili mufiueatti, asuiuiNB, THAT .EverjDay an Isease in Resli .ail Weft is Seen ana Felt ftvtrr rtr.tp o, tlm frARSAPARl'LLTArf , RRROLo VKNT eonrnitiiH!'-nl ittiroMt-d iti BhM. HwrAt. L'rtDQ, jModotitavr tiuni Hid lUK-vftof ihn jfxicui tht! vtitor fr JHw. niril rn ' r III" wn'-rnoniir Ij nifh ww arrvrl aWUtHl flMMtrtali arukav tfvttkfli (iUn4uir dlMaar, t k.-r In ihi- throat. Mmtli TkA. iWJVy4, riiiwfA,ujA.4iw-;tit;ra trutH Iho Ear- vmi lh- (m foTHaA Of HKD lAw. RrnMifnwvsar AV4 rWM H-ad. klM Worm, flt Bhoum. r,rnl. ArM. lilac at HpoU, Wyrnu In Nie rih, Ttiniorm, Cuu pr Mi th Wntnh, ind aN wnh.lg and piniul dU fr, rfHrht ttWMU, Loas trf Hiriu am! all waalf of tu If prlrtciplw, w wlihin lh curaur flintio ti Irtii : itdr of Modern tlhawtartrr. and a fw dav' mm wHI Pr,.rttoaiy M tfpou 1ftiapaUrt "I tivcumpowl rtieany parao ttalnff U tar ,i bar af Uia fbfitsf a1 mdi oowar u sure idbib. ni, dally beoom.iHt r it toad bt th vmIm iDoalnoa that bb eoniinual v DrotrrMtttitf. two lain arraatliM theaa winlM and rarairi tha muiiih whit nw malarial ma4 f rom laUhjr tioKl4itd Uita tpH MMJiAraA.iiiA.iAn wiii anu aiwi aauuro a cura rnMaln: for whii onra tliM rmtxlf Pimuninrffi lt.i wrt.f parUoatiri, ni anprl In dtMhtttiiinf IMT ItiuT waata, turitu! uuirswiu tm rapia, anu rvry nr it natirnt will he I hi ma U KrowiriK bUrii(lauitT'r. itbc diraatlni; linttcr, ippetlt tiuprovitig, sUtd iiuali nurl atitWi.t ittrtrvaMlnu'. k Kni on ijr 4m th fikMaWJAtuiAit Ranmiran1 itl all ka)ifwn rwmadlalaffaau tnittaauraofClirouir, Hero ft. tiowaiiuitluHal, ai4 jl.ii, dlaaaaati lint H toiv itiiij bouut euro iuf (Unetf cf Bladder Qmylaiit, rnnirr wild Wotab diaaaaa, OrTtL EHabftea, PrnMr, tfaat f Water, UconttMoca of Urine, Brlahfi li Albnrnhtirla, arid la all cawa wbera thare ara aark-lvd uat daaaalUL or tha wMcr U (hicli. cloud r. mixed w 11 h aHiiNMaocea Ua tin white of an , or ihraada f Uta wdlia ailau or tnara ta a morbtd. dark, bilious a no ax- ai.' ;Hd Wh1 boM-doat diot, and whan taara M -A fuiaaliaav bMfkiJM MUIwaJ W rKJj VAWM Ulf r.i aain k Ua. kwUaii o Ut tfava a Uuf Utw Luitaa. Cured by Kadway'9 lUsolvenU DR. RADWAY'S Pep Ml- t ypr- iI6.i.vi wrftlw lrtolo, tloti ' 6 riMa With WM oiim, hurva. rowuloto. nartfr. hni iind Htrfiitfthrii. Rnf. fc.lV PHb. riif UVi !. HMIianoS'jaiir Ike SlMlacS, Unl. Bowolo, liliioyo, i.!iiu(lKr. ni-rmM umoaon, Atukwha. 0MMIiUKi atwMn.liHllfMUoa, Of StSl,BUIoaamM .' fnr. liiflwiltoO of lha Eiwtla, Fll ant iiMiuoini of Uw iauraal VIoMra. Warranlrd inotTfiH a kualillVo cmra. Farohr t-"i.mff"""l"j mmtms, ouuirabvr lifl- aAOWAV MMt .111 fra to mK Smifrtun n.i :-4lKive named dlMirdaia. Frioa, S oeulA iM i W 1JD Till -.I.J M tamo In RaIiwaV A AO . So. StWarla HI, Utw IotJl I-., .iiiiailoa wortii UKMaHMamniMooMros- -iM ft- r-: mUE!OLD SUBSTANTIAI; 4- I i ABDt t ; i wICLLi TJE(1I3;1SD, u -lift kriS!i, F HIE E BUIL DIM0 OVSB TBS BABDWABa STOSJI OF llatimldtoth Widow Ad HMikane fd . -- -. ... North Carolina tlnce 18SS,the ta of weaily aeaaw7 aiwk irnticiaM eomp ipeny; and alto, Bavins; pan paio taurt revenue to the Bute Uab any ottiar eouifanv, ah BMrit sad enjojl th well earned diatinrtloa of rtetnr the iY l.Xli tlTK COIf 1.11 u iu mil And with her -; i90,000,000.00 AaMaotas, no oa Bjuad, and aumawed by renUebwa ol lour ezoarience and Bnaiicial skill sheoOers thti kiKlioot .ttandard of security to all her euttouiero. aim, asaa inrsuaon tor eapi taliats 8 J.U.0UU policy Is better than 10.OUO in rsalsttataw Ages from SO toi are Inturable of both sexes. This eonpaar doet aot say, toauro Wlta mam. amb- m. wooao an iiuiia-tial comnariton with tat oapanv la rate and rttf-Mtibilily, and leav tht roault to UiotadonMitof iha nnblie. Bycalllns; pa the Weaeral ATRtbrnf ef an iiocaia. lurtaor nuorsaauon wiu 0 cnoor tauy ImiMuied, . i -,. ' ' General As;ent H. H0KIK.M. D., Medical XxaoUner. tei S-Am - .A j A.; A..H . from 1tj honte ef John" Price about one allaJaa-Ul at Bolciita, ua TnwdaJ ovtcla but, a lorce Hone : besvy tail ami aaaaa, toil . hanon lo tb loft, est hi kmoe ia while IroV iB(r, b'a lara, rohtiod littJo in tha right hind thtirh. The Under will be libumllj.ro. warded bT detlverllii the tame to "" 1 ' 1 la lau . niana, lantai a.g."-i qtWu THOUSAND; FOU Nl? A. oc W-If - ; vf- , 0UCW.a.l A 11 MM HOD li (KITS AM) SQUBS. H va, 1 I J. ' -3. i u.iuti A.ti.i..a .r a.i fly In' by u-iiiil.a.d I -t rr VI. ...d.;r. .T St' ia uoacrautned at llr.ll 'rd.lon, naon l j. i. r.-jK ;a. TiltNiTY CDOT-EGr-E 3 -Tor Uin-tnif Heawlon will commence JANCAKV 17t, 1874. UbarJ ll per month. Entire expoiisofor flvaui.intlm, for Board, Tuition, WashiufanU rout trom wi lo oiuw.i v -jl- wi-Ir, aril) IB. C8AVKH t S t S Oi wtosa. 'as, I I I 'Ait Ana ist BAB Jo a. J O N K 8 A J O N K 8 , j At Attorney' At Law, 1 RALEIGH, N. U. OKACTICK in the Buiiremn Court of the X (SUtu. the Circuit and UUtricl Court, of tue United Mate and aha' turenl Loortsof th ! J,utUl,.l r,.irl ,T (MUcs tm' rsvettevllle BL. OrtrnwHe tbt Citbwat NaUousl Bank. Up aUira. JwnSltf Tlq TT'T A TffT laaii I laiai aa"i ataiaan avail t a ivaavaaaaFaWwritaar 'aFWavai aarwanr U)r Kye aad wheat whi-kera, which 1 offer to cash bnrars at rn xleraU) prices. Ifsny LiijBort told at mydiilillery.or by my rartner orsaletman. J. A. Uhoekat Hlllabo'o. fail.' o be pure and whatreproaentod when old,the mon:y will no rcluuuud, or no cliarfre for the whiskey. Or Ion aoticlted, i JKRKT HOLT, Cominj8hoa, Alainauca couuty, M. C. Hreli7oAw lm. -1 j THE BEST ADVICE thai ran be Kiv. n,to purawu .ulTuoini? from its ptia, bilious c mptalul. , cone, coneumii lit! tick head avho. fevo ind airue. nrvfiue ViMlity., or of any dltor Jursllcctinjc the atom at S.jlho liver or kidney, 1 to. imio, cloiiao. sad Aurnlale tlieue liup irtant omana by the f n i v , i i ( DK.ITUTT VKtiKTABLK L1VEK I' 1 1.1.8. iVl act very mildly, yet tb irouirlily rctore the functional aoatea ot tk dilutive ucant ti)d tlie inteaUnea and ronovatet the nyatom. 1 he produoe n it her nanaeu, grii'iiiu or weak nw,aiid may be taksn wilhuulchani;e of diet or oupalioa. J ' , rrfco ao cent a box. Sold by all druKgUta. POseaaacawualiUtia that BonUiwdnidnM ll ollOL-t ia instantaneous, and so natural th.it it cajanpt be detected ny tbe oloaacr. observer U 1 harmleat . and esaily applied, and ia In iremt-al On amon? the f Aahionablehntr dress- n-tip every larre city in tha Unitel ttaiea. rrlc tl a box. Sold everywhere 'via, Bruptun Dittam oftkt Sim, moH. Brill. IttUr.tuul Salt llhtum telaid Head, Ruuntorm. Wuumatum. Flfin and Enlargement o the lionet, Fe akle Wimbiea,, UteriUHf.leteorrhaa or JMhitn, Womb Ditenen, Dropey, White 8peUiaif,&ykUu,mJCidney mndiher . CinniwiS MsTiturial ,'Taint. hutJHleL njriJr.nilipipr9bliiivl.. ti j D4ftriti4PAHia4l If X istleu ma most powerful Blood Purifier known to nieilical science. It eutvra into the cir culation an4.i ondlaata cwry jaorbiOi st;et; renovstea tbe system; produces s btMtiful complexion snd csute ta; bodv tfirain deth aud increase in weieht. KBBP TBB BLOOD HEALTHY wllfbe wen.wTa'd'oto.Botliinir ver been offered tbat can compare this valuable vegetable extract. 1.00 a bottle, . Sold bialWDrng. ''tJfficlS CoWaVidt Stieinl : T. SSdtf WLq Wnmingtoii star. i . DAILYiR. T J f .? "ue.t drea'attoa of y, Newtpapr la the .-lata, aad a circuit 1 ----- tu la WUniiMSoa jaearlF -awiae lawJane at auydthefasiierl "i i ' 1 ' Ail th-nojrr thjj BV UT fc foM n, HMviioni wnen voimpm uint, n wnva w Dea I iutoMiiWalalwaAa ptsasnisd" la. a dear. BitallicentaudinlereaUna-auuiner. . , L"0 hwCKlOTIOM (In Advahee)! '' ? T-wi-ron-l--r'-t.4.4.7 0 I . raica baddcbd... Tlan avifi t. M ii n .ii.i. bfc.l oLik. C.nioao mn d a www od th ekaaBast tetfeeaaMry,t benfuBowuw ,ksTT0rjI'BAtM "&'P o, tee ywtr. ft;'.;. vtl ortstx mftntbt. r.,,.i".. ' 1 M trXlobi of S to W. one year, ft a per copy tynRMpfltor noreucjw,only 1 w ipwiJn&'AorTH ml tk sppllcatlosw '"", g Address, ri j WM. I. B.RNARDS, . . Sditee A Proprietor, "... ,n .vtla. WlUM-WtWIKW G niK u ,.ia ft-i ---i "-"- . A !oinriftlejortmnt, t the Book Store f TV 'r1 . . AUKii) WILUAMa. B7T I . I J V ' s ffu os. -J T! .-..l ''IdMlltj,!.... " Whlcu will coatiuwi to aell ?. JK- " -7 Mj ji YvA,,w laovll tf - . . I). SBWrXiw jvyWr JJLS OTtf.lWW JasJr PmeVi' -ff? iWfwW WWIw " 'rt- tvu 1 ti,iv iFsxs 1 u. sun Jllil,. snu i-saii I Si a - 1 1 and lan m la c bask wit! Priofc eitti. Tn bow whlthoot a rival. It caU a d. i ixjr adiwlaue Nrrow IU M?haalcl arruiire anjt for' alturiur cut it luoro tuile anil vCHimoI Uian any vtliar im the mat k. t. al( arpmliMr n-Toranilo pitinut, Uie ifn-t-'-i of thoee. Ak K-v J W. I. (Jmw.1 aM ") J W B iV.lnm. what thev tkink of t r-l- r l,'y ni uxtiulna it A .l-'ATI. Q A ta. 'W -73- wfiich can be cilred by a liilicly resort to this stand- ::rl preparation, as had beeu ' J 1 ' . 1 'I 1 1 A irfwci uy mo nunurctiH 01 rfitnonials leceivt'il ly the ; nipi h-tors. , It is at iKnyl c(l;;i;d by many prominent physic-inns to be the most reliable preparation ever in l rod need for the relief and "ire of all Lung complaints, .iinl i.f oflerod ( the public, auctioned by In; experience .( over foi ty y -at When resorted -'o in .-.eftuf-'ir it el dot'i fail 'i( r-ft'ect : HHcdy cure ir llwj most ni-vere i tines of (Jonahs, onehilis, (Vonp, liCMijiiitg' Couli, lnlliicnza, Asthma, Colds, Sr; Throat, Tains or Sore liiiss in the Chest and Side Liver Complaint, Bleeding nt the Lungs, &e. "Wistar' lialsa.n does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause ol the eomplaint. TB W. FOWLfi A 80S8, Barton, Mas.. ' auld br Iruatfl"t and lAealora gvntfrally. DISSOLUTION q'UKlflKMOK C. U. UtAKrr 1 thia dv ditaolvrd bv uin' CO. if nn.nt. Ail mrtina fnilnhL.'d k tha fo Wl navraen to C. 11. Heartland at 'claim the firm will lie pre-cnted ton ', he aktue beiiin authorised w wtU'- rlr''f the concern. . , (J. I). HE Ai HEUBWlT 1 1 TAV1NO I'LIKOHAHIU I'll J l lnBMtof Herbert, hrm.1! Dun rf tl. II ili hi U M, I at, I cimilu lllie ImeintM in in; nwi old rtiiirt, and ivs;iortfni y -"' tun til the ueA'ii'e. leb 34-11. A DAU0QTEU0F . ... Kvr,jssy leiie Ay! mr' ' MorjiaT aVic. - B autifully rrrti'fTuU-il. I rice, I'aiicr Covert $1 00. In cloth ! ill. Juflt noeiveJ at the limk Sturo ol ALKUKU WILLIAMS. ap 11 iltf Beer and "Wine Hall. i'l sortd 1 1 i ' wx k o f ny : Ai.-t vy WniaKi a, inn ili'd, iinn ud -i irituoua Uquonrs of all kinds by the oiewore at sruatly reduced price, as I intend to clinniru iuy limlncsn to aa ejdaaive UEK.it AND "VINE HULL at rot preeent tUiid. i-artl-a who detire finr ehuaie tine liqhmi hi ijaaontiea lets than live galloon would dj well to call. Liberal arranicetnenta nude with desiera. f . I 14 U A,W. FU.1PS. Doataeat caoaed by Catarrh not unfrequcntly Catarrh, products deaf- sMr.Ivt iti(rr, of Nettle Lake, (P. O.) Wllllaint Co , o., formerly of D rban't tVr Btwa, O , ban "Men tured of deSfneas ol 'four teen yean' tUcdiog, by uinj Dr. AngJ cat arrh Jemcd). lie was so deaf be could not hear s peraon talk when seated by hit alde,aiid can sow bear the chu eh bell i lug two uillut distant o hn writes. AMAHKED CAE OF DEAFNESS I CUHED. DrtKiiisonviLLS. Niaic. 0., N. V., Keb. arwat one year aeo i cauKUt a serere com in the head, wbiuh turuunated lb a severe form ot Catarrh. During the time ukorationt occurud Inthenaaai Dasaairea. aud I icaiue wholly deaf in one ear, with partial iteafneaa in the othea The tnuauvauon had involved ail me dUiotte structures of the ears, and was in Immediate danger of permanent deafness. Thedischanre became profuse and fetid, both Silo nn thrift and trow my ears, la thts condition 1 called OB Dr. Pierce for aid, who preMribed bis (Joldea Modieal Oiaeovory and Catarrh Koinedy, and asder their use have faphlly recovofttd. My bearing la ruslorud, and BirCaUrrh ia entirely well. ! , John smith UEEN'S FIT CUBE I iiu ed for Epilepsy 1 CUKSS Fits; Fpaania, CohvuUion snd NurVoui Waki fulnes. acts proupUy. of um srnutlui( (ulnea tb fit from tbe Ural day's Jc, even whore theyj have elU4 for years. COMPOUND EX7C0RYDALIS. rie birii.irgeiivie sitcrstii. OUBBS ' Scrofula, iSiromlary SyphtUs, Eruptiims on the pslu, snd all diseatea arlamx Irom iia para. Blood. ,. , I aUOICATEt) nONKYI ' i " A 8overel(rn Balm for CooKbn, Ciid, Bfoa ehl'la, Aalhma and ail diaeasua of the air pa4ua and Lanira. By its tiov'ly aa air ay sapposed eases of UonaumptioH are promptly relieved and the Langs rettortvt o health, mm - NEL'KALGIA SrEClPIC I A piowpt, ponttiva and peruunent roll 4 tot the aacruoatin; pains Of Keiraifia, BMinma. tiam and Bcmticv - for Baie I hVclgh, V. C, by Wojjami t Haiwooi'. - tn pared I . . Vki.trK7 r.-V.T.ruI.aTTBDBll-T, -Hi -Utt. h4F- QOIXIlv'S tVAhfASTtU . , '''! Cot dteel Cotton Swpt. : -: ,- . Hardware UuaJ of . , bUteigh, . C . Tndr nniMd at ItanafacUirvra' fiicea, . V lualui aiialuit Miyineut, M i the af- Air. n 1 atAuu. lENTIKK urn iHie iAiMurnftr fluuie at tlie II ihc patron- M iJ'Jh'EMlX, f i BACON, BACQNB&CQJM JENKINS & ojp; - Baltimork Md. riH F Firm .if (1o.-ko onkios ha'tag; becadiw. ivtt. I ihc tatf itiin, nH M inns to carrv oa bwin J ut iaar..-t rwl "M iil "'p aiwaas. no. ?.'-;( READI EED! - Q-reat Discoreiy; "rr a " 7" S5ri? (L ..I.. , A1. MA' "a-" Xtf'M JL -s Sold by tbe Oalloa joI-Om QaJlM) JUCAD TUIiW)LLbVTWO fESTAMONI ALH : PWIM PROF; W. . dial !!, ; WAKI rOKf ST.V'O. a.U. K SjiiunT-DiABdia: W aava for mfttS h. lOTi 1-jtsmt Ehassl. PAJSt," on our "College Buildin.' aaJ arTwLii f. !"4 "oi.av,t II wstspplbjd by one haringno eiperiene'e ia aucU wort T yotVa L.??? V.k td -...tUiuc t u ft, beltaving that la point of economy, urabihir and J Wtl nivuiuu uj use ii, uviiotuui iiiaw in iwiiii oi It Is tuperior lo any other pigment ottered in (Signed! vt u. ('. P. KmoiiT His: The paint came safely mru, wu uiree uhcach. uae gaviiun e4en. Am . not contiani work completed the house aiw Kenerany cunco;ea mat iur "OiBamor- IlKc nardnoM and body and harmnn. 7? , " ere is not a handsomer (oh ia the plsce, ...l.ssveH Slaty-ttv dollars bitliaon.,i c",or - ii.. .-j .. . . .. .. ... itau ueui jat.1. now wiiq ocuiaeru reopw." 11 aliuuld be ge ierally adooted I . . "uu0 wuiili lad cau apply it, 1 have never dabbkid ia auob auick aa f ?tle with' HculfaeruPeoplo." Si tu ith the great aiUntaUlitv of vour Kuamr.l Paint to n ..... ... ou' I foul T-rllen. y vf malurial. In beauty Of color, and ,x iuh iwuiiaaiua, u it it aotiraoio, lo make Mb. C P. Kaieui Dbab 8i : It affords me fatvnlJi.i amel ralnt fur exceoda my eipectatiotu iu oc-oi.umy, beantv sud lh reasojio wllevo In durability. Wore than twelvr uionUi einco, I painted tbi i?JS ". ' hou t M, . aion Hou) with the Bradley Patent hoauiel PainL aad 1 waTea ,ot mK wltli it, 1 . itonnined bi paint the fiontaot the -ilotol,- ad I am mutt hanii to ..N?'!0-''' givi mo mrfect toUafactlon. In eouclaaion I will say, If Uiia tosUmoulal wj ba ., I4 vsiilago toyuu, you are at liberty to nsalU wui be of any aat- Th following Jet.Ua It UMur atvd .valaalilat V. V. KnLM. Kj..AimU JJradUu't IbiW W i.iit.u ... . i". ",7 ' V'- . Wl. Irmu you we will cbourfullv cuduraa aa tl,. qualiUea ia everything detlred. drying proni,.llyandw!th a Lard gloaa, wltLTmuV'ATIS ,.r,, m.,u ui an aiuut oi woauior. 1 nil la our cxihj lonie and we can rn,..7.. . . with c.-rUiniy, and intend to use it on all occaalon. where we deaira a good LaS Z ""2 1 KM MART KNIOUT, Sol. C. 1'. rti jiii. lland l'rii-o Mat f urn, -bed gratia, NORFOLK FISH 1 Inn valuable furtill.ur la "Ifurad tu tbo farinef at a prlcj 1 1 auit the timet, whllo itt lilreujrlb has bie greatly Increased. No ttuano at met with toed universal favor erery wlicrw, so great waa the demand lait aeawn, only ofto third of the ordera coul I be tHIed. It i-iKiIiuin about :8 pur o.-o t. of Bone Phospkat i, aud from 4 to J ur c.nit. of ia aonia. Many of the Im-sI fanncrain tlie county are ualng iU I lean bj hid lir apolylng to our lo cnUzenta.aaf.liowii: i r -a W ili lAMiKtM, UrouuaoB A Thomas, Ji.un K Uu, W H. Ava-ia, A- v1vH'v....... Dk A iS. Davib, - Prtce ottrper loir, pat B7 HTJUtr pound riairt. March 4 d few timoa W ' A It ni a 1 Swedes Iron and th j: Finest English Steel! The best brands ot Ainprion snd wedea Iron, and r.M;lls!i Film Setlu ! 0 nd '.trtl Uaud In the manufacture of our AXES AND EDGED TOOLS. W offer the very best AXE tost can be manufactured by skilled workmen snd very superior materials, sad trout I hat we will ra- ceive tbe support of the trade. KM ours ailed MBineaislely. JULIUS LEWIS A CO., ON THIS HKKAK.rA8T, LUNCHEON, DN1 NEK AND BUPrKK TABLE, Les and Perrins' Worcheaterahlre Ssuce I luditiieiisible. JOHN DUNCAN'S 80N8, Mew Tork. AgouU for the United Btates. Oct JO-ly NORTH CAiiOU.A, i dura am (Iuuhw, f INTHK 8UPERIOR COUHT loth Jan., 1S4V N. WinnlnghanAsnd Wife Mary, agtUut ' '.':.'..' Jot. B aV I and Elijih Bull, aa Exeeutors of Thomas Boll, duc'd. Jot it Boll in his owa rkhk i-lijaa Bell, John C S'oos as Adminis trator ol Win Bell doe'd, John C Btoae sad wife Rebecca 11., A i Lambeth aad wifs Da rethy, doaaa Baldwla, Elijah Bell, Elijah a Bell, i U Clug and wifs dstmb. J Laclaa Haldwin and wile Julia T., and A U Atkina. ftlifiuii far aa aceouaf sad Settlement of At , Ettet ef Tkee.m, 4eoe e4. it sppearing to theaatiafwtioaot ihsCoort that Kltlah Belt, Elijah 14 aVIi, Julia C 8 tone ka Aduiinistrsbirof Wa Bsll, doe'd, Jeha V Stone and wife Kcbercs Iu, and A ti Atkins are nun-residenU of In It State : It Is ordered by the Court that publication baassds la th Kaletga Bbktisbl, tor six sneoestive week a, aotifyuuj the said non-retldent defendants to at paaraA tbaettlosof tasUlorkof thsBap fior Court for Cbatbara county, at Pltteboro, within twenty dsys after the service ot thU Suniaions by pablicatlOa, and plead, anawar or demur to the eomplaint of tbe Plaintiffs, s copy ot which la (led is tbe office ot said Clerk, otherwise ludguieut Will ba taken against them sncordiog to raid com plaint. Witness, S. T. PTTr, Clei k ot aaid Court at otrJco tn rituooro, u s wu oay ui Janus JdiasOUlU BTAIK IaOTIEKIKS) I LegalUed by State Authority, aud ;l niiviii T-m.!n ia rr. x. ,i il Grand Single Number Schema of SO.0O0 No DKAWliolLuruAi ui aivu MONTH. I CAntAiPsua, 50.000! 10.380 PiIkm. amounting to 1 400,000 Whole Uckof,Wi Balvsa Qoawton, 3,i.4 The Greet amMputim&me, wilk 'm u,nuaoribt,wet assi t2.33H Prises. amonnUar to BtTtL177 . Draw evrry Saturday during the year. iiou Ticsrrs, ioBu.vs, B5, UAaraBl, AiMr for Ticket and ClrcBlaivvi ML'KRAT, HiLLERA CO-, Managwt, . t.ik 'Box I.4C -'- -7V At. LWia, tv r aptdewdwew ly ,-,. ; . ;t - - 1 . l t low Bona jMir onlen ui CllANlH 1 11 fhHtra- B .!ii.,t. . lura 80 8iuire yrfa 'ta. economy, duraliilii. .ZT . ' . l it the markiu 7 a 'BWity -f sppiieaUvt arkou Very Iteaiwutfnily, w.u. umaoNa. Tm Plains, Paaquicr, Co. Va. Fab xii. Mifely to baud a. ordered, :'0 ! "ft is araetkia U alack. I did the wSZSP1. ft? w iwo coaU. the laal ptut .....n",, ." "o . ' " -I HUOAt LliM'A ma.A i. 11 aliuuld be ge ierally adoound 7.7 . n,,' the fact of 1U being readr-tUii.JvK.. T ? : what oae you thiuk proper of thia tLV I ery ruapeclt illy and truly, u . McUli-mi. D. much plcatuie toaay to von thiT.i 7 JM.' lAiceuiberiu. Imi We lhnai li;B tlie i tUB . . ... Toura moat reaiwctf iily lh4A0 4LBEKTSON, Manaio , U1MMH1 rtuU . for. T ayetto snd t" Pau! e"V,l.' ' j-,: 2 - kl... ... .. It ti...i ' w0 I'urchaaoil gl4kTKr3: tolST OKHtS h,"ta Oil, V . Lombi.1 Bl., iJiiiiiuiiiie, M j, " , -iikm GUAfE RiJelgh, W. C. ro"eatvillo, ' eelma, " V-oille, -' - Uoldburo', ' OiVAVIi IIAKItISS, Ocin ral Agent. Norfolk. Va" R. F. JOJKb 4 0 0 COTTON FACTORi AND HRNERAL . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OROCEK8, ' W ILAtlWOTOK Hr., OrnOSITB slAJISSTSilOABt RALEIGH, N.C. Vq pn aent our Card and offer to the public our sonrices ss General Commission Mer chants for the sale ot Cotton and other pro duce, Aa, Onr location Is centra, la the business psit of Hit city snd we offer especial sdraatagc ' snd tacllitie tn th storage of Cotton etc, " haTiug a first clsss metal roof and re iroi ttore houte, t(firated within a short dlatanc of th i olics Ution. and thereby lets liable to the danger of Are. Those who desiga ttoriag cotton will dud It to their interest to communicate with as before storms; els wher We are coaatauUy la receipt of s lias of Otnerai Groceries which we are selling at tht very lowest aurket prices. Farmers supplies always oa ksnd. Country produce u hwg ' imall quantities taken In exchange for goods. - We solicit consignments and will effect satisfactory sales snd guarantee prompt ra turns for all art idea entrusted to us. Oar patroua and others will be Informed from time to hue of the general tonor of prices for Cotton snd produce generally. All communications of inquiry promptly letwtrnd. teptS7- tf MM i?tjM'Aj f . tlfj ' . i ..i I.- .-I ' GtiRN, MEAL,' PtAJS, - FINE FBED Baled Oats, r order, Hay , Shnoha, c. - t -ia uAI "- UlaVMtw'e, ' - M Grain sad Feod Store, Waat ( N.C. Freight Depot Wtlioa -Order dro. pcd in Pestoffloe Brosmptly illedt 'o wrdntssM st.. -- , WJA. Aina, Bupt ,K' . A bBOLUXB IMVOhXKS OBTAINED XLi from Courts ot di Heron t Blsies for do aertien, eio. Ua oabiieity rsusired. J0 nh-trge Butil divoree cisutod. Address, I - ta. noKoa, ; w Lrii iba Atloraa. lt BrOSdWSV. EK TOO OOlNd TO PAIST,f ' ' -Avenn Chemical P lot bjb beak t f Boi AgoaU. Wr't lor deacrlpUv' circular aad ear rt ELXCT BOARDiSa AND DAT 9CHOOI s mrxsnoRO' N. x - V ' . . . jfu i. T- ; JH l criiii fhTBlltse. Nh Miss bollock will r tame the exercises of their school rndy aoel-l '. .AYi.--;--- ' ' '",' ''. J . - ' 11 t7r 't