TP ruBtisazn) bt J O S I 4. a T TJ R K B B, J b ismoe. near tlui Oori Hovm DiJv BwUmsI 1 year la advance - BAf elly,8ix month U hItum j. t.W twi-Weekly ' w .-fcOO Weekly B-mUael " " 100 The Dult liram will ha fellrwad la ut part id, toe Otte mM tear Mr - Local Afluira. Tn Psoiuurrien LAwV-Jadg e WalU In cherolwrt to-day for -the purpose ef hearing tbt trgament ol cannesl eonoera iag tb legality of tb recent lec tio which reanited in the adnptiae of U.ep.ohibit.o law, unoa coosuliatioa And cu)iduui,aiiclu.)d tit postpone tbe bearing until tfae Am Wednesday Ib June ext. when he will be present again i mum OTii. -Uue of thii eitf. ' to beplaytdatthe fieptlet grove beturday thel6tb,4e-ctocA.,, '.huuiu 8wnrrMoT.iHO Aaktw, C. W. . Teyter, P,, C M. Buna, A A 7V' W.: Wataon Jr. R. B. D. T. Adeem. 1-B- J. H Adamt, a-B. W. a Thomas, AB. IL L. Pentreet, . F. W. A Farrie, C.X, 0. Smith, B. PV Pastime.--W. Butbce, C. J. T. Pol len, P. P. Eueeter, 8. 8. L. Overby, It S. A Haywood, 1-B. W. WaUoa ll-B. Ed Payne, 8 B. L. D. Ueartt, L T. V. Uoyiter, C. F. a Furis, L. F. Tbe Lidiae of thi City are respectfully tod cordially invited to attend, ample watt will be provided. D dbli Headed Cohvihtioh. The two Kedicsl eonventiont are bow io tes tion. The Ilolden faction in tbs city Ilall, and Lee in tbe court House. At 12 o'clock Stanly's Umd blew martial strains at the Hall, and tbe town negrors with the ex cfptioo of Handy Lckhart, Jim J sues, Sawyer end others, -the m it rrepectable of the race, assembled with ths coautry negroes in tbe court. House Gen. Goraaa ia chairman ef the Lee meeting, and John 8awyr,l, Secretary. Tiro waa chief SpnkesmM). lie handled the Holdens, Jo end Dad, la rowgb sty lo. He plainly in sinuated tbat Dad had baea bought aad the money paid down for him. Tim was Lominated for 8beriff,gottng all the Tetes except nis foi Gen. Go: man. While we write at 8 o'clock, a grand row is going on aod a fight ia reported between Jim llarria, who' has outered Lee's meeting claiming the right to be beard. At this time Tim, i croaajjiK the stroQt for a driiik at ths Tor btough House, .eokiog if be could cremate Jim Harris and tbe Heldena. Things are io the con region. Notwithstanding - the conrindou! fain aiace daylight our repor ters are on hard, and will give particu lars to morrow, if they are not killed in the general melee. I ns I'hicu Excubi"H A eaaito and Glorioos Tair-DcaHJia ahd Haw R'VJtll WaT WAI SA1B AD DoHB. The Editors compoaiog the lata Prcas Coofoaltoa,sltor their Grand Baaqoet of thoirigtit- previous, one would hare thought were ia no frame ef mind or body, being nwake the most of that ds hghtful night, to go en a railroad excar lion ysterjay morning, but at the ap pointed tira eTerr man wat promptly oa time bright, as brks and as ouch beat im pleamre u tbe dny that bad preoeeded it, and after a boat y breakfast repaired by tbe omnibuues to the depot where they were soon eomfohably Boated in the most inagrtiucent cars tbat it bu been our pleaauro for maoy a day to occupy, and with pride they ivero complimented be ing boilt receatly at the Company Shops, Noith Caroliaiaoa ooa haadiwork, and a vote of thanks was voluntarily accorded t tbo gentlemauly and efficient master a Trunaporlaliso, Capt W. H. Orcea, for his kindly consideratieo vf the press In aeoding thtm so elegant a tra!n. Going to tbe iroat as' wo generally do (beag an admirer of machinery,) to aeo wbo waa 1 1 charge of the loconv tiro that was to glide ua swiftly through, we met the ge nial smile of our esteemed f.iend, Jim MurpbT, i indiug with bis head on the vhialta lersr, the mast oxeeiieooed ia long list of noble angintau whom it if onr pleaiureto kaew, awaltng the at.ike of tbe geng to be off. We felt safe when we aaw Dim, for we had "tiied hint on before" aad nerer yet leund him wanting, a td if we didn't get to our joarney rizbt side up, it would be no fault of Jim's, or tbo splendid 10 wheie foot-beard be waa . standing. Tbe engine toe wai built entire at Ilk ah ops . . f lir under the i ne iSFeryaiiooKJi min.yuL rraor, tbe firat-clae iof this Rood. U 1 1 III J i Sherwo rood Bdfrr I (Tuck) loraierly of our city, wai the eonducUr of he trairL an4 waiaftfl'clpao'or tke tHp veled inj amount of thanks for his politeoeas, at teotion, and k'ndacsa to tbs precious fug. At 830 Tnck" telegraphed to Jim with bit ball-eord by a alight Jerk, aad with a toot-toot'' the wheels of the 16 quickly revolved aad Westward Ho waa the word. Bore Stanly 'i Band playing lively air id tbe ihouta aad bat . wav ing of ths party. We had a dslightfnl run notwithstanding the rain to the no ble and thriving Uffaof ( DrjaHAK, where we were to etop tor an bourrri ring t 9U A JL4We,ore,et by. tbe entire town it aeemed, and debarking were takes In to w more particularly by Meesra. Black well, Hammett,Reams, May or, Ed Parruh, ToaUaawa, aad others whose aunts now escape our memory ,aad eo ad acted ut to tbe beautiful aad capac- kna warsbouM of Reama A Walker. : who . are ii miiiection with the buiiness of W, f . Blackwell, Eeq. tbere we were eordiaU ly welcomed la" aa approprisU ad drees by Mr. Toaliaeoo, late principal 'of the LW Domh and Blind Institution BaWgh, Be gave us ia dejcrlpUea of VOL. IX Dallam, what ah was doing, aad what be expected to do. Her tobacco was arid over all tbe werld. Row front a email oegianitg, sno-wss loem ap aa the atott preapjroiu towa et tbe Plate. The 'nosey tbat beieg brought te her paoplt goad pottioa. -iJj i. aJ i ; .i ' I 1 wai r&wau w. lannwe io tue latghboriog eountlea. He aokr J jh oi ivcerd, ntuch or purtiaai tobaooo aria eounterfaited, but' stid by putting profit at five cents per pound, at least 0,000 Bleu! C JU t.ber mannlacturce tniy. Tuieni a aerc outline of what i apeaker etui, shd he closed with an pea-handed hospitality upon the part of tie good citllens of Durham to tbs Press, the board of trade of Raleigh, snd tbe accompanying guests, the whole' ceaipa- y numbering seme two hundred. Msj. Engelhard, tbe president of the Prear Aaaoeiatiea, eloquently responded, speak lag in thi moat complimentary terms of Orange County, Chapel Hill aad more especially ol Durham, of whose prosperi ty aad thrift be had so much beard, he now saw with all luiagineble oleaaure. remarking tbat when he and other stu dents at lbs university used to run off to Durham to see John Robinson's Circus, never for once dreamed that its mag nitude would Ihjis have iuceaed and Oiled bis heart, with pride tef; be on hit old tramping ground. John Nichols, President of the Raleigh board ef trade, returned hearty tbanka for the kindly reception In their behalf. Speaking being 'concluded, tbe excur sionists were bountifully lemonadod which was pertalcaa et with extreme relish by our temperance men alone:. George HamaMtt tbe prince of good iows, jovial aad genial, witb a heart in irn as large aa a nurse, captured tbe drinkers while the letnonaders were akir mishiog heavily, and marched them to his department, the plug or chewing de partment, where he bad in large . vraiuls sim of the stuff that caiue so near ma im the Virginia arentleman's home a naradite liquids with "weens in it" Many imele a smile with George, aad tbe greatest nilaiuy aad geauiae good humor prevailed. After being lemuua ded and juleped, every one Waa presen ted with a bag of Durham tobacco, a enra cob pipe, and Hammett dispensed auy quantity -f his choicest - chewing plugs, the very beat ia the kf . credit to anv manufactory, for if any one kaewa now to put tnit article up uey uu ue that Georoe nils tbs wit Uur tiaae was aow up, and we were deprived of Visiting the various other establishments, so resuming our seate we speeded oa to Haw Kiver without lurtber incidents. Haw Bi van. We arrived at halfpast eleven o'clock landing at the beautiful grove near the, residence ot Col. T. Ja. Mnt,-a abort diatanoa bevoad tbe nver, : Tbe party wae weicemea Dy l'oi. uoll but as he said, ha waa net a ta'.kiag man, be called upon Capt. Ike Toung to repre sent blm. Tbe Captain complimentea our host end the beautiful place we were iavitedto, speka of tbe One lac lory in full view of ua which waa aa honor to the Bute and a credit to the worthy men who oca darted it. Hare much el the cloth tbat confederate a wore la tbe late unpleasantness was stiaufaetured, and av orv man wbo felt hit eountrv at heart' tbould be proud of it. Col. Holt, at pres ident ot tbe fiortn Carolina Agricultural Society, bad managed tbat association moat creditably, and baweuld surpass bis previous efforts on tbe next occasion. AJ aded to the history ot Alamance county. wboee cttizeni badeiwayi aeae tneir du- aad especially so in tbeJate struggle, is heart always went out to Coafeder ate soldiers, except to far at profit ia the fature, bad factlona bad plunged ut lata war where we lost all bat honor, thanked Qod that we still held to that. Compll minted Durham and tier people. The Editors prase t should herald to tbe Btate tbe events tbat had occurred to-day , for vou have reel tome or ber moat im portant lactones, aome or ber moat ener re tic citiaena. All weie thrice welcome hereto-day where yon have been to cordi ally iavited to tpend a few hours pleea- aatiy. Let north Carolinians kaow the agricultural, Industrial aad maauftctur lag resources. Aid tbe tbs State Agricul tural Society mr we were truly an agri cultural people, aad are ot as here eeldom see sech seal at ia manifeeeed by Black well, Tomlinsen, aed Halt, dsc-dx Ur.Joha Hichela, Pretldeot of tbe Board ef Trade, returned thaaka In their behalf, lullv appreciating tbe sentiments just uttered, aayiag we to-day have i much tbat Worth careliniaa. should be proud of. The beauty of this place and ita surroundings, wat an evidence of what neru vareuniane enia aai aaouia euii 'rtber do. Complimrated Durham. North Caro lina wat waking np to a new era, and the Press tbcmld Mceurege eepeclalJy all ber mtaufacturlng Interests.' Col. Holt i oat of tbe pioneers in thit movement wheat trueata we are to-day. dee. Mai Engelhard ia behalf of his brethren of tbe press, said, he would reply but aa ha had done a good deal ef talking, and felt ao comfortable after atopping at Durham he had oontcripted bis brotbar Denton. 4 Capt. Denton eame terware, aayiag he regretted that they were to late tbe suve- ry uaetef their President but at tbe time betook pleasure ia responding, taak lav a moat eraoaful aad alooueat aoaacb. !IItrt wt beheld the grandest ot works. Alamance wat first in tht revelation and tbe late war, aad now in peace kept pace with ber siatera. Tbe tsetory yon ate bat aa honorable history known from one end of the country to the other. Manufac turing waa the cradle ef Hereulet that ehould push ea tbe ear ef liberty. Spoke of the noble flaw Itiver aad 'A tbe re sources of rT. C; plants, mineralt, eta oawftwst-eV yer, the-ooly fcHate that pro aocee every anicie cnmpiiea ia sua ce sua, comrtaring her to tht varteut coun tnet and tbe empirt State of the Aodth. All honor to the jnagnaiimity of oar boot waj'.. - , , ' r (Concluded To-orrow.) RALEIGH, Ctty JBre-rltleax , The foaerml or Jobs R WOIUaaa Jr. took placa rVom tbe M. K. Cbnrch oa 5atrday t 11 i. M. The Bav. Mr. ItDgaae eoadooted tt acntioea, aad tbe Mruoa waa atrikiagly in good taete aad beaatirully ooooaired. Tbe remain were ancoropaiiied' to tbe cemetery by tbe Odd Fellawa, f wbiak (rataraJtylM aua a devatad aaeaibtr. aad .rfl wV ta nwul rkW&..rit rana oc inuHourtT. The nubiia are ia- vitad to attend, also tbe daily eeeeaeoa of the toolety. foe Editort to the late Press Coavaa- liou have generally departed for their nemetanoare loud la their praise of Raleigh "t true hespiulity. Je Garlick, the n.gre street ' preacher who replied to the crazy preacher Cyrus Holmes to efficiently teme montbt ago, and who, as s'a'ed j eater day, waacaaght " a cinaea's cbipken eoop, waa uo be fore the Mayor this m ining and ordered to leave tbe C'y forihwith or go to jail. COURTT C0MVnTIOM. The cit teiit of Hertlord eeuaty eeaembled in the court bouse In tbe town of Winten, N. C , on Monday the 1st day of May. 1874 fer the purpose of appointing dl gate- -the Conwrvative Cen;resional and Senatori- 4 C'unvaation to be held in tbo town of HeVn'on, N. ("., on the 38ih pmx. Oo motion Mr. Gierge W. Bcverlj was called to tbe chair and Noriuau L. Shaw sppeintsd Secretary. By request of tbe chairman, Msj J. J. Teatee explained the object of the meet ing and moved that the chair appoint Ive persons Xiein each township iu ths county as)delegarea, and tbe tallowing gentlernea wire tppointed : MorrikVille Township M.j J W Muore, L M Amnf lc, E , J It Jeraigea, N L Collirs, E D Scull. Wiuton Township, Jackaou li. Hare, John W Kaifon, WiPiams P fhiw, Jnni L Mi'chfifi; "John A' Venn. 8t. John't Townahip," Liag'i-r TVyl-e Ja ni-s P ffeetnare, Jai T Wjnn, OeurL'f Alkew, John A SUvciiaoc, Muilrtiaiboro loniuhip Clurlca Spen cer, U Q Madilrey, Maj J J Ymuw, Thus, Brown, William Beainin. . MaueyaKeck Towaabip L D Win- boms, Ooore V Cowpsr, Tbad. Vann Jaa E Everett. Jat H Maggett. On matt" " aonnoowy airreed that tht chairman and secretary, be added ta the lint of deltgatca. On motion it was agreed that tbe dele catea be laetrncted to recommend to the Conventione the names ol Maj. J. J Tcatea, for Congresa, and Th. B. Jerni- gaa lor tbe Senate. On motion it wat agreed that the Bee rettry send UeprocediDgiof the obj Ten tion for publication to tbe Raleigh SentiruL Rotaoke IfttM, and Korfolk Landmark. After the Uaaseotion of tome county butineas, such it appointing Committcoa, dsc, the Conventioa adjourned. - Gconoi W. Bkvcblt, Chalrmtu. NoMAir L. 6b aw, Secretary. TUB PRESIDEWT AND THE ARKAJV- tAS GOVERNORS. Tht President bat evideutly . learned lesson of discretion and policy in the po litical troubles of Louisiana. He burnt bit fingers bsdly down there; ahd tor that very good reason wa suppose, hs is not disposed to renew tbe old blittert by bulling them again ia Arkansas. The telegrsmt from him to the two Govern' on, Baxter and Brooks, which we print ed yesterday, were drawn witb exceeding civility and moderation.' He "suggests aad "recommends," aod talkt tuatively altogether to the two diaturbere of tbe public peace ia tbat recoottructed Common-wealth. It may be that the adntln titration bat ao choice between them and would be aa well satisfied with tbe i tt tbe other fer Governor. But, remembering tbe President'! prompt rt- faial to interfere in behalf of the defeat ad Radical candidate wbo wanted to hold oh Ib Texas, we are not unwilling to be lieve that, in view of that tangled Lou iaiaoaa knot which bu been to embarat- sing to the admioiatration, and in con sideratiea of coming consequences tht party, he hat concluded that the better policy just aow it to play the civic magistrate more, ; and 1B military raler lent, than he bat done. RicKnwiU LATEST NEWS FROM TON. WASHING- TiaFuiAJiaALQunsTwn Aoain Befobi Rpecial telegram to the Dupttcb, WAinurroa, May li. The Senate to day leooauneaded work on the flaaaoat. But one vote wat reached, and that wat upon aa amendment requiring bank te keep one-third of the amount ef gold coin which they receive front tbe Gov ernment at Interest upon the boodi de posited to jeeure circulating notes, or public daposlw ot permitting them to tx chtnga aocb cnU fee boade, npoav-wbkb they eeold receive three per cent, biter- eit, ami the reouiiniig two per eet to be retained by the Secretary of the Treas ury any applied to the redemption ef tbe ut per cent, fire twenty bonds, Thit n;;c., ;,IDAT. MAT 15, 1874. arai nj by 1 tt el tklrty flttaaa. " ' " ' Mr. Wrighi tkei ibalttc4 ia aateted uani to strike et tbt provtatoa of tb tominiuse'i bill whiok retires sa ameaat rgresBbaaaaJWlfty per oant ol too aaw beak iotsa baaad, aod iaoort u liea "fifty" the weidb HwaatjTO,' tbne 4 the pert of tbe MB inn lead . na., ,h tricken out la the pet tohente ef theeont- idttee. tlr Thnrmaa tard to-dav that It wae tbe important feature of tb hill ad intimated thai tbe 'meierity of the Senate would etrike it eet tbsv oould ake tht responsibility thereof. Tnreit. Mpeotttl JoiloeM. The wubllc are hereby tetured, through be eolumat of tht Dail iuu ta.i -wrewee rm conuta no- Inlu riout principle, but that they may be ad - ministered to coil dree tad the moot week ana mattered cooetitatioM fat aaull 4c with great certainty of i Dr A Johnson, out of tbe tal practitioners of hit time, iavewted what It aow called Jiaaaa't Anodyn Uu tmtnt. Tbe great euccess ot thit articltfin te cure or Bronchi tu and nlTdiarasea of bioat aad lunoa. will make tha ( Johnson not leas favorably, if last widely """"i "" mai oi msu Aapoleoa. Veterinary Bargeoei all near the en. try are recommending tUterdm t Caeoir Condition Vmdm for tht following troul 1?" Im PPito rougbaeai of the hair, atonaejre ef boU mr thick water, cough and eoide. iwelliag of n .nil. k ... -, .11. . v . '"""! "ui nuns ail, I QIC a wind, and heaves. An Irishman called at a draw atu i get a bottle of AAwea'i Anodim Lini ment for the Rheumatism; tbe druggist asked him In what Dart ot tha '., r ? a m" ? 1 " M . r - . . . . r - - J - " 'M u.ui mma corner er I me. For Inet ef cud. hern all. red watar cnwi, loot of appetite, rot, er murrain iia-p; mica wind, orekttt W indeed '"Ki ana iot ail onttruotione af thai arid. Beys in sorites use .SAtnsWiCAesJry Con- Al tmJtm Pint ll.n I iien 41 nrwvtaupv w Parton'i Puroatm PtOs. whiab aa. eatle la their operation. One at a , dote. I loea qualities, oertaltly. Without doubt hundrede ef I who will read thit item art suffering Kidney Disease in tome form, which might be eared with a kettle er two of Jouuen'i Amodynt LinimmL used iatern allj. Why not try It I ! , -4 NEw-iLirmTiaiMnaiTi w AMI D. Bttnatiod adr tawref ted CeotroeeleV Attain Engine, and Machinery. 'Satiafad- ry reference given. . Apply at Uia office. dtwAw-lw. .. ...ii, .... Q R E A T ALE 0 T GARDEN HOES. FOR NEXT SO DAT, GARDKM HOES Sfi CENTS. OAKDEN HOES 18 CENTS. I Garden Garden Uardim Hoes to Cents. HocttS Cents. H its M Cents. I Warranted 8inl, i. Warrabted Buel, Garden Hoet 10 oenta, Garden Horn 30 ceata, t . " ."CUeatBargaina, .,. . , Great Bargtina, .. Garden Hoet U eente, Oarded HoeaW ceata, ' . i lall Early, -j ObB Etrty. Gerdeat Hoet 40 eearta, I ' Gajden ,noet 40 ceott, ,. . j tJahwaaeiy Low Prwet, 'Extremely Low Prices, j Garden How 45 oaola, -n . j Getden UoeiWenta, ' 8, 90, M, 40; 48, and M oenta. ' t CaH end buy greet Bargains at ,T.H. BIUGGSA SONS. ;may l-tf.,1 N O T I 0 Karri I ' f-1"1 To Btone Coatraeter'i Awaled bide will be recetvad to tsib iait 10 e'efock. tor " ea - building the Pieret bridged Rocky Riv er ia Cebarrnt county. All eolid Itaeenry 55 yardt new atone required. 4 ' P. A ARCHIBALD, - JdCOB DOVE, , . X. G. WHITE, Bridge Oooa. ' P. S. All communicttloM must W ad dreaeed toF. A ARCHIBALD. Concord, N. 0,May4, l84.-dtl. r- 400 comw or XAaoxio mi for efedenvered atrVTt wnr Leave roar orders at E' te btora. Hill illabore Mtreet. , Bisyr-tut. JOtUf DAV1A Oil Dl.lll . H I AST -A R r r BOUT rtow' eiaywrff , 1 ; v ('- - ( A AKDBEWgAOOL, . CtoUiian, Wt lini'fW Wt V9 MT i M h V rwi - v-ww m- y y AVUS fcffieflSJwk,Ty' ' WfeaU5a2Miaa bWs fair to be contiiued (or tome time. I lit to TUtli V ' I 4 Ve" I Win , .. .: . T Jtnttry 10, Wi. Nearalgi, Bounw, Soreneai 1 All HettorrfcifMs UiaVrbOMe eie. Orange Spor tine; AND BLA8TINO POWDERS. GUNPOWDER, Put up la Metallic aad Wooden Kegs. . LAF&1N AND EMD POWUIH CO. , bUtraxlna beyood tbs City Limits. , t - Ba'ehrh, N. C. JOUCS LCWIs A CO. Agents. Powder delivered abroad or say where la toe cur free of eaanre. j We mrne erden Irom the trade. 11 '' - ,. ' ap0-tx' Q A li or f ton TI. Ine pronrrty ef DKLlRQUKMT :1TT TUX PAT IRS, adTertinad aesordtmr to law will beeold oa SATVItUAT tbe loin. Tbs rale to take Piece oa tbe wreaihes, ' fgAMUUI M. BUUKELL. may Is it. Collactor. -ea,v ea Oresesi eopy oae ttote. MOTT t An old Pnj'ie'" OD bat nearly en annates ortginato from admbamb rjonDmoai of thi mvbb, aad this ttat Kent ia tree, blthongh It uia) tt first Stem ke ac exaggeration.! When ; tbe Liver a) ut of order the whole tviteut and ev ery organ aad functionaumtr mere or leal in consequence. le the incipient ttiget er me ntaeate a man ; - He k moody, rettloat and duspoadent ' H A BUtuua DAT, and prevent a whole train of dlieaaet that atay follow ' MOTTl UVM rtLU ottr torpidity of tor Liver. uoni uvna tms give tone to the ttomach. A-' - Morrt uvna illb tleanse tbe lyateui dfbile. JT7 . -I jtoTT t uvna riLU onve out monte si- I fcctione." L mutt's Ui MUTr'mvna atrengthea tbe whole- ret eet. mott's uvea fiuj regulate the Liver, and are more rellsble aa a Liver medldnt i than any ef the mtterwf pfqwrotiera tbat mi ntou BABM tbabt eoos. Foe sale by all Druggutn, net bog. Price SS oenU I ProS and I College Place, n. I. IT wim AND KESTTELS CI1CI11I IILIIT. 1 87 4. Ae eternal vigllaaoe ia the price of lib erty ao it eoeuiued tigilaoce, bos eat, fair and upright dealing neoeeaary to tuo eata n bueineat, Having from the ootmt ($ art tgoj appreciated these facta, and noted a pan tuent, we find euraslvm to-dny rewarded for the eountlent naxie- ties, vexationa, aad tbe teat of net by teeing ear loog cberiabed hope realiatd, of making Charlotte a Wbeleaale Mart, I tnd Qllm an exclusive HOW a -rw-r-t-tl"fr -: In order to be more ex pliclt. we have I the pleasure of Informing tbe meroaaUle World that are have leased tbe anperb Stoie, adjoinrBg our preeent Store, (bera te fore occupied by Meaera, Brem, Brewt A Co., at their Drr-Uoodi otere,) which we will oocupy by fiatt ef September next fer Ue BetaM Trade oaly, aad trill est onr-- piiaoMt legaet aad eoantedieui Store for ah tXCVJUlYt WHOLEAiLE HOUSE, tbne ghrmif to tbe trade aetrkt It "Waeleaaie JMaWlMbntent," where thev oan make their teleoUoai from n Stock r tatftttawd for that Trade only, thus aveid I tag coming ta eeotact witb a retail Block I and RETAIL BUYER The advantage! of toco t Hoaar are but tbvlooa ft aeed I The particular ef tbe lion of Ooodi le be kept ia each House, we will give ia a fotare circular. i Twelve tbe general 'i reader a better enemeption ef tbe eoloosal dimensions ef ear two Uotuee wt state that We will have towards ef Thirty .Tboetaed (30,000) lee of superfieial floor loom; er if n lane ef tea faN wide were formed of ear atom, it would reach oooaiderabty - ever half a Utile. . : t. r::,..t j.... s At tht same time we inform onr nume- rouw friends tha our Af r. Ristels it new urein North beylnt our second Stock this teaton, and oning to the decline ia goodt, will again place at ia a position to eoccrufBly compete witb all other -----Viirv Rwtntmftittv-- -- '-"'' "r" wirmwaKV n- nr m Charlotte, N. O, May 1 at, 11)74. np 80 dlt wet'1- , ... ,' I I1 l" '.. ' 1 11 BOM-TON rX! STATION SIGNALS. p ent oa reoelpl of M c ue. t aiqua PrtQUuraat I rabliablBg tie ieeat, a Verttf Street,, i umUTV..tJt jua.w w .1.1 -, , i . liu-'i.,,,-..!.- r v. a- i. a CywrmwK' a - ,'we'snMi Ttmmm 'US: A Lit Pi! ViOM fornvrr; NO. 242. N' iw goods i vrrw goodsj v A. Very Tmportasnt Npttoe to all Poraionai Wlak- " , lngr to puy Mer . , , Gooflajat' I M tb cllv. 'We are 1 unw 1 ahl. "fa I ttteat Mia h 17KK tha ibee fta mn bwea oitirr-t tier tin aawaiaa t ta. ., , oeeaiugiy sipuu Uhk w Ike JiVthern awan, All genele til not tin nWln! nri much aad uaar iMytt t .hLig advantage ef roaa wt ten a . - i. .m -j Xew Aff Ihum in la CVp, Weraytnali lh4 they n at w Heitf "7 'niniBi wr noun neiiire curing - . " m will MBit TIKI SMI ariit goodt. our stuck at EM F IUE-:- LY NEW. PETTY A JONta. p uda ; Prof. Craig n tons Writinw f :iaa7 Ztn meet Mopday, e'dock P, la tbe KVieoda of Temperance UalJ,over Ualltv't Store. Pupita will aleaee brimr Rt.tini. UghuHpeeMwrltapene No.f,or Utllotu ooo- &eoa Uentlemau eaa brlat Lady without eitra t barge, , , . ap eua Wishing to ; mte baeiaeet, I will tell in U or re shaswa et tbe stock ef the iUMsti abiteau. Apply to ' UCIUI led w. Harris, UxtorAM. V : tab ISswi JI hsvs last reeslM my entire tteck e wring and Bnmmer Uuoda, , bought at las able te offer roodsortbe sameqaaltu as ebese I any eee In tfcU er i? other market. 1 DMTS00D8, ' MOTIONS, FANCI f a..-4.!,,l!S!a? ?." I KW AND prtoes tad told for a latall .umflL -'- .a., 1-11 h aae lowan i aoimgny mstonmrs and faUWa te supply , ThMkfalloep-it,.' Iaooatosaartt. I eonuaaaae. of the auae b eleet ntteeUei uoaums. i I A a BKWBOM. ap lt-d3m -0. L C T f-- Im refcreaoe te the BOLLS ' O HANDLED, CpTTON HQS, that tli the only HOEmade of Bplid Cant SUsl-Not Rolled Steel. We end kt 1878, tM donen ef tbeae Hon. We Warrant every IIOH perfect la StnTempwa' aad Finlab - - ,f Uardwva House of ; " ap if-M tVUVi LEWIS A vO, POrJKKeiONU, JCD14UAL AND MMATOlUai. COM VUTiOWa. fjeoMrjreeto-Coaiervative Conveatlon M the tftst OMgrssNooal Dtstrtct af N. Cnrotlaa will be held m Edeaton eet There? day, tht I8lh dai of May. , 1874. for the I purpose ef omit ting aoaadld ate to re-, present tbe Diatriot ia the 44th , Voatrm m toe unreaa BXatev- r w At tht tame time and place CeoveaUont Will be hi Id to anmiBato candidates for Judge aad Solicitor ef the first -Jedieial Oiatrtct, and eaadidatoa for the Senate ia tbe first Sawatortal Dlttriot.' I -: i i J ! The Countiee It tht District are reauett ed to bold their primary meetiuge and ap- point uetegntea u tttena , tuete uonven Uone. . . , . -.1, . 14 . W.F. MARTIN, - ' Chen' ot Cutis). Ex. tVwMuttte. a. XL BAXTJUi, r: t, Cbm't e Judicial Onnmitkw, , . . w u . O. A. GILLIAM, r'ma ml Hmm ilnmmltlM. mm & mm ANNOUNCEMENT XtTJ.t-adrewai Ap (io (OLonuaae aaa enuen wtaiannM ) World iwsiMMtran sail the ttteattoa ef new ai etr anawte eawan and ItaeawbUe aa ally to U air Puxk at Spriag and Saauaer lothlat,for Met end fcoya, . the nws t ef Unto lev. lora. PartaMaa, Sace tbe dacUne' la Goods which cnabiee as le tell much lowtrtbaa heretofore. Call tat examine ear etoek aad toeytwillaot cars te took ebwwbeee belert purvbsalng. i April Mad, U74. ; A Iargt and nttraeute Stoekef . r OasUrtrnUhlng Oooda, ConstanUv on hand, . AMOKKWi A CO. ' ' . April t-md, 1814. Afl the latest MevslUea w .Uate JostN eetvedst . mji. r X. B. AHDKX.W! UU. ( . Ctwlhiari aod O.nU ramlahars, gf-v . i - - . 7 FayetUvUleBt bam l wav re. w, w. nAvta, ww. e. aAtrrw, WITTI.IilllfcCI., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NORTB- r EKN ICE, . ft rOUTSIOUTH, Ya. OpvtCA AT jca Booaa ea.. ..Qcana . Biamtt, ,-r....F,. 0.. BOX .UA. Jlaving tbrot Ice Huutes tod tuperior feuililiee, are prepared to ship Ice in sny qnaouiy via weseoarta m iwauu. toad, or by f liver er uaoa! Hoars, wua on patch aad at lowett ratea, itut l-ASU- the; J SENTINEL: ! iAJ)YXiXiauia aatxa. . AsreitUaminiU wtU bs tsarvM U tbe bauy uaTiaaii at tae foliewiiif rates per ,earr at Qos laea, or aitaloa hmr. , iMMMoareosei asA aobaaaaaaitaseruoo less Uaa a week........... I square, Week,! Jtqare,TaM. W ! , Iin, ami t a u.o trVyliOOl, li - ie.ewi"-' " ' ftUlOi'l,-) IM.00,1 ill " U . O.Ue .0 0.01 3 PCS to LF.lnrkia'nlitTirtiiii a ben tofted at YOKK, FA, by od at BOLTOKA Mese.;by AA JOgMBBSOIf, K.B, f"f Assoelat. Jastiees of Ue ttui.raa ' ?l-,Wbnn ned .o the- wbSJ r" v-wie(Osr. . . fk im.u - H : ,i ,,r . tERf ' AND LADIES JfANCT UOODS. . -tT efewloom'&rttllL' tloaal nana, hss retu.aed from tbe y ,h MjUlaeryandLadletFaaey OoodsolkMUv Irtt designs and anoortatioa. Tbei Ml'liaer L. j .v. lr'!,l ' "Perlaaee, and Ue nnbUe . iiTZril.r,? T .7 """f onerea ior sale te Wlla nahUiiiahauut lswartantiaa a of th-- lfrla. OaJl snd examln toMe, Which 1. oed ittba - Mito. HAMRtKT ANDRIW8,- " epiadtf ' ,Porl,a 'tthion. IW OOOD8 FOR 187C . .... . bau a .rrom f, ; . IXomutalm .ExpltxlcKl ' i ... i-r w t .. i t . . mil Mil m nmt mri A. - CREECH laaertTr ' - trade aad oo. O B t Q b O D ' " ' an UNUsUALLf ATTBACTIVI Stock ol P-is audi SntnmaaerCiooda. rweo'ly parefaaaed ta Hew Terk. aad saa .'.hwf ""wht at PAS1U PhMutar -.jnoea or -I i ., frnwliooda. While Oooda, . I UnenUaadkerchlefs,aiovs, ' mi t in ' . Uoatat. tCCEln-a. Klhhont I rarasoia, o., ko., . . AaetlKT It IX an embi aues evarvlhin that la 1 " a-t"'"i u the . r'llL. , . . , ,. . . tW find It to their mUreat to sail ed.., be m atnxk i' . rrj 'Z sa wiev ara aew and will ha aulil iiPiNi71 PRI KA Jranr.SLri.S?. ST ' "'"" mv Nl'JtTILl I MThttX tl. r BVBnmaaw vb uieJIH IMinw Mirabetan net arwaab aiiaaatw. . . , , er th before toe war,, r ... ewew nuwi vi Shoe! ijd Hts leeLadlea, Oawta'and Mlsamtt iargt and weq I assortrd, aad pe"n wanting gwda, wares erttMrchaaHllat, abould always sxaaiae my f1" hnylog, at I lutead to make it tnelr Interest to bny of me. I -rtopeellnlly COTJSTRT KER CH AMI 0 to examine my stoefc, as I wUI ofiar ! umb special laauceaents, and think X eaa UTEUnJSS only Reliable win t)UWluUoa U tha ....,..wnnliT - r.4aj :$6OMO0(E: 1 YA LU A. B I. E ' Q I FT 8 f ' tN ti m mm Dnrmrartap tit - - . "DeSiisrjs's lm REGULAR MONTHLY m t- Jjit tit mi it. 'i - .' ef I i)rwa Jfcaiay.; A11874. j I ' TWO G RAND CAPITALS 0 F I J f'" , '" 1 (.-,. ...;- I tljOOO each i arcenbackll ui. , . I TwoPriaettl.000 f " ; j aptl dirwAwtw -v?t, ..CBtXCH, I jaA-ifcj L-.l'Ja jlii!.' -U til Fit Prtaos, 1300 5 ? GraunbtckA t ' rea Prteea, 100 1 g ( " ' '" I Hone A Baggy, with 8ilver-mouuted ! Hareeet, worth 8000. Oae Fiat toned ' Hoaewood Piano, worth . i Aisttoi-. ., ...... , . : ,., Tea Family Bowing Machines, worth 5 8100 each I - Five Gold Wttcbet Chalat, worth $300 each t T"ra3-j'Ti V r:y " Five Gold American, Hunting Watches, - worth $133 each I Tea Ladiea Gold " Bunting Watchot, worth $100eacbl SjW (M4 end Alwltw JltmUmg WaUkt, - k aO, wertA fnm tack I Gold Chains, Uver-Ware, Jewelry, Ae., Ac. - Ewnher tf Gift 8,500 1 ' : Iftitt Wtifott tt Fell Titkets, U vbfs blkeril rrcnliBt will tt paid. . . Single Ticket ft Hit Tick ot. ti .Twelve -iKketa $l0il.wenty-rtve l-'U. ' Circulars eontiininr a full 111 of prima, a Ideaortpuon -et Uie auumar ot drawm?, wni other tniurmatioa In nifervneo u tl li!n- bulion, will be sent to any one ordi-nne: laeia. Ailksllera muat Im aUiiftwMia w n ittu.1,. U 11. sun, r'i , 101 W. rJjBt, ClNCiNail, 0 tpiJ-U

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