t"4U mM4fe: H.rlTi laanT.a; The tJeiebrated a3vtt.a' Fertiliser. All I BiRi rntTiL- I7,lNt)UMrAN,' Bidfroajthformolo' PKor. WltXIAM HIL.HAM la atamped with k. om PATKNTKU TRADB 1aEK to UUAKANTEK Udi.Unct frota all other. rrepirtd Esperiillj tti Solely Itt th( COTTON CHOP, Bt TUf "80UTHEKN FltRTILIZlNU COM I-ANY." H1UUMUMU. VA tjg" "Each grai'iva of CUnt nmt bara Un il'KliriO F0O0 SUITED TO ITS PECULIAR N AT U KK la ordor to prodoca tha 1.AKUE8T AND Mr REMUJTKRATITK RESULTS." THE HIUHE4T TE8TIMUNJAL8 raeoirad from eTerydlrectloa Irom many of Uk Larcaat KAKMERS-fron OPINIONS OF THB PRE bo L,l NEWSPAPER t!ORRESPO!DENT8. aad OTHER DISINTERESTED FARTlEd,throuf(h the DAILT PRKS, rcUtiTB tp IU plendld ac- ' tion Uirougnout uia duim. THIS CELEBRATED .COTTON" FER T hat won luvha matkad and ex tenure nptm. tion throughout the cotton erowta raKtow of North Carolina and Vinciaia; aad has baea ao utenaireU used and alinoatonlreniallTpraUed tlmtwadoaraltTOOWEIXKNOWNTtt RE QUIRK NV PRAISE AT OUB HANDS. Its Merits Speak for Itself.; Bt the handiximo yiold It prodnces, and tha laiva NET PKOITITS realUed from 1U rflr Ak joar newbriora wbo hare tried It what they thluk of it. It PATS A MKT PKOF- . IT of . : OVEB-IOOP N. B. There will be only a oartain UMITKD AMOUNT of thto Fertlliaar manotacturad aa pecially forOUK SUPPLT. Out tn tha trada, wiUdowalltoaeadln their ordart i at once, tabe booked ahead, and than tioy aan nrrinr aa tha mar need It. The "Southern Fertlliaing Compaoy' era Renarallj, at ail tha priaclpal Ci Town aud SUUoaa, throuchoat North Carolina aad Virginia, SPECIAL AGENTS: C.W.CIIANDI&80N8, COTTON ACTORS ; 2SToilkv3rQ, We hare the axcltwlTa control of tha "COT TON" FERTILIZER for North Carolina aoa SoSth eastern Virelnla. Tbia FsrUllaar a hadaioa the f oliowlog tannai , i CasH'BaBis. (luTon at our Warehone Draiaga M CenU Par Tua Additional. Ordera for & Tone and Cuwarda 4 Par Cent Die. .. w .. r HO " A I 10 Caah ordera Bast be aoeaaapaaled iy tha Caah. No diacowt allowed oa Order aader Fire Tons. . ,f'-i.;; ;'""' ' 5 0,1 THE, 1 ITI JaliM'f Kt ClITI Par Tow at on VxeloDiTaga, W Genu Per Ton AdditkmaL Payable 1st No vember next, wltnea Interest. Order tor ttl Tubs aad apwarda 10 per cent Discount. . .. Order for M Ton tad apward t per cent. Discount The Mseelrat M timd order to bo based OB tie Caah Value, lev per ton. . NuDiacovat aJowadoa Ura ordeta aaderM ,0Order.VADi rIEeCTor tbraagh any CoV toa rector, Comoilssioa Mero.aaU or Dealer! gaaaraUy, will reoeire prompt attenUoa, Aft ply or aand your ordera to any lierehaat or leelraa If UieyhTaot got fethay will or der it tor yoo; or the famara and Planter ga eraJIfeaa form CLUBS and aand their order aceonpaaaada tha Caah tor kU o , W, 1W, Uor Wtonaat thaabcraratea of diaooaat, ra epectirelT. No diacoaoU allowed except for kriaaaaa adabore. Ail letter of eaeniry aa werad proaptly. Wa do not eoaaiaor it aeoos aarytoaakaai one to bur this Fertiliser, bat anerely toaBauoacaUOW AND WUikJiliiauy be bad. -AptJiKsrtr .LW.G iS,. t ( ' ; i v s , 8 A iP. Oi L I 0 ' IULEIQH, K. a - - V 1 Muat$l, lot Scouring Kntvea ta better aad y cleaner than Bath Brick. Whi oot ! v ' aw " ' :seraka." This Company coaUu arrive toUdt , jVVnhVk. 35 A l T '. at 'air mUSuOaall elaaas af hauiabk prop- i ,.,.. . .- r- - m wm:xr..jm. ...v!...-.!!? Jt jsrJatfW-".ejt.eMWaa -t -us BoSW 1 kI PW2 ioloriJcUuaa, 4 1 TV'-JjC'r " I tor toss acid or oil and rottea atone. I Agent In all part) of the State. -1 lj the mOKT (J RAKE of f.rtrS1r! known, to Cheaikta. and MAITA1 AMD (iUABlMTKEaaaUomaUBdard. . ri.t- .ui.i. jj h Um liaata law oaa OOTTOS FACTORS, NOBFOLC, TA. ll imnuziMQ oompxjt Enoch Morgan's Son'.s 5 U il U'L 1 O raMUtati for font for all Bona "If feurvoeeieept washing clothes . tor classing you boas wtU NT Um war at oa chaaer. w u aval. i,i i' o x, o for Windows It batter than whiting or wstor. Mo aoviag curtoine aad ear- 8 A P 0 L I 0 ekaa paiat (ad wood, ta tact to sa tin boase, better than aoap. No stop- ping. Save labor. to to Without it. L 1 o taw waah abate aa eeare iBTaiaaoia. aeaper man aoap. 8 A ' l' 0 L 0 . nuna ataia froa saarba saaatel, table ad atatnary, from bard tniah- - ad walla, ao4 troov aaiaa aad poree- 8 A P 0 L 1 0 retBOTo ataia and graaae from ear pels and other oreo fabric w. a-5yW,r Tkerc la ao article kaown that will da o aaay kind af wark and do II a well as aapo. Ha. Try IU HAKD 8 A P O L, 1 0 a new aad wonderfully efiectir Toilet Soap, baring ao equal in thla oonnWy or abroad. HAHD 8 A P O L I 0 aaan article or the bathJ'roache the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pofea and girea a healthy ac tion and brilliant tint to the akin. HARD 8 A P OLIO cloaaseaand beauUdae the akin, Instantly removing any alaln or bleiiiah from both hand and face. HAND 8 A P O L 1 O la without a riral In the world tor curing or prerenting rounlii and chapping of eii lier banfia or face. HANS 8 A POLIO remore tar. pitch. Iron or Ink atalna aad grease ; for worker ta machine skopa, mine, Ao., u inraiuaoib. I or making the akin white and soft, and giving to it a "dhkhb oi Doauiy," it u uuaur- raned by any Cosmetic known. HARD 8 A P O LI 0 coat 10 to 15 cent per cake, and arerybody should bar it Yon will Uk it DON'T FAIL TO TRY TftKSK OOODe. But A of tout aadoant if b ba or will procora it for 7011. If not, then write for our Pamphlet, LAII about 6apo lio," aad it will be mailed free. . ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, Park Place, N.T or W Lombard, 8U, Baltimora, Md. , )aoa ll-dadweowly -. irk ftf Pound Bulk Clear Sides, iXl'KJKjKJ too sold at Baltimore Ice, freufht added, at Sept I LKACH BRO'S. A 8 L E F F EL'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel POOLS & HUNT, Baltimore. Mjuafactaror for th South sod BoutE- watt, Nearly 7000 now in ue, working andec baaau Tarring from 1 to ado feet I Maiaot, from SM to M Inches. Th moat powerful Wheal ia tbe Market, And moat economical Id dm oi Water. Large Illustrated Pamphlet seat poet Iree stAJTCFAOTUBKBS, ilM, Of Portable and Stationary Steam Engine lad Boimrs, Bibcock k Wilcox Patent Tubulooa Boiler, Ebaaeh's Crusher for Hinerala, Saw and Grist Mill, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery for White Lead Works sod Oil Mills, bhaft- ing Pnlleys and Hangen. b&au ruit ciitcLLAita.? fbS-wSa Si LI Or REAL ESTATE Br Ttrtaa of a deed of mortaran azeca- ted to me on the 1st day ot April, 187. by Jon W. Eatman and wife, laUlL oa Saturn day, th iatk of April, U7i, sell at pablle aacUoa at the Oonrt Unas door to U iiurh- sat Wddar, aU the interest of Ike said John w. Batman, in certain land aitaaU la Wak Coaat Are or tlx anile West at th aity of Raleigh, on the North Carotin Kallroad aad adjoining th land of Capt, AUaa. P. P. Tuck and other. For parties an apply to T. P. Dr reax AOoraey, atKaleigu. r aprUl-43St rpa BOXDK1U OS CITY BONDS. Th asvderslned commiUee of Mas Board of CoassBSMioaer a the eltya ftaletgk propea s be pwaaat at ta Ciuaena National. BA heiwaoa , th avan. cn! 11 and Ml a'asoek, A HH ami as roa oss wiu rana fats usra, kt order to tak aeaotaadaat toeeity bonds ewtataoeing. All aoUess Utr boods raaaing swa. Two aid raaaa rat as. whetaar aataired or eat. an reqaaatad to exhibit laea to th ooeasait- tee t aaa of to aoan aaeaea.' KXM r F. BATTLa. , W. W. WHITE, H. T. CLAWSOW, ( J AS. H. JOHKS, fekMiw - Cofnltte. : J JANES ' - CA68IMERES, ReceiTod sad to be sold low. Call and sea tbcm, J. D.NEWSOM. aOTll-tf JKWIfa' WARKASTID XSSI r W hiT aold X daawav tbl seasow.aad not as aaa broke. Ask for to "Jaila leva" fx and Uk aa other . INSURANCE. E N00 OKH BOl I INBTITUTHM ShGOHITT A OA tNSTTIKE THE NOXIX1I CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPAUTt ft. a- fUrsUL. Jt rrsaldeat. C, B. RoOT.-Vlca PresideaV . aataa iiataa. Soeratary. IuLaasu Oowfia, Saparriaor. Jane tft-tt Iron in tho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The rerjvian Sump, Protect' ed Solution 0 th rrotoxUlo of Iron, it to combined a to kava tho character of an aliment, ao easily dlyeateil ami attUnUated with the blootl at the timplett food. It increatet the ouantitjf of Kature't Own VitaliMlni Agent, Iron in the blood, and eurem uathoutand Hit," limply by Toning vp,lnviaoratlng and UtaHtiitffthe Syttem. The en riched and virilized blood nor meatet every part of the body, tearchinff out morbid eoertm tiont, and leaving nothing for disemte to feed upon. This It the tecret of the won derful tuccett of thla remedy Its curing ItyHpepBia. Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rbcea, Bolls, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Iiosa of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all dioeamt originating in a aWsrt ttate of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a lout ttate of the eyttenu liein g free from Alcohol, in any form, itt energizing effect are not fid . lowed by eorretponding reae tion, but are permanent, infu ting ttrength, vigor, and neut life into alt parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, tufferinu crea ture, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women j and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. Bee that each bottle hat PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass, PamplUet Fro SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, Ho. 1 reTJltew Plaaa, aerteai ar Dkuqoists esaiasLit, F O R S A I E A complete art of BLAXJCIIAIID'O IMPROVED MACHINIST FOB MAKING Plow Handles, capacity of which Is 500 per day; also on 90 hone power Engine and Boiler, Saw Mill, Bhafting, Pulleys, and lng Lathe, variety of M and Haagat. Wood Tam- lng Lathe, variety of Moulding Machine. Lei t- lag, Ac Or In other words, "A FIRST-CLASS PLOW HANDLE j FACTORY." Will aell aa whole, or by detalL Address, T. H. PAHM, Boi 907, Kickmond, Vs. deeHMt , , gftTI SALT 1 1 111 Kacka Msrsballa aad Vaniiaa (oar aav half tnahel Back Salt. At ostftf F. JONES COS. J OH A SH 4 T R UNO BOOKBINDER AMD Blank Book Manafaetari. owaa a. O. bookstou. RALEIGH. N . lea is v jjvtjB tr 1 Bed Room tafiirwitan. 1 Parlor bat Famitoro and Tablet V )slS-tf w. uoNES.aoa T-ILUAMSOM, TJPCHLH;B AND TUOMA Wholesale Grocers (&JJlSSI03T MEBC11ANT8, : FATKTTIVILLK STRUT, O.pposlto ktatrvpoiitaa, H11, - " RALEIC.I1, BT 3. B. P. WILLIAMSON . W. A. t'PCHURCH, . sept "S-tf J,J.TtMiMAa yj- W . P E B L B ATTOHNEI ht Lkf JACKSON, NORTH CAROLINA . ' PrarttcaaJn all the CoariS of Horttuaotoa. Halifax, Bertie aad Hertford eonBUaa : to toe SapreaMOowrt ot North Caroiiaa, sad ia to lederai Ooaru. - '-t taraw" j4aSaWswwaa-- N Si JOB OFFICE. iAra?r JOB WORK UsWag refitted oar Job Office, And secuwd thai' servieot et a We ars now prepare to mefte 13 fe fc WJJ - 'ti A'i ,al Eiai PLAIN AHBTAKCT VU1 psnotu tUTing Bill nesds, Letts: Brads ; Buaisas Cards, TaiMag Oard Wsddfsg Cards, Cirealsit, PeSraeV-T To print, will rbtb their work sx ' 1 : 1 ecntod in tha verj bast style bjr sendiDg it laiE; J " v MVaaaauwii, ,V aa,. W ara also prapariad UZiolft kinds af nnmn ?ri Uirery boat sljle, st; .tt-.ni.-lit- AU workmen, to ni rsM bejdone aa.qDieklT'ehaaplj as at an I .mi; n ...,riiiiiitV.e other 1 ' ' ' T !'. Y "( isi-ua PRINTING HOUSE IN THE Of aU kind Priated at ahort Ratios, j In short, waara tweMred to ex ecute all kinds of Printiaf ia the -la .a "'"'-- . Jakasry Sam, Hffa, Da. Morr's Lira Pusaltkaaay eaoagb to make a pill, hat to aaka a good pill, ahl that the ditacaityl There ar cbasp, hanh drastic pUla.Bkatara'ofaTuhMbeaent Ik as adoaa of alto- bat rnod aardlclea, Uk IX aoU" Lira Fills,- which deaetntot to thi aaat otdissaas, k alaalSaataa tad aad. Wit) aosturaty emra au auwasea of toe Brer. Sol ere-ywhsra. Jown F. Haaar. Ccaaal Jt IX Prortatora, S and OoUaja FUa, Jiw Yarn F 1 r Tsaaaaaraigaad eaHn ttw aan, oa reason able ton, a very daatrabi aad Talaa'ila tract of laad, wttaia aatio- aad aaaartoret to Souther Emit of th dry of stolaigh, aa to Wataido of lb F aretterllis load, can- taaag two htadrad aad twaatr acres, it fronia oa to roes far nearly a mil. aaeeM be eaateatoaUy dirtded Into two or mora toai to out parrhaaen. Pareoaa daraaof aer- ckadag will be taken aver the promise sad eaa eMail ait necessary taforasaUoa froa filaa Wav a. sUadsaa, or arr nor IW M. A. LLZDCOX. I " fvr -sJ -at mT-nTTTiirria PROFESSIONAL CARDS, ate. J. II. I L K t MING, ATTORNEY AT LAW - wilea aoatl of th Court Uo avar aatlaal Ofsoa. aTU . lbs FSTftoaa . OAKK m S4TUNO. aoa stuw TTtjRKitl A T I A W luLKj.aa.B.GL kata aW Faaaral Coarla aad lb Coaru of ks let aad Stk sVaatalal Diatrietf. r as- - aft S T BO D W I 0 K .-t-ks, 'Tl aoaTHCABOLlNA A If 0 tl M O It M a T, lfarVUlaJajwaBOatairaa lad. saextaat caaSiaato for the ef&ea af SUFE BlOBOOyaT CLEUK for Wak count, At. 11. NAI, ap M If THE COZZTJECTIIJU T VUVTVAL LIFE ! ' Uaiiraixce Company. aaiauia ta alghaat atoadardnf SOLVENCY .... Tna cnkrail Sf ta larestunat of Itt sees aulte4 aaaeuot 836,000,000 I10 th BiirbaatClaa for aecaritr : It bar. lag aeaar lost s douat at II toraatment. Its ! b U It P L U 8 a. larger than that ot aay other Companj ofer , . i. ,- . . iSD.OOO.OOO; hkwKaembaraliln tjt-orn' fft.rjraj tnertoss IU ratio for th aaUr S7 er of it bualae ka baaa bat 0.9 7 tXSl CENT of it receipts. Itjiaa ao Stockholder. Cray dollar of aawlng w proSt beloaga aoiely to tor POLIOY-HOLDER. Fsma aaah a raeerd oaa aaa wail Jadga where to'inaaiw with saiety aad th maUcat poasi- BMeoa. Hk O. WAIT, Oes'L Acroat. IALEIOH, N.C sapt U I E T B E B BS ' Another ah Ira eat ot oar hraaJ ot dAafa coot wKrra lead Jast to band. BKIHOd At SONS N 0 T Vi The aonartaarahln heretofore sxlatlnr under aaa aad eirte of BOOKER A N RR1S, kStoday diasolvad by antaaj eoaaeiit. J. BOOK KB. A MOKKia. feb.a-4at. TJtTATT PLOWS. fc -f .-.. VY Another Sttpnlf raMiTsi to da toaiy silihsant pa.' Ala. lal 1 of DlU J silihsans n'aw.' Ala. laator ta ssm, Fuaan Trtoad'1 aad a lam aaxiaaeat fatnerplowa lilt If Agt. fur Mit' r irar ilANGB nOTKL, Alllll, M. 0 Br M B . BOB A 1:0 W . tZ-i Fair good to tba Mark, aaa sfori. Cnarg nmnaali1. tmawis tag - atLKHSUWi, Tf HI WATT fUW. OofiranUr roawai' anati'Jnt it hm to aasaoasstorar af thto ea'ebratod piW TM lAOner stoat Friend. JAMES M. TOWLSS. ay ta-tff dgt for too Manitaetaron HE WARREN HOE, Etbbt Bol Tmrruro Oa, ato Was RAJiTBa ov Vnsr BnT Cast 8tbu St will sntar tb growad better. . It be tbe most wtlery SBrfso. It will elans aad asstir th beat . It is the strengen grads Hoe ewer mad. 1 is tbs most tibotaal Bos betwesa cbtojwtiVa4c,r r ta lor B)erlaur areailar rarcs oxti-t JULIUS LEWIS. i Col I trtwIWM ks, N RALEIG.H, N.C. if l-tf. L V s 1 1 a... ItWINO , AA91ItIXKS At aaaafwjtarar' prleea. aa Oaa ar aaoatBly taatalaaats, ,i aVjRB TWRBTTFiVK FJU OKNl. ULOl MABWsvCTOlWPKCM POM , rJ..w; -i-:.CASHs 2, it Mrchawd direct frwa thto ofllce, or fay 0. ;':t ,"t"T tta I"al geuto, ' . !"j It, JIBtH STREET, ajieasaoad, Va. fiilm'tAM' ":" wntoar. s , ' i , N0TL3E. i Tito So aartaasabla eMtottag aoder tbr aa aad tHtoot VUey At ttaone, ta thi dayidiarolred by mutual eootent. .. ' AJ1 ponoos iadabted to said Aim will plaaa com forward aad settk tha aaeas, as logger iaduigonot eaa not a girea. , Jifckrilto, Ubatbsa County, . ' i v -t ; April th, 1874. ! . , , , ' ' B.O. Utlbt. M. J. Sroak. Q T II O E r On Um ISth d.y of May asxt, 1 will asU for eaati tbe mniea now occo pied by Henry Page, betog tbe tract of land beagfct by taid Page iront Dr. R. B II a; M JLJ-'. .AaM JF'. ritT. it - " .J-..-'. -J. m ;J. 1 ' I MaadtfiH 1 woewi, wtuatea la u Kaatera Buburbs oi Kalaigb, and artjuinhsg tbe laSd af Mary Biioth, fleaaant pescer aad others. v , I will stso aril at tt aaose tin oae pair Of good mules. Yoaog aad ia fair coa- 4inea. -& ; ' Hale to tak plana on th premises, A prll Utb, U74. - '- --- ... - o-J ' " mi.aiinii LEGAL, NOTICES.. STAiK OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' Coosti us CaaTBAJf. ( sraank cotmr: " ' ' fa I Kamaer aai wife KUasbeta. J B Hasdca and wife Euphemla. Martha K Baa ay, Aaa E Taylor, John W rag and wit Margaret, by a next friend Joba W Psge, PlslaUfla, It ai-pearli'g to tea wtkfa ttoa of ihe Cvart tna a dot aaaes Saf andanu M 1 Ksmse aad wlfa, Joaenk Jtaaary and wife, John W Baay aad wife, and Edward B Baaaay tad wife, ar aoe-raaidaau ot thk State, thayara aanbr aoliSed to a tiear at tha ainaa at aha Uerk ot the Superior Coart for toe Coanty of Ckatbaa within to day after th aerrio of thk limamu. and answer tba. axwnulsia- . i.Mjijca-i)wawaiaiwin: thepisisuds will apply to to Uoart tor ka roisa aa s m aw HSl a I tllraa andar ay head and naal el Osad tbk liat day f Uacaauar, ISM .,L, , - u . ax re itt. 1 ' dera oi us superior voart 01 knl-triw " IDf. J.lTKlkert Calllbrnla Tin" ftar liitters are a purely Vsgotabla preparation, made chiefly from tbs oa tirs noros louua on ue lower rnogos o tbs B terra Nevada mountains of Cslifor. nln, tbe medicinal properties of wbich are extracted thorefxom without tbe uso of AleoboL Tbs auestion la almost dally asked, "What is the emus of tba unparalleled success of Vmeoar Bit TtRsI" Our suswer is, that they romovo ttie cause of disease, sud tbs patient r. covers bis boaltb. They are tbs graat bipod purifier and a life-giving principle, a. peifoct Renovator and laylgorator of tba system. Never before in tbo hUtory of tbs world bss a maUioins baou oompoundea fMuewing th rouiarkatle qttslltie of YtMOAS Bittsss in healuirtbe sisk of srary diseam man i, heir to. They an s iXititld PurgatirS a wall as a Touie, reliarlug CongMtioa or Innanmntinn of th lavar and Viscera! Organs ia Bilious Dir-aaae The propprtiww ef Da. Walub's VIrssas urrrsas an Aperient, Dtaphonaa, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, lHnratin, ftodaUr, Conntet lrriUnt Bujlorifio, Altera tivs, sad Anti-BUiona. t ... .'i- GraUfal ThAnraniN proclaim Vm BSAB BiTi'KBS tlis niost wonderful In- vigaraot that srer auitalaod th-sinking system. , - .. t - No Person can lake these Bitters according to directions, and remain tong dqwsII, provided tlielr bones are not do stfoyea ' bj ' fulneral poison or other mean, and vital orgaua wasted beyond ropslr. ff'tif:! in '..,. ; lllllous. Bcuiittent and later ntittent Fevers, which are so preva lent In tbe rates of our irreat rivers tnrouguoui tne uniiPd NUts,etiieciaiiy those of tne Alisslsslpni, unto, nllssoun, IHarT8imt!sserj; t!umbeTlim(t,Artati sns, Red. Coloradn, Hranw, Hio urande, Peart, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throucbont our cntirs eountry durujg tbe Summer and Aotuma, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat snd dryness, are lutsrinMy aecrnnpauind by extensive do Fangsmenta of tbo stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a cursntlve. exortinir a dow- erful Influence upon tticso various or. gafis, ii esaentlslly ttscessary. Ttnrs is b cathartic for the purpose r0al to Da. J. Wai-kbs's Vinroar Bitters. as tbsv will speedily remove the dark cotorad viscid matter with which tlis hosreM are loaded, at the same time Stimulating tbe secretions of tbe liver, nd generally restoring tbo healthy Auction of tbe digestive organs. . ( t ortirr tbe bod acahiHt disease by purifying all its tluids with VraxaAR BriTUts. No epidemio eaa take bold of a system thus fors-nrmed. u . Uj-snensla op IndlffNlion. Rnsd- acbe. Pais In lbs Shoulders, CourIm, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tlis Stoinacb. Bad Taste in tbs Mouth, Bilious Attacks, palpi to taUon of tbe Heart, Inflammation, of the Ldngs, Pain lu tlis region of the Kid keys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tu oiispriogs of Uyspcpsia.. On bsttlsalll trove a bnttotirnarniitee; of itl kiirbji Hfu a lmbf adv9we-s Pkrofuliu or KlnsrV Evil. TfWts Swaliinga Liters. rrilla. bwallad Beaki Ooitn, Bcroftiloa InflaiiiiiMlioiiii, Indolent insamaatlon. Mnrcarlal Aueetinns, fliu Sores, Eroptoaa of lb hkin, Bw Kyea, ale. IB the, In atl vUier eouatilulioiial li- saw, .WsLBSa'a Bissoaa Uimss have bowa Uieir great enrativ power bt lb most but 11 aad hrtraeuul eaaa. lor Inflaitinintorw and 'hraalr Hhenmatlsm. Oout, Bilious,, Remit tent and laterroittfliit Fovors, Diseases of the Blood, liver, Kjilners nnd Bladdsr. than Blttor have n qiaL fSucb 2)issasss ire canted by Vitiated Blood,, u . v...v. Mcf lianlral Disease rerson en, ?sed la Paints and Minerals, such as 1uAur Type-setter, Oold-btr, and Misers, a they advance in life, sra subject to panlyi of lli Bowel. To guard agaiust this, taks s doss of WaXESE'S Tl BOS a Brmss orvuibnally.1' , ; . . . ... t or Skin Viwsses. Eruptions. Tot ter; Balt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimple, Puitulee, Boil, Carbunclae, King-worm, Scad-bend, 8or Eye, EryIH. Itob, Scarf, Discoloration of the Skin, lluinor and Disease of tbs Skis of whitever bam or aaturs, sra literally dug np snd carried out of th tyitem ia a ihort thus by lbs oss of the Bitters. . . . ,. Pin. Tape, and other Worrjia. lurking ia tba (yrteva af t many thonaaod. srs affectuslly destroyad and removed. Ko Sstom of medicine, no varmifuge, no aa ebniniuc will free tbs "Tatcm from worms liks thaw Bitters 1 :' ' ' , . , For Female ComDlafnl.toToan wroHdVawriadMaingl,attbdawaof wo manhood, or the turn of life, toes Tonio Bitters dlrplty so decidad an inflaanos that ifflpro!bBls soon peroBpUbla,- j Cleanse the Vitiated Wood when ever you find ita jmpnhtie bunting ihrongh th win In Pimples, Eruptions, or Sore: deans it when yon find it obstructed snd alniginb is the veiof ; ciwtn it when it i foul ; your faelin g will tell you When. Keep the Wd pure, and Ui health of tba system will follow. ' K. H . itrDOW AI.D a CO 'ayaanaf H A lUaacf aad irlf Aana, M i Ramaeytnd wife kaenal, Joaaph Hamaay aad wifa Lyilia, Jeha W Kameey aad wU, Edward B Kamaey aad wUa. aMaadaats. .. . , . . ' ChAtUSS, P 1 m? 'irs-ywr hOAahi i) MISCELLANEOUS ALT 1110 RE LOO "ilOSPlTAL. ' " J i ... drncE-T south f kkdirick stkkxt i rbyaMaa DR. JOHNSON eararwd, whan ta tha (ireai iltUiao? . , npa, rU 1 Kngland. Fracee and elaewkera moat certain, apeedr. pleasaut and ansa "' remady ta to world for ell axoatae or Oftnoiyakia ' 1 Waakaasa efth Back or limbs, SHctare Affection ot tha Kidney, or Bladder, Inrolaa, SWlnaMlH. llvalMtul. 1 . .... r Splrlta, OonftMtoaJ of Ideas, Pal (tatioa of 1 1 ' Heart. Tiinidity, TraahliaaOijaaaaeaf aigbt or (iidJiasM, D'ssasa. of tna Head, Testa. - nHwn wr snfwqia uiusa aernoa avwasa wvaaa aanriuiaa wilataJ) krialnar fSv-aean aUtlitaa-v H.i.tt. Vi.sL .:,.IU iw i mjmmm TJimnm aoj, ki. ; r. tha Head, Dimness of BarnAi iaa w lTia! LlarPoW P.lnlt.t-Vi .rT tpaaawWfla:nl3t.7 rLL? VI nymoUiiMOf CoMumi.Uon. A 1 KsdfaTd iThniaanlasJB flf lis I II f IT " " -" jiatr r.r-' aeaiisv loalng TiriT hulJ 7L" ifsasettjostojipur "fjr. mr TV , , aARhlAasi ' MarrW B kraara -a .a I l7T. . . aaaa ittataii M.itnf?"""1v Naa7ftUlolAoa naKm, paauy reiloved,- , , , ., , " t.denwhhepllmTlrtttiin l4ndon, ttraduate of one of tL aoileS Jfrt of whoa . lileba. been spent in to W -taw-rs-h PS '. . 2fil a7daf;T- j2 - - a a aaaaa seanas, bashfuineaa. iik SSant bl ashing, attenaed aoaeUaws with - raturetnent at miiuL-wan, juia u. u. ..." ' ' " ' CERT AIM DISKABK' ' - as.sa. AABJ laUiJ) IklHI UlSt hand of Ignorant aud dwisow uaZi iul' he hto71fuung n, "SZ BUlk al, u Lis. Ih. ..Jn . "" Zij tla'ua oIud7iXrarfs .iuZlrV -I'lranoa, sum ax aieerataa ear Utruat, dUaaaad aoaa, nwitnriul ua to toe hasd S3 UmK UinZi o oT "w w toe sua nones ' sru. ortlHal.K"d prOsjrsaelBg wkatstghtf w rapidity, tut at laat " "" r toe b!i of toe kaa iall to. uu tk .l.il. 7l. . ""e - w wi. is rwruidis. a become a horrid obiect of omialsen, ti. UU death puu a period to hTof utleriag, byaawuing hfrn to that audlacovered euontry f'Iroui whoa bourn no travaliar va , Lnmaewei y alA - .- 'n - , i in. MIMtoadar a.l..-.. s - . ""T .r. rr.", I"-" aaa aoaaiaai TAOOKaEMElIT gF THB PKBSS. - - 77 ua enrea at this aiabll. aant wltulu the laat tweaty ynTaad "tta fotad 1 SwifJJ,..Ir' "Johnston, Wltoaasad bt to kaurassauUlvasot ta Cms and many oiera. aotissa a sihtck k... .... T . ' ier. slant traaranaaa -. wvniNuuiH. ia Sanaa to the ariilcUd. Of til Hil.tiuim. T j--n ' BALT1MOKE, Mil. ' In M SUaplot Eaply COiXSCUDATBD. Tbs Masokio Monivoa .One,PolUFATeF; iif?i? c"?u'ios of tha II ASOMIC MOM. ITbR toJ the BKIuiit MA80N. mskm 1 1 ' 'V THK BR1U3T llin aUBlt;iUBBIOW.Maotoglrtd.- i ?Tber " "Xixl to act s Aireule. Cis be ui l en or more only JlcU., T frj' UnH.4 Sub i. y., Barnes aa he added at any time at " eliilurataa, Addras : . . ,7,"V, I - i.adi i, VvFABK, t, -t, v.- ,V; h tltf ! .. .'-. f'H V :T..-'.,!f'.;' - iTTlHV'.l-A nifi.V' - - . I ttl....l. U.. Ik ... f .. . .." . " LJ7r2"' aHs assad aad Mat lawJnsSI CattTfinHrsaaa: ' n h aaussaaa aaaegany dining roorn Table. ; ' H johs a Oo. , f tt-af w ij Asottoa a Cos. Atcratouil, ; i a tain.liW V..l ...J ' ... . ". 1L, "U4tf r ' ? ffn '.,.( ! -F-lTUCJWllJa( diasnlsm ! Ik. Jt . . . . AU Parties having churns airalnst th Sra wUI pleas preaeiit Uiaiu for Cataedtato ua- - wuwwa Mi ue urui. lovua oi-u t ttiSD4 AX L'dTOM E Rs SI KaUaaat BBkV at. Wsaal i nTW. dMa.I-a.1. a a ' W wa. WBaWwWtHOB Wi OUT tarsal triVttsl UA ttaia . . . bj raai aaaassj atB-UW4. aTOT aBmOV ymtn jo. Uavsi kioiiiy airtf vvw aTT .7 a 'W,W JltJIlAHll WlUl al hlM'r :I.Aj.d liiumj .a m --r Bi.BBa uvui FtBSaamn aVDU trtia, ui w ttmuoi oweut W titm mhtv, Mlatlilltb fUWllt tan rt.a a eOismotUtiott w could, euiuUei.t wUk m UMS fsOaiaUWaaaar saaawia a.- ' ... j ' . . , 1 - saaaa WSJ UV 9J ArUlAsj rhiai an. aftM&l. J... .11 . . - , r r " m 1 wwoos oi av : cry dosenpuoa botooglng to the Una oH t w. tu a . n. i UUA.ER, 00. Wlllhaanld .1 ITTmui. m ........... . S5i 'ft' r,Ul """"to" to to ttaai . vwinvrinoi cannot be given. ' f ! i lb dooA an eioaad BBTTlTlug Paruiers Qt the I tte tirta of . VV.U.R.B .iULKhK, Jt CO. 1'srties who il.i . ... euOlMSBMiiiiwMii. k.i...h ...... . .. - I',., no, f ' u, portuattf ot aUKLStj OU i a h.alciaa BJt- kurchauU who dakire t..ir.. I. . .. or ol rciiuihiu)?luurBwik, wm ueerk. aboitoroMHHtuiuiy-,!, call will Oli vine buyer W. H- A R.'S T'-. vr." ' iTI ' iTTI '3-Xi '"'i' is''"' l;Mllrllill;- 4 sc -dla "