J--J mil rum tt Tti lis now wblth(Bt a riti!. I mtii a dtuiwr Latest - Dispatches.- i ExtCDTIVS COMMITTBB OF THB 1KM0 4JK ITUi! M ft H pftiwiij.-' -i i r r Ma9 D-a-Hiw Stroaa m- (P.Mt 'PoVaf'x. A CETiTBH ;v'":.';T;f ?.ilttlfi-T5'' j-;f p' jj'- i"r 'J !; ; Madbid, May 14 Th rw mieatri t war awora iito Ale veeterdsy. The s doreraurt el several praviuces . cad, '.a ! sumbar of utter high officials bev rig- I -,.-..... rd sine tbs change ol the Govey'teBeak .? 8paaUb Consul Don trrtai ad Oeaer at Badjer, Chief ef Police asd Detective Dai.'ia an 4 P gar bonds to-day ll tha auirtol $30,000 eacb, (o appear for trial oa ilia cbaae f ibbr praftr red by Capt Lederigeez, tha giaadjory baring found tnw biHtajtbrt'them, , . h Rome, Ma; U.Th Popa U reptjiiff J viitor-"ra myites ' animadverted , T, .,(,) .-,.. rrfR W a5A, Vl unable t grffMTierK" Tut CoTfoM Xxcuiaaaro awu Takm '.. ' ". owtv'Jlaj . .llThe ' Aee-ksf DirechM of the Oottoa Kxelunge U coakideratioB of tb nqoaaU from otbaf exchange 1, pavad iraelatKMi .eBfir iag Jao lOui ae tb day fartfc aaaeiab liojf of th Cotton OoorentieB In Augo U, a Bad alao that tb BPmbtt of aale gate for each exebaaga i faoreaaad to fir. '..!.. .u ' ; Obbat Coart AOBATwa u C icxaaATi, May li A. Cochraart dlaH'laiaod Wifllame AGreee'a .suit bouse at Typbeeanea, Ohio, were bareed Tueeday aigbL Loaa aixty taoaatad dol lora. .-. (arsciAL to tii siii.t iiiwi.7 , ' GoUMBoao, N. GL, May 14. Th Bapublicai ConTeatlon ia aeaalon bare toay aomiaated ioba A. Byavaa celored, of Warren, orer Xbomaa th white casdidat,; w biooitd DiirATci 1U r. at- The'proceediaga at eaa time war vary tormy, tb cbairma threat oiog to call oa tha Mayor aad polio to protect tb Ooaveation. Sheriff Tim Lee, of Raleigh, worked all lait sight agalaat Thomea, and mad a ttrong apeech gaiat him, and nrgiag the aomtaatioa f aeaiaeolar d aaaii. GRAND lUEPRSSENTATIVX GALES AT GREENSBORO. araCULTO DAH.T IBWa. GaiKNaaoao, May 14. Orsod Rre coutiv Galea, ia attendaao at the Grand Lodge I. O. O, I., deUrered an ad draaa to a targe and iatailigeat audience to night at IU coart bouae. A iarga number of ladiea graced th oeoatioa with their preeeaee. .'; "1X '" , BkbC , May 14. Tbe Aageakmry tV tette aay i the arraat by th Kuatiaa Guard of Duke Nicbolaa wa not du to pollti calcana. ; ' "!. ' ' ; ' .'" NATIONAL' AGRICULTURAL 00H--v GRE88 RECOMMENDS LEVES1NG TOE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Atlanta, Oa., May 14 Tb National Asricultaral Ceof! to-day paaaed re utione pledging aid to the people of tb oversowed region ia the KitaUaippi nver. Tbe eubjtct oi namorialisiig Oonjjreei to rednoe tbe tax oa tobacco twelve eantt per pound, aad alao to levee the Miaata. aippl river to prevent overflow, wai rtfoT' " ' red to aa pproprtMT!6Bualtt; V Labob AiiBtVAii or ManMoinTaa. Baltimohb. Mav 14. Amone th aaa- eengef of ti teambip II era ana, of tbe - . oa yeaterday were one hnodrad aadeigh- tr-ava Meaaooltee trom tbe vtclotty el Odeasa, Sootbera Roaaia. (Tbay jropeae to aettlu ta Dakota ar NeUaaka. i , ' ?,"0M WLdNS.d8w 1 Tub Lxoitiiteai eatti oa tb Piem DKHT FOB PeefUO OF Tl A 9TATB Mevti axd bTua PaorxatT. Baxteb O0VKKR0B-jl. , Lrm.i Rock, May 14tb. Both Haua- e mot tfala tnoratog aad adoptaa the fol Inwlsff iolat Teeoltttioa i WnnRBAa, Tbe Leglalatur of Arkaaaa baa conreaed, a quorum ef each Boaa . being present, aad wberea tha Capital ef our&tate ia eccopied dv annea ana eon tending foreee, and - wbereaa, th Stat Houaa t now ia poataaiioB f armed troop , therefor : , - Be it reaolved by the Genera! 4mbly of the State ef Arkaaaaa, That tbe Preaf- dent ef th United 8 talc be and he ia hereby req united to pat tbli Legialature ia poeeeeaien of the kgialative halla, aad that the public property or State Houa ami are be plaoea under the euperviaio and control of thia body, the legal cuito diaae thereof whilat la aeaaion, aad that he make each order for the ditpoeitioa ef aid armed and ceo tending foreee a will more perfectly protect lai Btate agaiaat domaatio violeaee, and tnaare thia body arotoctioa i aad that a daly oertified oopy of thia reaolntioB beat once ftraaamltted to tbe Preeldnt of th Uaited Utatea. f ' In tbe Iloue a large number ff aetlce ' ef the iatrodootipatof bill wr gtvl, amooif tlir one fat the wfitng ef acej ititutioaal convention. Tb aituattoa of the two armed foreee remaiae oacbaaged. Th Beoat appointed a eomraitte t act ia oonuaci(oa with tbe Hooae com mittee appelated yesterday to notify Got. Uaxtei that tbe General Aaaembly wa ready to receiv aay meeaart h might daaira to communicate. The Governor' meaaage, it i theaght, will be read t both House this evening. . " i aie h'ii '" ; . BfSATB. Th Pension Oemmltte re ported aafavorably appUeation for pea aiooa tot tbe war of 18U. The Cemmlt . tec favor tbe Hooso . Bilfglving eigbt dollars par month to each aad no quee- 4 t'oo aaked.;-. : ..'s.vr".-Ji.-.'-j-"' .. . " The cairency Bill paeasd. It provide lor f.ea banking until grtea back are raduccu to three bond red millioa. . L llouaa Tb Freedaaaa'a beak bill wee pi-ad a hertofoi tlgrphd. -. The llouie pasted tbe deficiency bill, nd took Bp the ocsn'ar aad dlpfeautic, ' appropilatioa bl'L 1 ! ' f r A nomber ef Bon t hero RepreatBtiv hdi a meet' eg ie the room cl tbe Hum Com uoittc on Agriculture to-day to fix . upon some measure for tb reimbuiaamant ef th cotton tax levied by the gevern- " urnt some year aloce, and eabarriti-ntry pronornced uoconatitational by tba U. ai Court. The ronnt of taxes " ' sixty million dirarTfaiiteea iSoath-1 eio Btatca werercprejentea, ana memem - ber were EroeraHy-egreed that om measure f relief abound b pad by Cof-rct. ' t CBATlC-OoiUBBTATIVS PaTY-PlA OF OKOAKIZATtO. ';' f lUtuhl that we deeole -svmatbix" with fie people ol tit Wort ia their want, uf lailrual ticUitiai. tad Mat SB?1!?! i trse every available bi5b I secmc" the e completion oi tbeir ptojected Ittus,: V us;, j ifraotW, That the Republican pan oitIpc despoiled the aVtatr, iuil!Hii H dtlra bereiolare appropriated fat raitr r).i4 put p'." , ia unworthy ui euaad -wv, all that elDertntee )Mtija the ohOCIO' sfca that if het party shanM be1 aga! r ctrarted with (be admiqstratlua of our itefnal iinptor.a&eaU, its lt-adurs eulJ fa a prove locaeant to tbeseorud Uuei,aai Would divert the pablic I k) lk-jr private purpoeea, T' " ' : " ' JUmAted. That wise policy dicta'. lbs, sdoiAwJu uf such awaatuaa .may be c- c tear W iacraaaa th,eduea!OBaL dreo-J it. UtOfei'JPMi'S! JtfV I ! 'It iA r' w aMU4ce-. id ell , other diaagaaineia, aad that all sappeci be prelaptiy wirh drawa from every aepiraat for offie wht hall oppaee tbe regular nominees oi out taventiooa ' j , ffwrWif,Tbat we trader to the friends iH aad Ideal elwfafeaU t I r I laji or omaKix atiob, , ijfm wnowing poa wt wi. uoctmw Oonaef vativt party M de,)lct'' 1. The . Exccuuve Coir ai.Ue fur tba rial 'ball consist a at pMaeot appolut ed, and atwi'l bare all the power bwreto-' fere ceoJerred .upwa it V , J 1 rbeExacativ Committee for the Congressional aad Judicial Dettrictt HaJ( cooUno aaat .feseat coDstituted, until regularly channd. and abed have central apervir on of tba atTaia of. tha . party via i at -ir t apecUre aiatncta,tvTs, - 3. Ia eacb eoaoty. there (ball bo an Eieoutiuaoma'tto cam posed of' a (LotrAi Committee of not leaa than three members, and ot at leie. one Commit tee maa Irom eacb towjablp. Tbii Comuil Iteethi'!, under direction efthe County Convrntieo, have entire coutrol of county matt rs. It shall be their duty to aee tbat all (He details of tbe cauva are prnperly cObducted . that the will are attendod by co apetent challengera, tbat each Con servative casts hi Uallo , and that no fraud ia perpetrated a. tbe election. Tbejr are pai.ioularly enjo'ned to take the ne ceasary a.ept .or the (flic lent organization of towaehfpa, aad.te-aeekr-bf -a-wiee ad ulniatrattoa to promote harmony and to inspire eoatdeoc. 4. All Executive Committeee are pro perly cboeea by tLe Conventions held for the lespectir territorial divisions i but if f"Tny cauae there should be a failure by the proper Ooaveotioa to appoint aa Cx entire Lommittee, then the tttaie . Exena tive CemoiiUee may supply the UVboiuu- l - . m mmt e. . 3'i-A:or OnuAMizATlowor the Dkmo- CBATIO ' UoMflSBTATITB . I'ABTT. At B meetiog hvtd in this city yestevdsy, tbn Inflowing pisn ot organization was adup tod by tha State Executive Committee. 1 Tb -Executive Committee lor tbe Bate shall coa 'it as at present appo'nted add bhall have sll tbo powers beietofore conferred upon it. I .ffc.t. v B. Tbe Exeoutive Committee for tbe Ceuireeaional and Judicial Diatrieta abalt lione as at present ooustHuteu anil alariy cbansed, ard sbsll hart genera! pel viaiou of tbe affairs of tbe pt'ty la :lr reapecllve dlstricU. : in oacn county tuere a 'jail be aa Executive Committee comooted ot a Cn tril Oommitteerf-not lesr -then tbrra Biembera, aad of at least one committee MlmoACh iowasb'p. Tbitcommilteaahai:, a adoi d traction of lb Count j Coo veouor , ha,v entire ooitrui of oou ( maiers it snail be their duly to see t at ail- tbe tills of the c .ia are prnperly cfdue tofl : tbat tbe pol'e are aUaudod by com pel oat chal'eoger: that each. Cooserva titeceat his ballot, and tbat no fiaud is perpetrated at the e'octioo. They are par- nau'ariy enioioea to UKe the nconeearv a.fp fortbeedicieotorgaoiBAtioaol lewa Bbipa, and to a:ek by a wiae edmicie.ra- ti4n to promote barmeny and to iaap'T coaaueooe.. , ,r, , , - f M. All Executive Committoe ar pro pdrlychoae by the (Amventioo held lor tha respective territorial division, but if or any cauae there should be a failure by me proper uonveouoo to appoint aay Executive Commit too. tboa tbt State Ex. ecltlve Committee, nay supply tba Je- B4ency. -t-r ' -t a. Momiaartoat for county offlcer and mambersof tbe Oeoeral Aaaembly shall ue- raaae Dy ceuniy con veotioni r for town and townablp officers, by town and town hip convention : for members of Congress ana judicial onioors, by the Dutrict Cntaveatieas. : ' f. AH Uoaveotiooa ahall be open, and ui-s nouce w ice ume ana place or ena veping tne same shall be iflvee. ' J. 4i ; w.w. H. COX, Cto't. 3. LrrcHFOBD. Sect y, ;t J UJJUS IIJWJS AND CO. DEALERS IN tUlUOEKA AMD , ' 1 " HOC8E FUKN1BH1M9 ' E4BOWARE i t i era Ageat for the sale of PRATT ASTRAL OIL. ' f ' I ' "'JkLLKd C01TOSJ HOES, !,. ATIKILL CHEMICAL PA1NT8, ' r, 1 rikii :niTCfiHAir: !. NTATION BKLLA TUB ALL KIUUTt'(K)IC BTOVI, ' ORAMU1 RIFLE A BLASTI NO " - fiaher Bn'MInf, Raloljrh, N. C. ap HHi ', llfry barrel V , Will delivor into rallwu warehowee. Apply bf letter to "A. 2", amoDusaTUiO, a, U, , . an iv- !-...- " - ' - . " -- laa ' co-nartiiavaliinv aaratoforw nluln ander th aame and aljr'eof aaadera A TaUoa la uu aay aiaaoivea by natoal consent. J. W. Taltea la alooa aathorlaed to aattl? ap the old bealneaa. ,. AUWAKOSAMDKhaV j , j. , . J)iHyi, TALTViN, J. W. Taltoa 1H eontinaa bnalaeaa at -ke old ateno aad re. pecJuuj aaxs a eoouauase of the wLronaga aornWora bestowed. , , aVwaaa - t ji J. " TALTON. ' FALL & WINTER QPEfHSO Of 7 ALL ASD WINTER Millinery, Ladies fancy and furokhln da, Jietc.lt Qooa, Zepajrr and. other nool, I GiwTea and a Uiouaud other article at I ' ISAAC fETTINOCB'8 . from tlie 2nd dav of October, from a. as. everydaf antil the deaaoa li orer. , 10(111 at tbaArtamneftW tj1bl TSS f' gWmmnM tv tlalaSatMaiWaaiew tf!' r'!' . "' I'JL'if i f V MA n If X M1 tHO' i Id Nil ndi'td H 'ton fcf eo wi.iiio ui y liv yw uoul n( iai. InaMTW a"iniug leiailinit Thit arb ( iuiiki rua jKiijj Oottoh Bviet,! jax To I R. Re Re RADWAVS READY ,; CURES THE WOBT PXUip T In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT OKI HOUR i fk1talMia4ritkMMl aM4aaraaa eurraa wrra rJj. , . iDWAr hkadt nr.ur.r u a ctm foj viui rAi. . It V tk ) k Th Only.Taln Remedy M.Lri.civ. r armiraiiKj with dtMraaa iui UiOxx. f RADHrS. KIADT RKUEsV aaruAMMATioa or tub anwaui 7 Je wira'WKSiww'.g! r4ru wht (aw in r rtn-)t7 M writ affm caw 111 I" a few in ..mi tttti -i!r rHNI'K .l-AMWK. -il. nnnMifciut, iija m i'M i. uKnnr. , ia aaTiriiT7 Oiaua. imi w eoweLat f d.t Mil IN I !.! M. I'AINH 1mv.Ii' -.'r-.TiM fiwi,,, rnrrv a 1h.II .f frS. itaf1. Rrad. BUIIaf With t i" A trw .) r.;.. in wiitnr It it ..rli' f lli.ui t ri-iicli urailil wr lliueni 14 a lIU'lli. VltVEK Aim MOW. mnA for fifty rvnU. Thrt i ht r"iiK).Ml iri-niiii Hit) world iiiat will rurr rVvri an ) Agu mtut nil (.ther HalarlotM. Rllnua. H': Tjphi.td. Tfliow, aad otteeir Pt-rB (aaM W AI)' WAV b ril.lMl hu -lot. k HADHAY a itKAllT UK i-IKK fifty ccdu p-r buttl. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! BtBOKO AM) rfllK liter M.)nr!-IN-REASI! lif ri,IJ '.M Wf :.,ir.-,l,KAl tl AJll DR. RAD WAY'S . f Safsaparillian Resolvent VHE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. jija ma on TBI? w'iiiHlrrifirtf ff B: so ' -ollli K. mi KAPIIl AKK TIIK i HANlllili. THR 3uuv i.KDKiumaH, unhes tiib impuibhub or tuis ihul wonixarvi. ,axi)cua. THAT, , ; -t ivpnr Wf Hi R T "EvT l oUafatiinl- tf t til. at. rKAiiHAPARILa-Ulf RIEtOIV, abf uABoajiaaiHi, aeaJ tJrltse. if ili syptteiQ thf atirir of ,1 ''r r t'" ",''' ' , with ikv afhd t iriii mnttji.il tiiM' tsMihUj-. riiiiinijimru (. 4"'l'"' lWeVaa Clo-rn ha tfcvt) tlitVhSaX MrvuMl. Tt 5 fc-n tr.AuUsaft itt lie ttau.aia,i ar ibu1jI ai.wn .iniimirwu' 1 1 v - i a ' rrrn in r,t tu i.iii'" t t Hkitt ti.mn e, Kniirtii'ft, rV'r lltwl. Klfttf vVitr.ti. etli It hi 11 in Krvi'i (.'. ;i 1 ...11 ei f W fhe wen-.h. r nt) atf wraif itlrvc; gftitl P'llnt ul w : in M, m-'h "r iii!'' vriiidi-U', if abtli rof MMra 'l j futo iiy )knuu u a, wi'-nr hwhm, (h Mrm mitj rji wstMraot veiiBMii u oarmiivr mia: o mm ;ImIY; latrv. ftnrl ft fa anaat aaul uairta nhtr ttbmr al Uum ttm it It ! I)ftttflt, ifllilV s:OrilaW Mdl!4l ftvtlie VAkVf .MoiuiHvrtiiun in to enntfiinile' nTivi1nff, Mo ! in ttfrMiifif thfta wttatet, i)d repair th Mm) avtr iu t iien i uowtr to ear uieini. , tvMsv mav4Tivi maule frtitii !eftUhy aTh'wViit-t.tiiE II .-AKHAl'AKlLLUN wi 1 Ami d. aMOiir- cur? In rrf rtaiis, torvuen tiua renitjr 0twiinn it v otk 'I rtnniriiiion. bimt iiri-nt m aiTfriitisniif m h, 1(11 'ajMHW. tli4.tuti-i.fc tU iUrmairi lit l rttpirl every day k i-UilVcl fWittatfwmif BWTrwBilatMmarar. tli.MotMl -Ili. ! j welfthl fill (til" wo i upri'tL-iliiit. rl(MK His MAsMtrAr iluam Fiiwi.rirtiT ice I'omMlia! Eirentiiiii theenr Dl'Cbruriic. Hero- .f-U:fiia in l tl if OUMU) btlft) aU ifhlnry 4&BUulle)r Coitiplainta, ' rv aUlrl Wttat) da-Btw. flrnkvajl, vMM Ait'iiuii:.iri&. and lit ell cawt-s wre mcrt ara t- dk dini (rfxrt', or tM watwrUliwr(prwJT, tfl W a inraiiajiaiei na tu n i aprKK, wr uiruuatiAe ami, or Uawiw ia ft buertikd, ddri ri an trilhiOa ai)tar- i, it mi wb'w bona dut dtrpMlta, and wltit then u , fcckiti, bt.rblfiRgwiiiaiatron whan pi mil i I lit , auiej j.ife lit tUai mtldaii Of liaa HaCft eVM eU4Oi Tumor Hjf "Hi YriiShnctJi DR. RAD WAY'S Hit r ' ? iL. i. uttMit'u. ihu i'taflia. (.riMiBRTiflihiflMiTiiB IihiarMatm,,By tX-IWa. flllQiuiiri-L H liyj- refwr. luflawmuitHi ot' ui Itwr, ritca, an4 at Irravawaiwrttii of the Intrrniil Tiaaejr. w trrntiiivi tnuRt a potti amva raraif Tijatabla, gat tv, tHi SitatlruiR. A f.w AtiMMii U RaVDWAT'I flliXA jH frM tha m. ttiittirmu -- ' ho atMiva najutl dliiirtiatl , laawBal n"I.O Hr PKUOdliW. ft-iM t. T I.WAT A CO., . S Warnrn et ,Taw HF.L'1 ' M AMU HUa" "ARll Mi. ua. r.alk. W uoa " till aa a yaw. rrtHE OLD STJBSTAlfflAL. I laTI IIIU . H! I ' ,3i 1 ta;5 Co., '.-. rl li Hi 4 4 AH ' wit orrioB ia i( (i aiC1 11 TT T T Tl T V 11 a n ' i ai u k ii i , j oTBaTaeBABSWABa atoeae J&LI US LEWIS it itolto&IWwa'andHpl haaa Kortli Crlioa linoa lbaS, Jie .am ei.aeelj atBOO. OOO. . by tdelity and proap.aeae in tbt par. r, aad famtahtng tbe leweal raewf any company, ana aJsa,.aaruig oaod reveaae to tue Biate tban any o.ber sr. be aieriLa aad ewjora the well earned ditine.ioaof belr Uie , - tEAJHSfi IIF-COWAMII TMIST4TK. ' I AaA witAker-" fk'O'O.OOO.OOO.OO ajaseta, BOwon hand, and managed by srenMeuen ot iooeipenenceand financial aUU aueollera the biKheat.alandaid of aecarlly to all her nuteuwrs. And, aeaa lovcetmeut for rpl lalut a 10,0UU policy te belter than 10,OUUia real SaUte.. Ans from W loiO are inaambl ot b Lb aewa. Ikie eompaay dees aoa aay. neure with them, Aow. Hut we aa ieirUal roaipariaon wiJi eww i-Mituftai in ruin and rttpowibUUf. aud leave the reaau to thejbdirBieator tb paul. w : bi eallina uiun Ue Ueeeral A Tret or an r of hi t)oeaia. turier in orwaaUun m'S beriiw- 1 aoeala. turler in oraUun alii imuarted. . , i vK-vr.H.i ' J ,rWTi ' , Ue, W)U. McKCC, M. ft, Medk luns imuaneu. , , Ueneral Aaent Medical Rxaimltter. sea e-mn ri U et bouse of JAa Frice asoat aoe mile o. la ot Kalc'Kb, oa Taeaday evaaing bmt. a )! jo i.n-e : Ubatt tail ai d oistw; tali hiifs to tbe li ft, enta hit knwt in while troV lag, 1syTsw,'Twed-a-HUw )e The itylit hind thigh. ' lne Boder will bo likerally re- ariaMoyaeiirtrinK ueraueto .- - - . IB Iw-LI a 1.1.11 lani-nja v rpWu fU UN D8 J- i - ti W a f - A b its KBeei art At In HIT Trtwo Ha f IV W ' Ui U Ui W 'AAiMl tiraa . anUamiaaAt Oct te K. f JONKACO'6, Bowrwirinow, ua AND fhlCQ will contlnnplo -M rlap. BOT 1 J. 0. NEW M . 6S1 d I Will 't pr-Mi pllv 't"il -1 '' li Ml-tr.ii.a Naak Oo ..lit ;k. i( I'M uodersis;ned at til 1 M rdnion TillNiTY The Spring Heaaaion will cornmunce JANUARY 17ru, 1874. 1 . ... 'i Bordil per month. Satire ir'iiso f"r flvo monUia. .r Board, Tuiuim, WashinK and lji'l from W Ui tloO. dec:)lw .. B.CRAVEM. VliJM BA "BSD ,Jn I Attorney -e At Law, I RALEIGH. VU,. t, , PRACTICE In the Snpreme Court of the HiAte, the Uiicait and Du.rd-l Coerle of ti)e Uulled Hute and tbi. aeveral Cu.rte or i Ifflfl -i.!";i.ir:,'H"i".-T-,, r J.f ' T .r ll .--.-- , .... -...-;, r wi . aT.w ua. auiiB a Hiiiiiaa a. a m Mi-mim i . i tse ninatMi rwaset. i t w s i - OSce on rayo tertll at.,'' opvosM tnlf'- UIUaes4MaUaual B".k U - talrV4 vt 1 , gen -lll ana bow Maniaiactoriiia' m u re artlal t'rn Kye aad wkK wbi-kejavwittea I ofel tocalTlevers at "m iderate Alices. FIf anr i.Tqaiweiinwx"TirTtnairrwiy,DT ot ny rarmcr oe aaJeetnaD. J. A. (JUeek a. IliileOo-u, fails o be puie and whatiaireaeaie4 when old, the mB will be refunded, or no charge for the -vfiaeWl.UrJeMjawAiAwW T JLKRT HOLT tomnatiy 8hdni, Alamauce couulv, N. TUE BESTj ADVICE Jt .obe elTin.te peisoni aufJerl-. from ri-Ap !, bil-oja c imnlainK Cft'ia,.iaaeBaip' 'n'frstWrawrWWir fende, nurroai d-tllity, or ot anydifoiJefaticcloK Ilia alo.n ai l, Ihn liver or k'di ei e, ia t ,un, i 'emu ieulaie Ikuie liup'irUlu oraua by Uiu B oi Ui. TUTT'A VEOBTA8LR LIVER PILL'S. Tbiv art very mtli ", jut ih iroaiihlr rcitarei nia ram i oqai ac'ion or lie d't-s ive orient an Ihe'iitea-liiei aid r-Ai'or ea the a tern. 1 uv p od uce a ; irr nam r nanaea, . ...oln ro week raa.andm y retaken wlJiouicliao';e of diet ar eccurallou. -ria-tjox- Sold by all druggists. l DR. TUTTS HAIR D YE Bveraaeca uaslloes thAtao aer dye do -a. Ha elleitla iujiUDeniie, hdu so u:aral thit it eaaliot be detocteJ ny ; be' c'ose , obaerrer tt at hanaleai aqd tit:y ippiicd, aid I In vfertssAi.-iiisi aijioii liie.tjHoaWe trtr d-est-erajaarewiiirkettlin tba Coital .u . fi I via oe box. So'd everywhere Qavfula, Eruptiv Emmet of the Shin, rtH. Anthony Firt, Xryiiptiat, Bhtcht. tnn. Boilt. later, and Salt IlKeum. m Umd, mnqmorm,' Jineumatutn, and Enlargement of the lionet, h'e- Weatnett, bterUUy, bteorrhaa or hitet. Womb DUeatet, Mroiu, While Swelling. Swhilu. Kidney and Liter V Comvlaint, Mtreuri, 1int,findJ'iii, llrfeti''ir?1l1 M fi l is tliejTiost ilnweiul flod l'udtVr kiow to aiedical science. Il eoUira into the cir culation and riadlca.ee every morbific aeiil; leoewah tbe. sysUuo; produce a boaratil'ul enhip'cxliiu and esuaedthe body tw gain neeb, and increaae in weight. W j UBP THB BLOOD HKALTH r audi all wilt be well. To do ao. nothimr bMieTer ibeoa n-,, gat; aaa oompaie wiia mis -valuable vegeUb'e extract. Pride $1.00 a bottle. Hold by all Drug. giakf. Cilice 48 Cortlaodt Street, JV. Y. rah tadtfa m. -'', 'J "'' The WUiAAinatoii star. r - ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS 1 ailT KI-dK'MiV-UiVLi'! IJjAS the largest clrea'atloa of any Dally AH Newanaixr in tba Mate, and a clrcals- IkMilo VYluniugtoa Hearty twice a large as it ariier p"er. itjmXifmr .Ink It rsnelhoi of noeiitillwvpreadAor, Intel IgrBt and mterab'nmanuer. ;. 1 auaAwiAU(7ajtvaDei)ii v IT 00 eix aoatu.t.t.titii.vx. v. m !TirMeoiBaA,i.i);.O..JM.AiuA.. i raica iBobcaiT. 1 The WrtUu 6Lmr 1 now eomlaMeA wtthtbe CeWMS'iM Xaraaw, aad ie of the rexpet paper ta the eoantry, r . the foDowtng ' REDCCEI) RATES; . iiefcopy,6eyer...w,,..l ti una ropy, ar momJis... ,.m A w rClub of 5 to M, one year, K St ar copy soi iu 0a uiore.04sxrar. otui at mi pereopr. ;.j . ;........'., -(."j..,:, poenneo cojtra acut oa ailiaion,.; ,.t SJittn-4 Proprietor, ... J X WnJBiFOTOH, N O. as- a ' ,1 i'. - A coapiete aaaorUnant. at tha Book 6 tors I ,..AiJrkiIJ),)l.l.UMiV Ja TB) ' a " . .- ptrrcneixw I 'i-eH-fl1-H-'W J ,J. ' dDUrjrj.EvTfi V9 St widw tcirro nehu'ri1 airxnve stoat for alta.r ? H I' u,tM- ;.! and i-Blcicut Ibao any ol' t- plow on itif miiki-V elt 'arpen'oa rt-vat poinu. Hie r iuii plow impHTeia"nt of Hj ; A k Krv J W. J. tJrowiitM-i-t;.)i J W .ui wht tev lUiek 'if V pi w Call and e Dine il d yoof rR ia ' n r. jinr arts'.;""-"" d.c tS-tf v X' irliich lticly dan bccured by a resort to this Btana-, cparatioii its li:ui be .1 , roycu by tn) fimtaitKls of Ntiinoiiinls received ly the rnjTnorors. it is a knowi .... . !ll"L(l 11V I11UJ1V 1)1 Oillllll'llL .Ll. . a. La" A Mji-in itv .us , mo jtl iVliaWe iirfparauon cvt-T in iew - - - ,a iiodticed fur- thow relief tmd rirc of 111 Tuiigcomplniuts, iiitl ia Offered t' tho public, einctioncd bj lio o vjierieiice .il" over tot 1 jrJ' jir :y;3Toa. iVK.ii (ed to Jit CiWrtV jt o1 ilom f;i!ls fr. 'teflcct f sep'-etly rtnv in lit mos severe t uses f)I t fuf-hs, MrmteHitH. ui), liooiiiilfe Coiieh, liillucnzii, Asthma, Colds, .Sore Throat, l'uiiib or Sore ncKfl in 1h Chest and iSide, Jjivti Coiuplaint, Ilt'fdiilg at diLimgs, Sec AVistar' Bala.u d'e iiut dry up o Cortgh, and leave the cause If-hiiid, as is the case with most preparations, bat it loosens and eleanses tho langs, and aTlay3 irritation thus removing the cause of the complaint. . ' pRBrAketi ur sTH W. POffLB A BONA, Borttmi Mast., Mi auld by lrutficta and Ileak-ra ircnrmllr. Dfssoi.cno.v. .RFtKMor : i). imiiri .' Una dav iMild '.v iui.UkI i.ia"i Ailpujes luili-'t -d t iIk- ti'iu will uii'Ue paiinen teO. 1. Hiiitiainl V I mm aaln't the Bi-aawill e i.ie-inled lohim fun iniJ'l he alone beina auiboriicd to I ' u' iheif- flrAr the t'oii.jfrii--.,..1). H EAR I T, j iiKiiEiT''fmoer HAViKftt I'CKCHSHBI) TH i ESTIRB luivrt-atoi lle.ijrrt I li Hie lale Hull ul C. ) lit.. 1 ,V ('J.i a llu.1. tier u-diiu . Uiu '.u-.i!.e..i ij uiv w.vn i... iueA-ihe oldls.'wArd ov j.j1 y " i'-ij 'ou- aira of pee;. i cii AKi.K ii iit- Ma r. " iti. -tf. i A DAUGMTEHif H-!? VI?1 - 1 JIRW B'.VKI. By Christian Kmu, Au o.-r if'Va- laiia AjlmcC'- . 'AloUwu . U.Afcnvlj:i.ar B eufltolly Illrrenuri it. Pi igc l'pot Cfere100. IiclhtL0 jut reeMveiLat 'he II ok Sn v ..f ALFliED Vf iLfc- ap 14-dtf Beer and Wine Hall 1 prj inf I ir,s jr 1 woM assorted tnt k i f iJtA iii 'mm 41lJuiil.Ij.rHiii'U LiqiioUra of all kit.Lutv the mAurd el irriiatit rr iucod p,l0B8, aslJntMAnWajn My bualaea ta aii axiluslv.: UElwU AND WINE UAl , at nty present aiand. Parti a who desire nur- efaae'DC line liquort in iiiuUiit les llun live gallons would do well te can. tdbei i arrariicemeDM made with dealei e. f.Jb 14 U A- W. FlMPd. I Daataeae cauaad by Oatarrh. Catavrrhuoi oolrajUeB.ly produces deaf- Mr. Levi A'irlnirur. of Nellie Like. (P.O.) WilliaGie Co ., foroiui lv of D .rbati'i Vor- pvrS, 0-, l Ai een cured ol deaf uesa of our j. year' llaiidlog, by 'u4u Or. ftAge' Cit kr. U .-iemcdy. lie "aa so deaf he cuuld not bear a person talk when sea'eu by bis side,aud can Bow heir the ska b bell nuglwo milua diktant soh'i writes. A MARKED UAE OF DEAFNESS j , CURED. DfcKiBSoaviLLB. Miaic. cj., N. I., Feb. About one year ajo 1 can bt a severe cold in the bead, which .emanated if. a severe form of catarrh. DuriiiK the liuie nlcoraUeiwoccuied in the aaaal Duaairea. and I lecaine whoIlT deaf In one ear, with lArtial ne la the othea Thetnaamation had lovolv 1 alt the delicate strueoree of the ear, aid waa ia taneediate danKer ot permauent deafoei. TbediH'harge became prof one and fe"d. both luto my tliroit and irom my ea . in mis cond 1 1 ion 1 called on Or. P uice for aid, who prescribed his Golden Medical Uiacoveiy aed Oatajih Keaisdy.arid audsa tbe'T. nas hard raiiiaiy recovered. My heirmir ia restored, nd anrCatarrh ia eutirely w. 3H N SMITH OEEN'S FIT CUBE! ) :1 1 in eJ for Epilepsy- , vvo . - ffita, (aaama, Convalaiou end MervoBS tVaWei jluaai, acta promptly, of sen arreaUoi( the fits from the lrt day' uta, area wtaere L,rjj have existed for year.-- - COMPOUND ExTcOBYDiUIS. '!' ' as 6reUcifUb!i ilienlife. , . ii .. ' oouas c rut ola, Secondary dypbihs, Eruptlona en the fikiu, and alt diauaaes ariaia .fiod ia pura Blood. -i 4 MEDICATED BOE Y I, ..",.. A ftjverrhr Balm for Ooaeha, rld, Bros ehi-as Aa throe and all diMieet of the air pasBarfuaand Law;, li; its tim-ly am wr ay snBOosed eases of uonsuuipuon e piomiiv rrllewcA and Ika Lniurs restorod o health. d "if NEUi A pibmpt, pox EUKALGIA SPECIFIC i Dotdtive and rjeriuanent re cf lor tbe excruciating pains ot NeaTUtfia, Rhama Un aud Self i h -. . For oaleln Raleigh N,;C, by ,W U-iajis AJHatwooi. . Pr pared nly hr - -t Has. UK! iN l.lSOl.tY A BiNfLE, .Jr CbarU.tte, N. C QckjUlT WAdPtt rto ; t- r sr ,-T-UarawraHoo of- - i : iVUVi HftU'VKr.T. ...i -.w-;:.7-- KalalKa. S. C. . Trade saoptiad at MAaafactorara' file, a - Baltmort'Sir1' X 'lu d M.t, Hwma, Btdea, i 'PHP firni or JenWoshaiinf je.ndi4Hrfvi. We tk4 ,"' I llii! I Hi- lii in, aUall mb tnirs to cavry aa. liaL-.n tlw i 211". ' ' "u,'"5r 4, iBwtH ntie "nt prompt eatpnsnta alvaye. Ben oi ur.lv L J'" 'w " aA'iana il' . . , t. r. READ! EE AD! EEAD GltEAT Diacu v ;k V I - 3-reat,iASc6ver E1XEPARRADT Injit Uda. tild v lb;Glloa seily "One Galloo '.u-' JiEAJ) THE'WLLOWJNU flttlM ritor. W. tt.eiMlkilaWAKR Ma. C. f.,XwBT-lAB ark I W. have for averaiS,?w? cl "h. Patbkt EMA.MBL Pait," ou our "Colieira BeHdliig,", .tST?-! '"''"aa ll waKp.lied byimebariiMrnoexpwieuwmauc'iork iai werJJ';, I " waiu i uea ui uew Daiiur no exoeriauue In J - ' ol" f superior w any otaer pixmcnt Onerel la tba (Signed) Mr. O. P. Ksiout 8ih: The paint eacb, and tnrce uiueta o je gallon e i mm . . - v .. n. i . n.ll u.fiu'IVW.U HI. UUmc ti er not a tiaidaumer kru 13 tbe place. I ban ilea )aluow with 'Jt-uUirrB People." it stiouid he tfeierini ' adoiiS in t a. y wuuvry lad ran ap'i'yit. i have never daouhid in aueb K.k aa .cj...... "t . toui..lj tle(ttataMav44Jityof yr Raaoaal Paint U.b waa.a of onr oJi ,1 i ' eruemoT mawriai, in Deauty oi co'or, aud yi.s foil ixjrni melon, U it is dealmble, to make "" Ma. C P. Kmoni-DaiaUia: It ff,,rrl. n.., P.itcnt tUaiue.1 Pa'u. far exceeds ri aauu to ulk ve In duiabllltv, mm .iu .lueae; wito we orao'ey raien with i., 1 1 lUruiinvd to paint the fiontaol the li ,e ine irfeet aatiaf action. In niiiudnaliui vuut)e toyou, you are at liberty to neeiU The fullowiuK letlei hi atroiiK and valuable; - . (,. f. Ay,(, Afc.,AVrVWUjAiai U-i ou wa-wrii -ebeerwlly eailome -as the tm-it of eny kiird we uavc ne ; a ll; 'lialiliea ia evwythiee; deeired dryirnf piomp'ly andwilb a Lard ulof, wliitii mu. wh I5 i.-sikt Uiu ai'liiiaof all kinds of woaiher. Tula ia aur eipo. lenve aud we ia i re, L7. 1, i 7 wiUi ceruiaty, and Intend to nee It on all occasion whe.e we desire a irood job o'w-t KMMAKT di yLARTLbY. .7.5 W. Baiu.nor, L!rSt k C. P Sot einii-ni. and I'rii-e Lint lurn-nej gratia. PBTOLK FISH GUANO 1 1ns valuable fertllier ie ofierod to the farmer at a prtel afllt'tUS Tieii hna lW tirenili baa b-ien irreatly increasod. No (iuino boa me. wi.h sneli uolveiaal favor every where, o trrnj. was the uemand lait etoa, on'y oso third rr the erdsrt crral I be Ited. ; " " '" a-ioui. j I'jreoui.. o riin raoapaarje, ana troin 4 to jurcenU of .VaaoniA Mutiv o.' Mie .eat fariuera la the eouatv am naiiiir IL knan hi huf li. .iim1.1ii.ia an. k. M anv o. tlie ea. fariuers in tha county are eal amenta, aa '"'iow: wiMJAM oa. tijuuBca laenAS, IOBK It. UVM. ....... W il. Atbha. a, J. P. llanaii, Uk. A. C. Uavis, Price ttd per ton, put u ia 'aVJU iioand bair. , ; " - Vlai-ehtdtwiiinos 7 i Ado. a x it ' Swedes Iron aad the 1 J.'. ' .r-i ' Finest Englisli Steel! The heat brand of American and Sweden twa, an.! "Eiipf's?' 'S'laStflrtarSted ui-od In fhemannflicture of our " ' 11 j AXES AND EDGED TOOLS. ! 1-M i vyt' ii- i '! v,4 We offer the very bast AIR that cea be manufactured by akll'cd woikaaen aad very 8u Lienor maUirialt, and true, tbat we will re ceive the rupporl ol tho trade. inoer ailed Immediately. , JULICd LEWIS COM OVlti". riKKAaFABT, LU.4CHEON, DNl .lattAnu ourra.it iAai.K, L4 aud Perrjna' rVorchesUaraUire Baaee to rudlbpeuisible. ' " :- i JOUM OUNUAN'8 BUMs, Mew York. A.enU for the United States. ot JO-'y IkJORTU CAllOLI.NA, ' t ' '" .' V IN THE BUPRRl0R('0URi-l5lk Jn.tlS4( rni n inniniruain ana wire Mary . Jo. B Be 1 and KnilhBell. aa Kxecutor of Tboraas Bell, dee'd, Jo Bell In hi own right, Klijah Beit, Jo'm v q one as AtJmmlv hater ef Win Belt dee'd, Job -O Htone sad wifeKebecca H., A 't'Lvnbeih end wife Da rethy, rJosjti Baldwin, Elijah Bail, Etij-ih 0 ii, a u uiiir ana wile oaran ,, aiaciaa iawln and wi e Juhi T.. and A O Atkins. : Htiti'mftit M aemamt and HetUement ettht Afar ef Thee. BtU, deaa ed. . It appearing; to theaatl&f action of Ih Court Uiat tlljah Bell, Klijaa O Bell, John C Stone Adiiiiuiaatorof rYia. Bali, dev'di John C SlOlw auu wife Rebecca 11., and A O A'Aiai are Box-reaidente of thia E.a'e: It is ordered by tie Court tha pauBeatioa beaaade ia the Ha airn cstitihbi mr aix auceaniTe woeaa, cetif via( the said Boa-realdeat deteadaale ta anpaar as tha office ed laa Clerk ot the Bapa : n.r uuart to. uaa.iiara caaety, at rl.iaboro, wilbia twen.vdays after theaerTicaed thia Sifumoea byrmblicatroa, and plead, aawwar j or damar to the eoaipiaiut of the PlaiohBa, a oopy of which ia Bled ta the odiee of aaid C eia,' otherwie ladiaeat wilt be takea aaraiaat them aaoondax taaaid complaint I W Itaeaa, eV T. Parrv, Vlsak e4 eaid Oom,. office in Pituboro, live atitk day of Jaassv ry.A.O., 1 i :f i. y .mm ttv... a r. I - ji a Liauihau J..-8w. -'T;V: :,;? : i : i- fliBeOUKi BTAIK LOTI ER1E8 1 Legalised, by Stat. Authority, and draw a ii. ruBUO ia sr. Litis. Griarjd Single Nnrober Scheme of &0.000 Hoe VKjas imiiiui mi ur sauu j .,-..--.- MONTH. : CAPTTAl Pfisa, 50,000l in Run P.laaw. ammntliw to txClOOO Wtole UckeU,l(, Ualyra,aoi quarters, 3,50. 1 TAf0reaf CbwiMwariew Sckemt, ttil a rr-MTTTAi. rarea or fSa.&eet and i ti;JH Prizes. amoonUas; to $:.78,lTf! . Draw evrrv Saturday duiinr the year. uiu ricxara, natvae, s e AaTBrs, adiirwa, for Tickets and Clrculara, ' V. KK A T. M iLUtH, -V., Managers, f . U Box max , Bt. Lows, mo. ap 4dodwaw ly .. ; - I . - , ' AND DEAtEIW IN J3ACXJN ANi m, idea.lM,ou..rr..r,rk, Reef, Ld abd Tkard m UKNICINH A. -u.. AM H.....I. u. "1 . 48 rtonih Hireet. B .1' lllUHC. HAivers 30 Huuiin. a TEoTAMONUM rORBBT, M.o. Mh, l(,rj. eu - 1 wnu eeoaomf. iraliUir.lCS?: ' 7 il uiarLei. . , appiusauea Very Raipoctf ully, W. U. BIMMONa. WU . tUC 'aeteOA. ai'lHlai aaved aialr-life olla,a ii. l.- ... ' w ""'er the laet ol i la aeiai; readT-aiinl u. ' wbiw see you 'ttbtk rroner uf thi7l.V7 v7 reapoctfnlly and ti uly, " . Atcoitar,M'"i"r" V Tarda i Tan Plains. Fauuul ir. i 'n v. w.i. ... caase safely to hand aa o.dcied, 'so ken. iP taick. taa i : it aJTorde mu much plcaadie to aay lo you tliat WeBr.,! .. i my ei,M)clai,ioHa la oonj, Ueiii.y, and 1,.""' More than tws'.v.- iu.Hb? .iue;, 1 paiuwjd -haroofu. I a. h ,,!..... -..... .."r. S'" "'. t aaiael rami, ana l was ao II 1 1 loial." aod I am m.t i.,...,- . . ' .P!?11' I will v n u.u i...ii-.....i.i '!,-!. . It ' a" Yoursmoet realiectfully, UUAOLBKKTtWN. Manalo t Uonee ,loU, ' C0r. rayoiJa and 8t. Paul Bt., BidUmiai liuuae, fciiru and Krea u i..,.',. K'ntnnr ri.....:...,,., a.." m" 1 ""ten. aa, tv. Louibaid tiv, Uiiitiuaa, Md. ii"T J.,ia. utinjf IU VtVch, N. C. lV(fh, N. Fowa.vlHe, ' ' Uoldabiro', aVfA,l HAKHia-4ewk-Aent.-. ' Norfolk Va E. F . JO'N Kb & 0 0 ig COTTON FACTORE AND GRNIRAL i WHOLRS.4LK AND RKTAJU. i : OBOCRRR, Wtumeroa 8v., Orroeira M akswtBuuauI RALEIGH, N. U -7 . vVe present onrOatd and oChr te the public onr service a fleneral Comaiaaion MerJ cbaats -or the aale of Cotton aiw other pro duce, Ac " ui- oetnovrweenwatyra'tiiB mslaeas fail of the city and ws offer espeeisl aeaauM(rs and facilities In the tora- of Oottoa Ar., -havina firs ela raetal roof and Biw nmfl tor Bonne, eltasted witha a abort dhlancs ' f tfclletaUon, and thaeoy ee ible ' ' to Bi danger ot are. Tho who desiga tonDK cotton will and it to their ln(e.eat to eommanlcate with u before storing- la whese. . , W sis constanJt la receipt of allneol Qeneral G ocerioa wh'ch wa ar aellina; at the vary lowest maike. price. Fanner (app'ie alwa hand. Aujy produeaia lariieairT - -email qaantllM UUa in eiohar for (food. : '1 We eolieit aoatiavmtata -and (will elect ' aasfactory aales and fuaraniee prompt ra tam -fot article antraated te a. 'Oaf pat. Sua and Oihers will be informed fioa time to tune of the general tanor of prices for -Cotton and produce generally. AU communicaUona of Inquiry promptly sraitfrnd. . . t aepttf tf '...- "'Til ntjnte-rl-9mtmm''- .aa..-...-. j , . ; j CORN, MEAL, PRAA, FIR ' -ltI J Baled Oat. Fordur, llay, 8 r, Beds, Ac , , ' j At OJjRORfi'a, if ,1 ... - eraiaeadFeaditmrs, . Wast o? N. C. Freitrhl Depot Werehoaw , Jrders dre.'Ped ia Poatoliios prvaaptlf Allod, WjA wATvra.Bsp't tebSewllf. " BSOLOTE " Dl VORCRB OBTALMD V. from Coarta of different State for ie ertAon, Ae. No poblielty reealred. e e&irie autil divorce ermnted. Address, ' - Bt.HOCSaVr , son "-em Attorney, li Broadway, .I , IOU (iOlNU TO FAINl'if i' "-Arerdl Craeodcai Palat k 'th best, i 17. . . a. , aaa a. ilA ' -i'" )p-i -" 'UMUvlsalnio a wt, WrU ior decrlUrt ctirclftf 1 eanict Ol'ITaV - V"' -' ' QtLECT BOAROINa AS0 DAT 8CH00L iullsboro' w.a:; 'mWlt-wr-llla Rolloekw M. n ae the exercises of their scaool oa Fi .uy Fo. a, lii74. -- - eircBlar forwsrdei ea puAUoe. ... dwl-lr lio I i

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