, , . , Sill' ! THE ' SENTINEL TBIJSHED BT. - IUHI AH TURNER, f uint or reairno. l.il Sentinel 1 yew tasdvanee r. , $& IWly, h.U1m5 -" J.W Waaklv BenUoel AW t. dhi.i Simiin. wffl ho dalirered ia ur iwn i te City at Fames tisane per . ; ' ,iiit ?? i - luooaX Affair. - f . toumt Cuivkntiu. UoBnber thai S.tur.l.y mxl is the dy appointed fit hohling oar County Convention to send " delegates to the district ouBTcntiu on tbe anrtdnv f Jinn; to nominate a' candidate i eood people l I'nruiuouih lor nnweri.to be uaed la ilccorattug Uualt'derala grarea on their nwtnoriaj day. Tbia evening or early to mrrrnw m rning, will be in time for their bipoiaut. - Kittriu.1 Pprixqs. TbU famooa and pouular aummar reaort, wa learn will lie opened tor guuata the middle of June neit Tbe gentlemanly proprietor, Ma). Black nail, owing to the atringency of the money market, baa placed the price of board at tbe very reeaanable rate ol $35 per month. We have no doubt he will receive a large patrouage. - Thei momrtcr rtiore, May 20tu. Ai 9 A. M. " 13 M. "3PM at L. Branaona' Book (8. 69. 73. TlIK JoBNifiH CoOMTT MuKIKEKKKa Kiwrn KD. Tbe Oovernur at the eainoat miliciutiun of the Ikv. A W. Mangum and Kiitht r Orue Upiritnvl adviarraof the cou dvmiad uitn, Colliua and BUIock, who wi e to be baugad to-morrow at Smith tiUJ, r jipited them uuli! tho I l)th ol June. Tub Bajtiit 8djidat Scbool Excoe ri m Ta DAT. Tlic BaptUt Sunday School chilitrm, teachers, frienda and invited umta, aama aiz hundred in all, departed fur flauderaen thin morning at 7 o'clock their Apaiveraary Sicuraion. The tmio waa composed ot nine coach t ia charge iif Conducto- Renn and Engi niirr Woat. Wa are aorry we could net go a tli affair prouiirid a delighl'ul oiiv. I'Kroaanji Ercara Faeif thb Gkaham jail. -Tbiee priwnera made their eacapa fiMiu Oralum )il on Tuaaday. It ap peal i that five men en coaflnad la oat ceil,, and the jsilor entering to gire tbam their dinner two of them aeisl and held him, while the other tbree raabed out and uiada ibaif eacape aad have not incv bevu beard Iroai. Tbe duir in tbe acuflla iwung to, and tbe two holding the jailor were prsven led Iroiu ranking their exit II Ail pu KB biDHKT Cuixxua. Tba coin- menceiutnt exerciaoa at Hampden Sidney thU year promiae to be of unuaual inter eat. They will be introduced by a Bac calaureate aermon on uaday,'the 7th of June, by Bishop Atkinaen, of North Carol liua. The literary aocietiet of the college will hold tbeir celebrationa oa Tueaday and Wedneaday morning. Tbeie aocietica will be addraaaud by Colonel U. Berkeley, of Parniviile. On Thursday, after the epeechee of the graduating claaa and tbe delivery ol diplomas, the Alumui of the colli go will be addreoed by l'roiuwor Chariot Ventble, of the Univeraity of Vir K'nie. ' -,, . Aid won the OnruAni. At a meeting of the CommitUtie representing the dif ferent charitable arganixatiant of tbe city on yuatwrday, at Uie office of the Soul hern Kx pieaa Company, to mike arrangameota for the dinner to be given in this city on tbe 21th of June in aid of the Oxiard Or phan Asylum, a Committee waa appointed to aolicit from citiz ns contributlona to the an uie. We ha ve no doubt, they will receive substantial encouragement. :. A LtMtt of TitutoBAPH Fatbttctilxb ' to Kalsuoil Below w clip from th - Fayatbe ville Qeuettt a few aanaibla remarks upon a much doilred mennttrf communl cation a linn of tolegrapk Imm Raleigh ' to Fayetteville. J Our citizens wnttld be glnd to are it buiit, Ini it; can be doae if our neighbors will bu take tlwi initiatory atepe in iha matterXaartiea in tbia city would gladly undertake and aoea oum pkto it, and we will take pleasure ic fur nishing tbetn with their Bamea and yes ponaibtUty il Uie proper effort la made : The naval store man wants it; tbe cotton man wanta it; the ntrrchnat want it; the politician wanta it; the whole community of Fayetteville, all the people ol this sec tion, wiU jaia us in tbe assertion that we are aadly in need of telegraphic coin men ic at ion with ail tbe outeido world. Our buainetn iaterenta would be pro-: motod, our importance as a large town . would be Increased, and our facilities ia every respect for proviag ourselvea aa en orgelio, onterpriaing people, would bo ea larged. List but net least, give n tbe telegraph' and we will furnish tbe people - of Fayettorille and tbe eurroandiDg ooun Iry with what they deaerve; a neat Dat.1 Oaitt, lull of newt, good reading, narketa, ttc. Wa have taken tome pains to aaoertaa the probable coat and the ieaaibility of thia work, and we are eonviaced that it it very practicable. A sum inside ol $3.oOO will be auflicient to set ns to going, and we are assured that the Western IUilrod Co. will kwp tbe poles op and the line ia re- - P". tfil eftkttjjad!cngjhturoad bri.iva that a company eoald be ea-1 laiiliPhtd, and eubecriptieus readily got, .. for he construction of a telegmphic Jina to iUieigh or sum point on tbo N. C. R. gB; aM mtana, let us make the effort. A sparkling wiae, made from oranges, ...Is. aaiJ to be t pojmljtr bayeragftia Fled-, da. oRaTi"! " CoruKiufa On ate.- I gaat-wba ia alleged to bar been a Kit-1 I HStTS ITEMS. Libht of ii ( warth af diamond, hii I "Mrt Ma na fwnoiuaidef .' ....... r .... . , U.x U Cent ltrm n.i.d therro,, oflir. A. M. r, ' l-K. la .fM . Kl. I night, of 11,000 worth af - diamondi, hi I uip a tew pricei, 0rwt ith I i . . , I tol. IX Toioir PtjbhxU This youthful Rad ical Lsmiaary bald forth in our sister town of Fsyettevllle n Tuesday Bight Th CiudU gives bin lb following wnd off: i . ,!;;;;i ttliinuttrtoiuctiiu-actef il"1h tawii the ether dsy.v lis in the Radicst no nil tlon of Civil Itighta. ;- Purnell apoke here Tueaday night about the aarne eld Halifax apeech. Tit rbairman of the meeting which he ad dreaaea, WhiUmaa, pi New Haaover, waa auppliaaVwith too much whiskey, got dninkl aod wont to sleep on tbe ataad - 'HTAtc IIsdical AaaociATiaa at Chak- ixnTa Oo Tueaday the 19th, the Medi cal Association of North Carolina, met in Charlotte at Miller Hall, Dr. W. A. B. Norcomb, President, presiding. Prsyar by Rev. Dr. Millar. Gov. Vance, on be half of the city and city physicians, re ceived the Aaaoclatioa with a apeech of welcome. Doctors Hicks, Iliuea, and Summsrell wore appointed eeuimittee on credaatials, Ductora Joseph Orahsm, J. M. Miller, of Charlotte, J. L Uandersna, ol Cabarrus, J. K. McComba, of Charlotte, and J, R. Wilson, of Cabariua, were ad mitted as members of the Aaeeciation. wit roll call tbe following members an awored ; A B Pierce, C T Murphy, Hugh Keiley, J i fiiunmareUP S Binea, J Jl Ramsey, J A Oibaea, R. H. Winborn, J K Hall, 0 A Foote, R L Payne, F M Roundtree, F b Hampton, U J O'Hagon, W. A B Norcom, J W Jon, William Lit tie, W T Cheatham, R J Hicks, Wm Dob Bam, V J Haywood, Jr., F N Lucky, D N Patterson, A T Babnaen, Chaa Duffy, W W Lane, K L Cowan, Jaa JefcKee. W II Bellamy, II Otis Hyatt, Joba McDon ald, 3 A Allison, Joa W Vick, Joseph Or&bsin, J M Miller, Richard Anderson, J L Uenderaon, O P McComba, J R Wil aan. i Dr. J. H. Dilliard, an honorary member waa inrited to take part in tho proceed lags of the Association. ' BVB1UKO eBSSIOK, Reports were received from County As sociations, the first beard from was New Hanover. The report was in all respects creditable to tbe Association of that coun ty, and every thing harmonious except the refusal ol tho coroner and county commis ai'.nprt, to pay Dr. Lucas, $100 for a post morion examination ou a body, which bad been bulled lor six weeks. Tbe Secre tary, thee read bis correspondence with members, who bad failed to pay their dues.' ' The resignations rt Doctors P. T. Hen ry, W. R. King, and Paul A. Barrier were received. The evening was consumed in reading oeaays, from Doctors McDonald, Duffy, Line and others. A North Uarolinias bblictbo ai Orates. Tbe Richmond Kiuptirtr of yesterday contains tho following :' ' W have received tbe following an nouncement from th Univeraity, which it affords us much pleaaur to make pub- Sdilort nqiurr; - I have tho pleasure to inform you that tbe Jefferson Society, on tho 17th of this month, elected Mat, W. Ransom, Jr., af North Carolina, as Final Orator at the coming celebration. Mr. Hansom is the talented and accomplished ton of Hon. M. W. Ransom, of North ' Carolina, now ia the Senate of the United States. The aelectTea of Mr.' Raneom'iia an excellent no and lie will, at tbo coming celebra tion, lo credit to his aama, bis State, and bis Alma Mater. - - . - - - A fevBb Railway Suitor .FivtTIuK dbbt Thoobabo Dollabs. In i66o a sleepy travallor oo UieKa tTenaeaaeeand Georgia Railroad wu carried by his point of debarkation, owing to the station not being called. . Us waa a member of the Legislature and introduced a bill, where U ia provided that conductors of pessea- gov trains aball call out at each atatiaa, la a loud voice, its namo and the length ' of time the traia Is to atop. For each fail ure U do so tto road must pay a penalty of one hundred dollar. Hit declarations are printed and constat Ot two ; thousand five hundred counts, tbo aggregate of pen alty amounting to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Tbia is tha amount claimed for failure to call th names of tho station and two hundred aad fifty thousand dollar is claimed for th failure) to call tbe stepping time, making in ' all balf millioa dollars. Tbo lav ia very dis tinct, and it ia not oasy to aeo how th road, caa escape the poo ally. Tbo law pro vide that half of tbo penalty shall go to tbo complainaat, ' - ' " - For tho Sentinel Mb. Eorroa Why ia it, that th Exe 1 to call for Township n cutive committee of Wake Co. have fail- lip meeting to tead delegtte to the county conveatloal Why ia it that tbo Illative Committeo sailed a maas meetiag and invited all persons ppposed fo tbo dt,Stato Mf ; Federal Administration to participate aad votet Why is it thai tbo ExecuUv comtaiUao tssas aotica and saytJ"TowBships may . K I IffOia watCO. and ClialD. Ul iHO IB I A truli. OaU.Huk. atmn lutarll . I Wamntnl RtMl I RALEIGH, N. be represented by delegate er by Conser vatives In good standing without delegs Hon, when as regular , delegate bar been appointed," Haw is It that msbsaget an sent to eon atrTBtiTai ef gwi raDding-t be ltrt 10 repraaant their Townships? These are L$ OanUtt (Pans) say the Duke de Chartrea has sent a challenge to Paul 4e Caaeagaao, in eoaooqaonco of tho publica tion in tbo lattor'a paper (U Payt)-ol an abusive article against the Duke. A telegram from the. United States armv Offloer at L'ttro Ruck, C p. . Roes, reports everything qtiet in Arkansaai The late oonteataata ftr tbe governorahip will at once disbaud their forci. The Stokes divorce cue has elicited from Xiiwerds Stokes, now a prisom-r at Sing Sing, a brief aceouat of hi -dun ttie iafolioitiea. He ia discjeetly silent as to tho probable cause. Tbo Maryland A'acciatien for tho Pro tection and Preservation of Oame and Fish baa been fully organized by aa elec tion of Afljceri, " Hie society baa alresdy a membership of 144 geutleuitn. 7 he law parade of the Maiy'and Na tional Guard Monday was a brilliant mil itary display. Tbe line was reviewed by his Excellency Governor Qrooiuo und Adjutant-General Bond on Broadway Arrangements have "been oonipleteil Tor holding in Montreal, next October, a oou fsrenceofthe D-miniou branch of the Evangelical Alliance, to whicb loading clergymen and laymen of the various provinces of Great Britain and tbe United State have been invited. Jacob Wainwright, the black boy who accompanied Dr. Livingstoue'a reiuuius to England, purposes returning to Allies aa a iniseionary teacher. , Mar Ignatua, tbe spiritual h-ai of the old Syrian Church, and one of tho several persons who claim to be the Patriarch of Antioch, ia about to viait England. The adventurous fellew who attempted to steal a hot stove must take a back sett since William A. Myt-rs, of Pleaaantville, Pa., Is on trial for stealing nitro-glyce- General Sbarman will establish army haadqiiartera in 8t Louis ia October next. Among other advantages of tbo removal from Washington, the fact is stated that th greater portion rf the army ia west ol iha Mississippi, and in tbe event of aH Indian war operations could be better directed from St. Louis. Th steamship Coat Rica, from Pana ma, toncbod at Baa Diego, Cel., Sunday evening. Bbo reports that the govern ment at Ban Jot d Guatemala had set tled with Consul Mage for the recent outrageous flogging inflicted upon him by order of tho military commandant by paying bim 10,000. ' ""S : . The following bave been elected offi cers of tbe New Tork Board of Fire Un derwriters for tho ensuing year.- President, Edgar W. Crowall; vice-president, D. A, Heald; secretary, Wm. W. Hanson w; as sistant secretary, Joha M. Tompkins; treasurer, Marcos F. Hodges. A j'ari correspondent of the Louden Ttmss thinks that tbo defeat of the. French Ministry on Saturday indicates sn early dissolutioa of the National Assemb ly aa(l tha return of the seat of govern-' ment to Paris, Tho Count do Chambord appears to favor tbo defeat of any meas ure which promise to place tbo Govern ment on a settled basis., M. Goulard1 effort to from a new Cabinet ha failed. A loo lllustratioa ot pluck and 'en ergy is glvoo tbia morning ia the : latter accounts - ot the Massachusetts flood. Hay den, Gere A Co., who brass works wore destroyed by tbo flood, commenced rebuilding them yesterday. They expect to have tho factory finished aad id opeia tioa within 'three months. It would be well for us if a little of this indomitable spirit were manifested nearer. Mr, B. F. Butler's biU for th distribu tion of tho Geneva award has beaa amtad- od bjj tha cemmiUea so as to inclado the cbuma of mutual bsBraaca companies. Tbe imaadakOBt also proscribe th meth od of apportionment among th mom b it of tho compasy. No indemnity is to b allowed member of the company for any far premium he may kav paid. . 1 f The first day of the great Gorman shooting festival of tha New York Ger man Rifle Association was initiated Mon day morning by -a grand proceaaioa of the verisna nfls companies tbroogh tbs streets of Hobokea oa their march to Union Hill Schautzea Park. Delegations from tbe BcheatzoB corps of Albany, Philadelphia, Harnsbarg, Troy, Wash ington, Baltimore aad several Now Eng land cities formed part of the procession. pIAJfoxro Robbibt.- Several thouasnd dollar worth of diamonds were takea from a ee1eB paaseager by IbiTstf amer B-xts,"fbo was arrested by Freasury Special Ageata and searched ea the Cort Undt street ferry. Ia bis poeaeaaioB were S large' solitaire diamond ring,- appraised at $3,000; aa emerald brooch ato 1 Jed with dieastado, a oaicjae Jewelled mssie box! and a geld watch. The articles 111 W C, THURSDAY MAY 21, 1874. were valued at $10,000. The seizure wss reported to Dr-puty-Cellector Phelps at tbe Custom-heoae, snd th property was ordered U tbe Beisurs Bureau fur forfeit ure. Tbe owner told Collector Phtlpt lnaTnTOCT eaiil be is Seloava Abrabsms, a paws greenbacks. ' Suit has boea begua by ih Uaitsd States against tb official bond of ex-Post-master Patrick Henry nee, of New Tork, for $500,000, to recover a deficit cy in his aoeedU for $101,000, arising, ia alleged, from embezzlement 6r John W, Norton and others. ., i Tbree little boys, 8J, 4J, and 6 years of age. while playing in the yard of the house in wbicb their parents reaided, in BoeUin on Saturday, fuimd a box of rat (toisoa, of which they ate, with fatal re sults. AH tbe granite uaed lor curbing in re cent street improvements ia Washington, 1). C, baa been from the Jamoe river quarries- It ia considered the roost dur able and (best granite lu the world. The King of Holland celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his accession t the throne, on the Uih inst., aud gave for the public benefit s considerable sum of money offered him as national gift --T.- -S. CBrebrlij'au - eetimablo oitisea, was murdered In bis bed st Rutherford Station, Gibson county, Tension tbe night of May 13, while17 sleeping beside one of his children, and robbed of $700. A near-sighted hen is reported at the West, Bhe mistook sawdust for Indian meal, partook thereof heartily, and thee Ui'l a nest full oi pine-knots. The graves ol the Confederate dead ff7 Eluiwood, Memphis, were decorated oa Saturday. There waa bo public demon stration, but tbe attepdence wa very large. A youne lady m Indinnola, Iowa, bav in rr contracted a bill ol 113 for chewing gum, her unreasonable papa refuses to liquidate tbe same. John Kilpatrick, a miner of Wllkes barre, Penn. during a drunken fit oa Fri day night; shot and killed bis Son, a bo; 18 year old. GREAT PEDESTRIAN FEAT. iFrom tbe New York Times, 17tb.J - Greeted by tbe cheers ol several Ibous and statbjinfrsmtd iscsn.of ex citemtnt eot often wilneed," Edward Payson Weston, last svsnlng, within a few seconds of midaight, completed tbo 430th mile ol bio greet Journey.- It will thee he eon that ho fell abort by seventy milts of accomplishing the task he bad undertake or walking 600 miles ia six days, bat nevertheless he has found tifltsetf tbs champion pedestrian ot the world, aad hiaeat of waikisg 115 mile in twesty toor hours stand without a parallel. . He himself attributes bis failure to accomplish the 600 milee in the stipulated time to tb injury sustained by bis left foot on Wed -aesday but undoubtedly tho chief caust ol it was the exhaustion resulting from th excessive exertions of tbs first day. Whoa he sppeared en the track yesterday morn ing it wss evident that he was In anything but good condition.. It took bim three minutes snd thirty-qise seconds to ac complish the first round, snd twenty-five minute and twenty-six seconds to- make tbe first mile. In fact, it wa evident that he wss quits lame, as be limped st every step.. Frequently during tbe Drat few hours of bis day's walk be waa com pelled to reat while bis lest were robbed witbTmiment . Later, however, hie lame- boss disappeared, and be walked with til tbe vigor aad elasticity that hsd cbarae terieed hi movements ea the previous days of tbe Unsuccessful race against time. As the pedeetrika croeeed the ecore en the completion of the last round . of tb 430tb mil b wu greeted with the wild est epplao.ee, end tn eager throng of spec tators rushed towards tho judge's stand aad congratulated bim., W stoB bimsslf was so overcome that be ooald do no more tbaa bow aa acknowledgement of tbe applause, aod bf the advice of tbe doctors bo wss removed to hie room. Despite the. wonaertul pluck and spirit be displayed to the last it wet bat too pata fully ev'dent tbat be wu "tboreugbly tired out 1 f H L ' ' ' "I 9 I I . II 1 :NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rilBIOIT IIP 1IIIR6TIX iift laiBrkfitt Ctopiiy; NO longer ask the Question. 'Shall I assurs my life r but where shall it boas- sored I . uompetitioa hu placed many Companies Defers tbs public. Wbaa yoa ana one in wnicu mortality nas beea eoaa- paratively low and axnsnaes small, eper ating over aa extended area of countrv. conducting its business oa oooeervative Brtornngljty opT)rved plto, endorsed by the Inauraace Depsitmente of the North, South aod West, yog bava found what you need,- the Piedmont A Artier ton L'le inaurance Compsny of Richmond DTl CARtER BERKELEY. General Ageet" For Nortb-CsrolinB Mt,2ldlt, v PETTY A JONES. Jobber iii Itltiter wf 91Y GOODS, 10TI0SS, BOOTS, RnOEl A.nd Hats, wbiohdofy eompaUtion. Ooars' Spool Cot fta, whiN aadceWredj Bovsfal do La rnPattoi as. aad Btyka Calicoes at 74 to 10.: M onblnohed ahlrt'tg at. . 4 A Unbleached ahlrtine to 13 1 i Dloacb ed 5hlrttng at 6 to 8, 4-4 Bleached Shirt ing at 9 to 18 1-3. These with our already large and hand some stock of goods make a splendid as sortment, aad having bad the .advantage ia purebuinx at the UtWeat prices ut tbe Soaaoa, we offer our goods u lu as equal quality can be bought in tbe State. All wishing to buy either to aell or for persoaal use will ssve money by etaw'n tog our goouaaau prun. PETTY jfc JONB1. f.l .1 i 3 K JU I I I I T il C I E l I! . FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IS AID OB TBB ' fl'BlIC liBIIlT HSf ECU . JltLT SI, I T 4- ta sanouneios tbs Fifth and last of tbe sarlas al Gift Concerts sriveo for tbe bene fit ot the Public Library of Kentucky the Trasttes tod Manager refer with pride aod aleaaura to tbe four which bave been already tiven; The first, December 16, 1871; tne eeoona, uecemoora, toi; u third, July S, 1373; sua tns lourio, aurcn Slit. 1874. -v. ., Under their charter, tmotsd by a spe cial act of tbe Kentucky Legislature, March 1, 1871. the Troesteet are antnor izod to give ONB MORE, snd ONLY OME UOKK Uirl (oncers, n u sua n nee stisina from this Fifth aud LAST floor -t. Iha Library. Museum, and other depetmenta art to be enlaced andi en dowed with a fixed aad ceruia annual income. Such sa endowment fund Is de- slisd, uwill secure bejonilpersd venture, But valy tka sulsiauaM at this maffnifl- cent establishment, but 1U coustani growth, . ... ,".. -. ,, . TBB FIFTH GIFT CONCEIT. ' for ths purposes memtloned, and w hick ia pbstivel and unequivocally snnonsced , TIIS LAST ruiCH' WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BT THE PRESENT MANAGE MENT. : .- . Will eeme off in tho ruUc LlUrary liail, at Leuievilla Kj., " - f rrldsy July 31ir. Ai this flnal Concert eVervthinsi will be bpob a scale corresponding with Jits la- creased Importance. - Tb musiso will be rendered by aa orchestra consisting oi one hundred performers selected for their fame in different lends, and the unprece dented sum of , $2,500, divided Into tweuty thousand gifts, will be distributed among toe ucxevnoinera. List of Gifts. One Grand Cash flirt.,, Una Oread Cash Gift.... Oo Grand Cash fiirt...'. OoeUrandCaah Ultt.'. ,...ro,oo .... 100,000 . 74,1100 .. tio.ooo One (rrand Cash Oltt, t Cash Gift. tw.i:i4 each luo.ouo UOth Gifts, lU.OuO each....... 150 000 15 Ca-h Gifts, 10.0TJ each...... 140,01)0 WCeeh Gift, 5,000 each loo.ooo SBCashGlfta, 4.0CO ssch , 100,000 SO Cash Otfta, ' ,D00 each.,.,... B0,0e rMCaeb Gifts, ' I.WSJ each NW.flun 100 Cash Glfta 1,000 each , 10.1,0) SAOOaahGlfU M0 eatb....... lxO.UlO 03 Cash Gift. ;;. ! each.;,..., ft,l I9.0IW Cash Gifts, Vj W each eao.OQO OraBd Total SO.ODO Gifts, aS cash. .. .3,300,000 I Price of Tickets, WTioleTlekeU.. .... J...:.. 60 80 Halvea.................. X8 00 Tenth, orex-n Connoa. ............ 3 00 II Whole Tk-keU fof.,.,....,.".... 60)00 XtX Tbskets ior.'.,.i.....j.........l,K.),00 Tickets are bow ready for sale, and or ders aoooanpaaied by oaeb will be prompt ly filled,, -w-."-.''" .- AtiDersi oommusiona win oe auoweu in satisfactory agents. ... ... Circulars conuining tun particulars fumisbtd OB apallcatloo. - . - - f THO. E. BKAMLBTTBh . : ff i - tAeentlad Maaeaes! Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. Orange SporUnc; J r... . AVOW ', ' .. BIASTlNa : TOWDEIIS. r. I .in..L. i in s ' i Pst up Is Metallt sad Wooden Kog. ' LATUN AND 8ND POWDEB CO. . Magazine beyond the City Limits. ' ' " - . 1 , ' , .:.. . ,B'Urh,,l. C - -. JULIUS LB WIS A CO. Agent. PoweerdeHverad abfo4 or say where ia thedt; j tree or eatrri la rite orders Ii WS irite orders from the trade. apao-tf At TOP POMP TO PAIST t. ' Arerill Chemical Paint Is Us best ' . JLJJU8 LEWIS A.CO., . Sol Ageatv - Wr Is for descriptive elrcalar and card f Olors. 400 COltUS Ol" UKA1U-NEU PINK for Sal delivered at 1 1,73 . pr cord.. Leave vow order al AW Store, Hi!! llilitborii ttraet. caaaai autjl-iut. JUUS DAVld. NO. 247. QRXiT BALK O r akRDEN HOES FOR NEXT M UXX&r- roauaxr, so days, . WuMnlnJ Dul ear i Garden Hoes $ cental i;"-,t'-":; Gardta lLa 30 eenta ' ' u rwtf Btrgalne,' Great Bargains, 'U.M Gardiw 83 Cents, 51 -A Uanlen Uhm 33 oanta, ' -1 ''' Call Krtyy'n I r -----tWI Krly, '' -Gordon II tee 40 c. nU, : ' -;efd. n M ice 40 orats, Exutmoly Low Prices, " ..i . Oil Uen Iloes 43 cents, I Gartten IIe 43 cents, . S3, 30, 33, 40, -4,1. snd 60 oeutt. k Call and buy great Wgaiuaat 1 f T.H. BlUOOa60N6f, , JNTER 1873 OPENINU or fALL AMO WINTER Millinery. LadUto fancy and furnlshbig goods. Needle Goods, Zejavrr and other Wool, an mures ana a uouaauu ovnar aruciea at , ISAAC (ETTINUCrVa From tin Sad day of October, froia 3 a. B, everyday airtll the Boasoo 1 1 over. miytw OCtl- IBS I lulu jaat received tsy entire Stock e Spring and eumiaer Oooda, hoaghk at the lowest point reached tbia Boring, and aa able to offur rondsof the swnequallty as cheap M any one in tbia or e-T other market . KEEP.! . ... ., it a. . ' r J DRY POODS, K - f " j , . ,. NOT10NH, PAMCT I' .QOOm, BOOTa,-. i r . W '?,'" i ,. ... ani Biinvit imin mn NEW AMD PREall. bouiiht at tha lwty( pricee aad sold for a email .profit, thereby ea- iMuiKtuy ruaumur nn euuue losuppiy Ineouelvea at aaUsfactory prtoea. Thankful for iast favora I hoo to merit a sotjtinuanee ot tbe tamo by close aUeatien w ifiuwuins. ... ; - - - J. D, MtWSOM, SDlA-il3in ,. . ft , ., Ri C O L L EOT Ia rofereuos to the ) as . in :oxLJ3.!o HANDLED; t-OTTON-UOEt that lis the only HOE msde of ' ' ' Solid Cut Steel Not Rolled Steel ' We sold in 1373, 506 dosen of these Hoes. We Warrant every HOE perfect ' In Stock; Temper and Finish. - Hardware Uouae or -; ,n ap 17-Urf JUUUS LEWIS CO. v OOKUKECMlONAL, JUDICIAL AMU 8KNATOKUL CONVENTIONS- , A Dcmocrutc-Conaervatire Convention for the tfrtt Congresalonal District of N. Carolina will bo held is Edoatoo oa Thnrs day, the 38th day of May. 1874, for tbs purpose of nominating s candidate to re present the District in the 44th Congress of ths) United Ststes. -..... r - - At tbs same time and place Conventions will be btid to nominate csndldatos for Judge tod Solicitor of the first Judicial District, and candidates for the Senate is the first Senatorial District - ( Th Counties ia tbs District'ara request ed to hold their primary meetings and ap point delegates to sttund these Conven tions, , . . I i W. F. MARTIN, " I .. Cbrxt'n of Cong. Ex, Committe. i , . . IL E. BAXTER, . V ( ' Chm'n of Judicial Committee. - n. A. GILLIAM, ' t Ch'nin el Sub Committee. may6-da4t . ; ,v . t ... -1-iNNOUNCEMENT. Ui" " ..... ' -i , : ' ' - ' II li. Andre wss && O o. , (JliOTBlBM ABO OBBTS fUBBlSBSkS.). : "Would resrmctfanv call Uie sttenUon of their tiuineroua patron and Uie on bile gea- erallyto thoir riuiek of Boring and Summer uiouiuig, lor sua see Boys, uie saos i oi which baa beea manufactured by our Mew York Partners, sloe the decline in Goods which enable as to sell mock lower than beretefure. Call aad examine onr stock aad uieylwtll not care to look elaowkere before purvuaslng. . i -i . f , Apru satui, ao. , A large snd sttractlv Stock Of l ' - GeaU Furnishing Poods, Constantly on hand.' R. 8, ANDKK WS st CO. Next door to Tucker Hall. ' ' ' April Hind, W74. ; All the lateat MevelUee la UaU last re- eetved at .- j tt. V. AH DBS WA CO. ' j nJloUiUira and ttenta FaraUbera, - . . J 37 FayettevUle Bt, i 4- IslM'L WmTftV : W W. D'ATia, Wat. 0. MaiUFIV, 'If 1TTI D1TII t C I . ( ': ', WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NORTH j ERN ICE, - " ! PORTSMOUTH, VI. I Orrwa at Ics Housb on Qdsss BtbssT. j P. O. BOX lit. . Hay ing three Ice Hoase- and snparior facilities are prepared to sWp Ice" la any duaetity via Seaboard & Roanoke Rail- roail, or by Riv or Canal Boats, with die. da.tch end at lowest rotes. I tun. LAStl' ' msySdlm. -. - BOM-TOM FLIRTATIOH SIGNALS ent on reeeiot of sit ets. Uni'ioe frlntlnfaml PuWiabinjj : Hou, 86 Verse y btroet, 2el lork. aw. THE jiEJNEL ' j .ADVlSrielNW ttATEB, - Advertisement wilt he tuaerted la the Daily dwrriaax at the following rate per hui ( nw inch, or ton miutoa line. , Ui.eaijiw otto time ...-..."..i..'. ILCC " each attdaaqaeoliaMrtMHi laea thss iwjk,;.,.ilM.ik( 1 square, 1 Week. SAO. 1 aqunVaioa.' .i!.M 1 I month, AOo 1 , a - aa.uo 1 , . Smo's, jaooii ; h. ... a . 40.oo I - . ia.ou i id tt.t I , "I I. ' - I.F.Iarlia'i HiwItrbiM aaa Mea teatad at TORK, TA by I?, at BTTiNaEB, a & and tt QOLTOKt, Maaa., by rT paMERSONi B- 11 trj- fell Tor Pamphlet and Teat Refill . f , BBcnuan, i orn, ra. ATTOtNIt A C0CN3KLL0K AT liW, . x;iO. S WAX T., BBW tOBCT WUT attend promnUv to all nrofeaaional hud. seat eotrested to htm. - ttefers te the Chief Jntttoe aad Aaaoclate JssUoeaof taeBapremt, Court i North CajoUne, aad to tha.wbol North CaroliBA Bl. - fct la-ll WILLINERT AND LADIES FANCY GOODS. : a Mr.' Harriet Aadraw T.iiitJ Street a few doors Mortt of the SlaU Ma- ttooal Baak, ha returned from the PoiA and baa oa band a aolaadld uannmmtnt Mminerv sad Ladles Fane Panda. n u. i. test deticn aad unportaUoaa. . TbS UiUlnei-V OoOArtmant la mnAtr th ebargeof ladles of eiperioace, end tbe nnblle areaaauted thU vor- UUng oUared for sale at this eateUlisluneut lawarrmntod to be ot the : oa. waae usnutriM, vail and exainina thaepknidldsUick, which la ottered at the west liberal rates. '. UK, HARRIET ANDREWS, . 1 ... Emporium of Fashion, ap 10-dUt - . . N 1 W O0'.0DilrjQB ,iwt. j. t- HALO AD STOBB Si t .) Hi Mouxttolu Bxplodea M1RBL! JILL ISD.TEmB f fiNCI ir?- WILL- AXlVTt 'v:v r W erner - samers el . , OBT OOOBa . sa UNUSUALLY. ATTRACTIVE Stock ot . Spring Bind Sumiaior Geeti, recen'ly purchased In New York, and nun ol them bouKhl at PANIC PRIcEa. Uyttockei s , Drw (JoodsV WWU Poods. 7 ' ' ' Linen Handkereblefa,6lv,l "iParuota, tg'iZ? &bbo mJ',7Xni5m3 U LARPE and well ,." d r r. I 0 ' o' o d a Ladies In want of . i j t uh jr. '. - i - - Dress Goods will flad It to their Interest to call and exam ttie Buy toek before purebaslng elsewbora. P kavJU ew M,d wU " 1ANIl) rif ftoek fPIKCK POODS eonsUUngof WmotulS UMEMPOOltfaE tot run mades, waa never more complete. ' any of them being aa cheap or even cXkeap? or tbaa before tbe wr.; . My stock of '' ":..;--;' for Larllea, PesU' sad lllaaes Is Urge snd well" aaaorted, and person waatlug good, waree or men-haadlse, should alwaya examine my stock before buying, ae I Intend to make it lo their interest to boy ot me. -. rA" " ""otto, "LIVE AND LIT UVt), '";.tf-.i --4 fi' .... i .. I -'riftful'y, ask COUNTRY MER- them special Inducement, and "''-K I 0aa " ssve them money. . sp v-axwww . . CBEKCn. mm OlFfEllIEliriflSE the only Reliable Gift Durtrlbatloa ia the ' ' eountry , S6O.OOO00 IN yALUABr.E GIFTS r i ... i V.-f.:, .; ... ! TO Bg OlSTBUUTKD 1st Iii X. SIIsTE'S f,07Tit REGULAR MONTHLY ' f T i Drwm'Jlonday,, una StK 1874. (t.j r i. ?TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each In Grconbacksfi ' -.- ( . Two Prizes $1,000 f C , Five Prizes, 3300 2 Greenbacks I Tea Prizes, $100 ( ' I Horse eV Baggy, with Silver-mounted Harness, worth $000. ., j ... One Fine-toned, Rosewood Piano, worth Ton : Family Sewing Machines, worth -Vioueacui - w Five Gold Watches 4 Chains, worth $300 eacDi ..- Five Gold American, Iluu ting Watches, " worth $i25 each I . Tea Ladies' Gold Hunting. Watches, worth $100 each I ' SjO (Ml awtf HU-rLr Bunting WofcAsa, tr mil, ararM frmm sl le JMW ocA Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry, Ac, Ac. -' r 4 . . Z tcAr HiMttd weo.uoui lgtHti tinted It Sell Tirkctt, ts whom J.lbfral Prtmlnm wiU.he paid. ginale ' -T1 keU . $1 ; Six Tickets $3 Twelve Tickets $10 ; Twenty-Five $0. "'Circulars eonldhrng a fall Tisl of fife, a deactipUon et the ruanner of drawm?, and oih bi(ormU' .iai.fef.mM W tl. .-.. t bution, will be sent to aitr one oriii-tu.tf tiicm. liii l 1-101 W; spSJ-k Ajl letler most be eiMn-Ksed t" Mta orrita, u 4. c i tw, n't ), rtfth st,- ciNciK jaii. o. - 3J-V4 . - .'-