t uk n b rt, AdvvtkfWiUts will be mmrtml In the Uuily aaa-rian, at the following ralea pur square el our torn, or Un minion hues. iiequareuaeuuu...i LU " " aaeh sutiseuaentinurliifti aim or imnuTM. leaa'thaa a week........ 1 aquare, 1 week, I .5u 1 squai ; " r I aaoni, ttj' I - 1 laso'v lAOOl I - $ lS.Oo l ' ' leu -thai a week........ Diiy 8.tlol 1 few a admaes Dally, Six aon tha la ulnae Ea.t0 i.OU I 40 1 square, 7 mo. .S100 a ri - aa.ue t " 40.00 10 " st.uft If'l It nui I (H Lfn.v " ' 1 w,. w wimn w any fart u( ut '"W Un p ak. - 1 " " w.uwt- ll - .10 1 a !. KWI'i i U aO.Ji VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N". 0., TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1874. . ' -t NO. 251." 1 E6.UV ,1 ' . I AV r-mr-v-- 3- , , ,f - V . " i a ( . I i f i J- , . IWUtt.il -ItM lit tii -yl.t .llll- 4.MiaAi tln,lHlf - 4 1 4 nr. ID -Uv CITY INTELLIGENCE. JOHN HIXAGCJ, XMitar Memorial 6khkt.ii Tha Right R cm4:tiir'BhhttinVtM'fAotM af X. Carolina, delivered in. tk. Jubo't charob laat aiiiht, a Memorial Beraton apoa IBM Kev. U, M soon, IX D, itotujf Christ .'Tub ('iCrua.--li Lla-r throughout pf. the but compliment highly. Us fftonpe picture ul the frees Qang, taken by out Photographer Watsoe, Friend Mampt of the 8outkmr think Mr. - Dead, af tha Eafield 'ttflwt, tba haoilaomrat of tba party, la which we cui acids, aa4 alio that lha faw-hwk af tba party waaia tba mi line, wa won't aay at ba doti, "oa tba faooe." ' ' . Th C adst Hop ifl Hiluboeo. Our tbaaka for aa inT ttttea to ba pnatat at a Bop Complimeataiy ta-tAafflcara and Cadetaof tballoraaraad Qrarea icboal, nttheMuooic Hail HilUbaro, N. C, Wadoeaday afeoing, May 7tb. Wa will hava to furago to pleaaant an oocaaiaa only on aouaunt of duty. Thennometer Btora,My26tb. Ai A. M. " 12M. ' "8PM at L Bransona' Book 77. 80. 83. Tm BrmawBikMT FaariTai.. Bear in mind tba Strattbarry Fcatival In night, at tha Bitrrtngtfr 8tire, and" gi tha la dica a call. Pawing there to-day we noticed exten di re, preparation! going on to make tba affair all it should bi. Tba room ia moat tai'efully decorated and theacene to-night pramiast to ba delightrul and eachaatiag. Th Third Jcdicia', Distbict. The Btata Executiva Commiitae hare Appoint ed the fallowing gentlemen aa tha Dem ocratic Executive Committee for tha Third Judicial District- tha names not baring baen heretolora published: ; Wm. T. Dortcb, Cbair'n, Wayna conn tj; Geo. W. Blount, Wileoo; Julia Q Jackaon.OreenaiJpho F. Vr oaten, L- noir. B. F. Askew, Jonas; Jaha H. Haughtea, CrTta; James S. Long, Peai' Uc . U: - , . :- EiRoeciix AcciosnT. Last night Ssbri-i na Rayaer, (col) linng en Eaat Hargett Street, was badly burned, if nat fatally bo, by the breaking of a keroaeoa lamp.. It aems a woman passire through tba rosai with the lamp in bar band acci dentally drenDed it. when she attempted to throw tha broken burning mats out of the bouae. but in her eicitcineot threw It in tha Ian of tba other woman, Sahrina, wbo was sitting on tha porch, tba llama quickly ignitiog bar clothing, which waa not DUt out until aha was badlv burned. he ia In a critical condition to-day. Bitti,xo flooA. -Our townaman, Mc" Lian Potter. Em., has commenced tba manufacture and bottling of moat deli cioua aoda in tha basement ot Bimpson'sj drutr store. Tba establishment is tba most complete ul the kind in tba Btata and wa teara his salea are rapidly on tba increase. It ia put np in bottlea, and than packed for shipment in cases to any re quired number. It (a kept as fraab let any length of time, at If drawn fr-.m a foun tain. . TBU TWIWtT FoOKTH JUHk CELEBRA TION. At a meetiag af the Tarioot chart . table organizations of the city held oa yeetorday alternoon, a proper programme waa after full consultation agreed upen, aad tha celebration of tba Ftatiral of Bt. John oa tha twenty fourth at Jans in aid ol the Oxford Orphan Asylum. . Tba Masonic fraternity, the Odd Fel lowr,Kuigbia of Pjthias, Temperance orders, and others are Invited to be pre sent and J"in la the parade. : : The President of the Agricultural Be ciett. Col, Uolt. hu tendered tha use of tha Fair Ground for the dinner and occa sion, which offer has been accepted upon tba part of Msj. Basil 0. Manly.chalrmaa ol the Committee of Arrangement. We trust there will ba a large crowd from our sister towns present, and with the turnout ot citixeoe tba day ahould be ebaeiYed and made . a grand aad gala celebration, r . ; The followioK ladies compose tba com mittee to solicit contitbutiona in behalf - of the celebratU and paraoitally assist in the affair: H Mia. Q. Busbee. Mrs, QW.. WlJ Miss. Blanche Fentresa, Mrs. X. Fasnacb, Mrs. 3. B. BatchelorMisa. Beuie Blake, Mrs, Uee. I. BiLgietarj, Mrs. A. it won acb. Misa. M. K. Nixoo, Miaa. GrUlie Bagley, Mrs. J. 8. Fi.btr, Misa. Annie Cooke, Mrs. M. Qraosman, Mr. M. Bo. aeobanm, Mr. R. O. Lewis, Mrs. B. O Bmitb. Mrs. W. N. Mills, Miss. But Pea cod. Mia. Mollis Mill. Miss. Man Hol- den. Miaa. Era Briget, Misa. Kltia Uol- den, Misa. KaU V. Fisher. Miaa. Mary X. Taocey, Miss. Clara Kramer, and Bykaa. . - Personals GuTcroor Caldwell, Treasaror Jenkins. Col. Thomas C. Fuller, and others, who went hither to attend Haywood Court last weak, were apprised af tha contiia- anoa of the suit, which called tbta there. at Old Fort, and will return to tha cltyi U.S. Carter, Eeq., formerly of this , city.) editor of the Lancaster. (8. C ZaeW. was tried at Lancaster laat Batnr day for killing a man named Hickson last year, and honorably acquitted, It being cieariy aaewa mat tna act waa onintea UanaL -,;'; v-( ; Deputy Warden, Wm. IL Thmpn, of the Peniteatiary, who baa bees quite ill for tereral days past, wa are glad to ieara, ia this BwrniDg considerably better. -. Carrtfr fciwCiiurTCottt. Tbis vanrs opens in Btti ropoutau Uaii ca Hon dT next. The new Chief JnUice. Boa. .Jtorriaoav Waith-wiiTriwdeaMaaeUted with Judges Bond and Brooks, Hon. KsTerdy Johnson, of Baltimore, Walter atadd, of Pbilsdelnbia. knd ether dittin- gulihed Attorneys will ba in attendsaca, aw aa;a part ia tha bona luita, Komwatim or Urn. Aihi Tba pr. oaadinfl ot tba eotnarratira Oiatriet coa raatiaa Which a at heri oa tba 30th laat, will ba found ia aoothe ooluma. Horn. Than. & Aaba aa rawwinUHt for C- grcaa by aoelamatiua. rraatdent, and Uea, i-A. 4. Uargaa, tba nermanaat PraaidaaC niada InUnatinc ramarkf ia tba oonTMtiaa. aa did . ala J. TmhmF kit tmjri ta mt tha diHaraat tba wbaia Baata from Radical aa aagto roia. I'aorfeUa jfrnmot, Hokkttbb AT Knia XeOWTAtH. A aerieue aflalr aoourrad at King's Moua- taia Mine aa tha 17th lust. A aaa asm ad JaaaaaHwasJabaa aaed Rufoi Baaford. The pistol ball went ia orer the left eye aad lodged la the beck of the bead. The sua died ia three-fourths of aa bear. Both whit and yeaog man. If ia aaid that Banford baa a mother lirine- at Tata's Factory. nn letter from which we get the above information says : j," "The mea were at tha keuae of J. B, Fatla oa Saaday morning, aad were stan ding ia the antrr. Elwoed took a box of cartridges from bis pocket aad aaid to Baoiora now would yon like to hare a deae ol these. Ban lord nude a grab far them. Elwooiaald no, yoa abanl hare them 1 hare get one here yon shall bare step outside. They both did so. Banford kept close to JSlwood. El wood said step back you are too close. As Baa ford stepped back Elweod drew m pistol from hi pocket and shot him iasi astir without a word-mere-" El wood waa brought te tbia city on Thursday laat for examination before Judge Logan, who offered him bail ia the sum of 91,000. Until the bail ia given Elweod remaiaa.ia Jail. CAarfam Dtm- oont " State NewaM- Tae Tin aaya : Capt. Harding, who baa purchased from the Government the eld Confederate ram Neuse, will teara thia morning for Klnstoa, for tha purpose of blowing up tba same, the river being too high aad tha current too strong for com mencing operations before. We should thiak it dsneeraus busiaast, but ba In forms as that it la not ' JTbe CommiiBioners of Craven county, have brought Bait against the Oammissioa- ers of Pamlico to recover the sum of 130, 000 claimed to be due aa Pamlico's pro- portlen of the railroad debt . -. Thb Radioal Judicial Corraimoa. As wa ga to press the Radical Judicial Coeventiea ia aeaaiea at Flestaa) iaatiliha the threes of delivery. It will eventually put forth a candidate, we . sap pose, but thus far hu made no pragma to that end. Moasra. Clarke, Fsircloth and Seymour went into the Convention with three votes each. On Thursday eixty ballots were token without altering tha relative - posi tion of the parties, although Lenoir osun ty manifested a disposition to trade trom Clarke to Beymev, if Seymoar'a Iris ads would suppert Loftin, of Lenoir, for Boll citer. Yesterday tba Convention res sembled, and it wa found that the terer al deleeatiens remained firmly by their oondtdatea, until tbeVne-hundredth bat tot of thereabouls alien Lenoir chang ed to Seymanr, giving him 4 votes. Clarke V Pwrdtn C. Lenoir aflorward changed back to Clarke. The difficulty la hamonUiag upon tub or candidate aeems to be that Faireleth ia not regarded aa a aimea pure Radical ; Boymonr ia ebjectlenable because be is a carpet bagger, and the carpet baggers whocoalroltbe Craven aad Pamlico vote will not go for Clarke because he de nounced them so bitterly at Trenton. "Let oa have peace." Journal qf Cm- ewre. ; Judge Logan appeaed la Charlotte Fnday, the Obttmr aays, ia his electioae- ering pan la of Bald Mountain blue Jeans. The speech of the Conaerrati re-Nom inee for Judge, ia the Court House, oa Thursday, ia highly apokea of. It waa certainly aa able aad elequant defence 'of bia Ka Klux - record ; and a triumphant vindication pf the aclioa of the nomiaa Uog Conreation. Mr. Bbenck poaaeasea a fine order of tel- enta, is an able lawyer, aad oae of tba moat brilliant and forcible spaakcra in tha State. His speech oenrertaj into tWj aaumber of hi tnmitt, aa wa auted ia the brief report of the occasion in yesterday's paper. 1 ; ; ;: " rj:, We eohOdently expect to chraaicle la August next, the triumphant election of our nominee, la spite of Mr. Sbencka personal enemies, aad the doinga of Ia depeadeata, BeU-Meminatod Candidates, Dolters, Disorganixers, and the Republi can Party. . Meckieabarg, we are pread to aay, hat aevar yet cast bar vote for a Bolter or a Radical ; aad, if aha i knows beraetf, wa believe the nerer wilt. The Indications are now that the ConservatiTa Toteti of thia county will rally aa aaasat to the snp- port aftba regular nmloesa.CAarla O&erreer. - -t" The BlaUnUU Amrieo eemea out Btroogly agaiast the nominee of the Caa- Bervativea for Judge ia thia diatrict, Every blow that it struck far the bolters ia as much gaia lor the Radicala, and heigh taot Logsn't chaacea for re eteo- The Republican Convention of the 7th Saoatorial Distriot HMt-t Haafa rilJa Tuesday 19th Inst, aad nominated O. W. B Lao ton, Wilson, an J S. J. Sharp, of Wash, for the Senate. A CoDtamtive ptpar will ba atarted ' ia IJantoQ U ba ballad tba CXoa Btetrd. Chariaa A. Taylor, of Oxfard, and Jtmea.B, Rodgan, of Tarboio, ara to ba the Piibliahara. " laara tuia CapU Jamta A- (Black walder, af4lwaU towoahip, 'that a worm rery Vtf.&f 1 ttt vnxmsix a 1 jottttn 01 if, a well 'as Vue chrpat. TC I aeighborbond. AcctouTAL Dnewatno. A colored man by the name of Daniel Flllyaw, fell evarboard from h-turpentine rait oppo- aite Keaara: J, R..BIossnm '& Evans' dis tillery,, ia the tipper part of the city, yea terday forenoon, aad was drowned before beould Le rescued Ia leai th.n hall an hour aftarwarda hs wss Isund aud drawn to the surface by means of grap pling irons, but erery effirt ialtt to res tore htm was unavailing. Jttnral '' se CHIEF JUillCE WAITE ON A DIA-' PER CASE. In tba United butos Circuit Court, yss terdsy, belore Chief Justice Waile and J udge Band, the important case submitted to their honors was lbs meiiU of a baby's patent diaper, which John B. Hemphill, tompUinsni, aliped hnd been infringed hy Cbsrls Outlier. The dhper is of In die rubber cloth or cuip.itiou, with short leggings, and made to button up in front, resembling a pair of bubtailcd drawers for babies. "The "" cein plaiaant's patent improved diaper and tha d'aper alleged to be an infringement upou it, were exhibited to the court, and the mer its of each pointed tut by the reapectire legal cuuaasl, learned In the law, who are engaged ia the case. A broad smile was freqaeotlj provoked by (lie norolty ol the! discussion of snub a subj-et belore solemn jadgea, one nt them the highest on the beach. 41'tar argument the Cbl' f Jus ice held the aba'ruaa subfccl under consider ation, and his ducition may bo mar's known to-day This ia tha ttcnnd case which tba Chief Juaiioa has been called upon to decide since hs haa vuitod this circuit, Bait. Run, 82ad, . BPECUL' NOriCES. - Ws should not heeiute te recommend to any Iriand of oura. Param' l'ra(('e run; they aro actentlOcally prepared, and are adapted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine. Decidedly the best remedy that hsa ever been jJiacovard.. foz. Jheumatism, swoolen or still iaiata, flosh wouods, apraina, bruiaee, cars and bums, hi Mn- ami Anodyne LinimetU We use it, and always recomemend it to eur friends. The Timet aaya Dr. Ws'aole baa tost du Desutirui ensstnut mare. Baa died sud denly ia harness, it ia u posed from bots or pin worms. If the Doctor had uaed Shiriian'i Caeolry Condition PawaVhs would, b doubt, have had bis mare to daythey are death on worms. Cbisped hand ara vary common with theet who have their bands much in wa ter. A few drape ot Joknton't Anodyne Lin imtni rubbed over the hand two or tbres times a day. will keep thorn soft and white Fishermen, sailors, and others will do well to remember tbia. , .t j Cora aad floor ara ataple article; but not mar so lb an Jolinteni Anodyne Lin iment, where known. It is good tor chil dren oradulu, for any Internal soreness of the chest or bawata, aud the beat Liniment prepared, under whatever name. Dr A Johnson, one of tha moat eucceae- tul practitioner of bis time, invented what is now called Joaaiea's Anodyne Lin iment. The great aucoesa ol tbia artlcU in tha cute of Broochitia and all disease ot tbioat aad lungs, will make the name of Jphnaoa net laea favorably, If lew widely known, tbaa that or Louis K.poioon Aa Irishman called at a drag st&re to ret a bottle or Jonnton i Anodi nt Lint' ta lot the Khevmatiam,- the druggist naked him in what part of the body it troubled him moat, MBe ma soul," aaid be, "I bare it ia ivery beul and corner er For lost ef cud, bora all, fed water In cows, loss ef appetite, rot, or murrain ia ebeep; thick wind, broken winded roar ing, and for all obstructions of tha kid neys ia horsee oae onarwan itjaatwr Con- nert ar several kinds of worms which tremble keraea; the pin-warms (pointed at both ends) are the moat common aad moat dangerous. Sitridem't Cemkp Condition nmUn will in a few days eject tba worms, and the horse will begta to thrive. Factories and macblos shops should not be allowed to raa a day without Jokntorit Anodyne Liniment. . Ia case of a aaddaa accident, aa tm mediate net ol it may Mrs weeks of suffering, sod herbeps a lime, or stcw uia. Ms: ' s ' i be all-gone foaling which people aeme Unaea speak of, ia oanaed by waat of pro pet acUoa o( the lir and heart. Tbeae aaay ae aaetated, and ine dowsis regulated by ittmnf furfU4 ruu ta small da rannfe PurgatiM Yule, which are now being extensively sold ia tbia State are partly vegetable, aad are mild and gentle ia their operation.' One in a dona. Good qualities, certainly. ' Without doubt hundred of people who will read, thiajtom are suffering with Kidaey Disease in eotae form, wbicb might be eared with -a. betttiseTtwo-" of Johntm'i inaiyaa Liniment used : tetera- aliy. Why not try it? .Vetarlaary Sargaoaa all Aver the eoa'a try ara raconunaadiefj gfrf,' Caaofry Condition Tovden tot the followins troub le ia hortei: lsm of appetite, rougbneae of tbe hair, stoppage of bowels or water. thick water, cough and colds, swelling of glands, worms, horse ail, thick wind, and beavasv NEW ADVERTISXIUUITS. GarrC 1. m gentlemen, wtU be more satisfactory than any thing I can say : Nbai Cart, N. a, Nov., lth, 1878. Tliis is to certify that I' am uainc ene of tke Cary Oins made by VCJt. Barrotl. of 'ary, . C, and that I am well pleased with itand would cheerfully recommend it to any one wanting a good Gin. . A. a. Y ATX. Cart, N. U, May 22nd, 1874. I take pleaaure in savins: that the fifty awe Cotton Gin, I purchased from Mr. W, M. Borrell, known aa tha Cary Oin dees far beltrr work tbsa any Gin, I have heretofore used, theugh coating f rom 50 to 100 per cent, leaa money. I think any uer- son.iu want of a Oin will aara money by purchasing the t'arj Uin, its ptrrormanoe haa been entirely aatiafactory to us, I can cheerfully recommend it to ethers. a. r. paqb. W certify that the Cary Oin has given entire satisfactina to our nelgbbora, who ave tried it, aud ws think it aa excel lent gin. II. r. Quaes, II. B. Jordan, W. O. Pake, Wm E. Fell. PRICE : ForWSawGia, $t70" Far 53 Saw Oin, 160. For 69 Saw Oin, 150. For 45 Baw Oin, 140. For 40 Saw Uin, 180. For all under 40 Saw, ... 120. Persons wanting Gins will pleaae send n their orders early in tha season ao that may not dc crowded la the rail. Bend n your ordure and I warraot you will be pleased. I do all kind of repairing. ADDRESS, W. M. OOKRKLL, may25dw-tf. ,r Cary, N. C. 27 Years Old. Six Reasons Why YOU SHOULD INSURE IN LIPK INIIIRA N CB COMPAIvY. il CHESTNUT STREET, I III LA DEL I'll 1 A. 1st. Because it i one of the oldeat Companies ia tbe Country, and paat tha dar efexnerimenta. 2nd. because every policy-holder it a . i. . member el tbe Company, entitled to alt Its advantagaaaod privileges, baring a right to vote at an election lor trustees, and thus haa aa influence In ita management. ttrd. BueaUM it ba aa tares a percent' age ol assets to liabiUUea as any ii.'e Iii- suranca Company in the Country, ' - 4th. secaoao by ecooomict,! aiaaage moot, its ratio of expense to total iocome a tar below tbe average af Life Compan ies (see umciai inaurance Ke porta) 5th. Bocauae it hu declaied mora dividend ia number, aad of a Larger .Average fercoatage, tbaa aay Company in the United Statoa. For example : Policy No, lS.ler $5,000, haa been paid to tha widow af a I'hiladai- Shia Merchant, upoa which twanty-tbrae ividendt had been declared. Averaging tllty-sevea per cent. U id these dividend been used to parch aa addition to this Policy, 15,048 more would have beea realixed, making the Policy wertb $11 IHO. ;,. I i j -Hi' OUi. Becaaae it ia liberal ia ita mana gement, prompt in its eltleuienU, safe ba- vond a contingency, ana ita rates are low as aay Bn-eiasa uompsny la tba Wuatry. - Pbibcifai. rEATUBia. email sxpenaea, absolute security, large return premiums, prompt payment ot losses, and liberality to tbe matured. SAMUEL a HUIT, Preside. ,. SAM'L E. BTUKKd, Vtea-fnseeat, . . H. i. 8TIPHENC, Id Vtee Freatdent, iki WI1K M A WlK. Actuary, UITMUV illSYIV IuhIu. vnur muisiuititMi i IDtf! a. PkutL I Medical Ixamtaers W. H. FlliCU, Oanaral Maafger. WANTED: Active Local aad District Airests with direct contract for tba Pena Mutual Lift Insurance Co.of Philadelphia, for N. C iiddre, w. u. riAUU, may 25-tf V Oeal Maaager. Orange Sporting - AflJ BLASTINO POWDERS,. -xfjftPOWDElar Pot ap te Kstellle aa4 Woodea Eega. I4rW)! JtSfiB SJQ FUWDUCiV Magaaiae beyone the City Umlte. JU'eiKh, V. C. JUUC5 LEWIS A CO. Ageote. Towier deUverai abroad or any where ia in e.ty free er charge. SVa IB siLa tmtAvr trom tha InAe Ti 11 ill PETTY AJONBS. ... :. Mbew 'ul lliUr mI r-l : ';And''H'atW,;:P atlka, from ii to JJenC ii'igurad Lisen Lawaa at 80. BeUd and figured Pacific, Lawns at very low prlcea. Oraaa Cloth aad ladia Seer Backer suitings at ptiat which defy cmnpetitioa. ,iU ats', Bpool Cotton, white and colored. Several cases Latest Patterns and Styles Calicoes at 74 to 10. 3-4 unbleached shirting- at 5, 4 Unbleached ehirting V to 12 1 S. Bleach ed 5hirtiog at to 8, 4-4 Bleached SuhV ing at-9 to IS !-. r . a Tbeae with our already large and baud- tome stock of goods jnake a aplemlid as sortment, and having had the .advantage iu purchasing at life lowest prices ol tbe Season, we offer eur goods a lo aa equal quality can be bought ia the 81 ate. All wiablog to buy either to sell or lor personal use will save meney by examia ng eur good and priona. FIFTH AND LA8T COSCJJS (J-J . ik aid orraa i fi'BLic tfiutt lEjiTwii;;" l.'.'.H )' JULY SI, 1ST4 i Witt . -.; - '-n v'-J-'il.i. 0 In announcing the Fifth and laat ef tha series el Gift Concerto given for tbe bene fit ot the Public Library of Kentucky lbs ruitaea and Manager refer with pride and aleasure to tbe four which have been already given ; The first, December 18, 1871; tbe second, Decembers, 1872; the third, July 8, 1878; and the ioortb, March Stat, 1874. ' Under their charter, granted ny a spe cial act of the Kentucky Legislature, March 16. 1871. the TrueeWwe are author ed to a-lra ONE MORE, and ONLY OME MORE Gift Concert. With the mo ney arieina from this Fifth and LAS! Concert, the Library, Maseunw and ether depart menu are to be enlarged an it. ta llowed with a fixed and cettatBuufil iacame. Bucb an endowment mod it ot IbuL aa sill aneare heron'! peradveutuie, not only the mainieoaooa qi.iaiir suku cent establishment, bat i its tcoautant growth. , ; ' -i-n '!" TIE FIFIIC1FT C0SCRt.:i i, fof tb bOrpoaaB marnQdaed, IhdT'whica la noatlvelv and uneouirocally aanonnced aa THE Ij&b a - it titvii-trv auir - v r.i BE GIVEN UNDER TIII8 CHARTER .... I . 1 1 11 It T CULM) AND BY THE PRESENT , MAW AUK bikhi, '..Tw.:iiii.'H 'U-'ai Will cemeoff In the pulo. library uan, at Leuiaville sty., . ' rrtdaf jBiysi. isM; :;'.;! At this final Concert evervthhig will be urjon a scale corresponding with ita in creased ImDortaaoa, Tha musiac will be tMHiarcd rii offineana DonoTstioir m one hundred performers selected for their fame la dinareat lauds, ana me unprece dented turn of - ' $2,500, ft', f .. . .... . divided Into twenty tboutonr"girt 1JJ be distributed among the tickot-buidcrt ..- ii 1! HMD ! ' List of Gifts. 1; Una Grand Cash Gift l'..STO,0nt) OneWraadUwh trt Htv i'"i Onetirmndtak UHt , Oaa Uraod Cash Olf t su,la) One Orsad Caah Ulft , itt.WO t (jaaa liitta, m, oaeo,.,,. vw.vuv lOCaahOifta, 10,0 each...,-. V CaaaOifta, 10,(MW h ...... J-W.O 21) Cash iifU,r 6.00) ach....i. lW.OUK iif , 4 000 aach. ...... VMMVO SOCaah tiltta, l 8,01 each.. , d,0UI tw Cash eVtlte, tjm aarh... .... : lOB.w) 100 Caah OUU , aaebf...,r W.osi 240 CaahBilta 6" echBu,j J'-." 6O0 Csak Gill, -f loO each. W," W 19.1 uo Cash Uifta. I M eaoli!..... mMwm arand Total .00v Gifta, all cah.(..B,O0,0u PrlcoofTlciidts;! .:4r.?."..-s bn Whole Ttcaata ...... . Ilalra. ...... reath,orach Coapoa... II Wki.t.Tlrltiitj far..... - S5 W , it'1 UOJ w UU Tickete for .,,..wUm,uu Ticket are now ready lor sale, aad art dert accompanied by caah will be prompt wailed, r.:1.?.;;.,., ' -' " Liberal oommissioos witt be allowed to aatiafantnr areata, "i nn.. A I Circulars containing rait 1 panicoiars lurnunao wnppw". , ., V TUO. E. BKAMLETTE, '., . A treat and Maaager, , Pablie LIUary Baildutg,' Louisville. Ky. -- AM t Is CURES llhenmatlsm, Nenraljim, ' Sore ThroEt, lloarsenesn, Barnv Soreness, Bolls, Womidf, nfem, Bralsefi. fneAdacKe7 "Tiles Tovikathe, 011 SorM All He morrfcagO, - -i Diarrhoea, etc ' Seal da, ; Imene 'A GA.i A T b a L e o r: v QABJEN HOES. FORNEXrWlJAYt, A FORNKXr SO DAVB,' Garden Uardea' lloos 15 Olrfa. i -t.it;, Hira ad Conta, ii WananteJ Bteel.' ' , ;V B'Wa,ra.,tedBleL.,'fl Garden Uoea 30 cents, brvatiBargAiiu, Croat Bargains, f UsVJcn rfucs vim, '"' ; '""CaltKwlyV '':""'' Cainiafly'" ''SiM' 'M!fti.n 40 c.nta,4; "! ;'id B' llova 40 tt;nta, Kxtrwnely, Low Prwxa, ' 1 I Hi -I: Kxtfsnely UaiiUn Ho 45 cent, U.vten UiM-t 45 cents, --85:8307 45r and 50 cwiliT Call aud bay great bargains at w - vtl,I.;,..iI!f,il'.lL BlUUOSifc b03.) U havajiut vua sad; -myantire"Stoek e Spring and Summer Ooods, bought at tbe owva min reaenea usi npnng, ana am able to offer rondsot the aameqaaltty aa cheap aa any one la Uila or arvr other market, :r' KEEP i , o (j- - i"f ' ! :v ,. . , DKT GOODS, ' NOTTrtStt'. rANcf ' . I f. I. avn aimra ian ti at BW AND FHEsIi boowhi at tha !. prices aad toU fur a small .proat, thereby aa alillng my rutomera and nubile to supply themaalvti at aatiafaetorv prices , Tbaakfal for Bast (svms 1 Bon to marit ' eontinuaoee of Uie am bv clote atteeUou iiilt a. D,, BSWBOM, s t i . ao lft-dint 0 L '12 EC T - l, i i i, ii u i :1 t Io roferuAice to the.,,, . OOIi IiO'.tf HANDLED: COTTON HOBj..., that 'tit the only IIOEmadtof ' '.' i ; T..lid Cast Bteel-Nok Rolled Bteel. Ufa ...1.1 I. aaf BTAAt J t at WW . ' '! U""0,H"" we warrant every 'UO perfect in 8tock,Tmper and FinlaB.' 4lardwre House of - a ap 17-U ,., tiVUV& LEWIS ft CO. CtUHEKHL; iODlOlAL iND BKMAXOIUAJUONVEMTlOMa. DemocrsstoConsi'rvatlva Convention Oawlm. will be held Edenton on Thurt-1 itir mn nm linDiminiiinHi 1 1 nni i hi n. -i nt.s,rweja a-.r atnanl I U ft present tha District in the 44th Coneress I a tna uanea oioioa. i..- ,i . .. ,i . At tha sain time and ulae Coarentloni I win ue ariu to nominate cipuiuaiea iur I Judge1 and Hollcitor of the first Judicial tKencr, and caiidraatbt ror tbe Senate lo the Aral Hen atonal Diatrict 7 ' - Tba Ceuntiea la tbt District'are reaueat- ed to hold tbclr primary meetings and ap point delegates to attend thess Uonveo- tions. ." " " " f. ' :' .in. v' I ' - W. F. MIRTIN. i s Chui'n of Cong. Ex. Commltte, H. E. HAXmiL . - - t?hrh1q of Judicial CommitUie, j , , Ji. A. U1LL1A1H, Ck'mn el Ben Commit toe.'' maySdll, . . & XC-II. A.uUe vrst dtv O o (uijeTaiut ad eaT voasisasaa.)'' i 'T Would rotpectfulty call tba (ttenUon of WH'ir eoaeroa patron aad um puollo Ken orally to Umu-Btock of Spring audEummer louiroir. for Men and boy., tba moe tof which ha base uoaMfarlured ky oar New fork Partner, ilnae Ahe aocllue la Good which enable n to sell much lower than aeretofore. Call ana aaamln oar stock and I thejlwill not care to look elsewaare before parulwalag ' i it 1 Vt n.'.rf; ii' prHsaa,i7. A aarga an! sUraotlve Btock of 1,1, i ,. ., """""""iniwii. UM.t,r.nl.l.ln, flrtiulj ),( ti. li. it(u a; a Anukewb Co. n 11 i;. 1 "est Boer to Tucker Halt Anrll tnA. 1M74 t All the Utaat Keveltlea U Hut luat re- satraaatui: . .-.- .- . t :) t ' ' K. B. ANORKwd A CO. , ie Y Ctolhlors and Ganta rarnUhera, ' ..;.lf-f1 ir-'i.ir..W Fayattovtlle BU' sah'i. watrs. w. w, BAVie, wit a. w aorta, 1 nr,:, WUOLEHALB DEALERS IN NORTH fcv'ERS ICS,3 (hrrica At lea House oa Quaxi Sraaat. ,1,-riO. box Mt.' r j Ilsviog three Ice' Houaet End superior facilities, ara prepared to aliip Ice ia any qtiantiiy via : BeoiteanLak Roanoke Rail- roa1, or by Uivrr or (Jan a: uoata,witn dia fiatcb and at lowest: ratea. TERM CASH maySdlm. . ' " . ; ,'f n.' I' rs.1:. LBOit JONXLtRTATIOM Bldtt At9' ent oa ro-etpt at it eta. L nlqos PriuUngand NMUhlng house. So Veraey Stroot, New Xork. n .-);.;;.!) .' ""V. . .PilUAtr.iO at aiarverand -Coatrolcr of I SttMi Engines and Machinery. Satisfao y refereoofr given. 4 ' Apply at this office." - , atwd,W-lw, ' :i iXToTTr ' Pnnitn l.li.f IJUUUd. ; S.F.Bubim'tSewTnrhiat l- Hsa beek teetej at TORE, Pa., by Pk M, JETtatQIlZr tt XL and at HOt TO EE, Ma., by M JA3. EMMER80N.H.E, rj rrlp U 1 r. f t,lt pi BatoUL, H, CJ J ,. ATTVIUIXT COUJXaELLOK AT LA1 f : , .. BO. 4 WAU. ST., bbw tons s , , ; Wilt attend promptly to all professional beat. boss eolraated tohluC Kufnrs to the i;hlef i tuUea and AaooctateJaskweaofiiieUupriuus Court of NorVb Carolina, aut to ilia whole North Carolina bar. fob la-U MfLLINERY AND LADIES FANCY UOODS. ' . - u , Mra. Harriet Andnwa on ni. Street, a fow doors NorU of tha Htato Na tional liank, has retamed from 4 ho North and has oa hand a splendid aawrlinentof Millinery and Ladle Fancy Good vof the la. test deatrrwand unnortation. Tba MUllnar lhiuartinaiit la imW th. chancaot ladies of Bijwrio'njo, and. the puUlic ara assured that every thing odurod for sale at thia eotebUaumeot Uwarrauted to be ot the wst nau ana material, veil and oxamtiitt -tha pleudulaUn-k, which la ollsrad at the vwv uuerai raw. MK4. HARRIET ANDRRW8,' !ap W dii w ' ' 1 " 1 ulpof ina . BW GOODS FOR' 1874. . ; l UAl-B AND. STllNs; j " Mouaattxlu .Exiloiloa LliESLS lilt 1SB TESfLB OF FAJICY ; OTILL ALIVE. , , . i. ' ciijBcii , .. Isthere with his corps of polite and exiH-rton- aa UNUSCaLLT ATTRACTIVE Block of Spring and Bummer rum,! reoenUy purchased Ih New York, 'and maav i Dross Goods, White Goods. M i , Ltntut If tiJLatw..Kt. , ii - a ui - -HwituiviHMB. V.f lUTCta. . illkklfSfW Virln,H ftl.l. L Jilil?J'i-l?TL,r 42 r!n LAttOB and well I aanuiti u. aad sratrracea every thing that la - H,.iwimi ia uio . i ... o , n r, - a o o i a Dress-Goods will find It to their Interest to cH and exam. "l, oerure pnrcliii.. elaewhnrr, aathevars new and will ba ani.l iiviiiil fKlcEE. . Mv.tork ofPIir.'K via u.,-.. OAtfeiMEKita Twkit i .Nffir.T.V 7 ."i I k I IV ,KJ Ml A I. E... . '""u.n,wn never mora eouiauto.-.-. taanr of them belmr i-l,. ... .... ..i.TTTZ I sr than before the war. L yaroccoi , j , .ri..,- S Shoe a And II .a t a-) tor Ladles, flrata' and Mi.iu.ia ltfM tmtkA aaesatl ' aMortcd, and person wantiiur irood. wana - . gtZ,C. Z l'" 11 trflltaVII in that tii.ti.'i lf TVt IVTV t Eff i L ' J .. CHANTa to exaniTi,n.i.u.b - i m tbeta ioolal indacmnii rJ i,ink t ... " nf. ap v-a-wotwaw .A. CRSRCa. DC CiFrtiiiEiiPiiisE Tht on! Reliable' Gift Distribution in the a' . ... -j (! -!i;.eouury -,,-,. -$100,00000; I mn V ALU A ii I. Jfi U I V T 8 1 to bt" distributed "w ' ' I Tj ! "' Tj H T lJ lil R I t M - f 44tu SEMI-ANNUAL ft U Droun Saturday July 4CA, 1374, lot Crand Capital Frlze, $10,000 la Cold ! One rf.T $3,000 in Silver t FivaPriaet 11,000 f -n Five Prizes, 300 2 Grecubackt ! ' ' Tea PriEea,ttOO jj ( " " ': . f H Twi Family Carriagrt and latched Dortci with UlTcr loDRtcd narirst, wotrtt $l;- U :-. ' ami tata -uu.u. IwolBuggiea. Ilortcs, &c worth $000 Twe Fine-toned RoikwqpiI Piauoa, worth 1330 each t .- -f t-i Ten Family Bowing Maoliinoa, wortlt $100 each t i v . 1500 Oold and Silver Lever Hunting Wutchee (in all)' Worth from 10 to t iuo each ' " " ,: - aVuwJev ef Cifle 10.000 1 IrtnttWairtfiT Sftl Tifatfs, to Jiuai LiDc.il rrcuuutut will be paid. Single Tickete 3 fix : Tiokeis fit);. live! TelT3 T icketa, i0 ; Twentj:l"i . CTroulara-eontdn!ns a fall list of prl.ii-, is auerlptioB of tbe niaunar ot drawon:. ami, oiher U)funaaU.m l re(rtf to tfile InaUl- ' buliim, will be wnt to any (nieoriina tln-fii. Ail lUers must bs stMri"s'l txiiia oprita, L. i. BlNIi, biilM, 101 W. Fifth St. CiN(iiN.All,0,' ; MiJ 22 1.