1 CngrutloHal Tremlinge Defeat of th BvppUmmtlary Citil Sight Sill i th Umm by iMrdt FtSUnf U YU Siltv 8mU VUs With th Democrat Jawut th Bill -" Wa-hwotuk, My S3.-n.ATn.-Mr. icvti called op tbe bill upplemanlary to the act to incorporate the Texas 1'acilc lU.roed. He stated tbat the bill u assigned to enable the Compaay to exe cute e mortgage unoa the jKirtioo of its n at already completed. Mr.Kduiund moYed an ameodmmi that Bulbing ahis act shall be ceostru Lbd to have the effect to eutitV eeid .cor-' poratioo te My other or further rights te public lands, or in any other respect u au-ainst the United UlAfcee than such as it a - avboolayttea aader which aU pereoni : between tbe agea ef firo and eigbtetiu . years not locapacltatad lor- tbe eame, ah all receive'tree ot charge aucb . elimea Uiy education a Congreaa may prescribe, CtKigren thai! hare power to ettabliab therein aitch eyatant, aad eaaaa tbe name ' to be maiotaaned at theexpeoae of euch Ktatf. Ikferrnd to tbe Judiciary Com uiittee. - IIotMCi Biila were inlrcu uced Can ' filming pre-emptien and bomeeUad right in Alabama. Br Gen. Bbetdoo. a bill to refund tbe " cotton tar. j. r - By Crca!and,of Kentucky, a bill to re vive tbe act of 1804 providing for tbe payment to loyal ownei r oegroei dralt d or mustered into tbe army of tbe Uni ted States, It proposes tbo appointment of acnmlaafotd Inv stigate all such clalma, and to allow in each cite tbe sum ot ft300. as provided in aad act, which was auspended.JUi.l80.7.. By Mr. Harris, of Virginia, a bill to restore te tbe twation rolls tbe names of pensioners of tbe Mexican war stricken therefrom for disloyalty. MotUru to suspend ths rules and tike up tbo aopplemeataryCinl RlgbU bi.l end tbe turroncy bill "were defeated, two thirds not voting in tbo affirmative. Vote un civil right was 153 to M, not two third. Tbo following Republicans voted with tbe Democrats: Bramborg, of Ala bama, Butler, of Taanoasee, Lowndes, Bcuor.el Virginia, Strait, of Minnesota, Ambler Binitb, of Virginia, W. A. iSmith of North Carolina, Thomas, of Virgiala, . Thornburg, f Tenneeaee. x The defeat of the supplementary civil rights bill in tbe Moum to-day Is not a ftnalit y. To be sure tbo ttenats bill cannot bo got at except under suspension of tbo rules by a two tblrds vote, and that, aa abown by tbe action of the Ilouse to-day, cannot bo se cured; out too Judiciary fjommlttee, un ur iu leave to report at any time, can report a bill which is a perfect copy of tbo Senate bill, and this san bo passed by a simple majority and Sent over to ths tfenatoend there bo acted on. In that way tbs supplementary Civil ICights bill may and within a very brief pace Snd ltoelf in the President's hands. An amendatory tariff and internal rev euue bill was reported in tbo Ilouse to- : day. It cootaiua tbe followiog clanse: Any farmer r planter may sell st tbs place of production tobacco of bis own K"tb at retail directly to tbo consumer toay amount not exooedmx -one" ban dred dollars annually.. . .. Craxton, mlalster to Bolivia, died at Butler championed Civil Rights In tbs uouae to-day. Uto Tnosa Whom it Ixtkhuts, Naw Tore, May Ths following is an extract irom a wiegram received on - Haturday by bis sons from General J. .Watson Webb, who is in Europe; "Let every friend of. Secretary Beward ,. or,pf mine in Cncgrose demand tbat all correa pooiieoc in relation to tne Caroline af lair bo sent to tbo House. It will oft tiully demonstrato what follows: Tbs claimant in the Caroline case proposed that certain Brazilians should collect the claim and receive all over $259,000. In 1808 I submitted a proposition to Beers tary Beward for his approval. In 1807 the clam was paid alter ataadiog 20 years. 1 sent $23,000 to Beward to got her with claimant's original authority to pay balance to his agents, which I did. Btcretary Beward formally approved, sav iug: 'You bave shown much energy and sagacity la adjustment of this claim.' Five years afterwards Secretary Fish and Attorney General Akerman decided tbat Brazil was not liable. That Polk, Buch anan, Uarcy, Cass and Beward were a'l wrong, and I waa called upon to rotund the mosey paid to claimant's scents, I will boat heme as soon aa my health wilt permit," Tan Nor-THana oiToas FaASTUta Iliea , Ul ALaBaM A. MonteoMBBT, May 25. Tbo Now Yora oHitinrs bavo bad ovation after ova tion all through Alabama, and are de lighted with tbat Bute and the people. 1'be greatest of tbo series waa given them hero, Thy leave at 7 tbia morning via Booth A North & Selms, Rome Ac Dal ton roads for Atlanta, ao as to take in iron fields and furnaces oa that route. They leavo Atlanta Tuesdsy evening via Great Keaoesaw route far Chattanooga, aad thence to Lynchburg and Washington, fro or twelve Alabama editors attend them by Invitation of B. W Wrona, Agent ot Konneaaw route, to New York and Alabama assodatione. " Dbcobatiox Dat nrai Nobth. 1 WAsmxoroN, May 5. Senator Pat terson has add i eased a letter to tbo fcko letaryof War, deprecating tha or ders heretofore issued forbidding tbe decoration of Confederate graves, m me morial day at Arlington, srgiag tbat ked. or if I the order, if standing, bo revel temporary, that it be not renewed, - ---- -j yy. iirjwaww'ia"H v tm. mnKXviWT-umiiatXTui-vai i r . iirfisi UTarrT .A, ii Bwwnrit iimmrtHv -inri to w atiiirenoi . ' . i.. .. .' . . i i- .i - . : i. J,iil. irt'If .n.lconventiona. " ' I trt,iATo or Tiig nowri ! th Btidwlirui-J t Hru .r..i..n. Na.i "t'iy 1 CWI ( lO inir UVBHw awBtia avaM w I..f bj.. a ( rabriTAiiim in J '.fi rir.ART I - I " HABRiBCBdi 3Iay 23-Governor IXartranft has signed tbo bill making ducoratioa day a legal holiday. Kg IOU UOLNO 10 tAlHTf f -""""'" .'AverillCbernjcaJP.iniTslhebt.""" LJL7JU8LWI8CO., i- . ; -L: Sala.Agentk.. Write for descriptive circular and card f olora, . ttlOm.ll MUM A iroT 1 9-1 Bf THBSTTS r KcBCUTITf COMHITTH Or TU DkatO CRATio-CoasaavATiyn FAnrv-PlAH OF HOAaraato. KaAOLUTIOH. Itetolved, Thai we deeplo tymsthixe wiU) tli people of tbe W id lbr went of railroad facilities, u4 pledge ourselves o use every available mevts te secure i he early completion , of their projected Hot ,'.r ileeehed. That the Republican party having despoiled Hie &ic, million ul dollars hertUifore appropriated lor rail road purposes, ) ouworthy of enofljVncsd, ana mat experience justines me cotsciu- ion Ut u tbat party should bs again entrusted with tbe adroinstratiua of oar internal implements, iu leaders woald epata prure recreant to the sacred truit.and would divert Uie public food to their private pefctsa. , ., .Bemhxd, ' ' ' lie policy dicUtee the adoption 01 sucu tueasures a may be ne- cesssvry to increase the educational sdvao- agea ot tbe children ot Hoilh Carolina. Jteteived Tbat we earnestly recommend to tbe mombdrs or tbe lemocraiio-con pf Free Government our sincere coogratu lotions at the triumph of the greet prin ci plea of the Constitution as illustrated by tbo Democratic successes in tbe recent oete and local elections. fLA OV -OaOAXIXATlOM. Tbe following plan bf tbe Democratic- Conservative party was adopted : 1. Tbe Kxecutive (Jouimitu for tbe State shall comsist as at present appoint ed, and shall hare all the powers hereto fore conferred npon it. 2. The Executive Committee for tbo Congressional and Judicial District! shall continue as at present constituted, unt1' regularly changed, and shall have general supervison of the sffaira or the party in their respective districts. 8. in each county were snail be an Executiue Committee composed of Central Committee of not less than three members, and of at least one Committee man Irom each township. This Uomml ttee shall, under direction oi the uounty Convention, have entire control of county matters. It shall bo their duty to see tbat all tbo details of tbe can vsaa are properly conducted . that the polls are attended by competent challengers, tbat each Con servative casta his ballot, and tbst no fraud is perpetrated at tbe election, Tbey are particularly enioined to take tne cesaary steps for tbe efficient organisation of townships, and to seek by a wise ad ministration to promote harmony ana to inspire confidence. t. All Executive committees srs pro- pcily chosen by ths Conventions held for tue respective territorial divisions : out II for any cause there should bo a failure by the proper U invuntioo to appoint an Kxo cuu re Uoramiiti, men me mate itier.u tive Committee inay supply the Jcliciea Put a. or OuoAMizATioa or tux Dsmo- C RATIO fJONSBRVATrva I AB.TT. At meetina held in this city vesterday, Urn following plan oi organization was adop- I ted Dy the Htate jsxecuti vs uommittee. 1 Tbe executive (tommutee lor too Bute shall consist as at present appointed and shall bavo all the powers heretofore con lor red upon it. 2. Tbo Executive Uommittee for tbe Congressional and Judicial Districts Shalt continue a at present constituted until regularly changed, and. shall have general supervision of tbs affairs or tbo party in their respective districts. ii, in each county tuero shall bo an Executive Committee composed of a Can tral UommittoB ot not leas then to members, and of at least one committee from each township. This committee shall, uudor direction of the County Conventton, bavo entire control of county matters It shall bo their t'uty to see that all the de tails of the canvass are ' properly conduc ted ; tbat the polls are attended by cora- petont cnaiiengore : that eacn Conserva tive cast bis ballot, and that.no fraud ia peipetratcd at the election. They are par' ticulariy enjoined to take . tbo necessary steps tor tha cfHcieut organization of town shipa, and to seek by a wise administra tion to promote harmony and to inspire confidence. ; ' 4. AU Executive Committees art dw parly chosen by tbe Conventions held for tbe respective territorial divisions, but if lor any cause there should be a failure by the proper Convention to appoint any bxecuuvo committee: toon ini mate ex ecutive Committee may supply ths de- 8. Nominsttous Ifor county o Ulcers snd members of tbe General Assembly sball as made by county convention : for town and township officers, by town and town ship convention t.fcumembers of Congress and judicial ouicers, , oy tue Aiistnct Conventions, 0. All Conventions shall bo opeavand due notice of the time and place of eon veiling tbs same shall be given. - ' w. it. cua, (ynair. J. J. LrrcBroBO. Bect'y, - n? j ; i I llUUUt OILERS BUILOKKS AND . : . " . . , ; , UOUBK f CBSiaillitQ : , hakdwrs. ii ! - .'.' . orS AgBntajf or ths salciof PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL, ' ' BOLLEd OOTTOH HoES, i AVCKlLL CUEMU'AL PAIN To, FARM, CUUKUH AMD PLANTATION BKLLS TUK ALL RIGHT tiiXJK STOVE, , ORANUtklFLE BLASTING ' ' - POWDERS. Fiaber QnUding, Kaleigh, M. 0. ap XO-tt jq O T 1 : O S Tbo eo-partnrah1p heretofore axlstlna ndar the a sou and style of Bandars sk Taltoa Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. i. W. Taltoa to alone authorised to settlv np the old baaineaa. , , ssmrau. aepteniMr rr, lava, :-.-r gUWAKU SAKDEKo, ; JOHU W. T ALTON, J. W. Taltoa win eontiirae bodaess t Ifce old staoa and respectfully asks a conbakaaee of tha patronage heretofore bestowed. a-wara .. 4 lALiVn. A -BdOUJIai DIVORCE OBTAINED - t - from Court of different Statu for do aertloB, dec. No pnbliclty rwi aired, Mo tnarge anul divorce grantm. Address, jk. t BOUSC Aon -m Attorney, IIH Broadway,! S T s ELECT BOAHiMNO AND DAT eCHOOL OTLLSBORO' N. C. The Miasee Ksab A Kis Kolloek will r mma the axcrcbes of their school on Friday eb, a, 18V. : : t'urulart forwari!d on aDDlltalloB j ' dee 1-1 - m , t:-MISCEIXAXEOtSr h K N N r s tr ' PaTtJTT BH1FPLSQ TAJ lOver Two Hundred Millions ban bees Sled wtthia the cart 10 rear. about complaint of los by Tac becoming detaehad. Tsar aaa aoae bbliasls voa subkibo CoTToa Baus tba sr Tao i aaa. All Bzpreat Cunpeaiea aaa Uiem. Hold bf PrioUre aad itaUoaera etarywhera. RADWAVS READY RELIEF CORES THE WORST PAIRS j In from On to Twenty Minuter NOT ONt HOUR aflar rwllac tab eemrtlmmt a4 aar mm' orraa wttb raiir, aaowarf MMADrKLnu a cp fob It waatlM Int tad to . The Only ,rln llemedj IMullr Mnwi B no maraclattMT P'Iim, allin' Iimsmmuioac 'ttVriir MuMiwi, wlwllwr of itx WBirs. atemach, wnrK r Uir a lands r naaa: by ww apvlleAlMja. roM on to rwiirrr btihutu. nrsrcaiRA raovr. uii-thfri jaiiuca. vonTnAr,,B'.!M""- 1 cm.n chiliji. am TltSt,lirattiHiottti Kenilv RMrrtnth pT1 f e, rt h,r ?Im; pla ur a.in, ur uuti will afford m siiil t'fiilurl, Twraty SrnfM In hair tumt.W-r nf,',r will I s rpw 'Sa.flWtitii IMIf CKAMPIt. fifAUMN, ?VH lrV)MA''ll II K A RTRt'K, KIH 111 WUnlK, li lllilli iK. ' UVKKK'TKRV. CHUC. HiKO IN TIIK BoWfcu: smtIIIIITKIFll.rA!K ' Triilir, -IfHiM sloaia rsrrjr hoiil of. Ua. wr' MrmUr Krllrf Willi ihrm a ! in wat'r will prvi-Hl .1. ktif. i.r italn. from rhaiiui irf walrr I iLw , i IU..U Htsco Sraixl ixUuui, m snuulsaL , . ... FEVXIl AND AGUE. fFVTH AKD AOTIS carrtt for fffr cnla. Thi-r- H am s rMisl mrrnt in Hu wrW thai will tm rrvrr aH MH, iml all MIkt Malannon, mioui, Hrarti-i, IfttXS'wJlrt1!!"- a'l oihir FVvera laklril b BAli- f. il iLu'1 k"k " bauway a azAbv Am uar. nn7MniprixHiM. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! stihino Avn rvnn rttrrr Br.onMx('iiBB OK rl.K-111 AVI) WKlilllT.-i 'I.KAH HKI.V A.M MKAUTIH X LUKI'LtAIOJI aKUUatZO )U ALU. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparilliaa Eesolrat THE OREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAN MAnl! THE MOST ASTOKWHIWO CFKSS; n) grirnr. jo jRAPirj abr Tim r-HAWdijivTiilt or Tin TUAT rr.iMi'ina, ,'1,1'r.n inn inriirnni B 1RI LV WoaUKBrLl, HKOIOINK, Every Day aa Increase in Flesli ami f itt is Seen ail Felt Try tip-vfi U4 thr t AftAPARrtMATf FKflOI VEST coBiniunM t( s ihrt.tih rh BiofMf, Hwc.it, l'rie, w iilhcr PluiiU mil )i .re ttf ilt njitm tlie vlpor i( Uiy. fix itfiitrttb of tUf b'Hijr with mw nrt miiumI tntnt, H-T-t Hi-, ptti, Ctmaniniillon, OrBtwIttUT itW, rir-.ru 111 th. Ilirntit, Moulti. Tlf mm, NudfigiH lUv (lUniiMRtxl other purl f the Vrtrm, Htv Kves:, irmiirbu rlwlmrifi-a irn !h R&'p ami Hie r tifw of ltln ilinr. r-rfiiptton., K. v,r Miirii,rViiMHina, K(tH' Wfirtir,Kttitithsuiii Krv!!HH. Arirt, Blswoi Bimiu, Woruw In Ute mh. TunuWi. iUn i-.ru- in the Womb, aU weakening ttl puilu dt hn ((, Khtht Herein, hnm ttf lijHtrm ami at) wMe f Hi- ilia prtitctpla, ar within Hie curative ruttfte nf thin wonJrf Mtsdern Ubaif.twu'y, ndarewdawd' n will prv to any prtaon uolnf M for aiihir of (iiewf tmw oft uw piiiriu iruwvr w cunt llir IU. DAUArtt, fllv ic4mlitc rftfitie t pow !t thB paUfttu, (fnilv icomiitff riucaf1 lhr w0 il ilriufWisi(kHl rhai-taetMtliiiaallT unwrap na. mir aiMi ilvcoiupMsitkt rhaitooiiiaallr pnwrciiiff. miq e ti Itt arrsMtlftoT tho wimUii aiirl rsialra flaw antui Willi ii-ay tqaierioU iftatl. frour, IiPalili iM-Hau4 Ihi h rlARHAfAKILLIAH will arid dim sweurr-a corn la fHnrUlB; for when onm Ihto remedy ormimiKi If 4 work of DtinAcatfinn. and aicitli in diininlabftiir l list thcpatltnt 01 wswtra. 11a rrpaira win um raitta. ana every nay nlrt tlir t'mxl 'llgfittlnir iMtttar, afMtUu improving, aittt iiotth win fMlhiisiMtf iirttwlntr bttABr aukdatriMiinir'. nd WfMtrhf InGKauutur. Ko only do the MiviTttiir Rwmnrv airrl all know a Mmdialoutin iiMuraM Ctmntk. e fitlotia. (uiuilttiUoiial. and tfkin dlMaaeai but, it id tha my oalUv our fur Kidney & Bladder Complaint, vnntrf ami womb ni orrl, DlanotM, Dropny, U'ipa,'ff of Water, liKtrmrttianoa of Urlna, BrlRht'a vk Albttmlnorla, arrd In all cum wbera there are brick -d t dapoalta, or the water la I hick, eloody, mtxotl wnn uoswici uaa u wsua ui an tm$, or tareaiw iiaa mttUm. aUk. orJiwra 1 A JU-.rhkl. iWIl isiiioiLa avuraemr ih3b, and white tMtva-4ut aeptwilt, jid wbea titttre ia a prickiira. burning ttiwatioii when aaliM( wetor, ajeii iaia la Um MiiAaii isf Uaa Back aad aWttg Um toiM. $ Tumor ef 12 Year' Growth DR. RADWAY'S Prills Osrrssdr tulaaws, slacanMa Kiad wiiii mm gvm. tri. jaaalAla, asrtff, elnuii ami aircniiwn, Kacl- " - Mwiuacutvm aimiNTiraeraiif ina atomarh. xlacha. OonaUpatli.n. (Iiiatlnmeaa. Imllamllnn nr! aaaaia. ailfainssiaa Btltmia lm inAamnMrtra m Bovsls. rilas, and all OrranawiMiiu ot lha Internal VaawaMaiaMUaiftiiaj t aaarcary, BMiarala ordelalari- i.w mnn anuwiii riuM jnu m tna rn' wnfrtmaNthi'StiovsRajiwddlaiiraara trle. B eeuta Hll.il. (WII.D BI BaUOOIIITS. ' HAD I'rAIJia AND TftHBH ma SUns t KAOWAT A CO., a Warms l, K. "a.niJ,"Mia worm luuvaaiuu, W)U KaM JSSV aPsW 1 i. ,i 1 mm OLD SUBSTAlrflALj JL vmomoiia v vm'i . FI IKE B BUI L DIN O . ovaa vaa baavowaju sroaa or JUL I US LEWIS fi CO. Has nald to the Widows aad I tanhana In North Carolina since tbe sum ot searlj fllS OO. OOO. atnd, by ndeiity and promptoeas In this pav ucuar. ana iBrmaning ue lowest rates of any first elsaa company; aad also, bavins; paid saare reveaae to the Blata than any other company, tHe merits and enjoys the well earned distinction of being tha K1D1K UFI COSmi M TD STATE. ' And with her aCO.OOO.OOO.OO AsMetax, now oa hand, and managed by prenlleuea of long expatianea sad llnanetal skill ahs offers Ue hlKhast ataadard of aaearitv to all kar customers. And-aaaa lnvaatment for eaut- taiist a 10,0OU policy la belter than 10,0uu In realeatata. Aires from SO totO ara Insurable of both Sexes. This ooopaay does not say. recurs wit them, ens; Am. But we auk. aa impartial comparison with aay company in rvM snd rtpoibMit, and leave tbs reeolllo iae)aaraai of ue pa one. By eallinx npon the (reneral Agent or any of bis LocaU. farther Information will be cheer tally Imparted. General Agent W. H. McKEE, M. D., Medical Eiaauner, aep o-om ij- tnm 1 be house of Juha Price abontoao muajaoTtaWot Kslclsh on Tuesdsvy araulaag last, a huire Horse ; heavy tail aed rnana, tat! hang to tbe left, cuts his knees in while trot las:, blase fare, mhbed -a lltUo la tbarhrht bind Uil-h.; The Ander will be lihcraily .. js warded by delivering the aarne to' ran niniiA, iaawai cio.. rjy w o r a o 0 0 a y; kr u o w grime rufltfed LCJ. At ' 0Ctr-tf '.r-.r.jojtKaCQ's," 11 3m X a- BOOtriKI) 800158, fJOf Hi 4 aosikn; AW ii vvblio ailLvoiitinuv In will r."iii: BOV ll-lf Pearcc Cotton. V I K iimiVh ' iit.m u ; hi itt i lun in ill". Unit il Mini . hHi uitkts I UUO Bkrpi-.ran'e on nuiir.irtit X! TRINITY Tue ftpriiiir .Se.v.iun will cuiiiiiKrijcu .lANU.M'.y 17th, m. Boaril l I prr oinntli Kntiru expuutiefor Dvemouiufl, tor tfnarii, iuiliou, HiiAUiiikTauil rui'i rniiu v-m vO'yo., di.liilaj , M. OrtAVKN. Wia,v W.JNB.jT Aiuiftiuloi, JON K.SisJONES. Allorm j's At Ijiw, KALEKiU, N. y.' OKAOTK.'K Id the Suiiromu (Jourt of Hie A State, tbe Orrcuit arid 1'ietrk't Court of me uniue males and ttie aevcral Co irts of tbo tttb Jailkial Ulntrict. SHrice on Kayettevllle Bt opposite' the Uiuieos National Bunk. Ui ulairs. Jam U-ltf B OTP l E P rt fl t II S T Hit 'I M IK- 0. Jannnrv W, 1K74 ANDHKWSAUU., THE 1JEST ADVJClv Uut 1. an be Klvtn,to persons sufferir.ir, from ;ilvse sin, btlioo c luipUint. colic, congurap llon. sick h -ad syhe. fever uml-airao, nereeni dnility, or of any dborter arreting the storu si'h, th liver nr K diicvx, Ik 1 1 time, dense, and rc-ulatft-Uiuc huplart oix"i6 riy Hjil DR. TLTT'ei V IStlKT A Nl.K I.JVKR PILLS. Th v net very miMI , yi l Hi t.ui lily icloret the functliHuil ai:i i.Hi ui Hi" ilirstlu- nrirane sml Uie liiteailni'H mid r. uuvwles I In- y-tein. lliuy produce neither luiisna, itriiiiiiit or weak he s.uml msy he taken without ilmn;i? of did lir oceUAtiim. J Price SA oents a box. 8nl by nil drujfiit pit. TUnTuiK DYE, lio-rtoawwvmiilma.llnilrwotliurdyedma. " efletlia inrtunt inuiu.ri, und so nalural thil It eanuot be detected ny the-ctoftsf s ohsnrvur U is h iriukm and easily applitil, and is In general useamoui? the f .i.hionatrle hnir dress ers to every lrte eitv in I lie United states rncefiauoi Sold evert wjeru Scrofula, Eruptive DUtaset of the Skin, St. Anthony t Fire, Eryujtela, IiloUht. Smmort, jhU, Tfttef, and Suit Jiheum, Pin aad Enlargenunt of (he Sane. Fe- nid Wealcnaa, Sterility, LeucorrhM or White, Womb fMtl, Dropty, White 'BueUing, ' Syphilu, KUlney mii Liter lompliUMt.Jlercuruil taiU. tmU iVe. Sll tfrocfdil ISJOii iiirAire bu.a. t . $ Jhi. tBT'i f aiiaparii.u it iis uiiait p. nul liioml i'uriliof known hi ruodical scictiw. Ii cnlrm into tho cir ouUtion and t-radicAtt-s every uioibitlc ajuiiut; rmioviitoa the syateiu; proiiuccs a tHuutiial c.hnp'i xiun mid causes the body tb gain liesh anJ iiicruHse iu weight. SKKP TUK BtiOOU UKAI.THT and all will bo well. To lo so, nothing Hi ev Ixt'D off.sruii th At can oom pare un inni vniu iuiu vegctaoie extract. rice (1.00 a bottle, hold by all Druir- sts. Omce4!i Cortlay.lt Street, & Y. tub 25dtf - . I-'. The Wilmington star. LlABUaUED ONLY, SIX, TEARS I daily; star. 1 AS the Urgent chcu'allon of auy IMily kA Newapap rin Uie elate, and a eircula Itouln Wilmington nearly twice as lare ba any other paper . . fAilHiie.O.f (hf da ijl jt tPuSdlnlt, rAndafta.l wti .n uritkifi..raiiai. .1 Itwu-ti. rin of mometit, j klwdys iusaiwd tu a clear, Mwuiajeni ana ioifnwuii; manirer. - ' eUtWUklPl'lCXI'n dvanee: IhieTee-'i. t. iMiila.wv. 17 00 etx Month ,.... ......... 3 5 TJira Moolia......'..1 00 WEEKX iySTAH. PHICR KFDIChD. The H'ratfy Is now combined wtth tha I OarofMa Ifnrnier, snd is one of the cheapest I paiors la iwceaawT, at the followian L 4 mauiji4iA ATIT -i'-; one copy, one year.., l 60 One copy, six uijiitlis vi?. I 0U trX'lutuf S to l, one yearl-f; per copy bClubs Of 10 or mora, oseer, only 91 laj Tbpimea eojAta Sent on spratcatIoni,"' aaurcaj, !: ' - v :!- WJL- U. BElvNAUD, Kditot a lStrUtor, h- - ? ' TVllJUMOVoM. N d . decSu yoUSlK. t, IH. . A t, X 9, w tsehs ( ' TO 1S7A ' -l A -axwnpl! amartrnHnt, at the Bonk Store t-' .1.. : AintO WILLIAMO. D la now whlthoat a rival. It rnl a dcter ana wicer rarrow i aecoaBicai errant; wot for alterine: cat la nore aimpleaad etUoWut tUas aay Uiar plow ou Uut warkat, aslf ' a-peninf reveraiblf points, the greatest plow Improvemeat of the am. Ark Ret. i, W. t. Crowder and Uol. J W B WUon. what Uiey think of Win plow, Gall aad ewnin it or anna your errera to t R. F. JONES A Co , dc I tf Agent ttKEAT ItEMUV FOU fetaiid- ns lawen ' proved lv tho lull id reel 3 ol ii'stiinoiii:)ln receivql by the inojuictors. It is acknowl edged. Jjy mariy roiiiincut: liliysu inns to bo tho liiost i flialile 2i't'paration ever in troduced for tho reliet; and -ueof all Tiling coraplaintti. .1 ltd is offered to tho public, motioned by t do e.vperieneo .)l over ibity o nrs "When t '.sorted l.o in reason it sel tloni to ulTect bijeody rniT irr" f.hu mosr vcrc eases of Coughs, 1 onehitit, ( 'roup, lioopitrg Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Iilecdinr fit the Lungs, &e. AVistar . ltalsain does not dry up Co ugh, and leave" tho' causb b' hind, as is the case with most preparations, !but it loosens aiul cleanses the lungs, and allays imitation, thus removing the cailso .of :e complaint. . ' iTH W, rOWLB B0N8. Boston. Haas.. "d soli If lrii(Klata ami Iivulrra rcnrrallv. DISSOLUTION. 1 AilKKIKMOr O l. HsTAKTT A CO. It this day dissolved hv mutual oanaent. il parties iudulHed to the Urni wUl ' UHuke paymen to C. 1). Ilearttaud nil I'laiuwaAcaiatt tins firm will be ure-cnted to him for payment, be alone being authorised to", settle up Uie f fulni'f :lie concern. ' 0. D. MB A RTT, lIEKBEltT BHAOG. TTAVINO PUKCHA8EI1 THE kNTJUE JL. J Interest of Herbert BrsifE In the late lii u of 0. J. Hrlartt A Co., I will horfter c-' j,lu;'t the Initiiuess In my own name aft the um niiiiiii, and reapecirul y solicit the patron siw of tbe pei;ple, . , CUAUI.ES tt, UBAltlX b 24 tf. A DAUGIITBlt OK 110JJEMIA, ; raw aovai, lly Christian Ukid, Aurtivr.ofuya- ki id Aytinisr," ''Morton. AlfUM ' Biautifullv Illnstriiti!,!. TMi'i?' Covers $1 00. In cloth li.5(f ' Just rccei vtd at the U 10k Jtfrv. J J ALKKED WIU.UM3. ap 14-dtf .". A Beer and Wine Hall. 1 pr f Urt;ti ar.d well assorted Uxk of Wulskics, braudWs, Uins and Spirituous Llu,uourf Of all kinds by the measure at greatly reduced prices, as I intend to change my business to an exclusive --t -, irilli BEKK AND WlNg iiui st my present stand. Pari! 'S who tleaire nur euuiu); nue liquors in iiB.mBUSS ,jess man five ifalkiiui would do well to col liiberal ariaiiKemcnta made wltb dealen ri aiiKemcnts made with ilers. j fi h 14 tf A. W. FKXPd. Deafness causa, caused by C Catarrh. Catarrh not . uuircuuenlly producea, deaf- aese. I ' j Mr. Levi Aprlriirer, Of Nsttle Lake, (P. O. Williuras Co , O., formerly of D rbau's 6r ners, O., has been cured of deaf neas of four- Usi-u years' standiox. by ulnir lr. Bairys oat. sr.h Xeiuedy. He waa so deaf he could not heir a person talk when seated by his side.and can now hear the cliu vh bell rini: two miles uv-tant so bn writes. , AMABKKD CAE OP DKAi'NEdfl CURED, .... ," . DiL'KBiuoKyiLLa, Niag. Co., N. t.. Feu. US. 871. About one year ago 1 cannht S severe cold In the head, which terminated in a severe form of catarrh. During tbs lime nloaratlona oeeored la tne nasal passages, and A hecaine wholly dt-af Iu one ear, with partial deafness la the utaea. The lnflamatioa had Involved alt the delicate structures of tha ears, and waa in Immediate danger of permanent deafnoseu Out diacuanre Decama proluse sad fetid, note iSto my Uiroat and from my ears. In this condition I called on Dr. Pierce for aid, who prescribed his Ooiden Medical Discovery and Uutarrn Kemcdy, and under their use have rapidly recovered. My hearing e restored, and my Catarrh is entirely well. . JOHN 8MITB. j UEEN'S FIT CUBE I ' eat & emed - for Epilepsy1 . OUaUtf -H t ' fiU, Bpasuia, Coavnlsioes and Matvons vi'sAvefulners, acta promptly, uima srnisting ths ito from tha Brat day's O.M, eve a .when tey have exisUaf for j ears, COMPOUND EX. COBYDiXIS tht ErtiHfjtt.ble Itieritire. ! Scrofula, Secondary riypbUia, Erapttons on the Skin, aad all diseases ariaing .from la pure Blood. -. MEDICATED HON-EY !?' A Sovereign Balm tor Coughs, &lds, Broa cLl lav, Aathiaa and all diseases of the air; Baataaareasad Lanes. By hs timely nsonvay supposed eases of Oonaampiioa are prom pi. v relieved snd tbe Langs restored So health. i NEURALGIA SPECIFIC V " ' A piompt, ponihTS sad permanent relief for Ui eicmaaring pslmot Jisaraigia,. Khama I wn un oraun. ...... i for Sale in luielgt, N. C, by WrujABts t Uaiwojo. , ... , - Pr-iwnt hv - . z ' nor rdsjawAswly C'wlotta, N. 0 QOLLIN'S WARBASTE J , , . . Cset Steel Cottoo Swcrpa, ' ' i , ., Hard w Are Bouse of ' . . - - rinjus LEWteav-eo.7 ruirh a-tt. I ; lraOj suoplmj st Xiauiacturwi Piwos, : 1 B9B0NiBAC0JNf -JENKINS & QHAKXtIcn. X, Mnu, Ham., Bbouldun, Pork, if, Ivdd Lard V,V rpat rinaof Ueorire Jenklnibafln( bObodiuolred. vy, t i.. i... ! '. L the 1,1 ..liini. , UU con inuetq carry o tpixuius .t tbo l .. uiaikctrdprolVtliiaennJ aJwy. nWd yoar orUer. w " 1 alieaVj no V-t-Sm ' EE AD ! KEAD! EMB .iold by the Oallow lv "One GaJli KKOl Prior. W. (i.IMM0N8. WAEK f i I ' - .. . . Ma. U P. S.iot-Dsa Bin : We have R was applied by one bavmic no experumca WIltnililUinailL luili.alnir thl 7. it is suiierior 10 auy other pigment ottered ia (fluted I Mb. C. P. kaiiiur Bib: The paint uaeii, amd tliree bucket, one irallou w tvka not constant work completed is uow generally conceded that tor "Euamul there to not a handsomer lob in tbe place. 1 is an item just now with ' Boulhora People." ai.) eoymry lau eu appiyiw 1 nave never OapWed m suet stock as teeUmVmlsla iZT i., ofouiuly Uie Krat aJaptaLllity of your Kuaului Paint te tut) wanu Of ournLSd i ;eMeui y of malurlal, in beauty of eolor, and d.e fact of iu beiuit ready-mixaiu.? i yea full permiiliou. if li it desirable, to uiaXu wiui nae you thiuk proper of iaWlu - Very respecU iliy and truly, ( Baltimo 8riic(UU'' " D- Ma. C P. Knioui-Osab Sib: It affords me lunch pluasore 1010 voii tnlttl'iij!! Pslent Eiamel Paint far exueeds my expectation in eeouomv, bijuty and I hV -' reason to elleve in durability. More luau twelve months since, 1 pitaw Itlllj,!? house (Mansion House) with the Bradley Patent Euauiul Paint, and Twuwm J I with It, 1 itermiued to paint the flouts oi Uie Hotel," and 1 am most bappr taal. o! Kivos inu lorfect saUsfaeUon. In conclaaion I will say. If Uiia teaUmouial mil ha " vantage to you, yuu are at Utoerty to uwiU OI " Tours moatrerpectfuUy, 1B4aO LBEKTBON, Mansion House HoUl i Cor, fayelte and Bt. Paul eiaTttuawa, The following letter ts strong and valusblet j - .,,.... ... . . BAiTiatoKB, Mo.. Doc jn ir v. r. nWJi, M AiKta Brajiaft liUenl JCmiiiml J'aud Ui.au Hi - 'i'i, 1,..;. I i:? ' fro you we will choerfully endorse aa the - .7 . iiualilh-i is everything desired, drying prom): nisist the ai tlonof all kinds of weather. Ii r. This with cerUhity, and intend to use It on all oecasLin whore we deairo a irood Job of EMtlAKT Jt i tTMinur ai O. 1'. KNIUiif, BoLK 'I his valu ibla fertiliser Is olljruJ to tha ! - 1 ! H!eirnen Snd Price List fumueii Krails. i fHFOLK FISH fiUAM tienlh has bin ajreally hiereased. NoUusuo n:n met wit'i sue1! anivorl favor srery b liere, ro great w is the demand latt season, nly ouu third of the urd ts coui I b fl'lled. " 1 1 contains anoat 4S iwrcuni, or Boue fhospbati-, aud f r Jin 4 to a pur cent, of Am .noon. jHiiny in tuatiest r.nuors m tbe county are iXelit4. sifoliowsl ' . ' ' oi.;" ' iViudAnsoii, UroHUBCB A Thohas, IIIHM It IIUN. W H. AVBKA. pit. A C. Davis, Pric.i tiH wr ton, put q In Mil jiouuil haus. March 4 dw 'iinrm K a a it 8 1 N Swedes Iron aVQtl tilt) Finest English Steel! the beat brands of American and Swedes ton, :iiiJ English Extra KcHnud Cast Steel Usui in the manufacture of our . AXES AND EDGED TOOLS. We olfor the very bent "AX R that can ha Sunufactored by skilled workmen and verv suiierior materials, and trust that an will ra. elite Uiu support of the trade. Oiuors Blled Immediately. IUUIJ LEWIS aW, (Im iiih; BKHStiirAST,' Luncheon, dni j ' NEB AtiU rVtrpPEK TA BLE,- ; - Lea aiad, Patrins' Wpruhwstwshire Sauce is liidisueusible' . ; .. ,-.! dOUM UUMCAfCB 8(INr Mew lark. . Agents) for. tha Uuited statu. ' t MiSSOUltl STATE LOXTEKItjS f . " Lcgalixrf by State Autho'rity,,SAid,''ii'J 7 UBAWB1H PlIBLIfj ! AT. I. Una . ' d.snd Single Number Scheme of 40,000 No VAtA a 1 UM. 14 A3 r IMI Uf JtAUit . ,. . MONTu. ;-: Cai'IVai. Faus. $50,000 1 10.380 Pilxcs. amonatlnir tu I3U0 ODO . WWle tlcket,10-, Balvs, Quartara, $a,S0, Tht Gnat CombUatim Schtmt, wUh 4 , - papitaIi raisa or il,500 1 and 32.UUO Prises, amounting to $7,177l : Draws nr ry Saturday durinr tha rear. ajiKALB Tickn, A1U; baxvbs, j CjirABrBkS '(ireaai fti trketsaae ClrulrJ Ml ft O. Box 2440. Bt. Louis. Mo sii la !- ew ly 4 A I ,. ,. VTGltTH CAHOLIMA 1 aa 1 vDATDaa tlWBTI. i Hi TBESIJ PEBIOR COURT 15th Jan., 1847 iN. Wisrologiuua and wife Mary, Jo.-B Bell and Eli j Ah Bell, as Executor Thomas Bell, dne'd, Jos B Bell in his own rbt, KlijAB Bail, Jobm C 8'one aa Aduvinis tr.itorof Wm Bell dee'd, John C Stone aad Oife Kebecca H., A X Lambeth and wife Da rl. Jiy, Puaan Baidwisv EUjlv BulCElijifa 8 8, II. i 11 Our and wifu garth 1 l.m lan il Cbatbam Cudrtt, aldwin and wife JullaT., and A O AlkinaT f ji iinaawr sa amowau and iVniawmi f tM It appearing to the satisfaction Of th I'oart at Eiiiah eWU, Elilah ti BelL John C Btone S Adaainistralorel Wss. ;li. dee'd, John (7 Stuae aad wif lieberea JL. aad A 0 A'Aia. ire BOS) reeidegwi of ihts Btatet Ilia ontdf Sy tbe Court tbat pablicatioB be aw u Um taleigh feaxTuiBL, f or six successive weeks, SotifyiDK the said non-reaideBt defendant to, tpptar at the eliice of thaLlerk of the Bap-, O ar court lor inauiaia coonty, at nusboro, fitbia twenty dav f ler ta eervtce ot UtU IwswM br tauklicatiea. had Dleadw aaswar r demur to the earn plaint of the PUliititls, a tpy of which is filed sa the office of said lerk, otherwise Judgment will be tokos tgwinst VAigm sswowliavg SB ssad aMAmplsaaA. j Wilncsa, 8. t. Psrrr, Clerk ot said Court st oflic ia Pittsboro, this Vlh day ot Janoa- ry, AU-ikU : - o. x.raiii,c. o-c. jsaxa ow, - .:. 2 : I o noma trnrt SO tMjuaie TiVIs a voau, IU TKS TAMOMf a f. . iKSf, N. C. I SV.at. r for 1'. IMA in suurk. vol mLTTL V b T"" 'k " . . "8 "' B SJOOd lOtt. W.lC,r. 'Wiskdi the mrkoL sa.miy r SPWKMI.ii ti Very Kusueutfallv. W.U.SliU like harduess and body auJ nvmon, f sayeo sixty-are dollars by Uie oueraju aw, it .bould be u:ierally adopted la ty le best of any kind we have use 1, ita eoverisf itlyftuilwitn a hard iclosa. which mi.at " " WMTt WW IHIMUrf . ia our uxnui utium ami . ... .Tf ... Vtrt rei)cLUully,8iirn and r'reseo Psintm (JIaRtLkY. M Vv. BalUmore Mrwefc.'. A 'u. BiKuanUfrewl'suTuOT, (jhUKatAL AuKITTs, , W. Umibard, bt,, Haltimore. lid. ' nov aViaftm fsrinnr at a nrii-A I. -nit t), i,m . alIU Ita Using It. Itcai hj htd by applyine to ourk ' 1 : Raleiich. N. C Forestvllle, " Semia, -i'actnt!.""-'" Ooldsboro', " k) ,VANI) A HAKKI8S, Oenefsl Agents, " . Norh.lkf Vs Ii F . J ON R a & CO COTTON FACTOKi AND WENEBAl I WUOliEBLK AMU KKTAli, ttKOCKKB.I WlUIIllOTOH BT., OrrOSlTB MARBarrSOOAaxt RALEIGH, N. C. ; vVe present our Card and offer to ths jra bile our services as tieneral Comralssioa Utt', diidita for the sale of Cotton and other pro 4uoe,Ac. ; Onr location- la central, In the business part , uif Uie city and we offer especial advantages ' soil facilities in the storage of Cottos Ac., having a first elsss metal roof snd Ire proa tors boue, situated within a short distance ; of the police Htation, aud thereby less liable to the danger of fire. Tboss who desigs storing cotton will hud It to their Interest lo communicate with as before storing el wheie. 1 We are constantly in receipt of attassf - General Uroceries which we sr selling st th very lowest market price, fanners supplies , alwas on hand. Country produce in iarirs , small quantities taken in exchange for goods, I We solicit consignments ana will Hact satisfactory sales snd guarantee prompt re ts ins for all articles en trusted to us. Oer iwtron aud others will be informed frost trine to tune of the geueral tenor of prices for Uotton and produce generally. au eoiumnnscsuuus oi inquiry pronpuy answered. eptl(7-wtf OOB. OORN, MEAL, PEAS, FINI E"u Baled Oata, f order, Hay. Bhscbs, st. .(ri r, t ,, 6n)n Md Keed 8um West of N. C. Freight Depot Waraaoas rder dro.ped in, PostolBcs pro-H"' tiled.-,'.., , ' . ' iW. A (Jattis. Sup't tebSsollT I -r- . J --') p t i iii j- i. -uj l1: l' Gents' all size; Ia ths moat rASUlOSABLl aJTTLXS, KJ .4-t B. ASDHEWSACa'S. JT JsyettevUls Street, BALEIHr-BW ynryl,18Tl, . i . i.Taia Plainh. B-..I1.1111MP T.. w . - . came safely to baud aa orderud. two kr. eaeh. Aa .rclite ia stasck, J dy tu, Miwit T hvr. it -F'V i: i. ?- fliiif tliinfifiOlllllffl uiiiu i ii'ui'i' mi iv iwmDuo oiiii ia W TV